the sigman - · the sigman university of michigan chapter of lambda chi...

THE SIGMAN University of Michigan Chapter of Lambda Chi Alpha ANN ARB OR, MI CHI GAN, AUGUST, 1968 Lambda Chi's Schroder and Pozza Play Well In National Open and Michigan Amateur In competitive golf consistency is th e name of the ga me . It tak es a score close to par everyday - or the next da y you might not be there at all. Two yo u ng men wh o h av e been ver y s uccessf ul at com- pet it ive go lf thi s year are v ar sity go lfe rs John Schroder '68 an d Rocky Pozza '70. J oh n' s fi ne p lay thi s ye ar was highl ight ed by his competition in t he U.S. Open, whi le Rocky did very well in th e Mich iga n Amate ur Tournament. J ohn , t he n umber 1 man on th e Michigan golf team, was among the lead ers in most of Michigan's mat ch es, pla cing seco nd in the Nor th ern Inter col legi ate Inv ita- ti on al a nd fift h in the Confere nce Oh ampions hips. But pe r ha ps J ohn' s most mem orabl e go lfoc cur ed in the U.S. Open at Oak H ill Co untr y Club in Rochester, Ne w York. His openi ng round 74 placed him in 15th .position whi ch is not bad co nsid e ring his competition. A dis - as terous 81 the second day, how- eve r, eli min ated John from co mpe - t it ion. J.ohn had tr ou ble the second day keeping h is drives straight a nd was forced to play many dif- fic ult shot s fr om t he rough. The ro ugh at t he U:S. Ope n is ju st t hat accor di ng to J oh n-l ong thick, and wet . During his stay at Oak Hill, J ohn had the oppo rtu - n ity to p ractice with Bobby Nich- ols wh o, says J ohn, is a "g r eat go lfer and a fine gentle man ." As far as amate ur t our naments go J ohn feels that th e NCAA tournament is t he f ines t any- wh ere . John claim s tha;t since all the goo d am atures t urn pr o the NCAA t our name nt is th e only place w he re t he best col l egiate amate urs co mpete with one a n- other . The scores attest to this a s it to ok a two r ound total of 144 or bet ter just to qua lify. R ocky, the numb er 5 man on the Wolv er ine squad as a soph- omore, see ms certa in to fill the void left by Sc hroder's graduation. Aft er a fine seas on wit h s-e-vera l se con d and t h ird place fin is hes , Rocky took on the Com petition at the Amateur. At the end of th e qu alif ying round Rocky found him- se lf in f if th place with a 74, just 1 strok e back of the lead er s. Thi s sco r e poi nt s to the hig hcaliber of Rocky' s game as it was ac- complished in a d ownp our that beg an to f ill his bag with wat er, a nd make it exceeding ly d ifficult to get a good gr ip on his clubs. In the f ir st round of ma tch pl ay, Rocky met Ph il Ma rston of Jackson, a former MSU golfe r. Th is natu ra lly set the stage f or a very exciting round of ,golf- one that wa s not decided until the f inal hole. " On the 18th" r ecalls Rocky, "a bad break for Mar ston enabled .me to win." Th e next day however, the b reaks se e med to go the ot he r way as Rocky w as def ea ted .by a fine y oun g gc lfer , Ga ry Ball iet. Aft er his experience in th e Mich- igan Amat eu r Rocky say s he find s t he " rigo rs of st ro ke pla y more appeali ng t ha n ma t ch p lay ." "In st roke play," he says , "yo u can recover fro m a bad da y, while in matc h play a ba,d day can elimi- n ate yo u." Th is fall as Rocky ret u rns to t he U-M and wo rks towards en- tering law school, John will be involved in the world of hi gh fina nce in N ew Yo rk. Both , of course, wi ll be acco mp a nied by t heir golf clubs . (Conti nued on page 3) Rock y Pozz a (left) an d John S chroder (right) had very s uc- cessful yea rs on th e links both as U-M te am memb er s and as indi- viduals. Rocky is shown above fighting the elements, s omethin g th a t he was for ced to do all las t ye ar, from the beginn ing of "Spring" pr actice in Ann Arbor through the downpour s of the Michi gan Amat eur tourn ament. John Schroder di splays hi s unique putting style, with his hands s eparated . John, Mich igan's number one player , was a qualifier and particip ant in this year 's National Open.

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Page 1: THE SIGMAN - · THE SIGMAN University of Michigan Chapter of Lambda Chi Alpha ANN ARB OR, MICHIGAN, AUGUST, 1968 . Lambda Chi's Schroder and Pozza Play Well

THE SIGMAN University of Michigan Chapter of Lambda Chi Alpha


Lambda Chi's Schroder and Pozza Play Well In National Open and Michigan Amateur

In competi t ive gol f cons ist ency is th e name of the game . It takes a sco re close t o pa r everyda y - or the next da y you might not be there at all. Two yo ung men wh o hav e been very successful at co m­pet it ive go lf thi s year are varsit y go lfers John Schroder '68 and Rocky P ozza '70. J oh n' s fi ne play thi s year was highl ighted by hi s compe t i tion in t he U.S. Open, whi le Rocky did ve ry well in the Mich igan Amateur Tournament.

J ohn , t he number 1 man on the Michigan go lf t ea m, was among t he leaders in most of Michiga n 's match es, pla cing seco nd in the North ern Intercol legiate Inv ita­ti onal a nd fifth in the Conference Ohampionships. But pe r haps J ohn's mos t mem orable golfoccured in the U.S. Ope n at Oak H ill Country Club in R ochest er , Ne w York. H is ope ning r ound 74 p laced him in 15th .position whi ch is not bad consid ering hi s competi t ion. A dis­as terous 81 t he second da y, how­eve r, eli min ated John f ro m compe­t it ion. J.ohn had trou ble the second da y keeping h is dr ives straight and was forced t o play many dif­fic ult shot s from t he rough. The rough at t he U:S. Open is just that according to J ohn-long thic k, and wet. D uri ng h is s tay a t Oa k Hill , J ohn had the opportu­n ity to p ract ice with Bobby Nich­ols wh o, says J ohn, is a "great go lfer an d a f ine gent leman."

As far as amateur t ourna men t s

go J ohn feels that th e NCAA

tournament is t he f ines t any­where. John cl aim s tha;t s ince all the goo d amatures turn pro the NCAA tournam ent is th e only place where t he best col legiate amateurs compete with one a n­other. T he scores attest to thi s a s it to ok a two round total of 144 or better just to qua lify.

Rocky, the number 5 man on the Wolverine squad as a soph­omore, see ms cer ta in t o fill the void left by Schroder's g r adua tio n.

After a fine season with s-e-veral se cond and t hird place fin is hes , Rocky took on the Competition at t he A ma t eur. At the end of the qualify ing ro und Rocky fo und him­se lf in f ifth place with a 74, just 1 stroke back of the lead ers. This sco re poi nts to the highcaliber of Rocky' s game as it was ac­complis hed in a downpour that began to f ill his bag with water , and make it exceeding ly difficu lt to get a good grip on h is clubs .

In the f ir st r ou nd of ma tch play, Rocky met Ph il Ma rston of J ackson, a former MSU golfer . This na tu ra lly set the stage for a very exci t ing ro und of ,g olf- one that wa s not decided until the f inal hole. " On the 18th" recalls Rocky, "a ba d brea k f or Marst on

e nabled .me to win." The nex t day however , t he breaks se emed to go the othe r way as Rocky w as defea ted .by a f ine young gc lfer , Ga ry Ball iet.

After his ex perie nce in the Mich ­iga n Amateur Rocky say s he find s t he " rigo rs of st ro ke play mor e appeali ng t han ma t ch play ." " I n stroke play," h e says, "you ca n recover from a bad da y, while in match play a ba,d day ca n eli mi­nate yo u."

Th is fall as Rocky returns t o t he U-M and works towards en­t eri ng la w school , John will be involved in t he world of hi gh fina nce in New York. Both, of course , wi ll be acco mpa nied by t heir golf clubs .

(Conti nued on page 3)

Rock y Pozz a (left) an d John Schroder (right) had very s uc­cessful years on th e links both as U-M te am member s and as indi­vidua ls. Rocky is shown a bove fighting the elements, something th a t he was forced to do all last ye ar, f rom th e beginning of "Spr ing" pr actice in Ann Arbor through the downpours of the Michi gan Amateur tournament. John Schroder displays hi s unique putting s ty le, with his hands separated. John, Mich igan's number one player, was a qualifier and participant in this year's National Open.

Page 2: THE SIGMAN - · THE SIGMAN University of Michigan Chapter of Lambda Chi Alpha ANN ARB OR, MICHIGAN, AUGUST, 1968 . Lambda Chi's Schroder and Pozza Play Well

P ag e 2 THE SI GMAN August, 1968


A publication for the a lumni un dergr ad­uate me mbers and f ri en ds of Si gm a Zeta of Lambda Chi A lp ha a t th e University of Mi ch igan . A m ong t he objects o f t he Si gman are : To affo rd each al umnus of the Cha pte r a mea ns of con tinuing his interest in t he Ch apter a nd In a ll Lambd a Chi A lpha aff a irs after g r aduat ion of his cJ.aas from college . to keep a lumn i in to uch with one another an d w it h the Chapte r. t o keep all alumni m embers ad vised . . . a nd to se ek ad vi ce an d assi stance from t hese al wnni .. . concern ing worthw hile IJroi­ects un dertaken by the Alum ni Board of Advisors a nd the underg raduate ch apter. and to provide for Sigma Zeta .... ! ';Co rd of alumni and underg r aduate actdvit les , ac­compl ishments, llr ob lem s and goa ls so that la te r genera ti ons of the Cha pte r ma y ha ve a record of the efforts of ,thei r precursors with w hi ch to m easure p rogress,


President>­J. Will iam Sche pe r's '60 _ _ . Grand Rallids . Michi gan

Vice President-P aul C. Robertson, Jr. ' 64. _ _ ______._... Tren ton. Mic hi gan

Seerelary-James R. Nette ' 63, Ro yal Oak. Michigan

TretUlurer-­Thomas L, Kress ' 61 . _.""",,_.........,,_._,..._........._.,...Ann Arbor, Michigan


P res ide n t-J amie Quackenbush '7 0 LSA ...., ~ _..,._ _.., Ann Arbo r. Mic h iga.n

Vice President-Dav e A rn old '7'1 LSA

......_.....H ou :-:. to n, Texas

Tr easurer-Ri ck Cu rti s ' 70 Eng in .

••••_ • •• _ ••• •• _ M _ • • • • _ • ••• • •• • •• _ • • • .J a ckson . Michigan

Se c reta ry-J im P eg gs '70 LS A .",._ ,.".._, _ _, """ Dea r bo r n.

P ledge T r a iner-Pete Gr a,(f '70 LSA

.... .A n n Ar bor .

S ocial Ch a irman-e-Ke r ry N o rwa lk '71

..."..Ad a,

R itu a li st-D en n is Beemer '69 E nzin .

....A nn Arb or.

Rush Chair rn a n-e-Dave Brewer '69 Eng-in.

.Flint .

Mich igan

Mich igan



Mic h iz a n



Send Chan ges of Address

a nd News Notes to :

Chi Alpha Records Offi ce 208 Nickels Arcade

Ar bor, Mich igan 48108

Ann Arbor Newspaper Editorial Lauds Sigma Zeta Efforts

The ed it ors of the Ann Arbor News r ecen tl y praised L arn da Chi as th e fin est .and most conscienti ­ous f raternity on ca mpus. Sigma Ze ta r eceived this p r a ise for t he f ine job t ha t h as bee n done in caring fo r th e lawn and shr ubs , a nd a lso for the ge nera l appear­a nce of the hou se. Also mentioned was th e promptness wit h wh ich we clean up after constructi ng homecomi ng a nd ot her display. T he local paper felt that our con­sistency in ma int a ining th e ap ­pear a nce of the cha pte r fJO '.1S ~ SE: t us a pa rt fro m .t he other fra .tcrni­t ies on ca mpus ,

Although we p refer praise to unwarran t ed cr iticis m. we do r e­

g ret t hat the editors of t he Ann Arbor New s overlooke d 'h.! r eal substa nce of our co nt ributio n to unde rgraduate lif e h er e at th e U -M. H om ecoming Floats. la w n mai ntena nce , and charity projects are sm all parts of life here. The p r imary job is t o ge t an educat ion in pr epa.rati on for Living, bo th t echnical k nowledge a nd in lea rn ­ing h ow to deal with our fell ow man .

Tho frat ern it y ch apter is a p eo­pl e facto r y of t he h ighest or de r , and thos e of u s who understand S ig ma .Zet a 's t rue r ole a re .ge n ­u ine ly proud of th e job that is being done for our men at Mien .. ig a,n.

Mother's Day Program Spotlights Parents' Interest

One mea sure of a f r aternity's s t r ength is t he exte n t to wh ich it r eceiv es s upport fr om its a lumn i, undergraduate .mernber s, an d t h e unde rgraduates' p arent s. On thi s basis we we re very pro ud of the sup port gi ven the chapter a t 'bhis years Mot he r's D.ay. Over 50 mot he r s , 40 accompanied by their families, a r r ived in Ann Ar bo r March 17th t o enj oy a beautiful &.') degree day, fi ne meal s, and vari ou s a ctivities. Crai g Slater' s fami ly add ed mu ch to the fest iv­ities as they a,rrive<! fr om Hawa ii

with a large nu mber of beautiful t r opi cal fl ow er s.

At a spec ia l cere mo ny he ld on t h is da y two of the fa t he rs, Georg e "Doc" Gr eey , a nd CLarence L . .P oaza Sr., wer e honored f or a ll the t ime a nd eff ort they h av e con t ributed t o t he chapte r . " Doc" k eep s a, close eye on the ch a pt e r a nd he lps in a ny way h e ca n. MI'. Pez za do nated much last sum me r in t he way of t ime an d rna terial s a s he worked t o improve the ch a p­te r house. Both men were awa r d­ed en graved s ilver mu gs.

Charity Project A Success In a very unu su al a nd ima gi n­

it ive f a sh ion La mbd a Chi su ccee ded

incolJ ect in g a la rge quani t y of

ca nne d f ood fo r a loc al chari ty .

The members went out a nd su c­

ceeded in k idn apping ten sor or it y

,housemot her s who were th en ra.n­so med ibac k t o the g irl s f or cans of good . F ortunat ely , a ll t he gi r ls paid the ransom thus making the cha r-ity .p rojec t a hug e s uccess an d av oid in g the p r o.ble m of di sposi ng of th r ee or f our hou s em ot hers .

Chapter Officers Attending Assembly Th e underg radu ate off ice r s of

S ig ma Zeta .ha,ve jou rneyed t o Dal­las, Texas , fo r the bienn ial Gene ra l Assembl y of Lam bda Ch i A lph a . They will be Joined there by r ep­resen ta tives of th e othe r La mb da ,Chi ch apters a nd by Service Secre­t ary Geo rge , S pasyk, a La m bda

Chi al um nus of the U niv ers it y of Mich ig an .

Th e program f or t h is ye ar's Ge neral Asse mb ly includes su b­sta ntiv e discu ss ion» of the prob­lems f a cin g our o rgan izat io n on a ll levels of operation and presenta­t ion s des igned to hel p everyone.

Page 3: THE SIGMAN - · THE SIGMAN University of Michigan Chapter of Lambda Chi Alpha ANN ARB OR, MICHIGAN, AUGUST, 1968 . Lambda Chi's Schroder and Pozza Play Well

August, 1968 THE SIGMAN Page 3

Undergraduate Chapter Highlights Summer Improvements

Most chap ters close th eir doors for the summer only to r eturn in the .F'a ll t o find the house in the same, or wo rse condition, th a n whe n they left. Not .so Lambda Ch i. This sum me r, Gr eey and a number of Lambda Chi's are busy making numero us improvem ent s in the house t ha t are difficult to acc omplish dur ing the sch ool year.

Projects under way this summer include a complete renovation of the second f loor bathroom, the replacement of tw o ceili ng s, and various repairs in th e kitchen. The usu a l painting, scrubb ing , and pa tching a re also scheduled, These improveme nt s should ease the workload on pledges and actives in the fa ll, and a lso be very bene­ficial during rush .

New Officers 'I'h is F all a new slate of offi cers

will .lead Lambda Chi t o one of its .bes t years. Lead ing ,t he ex ­ecu tive board this fall will be a very capable and qualified ju ni or, Jamie Qu ack enbush, who should re­ceive much a id a nd a ss ist ance f rom ih is vice president, n av e Arnold. Rou nding out the executive board will be treasu rer Rick Curtis, and secretary Jim P egg s.

These men were elected in the sp ring an d t hus .have several months experience und er their belt s a lr ea dy. This experience, coupled with bhe ir demonstrated ability, should add greatly to the s ucce ss of the chapter.

Sigma Entrant Wins Title

The first annual Winter Week end conte st to choose Miss Wil d W ild West was won .by t he Lamb-da Chi s pons ored entrant , S usa n " Spu zzy" Stann. Miss Stann, wh ~

is presently engaged to Lambda ~hl Tom He idke , f ollowed the WIld Wild West theme of Winter Week­end by co mpet ing a s a, California's " a go go" g ir l comple te with n:: ini skirt. a nd high boots. Her f irs t pla ce f in ish was a resu lt of he r combinat ion of go od looks , costume, and an swers to various questions

as ked by the ju dge s. Miss Stann is a ma m ber of Delt a Delta Del ta. Soro rity .

Summer Contacts After severa l numerica lly di s­

app oint ing s emest ers of rush The Interfratern ity Coun cil has taken 2, new and more worka ble approach towards rush. This new a pp roach, it is hoped, will op en ru sh so that th e hou ses with t he most i nit ia t ive and drive will be a ssured the number of pledges they desir e.

The major feature of this n ew program for rush is that the in­coming freshme n may be con­tacted and rushed befo re formal rus h beg ins . Previously th is pr ac­ti ce wa s prohibited. The men of Sigma Zeta are taking full ad­vantage of t h is liber alization .pol­icy and are engaged in several prog r ams that sho uld net us many f ine p ledge s t his Fall.

This summer over fifteen men are busily working through th e ,IF C's su mmer contact pr og ram meeti ng inco mi ng f reshmen a nd tal king t o th em a bout the Un­iver sit y a nd the frat ernity system. Th e best men that are contacted this summer will be contacted again when t hey arrive in Ann Arbor and will be s hown the more informal side of Si gma Zeta.

csu , (Co n ti nued f r om pa ge 1)

Both John Schroder a nd Rocky

Pozza face a maze of obstacles in compo2t ing as amateurs in an expensive and time consuming spor t. I n the words of one of America's most promin ent .pr o­fe ssional golfers , both ";the U SGA (il.Iriited Stat es Golf As sociat ion) a-nd the Roya.l and Ancient (the Brittsh counterpart with it s head­quarters at St. Andr ews, Scot ­land) have moss all over them," conc erning the ir co ncept of ama­t eurism.

• .

Susan "Spuzzy" Stann was selected Miss Wild Wi ld West as pa rt of the Winter \Yeekend festivities. "Spuzzy" is a member of Delta Delta Delta an d was sponsored by La mbda Chi Alpha. She is engaged to Lambda Chi Torn Heidke,

Page 4: THE SIGMAN - · THE SIGMAN University of Michigan Chapter of Lambda Chi Alpha ANN ARB OR, MICHIGAN, AUGUST, 1968 . Lambda Chi's Schroder and Pozza Play Well

Page 4 THE SIGMAN August, 1968

Alumni News Wolverine Football 1968 And Notes Michigan State Here October 12th

B R O T H E R LAWRENCE W. HEST E R '46 is presently livin g in Cookville, Tennessee, where he is personnel dir ector f or the .Mc­Cord Corpo ration. Larry a ttended The Uni ve rsi ty of Michigan for two years after t ransf er in g- from Greenville College in Lllinois. While at Michigan La rry ea rn ed an A.,B. with a najor in Economics.

Current ly Larr y is active in the local Ki wanis Club a nd plays the Violin in t he Civic Symphony. Brother H est er is a ls o act ive in th e Ar my Re serve an d last year was p romoted to the rank of Major .

Brother Hester married the for­mer J ea n W hi tson in March of '68 . The Hester's hav e two children, Carol 16, a nd Ma rk 10, by Larry's fi rst w if e w ho passed away in 1964.

Other Ways You Can Help Our Program

You can assis t .the Sigma Zeta

alumni rel a ti ons pr og ra ,m in a

nu mber of ways . By s ending us

information o n your ac t ivities you

can make The Sigman mo re in­

terestingand immediate to all

those who know yo u pe rsonally.

Simply. by keeping yo ur address . current yo u can help our pro gram cons iderably a nd s av e our mO!l~Y.

T he re w as a t ime .when; we paid only f ive cents for a r eturn ed letter. Those days .are ove r . . It now costs eight cents fo r .eaoh returned let ter plus the addit ional s ix cents to ge t th e origin al ma il­ing into your hands at your new addre ss .

You can make a m aterial and fin an cial cont r ibut ion to our pro­.gr arn by send ing your new ad­dress a nd a ny pertinent news no tes t o our Alumni Records Offic e, 208 Nickels Ar cad e, Ann Arbor.

Wh en you ar e in Ann Arbor st op a t th e ch apter .house an d meet t he brot he rs , You a lways welcome . The un dergraduates will ap preciate your expression of in­te rest .

This fa ll .Michigan will be f ield­

ing one of its most exciting teams

in recent years. Lea d by thei r

fin e qua rterba ck, Denn y Bro wn,

a nd captaine d by t he record br eak­ing R on J ohn son, t hi s yea r' s squad looks lik e a solid con tender fur the trip to P a sad en a.

This year's h ome sched ule ( see below) s hou ld pro vide many excit­ing 8aturdayaf ternoons in An n Arbor , As always, Ho mecoming , with its many f loats, displ ays, and p ret ty girls , should .prove to be t he most exciting game of ull. H omecom in g t his year f a lls on Oct . 26th and b r ing s t he "Golden Go­phe rs" of Minn esot a t o Ann Ar bor . Th is of course mea ns that t he Lit tle Brown J ug also w ill be 0 11

the line. T he chapter is currently ma ki ng

pla ns to insure th at you will ha ve a goo d tim e, go od food, and goo d weather durin g your visit. Why not make plans now to be in Ann Arbor on Oct . 26th, or a ny football Saturday. Th e cha pte r w.ill do it s best t o make you fee l at hom e. Do not hesitate to bring your wife; if .she doesn't like f oot­ball, we're sure she' ll love the band.

Football Schedule 196 8

Sept.. ..21-California ...a t Ann Arbor Sept. 28-Duke _ Du rham Oct. 5---Navy .at Ann Arbor Oct. 12-Mich. State at Ann Arbor Oct. 19-1ndiana Bl ooming ton Oct. 26-Minnesota .,.at Ann Arb or Nov. 2-Northwestern

...................................._ a t Evanston Nov. 9-111inois a t Ann Arbor Nov. 16-Wisconsin at Ann Arbor Nov. 23- 0hio State ...a t Colum bus

WANTED Th e names of young men who will be attending The

Unive rsity of Michigah this FaH that y ou reel w ill be all asset to both th e U and Sig ma Zeta.

Your r ecommendations give us a headstart on our compe­tition and help .us to pr eserve and perpetuate the tradition of excellence that we inh erited fr om our alumni. The University of Michigan st ill attracts some of th e finest young men in America. With your help Lambda Chi Alpha will continue to pledge and initiate its fair share of these young men.

Lambda Chi Alph a pr osp er s today because our alumni cared enough to leave something that th ey found to be of signifi­cant value. We want to leav e S ig ma Zeta in even better condition than we found it. Your assistance'. in our r ushing operation will help to assure th e success of our effor ts.

Please direct yo ur recommendations to our Rushing Office, 208 Nickels Arcade , or to our ru sh cha ir ma n a t th e cha pter hou se. We will acknowled ge the receipt of all recommendations a nd will act on th em promptly. We will al so inform you of th e resul ts of our efforts.