the sibenik times, july 26th 2008

THE POWERED BY ŠIBENSKI LIST ISSUE 8 • JULY 26 TH , 2008. Sibenik Times HOME FROM HOME Lazar Čivljak MONASTERY GARDEN A mediterranean garden in the heart of the city LET THE GAMES BEGIN Bodulska pripetavanja 2008 AROUND THE COUNTY Primošten and Jezera Murter

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Page 1: The Sibenik Times, July 26th 2008



ISSUe 8 • JUly 26th,

Sibenik Times

HOME FROM HOMELazar ČivljakMOnastERy gaRdEn a mediterranean garden in the heart of the city

LEt tHE gaMEs BEginBodulska pripetavanja 2008

aROund tHE cOuntyPrimošten and Jezera


Page 2: The Sibenik Times, July 26th 2008

2 The Sibenik TimesIssue 8

26. 07. 2008.

welcome to our beautiful county and to the eighth edition of “the Sibenik times”. Manners make the man. this phrase is drummed into people in england from the day they are born till the day they

die. It’s taken to such an extreme that it crosses all borders and goes to a completely new level. without a doubt the two most important words in the english language are “please” and “thank you.” Almost every conver-sation is filled with these words. I often tell people who are travelling to england for the first time that whatever they say remember to say “please”, “thank you” or “sorry” and you’ll fit in with the culture perfectly. As I said this behaviour has now gone to an extreme level. So much so that if you accidentally stand on someone’s foot you will find them apologising to you with a polite “oh, I’m so sorry!” you’ve just stamped on someone’s foot, possibly injuring them in the process, and although in obvious pain your victim will sheepishly smile and offer an apology. to an outsider it might be unclear who has stepped on whose foot as both parties begin the battle of apologising profusely. Is the victim actually apologising for having a foot at the end of his leg and for “stupidly” leaving his foot in the way of a passer-by? Politeness and manners are amplified to another level when you enter a shop or, in fact, in any situation where customers are involved. As you walk into a shop you will are bombarded with kind words and any question to a member of staff will be meet with a crescendo of polite words. when I first came to live here I was pleasantly surprised as in almost every shop I walked into I was greeted with “dobar dan” and a smile. Unfortunately, it seems that this custom is becoming rarer and rarer. More and more often just getting a smile out of the shop assistant is like getting blood out of a stone. Manners and behaviour are taught from a very early age. It seems that after children have learnt “Mummy” and “daddy” the next words from their mouths are “sorry, please and thanks.” At school you are taught to be courteous at all times, even with your fellow pupils. this constant “manners make the man” policy has become part of the fabric of english culture. I was interested to see if this same policy played an important role in Croatian culture. As I have seen and experienced many times before in many different ways the two cultures are fundamentally different. of course, politeness is just as important here as it is in england it’s just that the methods and styles are different. As opposed to using, well over using, courteous words frequently, well over frequently, Croatians have a tendency to use them less often but with more meaning. A friend of mine summed it up beautifully. he said that when people said “sorry” here it really comes from the heart, in fact it’s almost as if they are giving a piece of their heart to you. It is as if when they are born they are given a limited number of “apologies” in their heart and they are careful not to give them away unless they really mean it. It’s fascinating for me to be an observer when two people are “really” apologising to each other here. Although the apology might be about a trivial matter the drama that ensues could give you the impression that a life or death situation is being forgiven. the clash of cultures between english and Croatian is also interesting to experience and I’m often in the position to see this from first hand when mine and my wife’s family meet. the sheer directness of Croatians compared to the more indirect style of the english in conversations produces amusing results. one question can give you two completely opposite answers depending on who you ask. After living in dalmatia for nine years I have found that I have started to adopt some local mannerisms. Much to the frustration of my mother I often find myself answering her questions without saying “please” or “thank you.” this leads to situations where I am left feeling 10 years old again as my mother replies to my answer with “what’s that little word beginning with P that you forgot?” remembering in which culture I am at that time I quickly reply “Please.” In conclusion “thank you” very much for your patience in reading this article and “please” relax for the rest of your weekend. I hope everyone’s happy now.



FLOating LiBRaRy On adRiatic

FLOOd OF tOuRists

cHuRcH Wins BattLE tO Ban sunday sHOPPing

POPuLaR WitH BRitisH

PRiMOŠtEn VinEyaRds

The Croatian government are launching a novel ini-tiative to inspire people to read this year - a floating

library. “The library ship” will sail along Croatia’s Adriatic coast from 19 July to 1 August, stopping in 14 ports to promote the culture of reading and writing as well as Croatian books and writers. The ship will be filled with books as well as Croatian writers and they will begin in Crikvenica on the northern Adriatic coast and end in Makarska on the southern Adriatic coast. Between the first and the last ports, the library ship will stop in Krk, Cres, Mali Losinj, Rab, Novalja, Sali, Sv. Filip and Jakov, Zlarin, Sibenik, Primosten, Jelsa and Supetar. Among pa-ssengers will be writers Enes Kisevic and Hrvoje Salkovic, who claim that the library ship is a great way to connect books and people and bring them closer to each other. Kisevic hopes that the library ship will be as successful as a previous project that featured the reading of books in buses and trolleys. Local tourist agencies are organising

cultural programs in the ship’s ports of call. The library ship first sailed eight years ago on the initiative of Igor Gerencer who owns a company called Book Boat that organises such events.

Shops will be forced to close on Sundays after the Croatian par-

liament gave in to the Roman Ca-tholic church and passed a law against Sunday shopping. Croa-tians have begun spending their weekends in shopping centres that have flourished across the co-untry in the past few years and rema-in open seven days a week. But church has campa-igned for years for Sundays to be devoted to family or Mass in Croatia - which is almost 90 per cent Roman Catholic. The law was adopted on Tuesday and will come into effect on 1 Jan meaning Croatia’s shoppers will still be able to make the most of Sunday shopping over the summer and Christmas holidays. The law also allows stores in bus and train stations to open on Sundays year-round, along with those in hos-pitals and petrol stations. Bakeries, newsstands and flower shops are also exempt from the ban.

Croatia has seen a 150 per cent surge in holiday boo-kings from Britain as the strong Euro forces holiday-

makers to look outside the Eurozone. UK holidaymakers that are looking to escape the country for their summer holidays due to poor weather are increasingly seeking locations outside of the eurozone due to budget constra-ints, according to travel website As a re-sult, Egypt, Turkey and Tunisia have all performed well, but Croatia has steamed ahead with a 150 per cent increase in bookings. John Bevan, managing director of, said British customers are heading to destinations where their pounds will go furthest and bargains are ava-ilable. He added: “We are seeing a strong interest in desti-nations outside the euro, whether these are short or long haul. We are also noticing that Britons are trying to find ways to cut corners by spreading short breaks througho-ut the summer as well as throughout the year.” It was re-vealed recently that British holidaymakers are particularly looking to vacation on Europe’s sandy beaches. UK bank Abbey Savings found they are also looking for locations which will have as few of their compatriots as possible.

The Ministry of Agriculture and the County of Sibenik have reached agreements on the preparation of the vi-

neyards in Primošten. The existing vineyards will be replan-ted in place of the current olive groves in the area stated the Ministry. Also in the programme are steps to include the sites of the vineyards into the UNESCO’s system for pro-tecting the countryside. By the year 2011 around 12.4 milli-on Kuna will be invested into completing this project.

More than 280,000 foreign visitors arri-ved in Croatia last Saturday, it has been

revealed. A report by Magyar Tavirati Iroda news agency, as divulged by, claims the volume of traffic on the border between the two countries has been heavy, as people flock to Croatia for "seaside vacation season", reports All Hungary News. Drivers to Croatia have been cautioned the section of the A4 motorway between the border and Zagreb, and tolls around the city, have been busy at peak times. The sheer volume of travellers has also caused some delays on the A1 motorway to Dalmatia, the news provider states. It is likely to come as good news to the tourism industry, which had predicted a good summer for the country. Tourism minister Dajr Bajs told HRT te-levision he expected the numbers visiting the country to increase, with more than 11 million expected to visit Croatia this year.

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3The Sibenik TimesIssue 826. 07. 2008.

• AntunVrančić,borninŠibenikin1504,travelledas a diplomat to England to the court of King Henry VIII.• TheBritish forceshelped to supplypaper for anew newspaper set up during the war Slobodna Dalmacija.• MarioAnčić in 2002 became the first teenagersince Bjorn Borg to win a match in his Wimbledon debut on Centre Court. He reached the semi-finals in 2004.• Croatian national team members who haveplayedintheUKincludeSlavenBilić(Everton,WestHam),AljošaAsanović (DerbyCounty), IgorŠtimac(DerbyCountycaptain),DavorSuker(Arsenal),NikoKrancjar (Portsmouth), Eduardo de Silva (Arsenal),AlenBoksic (Middlesborough) andVedranCorluka(Man.City)• British supermodel Naomi Campbell came toDalmatia in 2000. She said that she remembers the beauty of the islands, the lovely sea and the kindne-ss of the people. • Šibenikwasmentioned for thefirst timeunderits present name in 1066 in a Charter of the Croatian KingPetarKrešimirIV.• Sibenik’s town population is estimated to be37,124 as of 2007.• CivitanovaMarche in Italy is twinnedwith thecity of Sibenik.• ThehistoryofKrkanationalParkdatesback to1985 when the park located in Croatia was anno-unced to the world as being an education, culture, scientific and recreational park for tourism.

• TheKornatiarchipelagoconsistsof140 islands,islets and cliffs, with 89 of them declared a National Park because of its natural beauty due to its nume-rous coves and crystal clear blue waters.• VodiceisapopulartouristdestinationinCroatia,with most of the population oriented towards provi-ding accommodation for visitors in the city’s hotels, motels, and pensions.• TribunjandKrapanj,locatedinSibenik’swaters,are the lowest inhabited islands on the Adriatic.

did yOu knOW?

sPEak uP!We would love to hear from you. Please write or send an e-mail to

us about your stay in Sibenik. Your comments are valuable to us and

the most interesting letters will be published every week. Thanks.

Mark ThomasThe Sibenik Times,B.Petranovića3,22000,Šibenik.

[email protected]

cROatia cOnFidEnt On Eu


HungaRy FiFtH LaRgEst

inVEstOR in cROatia

st. JacOB in tHE MOnEy

cROatian PROPERty EXHBits

in LOndOn

The most profitable investment in the history of Sibenik is certainly St. Jacob’s cathedral. And this

fact was again proved last month when the cathe-dral was featured in one of Italy’s top publications. Bell’Europa magazine produced a 14 page article about the cathedral including a map of the town and various photos. This high circulation publication, which is printed in Italian, English German, French and Spanish, has a circulation of 95,000 copies and the article about the St Jacob cathedral is estimated to be around 400,000 euros worth of free publicity.

A conference which will cover Croatia is set to take place in London this autumn to brief potential

property developers or investors on the basics of operating in several different European countries. The Henry Stewart conference study on September 12th will cover “all you need to get started in a new, active and profitable market” such as that in Croatia. Delegates will be informed of where demand is and what it is for, the costs of buying, selling and renting and the typical investment, legal, occupational and funding structures in the country. While it will not make the individual “an instant expert” it is expected the conference will give interested attendees a “firm foundation for rewarding engagement” in the Croa-tian property market.

Croatian President Stjepan Mesic says he expects his country will be ready to formally join the Eu-

ropean Union as early as next year. Speaking to the French daily newspaper Le Figaro this week, Mesic said the EU’s internal debates brought on by Ireland’s rejection of the Lisbon Treaty wouldn’t derail Croatia’s admission. I understand European countries, inclu-ding France, which intends to solve the EU’s institu-tional problems before proceeding to any new acce-ssions, Mesic said. We will speed up the rhythm of our reforms and be ready in 2009 to join the EU as its 28th member. The EU Observer said Mesic expressed con-fidence that the Lisbon Treaty issue would be ironed out by the union to the satisfaction of those nations that might initially reject the pact. Croatia began pre-paring for EU ascension in 2005 and expects to join by 2011, the Observer said.

Hungary is Croatia’s fifth biggest investment par-tner with Hungarian capital invested in Croatia

exceeding one billion euros since 1995, a foreign economy expert at the Hungarian Embassy in Zagreb told MTI on Sunday. Peter Zavoczky said Hungary came in fifth after Austria, the Netherlands, Germany and France in terms of investments in Croatia, accor-ding to data by the Croatian National Bank. Hungary’s investments are propelled largely by Hungarian oil group Mol’s share in Croatian peer INA, as well as the presence of Hungarian market-leading OTP bank, Zavoczky said. Among other Hungarian firms settled long-term in Croatia he mentioned the frozen pastry franchise Fornetti, cardboard maker Dunapack and companies servicing CNC machines and operating vending machines.

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7The Sibenik TimesIssue 826. 07. 2008.

a LittLE Bit OF EVERytHingFACT FILES The Sibenik – Knin County is full of interesting sights and sounds. Its history and tradition are rich, complicated and fascinating. Its nature and wildlife, including two national parks, are unique and breathtaking. Its cuisine and wine are world class. The connection to the sea is unbreakable. And finally its people are friendly, generous and warm. Every week we’ll bring you a few short fact files of diffe-rent areas of life in the county so that you can better com-prehend the culture that surrounds you.

PATRON SAINT OF THE CITYSt.Michael is the patron saint of Sibenik. St Michael is the most popular heavenly archangel. His name, translated from Hebrew, means “He who is like God”. Having in his assistance,strengthandprotection,theresidentsofŠibe-nik used his figure, symbolizing fearlessness and victory, in their city seal and coat of arms. This was their way of de-monstrating the strength of the municipality, which was to follow their patron's example and constantly win in the battle for preservation of their rights. The holiday St Mic-haelhasbeencelebratedsolemnlyinŠibenikthroughoutthe centuries. Every year on the patron's day in September a nobleman would be accepted into the town council, and also it was common that a prisoner would be released. On the 12th of March 1453 the town council decreed that on certain holidays including St Michael's day no trading was allowed in the town ,fortress , or in the district except for small things that were necessary for food. A very serious penalty was enforced to those who forged the seal of St Michael; the punishment was amputation of the right hand and banishment from the town and its district. The image of the town's patron saint is St Micheal overlooking the town of Šibenik,while trampling on Lucifer thus slayinghim with a spear with his wings spread out.

LAVENDERThe Queen of fragrances, Lavender, has a long tradition in Croatia and especially in the Dalmatia region. Its pa-stel purple blossom is a part of the Dalmatian landscape. Today dried lavender in small canvas bags is sold as an authentic souvenir. It is a relatively inexpensive gift for fri-ends and family and can also be bought in an oil form.

OLIVE OIL Olive oil is the most used and most common fruit juice drained from a plant. The Mediterranean people have considered olive oil as sacred for thousands years. The bestkindofoliveoil isvirginoliveoil (extravirgin),andthere are still many subclasses depending on taste and need. Some souvenir shops will sell home made olive oil from the villages around Sibenik and this although nor-mally darker in color has a stronger and clearer taste.

RAKIARakia is hard liquor similar to brandy and vodka, popu-lar in Croatia and among the South Slavic peoples. The tradition of making and drinking rakia as well as all other distilled beverages, is a lot poorer than a corresponding wine tradition. However, the two of them are certainly in-tertwined, since the process of distillation as we know it today was first used by South Italian monks approxima-tely a thousand years ago.

JURAJ ŠIŽGORIĆ (1420. - 1509. )JurajŠižgorićŠibenčaninisacentralfigureoftheŠibenikhumanistic society of the 15th century and is one of the most known figures of the cultural history of the entire na-tion.Hewasbornin1420inŠibenik,intoanoblefamily,and is one of the most famous old Croatian authors and poets. His book of poems and elegies (Georgii SisgoreiElegiarumetcarmieuremlibritres,Venice1477)wasthefirst published book of a Croatian author. He died in 1509 and his tomb is in the St. Jacobs Cathedral. The value of this book is, according to the judgment of many histori-ans, that it contains our most beautiful and oldest patrio-tic elegies that came about in the medieval times – “Elegy ofthedevastationoftheŠibenikfield.”

ŠIBENIK HATThefirstŠibenikhats were red, without any de-corations. That first form of today's hat was worn by the Illyrians, and it can be seen on the head sculptures around the St. James cathedral. Within time the hat changed its color, becoming orange and it also began to be decorated with spiral "boulas".

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26. 07. 2008.


You probably don't know a human who doesn't have at least

one beautiful piece of gold in his bijou box, using it for special occasions. The gold-smith profession is as old as mankind and the old town of Sibenik wouldn't be the same without numerous jewelry shops that have more than just a commerci-al role and the most impor-tant is the aesthetic one. In one of those golden king-doms works Lazar Civjak, a 'golden artist' who revita-lized traditional jewelry of the Sibenik County such as the 'Sibenik button', witho-ut which any festal clothes are not the same.

How did you end up in Si-benik?My family originates from Kosovo, from Peci, from where a numerous amo-unt of goldsmiths come from, but I don’t actually remember my home town, because my gather Simon left Kosovo when I was only three years old. He was a goldsmith, too. I am the fo-urth generation that works with gold in my family. My father never forced me to become a goldsmith, but I couldn’t resist it anyway. I

remember how I loved to make golden stuff when fa-ther went on some busine-ss trip, because it was the only free time I could do it, as we had only one wor-king table. Father couldn't hide his happiness because he knew I was in his way... and he was right.

How have you been accepted by the local po-pulation? Beautiful from the very beginning. Now, forty ye-ars after we arrived I feel

at home and I really don’t feel like a foreigner. We came here in 1964 and in 1965 my father started this business. Three years ago we celebrated the fortieth anniversary but without a big party, because we are waiting for the fiftieth one and we hope that we are going to live until it.

What advice would you give to foreign nationals who are thinking of mo-ving here?Everything I need I have ri-

ght here. Sibenik is a town for those who love a peace-ful life, who love to have a lot of friends, who love to walk, who love family life, who love to work and enjoy themselves... Sibenik is for those who love to love.

How often do you go back to your country?Not so often. But I love to go and see the place where I was born. I always talked to my sons about the be-autiful town Peci in Koso-vo, where their granddad

came from and started the work we live from.

What are your plans for the future?I hope that at least one of my three sons will conti-nue the family tradition. The oldest one is Simon, the second is Tadej and the youngest one's name is Bruno. Although none of them showed any spe-cial interest for this craft, except the third and the youngest one, I'm sure that our family job wouldn't die

when I die. We don't make only rings or earrings, but almost everything, and on of the most interesting stuff is the traditional bijou box, carefully made of pure silver with the motifs of the one necklace, except that in this case the 'Sibenik bu-tton' is five times enlarged. Everything is hand-made and we are going to conti-nue with it. Many of them ended in homes of famous people and I'm proud of the fact that one of my boxes was sent to Pope John Paul II. The information that Croatian National Tourist Board has chosen me for an award for the Sibenik button I found out from the newspapers who came to our workshop to make a story of it. I didn't know that I was even a choice. After it the Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts awarded me, too. The creative and not just the commercial work is what I'm interested in and I hope to develop more such ideas. Now, we even publish 'bagatin', an old traditional Sibenik coin. On one side of it there is a drawing of St. Michael, the Sibenik safeguard and on the other side St. Marcus, thesafeguardofVenice.

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9The Sibenik TimesIssue 826. 07. 2008.

KOZMO drugstores have provided various surprises for their customers – come and find them in a pleasant and modern environment while for all fans of stylish jewellery there are imaginative, playful summer creations which will complete styling of every woman.

All in one place, in your summer destinati-on – only follow the cheerful colours of the word KOZMO which is understandable in all languages.

KOZMO drugstores are available throu-ghout Croatia, and during the summer season you can find them in the fo-llowing tourist destinations:

K O Z M O drugstores are the first Croatian drugstore chain and a must in terms of be-auty and health care in Croatia. KOZMO offers everything fundamental for face and body care and treatment, a large assortment of summer scents, cosmetics for men, products for health and vitality care and a cosmetic line for sensitive children’s and babies’ skin. If you want to prepare yourself for perfect summer holidays, you should definitely visit one of the KOZMO drugstores situ-ated on the Adriatic coast and pick products of renowned world brands. Having fashionable accessories and top quality products by your side, you will be able to enjoy sunbathing and all summer pleasures.

a MEditERRanEan gaRdEn in tHE HEaRt OF tHE OLd city

MOnastERy gaRdEnMedieval Mediterranean Garden of St Lawrence

Monastery (MMG) in Sibenik was restored andopened on 6th November 2007 after being for-

gotten about for a hundred years. MMG is an integral part of the St Lawrence Monastery and an integral part of the programs that the Sibenik Private Gymnasium has deve-loped. The restoration project of MMG was completed by renowned landscape architect, Dragutin Kiš, who recei-ved the Millennium Award for Flora in Japan, 2000. This particular type of garden is notably rare, as it is the only one of its kind in Croatia, and there a very few in this part of Europe. MMG follows an established medieval design: a cross design for a pathway, small centrally located wa-ter feature, with low growing varieties framed by box tree and beautiful spectacular old varieties aromatic rose stan-dards. There are four sections filled with medicinal plants and herbs. A special place has been assigned for our assortment of thyme in a wonderful array of red, purple, silver, light and dark green foliage. The sensational com-bination of colours is a true work of art. Another notable attraction in the garden are the capers. Legend has it that Juraj Dalmatinac brought the first capers to Sibenik. They have been planted within the gaps and cracks in the sto-ne walls as a homage to the great builder. The inclusion of this simple medieval plant we are able to tie together the main features of this region; stone; flora; Juraj Dalmatinac. Šibenikhasclaimsonanothersignificanthistoricalfigure,RobertVisianiŠibenčanin.HewasoneofthemostfamousEuropean botanists of the 12th Century and a professor at the famous University of Padua. From its inception the project to restore MMG was fueled by the objective to have the site open to the public. With this in mind we cre-ated a number of educational programs for schools and for organized tours. The MMG is situated within the St. Lawrence Monastery complex which means that during your visit to the space you can tour Our Lady's Grotto, the Church of St Lawrence, the Monastery as well as a cafe, restaurant, and souvenir shop. I have recently spent a few hours in the garden and it is an excellent place to relax from the hustles and bustles of the Old City. It has the feel of an oasis in the centre of town and after walking the gar-dens you must enjoy a cold drink under the shade of the monastery bell tower. A truly unique experience and well worth a visit if you are in the Old City of Sibenik.

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Let the games Begin

“BOduLska PRiPEtaVanJa 2008” sPORts and EntERtainMEnt gaMEs

Everything is ready for the start of the program as they say

– Let the games begin -. “Islanders Time Break 2008” (Bodulska Pripetavanja) isa cultural, sport and enter-tainment event in which representatives of the inha-bited islands of the Sibenik area take part. The teams

compete in bowls, cards, five-a-side football, water polo, swimming and tug-o-war. From the 19th of July until the 17th of August the third “Islanders Time Break” will be held and seven te-ams from all over Sibenik’s Adriatic will contest in seven different venues. Although the games are

taken very seriously and the competitors certainly want to win the main goal of the games is to develop the friendships between the islands. Competitors will make new friendships, socialize together, develop co-operations and at the same time entertain their tourists. The games are gre-at publicity for the islands and help to promote joint understandings. Not only do the competitors sociali-ze together but also the te-ams “supporters”, who nor-mally get together until the

early hours. The whole to-urnament is carried out in a spirit of fair play. All of the inhabitants of the islands have the right to enter the games as well as their gu-ests and tourists. This year the games will be held in

Krapanj,Jadrija,PrvićLuka,Zlarin,PrvićŠepurine,Žirjeand Kaprije. Apart from the sports events there is of co-urse an entertainment pro-gramme that goes along with the festivities. This in-cludes vocal choirs, singers

and folklore dancers. “We are extremely happy with the support that we have received this year from the Croatian Tourist board as well as the Croa-tian waterpolo association who have insured seven different waterpolo pools for us to play in.” – com-mented the president of the “Islanders Time Break”, Mr. Emil Guberina. The new introduction of the enter-tainment program for this year will certainly make a difference to the whole event.


SAtUrdAy 19.07 At KrAPANJSAtUrdAy 26.07 At JAdrIJAFrIdAy 01.08 At PrVIĆ lUKAtUeSdAy 05.08 At ZlArINSAtUrdAy 09.08 At PrVIĆ ŠePUrINethUrSdAy 14.08 At ŽIrJeSUNdAy 17.08 At KAPrIJe


15:00 – CArd GAMeS15:00 – bowlS16:00 – FootbAll16:30 – SwIMMING17:00 – wAterPolo20:00 – tUG-o-wAr19:00 – FootbAll FINAl19:30 – wAterPolo FINAl21:00 – tUG-o-wAr FINAl



The teams compete in bowls, cards, five-a-side football, water polo, swimming and tug-o-war. From the 19th of July until the 17th of August the third “Islanders Time

Break” will be held and seven teams from all over Sibenik’s Adriatic will contest in

seven different venues

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11The Sibenik TimesIssue 826. 07. 2008.

tHE ROMan REMains OF BuRnuM

The Roman military camp Burnum was situated on the right banks of the Krka River in the area of the present day village of Ivoševci. On the location of

“TheEmptyChurch”(ŠupljaCrvka)canbeseentodaytheremnants of a port which was part of the military camp. The camp was most probably constructed 33 years before the birth of Jesus Christ when the XX legion briefly stayed there. After the battle at Akcija, 31 years B.C, the XI legion was stationed at Burnum. Archeological excavations carri-ed out in the area of the camp revealed that the camp was built in two phases. In the first, older phase a small part was constructed and then in the second phase the majority of the work was carried out. Building was initia-ted by the Roman governor for Dalmatia Publie Kornelius Dolabela. A few recovered written items are evidence on the construction of the camp. One of these items is from 51 years after the birth of Christ and mentions Publie An-teja Rufa, witnesses of the building of the camp 69 years after the birth of Christ were the XI legion who left the campandtransferredtoVespazijanarmyintheirfightfortheemperor.AftertheXIlegionleftBurnumtheIVlegionwere stationed there and stayed there from the years 70 to 86. The legions departed when the Dalmatian province became “provincial inermis”. At this time Burnum started to lose its military significance and on the site of the mili-tary camp a civil settlement formed which developed to the west of the camp. The settlement, which carried the same name as the camp, got the status of a municipality andfellintothesystemoftheEmperorHadrian(118AD).Burnum was situated on a very important crossroads in these ancient times. It can be assumed that the quality of its position and its connections were the main reasons for its downfall. The last time that Burnum was mentioned was in 537 and this was in connection with a battle between the Bezant Emperor Justinian when he attempted to take it back from the Ostrogoths in the 6th Century. Today the archeological remains that be seen are the ou-tlines of the port, amphitheatre and a section of the aqu-educt which brought water to Burnum.

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If you ask Croatian consumers what the first and the best choice for shopping is, the answer will be the

same – Konzum – a synonym for malls with a rich offer of top quality Croatian products as well as of other renowned world brands you are accustomed to at your home.

With more than 600 stores throug-hout Croatia, Konzum is the biggest Croatian retail chain – come and check out its various offer. Visit modern sto-res on the most attractive sites near hotels, camps and beaches and in a pleasant environment pick the pro-ducts you need while being assisted by kind and professional personnel.

Hot summer days need refreshment in a form of fresh fruit of the highest Croatian quality, grown and plucked in Croatian orchards. By taking com-parative advantages of the variety of the regions and their climatic con-ditions, we have grown fruit sorts of the highest quality which simply calls for you.

Come and get fresh baker products and irresistible Americano cookies, sti-mulate your senses in the delicacy de-partment, refresh yourself with colo-urful salads perfect for a summer meal and take prepared meals from the ga-stro department. Konzum stores also

involve authentic Croatian products – Croatian prosciutto ham, cheese, wine, olive oil, fish and sea food and sweets – that way you can be introduced to the Croatian gastronomic offer which will certainly impress you.

The Konzum assortment is full of pro-ducts of renowned Croatian produ-cers who can be proud of labels such as Hrvatska kvaliteta (Croatian quality) and Izvorno hrvatsko (Croatian creati-on). World brands and products of the K-Plus Konzum brand are featured by high quality and favourable prices and thus complete the offer and make your dreams come true.

But that’s not all! Konzum stores pro-vide you with a large assortment of products necessary for pleasant sum-mer holidays – from cosmetics to com-plete beach sets. Taking care of the youngest, there is a rich assortment of toys which will enable your kids to carefreely play on the beach and swim in the sea.

Finally, one shall point out that Konzum primarily takes account of its customers, which is proved by a figure of 500,000 satisfied regular customers – so become one of them.

Konzum wishes you a merry and cheer-ful summer!

See you next year as well!

Croatian word for supermarket

Page 12: The Sibenik Times, July 26th 2008

12 The Sibenik TimesIssue 8

26. 07. 2008.

FRIDAY, 25.07 @ 20,00trIbUNJ FISherMANS NIGht

SATURDAY, 26.07. @ 21,00 CoNCert: VEDRAN ARKUS, PIANo


EVERY SATURDAY @ 21:00Modern band Music

EVERY SUNDAY @ 21:00live brass band concert

EVERY WEDNESDAY @ 21:00Vocal Choir evenings

EVERY FRIDAY @ 21:30Folklore evening

SUNDAY, 27.07. oUr lAdy oF Port – PIlGrIMAGe oN the SeA

EVEnts in siBEnik cOunty FOR JuLy 2008.Sibenik

PriMOšTen jezerAFRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY – 25th- 27th “trAdItIoNAl GAMeS oF SoUtherN PArtS”







26.07. Concert at 21:00 obala J. Ive Cota

28.-30.07. 6th seaside jazz festival

obala V. Nazora at 21,30 h

31.07.-14.08.Exhibition – duje JurićGallery sv. Križ, opening at 21 h



every Friday until the end of August enjoy a performance from the professional dance gro-up “lolita” on the open terrace of hotel Zora. this highly recommended show in a special ambience starts at 21:00. Prices for adults are 30 kn and for children 20 kn.


SUMMER CINEMA 28. 07 AND 29.07.@ 21.30

It’s not the end (Nije kraj)Comedy

30.07 AND 31.07. AT 21.30Forgetting Sarah MarshallComedy

VOCAL CHOIR EVENINGSIn organization with the tourist board of Sibenik vocal choir evenings will be held every thursday in the square. this thursday the vocal choir Kam-panel will perform and along with the singing will recite poems.

THURSDAY 31.07 @ 21:30Vocal Choir (klapa) “Kampanel and poet dinko Škevin


St. Jacob CathedralFinal concert of successful students from the summer school.

OTHER PROGRAMMONDAY 28.07 from 10:00 to 24:00

dr. Frano tuđman Coast“Library Boat” books over the Adriatic.

In organization with the organ school in Sibenik, which is celebrating its fifteenth anniversary, a final concert for successful students will be held in the St. Jacob Cathedral.

this interesting group is made up of four

tubas. Although this instrument is conside-red an orchestral piece, young enthusiasts, lead by Krunoslav babić, have convinced us otherwise. this interesting program is a cross section from classical to works by A. Piazzolle, S. wonder, you are the sunshine of my life and totto with Africa. All of this promises to make for an interesting night of music. tickets can be bought at the Sibenik theatre from 18:00 to 20:00.


25.07 AT 21:00ST. jACOb CATHedrAl

A mandolin is a musical instrument in the lute family (plucked, or strummed). It is descended from the mandore, a soprano member of the lute family. It has a body with a teardrop-shaped soundboard, or one which is essentially oval in shape, with a soundhole, or soundholes, of varying shapes which are open and are not decorated with an intricately carved grille like the baroque era mandolins. originally mandolins had six double courses of gut strings tuned similarly to lutes,

and plucked with the fingertips, while the design common today has eight metal strings in four pairs (courses) which are plucked with a plectrum. the latter originated in Naples, Italy during the 3rd quarter of the 18th century. there were and still are many variants. these include Milanese, lombard, brescian and other 6-course types, as well as four-string (one string per course), twelve-string (three strings per course), and sixteen-string (four strings per course).


Page 13: The Sibenik Times, July 26th 2008

13The Sibenik TimesIssue 826. 07. 2008.

Settled in the heart of dalmatia, near the se-ashore of Šibenik, surrounded by four national parks, imbued with hospitality and special Mediterranean charm, Solaris hotels resort is your destination for a perfect holiday. Solaris hotels resort is a renowned hotel company with a 40 year-old tradition which can provide an excellent holiday in dalmatia, offering numerous facilities and capacities in 5 hotels, villas Kornati and Solaris Camping resort.

Your Mediterranean choice

inFOSolaris Hotels resort

Solaris d.d., Hotelsko naselje bbŠibenik,Croatia

Reservations and informations Tel: +385 22 361 001 Fax:+385 22 361 800

[email protected]


Fishing for sardines (sar-dela as they are known in Croatia) on the Croatian

Adriatic coasts of Dalmatia and Istria is an ongoing activity tra-cing its roots back thousands of years. The region was part of the Roman Empire, then largely a Venetian dominion, and hasalways been sustained throu-gh fishing mainly sardines. All along the coast there are many towns that promote the age-old practice of fishing by lateen sail boats for tourism and on festival occasions. Today this tradition

is also continued by many pro-ducers. The fish is very popular in all of Dalmatia and is usually cooked fresh from the sea on an open grill dressed with a little olive oil and rosemary. Sometimes the fish is prepared coated in a light flour based ba-tter. Sardines, or pilchards, are a group of several types of small, oily fish related to herrings. Sardines were named after the island of Sardinia, where they were once in abundance. A ge-neralization is that if the fish is less than 10cm long it is classed

as a sardine, and if larger than 4 inches it is classed as a pilchard. Sardines are also healthy and considered a “brain food.” The-se fish are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which can help maintain a healthy heart. Recent studies su-ggest that omega-3 fatty acids slow the progression of mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease. These fatty acids can also help control blood sugar level. Not only are sardines packed with omega-3 fatty acids, but they are also a good source of vita-min D, calcium and B12.

The sea cucumber has an elongated body and leathery skin and is found on the sea floor worldwide. If you dive in clearer waters around Sibenik or on one of the many islands you’ll certainly spot one. It is so named because of its cucumber-like shape. The diet of most cucumbers consists of plankton and decaying organic ma-tter found in the sea. Some sea cucumbers position themselves in currents and catch food that flows by with their open tentacles. They also sift through the bottom sediments using their tentac-les. They can be found in great numbers on the deep sea floor, where they often make up the majority of the animal biomass. Some varieties of sea cucumber are said to have excellent hea-ling properties. Extracts are prepared and made into oil, cream or cosmetics. Some products are intended to be taken internally. It is believed that the sea cucumber contains all the fatty acids necessary to play an active role in tissue repair. Sea cucumbers are believed to be endowed with aphrodisiac powers in the Far East. Sea cucumbers have also inspired thousands of haiku in Japan, where they are called namako written with characters that can be translated “sea mice”. In English translations of these haiku, they are usually called “sea slugs”; according to the Oxford English Dic-tionary,theterm“seaslug”originallyreferredtoholothurians(inthe 18th century), though biologists now use the name only for the nudibranch molluscs, marine relatives of land slugs.

sEa cucuMBER

Monday 28.7.2008dj brada - funky house Fire

tuesday 29.7.2008dJ rea - Caribean Fever

wednesday 30.7.2008Jakša jordes - live act saksofon - dJ Joolka

thursday 31.7.2008bravo band live- dj brada - happy dance Party

Friday 1.8.2008S-type exlusive resident - Stylish

Saturday 2.8.2008dj bocca - house in the Mix/ New testament of FunkSunday 3.8.2008

dj bocca /dj brada guest Funky house styling

dAlMATiAn VillAGe Discover unique Dalmatian atmosphere

of authentic Dalmatian village with traditional songs.


Unique atmosphere of palm’s pools and great cocktails of our top-level cocktail bars with DJ music are a

guarantee for a great time.


Page 14: The Sibenik Times, July 26th 2008

14 The Sibenik TimesIssue 8

26. 07. 2008.


• HealthPHARMACY BALDEKIN, Stjepana radica 56a, tel. 332-068; PHARMACY CENTRALA, Stjepana radica bb, tel. 213-539; PHARMACY VAROS, Kralja Zvonimira 32, tel. 212-539; PHARMACY PLENCA, Karla Vipauca 21, tel. 214 -118, osme dalmatinske udarne brigade 3, tel. 331-022; DONATION PHARMACY, brace Polica bb, tel. 333-437, VITA- SPECIALISED TRADE FOR MEDICINES AND MEDICIAL PRODUCTS, biskupa Fosca 11, tel. 215-850 and biskupa Milete 5a, tel. 310-525; PHARMACY BARANOVIC-PETKOVIC, Stjepana radica 1, tel. 212-061; PHARMACY RADIN, Kralja Zvonimira 121, tel. 338-716; PHARMACY COBANOV, trg Ivana Pavla II, tel-fax: 331-255; HERBAL PHARMACY GOSPINA TRAVA, Stjepana radica 27, tel. 219-245; HERBAL PHARMACY NATURA, Stjepana radica 12, tel. 336-116.

• BanksJADRANSKA BANKA: tel. 242-242; CROATIA BANKA: trg Pavla Subica And br. 1, tel. 212-033; HRVATSKA POSTANSKA BANKA: A. Starcevica bb, tel. 337-345; OTP BANKA: Ante Supuka 22, tel. 062/201-444; PRIVREDNA BANKA ZAGREB: Vladimira Nazora 1, tel. 322-150; RAIFFEISEN BANK AUSTRIA: trg drazena Petrovica bb, tel. 348-800; HVB - SPLITSKA BANKA: Poljana 2, tel. 022/214-663; ZAGREBACKA BANKA: biskupa Milete 2a, tel. 022/201-370; ERSTE BANKA d.d.: Poljana 5, tel. 062/374-540; HYPO-GROUP ALPE ADRIA: Stjepana radica 77a, tel. 311-940; VOLKSBANK: trg drazena Petrovica bb, tel. 668-100; KRIZEVACKA BANKA: biskupa J. Milete 6, tel. 215-396.

• BusesBuses departing from SibenikSibenik–Trogir–Split at 00.00, 00.15, 2.30, 3.45, 4.35, 5.15, 6.45, 8.00, 8.30, 9.00, 10.00, 10.30, 11.00, 12.00, 12.30 (except Sundays), 13.00, 14.00, 14.20, 15.10, 15.30, 15.40, 16.00, 16.30, 17.00 (except Saturdays), 18.00 18.15, 18.55, 19.00, 19.30,

20.30, 20.45, 21.15 (except Saturdays), 22.00 and 23.30; Sibenik–Pirovac–Bio-grad–Zadar at 5.45, 6.30, 7.00, 7.45 (including Sundays), 8.00, 8.45, 9.15 (except Saturdays), 9.45, 10.05, 11.00, 11.45, 12.00, 12.15, 13.00, 13.10, 13.45, 14.10, 14.37 (except Saturdays), 16.00, 16.15, 16.45, 17.45, 19.00, 20.40, 21.15, 21.40, 22.00 and 23.00; Sibenik–Rijeka at 6.30, 8.45, 9.15 (except Sundays), 9.45, 11.00, 13.00, 14.37, 16.45, 22.00 and 23.00; Sibenik–Makarska–Ploce–Dubrovnik at 00.00, 2.30, 4.35, 8.00, 11.00, 12.00, 14.20 and 15.10; Sibenik–Zagreb at 00.40, 1.30, 7.00, 7.45 (including tuesdays and Fridays), 8.00, 9.15, 9.40, 10.05, 12.00, 13.45, 14.50, 15.30, 16.00, 17.30, 18.00 and 23.00;

Local line - working days Sibenik-Drnis-Oklaj-Knin at 6.15, 9.30 and 15.15; Sibenik-Drnis-Kosovo-Knin at 8.30; 10.30; 11.30; 14.00; 20.00; Sibenik-Tisno-Jezera at 10.00(Jezera bus); Sibenik-Betina-Murter at 10.30 (Murter trade); Sibenik-Vodice-Kapela-Jeze-ra-Murter at 5.45, 11.30, 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Sovlje at 6.30, 7.05, 8.40, 10.15, 11.15, 12.15, 12.45, 14.00, 14.30, 19.10, 20.00; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Jezera-Murter at 9.00; 15.20 18.00; 21.00; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice at 8.00, 9.20, 13.30; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Pirovac-Kasic at 11.40, 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-Brodarica at 6.10, 7.00, 7.45, 9.30, 10.30, 11.30, 12.30, 13.05, 14.00, 15.05, 16.05, 17.30, 19.10, 20.00, 21.10; Sibenik-Grebastica-Brnjaca-Drage-Bratski Dolac-Sapin Dolac at 12.25 (to brnjace), 15.10; Sibenik-Primosten-Rogoznica at 9.45; Sibenik-Primosten-Rogoznica-Razanj at 11.00, 11.45, 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-Primosten (bIS) at 12.30, 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-Lozovac-Skradin at 10.30 (Antonio tours), 11.15, 12.45, 14.00, 15.20, 15.30; Sibenik-Solaris-Zablace at 7.00, 9.00, 11.40, 13.15, 14.15, 15.10, 17.40, 19.15, 20.15., 17.40, 19.10, 20.15.

Local line - SaturdaysSibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Jezera-Murter at 5.45, 9.00, 11.30, 14.00, 18.00; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Sovlje at 6.30, 7.05, 8.40, 10.15, 20.00 21.00; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice at 8.00, 9.20; Sibenik-Zaton-Raslina at 7.00, 10.30, 12.30, 15.20, 18.30, 21.10; Sibenik-Jadrtovac-Boraja-Lepenica-Vrsno at 12.00, 15.10, 20.15; Sibenik-Primosten-Rogoznica-Razanj-S. Dolac at 11.45; Sibenik-Solaris-Zablace at 7.00, 9.00, 11.40, 14.15, 15.05, 17.40, 20.15.Local line - SundaysSibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Jezera-Murter at 9.00, 14.00, 18.00; Sibenik-Zaton-Raslina at 7.00, 10.30, 12.30, 15.20, 18.30, 21.10; Sibenik-Solaris-Zablace at 9.00, 11.40, 14.15, 17.40, 20.15.

• BoatsSIBENIK – ZLARIN (ferry): tuesdays and thursdays at 11.00 hours, return at 14.55 hours. SIBENIK – KAPRIJE – ZIRJE: (ferry) Mondays, tuesdays, wednesdays, thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 11.00 and 16.00 hours, return at 13.30 and 19.30 hours. Sundays and holidays at 11.00 and 19.00, return at 17.00 and 21.00 hours. SIBENIK – KAPRIJE - ZIRJE (hydro-speedboat Mislav): Mondays till Saturdays at 8.00 and 20.00 hours, return at 5.30 and 9.15 hours. Sundays and holidays at 8.00 and 20.10 hours. return at 5.30 and 12.00 hours.SIBENIK – ZLARIN – PRVIC – SEPURINE - VODICE (line): Mondays, tuesdays, wednesdays, thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 6.00, 9.30, 13.30, 15.30 and 19.30 hours. return at 4.45, 12.00, 18.00 hours. Sundays and holidays at 9.30 and 20.45 hours. return at 7.15 and 18.30 hours. boat schedule valid until June 19th.


Tourist Board, tel. 664-822; Heal-th centre, tel. 660-552; General Hospital, tel. 663-732; Bus Stati-on, tel. 661-005; Pharmacy, tel. 660-080; Red Cross, tel. 662-019; Library, tel. 660-010;


Tourist Board tel. 434-995; Phar-macy tel. 434-129; Doctor’s clinic tel. 435-262; Dentist tel. 436-026; National Park Kornati tel. 435-740; City Council tel. 435-599; Jadranska bank tel. 443-137; Port Authority tel. 435-190,


Tourist Board tel. 466-770; Phar-macy tel. 467-099, from 8-14,30, Saturdays from 8 do 12. Doctor’s Clinic. 467-080; Post Office tel. 467-000; Jadranska bank tel. 466-622; Fire Brigade tel. 467-090.


Tourist Office, trg biskupa J. Arne-rića 2 tel. 571-111; Port Authority, tel. 570-266; Library “dr. Ante Starčević” tel. 570-259; Doctor’s Clinic tel. 570-033; Pharmacy tel. 570-305.


Borough Rogoznica - tel/fax 02 2 559 - 0 49 ;Po r t Au t h o r i -ty Rogoznica - 022 559-045; Tourist Board - 022 559-253; Doc tor ’s Surger y - 022 550-032; Dentis t - 022 558-392; Pharmacy Rogoznica - 022 558-330; Fire brigade - 022 559-294; Marina Frapa - tel: 559 900;Taxi - 091/666-0000; Post Office - tel: 559 080


Tourist Board tel. 771-306. Phar-macy - clinic of general medici-ne works Mondays, wednesdays and Fridays from 7,30 do 13,30, and tuesdays and thursday from 13.30 to 19.30. tel. 771-099, 771-049;

tisnO / JEzERa

Tourist Board, Put Zaratića 3, Jezera, tel. 022/439 – 120. Tourist Board tel. 438-604. Pharmacy tel. 438 - 427; Doctor’s Clinic tel. 438-427, Jadranska banka tel. 438-486; Post Office tel. 439-210; Port Authority tel. 439-313; Firebrigade tel. 438-751;


Tourist Board City of Vodice, Ive Čače 1a, tel. 443-888; City Council tel 444-900; Police tel. 443-150; Firebrigade tel. 441-324.

PuBLisHER important phone numbers

Powered by ŠIBENSKI LISTbožidara Petranovića 3, 22000 Šibenik, tel: 022/311-300, fax: 022/330-100

director: Srđan Bužančić

editor-in-chief: Zdravko Pilić [email protected]

Assistant editor: Mark Thomas [email protected]

reporters: Nevena Banić, Joško Čelar, Jadran Kale, Mil-ko Kronja, Nikola Urukalo

Photography: Vilson Polić, Nikolina Vuković, CROPIX

Graphic editing: Luka Čanković, Orsat Lasić, Nino Milin

Marketing: Nikolina Čvorak [email protected]; 091/302-0122 , Elida Slavica

Printer: Slobodna Dalmacija

In association with tourist board Šibenik: Goran Bulat, director

Police 92 and 347-111Fire brigade 93 and 212-222HAK roadside assistance 987Information 988Bus Station 060 368-368Tow away parking service 098/975 4196Jadrolinija – ferries 218-663Croatian Railways 9830, 333-696General Hospital 246-246County council 244-200City council 332-021Port authority 217-217Meteorological station 338-585Sibenik University 311-060State archive 330-370City sanitation 332-325Tourist info centre 214-411

The telephone code for Croatia is 00385 and for Sibenik and the Sibenik county dial 022


Page 15: The Sibenik Times, July 26th 2008

15The Sibenik TimesIssue 826. 07. 2008.

ENGLISH CROATIANDo you speak English? Govoriš engleski?

You’re welcome Nemanačemu

Where are you from? Od kuda si?

Where are we going? Gdje idemo?

Happy birthday Sretan rođendan

I’mhungry(masculine) Gladan sam

I’mhungry(feminine) Gladna sam

What’s your name? Kako se zoveš?

PrePArATiOn take a large pot and put olive oil and heat it, but not too much. Add garlic and fry just 30 seconds and than add all shrimps. Using wooden ladle mix the shrimps to cover them with oil. Add wine and cook for 5 minutes until alcohol evaporates. Add tomato, salt, raisins, pepper, bread crumbs. Mix gently with the ladle, or shake the whole pot to mix all ingredients. Cover and cook for 10-20 minutes (depends how large shrimps are). At the and add parsley leaves and serve.

Recipe of the week

cROatian “BuzaRa” sHRiMPs REciPE

1 kg shrimp 10 ggarlic(twogarliccloves, finely minced) 4 tablespoons olive oil 10 g raisins 1/2 cup strained

tomatoes 1 cup fresh parsley leaves(minced)5 g salt pepper(totaste)1/2 liter white wine 10 g breadcrumbs

ludMilA ludAUkraine

CHAillOu lOiCFrance

dAlibOr jAnASCzech Republic


I’m here with my family and we are staying in Solaris. we’re having a great time here and I think Sibenik is just made for families with little children. the sea is clean, the food is great, everything is peaceful and calm. really nice town.

I’m so sorry now because I came only on a daily trip to Sibenik, because it’s so beautiful I don’t know where to look. everything is so nice and so magnificant and especially the old houses in the town. I’m coming again for sure.

you won’t believe it, but we’ve just arrived to Sibenik from the northern Adriatic. what I can see is a beautiful Mediterranean town, which cannot be forgotten. this is my first time here, we are staying for four days and after that we are going to the island of brac. we are here on camping and it’s super.

This is very simple Dalmatian recipe. Easy to make, delicious to taste.

Page 16: The Sibenik Times, July 26th 2008

16 The Sibenik TimesIssue 8

26. 07. 2008.

tHE Last OnE


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FridAYCLOUDY HIGH 26 ºcLOW 12 ºc

The same view today with considerably more buildings than before.

A view over the Old City of Sibenik, including the St. Michael Fort to the right and the Sibenik Canal in the centre.

nOW & tHEn