the rule and function of rubu (repaired)

1 1.1 INTRODUCTION TO RUBU’ MUJAYYAB In the early period of Islamic glorious, Rubu 'Mujayyab is perhaps the most famous in Astronomy. Definitely, this is origin instruments was invented by Muslim Astronomers in the golden age of Islam. Thus , this instrument was used by many Islamic scholars during that period. The most famous is Al- Biruni, Ibnu Syatir, Al-Khwārizmī and others. Rubu' Mujayyab as a adaptation instrument from the astrolabe because there is improve and advance done in Rubu' Mujayyab. Also, this tool has become a great tool for the ability to observe the position and circulation of the star before the invention of the telescope equipment. 1 Absolutely, it is like a device have a simple designed but very impressive and incredible of abilities. Exclusively, as Muslims this tool is guidance to perform regular worship, such as prayers and fasting. Some of them have to be completed certain times and some to be done on specific time. Every Muslim can consider confidently when it prayer time or when the appearing sunset to break fast in Ramadan. 1 John Daintith & William Gould (eds), 2006.The Fact on File - Dictionary of Astronomy, New York : Facts On File, , p. 381.

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1.1 INTRODUCTION TO RUBU MUJAYYABIn the early period of Islamic glorious, Rubu 'Mujayyab is perhaps the most famous in Astronomy. Definitely, this is origin instruments was invented by Muslim Astronomers in the golden age of Islam. Thus , this instrument was used by many Islamic scholars during that period. The most famous is Al- Biruni, Ibnu Syatir, Al-Khwrizm and others. Rubu' Mujayyab as a adaptation instrument from the astrolabe because there is improve and advance done in Rubu' Mujayyab. Also, this tool has become a great tool for the ability to observe the position and circulation of the star before the invention of the telescope equipment.[footnoteRef:2] Absolutely, it is like a device have a simple designed but very impressive and incredible of abilities. Exclusively, as Muslims this tool is guidance to perform regular worship, such as prayers and fasting. Some of them have to be completed certain times and some to be done on specific time. Every Muslim can consider confidently when it prayer time or when the appearing sunset to break fast in Ramadan. [2: John Daintith & William Gould (eds), 2006.The Fact on File - Dictionary of Astronomy,New York : Facts On File, , p. 381.]

1.1.1.DEFINITIONS OF RUBU MUJAYYABThe literal meaning of Rubu Mujayyabis combination from two words which isRubu and Mujayyab. This is derived from the Arabic words Rub meaning a Quarter[footnoteRef:3] and Mujayyab is context marked with sine instrument. Another frequently names is rub al-muayyab or rub al-uyb. In English term for it is "Sinecal Quadrant". In Latin world, it is known as quadrans vetus tissimus, to distinguish it from the quadrans vetus and from quadrans novus.[footnoteRef:4] There are various definition about Rubu' Mujayyab. [3: Dr. Rohi Baalbaki.1995. Al- Maurid A Modern Arabic- English Dictionary. Beirut-Lubnan: Dar Elm-Ilm Lilmalayin.p.575.] [4: U. Vermeulen & J. Van Steenbergen. 2001. OrientaliaLovaniensiaAnalecta. Belgium: Peeters. p.164.]

First and foremost, Rubu Mujayyab as equipment used to know the location of ship position on the sea. Hence, it is also need to determine the latitude distance on the sea. In additions, it is known as a graphical device because its ability for finding the time. In ancient times, Astrologers used Rubu' Mujayyab to observe an eclipse of the sun or to forecast someone's destiny with help from the stars, while surveyors make it to measure the height of a building or a mountain and to guide aim a cannon to hit an enemy fortress.[footnoteRef:5] [5: Robert Ossions.n.d.The Quadrant.]

Apart from that, it well-known as devices which important to measure the height of Polaris for sailor. Polaris or commonly North star is useful to count north direction and it makes fixed point greatly for measurements drawing for celestial navigation.In Islamic era, this are also known as instrument that used aim to calculate mathematical model sphere. The outer view, It have ecliptic line sun, global grid for trigonometric calculations ,division constellation for calendar, and spherical trigonometry to solve sphere sky mathematical problem and earth and line asar prayer time to Syafi'e and Hanafi scholar. Jamaluddeen Abdullah Maradeeni described about the Rubu Mujayyab as a tool that to discovery of the horizontal altitude of a celestial object and searching of latitude a some place. According to the Ensiklopedi hisab rukyat, written by Susiknan and Azhari explained the Rubu 'Mujayyab is a tool have a quarter circle (900) shape that used to calculate the geometric solving and to identify accurate calculations of celestial objects on vertical circle.[footnoteRef:6] [6: Susiknan Azhari.2005. Ensklopedi Hisab Rukyat.( Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar), p. 129]

1.2. HISTORY OF RUBU MUJAYYABThe ability to know the time of a day and position of geographic accurately actually has started since ancient times. Later, it continued to spread greatly on over the time. Early astronomy flourished on practical needs of primitive civilizations around 35,000 years ago.Everyday life, their job heavily reliant sunlight .They will work during sunrise and return during sunset. Eventually they realized a size from their shadow change from time to time . Therefore, they determine time of day by looking shadow which appears on the some object such as trees, stones and so on. Then, they inverted a Gnomon as tool to indicate time by using length shadow method. Astronomers were unanimous that Gnomon is first instrument were generated to fulfil primitive societal needs at that time. Later, development of using sundials to determine the passing of time which is connected by sun appearance.[footnoteRef:7] The shadow from the sun is moves as the sun changes position in the sky throughout the day and directly, the dial tracks this movements. Continuosly, discovery of astrolabe and Rubu' Mujayyab. Both are type of ancient astronomical computer which were used to solve problems relating to time and the position of solar system.[footnoteRef:8]. An early astrolabe was introduced by Hipparchus in 150 BC. It was started and introduced to the Islamic world om the seventh and eighth centuries and are often translations of earlier Greek. The Astrolabe able to locate the latitude of ship by measuring celestial altitudes, known as the mariner's astrolabe. [7: Chrsitopher St J.H.Daniel. 2004. Sundials. United Kingdom. Shire Publications Ltd. p.5] [8: James E. Morrison. 2010. The Astrolabe: An instrument with a past and a future.]

David A King in the book is entitled ''The Astronomy of the Mamluks'' defined that Ibnu asy Syatir is first inventor was created Astrolabe at the beginning 14th century.[footnoteRef:9] In Islamic world, this instrument was inherently valuable in Islam because of its ability to determine prayer times and finding the direction to Mecca. Muslim Astronomers developed and modified the astrolabe with many new design and decoration . Further, the astrolabe as symbolic of astronomy in Islamic art. [9: n.a,1 Disember 2011. Rubu' Mujayyab Dalam Lintasan Sejarah.]

Therefore, Astrolabe has some lacking, such as the form that complicated and only applicable at certain places. Therefore, have a few astrolabe type that can be used at all crosses like astrolabe that was done by Ibn al-Sarraj in 13th century.[footnoteRef:10] As the way of solving, Muslim Astronomers expanded uses of [10: James Evans, Op. cit, hal. 153-155 dan David A. King, Astronomy in the Service of Islam, London : VarioumReprint, 1986, hal.112.]

Rubu' Mujayyab or it called sine quadrant in western world.Generally, it take over from Astrolabe functions because is more compact and flexiable. In early introduced, Rubu' Mujayyab usage as observation heaven device and it used to calculate angles in astronomy field.In Greek world ,the original creation of the Quadrant by Ptolemy's Almagest which is made from wooden that shaped quarter that containing a graduated arc of 90 . The Quadrant Potelemy function is able to determine time and height of sun in summer and winter . Apart from that, it finding the latitude and longitude of sun. Also, it helps to finding out the located of latitude and longitude some of place. The early exposed in 9th century in Baghdad by Al-Kharizmi.[footnoteRef:11] [11: Franois Charette.1970.Mathematical Instrumentation In Fourteenth-Century Egypt And Syria.The Netherlands. Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden. p.209.]

In 11th, Mesir astronomers began developing this instrumentation in conducting religious subject. The daily rotation that seen on the sky is simulated by the movement of a taut thread attached at the center of the instrument and provided with a beads which moves on the thread to a position reaction to that of the sun or certain star. Directly, that position being read according to sign that exist on rubu surface. Much easier to perform rubu' compared by using astrolabe. Rubu' Mujayyab at that moment used to resolve astronomy problems related to certain latitude.Followed by 14th century,the Rubu' Mujayyab construction by Ibn Al-syatir, he was an Syrian Muslim astronomer conducted muwaqqit (religious timekeeper) at the Umayyad mosque in Damascus who responsible to define times of prayer. Ibn Al-syatir only modified Rubu' Mujayyab from Al-Khawarizmi with adding ecliptic line on rubu mujayyab surface. At the same year in Egypt, created a Rubu Mujayyab' that produced from the types of ivory. The inner, standard set of markings on the front serves the latitude position of the Cairo and the outer nonstandard grid for use in solving trigonometric problems numerically.[footnoteRef:12] Followed in 16th century, It is decorated with beautiful sculpture and design that is attractive. It is a standard sinecal grid for operating trigonometric functions and the grid is the medieval equivalent to a slide rule.[footnoteRef:13] Before introducing of usage Rubu Mujayyab in Malay world is best knowing history of the beginning spreaded of Astronomy field in Malay world. The first introduced is Muhammad Tahir bin Sheikh Muhammad or known as " Sheikh Muhammad Tahir Jalaluddin Al-Falaki Al-Azhari ". Named ''Al-Falaki Al-Azhari'' because studied astronomy in Azhar University of Cairo. He was born on Tuesday, 4 dates Ramadhan, year of 1286 Hijri in Bukit Tinggi Western Sumatra.The great contribution is producing Natijah al-Ummi (The Almanac : Muslim and Christian Calender that published in 1936 namely Taqwim Hijri and the equation with Taqwim Miladi (Masehi), Qiblah direction and prayer time to evergreen. Also, he write book that is entitled Pati Kiraan Pada Menentukan Waktu Yang Lima (Singapore : Al-Ahmadiyyah Press, 1357 H/1938 M) namely guide to determine prayer time and Kaabah's direction use logarithms calculation method. Lastly, Direction of Qiblat according to Shafie Sect (Taiping, Perak : Matbaah al-Zainiyah, 1951).[footnoteRef:14] [12: Howard R. Turner. 1995. Science In Medieval Islam. United States Of America. Library Of Congress Cataloging.p.99] [13: Ibid.p.100] [14: Abu Bakar Hamzah. Sheikh Tahir Jalaluddin, Medium Majalah Ilmiah Akademi Islam Universiti Malaya, Tahun 1, Bil. 1, Muharram 1409/September 1988, h. 92.]

For instance, the famous treatise is Tuan Haji Mohd. Khair Bin Hj. Mohd Taib was birth in Kedah in date 8 September 1922. He first learned to use Rubu' Mujayyab in Mahad Mahmud, Kedah teaches by Tuan Guru Ku Arifin and also, Syeikh Tahir Jalaluddin's students . With him he learn method time reckoning prayers. The teacher also teach him use Rubu' Mujayyab, a type of equipment universe that is famous used in tradition universe Islamic a previous occasion. He is the only astronomer at that time that were capable of doing calculation accurately until acknowledged by many his ability in calculation that is amazing. By using calculator and Almanac, he make related hilal calculation, eclipse and prayer time. his ability is can remember number digits in calculation universe that usually achieve 8-12 digit without having to write it in any paper. Once he wants think overall number, he continue to can remember those digits without one digit that left. In 1969 , he was choose by Islamic Centre of Malaysia as a member of ruyah al-hilal committee and assigned as a trainer for Falak Course run in 1979.The contribution writing about this tool continued by Umar Nurudin in ''The Guiding Light To Success Trigonometry'' or Al-Jaibiyyah(The Trigonometrical Sine) in 1925.[footnoteRef:15] He di Kampung Atas Banggol, Kota Bharu in date 17 September 1867. He life contemporary and get to be friend Pulau Pinang Falakians, Abdullah Pahim.The Falak teachers while studying knowledge in Mecca are Syeikh Ahmad Khatib, Syeikh Muhammad bin Yusof al Khayyat dan Syeikh Abu Bakr Syatta.[footnoteRef:16] [15: Mat Rosa Ismail, Kamel Ariffin Mohd Atan. 2008. Algebra In The Malay World: A Case study Of Islamic Mathematics. Encyclopaedia Of The History Of Science Technology And Medicine In Non-Western Cultures.v.1. USA:Springer.] [16: Dr. Baharuddin Zainal, Menggelintar Budaya Intelek Ilmuan Falak Alam Melayu Kertas kerja dalam Seminar Penghayatan Ilmu Falak 2008M, Auditorium Kompleks Falak al-Khawarizmi Kg. Balik Batu, Tanjung Bidara, Melaka pada 26 Julai 2008M/23 Rejab 1429H.]

Haji Ab.Rahman Salleh born in year 1930, and get religious education early in Mecca and Kelantan . He is teaching in astronomy subject during that subject become part of curriculum subject in religious school in Kelantan. Oustanding contribution in book writing tiltle Qawaidul Miqat in three volumes. First volume issue year 1959 M, second year 1961 and third year 1963. All three books in Arabic and are published by Kelantan Islamic Religious Council. The content on miqat knowledge with focus to method calculation prayer time and Kaabah's direction use quadrant sinus and third volume about calculation Islamic Almanac. After that connected by Haji Ab.Rahman Haji Hussain born on 11 September 1945, in Kg. Padang Pak Amat Pasir Putih. He pursues Falak knowledge since year 1961 to 1980an starts in early stage learning when in Maahad Muhammadi until enter to nature job. He obtained guidance from a few teachers that are famous in Falak field among them is Hj. Mohd. Saleh b. Hj. Daud, Dato' Hj. Mohd. Nor b Hj. Ibrahim (Mufti Kerajaan Kelantan), Dato' Hj. Ismail Yusof (Mufti Kelantan), Hj. Mohd. Khair Taib and Hj. Ab Rahman Hj. SallehAmat is skilled in usage Rubu' Mujayyab a type of tool carried out in Muslim society once upon a time to determine prayer time fardhu, Kaabah's direction, measured height object, knew zodiac and trigonomeric calculation. Therefore, he often invited teach instrumentation in Jabatan Selangor Mufti and Akademi Nilam Puri Islamic Studies. Then, Astronomy have studied seriously in Kelantan by religion students in Pondok Kelantan such as Kota Bharu Pondok Masjid Muhammadi, Tapah Pasir Mas Pondok Lubuk, Pondok Kota Bharu Bunut Payung, Pondok Tok Selihor Tumpat, Pondok Pasir Tumboh and others more.Followed by expertise students use Rubu Mujayyab for purpose count prayer time and determining direction of Mecca. They uses type of Rubu' Mujayyab that created by Ibnu Syatir. Furthermore, The astronomy subject was taught in schools religion and it is one of the subject that is compulsory start in form 5. Major precursor to this learning Hj. Mohammad Nor bin Ibrahim Kelantan Government's mufti.In 1995, University Of Technology Malaysia (UTM) have put Rubu` Mujayyab as additional subject for students of department of Geometric Engineering who Falak Syar`i is their elective course. This course consists of important subjects of Islamic astronomy, range from cosmology to issues of Islamic astronomy in Malaysia, such as prayer time calculation Islamic calendar and determination of Qiblahs directionAs tool carrier that have popular in time once, however Rubu' Mujayyab / Quadrant Sinus begin to disappear drowning by technological progress. In fact inside a Rubu' Mujayyab Quadrant Sinus that kept academic treasure that should be preserved and in develop. The young generation future that will know on progress achieved by muslim scholar


1) Markaz () -A hole included thread which hung reach to qaus irtifa'. The thread is use to measure angles.2)Qaus irtifa' ( ) - The line which divide to 90 degrees at the right and the left with. The surface have a line and degree number which calculations beginning from the right marked with 0 degrees and ending on the left with 90 degrees. The number located from right division to left position named by number and the number located from left division to right position named by number. [footnoteRef:17] [17: Al-Malakawi Mohamad Elias.24 Mac 2010. Rubu Mujayyab ]

(3Jaibu-tamam ( )-The straight line started from ( )until (). There have 12 boxes ,each box calculated 5 degrees and all amounted to 60 degrees.[footnoteRef:18] [18: Al-Malakawi Mohamad Elias.24 Mac 2010. Rubu Mujayyab ]

4( Sittini () - Namely line that begin from () until the end of ().The number degree is equal to ( ).

5) Dairatut-tajyib ( )- It is semicircle initiated from until qaus end called by , meanwhile that start from that end up in early qaus named by .

6) Juyub ma'kus ) )- The vertical axes, starting from (sitini) declines to qaus.(7Juyub mabsuthoh ( ) - This means a Horizontal axes that begin from to qaus.[footnoteRef:19] [19: Al-Malakawi Mohamad Elias.24 Mac 2010. Rubu Mujayyab ]

8)Dairatul al-mail( ) - A curve line like busaran arrow that the distance from is 24 degrees.The located at the end and another in . The curve is divided into 90 divisions or degrees. Starting from the right marked with zero and ending on the left with 90 degrees

9) (Qaus dua asar) - There is two lines marked by broken lines. This line start from early qaus until 42.33 degrees named early afternoon prayer (Syafie's afternoon prayer church) A lagai to 26.5 degrees named second afternoon prayer (Hanafi's afternoon prayer).


10) Qaimatu-zilli ( ) - Two lines with point. One of them start from sittini to qaus irtifa named by .And that another from jaib tamam to qaus irtifa named by .

11) - The place to use for measuring the shadow or target in some objects.[footnoteRef:20] [20: Rahman Salleh. 2012.Rubu' Mujayyab. Tinta Publishing. Ilmu Miqat p.7]

12) The small thread that entered to Markaz or known as degree pointer.13) - The thread that is short that binds in Khoit , that will frictional up and down14) (Syaqul) -It is a Bandul that used as to Khoith weight.


1.1.1THE SINE QUADRANTThe tools using for solving trigonometric problems . In physical, it have shaped plate, which contains grid lines of the scale of trigonometric functions, by which readings and one of way to solve trigonometric equations.[footnoteRef:21] This equipment can also be setup to measure the altitude of object on the sky ,measure the celestial angle, telling time, determining the time of prayer and Qiblah for Muslim. [21: Kassim Bahali. 7th March]

Figure 1 :The view of Sine Quadrant by al-Khwarizmi in 9th century in Baghdad

1.1.2 THE UNIVERSAL (SHAKKZYA) QUADRANTThe main functions is to solving latitude problems in any places. These quadrants had either one or two sets of shakkzya grids and were developed in the fourteenth century in Syria. [footnoteRef:22] Jamal al-Din al-Maridini defined an analog computer for solving problems of spherical astronomy.[footnoteRef:23] [22:] [23: King, David A. (1974), "An analog computer for solving problems of spherical astronomy: The Shakkaziya quadrant of Jamal al-Din al-Maridini", Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences (International Archives on the History of Science) 24: 21942 ]

Figure 2 :The view of Universal quadrant, Jonathan Sisson, c. 1730.

1.1.3 THE HORARY QUADRANTThis famous instruments was opposed as graphical equipments for finding the time of day in terms of the solar longitude and the instantaneous altitude.[footnoteRef:24] Horary quadrants calculate the time from the altitude of the Sun. The major functions is to finding the direction of Qibla because important direction that should be faced when Muslims pray. Also, it be able to determine prayer times by guidance locations of the Sun or stars. Horary quadrants is markings on one side as guidance for the user to calculate the time of day. [24: Franois Charette.1970.Mathematical Instrumentation In Fourteenth-Century Egypt And Syria.The Netherlands. Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden.p.116]

Figure 3 :The view of Horary quadrant by Muhammad ibn Mahmud in 10th century in Iran, Nishapur.

1.1.4 THE ASTROLABIC QUADRANTThe first-rate category known is the astrolabe quadrant, introduced in Islamic world before 1100 . This is a quadrant advanced from the astrolabe.The astronomical instrument which is compatibility for usage in any location on Earth. The lines that carved on the front indicates the position of the Sun across the sky. According Ali ibn Khalaf al-Shakkaz Astrolabic Quadrant able to solve problems of spherical astronomy for any geographic latitude, though in a somewhat more complicated fashion than the standard astrolabe.[footnoteRef:25] [25: n.n. n.a.Islamic astronomy]

Figure 4 :The view of Astrolabic Quadrant by Muhammad al-Sakasi al-Jarkasi from Damascus in 14th century.

1.1.5 THE MURAL QUADRANTMural quadrants known as one of the largest astronomical instruments which were measuring device constructed on or completed into a wall. It permanent setup to a meridian wall and usually used to measure meridian altitudes.[footnoteRef:26]In additions, it was performed to measure the altitude of stars above the horizon at their transportation at the celestial meridian. This devices have the strength to measure angles from 0 to 90 degrees. [26:]

Figure 5:The view of Mural Quadrant (Libna) of Taqi Al-Din





Figure 6 :The potrait of Ala Al-Din Abu'l-Hasan Ali Ibn Ibrahim Ibn al-Shatir

Ala Al-Din Abu'l-Hasan Ali Ibn Ibrahim Ibn al-Shatirwas a Syrian-born in 1304th and he dies in year in 1375th the age is seventy third year. He mastery in mathematics and engineering, automatically it enabled for him to learn in field of astronomy. In additions, Ibnu Shatir work as muwaqqit or religious timekeeper at the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus, Syria which he called Sanduk Al-Yawaqit.. Ibnu al-Shatir divided time in the day with 12 hours, in winter brief periods, whereas in summer time longer. It regarded as highest achievement for creation sundial. Plus, Ibn al-Shatir attended extensive observations which led to some of his theoretical contributions, designed and constructed new devices, and made contributions succesfully to Islamic astronomy in the field of Planetary theory.[footnoteRef:27] [27: ^ Dallal, Ahmad (2010). Islam, Science, and the Challenge of History. Yale University Press. p. 25. ISBN 9780300159110.]

Ibnu Shatir contributed in astronomical instruments in produce astrolabe that tool used to calculate star's distance more accurately. He wrote on the ordinary planispheric astrolabe called alla aljmia (the universal instrument). Also, described the two most important used quadrants, the astrolabic and the trigonometric varieties. These designed were renovations and modifications of the simpler more useful sine quadrant which is one astrolabe and one universal instrument.It produced from wood material that in the edge have degree measurement and in the middle of him indicator needle that can move.Then, Ibnu Shatir continued to make astronomical tools at an advances age, for the creation of Rubu' Mujayyab. Rubu' Mujayyab,that possessed by Ibnu Shatir made from metal which described as equipment which contains grid global trigonometry. From outside view like a part of astrolabe with ecliptic circle sun but it is replace from Astrolabe. Hence, furnished a few lines related to find Kaabah's direction and calculate time prayers. Also used to measure height sun or other planet. Nowadays, Rubu mujayyab' that generated by syatir expanded and is still used by universal society especially in Sumatra.Apart from that, he also writed 30 book are mainly in field astronomy, there is "Zaij Ibnu Asy-Syathir","Risalah Fi Al-Hai'ah Al-Jadidah" An-Nujum As-Sahirah Fi Al-Amal Bi Ar-Rub'i Al-Mujib Bila Maryi Wala Dairah", "Risalah Fi Al-Amal Bidaqaiq Ikhtilaf Al-Afaq Al-Mar'iah" and so on.


Figure 7 : Al-KhawarizmiAb Abdallh Muammad ibn Ms al-Khwrizm was born in Persia of that time around 780 and died after 850. He was a mathematician, astronomer,geographer, scientist and astrologer. Often called the "father of algebra," because was the first founder algebra method to the world.In fact, his name appeared from the title of his book Al Kitab Al Jabr Wa'al Muqabelah.[footnoteRef:28] Shmith and Karpinski characterized Khawarizmi as one of the first Muslim writers who collect the mathematical classic of both of the east and west.[footnoteRef:29] In mathematics, one of the most important acknowledges of al-Khwarizmi in the creation of the number zero and Hindu-Arabic numerals. In Latin translation, identified as Algoritmi de numero Indorum and in English world namely Al-Khwarizmi on the Hindu Art of Reckoning Mohaini Mohamed.2000. Great Muslim Mathematicians . [28: Ian Stewart . 2013. The Great Mathematical Problems. Pofile Books LTD. Britain] [29: Mohd Rashidi Md Razali. ed. 1. Johor: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Cipta Murni Sdn. Bhd.p.17.]

Al-Khawarizmi played a paramount role in the development of knowledge enormously contributed to the field of Astronomy. He was given the responsibility as the Director of Astronomy Research Bureau at Darul Hikma (House of Wisdom) in Baghdad during the patronage of Caliph al- Mmm. His task as translater manuscripts of Greek scientific. While working, he successfully published book Al Kitab Al Jabr Wa'al Muqabelah (The Compendious Book on Calculation by the Restoration and the Opposition) which most popular in that time. The book was a compilation and extension of known rules for solving quadratic equations and for some other problems, and considered to be the foundation of algebra, establishing it as an independent discipline.[footnoteRef:30] [30: n.a.n.d.The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing]

Other than writing book, he also involved in produce the astronomy instruments. There is sine quadrant which comes in 9th century Baghdad. It is come up as a graph-paper like grid on one side that is divided into sixty equal intervals on each axis and is also bounded by a 90 degree graduated arc.[footnoteRef:31] For using this tools, it is involves al-gebra calculation which was used to measure time, angles and latitude. Then, produced a Quadrans Vetus a types of horary quadrant for analysing specific latitudes and used to determine time in part of prayers times by observations of the sun or stars. Al Khawarizmi writes many books and successfully produced much knowledge. Among the most important books is Shuuratul Ardh "Book on the appearance of the Earth", (Risla fi istikhrj tarkh al-yahd "Extraction of the Jewish Era") and Taqwiimul Buldaan [31:]


Figure 8 : Al-Biruni

His real name was probably Ab Rayn Muammad ibn Amad Brn was born was born in the city of Kath, Khwarezmin[footnoteRef:32] in 5 September 973 C.E and died 13 December 1048 in Ghazni, todays Afghanistan. Al-Biruni is greatest scholars in end century to 4 Hijri who expert in physics, astronomy, mathematics, language, and history. Famous with title "father of geodesy" because his contribution in Earth sciences and geography. [32: ^ Al-Biruni, D.J. Boilet, The Encyclopaedia of Islam, Vol. I, ed. H.A.R. Gibb, J.H. Kramers, E. Levi-Provencal, J. Schacht, (Brill, 1986), 1236.]

Al-Biruni get a lot of knowledge from one prince Persian King namely Abu Nasr Mansur bin AliJilani, a mathematical expert knowledge. His life contemporary with Ibnu Sina or famous name Avecenna. Based on his background, as someone who thirsts his knowledge did not like to waste time. Lifelong the life concentrated on area of research and writing. Therefore, he gain control two great civilization at that time that is Arab civilization and Greek civilization. He has close ties with Islamic scholars and Christian. One of from him is Christian physicists namely Abu Sahl. He also close connect with Syrian traders Christian that aims to study Greek names and reference and medical terminology correctly in spelling .Between his work that considered supreme is Rasa 'il al-Biruni, a encyclopedia astronomy and mathematical.

Al-Biruni himself makes observation on the sky , that most first developed in Khwarazm. He also been known had made some observatory astronomy in several districts in Khurasan and reported have used quadrant during 3 meters. he able to calculate ecliptic declination and geographic coordinate.Among his work that supreme is Qanun al-Mas'udi that is comparable to Almagest book by Ptolemy. Also, in book titled by Ifrad al-Maqal Amr al-Dalal's uses technique geometry to distance between two places and determine perimeter of earth. Plus, he wrote entitled Maqalid 'ilm al-hay'a (Keys to the Science of Astronomy).




Jamal al-Din, Abi al-Hajjaj, Yusuf ibn 'Abd al-Rahman al-Mizzi was an (Al-Mizz)

- [footnoteRef:33] [33: U. Vermeulen & J. Van Steenbergen. 2001. OrientaliaLovaniensiaAnalecta. Belgium: Peeters. p. 166]

- (The disappearance of the doubts about the use of the sine quadrant)

Muhammad ams Ad-Dn B. Al-azl

- -(Treatise on the use of the trigonometrical grid without grid)

aml Ad-Dn Al-Mridn

- .- ( Synopsis of questions about the use of the sinecal quadrant)

'Izz Ad-Dn 'Abd 'Al-Azz B. Mas'd[footnoteRef:34] [34: Ibid p.167]

-- ( Treatise on the applications of the sine quadrant)

Ab a'far 'Umar B. 'Abd Ar-Rahmn B. 'Abu Lqsim At-tnis At-Tzar

- -( Answer to the questions about the use of the Sine Quadrant)

ihb Ad-Dn 'Ahmad B. 'Ibrhim B. Hall Al-Halab[footnoteRef:35] [35: Ibid. p. 168]

- -( Treatise on the use of Sine Quadrant)

Haji Abdul Rahman Salleh

- -(Method of Miqat)

Badr Ad-Din Abu Abdallah Muhammad B. Ahmad Sibt Al-Maridini[footnoteRef:36] [36: U. Vermeulen & J. Van Steenbergen. 2001. OrientaliaLovaniensiaAnalecta. Belgium: Peeters. p. 168.]

- -(Treatise on the use of the Sine Quadrant or Inductory treatise on the applications of the Sine Quadrant)

Ibn 'Abi l-fath A-f

- -(Treatise on the applications of the sine quadrant)

Umar Nurudin

- ( The guiding light to success Trigonometry).[footnoteRef:37] [37: Mat Rofa Ismail & Kamel Ariffin Mohd Atan.Algebra In The Malay World: A Case Study Of Islamic Mathematics. Encyclopaedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures.p.118]


2.3.1. COMPASS

Figure 9 : Qiblah compass

The first compass was introduced in China between the 2nd century BC and 1st century AD during the Han Dynasty.[footnoteRef:38] Early made from naturally magnetized piece of the mineral magnetite called lodestone. In Islamic world, this tool is preeminent due to function can help determine Qiblah direction from any place on earth, the sacred direction of Islam. Qiblah is a direction to face for Muslims during their daily and it is one of prerequisite to pray . The famous treatises is the Yemeni Sultan al- Ashraf (ca. 1290) and the Cairene astronomer Ibn Simun (ca. 1300). The Yemeni Sultan al- Ashraf invented form of magnetic needle by using water in bowl. Neither, the Ibn Simun illustrate a dry compass for usage as a "Qibla (Kabba) indicator" to discover the direction to Mecca. [38: Merrill, Ronald T.; McElhinny, Michael W. (1983). The Earth's magnetic field: Its history, origin and planetary perspective (2nd printing ed.). San Francisco: Academic press. p. 1. ISBN 0-12-491242-7]

The compass is showing cardinal direction, namely north, southern, west, and east on the surface. Basically, it is known as navigational instruments to finding and determine direction of destination or landmark. The direction which indicated by compass is direct refers to direction magnetic north .The magnetic north depends on earth magnetic field which variable from time to time due to change geology and physical earth .Hence, it helps to identify what we are looking for in the field or on a map. It able to make measurement of the angle up to as accuracy of 30. Nowadays , people need a compass for instance with hiking or camping. In those scenes, use basic compasses such the thumb compass that are clearly accuration and can be read over a map are compatible.

The terms of pricing that is reasonable and it is one of reason that influence encourage public to use it. Furthermore, The physical form is small and compact. The simple form that does not require a large space to keep it until could be brought any place. It does not need battery energy for it operation because the nature already given easier to bring in anyway and any situation. In situation, when someone in jungle to find way out when lost. There are many of different types and replica of compasses, such as thumb compass ,base plate, sighting, prismatic, and electronic.

Among of types of compass is popular used by Muslims is kiblah compass because specially designed to determine the precise direction of Kaabah for prayer five times each day. The method to use the Qibla Compass to determine the direction of Mecca, early thing to do is put that tools on the hand surface or on the surface of object is stable. Also, make sure have no interference from material magnetic attraction that will affect needle in compass because will give direction sign that is less precise. Then, look up the direction Qibla code for our location by refer an instruction booklet that contain list of cities. Then make a rotate on the compass until the compass needle named as the red North end points to the number of our location. Finally, the Minaret pointer that located at 0 on the Qibla Compass and that is points display the direction of Kaabah.


Figure 10 : Theodolite

The beginning introduction of this devices from the Egypt. They have been measuring used groma, an first version of a theodolite, to help construct the pyramids. After that, there are also report that sign the Romans used dioptra for similar functions. A dioptra is a classical astronomical used to measure the positions of celestial stars. Next, reuse of the word "theodolite" defined by Leonard Digges in his books Pantometria (1571)[footnoteRef:39]. In the Latin words known as theodelitus. Joshua Habermel from German in 1576 built a surveying theodolite that be equipped compass and tripod. The next level in the transformations of the theodolite was the creation of the Vernier that taken from name Pierre Vernier in 1631. [39:]

A modern theodolit is more precision equipment , light in weight that are widely used for the measuring horizontal and vertical angles. The simplest design can be used toughly and the size described by lower graduated. The theodolite is mounted on a tripod that can be adjusted by a leveling system. The rule of geometry of triangles used by surveyors for calculation distance of angles in engineering work such as road building or aligning tunnel. It is an instruments support very accurate readings.The accuracy of angles can be measured up to and accuracy of 10, 20.Thus, ability to determine direction of Qiblah is more correctly by using digital theodolite. There are variety types of theodolite such as vernier, optic, electronic and etc. The preparation for setup theodolite in general is determining the location that wish to be measured the Kaabah's direction. The preparation of information data about the Longitude and Latitude on place completely and readily understandable. Later,make the calculationKaabah's directionfor thatplacewhich use the specific mathematics formula. The data Kaabah's direction need to be measured from point North to West and complete astronomy data in day or year measurement. Next, bring together a clock is has accurately indicator. Finally, setup the theodolite properly to use.


Figure 11 : Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)

The first announced the personal digital assistant by Psion company in 1984 namely the Psion I. It is also known as personal data assistant[footnoteRef:40] as "World's First Practical Pocket Computer".The feautures is 8-bit Hitachi 6301-family processor, running at 0.9 MHz, with 4kB of ROM and 2kB of static RAM, and had a single-row monochrome LCD screen. The size in mm with the case closed is 142 x 78 x 29.3, and the weight is 225 grams.[footnoteRef:41] Followed by, Apple, Motorola, Sharp, and Sony, started launching more PDAs. The designing is lightweight and hand-held computer. PDA is device that combines computing often used to organize personal information manager initially. However because the development, then increased the many usage function, like calculator, indicator hour and time, gaming, web browsing, recipient and sender electronic mail (e-mail), radio receiver, Global Positioning System (GPS)and video recording. Many PDAs provided a pen-like stylus to get input information , while for input system that work based on a keyboard. [40: Viken, Alexander (April 10, 2009). "The History of Personal Digital Assistants 1980 2000". Agile Mobility. Retrieved February 18, 2011.] [41:]

There are amazing and compatible applications for PDA user, BeeLine GPS and Islamic Pocket .From the PDA, we click on the BeeLine GPS application. In that application there is menu to adding waypoint , a point on this earth which represented by Latitude parameter and Longitude. After entering number of coordinate remember giving name, for example Kaabah. Beeline GPS will set up waypoint that we included in sequence alphabet, until ease to us seeking a new name 'Kaabah' whenever there are hundred waypoint that reserved. The method to determine Kaabah direction, first we should switch on the GPS signal first so that device know our position this moment. after that, fixed and detected from Waypoint menu we choose Go to xcsa Waypoint. The list of waypoint will appearance and will kept. Next, we choose Kabah. In calculation moment, BeeLine GPS will view our position and line direction that towards Ka'bah. The line Ka'bah direction determinant from our position the moment.

Also available application for PDA users is Islamic Pocket.[footnoteRef:42] This application load whatever our requirement issue on religious worship such as reciting Quran, recognition prayer time , hadist, Hijriah calendar and determine direction based on sun or moon. [42: n.a.n.d.]

The first acting to know prayer time, we should know our position this moment because by deciding our position, this application will tell to us prayer times in our place well off altogether determine Kaabah's direction. Certainly quite difficult because we should know the Latitude and Longitude before looking where the locations sun or well off month. Especially we need Google Earth help. We enter in Finding box the name of city that we will need to know. After that, Google Earth will go through and we note Latitude and Longitude.In Islamic Pocket, we towards Setup > Settings > Adjust City Location, and include Latitude parameter and Long that got from Google Earth. To direction of Mecca pointer, we really include this parameter and we find sun or moon outdoors. When saw sun or moon , immediately open Pocket Qibla menu and directed sun indication line to sun or moon towards moon. Then, look up on the screen capture picture this position direction that in line with direction of the sun. That our Kaabah's direction the moment.


Figure 12: Islamic software

Software familiarly known as programs is essential and vital to a computer because it manage everything the computer does. All of the software that we use to perform helpful tasks beyond the operating of the computer itself. The terms used for process of obtaining software including executing, running, starting up, opening, and others.[footnoteRef:43] [43: Introduction to Computers]

Currently, various software emergence that useful for Islamic follower among them is determine direction of Kiblah and time for performing prayer. Whether can install by computer or mobile phone The easiest ways is using Google Map. This is a web services and need to connect by internet to find out direction of Mecca from anywhere in the world based on shortest distance or great circle calculation utilizing Google Map.[footnoteRef:44] The first thing we do to discovery Mecca locations is searching the place of we interest by typing the address or city name and the country. For example: Malaysia, Peninsular, Kelantan. The Qiblah direction will be automatically detected with calculations and displayed on the map. [44:]

Another kind of ways is we can also browse the map bring the place of interest into view, zoom it in and out, to find our interested location. Changing map or satellite version may also help. In the end, click on the location we wish to determine its Kiblah direction, and it will be pointed out by a red line and the compass will show you the angle, clockwise, from geographical North.[footnoteRef:45] [45:]

The outstanding software among the windows user is Athan (Azan) allows we to listen automatic Athan (Azan) at the right time five times a day on every prayer time without need to connect by internet. Also, most accurate daily prayer times all the five scheduled for more than 6 Million cities Qiblah direction, Hijri Islamic Calendar, and many amazing Azan sounds. It provided more than 10 Million Athan available to downloads in worldwide. It coincide with technological progress with have many accessible applications For androidians, iphoneian or windowians is helpful to perform our obligatory duty such as Muslim Pro, Athan notify , and etc. No doubt excuse and take granted for us to leave from doing duty particularly prayer.



3.1. FUNCTION OF RUBU' MUJAYYAB IN ISLAMIC ASTRONOMY3.1.1. RECOGNIZE TIME OF PRAYER Zohor TimeZohor time calculated equivalent to 12 p.m. to make time malaysia increases or less time difference refer schedule 4 and difference longitude in schedule Asar TimeDetermine Asar time by calculate the end of shadow and then added to the object shadow that called shadow afternoon prayer. After that calculated on the other hand height shadow that called height afternoon prayer. after that calculated time height with according to method height westside. from there we achieve early asar prayer time.[footnoteRef:46] [46: Rahman Salleh. 2012.Rubu' Mujayyab.. Ilmu Miqat. ed.1. Kuala Lumpur .Tinta Publishingp. 16.] Maghrib TimeThe completed Maghrib time can be known by half day view radius with make him a few hours and minute. Then added on the other hand to him according to time malaysia that calculated early dusk. Isyak TimeIt calculated using 17 height time calculation method morning that is contrary method practised according to difference and equation in expansion and bud'al-qutr rate reduction. So from here we will obtain the real time for that, make time Malaysia as early evening. Subuh TimeIt begin with calculate 19 height evening time. That time is different like familiar ways that used based on the equation and difference. so from here real time is by making time Malaysia as early at dawn3.1.1.6 Syuruk TimeSyuruk Time can be found through half night view radius with make it real time, then make it according to Malaysia time.[footnoteRef:47] [47: Rahman Salleh. 2012.Rubu' Mujayyab.. Ilmu Miqat. ed.1. Kuala Lumpur .Tinta Publishing. p.17] Imsak TimeDeduct 10 minutes from early Subuh time.AttentionsDefinitely, to get confidence advance on enter the any kind of prayer time is encouraged to increase 2 minutes.

Method to calculate prayer timedays7 May

location of sun16 Thur

Declination of sun16 2/3 North

Bu'd al-qutr1 4/5Using Rubu' Mujayyab

Asal mutlaq57 1/5Using Rubu' Mujayyab

Nisf al-fadhlah1 4/5Using Rubu' Mujayyab

Latitude Kota Bharu6 7'Schedule 2

Longitude102 15'

Longitude different1:11Schedule 1

Zuhur TimeSun on the horizon12:00

Different time- 0:03Schedule 1

Wasotiah time11:57

Kota Bharu longitude+ 1:11

Tamkin+ 0:02

Early Zuhur time13:10 (1:10 p.m)

Asar TimeThe endLength of Object

Shadow of AsarLength of AsarTime Length of AsarDifferent time

Half timeKota Bharu LongitudeTamkin79 2/3+ 2 1/512

14 1/540 1/43.18- 0:03

+ 3:151:110:02Using Rubu' Mujayyab

Using Rubu' MujayyabSchedule 1

Asar time4:28

Maghrib TimeHalf circleThe middle dayNisf al-fadhlah

Half circleThe real dayHorizon difference degreeThe day circle quarterThe time day circle quarterDifferent time

The middle time

Kota Bharu logitude


+ 901 4/5

+ 91 4/5192 4/56:12- 0.03

+ 6.091.11


Using Rubu' Mujayyab

Schedule 1

Maghrib time7.22

Isyak Time

Time achievedFor the Isyak time+1:19Using Rubu' Mujayyab

Half circleThe middle dayThe real timeDifferent time

Middle timeKota Bharu longitudeTamkin6:007:19-0:03

+ 7:161:110:02

Schedule 1

Isyak time8:29

Subuh Time

Time achievedFor the Subuh time

Wasotiah time

Kota Bharu Longitude




1:110:02Using Rubu' MujayyabSchedule 1

Subuh time5:43

Imsak Time

Subuh time-5:430:10

Imsak Time5:33

Syuruk TimeThe radius middlenight radiusThe quarter of dayThe quarter of nightThe quarter of nightDifferent time180- 92 4/5 87 5:48- 0:03


Schedule 1

Kota Bharu longitude 1:11

Syuruk time6:56

3.1.2. DIRECTION OF QIBLAHThe determine direction of Qiblah that started on the al-Ashl al-Muthlaq and Bu'du al-Quthr using the by using longitude places and mail kail (21 30) 38.1. Determine the Bu'du al-Quthr a. Put khoith at al-sittini and marking jaib longitude places with muri (810). b. Replacing khoith until achieve side of mail kal (21 30). c. Value of jaib al-mabsuthah on the muri place that is the results (3).QausBusursin


Longitude7 49

Jaib8 10

Mail kail21 30

Bu'du al-Quthr3

d. Simple formula: Bu'du al-Quthr = sin x sin mail kail. Multiply 60 to find out value of Jaib. Whether find the side with using formula arc sin Bu'du al-Quthr.2. Determining al-Ashl al-Muthlaq a. Put khoith on al-sittini and marked jaib tamam on longitude places (90o - ) bymuri (59o 26). b. Replace khoith until achieve tamam mail kail 68o 30 minutes. c. Value of jaib al-mabsuthah on muri that is, 55o 12.





The complete longitude8211

Jaib sin59 26


Mail kail21 30

The complete Mail kail68 30

Al-Ashl al Muthlaq55 12

d. Simple formula: al-Ashl al-Muthlaq = cos x cos mail kail. Multiply 60 .to find the value jaib. Whether find the side with using formula arcsin al-Ashl al-Muthlaq.3. Determining al-ashl al-mu'dala. Put khoith on al-sittini and marked jaib al-Ashl al-Muthlaq with muri(5512). b. Replacing khoith until achieve contradict between longitude (112 2) and location of Mecca (40 8), 71 54. c. Value of jaib al-mabsuthah on the muri is (17 9).QausJaib


Longitude112 2

Mecca40 8

Contradict71 54

Alashl almudal17 9

d. Simple formula: al-ashl al-mu'dal = ashl al-muthlaq x cos contradict. multiply 60 to find value of Jaib.

4. Determine irtifa al-simtu, tamam irtifa al-simtu, and Jaib. a. Decrease Bu'du al-Quthr on al-ashl al-mu'dal, the result is irtifa al-simtu 13 38. b. Decrease that number to 90 , results irtifa al-simtu sempurna, 72 22. refer to jaib, 58 19.



Al-ashl al-mu'dal17


Bu'du al-Quthr


Jaib Irtifa Al-Simtu14


Irtifa al-simtu

13 38


Irtifa al-simtu13 38

Tamam Irtifa Al-Simtu76 22

Jaib irtifa al-simtu

58 19

c. Simple formula: irtifaal-simtu = sin al-ashl al-mu'dal sin Bu'du al- Quthr. multiply 60 to find value of jaib.5. Determining Jaib al-siah a. Put khoith on Longitude and marking jaib kail with muri. b. Change khoith until al-sittini. Angel between muri with markaz is value ofJaib al-si'ah.Explanation :QausJaib


Tamam lintang Kediri82 11

Jaib kail22

Jaib al-si'ah22 10

c. Simple formula is Jaib al-si'ah (Js) = sin m : cos . Multiply 60 to find value of jaib.6. Determine hishah al-simtu and ta'dil al-simtu a. Putting on the longitude like before. b. Take the muri until goals to jaib al-mabsuthah from irtifa al-simtu.c. Look out cutting between jaib al-mabsuthah with jaib al-mankusat. Value on jaib al-tamam is cutting result of hishah al-simtu, Completely formula is hishah al-simtu (hs) = sin Is x tan . Lastly multiply 60 to find value of jaib.d. Adding jaib value from hishah al-simtu with jaib al-saah that answers is ta'dil al-simtu.QausJaib


Tamam lintang Kediri82


Irtifa al-simtu13


Hishah al-simtu2

Jaib al-siah22 10

Tadil al-simtu24 10

7. Determining direction of Qiblaha. Putting khoith on al-sittini and marking jaib tamam irtifa al-simtu with muri.b. Adjusting khoith until muri stated on the jaib al-mabsuthah from tadil alsimtu.c. Angle between khoith with awal qaus is simtu al-qiblat.d. Conclusion formula is sin simtu al-qiblat = ts : cos Irtifa al-simtu. multiply 60 to find value of jaib.



Jaib tamam irtifa al-simtu58 19

Tadil al-simtu24 10

Qiblah direction24 29

Formula:Based on the explanation, it can conclude as follows :1. Determine irtifa al-simtu (Is)Is = arc sin (cos m x cos SBMD sin Lx sin m)2. Determine direction of Qiblah west- northdirection of Qiblah =

L: Longitudem: Longitude makkah / mail kail/ kabahIs: irtifa al-simtuCLM : contradict with Longitude of Mecca bujur tempat dengan bujur makkah.(SBMD : selisih bujur tempat dengan bujur makkah)Explanation of formula :

1. Budu al-quthur = sin L x sin m2. Ashl al-muthlaq = cos Lx cos m3. Ashl al-mudal = Ashl al-muthlaq x cos SBMD4. Sin Is = ashl al-mu'dal bu'du al-quthurSin Is = ashl al-muthlaq x cos SBMD bu'du al-quthurSin Is = cos Lx cos m x cos SBMD sin Lx sin m, atau,Is = arc sin (cos Lx cos m x cos SBMD sin Lx sin m)5. Jaib al-siah (Js) = sin m : cos L6. Hishah al-simtu (hs) = sin Is x tan L7. Tadil al-simtu = js + hs8. Simtu al-qiblat (Direction of Qiblah = arc sin (ts : cos Is)= Arc sin ((js+hs) : cos Is)

) + tan L ) )


In general, already know that Islamic Astronomy had given a lot of contribution in astronomy especially in age of the glorious of Islam in the past. This knowledge has been explored by majority of Islamic scholar based on spirit pioneer knowledge and research planted by Rasulullah SAW through many of hadith about this knowledge. Among factor which encourages this knowledge development that is knowledge closely related to religious worship practice daily .It coincide with the advantages of Rubu' Mujayyab is plays role that very superior and impressive to Islamic astronomy once in solving inside community problem religious affair one of is Kaabah's direction.Entire life force us to know knowledge namely knowledge uses Rubu' Mujayyab to ensure religious worship can fulfill condition like know the direction of Qiblah. Furthermore, it is first thing must we do to perform our prayer. Qiblah is the direction that should be faced when a Muslim perform prayers.[footnoteRef:48] The Quran records: [48:]

(Verily, We have seen the turning of your (Muhammad's) face towards the heaven. Surely, We shall turn you to a Qiblah (prayer direction) that shall please you, so turn your face in the direction of Al-Masjid Al-Haram (at Makkah).) (2:144)[footnoteRef:49] [49: n.a.n.dChanging the Qiblah @ Direction of the Prayer]

In addition, Rubu' Mujayyab is compatible tool to signify prayer time. Moreover, this tools not need to use battery and compact form. Each prayer is given a specific time during which it must be completed and are direct link between the worshipper and the greatest of creator. Performing zuhr prayer when after midday before the Asr time and have different formula to calculate it between another prayer time. Another benefit is understanding the calculation of Islamic month calendar. Definitely, Islamic month calendar is different with Gregorian calendar. Islamic month calendar has 12 months that are according on a lunar cycle which consist of 354 or 355 days. Actually, it first introduced in 638 AD by the `Umar ibn Al-Khattab'.[footnoteRef:50] References through this calendar we able to observe the moon accurately. such as the annual fast, to attend Hajj , and Islamic New Year. [50: The Twelve Months of the Islamic Lunar Calendar .]

In conclusion, It show the various of Rubu' Mujayyab benefit for us. Also, showed the scholars is struggle to create specific formula to calculate each prayer and must be us to appreciate it. Among ways is understand and apply inside in our life so that not ignorance by future generations.



There are a lot of donations by scholars for development in this knowledge. Based on this writing we can look Rubu' Mujayyab is influential in term Islamic obligations and research to cultivate into a self astronomical society. Rubu' Mujayyab should include in the subject for all levels students especially in Islamic school because based on the functions of Rubu' Mujayyab is majority for Islamic purposes. Therefore, it also can use to attract another non Muslim in term of Malaysia when we are using this instruments for public views like outside complex or mall. They will wondering the creations of Rubu' Mujayyab by Islamic scholars and more to learn this skill, automatically for affairs religion. In addition, the government should have lecture or programs for community in reveal using and practising Rubu' Mujayyab. Ignorance minority of community because they not know yet anything about this tools and assume that is important for those take subject astronomers. For that reasons, this field not have place in our minded. The solving ways is publishing many of simple note that list the introduction of Rubu' Mujayyab. As parents is plays important role with spent time preciously through practicing for their children because the children is easy to mastery in new knowledge . Also, adding the books knowledge in this tools. They will be continue connector knowledge heritage. Optimistically, all the community can be realized the necessary and participation from all levels of community.


In a nutshell, outstanding in Islamic religion is depends in greatness of knowledge of scholar. They leaved completely knowledge in Astronomy for the next generation. Therefore, that time is really difficult life for them that different in now life. We can see they are hard try to create some of instruments that no one create before. Particularly in creation of Rubu' Mujayyab that given a lot of advantages. Based on this writing, I believe there are many of people is interesting to know about this instrument properly but not know the best medium to find it. Honestly, thankful to God for this opportunity for entire life.According on the information given above, it could be said that this RubuMujayyab plays a great role in providing an advantages for Muslim community.It changed human living from darkness to live a civilization life. Therefore, the government should more aware and caring about this field such as construct more are specific place for this instruments for the public viewing to practise it. This equipment is necessary contribution highlighted in the present. This is because not many of us who know concerning interest in the future e.g. in the field of Astronomy. this area is very marginalized and not many who want to learn and master In effect, Muslims will face problems the computation time, the direction and the Islamic calendar. Keep in mind the Islamic astronomers observed the development of the community when there are differences in the initial determination of the fasting month of Ramadan, Shawwal, and Dhulhijah. At that time the Muslim community was also curious why the difference appear. Therefore, should be make compulsory subject for every school not only in undergraduate level. Indeed. so that people do not forget and appreciation of the contributions those who contributed in the creation of this instrument.

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Longitude Different schedule 5