the sun. (new york, n.y.) 1900-08-18 [p...

THE SUN SATURDAY AUGUST 18 1900 I I I 1- I a = RIOT DISTRICT AT PEACE XBOROU GO ABOVT xoLEsTEi m ritz POLICE GUAnO STAYS Mr W lt T t DUfkt rllre C r- tfr fkrU U t Eirller DI iderJ- rrw nrs Arrw 4 Trtt r47 r- CM era Atr t Trlfkl- Th trouble between the blackt and tb whit rowdle on the We t Side seemed com piotely OTIC Ut night The dUtrtct in th rioting occurred on Wednesdar night wj- ptAcofol all but enough poUc to quell MIT ditturbanoe that might arise hld co reserve all dar nd cUbt In both ttx West Thirtieth Mid We t Thlrtyev nth In th latt r iUtion which has wave Chief Pevery and Inspectoi Thompson mad their hAdnuartf Chta- Drvery drove through tb neighboring sit oocuried br negroe fr tS b aw nothing to cause blrn to taw there would be acre rioting EUhth aveou and Intersecting tnWJ from Thirtyfourth to Fortysecood itrec wen again crowded U t night and co e ch three or uniformed of an outbreak from Eighth avenue In ws d the trolble- thefltAhlly dreswd and hdlimonded fellows who strut and Hand around he Kuth avenue kept well under cover A begro on rbt use at U W assistance The policeman found aged w jus said thafhe was Kittle Wasaboiler aad that she had btn wnlle ra Elsrth aveune f n Thortilty- nSlht She we to Roo telt several dp wound on tr head were ttrtided tcTh pollc are hoidlng her tt tbe- otpltal utrret tatioa lut cf St Vlnc nt Paul at Jli Thirty street Dam CAPTHS we uadfr tKt h utf t tfs- urlri i tail rc to the police that thsr ought to amt more white negroe to do c la the riot wan of soaie for out of the twenty riot arraigned resrerday- On t rfre were only thr white rrtooners out of nineteen Mo t of the pris- oner were arret i because th jojice found revolvers or othr w tpon n their cued him a Quarter cf a mfle said he ought not to have at si I acknowledge I bad the revolver said Corotn had to go acro town to attend business and I watnt going to be klldw- lfibout something 1 appreciate your position trat re brv to leave that revolver but you can la Broadway after be had purchased a 44ctuibcr and 100 car to fit it wn fled 110 by Magistrate Hogan ia th Jeflersoa market cwt Sol Wright ibo had beec arrested for a big clasp k ife wa urdirU- OO Docui to keep tot three In concerning th of aliened brutality la naridilng U ne rt i lb riots Deveir that If aay ore i man n nunself would the If he found It justified that the poiioeman be dltmUd wont for any brutality said the 2tef lt h the to pro mr A tar a using the dub oa rioters fa coaoarned I acDror of that That under tar erdar It got to be when a row l ttreet That for fool a policeman doevnt carry bit locust or wear as a bouquet jrourcTT4v POWERSS SPRX- EVbn 1 IO ta the PsUce C rt It t- LV Trt 4 br tk Co ml le rrv- Mlnnmtn William A Powers of the Mercer tTMt taHon who wa bis shield aodtxfc d up In the We Thursday night on a charge by order of Chief Deverr was fined HO U th West Side police court tacrnlcg Policeman who bad oasrwOed to ttreet to make Cr up he wa brandishing Cornell that on wbea ordered to do so was and waved hit revolver reckla lr wu la plaui doth and bad no rje riot Chief nlaed the police station as the policeman who arrested Dora for Ing flowers in Park r locked her up and now Jock you in fining Powers remladed- t beoaus be was a he had the law even more carefully than any Ptrwrrs pU- dUror street stanoa wtui acting Captain of the West Thirtyseventh ttreet ttaoon- enmpJalnlng wltn were l tgalnst- mr at Police Headquarters U a crowd at JOtb wet and Eighth avenue more on wanng w revolver and bing unfit to perfona pollp duty Ct iri t Break oa Big WuiuJJina Ont Aug 17 Tbe meet the jLxaertaae Canoe AsAociaticrn which ha been In tceartM on Big Islacd Lake Roeseau since Aug a was formally concluded lost ol the members will leav totnorrow though some wai itay until XUmday or titer The total attendance in WMCooslderablr below the awrige of the pt few years meet in 1W1 will prob- ablr b held In tbe Is- liadt rear GanacoQue of Executive Committee of the associa- tion held tail nigbl C E Brlttonof Gananoque Ont elected commodore The election of a secretary and treasurer was until the next meeting of tbe committee la A comparison of the reiult of the bows tbtt Toront Canoe Club won fourteen of the aortition events and second in welve 1 ne prtre br tb member were over thr two MoSlchoi brother alone winning fifteen The Britannia Bay Boating Club won IS flrtta and a second and the New York Canoe woa two flr u and three Kto nd in to both place n two division rat not open to the association generally The Canoe Club won one tint and two second and other prixei ere scat- tered among Indiridaal Summary of the race today AUsnt nvtrioa Cu SUUac tea mi ccr hill Moot N w Vwk Canoe N Y CU ittrc Ttdf 1 boui S Bf TrcpSrAtuiiUc tflrlilaa BMW SfVBir It 0 M Tgrin N V C C Y C C fffont Tmf 1 houl 7 VlcSltbol n R N U U PbOt- Omiiwilt pitfdUat Won tr T MfXltiel Tom la X VcMcJt rn ad- J sa4Urt OB ty BrtUncU Boti ji Ulf llr im tarn f R R- WIElam 6UJ rs rears old an Inspector of tb Rapid Transit Company was and held tn the A4am trH t- oport on a caarge of grand larceny t aang motor and other eJectnc appn- eutmwrswttrtaMat I Ik nil bleb dar re rda I- to WI N- ot for p1 e1 UP o b of t- we t IIII by tf frE WMI UM oco a- bkde NC Md a 01 of nue laf t b fun U sa I w Tken t for a pli t 1 thI tpI wb ta n II f of at du n out n rJhl A nr Ih t a f at n 1 by f- mb on U- I 10 lllJ It tall Fmlh icid a TrdaT- bI a In tad tn kloWT a UC1t Th Mt frND of Con d pU lI W0 JC IU Isd fcuUr pe ta IU 00 IItlr ldl lUt 4pr4 1 U nOr porn t Wtl S a C1a tad tn o of td Mid Iou co- W Jut r moth u i- nC a 1 t IT dont Je a dote app e- lla T raT How cub Po 1 10 f- ut b- ut I Dee h bT ot TInT TIm laud taT The Toad Ocr on Cub a F C t ab- u I I G 4 b loW L n TOo J W Pn 1 J Bon 1r E Wce a4 L T 0 BIT p a 1 t Bte pla- T blt Tar 7 t I 0 dWw o St W t the Tb the WL- bcTDC azd er btet Pti th IbUIt3 dturtjaflC- cca d ext th Thirty dout cnr In ckthe th A inr TUU nth bors wbc wr oct to the thr Th DTerr t hs Mt th were were the T1T AT fl tL city betta dM ritc WhO kept U bon r1 err th- atrata of them mo- Th F43cJ0n wtoi iJDd rg nt lrnt- h bajr 1I ThIrinftthr- Jlmt hat bed dr h friends 4oitts- PIon tht wotnn thI Pot aZd that nede n AW1 CArlT rnthawt setter t IiTh th 1st WIt ninth foa rleen Lcd f EIIIII 0 4 en t4 iz4 rutsd tot r 1tt rre rducthe tvelT ware Tcs43on Corbt rcro found keeptr4 toughs bo ban th nro who a tng t ki vce onazte gathit poe coca4n atazd o It deence- ciina or what a the t 4 Deur sirid Ser l Thompon the Sm Camp the wag c the flWc 0 W iaeTage V C C W jathii ipOadt TOSrTimetlWo5 Toto Ccq E wit Pmao Ctuh YeN aza A Taeotto Wcv It N 504 L lsip r Ae4 f tareesy The eaid that he wa sang 0 their employee who fv eept sa 24 ace than scj tk wilt rsa2tas a e thaa S p a tljL4M > ¬ ¬ > > < < ¬ ¬ > = > TTOUSX STRAD SfCOrXMD- tn hter It Is the IT f Bet IXM The polio poltlre that they han recovered the Strtdlnrtnt violin tha was In Mirth itS from th Jean Joseph Bolt The t that Victor Fleehter the man was convicted 0- 1acharje of receiving eood was unjustlj convicted believe that the violin pro duc d at the trill of Flecbter wit not the oo stolen from Prof Bott hut that the on t nlirht Is the or lcal violin Flecbtr wu a violin extort an dealt In musical tnstrumeot at 13 Union Square ITof Bott a wellknown teacher director of orchestras In York caHe upon Flechter with a friend and said be WBJ the owner of a famous Etradivariu that ono hAd been the propertr of the Duke of Cam Prof Bott bad the Instrument in Europe parux It He Fleehter to find a cust who It tot MW Flechter ent Into ne oUttlons with Blcnor Nlcotlnl Mm- PatUV husband for the purchase of the violin When NIooHnl wa about to sail for Europe U offered his cheek for SSttfl for the instrument Prof Bolt wasted cub Nltoll became aa gored and refused to bur Then Bott locked the violin in a cue at bis home Two weeks later a young man oilled at tht rs home and the profeasot saId b wouW wait fur him U went acarruute aud immediatelr afterward tl e vtoitu wts mi ed That was on March L- Krot Uott rreved over bis kxs m month later Ai taot Dtttrlct Allen learned that Fl cater had In bis possession a violin to the stolen one IdcnOfled It s the suJea one was then ar- rested He declared the violin in bis- t tM ian bore the while the date He was tried In the Court of h loci and convicted on May I im On May i of the same year he was sen Kneed to the penlteotis for On Jun so l 4 counsel a certificate cf reasonable doubt itay 1 sen- tence Tbe c e has been In the ever since and Revbtev has been st bail vowed be would not re t uutli he found the original violin to hu Innocence Vetterdtr he Police Headouarters and Informed CPI McCiutkr that h bad the stolen violin In Brooklyn He be advertised for an old but received no answers FirjJlv fie found a roan in Brooklyn James O Parr of 14 At Utic avenue who tcid tInt that he could find a Stradlvariut at the home of Mr Amelia rrtc r who kept a uilor supplies store at- Xil Jar tr et There Flechter Mid he MW the violin that had been stolen from Prof BAtf home 1 A t nlrbt Detealve Price wea to When tod It wa one thai had beet tolen from Bott the said A l- It from a Sew York tailor wboe nato the did not know He wa one of her but she hud not seen in a She said ib iw for Instrument for the of it to br sen Price brwusrht the to HeAd It answers the description stolen one In every particular TEACHERS iv LATE Dels 4 by T t Tktlr Teymi rrtim- Dai tea Owior to a heavy fog off the the Cuban schoolteachers who left en Thursday on four army trtn poru did not reach here at the time they were expected yesterday and eonwquentlv the plan made for them by the Quartermasters Department were somewhat urset Intead of the trims port f et here time for the tsjrr- oemlers to the noon train for Washington II wa erenx that the ftr t of the transport was within wfht of QuirantiM and the other three ve ls stra- eled in later The transport McPh ron which left Boston with the others had the honor rivin complement of tetchers the Cm- Uht of New York but she did not reach Brook- lyn until to oclock A few hours after Wvinc Boston her captain said the transport ran Into a dense and after vainly trying to keep together the vessel boraae separated and did not see each other the trip The fog save the teach- er on the McPherson plenty of excitement for It WM so den e that the vewel had to her alone for fear of runnIng schooners 05 Cape Cod the tran port traced the of one Th fCC lasted nearly twelve hours but after It disappeared the roy i beinr seasick There was crest disappointment shown however when the oSo rs them that they not rech New York in time the city Most of them ahead for the sUht of the harbor the MePbertoo finally turned her now the bar there was a perfect chorus of exclamation cf delight was renewed when the lUhts of the and the Brooklyn Bridge were r ve d It seemed to be the roost ap thin toslca arid the teacher were tUI lnio when Pier Tt Brooklyn reached Sine noon Col A S Aselrtant- Quarterma terGenerJ here had bad two and the McPherson was met on of the half way up the bar a board was C C Mann a l aat rut rtntendeot of the who came In advsxce of It Mr Stana shotrted somethhiir in Spanish which la meant How are you to clv some Instructions through a speaklz white the transport with ber rsib crowded proceeded up the on board that the trains were to start for Wathlurtco at 7 oclock tilt tmrnltiB and that breakfast to be eaten at I sB better to to bed replied that they would but most of them waited till the was reached and even then could teat themselTes from tie rUht of the llahu and the dark shadows of the skyscrapers Whenever one of the party cut notable the other their bards as a ln of tlieir- appreciatloa On board the McPhervjn there were women and 110 men with seren- t en ruldes The latter were in demand Each of bat u many under his charge sod ill of them were bu answertu Questions for their respective parties feotae of a rro ponJon do not and for this reason the are The Mcpherson wes the transport to dock last nIght Cot KImball arranged to haTe two U In the harbor aad two at the The next to arrive alter the McPberson wa the and she took her blind The teachers on her number An hour law the RawUn with came In but the Seawlok wa not at the to the ferryboat which ira the teachers from the transport to the trsins tt Wahtncton the teachers to be pre- sented to McKlnler are to return from on Sunday evenlr and Monday they are to Ve t Point e of the Iron Hemr ost Tbe tocher vl t wd to olirobii Vriver tv where President few 1 to deliver n address to ti toinc around the citr the teachers will he In pmje of fiftv each In charceiof a cuide- tb public school at 10 tb street to lUten to a tAlk br Pre dest OBrien of the School Board oa the city iLchool tem Since thMr arrlvsl In this countrv teachers Mr Mann MId wVen th ereate t pleasure in school l fldlnr be shown all throueh cr e of the be t er ample of New school About noon on Tueilsv the visitors wfll enter Central Park at Peventvee y n 1 ftret and wan t the Mill Actlnr Mayor Gucren- eiirrer wC meet them on the lawn and bid them welcome to New fork Merchants here wVo do buslaes with f ib will bear the ex of the banquet which I to be tarred to th teacher at J V on the lawn Later In afternoon the entire will sT cial rr for Battery Park where theta will r a pcrxvt public TVed- re dar I the t for departure on Oe- tran r rts for PMlarfeloW will tend on day and then for Cuba Corer Infensed Slash L Tt W i Mrdrr4 tI Uc tSkow It The bcdy of Maria La Via of ill LexIngton avenue a woman who died on Auc ard wi burled two days later In Calvary Ceme- tery was dinnterred ye lerday by crd r of Coroner Zucca to whom a relative cf the woman exprewwd the that be bad ben murdered Tbe body a taken to the Mnrcue wf sician OHanlon- ra d an autopsy en it by ord r of the Coroner he boar was too far d to enable Dr It will be held at the Morgue until Coroner Zoooa who I now oat of town Is from 0 a lon hoe JUT Thy re- ne Ton and pUb all Owl ID die tai Itt u I our U loW I r to n It for tat j 1 pro o- ft DIX Cut art In bud r dow P I One TT of liii rst n 41 KImball the uinurtng the for we belated iran b bore UJ 10 ClIme a retJT from alt tenn ba U tie about in Tbl teacher aom th1Nr I chtn lofd UOnT n f4hlj unt1l rnldDJhl cQ wccnei teacher and wU trWe thet I omrrunl A- In art Pr dPlt War r teo going lay h wIll boo and thflr trI two m- In umhh will In thia fohlon to hAd they York I hand tlon I art flu BOOr I That young bad e I 1po to tt ot 1r v lure etoeaa uugt II I S30 are tote bridge 110 Mrs one Iota fDY reant Pe BrnokIn bop and wee Introduced M- mmrrireer aft man w5o wanted he ind aaad 1to It the abe the presenting a ci- ther tog La1n durIng JUst Item 4I waa a few tHCb- r peering was iti4 harbor ore wMi there Were iroceedid onre thee ruM YW near t44 The Saduick brings er to- ke on- t heu Tcrk TueadlT Frcimn go hi nee take a day DIMXTSR1Un Ranlon diermnlra eaute death I < > > ¬ ¬ > < ¬ ¬ > > ¬ < < > > ¬ > > < > GEN BOTHA IN THE PLOT CRuEl WITSEU MM TH rRltOX TOLD SIM Erceatric sad Hy t e W rt OwnB b rt IU rl a E ts ride TIlE CorresjoodeBt tl PrtMrti- PnrroMA Au 17 At trW today Lieut Cordua fonnerlr of the artlllerr of th Tranivaat who 1s charged with being coc cerned In the plot recently discovered here t kill the Britlih oflcer and abduct Gin JudgeAdvocate Gcdfer announced tha the Court had decided to allow the priso the privlk re of counsel Advocate FAeJ who bad bent rwjueted to appear for the cused aad who rwterdar characterlied proceedings a a farce was not in court toda and Solicitor Berrangi was selected to for the defence The prosecution presented further evldenc- dlsclosicg Cordua attempt to adherent to the plot Counsel for the defence cros examined the witneese and endeavored bring out that the plot w Instigated br Oano a British detective Counsel also oogh to show that the accused wmi eocentrio and that lately he bad been under continual Influence of liquor Tbe uniform of Montrnorencr scouts which the prisoner wa wearing whet be arreeted was produced in court Tbe prosecution not ret closed It case A force U now on the way to drtre the Roe out of nome Nek and Malagresberg- PKSTOaU Aug 17 At the trial todr of Lieut Cordot of the Sisal for com plldtr la the plot to murder British offlcers BCd abduct Lord Rot Burgher Dutolt testi- fied that Cordua asked his aadtfenc on Aug 4 In a big enterprise which he said would stagger Europe Cordua then developed bis plan to- oeife th oOoert while be Cordul aWurted- Ix rd Robert and handed him over to Geo- Botbv the Boer commandertnchlef who was behind Beckefs kopje a few muse outside Pretoria Dutoit testified that Cordoa dis- played a paper full of cipher words which be alleged a letter from Gen Botha and which proved that the Boer General cooperatirg with the plotters The witsets te USed that be refuwd to tale any part la the scheme Informed the local constabulary of what was Koine on LOXPOM Ace ThAt Oen De Ww as Gen Roberta lean has once mete escappd the British though disappointing cannot be said to te turprUlrg to the Enillsh people who kidded give be Boer General the full praise for Ui migatflcent work Tbe greaiest Icterewt It centred In Lieit- Corduas trial A Pretoria despatch describe him as a who was eaturallied a few years ago At an oOtial of the Pretoria Museum and a volunteer oOcer of artIllery h was left la Pretoria tail October br Get to hind over the Wond rboom fort to the British Ill trend have for a long time described Mm as bottle highly eccentric 1h Plot wit the outcome of a madcap eatbu la tt brain Cn Roberta the deMttch add l e juMr bred by the floe and British resi- dent owing to ht considerate and humane demeanor When the British employed secret service agenti early In June to twtpr mlnent- Bo rs tugresOons of a plot of sit ilar nature met with dee tIed and universal refusals The Pott Pretoria correspondent d crfbf Ccrdua a a weiltUcred young ruf- fian He It buliet beaded but net unpleatlng facially The at add that be never saw a cooler prl oner TbecJef w1tn Mtglnrt him r it lt Is a softspoken Teiture He Is a thoroughly slimy Informer and K more gen erou with his Information than any Fenian He showed badly under the pri on rs cro exam inition every nuettlon tending to show his prevlout com41 ty In the plot UK WZT RKLZAXES rafsovrfls Took Oily British Offlwn Wttk HIM Wiea- n nsdrd Kllcbrrr- SrrtlH CAN DtttvlUut nut 3CK- I siXf Aug 17 A despatch from Pretoria confirms report that Gen Christian De Wet ha succeeded In eluding Get Kitchener and making rood escape Another Pretoria despatch Mr that Get De Wet succeeded in escaping through hi superior knowledge of the country in spite of the mo t strenuous effort of KItchen to overtake him Towx Aug 17 Gen De Wet ha released all the Brititb prisoners In his camp except the officer The War OSce has received the following de p ch from Get Roberts PurroWi Aug 17 Hunters engagement on Aug U wi a bigger fair than he led me to ruppfe In hu flrt telegmm Three of the Highland U ht Infantry were killed and thirty three wo inded Seven other of the twps were wounded One Is missing A lIeu tenant died of his wounds hide hi pursuers by I Imagine breaking up- i forces Into small bcdie He wa last heard f near Rmtenburg Kitcheners lauwt de I tch I dated Aug IS He reported that be ru pretlag to lIt asiunoe from th- outhe t- Carrtngtoa was verterdar at Ottoshocp a hUe east of which roll Ytomanrr en with the enemy Get Huntert action mentioned In Gen tobertst dep t h hid not been previously re- orted It presumed that be bad an engngs- jent with Gen Olivier south of Heiltroo- STItAXDrD AHERICAS3 l PARIS krlrttu rndrsvercrs Ilavs Best Tvwrlst f 5r r i Cetb D rca tt Tjns Sun LOXPOX Aug H A despatch to the Dar UeO from Pint says that many Americana Christian Ecdeavoren are struxled- la that dty They that they paid a loa tourist agency from ISSO to UOO foe for the trip but the burning of the North Ger- man Lloyd steamers Main and Sule at Hobo- ken delayed theta and consequently their hotel Had railway coupons are out of date The rent did his teat to them lid telegraphed lo hi of whom there were several hundred In Lucerne Geneva and Venice to return to Parts Many of them chiefiy women have now returned and are wondering how her are going to reach their homes Many ire practically without fund riT TREATIES WITS JrVUV luster St rr Arrant Tfc o With tk- Frlga OOe at Madrid IXUCDOX Aug IS A despatch to the StotuJ Sin Sebastian Spain that Mr torer the American Minister will lamedlatelr- oceed to arrange with the Foreign flouter the final text of a treaty if and general relations final outcome of Uie Treaty of Parts It will a Consular convention The Ministers sve also negotiated a more comprebeoatre ex- radibon treaty enabling more effective del with AntrchlsU Spain desire later a tretr of commerce for direct relation between the United States and Spain with separate arrangemects providing for SpanUb trade la Cuba PLOT TO KILL 4V ARCHBISHOP Hu Arrested for Lmrktag Suplciomrir Ar ad Fslace at Patera- sr rt i CK J IT u TIlE sex PitXRun Aug 17 A man who w llrkirg- su piciou lr round the court cf the pl oe of Archbishop Cwt urwtej tod r- and charged with Intent to asuMiaatetb Arch- bishop The prioser gave the name of Antonio PollU He carried d ger exactly like used br Luccbeal when be killed the Da- prea of Austria M- On Wn 10 Ten Over Ut rrta4 W Was Ja spdaJ won I Tmt RV7f tort the of m 0 the appear pin 0 one baa MiD IS German I COrp CIa hit aPr 1 much teat that l hM manlolfd to < chi Stat Bee tom n Ie SJWU cia AI TXl Ifnf horn friendshIp 1M Include Inn I I I a m- on I 2 flbcrta 4 I flu CrdaaI DtVIb a C31 Rob- erta the was was was ant cuog Bibs Mora the also Wet was raged Ageacy Ticket That re Out Date flnpnuh S say the was ¬ < ¬ > < ¬ ¬ < ¬ > Her sent Serric Agsota Brarr Haien United ButM Marshal Barnhard boarded teamer Kaiser Wllhelm IL when h arrived a bee dock in Brooklyn trday lid placed un- der two Italians wbo MId they Na tale Morwea and Michael Outdo Guldo wa found among coalp er and Morwco had been emnlored a steers steward sInce steamer left Naples Tbe ofacer of iLl were not Informed a to the natur of tin cbartM against the prisoner hot It that both men wars known aa Anarchittt li Italy and that their arre t was made at the la- tlgatioa of the Italian Government presence of Manbal Bernhard gave oundatioi to this report U not legally attached u the United States odo In this dtr but for be baa acted a an agent In York for dUferoat foreign e- peclallr la the capture of criminal fleeing bet from foreign ports Chief Officer Lang of the Kaiser W1 lat night that there was something terioo about the prisoners preenceja the ship iloroaoo rain aboard at Sap for a job as steerage steward on the to New fork fin closely quetioo br Purrer Julius Urrn be wa to wor In the place he bad applied for which that carries no pay with It an which wa to terminate when th- ahlp arrived here If Morevco so declred Ouldo also cam aboard at Xaple and itotx around mON the steerage r eafn H asked br one of the oflorrn If be bad i ticket and replied that be did not but want to wtk bit paAtar to America Ha wai told that be roUht get a chance at coal Short I r afterward he went to the chic enrloeer and him that be bad been n br of the cfflcere to report for duty ana put hInt to work one aboard the ihlj remember e ln the two men together the TOTe and to all appearance they wen ttrancen They both strictly to theft dulls When the r t men boarded th re terdar they aiked if tad JoIned the crew at Napln wen Infornwl of the rtrcumslanoM with the hiring of Ouldo and Morn n and tera n w nl were lined deck and alter looking then over lla D PoInting to Ouldo and told Thw e aw the two men we want The cetera were then bandcuIed and taken Chief Oacer LAW said that he Dot find out who gave Ouldo orders to rotor to for The two men r explained could easily hat made theii escape from ship before th detectivn boarded her had they been anxious to do so Greet secrecy maintained as to wha was done with prisoners were no taken to Ludlow strict cu tomv place of Incarceration for State prt- oner amwted the Secret Service In thi It It that had been take to the Barge OJSce where they would be delaine until further notice but none of tbe official at the Barge Office would furnish any Informs tlon about then or even admit that wer there It became known lau night that a Italian cty bad notified toe Washing ten authorities pome time ago that Moresoa who he said was an AnarchlM was abou to sail for this country from It was learned that More ci was oa Kaiser NVMbelra II Thei I hlef Wllkle of tbe Secret 8 Tvlo mad carf 01 the shl- iarnved here Upon bearing from the Meam officers that alto come board at Ntpte It wa decided to detain bm tJ o- lbe men not formally trre ied ip n tb- K er arntil but were taken to the han tiflSce with the imtoi rtrt the ship Their trunk were tfifl bow erer ana tby will be carefully examine Mor c and Outdo are being detained on tecanl belceiocnrloi but It t x un e reported to becauw warrants that hid bees forwarded from Wash fund to be defective Propel warrants wtU be received ereniD- VifiitxoTo AU IT Irrmi Corn intaloner Kltchie hs been wed br Trea ur- of3clal to deport Natalie Uoresca and lliche two Italian tectnierants detains last night on the Kalter WUhelm II at Nen York tor order of Chief VUkle of the Scre Serric Chief WUkie ald this afternoon one of the Immigrant i an and th other of bad character and that he thought t- Ities of these f as Extra care U being b the to watch sit of who are known and to preren the lacdn of anr suspected er ozu- CJL4VK WRITES TO CKATZH- OSed a Postal f Mrs Breed Fre lb nklte Tlirear Mrs QsAtano Br d who 1 wife of the saiwln of Humbert of Italy and who at ses Clinton areaue Wwt Hobokeo re r v a postal card resterdar a dre ej to 111 of Paterson care of Sirs O K W t Hnbok n N J Tr carJ bore the poet mark of Ancwe Csl On the revers side written the following Gaur WRITE TRTOXE TH ETERNAL Now I L wls the Cot beir you dont beUere In me God x SJllJi t not on who take tnr Holr name lo rain I am 101154 The L wi The Law The Dlrine Dynamo It i all b rnboj to ffilnk that rest of Hum t will h ip poor tActic on Mr Planet Ie re It to Lewis OZ2 aol rn theta l it 14 no t Jnic or peac of any account wSioi 4M notappointei ani an Brthe U Her J Mr Breed postal over to thv- WMt Hoboken police Thomas JeSerton Powell of puriJrri on Wednesdar at hit home 331 Ilanoock street Brooklrn In his teTeatrninth year He wai a nttlre of Fairfax county Vs In he WM a stage drlrer through the mountains of Tenn Ms He wn one of the leading mercbantt of Knorville whet the broke out mvj wb sea Burn t k po- sewlonof tt dtv he S i witi his four children le vin all beMnl him except n large aaount of Confederate mojyT which l throuch the line by lon a he- rloimeJ of Fre1ert lincoln den Grant confiscate i SIres the of the war Mr Powell made rereatel effort to tecure rembur emeat from the Government and Prfideat Clerriands term the claim pasted through Conere but wa vetoed R Powell a wholmale silk eenJw In Mahaunn Robert a dealer In 8t Mo and JeflerMa Powell Mayor of Fort Worth Ran Mrs Laura A Baxter widow of Samuel 0 Baxter at the home ef herdaufhterMrs morning 8h 3 years old and wa a daturhter of WiQlam who at one- time owTrfd tb greeter part of BUckwrlls She U survived children A nemor Samuel Baxter Sirs Mary A Davis arlotte HAm y of New RochelK X V The Rev George H Wll cn rector of St LIed yesterday of typhoid fever at Mtnnewaka ter Bounty T He jo years Id and wt ton of Mr and tlM n of Albany N I He graduated from rinlry College n 1N3 and hb WM a noted football player Joseph Ballard a wenknown dtiieo of New Court on Thur dar tight He was Ballard Postmaster of Darien and Mrs Weed of Norwalk Retl Antre B tk Aetrr Armstrong who had been with the asno amid Weber A Field conparJe on Thur day In a private bopltal on Weal 1ftylxth She was the daughter of who had extensive team boiler manufactories t Springfield Ohio und Muncle had ML Armstrou was 21 and played leading parts in Opera Company throughout the West Two years ago she cUD to this cit Fields rcall She aftrwrd went to the Casino and was In the Belle of New fork that went to London While spendIng the summer at Arvernebr- theSea with her mother and tt er Attn stmng becaae UI with iroonia three week arc She was buried yesterday la Calvary Cemetery on Long Ijtwyrr Mettgvr D4et at Ssrstags8- 11UTOO Aug 17 Bernard Metxger aged 7 a cf 177 West venth tre t New York died at hi cottage lets a In Saratoga log the benefit of his health Ue leaves a widow and two 4sters- Brgiasow ethsr I AItltCnBD OY ZOAIW Iett a vpI and and the arrest the the the was MId The H year New Go rum nl aId and asked trip beIng set told one a chIef o nrne o dun 1t and ltIP Steamer W men The ooaJ rol f UP- on iris f lIer said nl lAter for the rrf1 tIP 00 had NID o r- on lodT the of said that lon 1 I that advisable to Inform Irnxmtzrtion author taken Secret e mOTf lIla MISC I 0 Great u KIng lye r Braid hot tt Is I f A lit U Ion I bIght Judge of Right iit the OaITVARF I tr t tnreett ITt tobacco cmi U MlUT dose INot fOM PowelL J nal1 of J rdar Nand n Lid It jiitpr 0 < and Paul church ot Conn IAk yeawl old l urYtved br three children a contractor of 1 Frank the diM Street lal JtII A old foh went on fin 0 Calhoun and rohe And with fr- t I It Y I1vl It nr tat sdyertisvri a4fUa- oA11 u- u SKIP vyIe Mi 3sb 1 IUIIaI were a Marshals myi t- one was s and tie enrtheer attended they last the warn United ocen tba the the were charge was were iLl tie Cart the waS aui4 bile IiI a 142 The The tinned died early lIfe his e leares John W Fane was Thew Mrs was Mrs died I Re Dead Belle he 1 ears stage Nettle engaged Thad aig liar snan- Qn Sai diaecvd a tIzaLi < < > < > < > < > < < > > < > > = SCORED BY NELSON PAGE Tax AVTltOn CRITICISES AO SPVRX TOE 400 JMCIAI SET U sji A44mt Old ns Week New lUpr SMU the Ecu Anrrlcan Hsmellt Classes Ue Sknrr Rich With tb Tresks- Coxcow X H iu IT New Hrophirei Old Home WMX brou bt to a doe by a celebration In diy today Church cblroea pLayed Horn Sweet Hoare and all the bell of the dIr war rung at sunrise and at sunset principal eierd were held at the fat rounds this afternoon where a programme of sports followed by literary exercise and a display of fireworks this evtota The after- noon speakers Included One Rolllas Senator handier and Oaltocer the poeta Will Car- l ton and J T Trowbri Ue and the author Thomas The Utter node a that caused much comment He raid 1 hive always been truck br the rincerttr which I have found In the American Unfor- tunately for our reputation the phase of bout life which It most frequeotlr brought tub public notlc OM which if II can be called borne at all to certainly not repreeoUUv of American life It la that which I found In certain peculiar drdet of certain lart cities In thl country This U the born lift which lt most frequently referrel to and ad mooed In ptibllo prInts posslblr It Is the most extraordinary form that domestic life hiss eYeS tkeo In this country CnhappUr for us It foils abroad a constituent part of our home life and very ridiculously It Is ImacinnJ perhaps because It o Imagine lt f and overt Itself to be the form of our hon life I thank God for mr part that it is not only not the highest form of American I KK nt Am riA n home It I onlr a counurf eit rr entineat of whet it vo be a form of foreign f h- loruiMellfe it has not even the vlrtueoi having vices sincere A and I have no doubt a good preacher and a nun preached the other this people or of them mat goes to a sermon calling their at- tention to in ana language for which be has been much and justly But the RT Dr Hamilton the rector of a New church and the New Jork In which hit church is is not the teaM gates Itself to be a sort of sacred and forbidden within the outer ol New York The portion of the congregation which he addressed t to that New Vork and to such syco- phant i can a holding within Its and the reverend preacher in to wake his eerTaon go down with his congregation used an rguroent which la the Uiure t Aiaericma 1 tav t repudIate He told them rememtwr 0C of American citizens hd their gai- futeoed upon them and looked to then as their exemplars applying their enerk and their 10 emulate them 1 know not how to characterIze such eae except la the plain verntcaUr such InvruMe Satterr Into th lr eArl no wonder tAat Ilitie set of glided low their bertsg become bllA and Into the ditch of and profligacy 1 make o bold M to that are not onlr not wcooxoi of people In this coun aft with eaHw Oct gaze fastened upon that sr lsHe of divorced and men and women and their their arrogance It l true that their deltas in the we but so are acts of freaks and malefactors belittlIng character who are Unmentionable And the reverend preacher doubtV ba bred so cio to the source which tbre reports have emanated that te his become and loft bearings but If he go abroad and when 1 abroad I do not mean to other countries abroad In this broad and f the American people la their homes be woild find to d himself on that ccccfoa were fur front bflng In t m h stated Tb r mistake notoriety for fame for splendor prominence for exaltation Nor ttKADT rOB A REPUBLIC C b Parts 8r It I Te S fr an- De U- 5rf JJ Ctttt Dftrtfr te StT- IUVAN Aug 17 About four thousand per- sons attended the mILl meeting of the Demo- cratic union at Tacon Theatre last night The better element was well repreent d Tbe ae much surprised by an attack upon the of Euvblo herman det one of the p l ers who said that the Americans did not understand their bn ines Thl especially mrpriMng corning from the tiny which to rolcre the Inter- vention that the island might enjoy the t reflf of law and order while good gnvem- ro nt was being rgaatred It Is Mid that the attack WM made for the purpose of securing rote Some members of the party say that Hernandez did not attack the American na- tion but only totre Individual They also y that Cuban who d erve blame were not SPTd Senor Oovla another speaker declared that- a federal form of government In Cuba would be ab urd Cuba w naturally one whole If the Wand was divided Into States Santiago would have to be delivered to the negro who would turn it Into a second Hoytl The could not rupport the expense of a federal form of government Senor GISerga saId that the clause of the ordr callltwr tbe constitutional convesUoa which provides that the relations between Cuba and the United Sub shall be settled by the convention should be stricken out He called upon ll panS In the Wand to protest against the Iccorroratlon of these reUtloc In the con stltutioa a provided for br the order and to refrain from voticg If the clu li not removed He declared that the Ward was not prepared to held sn election Mostoro Hemandei Mil that the not ready f r an election It w evident from the tone of the p eca that the party is- n DO hurry forte t of strength Though Ito neetisg wo well attended the strength of the panT cannot be gauged br the number present It wu more than likely that winy of those who attended wr rtr cted by the tpealen who reputations In Cubs am orators laLeka my the meeting WM suocen It beIng the most Important since the iaterreo lou of the United Tbe ZKscvmtm con gratolate the Democratio Union upon meeting TWO Bon snoT i A STREET DC EL- O tailedTfcey Were Defile Dmllets That l1w Deletes Tw luJtits An eightyearold boy shot and killed and another boy was In the shoulder la a fusillade between Italians at Hester and Motl street last erenlcg The boy killed was Antonio CapUs of 117 Mott street A bul- let entered lila right eye and he died an how later In Hudson street bopitat Antonio Celbina of IU Mon street was the other boy Hit wound it not dangerous Frank Mlro a onearmed fruit vender with a bad record Is locked up charged with sbtotlcg the hors The shooting began between Mlro and An- toalo Masial of US EaKt Twelfth street With two other wet arguing at the corner of Ion sod heater street lull after oclock Saddcalr the four separated the three running from Mire who stood still and begin firing at thecn According to bysunders who didnt tand by very long MaatirJ topped at opposite cornerS and returned Mires In ill eight shots were fired somN It ls said bv another Italian Policeman Nelson beard tb shooting a block away and ran toward th corner Miro ran from him Into an neT at IP Heater Street scrambled over a fence aad rio through a hallway dropping eomethinc as he ran which a woman picked up Nelson finiQy caught Mire as be was scrambling over a second feace Other po remra found the two wounded boys lying in the street Ther had been bit while dodging up Mott itreet to escape the bullets Manrial escaped ume but was arrested later What stifled the row the polio oinldnt fiad out Mire they say bot a wan In Brooklyn five years aga and three year ago shot another wan but escaped punishment oath Urn t I Dee t The Nelson Page I life horne a highest but that lit rcb In the the Is ork section of It aFro major the other dr that that ron With Imitators rZlr art fCfd rorbar arid but that of own clinic there no not JI America do not rf robat and are read mUhonl I ou1d held thf 0 TIt th Olin adminIstration a Wand alec Wand greet StaIN the wounded they the 5 till forth 1 a a flaapstr Mr Pave Says Society i su ILL was the because being life esteems Ira uttea coun- try dIr Itt order they mUst t arallte outside their IO1 who uleilde doubtleee ourrial the his SAT land brazenness Anne was ted 4 was aYe great a e was S firs I ¬ > > < > ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Exrora LOlO ix DOVBT- Th Boxer uprising became so serious Mar that Minister Conger and other for- eign representative In the capital calW for marine guard for the legatlont Thl action ont deckled on after vain efforts to get the Chinese Government to take some effective measures to tuppres the Boxer The marine were landed from the warship t Taku on Mar and after some hesitation the Viceroy of Chlll proTlnc provided a special train to tAt them to the capital tome consisted of UO oem and men The American contin- gent WM made up of seven oflcer and fifty sir men In command of John D Myers Three days after this force reached Pekln the Boxers destroyed paste of railroad be- tween capital and Tientsin and from that date June S of foreigner was In doubt Prince Tuan father of hetrapparent and a bitter antlforeigner had becom of Tungll Yamen and on June II t Japaneo Chancellor of Legation was kIte by troop of Emperors guard whirl Tuan bad organized Tung Chow had beet attacked and mission burned and there were rumor that a large force of hazer was march- Ing on Pekln to kill aU foreign devil Tb envoys and roost of foreigners In the capital were to have taken refuge In the British legation which wa bet suited 10 response to general demand for their speedy relief British Admiral Seymour itarted from the coast on June 11 with a mixer column Icoludlag BU British SO Germans S Russian 1M French lot Americans U Japanese 0 ItalIans and Austrian Re- port from Pekln at this said that lOOW troops under GVo Tung Fu hun wry prepared to prevent Seymour men from entering Pekln Seymour advanced slowly repairing the railway until he got to- Langfang about half way to Pekln Tbe Chi were fighting him bard the work of repairing the railway was very difficult bis food and water supplies were neatly ex- hausted and had so witty wounded to care for that be decided to turn back For some days there was doubt about hi fate but he was finally rescued in June by another expedition from Tieatain The aeainaUon of th German Minister Baron Ton the destruction of Kong on Saturday June 16 by a stafl cone sponJeot of THE sex Alter many conflicUrc reports on Ketteler death was generally in menage to this country and Kurop on Julr I- tt became Known on June SO that the Chinese had on June II the Ministers twenty four hours to leave which they had re to do Thereafter of mAMcre were enl out from Shanghai and elewhere to be promptly denied Chi- ne Viceroys In the and the this country and on July declared that all the foreigners were dead and that the and Empress Dowager bad ben poisoned A me ag In which Sir Robert Hart the situation d on June 14 wa followed more of torture and death On July 12 It wa admitted that no authentic word of the legations fat had come from Pekln Mace Jun 21 The Chinese Government first approached this and other Governments In an edict of June 1C received br MlnUter Wu In Washington July 10 Secretary liar at once asked and Wu agreed a roe a e to Minister Cocger should be through Chir ei e channel of communication There followed ten days cf detailed rer rts of ma acre Then came the snack oa Tientsin In which Col Linurn of the Ninth United States Cavalry fell on July 13 and the capture of the native dtv on the lowing The first message from Conger genuine n s of which wa doubted both here and In Europe wa received br Minister Wu on X it wa undated arid read In British le- gation under continual shot and shell fri Chinese troops relief can general United States urged advance of relief expedition from Tientsin without waiting for JOGCO men The advance guard of the relief column actually started out on Aug J for Pekln 16CCO ttrooe- Complete anarchy n Pekln was meanwhile tTortAl on is nnl t r Wu heart from Lu for the Imperial Government the fo with fool an eclct rtatej July declai d the th Mlmners hail n hotage Get Fu Hrierg- ha1 thr ten1 to kill then all It was said A me of Sir Claude Macdonald dered the dtution ornewh on JulY The British Minister ltinel that hi legation ha1 b n bombar vyl from June J to July 1 which time hal be n an Ijiter report said Yung Lu had arranged the truce The second Conger m tge re HrM on JUT si retxjrted our Mlnter and his family AH well on II The of the n up to thit time were Germans 10 Japan- ese in Fr nrh M 5 Ru lirA 4 Arn rioiat 7 Itailans 7 Native Christian ft At rcm cf O e a allanu were belli ved tn of the Brttlh lecitlon The apparent treachery of the Chinese G v nt wa In a celvedbr the London Times on Anc 2 from reF Dr Morri on The Besets were to have ben encouraged Govern nest even while It ws cCering safe lo the Mlnl ter and with their home Government Prince Tuan It wa a Informed the Minister that their GOT enua nt frd red their withdrawal from r capital Tr rapid advance of the relef column after It recoarx l anf near Tient nh teen re told T were defeated nn dug at eight mile from TiertVln In a battle seven hour The lne suffered by allies placed high a men nut nf the total n Ucno Two Liter at Yangtsun the allIes again routed the Chlaeve losing on this occasion some rx or Sfflrneo- Oen ChSee reported from Matnw that the ruf red tv r from extreme hut but that on the of the naiiv had N nmeHn the more rpid advance from P nW recurred on Aug 1 Chinese tr vr had then fVd to the capital China arral tn the vartmit Government did n t Interrupt the R jt e t mediation were met with firm demand on the part of the TrJted other Hnng Chang was appointed to treat for whet no war hid S en admitted HI to deliver the Ministers to allied at Tuna Chow wu- hmlrtH at Washington Urr Itxlgrt IitrrMtlig Tale fmC- kUa letters received In city yeeterday from rejbyterian mls lonarie la China con aln Irfonnation ccncmcg the looting cf everal Baptist missions Dr James B Neal prnvrly stationed at the Chlntnfu Presbr mlrton v Shantung wrote trader Ute of July It that of the Tung how mS ionaries the Rev J p Inrln and wife and Rv H W Lot and his wife fere at COrM and the rernaliuVr at Chefoo The Rev Hunter Corbett of Cbefoo In a let say that the iJtuttlon at befoo became so threatening that on July I onsul Fowler l ued an order advising all toncombataetA to leave Cbefoo at for Jar Mr Corbett wrote In pan as follow wife and children are now at a hotel tbe rioting edge 1 hare joined In chartering a tarts Junk which tai been stored with pro- visions and anchored near the hotel w tnat an IP the hotel In of danger can roth Into the Junk a speedily a po ible and get out of tte range of the gum r The W O Elterich wrote from Ckefoo under date of II In part at follows Consul Fowler sent a July 10 to the Governor of the Shantung thanking him for the protection he had rrn- dered American mMocarM and for tafelr- t e American property la hi care and aked tim In ne for It and to hi imbordlnate to the taiae and native ChrIstians That this was important Is from the tact a had ems from Pekln fprobibrr from Prince That the had of the the r the province to rf up LId foreign er entire r r tnl s This wa alrerd1 fore It wa d AI Chlngchow rallnt west of ilen the English Baptist mission and th r of Dr were The Utrtirt mUrion rrerai at Pingra east of hay also No tootnL w expect to hear of other Tb district TAra Ickla Cut 3UabIdWP or flean Oil 0 lat- in 2a The apt the the fate the the bNd the < the the the the said for- d fMOP the be late and zoan of the legation had been LDlIOUDfj rom lions YNI fIr Ih au l1n t re- In Jtf rl Jul quick onl 11 upon the the I for Itnine I Director of Tf1r1p that supplying al were NOlO marched on Pekm JI M nit are British kIlled by the defend rfOr ndct I aleS ascent i Ib nUT ChInese I testing the little opposition OMOItton of Tzzng mllO S alII dt proposal the f fr Wu lrdAT sitar the tthei bad for PLIGHT or THN A his of Jut II receIved by the bard yesterday M than a mIlt f1 of our and nMr- I ease d thIom to coat plsce all Instruct that n destroy r la orte t and did rnlocolrf room looted ADd 7 Of StacJSse tgatls Ju the was the 3 time Chinese o h other allies the Sheruc was 9 In the elliea tD inc than lrwsw least the her bean era Its the carted 4 es I Chcw only e trw a advance hi yea left Twig ow NL3tOYAIE4 at thIs nan eat the Pr Preettu one nor itoin 100 iarding thi lie the seen the cited two places a South tIle a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < < > > > > Were up to time on every wearable for man or it be clothes shoes hats or But our time is up at twelve today ROGERS PEET 6 COMPANY til Brotdnr tot Warni- aal 7 and Warren 3t- M Bm wir oat Pnao- alifi Drotdwir ror lit W sit order by mill o9clal at WeNhlen Is entirety to blain for t loss of the lre hrtertan mission there as t had t f tiny to eend aid Mr added that Dr Charles 1 r who Matkmd at the Ichowfu rrUrr bad appointed surgeon on Yirkttw Mrs L T the Central Clra Prebrterian Mission wrote to the board fria date of July s letter d rX lug a small riot whIrl occurred on th d pir tire of the roift ionarl at Slungtan wrote in a folio la everything WM calm arj peaceful and we no IdM of tearing ur u ojr 4 The arrangements for our viivag wer placed In hand if our two fn r i and Mr Shu They renvd A 1 th Pev W n jingle of arrangement other with the oon uente cf a between two t rou ng of the vtctrut at P M and tasking to tv or go Ju than n Ing with them but ther would not b In Ih of hubbub the had oflrisJi gang wa heard coming our way and and In an instant of time made to thm lvs leaving an open thegrandctaflal hl Mtrta swinging lanterns and other rarjien escort tIre had rom to me with ter- ribly Inflamed eye which alter washing and I nt hun away i WLS clad to se him for I fri that he owed UP a I help In our danger and h did right well He sent coolie 10 carry our soldi r an opjortunity wai offered Since leaving we hare that Mrs Wu to we latrusled the our hid certainty worked havoc with our r Ion s Ulng she could and the remainder away sitar having driven out our servant Mr Doolittle wrote that the and the other mlwlonarte at ftarirg there to going to the hot city of Shanghai wjrb hotel rates at 110 a day and other price equal exorbitant DOMES IX Tfce Demand fv Tb n Has Rca rtrtik f- Ltte laerease IB t Expert Flgare With the exception of three otnstrte- Runla Hungary and Roumacia Denmark has more In proportion to It area and population than anr other European ootirtrrard the excellence of Its live stock has such that for many years the export of from Denmark ba been a con1derable Item of com- merce In ISM more than per cent of th horse In Denmark were exported to foreign purchasers number of such hor raised for export to the Continent being from IS O to JOao a Many of them their to France where they are wed as cab bore t Thee cost on an average H70 a head a tribute- to the excellence of native Danish horse Few Danish horse have len sent to United tttte and until recently there was no general demand for that u an experiment Imported were sold at price from llSO to UiO cf cbetnuu W y A second roent of twenty draught horse followed Since crea d steadily and now enters Into the Item of expanded foreign commerce- In addition to th hor received tie Finland art much In mand by bArns and milkmen light active Work hors ear and cab bor are almc t exclusively of d tneitic origin The Dan- ish CM exten lve but hive supplied chleflr in the past br Imports lions from The numbers itO men and the artiterr ftfrt The of army hor la I rjnark areS fied by law Reorvutire Conuniico buys h r a to the faU and spring Ui fall the ape of the horses nu t year and in i to 7 Tber rm t had f belgU not complied their sixth rear After that they b 18 hands high Wnlte hiv i hay or are he only ot- accpied cavalry frvn arid the prK t paid vary t o to ti in e jjlva tt of m r y American draught find more favor Pentars thin th w from eltherRusst or GerrranT but th Pane ar fa rdi i8 a- fielr choke of hor where their means a low showing a for and SwedUh horses for saddle tiding and for tht M from the InJtcd State for ordlntrv draught purpo but not for heavy country aaioit excm vlra rid American horse sent to Denmark are to the pert of that country f whi1 Copenhagen Is chief bat to Hamburg cu tons is charged on American hor- synt to by of Germany Prior veer l the of Anr can hors and mutt to foreign oour tri T nv r gr r han and year fe t low a ro cr IWO In I W it rt e inn 7x X 10 teM in from t 0 Jt oro in t W7 from Jl W to In fr M 00 to i Ciri aM ia ISM from W0C to Thi gratifying wcrea to tIe teneSt cf Ann can HOCK ran and breeders has not been wholly or Indeed largely due to th Improved Quality of Americas but to tbefi through the of bicycles and automo- bile the of for totes power in transportation foreign matte lias to sought a the figures show Thut far the merita ol the American nsu tare not bn taken into much aooouct by- lanlsb dealers and the configuration of auntrr i such that mule are not ever 0 hi la demand there Whi demand for American continue a th there are large rura for arajv of horvm on Pie I r vetcrlnars of Stockton Cal taft pcentlr for Nevada and Montana ia buying to ftO cavalry- nd light batten for the Gemaa Arsj ome bf the animal wd b sent to Catt A DEMOCRATIC TRICK EIPOSED- iletr Hatked Orate O i Attack Bepabllraa C BIII I O- Drnwrr Aug U One featttr at least th plan cf campaign of the Democratic ongrMwional Committee bat been disdoeed ere through the preeenoe cf John D Jill bo O crib himself as Principal of the School of Finance of Chicago 111 till who U a smooth visagrd man of about forty Hid iu yurticg a K box Ituorox th crcvJ hat h was br U ch ol to c f at- in election of John K ITU Kublcas of frcm the Flr t Mcit a- di jct Hl audjtcrs wanted to know wjetvr- be y or Bryaa GUI e are tot ntUwr Me are here f the of shwji up r ur Cotrr rar- He repeated M night and d ol ed- to sa be repreeented outside of aJ- i attacking C riise and the latter vote or le S parish wtr arrroirlftion ud th foreicn- uesuon som mends arocsG- se town and in strict v n8 eri e acmo hem that he wa on of eigntrBine man KL lain clo or doubtful Jwtnr each or f whom wa to devot hi enure time a aching th r icr c It lt trict in witch h eferenc to national or thr way JiUl d that h tn star hr ur lectym Vr f the e4 h- tndHverwnteftur a la and dlstr the handhJl wVMj wr blmtv- bComrEltee GUI had a row to bo todav a ta- he crowd lasted on asking IxaparCDsst- luenion not armor 1 fur- nishings o 1 IInr undr e Ire reached rf lab houeeboat and SItu own our to MI 110 II hired t frll for Jt Llr tried talc f pj lo ra fr I norolm ld to to 1ftIard It the people thu to grab the CUoot learned born A ERICA the country In iP7 a Danish draught the br tmericaun hu tn tnltld States Denmark Imports annually from um to 60 T requIres tories re been rr Q aldll1ioof i- to I Ill measure 1 U If bI must tt n rot in rn 1ar ldr Oct c number exported a tl Ic oIt ertseQueut upon reduced home dtnIooJ T and I haa sought 11 mu uf- O ln Eat ti surgeon a Scat of Common pearsd on the I lDfll Martius rtrda here member for IuI In sdwA U lIlt OUI lIT the Cor I and Ie avoId and or nt t I da all 6 aD44 WtMS3dSt plenty was been the ttrre the u g Mr pant hia ersc rao- nOUCa tO CArT alter dent these re a the populace mIdst the haste absent are the chIef escort one some timing ettee- rndT iir IlL hors been bore S fln the tm January horse teen horsei Staiss ama raft then botses bores ad whose business are twice to a torn e thee ace the tons thuoned farm work ther 14 Denmark o Denmark way the atC 1b horses the been the hors t Tab horse tore e one sent r sac Ills w csroten Demreuatio CetXti 0 the spoke zr Stat foliuca in ir1 was ev rojdMestr t ehedurryc cat ca was lie i4 a si tinier cenna a furnished bard men > > < > > > < > ¬ > > ¬ > > > < > < > > ¬ < > < > < > < < < < C e aIL 1 3 by Y0- 31z f A its A Aa- C lay B Ut- Of e Ii N XIDi 7itsi 0Iti 0p C for whi Co- d the be del A C cf Tea a who who iuaj- of t the die Tb ceo MW 31 tern this Con lie pig d Ccn were feat had Iii C of- liii the 1341 todty crate New It live ticn- dAT The the rar man Mr rue 1b 5 tIe trot HUt also fight tore up to- Mr DcEM trim 31stk atpiec to of han 11to IL all I0 day tIoal- P string of ratIo an totbt 317 the lug eas ban am and N for

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1900-08-18 [p 2] SUN SATURDAY AUGUST 18 1900 I I I 1-I a = RIOT DISTRICT AT PEACE XBOROU GO






Mr W lt T t DUfkt rllre C r-

tfr fkrU U t Eirller DI iderJ-rrw nrs Arrw 4 Trtt r47 r-

CM era Atr t Trlfkl-

Th trouble between the blackt and tbwhit rowdle on the We t Side seemed com

piotely OTIC Ut night The dUtrtct in

th rioting occurred on Wednesdar night wj-

ptAcofol all but enough poUc

to quell MIT ditturbanoe that might arise

hld co reserve all dar nd cUbt In both ttxWest Thirtieth Mid We t Thlrtyev nth

In th latt r iUtion which haswave Chief Pevery and Inspectoi

Thompson mad their hAdnuartf Chta-

Drvery drove through tb neighboring sitoocuried br negroe fr tSb aw nothing to cause blrn to tawthere would be acre rioting

EUhth aveou and Intersecting tnWJfrom Thirtyfourth to Fortysecood itrec wen

again crowded U t night and co e ch

three or uniformed

of an outbreak from

Eighth avenue In

wsd the trolble-

thefltAhlly dreswd and hdlimonded fellowswho strut and Hand around he Kuth avenue

kept well under cover A begro on

rbtuse at U W

assistance The policeman foundaged w jus said thafhe was

Kittle Wasaboiler aad that she had btnwnlle ra Elsrth aveune f n Thortilty-

nSlht She we to Roo teltseveral dp wound on tr head were

ttrtided tcTh pollc are hoidlng her tt tbe-


utrret tatioa lutcf St Vlnc nt Paul at Jli Thirty

streetDam CAPTHS we uadfr tKt h utf t tfs-

urlri i tail rc

to the policethat thsr ought to amt more whitenegroe to do c la the riot wan

of soaie for out of thetwenty riot arraigned resrerday-

On t rfre were only thr whiterrtooners out of nineteen Mo t of the pris-oner were arret i because th jojicefound revolvers or othr w tpon n their

cued him a Quarter cf a mfle said he oughtnot to have at si

I acknowledge I bad the revolver saidCorotn had to go acro town to attend

business and I watnt going to be klldw-lfibout something

1 appreciate your positiontrat rebrv to leave that revolver but you can

la Broadway after be hadpurchased a 44ctuibcr and 100 car

to fit it wn fled 110 by MagistrateHogan ia th Jeflersoa market cwt Sol

Wright ibo had beec arrestedfor a big clasp k ife wa urdirU-OO Docui to keep tot three

Inconcerning th of aliened

brutality la naridilng U ne rt ilb riots Deveir that If aay ore

iman n nunself would the

If he found It justified that thepoiioeman be dltmUd

wont for any brutality said the2tef lt h the to pro

mr A tar a using the dub oa rioters fa

coaoarned I acDror of that That undertar erdar It got to be when a row

l ttreet That for foola policeman doevnt carry bit locust

or wear as a bouquet


EVbn 1 IO ta the PsUce C rt It t-LV Trt 4 br tk Co ml le rrv-

Mlnnmtn William A Powers of the MercertTMt taHon who wa bis shield

aodtxfc d up In the WeThursday night on a chargeby order of Chief Deverr was fined

HO U th West Side police courttacrnlcg Policeman who badoasrwOed to ttreet to make

Cr up he wa brandishingCornell that

on wbea ordered to do so wasand waved hit revolver reckla lrwu la plaui doth and bad no rje

riot Chiefnlaed the police station as the policemanwho arrested Dora for

Ing flowers in Parkr locked her up and now Jock you

in fining Powers remladed-t beoaus be was a he hadthe law even more carefully than any

Ptrwrrs pU-

dUror street stanoa wtui acting Captainof the West Thirtyseventh ttreet ttaoon-

enmpJalnlng wltn were l tgalnst-mr at Police HeadquartersU a crowd atJOtb wet and Eighth avenue

more on wanng w revolver and bingunfit to perfona pollp duty

Ct iri t Break oa Big

WuiuJJina Ont Aug 17 Tbe meet thejLxaertaae Canoe AsAociaticrn which ha been IntceartM on Big Islacd Lake Roeseau sinceAug a was formally concludedlost ol the members will leav

totnorrow though some wai itay untilXUmday or titer The total attendancein WMCooslderablr below the awrige of thept few years meet in 1W1 will prob-ablr b held In tbe Is-

liadt rear GanacoQueof Executive Committee of the associa-tion held tail nigbl C E Brlttonof GananoqueOnt elected commodore The election ofa secretary and treasurer was untilthe next meeting of tbe committee laA comparison of the reiult of thebows tbtt Toront Canoe Club wonfourteen of the aortition eventsand second in welve 1 ne prtrebr tb member were over thrtwo MoSlchoi brother alone winning fifteenThe Britannia Bay Boating Club won ISflrtta and a second and theNew York Canoe woa two flr u and threeKto nd in to both place n twodivision rat not open to the associationgenerally The Canoe Club won one tintand two second and other prixei ere scat-tered among Indiridaal Summary of therace today

AUsnt nvtrioa Cu SUUac tea mi ccr hillMoot N w Vwk Canoe

N Y C U ittrc Ttdf 1 bouiS Bf TrcpSrAtuiiUc tflrlilaa BMW

SfVBir It0 M Tgrin N V C CY C C fffont Tmf 1 houl 7

VlcSltbol n R N U U PbOt-

Omiiwilt pitfdUat Won tr T MfXltiel Tom laX VcMcJt rn ad-

J sa4UrtOB ty BrtUncU Boti

ji Ulf llr im tarnf R R-

WIElam 6UJ rs rears old an Inspector oftb Rapid Transit Company was

and held tn the A4am trH t-

oport on a caarge of grand larceny

t aang motor and othereJectnc appn-


I Ik



dar re rda



N-ot for p1

e1UP ob of t-we tIIIIby tf frE WMI

UM oco a-

bkde NC Md a

01 of nue laft b funU sa I w Tken t fora pli t 1

thI tpIwb ta n II f

ofat du n out n

rJhl Anr

Ih ta f atn 1 by f-

mb onU-

I 10 lllJ It tallFmlh icid a TrdaT-bI a In tad tn kloWT



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00 IItlr ldllUt 4pr4 1 UnOr pornt Wtl

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WPn 1 JBon 1rE Wce a4L T 0

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Tb the WL-

bcTDCazd er

btet Pti th IbUIt3dturtjaflC-

cca d ext th Thirtydout

cnr In cktheth

Ainr TUU

nth bors wbc wr oct to thethr Th

DTerr t hs Mtth were

were theT1T AT fl tL city

betta dM ritc WhO kept U

bon r1 err th-atrata of them mo-


F43cJ0nwtoi iJDd rg nt lrnt-h bajr 1I ThIrinftthr-Jlmt hat bed

dr h friends4oitts-

PIon thtwotnn thI PotaZd that nede


AW1 CArlT rnthawtsetter t IiTh th

1st WItninth

foa rleen Lcdf EIIIII 0 4


iz4 rutsd tot r1ttrre

rducthetvelT ware

Tcs43on Corbt rcrofound keeptr4

toughs bo


th nro who

atng t


vce onazte gathit poecoca4n


It deence-ciina or what




sirid Ser l Thompon the






flWc0 W iaeTage V C C


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Ctuh YeNaza A Taeotto

Wcv It N504

L lsip r Ae4 f tareesy

Theeaid that he wa

sang 0 their employee who

fv eept sa24 ace than scjtk wilt rsa2tas a

e thaaS p atljL4M











= >


tn hter It Is the IT f Bet IXM

The polio poltlre that they hanrecovered the Strtdlnrtnt violin thawas In Mirth itS from th

Jean Joseph Bolt The

t that Victor Fleehterthe man was convicted 0-

1acharje of receiving eood was unjustljconvicted believe that the violin produc d at the trill of Flecbter wit not the oostolen from Prof Bott hut that the on

t nlirht Is the or lcal violin

Flecbtr wu a violin extort andealt In musical tnstrumeot at 13 Union SquareITof Bott a wellknown teacherdirector of orchestras In York caHe

upon Flechter with a friend and said be WBJ

the owner of a famous Etradivariu that onohAd been the propertr of the Duke of Cam

Prof Bott badthe Instrument in Europe paruxIt He Fleehter to find a custwho It tot MW Flechter entInto ne oUttlons with Blcnor Nlcotlnl Mm-

PatUV husband for the purchase of the violinWhen NIooHnl wa about to sail for Europe U

offered his cheek for SSttfl for the instrumentProf Bolt wasted cub Nltoll became aagored and refused to bur Then Bott lockedthe violin in a cue at bis home

Two weeks later a young man oilled at thtrs home and the profeasot

saId b wouW wait fur him U wentacarruute aud immediatelr afterward

tl e vtoitu wts mi ed That was on March L-

Krot Uott rreved over bis kxsm month later

Ai taot Dtttrlct Allen learnedthat Fl cater had In bis possession a violin

to the stolen one IdcnOfledIt s the suJea one was then ar-rested He declared the violin in bis-t tM ian bore the while the date

He was tried In the Courtof h loci and convicted on May I

im On May i of the same year he was senKneed to the penlteotis for OnJun so l 4 counsel a certificatecf reasonable doubt itay 1 sen-tence Tbe c e has been In the eversince and Revbtev has been st bail

vowed be would not re t uutli he foundthe original violin to hu InnocenceVetterdtr he Police Headouartersand Informed CPI McCiutkr that h bad

the stolen violin In Brooklyn Hebe advertised for an old

but received no answers FirjJlv fie founda roan in Brooklyn James O Parr of 14 AtUtic avenue who tcid tInt that he could finda Stradlvariut at the home of Mr Ameliarrtc r who kept a uilor supplies store at-

Xil Jar tr et There FlechterMid he MW the violin that had been stolenfrom Prof BAtf home

1 A t nlrbt Detealve Price wea to

When tod It wa one thai had beettolen from Bott the said A l-

It from a Sew York tailor wboe nato the didnot know He wa one of her butshe hud not seen in a She said ib

iw for Instrument for the ofit to b r sen

Price brwusrht the toHeAd It answers the description

stolen one In every particular


Dels 4 by T t Tktlr Teymi rrtim-Dai tea

Owior to a heavy fog off the theCuban schoolteachers who left enThursday on four army trtn poru did notreach here at the time they were expectedyesterday and eonwquentlv the plan madefor them by the Quartermasters Departmentwere somewhat urset Intead of the trimsport f et here time for the tsjrr-

oemlers to the noon trainfor Washington II wa erenx thatthe ftr t of the transport was within wfht ofQuirantiM and the other three ve ls stra-

eled in later The transport McPh ron whichleft Boston with the others had the honorrivin complement of tetchers the Cm-

Uht of New York but she did not reach Brook-

lyn until to oclockA few hours after Wvinc Boston her captain

said the transport ran Into a dense andafter vainly trying to keep together the vesselboraae separated and did not see each other

the trip The fog save the teach-er on the McPherson plenty of excitement forIt WM so den e that the vewel had to her

alone for fear of runnIngschooners 05 Cape Cod the tran porttraced the of one Th fCC lasted nearlytwelve hours but after It disappeared the roy

i beinr seasickThere was crest disappointment shown

however when the oSo rs them thatthey not rech New York in timethe city Most of them aheadfor the sUht of the harbor theMePbertoo finally turned her now the barthere was a perfect chorus of exclamationcf delight was renewed whenthe lUhts of the and the Brooklyn Bridgewere r ve d It seemed to be the roost ap

thin toslca arid the teacher weretUI lnio when Pier Tt Brooklyn

reachedSine noon Col A S Aselrtant-

Quarterma terGenerJ here had bad two

and the McPherson was met on ofthe half way up the bar a board wasC C Mann a l aat rut rtntendeot of the

who came In advsxce of It MrStana shotrted somethhiir in Spanish whichla meant How are you

to clv some Instructions through a speaklzwhite the transport with ber rsib

crowded proceeded up theon board that the trains

were to start for Wathlurtco at 7 oclock tilttmrnltiB and that breakfast to beeaten at I sB better to to bed

replied that they would but mostof them waited till the was reached andeven then could teat themselTesfrom tie rUht of the llahu and the darkshadows of the skyscrapers Whenever oneof the party cut notable theother their bards as a ln of tlieir-appreciatloa On board the McPhervjn therewere women and 110 men with seren-t en ruldes The latter were in demandEach of bat u many under his chargesod ill of them were bu answertuQuestions for their respective parties feotaeof a rroponJon do not and for this reason theare

The Mcpherson wes the transport todock last nIght Cot KImball arrangedto haTe two U In the harbor aad twoat the The next to arrive alter theMcPberson wa the and she took her

blind The teachers onher number An hour law the RawUnwith came In but the Seawlok wa not

at the to the ferryboat which irathe teachers from the transport to the

trsins ttWahtncton the teachers to be pre-

sented to McKlnler are toreturn from on Sunday evenlrand Monday they are to Ve t Point

e of the Iron Hemr ost Tbe tochervl t wd to olirobii Vriver tv where

President few 1 to deliver n address to titoinc around the citr the teachers will he

In pmje of fiftv each In charceiof a cuide-

tb public school at 10 tb street to lUten to atAlk br Pre dest OBrien of the School Boardoa the city iLchool tem Since thMr arrlvslIn this countrv teachers Mr Mann MId

wVen th ereate t pleasure inschool l fldlnr be shown allthroueh cr e of the be t er ample of Newschool

About noon on Tueilsv the visitors wfllenter Central Park at Peventvee y n 1 ftretand wan t the Mill Actlnr Mayor Gucren-

eiirrer wC meet them on the lawn and bidthem welcome to New fork Merchants herewVo do buslaes with f ib will bear the ex

of the banquet which I to be tarred toth teacher at J V on the lawn LaterIn afternoon the entire willsT cial r r for Battery Park where theta willr a pcrxvt public TVed-r e dar I the t for departure on Oe-tran r rts for PMlarfeloW willtend on day and then for Cuba

Corer Infensed Slash L Tt W iMrdrr4 tI Uc tSkow It

The bcdy of Maria La Via of ill LexIngtonavenue a woman who died on Aucard wi burled two days later In Calvary Ceme-tery was dinnterred ye lerday by crd r ofCoroner Zucca to whom a relative cf thewoman exprewwd the that be badben murdered Tbe body a taken to theMnrcue wf sician OHanlon-ra d an autopsy en it by ord r of the Coroner

he boar was too far d to enable Dr

It will be held at the Morgue until CoronerZoooa who I now oat of town Is from

0 alonhoe JUT



Ton and


Owl ID


taiItt u I



Irton It for






art In


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KImball the

uinurtng the for we belated iranb


UJ10 ClIme a retJT from

alt tenn


U tie about in Tbl teacher

aom th1Nr




nf4hlj unt1l rnldDJhlcQ wccnei teacher and wU trWe thet I

omrrunl A-In art

Pr dPltWar r teo


lay h wIll boo and thflrtrI two


umhh will In thia fohlon to




hand tlon


flu BOOrI That



e I1po

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reantPe BrnokIn bop and wee Introduced M-mmrrireer aft man w5o wanted

he ind aaad 1to Itthe







La1n durIng


4I waa a few tHCb-r



iti4 harborore

wMi thereWere iroceedid






The Saduick brings

er to-



heu Tcrk TueadlT

Frcimn go






Ranlon diermnlra eaute death



















> >





Erceatric sad Hy t e W rtOwnB b rt IU rl a E ts

ride TIlE CorresjoodeBt tl PrtMrti-

PnrroMA Au 17 At trW todayLieut Cordua fonnerlr of the artlllerr of thTranivaat who 1s charged with being coc

cerned In the plot recently discovered here tkill the Britlih oflcer and abduct Gin

JudgeAdvocate Gcdfer announced thathe Court had decided to allow the priso

the privlk re of counsel Advocate FAeJ

who bad bent rwjueted to appear for thecused aad who rwterdar characterliedproceedings a a farce was not in court todaand Solicitor Berrangi was selected tofor the defence

The prosecution presented further evldenc-

dlsclosicg Cordua attempt to adherentto the plot Counsel for the defence crosexamined the witneese and endeavoredbring out that the plot w Instigated brOano a British detective Counsel also ooghto show that the accused wmi eocentrio and thatlately he bad been under continual Influence

of liquor Tbe uniform of Montrnorencrscouts which the prisoner wa wearing whetbe arreeted was produced in court Tbeprosecution not ret closed It case

A force U now on the way to drtre the Roeout of nome Nek and Malagresberg-

PKSTOaU Aug 17 At the trial todr ofLieut Cordot of the Sisal for com

plldtr la the plot to murder British offlcers BCd

abduct Lord Rot Burgher Dutolt testi-

fied that Cordua asked his aadtfenc on Aug 4

In a big enterprise which he said would staggerEurope Cordua then developed bis plan to-

oeife th oOoert while be Cordul aWurted-Ix rd Robert and handed him over to Geo-

Botbv the Boer commandertnchlef who wasbehind Beckefs kopje a few muse outsidePretoria Dutoit testified that Cordoa dis-

played a paper full of cipher words which be

alleged a letter from Gen Botha and which

proved that the Boer General cooperatirgwith the plotters The witsets te USed thatbe refuwd to tale any part la the schemeInformed the local constabulary of what was

Koine onLOXPOM Ace ThAt Oen De Ww as Gen

Roberta lean has once mete escappd theBritish though disappointing cannot be saidto te turprUlrg to the Enillsh people who

kidded give be Boer General the full praise forUi migatflcent work

Tbe greaiest Icterewt It centred In Lieit-

Corduas trial A Pretoria despatch describehim as a who was eaturallieda few years ago At an oOtial of thePretoria Museum and a volunteer oOcer ofartIllery h was left la Pretoria tail October brGet to hind over the Wond rboom fortto the British Ill trend have for a long timedescribed Mm as bottle highly eccentric 1hPlot wit the outcome of a madcap eatbu la ttbrain Cn Roberta the deMttch addl e juMr bred by the floe and British resi-

dent owing to ht considerate and humanedemeanor When the British employed secretservice agenti early In June to twtpr mlnent-

Bo rs tugresOons of a plot of sit ilar naturemet with dee tIed and universal refusals

The Pott Pretoria correspondentd crfbf Ccrdua a a weiltUcred young ruf-

fian He It buliet beaded but net unpleatlngfacially The at add that be neversaw a cooler prl oner TbecJef w1tn Mtglnrthim r it lt Is a softspoken Teiture He Is

a thoroughly slimy Informer and K more generou with his Information than any FenianHe showed badly under the pri on rs croexam inition every nuettlon tending to showhis prevlout com41 ty In the plot

UK WZT RKLZAXES rafsovrflsTook Oily British Offlwn Wttk HIM Wiea-

n nsdrd Kllcbrrr-SrrtlH CAN DtttvlUut nut 3CK-

I siXf Aug 17 A despatch from Pretoriaconfirms report that Gen Christian De Wetha succeeded In eluding Get Kitchener andmaking rood escape

Another Pretoria despatch Mr that GetDe Wet succeeded in escaping through hisuperior knowledge of the country in spiteof the mo t strenuous effort of KItchen toovertake him

Towx Aug 17 Gen De Wet hareleased all the Brititb prisoners In his campexcept the officer

The War OSce has received the followingde p ch from Get Roberts

PurroWi Aug 17 Hunters engagementon Aug U wi a bigger fair than he led me toruppfe In hu flrt telegmm Three of theHighland U ht Infantry were killed and thirtythree wo inded Seven other of the twpswere wounded One Is missing A lIeutenant died of his wounds

hide hi pursuers by I Imagine breaking up-

i forces Into small bcdie He wa last heardf near Rmtenburg Kitcheners lauwt deI tch I dated Aug IS He reported that beru pretlag to lIt asiunoe from th-

outhe t-

Carrtngtoa was verterdar at Ottoshocp ahUe east of which roll Ytomanrr en

with the enemyGet Huntert action mentioned In Gentobertst dep t h hid not been previously re-

orted It presumed that be bad an engngs-jent with Gen Olivier south of Heiltroo-


krlrttu rndrsvercrs Ilavs Best Tvwrlstf

5r r i Cetb D rca tt Tjns SunLOXPOX Aug H A despatch to the Dar

UeO from Pint says that many AmericanaChristian Ecdeavoren are struxled-

la that dty They that they paid aloa tourist agency from ISSO to UOO foefor the trip but the burning of the North Ger-

man Lloyd steamers Main and Sule at Hobo-ken delayed theta and consequently their hotelHad railway coupons are out of date Therent did his teat to them lid telegraphedlo hi of whom there were severalhundred In Lucerne Geneva and Venice toreturn to Parts Many of them chiefiy womenhave now returned and are wondering howher are going to reach their homes Manyire practically without fund


luster St r r Arrant Tfc o With tk-Frlga OOe at Madrid

IXUCDOX Aug IS A despatch to the StotuJSin Sebastian Spain that Mr

torer the American Minister will lamedlatelr-oceed to arrange with the Foreign

flouter the final text of a treatyif and general relations

final outcome of Uie Treaty of Parts It willa Consular convention The Ministers

sve also negotiated a more comprebeoatre ex-

radibon treaty enabling more effective delwith AntrchlsU

Spain desire later a tretr of commerce fordirect relation between the United States andSpain with separate arrangemects providingfor SpanUb trade la Cuba


Hu Arrested for Lmrktag Suplciomrir Ar adFslace at Patera-

sr rt i CK J IT u TIlE sexPitXRun Aug 17 A man who w llrkirg-

su piciou lr round the court cf the pl oeof Archbishop Cwt urwtej tod r-

and charged with Intent to asuMiaatetb Arch-bishop The prioser gave the name of AntonioPollU He carried d ger exactly like

used br Luccbeal when be killed the Da-prea of Austria


On Wn 10 Ten Over

Ut rrta4 WWas Ja

spdaJ won I Tmt RV7f

tortthe of














1 much teat that l hM manlolfd to


chiStat Bee

tom n



Ifnf horn






a m-on



flbcrta 4 I flu

CrdaaI DtVIb a















Ageacy Ticket That re Out Date

flnpnuh S







> <¬





Hersent Serric Agsota Brarr Haien

United ButM Marshal Barnhard boardedteamer Kaiser Wllhelm IL when h arrived abee dock in Brooklyn trday lid placed un-

der two Italians wbo MId they Natale Morwea and Michael Outdo Guldo wafound among coalp er and Morwco hadbeen emnlored a steers steward sIncesteamer left Naples Tbe ofacer of iLlwere not Informed a to the natur of tin

cbartM against the prisoner hot Itthat both men wars known aa Anarchittt li

Italy and that their arre t was made at the la-

tlgatioa of the Italian Governmentpresence of Manbal Bernhard gave oundatioito this report U not legally attached uthe United States odo In this dtrbut for be baa acted a an agent InYork for dUferoat foreign e-

peclallr la the capture of criminal fleeing betfrom foreign ports

Chief Officer Lang of the Kaiser W1lat night that there was something

terioo about the prisoners preencejathe ship iloroaoo rain aboard at Sap

for a job as steerage steward on theto New fork fin closely quetioobr Purrer Julius Urrn be wa to worIn the place he bad applied for which

that carries no pay with It anwhich wa to terminate when th-

ahlp arrived here If Morevco so declredOuldo also cam aboard at Xaple and itotxaround mON the steerage r eafn H

asked br one of the oflorrn If be bad i

ticket and replied that be did not but wantto wtk bit paAtar to America Ha waitold that be roUht get a chance atcoal Short I r afterward he went to the chicenrloeer and him that be bad been nbr of the cfflcere to report for dutyana put hInt to work one aboard the ihljremember e ln the two men togetherthe TOTe and to all appearance they wenttrancen Theyboth strictly to theft dulls

When the r t men boarded thre terdar they aiked if

tad JoIned the crew at Napln wenInfornwl of the rtrcumslanoM withthe hiring of Ouldo and Morn

n and tera n w nl were lineddeck and alter looking then over

lla D PoInting to Ouldo and toldThw e aw the two men we want The

cetera were then bandcuIed and takenChief Oacer LAW said that he

Dot find out who gave Ouldo orders to rotorto for The two menr explained could easily hat made theiiescape from ship before th detectivnboarded her had they been anxious to do so

Greet secrecy maintained as to whawas done with prisoners were notaken to Ludlow strict cu tomvplace of Incarceration for State prt-oner amwted the Secret ServiceIn thi It It that had been taketo the Barge OJSce where they would be delaineuntil further notice but none of tbe officialat the Barge Office would furnish any Informstlon about then or even admit that werthere

It became known lau night that aItalian cty bad notified toe Washingten authorities pome time ago that Moresoawho he said was an AnarchlM was abouto sail for this country from

It was learned that More ciwas oa Kaiser NVMbelra II TheiI hlef Wllkle of tbe Secret 8 Tvlo mad carf

01 the shl-iarnved here Upon bearing from the Meam

officers that alto come boardat Ntpte It wa decided to detain bm tJ o-

lbe men not formally trre ied ip n tb-K er arntil but were taken to the hantiflSce with the imtoi rtrt

the ship Their trunk were tfifl bowerer ana tby will be carefully examine

Mor c and Outdo are being detained ontecanl belceiocnrloi but It t

x un e reported to becauwwarrants that hid bees forwarded from Wash

fund to be defective Propelwarrants wtU be received ereniD-

VifiitxoTo AU IT Irrmi Cornintaloner Kltchie hs been wed br Trea ur-of3clal to deport Natalie Uoresca and lliche

two Italian tectnierants detainslast night on the Kalter WUhelm II at NenYork tor order of Chief VUkle of the ScreSerric Chief WUkie ald this afternoonone of the Immigrant i an and thother of bad character and that he thought t-

Ities of these f as Extra care U beingb the to watch sitof who are known and to prerenthe lacdn of anr suspected er ozu-


OSed a Postal f Mrs Breed Frelb nklte Tlirear

Mrs QsAtano Br d who 1 wife of thesaiwln of Humbert of Italy and whoat ses Clinton areaue Wwt Hobokeo re r va postal card resterdar a dre ej to 111

of Paterson care of Sirs O KW t Hnbok n N J Tr carJ bore the poetmark of Ancwe Csl On the reversside written the following


I L wls the Cot beir you dontbeUere In me God xSJllJi t not on who take

tnr Holr name lo rain I am 101154The L wi The Law The Dlrine DynamoIt i all b rnboj to ffilnk that restof Hum t will h ip poor tActic on Mr PlanetIe re It to Lewis OZ2 aol rn thetal it 14 no t Jnic or peac of anyaccount wSioi 4M notappointei ani an

Brthe U

Her JMr Breed postal over to thv-

WMt Hoboken police

Thomas JeSerton Powell of puriJrri onWednesdar at hit home 331 Ilanoock streetBrooklrn In his teTeatrninth year He wai anttlre of Fairfax county Vs Inhe WM a stage drlrer through the mountainsof Tenn Ms He wn one of the leadingmercbantt of Knorville whet thebroke out mvj wb sea Burn t k po-sewlonof tt dtv he S i witi his four childrenle vin all beMnl him exceptn large aaount of Confederate mojyT which

l throuch the line by lon a he-

rloimeJ of Fre1ert lincoln den Grantconfiscate i SIres the ofthe war Mr Powell made rereatel effort totecure rembur emeat from the Governmentand Prfideat Clerriands term theclaim pasted through Conere but wa vetoed

R Powell a wholmale silk eenJw In MahaunnRobert a dealer In 8tMo and JeflerMa Powell Mayor ofFort Worth Ran

Mrs Laura A Baxter widow of Samuel 0Baxter at the home ef herdaufhterMrsmorning 8h 3 years old and wa adaturhter of WiQlam who at one-time owTrfd tb greeter part of BUckwrlls

She U survived children Anemor Samuel Baxter Sirs Mary A Davis

arlotte HAm y of New RochelK X V

The Rev George H Wll cn rector of St

LIed yesterday of typhoid fever at Mtnnewakater Bounty T He jo years

Id and wt ton of Mr andtlM n of Albany N I He graduated from

rinlry College n 1N3 and hbWM a noted football player

Joseph Ballard a wenknown dtiieo of NewCourt on Thur dar tight He was

Ballard Postmaster of Darien and MrsWeed of Norwalk

Retl Antre B tk AetrrArmstrong who had been with the

asno amid Weber A Field conparJeon Thur day In a private bopltal on Weal

1ftylxth She was the daughter ofwho had extensive

team boiler manufactories t Springfield Ohiound Muncle had ML Armstrou was 21

and played leading parts inOpera Company throughout the West

Two years ago she cUD to this cit

Fields rcall She aftrwrdwent to the Casino and was In the Belle ofNew fork that went to LondonWhile spendIng the summer at Arvernebr-theSea with her mother and tt er Attnstmng becaae UI with iroonia threeweek arc She was buried yesterday laCalvary Cemetery on Long

Ijtwyrr Mettgvr D4et at Ssrstags8-

11UTOO Aug 17 Bernard Metxger aged7 a cf 177 West venth tre t

New York died at hi cottage letsa In Saratoga log the benefit of his health

Ue leaves a widow and two 4sters-

Brgiasow ethsr I


Iett a vpIand and





was MId



year NewGo rum nl


andasked trip


toldone a

chIef o nrneo

dun1t and

ltIPSteamer W men

The ooaJrol f UP-on


f lIer




for the rrf1tIP

00 had NID o r-


lodT theof

said that




advisable to Inform Irnxmtzrtion authortaken

Secret e mOTf lIla


I 0Great

uKIng lye

r Braidhot

ttIs I fA



Ion IbIght Judge of Right




t tnreett ITt tobacco cmi U MlUT


INot fOM

PowelL J

nal1 of J rdar

Nand nLid It jiitpr 0 < and

Paul church ot Conn


yeawl old l urYtved br three childrena contractor of



Streetlal JtII


old foh went on fin0 Calhoun

androhe And with fr-t

IIt Y I1vl It nr

tatsdyertisvri a4fUa-

oA11 u-



vyIe Mi 3sb 1 IUIIaI








sand tie enrtheer



















142The The



early lIfe



leares John



Thew Mrs


diedI Re


he 1

ears stage

Nettle engaged

Thadaig liar snan-Qn Sai diaecvd

a tIzaLi




















U sji A44mt Old ns Week New

lUpr SMU the Ecu Anrrlcan HsmelltClasses Ue Sknrr Rich With tb Tresks-

Coxcow X H iu IT New HrophireiOld Home WMX brou bt to a doe by acelebration In diy today Church cblroeapLayed Horn Sweet Hoare and all the bellof the dIr war rung at sunrise and at sunset

principal eierd were held at the fatrounds this afternoon where a programme of

sports followed by literary exercise anda display of fireworks this evtota The after-

noon speakers Included One Rolllas Senatorhandier and Oaltocer the poeta Will Car-

l ton and J T Trowbri Ue and the authorThomas The Utter node athat caused much comment He raid

1 hive always been truck br the rincerttrwhich I have found In the American Unfor-

tunately for our reputation the phase of boutlife which It most frequeotlr brought tubpublic notlc OM which if II can be calledborne at all to certainly not repreeoUUvof American life It la that which Ifound In certain peculiar drdet of certain lartcities In thl country This U the born liftwhich lt most frequently referrel to and admooed In ptibllo prInts posslblrIt Is the most extraordinary form that domesticlife hiss eYeS tkeo In this country CnhappUrfor us It foils abroad a constituentpart of our home life and very ridiculously ItIs ImacinnJ perhaps because It o Imaginelt f and overt Itself to be the formof our hon life I thank God for mr part thatit is not only not the highest form of American

I KK nt Am riA n

home It I onlr a counurfeit rr entineatof whet it vo be a form of foreign f h-

loruiMellfe it has not even the vlrtueoi havingvices sincereA and I have no doubt a good

preacher and a nun preached the otherthis people or of them

mat goes to a sermon calling their at-

tention to in analanguage for which be has been much andjustly

But the R T Dr Hamilton the rectorof a New church and the New Jork Inwhich hit church is is not the teaM

gates Itself to be a sort of sacred and forbiddenwithin the outer ol New York

The portion of the congregationwhich he addressed t

to that New Vork and to such syco-phant i can a holding within Itsand the reverend preacher in to wakehis eerTaon go down with his congregationused an rguroent which la the UiuretAiaericma 1 tav t repudIate Hetold them rememtwr

0C of American citizens hd their gai-futeoed upon them and looked to then astheir exemplars applying their enerk and

their 10 emulatethem 1 know not how to characterIze such

eae except la the plain verntcaUrsuch InvruMe Satterr Into th lr eArlno wonder tAat Ilitie set of glidedlow their bertsg become bllA andInto the ditch of and profligacy

1 make o bold M to that arenot onlr not wcooxoi of people In this coun

aft with eaHw Oct gazefastened upon that sr lsHe of divorced and

men and women and their

their arrogance It l true that their deltas

in the we but so are acts offreaks and malefactors belittlIng characterwho are Unmentionable

And the reverend preacher doubtV babred so cio to the source which tbrereports have emanated that te his become

and loft bearings but If hego abroad and when 1 abroad I do notmean to other countries abroad In thisbroad and f the American people latheir homes be woild find to

d himself on that ccccfoa were furfront bflng In t m h stated Tb rmistake notoriety for fame forsplendor prominence for exaltation


C b Parts 8r It I Te S fr an-De U-

5rf JJ Ctttt Dftrtfr te StT-

IUVAN Aug 17 About four thousand per-

sons attended the mILl meeting of the Demo-

cratic union at Tacon Theatre last nightThe better element was well repreent d Tbe

ae much surprised by an attackupon the of Euvblo hermandet one of the p l ers who said that theAmericans did not understand their bn inesThl especially mrpriMng corning fromthe tiny which to rolcre the Inter-vention that the island might enjoy thet reflf of law and order while good gnvem-ro nt was being rgaatred It Is Mid that theattack WM made for the purpose of securingrote Some members of the party say thatHernandez did not attack the American na-

tion but only totre Individual They alsoy that Cuban who d erve blame were not

SPTdSenor Oovla another speaker declared that-

a federal form of government In Cuba wouldbe ab urd Cuba w naturally one wholeIf the Wand was divided Into States Santiagowould have to be delivered to the negro whowould turn it Into a second Hoytl Thecould not rupport the expense of a federal formof government

Senor GISerga saId that the clause of theordr callltwr tbe constitutional convesUoawhich provides that the relations between Cubaand the United Sub shall be settled by theconvention should be stricken out He calledupon ll panS In the Wand to protest againstthe Iccorroratlon of these reUtloc In the constltutioa a provided for br the order and torefrain from voticg If the clu li not removedHe declared that the Ward was not preparedto held sn election

Mostoro Hemandei Mil that thenot ready f r an election It w evident

from the tone of the p eca that the party is-

n DO hurry forte t of strength Though Itoneetisg wo well attended the strength of thepanT cannot be gauged br the number presentIt wu more than likely that winy of those whoattended wr rtr cted by the tpealen who

reputations In Cubs am oratorslaLeka my the meeting WM suocen

It beIng the most Important since the iaterreolou of the United Tbe ZKscvmtm congratolate the Democratio Union uponmeeting


O tailedTfcey Were Defile Dmllets Thatl1w Deletes Tw luJtits

An eightyearold boy shot and killedand another boy was In the shoulderla a fusillade between Italians at Hester andMotl street last erenlcg The boy killedwas Antonio CapUs of 117 Mott street A bul-

let entered lila right eye and he died an howlater In Hudson street bopitat AntonioCelbina of IU Mon street was the other boyHit wound it not dangerous Frank Mlroa onearmed fruit vender with a bad recordIs locked up charged with sbtotlcg the hors

The shooting began between Mlro and An-

toalo Masial of US EaKt Twelfth street Withtwo other wet arguing at the corner of

Ion sod heater street lull after oclockSaddcalr the four separated the three runningfrom Mire who stood still and begin firing atthecn According to bysunders who didnttand by very long MaatirJ topped atopposite cornerS and returned Mires Inill eight shots were fired somN It ls said bv

another Italian Policeman Nelson beardtb shooting a block away and ran toward thcorner Miro ran from him Into an neTat IP Heater Street scrambled over a fenceaad rio through a hallway dropping eomethincas he ran which a woman picked up NelsonfiniQy caught Mire as be was scrambling overa second feace

Other po remra found the two woundedboys lying in the street Ther had been bitwhile dodging up Mott itreet to escape thebullets Manrial escaped ume but wasarrested later What stifled the rowthe polio oinldnt fiad out Mire theysay bot a wan In Brooklyn five years aga andthree year ago shot another wan but escapedpunishment oath Urn


Dee t


Nelson Page





but thatlit


In the theIs


section of It aFro

majorthe other dr

that that

ron With


rZlr artfCfd

rorbar arid but that ofown clinic there no not

JI America do not rf robat and

are read mUhonlI


held thf







alec Wand






5 till



a aflaapstr Mr Pave Says Society i



the because






dIr Itt


they mUst


arallte outsidetheir IO1

who uleilde

doubtleeeourrial the








aYe greata
















Exrora LOlO ix DOVBT-

Th Boxer uprising became so serious

Mar that Minister Conger and other for-

eign representative In the capital calW for

marine guard for the legatlont Thl action

ont deckled on after vain efforts to get

the Chinese Government to take some effective

measures to tuppres the Boxer The marine

were landed from the warship t Taku on Marand after some hesitation the Viceroy of

Chlll proTlnc provided a special train to tAtthem to the capital tome consisted ofUO oem and men The American contin-

gent WM made up of seven oflcer and fifty

sir men In command of John D Myers

Three days after this force reached Pekln

the Boxers destroyed paste of railroad be-

tween capital and Tientsin and from thatdate June S of foreigner was In

doubtPrince Tuan father of hetrapparent

and a bitter antlforeigner had becomof Tungll Yamen and on June II tJapaneo Chancellor of Legation was kIteby troop of Emperors guard whirlTuan bad organized Tung Chow had beetattacked and mission burned and there wererumor that a large force of hazer was march-

Ing on Pekln to kill aU foreign devilTb envoys and roost of foreigners In thecapital were to have taken refuge In theBritish legation which wa bet suited

10 response to general demand fortheir speedy relief British Admiral Seymouritarted from the coast on June 11 with a mixercolumn Icoludlag BU British SO GermansS Russian 1M French lot Americans UJapanese 0 ItalIans and Austrian Re-

port from Pekln at this said that lOOW

troops under GVo Tung Fu hunwry prepared to prevent Seymour menfrom entering Pekln Seymour advancedslowly repairing the railway until he got to-

Langfang about half way to Pekln Tbe

Chi were fighting him bard the work ofrepairing the railway was very difficult bisfood and water supplies were neatly ex-

hausted and had so witty wounded to carefor that be decided to turn back For somedays there was doubt about hi fate but hewas finally rescued in June by anotherexpedition from Tieatain

The aeainaUon of th German MinisterBaron Ton the destruction of

Kong on Saturday June 16 by a stafl conesponJeot of THE sex Alter many conflicUrcreports on Ketteler death was generally

in menage to this country andKurop on Julr I-

tt became Known on June SO that the Chinesehad on June II the Ministers twentyfour hours to leave which they had re

to do Thereafterof mAMcre were enl out from Shanghai andelewhere to be promptly denied Chi-ne Viceroys In the and the

this country and on Julydeclared that all the foreigners were dead

and that the and Empress Dowagerbad ben poisoned A me ag In which SirRobert Hart the situation don June 14 wa followed more oftorture and death On July 12 It wa admittedthat no authentic word of the legations fathad come from Pekln Mace Jun 21

The Chinese Government first approachedthis and other Governments In an edict of June1C received br MlnUter Wu In WashingtonJuly 10 Secretary liar at once asked and

Wu agreed a roe a e to MinisterCocger should be through Chir ei e channelof communication There followed ten dayscf detailed rer rts of ma acre Then camethe snack oa Tientsin In which Col Linurn ofthe Ninth United States Cavalry fell on July 13and the capture of the native dtv on thelowing

The first message from Conger genuinen s of which wa doubted both here and InEurope wa received br Minister Wu onX it wa undated arid read In British le-gation under continual shot and shell friChinese troops relief cangeneral United States urged

advance of relief expedition fromTientsin without waiting for JOGCO

men The advance guard of the relief columnactually started out on Aug J for Pekln 16CCO

ttrooe-Complete anarchy n Pekln was meanwhile

tTortAl on is nnl t r Wu heart fromLu

for the Imperial Governmentthe fo with fool aneclct rtatej July declai d the th Mlmners

hail n hotage Get Fu Hrierg-ha1 thr ten1 to kill then all It was said

A me of Sir Claude Macdonald deredthe dtution ornewh on JulY The

British Minister ltinel that hi legationha1 b n bombar vyl from June J to July 1

which time hal be n anIjiter report said Yung Lu had arrangedthe truce

The second Conger m tge re HrM onJUT si retxjrted our Mlnter and his family

AH well on II The of the nup to thit time were Germans 10 Japan-

ese in Fr nrh M 5 Ru lirA 4

Arn rioiat 7 Itailans 7 Native Christian ft

At rcm cf O e a allanu werebelli ved tn

of the Brttlh lecitlonThe apparent treachery of the Chinese G v

nt wa In a celvedbr theLondon Times on Anc 2 from reF

Dr Morri on The Besets wereto have ben encouraged Govern

nest even while It ws cCering safelo the Mlnl ter and with theirhome Government Prince Tuan It wa a

Informed the Minister that their GOTenua nt frd red their withdrawal fromr capital

Tr rapid advance of the relef column afterIt recoarx l anf near Tient n h teen re

told T were defeated nndug at eight mile from TiertVlnIn a battle seven hour The lnesuffered by allies placed high a

men nut nf the total n Ucno TwoLiter at Yangtsun the allIes again routed theChlaeve losing on this occasion some rx orSfflrneo-

Oen ChSee reported from Matnw that theruf red tv r from extreme hut

but that on the of thenaiiv had N nmeHn the more rpid advance

from P nW recurred on Aug 1 Chinesetr v r had then fVd to the capital

China arral tn the vartmit Governmentdid n t Interrupt the R jt e tmediation were met with firm demand on

the part of the TrJted otherHnng Chang was appointed to treat

for whet no war hidS en admitted HI to deliver theMinisters to allied at Tuna Chow wu-

hmlrtH at Washington

Urr Itxlgrt IitrrMtlig Tale fmC-kUa

letters received In city yeeterday fromrejbyterian mls lonarie la China conaln Irfonnation ccncmcg the looting cfeveral Baptist missions Dr James B Neal

prnvrly stationed at the Chlntnfu Presbrmlrton v Shantung wrote trader

Ute of July It that of the Tunghow mS ionaries the Rev J p Inrln and

wife and R v H W Lot and his wifefere at COrM and the rernaliuVr at Chefoo

The Rev Hunter Corbett of Cbefoo In a let

say that the iJtuttlon atbefoo became so threatening that on July I

onsul Fowler l ued an order advising alltoncombataetA to leave Cbefoo at forJar Mr Corbett wrote In pan as follow

wife and children are now at a hotel

tbe rioting edge 1 hare joined In charteringa tarts Junk which tai been stored with pro-visions and anchored near the hotel w tnatan IP the hotel In of danger can roth Intothe Junk a speedily a po ible and get out oftte range of the gum r

The W O Elterich wrote from Ckefoounder date of II In part at follows

Consul Fowler sent a July 10to the Governor of the Shantungthanking him for the protection he had rrn-dered American mMocarM and for tafelr-

t e American property la hi care and akedtim In ne for It and tohi imbordlnate to the taiae andnative ChrIstians That this was importantIs from the tact a hadems from Pekln fprobibrr from Prince Thatthe had of the the rthe province to rf up LId foreigner entire r r tnl s This wa alrerd1

fore It wa dAI Chlngchow rallnt west of

ilen the English Baptist mission and th rof Dr were The

Utrtirt mUrion rrerai at Pingraeast of hay also No tootnL

w expect to hear of other Tb district


Ickla Cut 3UabIdWP or

flean Oil 0lat-





thethe fate the


the <the the



d fMOPthe



and zoanof the legation had been LDlIOUDfj rom lions



au l1n t re-

In Jtf rl


quick onl11upon the the I for Itnine


Director of Tf1r1p thatsupplying



NOlO marched on PekmJI




kIlled by the defend

rfOr ndctIaleS



nUT ChIneseI testing


little opposition

OMOItton of Tzzng mllO



f fr WulrdAT sitar the tthei bad for




of Jut II receIved by thebard yesterday


than a mIlt f1 of our and nMr-




thIom to coat plsce all


that ndestroy

rla orte t and did rnlocolrf




Of StacJSsetgatls Ju








other alliesthe



In the elliea


inc than


least theher bean







I Chcw only e trw


hi yealeft Twig ow




nan eat


Pr Preettu


nor itoin


iarding thi lie




cited two places

a South









< >




Were up to time on everywearable for man orit be clothes shoes hats or

But our time is up at twelvetoday


til Brotdnr tot Warni-aal 7 and Warren 3t-

M Bm wir oat Pnao-alifi Drotdwir ror lit

W sit orderby mill

o9clal at WeNhlen Is entirety to blain for tloss of the lre hrtertan mission there as thad t f tiny to eend aid

Mr added that Dr Charles 1 rwho Matkmd at the Ichowfu rrUrrbad appointed surgeon on Yirkttw

Mrs L T the Central ClraPrebrterian Mission wrote to the board friadate of July s letter d rXlug a small riot whIrl occurred on th d pirtire of the roift ionarl at Slungtanwrote in a folio

la everything WM calm arjpeaceful and we no IdM of tearing ur

u ojr 4The arrangements for our viivag wer

placed In hand if our two fn r iand Mr Shu They renvd A 1

th Pev W n jingleof arrangement otherwith the oon uente cf a betweentwo t rou ng of the vtctrutat P M and taskingto tv or go Ju than nIng with them but ther would not bIn Ih of hubbub the had oflrisJigang wa heard coming our way andand In an instant of time made to

thm lvs leaving an openthegrandctaflal hl Mtrtaswinging lanterns and other rarjien escort

tIre had rom to me with ter-ribly Inflamed eye which alter washing and

I nt hun away i WLSclad to se him for I fri that he owed UP a Ihelp In our danger and h did right well Hesent coolie 10 carry our soldi

r an opjortunity waioffered

Since leaving we hare that MrsWu to we latrusled the ourhid certainty worked havoc with our rIon s Ulng she could andthe remainder away sitar having driven outour servant

Mr Doolittle wrote that the and the othermlwlonarte at ftarirgthere to going to the hot city of Shanghai wjrbhotel rates at 110 a day and other price equalexorbitant


Tfce Demand fv Tb n Has Rca rtrtik f-

Ltte laerease IB t Expert FlgareWith the exception of three otnstrte-

Runla Hungary and Roumacia Denmarkhas more In proportion to It area andpopulation than anr other European ootirtrrardthe excellence of Its live stock has suchthat for many years the export of fromDenmark ba been a con1derable Item of com-

merce In ISM more than per cent of thhorse In Denmark were exported to foreignpurchasers number of such hor raisedfor export to the Continent being from IS O

to JOao a Many of them theirto France where they are wed as cab bore tThee cost on an average H70 a head a tribute-to the excellence of native Danish horse

Few Danish horse have len sent toUnited tttte and until recently there was nogeneral demand for that

u an experiment Imported

were sold at price from llSO to UiOcf cbetnuu W y A secondroent of twenty draught horse followed Since

crea d steadily and now enters Into the Itemof expanded foreign commerce-

In addition to th hor received tie

Finland art much In mand by bArnsand milkmen lightactive Work hors earand cab bor are almc t exclusively of dtneitic origin The Dan-ish CM exten lve but hive

supplied chleflr in the past br Importslions from Thenumbers itO men and the artiterr ftfrt The

of army hor la I rjnarkareS fied by law Reorvutire Conuniicobuys h r a to the faU and spring

Ui fall the ape of the horses nu tyear and in i to 7 Tber rm t

had f belgUnot complied their sixth rear After

that they b 18 hands high Wnltehiv i hay or are he only ot-accpied cavalry frvn arid the prK tpaid vary t o to ti in e jjlva ttof m r y

American draught find more favorPentars thin th w from eltherRusstor GerrranT but th Pane ar fa rdi i8 a-fielr choke of hor where their means alow showing a for andSwedUh horses for saddle tiding and for tht M

from the InJtcd State for ordlntrvdraught purpo but not for heavy

country aaioit excm vlra ridAmerican horse sent to Denmark are

to the pert of that country f whi1Copenhagen Is chief bat to Hamburg

cu tons is charged on American hor-synt to by of Germany

Prior veer l the of Anrcan hors and mutt to foreign oourtri T n v r gr r han andyear fe t low a ro cr IWO In I W itrt e inn 7x X 10 teM in from t 0Jt oro in t W7 from Jl W to In frM 00 to i Ciri aM ia ISM from W0C toThi gratifying wcrea to tIe teneSt cf Anncan HOCK ran and breeders has not beenwholly or Indeed largely due to th ImprovedQuality of Americas but to tbefithrough the of bicycles and automo-bile the of fortotes power in transportation foreign mattelias to sought a the figures show

Thut far the merita ol the American nsutare not bn taken into much aooouct by-

lanlsb dealers and the configuration ofauntrr i such that mule are not ever0 hi la demand there Whi

demand for American continuea th there are large rura for arajv

of horvm on Pie I rvetcrlnars of Stockton Cal taft

pcentlr for Nevada and Montana iabuying to ftO cavalry-

nd light batten for the Gemaa Arsjome bf the animal wd b sent to Catt


iletr Hatked Orate O i AttackBepabllraa C BIII I O-

Drnwrr Aug U One featttr at leastth plan cf campaign of the Democratic

ongrMwional Committee bat been disdoeedere through the preeenoe cf John D Jillbo O crib himself as Principal of the

School of Finance of Chicago 111

till who U a smooth visagrd man of about forty

Hid iu yurticg a K box Ituorox th crcvJhat h was br U ch ol to c f at-in election of John K ITU Kublcas

of frcm the Flr t Mcit a-

di jct Hl audjtcrs wanted to know wjetvr-be y or Bryaa GUI

e are tot ntUwr Me are here f theof shwji up r ur Cotrr rar-

He repeated M night and d ol ed-

to sa be repreeented outside of aJ-

i attacking C riise and the latter vote orle S parish wtr arrroirlftion ud th foreicn-uesuon som mends arocsG-se town and in strict v n8 eri e acmohem that he wa on of eigntrBine man KL

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aching th r icr c Itlt trict in witch heferenc to national orthr wayJiUl d that h tn star hr ur

lectym Vr f the e4 h-

tndHverwnteftur a la and dlstrthe handhJl wVMj wr blmtv-

bComrElteeGUI had a row to bo todav a ta-

he crowd lasted on asking IxaparCDsst-luenion not armor






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the br tmericaun hu tn

tnltld States Denmark Imports annually fromum to 60T



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nOUCa tO CArT alter dentthese re

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January horseteen

horsei Staissama raft

then botses

bores adwhose business


twiceto a

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farm workther 14 Denmark

oDenmark way


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t Tabhorse tore e




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