the sun. (new york, ny) 1878-01-29 [p ]. · 2017-12-15 · ib-.-his w le lilts r ml'",...

I f 1 I b e jsuu. VOL XLV.-- XO, l.M. NEW YORK, TUESDAY, JANUARY , 878. PRICE TWO CENTS. COL LNGEUSOJX'S LECTURE. a svinmtt OHATtOS "V ntf T.lBKBTt , iidw i.v, ash child, T aintrry if !yii'.niirf Haw M aintr (lorif I rr rut Aanlli.t Ihe Fieri Thnao wlm t.ei.d fulled lleeetlee TIN Resell of l c Mm t I'refe.t that tliry Itellrva. Ool Bobatl 0. Inffewoll of Illinois drily rr.'.I In ( i. kerlhg Hu f Inst eVi nllM I Isle Urt an "Ths Liberty ol Man. Woman nnd Child." He nii that there were eaeellent. pious nnd koMM people wii did not agree with hint, all n( wti ifii rjroved limply that be did not agree With them. Re believed there waa no slat' ry except Liberty is a simple rrneatlon o! intellectual development ami n qneetlon of honeety, if thT" le n man who In noi willing to give to every other human Mm bvi ry right Ibnl It claims tor himself, he is n natural-bor- n rascal. If Ibaro la n person who is n ot witling I In uivi' nta uii ine rights he claims for hlmaelf, ho i jut an tuueh nearer a Imrbartan than I am, Applause. it la a nutation ol InteUectual Mlllirt of brnln. The race baa lmprottt only ilk It baa I nfree. Ha had Man the models illustrating the progress I mmi. Irotn iba dug-ou- t to tha man-of-w- ar i from Ibn tom-to- m to tha instruments ' makatba nir blossom with melody i from th pni nt i ng and sculpture of (bo savags ui to Uw htotoafr otto-da- y t from the books on leave ol Murk to tba lllutriited edttlona ol Bhake-pe- ri from tha crooked stick ol lha savags Bgri- ullur'st to t!i" (team plough end tba r.'(iiT. Until adenc had touched agriculture the sgrlcullurlsl remained Ignorant and eupsr-a- t. lions. Every branch t business that d upon tha nuknowa must mlngla with nnparatltion. Even tba skulls ol tha modern muri warn Indicative f progreaa, for In the old gropad tha allmy paaalona and hatrada ol man, while In tio new dweUlova, liberty, and right lapplause, and yet the old skull ended tii tn'w one a bnratle, lLaughter.l It waaalwaya a... mmm that tha towar danouneaa tba klgbar. No man Lm in this world fnis been enllad u harctio unless he H waa In advanee, Applause. The heretic la tha uim-- tliatthn retting onlls tha growing It In H what tha ateneb ealla the perfutne, ILanghter.l Beraay estaada tha boaplutlltiaa ol tbeliralato unv nawtboogbt Ortboilotylithadeadlaavaa, and heresy tli bad lad bloaaom at th" top. There la the aama difference that there hi be- tween th tom-to- m and the opera, sup-bot- e I the old sliiu anil prleat bad shiiI t!'" erookail atiek is tin- - u-s- agrleul-turn- l Implemant, wc.ul l that have Mopped Hi. i Improvement or agrlenltureT Th" gen-tium- In th" dug-Ot- lt hml his Ideaaol mo-Pp- ehantea mi polltl a- - th" ldei thai might makea v rUht It t" th naandaol yenra before th' world will ball 'vinglt any that nvht makaa i Bight. Applauae, V There hiLs not I n n pntentable Impr vement ui'"ii the old Devil In tOUO yeara, Laughter. In the praaenca ol the unknown we nil have an H equal right to gueae. Any elliaen haa tho rleht w toglvanlaoplnlin about a aid tui nwhleb S ti H' kuowa anything. Laughter, our on eeatora Had the idea that they could for' men kw in think their own Way. and inanv have that Bin you ennnot foreo men tothlnk ilo. you can only lorea them to rig hypo-- I All we mecbaal-- In the wrM ennnot two wat'hea keep Um together, and bow more iiitii uit to niak" men agree. and dreadfully atupid world n w.miii i if ii iwr.-e- . Applauae, Nci one haa ever peraeeuted to dentil f"r "nilim: Ci sl no'n tmv" only been peraeeuted for Ood good. No man ever poreeeuted In defenee of the truth. J oba ts'huveil Cnr;t was th" K'ertiai S u Of Servrtus Is'lii'Veil that (.'lirlat was the Eternal Oodi ami for thia difference o Servtus was huni l at a slow lire, an I stonl nml trritin-- 1 at Mm liken The tbumba rewhadl nuaedinthe of aaiveraal benevolence, anu be admitted they hit J tried the thumtid tew on In in ho IM"iit"-ilay- . nave believed In "n- - h"ll or a million. or h million, and WOUld have only sunt. that! " I.aurfhter.1 at the norrlble torturee that have In the name of intvereal at th"thunil s applied oy ."utti. , and Preabyieriana, he aald if man In thta city who will not vote for becnuae he is ..f a different ereed.or not nraj a th nnntberol a different that man haa the aamehi llb spirit that everv instrument "1 tiTture ;n th" I t p: -. He aworo thai while he he would do what h uld to :r terve th liberty if man, woman, and The protile free labor la bow to do i ano'iint 'rk m the ihorteal time. 11 - Were any win, wre t.. their honeat say to them: 0 oni 1 will d n Jf talking for you." A p auae, He bellHvsd in . absoltite equality of men to free thought In ivf I the intellectual domain there is no holy ImI i place. if bappimaa ever iliea clergymen BS I will is th" pall bearer, lor they l . not add IHb to the bapplneaa and pjeaaur of this world, iKM The pla"" to be happy is her". unl the time now. He ai l not believe in 'lrinkink' afcim milk in IH t!' is life fur tl up"' tate'ii ot istt.r ill tha next. Grant laughter. Human iit rt waa of so re- cent date that tiie world had not nn lit plu.-- p. live for a gentleman nr l ly uritil w.tiun ll:ty years, but now in this country we hav" d IiiVH so (ar that it is not siiftl nnt for a man to bold an office be has got tonii it. Applauao.i ne have got over arorahipping the golden call, Hut we worship the gold ol the unlljand ku tne eaives ara beginning to know It. Tnelunerala ol a few miTllonalrea have shown us that it taken mnrn than gold to make u man in the United states. Applauae. riven in livrruanv bow inu li greater Is Bla- - mar k than tho Emperor William i In Eng. laiel vlotorla is th" i'i"en ol f 'rtun". but George. Kllot is Queen hy divitte right ol genlue, Applauae. The time la coming when i v ry man and woman w.ii ! judged by heart niel brain. The physical lit-i- ty "l n an In- cludes the right to tinnk right, und the riirht to think wrong. Before we write a creed let us jvi it tii) we hav" u generation ol free hraina, Lvei creed that we now have is marked by thi whip and cbniu and taggot. Just In proportion as n man is base and Ignorant and mean ii sj li thins li" i netti rthap any woman. Contrasting th- -' iilbfical and Bralimin atorlea I of the creation, eji preaaed his praferenee for lh latter, though there wore pipua people who i w ii i bidleve Hud th" Brnhmln story, which MX w . written 4.1sl ars liotore the Bible, mi. II fqp'ed Irom It. tb loved that verao whh'h read, 11 'nleswil s that man and beloved of nil the IBM It ijrald of no and of whom no H V D"lu ! afrai I." HrtueiUiui qtcHipt and abhorrunee the doc of ti loiig-hnirc- ii diort- - Jj l, .v rfiiiiouneed the institution B't of mnrriuge, There no hepplneas outside of I :i family, nml no happiness In Ihe family .i, where th man wni Ito uu Isiss. The fellow H In the dug out whs always titi:..n.' nlmul Bad b sat, He plcl ne.ithe b tberei v itll lha itT.i rs ol lib the momentous iiiinstlon who IP ihould la Aldermen ol ihu f ifth Ward, or I turbed to find out to which piir'y t tio Prealdent helontrs i amrl n 1, going home and ttrgettlpg Bi Ib-.- his W le lilts r Ml'", ii. so. Vi'll"fisle MWtt naked for a dollar tl mnti would ask, h"ie mmM s tne Ofty "ems l (rnvs youi Laughter. IMfjl Womun should ha equal in the Inrully, and ah'aibi vote l she wants in, iHf The su tsiu mauls tan man who la happy I ' by rr.nh du Iinjipv, und th" mw li u molest French peasant In Ills eottagn bonn mj may have n :. i; er and rr.on su than Napoleon, A the i men's voting. If mmm I'lvlllii'd eiiougV bi .i- - Ht lenal one mmm womuu. Thefnrrilly lath largest society that ouahi to agist, Ti ii"tilng the governinont ot mmm Cliiidraa beoouiiBelledllin laigi-s- t lils'rty, mmm He kepi the imuae in loiirt. lauglipq with mm I S . He BmI s wa i Br mm I i mm ' mm -- f.v i i .i the il f 1 hell would imt m preir'lu d In five year from BjnA lie drew a hg ii let u re the Sun BiB t B: B"' aen, II i ft ll'H ; mid Mm, i lh led L mm Vkiudui mT" W Ian ii B els tin nm - lie B '" B knock out the brnliii of i hildren Willi Bko Lw I Isinea ol their an K,i i' I'nruof iiln ... i... Ji bis level t In the same din-'lion- , ledii ,, BTJF pi'jo-- i o! (ho who v lid lnld"buf. i ler little children toroiri" unto me," having all B ' the time a cluh under the. r nlothlng, and only BuL speaking soft wolds togntthn young ones into pk slrlkiiig distanoc, Iiiuglitr, llosind to his BraPA B' jwrnm B B mmm why it B times as in ueh water tlcr'-fore- Uuee Uiuee aa weU Utled Ivt tlk vulture. il.niiii i r.l Ti ii ninny pnrta rtl Iho land wpn in t ni to i lis.- hunibti neingi . .lost ice, charily, and the roup i t i (.'' ii i ivn ' eat in the driving MioW, .' - to the belief lit eyoluth'n ol inuli from the lower i. mala. hi A fd i Ul B to 7. i i.i.i iri.'i t. lie ii en d ii yotipit man in eourtiugi to tell all his ahort mltiga to his SWsethri.rt.ailll it shu lot i h ie idler that he would "h vi il a i woo ; on that womafli euro. Laughter. HATiox.if. air. tun ittatiftJim oni..i. or the t'laaa int. I. agists aireel Jail. Tha lumnwry am t jttertUt'byOtyy erument tfarahnlol Mr. Lloyd R Uonbromery f tlm Mutual Life Insurance Cm pany. Mr. Hugh V. Farrell of 11 lXy etreet, Mr. M. w. M 'lntyr" of ti c Aator Uotnw, and Alexander all membera of the Benratv-flr- al 1;. glment, ami their ib b niton in Ludlow street bill created considerable feeling among mem- bers f the regiment, who feeeembied outaldt tic lallto see their frlendsi Ex --Judge Jones und Mr. Bttahnetl, the pris-on- i rs' lawn is. explained thai the arresis name of the dlsn.cuileTUieiit "f Company A. the eoiii- - pnny relttatag to comply with tic order with- out a hearingi Col Voae promulgated an order in Mar h. 1170, conaolidatlag Company A. and dletrllruUng its membera through the regiment This wns Interpretdl by the membeiwal Company A ae an expreeetonol the Colonel e personal feelings against Capt LruestA I' s.Maret. Tin' memnnre openly expreaeeii their dlaeatlafndlon, cud almost every momhtr reiused t eerve. J.c. Btnrek Was arrested to the case, the barge against lion Is ine and non-pny- id of dues. Ti aae waa taken belorc Judge t'ono- - hue, and bis Honor appointed bla elerk, Mr, Rlnclair.aa referee, it waa then; understood that until a d""ision was rl no further step, should !. taken, aid tic arreete that were mad" reaterday an- - viewed as arbitrary. OoL vnee said: " Company A have lor a long time lus'ij deliiuiiieiit in nioicy, and I put up with It as lotiu as I rould, I reported the taeta to tbi Adjutant of th.- - Mate, en Capt. P"s Mareta waa notified. Capt. Dee Mar-i- taiiuur to make a report to Col. Voae, tic company was ordered to i ineolldated." Col. Voae regretted that for the nood ol the regiment he nnd been eompelled to tak- tin rompanv A was originally formed of ill" Ohl Light Guard, und tlio regiment was proud of it. i ii t Krnest A. Dee Mareta is a memberof the st ck r, bunge. and has ins ofrl e nt Ofl Bioad-win- '. Hesaldi When tic mllttlawere rormed Into tic Nntional Guard of N w York and Inde- nt ndent companies wer formed Into reglmente the Old Light Ouani was attached lo Cotupany A ol th' Bevenlv-llra- t, giving them tic right of tic line in l w7 1 rapt, li- -s Mareta waa trans- ferred front th" Thtrty-eeeen- and ae aenbir Captain waa by nrtortty elected to the command of Company A oitheHeventy-flre- t. Title created Intense ieluousy among the Captaina of the regiment. Capt. f'-- Marets ad l n In tic scrvee elms lstty llatlo-- lhau oaus" unv In the regiment, be offered n tsk command ol tic Color Company, hut Brigadier-Gen- . Rockerfeller would not tcTitdt ins waiving ins Minority aiid ordered bint to take "ouin.and id Ins company. Then !i" oppoeltlon grew greater, ami the occasion was Mined to inak" .t a peMonn! mutter. CoL V.s" the suh; 't. and it wound up Willi uii order from headquarters "onsoldsting the company umt virtually retiring tic Captain I'ompanv A elaiin Unit th- - order w n in! prop- erly issued, ami they were merer legally eon-- aolldated. The memberaol tic who were arrested folt gyeatly aggrieved as they have never, by word or act, eo they aver, dla-oby- the ordereof their superior nfflcere, but were merely acting in obedience to law. They urc ail ready to bay their dies when they are certain that the die emdmeai of ih eraog cum-pun- y ot the regimen l is certain. TUB AXT1-S- I MOff VOTE. Am Eae to all Hope fur tSo NurevM mt ISd Ttisl lllc Krlww. WasiiinoioN, Jan. M.- - The ims-uif- e of the resolution to-d- by t vote of l?t$ to U aummarlly ends all hope wbleh may have existed of tile slightest e. ill !iteua!t"C to Tom S old's Texas and Pacific projeet. or any other like scheme. The resolution was skilfully drawn. It lays an even and heavy hand on nil attempts to use the national credit or abuee the national domain. The flat negative which It earned to the proposal to extend the Northern Picnic land grant drew some votes to the minority, who w u!d not otherwlss have been MOB there f ry of Maine. Landers of ( '.nil tcut. lice an. I Morse of Massachu- setts, nil voted in tic negative on tins Wudd'dl vot.-- against tin- resolution he xMMe ol its opjpoaltlon to any aid t eaa teamsinps. lu whieh h is strongly interested, stiihtricting tics- -, and it w ill ! found that neott'a heme, whoae frcmls buve been claiming 1 lit votee within thr- -' days pant, has l"se than eighty votes iii the Hon-.'- , and tic House was full enough to make the vote the fuir- - est possiti" test. Turning to ihe commit-tee- s ehargad with th- - expenditure of money, it will t tumi i ihitt in tic CommlttM on Ap- propriations line membera voted for and two against tic resolution and in the I ommittee on Paeillu llnilroads, out of eleven votes only live can 1st credited to the Influence '! tic- - Texas nml PlialftC, two otters being swayed by the Northern Pa-- Clflc, To anyic watching the pro lings of the Rouae it waa plain that every poMible was Uung used to prevent tic mtro- - duotlon d mis resolution, baker of In- diana wss buttonholed aul beaought not to prss it. Repreeentativee ol different aterests were to be seen everywhere nreeelng their attentions upon different memoere. It spis'ttrs that Sparks of Illinois was iinxu us to introduce smniur resolution, i mt Baker's name had hecti earlier placed on th npeaker! list, and Mr. Kan laii hud no option hut to rocognixe him. i. ';. '.; rMANCIM TMAiX, Tellies Home PtalS Truth. In Ike Kleb.1 oprra ii.- in Kawnek George Francis Train lectured to 2,000 persons in Newark last evening Although tic night was eold. the lecturer insisted on having tne windoWl open ami the hoUM Qooiled with cold air. About fifty of Newark's eltlsena accompanied by Indies, sat on tic stage, Mr. Train Mid thut in Kntrark Ingereoll couldn't git a baker's doxeuol auditors, and Btecher couldn't make enough to buy a siik dross for Mrs. Tllton, Tweedlsm, heeontlnued, represents the Demo-crsti- c party Orautiam represents tic Bopub-- li 'an party. Ilav sii.rn represents the frauds of tie- Louieiann IteturnlngBoanl, and uen, How-.:- i d represents the Freedman's Bureau which robs th" pt or treedmaii i bis hard earning! lor Christ i ssk". Laughter. Everything is bid. Look at the press, orinstnnoe, Tiny are all down on me, Lookat uigHutf, Itcuumy st in i. down t,, i. n iiicw And yet I put an advertlsemenl into it to-d- that ooal in" ISO, I tto It because It pays. The JVi'iMiis - bankrupt It wouldn't sell to. morrow ha tic lint mortgage on tic tali tower. It Circulates about 18,000, the Timrt about an.Ots), the II ui'M nhoul 10,000, the lltraH 30.IH0, 'I e njri uiation ol Tut HVM is 1 10.000 more than that ol all tic rest put together That's why I advertise in it. ni " nclueion Mi. Train sgldi "In fllteen years my hair will he ns hlaek as u raven's hi lert) yeara 1 vv ill hav e a new Mt of teeth, uii, ,n MMI years 1 Shell bt'RIU mukinga now taee . f men.' .i.v All ten ii "if tS'M si Kim:. Ueapoudeitey llint Pullaweg Ike lovini uioi o i. ue el Poverty Mr. Hem : Julian, of SO L'aUal stl'OOt, a widowed friend, Mis. Kebeecu Mans, aged TO, to spend a abort limn bla home, a year ago I ImrleS Mans. Mrs Mans's husband, died alnii l Then a Inlthful daugh- ter though m sti. oleic d elrcumstiinees, ito-vlde- d for 'le- wldoWi Mrs Mane's mourning for lor husi'itnl mi l hernorrowftt bidngde-icnde- hi "ii icr diiuglitcr preyed upon her llllld, Mr. J II I lull hoped thai the chnhut t" us own ebeeylul I" ine might 'llveii Ic r thoughts lint she heei.ina eve. more gloomy, nnd Mr. Julian thinks Iter Hold was unsettled, I'll Sun lav Plotting Mr. and Mrs. lid. an went nut in their return i ic y Mitel Mrs Mnaa lieslde tic klP hen bible, II. r hdi nriu was bared, and near He ell w WAS a Wide gush. tl"0d Stailn d Iter arms und reddened th flour, A (able knife was neur Mrs. Maas's right band, Mrs, Minis partly n gi.'ico consciousness and tiin.e aboUl nor Wounded arm und le r sorrows, Then she sank into a stupor, In the Pit ttcnth sir'-e- Rosplltt her wound vtas dressed, and then ahewai trauslorrod to Belle. vue Hospital. Her UOllditiOU last UVUtUUI WM oritlcal, " I BI U SlMIM'h." " No Sloucli " Is just eouiuienced in No. II of I IL. Am I... II .. . 4. IWW !. Jj - js. Mu. thy s elioi e Norfolk oysters are cheaper 1 tlnn l..i'..liwl. luisl 41 Uii.l.ivu .1 slid Vi Vvilisua; CASSANAVE, ANDE11S0N & CO. tUCalltStXn rm uti.u. or Tttlt MKN WHO tyrri) i HAVKS. The Flttht or Well. she. IS In I'nmill The e.e tlrleen. I'uilnm u XVItlu.iit t lleea- - llrewlnrx n lnrr fo l t Andertinn. MltW OMUtAM, Jan. IS. - The ppDCMtllllffl in the Iteturiilug Hoard Mitlon have n... come of dmmatie Interest, The flight ol Madi- son wviis has is'pit Ibdnwed with elaborate preparations for his recti very or recap tut'. The b"ft clues obtainable Indicate that h's track coca over tic Mississippi lite nml sheriffs with detectives have bean placer on that trail The fact ol the High: lecma to he auhataiitlaUaJ, but it 1b not Impoaal. hie thnt tic Returning Hoard cblel has sought concenlmeal in this rtty Tiie Custom ffouu.. haa been reaaarebad today, but bo trace lound of tic fugitive. TbeChlelol Police haa evidence Pointing to tic possibility of Wells running for Washington, and that Packard left this city on litis evening's train for Washington with Mrs. Wells, nnd tic poll M for " has found enough othi r evtdeaoatoaurmls i that tic night is iii that direction. Court office rs, with tic proper reitnlslUont, will ! sent on The Federal officials who obatructed the exe- cution ol the criminal flherilPs writ in tic cus- tom House have been declared In contempt ol the Superior Criminal Court, and w ill be ar- raigned before Ihe .n- a- - :.i- -t u- - tl.eir writs of arrest can Ik? served. Anderson, OMSnaVt, and Kcnner were brought Into tin; Criminal Court where an IniMiense crowd had assembled to vvitm-s- s th trial. Tha court room waa cleared on tic antranee of the prison. rs. nn i proceedings Were Is'gun against Thomas C. Anderson for puhlishing tic forg' d electoral returns of vernon parleh Tins, after coun- sel for defendants had first petitioned to buve the trial ol Anderson. Caoohave nnd Kcnner together, and next petltloni"d for u nhnnge of venue, m tic prvittdlce was s... strong in tins parish. Uoth petltjrips and motions Were overruled by Ju.lgu Whltaker and tic cose of tiie state vs. Thomas Ander- son taken up. in twelve hours only lour jurymen hsd been chosen owing to tiie peculiarities of the e lse, nml it will Is- - tw o days before a jury can be selected, ThedufenM has nlti'ady vvhaiistcd s. o its fv-l- v- uiv ehallengi'S. While the pr se'lltiou II as oil V h III lenged twee, tlnlv thirteen ate left on tic panel. Orders have been issued lor tic ap- pearance of tootnletmen to appear The four jurymen ulrendy selected ennnoi be iiius or active ue ol ituer party. AnderaonwM remandedto tho pnrieh prison in default "f 130,000 hail. Rentier In ! fault of 18.000. anl Oaeennve was released on ball A terrible array "f witncs-- n have been hroiight forward ami the alleged altered returi -- produced in court, those of Field's committee, With the original Couimiseioners' returns from the polls. The court adjourned tor at 10 P. M. thk mil tii hi;;.. j. 1 SMlng to DeMftnd Ibr Kuiaintrnc ot the Pledge Mud. le tSe um mt II Washington, Jon. 2" J. Madi-o- u Wells Is expected to arrive here from New Orleans. He cones to demand of John Sh-r-- aa and Stanley Mstthcws the fulfilment of the plcdgis they made to himsoll und Anderson in the name of It. B. Hayes. What th- se pledges acre, the Hon. W. E. Chandler sets forth In his Idler to the Kepuhllcsns of N"w Hampshire us follows: "In Louisiana, however, there lis I been thrown Into the bsllot k.xes over 7,000 more votes for the Tlld"n than forth! Hayes electors and to make Hayes Preeident it became neoeeeary for the Returning Board, acting un- der peculiar hs-s- l laws. Pi throw out nt re Ulan T.OOu Tllden votes on seconnt of allege! mur- der riot, and Intimidation prayentlnH a !mi and fr' ele.-tio- ID partsh-- s. To perform this extrsordiiniry. even if ji.stiflabla, work m th. f (ce of hii armed and Infurlsted Democracy, rcijinred meu of uicisuiitcd oourage. andauch courage the Board poss It re- quired also that the tnirtrd should haveftsur-ai- c es that the national agigency demanded its perforiuincc. thai Tic moral Sentiment of tic North would approve it. and that they them-selve- s should be protet 'd from evil conae-ouenc- to ne spprHlieiidtsl from the violence of a iiiotj government, w inch It was known would be established by one Nlelmlls, a pretender to tic office of Governor, again-- t Stephen li. Pack- ard, who was sure to le toiiudto te els.'tsl Gov- ernor if the Hares electors should found to have is'.-- Wt.scn. All tlcse aasuranees wers fn "iv und forolbly givii by llr. Henator Sher mail ami his as"istes. Mr. Stanley Matthews declared to Mr. J K Leonard, and I ii m "re than one oeenalon that nnyes and Puekurd should stand or full together. THK I OSnPlHAL Y. H-j- E. Burke ol gefJV llrl.M.. Iletemyed the Tildes lire While tu their I'aJ. Washinhtdn, Jun. jh. -- E. A. Burke of New Orleans has uga.n interviewed himself, this timo through tin ogen y of n correspondent of the Cbloago TVibtiac, In this Interview he makes several .lelils-rat- false utatciiicnts. Mr. Burke came to Wwhlngton as tha representa- tive of the NlehoUs Governmeiit. Hie Sel 'Otiou was the reauh of an uoeldent Msaara tiiu. u. Levy, and Ellis telegraphed to Nlcbole that in their judgment it wiui thnt he should have a pereonul repreesntatlVS In Wash- ington, one author:. ' I to speak and ict f r him uisrt from nnJ Independent of the general manasamant of the Demoeratlo case. Tle y suggested that he send the Hon. E. I). Whit", it member of the Slate Senate. Cpon tha recein of this deepatcn Mr, s sent for Mr. Tejsds.ths Prealdent ot tic Doni's-rutl- lolni caucus oj ths Legislature, and Mr. White. It w as agreed by these that It Would l" l.iipossilile to saiivl Mi'. Wiutc. as it whs upon ilia political j lid g u. c nt and leg ii know ledge tllril Klehoiis largely depended at that critical time. It was iheu propoaed thai Mr. Tejads si uuld 'e sent but a monietit'a renectlon inviu 'die .n thnt neither Mr. White icr Mr. Tejnda could becnuae their aiiaenisii wottid brealc a ipi rum .1 th" Ni holla senate Winlo tlcv were e. i, ting iibout for soma man wl ollld he St III, 111. ike ill' e ,Ml,, tl,,. QoVUT ii ir's room, and Willi Ins usual inertiiienca inquired what tiler weist about. W lin tile from Washingt' n w..- - ibown to him. lie immediately suggested himself its tlicnroper person to go to Washington, it was dually eon- - fludodtoMnd him although neither Mr. Te-ja- icr Mr. White c,.nsi.t"ie.l lorn a trust- worthy person. H" "am" to Washington, and shortly after his arrival struck th" Tilden UIMII SgerS US lie designated tic ietll-- rati" Nu- - tionul Committee, for one hundred dollars a week for his valuable services. Whether be reealvqd this salary regularly or II o Id" not know, butt do Know thai at yurious times he received sums which iii tie r aggregate amount Wore more than e,pnn!int to one huudreil dollars u week. Hi- - statement that " Mr. Pelton and thuTlldeu llianngers besought Louisiana Congreasnicn and myself to urge Sicliolls und iic Legislature and our peo le to vv. rk up a public sentlineni In favor ofthe Kle". I oral lull." Is all uniJIUllllled llllsehood Neither Mr. Tilden nor any ol Ins personal repreeeutn-tive- s favored tn Rleetoral bill until its passage through Congress was ahsoiutiiv certain, and Hen they accepted it simply suso they iid in. no hetter. I know of my pars' uul knowleilge that Mr. Burke WM. Irom the time ho uame to Wiishington, conetanily " communication wnh Ihe repreaentatlvea of Mr. Have, snd qelibu-rntel- y oetrayud them the secrets which be ob- tained confidentially from Ihe Democratic man- - ' llurki 's denial that lie ever had an agreement signed liyHianley Matthews, Cbarli'a ri stur, or anviM dy else, and leading Houthernere. is a statement characteristic of the man At the celebrated Worm lei nfervnee, Burke, or one of the Louisiana Congressmen, rend a paper which they claimed embodied the unituii agreements between the representatives id Mr. Hiives and the ntiutliern pemoorHls. Tu;- - pa- per pledged Haves uiieiilyu llllvlu th'1 prompt withdrawal of ine iroops from Louisiana nnd South Carolina. Tin paper Wusnol slgued, 1 do not Know Unit it was uropusnd that II should he slglli ih I know that lien. Uiirih III, Wl o WHS pi sent at this conference, did ma approve so ii. e of ii xpreesloiis used tu this iNtpef, and ihut he afterward said so to tlen. H. Ifciyii- - ton. liurko hits ntunledly nnd he had in his (HiesesSion il pa" . siieli us I have r pres. ntud above. H stated to Mr. Hum' 'k bisl spring, then the e,,r. respondent of tic New Vorl; (iralii at N' W i if. leans, who. ni the request ol Iheedltorof th" Hi i n J, applied io ii in or a '"opy ol ihc snuie, which li" declined to give, ami said that In would not milk" it pit id i" iiuiei-- s Rayea la, led to keep tun pledges made by liis friends. Ho made the same statement to W. C. McBl Ide, tic cnrrespoudsnl of tne Clnolnuntl fifiifiiirsr In Washington and to divers 'ih.-- p rsons. my seii among the rest. H" showed lliis paper to V 11 it in N. Springer, mambsr of Congress from Illinois, an ' "Tered to let him read it us a suill- - eh nt r ui for suspending tic rillaisterlng il, en in progress nitninel the count, ana In ex- - nni ti "i the remarkable si h which Mr. 1. v bad ju- -t nia h'. The Hon Win. E, Chandler, on being asked what explanil .n he hml to offer to Major L'urkv'e drdiiala said: "It has never been charged 'nm ihe written memorandum nufnen-- i it liino alleged bargain made at tho Woritn-b'v'- s Hotel conference 'if Feb, M wag - Igned by htnnley Matthews, or Charlee roster, or nny other Repnbjicnns Thai n written memo- randum wi s drawn up si. owng I ho understand- ing that had Is en reached by the tyinferneai that this was remlover an l agreed to la suh- - stunt Inllv correct, nml that at the same i ice the Routhern Demo 're is, "r some of them affixed their mtmi s lo ilc ; i per as wltneases of its isjrTectnees. and the paper wss then wun Major putxe I have been in- - for I that 0cn Qarfleld was nm quite satis fled witn tic way tic bargain wi s expressed in ih" Burke msropnindum, and so h mad" n roemornndum oj bis own whir." he says he shall j llbitsn if Burke's isits-- r Is made public. " Sir Chandler says that to bring matters to a decisive tost he has sent to Major Burke the full, wing t. '.. grain: vt ilXieSSSg Jsn 2S. ISTS jgi r r o ar!. .ve. OHSSI H' ! rt ( to dselali la a iveenily sotlisketl lawrvteei nf your. 1 nsvs tie- Itmuif t.' uk ,.u tin. ns. Wert v.. a, rvpri sorts Itvs ..r tin- awhalt itcvt riani at, Willi ether BoSlhcrS in. n sisl gSSsr. sturi.'i asttttewit. tyiin Sheratsn. Ctisrle. rustsr.sna iiiiiti- i.l. til r s'o ni tiietii sin! stiier aorthsrs aten itiX'4ti1 st s coarsreai r ctiaihrvaesi si Wurin le t ftivtel in w s.lii'uU'ti Sheet Ml ISlslt, n in raint Lerii-ist- is 4i . Ii o, wst sny wrlpsa iai--- w hrtsvr -- a a.',! r,wit. u'ui s tu tin t with st w it iii, ut asinet aglsed is it- - 'en. 'lustt msile laea ur sals etiaeutli tmisalyiBi er i srpei "m to !! tin ahitle "r an. :Brt rf ion ee n lt. ur inu utieti temftitu trcin i a twlilvreaw or coatrr nccs cencern tun i,hiociii.i ot eciic risnvr ihe Cn, kiri arths liwtvrniasat or Iht rvusral lfuupj in xtw or wsa.f ti " iisw ...a sttw, ot asve roe tverastlthat saisrors ihersofl itltlnsalwneef lfto.wkera IsfltieW! Il nut. We ll. S litre, SIM b Ileal was it Jt. toa.,1 Alsl will ...uvT Sol ISskS it, ur n ..'io .it it, public Ifysg have Ml w B. CassSssa a rouoED m uaitAttoK. A sc nn An ssl that Lstteee the Sfew oriui. (' Ml eSR House ".V o'eoo .. II, ,,,t. WAflRDtOTOlti 'Intl. 2S. -- Mr. ChaUtplIn, ex- - Deputir Colloetor ol Customs at New Orleans, suys that In- - resignation was n forgery. The records 'i tic Treasury Department, however. show that be was regularly su eaeded by (ten Anderson. T legranis received from New Orleans repi nenl that Oen. Anderson, being un ler nrreet, end tic see nd deputy. Mr. Cope- - mnd.abseni "is unt of slckneee the eoii-ro- i of ill" I u- -" ic House on- - en . )a rued by Chief Clerk romllnson. The decision ol tii inecrotnry of the Treasury is: excepting upon the nom- ination .f tu. Colliftor, it ;s within lit- - (the Se retary'al iurladictlon to nnpolnl dentttlea. Therufore, ih uld Minsra Andere in audi otie-lan- d both laijtp appear at tic Custom House, ti e o:i! . ,,f c, lie o.r t.ein va.'ant. the control o: the Cu P u. H 'U-- e wil. isiss 'on si oil agent of tic Treesurj Uepartrnent. Bpe-l- nl ag"St i irtei ol i:c Treoeuri Depcrtment has left W ashlngtoii for Sew Urh uns w itn funds to pay the emfuoyees ah w at h events. ;;: BltOUKLlW inn: BHOOTtXa. Yniinc Johnson A.imlil-i- l to II. ... Hll h Jnilge Dfallsan li llrohl) ii. Cbartaa E. Johnson, the young husbund who shot nnd sevsrely wounded bis wife, r r- - ence. In th" residence of her father, h. S. ll.-u- diet In iloniwe plo.s;, Brjoklxn. on Dec 20. was .ii- - .. before Justlos Nejhwo yesterday after- ,ju. In tha Brooklyn City Court, and ap- plication teas ma le for Ids release on ball by bis ounsel. Oen. B. F Tia-ysn- C I. Chares 8. speti st, Johnson's naturally pala oounte-aanc- e eras winter than ever, by reason of his prolonged confinement Inugaa-H- t cell in Kuy-- tig street jail He seemed to i' wholly uneon- - eernedlnthe proceedings utsd ks acted ss one en- tirely in 'he control ot thoas aunut Inn'. On the application of his counsel tkut he be admitted to bail, it was iiitimnt d Hint he Wasof unsound niind. and that nn asylum srns the proper place tor him. AAdavltewere reno from lr. lsmis. I. 3 c. nutehlaon a'.t ether physicians, which re. Ited thet he Wai sufferma from Brtght's dlseass of tic kidneys; and taut eon. United ci nfinement in jail would seriously im- pair if 11 Oel not wholly ruin, his benlth The wit" was said to be out of a danger, and tic counsel assured tic Court thai Mr. Benedict, Icr father, vvns willing have young Johns, in In Isni. District Attorney Catlln said that he regarded John -- on as a dangerous man to a! large and characteiistd his assault on his wife aa one ol the most outrageous cunm " i in Br 'klvn I t yeara. Be thought that if ball was grunted It should he ItO.OOp. Justice Neil-- 'ti tlxi d th" ba hi tl.l.ism. Mr. Charles Jonnaon the young man's fuitor. and Mr G org" Shepherd Signed the bonda, justi-- : r.g ;n I80.1SI0 ea 'h. Johnson n'tuncd to this ":tv with Ins tati r. who seemed happy lu buy- ing secured his release on bail. It ss.i I to ibe the tactics of tba defence to get n cmmlasjon to pus- - ..u theaanltyol young Johnson, the.' he may escape Imprisonment by u brief sojourn in Ih- - asylum. AXUTUEll FATAL KXPLOHOff. One VI.. l.liira ....l Aaatnee Ilenaceou.ljr Injure.! hy u Ilniio Hurstliig. Between land 4 o'clock on Bun day morn- ing a ratal boiler explosion Docurred in tho standard o.i Refinery stXSonstabls'a point. N. J. Th ' boiler wivs a sm tii one. ,n a slie.l some din-ta- n e from tic 0.1 W orks, aud was used Io run a steam pump, by w inch a very deep well, now being dugi was kept free from water At the the time of Ihe explosion no one was neurit t ut y irrls Woodruff, the engineer, and Alfred Hill, a lnlmrr. Ths n lsc of the explosion awakened several workmen who hurried to the spot with intitei ns. They found w oodruff staggering wildly nl-'- ari l preeentingn pitia- ble si"; ht. H" horribly seal I". I nndoruised Re find been blinded by the boiling water, and trteaklnand flesh. ina hands and lace hung in -- hrcls. He was enrned le 'tic, where he Ilea ul Ihe point ol U".iti.. suffer. ng great uto'iiy. The body of H.;i wvs n .t discovered until sfter daylight, Then it was found to have been blown IfltJ feel by the explosion. It wnsterri-- i lev mangj'sl and scalded alm .st beyond r sy ititiuu. Of the abed nothing Is left but kindling w I. an I fragments of the b liter are scatter'. for hundreds oj feet III every direction. It was n .1 over a year old. and wa- - thought to be per-- I '! ) sound. Tneeiiuse of th" explosion is u mystery Tns engineer cannot talk, alee be might be able to explain it. TITB COJf.WJ Hi I II- HASH CLOiSD, a amuii laetltntlea's Dsposllars ftejiiied iq II...,. TgSlr Uulauee-- . The Commercial Bank, of 44 Pino street, Opened not n or" than a ycai ago under a Sti t" charter, trnnamltteda letter yesterday, of wbleh the following is . copy, to th" depositors: Tu ftvltusacisl !Isk i II PMK STSSS1 Jll'l . C II Ih to rs, Pre.Mniti illliluii Hssltse, I hie I'ntsl- - it- at. Usrm wi . in in 1'n.lis r T., ,,. ri . .1 oolsrt lisvs vetse In elosi this bsiik.snil usj nfl ikiHitur. mi Svinaial. Pissss Jm ) .air bAUii. .', un.i bilge ' ui set w oosasx, Cssliisr. Tic Commercial Bank was little km iwn among the Wall street and other financiers. It Had no clearing houss, na all regular banke nave t its decks war Itol redeemed hi any other hunk in tic city i ihu hunk inerell Ui pt an aeoounl nt the Haul, id North Mil irb'i .through whiait1 medium tin Institution's i' li rat- outed business was transacted, nudtlie ioalngouto lie brief " . gi iieridli regitrtl 'd wnh a smile lis I., ih" futility ' building up a arg ineorn, st the preauut tin.e. lie i. siiiu.l and leas luflusip'e. Its capital was linn,uao. and Us rectors wore little known, a- illrc'lorS ol tl Cotninercia Hunkj auuuig blinking men. 'J ie I'resldeut and nshlur live out ul the inly. ii t x 11 ii, a i i UFt'lCK. Iseess of t'aaillilole. - I ho hlsf Edltershlg of ti.e Otllelal Jenenal. Maytii- Ely, Corporation Couusol Whitney, und Collin, -- si. icr Cuinpboll. ol the Depart-nient- I'ubiic Works, who com poss tic Vtty llnui il i k inmlsslon will meet to-d- io select u super vis. i for thut journal in th. eieu.t of Hlcimi'd J. Morrison, who on Bnturdny last wns mi ii" un Exi'lsc c unmKSloner. At their meet lug on htnturtjay the Comuilsslou decided to piietpoic tic upi liiituu nt ot Mr. Morrison's speecssor Until Hl'"t il'teriione whether the i My fecord fin live without n supervisor Ni'urly 1U0 noiitielnns are ambitious lo suii"r- - VlsO lie oni j i c in 1. Among the more oUSpleuous i. spin nt- - are Philemon W. Bhotles kWcretiirv of the peipoei'iitic Hbite Coinjuitteej . rmun Michael Tuomev, William L.Cole, editor "i llie fWl .baecii-u- ; lieginiilil C. 1. eve it. Cum luissiom r Dfswv.ker, k-r-t v. Orr, Andrew W. I gal. Col. Ulelinel J. Parrel. and Charles II. Williams, it. K H. Ahei,, and W, Augusius vVitli. now the three supervisura. The salary of the ebivf supei visor is I3.40U RUSSIA'S TERMS of PEACE. KSHLAMt Axn A VS TRtA TUHKA TKSISQ JCJIXOI s OPPOttTtOX. The (tuesn. Uaveeitmeiil A.klnu fur r X'ole or i iu i ..i lis Pass nngs Will Nr..- OanSSSH le Sepnenle AgtetMSSSBt London, .Inn. W. Tho exceptional step of suddenly summoning a Cabinet council on Sunday, is regarded in som quartan aa Jin Indication that the political atmosphere is not dealing, The Daily lfett$, In its leading edi- torial nrticlc. says Unit the Cabinet determined to persist with the daiWUld, for the supplo- - mentary vote. Vlaoounl inndon, mwnbai of Parliament for Literpool. win succeed Lord Carnarvon as Itinntiri of state for tic Colonial Department. In the H"inc of Commons tills nftornonn Mr Btafford Northcote, Chancellor of the Exchequer, accepted a anggestlon of the Marquis of Hart Inston. lender of tic Llbarata, that after Bit Btafford'a statement, when the aupplementary vote hi moved the debate shouM bo adjourned uutil This was beeattM lie time of tic House is already otherwise up- - propristed to th" orders of the duy. BlrBtoBord Korthcote, In hli statement, said that no Intimation hnd yet been received thSt an srmlsttcs hod been signed. The pence pro- posals were not yt offloially known, but have been communicated as suthorltntlvs by Count Bchonvnloff, tic Busalan Ambassador The ar" mainly the same us those print In this morning's Vs(. Sir Stafford Kortbcotc nlso said that no Would express no Opinion that might be used for the guidance of Tur-ke- (Tut Ic considsred the terms very Sweeping, The character of autonomy for Bulgaria was not that agreed upon by the Con- stantinople Conference. Administrative nut in amy was than ' "i 'led : now titer. is provided total separation from Turkoy under n Prince li" pointed .nt that the BussUtn propoaal for the consolidation as an autonomous I'r iu.'ipulity of nil the districts inhabited by Bulgarians would bring 1 1" southern lsmudui y of Bulgaria almost to tic sea. He aald a iiunor. having some app"arnU'.,e of authority, stated that tic Prince for ltuigariu was to is ehonon by tic Czar. Thus a powerful State well. I he i' llshed In tic very heart of Turkey, with a Prince devoted to Ruse Ion Interests, Regarding tributaries becoming Independent ic would sny nothing, but it must fats. diffl tult qucettons.slnce it touches ther interests. The Indemnity condition is very ehmtle. How 1: is sin nay ele t to take the Indemnity end What she may ask are highly Important to Europe European concert is therefore necessary, Tic understanding regarding the limits ni. iv menu something or nothing t 'ait it is a European an English, Interest. I call attention to thia," he added, to point out that the condition- - are matters Upotl Which no Separate understanding between the belllger-out- s can I" acknowledged bytbe powers Wo have expreaeed that opinion to ma power, and believe it will receive their assent. Auatrin has repeatedly declared thai she entirety shsres our views. We . aim t disguise the vast im- portance of the questions u nv r.t : He of mratheastern Europe is being re- moved. Relative t" the rearrangement which must 1st made, Otto thing is certain lliat furk"V niu-- t not - urged to continue the Struggle fur purely European obieota Tic Chancellor then explained thenegotln tions Which immediately preoeded 'Ic ordering of ths fleet to the Dardanelles. He said that ltussia. in Icr reply to the noted deepetuh British Interests, only promised not to acquire Constantinople permanently. Lord Derby, on Jan. 13. sent a despatch to Count Bahouvaloff, declaring thut the Government were strongly of the oplnb n that it was most desirable to avoid ev-- temporary bussinu o "upation of wblcn nilght aerloualy endnug r the relations bow happily prevailing between bussia ami England Rueela, replying, re- peated her assurancssj agnlnet the permanent H '.position of CollslltlltlUOple. I. lit add". I Unit It tic Porte's obstinacy required tic Camr to con- tinue military operations he reserved lull lib- erty of The COOT "ould not under-stitii- how ifc course b- - wns pursuing could affect British interests, and h asked ( r a Statement of these interests. The English Government shortly after, perceiving tic bus-s- , utis upproiicblng Uallipoll, replied thnt they considered any operations tending to give th.. Russians control ol the Dardanelles would im- ped. the consideration ol the terms of peace, und usk. d for an assurunee against lie occupa- tion of Oalllpoli They received the reply that uallipoll would neither ho nocupli'd nor attacked unli-s- s a regular Turk- ish armv should Is- - concentrated mere, but perceiving that tic movements of l'th llussiiins and Turks trere tending to. ward uallipoll, the British Government asked, an l on Jan. is obtained, the Sultan's permis- sion the entrv of the fle.-- tut, the Straits. The orders to tha fleet to enter were counter- manded in consequence ol 'he receipt of a telegram from the British Atnlaeeador at Conetantiuoplo avow. tig his belief thnt tin' Hiissian oonditlons provided thnt the question of tic Straits Waa to t. referred lo a European Congress. After th" orders wen count irtnanded n correction ol the Amba-sado- r's w is re vived slaMcg that t'c iU"stion of tne was to h' .tt to th- Sultan and the Clur. Tic Chanollor added that from subsequent Inf .rmnti. n he had not tne slightest doubt thut Hits, sia Intended this question to be set-- I tied separately between herself and the Ports! not. of oourse. excluding Englsnd from ilc ultimate discussion, tor Russia cannot ex-- i elud" England, lie now naked for the vote so thai when they went into the council of nutii :is they mignt be able to show that when England had once decided on a course she vns deter- mined noi t" leave Hie aword unshurp en ul. Tic Ministry Would not considei the v. .te an incentive to wur. He explained that th credit aak-- lor was not "oni; - ted with tic sending of tin. fleet to the Dardanelles, but Ian permanent ntsasurSi that England may appear ut ih.- - Congress thut n.iiet aascmble vriih proper prectlgc, Re said that tfle Gvyernment asks or the credit us avoteoj confidence, so that it .un with nil tic more tiriiiiii.sts anter the Con gl !SS. The Msniuia of Hartingtoti asked, since a vote of confidence was wanted, that the debate be adjourned to Thursday next. Blr ntaffqrd Nortbi'ol ncurred In the m tion lit th House ot l ords tins evening .'. ,r Derby in a tew words explained thei .i" hud tendered his resignation because tlm Govern- ment dec ided on a step With Will II he Could te 't agree, inn in thirty-si- x hours, the clrciim stances having changed and the Government reionsidering its decision he withdrew ins resignation. The resolution of Lor d Btrnthadeu. that op. position to aiiy uuotlon of Constant inopls would not be a breach "i tteutrulity, was with- drawn, - ml Drby opposing it as of a pure ahetruot I'haraoter, Tic Ti 'si A 'Intlon un lerstnnds thnt up. n tie annouh en tit that th i Goverumcni w oi ,t consider th" money vote to u- - a vol. Lords Granville, Ripon.uud Kin her ) ami some nf tile other Opp isitloii lendera nasi ly conferred gether, and altli iui .i i definite resolution wns taken, it is undeisi ih.- Opposition wni accept tic povornnivnt's chiilleiige.nnd arraign Its wlrole Ensieru po y. Lord nnrtington proposed the p. i nemeiit of the dauipj so as to gi.-.- the country an op- portunity I" expriss Us nplniou. lu tin lobby it is 'M ted that th" .1"' nt" will occupy lur nights. 1; tliu Government ijy. featod rarlinnicul will be Immediately dis- solved. Hut a defeat le almost Impossible, The Conservatives ur" confident ol a majority .d OV T tl it V. A Vienna despatch says i "Th" Russian will i. 'inner serious opposition from Elighind and Austria The latter power - p. ii uiiu iv opposed io in, retroci ssi u ol Bessura-hi- a to Itusslu. and l i nut eoiiditc ns doing lUuro than lo cripple Turkey." A s Inl lotbii fiinvt it. m, Peya . pvat "Tic I'orlo persisted in Its d- termination not to per- mit tic lintish fleet pi enter the biiriliinclles MXecpl as an nllfol Turkey, Ehgluild lilt' rm Ibe Porte that the tl - t uiusl enter i. ;t ,t per in. Tic I'orlo eutert'd a lorimil protest, wh tell w.i. i irwarded to the nletilpvlentliil - .t th Russian headquarters, but did nut uctuall) oppose lie entry. Vou e Will on Rus- - bin ii territory. tin.' si i s, Jnn. Hi. Tic fadiienifnnrc ;..'"( bus in. toii .wing -- i Iii! from ciiiui: "Aus trtii, like ne oile-- powers, i'ouslip'is thn1 lie- pen uUtlitioilS require gri'lll inoilllleal II as regards tic aggrnutlizeineitl ol s rvi t and Monleuegrn and tin retro nssioii of H 'ssiirnblu, Russia s deniuuds in regurti to Inileuiuliy are dunmud llllluinisslblii, becaus.i tulidlug to p r- pet.iai" tic occupation of iiulgiirlu. Austria will Immediately a ind a noto to th powers on these pollltS, CuNSTANTIMOPLa, Jan. !i 8 1'. M. The Ell ropeau Ambaasitdorsnre stiii uninformau as to tic prcl, 1:1. nary Conditions id peace I.o.spon. Jan. 29." a special t" the Sfmufard, dated Belgrade, Hominy, contains tic follow. In::: After a four dirrs battle the Tur,;- have been defontud m ar Ratschiirnik by tu.iwo Ser- vians, Tho hospitals hen have been ordered t.i prepare aeoammodatlon for8,uo0 woun led, The jnues1 ooyreapondeuti d ut wines, uudvi dalo ol Juu. 12. uslwl- - kywsi "Typhus raging here, ami Mp die In il v. Tlcre are lo.'Ssi si.-- aud ttouiided in th hospiials." fffl ARMtHttl r. xor BIOfKD, Turkey's I n .. Mg MueSln'S AdvBr.e Active Mlttttsry Ogsratletts Luniwin, Jan. 21. The lntcit gUtheDtlO adviOSS from Constantinople do not eonllrnt tho statement in the special dcapstan from that i ity to this morning's Sfandofd, thai the Porta hud received a telsgram to tic effect that tic pre- liminaries of peace have been signed and thai the Turkish delegates nml tic Grand Dnka Nicholas would tench Adrlanopls on Saturday, Dp to 9 o'clock last night the Porta hml no ad vice of the conclusion of nn armistice, though orders were telegraphed to tha Turkish Ptsnl- - POtsntiaiiea on Friday to accept tin prelimi- naries of peace. Tic tieiny causes apprehen- sion that th" armistice may be accompanied by onerous conditions Tic Porte is now In tba peculiar position of having accepted terms of pence without knowing on what conditions un armlatloe will be granted, An armistice, if prop- erly handled, must make tin1 Russians more than ever musters of tic situation. They nr" at liberty to fix notonly the llneof demarcation but the tunc during win n they may remain in p'.s- - ni tic territory uoled. Tins will i".-:- tiitdr hands irs- - to settle details according to their own vh , whi' ii in tic peace prellml-nanu- s ar" eonfln "I t" general principles, thus: with regard to Bulgaria, th" future limits of tins provin io noi npriear to hnvo i n si - fled, nor the degree to which tic autonomy of Bulgaria or refi irms in r. enln ami Herxiixoylha ar to extend The same seems to I." th ise with regard loan Incrunseol territory tot M in tenegro To sssion of KoumutiiHii Bussars- - iiin i not mentioned, and the question of the Dardanelles la reserved Nor is ativtiiing said ai ml march Into or through Constnntinople, which seems nticr to he a matter connevtod with tic suspense in of urms. ileaniime tic Russians, Bervinna, Rouma- nians, end Montenegrins are pushing mili- tary operations great vigor about nlddlU, Prisrend, I. ik' Beutari,and Slllstrla, and m the Haritxe valley east of Adrlnnople From all tliese points war bulletins are rvceived, .ic.w-Ing no abatement of the off. naive by the allies, fttiieunan Pasha's nrmv continues to embark s Egyptian transports have beau ordered to K Mint io assist In the operation Up to Saturday evening Safvei Pnahn facttng Foreign Minister duriinr tin nbseiie. on tne p ace mission of Server Paeba) pare stod In li s refusal to Inform Mi. Luyard.tue British of the terms ol pence, showing thnt tiie Porte has n pledged by liussm to keep them se 'ret, Th tugli the St. Petersburg semi-of- fl mi press d "Clares that withholding the terms Was a Turkish trick to force bngbsh ac- tion, this Is Improbable, because tic Russians could always hav defeated sui h a move by oommunlcating the oonditlons tbemselvee. rm: si I til; rtlTBVk hit: BOVBK, a Prabehllltx that ike Blaag mil win Mil- - insti l) I.e. .mie 11 l.n. vVaSHIMOTUM, Jan. "S. The voto on the Hatthewa resolution in th" House waaagen- - uiue surprise. When tiie Bland bill was passed tic vote stood: 163 yaaa, 34 nays, and '.'3 absent The vote y was: 1ST yens, 7'.' nnys, and "7 absent in other words, exactly two-tblr- of those ul sent bolore and present noW voted against the payment of the national debt in silver, and yet this measured two-thir- of a full house nnd nearly thirty more than two-thir- of thoss present to-d- More predic- tions of the final i a. age of lb" Silver bill with or without a veto have been beard than for weeks i est, nnd the meting of tbe silver men this evening was an unusually vigorous and lenthualastie gath"nng. The clearest headed observers appear fo be certain-tha- t th" Bland bill ns amended In the S.nat" Finance Committee will pass the Senate, ami it - not believed that tic leaders i f tin' movement wni risk defeat by attempting to give tho bul- lion holder all the benefll of colusge. The Bland bill, so amended, will probab'Tget a two thirds vote in both Chambers and its ultimate enrollment as a law is, to say the least, ex- tremely pr .bill . At the meeting of tic silver mi-t- this evening tin committees already announced were ap- pointed, and some debate vvus had on other points. Mr. Spr. tiger of Illinois advised thut I. ensures be tak--- to get ns many Southern stnt" Legislatures to Instru t th ir Senators as 11". Every v"l" wns ips-d's- l ill tic Senate, h sail. Mr. Lamar's Inst speech bad shown Hint some Southern men would oppose li e Silver bill, and it vv und b" to bring nil possible pressure to ticar. The scheme, howovcr, did not meet witb nvueh encouragement, (ten. Butler made mi" of his china t.-- . st: api bee, dealing flrat with th' neceaaity : raising money lor the cru- sade, which ho advised should not an assessment but by hdlvid lal "ontribllllons, and as a flrat offer In' subscribed 150. Uuicr an extremely bitter attack on Secretary Sherman and announced thut ..r i.ii- -r th i pi. would iiuv to tns charge "f thcr own Treasury, A prop sal wns made toward concert "f a ition wltn the Senate, but it waa judged wiser bi Esrlng ami others to keep tic agitation iii both branches distinct Tic silver nnd Qruenbaek League bad this evening the signutuies of 117 Rcprcseututivss uflUed to OMBMASra SIlXISTKHIAl CKTsIs. The i i .t sttrp Totearg a Ministry Aatlag la. depvndentli mt Btsatarea.. Bnaiv, Jan, w. Tho prolonged ministe- rial crisis has produced a first result. Prince Bismarck has ben authorised by tic Emperor to submit t. the Federal G luncll n ' ill providing that t(c Chancellor. In th' event of hisbing prevented from acting, 'may authorlzo nuy member of that Council to siirn laws i mi requiring th" t han slor s signature un- der th.. existing Constitution. Tic bill Is re- garded a- - the H: t st'-- toward tie appointment of Gorman Ministers a ting Independently of tboCbancellor. bur und.-- his leadership, and having ulso nn itn in the Federal Council. Oreal Ftrela Henlelalr. The large three-stor- y brl 'k building on Bloom-rit-i- .i svsnus. goal .nr. .n J.,owniul b) Wni. Jacobus, wst burnrd le lbs srnuttil ssrlt oaMeiuls) morniiat. TUs bulltlias wst ervctctt sbout teur vr.r s.o. nt u east nt ft It wss erciiptril la the flrt itery by the that i. re mill offlcstorUr Jacubus, Unflln ksklwln, Crus littti Mr. Taylor, bsrtlwsrs ant l Msditeo. biekt sail tstionsryi la llie aenni ttorv wtrs eflh'rt t r .1 w eiiiltnain siul A w Van iiuvun, lawvet ih. Mum rliir I. i... ii latiuS nffiee, siul tilt' tuWIII'iS lluttU't reiill. lit wliii'b tne rci'ortt- - ste ksui i :i tt . ihirit mvry ws. a Isrse bslb uad lor nubile nieetpis. sue viitsnsiiiuieittii hilt..- i'reMrt.v evulil i.e ruaiev'! ui llie burin l.uli n. lie- i.eal !. i. rh. .nt an The liUiltliiitf was pitarsit in Kw Vers ruiuitiiuu. lor litO.UU file i.i.- s i. "a t r ::i in - t ! in. it l. thulllltlt tu hsvs been lbs wura ui Hi i ahtam ilstsu lieu a rswsrii will .' . : a ibii tiisii Tsventy.nsur ! i. io Test Itr i.uni1. naalty Slii'rdT Rellly n'eeiv.'d yest '11111- - in precept ilirvutiiiii hiui i" luinraon ilw lury roi the trial ui iiit Lord lunacy cats. Tne hrsct'pl I. .Inne.l la Ills Com apfMriiitrd hy ths Stitivnis Cuurl nl liistKh 1!" stivrilTte tuinnieti 0. uiy.ietit a and ti tu- e sit. tsl in ttie Sut.n me ''"in t riHtti., tun ilnr.l et r, trim.. , at 4 u't'lueS III tin sitettieeii. In it on- ne, iy u ti, ::, .!,. s 1. ,u i . nun, :u iimiuss lilt t ite Siul Ss lu 111. ssult) Meltiv.i.iir ni-.i- . ars Is lu1 itrSwu Irein ibv K. lirusry ustsd iii lit Sn nt . lury. all ui wiium win let tnuiiiiuiivil iu st. a uu tbi tsv asuii'ti 111 tin' la ci t An 000 flee In t ni ih airesli Eire on tin flflh flour uf tho live-stor- y Iron bllllililu 10 IV tii st! i f 'ui .trvi'tt bi i.i tic iwu upper 11 .tf--iiit- tin) Icwer it h I v..i. 11.....1. Man atcr The i'wneil bt :. Kti'tiaritiuiti 1'.. .In kishIs Vctuilli.i.ill He r. lisul- -, ah" llit " lir-- t Ih.ef Kli'Vil Hi llu S 111 lint nil a 'In- .in It I'! 1. .ml sa l limit Hiuir. wers ito led in'" n n 0. s tiivfi ' uwd n "I , an. tils i. We.iei il ' illicm biulict fiiiiiM'. n ii.i. et,iuiiU'j at tu 1.1.1 a; .,1 whutliiuUs ualiiilisrtltsliS t'u Tliv) ? ' .' iinuiua.-e- Holllsr'i nnleltte, Bclmstlnn Dollier of 27 1 Broome streel waa f. una i.v tliv vhuiiilstruieil yvttsrilsy iiiuriiiim lymn un tile ul I, s rtiUIU. in He luurtll . in j ...l el liluisl A raef. with wlilvli he lis I i n! hit thrust w le ' t. i ll- .1. lie . - I. I cxtilii i. t,ih, ii a, pif e liters SlIVI'l Tils ii.i LlilUiSr Velll Wilt i. l. unit t!n 1... lliat In t'Siiitut rvci'Vi'i lluliiei so 1. n .et. it:i fart u in , it i ri,. i,i t, i, ,. ,.i li. I. .id bt i t. in tl, . elti hIi it en- - year sti.l ' a th lu.t lli l.. Ulelitll .1.1 I.l . UllSbbf t" . t II,, eO 'I'll- - DqStOB I 'll-- I ". .till. WonoasTKit, Mass., jnn. 2t. Senator Hoar duet IIUl Sunt I!"' II I' ll I'lillectu lll llir I'ul II ll m sslibarUi asi oust Hist itvntiviusii i u u ir uiiuaili lieais Aeew Uoaiklug nvrup. Tin Infnnl uhlld nl Ambrose Poooock died in tiie gneltweitttl .vim- - Nin-- i. ui gruuklyii un sslurdsy, ksvusj lakvasa uvsrUsi ui tuutitlus .)tup NEW YORK'S EXCISE BOARIX COMtiUMBtOSKB WOBTON l:ri.AIXlX9 To OOF. HUBtlTMOlt. t 'i The I loo... llenlers Imiirnpr-ri- Vlewlnw iheir Reeelpta as OimnI as Lteenee Tlii' Amonnl "' Money Ihnl M nt phy Mol Ai.iu'.t , Ian. At n tearing given by Gov. Robinson this afternoon, in tic onae of tho r ILi; charges against tho New Vori Excise Commis- sioners only one member of the board. 0. w. (1 Morion, appeared, n impnnled by his counsel, M. Dleffi ndorf, nml ('. V. ChlldS, chief clerk of the board, Mr. Dlrfhndorf read a written an swer. taking up the charges seriatim, all of which ic denied, He hsphUnsd tho workings of th" board, and pointed out mlsstutem"nts In the charges. Ho said that Mr. Murphy was elected treasurer of tic board, ns the law required sich an officer. It was his duty i to deposit nil the money for licensee granted ami leaned on account of the board. Ho had no authority to draw money with his Signature alone. Alley he absconded tin rc. spondent made diligent effort to secure hie arrest Murphy hml been directed to deposit the money received every dny. After he ab- sconded he was removed Irom the office of treasurer, and tha banks of deposit were In- formed "f the fn"t In order to estop payment of whatever cheeks Mcrphy may have drawn This action prevented tic payment of thou- sands .f eh "'ks. as has n since learned. drawn by Murphy. Counsel Insisted that the r spondent, Morton, ww. not In anywny, ortq nny degree, kuHi ol malleasanee In r. e or of neglect. Mr, Morton tlcn explained to the Oovrnor the workings ..f lie ..ill- -- aving thnt tic bus!- - boss was so greet that It wns spmetimea a ioni tine before tlci.. .ar l could make the necessary examination ami grant a licence i benee tho uneaalneas of Uioae who had paid for tl.eir oensi s in advance. Mr. M r on did not know Whether ilc lav ailthoriS - th" board lo receive tie .icy in advaii "tt'l ng or not. i.ut that ins been Ite custom The money wna .. i eij ttpoti tic commission. Ow iig to the deelelon t tic Qencrnl Term tin t liwnsea si o il l I" ersm-'d- . thousands made application d i.v. tendering ticir money, The money thus r c .jved w ii deposited in the name ot the board bv Mr. Murphy, Mr. Morton then sulJ thnt no legal proceed-Ing- s liiid been begun against th" banks, but that ic had papers ton 'iiing that suble t. Some of the advance payments hnd been paid back. .Mr. " .' Morton .inl ict sign sny of these cbjMka. and n 'in. r..t tip ther Commissi tiers did to b.a knowledge. Tic Oov irnor- -II appears that many of thesa poop neidered tic receipts lr advance payments n g od ts Licenses uniil a license was granted them Mr. Morton That wns a mistake on their pert. The board did not so regard it. AHoenee chi. not Is granted until aft r an examination ul tl " pr 'ini-.'- s Where Ih" Honor i to be sold. The Governor said that ha presumed that Mr, Morton acted in go.l fnith, no'withstaiidiug tbe conduct ot Murphy, but ne be and h.s SSSO Olutee vvr" the majority of tic board, it wni h s .In. v to see that everything Wits doll" legally hi.. properly. After some explanations the Governor of kee whether the amount paid in auvan did not nn. "int to a vry large sum. Mr. Morton that It did. "A large amount." he fold. is in bank estopped by our direction 1 think, it amounte to over UlOMO, Sotwifhstandlng that Murphv abstracted about UU0W We have vet .iter 160.000 in bank : nml us Murphv earned property we have hopes of s- - ui'iiiii it rtura oi some at least of thnt .amount. Th" Governor spoke ul the it 'counts of tha board, and said they had beep reported to him as i.eing badly confused. Mr. Morton replied Unit tlcv were in us g..od condition as It was p. eslbls to kesp them und-- r ilc exoitement nnd pr. SSUfS ' 'I i. iisncss last December. The Go ernor then aald he w ould examine the anawea ami compare it with theehargus und. he addcvL " If I find nny serious eoiifle t iu the statement ol lu"ts I will uppo.nt a commission to talis proof." DIMTBAXCHIMlXa POL YQAHIMM, Why Th. VVuranit'. Rluhlt AilToesln. Optots I Se l.m I.. I Cntrr. WAsmstiroN, Jan 2 The Hon. George y. Cannon, the Mormon Delegate in Congresa I 'r. Mary Walker, and Mrs. Sp.'ii 'er of this city had a hearing before the House sub-co-m mittee on Territories in opposition to the Ctah Election bin giving the people of that Territory n secret ballot, and diefranchls'na, polygamlate und women. Mr. I 'a ii :i on denied ti.' ' 'st nceof i union of Church and Slate, and dwlnred tic demand on Congress for a fi l.itliot tu without reaaon In fact, as those who an making such a demand u.e simplv euro ami adventurers, Dr. Msrywul brotetd again-- '' ingree-- Slcnnl interferenit; v. th Mormon polygamisbl thegroundthai the Ltnii sysi 'in ot marrlngo from u pbyaiological stnmipi.11111. is un improve mem mi monogmny, ufld u umru enlighten rd a, ti soot tin Inl evil. Mrs. Unencer a sir mg woman's rights advo- - ( note, based her ol tioit to disfranchising p ilygarolsts in Ctah in the ground that n wouii iv-- in bad taste for the united Btatea Congreee whieh she laretltobe comjpoetd in part of prnctioalp 1 gami-t- t to int rf. .re with the Mor- mons. It is understood that the committee wiiisoon report the bill. line ie Ttt Ifaey Eadsi tsg. Deputy Coroner MscWhlnnie Inquired into the esutss of Uis .in.-t.t- ..: ctisrlei in nry Soro ystase day. Mr- - Corn letUttPdtiial thelatl -- aw ia-- htittmnJ StiVS III abuUI V1 A VI he L'"t oat el b?l. ilre.-t- sl hlnttsg, snd went out Annativat sitvrwsrd ho heurd a pi.tol thoi Sbs went to ths klwbcu door saw suioXs, suit th. ti valbs hi toil: snd in tin lawk vara, th.- a- ir. Zurii wa. i a t lestl, tunered iitiich fitrths lYeiii .1. ; eutwtiuent uyon s i.iu. t i.' in-- ! an lb- f. ul suiiurtvd s uiSs, SIS) it hud net a .,i I. Z. rn laocted that hi' laid rat uilltsd hum siul ws as. It t.. tu le srtletl Ths lutsrlns "t th t ws sHlaad lurta Isj 1101--1. a spiusker. su.) .aa butiaest in bit us u uuss in iTtu in nr I'urtlsud a, iu:. in- wat teysarsel a.., burn ui o, riii.iii Prttwustl in the navheasitek Tic body of th man found floating In the Dscksnssek rlvvr. off sVavsucut brlds iWst e ut. n. & s- - that ei I'hitln Mutell '.. r It- nrtS 1: It tlli tlult lie ..ti mi. I. .t I - ttt i.e ull Tbuit- - ds) lat an.i, la. skiiiti in 1. ... Iroa uet, The ralireralM oatesied leeitoa, Wasrixui N.Jan. 28 Inihecnsco VYIggln t .11 p. in ssutn- -' rnctict'ii II' Ilto .Itutur mee-her- tie- Hell..' I ltl!l..ttt! ea te. Hell PSilSt ,'.'iJ.-- a arty vubi ul ' t. 1 Hist Vi ttsuit m It vtiiilltd tu Uit stsC Olienlas ' k'ew Ar et. Tin new Fourt's nth Kegin mi Irmorv in Hurtlstul nlni. Bl 'i ' .. '. uisrlled ls- -t uVfaiisi Iii it.. ..te.'.u.j m; .trill Imi: i. lsi lev! lulln Ull,l I. M . ' t.lhe. l.te.l devellor Havana. Jan. US. Captain General Jovellas ItbrrsUHi lurt' svi i. iii. u im sen iiSned In f.s I Hm ias yvrntvtt uii tbi isi ot lbs uisrrlsssiii ItsinsAb fsatv. Ths i'Me- - 1 aadlllan IIowk. Jan. lie li tlm Pope la h ... in i a a :. 1. oni .cu,. t to lot hsd 1 lbs twslhus "i in- - vveiiii.-- Hales I'eeillettaM (Men r or part Ivcb mdy won! hor, c ld norths I'll' ' I'til f lu r ,;!;. ...I v.1.,.1,, riting. loUwwsg i.y isiuat bsruiie juitixuu uioi t loirjk. Mr SVI n pises '1 nil stiiiMng atst- - rnslitsul tint vlly, divd uii Stuidsv J11I111 Huru, in employee m tin. t i ,1 ststll Msr--h.-ii . nm, , 1,;,. imait mi a., in. .Ii.ii la Survey, wen insdv in Third svei n si Harlem Ho Us, t rls n.-- Vers l 1. .1 U.t . in e Ii n era i. n Mttuii nf It iHiklv ti siul Jottfiil! Kysu ul . i .1. n.1,1.1-1.- I.. ilssiii, a a. sail wston ih Ivpn . 1. ri kit.. - up Si oiid itvvuut, is-- t run uvei Mi. Mso On ut mil Katt mt) m '. ,. , I Prit. poimud t- Ihe pint iu uiii liuiu..its uitvuvsi.t by i:s dvslli ul .1.10.1 1. ii,- 1. 'i .1 ... ll I' II Willi M l. Ii t v... r H i.t llllllSlt'SU'll, Ul- ll S le. lt . '. n ,.lj III .1 l'. , tliv 1. hii... ! ti ei ii .1. .in VI III.. Si lulls', liver 111 I", .lulu tte-r- s . wu. ciii'ltiri a :i iimiMer '1 nii. tta- Isrui'tti vei i st it. 111. en I11I. iu. 111 tin Aui At nisi iiiuf Is.t t'veiitlii: ul Un CirttAt-euib- p P t liiniiiidesbl'tsl lit I it. a 'o.i M r,Is, .1 mt .. 1.1 l. 1'ln.b.v IU 111. i.i .1; i. l. I..' .11 .11 Unit Ipiiliir J. 1.1. am n stadias t'hiMt sud tliul ict la i.i i,j vbvyid The iwrntv anti tenusi nistiiursdi ball tM tin- la.-t- hruu - 1. i" sliiiuuiu eii tur T .ia I ,. it Man ltw leaturet sud auytltiv. sis I'liiailtt'il i au t. ml. 11. mil Nil ll.ill ui., lu bs t'tsburalelt I..,.. r .a .l. un-- .1 i. 'ao - t.. 1st re- led st lite real "I ' IS Msg. Tieti'ltsiv tube tulu tuuiess uuli win.; rsbUtS' l. 1. tuUClU'd 1"! I"' UlUIIIU - tie iii.n tii ins. gwins bstseeuenid an lavltsnonto sddrsst ihe lusst uivsnTui m later is rsm n sllihiis elvsrto us hel.i ui I'uuisir Inttitiits avetutig, Sevsrsl olbsr int'inbsrs ui Cuiigra-tbsva- n iioite.ito iddrssi ttu- a, un., nm. .114 ilisai Ssustiini .1.1..- ..i ,. Vuurbsst siul aud ii.ivrs. i HUlauta. lliauU, Uullcr, Si.. I ....a."

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1878-01-29 [p ]. · 2017-12-15 · Ib-.-his W le lilts r Ml'", ii. so. Vi'll"fisle MWtt naked for a dollar tl mnti would ask, h"ie mmM s tne Ofty "ems l (rnvs

I f 1



a svinmtt OHATtOS "V ntf T.lBKBTt, iidw i.v, ash child,

T aintrry if !yii'.niirf Haw M aintr(lorif I rr rut Aanlli.t Ihe Fieri Thnaowlm t.ei.d fulled lleeetlee TIN Resell ofl c Mm t I'refe.t that tliry Itellrva.

Ool Bobatl 0. Inffewoll of Illinois drilyrr.'.I In ( i. kerlhg Hu f Inst eVi nllM I Isle Urtan "Ths Liberty ol Man. Woman nnd Child."He nii that there were eaeellent. pious nndkoMM people wii did not agree with hint, alln( wti ifii rjroved limply that be did not agreeWith them. Re believed there waa no slat' ryexcept Liberty is a simple rrneatlono! intellectual development ami n qneetlon ofhoneety, if thT" le n man who In noi willingto give to every other human Mm bvi ry rightIbnl It claims tor himself, he is n natural-bor- n

rascal. If Ibaro la n person who is n ot witlingI In uivi' nta uii ine rights he claims for hlmaelf,ho i jut an tuueh nearer a Imrbartan thanI am, Applause. it la a nutation olInteUectual Mlllirt of brnln. The racebaa lmprottt only ilk It baa I nfree. Ha hadMan the models illustrating the progress I

mmi. Irotn iba dug-ou- t to tha man-of-w- ar i fromIbn tom-to- m to tha instruments '

makatba nir blossom with melody i from thpni nt i ng and sculpture of (bo savags ui to Uw

htotoafr otto-da- y t from the books on leave olMurk to tba lllutriited edttlona ol Bhake-pe- ri

from tha crooked stick ol lha savagsBgri- ullur'st to t!i" (team plough end tbar.'(iiT. Until adenc had touched agriculturethe sgrlcullurlsl remained Ignorant and eupsr-a- t.

lions. Every branch t business that d

upon tha nuknowa must mlngla withnnparatltion. Even tba skulls ol tha modernmuri warn Indicative f progreaa, for In the oldgropad tha allmy paaalona and hatrada ol man,while In tio new dweUlova, liberty, and rightlapplause, and yet the old skull ended tii tn'wone a bnratle, lLaughter.l It waaalwaya a...

mmm that tha towar danouneaa tba klgbar. No manLm in this world fnis been enllad u harctio unless he

H waa In advanee, Applause. The heretic la thauim-- tliatthn retting onlls tha growing It In

H what tha ateneb ealla the perfutne, ILanghter.lBeraay estaada tha boaplutlltiaa ol tbeliralatounv nawtboogbt Ortboilotylithadeadlaavaa,and heresy tli bad lad bloaaom at th" top.There la the aama difference that there hi be-tween th tom-to- m and the opera, sup-bot- e

I the old sliiu anil prleat bad shiiIt!'" erookail atiek is tin- - u-s- agrleul-turn- l

Implemant, wc.ul l that have MoppedHi. i Improvement or agrlenltureT Th" gen-tium-

In th" dug-Ot- lt hml his Ideaaol mo-Pp-

ehantea mi polltl a- - th" ldei thai might makeav rUht It t" th naandaol yenra beforeth' world will ball 'vinglt any that nvht makaa

i Bight. Applauae,V There hiLs not I n n pntentable Impr vement

ui'"ii the old Devil In tOUO yeara, Laughter.In the praaenca ol the unknown we nil have an

H equal right to gueae. Any elliaen haa tho rlehtw toglvanlaoplnlin about a aid tui nwhlebS ti H' kuowa anything. Laughter, our on

eeatora Had the idea that they could for' menkw in think their own Way. and inanv have that

Bin you ennnot foreo men tothlnkilo. you can only lorea them to rig hypo--I

All we mecbaal-- In the wrM ennnottwo wat'hea keep Um together, and bowmore iiitii uit to niak" men agree. anddreadfully atupid world n w.miii i if

ii iwr.-e- . Applauae, Nci one haa everperaeeuted to dentil f"r "nilim: Ci slno'n tmv" only been peraeeuted for

Ood good. No man ever poreeeutedIn defenee of the truth. J oba

ts'huveil Cnr;t was th" K'ertiai S u OfServrtus Is'lii'Veil that (.'lirlat was the

Eternal Oodi ami for thia difference oServtus was huni l at a slow lire, an I

stonl nml trritin-- 1 at Mm likenThe tbumba rewhadl nuaedinthe

of aaiveraal benevolence, anu be admittedthey hit J tried the thumtid tew on In in hoIM"iit"-ilay-


nave believed In "n- - h"ll or a million.or h million, and WOUld have only sunt.

that! " I.aurfhter.1at the norrlble torturee that have

In the name of intverealat th"thunil s applied oy ."utti. ,

and Preabyieriana, he aald ifman In thta city who will not vote for

becnuae he is ..f a different ereed.ornot nraj a th nnntberol a different

that man haa the aamehi llb spirit thateverv instrument "1 tiTture ;n th"

I t p: -. He aworo thai while hehe would do what h uld to :r terve

th liberty if man, woman, andThe protile free labor la bow to do

i ano'iint 'rk m the ihortealtime. 11 - Were any win, wre

t.. their honeat convletiona.besay to them: 0 oni 1 will d nJf talking for you." A p auae, He bellHvsd in

. absoltite equality of men to free thought Inivf I the intellectual domain there is no holyImI i place. if bappimaa ever iliea clergymen

BS I will is th" pall bearer, lor they l . not addIHb to the bapplneaa and pjeaaur of this world,iKM The pla"" to be happy is her". unl the time now.

He ai l not believe in 'lrinkink' afcim milk inIH t!' is life fur tl up"' tate'ii ot istt.r ill tha next.Grant laughter. Human iit rt waa of so re-

cent date that tiie world had not nn lit plu.--

p. live for a gentleman nr l ly uritil w.tiun ll:tyyears, but now in this country we hav" d

IiiVH so (ar that it is not siiftl nnt for a manto bold an office be has got tonii it. Applauao.ine have got over arorahipping the golden call,Hut we worship the gold ol the unlljand ku tneeaives ara beginning to know It. Tneluneralaol a few miTllonalrea have shown us that ittaken mnrn than gold to make u man in theUnited states. Applauae.

riven in livrruanv bow inu li greater Is Bla- -mar k than tho Emperor William i In Eng.laiel vlotorla is th" i'i"en ol f 'rtun". butGeorge. Kllot is Queen hy divitte right olgenlue, Applauae. The time la coming wheni v ry man and woman w.ii ! judged by heartniel brain. The physical lit-i- ty "l n an In-

cludes the right to tinnk right, und the riirhtto think wrong. Before we write a creed let usjvi it tii) we hav" u generation ol free hraina,Lvei creed that we now have is marked by thiwhip and cbniu and taggot. Just In proportionas n man is base and Ignorant and mean ii sjli thins li" i netti rthap any woman.

Contrasting th- -' iilbfical and Bralimin atorleaI of the creation, eji preaaed his praferenee for

lh latter, though there wore pipua people whoi w ii i bidleve Hud th" Brnhmln story, which

MX w . written 4.1sl ars liotore the Bible, mi.II fqp'ed Irom It. tb loved that verao whh'h read,11 'nleswil s that man and beloved of nil theIBM It ijrald of no and of whom no

H V D"lu ! afrai I."HrtueiUiui qtcHipt and abhorrunee the doc

of ti loiig-hnirc- ii diort--Jj l, .v rfiiiiouneed the institutionB't of mnrriuge, There no hepplneas outside of

I :i family, nml no happiness In Ihe family.i, where th man wni Ito uu Isiss. The fellow

H In the dug out whs always titi:..n.' nlmulBad b sat, He plcl ne.ithe b tberei v itll lha

itT.i rs ol lib the momentous iiiinstlon whoIP ihould la Aldermen ol ihu f ifth Ward, orI turbed to find out to which piir'y t tio Prealdent

helontrs i amrl n 1, going home and ttrgettlpgBi Ib-.- his W le lilts r Ml'", ii. so. Vi'll"fisle

MWtt naked for a dollar tl mnti would ask, h"iemmM s tne Ofty "ems l (rnvs youi Laughter.IMfjl Womun should ha equal in the Inrully, and

ah'aibi vote l she wants in,iHf The su tsiu mauls tan man who la happyI ' by rr.nh du Iinjipv, und th"

mw li u molest French peasant In Ills eottagn bonnmj may have n :. i; er and rr.on su

than Napoleon, A the i men's voting. Ifmmm

I'lvlllii'd eiiougV bi .i- - Ht lenal onemmm womuu. Thefnrrilly lath largest society that

ouahi to agist, Ti ii"tilng the governinont otmmm Cliiidraa beoouiiBelledllin laigi-s- t lils'rty,mmm He kepi the imuae in loiirt. lauglipq withmm I

S . HeBmI s wa i

Brmm I i

mm 'mm --f.v i i

.i the il f1 hell would imt m preir'lu d In five year from

BjnA lie drew a hg ii let u re the SunBiB tB:B"' aen, II i

ft ll'H ; midMm, i lh led

L mm VkiuduimT" W Ian iiB els tin nm - lieB '" B knock out the brnliii of i hildren WilliBko Lw I Isinea ol their anK,i i' I'nruof iiln ... i...Ji bis level t In the same din-'lion- , ledii ,,

BTJF pi'jo-- i o! (ho who v lid lnld"buf.i ler little children toroiri" unto me," having all

B ' the time a cluh under the. r nlothlng, and onlyBuL speaking soft wolds togntthn young ones intopk slrlkiiig distanoc, Iiiuglitr, llosind to hisBraPAB' jwrnmBB mmm why itB times as in ueh water tlcr'-fore-

Uuee Uiuee aa weU Utled Ivt tlk vulture.

il.niiii i r.l Ti ii ninny pnrta rtl Iho land wpnin t ni to i lis.- hunibti neingi . .lost ice, charily,and the roup i t i (.'' ii i ivn ' eat in thedriving MioW, .' - to the belief lit eyoluth'n olinuli from the lower i. mala. hi A fd i Ul B to7. i i.i.i iri.'i t. lie ii en d ii yotipit man ineourtiugi to tell all his ahort mltiga to hisSWsethri.rt.ailll it shu lot i h ie idler that hewould "h vi il a i woo ; on that womafli euro.Laughter.

HATiox.if. air. tun ittatiftJimoni..i. or the t'laaa

int. I.agists aireel Jail.Tha lumnwry am t jttertUt'byOtyy

erument tfarahnlol Mr. Lloyd R Uonbromeryf tlm Mutual Life Insurance Cm pany. Mr.

Hugh V. Farrell of 11 lXy etreet, Mr. M. w.M 'lntyr" of ti c Aator Uotnw, and Alexander

all membera of the Benratv-flr- al

1;. glment, ami their ib b niton in Ludlow streetbill created considerable feeling among mem-

bers f the regiment, who feeeembied outaldttic lallto see their frlendsi

Ex --Judge Jones und Mr. Bttahnetl, the pris-on- i

rs' lawn is. explained thai the arresis nameof the dlsn.cuileTUieiit "f Company A. the eoiii- -

pnny relttatag to comply with tic order with-

out a hearingi Col Voae promulgated an orderin Mar h. 1170, conaolidatlag CompanyA. and dletrllruUng its membera through theregiment This wns Interpretdl by themembeiwal Company A ae an expreeetonolthe Colonel e personal feelings against CaptLruestA I' s.Maret. Tin' memnnre openlyexpreaeeii their dlaeatlafndlon, cud almostevery momhtr reiused t eerve. J.c. BtnrekWas arrested to the case, the barge againstlion Is ine and non-pny- id ofdues. Ti aae waa taken belorc Judge t'ono- -hue, and bis Honor appointed bla elerk, Mr,Rlnclair.aa referee, it waa then; understoodthat until a d""ision was rl no furtherstep, should !. taken, aid tic arreete that weremad" reaterday an- - viewed as arbitrary.

OoL vnee said: " Company A have lor a longtime lus'ij deliiuiiieiit in nioicy, and I put upwith It as lotiu as I rould, I reported the taetato tbi Adjutant of th.- - Mate, en Capt. P"sMareta waa notified. Capt. Dee Mar-i- taiiuurto make a report to Col. Voae, tic company wasordered to i ineolldated."

Col. Voae regretted that for the nood ol theregiment he nnd been eompelled to tak- tin

rompanv A was originally formed of ill"Ohl Light Guard, und tlio regiment was proudof it.

i ii t Krnest A. Dee Mareta is a memberof thest ck r, bunge. and has ins ofrl e nt Ofl Bioad-win- '.

Hesaldi When tic mllttlawere rormedInto tic Nntional Guard of N w York and Inde-nt ndent companies wer formed Into reglmentethe Old Light Ouani was attached lo CotupanyA ol th' Bevenlv-llra- t, giving them tic right oftic line in l w7 1 rapt, li- -s Mareta waa trans-ferred front th" Thtrty-eeeen- and ae aenbirCaptain waa by nrtortty elected to the commandof Company A oitheHeventy-flre- t. Title createdIntense ieluousy among the Captaina of theregiment. Capt. f'-- Marets ad l n In ticscrvee elms lstty llatlo-- lhau oaus" unv

In the regiment, be offeredn tsk command ol tic Color Company,hut Brigadier-Gen- . Rockerfeller would nottcTitdt ins waiving ins Minority aiid orderedbint to take "ouin.and id Ins company. Then!i" oppoeltlon grew greater, ami the occasion

was Mined to inak" .t a peMonn! mutter. CoLV.s" the suh; 't. and it wound up Williuii order from headquarters "onsoldsting thecompany umt virtually retiring tic CaptainI'ompanv A elaiin Unit th- - order w n in! prop-erly issued, ami they were merer legally eon--aolldated. The memberaol tic whowere arrested folt gyeatly aggrieved as theyhave never, by word or act, eo they aver, dla-oby-

the ordereof their superior nfflcere, butwere merely acting in obedience to law. Theyurc ail ready to bay their dies when they arecertain that the die emdmeai of ih eraog cum-pun- y

ot the regimen l is certain.


Am Eae to all Hope fur tSo NurevM mt ISdTtisl lllc Krlww.

WasiiinoioN, Jan. M.-- The ims-uif- e of theresolution to-d- by t vote of l?t$

to U aummarlly ends all hope wbleh may haveexisted of tile slightest e. ill !iteua!t"C to TomS old's Texas and Pacific projeet. or any otherlike scheme. The resolution was skilfullydrawn. It lays an even and heavy hand on nilattempts to use the national credit or abuee thenational domain. The flat negative which Itearned to the proposal to extend the NorthernPicnic land grant drew some votes tothe minority, who w u!d not otherwlsshave been MOB there f ry of Maine. Landersof ( '.nil tcut. lice an. I Morse of Massachu-setts, nil voted in tic negative on tins

Wudd'dl vot.-- against tin-resolution he xMMe ol its opjpoaltlon

to any aid t eaa teamsinps. luwhieh h is strongly interested, stiihtrictingtics- -, and it w ill ! found that neott'a heme,whoae frcmls buve been claiming 1 lit voteewithin thr- -' days pant, has l"se than eightyvotes iii the Hon-.'- , and tic House wasfull enough to make the vote the fuir- -est possiti" test. Turning to ihe commit-tee- s

ehargad with th- - expenditure of money,it will t tumi i ihitt in tic CommlttM on Ap-propriations line membera voted for andtwo against tic resolution and in theI ommittee on Paeillu llnilroads, out ofeleven votes only live can 1st credited tothe Influence '! tic- - Texas nml PlialftC,two otters being swayed by the Northern Pa--Clflc, To anyic watching the pro lings ofthe Rouae it waa plain that every poMible

was Uung used to prevent tic mtro- -

duotlon d mis resolution, baker of In-diana wss buttonholed aul beaought notto prss it. Repreeentativee ol differentaterests were to be seen everywhere nreeelng

their attentions upon different memoere. Itspis'ttrs that Sparks of Illinois was iinxu us tointroduce smniur resolution, i mt Baker's namehad hecti earlier placed on th npeaker! list,and Mr. Kan laii hud no option hut to rocognixehim.

i. ';. '.; rMANCIM TMAiX,

Tellies Home PtalS Truth. In Ike Kleb.1oprra ii.- in KawnekGeorge Francis Train lectured to 2,000

persons in Newark last evening Although ticnight was eold. the lecturer insisted on havingtne windoWl open ami the hoUM Qooiledwith cold air. About fifty of Newark's

eltlsena accompanied by Indies,sat on tic stage, Mr. Train Mid thutin Kntrark Ingereoll couldn't git a baker'sdoxeuol auditors, and Btecher couldn't makeenough to buy a siik dross for Mrs. Tllton,Tweedlsm, heeontlnued, represents the Demo-crsti- c

party Orautiam represents tic Bopub--

li 'an party. Ilav sii.rn represents the frauds oftie- Louieiann IteturnlngBoanl, and uen, How-.:- i

d represents the Freedman's Bureau whichrobs th" pt or treedmaii i bis hard earning!lor Christ i ssk". Laughter. Everything isbid. Look at the press, orinstnnoe, Tiny areall down on me, Lookat uigHutf, Itcuumyst in i. down t,, i. n iiicw And yet I put anadvertlsemenl into it to-d- that ooal in" ISO, Itto It because It pays.

The JVi'iMiis - bankrupt It wouldn't sell to.morrow ha tic lint mortgage on tic tali tower.It Circulates about 18,000, the Timrt aboutan.Ots), the II ui'M nhoul 10,000, the lltraH30.IH0, 'I e njri uiation ol Tut HVM is 1 10.000more than that ol all tic rest put togetherThat's why I advertise in it.

ni " nclueion Mi. Train sgldi"In fllteen years my hair will he ns hlaek as u

raven's hi lert) yeara 1 vv ill hav e a new Mt ofteeth, uii, ,n MMI years 1 Shell bt'RIU mukinganow taee . f men.'

.i.v All ten ii "if tS'M si Kim:.Ueapoudeitey llint Pullaweg Ike

lovini uioi o i. ue el PovertyMr. Hem : Julian, of SO L'aUal stl'OOt,

a widowed friend, Mis. Kebeecu Mans,aged TO, to spend a abort limn bla home, ayear ago I ImrleS Mans. Mrs Mans's husband,died alnii l Then a Inlthful daugh-ter though m sti. oleic d elrcumstiinees, ito-vlde- d

for 'le- wldoWi Mrs Mane's mourningfor lor husi'itnl mi l hernorrowftt bidngde-icnde-

hi "ii icr diiuglitcr preyed upon herllllld, Mr. J II I lull hoped thai the chnhut t" us

own ebeeylul I" ine might 'llveii Ic r thoughtslint she heei.ina eve. more gloomy, nnd Mr.Julian thinks Iter Hold was unsettled, I'llSun lav Plotting Mr. and Mrs. lid. an went nut

in their return i ic y Mitel Mrs Mnaa liesldetic klP hen bible, II. r hdi nriu was bared, andnear He ell w WAS a Wide gush. tl"0d Stailn dIter arms und reddened th flour, A (able knifewas neur Mrs. Maas's right band, Mrs, Minispartly n gi.'ico consciousness and tiin.e

aboUl nor Wounded arm und le rsorrows, Then she sank into a stupor, In thePit ttcnth sir'-e- Rosplltt her wound vtasdressed, and then ahewai trauslorrod to Belle.vue Hospital. Her UOllditiOU last UVUtUUI WMoritlcal,

" I BI U SlMIM'h."" No Sloucli " Is just eouiuienced in No. II of

I IL. Am I... II .. . 4. IWW !. Jj - js.Mu. thy s elioi e Norfolk oysters are cheaper1 tlnn l..i'..liwl. luisl 41 Uii.l.ivu .1 slid Vi Vvilisua;


tUCalltStXn rm uti.u. or Tttlt MKNWHO tyrri) i HAVKS.

The Flttht or Well. she. IS In I'nmill Thee.e tlrleen. I'uilnm u XVItlu.iit t

lleea- - llrewlnrx n lnrr fo l t Andertinn.MltW OMUtAM, Jan. IS. - The ppDCMtllllffl

in the Iteturiilug Hoard Mitlon have n...come of dmmatie Interest, The flight ol Madi-

son wviis has is'pit Ibdnwed with elaboratepreparations for his recti very or recaptut'. The b"ft clues obtainable Indicatethat h's track coca over tic Mississippilite nml sheriffs with detectives havebean placer on that trail The fact ol the High:lecma to he auhataiitlaUaJ, but it 1b not Impoaal.hie thnt tic Returning Hoard cblel has soughtconcenlmeal in this rtty Tiie Custom ffouu..haa been reaaarebad today, but bo trace loundof tic fugitive. TbeChlelol Police haa evidencePointing to tic possibility of Wells runningfor Washington, and that Packard left thiscity on litis evening's train for Washingtonwith Mrs. Wells, nnd tic poll M for " has foundenough othi r evtdeaoatoaurmls i that tic nightis iii that direction. Court office rs, with ticproper reitnlslUont, will ! sent on

The Federal officials who obatructed the exe-

cution ol the criminal flherilPs writ in tic cus-tom House have been declared In contempt olthe Superior Criminal Court, and w ill be ar-raigned before Ihe .n- a- - :.i- -t u- - tl.eir writs ofarrest can Ik? served.

Anderson, OMSnaVt, and Kcnner werebrought Into tin; Criminal Court wherean IniMiense crowd had assembled to vvitm-s- s

th trial. Tha court room waa cleared on ticantranee of the prison. rs. nn i proceedingsWere Is'gun against Thomas C. Andersonfor puhlishing tic forg' d electoral returnsof vernon parleh Tins, after coun-sel for defendants had first petitionedto buve the trial ol Anderson. Caoohave nndKcnner together, and next petltloni"d for unhnnge of venue, m tic prvittdlce was s... strongin tins parish. Uoth petltjrips and motionsWere overruled by Ju.lgu Whltaker and ticcose of tiie state vs. Thomas Ander-son taken up. in twelve hours onlylour jurymen hsd been chosen owingto tiie peculiarities of the e lse, nml it will Is- - tw odays before a jury can be selected, ThedufenMhas nlti'ady vvhaiistcd s. o its fv-l- v- uivehallengi'S. While the pr se'lltiou II as oil V h IIIlenged twee, tlnlv thirteen ate left on ticpanel. Orders have been issued lor tic ap-pearance of tootnletmen to appear

The four jurymen ulrendy selected ennnoi beiiius or active ue ol ituer

party. AnderaonwM remandedto tho pnriehprison in default "f 130,000 hail. Rentier In !

fault of 18.000. anl Oaeennve was released onball A terrible array "f witncs-- n have beenhroiight forward ami the alleged altered returi --

produced in court, those of Field's committee,With the original Couimiseioners' returns fromthe polls. The court adjourned tor at10 P. M.

thk mil tii hi;;.. j.

1 SMlng to DeMftnd Ibr Kuiaintrnc ot thePledge Mud. le tSe um mt II

Washington, Jon. 2" J. Madi-o- u WellsIs expected to arrive here from NewOrleans. He cones to demand of John Sh-r-- aa

and Stanley Mstthcws the fulfilment of theplcdgis they made to himsoll und Anderson inthe name of It. B. Hayes. What th- se pledgesacre, the Hon. W. E. Chandler sets forth In hisIdler to the Kepuhllcsns of N"w Hampshire usfollows: "In Louisiana, however, there lis I

been thrown Into the bsllot k.xes over 7,000more votes for the Tlld"n than forth! Hayeselectors and to make Hayes Preeident it becameneoeeeary for the Returning Board, acting un-

der peculiar hs-s- l laws. Pi throw out nt re UlanT.OOu Tllden votes on seconnt of allege! mur-der riot, and Intimidation prayentlnH a !mi andfr' ele.-tio- ID partsh-- s. To performthis extrsordiiniry. even if ji.stiflabla, work mth. f (ce of hii armed and Infurlsted Democracy,rcijinred meu of uicisuiitcd oourage. andauchcourage the Board poss It re-quired also that the tnirtrd should haveftsur-ai- c

es that the national agigency demanded itsperforiuincc. thai Tic moral Sentiment of ticNorth would approve it. and that they them-selve- s

should be protet 'd from evil conae-ouenc-

to ne spprHlieiidtsl from the violence ofa iiiotj government, w inch It was known wouldbe established by one Nlelmlls, a pretender totic office of Governor, again-- t Stephen li. Pack-ard, who was sure to le toiiudto te els.'tsl Gov-

ernor if the Hares electors should found tohave is'.-- Wt.scn. All tlcse aasuranees wersfn "iv und forolbly givii by llr. Henator Shermail ami his as"istes. Mr. Stanley Matthewsdeclared to Mr. J K Leonard, and I ii m "rethan one oeenalon that nnyes and Puekurdshould stand or full together.


H-j- E. Burke ol gefJV llrl.M.. Iletemyedthe Tildes lire While tu their I'aJ.

Washinhtdn, Jun. jh. -- E. A. Burke of NewOrleans has uga.n interviewed himself, thistimo through tin ogen y of n correspondent ofthe Cbloago TVibtiac, In this Interview hemakes several .lelils-rat- false utatciiicnts. Mr.Burke came to Wwhlngton as tha representa-tive of the NlehoUs Governmeiit. Hie Sel 'Otiouwas the reauh of an uoeldent Msaara tiiu. u.Levy, and Ellis telegraphed to Nlcbole that intheir judgment it wiui thnt he shouldhave a pereonul repreesntatlVS In Wash-

ington, one author:. ' I to speak and ictf r him uisrt from nnJ Independent of thegeneral manasamant of the Demoeratlo case.Tle y suggested that he send the Hon. E. I).Whit", it member of the Slate Senate. Cpontha recein of this deepatcn Mr, s sentfor Mr. Tejsds.ths Prealdent ot tic Doni's-rutl-

lolni caucus oj ths Legislature, and Mr. White.It w as agreed by these that It Wouldl" l.iipossilile to saiivl Mi'. Wiutc. as it whs uponilia political j lid g u. c nt and leg ii know ledge tllrilKlehoiis largely depended at that critical time.It was iheu propoaed thai Mr. Tejads si uuld 'esent but a monietit'a renectlon inviu 'die .nthnt neither Mr. White icr Mr. Tejnda could

becnuae their aiiaenisii wottid brealc aipi rum .1 th" Ni holla senate

Winlo tlcv were e. i, ting iibout for soma manwl ollld he St III, 111. ike ill' e ,Ml,, tl,,. QoVUTii ir's room, and Willi Ins usual inertiiiencainquired what tiler weist about. W lin tile

from Washingt' n w..- - ibown to him. lieimmediately suggested himself its tlicnroperperson to go to Washington, it was dually eon- -

fludodtoMnd him although neither Mr. Te-ja-

icr Mr. White c,.nsi.t"ie.l lorn a trust-worthy person. H" "am" to Washington, andshortly after his arrival struck th" Tilden UIMIISgerS US lie designated tic ietll-- rati" Nu- -

tionul Committee, for one hundred dollars aweek for his valuable services. Whether bereealvqd this salary regularly or II o Id" notknow, butt do Know thai at yurious times hereceived sums which iii tie r aggregateamount Wore more than e,pnn!int to onehuudreil dollars u week. Hi- - statement that" Mr. Pelton and thuTlldeu llianngers besoughtLouisiana Congreasnicn and myself to urgeSicliolls und iic Legislature and our peo le tovv. rk up a public sentlineni In favor ofthe Kle".I oral lull." Is all uniJIUllllled llllsehood NeitherMr. Tilden nor any ol Ins personal repreeeutn-tive- s

favored tn Rleetoral bill until its passagethrough Congress was ahsoiutiiv certain, andHen they accepted it simply suso they iidin. no hetter. I know of my pars' uul knowleilgethat Mr. Burke WM. Irom the time ho uame toWiishington, conetanily " communication wnhIhe repreaentatlvea of Mr. Have, snd qelibu-rntel- y

oetrayud them the secrets which be ob-

tained confidentially from Ihe Democratic man- -

'llurki 's denial that lie ever had an agreement

signed liyHianley Matthews, Cbarli'a ri stur, oranviM dy else, and leading Houthernere. is astatement characteristic of the man At thecelebrated Worm lei nfervnee, Burke, or oneof the Louisiana Congressmen, rend a paperwhich they claimed embodied the unituiiagreements between the representatives id Mr.Hiives and the ntiutliern pemoorHls. Tu;- - pa-per pledged Haves uiieiilyu llllvlu th'1 promptwithdrawal of ine iroops from Louisiana nndSouth Carolina. Tin paper Wusnol slgued, 1

do not Know Unit it was uropusnd that II shouldhe slglli ih I know that lien. Uiirih III, Wl o WHS

pi sent at this conference, did ma approveso ii. e of ii xpreesloiis used tu this iNtpef, andihut he afterward said so to tlen. H. Ifciyii- -ton. liurko hits ntunledly nnd tli.ithe had in his (HiesesSion il pa" .

siieli us I have r pres. ntud above. H

stated to Mr. Hum' 'k bisl spring, then the e,,r.respondent of tic New Vorl; (iralii at N' W i if.leans, who. ni the request ol Iheedltorof th"Hi i n J, applied io ii in or a '"opy ol ihc snuie,which li" declined to give, ami said that Inwould not milk" it pit id i" iiuiei-- s Rayea la, led tokeep tun pledges made by liis friends. Homade the same statement to W. C. McBl Ide, ticcnrrespoudsnl of tne Clnolnuntl fifiifiiirsr InWashington and to divers 'ih.-- p rsons. myseii among the rest. H" showed lliis paper to

V 11 it in N. Springer, mambsr of Congress fromIllinois, an ' "Tered to let him read it us a suill- -

eh nt r ui for suspending tic rillaisterlngil, en in progress nitninel the count, ana In ex- -

nni ti "i the remarkable si h which Mr.1. v bad ju- -t nia h'.

The Hon Win. E, Chandler, on being askedwhat explanil .n he hml to offer to MajorL'urkv'e drdiiala said: "It has never beencharged 'nm ihe written memorandum nufnen-- i

it liino alleged bargain made at tho Woritn-b'v'- s

Hotel conference 'if Feb, M wag - Igned byhtnnley Matthews, or Charlee roster, or nnyother Repnbjicnns Thai n written memo-randum wi s drawn up si. owng I ho understand-ing that had Is en reached by the tyinferneaithat this was remlover an l agreed to la suh- -stunt Inllv correct, nml that at the samei ice the Routhern Demo 're is, "r some of themaffixed their mtmi s lo ilc ; i per as wltneases ofits isjrTectnees. and the paper wss then

wun Major putxe I have been in- -

for I that 0cn Qarfleld was nm quite satisfled witn tic way tic bargain wi s expressed inih" Burke msropnindum, and so h mad" nroemornndum oj bis own whir." he says heshall j llbitsn if Burke's isits-- r Is made public. "

Sir Chandler says that to bring matters to adecisive tost he has sent to MajorBurke the full, wing t. '.. grain:

vt ilXieSSSg Jsn 2S. ISTSjgi r r o ar!. .ve. OHSSI

H' ! rt ( to dselali la a iveenily sotlisketl lawrvteeinf your. 1 nsvs tie- Itmuif t.' uk ,.u tin.ns. Wert v.. a, rvpri sorts Itvs ..r tin- awhaltitcvt riani at, Willi ether BoSlhcrS in. n sisl gSSsr.sturi.'i asttttewit. tyiin Sheratsn. Ctisrle. iiiiiti- i.l. til r s'o ni tiietii sin! stiier aorthsrsaten itiX'4ti1 st s coarsreai r ctiaihrvaesi si Wurinle t ftivtel in w s.lii'uU'ti Sheet Ml ISlslt, n in raintLerii-ist- is 4i . Ii o, wst sny wrlpsa iai--- w hrtsvr--a a.',! r,wit. u'ui s tu tin t with st w it iii, ut asinetaglsed is it- - 'en. 'lustt msile laea ur salsetiaeutli tmisalyiBi er i srpei "m to !! tin ahitle "ran. :Brt rf ion ee n lt. ur inu utieti

temftitu trcin i a twlilvreaw or coatrr nccs cencerntun i,hiociii.i ot eciic risnvr ihe Cn, kiri arths

liwtvrniasat or Iht rvusral lfuupj in xtw orwsa.f ti " iisw ...a sttw, ot asve roe tverastlthatsaisrors ihersofl itltlnsalwneef lfto.wkeraIsfltieW! Il nut. We ll. S litre, SIM b Ileal was it Jt.toa.,1 Alsl will ...uvT Sol ISskS it, ur n ..'io .it it,

public Ifysg have Ml w B. CassSssa

a rouoED m uaitAttoK.A sc nn An ssl that Lstteee the Sfew oriui.

('MleSR House ".V o'eoo .. II, ,,,t.

WAflRDtOTOlti 'Intl. 2S. -- Mr. ChaUtplIn, ex- -

Deputir Colloetor ol Customs at New Orleans,suys that In- - resignation was n forgery. Therecords 'i tic Treasury Department, that be was regularly su eaeded by (tenAnderson. T legranis received from NewOrleans repi nenl that Oen. Anderson, beingun ler nrreet, end tic see nd deputy. Mr. Cope- -mnd.abseni "is unt of slckneee the eoii-ro-


of ill" I u- -" ic House on- - en . )a rued by ChiefClerk romllnson. The decision ol tii inecrotnryof the Treasury is: excepting upon the nom-ination .f tu. Colliftor, it ;s within lit- - (theSe retary'al iurladictlon to nnpolnl dentttlea.Therufore, ih uld Minsra Andere in audi otie-lan- d

both laijtp appear at tic Custom House,ti e o:i! . ,,f c, lie o.r t.ein va.'ant. the controlo: the Cu P u. H 'U-- e wil. isiss 'on si oil agentof tic Treesurj Uepartrnent. Bpe-l- nl ag"Sti irtei ol i:c Treoeuri Depcrtment has leftW ashlngtoii for Sew Urh uns w itn funds to paythe emfuoyees ah w at h events.

;;: BltOUKLlW inn: BHOOTtXa.

Yniinc Johnson A.imlil-i- l to II. ... Hll hJnilge Dfallsan li llrohl) ii.

Cbartaa E. Johnson, the young husbundwho shot nnd sevsrely wounded bis wife, r r- -

ence. In th" residence of her father, h. S. ll.-u-

diet In iloniwe plo.s;, Brjoklxn. on Dec 20.was .ii-- .. before Justlos Nejhwo yesterdayafter- ,ju. In tha Brooklyn City Court, and ap-

plication teas ma le for Ids release on ball by

bis ounsel. Oen. B. F Tia-ysn- C I. Chares8. speti st, Johnson's naturally pala oounte-aanc- e

eras winter than ever, by reason of hisprolonged confinement Inugaa-H-t cell in Kuy--

tig street jail He seemed to i' wholly uneon- -

eernedlnthe proceedings utsd ks acted ss one en-tirely in 'he control ot thoas aunut Inn'. On theapplication of his counsel tkut he be admitted tobail, it was iiitimnt d Hint he Wasof unsoundniind. and that nn asylum srns the proper placetor him. AAdavltewere reno from lr. lsmis.I. 3 c. nutehlaon a'.t ether physicians,which re. Ited thet he Wai sufferma fromBrtght's dlseass of tic kidneys; and taut eon.United ci nfinement in jail would seriously im-pair if 11 Oel not wholly ruin, his benlth Thewit" was said to be out of a danger, and ticcounsel assured tic Court thai Mr. Benedict,Icr father, vvns willing have young Johns, In Isni.

District Attorney Catlln said that he regardedJohn -- on as a dangerous man to a! large andcharacteiistd his assault on his wife aa one olthe most outrageous cunm " i in Br 'klvnI t yeara. Be thought that if ball was gruntedIt should he ItO.OOp.

Justice Neil-- 'ti tlxi d th" ba hi tl.l.ism. Mr.Charles Jonnaon the young man's fuitor. andMr G org" Shepherd Signed the bonda, justi-- :

r.g ;n I80.1SI0 ea 'h. Johnson n'tuncd to this":tv with Ins tati r. who seemed happy lu buy-ing secured his release on bail.

It ss.i I toibe the tactics of tba defence to getn cmmlasjon to pus- - ..u theaanltyol youngJohnson, the.' he may escape Imprisonment byu brief sojourn in Ih- - asylum.


One VI.. l.liira ....l Aaatnee Ilenaceou.ljrInjure.! hy u Ilniio Hurstliig.

Between land 4 o'clock on Bun day morn-ing a ratal boiler explosion Docurred in thostandard o.i Refinery stXSonstabls'a point. N. J.Th ' boiler wivs a sm tii one. ,n a slie.l some din-ta- n

e from tic 0.1 W orks, aud was used Io run asteam pump, by w inch a very deep well, nowbeing dugi was kept free from water At thethe time of Ihe explosion no one was neuritt ut y irrls Woodruff, the engineer, and AlfredHill, a lnlmrr. Ths n lsc of the explosionawakened several workmen who hurried tothe spot with intitei ns. They found w oodruffstaggering wildly nl-'- ari l preeentingn pitia-ble si"; ht. H" horribly seal I". I nndoruisedRe find been blinded by the boiling water, andtrteaklnand flesh. ina hands and lace hungin -- hrcls. He was enrned le 'tic, where he Ileaul Ihe point ol U".iti.. suffer. ng great uto'iiy.

The body of H.;i wvs n .t discovered untilsfter daylight, Then it was found to have beenblown IfltJ feel by the explosion. It wnsterri-- i

lev mangj'sl and scalded alm .st beyond r syititiuu. Of the abed nothing Is left but kindlingw I. an I fragments of the b liter are scatter'.for hundreds oj feet III every direction. It wasn .1 over a year old. and wa- - thought to be per-- I

'! ) sound. Tneeiiuse of th" explosion is umystery Tns engineer cannot talk, alee bemight be able to explain it.


a amuii laetltntlea's Dsposllars ftejiiied iqII...,. TgSlr Uulauee-- .

The Commercial Bank, of 44 Pino street,Opened not n or" than a ycai ago under a Sti t"charter, trnnamltteda letter yesterday, of wblehthe following is . copy, to th" depositors:

Tu ftvltusacisl !Isk i


C II Ih to rs, Pre.Mniti illliluii Hssltse, I hie I'ntsl- -

it- at. Usrm wi . in in 1'n.lis rT., ,,. ri . .1 oolsrt lisvs vetse In elosi this

bsiik.snil usj nfl ikiHitur. mi Svinaial. Pissss Jm) .air bAUii. .', un.i bilge '

ui set w oosasx, Cssliisr.

Tic Commercial Bank was little km iwn amongthe Wall street and other financiers. It Had noclearing houss, na all regular banke nave t itsdecks war Itol redeemed hi any other hunk intic city i ihu hunk inerell Ui pt an aeoounl nt theHaul, id North Mil irb'i .through whiait1 mediumtin Institution's i ' li rat- outed business wastransacted, nudtlie ioalngouto lie brief

" . gi iieridli regitrtl 'd wnh a smilelis I., ih" futility ' building up a arg ineorn,st the preauut tin.e. lie i. siiiu.l and leasluflusip'e.

Its capital was linn,uao. and Us rectors worelittle known, a- illrc'lorS ol tl CotninerciaHunkj auuuig blinking men. 'J ie I'resldeut

and nshlur live out ul the inly.

ii t x 11 ii, a i i UFt'lCK.

Iseess of t'aaillilole. - I ho hlsf Edltershlgof ti.e Otllelal Jenenal.

Maytii- Ely, Corporation Couusol Whitney,und Collin, -- si. icr Cuinpboll. ol the Depart-nient-

I'ubiic Works, who com poss tic Vtty

llnui il i k inmlsslon will meet to-d- io select usuper vis. i for thut journal in th. eieu.t ofHlcimi'd J. Morrison, who on Bnturdny last wnsmi ii" un Exi'lsc c unmKSloner. At their meetlug on htnturtjay the Comuilsslou decided topiietpoic tic upi liiituu nt ot Mr. Morrison'sspeecssor Until Hl'"t il'teriione whether thei My fecord fin live without n supervisorNi'urly 1U0 noiitielnns are ambitious lo suii"r- -

VlsO lie oni j i c in 1. Among the moreoUSpleuous i. spin nt- - are Philemon W. Bhotles

kWcretiirv of the peipoei'iitic Hbite Coinjuitteej. rmun Michael Tuomev, William L.Cole,

editor "i llie fWl .baecii-u- ; lieginiilil C.1. eve it. Cum luissiom r Dfswv.ker,k-r-t v. Orr, Andrew W. I gal. Col. UlelinelJ. Parrel. and Charles II. Williams, it. K H.Ahei,, and W, Augusius vVitli. now the three

supervisura. The salary of the ebivfsupei visor is I3.40U



The (tuesn. Uaveeitmeiil A.klnu fur r X'oleor i iu i ..i lis Passnngs WillNr..- OanSSSH le Sepnenle AgtetMSSSBt

London, .Inn. W. Tho exceptional step ofsuddenly summoning a Cabinet council onSunday, is regarded in som quartan aa JinIndication that the political atmosphere is notdealing, The Daily lfett$, In its leading edi-

torial nrticlc. says Unit the Cabinet determinedto persist with the daiWUld, for the supplo- -

mentary vote. Vlaoounl inndon, mwnbai ofParliament for Literpool. win succeed LordCarnarvon as Itinntiri of state for tic ColonialDepartment.

In the H"inc of Commons tills nftornonn MrBtafford Northcote, Chancellor of the Exchequer,accepted a anggestlon of the Marquis of HartInston. lender of tic Llbarata, that after BitBtafford'a statement, when the aupplementaryvote hi moved the debate shouM bo adjourneduutil This was beeattM lie time oftic House is already otherwise up- -

propristed to th" orders of the duy.BlrBtoBord Korthcote, In hli statement, said

that no Intimation hnd yet been received thStan srmlsttcs hod been signed. The pence pro-posals were not yt offloially known, but havebeen communicated as suthorltntlvs by CountBchonvnloff, tic Busalan Ambassador The

ar" mainly the same us those print In

this morning's Vs(. Sir Stafford Kortbcotcnlso said that no Would express no Opinion thatmight be used for the guidance of Tur-ke-

(Tut Ic considsred the terms verySweeping, The character of autonomy forBulgaria was not that agreed upon by the Con-

stantinople Conference. Administrative nut inamy was than ' "i 'led : now titer. is providedtotal separation from Turkoy under n Princeli" pointed .nt that the BussUtn propoaal forthe consolidation as an autonomous I'r iu.'ipulityof nil the districts inhabited by Bulgarianswould bring 1 1" southern lsmudui y of Bulgariaalmost to tic sea. He aald a iiunor. havingsome app"arnU'.,e of authority, stated that ticPrince for ltuigariu was to is ehonon by ticCzar. Thus a powerful State well. I he i'

llshed In tic very heart of Turkey, witha Prince devoted to Ruse Ion Interests,Regarding tributaries becoming Independentic would sny nothing, but it must fats. diffl tultqucettons.slnce it touches ther interests. TheIndemnity condition is very ehmtle. How 1: issin nay ele t to take the Indemnity end What

she may ask are highly Importantto Europe European concert is thereforenecessary, Tic understanding regarding thelimits ni. iv menu something or nothing t 'ait itis a European an English, Interest. I callattention to thia," he added, to point out thatthe condition- - are matters Upotl Which noSeparate understanding between the belllger-out-s

can I" acknowledged bytbe powers Wohave expreaeed that opinion to ma power, andbelieve it will receive their assent. Auatrin hasrepeatedly declared thai she entirety shsresour views. We . aim t disguise the vast im-portance of the questions u nv r.t : He

of mratheastern Europe is being re-moved. Relative t" the rearrangement whichmust 1st made, Otto thing is certain lliat furk"Vniu-- t not - urged to continue the Struggle furpurely European obieota

Tic Chancellor then explained thenegotlntions Which immediately preoeded 'Ic orderingof ths fleet to the Dardanelles. He said thatltussia. in Icr reply to the noted deepetuh

British Interests, only promised not toacquire Constantinople permanently. LordDerby, on Jan. 13. sent a despatch toCount Bahouvaloff, declaring thut theGovernment were strongly of the oplnb nthat it was most desirable to avoidev-- temporary bussinu o "upation of

wblcn nilght aerloualy endnug rthe relations bow happily prevailing betweenbussia ami England Rueela, replying, re-peated her assurancssj agnlnet the permanentH '.position of CollslltlltlUOple. I. lit add". I Unit Ittic Porte's obstinacy required tic Camr to con-tinue military operations he reserved lull lib-erty of The COOT "ould not under-stitii-

how ifc course b- - wns pursuingcould affect British interests, and h asked ( ra Statement of these interests. The EnglishGovernment shortly after, perceiving tic bus-s- ,

utis upproiicblng Uallipoll, replied thnt theyconsidered any operations tending to give th..Russians control ol the Dardanelles would im-ped. the consideration ol the terms of peace,und usk. d for an assurunee against lie occupa-tion of Oalllpoli They received the replythat uallipoll would neither ho nocupli'dnor attacked unli-s- s a regular Turk-ish armv should Is- - concentrated mere,but perceiving that tic movementsof l'th llussiiins and Turks trere tending to.ward uallipoll, the British Government asked,an l on Jan. is obtained, the Sultan's permis-sion the entrv of the fle.-- tut, the Straits.The orders to tha fleet to enter were counter-manded in consequence ol 'he receipt of atelegram from the British Atnlaeeadorat Conetantiuoplo avow. tig his belief thnttin' Hiissian oonditlons provided thnt thequestion of tic Straits Waa to t.referred lo a European Congress. After th"orders wen count irtnanded n correction ol theAmba-sado- r's w is re vived slaMcgthat t'c iU"stion of tne was to h' .tt toth- Sultan and the Clur. Tic Chanolloradded that from subsequent Inf .rmnti. nhe had not tne slightest doubt thut Hits,sia Intended this question to be set-- Itied separately between herself and thePorts! not. of oourse. excluding Englsnd fromilc ultimate discussion, tor Russia cannot ex-- ielud" England, lie now naked for the vote sothai when they went into the council of nutii :isthey mignt be able to show that when Englandhad once decided on a course she vns deter-mined noi t" leave Hie aword unshurpen ul. Tic Ministry Would not considei thev. .te an incentive to wur. He explained that thcredit aak-- lor was not "oni; - ted with ticsending of tin. fleet to the Dardanelles, but Ianpermanent ntsasurSi that England may appearut ih.- - Congress thut n.iiet aascmble vriih properprectlgc, Re said that tfle Gvyernment asksor the credit us avoteoj confidence, so that it

.un with nil tic more tiriiiiii.sts anter the Congl !SS.

The Msniuia of Hartingtoti asked, since avote of confidence was wanted, that the debatebe adjourned to Thursday next.

Blr ntaffqrd Nortbi'ol ncurred In the m tionlit th House ot l ords tins evening .'. ,r

Derby in a tew words explained thei .i" hudtendered his resignation because tlm Govern-ment dec ided on a step With Will II he Couldte 't agree, inn in thirty-si- x hours, the clrciimstances having changed and the Governmentreionsidering its decision he withdrew insresignation.

The resolution of Lor d Btrnthadeu. that op.position to aiiy uuotlon of Constant inoplswould not be a breach "i tteutrulity, was with-drawn, - ml Drby opposing it as of a pureahetruot I'haraoter,

Tic Ti 'si A 'Intlon un lerstnnds thnt up. ntie annouh en tit that th i Goverumcni w oi ,t

consider th" money vote to u- - a vol.Lords Granville, Ripon.uud Kin her )

ami some nf tile other Opp isitloii lenderanasi ly conferred gether, and altli iui .i i

definite resolution wns taken, it is undeisiih.- Opposition wni accept tic povornnivnt'schiilleiige.nnd arraign Its wlrole Ensieru po y.

Lord nnrtington proposed the p. i nemeiitof the dauipj so as to gi.-.- the country an op-portunity I" expriss Us nplniou.

lu tin lobby it is 'M ted that th" .1"' nt" willoccupy lur nights. 1; tliu Government ijy.featod rarlinnicul will be Immediately dis-solved. Hut a defeat le almost Impossible, TheConservatives ur" confident ol a majority .dOV T tl it V.

A Vienna despatch says i "Th" Russianwill i. 'inner serious opposition from

Elighind and Austria The latter power - p. iiuiiu iv opposed io in, retroci ssi u ol Bessura-hi- a

to Itusslu. and l i nut eoiiditc ns doing lUurothan lo cripple Turkey."

A s Inl lotbii fiinvt it. m, Peya . pvat "TicI'orlo persisted in Its d- termination not to per-mit tic lintish fleet pi enter the biiriliincllesMXecpl as an nllfol Turkey, Ehgluild lilt' rmIbe Porte that the tl - t uiusl enter i. ;t ,t perin. Tic I'orlo eutert'd a lorimil protest,wh tell w.i. i irwarded to the nletilpvlentliil - .tth Russian headquarters, but did nut uctuall)oppose lie entry. Vou e Will on Rus- -bin ii territory.

tin.' si i s, Jnn. Hi. Tic fadiienifnnrc ;..'"(bus in. toii .wing -- i Iii! from ciiiui: "Austrtii, like ne oile-- powers, i'ouslip'is thn1 lie-pen uUtlitioilS require gri'lll inoilllleal II asregards tic aggrnutlizeineitl ol s rvi t andMonleuegrn and tin retro nssioii of H 'ssiirnblu,Russia s deniuuds in regurti to Inileuiuliy aredunmud llllluinisslblii, becaus.i tulidlug to p r-

pet.iai" tic occupation of iiulgiirlu. Austriawill Immediately a ind a noto to th powers onthese pollltS,

CuNSTANTIMOPLa, Jan. !i 8 1'. M. The Ellropeau Ambaasitdorsnre stiii uninformau as totic prcl, 1:1. nary Conditions id peace

I.o.spon. Jan. 29." a special t" the Sfmufard,dated Belgrade, Hominy, contains tic follow.In::: After a four dirrs battle the Tur,;- havebeen defontud m ar Ratschiirnik by tu.iwo Ser-vians, Tho hospitals hen have been orderedt.i prepare aeoammodatlon for8,uo0 woun led,

The jnues1 ooyreapondeuti d utwines, uudvi dalo ol Juu. 12. uslwl--

kywsi "Typhus raging here, ami Mp dieIn il v. Tlcre are lo.'Ssi si.-- aud ttouiided inth hospiials."

fffl ARMtHttl r. xor BIOfKD,

Turkey's I n .. Mg MueSln'S AdvBr.eActive Mlttttsry Ogsratletts

Luniwin, Jan. 21. The lntcit gUtheDtlOadviOSS from Constantinople do not eonllrnt thostatement in the special dcapstan from that i ityto this morning's Sfandofd, thai the Porta hudreceived a telsgram to tic effect that tic pre-liminaries of peace have been signed and thaithe Turkish delegates nml tic Grand DnkaNicholas would tench Adrlanopls on Saturday,Dp to 9 o'clock last night the Porta hml no advice of the conclusion of nn armistice, thoughorders were telegraphed to tha Turkish Ptsnl- -

POtsntiaiiea on Friday to accept tin prelimi-naries of peace. Tic tieiny causes apprehen-sion that th" armistice may be accompanied byonerous conditions Tic Porte is now In tbapeculiar position of having accepted terms ofpence without knowing on what conditions unarmlatloe will be granted, An armistice, if prop-

erly handled, must make tin1 Russians morethan ever musters of tic situation. They nr" atliberty to fix notonly the llneof demarcation butthe tunc during win n they may remain in p'.s- -

ni tic territory uoled. Tins willi".-:- tiitdr hands irs- - to settle details accordingto their own vh , whi' ii in tic peace prellml-nanu- s

ar" eonfln "I t" general principles, thus:with regard to Bulgaria, th" future limits oftins provin io noi npriear to hnvo i n si -fled, nor the degree to which tic autonomy ofBulgaria or refi irms in r. enln ami Herxiixoylhaar to extend The same seems to I." th isewith regard loan Incrunseol territory tot M intenegro To sssion of KoumutiiHii Bussars- -iiin i not mentioned, and the question of theDardanelles la reserved Nor is ativtiiing saidai ml march Into or through Constnntinople,which seems nticr to he a matter connevtodwith tic suspense in of urms.

ileaniime tic Russians, Bervinna, Rouma-nians, end Montenegrins are pushing mili-tary operations great vigor about nlddlU,Prisrend, I. ik' Beutari,and Slllstrla, and m theHaritxe valley east of Adrlnnople From alltliese points war bulletins are rvceived, .ic.w-Ing

no abatement of the off. naive by the allies,fttiieunan Pasha's nrmv continues to embarks Egyptian transports have beau ordered toK Mint io assist In the operation

Up to Saturday evening Safvei Pnahn facttngForeign Minister duriinr tin nbseiie. on tnep ace mission of Server Paeba) pare stod In li srefusal to Inform Mi. Luyard.tue British

of the terms ol pence, showing thnttiie Porte has n pledged by liussm to keepthem se 'ret, Th tugli the St. Petersburg semi-of- fl

mi press d "Clares that withholding theterms Was a Turkish trick to force bngbsh ac-tion, this Is Improbable, because tic Russianscould always hav defeated sui h a move byoommunlcating the oonditlons tbemselvee.

rm: si I til; rtlTBVk hit: BOVBK,

a Prabehllltx that ike Blaag mil win Mil- -

insti l) I.e. .mie 11 l.n.vVaSHIMOTUM, Jan. "S. The voto on the

Hatthewa resolution in th" House waaagen- -

uiue surprise. When tiie Bland bill was passedtic vote stood: 163 yaaa, 34 nays, and '.'3 absentThe vote y was: 1ST yens, 7'.' nnys, and "7absent in other words, exactly two-tblr-

of those ul sent bolore and present noWvoted against the payment of the nationaldebt in silver, and yet this measured two-thir-

of a full house nnd nearly thirty more than two-thir-

of thoss present to-d- More predic-tions of the final i a. age of lb" Silver bill withor without a veto have been beard thanfor weeks i est, nnd the meting of tbe silvermen this evening was an unusually vigorousand lenthualastie gath"nng. The clearestheaded observers appear fo be certain-tha- t th"Bland bill ns amended In the S.nat"Finance Committee will pass the Senate, ami it- not believed that tic leaders i f tin' movement

wni risk defeat by attempting to give tho bul-lion holder all the benefll of colusge. TheBland bill, so amended, will probab'Tget a twothirds vote in both Chambers and its ultimateenrollment as a law is, to say the least, ex-tremely pr .bill .

At the meeting of tic silver mi-t- this eveningtin committees already announced were ap-pointed, and some debate vvus had on otherpoints. Mr. Spr. tiger of Illinois advised thutI. ensures be tak--- to get ns many Southernstnt" Legislatures to Instru t th ir Senators as11". Every v"l" wns ips-d's- l ill ticSenate, h sail. Mr. Lamar's Inst speechbad shown Hint some Southern men wouldoppose li e Silver bill, and it vv undb" to bring nil possible pressureto ticar. The scheme, howovcr, did not meetwitb nvueh encouragement, (ten. Butler mademi" of his china t.-- . st: api bee, dealing flratwith th' neceaaity : raising money lor the cru-sade, which ho advised should notan assessment but by hdlvid lal "ontribllllons,and as a flrat offer In' subscribed 150. an extremely bitter attack on SecretarySherman and announced thut ..r i.ii- -r

th i pi. would iiuv to tns charge "fthcr own Treasury, A prop sal wns madetoward concert "f a ition wltn the Senate, but itwaa judged wiser bi Esrlng ami others to keeptic agitation iii both branches distinct Ticsilver nnd Qruenbaek League bad this eveningthe signutuies of 117 Rcprcseututivss uflUedto


The i i .t sttrp Totearg a Ministry Aatlag la.depvndentli mt Btsatarea..

Bnaiv, Jan, w. Tho prolonged ministe-rial crisis has produced a first result. PrinceBismarck has ben authorised by tic Emperorto submit t. the Federal G luncll n ' ill providingthat t(c Chancellor. In th' event of hisbingprevented from acting, 'may authorlzo nuymember of that Council to siirn laws i mi

requiring th" t han slor s signature un-der th.. existing Constitution. Tic bill Is re-garded a- - the H: t st'-- toward tie appointmentof Gorman Ministers a ting Independently oftboCbancellor. bur und.-- his leadership, andhaving ulso nn itn in the Federal Council.

Oreal Ftrela Henlelalr.The large three-stor- y brl 'k building on Bloom-rit-i- .i

svsnus. goal .nr. .n J.,owniul b) Wni. Jacobus,wst burnrd le lbs srnuttil ssrlt oaMeiuls) morniiat. TUsbulltlias wst ervctctt sbout teur vr.r s.o. nt u east nt

ft It wss erciiptril la the flrt itery by the thati. re mill offlcstorUr Jacubus, Unflln ksklwln, Crus

littti Mr. Taylor, bsrtlwsrs ant l Msditeo. biekt sailtstionsryi la llie aenni ttorv wtrs eflh'rt t r

.1 w eiiiltnain siul A w Van iiuvun, lawvet ih. Mumrliir I. i... ii latiuS nffiee, siul tilt' tuWIII'iS lluttU't reiill.lit wliii'b tne rci'ortt- - ste ksui i :i tt . ihirit mvry ws. aIsrse bslb uad lor nubile nieetpis. sue viitsnsiiiuieittiihilt..- i'reMrt.v evulil i.e ruaiev'! ui llie burin l.ulin. lie- i.eal !. i. rh. .nt an The liUiltliiitf waspitarsit in Kw Vers ruiuitiiuu. lor litO.UU file i.i.-s i. "a t r ::i in - t ! in. it l. thulllltlt tuhsvs been lbs wura ui Hi i ahtam ilstsulieu a rswsrii will .' . : a ibii tiisii

Tsventy.nsur ! i. io Test Itr i.uni1. naaltySlii'rdT Rellly n'eeiv.'d yest '11111- - in precept

ilirvutiiiii hiui i" luinraon ilw lury roi the trial ui iiitLord lunacy cats. Tne hrsct'pl I. .Inne.l la Ills Com

apfMriiitrd hy ths Stitivnis Cuurl nlliistKh 1!" stivrilTte tuinnieti 0. uiy.ietit a andti tu- e sit. tsl in ttie Sut.n me ''"in t riHtti., tun ilnr.l

et r, trim.. , at 4 u't'lueS III tin sitettieeii. Init on- ne, iy u ti, ::, .!,. s 1. ,u i . nun, :u iimiusslilt t ite Siul Ss lu 111. ssult) Meltiv.i.iir ni-.i- .ars Is lu1 itrSwu Irein ibv K. lirusry ustsd iii lit Sn nt .lury. all ui wiium win let tnuiiiiuiivil iu st. a uu tbi tsvasuii'ti 111 tin' la ci t

An 000 flee In t ni ih airesliEire on tin flflh flour uf tho live-stor- y Iron

bllllililu 10 IV tii st! i f 'ui .trvi'tt bi i.i tic iwu upper11 .tf--iiit- tin) Icwer it h I v..i. 11.....1. Man

atcr The i'wneil bt :. Kti'tiaritiuiti1'.. .In kishIs Vctuilli.i.ill He r. lisul- -, ah" llit "

lir-- t Ih.ef Kli'Vil Hi llu S 111 lint nila 'In- .in It I'! 1. .ml sa l limit Hiuir. wers

ito led in'" n n 0. s tiivfi ' uwd n "I ,

an. tils i. We.iei il ' illicm biulict fiiiiiM'. nii.i. et,iuiiU'j at tu 1.1.1 a; .,1 whutliiuUs

ualiiilisrtltsliS t'u Tliv) ? ' .' iinuiua.-e-

Holllsr'i nnleltte,Bclmstlnn Dollier of 27 1 Broome streel waa

f. una i.v tliv vhuiiilstruieil yvttsrilsy iiiuriiiim lymn untile ul I, s rtiUIU. in He luurtll . in j ...l elliluisl A raef. with wlilvli he lis I i n! hit thrust wle ' t. i ll- .1. lie . - I. I cxtilii i. t,ih, ii a, pif

e liters SlIVI'l Tils ii.i LlilUiSr Velll Wilti. l. unit t!n 1... lliat In t'Siiitut rvci'Vi'i

lluliiei s o 1. n .et. it:i fart u in , it i ri,. i,i t, i, ,. ,.ili. I. .id bt i t. in tl, . elti hIi it en- - year sti.l ' a th lu.tlli l.. Ulelitll .1.1 I.l . UllSbbf t" . t II,, eO

'I'll- - DqStOB I 'll-- I ". .till.WonoasTKit, Mass., jnn. 2t. Senator Hoar

duet IIUl Sunt I!"' II I' ll I'lillectu lll llir I'ul II llm sslibarUi asi oust Hist itvntiviusii i u u ir uiiuaili

lieais Aeew Uoaiklug nvrup.Tin Infnnl uhlld nl Ambrose Poooock died in

tiie gneltweitttl .vim- - Nin-- i. ui gruuklyii un sslurdsy,ksvusj lakvasa uvsrUsi ui tuutitlus .)tup



t 'iThe I loo... llenlers Imiirnpr-ri- Vlewlnw

iheir Reeelpta as OimnI as LteeneeTlii' Amonnl "' Money Ihnl M nt phy Mol

Ai.iu'.t , Ian. At n tearing given byGov. Robinson this afternoon, in tic onae of tho r ILi;charges against tho New Vori Excise Commis-sioners only one member of the board. 0. w. (1Morion, appeared, n impnnled by his counsel,M. Dleffi ndorf, nml ('. V. ChlldS, chief clerk ofthe board, Mr. Dlrfhndorf read a written answer. taking up the charges seriatim, all ofwhich ic denied, He hsphUnsd tho workingsof th" board, and pointed out mlsstutem"nts Inthe charges. Ho said that Mr. Murphy waselected treasurer of tic board, ns the lawrequired sich an officer. It was his duty ito deposit nil the money for licenseegranted ami leaned on account of the board.Ho had no authority to draw money with hisSignature alone. Alley he absconded tin rc.spondent made diligent effort to secure hiearrest Murphy hml been directed to depositthe money received every dny. After he ab-sconded he was removed Irom the office oftreasurer, and tha banks of deposit were In-

formed "f the fn"t In order to estop payment ofwhatever cheeks Mcrphy may have drawnThis action prevented tic payment of thou-sands .f eh "'ks. as has n since learned.drawn by Murphy. Counsel Insisted that ther spondent, Morton, ww. not In anywny, ortqnny degree, kuHi ol malleasanee In r. e or ofneglect.

Mr, Morton tlcn explained to the Oovrnorthe workings ..f lie ..ill- -- aving thnt tic bus!- -boss was so greet that It wns spmetimea a ionitine before tlci.. .ar l could make the necessaryexamination ami grant a licence i benee thouneaalneas of Uioae who had paid for tl.eir

oensi s in advance. Mr. M r on did not knowWhether ilc lav ailthoriS - th" board lo receivetie .icy in advaii "tt'l ng or not.i.ut that ins been Ite custom The money wna.. i eij ttpoti tic commission. Ow iig to the

deelelon t tic Qencrnl Term tin t liwnseasi o il l I" ersm-'d- . thousands made applicationd i.v. tendering ticir money, The money thusr c .jved w ii deposited in the name ot the boardbv Mr. Murphy,

Mr. Morton then sulJ thnt no legal proceed-Ing- sliiid been begun against th" banks, but that

ic had papers ton 'iiing that suble t. Some ofthe advance payments hnd been paid back. .Mr. " .'Morton .inl ict sign sny of these cbjMka. andn 'in. r..t tip ther Commissi tiers did to b.aknowledge.

Tic Oov irnor- -II appears that many of thesapoop neidered tic receipts lr advancepayments n g od ts Licenses uniil a license wasgranted them

Mr. Morton That wns a mistake on theirpert. The board did not so regard it. AHoeneechi. not Is granted until aft r an examination ultl " pr 'ini-.'- s Where Ih" Honor i to be sold.

The Governor said that ha presumed that Mr,Morton acted in go.l fnith, no'withstaiidiug tbeconduct ot Murphy, but ne be and h.s SSSOOlutee vvr" the majority of tic board, it wnih s .In. v to see that everything Wits doll" legallyhi.. properly.

After some explanations the Governor of keewhether the amount paid in auvan did notnn. "int to a vry large sum. Mr. Morton

that It did. "A large amount." he in bank estopped by our direction 1 think,

it amounte to over UlOMO, Sotwifhstandlngthat Murphv abstracted about UU0W We havevet .iter 160.000 in bank : nml us Murphv earnedproperty we have hopes of s- - ui'iiiii it rturaoi some at least of thnt .amount.

Th" Governor spoke ul the it 'counts of thaboard, and said they had beep reported to himas i.eing badly confused. Mr. Morton repliedUnit tlcv were in us g..od condition as It wasp. eslbls to kesp them und-- r ilc exoitement nndpr. SSUfS ' 'I i. iisncss last December. The Goernor then aald he w ould examine the anaweaami compare it with theehargus und. he addcvL" If I find nny serious eoiifle t iu the statementol lu"ts I will uppo.nt a commission to talisproof."


Why Th. VVuranit'. Rluhlt AilToesln. OptotsI Se l.m I.. I Cntrr.

WAsmstiroN, Jan 2 The Hon. Georgey. Cannon, the Mormon Delegate in CongresaI 'r. Mary Walker, and Mrs. Sp.'ii 'er of thiscity had a hearing before the House sub-co-m

mittee on Territories in opposition tothe Ctah Election bin giving the people of thatTerritory n secret ballot, and diefranchls'na,polygamlate und women. Mr. I 'a ii :i on deniedti.' ' 'st nceof i union of Church and Slate,and dwlnred tic demand on Congress for afi l.itliot tu without reaaon In fact, as those

who an making such a demandu.e simplv euro ami adventurers,

Dr. Msrywul brotetd again-- '' ingree--Slcnnl interferenit; v. th Mormon thegroundthai the Ltnii sysi 'in ot marrlngofrom u pbyaiological stnmipi.11111. is un improvemem mi monogmny, ufld u umru enlighten rda, ti soot tin Inl evil.

Mrs. Unencer a sir mg woman's rights advo- - (

note, based her ol tioit to disfranchisingp ilygarolsts in Ctah in the ground that n wouiiiv-- in bad taste for the united Btatea Congreeewhieh she laretltobe comjpoetd in part ofprnctioalp 1 gami-t- t to int rf. .re with the Mor-mons.

It is understood that the committee wiiisoonreport the bill.

line ie Ttt Ifaey Eadsi tsg.Deputy Coroner MscWhlnnie Inquired into

the esutss of Uis .in.-t.t- ..: ctisrlei in nry Soro ystaseday. Mr- - Corn letUttPdtiial thelatl --aw ia-- htittmnJStiVS III abuUI V1 A VI he L'"t oat el b?l. ilre.-t- sl

hlnttsg, snd went out Annativat sitvrwsrd ho heurda pi.tol thoi Sbs went to ths klwbcu door saw suioXs,suit th. ti valbs hi toil: snd in tin lawk vara,th.- a- ir. Zurii wa. i a t lestl, tunered iitiichfitrths lYeiii .1. ; eutwtiuentuyon s i.iu. t i.' in-- ! an lb- f. ul suiiurtvd s uiSs,SIS) it hud net a .,i I. Z. rn laocted that hi' laidrat uilltsd hum siul ws as. It t.. tu le srtletl Thslutsrlns "t th t ws sHlaad lurta Isj 1101--1.

a spiusker. su.) .aa butiaest in bit us u uuss in iTtuin nr I'urtlsud a, iu:. in- wat teysarsel a..,

burn ui o, riii.iii

Prttwustl in the navheasitekTic body of th man found floating In the

Dscksnssek rlvvr. off sVavsucut brlds iWst e ut. n. &

s- - that ei I'hitln Mutell '.. r It- nrtS 1: Ittlli tlult lie ..ti mi. I. .t I - ttt i.e ull Tbuit- -

ds) lat an.i, la. skiiiti in 1. ... Iroa uet,

The ralireralM oatesied leeitoa,Wasrixui N.Jan. 28 Inihecnsco VYIggln

t .11 p. in ssutn- -' rnctict'ii II' Ilto .Itutur mee-her-

tie- Hell..' I ltl!l..ttt! ea te. Hell PSilSt ,'.'iJ.-- aarty vubi ul ' t. 1 Hist Vi ttsuit m It vtiiilltd tu Uit stsC

Olienlas ' k'ew Ar et.Tin new Fourt's nth Kegin mi Irmorv in

Hurtlstul nlni. Bl 'i ' .. '. uisrlled ls- -t

uVfaiisi Iii it.. ..te.'.u.j m; .trill Imi: i. lsi lev!lulln Ull,l I. M . '

t.lhe. l.te.l devellorHavana. Jan. US. Captain General Jovellas

ItbrrsUHi lurt' svi i. iii. u im sen iiSned In f.sI Hm ias yvrntvtt uii tbi isi ot lbs uisrrlsssiii ItsinsAb


Ths i'Me- - 1 aadlllanIIowk. Jan. lie li tlm Pope la

h ... in i a a :. 1. oni .cu,. t to lot hsd 1lbs twslhus "i in- -

vveiiii.-- Hales I'eeillettaM(Men r or part Ivcb mdy won! hor, c ld norths

I'll' ' I'til f lu r ,;!;. ...I v.1.,.1,, riting. loUwwsgi.y isiuat bsruiie

juitixuu uioi t loirjk.Mr SVI n pises '1 nil stiiiMng atst--

rnslitsul tint vlly, divd uii StuidsvJ11I111 Huru, in employee m tin. t i ,1 ststll Msr--h.-ii. nm, , 1,;,. imait mi a., in. .Ii.ii laSurvey, wen insdv in Third svei n si Harlem Ho Us,

t rls n.-- Vers l 1. .1U.t . in e Ii n era i. n Mttuii nf

It iHiklv ti siul Jottfiil! Kysu ul . i .1. n.1,1.1-1.- ...itI.. ilssiii,

a a. sail wston ih Ivpn . 1. ri kit.. - up Si

oiid itvvuut, is-- t run uvei Mi. Mso On ut milKatt mt) m '. ,. ,

I Prit.poimud t- Ihe pint iu uiii liuiu..its uitvuvsi.t by i:sdvslli ul .1.10.1 1. ii,- 1. 'i

.1 ... ll I' II Willi M l. Ii t v... r H i.tllllllSlt'SU'll, Ul- ll S le. lt . '. n ,.lj III .1 l'. , tliv 1.hii... ! ti ei ii .1. .in

VI III.. Si lulls', liver 111 I", .lulu tte-r- s .wu. ciii'ltiri a :i iimiMer '1 nii. tta- Isrui'tti vei i st it.111. en I11I. iu. 111 tin Aui

At nisi iiiuf Is.t t'veiitlii: ul Un CirttAt-euib- p P tliiniiiidesbl'tsl lit I it. a 'o.i M r,Is, .1

mt .. 1.1

l. 1'ln.b.v IU 111. i.i .1; i. l. I..' .11 .11 Unit Ipiiliir J. n stadias t'hiMt sud tliul ict la i.i i,jvbvyid

The iwrntv anti tenusi nistiiursdi ball tM tin- la.-t-

hruu - 1. i" sliiiuuiu eii tur T .ia I ,.it Man ltw leaturet sud auytltiv. sis I'liiailtt'il i aut. ml. 11. mil Nil ll.ill ui., lu bs t'tsburalelt I..,..

r .a .l. un-- .1 i. 'ao - t.. 1st re- led st lite real "I ' ISMsg. Tieti'ltsiv tube tulu tuuiess uuli win.; rsbUtS'l. 1. tuUClU'd 1"! I"' UlUIIIU -

tie iii.n tii ins. gwins bstseeuenid an lavltsnontosddrsst ihe lusst uivsnTui m later is rsm nsllihiis elvsrto us hel.i ui I'uuisir Inttitiitsavetutig, Sevsrsl olbsr int'inbsrs ui Cuiigra-tbsva- niioite.ito iddrssi ttu- a, un., nm. .114 ilisai Ssustiini.1.1..- ..i ,. Vuurbsst siul aud ii.ivrs.

i HUlauta. lliauU, Uullcr, Si.. I ....a."