the side effects of steroids are found in both children

8/8/2019 The Side Effects of Steroids Are Found in Both Children 1/4 The side effects of steroids are found in both children and adults alike. However, children are more susceptible to it. Steroids are one of the most common drugs that are being given to children with asthma. At present, it is one of the most effective treatments of asthma. Despite the side effects, the use of steroids has been increasing day by day for the treatment of asthma among children and adults as well. Inhaled corticosteroid is the steroid that is being used for the treatment. Before inhaled corticosteroid was discovered, heavy doses of corticosteroid was either injected or taken orally in order to address the condition which often resulted in stunted growth of the children.  Inhaled corticosteroid helps in controlling the asthma in a better way by reducing the inflammation in the lungs and the airway. Though inhaled corticosteroid cannot relieve the asthma symptoms that you already have but yes it definitely helps in preventing asthma systems that you might likely develop later on. It would be unfair to state that this medication is free from any side effects as it is a well known fact that there is no drug which does not have any side effects. Some of the side effects of steroids in children are: 1) Children as well as adults who use this medication are likely to suffer from thrush and yeast infections. Though the chances of children suffering from it is minimal as compared to the adults since the doses that are prescribed to the children is quite low. 2) In addition to the thrushes, it might snub the growth of the children as well. However, researches are still being carried out on this particular side effect. Studies have found contradictory results as far as the delay in growth is concerned. Some studies have pointed out that long term use of this medication delays the growth of the children whereas some studies have pointed out that this delay occurs only in the first year of treatment. 3) Though steroids dont have any direct dramatic effect on the bone but it sure does tend to cause the thinning of the bones. However, the concept is not very clear as how does it causes when it maintains the bone density in adults. 4) Adrenal suppression is one of the major side effects that corticosteroids can cause. The body has its own way of making steroid to deal with stressful conditions. But since the body is getting steroids from an internal source it considerably reduces the bodys capability to make steroids on its own which may lead to other health problems. 5) Mild irritation, hoarseness, mild pain, mood changes, weight gain etc are some of the other side effects that a child may experience. Despite all these side effects, corticosteroid is one of the most effective medications that effectively help in dealing with the condition of asthma in children as well as in adults. It helps an asthmatic person lead a normal life and allows him to enjoy all the pleasures of life. So comparatively the positive effects of inhaled corticosteroids in particular outweigh the negative effects of the drug. Overall, it is one such drug that helps in the prevention of asthma related deaths among children.

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Page 1: The Side Effects of Steroids Are Found in Both Children

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The side effects of steroids are found in both children and adults alike. However, children are more

susceptible to it. Steroids are one of the most common drugs that are being given to children with

asthma. At present, it is one of the most effective treatments of asthma. Despite the side effects, the

use of steroids has been increasing day by day for the treatment of asthma among children and

adults as well. Inhaled corticosteroid is the steroid that is being used for the treatment. Before

inhaled corticosteroid was discovered, heavy doses of corticosteroid was either injected or takenorally in order to address the condition which often resulted in stunted growth of the children.


Inhaled corticosteroid helps in controlling the asthma in a better way by reducing the inflammation

in the lungs and the airway. Though inhaled corticosteroid cannot relieve the asthma symptoms that

you already have but yes it definitely helps in preventing asthma systems that you might likely

develop later on. It would be unfair to state that this medication is free from any side effects as it is a

well known fact that there is no drug which does not have any side effects. Some of the side effects

of steroids in children are:

1) Children as well as adults who use this medication are likely to suffer from thrush and yeast

infections. Though the chances of children suffering from it is minimal as compared to the adults

since the doses that are prescribed to the children is quite low.

2) In addition to the thrushes, it might snub the growth of the children as well. However, researches

are still being carried out on this particular side effect. Studies have found contradictory results as

far as the delay in growth is concerned. Some studies have pointed out that long term use of this

medication delays the growth of the children whereas some studies have pointed out that this delay

occurs only in the first year of treatment.

3) Though steroids dont have any direct dramatic effect on the bone but it sure does tend to cause

the thinning of the bones. However, the concept is not very clear as how does it causes when it

maintains the bone density in adults.

4) Adrenal suppression is one of the major side effects that corticosteroids can cause. The body has

its own way of making steroid to deal with stressful conditions. But since the body is getting steroids

from an internal source it considerably reduces the bodys capability to make steroids on its own

which may lead to other health problems.

5) Mild irritation, hoarseness, mild pain, mood changes, weight gain etc are some of the other side

effects that a child may experience.

Despite all these side effects, corticosteroid is one of the most effective medications that effectively

help in dealing with the condition of asthma in children as well as in adults. It helps an asthmatic

person lead a normal life and allows him to enjoy all the pleasures of life. So comparatively the

positive effects of inhaled corticosteroids in particular outweigh the negative effects of the drug.

Overall, it is one such drug that helps in the prevention of asthma related deaths among children.

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ste ¡  oid yang langsung bekar ja pada kimiawi otak juga bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan mood.

Seseorang yang tidak mengalami peradangan tetapi mengkonsumsi steroid dapat merasa nyaman

dalam waktu yang relatif cepat.Tetapi penggunaan steroid sebagai pereda nyeri dan meningkatkan

mood juga mempunyai ef ek samping yang kadang-kadang justru membahayakan.Ef ek samping yang

ditimbulkan akibat penggunaan steroid antara lain:- Steroid dapat menekan fungsi kekebalan tubuh

dan meningkatkan resiko inf eksi.- Saat diminum, steroid dapat menyebabkan gastritis atau mag-

Steroid dapat menghentikan suplai darah pada sendi terutama di paha dan menyebabkan rasa nyeri

degeneratif yang disebut avascular necrosis.- Steroid dapat mengurangi massa tulang dan

meningkatkan risiko patah tulang dalam penggunaan jangka pan jang.- Steroid dapat menyebabkan

kemampuan tubuh untuk merespon emosi dan rasa sakit fisik berkurang.- Kebanyakan

mengkonsumsi steroid bakal melepas lemak dan cairan ditubuhnya meskipun sudah menghentikan

konsumsi steroid.

Dangers of Anabolic Steroids

Steroids are dangerous for two reasons: they are illegal, and they can damage a person's

health, especially if used in large doses over time. Also, the health problems caused bysteroids may not appear until years after the steroids are taken.

Although they might help build muscle, steroids can produce very serious side effects. Using

steroids for a long time can negatively affect the reproductive system. In males, steroids can

lead to impotence, a reduction in the amount of sperm produced in the testicles, and even

reduced testicle size.

Females who use steroids may have problems with their menstrual cycles because steroidscan disrupt the maturation and release of eggs from the ovaries. This disruption can cause

long-term problems with fertility.

Steroids taken for an extended period of time also can cause:

y  stunted growth in teens (by causing bones to mature too fast and stop growing at anearly age)

y  liver tumorsy  abnormal enlargement of the heart muscles

y  violent, aggressive behavior and mood swingsy   blood lipid abnormalities that contribute to heart disease

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y  acne (or a worsening of acne)y  increased breast growt  in males, especiall  teens

y  irreversi ble stretch marksy  a heightened tendency for hair loss and male-pattern baldness

y  muscle aches

Teen gir ls and women r isk these additional side effects: 

y  male-type facial and body hair growth and male-pattern baldness

y  deepening of the voice

y  enlargement of the clitor is

If you suspect your child is using steroids, watch for these warning signs: 

y  exaggerated mood swings

y  worsening acne

y  unusually greasy sk in with stretch marks

y  a sudden increase in muscle si e

If you see any of these signs in your child, talk with your doctor.

Steroids may give k ids the sense that they're stronger and more athletic, but the consequences

are too dangerous to r isk. Hel p k ids stay away from steroids by encouraging healthy eatingand f itness habits that will hel p them feel well prepared for competition.

Special Risks and Management Requirements in Children Receiving Chronic

Steroid Therapy

Glucocor ticoids are used extensively in the treatment of a wide var iety of pediatr ic illnesses.

Although extremely effective as anti-inf lammatory and immunosuppressive agents, their use 

is associated with numerous side effects. Shor t-term adverse consequences include

hyperglycemia, increased appetite and weight gain, f luid retention, mood changes,

hyper tension, peptic ulceration, and aseptic necrosis of the femoral head. Long-term side

effects include osteoporosis, cataracts, myopathy, immunosuppression,

 and growth failure. In

addition, prolonged use of glucocor ticoids suppresses the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal 

(HPA) axis.

The impact of exogenous steroid use on the HPA axis depends on: 

Amount of steroi used In general, larger than physiologic doses of 

 steroid are required to

suppress the axis.

Farmok inetik  

Kor tikosteroid bekerja dengan memblok enzim fosfoli pase-A2, sehingga menghambat 

 pembentukan mediator peradangan seper ti prostaglandin dan leukotr ien. Selain itu berfungsi 

mengurangi sekresi mukus dan menghambat proses peradangan. Kor tikosteroid tidak dapat 

merelaksasi otot polos jalan nafas secara langsung tetapi dengan jalan mengurangi reak tif itas

otot polos disek itar saluran nafas, meningkatkan sirkulasi jalan nafas, dan mengurangi 

frekuensi keparahan asma jika digunakan secara teratur.Kor tikosteroid inhalasi secara teratur 

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digunakan untuk mengontrol dan mencegah gejala asma. Kontraindikasi bagi pasien yanghi persensitif itas terhadap kor tikosteroid. Efek samping kor tikosteroid berk isar dar i rendah,

 parah, sampai mematikan. Hal ini tergantung dar i rute, dosis, dan frekuensi pember iannya.Efek samping pada pember ian kor tikosteroid oral lebih besar dar i pada pember ian inhalasi.

Pada pember ian secara oral dapat menimbulkan katarak, osteoporosis, menghambat 

 per tumbuhan, berefek pada susunan saraf pusat dan gangguan mental, ser ta meningkatkan

resiko terkena infeksi. Kor tikosteroid inhalasi secara umum lebih aman, karena efek sampingyang timbul ser ingkali bersifat lokal seper ti candidiasis (infeksi karena jamur candida) di 

sek itar mulut, dysphonia (kesulitan berbicara), sak it tenggorokan, ir itasi tenggorokan, dan

 batuk. Efek samping ini dapat dihindar i dengan berkumur setelah menggunakan sediaan

inhalasi. Efek samping sistemik dapat terjadi pada penggunaan kor tikosteroid inhalasi dosis

tinggi yaitu per tumbuhan yang terhambat pada anak-anak, osteoporosis, dan karatak.

Pada anak-anak, penggunaan kor tikosteroid inhalasi dosis tinggi menunjukkan per tumbuhan

anak yang sedik it lambat, namun asma sendir i juga dapat menunda puber tas, dan tidak ada

 buk ti bahwa kor tikoster iod inhalasi dapat mempengaruhi tinggi badan orang dewasa. Hindar i 

 penggunaan kor tikosteroid pada i bu hamil, karena bersifat teratogenik.