the rimrock · speech on g-men heard at...

Speech On G-Men Heard At Normal W. H. Drane Lester Delivers Address on Modern Crime W. H. Drane Lester, first assistant to J. E. Hoover, chief of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, spoke to an audience of 800 at the E. M. S. N. S. auditorium Sunday, March 6, on "Modern Trends in Crime." This appearance was sponsored by the local branch of Pro-America, a pa- triotic women's organization. Mr. Lester displayed a great com- mand of language; he spoke almost twice as fast as the usual lecturer, but with perfect distinctness. The audience went away with a very definite idea of the work being done by Mr. Hoover and his "G men." The speech dealt with three phases of the bureau's work in crime pre- vention: the selection and training of men, the identification of crim- inals, and the improvements and devices of the criminological labora- tory. Mr. Lester personally supervises the training of the men during the 31/2 months they spend in Washing- ton, D. C. Once every 18 months, Mr. Lester said, the "G-Men" are required to return to Washington to brush up their knowledge of crim- inology. Since J. E. Hoover became director of the bureau in 1924 the percentage of college graduates in the department has risen from 30% to 84%. Those who apply for service must be between 23 and 35 years of age, of fine physique, of unimpeach- able reputation, and preferably law- yers or expert accountants. Eighty- eight per cent of the ni:n are expert shots; they can skillfully use two types of machine guns, three types of pistols, and a sawed-off shotgun. Identification of criminals today depends largely upon the finger- printing system, for a criminal can- not disguise his finger prints. There are 8,250,000 finger print sets on file in Washington, and no two are alike. Firearm identification is another important phase of the criminology laboratories. Firearm experts can tell from what direction a shot was fired, from what make of gun, and from what distance. Crime costs the American citizen $15,000,000,000 a year. One-fifth of all of the crimes are committed by boys and girls of high school age. The solution of our crime problem, Mr. Lester said, is education and an improved home environment with parental supervision and comrade- ship. Delegates Chosen For Great Falls M.E.A. Meet Maxine Stromme and Hazel Voss were elected as delegates from the E. M. S. N. S. student local of the Montana Education association to attend the state delegate assembly to be held in Great Falls, March 17, 18, 19. Esther Larson and Majel Stromme were chosen as alternates. A nickel was used to decide a tie vote between Hazel Voss and Majel Stromme, both of whom received 21 votes. Mr. Abbott flipped the coin and it came up tails for Hazel. Both delegates and alternates hope to be able to attend the convention, and other members plan to attend if they can make arrangements for trans- portation. This body of representatives of the entire Montana Education associa- tion transacts all the important bus- iness of the organization, its chief functions being to determine the stand which the teachers of Montana will take on legislation affecting ed- ucation and to plan the programs for the annual state meetings of the M. E. A. that are held in the dif- ferent parts of the state during the last week in October every year. Editing a paper without ruffling someone's feelings is like winking at a girl in the dark—lots of exer- cise but no results. School Inaugurates , New Type Assembly On Wednesday evening, March 2, the student council sponsored the second all-school assembly marking a departure from the usual type by combining social, educational and entertaining features. There was al- most 100 per cent attendance of stu- dents and faculty members. The theme of the program was "Manners." Miss Nourse's class of eurythmics presented an amusing skit, "Mary Had a Little Lamb." Dr. McMullen spoke on "Morals, Man- ners, Matrimony and Democarcy," which was followed by an interest- ing demonstration of fencing by Mr. Manion and Mr. Ridgely. Prizes Are Awarded At the end of the program prizes were given to the winners of a test on manners, which the students had written earlier in the evening. The first prize was awarded to Lloyd Markell. The following students tied for second prize: Genevieve LaRowe, Betsy Ross, Nelle Yvette Pickard, Majel Stromme, and Victor Thomp- son. The remainder of the evening was spent in dancing with Margaret Thorsheim at the piano while groups of students were served assorted cold meats and cheeses, bread and butter sandwiches, pickles, dough- nuts, and coffee. In short—a Dutch lunch without the Dutch. Graduates Receive Diplomas Wednesday Graduation exercises for the March class will be a part of the all school luncheon to be served in the gym- nasium on Wednesday, March 16. The candidates for graduation are: Nellie Agnes Crane, Brussett; Eliz- abeth Alice Franzen, Billings; Helen Louise Friedrich, Billings; Barbara M. Hess, Glendive; William Rufus Oliver, Jordan; Minnie Sue Tooley, Red Lodge; . Cleo Copple Weppler, Ryegate. The luncheon is being sponsored by the Service club. The decora- tions, in keeping with St. Patrick's day, will be arranged by a commit- tee consisting of the following Serv- ice club members: Doris Barnes, Mildred Hunter, and Genevieve Brunckhorst. The menu is being planned by Yvonne Halsey, Virginia Keefe, and Nelle Yvette Pickard. The commencement program will be as follows: Piano solo—Miss Elizabeth Johns- ton. Presentation of graduates—Mr. L. R. Foote. Presentation of diplomas — Mr. Reyn Leedom. Acceptance of graduates — Presi- dent McMullen. Response for graduates—Mrs. Cleo Copple Weppler. Selections by Glee club—Mr. C. V. Ridgely, director; Miss Willa Mae Howard ,accompanist. Address—Supt. M. C. Gallagher. Many Students Fail in Tests at Eye Clinic During the last several weeks, 57 students have had their eyes tested with the Keystone Orthomatic Tele- binocular test. Of this number, nine have passed the entire test while others failed in as many as seven of the twelve tests. The people who fail enough tests to warrant an ex- amination by a specialist are given a card filled out by the one doing the testing, signifying the results of the Keystone test. The clinic will be open at our school until March 11, when Miss Carlton will resume the task of test- ing eyes in the Billings public schools. More students should take advan- tage of this opportunity for having their eyes tested. There is a yellow sheet on the bulletin board where students can sign their names under the time and day When it is con- venient for them to take the tests. Assignments should be made at least one day in advance. Katoya Players Present Comedy Before Crowd in Auditorium "This Genius Business," a three act comedy, was well presented by the Katoya Players in the E. M. S. N. S. auditorium on Tuesday eve- ning, March 8. The action takes place in one setting in the living room of the Blodgett home. The story evolves around the struggle of Aida Blodg- ett (Nelle Yvette Pickard) and her brother, Beaumont (Vern Wagner), who are forced by their mother, Aline Blodgett (Mary Maxon), to study for stage careers. Mrs. Blodgett, who "sacrificed" a career when she married George Blodgett, (Marion Ostby), hardware merchant and dahlia grower, is de- termined to have her genius con- tinue in her children. Beaumont, who detests the cello and rebels violently at practicing, goes into the hardware business regardless of his mother. Aida, who tries to please her mother, is easily persuaded by young Dr. Oliver (James Salsbury) to give up her career and marry him. George Blodgett, who doubts his children's genius, is supported by Rita Ranaldi, (Helen Tucker), who comes for a visit. Rita persuades Mrs. Blodgett that it is not Beau and Aida who have genius but the Swedish maid, Katie (Verna Jen-, sen), who has a voice and Blodgett, who has raised a dahlia that sold for $5,000 and won first prize. Mrs. Blodgett bows to the inevitable and hopes for genius in her grandchil- dren. Fine Performance by All Advertised as having no star parts, the play was a galaxy of stars be- cauce of the sine performanLes of each member of the cast. Vern Wag- ner, as the rebellious cello player, who, by the way, never played a note, gave a very natural presenta- tion which met with much approval from the audience. Nelle Yvette Pickard as the almost too pliable daughter, showed ease and grace in her rather difficult part. Marion Ostby as the gentle, ineffectual fath- er deboted to his family and his dahlias, was exceptionally fine. He did not once over-play or under- play the part. Helen Tucker as Rita Rinaldi added the necessary note of sophisticated experience, playing her her part with just the right shade of bitterness and satire. Verna Jen- sen as the Swedish maid with a voice inherited from her grand- mother did a very good piece of work. Lola Richard, always wheel- ing "Snooky" in to be cared for, caused much amusement and made a very attractive modern mother. Jim Salsbury as a young doctor- lover, made good use of his eyes as well as his arms in making love. Miss Dewey and her assistant, Ruth Woodhouse, may well be proud of the achievement of the cast. Fran- cis Wagner, Hans Wischmann, and Orren Boyer were responsible for the artistic stage set and homelike atmosphere; the lighting effects added materially to the pleasure of the audience. Tony Sarg to Visit Normal in Spring Tony Sarg, world famous artist and puppeteer, will appear in person at the Eastern Montana State Nor- mal school auditorium on May 3 in two performances, a matinee in the afternoon and an evening program for adults. Two years ago a com- pany presented two Tony Sarg plays with marionettes, but this is the first appearance of Mr. Sarg in Billings. The program will be in four parts. The first part, a short introduction, an amusing account of his experi- ence in his career; second part, a sort of vaudeville performance in which ten different marionettes will perform on a tiny stage, doing vari- ous stunts such as playing the piano, juggling a golden ball, dancing, and (Cont'd on page 3, col. 3) Roberts Will Write Article for Magazine M. P. Moe, editor of Montana Education, has asked Miss Roberts to write an article concerning her impressions of European art work for the April issue of his magazine. The article, "Cizek and Creative Art," gives a brief account of the philosophy and methods of Franz Sisek, great pioneer in the develop- ment of the creative faculty in little children, whom she met while in Vienna last summer. Since 1885, Professor Cizek has been creating with human material (for he speaks of himself as a cre- ator, rather than as a teacher) and has attracted world-wide attention. The Kunstgewerbeschule in Vi- enna is a bright and happy place where his classes of children meet to work in any medium they choose, as long as they like, for there are no class periods nor school program as here in America. Children from six to 16 years of age may attend, although babies of one and a half years have been enrolled. Professor Cizek draws a line between children who can create and those who mere- ly possess skill in using materials or who copy well the works of others. Those who are not creative soon eliminate themselves; they stop com- ing. Usually, the children of the poor are more creative than the children of parents who can give them advantages. "They see and hear too much," says Cizek. Professor Cizek, who is now 74 years of age, (and looks 50) is re- tiring from active service this year. His latest book, containing 1000 plates in color and black and white, will be published within the year by the Yale University Press. Echo Staff Sees Gazette In Making On Thursday evening, February 10, the Echo staff, accompanied by Miss Meek, with Bill Chase and Charles Holmes as guests, visited the Gazette and watched the process of "putting out" the early morning edition. The party, under the guidance of Mr. Sipe, the city editor, started at the news room and went through the various departments. In the news press room they watched the machines of the United Press and Associated Press news agencies au- tomatically typing the news of the world as it was received. From the news room the group went into the make-up room, where the linotype machines are operated. The paper is made up here, set and locked in pages, and the impressions are taken on paper mache by run- ning it through a press which uses 40 tons of pressure to make the im- pression. This mache impression is then taken to the casting room, where it is dried and the impression is com- pleted in a red hot furnace filled with molten lead. The trimming and finishing touches are put on it here before the pageset is sent to the press room. In the press room, which is lo- cated in the basement, the class witnessed the printing of the morn- ing paper as well as seeing the method used in printing the three- colored portion of the magazine sec- tion of the Sunday edition. Before leaving, complimentary copies of the paper were given to the visitors. After the trip Miss Meek invited the class to her home, where she served stacks of sandwiches and gallons of coffee. Miss Dewey on Committee From the Western Association of Teachers of Speech comes the an- nouncement that Miss Martha Dew- ey has been appointed chairman of the committee to arrange for a con- test in the writing of original plays for school use. Rules and further announcements will be published later. Meek To Tour In Europe Soon New York First Stop After Leaving Billings on March 17 Next Thursday, March 17, Miss Meek leaves for New York, her first stop enroute to Europe. Since she is so vitally interested in the theatre and modern drama she has arranged, during her week's stay in New York, to see seven plays, three matinees and four evening performances. The plays which she will see are "The Doll's House," "Julius Caesar" (in modern dress), "I'd Rather Be Right," "Susan and God," "The Women," "You Can't Take It With You," "Of Mice and Men," and 'Golden Boy." During the past week Miss Meek's class in modern drama has been discussing these same plays. Will See Town Hall of Air Another interesting highlight of Miss Meek's' trip prior to her Euro- pean jaunt will be on Thursday night, March 24, when she plans to see the radio broadcast of "The Town Hall of the Air." (Anyone who has been in her classes knows that is her pet program.) Miss Meek will sail on Saturday, March 26, on the Italian liner, The Rex. She will land in Naples, Italy, on the second day of April. There she will meet her traveling com- panion, Dr. Gladys Branegan of Montana State college at Bozeman. They plan to stay in Italy for about ten days. Vienna, Budapest and Prague will be next. Having visited these famous romantic spots they will next tour Germany, Switzer- land, France. Belgian arvi Tirt)11pnfl. From the land of tulips, wooden shoes and windmills they journey northward to the Scandinavian,coun- tries, visiting Copenhagen, Stock- holm, Oslo and Bergen. A three-day trip through the Gota canal from Gotenburg to Stockholm will be a high spot in their visit to Scandi- navia. In Oslo they will see the grave of Ibsen. They will sail from Bergen, Norway to England about June 20. England is Climax of Trip Miss Meek plans to see many points of literary interest in the British Isles, such as the Lake Dis- trict, the homes of Scott and Burns, Stratford on Avon, the old cathedral towns of Chester, York and Durham, then Canterbury and, of course, London. During her London visit she plans to stay at Crosby Hall, which in the sixteenth century was the home of Sir Thomas More, but at the present time is the club house of the British Association of Uni- versity Women. Miss Meek and Dr. Branegan will arrive in New York on their return voyage sometime around the first of August. On her trip back to Mon- tana Miss Meek will stop in Indiana, where she will visit her family. She will not be back in Billings before the first of September. We all wish Miss Meek and Dr. Branegan a thoroughly delightful trip, and we are certain she will return with many interesting tales of the lands which she has visited. Bon voyage ! Dance Tonight Will Honor Graduates The dance in honor of the March graduates, given by the first year class, will take place tonight in the auditorium. .Refreshments will con- sist of orange crush, and the music will be by the Swingster's orchestra. Those on the decorating commit- tee are Anne Oser, Mildred Hunter, Eleanor Kennedy, Zola Warthen, Yvonne Halsey, Evelyn Kelnhofer, Wayne Marcus, Rex Welton, Gib Johnson, and John Herschberger. The serving committee consists of Evelyn Kelnhofer, Marjorie Cooper, Judith Perrine, Helen Winters, Clare Nevin, and Delphine Wise. THE RIMROCK ECHO Eastern Montana State Normal School VOL. IX. BILLINGS, MONTANA, FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1938 NO. 3 7 )

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Speech On G-Men Heard At Normal W. H. Drane Lester Delivers

Address on Modern Crime

W. H. Drane Lester, first assistant to J. E. Hoover, chief of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, spoke to an audience of 800 at the E. M. S. N. S. auditorium Sunday, March 6, on "Modern Trends in Crime." This appearance was sponsored by the local branch of Pro-America, a pa-triotic women's organization.

Mr. Lester displayed a great com-mand of language; he spoke almost twice as fast as the usual lecturer, but with perfect distinctness. The audience went away with a very definite idea of the work being done by Mr. Hoover and his "G men."

The speech dealt with three phases of the bureau's work in crime pre-vention: the selection and training of men, the identification of crim-inals, and the improvements and devices of the criminological labora-tory.

Mr. Lester personally supervises the training of the men during the 31/2 months they spend in Washing-ton, D. C. Once every 18 months, Mr. Lester said, the "G-Men" are required to return to Washington to brush up their knowledge of crim-inology. Since J. E. Hoover became director of the bureau in 1924 the percentage of college graduates in the department has risen from 30% to 84%. Those who apply for service must be between 23 and 35 years of age, of fine physique, of unimpeach-able reputation, and preferably law-yers or expert accountants. Eighty-eight per cent of the ni:n are expert shots; they can skillfully use two types of machine guns, three types of pistols, and a sawed-off shotgun.

Identification of criminals today depends largely upon the finger-printing system, for a criminal can-not disguise his finger prints. There are 8,250,000 finger print sets on file in Washington, and no two are alike.

Firearm identification is another important phase of the criminology laboratories. Firearm experts can tell from what direction a shot was fired, from what make of gun, and from what distance.

Crime costs the American citizen $15,000,000,000 a year. One-fifth of all of the crimes are committed by boys and girls of high school age. The solution of our crime problem, Mr. Lester said, is education and an improved home environment with parental supervision and comrade-ship.

Delegates Chosen For Great Falls M.E.A. Meet

Maxine Stromme and Hazel Voss were elected as delegates from the E. M. S. N. S. student local of the Montana Education association to attend the state delegate assembly to be held in Great Falls, March 17, 18, 19. Esther Larson and Majel Stromme were chosen as alternates.

A nickel was used to decide a tie vote between Hazel Voss and Majel Stromme, both of whom received 21 votes. Mr. Abbott flipped the coin and it came up tails for Hazel. Both delegates and alternates hope to be able to attend the convention, and other members plan to attend if they can make arrangements for trans-portation.

This body of representatives of the entire Montana Education associa-tion transacts all the important bus-iness of the organization, its chief functions being to determine the stand which the teachers of Montana will take on legislation affecting ed-ucation and to plan the programs for the annual state meetings of the M. E. A. that are held in the dif-ferent parts of the state during the last week in October every year.

Editing a paper without ruffling someone's feelings is like winking at a girl in the dark—lots of exer-cise but no results.

School Inaugurates , New Type Assembly

On Wednesday evening, March 2, the student council sponsored the second all-school assembly marking a departure from the usual type by combining social, educational and entertaining features. There was al-most 100 per cent attendance of stu-dents and faculty members.

The theme of the program was "Manners." Miss Nourse's class of eurythmics presented an amusing skit, "Mary Had a Little Lamb." Dr. McMullen spoke on "Morals, Man-ners, Matrimony and Democarcy," which was followed by an interest-ing demonstration of fencing by Mr. Manion and Mr. Ridgely.

Prizes Are Awarded At the end of the program prizes

were given to the winners of a test on manners, which the students had written earlier in the evening. The first prize was awarded to Lloyd Markell. The following students tied for second prize: Genevieve LaRowe, Betsy Ross, Nelle Yvette Pickard, Majel Stromme, and Victor Thomp-son. The remainder of the evening was spent in dancing with Margaret Thorsheim at the piano while groups of students were served assorted cold meats and cheeses, bread and butter sandwiches, pickles, dough-nuts, and coffee. In short—a Dutch lunch without the Dutch.

Graduates Receive Diplomas Wednesday Graduation exercises for the March

class will be a part of the all school luncheon to be served in the gym-nasium on Wednesday, March 16.

The candidates for graduation are: Nellie Agnes Crane, Brussett; Eliz-abeth Alice Franzen, Billings; Helen Louise Friedrich, Billings; Barbara M. Hess, Glendive; William Rufus Oliver, Jordan; Minnie Sue Tooley, Red Lodge; .Cleo Copple Weppler, Ryegate.

The luncheon is being sponsored by the Service club. The decora-tions, in keeping with St. Patrick's day, will be arranged by a commit-tee consisting of the following Serv-ice club members: Doris Barnes, Mildred Hunter, and Genevieve Brunckhorst. The menu is being planned by Yvonne Halsey, Virginia Keefe, and Nelle Yvette Pickard.

The commencement program will be as follows:

Piano solo—Miss Elizabeth Johns-ton.

Presentation of graduates—Mr. L. R. Foote.

Presentation of diplomas — Mr. Reyn Leedom.

Acceptance of graduates — Presi-dent McMullen.

Response for graduates—Mrs. Cleo Copple Weppler.

Selections by Glee club—Mr. C. V. Ridgely, director; Miss Willa Mae Howard ,accompanist.

Address—Supt. M. C. Gallagher.

Many Students Fail in Tests at Eye Clinic

During the last several weeks, 57 students have had their eyes tested with the Keystone Orthomatic Tele-binocular test. Of this number, nine have passed the entire test while others failed in as many as seven of the twelve tests. The people who fail enough tests to warrant an ex-amination by a specialist are given a card filled out by the one doing the testing, signifying the results of the Keystone test.

The clinic will be open at our school until March 11, when Miss Carlton will resume the task of test-ing eyes in the Billings public schools.

More students should take advan-tage of this opportunity for having their eyes tested. There is a yellow sheet on the bulletin board where students can sign their names under the time and day When it is con-venient for them to take the tests. Assignments should be made at least one day in advance.

Katoya Players Present Comedy Before Crowd in Auditorium

"This Genius Business," a three act comedy, was well presented by the Katoya Players in the E. M. S. N. S. auditorium on Tuesday eve-ning, March 8.

The action takes place in one setting in the living room of the Blodgett home. The story evolves around the struggle of Aida Blodg-ett (Nelle Yvette Pickard) and her brother, Beaumont (Vern Wagner), who are forced by their mother, Aline Blodgett (Mary Maxon), to study for stage careers.

Mrs. Blodgett, who "sacrificed" a career when she married George Blodgett, (Marion Ostby), hardware merchant and dahlia grower, is de-termined to have her genius con-tinue in her children. Beaumont, who detests the cello and rebels violently at practicing, goes into the hardware business regardless of his mother. Aida, who tries to please her mother, is easily persuaded by young Dr. Oliver (James Salsbury) to give up her career and marry him.

George Blodgett, who doubts his children's genius, is supported by Rita Ranaldi, (Helen Tucker), who comes for a visit. Rita persuades Mrs. Blodgett that it is not Beau and Aida who have genius but the Swedish maid, Katie (Verna Jen-, sen), who has a voice and Blodgett, who has raised a dahlia that sold for $5,000 and won first prize. Mrs. Blodgett bows to the inevitable and hopes for genius in her grandchil-dren.

Fine Performance by All Advertised as having no star parts,

the play was a galaxy of stars be-cauce of the sine performanLes of each member of the cast. Vern Wag-ner, as the rebellious cello player, who, by the way, never played a note, gave a very natural presenta-tion which met with much approval from the audience. Nelle Yvette Pickard as the almost too pliable daughter, showed ease and grace in her rather difficult part. Marion Ostby as the gentle, ineffectual fath-er deboted to his family and his dahlias, was exceptionally fine. He did not once over-play or under-play the part. Helen Tucker as Rita Rinaldi added the necessary note of sophisticated experience, playing her her part with just the right shade of bitterness and satire. Verna Jen-sen as the Swedish maid with a voice inherited from her grand-mother did a very good piece of work. Lola Richard, always wheel-ing "Snooky" in to be cared for, caused much amusement and made a very attractive modern mother. Jim Salsbury as a young doctor-lover, made good use of his eyes as well as his arms in making love.

Miss Dewey and her assistant, Ruth Woodhouse, may well be proud of the achievement of the cast. Fran-cis Wagner, Hans Wischmann, and Orren Boyer were responsible for the artistic stage set and homelike atmosphere; the lighting effects added materially to the pleasure of the audience.

Tony Sarg to Visit Normal in Spring

Tony Sarg, world famous artist and puppeteer, will appear in person at the Eastern Montana State Nor-mal school auditorium on May 3 in two performances, a matinee in the afternoon and an evening program for adults. Two years ago a com-pany presented two Tony Sarg plays with marionettes, but this is the first appearance of Mr. Sarg in Billings.

The program will be in four parts. The first part, a short introduction, an amusing account of his experi-ence in his career; second part, a sort of vaudeville performance in which ten different marionettes will perform on a tiny stage, doing vari-ous stunts such as playing the piano, juggling a golden ball, dancing, and

(Cont'd on page 3, col. 3)

Roberts Will Write Article for Magazine

M. P. Moe, editor of Montana Education, has asked Miss Roberts to write an article concerning her impressions of European art work for the April issue of his magazine. The article, "Cizek and Creative Art," gives a brief account of the philosophy and methods of Franz Sisek, great pioneer in the develop-ment of the creative faculty in little children, whom she met while in Vienna last summer.

Since 1885, Professor Cizek has been creating with human material (for he speaks of himself as a cre-ator, rather than as a teacher) and has attracted world-wide attention.

The Kunstgewerbeschule in Vi-enna is a bright and happy place where his classes of children meet to work in any medium they choose, as long as they like, for there are no class periods nor school program as here in America. Children from six to 16 years of age may attend, although babies of one and a half years have been enrolled. Professor Cizek draws a line between children who can create and those who mere-ly possess skill in using materials or who copy well the works of others. Those who are not creative soon eliminate themselves; they stop com-ing. Usually, the children of the poor are more creative than the children of parents who can give them advantages. "They see and hear too much," says Cizek.

Professor Cizek, who is now 74 years of age, (and looks 50) is re-tiring from active service this year. His latest book, containing 1000 plates in color and black and white, will be published within the year by the Yale University Press.

Echo Staff Sees Gazette In Making

On Thursday evening, February 10, the Echo staff, accompanied by Miss Meek, with Bill Chase and Charles Holmes as guests, visited the Gazette and watched the process of "putting out" the early morning edition.

The party, under the guidance of Mr. Sipe, the city editor, started at the news room and went through the various departments. In the news press room they watched the machines of the United Press and Associated Press news agencies au-tomatically typing the news of the world as it was received.

From the news room the group went into the make-up room, where the linotype machines are operated. The paper is made up here, set and locked in pages, and the impressions are taken on paper mache by run-ning it through a press which uses 40 tons of pressure to make the im-pression.

This mache impression is then taken to the casting room, where it is dried and the impression is com-pleted in a red hot furnace filled with molten lead. The trimming and finishing touches are put on it here before the pageset is sent to the press room.

In the press room, which is lo-cated in the basement, the class witnessed the printing of the morn-ing paper as well as seeing the method used in printing the three-colored portion of the magazine sec-tion of the Sunday edition. Before leaving, complimentary copies of the paper were given to the visitors.

After the trip Miss Meek invited the class to her home, where she served stacks of sandwiches and gallons of coffee.

Miss Dewey on Committee

From the Western Association of Teachers of Speech comes the an-nouncement that Miss Martha Dew-ey has been appointed chairman of the committee to arrange for a con-test in the writing of original plays for school use.

Rules and further announcements will be published later.

Meek To Tour In Europe Soon

New York First Stop After Leaving Billings on

March 17

Next Thursday, March 17, Miss Meek leaves for New York, her first stop enroute to Europe. Since she is so vitally interested in the theatre and modern drama she has arranged, during her week's stay in New York, to see seven plays, three matinees and four evening performances. The plays which she will see are "The Doll's House," "Julius Caesar" (in modern dress), "I'd Rather Be Right," "Susan and God," "The Women," "You Can't Take It With You," "Of Mice and Men," and 'Golden Boy." During the past week Miss Meek's class in modern drama has been discussing these same plays.

Will See Town Hall of Air Another interesting highlight of

Miss Meek's' trip prior to her Euro-pean jaunt will be on Thursday night, March 24, when she plans to see the radio broadcast of "The Town Hall of the Air." (Anyone who has been in her classes knows that is her pet program.)

Miss Meek will sail on Saturday, March 26, on the Italian liner, The Rex. She will land in Naples, Italy, on the second day of April. There she will meet her traveling com-panion, Dr. Gladys Branegan of Montana State college at Bozeman. They plan to stay in Italy for about ten days. Vienna, Budapest and Prague will be next. Having visited these famous romantic spots they will next tour Germany, Switzer-land, France. Belgian arvi Tirt)11pnfl. From the land of tulips, wooden shoes and windmills they journey northward to the Scandinavian,coun-tries, visiting Copenhagen, Stock-holm, Oslo and Bergen. A three-day trip through the Gota canal from Gotenburg to Stockholm will be a high spot in their visit to Scandi-navia. In Oslo they will see the grave of Ibsen. They will sail from Bergen, Norway to England about June 20.

England is Climax of Trip Miss Meek plans to see many

points of literary interest in the British Isles, such as the Lake Dis-trict, the homes of Scott and Burns, Stratford on Avon, the old cathedral towns of Chester, York and Durham, then Canterbury and, of course, London. During her London visit she plans to stay at Crosby Hall, which in the sixteenth century was the home of Sir Thomas More, but at the present time is the club house of the British Association of Uni-versity Women.

Miss Meek and Dr. Branegan will arrive in New York on their return voyage sometime around the first of August. On her trip back to Mon-tana Miss Meek will stop in Indiana, where she will visit her family. She will not be back in Billings before the first of September.

We all wish Miss Meek and Dr. Branegan a thoroughly delightful trip, and we are certain she will return with many interesting tales of the lands which she has visited.

Bon voyage !

Dance Tonight Will Honor Graduates

The dance in honor of the March graduates, given by the first year class, will take place tonight in the auditorium. .Refreshments will con-sist of orange crush, and the music will be by the Swingster's orchestra.

Those on the decorating commit-tee are Anne Oser, Mildred Hunter, Eleanor Kennedy, Zola Warthen, Yvonne Halsey, Evelyn Kelnhofer, Wayne Marcus, Rex Welton, Gib Johnson, and John Herschberger. The serving committee consists of Evelyn Kelnhofer, Marjorie Cooper, Judith Perrine, Helen Winters, Clare Nevin, and Delphine Wise.

THE RIMROCK ECHO Eastern Montana State Normal School

