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The Science of Creating Your Dream Business A 6 Step System to take your Dream Business from Idea to REALITY New Order Business School Lesson 1 Introduction and Vision

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The Science of Creating Your Dream Business

A 6 Step System to take your Dream Business from Idea to REALITY

New Order Business School

Lesson 1Introduction and Vision

© New Order Business School

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New Order Business School

205 West Liberty Street, Suite 203

Charles Town, West Virginia 25414

ph.: 877-851-0332




“Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become.” – James Allen, As a Man Thinketh

“The opposite of insanity is science. Science isn’t really about lab coats and beakers; it’s about a USEFUL way of looking at the world.”

– Mark Joyner, simple.ology

You may be 20-something or 70-something or any-something else. You may have vast business experience or none at all. You may have great capital resources – or not really even know what that means. None of those circumstances will determine your success as an entrepreneur. What will? Your passion for your business and your life, your energy and drive, and the commitment you have to make it all happen. ALL OF THESE SEEDS of success are fed by your dream – your vision of whatever it is that you’re trying to create.

This course was created to help you lay the roadmap of your resources over the treasure map of your vision and create a machine to make your business dreams come true. It all comes together as The Science of Creating Your Dream Business.

We create dreams about all kinds of different things for as many different reasons as there are personal motivators. You have dreams about building a business. You may have dreams about something you want to invent. You may want to create a solid foundation for your children or

make a difference for children who aren’t even your own. You may dream about preparing for the perfect retirement – or maybe you’re dreaming about getting the definitive higher education. Maybe you want to achieve great things as an athlete – or a weekend warrior. Maybe you want to write a book, play in a band, or build a cabin. Dreams come in all shapes and sizes.


The question is: how do you make them come true? That’s where the science fits in. If there were a machine to make dreams come true, how would it work? There actually is a universal, biological, and human science behind making the things you can imagine become real. Because you need to focus on one thing at a time to be most effective, we’ll concentrate on what you want to achieve with your own business. The course will guide you specifically toward realizing your entrepreneurial business dreams. These dreams may be totally fueled by other dreams about how you want to spend your spare time, your family life, reaching out to others, and so forth. You can use the techniques you will learn to make those dreams come true as well. In fact, those dreams may be behind your entrepreneurial dreams – and made real by your business achievements.

You’re going to learn a system that we encourage you to apply to those other facets of your life and to apply this science to making all your dreams come true. You’ll find that the balance you create in your life has a big influence on helping you to make any of your dreams come true. You need the balance. For example, if your health is not good, it will be difficult to find the energy and stamina to pursue your goals. Similarly, if your relationships aren’t working or your finances are in jeopardy, it seems temporarily impossible to move forward. You need to have everything working well. And you will. You’ll do work in this course to examine what’s working – and what needs work.

So, here’s what we’ll consider in this six-lesson course:

• Your personal Vision – specifically, what are your dreams about owning your own business?

• Why do you these dreams matter to you?

• What’s Working now to make them come true and turn them into your reality?

• What’s Missing in your plans, your life, your situation that might be holding you back?

• What’s Next in terms of getting clear and prepared to take action?

• What Action are you ready to take NOW to “move into” that dream?

Time to get this machine built and get moving!

Let’s get started here and now.




Vision – The Big Picture and Seeds of a Business Plan

“The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up!” – Kabir

“The world we live in is not out there on the street. It is in our own minds. Until we recognize this, we will always be running away from ghosts and

moving toward mirages. In our business and personal lives, we often fail to see the true threats and true opportunities because of the limits

of the way we make sense of the world.” – Jerry Wind and Colin Crook, The Power of Impossible Thinking

What is a dream? Is electricity a dream? In some parts of the world, it very much is. In our part, it’s something we take for granted. Although we don’t usually see it and never want to touch it, we know it can be created, captured, even measured. But before Benjamin Franklin started “playing with it,” it may have been his dream, right?

What about human flight? Again, we take it for granted now, but only about one hundred years ago, it was a dream to the Wright Brothers. And even today many of us dream about one of those life-changing jumps at 15,000 feet, or about parasailing down a mountainside. At one point in time, all of these ideas about human flight were just plain crazy dreams!

“All achievement, all earned riches, have their beginning in an idea!” – Napoleon Hill

Lesson 1

The good news is that in these and most examples, there is literally a scientific link between the ephemeral dream and realistic feasibility. So it is that we can refer to the system you’re learning here as the science of creating your dream business. Did Franklin invent electricity? Did the Wright brothers invent flight? No, they only discovered it and made it work for people. The subject of their dreams simply had to be found and made real so it could be brought to life.

“Dreamers are the saviors of the world.” – James Allen, As a Man Thinketh

“I have a dream.” – Martin Luther King

How do you go about bringing your dream to life? You’ll recall that Franklin and the Wrights, and Edison and Ford and Einstein and Curry and all the others first GAVE VALUE to their dreams. They were passionate about the pursuit of their goal, believing that they would find the way if they just keep trying. Like electricity and flight, your dream exists even before it’s realized. Now, you must build the machine to give it life. Before we begin, let’s take a deep breath. You need your feet firmly planted on the ground – even though you’ll have your head in the sky. At this point, you need to know “where you are.”

Consider this scenario. When a couple of business people arrived at one of the newer international airports soon after it had been expanded, they were quickly overwhelmed and not sure how to get to their concourse. They spotted a kiosk in the middle of the walkway and went over to it. It had the new airport map all laid out with color-coding beneath the glass cover. But, they were dumbfounded and not comforted in the least when they realized that the mapmaker had forgotten one thing: the YOU ARE HERE flag! It was great to be looking at the spiffy new airport

plan, but without the locator, they had no idea where to go!

Turning dreams into reality is about getting from where you are to where you want to be. If you don’t know where you are, it’s overwhelming to figure how to get where you want to go. You’re embarking on a great adventure. It’s a good idea to take the first step by being very clear where you are right now. Whether you have experience in business or not,


The Science of Creating Your Dream Business

being your own boss is natural to you or not…your business building future is sure to be rewarding. Work hard the first time you go through this course and then return to these pages often to build, expand and improve your ideas and plans. As you go through the exercises, let the sky be the limit...not the size of the page! OK, let’s spend some time defining where you are now.

We’ll make that easy by starting with a quick evaluation. Look at the questions below and place a mark by each statement that is true about you right now. Then add the marks in each section. By the way, there are no right or wrong answers here. All that matters is what’s true about you at this time.


I dream about my future.

I’m inspired by those dreams.

My dreams are very clear in my mind.

I’m also very clear about what makes me happy.

I believe it’s a good thing to dream about the future.

I believe in my own power to make my dreams come true.

I know how to bring a “day dream” into focus as if it were going to happen.

Dreaming total: ___


There are many things that I want to achieve in life.

I believe there might be ways of speeding up the achievement process.

I have written goals.

I have read Think and Grow Rich, and/or As a Man Thinketh and/or The Law of Success.

I often “imagine” owning and running my own business.

I typically see projects through to the end after I begin them.

Planning total: ___


Lesson 1


I have a strong sense of self-confidence.

I see myself as a high achiever.

Other people seem to see me as a high achiever, too.

I consider myself a positive thinker.

I have capital resources and/or disposable savings.

I could live for a year or more without additional income.

I know my strengths and weaknesses in terms of business skills.

Resources total: ___

Personal vision

I can see myself running a successful business.

I believe that the more you do the more you can do.

I trust my own intuition and judgment.

I believe that what you “see” in any situation is largely based on what you mentally bring to the situation.

I believe that I might benefit by thinking in new and different ways than I have before.

Vision total: ___

Status quo

I enjoy working.

I am excited about work I’ll be doing in the future.

I make good, quick, decisions about what, when and how I do things.

I am not now doing the type of work that I was “meant to do” professionally.

I am proud to tell others about my ideas for the future.

Status quo total: ___

Total points: ______

Good job!

The Science of Creating Your Dream Business

If you scored:

28-30 You have a very good idea of what you want to do and how you’ll do it. This course will be fun for you and help you organize and get into the driver’s seat!

20-27 You are in touch with your dreams and have a great deal going for you. The course is probably all you need to begin pulling it all together to make those dreams come true.

10-19 You need some help thinking through how you fit into the big picture of your dream and how you’ll make it come true. You’ve got lots to work with and the course will help you fill in the missing data to make it all happen.

0-9 Your entrepreneurial spirit may be your biggest asset right now. You’re just at the beginning stages of discovering how you can actually transform what may be a foggy dream into a very clear reality. The course should help you a great deal.

This first Lesson will give you a big-picture look at your business ideas and goals. Let’s think of your business dreams as the Big Picture. Granted, it may be more like a picture-puzzle at this point, and you’re looking at one piece at a time – not even sure how it fits with the others. You must step back every now and then to see how the pieces fit and that you’re creating one big picture that looks like your own successful life. That’s what we’re going to do next.


Create a vision and you can live the dream. – anonymous

We’ve mentioned that we’re applying time-tested science to build your dream machine. Let’s think of the passion like that of those great inventors mentioned above as the fuel of the machine. The fuel keeps the machine running. The vision, or dream, must be very clear and strong in your mind to create high-test fuel. You must be able to see it, touch it, and feel it.


Lesson 1

“To change your world, you first have to change your own thinking. Neuroscience research shows that your mind discards the majority of the

sensory stimuli you receive. What you see is what you think.” – Jerry Wind and Colin Crook, The Power of Impossible Thinking

You’re going to spend some time now fueling that machine. Before we begin, let’s take a quick time out. One thing that’s very important to you right now, and will continue to be important, is your ability to tune out your environment, the world and all its problems and ESPECIALLY that bratty little voice in your head that keeps interrupting you with all of its BUTS! “But, you don’t have time.” “But, remember, you have to get that done.” “But, everyone will think you’re crazy!” “But…SHUT UP!” Get yourself a roll of duct tape RIGHT NOW to keep as a tool with your workbook. Every time, you are asked to go to a quiet place so you can think, take that roll of tape. Stick a piece

on the door – maybe on the outside with STAY OUT written on it. Maybe inside to keep you in until you’re finished. And, stick another piece on your forehead to silence all those noisy BUTS inside that need to leave you alone for a while. Hey, this is a tool – it will help!

Okay, you’ll need your workbook, your duct tape, and about a half hour of uninterrupted, quiet time. You’re going to listen to a recording that is imbedded in this lesson. Make sure your computer speakers are turned to a nice volume, and simply click on the forward icon when you’ve finished reading these instructions and you’re ready to listen. This recording is called a “guided visualization.” It is not hypnosis, but the voice will lead you through a relaxation process that will enable you to get in clear touch with your dreams – to actually “see” them in moving color. It will enable you to “turn off” those awful voices in your head that butt in and tell you what you can’t do, shouldn’t do, won’t do – even the ones that say you should be doing something else right now!

So, when you’re ready, turn down the lights if you’d like - and make sure your computer volume is up. When you click on the following link, you will be taken to another page where you can listen to the guided audio visualization for this exercise. Here’s the link:


The Science of Creating Your Dream Business

Congratulations! You’ve come closer to the dream machine by getting in touch with your vision. Can you feel the excitement that vision brings? If you had any trouble bringing things into focus, don’t worry. It will become more and more clear as you move toward it. It would be good for you to repeat this visualization process, with or without the verbal guidance, soon and often.

“The idea is to seek a vision that gives you purpose in life and then to implement that vision. The vision by itself is one half, one part of a process. It

implies the necessity of living that vision. Otherwise the vision will sink back into itself.”

– Lewis P. Johnson


Now, create a written account of your visualization – that is, your life in one year, with your business dreams being realized. Write as much as you can remember – as much as you saw. You may have lots of details now, or the vision may be a little blurred. That’s OK. Things will come to you – the gaps will fill in. You can’t get it wrong; you can’t make a mistake. This is how the science works. Just keep going back to your vision to clarify and crystallize the vision, and make this picture of it as real as possible. Add more and more detail to the written picture as you can. Refine and change details as you wish. The truth is, this process of revising and improving your vision is a never-ending process to an entrepreneur. “There’s always a better way to do things.” It’s part of the excitement – part of what makes you tick.

Why is vision so important? “Seeing is believing.” “What you see is what you get.” “If you can see it, you can achieve it.” These are truths that have been validated through the ages. The opposite of each axiom is also true.

“Every great work, every big accomplishment, has been brought into manifestation through holding to the vision.”

– Florence Scovel Shinn


Lesson 1

“The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight but no vision.”

– Helen Keller

“You will become what your vision is.” – Peter Nivio Zarlenga


The Science of Creating Your Dream Business

“To change, you must first see the possibilities. By understanding the power of mental models and the process of changing them, you can think impossible

thoughts. These thoughts can transform the way you approach the life of your business and the business of your life.”

– Jerry Wind and Colin Crook, The Power of Impossible Thinking

Now that you have high test fuel at your disposal, let’s consider the vehicle it’s going to fire up.


Lesson 1

The Engine – Your Brain

Napoleon Hill tells the story of Frank W. Gunsaulus in Think and Grow Rich. Dr. Gunsaulus was a preacher in Chicago who long dreamed of directing an educational institution in which young people could “learn by doing.” He lived with this dream moment to moment for many years – but he didn’t live with the million dollars he needed to fund the school. He thought about it constantly. Then, one day he realized that thinking wasn’t going to make the money appear and he made up his mind that he would HAVE THE MILLION DOLLARS within a week. Time for action! He told Hill that something inside seemed to say, “Why didn’t you reach that decision a long time ago? The money was waiting for you all the time!” Things began happening. He was inspired to deliver a sermon titled, ‘What I would do with a million dollars.’ At the end of that sermon, a man slowly came forward from the back of the church, approached the preacher, and said, “Reverend, I liked your sermon. I believe you can do everything you said you would, if you had a million dollars. My name is Phillip D. Armour and I will give you a million dollars.” And so the Armour Institute of Technology was born only 3� hours after Dr. Gunsaulus DECIDED that it was time for action!

“Ideas can be transmuted into cash through the power of definite purpose, plus definite plans.”

– Napoleon Hill

Let’s take a little time to consider one of your most important resources – your brain. You may have already taken the Extreme Confidence course in the New Order Business School series. In the context of how a person can become more self-confident, it explained that you’re actually hard wired to believe what you tell yourself to believe. That implies that once you become very very clear about what you want to achieve, you will automatically move in the direction of the achievement – of fulfilling your entrepreneurial visions.

Here’s how that works. At the base of your brainstem is a network of cells


The Science of Creating Your Dream Business

called the Reticular Activating System (RAS). It’s about the size of your little finger, and its purpose is to filter information to the brain. It controls your state of wakefulness and attention, on which all higher nervous functions depend. Of the trillions of bits of information that your body has to process, if you didn’t have a way of determining which needs your conscious attention, you’d literally become UNCONSCIOUS!

The RAS is an alerting mechanism for the nervous system that commands the mental and physical activities of your life. Have you ever needed to get up very early in the morning to do something that was unusual and important to you? You may have gone to bed very tired from getting ready and feeling excited. But, you found yourself popping awake even before your alarm went off. That was your RAS at work. You had “programmed” yourself to get up at a certain time because it was important to you. Now, THAT’S serious behavior modification! So, the RAS lets the brain know that the phone is ringing, for example, and you should answer it but you don’t need to think about pumping blood, digesting your lunch, that the air temperature dropped or even that you have a little headache. You only need to focus on getting to the phone, or whatever is happening around you. Later, when things have calmed down, you might realize that you’ve got a little headache and would like to put on a sweater – now, the brain can attend to those details.

Similarly, the RAS filters data that you’ve consciously made a priority. For example, if you’re in the market for an office space for your business, you will notice empty spaces that you never would notice otherwise. You’ll find yourself mentioning your search to associates even in casual conversation – because IT’S ON YOUR MIND. The brain will filter for whatever action you tell it to.

This works negatively as well as positively. It’s like a computer that way – the RAS doesn’t decide what’s important on a conscious level – YOU do. So, like a computer, it’s garbage in, garbage out (GIGO). If you tell yourself that you’re never going to make it on your own, that you can’t run a business – those messages will be “the truth” for your RAS and you will behave in accordance with those truths.


Lesson 1

Obviously, the messages you give yourself need to be the right ones. The input to your brain – the values, beliefs and truths – absolutely MUST be the same as the results you want in your business and your life. It’s that simple. Don’t even think about jumping a ravine unless you believe you can reach the other side, right?

“A man is what he thinks about all day long.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Your brain is designed to deliver results in line with your beliefs. You know the truth: you can if you believe you can. If you believe you can’t, then you can’t. You have heard this before: whether you believe you can, or you believe you can’t – you’re right!

One more thing about your brain. It is a teleological mechanism. That is to say that it “wants” to be directed toward and end. It seeks a purpose or a goal. Just as a cross-country jetliner is off course MOST of the time, it reaches its destination because it constantly AIMS for that destination. When it gets slightly off-course, it is reminded of the target, and gets back on course ASAP. People function similarly. Our challenge can be that the destination, purpose or goal that we choose (or default to) may not be where we want to go. Remember that your RAS isn’t judgmental. It just does what you say. So, if you say, you don’t have the skills to build a business, or you say that your business goal is $100,000 per year tops, you WILL HIT YOUR GOAL. You won’t go much short of it – or past it – you’ll hit it.


Go to your workbook and ask yourself: what am I thinking?! (You can leave the duct tape put away for these questions. You need to tune in to the voices in your head…) How am I programming myself? Dig deep and listen. What is your self-talk about your business goals? What do you believe about your vision? About your abilities? About your resources? When someone else says to you, “You’re going to be great at this!” do you say to yourself: YES I AM! Or…I doubt it. Make a list of “Self Quotes.”


The Science of Creating Your Dream Business

Now, look at your list and rewrite any that may get you off-course and prevent you from reaching your destination on time, as planned. What are you telling your RAS to deliver? These messages are at the very heart of the SCIENCE OF SUCCESS – and failure.

Next, we will consider the reasons you’ve created this dream at all. Why? The answer to your “why” may just give you the power to move any mountains in your way.


Lesson 1


The Science of Creating Your Dream Business