the rise of fascism in europe

The Rise of Fascis m in Europe

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The Rise of Fascism in Europe. [Image source:]. [Image source:]. fascism. a political philosophy based on nationalism and an all-powerful state. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: The Rise of Fascism in Europe

The Riseof

Fascism in


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• a political philosophy based on nationalism and an all-powerful state

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Benito Mussolini is credited as the founderof fascism in

the 1920s.[Image source:]

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The word fasce comes from one of

the symbols of authority of the

Republic of Rome.

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Mussolini imagined he could return Italy to the glory of the Roman empire days.

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Mussolini began by reasserting Italy’s control over Libya in North Africa.

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Italy next invaded

Ethiopia in October


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Emperor Haile Selassie addressed the League of Nations, but his appeal for aid fell on deaf ears.

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Spain emerged as a central-front

in the warto contain fascism.

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Germany tested many of its new weapons in the Spanish Civil War.

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26th April 1937

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General Franco emerged as the victorin the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939).

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Adolf Hitler first attempted to seize powerin Bavaria, Germany through the abortive

Munich Beer-hall Putsch of November 1923.

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While in prison, Hitler dictated Mein Kampf to his associate Rudolf Hess.

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Mein Kampf, published in

1925, was Adolf Hitler’s blueprint

for what he planned to do

once he became the leader of


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Hitler came to power in Germany in 1933.

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President Paul von Hindenburg asked Hitler to become chancellor and organize a government.

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Hitler became Chancellor 20th January 1933.

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Hitler quickly consolidated his

power at the expense of both

his allies and patrons,

ultimately becomingder Fűhrer

19th August 1934.

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The burning of the Reischstag 27th February 1933 allowed Hitler to seize power on the pretext of

protecting Germany from threats to its security.

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The Enabling Act of 23rd March 1933 granted Hitler dictatorial powers.

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The Nazi SA (Sturmabteilung) opened their first concentration camp near Berlin 12th March 1933.

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Boycotts of Jewish businesses commenced 1st April 1933.

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“The Grim Reaper”The Nation(April 1933)

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The Nazi’s burned books 10th May 1933.

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In an act of violent retribution known

as the “Night of the Long Knives”, Hitler eliminated long-term, close associates of his, whom he feared,

on 30th June 1934.

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The Nüremburg Race Laws stripped German Jews of their rights in 1935.

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Chart explaining the Nüremburg

Race Laws of 15th September 1935

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Hitler violated the Treaty of Versailles by re-introducing military conscription.

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Hitler reoccupied the Rhineland7th March 1936.

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Hitler hoped the 1936 Olympics in Berlin would showcase Aryan superiority.

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American track stand-out Jesse

Owens shattered Hitler’s claims of Aryan racial


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Hitler advocated uniting all Germans under one


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In March 1938 Hitler announced

the Anschlűss (union) of

Germany and Austria.

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Hitler next set his eyes on the German minority living in the Sudetenland of

neighboring Czechoslovakia.

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Well-intentioned European leaders, meeting in Munich, appeased Hitler and ceded-away part of sovereign-Czechoslovakian territory in the hope of preventing a European war.

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Hitler marched into the Sudetenland 15th October 1938.

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“We have peace in our time!”

Great Britain’s Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain.

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Hitler ended-up occupying the rest of Czechoslovakia

in March 1939.

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Kristallnacht9th/10th November 1938

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Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union sign a

non-aggression pact 23rd

August 1939.

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Many people today erroneously see a similarity between fascism’s drive to dominate the world and America’s desire to make the world safe from terrorism.

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They perceive a threat to our

individual liberties as

emanating only from one of the

two major political parties.

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Signs of fascism include “group-

think”, where only certain ideas and perspectives are

considered acceptable, and

increasing government

intrusion into daily life (regulation).

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Disapproval of fascism is district curriculum and policy.

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Beware the “cult of personality”.