the secret to getting your prayers...

In this 3 part Report You’ll Discover 1. The #1 thing YOU MUST KNOW about prayer that’s not being taught in most churches or on Christian TV so you can get your needs met immediately. 2. Finally Uncovered, The Big Lie that keeps most believers thinking they don’t deserve God’s blessings. Know this so you can receive every promise of God. 3. The UNCONSCIOUS HABIT that has been secretly sapping you of your prayer power and control - and how to reverse it. The Secret To Getting Your Prayers Answered No Matter Who You Are or What You’ve Done By Dr. Linda Travelute

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Page 1: The secret to getting your prayers · I’m all about helping you get your prayers answered easier and faster

In this 3 part Report You’ll Discover

1. The #1 thing YOU MUST KNOW about prayer that’s not being taught in most churches or on Christian TV so you can get your needs met immediately.

2. Finally Uncovered, The Big Lie that keeps most believers thinking they don’t deserve God’s blessings. Know this so you can receive every promise of God.

3. The UNCONSCIOUS HABIT that has been secretly sapping you of your prayer power and control - and how to reverse it.

The Secret To Getting Your

Prayers AnsweredNo Matter Who You Are or What You’ve Done

By Dr. Linda Travelute

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What You Are Going to Learn In This Report

Section 1 The Biggest Thing That Keeps Your Prayers in UN-ANSWERED Mode

Section 2 T h e 1 0 L i e s C h r i s t i a n Believer’s Swallow About Prayer

Section 3 Making the Enemy Back Off


Table of Contents

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I’m Dr. Linda Travelute. People call me the Christianity “Made Easy” Expert.

I’m all about helping you get your prayers answered easier and faster than ever before. Let me explain, because I bet you can relate to this…

Many Christian believers are swallowing way too many wrong ideas about why their prayers aren’t getting answered. 

And most people, Christian believers especially, suffer from having all kinds of religious rules, regulations, and do’s and dont’s thrown at them.

I want you to know…that’s NOT how God meant for your relationship with him to be. And he certainly doesn’t want you to struggle with talking to him.

How do I know this?

I’ve been a full-time pastor for over 23 years and have been answering people’s questions about God, and prayer for decades.

I’ve been in the trenches with people who are messed up, broken, and need God to step in with a miracle.

Sometimes they pray and nothing happens.

Have you ever wondered, “Is God disappointed with me? Upset with me? Angry with me?”Or have you ever thought, “This is happening to me because God is trying to teach me a lesson or punish me.”Maybe you’ve thought too…Prayer is hard. Prayer takes too much time. And who knows if God is really listening?

If you’ve had these thoughts, you’re not alone.

Because of this, I want to help you discover that being a believer in Christ does not have to be hard, grueling, or guilt ridden.

And I want to show you that God wants to answer your prayers – no matter what you have or haven’t done.

I’m also going to show you some cutting edge prayer methods that will be a complete game changer for you. Techniques you can start using today!

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Section 1











What You Are Going to Learn In This Report

1. The #1 thing YOU MUST KNOW about prayer that’s not being taught in most churches or on Christian TV so you can get your needs met immediately.

2. Finally Uncovered, The B ig L ie that keeps most believers thinking they don’t deserve God’s blessings so you can receive every promise of God.

3. The UNCONSCIOUS HABIT that Has Been Secretly Sapping You of Your Prayer Power and Control -- and How to Reverse It All

If I can teach you to pray, you will change your world and the world around you.

-Dr. Linda Travelute

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Warning: This is a bit graphic, but it’s a true story…

Fixing It Fast

I visited a guy in the hospital who had the toes on his right foot sawed off. Amputated to be exact. Same thing really. They’re gone.

According to him, they were just hacked off. What’s worse is that within a week the surgeon would be lopping off his entire foot and leg right up to his knee. Not a happy day.

He’s wondering what he did to deserve this. He’s wondering why God didn’t value the fact that he’s a good man… and does good things for others.

He’s wondering why God doesn’t see how hard he’s worked all of his life to be a good dad and husband.

He gave to those in need. He helped with his hands. He has been a good man.

But apparently it wasn’t enough for God.

Is it ever? 

Why do we get sucked into believing it comes down to what we’ve done? How is it we have been brainwashed into thinking that if we live right and holy lives God will be good to us and bless our socks off?

Where does his deeds come into play? Shouldn’t that be enough insurance in God’s eyes to save his toes, foot, and his fingers too?

That’s were you have it wrong.

It’s not about what you do. It’s about what Christ did for you.

This is one of the Biggest Things That Keeps Your Prayers in UN-ANSWERED Mode.

As I sat beside this man’s hospital bed, he shared he was petrified that the doctors and nurses were out to kill him. He began to wonder if God was too.

He said to me, “God brought you here. Now, you can help me. You can give me peace.” I hated to argue with him. But he thought I was the one who was going to make it right for him.


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You Can’t Borrow Someone

Else’s Good…

See, since he couldn’t rely on his own good deeds to rescue him, he was trying to rely on mine. No can do. That still won’t work.

We can’t borrow anyone’s good and apply it to our situation.

The only good we can borrow is Christ’s.

Again and again, the NT tells us that it’s not “our works” that save us. It’s not our good intentions that bring us God’s grace. It’s through Christ.

I had a tough time trying to help this man understand this. The grace and healing he needed was there for the taking.

What he was trying to get through prayer was free, but he insisted on paying for it.

And when he couldn’t produce what he thought were enough works to pay for what he needed, he tried to access mine.

But, I couldn’t pay for what he needed either. 

Over and over again I kept explaining, I can’t believe for you. You have to believe.

That’s all it takes. Believe in what Christ has done for you.

It’s free if you will believe. Here’s a scripture that explains this…

Galatians 3:3-6 NLT:

How foolish can you be? After starting your Christian lives in the Spirit, why are you now trying to become perfect by your own human effort? Have you experienced so much for nothing? Surely it was not in vein, was it?

I ask you again, does God give you the Holy Spirit and work miracles among you because you obey the law? Of course not! It is because you believe the message you heard about Christ.

In the same way, “Abraham believed God, and God counted him as righteous because of his faith.

No one pays for it but Christ.

The problem is that if we try to pay for it, we will be stuck in that system of payment.

Sadly, we will never have enough to pay for what we need. That’s why we don’t get the blessings of God IF we’re still trying to pay for it ourselves.

So, stop working to buy your miracle.

You can’t do enough to pay for the grace you need.

If you keep trying to buy it yourself, you’ll never get it.

We can’t borrow anyone’s good and apply it to our situation.

You can’t afford it, that’s why Christ had to buy it for you.

When you finally realize salvation and miracles are free, you’ll get the grace and mercy you need to get every prayer answered.

This is the biggest reason your prayers stay in


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Take Action:

Write down 5 deeds or good behaviors you’ve tried to use to “buy” your miracle or answers to your prayers.






Now, you know what to do to change this for you…

1. Stop working to buy your miracle.

2. Know your prayer will be answered for free.

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You Don’t Have to Deserve It To Get ItWhy it’s hard to believe you can get your prayers answered even when you don’t deserve it…

Do you use Facebook?

Wouldn’t it be cool if God would push the “like” button on your Facebook page every time you posted something?! 

If so, how often would you be glued to your Facebook notifications - checking countless times to see if God “liked” your activity?

Yes, you want to please God, but if you’re doing it to score points – you won’t get any. Why? Because you don’t need any! He doesn’t give ‘em. His son did enough for you.

Here’s why you might have a hard time understanding why your prayers can be answered even when you don’t deserve it.

It’s because the world is primarily set up to give you things only when you deserve them.

• You work = you get a paycheck

• You work hard, harder than the rest = you get a promotion

• Be good – Santa will be good to you, bring you what’s on your wish list

• You behave well = you get brownie points with mom and dad

• Your kids clean their rooms – you let them have a friend over

• Your toddler goes potty like a big kid – he gets a sticker

It’s in our blood. It’s all we know. And that is why you need to trade your blood for Christ’s.

He shed his blood so you no longer have to give yours.

Trying to please God with your blood sweet and tears? Drop that idea. It’s no longer needed.

How did we become conditioned by a rewards system?

It’s because the Bible starts out that way in the Old Testament. If you lived by the law, you received God’s salvation and blessings…(answered prayer).

If you gave a sacrifice = your sins were forgiven and you got what you needed.

But all that changed when Jesus paid for our sins by becoming our sacrifice.

Since then, our sacrifice in any way, shape or form is unnecessary to access the grace of God.

We’re Conditioned By Rewards & That’s The Problem

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What does this grace buy you?

Forgiveness. Salvation. Blessings.

In other words, it buys you answers to your prayers.

It’s hard for you to wrap your head around this, I know. It was hard for me too.

Hard to believe that the things I do, don’t count toward my salvation, nor do they count toward my blessings.

It’s all free. Free and clear. And that just doesn’t seem right. But it’s right in God’s economy.

It’s right when we accept what Christ did and that it is far superior than what we could ever do on our own to access grace, blessings, and miracles.

Let’s take a look at this verse to prove our point:

Romans 4:5-8 But people are counted as righteous, not because of their work, but because of their faith in God who forgives sinners. David also spoke of this when he described the happiness of those who are declared righteous without working for it:

“Oh, what joy for those whose disobedience is forgiven, whose sins are put out of sight. Yes, what joy for those whose record the Lord has cleared of sin.”

God is not into paying you for what you deserve. Get that in your head…and you’ll have MORE than you deserve! 

I’m so excited because I know this is going to be a game changer for you. Keep reading, I have some more big lies about prayer I want to expose so you can get your prayers answered faster and easier.


Say this out loud to help you believe:

“God, I understand now, Christ paid for my sins and He also paid for my blessings. I’m deciding to shift my thinking. I no longer need to pay for my prayer answers. I simply will receive them.”

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Section 2

10 Lies Christian Believer’s Swallow About Prayer

There are all kinds of silly myths flying around Christian circles and churches that wound believers and keep them from getting their prayers answered.

Do any of these sound familiar to you?

1. God gave you this sickness to grow your character.

2. Sorry, God’s will is only to heal some people, you aren’t one of the lucky few.

3. You’ve brought this sickness upon yourself with a hidden sin. You must tell everyone your sin and then God will heal you.

4. If you can’t get a breakthrough. It must be un-forgiveness… is there anyone you haven’t forgiven?

5. God can’t heal you until we work through your ancestry and break off this generational curse.

6. It has come to my attention that you aren’t tithing, that’s why you are sick!

7. Only those with a specific healing anointing can go out into all the world and heal the sick.

8. Your holy lifestyle has made you well.

9. God can’t heal you – you don’t go to church.

10.You have to use a certain formula to break a demonic stronghold.

No wonder so many Christians are sick and tired of being Christians. It’s hard, it’s no fun, and it’s a continual guilt trip. But that’s not how Christ wants it to be. 

Let me give you an example of a myth that keeps people from praying and see if this fits you…

Some preachers teach that if you have sin in your life - it will keep you from God’s presence and keep you from getting your prayers answered.

I want you to know that’s NOT TRUE!!!

I was vacationing in Daytona Beach not too long ago, Playing a mean game of laser tag with my two teenagers and husband. What a blast!

These are LIES. LIES. LIES.

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If you've never played laser tag, it goes like this... You're suited up with a vest that has 4 targets on the front and four on the back. Yes, you become the target!

You get a gun strapped to your side that yelps out a series of beeps or blasts letting you know when you have been hit or better yet, if you have succeeded in taking someone down.

Your playing field is a dark room with a maze of barriers and walls to hide behind when someone tries to shoot you. The bullets fly through the air as red lazar beams.

When you're hit, your gun shuts down for 10 seconds. Cruel, eh? It's everyman for himself as you try to hit as many people as you can.

You have 9 minutes to see how many points you can rack up! Yep! The pressure is on!

So as we are playing, this 13-year old kid comes up beside me and says, "Hey, want to join my team?"

I was like, “Well, I was doing just fine on my own, but I'll humor you!"

He said, "Cool, come over here and hide behind this wall with me.”

Then he introduces me to two other teenage girls and said, "Ok, we're all on the same team, DON'T hit each other! I’ve got your back, you get mine. We good?"

We all nodded our heads.

"Ok, let's go!"

So here I am, letting this 13-year old give me marching orders. But the cool thing is this - he was also trying to protect me. (Like I needed it! Ha ha!) 

So, my son comes around the corner and flings a truck load of laser bullets at me. This kid jumps in front of me like a ninja, and takes a bullet for me!

"Wow, dude, thanks!"

Then my husband comes around the corner and says, "Hey, you down?"

I said, "Nope, got my own little bodyguard here!"

The kid looks at me and says, "Is that your husband?"

"I said, yep."  

He replied, "So, I took a bullet for you… and your married?!" I said, "Yes, you didn't say I couldn't be married and be on your team!"

He was too cute! He would not leave me alone! Even though I wasn’t totally playing by his rules!

But this kid was not leaving my side!

You have 9 minutes to see how many points you can rack up! Yep! The pressure is on!

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He was like a little Jesus. 

He would NOT leave me alone! That joker was glued to me. Yep, this 43-year old woman. Why?

I don't know! It's not like I needed his help… Or maybe I did and didn't know it!

This is just like us and Christ. Sometimes we think we can do better going it alone. He wants to be there for us. Or he’s going to ditch us because we’re not playing by his rules.Either way, if you have Christ, it's NEVER everyman for himself. Just won't happen. Never, never, ever will he leave you. That's good to know.

When God says, in Hebrews 13:5,  “I will never leave you nor forsake you,” a “double negative” is used to convey the strongest sense of “never” possible in the Greek language.

That Greek word means, “never never” or “never ever.”

And this double negative appears twice in this one statement from the Lord.

It is used for both “never” and “nor.”

In other words, God is saying, “I will never never leave you and I will never never forsake you!”

The Amplified Bible brings out the strength of what God really meant:

You cannot evaluate God's presence in your life based on your circumstances, your failures, or your sins.

Never means never...He will never, never, never leave you alone.

So that’s so good to know when it comes to answering your prayers. Some people think sin can keep you from being out of fellowship with God or that sin can keep your prayers from being answered.

Sin Will Not Keep Your Prayers From Being Answered

I used to think sin would keep my prayers from being answered. I totally misunderstood the scripture “Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you.”

What’s the kingdom of God?

God’s righteousness.

Who is the righteousness of Christ?


So that’s you, if you believe. 

The idea that you have to be right with God in order to pray or worship Him is bogus!

I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. [I will] not, [I will] not, [I will] not in any degree

leave you helpless nor forsake nor let [you] down (relax My hold on you)! [Assuredly not!] —Hebrews 13:5, AMP

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You don't even have to search your heart for every trace of sin before you worship Jesus. Relax, and come to God just as you are. Want proof?

• Did the woman caught in adultery ask forgiveness before she gained an audience with Jesus? 


• Did Zacchaeus, the sinful tax collector and thief, get his life cleaned up before he and Jesus talked about their dinner plans? 


• Did the sin-entrenched woman with the alabaster jar get her life straight and ask forgiveness before Jesus allowed her in his presence?

Again, nope. 

Taking Communion With Sin In Your Life…Yes! What?!!People are even afraid to come to the communion table without first searching their hearts. The following scripture is so misunderstood: 

1 Corinthians 11: 28 - 32 NLT

So anyone who eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord unworthily is guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord. That is why you should examine yourself before eating the bread and drinking the cup. 

For if you eat the bread or drink the cup without honoring the body of Christ, you are eating and drinking God’s judgment upon yourself. That is why many of you are weak and sick and some have even died.

But if we would examine ourselves, we would not be judged by God in this way. Yet when we are judged by the Lord, we are being disciplined so that we will not be condemned along with the world.

It's about searching our hearts (examining ourselves) to see if we believe that Christ paid for our sin. It's about believing we've been forgiven. If we haven't accepted Christ's forgiveness through his sacrifice on the cross, then what's the point of taking communion? 

Communion is to remember what Christ did on the cross. That's what we are to be examining at the communion table. If we believe that he died on the cross to forgive us our sins, we won't be judged.

There is no reason to judge someone whose sin has already been accounted for. 

If you examine your heart and find belief that Christ paid for your sins, you will not be condemned. His death paid not only for your sins, but also for your healing.

This passage is not about repenting and trying to find every little sin that we have forgotten. Let me explain…

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So again, by examining what he did on the cross, you will find no reason for your body to be sick or weak. 

The idea that you have to be "right with God" to pray or worship puts the whole deal on you. 

It nullifies the work of the cross.

Newsflash: You'll never be perfect. That's why you need a savior. You are "right with God" because Christ made you right.

His death paid for your cleanliness. So any time you come to him, he sees you clean. He sees you righteous.

He paid for your past sin, your present sin, and yes, your future sins. It was ALL taken care of ONCE. 

Look at the "continuous" cleansing we are promised as believers:

Believers Are on Continual Wash-Cycle

See that word, "continuously"? It's like God throws us in a washing machine the minute we believe and we are on a “continual wash cycle"!

Awesome! That's why Jesus on the cross, said, "It is finished." He forgave you once. That's all it took. 

So if anyone tries to make you feel guilty over your lifestyle, remind them that there is no condemnation in Christ. If they try to tell you that God won't let you in his presence to pray or worship because you're messed up and still trying to get your act together, don't believe them.

Just quite behaving that way and enjoy the continuous cleansing. The more and more you believe that God has made you righteous, the more and more you'll start behaving "right". 

Believe in his saving power and you will always be allowed in his presence.

It's not about you being right, it's about his righteousness. That's the key to prayer.

Remember that, and you will always have the right to pray!

There are all kinds of myths that keep us from getting our prayers answered. I share a whole slew of them in Prayer Rock-It Mini Blueprint. It’s a bite-sized prayer training that will help you boost your prayers and get you better results. You can get more information about Prayer Rock-It Min Blueprint by clicking here.

1 John 1:9 AMP:

If we [freely] admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just (true to His own nature and promises) and will forgive our sins [dismiss our

lawlessness] and [continuously] cleanse us from all unrighteousness [everything not in conformity to His will in purpose, thought, and action]. 

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SECTION 3Making the Enemy Back Off So You Get What You Need

Now, I’m going to show you the incredible clout you have as a believer so you can use it to make the enemy (the devil) back off. Have you ever felt like the devil was just messing with your stuff? Have you ever felt like no matter what you did, you just couldn’t seem to catch a break?

Blame it on the enemy! But know, there’s something you can do about it…

Some people get hung up on demonic activity or strongholds and trying to figure out how to remove them - well, I’m going to show you how to stand up and push the devil out of you way –EASILY!

This section is for you...

• If you are under a load of hardship.

• If you’ve got relationship struggles, your heart’s been ripped out…

• You’re feeling like you can’t get out of the mess you’re in. 

• If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired!

• If you can’t pay your bills…

In other words, the devil is messing with your stuff. He won’t leave you alone and there are things in your life that haven’t changed because the devil is trying to bring you down.

I know you may not understand this but you have a HUGE amount of authority over the devil as a believer in Christ. I’m going to show you how to use it in this section. Let’s talk about WHY you have authority as a believer. 

Fact: Jesus stripped the enemy of his weapons and power giving you authority over him. (Col 2:15)

People say, “the devil is so powerful” – No, he's not! The only power he has is what you give him! So, yes, he’s powerful - IF you allow him to be.

But if you put a stop to him like I’ll show you – you can make him back down and go away EVERY TIME.

This is going to empower you to:

• conquer your fears

• conquer your addictions 

• conquer your enemies

• conquer your lack

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Why? Because he knows the power of words. And if you’re saying the wrong things - that means you’re believing the wrong things.

That’s when he wins.

See, if you don’t believe all the things that the Bible says you can have - then you won’t stand up and believe they are yours.

The problem is that we don't use the authority we have. 

Would you allow a thief to walk in your front door, right past you sitting at the kitchen table… walk into your family room and walk out with your TV?

NO! You'd stop him. Why? Because that's illegal and he has no right to your stuff.

But you let the enemy in on your job, into your friendships, and into your church. You let him walk right into the house, and raise havoc with your life and your family. Right under your nose!

Stop him by telling him that you know what you are promised.

Don't say, "My marriage is busting up! We’re not going to make it.”

Instead say…

"My husband and I are going to work through this. This may be tough, but God’s going to teach us how to meet each other’s needs.”

“I love my husband more than ever before.”

(You may not feel it, but your actions follow your words – begin to speak it and you’ll begin to feel it!)

How is it you have the power to stop the enemy? Jesus' death on the cross and his resurrection defeated the forces of hell. They are ALREADY DEFEATED. It's already done, you don't have to wait to get to heaven to enjoy their defeat!

But even though they have been LEGALLY STRIPPED of their authority and power, they continue to roam around this earth, carrying out evil deeds like criminals, bandits, and thugs.

But just like criminals who refuse to submit to the law, these evil spirits will continue to operate UNTIL SOME BELIEVER USES HIS GOD-GIVEN AUTHORITY TO STOP THEM. 

Here’s the secret:

• If he can make you say the wrong things - he's got you where he wants you.

• AND If he can make you say the wrong things - he wins.

Stop him!

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Are you going to allow a thief to just walk in your front door and take whatever he wants?!

NO! You would call the police or someone who has the authority to enforce the law, right? 

Well hey! God's given you the authority to stop the thief who comes to steal things in your life, and all you have to do to stop him is - enforce your authority.

Then he will flee. Quit giving him permission to mess with your stuff & to mess with your loved ones and the people you care about.

2 Keys to Enforcing Your Authority:

1. You’ve got to know what the Bible says is yours.

2. You’ve got to tell the enemy that you know what the Bible says is yours. 

Tell him where to go!

TAKE ACTION: List 2 instances when you have been scared or feared the enemy.



How will you exercise your God-given authority over your problems from now on?

How I Removed a Strip Club From My Neighborhood

The day the sign went up I drove by and gasped! It said, "Club Lust”.

You're kidding? Really?

Just a few miles away from my house? I don't think so!

I decided right there I'm not having it. Not going to have a "Club Lust" in my neighborhood. So I spoke up. I didn’t speak to the owner or the county commissioners, I spoke to the devil…

Every day I drove by that stinking filthy thing - I prayed that it would go away. Let me clarify. I didn't just ask to God remove it, I told it to go away. I spoke up. I demanded that it be shut down and torn down.

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I told my two teenagers our plan. "Whenever we drive by it, we'll speak to it and tell it to go away. We will not have a Club Lust in our neighborhood. It must leave."

Demolitions Start in the Spirit Realm

Our little demolition prayer started a couple years ago. It didn't happen right away. But not so long ago as I drove by that place, my heart did a happy dance!

I saw the demolition crew on the ground and bulldozers knocking the building over. It was being removed!

A bulldozer just a few miles away was physically removing what I had already removed in the spirit realm.

And before you get all bent out of shape thinking I'm cuckoo, just remember that Jesus told us how to handle things like this in Mark 11:23:

If you have faith in God and don't doubt, you can tell this mountain to get up and jump into the sea, and it will. Everything you ask for in prayer will be yours, if you only have faith. (CEV)

He said speak to your mountain and tell it to move. He didn't say ask that it be moved. He said, "tell it to move.”

That's what I told Club Lust to do. I told it to move out of my neighborhood.

And this is what you can do with the things in your life that need to go. 

TAKE ACTION:What needs to go in your life? List 3 things that need to be removed to make your life more promising and enjoyable.




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Stop Asking & Start Commanding

Too often we keep asking when we should be commanding. If Jesus said you have authority to tell something to move then get gutsy and speak up. Some of you have no problem telling others where to go... so speak up and tell your problems where to go!

When I was in Bible College, I met a missionary named Mark Triplett. I remember him telling a story about a bar that was in his neighborhood in Argentina.

He didn't want it there. Neither did his church members. It was bringing chaos and darkness into his city. So he put a demolition plan in place.

He and his church members boarded the church bus and parked it right smack dab in the middle of the bar's parking lot.

What did they do sitting on the bus? They commanded that bar be shut down.

They didn't pray a sweet little "Oh God, please remove this bar from our neighborhood” kind-of-prayer. No! They told that bar where to go.

Every night for a week they parked their bus in that parking lot and spoke up.

After a week, goodness gracious!! Want to know what happened? The bar caught on fire.


1. You have been given authority to move mountains (mountains are things in your life that shouldn't be there).

2. The mountain may not move overnight or even right away. Keep at it and don’t give up.

3. You destroy things first in the spirit realm that will eventually be destroyed in the physical realm. It starts in the spirit. Then manifests in the natural.

Speak Up

Don't be afraid to speak to your mountain. You have things in your life you can move at your command. The authority has been given to you as a believer in Christ. Use it. Stop praying and start commanding!

The Bar's on Fire!

Page 20: The secret to getting your prayers · I’m all about helping you get your prayers answered easier and faster


What Are You Going To Do Now?

By this time I have shown you… the secret to getting your prayers answered…no matter who you are…without even deserving it.

I showed you the biggest thing that keeps your prayers in un-answered mode and how to fix it fast – by no longer working to buy your miracle, and instead allowing Christ to

I showed you how to make the devil back off so you can get what you need – giving you 2 keys to enforce the authority Christ has given you.

Here is where the rubber meets the road!

This is where it all counts the most… What you are thinking and what you are saying…and how it affects what you receive when you pray.

I have a specific prayer sequence ...that’s worth over a million dollars (can you really put a price tag on getting what you need in life and everything you’ve always

dreamed of? No…it’s priceless!

Remember I said in the beginning of this report that it’s not about just praying? There’s a whole psychology behind how to shed old mindsets that keep your prayers stuck and your faith in low gear. I want you to have hope.

And it takes some training on how to shed those ideas that hold your prayers back so you can believe for the life you’ve always dreamed of – the life that God wants to give you.

Hint – You need to be very excited about what God has said you can have, and chomping at the bit to know how to get it! You can have so much more than what you have now. Like Jesus said, you can have an abundant life!

To get specifics of this bite-sized training, it’s all RIGHT HERE:

Prayer Rock-It Mini Blueprint (click to learn more).

Here’s what you will get:

• 3 Proven, Tested and Repeatable Prayer Strategies, which is a big help because you can start using them RIGHT NOW to grab God's attention.

• The Step-By-Step Speak Up Prayer Principle, which is good because it shows you how to manifest everything you need no matter what conditions you face (this is a game-changer).

• Breakthrough Thinking Cues, which is powerful because you'll use these to mold your

Page 21: The secret to getting your prayers · I’m all about helping you get your prayers answered easier and faster


Breakthrough Prayers - so you can be unstuck from your challenges and roadblocks immediately.

• The Hyper-Linking Scripture Method: This positively affects your outcome because you'll finally get everything you need because your prayers will be backed by the power and authority of God's Word.

• The Faith & Solid Shield Builder: This is great because it will pump your faith up and make your faith-shield strong so you'll be ready to tackle and conquer any problem or challenge.

No one is doing what we are teaching here and you want to take advantage of these strategies RIGHT NOW to gain an advantage over your problems, challenges, and areas of lack so you can have everything you need.

Grab the Prayer Rock-It Mini Program: at the link below!

To get the specifics of how to get your prayers answered easier and your miracles faster than ever before, it’s all inside RIGHT HERE:

Prayer Rock-It Mini Blueprint

See you inside!

Dr. Linda Travelute

Your “Christianity Made Easy” Expert