the sun. (new york, ny) 1893-02-09 [p 7].t wwto r1 ji tsr l t i the sun thursday february 9 1893 r l...

T WWTO r1 JI tsr l t I THE SUN THURSDAY FEBRUARY 9 1893 L t r SANDY 1IOLLOW KOAD WAR CONOll1SS UN COCKRAN ANn an avx- KlL 2 IIAnii AT IT Hr Cockrnii Hullde Peace and Htooe Wall r Shutting Vt the fond Mull Sir llnnnrlt Htop on ifs Wuy to the Hl llon nnd TLars T icm DnwA Lwaul Coming fiom of tl o villager ot Tort Washington Long leland whero nil sorts ot tnteroslnl things happi- ressmnn n are of tho opinion I C- nJ V llourko Cockran wants keep the prodatoi fyNow York tramps and the local cows dogs lic anti goose off his estate lie may bo COt ipollod to take a furlough repair his broken fences restore his overthrown ton bnrrlftnde and mount guard on his new- ly constructed stonl wall The occnslon for anr such plosslblo nn untott ard nppoarance of the Congrlcsiman n < defender of hl landed rights Is tit iimonpuro farmora feud which Is belnl wnjv0i by tho senants of the Congress mn nnM those of Joe It Ilunnell of J H- DunnoljfCo manufacturors nnd dealers In lectrlM appnratui at TU Corllandt street O 1 Jl 01- I n80 > = Dl C C0CKRMrS ii T IJJ8 3 TTEI STATE L c ICD- H IO iN D I MODe NrCI TtRDS YN r TO A NOS POINT MAr OF TiE PI9TB1CT As Is shown by the accompanying cut the estates of Mr Cockran und Mr Bunnell front- on Humpstcad Harbor and are adjacent to each other Tho tandy Hollow road enters Mr Cockruns estate about throeeighths of a mile from his residence a handsome struc- ture ¬ which he built after ho bought the land from William B Miles about three years ego The road cuts right through tho ostato There 1 Is a frai fence bordering the road and Mr has naturally desired to closo it Moreover ho has recently had erected a barn and a number of small buildings on his estate at a point not far from whore the road branches oft from tho Middle Neck road The road runs directly by Mr Dunnells res- idence ¬ and Is the nearest way for Mr Ilunnell 5 to drive over to Iloslyn where he roaches tho Long Island llallroud Mr Dunnell did not want tho road closed as he explained yester- day ¬ because he would have to leave his grounds by another road which would tuko him about threequarters of a mile out of his WilY In addition ho said the other road was very poor nud wound over an ugly hill dim 1I cult of travel In tho winter So ho objoctod and on last Friday ho was objected to In what ba thinks an objectionable war As ho drove through his estate and cnmo to the border line of Mr Cockrans estate ho found tho road closed by an Improvised rail ten o Ho loft the carriage took down tho rails antI proceeded Ho drovo through the road which Is so narrow that it might bo called A lane and found another rl fence blocklol hi way Into thu Middle road nell hum mod some soft measure to himself got out of his carriage and took down tho rails us before Ho considered the Improvised fences ns a bit of pleasantry on somebodys part and so wont about his business On Saturday ns tin drove through his estate and came near to Mr Cockrans border lino- ba raw something which caused him to hum audibly Ioelnl up the road was a barri- cade ¬ us of largo stones topped off with n Jot of rails laid close together the I whole barrier being as high as a mans head and altogether exlnl for n man on his way to business to look I Ilunnoll stopped his horse and sot to work to remove the rails Title was not a pleasant occupation and still moro distressing wits the task of getting tho stones out nf tho road Mr Ilunnoll says concisely that he had to UFO a horse to drag them away Then Mr Jiunnell started again for tho Middle Nock road nod the world I oyond Another barrier rose up before him at tho Middle Neck road Mr Ilunnell stopped lila horse and ut ono began to tako away tho rails nnd the stones lit was no novice ut tho work by this time and after about an hour and a half so ho says be started on his way I second time I Mr Ilunnoll wits In n pleasant mood yester ¬ day although he haitI ho hind heard since ho left Port Washington nnSundaythat Cock run was building I stone with nt each of the former barricades He Insisted that the road through Mr Cockrans estate was a public anti not a frivnto road and that it had hen so for more than forty years Ho also said list a law passed 1H1K nuthorlzed Itond Commission- ers ¬ to record as nubile roads such roads ns that t through Mr Cockranl pstnt which though seemingly wero really public He raid that the Itoud Commissioners lr- 7ltholof tort Washington Mr Freeman of Mr Allen of Great Neck held a meeting u short time ngo and wero about to recrd tho road its n publln road when their counsel Lawyer Bruce of New York advised thorn not to It was suggested that Mr Cock ran had had some conversation with Lawyer Bruce Mr Ilunnoll further stated that the point nt 1 IBUO ns tn whether tho road was pub- ic ¬ or private had been settled more than forty years ago by tho original owners of the land His eighty acres tin paid were part of the estate of Isaac Iodce and Mr Cockrnna 1HO acres were tart of the eState owned hi a Mr Itnrtis- Tho road was then In existence and Mr hurtle desired to close I Ho took forcible measures Hoblocked lie road with great Ntones Hut within four hours of tho time Mr Burtls dragged the stones into the middle of tho rood Mr Dodge got out n yoke of oxen and SI dragged them nIT Title continued for somo tinge and Mr Dndga was so persistent in hl- aIortlio keep the road open that at last Mr Irritated and sued Mr Dodge for Interfering with his property The case was carried into the courts and Mr Burtls was defeated Tho 8101 rights evlst now ns forty years ago so luln1 claims A peculiar thing about tile Bunnell says Is that nono of tho court records ol the case can Im found- In the absence of such records nnd to back up his claims Mr Jiunnell gays ho lies secured nnldavits from n number of old villagers who were uciiunlntod with tho facts of the diseute of forty years ago That is ono fact which lives green In thin memory of the old residents of lort Washington hu says nnd n of the dispute hrinusl smlh > to their montol Mr was In ashlngton yesterday 4 It was learned that he had sent tl associate Mr Severance on Saturday asking him to go down to Port ashlnuton anti nee what hnd happened Mr Cook ran wanted a Wtthi titihlt Well is there a wal built down thoro now 7 Mr Hnveronco naked Idnnt know But there ought to bo end e titers Is one It mylnstmctlons wore followed said Mr Helerlncuwlh I smile Mr the road private- Mr hnvornnco Raid Ho wanted torlovult when he first bought the land us It cuts right through thin grounds Ills barn anti other buildings ore so near the road thattrnmps uped to stroll about tho buildings Hogs anti 1111 and cows and geese came In tlm road entrance and Sir Cook ran didnt Ilko these things He wanted some privacy about his grounds Ho oticred to give Mr Ilunnoll a good road through nn oilier part of tlm state further removed from hil residence and the ham and he oven otTer to maintain In 001 l repair the other road which lends out of Mr llunnrlls grounds But they could cnmo to no conclusion and so Mr Cockian thoiiKnl If Mr Hlnnol claimed the law nn hU side ha would havo a chance tn establish lila claims Mr Hunnell ran get out an Injunction to restrain Mr Cockran If ho wants to If the records of that old lawsuit rnn bo found they may decide tho nunitinn at Issue Hut If those records can- not ¬ ho may be some nice ouei lions fOlolllore tn juggle with I do not 1nnw accurately all the points of law involved in tho dispute The Old Colony Del- Q5TI Fob Proslclent Clark of tie New Haven and Hartford Jlallroad has bcn In consultation hero today with the Old Colony Committee of Directors In connec- tion ¬ with the new dual Theirconference re foired to of the union between tho two mlnorlarls the agreement receives tho oVAl of stockholdur further details will not bo AUrance In IlURcnxr flutes CHICAGO Fob rassencer rates In the ter litoiy of thI Chicago and Ohio Illvxr Traffic Adoclntlon wero ndvancodtodftY to the basis- of f 7 between Chicago and LouUvllle And bo- twofii Chicago nnd Cine unatl This IH the compromise bals ncrooi upon by the reads to rrinsln In effect until such time nh ear I tnitnont rules are named by the arbitrators selected fur that IIUTOlo I > n JWOtrAY HAILS Al1Y He Will lie Oone Several Week nnel the AntlPoTertyltea Ar5 lnconuolnble Tho Itov Dr McGlynn atted for Bnvannah on the steamer Kansas City eslerdn1Iror- noon Fully an hour before reahtd tanner 100 women and a handful of men wore on the pier at tho foot of Sprlne itreot Nearly all woro Antlpovertyltos who had clung to thin Doctor through the dark dale And hal rejoiced with him upon his return to tho fold Now he waslolnl off to bo gone five or six weary and his followers had como for n lalt handshake Tho steamer was to sail nt 0 oclock About 1 oclock women began to arrive Tliey board- ed the boat and took up a position along tho rail whore they would bo sure to son the Doctor when he nrrlvtd Ono of the bowl ¬ dered officers saId Ladles If youre altnl for some ono you can soo bettor from rlcmo dock As soon as tho women found that the hurri- cane ¬ deck was up stairs they lulo a will scramble for tho companionway Soon the litirrlcntio deck was crowded and tho now ar ¬ rivals had to stand nu tho main deck One out of every four women had a cackngo or parcel- In hor hand Its for the dear Doctor each said Whether those bundles contained fruit sandwiches or plo Is a matter for conjecture AtliO oclock Dr McQIynn arrived the dock with Dlshop Moore and Father Kllloen lies coming lies comlncl shouted a woman who stood at tho foot of tho gangway as a sentinel Tho women on tho boat began to tumble lor their handkerchiefs antI to wave them even before they could see tho Doctor homo hud brought tiny Hags which they lour Inhocl I with wild onthunlasm A last the priests stepped upon the lanlplankIDI then tlie women shouted for dotTed hil hat and bowed Ho entered tho cabin the women looklllftr him Dr McOlynn and Father Klllecn found themselves cornered nt the end of thin saloon Dr MrUlynn laid his hand on Father Kllleons shouliler nnd said Jly dear trlcnd this Is Father Kllloen a dear schoolmate of mine Ho looks like MM- chlzoilek ioo nt ho 1 lies tho ccntlemnnv- vho w I Ile that little wrostlo with Bishop A ripple nf laughter went through tho crowd Then lr Mcdlyiin laid his hand on Bishop Moores shoulder itni edit This Is my dear dear friend Bishop Moore who hns been co cry good to me Ood bless him More power to him Ha I ha hatl my little jnko More power to Illhop I rake good care of thin Doctor cried nn old woman to the lilshnp Then there wan a rush for Dr McOlyuti Duo ot tho mon In tho crowd Bhotitcd Form In lint and pass the Doctor I This suggestion was adoptod and a long line stretched out and began to move punt Dlplinp Monte BUl Dr McCllynn Most of the Women bent knee to the floor before the Itlshop anti killed his ring All or them sebod Dr McOlynns hand shook It heartily anti FIIft something plonnnnt to hint A woman came forward with n child In hor arms nnd when tho Doctor held his hand over tho babys head and murmurad u lilesnlng tho woman burled her face In the childs drcxs and wept Thoso of the oreo whl hud brought bundles cnvo thor to Doctor and whispered little something to make your voyage pleasant Upon receipt of the tenth Imudlt u pecullur look came Into the Doctors face He had almost enough provisions for a trip to Europe The reception did not end until tho bell rang All ashore Dr Mctilynn walked to the gangway anti the crowd followed cO1 The deck lianda gently urged the women ofT thin shlo A IUI putTed up and tho steamer moved slowly Into tho stream Tile wo ¬ men crowded near the strinLplccn and Dr Mclilinn stood at tho tern with bared head towIng and mulling until tho steamer dibap penrp- dlr MrGlynn will go by rail from Pnvnnnah to St AUIUhtnl Thoro ho will proach n se- ries ¬ Iolion sermons In Dlshnp Mooros In less titan two months he will bo back in New York XEir iy ShlINJJdNU SOVETllVO Mr Hamilton llrntt Coinmlmilonii on Sate Co Cutomer 1110 William H Hamilton I welldressed intel ¬ lectuallooking man 31 yours old was n pris- oner ¬ In tho Yorkvlllo Follco Court yesterday Ho said that ho had no llxed home at present On Tuesday Hamilton went into the office of Aechllmann A 1ollarln manufacturers of and dealers In fancy tiling at 231 East Twenty eighth stroot Hamilton gave Mr 1ellarin 111 card bearing tho address 250 West Twenty sixth street Ho said that ho had been In the housofurnlshlnc business and mentioned the names ot a number of prominent uptown people I havo a friend who knows Mrs Laura M Chapman of Sew llochclle sold Hamilton She line just put up a 150000 house and possibly I can got a contract for you to put down tho tiling in the halls The job will be a good ono Then Mr Pellnrln got the dimensions and proceeded to mnko an estimate enytncr that ho could do thu job for H0 and Hamilton could have SJ5 commission Hamilton said thnt bo would see Mrs Chapman at the Impollll Hotel and departed with the short time lit returned anti handed the con- tract ¬ to Mr Iulliutn Across the bottom was written In a woman handI hereby accept terms of chore spuclllcatlnn nnd direct work to bo done Tho name of Mrs Laura 31 Chap- men wee signed Hamilton saul that he knew of a good con ¬ tract In Greenwich Conn which ho thought he could got HP received 5 to pay his ex- pense ¬ anti bit Alter ho was gone Mr Jellurln thought ho would drop around to the Imperial Ho discovered that no one of tho name of Inurn M I Chnpmnn was stopping thorp nnd nObody answering Hamiltons description had been In tho oHIce Ypstarday noon hamilton entered the otHeo In tiiiimph- nnd xhlblod nn elaborately drawn plan to time said that lie hud got theta I u- fJOOO pontract to lay the tilts In thin new Greenwich club house of which J U Wlhorel is 1resldont Hamilton said ho per cent fo lila commission Ho was arrested Justice Mendo hrM the prUoner in 500 bull for examination on Thurbdity JMf WAIXWltltttlT I WAS XOT ROllltKD- Nevcrllielen Up Ilucl Mrmr Campbell XelHnu und Cole ArreHted unil S nrchc l Among tho men from Wllllnmsburgh who went to Conoy Island on Monday night to seo the OrllUnMurphy light wero cxAssembly mun William Wnlnwrlght tho proprietor of tho Seaside Hotel nt Itocknwny James Camp- bell tho proprietor of a saloon at Hertford vonuo und South First street Jimmy Nelson tho lightweight pugilist anti William Cloy who line a saloon at Marcy avenue anti Kccond street Before Walnwrlght mot tho three ho was In John Molonoys pnloon in Grand street and Bedford avenue Ho was anxious to go to the light and asked some- body to get him a coach No conch could be got A man who was with him told him that Haloonkeepor lmllbol was about to start for tho scene of th and that Wnlnwrlght would bo welcome to go along Wnlnwrlght- nceuptoil the invitation and went over to lallIel9 plvf Tlmro i ho mot Campbell folTuy Thn four got into a eoath und meythlnu went along vel U until Im- ped lark was riaehoil when Wllnwrll1 do clnrod that hn hnd teen robbed Ilu hind seurcbfil bU inckotn ho I thought nnd mlhu11 wallet contnlnlni a largo sum of money Walnwrljhtl friends tried to cicero robbed him When tho headquarters of this Ionnv Island Athletic I uh wore reneliod Walnwrlghttallodnpolice milan nnil his three coniiiinloiiR won taktnto thu Coney Island pollen Motion anti in the prpKonco of Clilrf nf Ifillpo John Y MnKnno Jumpbell Nelsiin anti ColTny worn Biarchod but none of ininwrlLhta money was I found upon tWD reriiiPBted Chief McKano to search Wnlnvvrlglitsclothliie and to tho e1bem i blymnnB surprise the money Ito lost waH In his pockot Hn apologlrod to his companions for his unjust accusation but- tlmy refused to accept his apology Chitf f McKano characterIzed the nrrontof tho men asoutiagcous To a reporter last nlilitMr Camphollsal- d1ulon Coffey and I will sue Mr Wain wits an awlul experience fur us nnd spoiled our sport for tho night Mr Wain wrlght had boon drinking but that dooent excuse him Hum Hector a nnlni > Urea ItetuoTcdfW- KSTTIELP N JIeb aIt Is reported her that Hector J 11 Jennings of Grace Church who was recently mado thin subject an eccle elastics Innulry on chorees line received n letter from the lllght Itov Jllshop HcarborouRh removing him from the rectorship of the par- ish ¬ The time of removal said to e Fob lector Jennings Is silent on the subject 15 Tbp ItrV llr iVctHtn Jloy Leuve Ilrookljnt The Hey Dr K clifford Nelson the pastor the Trinity llnptlst Church In Greene avenue IlrooVlyr ittis received a call to the vacant rulilt o I first t Church at All Holly N J nnd tl will probubly actopl it I ARTHUR STATUE NOT GOOD 4112 COMMITTEE OF TiE PAItK COM aassioa DOT LIKE IT They H y tl t Keymrf Work on lie Itronr- en iaN Cr the xlrcildent l < Not Eqnnl to or Sculpture In the rank Boon after the death of exPresident Arthur- an association was formed In this city to pro- Vide and erect n statue of him The odlcors of tho association are John A Stewart Chair ¬ man O U Baldwin Treasurer J C Hoed Bocretary and Cornelius N lilies Chairman of the Kxecutlvo Committee Tho association engaged Sculptor Kphrnlm Koysorto make a model for the statue and after ho had slbml ted several sketches one was as satisfactory by tho Executive Committee and j hTlTUE a model of heroic size tho figure bolol a littlo over nine foot high was made by Koyoor and given to tho HonryIionnnrd Company of 430 West Sixteenth street where tho was cast In bronzo In December Mr Stewart wrote to tho Park Commissioners requesting that tho Plaza Cir- cle ¬ at Fifth and Ilftynlnth stroot bo designated as the site for tho for which Mr Stewart wrote with boon ospeclallydL luned mntor was referred by tho Talk Com- mission ¬ to Advisory Art Committee Henry U Marquand President of the Metropolitan Museum of Art Thomas W Woods President of the National Academy of Design ami Napoleon Le brun President of thin New orlc Chapter of the American Institute of Archi- tecture ¬ This committee visited tho foundry Inspected the bronze and on Jon 1U reported to tho Park as follows Wo have looked carefully ovcrthe ot the late President Arthur nnd we nro com ¬ polled to that the work Is In our opin ¬ ion not equal to the average of sculpture In the Park and therefore cannot recommend 1 it to tho Park Hoard Wo advise that nn oITort be to raise standard of accepted work hereafter The report was signed by silt the members of tho Advisory Art Conimlttep At a mooting of the Park Commission yes- terday the report was considered but notion was postponed until after the Arthur Statue Association shall have been notified ot the committees judgment Tile onieerN of thin association who were seen yesterday wero not prepared to say they would do about the matter Chairman John A Stewart said that he could not of course express any opinion In opposition to Mr Mnnjuand ns to the artistic value of Hculp tor onors work Ho had seen the clay sketches submitted by Mr Keyier and con Mdorod the one selected for time model to bean excellent likeness of oxPreMdent Arthur whom hn had known very well He did not consider himself equipped ho said to give nay other judtiniont on tho work The Rlnlalol lied assumed that the Plan site talnnd unit had designed accossorlsespoclally for that slto These accessories It was learned wero to consist of a somtclrclo seat something after t L p141- k t4 fri pp TilE statue avenue statue placo ls- acce680rleslhls Its Commission statue report I I made what i tIme plan of that at tho Pnrragut statue In Mad iioit culture hut much larger At the two Points ot the semicircle pedestals wero to bear lifeilzo female figures carrying lamps In their upstretchod hands The pedestal of tho Arthur htntuo was to be in tho centra of the somlclrclo- Sculntor Iveyser modelled the monument over tho grave of exPresident Arthur in Hurl Cemetery at Albany Ills a heroicsize Ilcure an angel of 1lac1IIYlnlll1all branch on tIn polished ¬ work I Is a hronzo stutuenf Baron Do Ka rub- le nf the State House at Annapolis- Mr Keyser wile seen In his studio in Madison avenue vesterday by a SUN reporter who In- formed ¬ him of tho report of tho Advisory Art Committee The artist was rather dumfound- ed ut the news but smiled nt tho committees opinion that his work I is not equal to tho average nf tho sculpture In the lark It must bo pretty had If It Isa bldaR thaI was hits comment Ho saul that I of tho committee and hud no knowledge of what standards of art they judged Mr hey l fl tuletlln Munich anti Purls and was for i at Rome Uronlvvny promenaders have had opportu oily II juilgu nf his work In tho bronze stat uottoofi 1 boy In n PAres costume of tho II- i teenth century court which exhibited In Tiffanys window for some time A aVRGLAIt TACKLES MRS VVOV lie Hmothrr Her ITnder n Hlimkct hut lloBttt Take lien Weildlnu fling Framer John Nixon wont to work about f oclock yesterday morning leaving his young wife Annie Nixon alone In the flat on tho first floor of tho big double building ut 411 Twelfth street Brooklyn Ho had boon gone only an hour or so when a knock came at tho door leading Into the Nixon apartments at thin end of the hallway On opening tho door Mrs Nixon found a tall middleaged man with light hair and long blond moustache and dressed In dark clothes standing outside lie doorIs your man at home tho stranger nsked and boforo Mrs Nixon had replied ho forced his way Into the room pressing her forward and closing tho door quickly behind him The stranger then solzod Irs Nixon dragged her into tho little hall bedroom adjoining throw her on the bed and piled tho blankets over her head crushing them over Pier neck until she was almost choked lien assailant thin went Into the front room and I mlnutoor so after- ward ¬ was In tho act mucking his exit through tho front room door when lrs Ixon having recovered from her hock jujnpod ouT the bed nnd seizing Palm by tho coat tutU dragged him back Into the room 11 the struggle which unsued Mrs Nixon thrown down At this point lu tint episode Mrs Nixon becamo Insensible and reinlined in that condition until about 10 oclock when her husband unexpectedly returned for tho purpose of getting some money ho had loft in tho closet In the front rocm Ills loud knocks on the door aroused lilt wife to consciousness Sho told him of tterattvontui a anti Ijothi of them hurried to the closet and found tmla of tho S4 which Mr Nixon hud left In was missing I Tho burglar must have been a considerate fplowafrll for hu left one dollar until Mrs ring on the shelf behind him Mrs Nixon thinks he must havo Jon drunk and overlooked the now She went to po- lice ¬ station anti gave the details of tho Inc- ident ¬ as related above She boenmn ory In- dignant ¬ when the detectives Intimated that lucre might bo some elements of inmnnco In her tory The detectives male Inquiry at tho house unit In tlm neighborhood but did not succeed In uniting any person who hnd either seen the stranger or heard lie nolno of thu struggle iAitxiKits U1N HIM noiry- A VOUDK Ilurfclnr Who Sun Ho snoot Control iIa TblevUli Impulses NEw LONDON Feb aFor three days n burglar has been hunted In this becton by a posse of twenty farmers headed by olcers of the law The burglar was known to carry an uxo with which he frightened women He robbed houses along the Shore Ilno Railroad from Madison to Mantle Tho farmers caught him In a cottage on the Bplrltunllts camp- ground nt Nlnntlcyesterday Ho If n imllt blueeyed man of LMl rind says ho toll I a- kleptomanlc He eats lie U hut sonof wealthy parents In Hrooklyn who havo itt hll11t utter doing their test to ABU hint grace Hn will not reveal their plneo ot i lesi- denco I Ho says his nami is Joseph DUIr7e The police believe him to bu old In hl curoor of crime Duprezo says hits life has boon wrecked by nn uncontrollable Impulse to steal Two yenta ago ho snatched a tray of gold watches from a Brooklyn jewelry store and tied coming hero on the Norwich steamer Ho was mot by the HhorlU but escaped him after I fdxmllo chase Smco then no has horn a wnodchoppcr- HU latest escapade hu says was thin result101 lila thievish impulses He stole the nMi llrnt Then he stole wutche food nnd Jewelry Ills robberies became so serious that tho general chase for him followed He Is now in Haddam jai and will bo tried in April Ewar Gcnchin Convicted or Murder Truck Driver Edward Qeoghan aged 28 years who fatally shot his wife Ellen oolhul In a jealous rage In Brooklyn on Sept was yes- terday ¬ convicted of murder In tho first degree In the Court of Oyer and Tarmlner over which Julie Cullen presided This killing was cruel and df liberate and the murderer only plea to wave his lire was temporary Insanity The jury spent halt nn hour deliberating be toro bringing in verdict of murderin the first drree Tlroghan will probably not bo ton tenrod before next week U JtwJ s JJS DmA IIEAltAXcE- II IN Nw lenriieil fhiit He Eloped with a IVoitmu unit Died In IndlttuapollI- litriiFSTEn Fob R Mrs George Soden of Cunntidalgun and hor threo daughters moved to this div lao month anti went to live at 114 tavanimh street Mrs Soden loft Cnnnndalgun to avoid tho notoriety which luau come to hor through thu disappearance of lien husband lust summer In Jui 1WC I Soden told his wife anti family ho hal mado arrange- ments ¬ with a frenl of who was acorn morclal spend several weeks In tho North Woods on a fishing and hunting ex- cursion ¬ and that ho Intended to return In September Tlmo passed and Soden did not return It was afterward learned that for some months previous to his disappearance Koden had been on intlmnto terms with lrs I F- Chapln of Geneva and that at the time of his disappearance this woman had also suddenly disappeared This was verified last week wlion SpdonB mother nod stepfather who live In 1no1 received a letter from Mrs hnpln and mali out at Indianapolis In which lie writer said that she and Sodan had teen living together In Indianapolis since tholr disappearance at which place they hud been conducting a restaurant tiheadded that Soden had recently died and that sho had hurl his hotly embalmed and placed In n viulr anti awaited their dlreo ton ns to its dlsposlilon suggesting that so desiiod site would have it hipped to lionton nnd interred besldo that of his father She also reriiiepipd that monoy bo sent for that purpose family were Inclined to ho ilevo that tho report of his death wits not true I ut a llochester i mater printed today n de- spatch ¬ fiom Its Indianapolis correspondent- saying that soden died ton weeks ago nnd that sirs i hnpln told thin correspondent that uho hud boon married him fourteen years A Iollcrmnni fetranice Infatuation 1oriirMKi Fob HAbout six weeks ago liofio U Pholu4 anti Ethel Odoll who wore keeping a disorderly house In Harrison street wore iirrested for horsowhlpplneGeorgo Wob her I young man who had accopted their hos ¬ plllllllllhon lodged a complaint against thor I police Whllo tho case was pending Patrolman Philip Clark 1 marriott man was dolnllml to watch the hnuso anti warn i people from going into It The women became aWlrf of thin fact thnt thoy wero being watched uI11 struck up im acquaintance vUh ito policeman who became attached to hose Phnlps After tho Harrison street estab- lishment ¬ had bon closed by tho pollcu au- thorities ¬ lark tiled his resignation assign ¬ log III health as the cause I wns haIti on this tuUnut Mondays meeting thu Pollco Co- mmlttlonn9 hark and Hose Ilielps left the t tueqk going to Buffalo anti thencn to Niagara Is nflerward returning to Itochostor They propose muko n living by kocpli i road houso Clark had always been rriMided is a faithful Officer unit an hon enable num Ho hiss I Wife and ono child Kreiiumllri IllMiitlifled with Uuee- PinKinroii Fob R George IX Ward n brotherinlaw of President Duns of the Koono unite Society sold today Tomorrow a pet lout will ho presented In court asking receiver ba appointed to administer the affairs- of the Jconnmlle Society Wo want an Inquiry to uu mado into title aflr to coo how things have lipi n gnlnc If society Is continued huts will not I toinnln at It head That much I Is certnln of nurse if wo found upon Inves- tigation ¬ ttiat nn reasonable rellection could be- mado on his ability and honesty In tho of the ttnt he would undoubt- edly ¬ romaln Its luau Overwhelmed by an Avalanche PKNVEH rob R Amid deep snow broken limo trees rocky dubrls I party of miners in 1 gulch above Ophtr yesterday found the bodies of Jack Ward and old Jack Vanecoy They wore asleep In their cabin some night recently hul an avalanche hurled thorn Titer fulled appear In camp and n resculvl party went in search for them thrown from his lied anti pinioned under a log In his efforts to extricate himself Jis had torn the flesh from both his hands Hit death must have been slow and coy lay In bed his body tearfully bruised and mangled CHU POY THE SWELL DIUD- ncnrnnOl JV nl run FAITHLESS VIS Of SIIEKTHEAltT lie Quilt rinsing ron Ton anal Ahnnrtnncd he Pnkr Game lt llnuii Ills Queue lOomed III Ittmilirul Hllk nione unit Tben Cut Hhi Wrist mill Took 1arln Green Chi roys peoolo are nmonl tho richest In all China For hundreds years tho family has lived In tlm town ot lon Ton and Its members nro among tho most Inllollnlloo pie in that part of the treat ¬ sick Chi Toy cumo nil tho war from Kon Ton to killed Mott slreot seeing tho world Thou hu Chu Hum Onh wits one of tho Emperors favorite ofllcors and there WAS a whole week of celebration hi lon Ton when ho married the beautiful Owe Two children woro horn to thom but ono was a girl mid till tho loc lions of the mother and father wore IRI hU1 on Chu For Horoscopes wpro cast for kite the astronomers consulted titus stars cud 1 great future was predicted for tho hllol1 young son of tho Emperors favorite ofeDr When tho young man bccauui yeas of age his father begun looking around turn suitable wife for him Hut the handsome anl aristocratic young Celestial no fur forgot careful training utah his blue blood as to fall In lovo with a girl far below hun In thin so- cial stain The 8nnclol of his parents to 1 marriage with was as Impossible as It ho had atcod permission to marry his mothers maid Chu Hum lab WAS not imgry when ho heard of his sons love affaIr But ho wits frhtlnel An alliance with ono no far was worse tItan death Bo tho Emperors favorite officer summoned his lavortto son to n con forence Chu Pay was told hunt Inasmuch Mho had made audi satisfactory progress II his studios In hltt own country ho WIIH to sent to America to comMotu lila education Chu Poy thought of Ills sweetheart and told his father ho pouldli leave Ills country lut wily old Chu Hum Inli minted th ii nUiistiros of n trip to AmorlCH In such glowing colors that Chu 1oy was persuaded to muko ito trip And no throe month ago tho young motto landed at San Francisco ant alter short stay there came to this city For n few days ho stayed with a distant rel- ative ¬ Chu Ilng or 4il l Illth a cii Ito Then hd took npni tmentB tho hlnosi arts tociutH nt 2 Mutt street 11 uiaclo trips up town to see his relative or threo times each week Tlm rest uf lie limo IIH spent sew- ing ¬ 1n His luSt hor hull provided htm I lltiorully I with mOllY unit for a into Ihi los forgot tho girl left behind lie pluiiKeil Into the pleasuies of tho I llilnoso 01011 plared fun tan and leiirnivt poker Heard ml his silk house unit trousers for American I hnblll I monte and although Ito didnt dare tout It oT ho tucked his jucuH daintily ui on top or his hell and kept It concealed liencatli ii Derby latest pattern Tho tlilo of llto rolled very hlgli with Chill Poy Last week onto u totter addressed to Mr Cliu Poy at JL Molt street It was front I- Ifrlonllo Ion Ion and contained limit one tarn pratli paragraph told Chu Poy that his swcethpnrt haul fnrtakon hll Tho fintun game run right along tint Poy was not there with his pookuit full of iimrtnri to I liulc the ono two three four 1 ho licker camo continued hut Cliu Poy was not ono of thin players Al Chinatown asked wha hud be ¬ core of answer- At gallant young wcl no ono Inst Chu POI came out nn the street Ho- Wot o his blouse ami I lute iiuouo hutm t down III bark The American lot won timle handsome young titan liming urcr hits breast uttit ho walked I In n I listless fashion Iln Monday hu called on Uiu Ung for tho lust Url ho said Im going away What i Is the matter nklllhl Jlnc Look saul Cliu Poy anti ho hold up his left hand The wrist 1 was Bashed across What did you do It lor 1 nsked Chl Line I want to ItO If that dixt mo tho powder I havo taken will answered tho young man and bo threw a ploct of glass lie ploeo with which ho hind lacerated his wrist- on the lloor Chu Llllook his young relative up stairs and lied Then hn sent Him Kow who was visiting him IUt for n doctor Kun- Kowcnmo lack with Ur Albert Stnnnard of 1O8 West Thirtyfourth street Dr Mnnnard found that Chu Ioy hint take a 1urls green nnd advised that ho be fHnodlo u hospital Hut Chu Pay refused Lo Insisted on hating taken to Ills Mott street room und as ho lied plenty of monoy ho was aide II do as ha- rlousud ho Ur btunnurd administered emetics and left Chu Poy was taken down to Mott street and placed In Ids bed Dr htunnnrd called again anti worked html but it win no use J hue 110 hiolitlioastrolocorslmd predicted would radiant with successes Chu Poy succeeded In I hirowi tug away I lie I died I on Monday nUlit I and ther I iut mourning now till thoso- lio knew him Chu Lint SIYR 1IIInl holy will probnlilr I I bo enttol hlna I lou interment Sulcliles among Chin have boon very few Only one can hn fount on list records of the Coroners nflliu for como years It I is that of Jon Hoc YIW who tutored from tho iteck of a North lllvor ferrvlmut on AUL H IKK and was nicKod up tho not day at the fool of Morton street XEJ JKIISKT jiitMiits wni rianr- No PollllcH Noiv In New friHcM Hour uC- AKHriillnre und Not Any VuntrilT- HENTOX Fob l4Tlun bill cionlln I Mnto Department of Agriculture to bo headed by a Commissioner nominated by tlm Governor Ills caused t stir In tho Legislature As originally Introduced tho measure ousted Pair Commissioner lorJo Maculiu as wol as other old tins from nnd today It was reported with amondmcnta- relnstatini Mauulri1 und also inaKInu him Secretary of the proposed department Ho Is a Doniocrit und tho authors tho original bi blundered In pioMlnur for his ro- mouil say tho Democratic leaders Ilia- nmendmouts in auostlon however provide rr tho removal of President lliirroiiKli und Secre- tary ¬ Dye of the tate lloird ot crlculture- lluirouchand I Dioaro I liepulillein- Tht I Housn ooneiinol in tlm amenilmentn and then dlbcotertil I t that I I the Ili I I liad I not been noted on in committee and henu Irruuu- larlv reported The usiilt was it went buick torommlttcu after a llnly lltcussion which will arouse thu farmer elomoiit from nnoond of tho State to tIle other PolitIcs lInt un- known ¬ I In t Ito Into I Hoard nf r AiricuUiiio- nnd President llurrouuli nnd corritury Dy bold their rospecllo ollhus I Ilouh i merit alone iloht tire vciiy popular will I who mean to oppose the of E the bill Amoni tho hIlls pissed In the Asmmlily to- day was ono I Intended t to doe t the a nlll dailies in Vinvurk lorssay City anti Iaterpon Mr Ariultiico of lsou introduced a bill misking this nnnnijor of hiss Newark UUlrl of Hltoctand utter I ouummnissiouuins In- stead ¬ of appointive Title Is correct abuses which has grown out of tho Depmuont of Public orksByhtom Till TFXt1 31 Hit XTIII AT WOIIK- ANIrimon ort Ntjjio Vho saussI KurnrU ut lie 1iUlUc ltlulirdI- AMKi Tex Feb H Another mob execution lice followed tho burning of tho negro Henry Smith arid I Is a soiiuel to that crime At a place on Hickory Creek llvo miles soulhuast of Paris u party uf htinteu last 001111 found tho body of anecro suspended trol the limb of I tree on thu crooks balk An examination of tho body showed thud slier being btrunc UI tho man haul been shot Tho dead loro wise Will tiller n stepon of Suuihhi Butler had mndelilniholf tllnliked I by the hltesliyulnlin- Inirto know tho whereabouts olMnilh whun huts met was looking for lilm and lulu III to fell his hllnl juice I I nut who worn concerned I In t this- lynclilnunr I I I Jltt tnt irIs ilu tier met iiIH lute It Is thoJLht ho was lynciiei nrtyelght hours nuo Itlbtiot probable tlmt the tiutistug jtles will tao special imlub to I Point up the men concerned in Ito crime uolwllblllUdll1 tho epochal messatn of tjov tiittarrextand pruvcutlon or f thoso who com- prised ¬ tha mob that to cruelly tortured Henry Smith n A Family Fated to Violent Jlrulki GOSUN Feb aSome years ago Abram Wood n wellknown citizen of Orange county wits murdered while on a visit to 1 relative In Dutchess county Ills widow afterward rondo lien homo with her daughter Mrs Matthias Matthons ot Mlddletown Her soninlaw- Mtttliowhwasbotnu tlmo aforwlrdltlnjl11h- lu luiui stono quarry Jhlllltunwhere he was a contractor A t was run over and killed I by tbt cars In Mldillo town tine day last week daughter 11rs Matthews was killed by the cam at the sum spot ansi In tho same way that lion another met her death A Water tupply for Yonkers The cIty of Yonkers has settled Its water question by nicking 1 contract with the Now lorlc City District Water Supply Company which owns hue Pocantlco Lakus anti hirer Thlsoompsny will also soon supply the Nol York and Westchester Water Company plating the circuit of clUoe towns und Insti- tution ¬ north of New to Slug Sing and lying between the Bound and the Hudson SIRS irootaur yoir mis IADRLFORTh Tno Intemeetleg Xllyorceseq Rrcnllfd by I lie MnrHnRr puIrronu WOOIsrYnn Wrdnoic- Url H by this l den utasli Vititidt Filtnrl >t uuiel- ford l tu loniilt f t V nlr Thin mnrrlncn annoiinccmont which Is pub llehod In this mornings papers was made possible by two Intotestlni ill0rco caso which excited the attention of pnllto society In this city Baltimore and WashlnRtnn Mrs Woolsoy obtained n divorce horn IMward 1 Woolsey a millionaire club man of this city on Nov 2t IWii Tho divorce was applied for last April and drnitd along until November when was crnnted by default Mr Wooleey then throuuh hula lawyers llmvo A Hummel obtnhuueti nut onion fuoun iiuutiuu Truax slirectimug lire Woolsoy to show cause why hue divorce should not bo set nslle As n result of these prococdlnss tho caso was rooponud boforo a referee and on time lllth of last month the oilylnal decreo In fnvor of Mrs Woolsoy wa confirmed ruin decreo was urnntcd on bvl- donco that Mr Woolsey hind committed ndu tory In this city with nn Agnes Mcdlll who In said to bo n clerk In tho Treasury Department nt Wellington The grounds upn which Mr Woolsey soUKht to ham the Uccrco set nsldo anti n divorce granted hInt wn n counter charge of adultery In which 1rnnk K Sturuls President of tho New York Stock Fchanco and Edward M 1ndelford ot Paltlmoro wore nauiod as corcsrondcnts Mrs Woolsey Is the haughtier of time late Itenir A Bmrtlio once Collector this Port Since her tcpnratlon from lien husband slut line lived with lien mother and lion two eons nt her mothers residence IIU7 Loxlncton are attic SIte was married tu AVoolsey in Octolmr 1870 Mr oolsoyii father was u wealthy shear rellnor whose family Imtuu wn In As tot In out nf the utmoSt valuable properties In the estate Is the huc plico anti mansion at- Lenox Mr Pndelford Is n wealthy llalti- morciin who belongs I to the Knickerbocker ansi several other Now York clubs Yeste- rdays ¬ marrlaco was not a surprise tho In tlmato friends of thin imrtles I ho bridal Ctiuide stillest yesterday Immediately after thin inurrliiuc lor Luropc Sir Iadelorrts first wife was a Miss Itottlna- Onlway daughter of Sen I tnt wuty of Wnh itt gtuin When I ibo marrlcil iattt oh toni I tloy went to Europe on I their wedding I j journey nud In Vienna I Her name was coupled with that ot Carl Mroltnmnti the tenor who afterward np- poaioil at the Garden Theatre hero with I Lillian I Hiisfoll I One I nf the stories I that lloatud across thin ocean trout VIenna was that the bride was taken seriously Ill at ietinn believed she was count to die I made a confession to her bus bund and got well I hen Mr Padelford be- gan ¬ proceedings for divorce naming Mrelt- ninnn as corespondent After tho divorce which was granted In- ItyHO she went upon the stage taking thin natnoof Deity Pailelford She travelled In n company In which n wellknown young Haiti more maui named Johnson whoso stage name was Julio J Hnfaol also appeared Wblbt titer wore playing with Monroe ansi Iticos Aunt llrldgot company Kafanl nml Monroo- Junrrelled In hue Olympic Theatre In M Mnnroo cut Kafael Intlnt t neck Tho quarrel was siippotcd to lieabout Betty Pndel toni When Unfurl recovered from his In ¬ juries ho married Hetty It Is said lust aim thou received slums to drop tlm name of Padelford Sho then utter appeared on the shut go IIH I liettlna I i Glrard I SItu appeared later with Dlreyn Seven Ages company nml with Conrleds Kings Knol company SIte wits somewhere In tho- nildilln of f t the continent with t the latter com- pany ¬ when she sawn news despatch announc- ing ¬ tin nrrlvnl of Streltmann In New York hhe bit the company that nlcht anti returned to Now York but by I hint limit other names t than lucre hnd I bucomo associated with the tenor in tItle city JJKOOK1VV Fin Dt1AIfIMEVT CommlsfiloiiFr Knnli TrlM the InrMtlKntlRBt- ommlMiilon Ihut II In In Fine State Messrs Orr Bartlett amid Jenkins the Com- mission ¬ which Is clothed with legislative au ¬ thority to investigate the methods and man- agement ¬ of hue llrnohlyn FIre Department began its labors yesterday niter It organized with Mr Orr as President FIre Commissioner Ennls was the only wit ¬ ness examined Ho said that lie sweeping charges made against thus department by the Now York Insurance men are wholly unfound ¬ ed Ho denied that It Is customary for tho firemen to visit saloons In their uniforms to bo discourteous tn their superior officers or regardless nf discipline Ho alto denied that gongx hinl been placed in saloons us n con- venience ¬ for the firemen A gong bo admitted I nail boon put In I a sa- loon ¬ near t tho hall i t tho proprietor nf which was n personal friend of tho Commissioner but It hail been paid for Tho newspnpcr ofllcos nnd Insurance unices WTO lie only places whore tongs were furnished by tho department JlemherH of list department wero lorblddsn- to visit saloons in uniform and a violation of thlb rule was visited with severe punishment Mr Ennls said that tIm engines were properly equipped In a general way ho pronounced the department in firstclass condition and equal to any In the country I ho Invcbtlgatlon will continued today If K Itiianeirfr llcqueMdi Tor Church Work Tho will of Henry K Russell of ha Russell t V ErwIn Manufacturing ompany was flied yesterday Ho makes hue following bequests loruijr me lbs Incmn nf the Ministry or the riot- eutiit t lpikiupnl Church of Connecticut vluoo IterK- rlev tutu iutti >chn i nt Multl l etoun folia S1 lxH- HlBliap Scabury Mlnlnn Hitlrtmull Shun UXK- Itrtuivr nr Donkttonn sat HeuoHt fnr titirrb Par font Coniin iliiit 5 IOIK iniiltv CnllrRti llnrtfonl- f I inocK to ciUlilmh an I II I 1 E Ilnimall rollownhtu to rn- HblejounicmeiitnputiueltieiritiiillMafierKraduMiou Thus rest of hula estate Is to bo divided among his relatives Mr Itussoll died on Jan 21 MARINE 1XTKIT1UKXC- EVIMA Ar5ttCTIi fl5 funrlni 7 01 I Sun seI LH Moon rtlei 1 25 iiirn e Ai > aTuul ussr Sandy Hook 3 1H I Gor lllaiiil CD I IKllUtte 4 25 ArrlvedWsussuaDAr Feb 8 Is htrhtenula elurtusler Ihsr 11 ltustaiu Citv Han lay A- taturllolr I Kent Malta hH llenltiwtT 5 cbtsr Jnnan- M ialileo umrsltuia sits hi Lucid KB Miratnea Jclirliinn I llaunu I fri Kl into tinrlifr New Orleans S IutiiHl HUk slush ilisult- i feu John I u I Chrutoi hvr ruth ri jAck onil- bt Naconclica hinitli havaiiimU- hft a KUlimotnl Itliikiman tVet taint Vu- h Ur iitAn Ilitntfti iitiilnirton > C- hill II M iUiltnn lUllfttt Ilnilnn- h a nij r lliclilHir Hllilirr tall ulcer Bark nttIulsa us iciuismiuso Hatas ia lUrk Ilt e a interM JtrMuen Hark JUctiiiril rursuni Tliurndiko I mug hong II ur later arrival tge rural tJ i- ARIIUP i err Fn Allrr Inn Nsw Vsruc At Soutlmmptoa- hs AIM htirm I Irotn Nrvr 5rk at Movillu- hii Itritanitl It in 5s VorL wt t rookliATtn- hx ilutiut ftiiin sis rt itt tin lir Iii l hh KM T lltltielitt It frau > w Vork nt leroa- hnjiuliin I fruiiiNeu Vork 511 If AM I Ioitu- MI Mu mint u frMii Nf w VTkat lidlilunre- hi i lnrKJ Hm Iriin New Vail ut tort JUair- AiLfn 5505 n ipriix ronri tN Mnri It from Hnini ur r fnr Nt York 5 j It ruuc from It JitiraUar fur > ow ore viirrn runM nowK nr riley Fe Il pofftlrt I roi hart Knl roy e a York us Knickcrl Sc r trill mU I aU fnr New York h5 1 ikiiii um i iriin rharlfi n ir N iw York K lit > sit rirnitiiifhuui triu tHttniiii for tuw York I hh II K IMinnOk Uoiii rnitJti fr NtW ork- tk I T V ItfiHie from Itatlltnuiv fur > vw tuic- olycoiss TAaiurL tit 1isiS- Isl toe r a- 1tKivi Clam nf IalifnriilA tnutiw i TriiiMil HrrmiKl- 1agllll JUKI i I1 vl- J siixil1 i Is Mll UuUlllllfn UOl M Jl 00 I i- rmnmn tMsl Yk IIISre llinnn s 10 A U Ill ns A M- Sinpnri i ulna lo oov >L ILuiM i I liittillicci llrp SjuniiAtl no I M lilnu H Clmrrrrlnn ailrM I I blur ut Jvn rcrnitiiiliii uoo p M- ihCtiMiin itouiiiiri- iu rliT- turic laverunoi i n 27 Italm llllimlinr Jan JJ lorciuv Hull j u 21 MMliltubA Liilitlnti Jan 21- 2 fuHo Liverpool lun VVrslrrnluiiil Anlwvrfi Jut 2- 51asttia l Clliritltitr JAII 4 ttolnuiblA lalnll ttb J- in litliritlur > Krb Inlilirioiuil liUrvou taut 27 i iirrim It iiirnliiQ lun 2- autelr rt Nsirutkaiuiaugsw lin Jil- lirooklintlty huiuin Jatujfi- llui In 111 Irl 10- Dfrmknlo Itverpnnl yi h hllie Hrillien tnt Ilrntuctfus > Ukftiiu t tii ll- IHIIIU lUinuur Ian 2- tisatil l Luiuluii Jan 23 use N uai IA II- PtriUn Vlnnarcb Inndnn Jaa 27- iklvru Gibraltar Jan 2tf- J s iJi A 13 14 Boureorne lUvre Fats 4 Urluocu liiniiucn heb I- ajlsdiy lua lut 13 Clailpois t Innilo y Sb 1 hoDiadlu Uirrpoot i 1eU a Marlello Hull Jan SU VumurL llaiann fb 0 Ando IorlUmon Eab 4- lIsa ruMiiv ie nn- rlinnland Antwerp Feb 4 Uallla J4Tcrpool Fak Iix21rAvo XOMX OF AtOAVf BOKO 1 Young SIr V Miilim WHJM lie AllonMcd Ifwf- llii f T nntlN AffVcllonf- iOeorclnna s 1ulnn 24 ye iro butts brought tttlt ° t through Howe A Hummel to recover 25000- dnmtcc t from Mlchncl N Nolan evM ror ol Albany nn iillo atlont that ho hag alienated affections of list htisbiind lames Terene Quinn Shin hung also sued lien husband for Reparation on tho giound of abandonment Tho plaintiff nto Icoiglatia Hllverman net Qulnn while >l iltlng lieu slitter n Mrs Aldrich In this Ilty They worst mnrrled by the Hen hoary Moltrl nt tho Church of the Holy Corn iminlon nn Sixth avenue lust October j She hsshieveat hunt ns slut U n Irotestantand d lien hu lMnd and his family nro Catholics anti slits wits a dlvorcio nt the time of the mar t rlngo an effort was mnde toalltnnto hoe hut l bund fromher r TIme ilefemlnnt In the nctlnn for alienation U- n principal Klockliuhlornf thin Quinn A Nolin- Cinnpnni brower of Albany Tho father of ii Inmo Terence Oiilnn was n member of the llrm mil Mr 0ulmi Miysshn doeR not know t It her lutuptutullul Is a stockboldsr ofthocompn- ny a Ho told her he wise nnd paid he was 4 wealthy NolanM nn uncle of young Quinn s Jcrfy City Vonl IVy R per Cent Itor Money The Jersey Clly Hoard of Tlnanoo recon- sidered ¬ a resolution yesterday to Issue 170 i 000 of A percent bonds and adopted another iS to Issue tIm name amount of bonds to boar 4V per cent Interest They said that under th present Administration thin bonds will sell at premium at the lower rate and the city wilt thus save 275 n year At the same meeting tIme Hoard of IMnnneo concurred In n resolution I of the Street and Water Hoard awarding the contract fur cleaning the streets to Henry Ilyrno tho present enntrnctor who offered to t do the work for SHTOOO Owen Nolan the lowest bidder prote tod against this action M ho had proteMqdtn the Mreotnnd Water Hoard Doth unItes held that Mr Ilyrno was tho more reipnnslbin butler and that In view of the fact that Mr Byrne already owns the neces- sary ¬ nppaiatus It would bo for tho Interest ot I f the city In accept hula hid HtnflTordii Ullre Tar 5 No case of an aillUtloti et Ilie- TIIHOAT j OR LUNQS saul which cannot be rellersd by ETAFFOBOB OLIVE TAR I In eels ot INyHJENZA nitONTIIlTIfl CODGtl- aroiDS t or UTAHRIf the rUff li hnmeatat wb TAKLN AITU1D or lNUALKU A lovlnp mother provides lien thlldnn ltli s vary nrilrl romlnrt InrluUinir Ailaiutuni BolaoM lllnaui lor colds and coughh Trial boltln 10 Casts JJr HunfordM Liver Inluor tor Im m ve etabto emit br ulliuuiurM coiiitipatlon mdigeitloo Cutler nr Every JDenrriplInn fbr TobU poCket mill lollrt IIKF Corner Miiiau ansi nfitkman I cPtdlII 3Totl u fiflOWJIOVNEJIOLDPANACEA Tum UtKAT hAIN htPLrhtEi rout lNTKRNAI ASh EXTERNAL haL Cure frumpi Colic GeIsha anti alt palm 25n a bottle HirVKHFJYIJOlH lEASH tnoli A a ptrba- n j ullr il ttrsyeui by electricity MaUit circulars HiihN IAnKivsox SpecIalist 51 wtttaia it- KlII OP HATS f IfZwehCaansm out bilI- HAACRKN e our Stir Top a > item AIHlLril BOM vu thin Je lroircr UJ I iilton it SUBli fQP 3rtv ubUrtIou READY FEBRUARY 14 The Only Authorized Edition Y GOSMOPOLIS I fly PALl HO VUG ET- CltOWX OCTAVO CLoThE J200 PAPER 60 CENTS TAIL SONS COMPANY L PUBLISHERS 31 Union Square North N T THE MAYBRICK CAS- EEnglands Brutality 1 1- s J Ily Pit HELEN PESBWOKti- Wltb Olsen Letter from Gall Hanallfim to 11- 1Iliinir Kcrrtiirj lo Lady t4omcr t end M- Ur n Ulmllnnr A complete ir oiUton of tbe cats Crochet URI HAVIIIIICIl Innuronce Inca 20 ctnti All niw- iliuulk < I snu l hickiolnri or tastIest foilan tree by HTIIHIAN 1 fO lytl > 8 llroad way N T SENSATION FOR NOVEL READERS Sow un press a wondrtul new norel Hy UODEh- tArnKtUN a auttierut Urn Hurry Ht Jok suit Lcd Ur llilllp St tare A whirlwind excite t 4 meat followed this publication ot Mr Hurry Mi- ilolin Acclone will Its la order on ibe publlcatloa- daybt Ur Ililllp Nt Clurr- lloonItra mm J Itewsihealers iboull sent In tbtlt M dtr at once to their Jobbers or t- oJVtIMllliigliuintiibll i a hfryewYorlt NOVBLSIn the MAIUHON tiQUAREnrtet 26 cents y- KfGBo i auttiori in lhe world Mttofihtm r ti Coimeroiri Ulcblfe fa- irlcnif ariyts Cfem well ITenob If re lutlon Jlacaiilara Essay lHATT IM Sib a- f T = ItnnWVOAKIKYOn Wednesday PbS at- Cracu fl hutch chantry hr the Rev Henry U isdi t Kate daughter of illlam Usury Uazley to rranoji- Klnlnni c f Mrnwn No car- illAVOOIiVlvmironnOn Wednesday c Fits n l 1st tile tOeS Dnvid Mitchell Fannie B Woos Icy ana Kiltriird M IAdelfdrd IDI3D33- JinKNAIOn Tuesday at Newark EIIJabB1 VIIBII In ttieHID year of liii see i Kclatit ansi friend are Invited to attend the tense jI- aml from lih tati reilitenr 27 Italiey it rrldiy at- 2PM Interment at lUtivrafN J at conTcnliBM s of tlia rauii- ljrBIhllOIIn I Drnolityn Feb 818U3 ludiJenlyTbo- Illihnp late recelvliiK teller of the National Oink ot tlie Republic New York Notlcti of funeral Litt- rICIOlliKICKOn Tuesday Feb 7 laos Jill the beovtd daughter of Thomas Uroderick sn4 Catherine llurko Relative soul trlenlear rcipectfolly InTlted to at- tend the funeral at lo A M from ber late reildenes 147 calyer it thence to bt Anthonyi Chorok Manhattan av UriMniiolnt on Friday feb 10 COKNKIIISKNSuddenly on Monday Tab a Christian tornehlen aged 05 reari beloved hoi bnud of Amanda Cornehtsen Funeral services at hn late teildence 689 Greens T- iIIrioklii Ibis Thursday morning at 10 oclock- llurlnl juha- lerAnHAinnon I Monday Fib e suitexDOV beer wife of Henry Faulhaber In bar 83d rear C Iumril Brrvlcoi at her late rutdence HI Alpine tt 4- 2isark yj on Thuriday at 1030 oclockXJC- Ilelath ei und friend Invited to attend IIAIcniNUOn Feb 8 IBM at his parent rest deuce 4rJ Wltlougbbj av Brooklyn Edwar4 Alexander Harding iou ot William J anil AdtlU C- kIlardlne aged 14 years 4 JIAVJitT YOu Feb8 of pneumonia lln Tbereui- llaverly s Funeral from her late residence 65 Boweri it Jerter City heights on Friday Feb 10 thence ta th t hiirch ot Ht Paul or the Croia at 10 A It- IIU l > KNUn Monday Feb 01893 suddenly of pneumonia KdwurJ K Hed4 u la tbeCAtbyiarol i bin aK- Relatlvei i and friends ot tbe family are tnrlted lo at- tend ¬ the funeral at hn late reildence Oa Welt 491k it Tburtday morning Feb 0 at JO oclock IILTClIINKONScxou Lopez Ko871 r ur A M lluretbreuii You are hereby lomtnoned to attend an emergent communication to be held a- Uaionlc Temple on Thuriday Feb i 1898 at la oclock noon for the purpose of attending the fo- nerat > of our tale brother Chas K Ilutchlnion- II P PEDIUCK latter n BAKIS1I Secretary KI 1ltOn Feb C aCTonkeri Emma J Tan Orilen wife of John C Ilyer Funeral ten lee at liar late reildtnoe 110 New Mala- t ThureJiy ret U at 3 P M- tVAlSIInn ten e Edward Walsh beloved lag of Marxarit and 1Atrlck Walsh aged 13 years Itelatitciandfrlcndi are reipectfnllr Invited to at tent the funeral front bin late rtildence 213 Weal Mh tt on TburmJay Feb 8 at 1 P 5- 1vJILsmAIrbo roildenceof the parent 188Bast- H7th it lets 7 Franklin II Infant son of llorao I ant Minnie Welli I Funeral euchre will take place today at 3 PM M j the above adilreil l

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1893-02-09 [p 7].T WWTO r1 JI tsr l t I THE SUN THURSDAY FEBRUARY 9 1893 r L t SANDY 1IOLLOW KOAD WAR CONOll1SS UN COCKRAN ANn an avx- 2 KlL IIAnii AT IT Hr

T WWTO r1 JItsr





Hr Cockrnii Hullde Peace and Htooe Wallr Shutting Vt the fond Mull Sir llnnnrlt

Htop on ifs Wuy to the Hl llon nndTLars T icm DnwA Lwaul Coming

fiom of tl o villager ot Tort WashingtonLong leland whero nil sorts ot tnteroslnlthings happi-

ressmnnn are of tho opinion I C-

nJV llourko Cockran wants keep

the prodatoi fyNow York tramps and the localcows dogs lic anti goose off his estate liemay bo COt ipollod to take a furlough repairhis broken fences restore his overthrowntonbnrrlftnde and mount guard on his new-

ly constructed stonl wall The occnslon foranr such plosslblo nn untottard nppoarance ofthe Congrlcsiman n

<defender of hl landed

rightsIs tit iimonpuro farmora feud which Is

belnl wnjv0i by tho senants of the Congressmn nnM those of Joe It Ilunnell of J H-

DunnoljfCo manufacturors nnd dealers InlectrlM appnratui at TU Corllandt street

O 1

Jl 01-




=Dl C









As Is shown by the accompanying cut theestates of Mr Cockran und Mr Bunnell front-on Humpstcad Harbor and are adjacent toeach other Tho tandy Hollow road entersMr Cockruns estate about throeeighths of amile from his residence a handsome struc-ture


which he built after ho bought the landfrom William B Miles about three years egoThe road cuts right through tho ostato There1Is a frai fence bordering the road and Mr

has naturally desired to closo itMoreover ho has recently had erected a barnand a number of small buildings on his estateat a point not far from whore the road branchesoft from tho Middle Neck road

The road runs directly by Mr Dunnells res-idence


and Is the nearest way for Mr Ilunnell5 to drive over to Iloslyn where he roaches tho

Long Island llallroud Mr Dunnell did notwant tho road closed as he explained yester-day


because he would have to leave hisgrounds by another road which would tukohim about threequarters of a mile out of hisWilY In addition ho said the other road wasvery poor nud wound over an ugly hill dim

1I cult of travel In tho winter So ho objoctodand on last Friday ho was objected to In whatba thinks an objectionable war

As ho drove through his estate and cnmo tothe border line of Mr Cockrans estate hofound tho road closed by an Improvised railten o Ho loft the carriage took down thorails antI proceeded Ho drovo through theroad which Is so narrow that it might bo calledA lane and found another rl fence blocklolhi way Into thu Middle roadnell hum mod some soft measure to himselfgot out of his carriage and took down thorails us before Ho considered the Improvisedfences ns a bit of pleasantry on somebodyspart and so wont about his business

On Saturday ns tin drove through his estateand came near to Mr Cockrans border lino-ba raw something which caused him to humaudibly Ioelnl up the road was a barri-cade


us of largo stones topped offwith n Jot of rails laid close together theI whole barrier being as high as a mans headand altogether exlnl for n man on his way tobusiness to look I Ilunnoll stopped hishorse and sot to work to remove the railsTitle was not a pleasant occupation and stillmoro distressing wits the task of getting thostones out nf tho road

Mr Ilunnoll says concisely that he had toUFO a horse to drag them away Then MrJiunnell started again for tho Middle Nockroad nod the world Ioyond Another barrierrose up before him at tho Middle Neck roadMr Ilunnell stopped lila horse and ut onobegan to tako away tho rails nnd the stoneslit was no novice ut tho work by this timeand after about an hour and a half so ho saysbe started on his way Isecond time

I Mr Ilunnoll wits In n pleasant mood yester ¬

day although he haitI ho hind heard since holeft Port Washington nnSundaythat Cockrun was building I stone with nt each of theformer barricades He Insisted that the roadthrough Mr Cockrans estate was a public antinot a frivnto road and that it had hen so formore than forty years Ho also said list a lawpassed 1H1K nuthorlzed Itond Commission-ers


to record as nubile roads such roads nsthat tthrough Mr Cockranl pstnt whichthough seemingly wero really public

He raid that the Itoud Commissioners lr-

7ltholof tort Washington Mr Freeman ofMr Allen of Great Neck held a

meeting u short time ngo and wero about torecrd tho road its n publln road when theircounsel Lawyer Bruce of New York advisedthorn not to It was suggested that Mr Cockran had had some conversation with LawyerBruce Mr Ilunnoll further stated that thepoint nt 1IBUO ns tn whether tho road was pub-


or private had been settled more than fortyyears ago by tho original owners of the landHis eighty acres tin paid were part of theestate of Isaac Iodce and Mr Cockrnna 1HOacres were tart of the eState owned hi a MrItnrtis-

Tho road was then In existence and Mrhurtle desired to close I Ho took forciblemeasures Hoblocked lie road with greatNtones Hut within four hours of tho time MrBurtls dragged the stones into the middle oftho rood Mr Dodge got out n yoke of oxen and

SI dragged them nIT Title continued for somotinge and Mr Dndga was so persistent in hl-aIortlio keep the road open that at last Mr

Irritated and sued Mr Dodgefor Interfering with his property The casewas carried into the courts and Mr Burtls wasdefeated

Tho 8101 rights evlst now ns forty yearsago so luln1 claims A peculiar thingabout tile Bunnell says Is that nonoof tho court records ol the case can Im found-In the absence of such records nnd to back uphis claims Mr Jiunnell gays ho lies securednnldavits from n number of old villagers whowere uciiunlntod with tho facts of the diseuteof forty years ago That is ono fact whichlives green In thin memory of the old residentsof lort Washington hu says nnd n ofthe dispute hrinusl smlh> to their montol

Mr was In ashlngton yesterday4 It was learned that he had sent tlassociate Mr Severance on Saturday asking

him to go down to Port ashlnuton anti neewhat hnd happened Mr Cook ran wanted aWtthi titihlt

Well is there a wal built down thoronow 7 Mr Hnveronco naked

Idnnt know But there ought to bo ende titers Is one It mylnstmctlons wore followed

said Mr Helerlncuwlh I smileMr the road private-

Mr hnvornnco Raid Ho wanted torlovultwhen he first bought the land us It cuts rightthrough thin grounds Ills barn anti otherbuildings ore so near the road thattrnmpsuped to stroll about tho buildings Hogsanti 1111 and cows and geese came In

tlm road entrance and Sir Cookran didnt Ilko these things He wantedsome privacy about his grounds Ho oticredto give Mr Ilunnoll a good road through nnoilier part of tlm state further removed fromhil residence and the ham and he oven otTer

to maintain In 001l repair the other roadwhich lends out of Mr llunnrlls grounds Butthey could cnmo to no conclusion and so MrCockian thoiiKnl If Mr Hlnnol claimed thelaw nn hU side ha would havo a chancetn establish lila claims Mr Hunnell ran getout an Injunction to restrain Mr Cockran Ifho wants to If the records of that oldlawsuit rnn bo found they may decide thonunitinn at Issue Hut If those records can-not


ho may be some nice oueilions fOlolllore tn juggle with I do not1nnw accurately all the points of law involvedin tho dispute

The Old Colony Del-

Q5TI Fob Proslclent Clark of tie NewHaven and Hartford Jlallroad has

bcn In consultation hero today with theOld Colony Committee of Directors In connec-tion


with the new dual Theirconference refoired to of the union between thotwo mlnorlarls the agreement receivestho oVAl of stockholdur further detailswill not bo

AUrance In IlURcnxr flutesCHICAGO Fob rassencer rates In the ter

litoiy of thI Chicago and Ohio Illvxr TrafficAdoclntlon wero ndvancodtodftY to the basis-of f7 between Chicago and LouUvllle And bo-

twofii Chicago nnd Cine unatl This IIH thecompromise bals ncrooi upon by the readsto rrinsln In effect until such time nh ear

I tnitnont rules are named by the arbitratorsselected fur that IIUTOlo


>nJWOtrAY HAILS Al1YHe Will lie Oone Several Week nnel the

AntlPoTertyltea Ar5 lnconuolnbleTho Itov Dr McGlynn atted for Bnvannah

on the steamer Kansas City eslerdn1Iror-noon Fully an hour before reahtdtanner 100 women and a handful of menwore on the pier at tho foot of Sprlne itreotNearly all woro Antlpovertyltos who hadclung to thin Doctor through the dark daleAnd hal rejoiced with him upon his return totho fold Now he waslolnl off to bo gone fiveor six weary and his followers hadcomo for n lalt handshake

Tho steamer was to sail nt 0 oclock About1 oclock women began to arrive Tliey board-ed the boat and took up a position along thorail whore they would bo sure to son theDoctor when he nrrlvtd Ono of the bowl ¬

dered officers saId Ladles If youre altnlfor some ono you can soo bettor fromrlcmo dock

As soon as tho women found that the hurri-cane


deck was up stairs they lulo a willscramble for tho companionway Soon thelitirrlcntio deck was crowded and tho now ar ¬

rivals had to stand nu tho main deck One outof every four women had a cackngo or parcel-In hor hand Its for the dear Doctor eachsaid Whether those bundles contained fruitsandwiches or plo Is a matter for conjecture

AtliO oclock Dr McQIynn arrived thedock with Dlshop Moore and Father Kllloen

lies coming lies comlncl shouted awoman who stood at tho foot of tho gangwayas a sentinel Tho women on tho boat beganto tumble lor their handkerchiefs antI to wavethem even before they could see tho Doctorhomo hud brought tiny Hags which they lourInhoclI with wild onthunlasm Alast thepriests stepped upon the lanlplankIDI thentlie women shouted fordotTed hil hat and bowed Ho entered thocabin the women looklllftr him

Dr McOlynn and FatherKlllecn found themselves cornered nt the endof thin saloon Dr MrUlynn laid his hand onFather Kllleons shouliler nnd said

Jly dear trlcnd this Is Father Kllloen adear schoolmate of mine Ho looks like MM-chlzoilek ioo nt ho 1 lies tho ccntlemnnv-vhow

IIle that little wrostlo with BishopA ripple nf laughter went through tho crowd

Then lr Mcdlyiin laid his hand on BishopMoores shoulder itni edit

This Is my dear dear friend Bishop Moorewho hns been co cry good to me Ood blesshim More power to him Ha I ha hatl mylittle jnko More power to Illhop I

rake good care of thin Doctor cried nn oldwoman to the lilshnp Then there wan a rushfor Dr McOlyuti Duo ot tho mon In tho crowdBhotitcd

Form In lint and pass the Doctor I

This suggestion was adoptod and a longline stretched out and began to move puntDlplinp Monte BUl Dr McCllynn Most of theWomen bent knee to the floor before theItlshop anti killed his ring All or themsebod Dr McOlynns hand shook It heartilyanti FIIft something plonnnnt to hint A womancame forward with n child In hor arms nndwhen tho Doctor held his hand over tho babyshead and murmurad u lilesnlng tho womanburled her face In the childs drcxs and wept

Thoso of the oreo whl hud brought bundlescnvo thor to Doctor and whispered

little something to make yourvoyage pleasant Upon receipt of the tenthImudlt u pecullur look came Into the Doctorsface He had almost enough provisions for atrip to Europe

The reception did not end until tho bellrang All ashore Dr Mctilynn walked

to the gangway anti the crowd followedcO1The deck lianda gently urged the womenofT thin shlo A IUI putTed up and tho steamermoved slowly Into tho stream Tile wo ¬

men crowded near the strinLplccn and DrMclilinn stood at tho tern with bared headtowIng and mulling until tho steamer dibappenrp-

dlr MrGlynn will go by rail from Pnvnnnahto St AUIUhtnl Thoro ho will proach n se-ries


Iolion sermons In Dlshnp MoorosIn less titan two months he

will bo back in New York

XEir iy ShlINJJdNUSOVETllVOMr Hamilton llrntt Coinmlmilonii on Sate

Co Cutomer1110William H Hamilton I welldressed intel ¬

lectuallooking man 31 yours old was n pris-oner


In tho Yorkvlllo Follco Court yesterdayHo said that ho had no llxed home at presentOn Tuesday Hamilton went into the office ofAechllmann A 1ollarln manufacturers of anddealers In fancy tiling at 231 East Twentyeighth stroot Hamilton gave Mr 1ellarin 111card bearing tho address 250 West Twentysixth street Ho said that ho had been In thehousofurnlshlnc business and mentioned thenames ot a number of prominent uptownpeople I havo a friend who knows Mrs LauraM Chapman of Sew llochclle sold Hamilton

She line just put up a 150000 house andpossibly I can got a contract for you to putdown tho tiling in the halls The job will be agood ono

Then Mr Pellnrln got the dimensions andproceeded to mnko an estimate enytncr that hocould do thu job for H0 and Hamilton couldhave SJ5 commission Hamilton said thnt bowould see Mrs Chapman at the ImpollllHotel and departed with theshort time lit returned anti handed the con-tract


to Mr Iulliutn Across the bottom waswritten In a woman handI hereby acceptterms of chore spuclllcatlnn nnd direct work tobo done Tho name of Mrs Laura 31 Chap-men wee signed

Hamilton saul that he knew of a good con ¬

tract In Greenwich Conn which ho thoughthe could got HP received 5 to pay his ex-pense


anti bit Alter ho was gone MrJellurln thought ho would drop around to theImperial Ho discovered that no one of thoname of Inurn MI Chnpmnn was stoppingthorp nnd nObody answering Hamiltonsdescription had been In tho oHIce Ypstardaynoon hamilton entered the otHeo In tiiiimph-nnd xhlblod nn elaborately drawn plan totime said that lie hud got theta Iu-

fJOOO pontract to lay the tilts In thin newGreenwich club house of which J U Wlhorelis 1resldont Hamilton said hoper cent folila commission Ho was arrested

Justice Mendo hrM the prUoner in 500 bullfor examination on Thurbdity


Nevcrllielen Up Ilucl Mrmr CampbellXelHnu und Cole ArreHted unil Snrchcl

Among tho men from Wllllnmsburgh whowent to Conoy Island on Monday night to seothe OrllUnMurphy light wero cxAssemblymun William Wnlnwrlght tho proprietor oftho Seaside Hotel nt Itocknwny James Camp-bell tho proprietor of a saloon at Hertford

vonuo und South First street Jimmy Nelsontho lightweight pugilist anti William Cloywho line a saloon at Marcy avenue antiKccond street Before Walnwrlght mot thothree ho was In John Molonoys pnloon inGrand street and Bedford avenue Ho wasanxious to go to the light and asked some-body to get him a coach No conch could begot A man who was with him told him thatHaloonkeepor lmllbol was about to start fortho scene of th and that Wnlnwrlghtwould bo welcome to go along Wnlnwrlght-nceuptoil the invitation and went over tolallIel9 plvf Tlmroi ho mot Campbell

folTuy Thn four got into a eoathund meythlnu went along velU until Im-ped lark was riaehoil when Wllnwrll1 doclnrod that hn hnd teen robbed

Ilu hind seurcbfil bU inckotn ho Ithoughtnnd mlhu11 wallet contnlnlni a largo sum ofmoney Walnwrljhtl friends tried to cicero

robbed him When thoheadquarters of this Ionnv Island AthleticI uh wore reneliod Walnwrlghttallodnpolicemilan nnil his three coniiiinloiiR won taktntothu Coney Island pollen Motion anti in theprpKonco of Clilrf nf Ifillpo John Y MnKnnoJumpbell Nelsiin anti ColTny worn Biarchodbut none of ininwrlLhta money wasI foundupon tWD reriiiPBted Chief McKano to searchWnlnvvrlglitsclothliie and to tho e1bemiblymnnB surprise the money Itolost waH In his pockot Hn apologlrod to hiscompanions for his unjust accusation but-tlmy refused to accept his apology ChitffMcKano characterIzed the nrrontof tho menasoutiagcous To a reporter last nlilitMrCamphollsal-

d1ulon Coffey and I will sue Mr Wainwits an awlul experience fur us nnd

spoiled our sport for tho night Mr Wainwrlght had boon drinking but that dooentexcuse him

Hum Hector a nnlni > Urea ItetuoTcdfW-

KSTTIELP N JIebaIt Is reported herthat Hector J 11 Jennings of Grace Churchwho was recently mado thin subject an eccleelastics Innulry on chorees line received nletter from the lllght Itov Jllshop HcarborouRhremoving him from the rectorship of the par-ish


The time of removal said to e Foblector Jennings Is silent on the subject 15Tbp ItrV llr iVctHtn Jloy Leuve Ilrookljnt

The Hey Dr K clifford Nelson the pastorthe Trinity llnptlst Church In Greene avenueIlrooVlyr ittis received a call to the vacantrulilt o I first t Church at AllHollyN J nndtl will probubly actopl it




aassioa DOT LIKE IT

They H y tl t Keymrf Work on lie Itronr-eniaNCr the xlrcildent l < Not Eqnnlto or Sculpture In the rank

Boon after the death of exPresident Arthur-an association was formed In this city to pro-Vide and erect n statue of him The odlcors oftho association are John A Stewart Chair ¬

man O U Baldwin Treasurer J C HoedBocretary and Cornelius N lilies Chairman ofthe Kxecutlvo Committee Tho associationengaged Sculptor Kphrnlm Koysorto make amodel for the statue and after ho had slbmlted several sketches one was assatisfactory by tho Executive Committee and



a model of heroic size tho figure bolol a littloover nine foot high was made by Koyoorand given to tho HonryIionnnrd Company of430 West Sixteenth street where thowas cast In bronzo

In December Mr Stewart wrote to tho ParkCommissioners requesting that tho Plaza Cir-


at Fifth and Ilftynlnth stroot bodesignated as the site for tho forwhich Mr Stewart wrote with

boon ospeclallydL lunedmntor was referred by tho Talk Com-


to Advisory Art Committee HenryU Marquand President of the MetropolitanMuseum of Art Thomas W Woods Presidentof the National Academy of Design amiNapoleon Le brun President of thin New orlcChapter of the American Institute of Archi-tecture


This committee visited tho foundryInspected the bronze and on Jon 1U reportedto tho Park as follows

Wo have looked carefully ovcrthe otthe late President Arthur nnd we nro com ¬

polled to that the work Is In our opin ¬

ion not equal to the average of sculptureIn the Park and therefore cannot recommend1

it to tho Park Hoard Wo advise that nn oITort

be to raise standard of accepted workhereafter

The report was signed by silt the members oftho Advisory Art Conimlttep

At a mooting of the Park Commission yes-terday the report was considered but notionwas postponed until after the Arthur StatueAssociation shall have been notified ot thecommittees judgment

Tile onieerN of thin association who wereseen yesterday wero not prepared to saythey would do about the matter ChairmanJohn A Stewart said that he could not ofcourse express any opinion In opposition toMr Mnnjuand ns to the artistic value of Hculptor onors work Ho had seen the claysketches submitted by Mr Keyier and conMdorod the one selected for time model to beanexcellent likeness of oxPreMdent Arthurwhom hn had known very well He did notconsider himself equipped ho said to give nayother judtiniont on tho work The Rlnlalollied assumed that the Plan sitetalnnd unit had designed accossorlsespoclallyfor that slto

These accessories It was learned wero toconsist of a somtclrclo seat something after


Lp141-k t4





placo ls-acce680rleslhls







i tIme plan of that at tho Pnrragut statue In Madiioit culture hut much larger At the twoPoints ot the semicircle pedestals wero tobear lifeilzo female figures carrying lamps Intheir upstretchod hands The pedestal of thoArthur htntuo was to be in tho centra of thesomlclrclo-Sculntor Iveyser modelled the monumentover tho grave of exPresident Arthur in HurlCemetery at Albany Ills a heroicsizeIlcure an angel of 1lac1IIYlnlll1all branchon tIn polished ¬

work IIs a hronzo stutuenf Baron Do Karub-le nf the State House at Annapolis-

Mr Keyser wile seen In his studio in Madisonavenue vesterday by a SUN reporter who In-formed


him of tho report of tho Advisory ArtCommittee The artist was rather dumfound-ed ut the news but smiled nt tho committeesopinion that his work Iis not equal to thoaverage nf tho sculpture In the lark

It must bo pretty had If It Isa bldaR thaIwas hits comment Ho saul thatI of tho committee and hud no knowledge of

what standards of art they judged Mr heyl fl tuletlln Munich anti Purls and was fori at Rome

Uronlvvny promenaders have had opportuoily II juilgu nf his work In tho bronze statuottoofi1 boy In n PAres costume of tho II-

ii teenth century court whichexhibited In Tiffanys window for some time


lie Hmothrr Her ITnder n Hlimkct hutlloBttt Take lien Weildlnu fling

Framer John Nixon wont to work about foclock yesterday morning leaving his youngwife Annie Nixon alone In the flat on tho firstfloor of tho big double building ut 411 Twelfthstreet Brooklyn Ho had boon gone only anhour or so when a knock came at tho doorleading Into the Nixon apartments at thin endof the hallway On opening tho door MrsNixon found a tall middleaged man withlight hair and long blond moustache anddressed In dark clothes standing outside liedoorIs your man at home tho stranger nskedand boforo Mrs Nixon had replied ho forcedhis way Into the room pressing her forwardand closing tho door quickly behind him Thestranger then solzod IrsNixon dragged herinto tho little hall bedroom adjoining throwher on the bed and piled tho blankets over herhead crushing them over Pier neck until shewas almost choked lien assailant thin wentInto the front room and I mlnutoor so after-ward


was In tho act mucking his exitthrough tho front room door when lrsIxonhaving recovered from her hock jujnpod ouT

the bed nnd seizing Palm by tho coat tutUdragged him back Into the room

11 the struggle which unsued Mrs Nixonthrown down At this point lu tint episode

Mrs Nixon becamo Insensible and reinlinedin that condition until about 10 oclock whenher husband unexpectedly returned for thopurpose of getting some money ho had loft intho closet In the front rocm Ills loud knockson the door aroused lilt wife to consciousnessSho told him of tterattvontui a anti Ijothi of themhurried to the closet and found tmla of thoS4 which Mr Nixon hud left In wasmissingI

Tho burglar must have been a consideratefplowafrll for hu left one dollar until Mrs

ring on the shelf behind himMrs Nixon thinks he must havo Jon drunkand overlooked the now She went to po-lice


station anti gave the details of tho Inc-ident


as related above She boenmn ory In-


when the detectives Intimated thatlucre might bo some elements of inmnnco Inher tory The detectives male Inquiry at thohouse unit In tlm neighborhood but did notsucceed In uniting any person who hnd eitherseen the stranger or heard lie nolno of thustruggle

iAitxiKits U1N HIM noiry-

A VOUDK Ilurfclnr Who Sun Ho snootControl iIa TblevUli Impulses

NEw LONDON Feb aFor three days nburglar has been hunted In this becton by aposse of twenty farmers headed by olcers ofthe law The burglar was known to carry anuxo with which he frightened women Herobbed houses along the Shore Ilno Railroadfrom Madison to Mantle Tho farmers caughthim In a cottage on the Bplrltunllts camp-ground nt Nlnntlcyesterday Ho If nimllt blueeyed man of LMl rind says hotollIa-

kleptomanlc He eats lie U hut sonof wealthyparents In Hrooklyn who havo itt hll11tutter doing their test to ABU hintgrace Hn will not reveal their plneo ot ilesi-denco


Ho says his nami is Joseph DUIr7eThe police believe him to bu old In hl curoorof crimeDuprezo says hits life has boon wrecked bynn uncontrollable Impulse to steal Two yentaago ho snatched a tray of gold watches from aBrooklyn jewelry store and tied coming heroon the Norwich steamer Ho was mot by theHhorlU but escaped him after I fdxmllochase Smco then no has horn a wnodchoppcr-HU latest escapade hu says was thin result101lila thievish impulses He stole the nMi llrntThen he stole wutche food nnd Jewelry Illsrobberies became so serious that tho generalchase for him followed He Is now in Haddamjaiand will bo tried in April

EwarGcnchin Convicted or MurderTruck Driver Edward Qeoghan aged 28 years

who fatally shot his wife Ellen oolhul In ajealous rage In Brooklyn on Sept was yes-terday


convicted of murder In tho first degreeIn the Court of Oyer and Tarmlner over whichJulie Cullen presided This killing was crueland df liberate and the murderer only pleato wave his lire was temporary Insanity

The jury spent halt nn hour deliberating betoro bringing in verdict of murderin the firstdrree Tlroghan will probably not bo tontenrod before next week


II IN Nw lenriieil fhiit He Eloped with aIVoitmu unit Died In IndlttuapollI-

litriiFSTEn Fob R Mrs George Soden ofCunntidalgun and hor threo daughters movedto this div laomonth anti went to live at 114tavanimh street Mrs Soden loft Cnnnndalgunto avoid tho notoriety which luau come to horthrough thu disappearance of lien husbandlust summer In Jui 1WCI Soden told hiswife anti family ho hal mado arrange-ments


with a frenl of who was acornmorclal spend several weeks Intho North Woods on a fishing and hunting ex-cursion


and that ho Intended to return InSeptember Tlmo passed and Soden did notreturn

It was afterward learned that for somemonths previous to his disappearance Kodenhad been on intlmnto terms with lrs I F-

Chapln of Geneva and that at the time of hisdisappearance this woman had also suddenlydisappeared This was verified last weekwlion SpdonB mother nod stepfather wholive In 1no1 received a letter from Mrshnpln and mali out at Indianapolis Inwhich lie writer said that she and Sodan hadteen living together In Indianapolis since

tholr disappearance at which place they hudbeen conducting a restaurant tiheadded thatSoden had recently died and that shohad hurl his hotly embalmed and placedIn n viulr anti awaited their dlreoton ns to its dlsposlilon suggesting thatso desiiod site would have it hipped tolionton nnd interred besldo that of his fatherShe also reriiiepipd that monoy bo sent for thatpurpose family were Inclined to hoilevo that tho report of his death wits not trueI ut a llochester imater printed today n de-spatch


fiom Its Indianapolis correspondent-saying that soden died ton weeks ago nndthat sirs i hnpln told thin correspondent thatuho hud boon married him fourteen years

A Iollcrmnni fetranice Infatuation1oriirMKi Fob HAbout six weeks ago

liofio U Pholu4 anti Ethel Odoll who worekeeping a disorderly house In Harrison streetwore iirrested for horsowhlpplneGeorgo Wobher I young man who had accopted their hos ¬

plllllllllhon lodged a complaint againstthor I police Whllo tho case waspending Patrolman Philip Clark 1 marriottman was dolnllml to watch the hnuso antiwarn ipeople from going into It The womenbecame aWlrf of thin fact thnt thoy wero beingwatched uI11 struck up im acquaintance vUhito policeman who became attached to hosePhnlps After tho Harrison street estab-lishment


had bon closed by tho pollcu au-thorities


lark tiled his resignation assign ¬

log III health as the cause Iwns haIti on thistuUnut Mondays meeting thu Pollco Co-mmlttlonn9 hark and Hose Ilielps left the

t tueqk going to Buffalo antithencn to Niagara Is nflerward returningto Itochostor They propose muko n livingby kocpli i road houso Clark had alwaysbeen rriMided is a faithful Officer unit an honenable num Ho hiss IWife and ono child

Kreiiumllri IllMiitlifled with Uuee-

PinKinroii Fob R George IX Ward nbrotherinlaw of President Duns of the Koonounite Society sold today Tomorrow a petlout will ho presented In court askingreceiver ba appointed to administer the affairs-of the Jconnmlle Society Wo want an Inquiryto uu mado into title aflr to coo how thingshave lipi n gnlnc If society Is continuedhuts will not Itoinnln at It head That muchIIs certnln of nurse if wo found upon Inves-tigation


ttiat nn reasonable rellection could be-mado on his ability and honesty In tho

of the ttnthe would undoubt-edly


romaln Its luau

Overwhelmed by an AvalanchePKNVEH robR Amid deep snow broken

limo trees rocky dubrls Iparty of minersin 1 gulch above Ophtr yesterday found thebodies of Jack Ward and old Jack VanecoyThey wore asleep In their cabin some nightrecently hul an avalanche hurled thornTiter fulled appear In camp and n resculvlparty went in search for them

thrown from his lied anti pinioned undera log In his efforts to extricate himself Jishad torn the flesh from both his hands Hitdeath must have been slow andcoy lay In bed his body tearfully bruised andmangled



lie Quilt rinsing ron Ton anal Ahnnrtnncdhe Pnkr Game lt llnuii Ills Queue

lOomed III Ittmilirul Hllk nione unitTben Cut Hhi Wrist mill Took 1arln Green

Chi roys peoolo are nmonl tho richest Inall China For hundreds years tho familyhas lived In tlm town ot lon Ton and Itsmembers nro among tho most Inllollnlloopie in that part of the treat ¬

sick Chi Toy cumo nil tho war from Kon Tontokilled

Mott slreot seeing tho world Thou hu

Chu Hum Onh wits one of tho Emperorsfavorite ofllcors and there WAS a whole weekof celebration hi lon Ton when ho marriedthe beautiful Owe Two children woro hornto thom but ono was a girl mid till tho loclions of the mother and father wore IRI hU1on Chu For Horoscopes wpro cast for kitethe astronomers consulted titus stars cud 1great future was predicted for tho hllol1young son of tho Emperors favorite ofeDrWhen tho young man bccauui yeasof age his father begun looking around turnsuitable wife for him Hut the handsome

anl aristocratic young Celestial no fur forgotcareful training utah his blue blood as to

fall In lovo with a girl far below hun In thin so-

cial stain The 8nnclol of his parents to 1marriage with was as Impossible as It hohad atcod permission to marry his mothersmaid

Chu Hum lab WAS not imgry when ho heardof his sons love affaIr But ho wits frhtlnelAn alliance with ono no far wasworse tItan death Bo tho Emperors favoriteofficer summoned his lavortto son to n conforence Chu Pay was told hunt InasmuchMho had made audi satisfactory progress IIhis studios In hltt own country ho WIIH tosent to America to comMotu lila education

Chu Poy thought of Ills sweetheart and toldhis father ho pouldli leave Ills country lutwily old Chu Hum Inli minted th ii nUiistirosof n trip to AmorlCH In such glowing colorsthat Chu 1oy was persuaded to muko ito tripAnd no throe month ago tho young mottolanded at San Francisco ant alter shortstay there came to this city

For n few days ho stayed with a distant rel-ative


Chu Ilng or 4il lIllth a cii Ito Thenhd took npni tmentB tho hlnosi artstociutH nt 2 Mutt street 11 uiaclo trips uptown to see his relative or threo timeseach week Tlm rest uf lie limo IIH spent sew-ing


1n His luSt hor hull provided htm IlltiorullyI

with mOllY unit for a into Ihi los forgot thogirl left behind lie pluiiKeil Into thepleasuies of tho Illilnoso 01011 plared funtan and leiirnivt poker Heard ml hissilk house unit trousers for American Ihnblll I

monte and although Ito didnt dare tout It oTho tucked his jucuH daintily ui on top or hishell and kept It concealed liencatli ii Derby

latest pattern Tho tlilo of llto rolledvery hlgli with Chill Poy

Last week onto u totter addressed to MrCliu Poy at JL Molt street It was front I-Ifrlonllo Ion Ion and contained limit one tarnpratli paragraph told Chu Poy thathis swcethpnrt haul fnrtakon hll Tho fintungame run right along tint Poy was notthere with his pookuit full of iimrtnri to Iliulcthe ono two three four 1 ho licker camocontinued hut Cliu Poy was not ono of thinplayers Al Chinatown asked wha hud be ¬

core ofanswer-


gallant young wcl no ono

Inst Chu POI came out nn the street Ho-Wot o his blouse amiI lute iiuouo hutmt down IIIbark The American lot won timlehandsome young titan liming urcr hitsbreast uttit ho walked IIn n Ilistless fashionIln Monday hu called on Uiu Ung for tho lustUrl ho said Im going away

What iIs the matter nklllhl JlncLook saul Cliu Poy anti ho hold up his

left hand The wrist1 was Bashed acrossWhat did you do It lor 1 nsked Chl LineI want to ItO If that dixt mo tho

powder I havo taken will answered thoyoung man and bo threw a ploct of glass lieploeo with which ho hind lacerated his wrist-on the lloor

Chu Llllook his young relative up stairsand lied Then hn sent Him Kowwho was visiting him IUt for n doctor Kun-Kowcnmo lack with Ur Albert Stnnnard of1O8 West Thirtyfourth street Dr Mnnnardfound that Chu Ioy hint take a 1urls greennnd advised that ho be fHnodlo u hospitalHut Chu Pay refused Lo Insisted onhating taken to Ills Mott street room und as holied plenty of monoy ho was aide II do as ha-rlousud ho Ur btunnurd administeredemetics and left

Chu Poy was taken down to Mott street andplaced In Ids bed Dr htunnnrd called againanti worked html but it win no use J hue 110hiolitlioastrolocorslmd predicted wouldradiant with successes Chu Poy succeeded InI hirowi tug away IlieI diedI on Monday nUlitI

and ther Iiut mourning now till thoso-lio knew him Chu Lint SIYR

1IIInlholy willprobnlilrI Ibo enttol hlnaI lou interment

Sulcliles among Chin have boon veryfew Only one can h n fount on list records ofthe Coroners nflliu for como years It Iis thatof Jon Hoc YIW who tutored from tho iteckof a North lllvor ferrvlmut on AUL H IKKand was nicKod up tho not day at the fool ofMorton street

XEJ JKIISKT jiitMiits wni rianr-No PollllcH Noiv In New friHcM Hour uC-

AKHriillnre und Not Any VuntrilT-

HENTOX Fob l4Tlun bill cionlln I MntoDepartment of Agriculture to bo headed by aCommissioner nominated by tlm GovernorIlls caused t stir In tho Legislature Asoriginally Introduced tho measure oustedPair Commissioner lorJo Maculiu as wolas other old tins fromnnd today It was reported with amondmcnta-relnstatini Mauulri1 und also inaKInu himSecretary of the proposed department

Ho Is a Doniocrit und tho authors thooriginal bi blundered In pioMlnur for his ro-

mouil say tho Democratic leaders Ilia-nmendmouts in auostlon however provide rrtho removal of President lliirroiiKli und Secre-tary


Dye of the tate lloird ot crlculture-lluirouchand IDioaro Iliepulillein-


Housn ooneiinol in tlm amenilmentnand then dlbcotertilI tthatI Ithe IliI IliadI not beennoted on in committee and henu Irruuu-larlv reported The usiilt was it went buicktorommlttcu after a llnly lltcussion whichwill arouse thu farmer elomoiit from nnoondof tho State to tIle other PolitIcs lInt un-known


IIn tIto Into IHoard nfr AiricuUiiio-nnd President llurrouuli nnd corritury Dybold their rospecllo ollhus IIlouhi meritalone iloht tire vciiy popular willI

who mean to oppose the ofE the billAmoni tho hIlls pissed In the Asmmlily to-

day was ono IIntended tto doe tthe a nlll dailiesin Vinvurk lorssay City anti Iaterpon

Mr Ariultiico of lsou introduced a billmisking this nnnnijor of hiss Newark UUlrl ofHltoctand utter I ouummnissiouuins In-


of appointive Title Is correct abuseswhich has grown out of tho Depmuont ofPublic orksByhtom


ANIrimon ort Ntjjio Vho saussI KurnrU utlie 1iUlUc ltlulirdI-

AMKi Tex Feb H Another mob executionlice followed tho burning of tho negro HenrySmith arid IIs a soiiuel to that crime At aplace on Hickory Creek llvo miles soulhuastof Paris u party uf htinteu last 001111 foundtho body of anecro suspended trol the limbof I tree on thu crooks balk An examinationof tho body showed thud slier being btrunc UItho man haul been shot Tho dead loro wiseWill tiller n stepon of Suuihhi Butler hadmndelilniholf tllnliked Iby the hltesliyulnlin-Inirto know tho whereabouts olMnilh whun

huts met was looking for lilm and lulu III tofell his hllnl juice

I I nut who worn concerned IIn tthis-lynclilnunr


I I Jltt tnt irIs ilu tier met iiIH lute ItIs thoJLht ho was lynciiei nrtyelghthours nuo Itlbtiot probable tlmt the tiutistugjtles will tao special imlub toI Point up themen concerned in Ito crime uolwllblllUdll1tho epochal messatn of tjovtiittarrextand pruvcutlon orf thoso who com-prised


tha mob that to cruelly tortured HenrySmith n

A Family Fated to Violent JlrulkiGOSUN Feb aSome years ago Abram

Wood n wellknown citizen of Orange countywits murdered while on a visit to 1 relative InDutchess county Ills widow afterward rondolien homo with her daughter Mrs MatthiasMatthons ot Mlddletown Her soninlaw-Mtttliowhwasbotnu tlmo aforwlrdltlnjl11h-lu luiui stono quarry Jhlllltunwherehe was a contractor A twas run over and killed Iby tbt cars In Mldillotown tine day last week daughter 11rsMatthews was killed by the cam atthe sum spot ansi In tho same way that lionanother met her death

A Water tupply for YonkersThe cIty of Yonkers has settled Its water

question by nicking 1 contract with the Nowlorlc City District Water Supply Companywhich owns hue Pocantlco Lakus anti hirerThlsoompsny will also soon supply the NolYork and Westchester Water Companyplating the circuit of clUoe towns und Insti-tution

¬north of New to Slug Sing andlying between the Bound and the Hudson

SIRS irootaur yoir mis IADRLFORTh

Tno Intemeetleg Xllyorceseq Rrcnllfd byI lie MnrHnRr

puIrronu WOOIsrYnn Wrdnoic-Url H by this lden utasli Vititidt Filtnrl >t uuiel-ford


tu loniilt ft V nlrThin mnrrlncn annoiinccmont which Is pub

llehod In this mornings papers was madepossible by two Intotestlni ill0rco casowhich excited the attention of pnllto society Inthis city Baltimore and WashlnRtnn MrsWoolsoy obtained n divorce horn IMward 1

Woolsey a millionaire club man of this city onNov 2t IWii Tho divorce was applied forlast April and drnitd along until Novemberwhen was crnnted by default Mr Wooleeythen throuuh hula lawyers llmvo A Hummelobtnhuueti nut onion fuoun iiuutiuu Truax slirectimug

lire Woolsoy to show cause why hue divorceshould not bo set nslle As n result of theseprococdlnss tho caso was rooponud boforo areferee and on time lllth of last month theoilylnal decreo In fnvor of Mrs Woolsoy waconfirmed ruin decreo was urnntcd on bvl-

donco that Mr Woolsey hind committed ndutory In this city with nn Agnes Mcdlll who In

said to bo n clerk In tho Treasury Departmentnt Wellington The grounds upn which MrWoolsey soUKht to ham the Uccrco set nsldoanti n divorce granted hInt wn n countercharge of adultery In which 1rnnk K SturulsPresident of tho New York Stock Fchancoand Edward M 1ndelford ot Paltlmoro worenauiod as corcsrondcnts

Mrs Woolsey Is the haughtier of time lateItenir A Bmrtlio once Collector this PortSince her tcpnratlon from lien husband slutline lived with lien mother and lion two eons nther mothers residence IIU7 Loxlncton areattic SIte was married tu AVoolsey in Octolmr1870 Mr oolsoyii father was u wealthyshear rellnor whose family Imtuu wn In Astot In out nf the utmoSt valuable properties Inthe estate Is the huc plico anti mansion at-Lenox Mr Pndelford Is n wealthy llalti-morciin who belongs Ito the Knickerbockeransi several other Now York clubs Yeste-rdays


marrlaco was not a surprise tho Intlmato friends of thin imrtles I ho bridalCtiuide stillest yesterday Immediately after thininurrliiuc lor Luropc

Sir Iadelorrts first wife was a Miss Itottlna-Onlway daughter of Sen I tnt wuty of Wnhitt gtuin When Iibo marrlcil iattt oh toni Itloywent to Europe on Itheir weddingI jjourney nudIn ViennaI Her name was coupled with that otCarl Mroltnmnti the tenor who afterward np-poaioil at the Garden Theatre hero with ILillianI

Hiisfoll IOneI nf the stories Ithat lloatud acrossthin ocean trout VIenna was that the bride wastaken seriously Ill at ietinn believed she wascount to dieI made a confession to her busbund and got well Ihen Mr Padelford be-gan


proceedings for divorce naming Mrelt-ninnn as corespondent

After tho divorce which was granted In-ItyHO she went upon the stage taking thinnatnoof Deity Pailelford She travelled In ncompany In which n wellknown young Haitimore maui named Johnson whoso stage namewas Julio J Hnfaol also appeared Wblbttiter wore playing with Monroe ansi Iticos

Aunt llrldgot company Kafanl nml Monroo-

Junrrelled In hue Olympic Theatre In MMnnroo cut Kafael Intlntt neck Tho

quarrel was siippotcd to lieabout Betty Pndeltoni When Unfurl recovered from his In ¬

juries ho married Hetty It Is said lust aimthou received slums to drop tlm name ofPadelford Sho then utter appeared on theshut go IIH IliettlnaI i GlrardI

SItu appeared later with Dlreyn SevenAges company nml with Conrleds KingsKnol company SIte wits somewhere In tho-nildilln off tthe continent witht the latter com-pany


when she sawn news despatch announc-ing


tin nrrlvnl of Streltmann In New Yorkhhe bit the company that nlcht anti returnedto Now York but by Ihint limit other namestthan lucre hnd Ibucomo associated with thetenor in tItle city


CommlsfiloiiFr Knnli TrlM the InrMtlKntlRBt-ommlMiilon Ihut II In In Fine State

Messrs Orr Bartlett amid Jenkins the Com-


which Is clothed with legislative au ¬

thority to investigate the methods and man-agement


of hue llrnohlyn FIre Departmentbegan its labors yesterday niter It organizedwith Mr Orr as President

FIre Commissioner Ennls was the only wit¬

ness examined Ho said that lie sweepingcharges made against thus department by theNow York Insurance men are wholly unfound ¬

ed Ho denied that It Is customary for thofiremen to visit saloons In their uniforms tobo discourteous tn their superior officers orregardless nf discipline Ho alto denied thatgongx hinl been placed in saloons us n con-venience


for the firemenA gong bo admittedI nail boon put InI a sa-


near ttho halli ttho proprietor nf which wasn personal friend of tho Commissioner but Ithail been paid for Tho newspnpcr ofllcos nndInsurance unices WTO lie only places whoretongs were furnished by tho departmentJlemherH of list department wero lorblddsn-to visit saloons in uniform and a violation ofthlb rule was visited with severe punishmentMr Ennls said that tIm engines were properlyequipped In a general way ho pronouncedthe department in firstclass condition andequal to any In the country

I ho Invcbtlgatlon will continued today

If K Itiianeirfr llcqueMdi Tor Church WorkTho will of Henry K Russell of ha Russell

tV ErwIn Manufacturing ompany was fliedyesterday Ho makes hue following bequests

loruijr me lbs Incmn nf the Ministry or the riot-eutiitt lpikiupnl Church of Connecticut vluoo IterK-rlev tutu iutti >chn i nt Multll etoun folia S1lxH-HlBliap Scabury Mlnlnn Hitlrtmull Shun UXK-Itrtuivr nr Donkttonn sat HeuoHt fnr titirrb Parfont Coniin iliiit 5 IOIK iniiltv CnllrRti llnrtfonl-f IinocK to ciUlilmh an IIII 1E Ilnimall rollownhtu to rn-HblejounicmeiitnputiueltieiritiiillMafierKraduMiou

Thus rest of hula estate Is to bo divided amonghis relatives Mr Itussoll died on Jan 21


EVIMA Ar5ttCTIi fl5

funrlni 7 01 I Sun seI LH Moon rtlei 1 25iiirn e Ai > aTuul ussr

Sandy Hook 3 1H I Gor lllaiiil CD I IKllUtte 4 25

ArrlvedWsussuaDAr Feb 8Is htrhtenula elurtusler Ihsr11 ltustaiu Citv Han lay A-

taturllolrI Kent MaltahH llenltiwtT 5 cbtsr Jnnan-M ialileo umrsltuia sits hi LucidKB Miratnea Jclirliinn IllaunuI

fri Kl into tinrlifr New OrleansS IutiiHl HUk slush ilisult-iifeu John IuI Chrutoi hvr ruth ri jAck onil-bt Naconclica hinitli havaiiimU-hfta KUlimotnl Itliikiman tVet taint Vu-h Ur iitAn Ilitntfti iitiilnirton > C-

hillI I M iUiltnn lUllfttt Ilnilnn-ha nij r lliclilHir Hllilirr tall ulcerBark nttIulsa us iciuismiuso Hatas ialUrk Ilt e a interM JtrMuenHark JUctiiiril rursuni Tliurndiko Imug hong

II ur later arrival tge rural tJ i-



errFn Allrr Inn Nsw Vsruc At Soutlmmptoa-hs AIM htirm IIrotn Nrvr 5rk at Movillu-hii Itritanitl It in 5s VorL wt t rookliATtn-hx ilutiut ftiiin sis rt itt tin lir Iiilhh KM T lltltielitt It frau > w Vork nt leroa-hnjiuliinI fruiiiNeu Vork 511 If AM I Ioitu-MI Mu mint u frMii Nf w VTkat lidlilunre-hi


lnrKJ Hm Iriin New Vail ut tort JUair-

AiLfn 5505 nipriix ronritN Mnri It from Hnini ur r fnr Nt York5 j It ruuc from ItJitiraUar fur > ow ore

viirrn runM nowK nr rileyFe Il pofftlrt I roi hart Knl roy e a Yorkus Knickcrl Sc r trill mU I a U fnr New Yorkh 5 1 ikiiii um iiriin rharlfi n ir Niw YorkK lit > sit rirnitiiifhuui triu tHttniiii for tuw YorkIhh II K IMinnOk Uoiii rnitJti fr NtW ork-tk IT V ItfiHie from Itatlltnuiv fur > vw tuic-

olycoiss TAaiurLtit 1isiS-

Isl toe r a-

1tKiviClam nf IalifnriilA tnutiwi

TriiiMil HrrmiKl-1agllll

JUKI iI1 vl-J

siixil1i IsMll UuUlllllfn UOl M Jl 00 I i-

rmnmntMsl Yk IIISre

llinnn s 10 A U Ill ns A M-

Sinpnri i ulna lo oov >L ILuiMiI liittillicci llrp SjuniiAtl no I M

lilnu H Clmrrrrlnn ailrMI I

blur ut Jvn rcrnitiiiliii uoo p M-

ihCtiMiin itouiiiiri-iu rliT-

turic laverunoi i n 27Italm llllimlinr Jan JJlorciuv Hull j u 21

MMliltubA Liilitlnti Jan 21-2fuHo Liverpool lun

VVrslrrnluiiil Anlwvrfi Jut 2-

51asttial Clliritltitr JAII 4ttolnuiblA lalnll ttb J-

in litliritlur > KrbInlilirioiuil liUrvou taut 27i iirrim It iiirnliiQ lun 2-


Nsirutkaiuiaugsw lin Jil-lirooklintlty huiuin Jatujfi-

llui In 111 Irl 10-

Dfrmknlo Itverpnnl yihhllie Hrillien tntIlrntuctfus > Ukftiiu t tii ll-

IHIIIU lUinuur Ian 2-

tisatill Luiuluii Jan 23use N uai IA II-

PtriUn Vlnnarcb Inndnn Jaa 27-

iklvru Gibraltar Jan 2tf-

J s iJi A 1314 Boureorne lUvre Fats 4Urluocu liiniiucn heb I-

ajlsdiylua lut 13Clailpoist Innilo ySb 1hoDiadlu Uirrpoot i1eU aMarlello Hull Jan SUVumurL llaiann fb 0Ando IorlUmon Eab 4-

lIsa ruMiiv ie nn-

rlinnland Antwerp Feb 4Uallla J4Tcrpool Fak


Young SIr V Miilim WHJM lie AllonMcd Ifwf-llii

fT nntlN AffVcllonf-


1ulnn 24 ye iro butts brought tttlt°


through Howe A Hummel to recover 25000-dnmtcc


from Mlchncl N Nolan evM ror olAlbany nn iillo atlont that ho hag alienatedaffections of list htisbiind lames TereneQuinn Shin hung also sued lien husband forReparation on tho giound of abandonmentTho plaintiff nto Icoiglatia Hllverman netQulnn while > liltlng lieu slitter n Mrs AldrichIn this Ilty They worst mnrrled by the Henhoary Moltrl nt tho Church of the Holy Corniminlon nn Sixth avenue lust October j

She hsshieveat hunt ns slut U n Irotestantand dlien hu lMnd and his family nro Catholics antislits wits a dlvorcio nt the time of the mar trlngo an effort was mnde toalltnnto hoe hut l

bund fromher rTIme ilefemlnnt In the nctlnn for alienation U-

n principal Klockliuhlornf thin Quinn A Nolin-Cinnpnni brower of Albany Tho father of iiInmo Terence Oiilnn was n member of thellrm mil Mr 0ulmi Miysshn doeR not know tIt her lutuptutullul Is a stockboldsr ofthocompn-ny

aHo told her he wise nnd paid he was 4

wealthy NolanM nn uncle of young Quinn s

Jcrfy City Vonl IVy R per Cent ItorMoney

The Jersey Clly Hoard of Tlnanoo recon-sidered


a resolution yesterday to Issue 170 i

000 of A percent bonds and adopted another iS

to Issue tIm name amount of bonds to boar 4Vper cent Interest They said that under thpresent Administration thin bonds will sell atpremium at the lower rate and the city wiltthus save 275 n year At the same meetingtIme Hoard of IMnnneo concurred In n resolution Iof the Street and Water Hoard awarding thecontract fur cleaning the streets to HenryIlyrno tho present enntrnctor who offered to tdo the work for SHTOOO Owen Nolan thelowest bidder prote tod against this action Mho had proteMqdtn the Mreotnnd Water HoardDoth unItes held that Mr Ilyrno was tho morereipnnslbin butler and that In view of thefact that Mr Byrne already owns the neces-sary

¬nppaiatus It would bo for tho Interest ot I f

the city In accept hula hid

HtnflTordii Ullre Tar 5

No case of an aillUtloti et Ilie-




saul which cannot be rellersd by


In eels ot INyHJENZA nitONTIIlTIfl CODGtl-aroiDS

tor UTAHRIf the rUff li hnmeatat wb


A lovlnp mother provides lien thlldnn ltli svary nrilrl romlnrt InrluUinir Ailaiutuni BolaoMlllnaui lor colds and coughh Trial boltln 10 Casts

JJr HunfordM Liver Inluor tor Im m veetabto emit br ulliuuiurM coiiitipatlon mdigeitloo

Cutler nr Every JDenrriplInn fbr TobUpoCket mill lollrt IIKF Corner Miiiau ansi nfitkman

IcPtdlII 3Totl u


rout lNTKRNAI ASh EXTERNAL haLCure frumpi Colic GeIsha anti alt palm 25n a bottle

HirVKHFJYIJOlH lEASH tnoli A a ptrba-n

jullr ilttrsyeui by electricity MaUit circulars

HiihN IAnKivsox SpecIalist 51 wtttaia it-

KlII OP HATS f IfZwehCaansm out bilI-


our Stir Top a > item AIHlLril BOM vuthin Je lroircr UJ Iiilton it SUBli fQP

3rtv ubUrtIou


The Only Authorized EditionY





PUBLISHERS31 Union Square North N T

THE MAYBRICK CAS-EEnglands Brutality





Wltb Olsen Letter from Gall Hanallfim to 11-

1Iliinir Kcrrtiirj lo Lady t4omcr t end M-


UlmllnnrA complete ir oiUton of tbe cats Crochet URI

HAVIIIIICIl Innuronce Inca 20 ctnti All niw-iliuulk

< Isnul hickiolnri or tastIest foilan tree by

HTIIHIAN 1 fO lytl> 8 llroad way N TSENSATION FOR NOVEL READERSSow un press a wondrtul new norel Hy UODEh-tArnKtUN

aauttierut Urn Hurry Ht Jok suit

Lcd Ur llilllp St tare A whirlwind excite t 4meat followed this publication ot Mr Hurry Mi-ilolin Acclone will Its la order on ibe publlcatloa-daybt Ur Ililllp Nt Clurr-

lloonItra mm JItewsihealers iboull sent In tbtlt Mdtr at once to their Jobbers or t-

oJVtIMllliigliuintiibllia hfryewYorlt

NOVBLSIn the MAIUHON tiQUAREnrtet 26 cents y-


iauttiori in lhe world Mttofihtmr ti Coimeroiri Ulcblfe fa-

irlcnif ariyts Cfem well ITenob If relutlon Jlacaiilara Essay lHATT IM Sib a-



ItnnWVOAKIKYOn Wednesday PbS at-Cracu

flhutch chantry hr the Rev Henry U isdi t

Kate daughter of illlam Usury Uazley to rranoji-Klnlnni

c fMrnwn No car-illAVOOIiVlvmironnOn Wednesday c

Fits n l1st tile tOeS Dnvid Mitchell Fannie B WoosIcy ana Kiltriird M IAdelfdrd

IDI3D33-JinKNAIOn Tuesday at Newark EIIJabB1

VIIBII In ttieHID year of liii see i

Kclatit ansi friend are Invited to attend the tense jI-

aml from lih tati reilitenr 27 Italiey it rrldiy at-

2PM Interment at lUtivrafN J at conTcnliBM sof tlia rauii-

ljrBIhllOIIn IDrnolityn Feb 818U3 ludiJenlyTbo-Illihnp late recelvliiK teller of the National Oink ottlie Republic New York

Notlcti of funeral Litt-rICIOlliKICKOn Tuesday Feb 7 laos Jill

the beovtd daughter of Thomas Uroderick sn4Catherine llurko

Relative soul trlenlear rcipectfolly InTlted to at-

tend the funeral at lo A M from ber late reildenes147 calyer it thence to bt Anthonyi ChorokManhattan av UriMniiolnt on Friday feb 10

COKNKIIISKNSuddenly on Monday Tab aChristian tornehlen aged 05 reari beloved hoibnud of Amanda Cornehtsen

Funeral services at hn late teildence 689 Greens T-iIIrioklii Ibis Thursday morning at 10 oclock-llurlnl juha-


Monday Fib e suitexDOVbeer wife of Henry Faulhaber In bar 83d rear C

Iumril Brrvlcoi at her late rutdence HI Alpine tt 4-

2isark yj on Thuriday at 1030 oclockXJC-Ilelath ei und friend Invited to attend

IIAIcniNUOn Feb 8 IBM at his parent restdeuce 4rJ Wltlougbbj av Brooklyn Edwar4Alexander Harding iou ot William J anil AdtlU C-kIlardlne aged 14 years 4

JIAVJitT YOu Feb8 of pneumonia lln Tbereui-llaverly

sFuneral from her late residence 65 Boweri it Jerter

City heights on Friday Feb 10 thence ta tht hiirch ot Ht Paul or the Croia at 10 A It-

IIU l> KNUn Monday Feb 01893 suddenly ofpneumonia KdwurJ K Hed4 u la tbeCAtbyiarol i

bin aK-

Relatlveiii and friends ot tbe family are tnrlted lo at-


the funeral at hn late reildence Oa Welt 491kit Tburtday morning Feb 0 at JO oclock

IILTClIINKONScxou Lopez Ko871 r urA Mlluretbreuii You are hereby lomtnoned toattend an emergent communication to be held a-

Uaionlc Temple on Thuriday Feb i 1898 at laoclock noon for the purpose of attending the fo-nerat

>of our tale brother Chas K Ilutchlnion-

II P PEDIUCK lattern BAKIS1I SecretaryKI 1ltOn Feb C aCTonkeri Emma J Tan Orilen

wife of John C IlyerFuneral ten lee at liar late reildtnoe 110 New Mala-

t ThureJiy ret U at 3 P M-

tVAlSIInn ten e Edward Walsh beloved lagof Marxarit and 1Atrlck Walsh aged 13 years

Itelatitciandfrlcndi are reipectfnllr Invited to attent the funeral front bin late rtildence 213 WealMh tt on TburmJay Feb 8 at 1 P 5-

1vJILsmAIrbo roildenceof the parent 188Bast-H7th it lets 7 Franklin II Infant son of lloraoI ant Minnie Welli I

Funeral euchre will take place today at 3 PM M jthe above adilreil l