the sun. (new york, n.y.) 1905-01-23 [p...

1- 1tl 1 oW THF J MONDAY JAmrA1tY ZII 19m s J L TII1TT IT1 I T 25th OOLSi- Ool in written okn to which Max hlldren forced fell In lo por parent classes tionally nditlon jmlnont educed tern by ey are That 3 is nn Is not eytitem- ilaiwed his in princi- lietnnd B eager I That d no- ly tlio or nro of tho o been itigition- did not rreo liko report schools teachers nerally- Jllld 1x3 that ho public nrochial 10 eayK Iri U- o says if fifteen en that- y means legs and roar U Idren in fio y how were om B science the fnrt Iron 7 id ont compo ntton schools They- m the and of In of the tnicti- rcsplra ito treat choking othor and official energies mvo not for- d roughly URE vered fore ind my given to got i iso nnil box of in jn 717 cool thor l bono n 1- TI RA- Id WOrd t- iT Oat DUO 0 and les- r e ts t e piIIn I- U ot tho- U ho con ng Un ding to r I C of I seni tune g A tf > SWIMMING A FATAL SPORT HEATH OF V4V C F JIAU- irov cAiSEs mscussio Hurry E Heiirrneypr Who Hai Experience 11 s Swimmer IntrrcMlnn Iacti Prof llolro il Kt loult Water Contained o Are sxvlmmlnjc nnd water polo oiorciw Injurious to health Tho question hi rpooived a lot of attention recently to tho death of George V Van Cleaf nn H liratton of the New York A C Mist Ethel Colding of Oath Beach Th two men It is cnid contracted tho gerrr of diseafo while taking part in tho swirr- iring meet nt St I ouLi vhoro tho watt was asserted by some persons to bo putri anti entirely unfit for tho purjK M of n aquatic carnIval On thn other hanr those who nro always handy with empiric I henries nnd ready to decry athletics c every form aver that swimming and wnt polo nil detrimental to a sound physic condition nnd sooner or later cnu trouble To strengthen this side of the nrgumenl the ctn ofPercy Dickey who died abeL yrnrs ago is pointed out Ho pannei nay nt tin enly ago in tho heyday c his s and whilo In the front rank o the champions To suit tim moment hi ad end H now raked up Betwixt th two waves of criticism the swimmers water pololstn and their sport have cause n lot of talk in sporting circles low take IMUIS to dlagnow the real calls of the trouble among this class of athloti- iprformcn Ouvn Itrntlon ns hA wits familiar known died of typhoid fover rather mid donly nt Chicago He wa M years of age Bin in his time had been roller skater cy- clist and since 1MX had taken to swimming His attempt in tho aquatIc line wa n miinber nf the defunct Knlcker bockor A C Ho joined the New York A C in iW2 ned was one of tim frequent vUitors to the clubs swimming tank Only a day or two before hA left for he spent tiny in the baths in company the swimming fraternity of the wingec foot Van leafs history Is similar to Brattonn- HP WIIR n member of thf Knickorbockoi A l1 swimming team nnd cnniQ over t the Now York A C when the chorrj diamond organization disbanded Ho nlst- va n constant visitor to the club tnnk Itpxldfs ho indulged in a lot of outdoor Hwimiulng at Dnth lloach where he VAhon onco air wnv temwmd bicnlh ot spring Van Cleat would begin hit daily dip and would continue until the Ic appeared Very often majbo three 01 four limos a week he would engngo in r lot of racing which hail nn oxhaustinf- ifl ct on iiiH vitality Miss Holding lived nt Hath Bench nnc during the long summer months was to IK- cpon in the water At nil hours Along wit that she indulged in n porle of long lirfsomuHwirrs as well as doing some racinf in events for girls In order to nscertair whether it was ho had cater nt St lx uit- or the excei ivo indulgence in the aquatic eport that caused the death of Dratton nm a reporter of Tin StX gntherec the views of n few p cilu competent to fonr an opinion on such matter Tho first to throw somo light on the ques- tion was Hurry E IJeunneyer of the Now York A C exchampion stiot putter boer and a mnn who has hen a swimmer for the past forty year For at least n quarter ol a century he visited Beruonhunt and in company with the late Villinm H Curtis swam more or IM every day Of lain he frequented the Marine nnd Field Club whore he a member hut never forgot lo lake his dully swim Hegarding the demise of Rintion und Vnn Cleaf Iot of oplo jump at conclusions right away and when nn athlete orswlmmor dips tho ixercKeH are initnntly put down UK causing his death Now an u of course any branch of physical taken Hnxcesj mnn Is in poor condition will cause ai breakdown of i IIP y ti in Swimming U considerably different from track and field sports Iw- p u poontiiiuedimmersionav thentrengthi- iikimwntothe at running jumping or weight putting a man Btop i you are I vifH the two or three tlmba u Took for the of n swim nnd n rub dwn I hnvn watched the HwimmoM mid then ImhiM closely anti I must method from way of are tit host hang there i toy nre in and mil to the tem room rest a mi lie then go in the big tnnk and doomnr- nfiiig then rent And urA back in the hot rKim ami n they rotate nil day long until i hey too fagged when they n nf oourso nre hungry and go in for a lug monl which i nnnther mlstnke Ax pyrtpni pxhaiibted no tire tim dl mid to ent a lot f lood In that condition l rank foolish i Tlius in one day a mans strength mid ligectivo organs an if iniisit in end lend to seine Ihysical disability Insteni of thi hearty HEll whnt I do I cat n light Hupper- KI I bcii early and next mnniing wlien- restrd and take umibetailtlal- bn iljfa r- Xi w as fnr ns Van lenfn caw Is con oriioil have known for a numlKir- i f ypirHand have setm a vast amount r swimming particularly around H wasnt n dIN going Into tho alor and lolling nrouiid for all the time IIP wax wan either racing or moving nriund pretty lively and when the work was tallied it could lw found hat leaf unit done n little too much Thi cat reckoned in addition to his bttitHin the clubV swimming tnnk Furthermore he aid extra attention ihn wnler this fall trying to master the rfl r stroke arid whole thing uinmpd it in to that prrtid the whole and when sickness along huN undermined vitality was wrak to withstand it Uiatton was not an built or nn- rriK a man as Van neil he wan at n ice too when men should be rather faipfij of the amount of exhausting ox they perform He did not quite as Van Cleaf but prob- ably whaf did do too much for As far as Miss case goes my i iri r is that so far a I know wns in he tiahn nf staying too long in thn water t nile women are not of the fftmmn of men nUll Miss Holding iui nut liuvfi felt immediate effects fnm hpr work still the long swims she in no good effect on her health anna and long distance swims are only men It is a a womans health to RO repilarly during the summer months now about ten years since Percy IVkev riasupd and to his r e is rather farfetched Luckily he did n t wlm in a St Ixjuis or was not rtjdiip l to tank work What caused iVlipyt end wn that while in poor tut n h wont to Tracers Island r tho of building i g inort distances ofT the boathouse rSit pery on account of some p taqr improvements In the neighbor I iho wnter nt time was not very K d nd instead of improving Dicker rre pxpr and In iniiP f Hvcimming at time he should s p pono away to the Adirondack or ITII f h place indulgml in K nn exercise is nothing iner limn vimmiug but liko w donctoecewi 71 Isa peculiar v rf Hin8 nnd pxcesoive hut nn nn Rthlete or two die there i a howl tuu hi je evils of sport I know ANn 4 n11 SIR lrmR 1 owing p and I I tel and only flIt Wet j led I ho and Cleaf i maier i i tank I I Ih I I i I hit I hp I Ilk I an I I I an I o hlo I i I PIP h I I thou h naM uld for I fr In water nR I i I h I I A II I f balf tf 1a w- l or but I bnve it had Years yet iind tim Van Teumeyer saul clihs say I r thinking hi cut gets l liii wec flat h oft ire tie thu see I lea was As ny the swim lay Ihui our population i t the water at ckan heard T < < > > > < > < > < > > > ¬ was aU right do i tnean thnt too much of It n too outdoors and excessive indu In both U for n mnn what his strength stamina or vitnlli may bo Prof the swimming Instruct of Columbia was at at Lot during tho Olymplo swimming carnlvo Tho water nt St Louis was not bai The races were held In tr pool whero tho United States life save gnvo their exhibition daily anti they hai given no evidence water Into bail water or I have boon a swimming Instructor for number yea rs my ex is that Drat ton or Cleat oontrncted lyphoi- gennn In St tho first week In Der o would have developed unit sooner More thnn two hn clapped from thin late of the race to of tho 1 ngreo with M Heurmeyer that Probably Van Cleaf rirnlton spent a too much time in tr water A swimmer should care huh about his limit nnd not go beyond tbn then again he should never go when or when his utomnch distended or out of order Thrno seemingly of little Importance thnv mein a lot lust the sane Prof tins Sundstrom of thin New A C wild tho Now York A C club tan was cleaned onoo a week and fresh wale in so that no Impurities could exin old of A tho tank wan cleaned end the wnter change once n month STOIlKH THE llOlfS 1IOVT- Iollcp Flail Iarkhunt Society Men Ahra of Diem In a Ilnld Capt Ijantry nnd several detectives r the East street station Into on Saturday night thnt a prize figli was to bo pulled ofT at the rooms of th Gilford Club at 701 First avenue They found Stipt McOlintock of hurst Bocioty nnd seventh of his agent were already thorn getting evidence Th captain informed the maiingcrx that h would nrrcHl anyone who attempted to pai The managers insisted that they were violating the law and wont ahead Th police arrested Jim nnd Mnrty McCui William Mctue tho time- keeper and mines Murtha and James McClintock and McTollnn in tho Yorkvlllo court made alleging thin tIckets for the exhibition lund been pub- licly sold for 50 cents each for the that thi affair was n entertaInment anti thn no club member was authorized to sel tickets Mnglst rate Whitman the examination to Wednesday held the men in 100 hull each llcDennott of the Firth street sin lion was nlso busy Saturday nleht Ii of a complaint he rnooivei from the Hev at StAnnot Church on Twelfth Street ho took r squad of mOil to the rooms of tilt Ienoi Pleasure Club at fll East Fourth street They urrejitcd twentynix men ant nrrnlgnod them In court yesterday Samuo- Krno t of lit Knit street and John Weslricht of 178 Seventh street worm hold for further examination on n charge 01 gambling Pour men wore am were lined 5 an disorderly char- acter The police captured OHO 1 quantity of three Uii s McDermott made another raid or 115 East Thirteenth Htreet nnd arrented four men on a charge of running nn opium Joint AXK Ai HATrnrr Iullrrman InlinnjnntlieSimt lntrr cue to SnIP n Irairiiiikcr- Jolmnyont heSpot Hhen bulled Into D jnttlo in the Bronx early yesterday morn It WIIH hatchet agaiiiMt axe with nsualtJen of n lost ear and a Rplii forehead when the cop got there arid there were itrong of more serious darn ige when time clmmpionn had llnlHhrd 11 ittle muller of a John Whnlen is a piano mover and vith his wilt buwomcnt of aol Brook avHiiue Saturday night he in ited his old friend George to join horn in rushing the can Early yesterday noniing became circumstances of Mrs Whalens which her himbnnd resented and He up n smiill hatchet to imphortizc his resentment liastndy An me Whnlon got the first blow which loft only one ear on swung axe with both hands Inc swing reached Whalcn forehead The head of the axe the tleah from he skull from hair to It wan then that a peacemaker appeared i the person of Lawrence TK turned on him and in n jiffy he was lid out with two broken ribs n cad and a pair of closed eyes Shea- rrived in time to witness of loloney With of n nightstick he had he fighters ready to go with in n lime hut Whalen gave him real trouble until the men on nearby nr Ivod in response to revolver which nine one in tenement tired out of u indow- In the Morrlsnnia poliO court yesterday lorning Ba tntly werE n of assault and Moloncy HM n fitness anile iast Strantdilp Sink III Saved PoKTUAsn On Jan 32 The Oregon tnilwny and Nnvigdtion pamtongor Rteamer- leorge V FJder struck a rock in the Co imbia Hiver near Oobel last night and ion caiik The Mengera who wow hound from Portland to San Francisco n well a tIme crew The nteninur- n valued at 12 IKX IIIIH been in Ltive service on the Coast for thirty illiSf iiiuiilalni nf rolinnlilasA- ViuiAMsroWN Jan J2 Much to HIP in knatioii nf tin intiri KlutlPiil the inniinKm iit tins HIH- IIllocanri l tlio USIIIP Krli iliilt d with Vl- luns for Jeb IN irtvlnu ns H reason th rul ir of thi fdciill Ihnl no nits would wi d r r untiies tins ruline was mAri m Jfovss yet the Coluinbiu iit did not i m it nncdiouiry to notlfr Mlinmi until week RIO Ill Wiiliams Ilrrnnl tn nn editorial SIIB- t that ns I he xanip llnnco was coii through r thP Now York team two ace and H- AIllinins luis not yet lost it hut tins fnnlecl ml Iorncll much rtur vroros than did Columbia only two lnnntions can tit he inciv- ruplo nbout ranrellintr any gains at the st moment Unw theIr a opponent- sa clinnc to till thn data or ol- Aftpr ColumhiB tins had full chance to llzp th caliliro nf her whoM iarnes of viiwry wen or Ui best this cilimntft action of Is rwnrd HD oxrune trumped up for the TB OI- IWlipn thp camp wan schpduled no mention- is mad of Interference cully and tact that wns said of ich action till lint week has caused con jernhln dlsctisKinn us to what the real aon for Columbia action Iara rtHs Ilawnall Schrrtnlr- ESTOX Pa 51 The fAfayptte b M nchodiilp for thp of iftOS has been proved by the faculty lame with id Amherst warp not arranged because In lake the customary rUicrn trip till season In their nnd Trinity Word conn have IOIMH th to cain atia8 on ih iho Indians KnllowiiiPin North Carolina rr Acrlf ullural- Urrhanlral Art nf Ililtlrh N IV tnl of Carolina at Cbapr IIIH N C Trinity rflllnre at n rh tn SI Unlvcretiy of t Va April 3 Oronre l C Lralnus at KMto- nJrtwiSn at 77 Trlnltr K ton rnmrtl at Itlura V rfnnoylYiinlii Susie t Mar IchlBb i to mivrnllr I at Iorthum finnIT i Writ Point K Wublne and Jenmon at Kaslon Dartmouth at P 3 MhUh at South IVthlftifm 1 Biiriown at In rortham at rordhim- Uhtrh at Kakton M IndUm at nastoni- i atmbr the J U1 cane Mecnu Nol lank I the Neltner shoulll mon 8 dm b 1 M had tod a If an LouIs rlem dl the and 1 1M hut York rut f Iot a tip the Pllrk not t ap- peared police COII I Fast I chips alii InK peacemaker the Hal tady rrninl cent pMt homo Balltnd astlIh his I ripped ltIi I i I e SIll i I i hod P OIIlIIII I 04 ROle d a t Jifher 11lf Columbia naiiarmemit IIn no it I all I was i Jan ball Vain It blind Imfl ihlp ith Iff plnd In tton The rem 2t and no nil 71 10 tton I Ig Prinieton I A II Ion 13 At Ion e ron 17 nnono uvmmt I is thIng a no malt was wham Mur- ray saul aid iLl TTIJ in siot hI years lhlta ins < lfakitliiill lthioil ihiiuui hut lsik p1 haIl y thou cii uiia Its wit ut years season wits gaines lice snniid will tin played the lnia at LIOn tan 4r > < > < < < < < TWO ESCAPED FROM YAP DKTAllS Of THE KllLtXO O- AMEHICA VnOSPECTORS- Iarty IVai Flrwl On Prom Inibnih Prom lln Four of six American anti One Xrxlran Drtv Shot IIOWIITHO Amerlrani II n AM EI PAtiO Tex Jan 12 C E Tollert of Salem Ohio and H L Miller of Chicag survivors of the Ynqul Indian mniwnc of Sonora Mexico on Jan 19 reaohi hero tonight from Nogalea Ariz ncth- n an escort for the bodies of their foi murdered companions which will ho cot eyed direct to Chicago Mi Her IB manager of tho Liberated Mlnin and Smelting Company of San Antonio I the Lnhunrto Sonorn Angclefthuthifihead Uarters nre InChlcnp- He wnH one of the ill fated party of si Americans which on Friday Inn in to Inspect tho propert of tho Ytirjui Smelting and defining Con Four of them nnd one of tho Moxica drivers were killed Miller with Tollorton escaped by tnkln ranch about ton mill away When wo left Mints Prletns said Mlllc tonight pome member of the party that Friday thin inth was nn uri lucky day and late to begin a proved no W made the trip in tw taRO conches anti reached Toledo Sonora lOt miles Jnn 10 unusui Incident Wo inspected the property an started on tho return journey on the day On JAn 10 when within thirlyflv miles of the village of La Colorado hot stage coachmen were fired upon by Ynqi Indians who were ambushed among rocks beside tho trail Thero were full oventyflvo Indians in thin party nil we untied They the attack wit three shots which took tm completely b surprise The first volley was directed at leading stage coach The Mexican drive anti John Mackenzie of Chicago wore killed instantly All of us jumped to the find fevernl photn worn fired nt tho Indian I took to the scrub brush at the top of m- peod anti shouted to nil to run for the lives Dr It C Coy of Chicago stood hi ground and continued to Ore Ho wa struck in the abdomen and fell I did no oe any more With tho surviving Mexican driver J auntie my way to a ranch eight miles ills ant nnd gave tho alarm I did not then know that any of my companions him escaped the slaughter but wns nfterwnrt joined by Tollorton who had taken refugi nl the village of ten miles tlistnn from the scene of the Attack A pOKwj of Mexican farmers was organ led nnd the bodies were recovered the dead had been robbed of valuable inch tho bodies were stripped of clothing All hail been mutilated by the Indians who had crushed the skulls with clubs Wt were unable to telegraph the news to friend in the Tnifd until wo reached No with the bodies owing to the tight cormorshlp tnnintnlnrd by the Mexicnr- nuthoritieo of Sonora over all despatches- A detachment of rurnle anti out ol regular raldler under Gen Torre is in purxuit of the Indians but the chance for the capture of the murderers are for the country is rough and tho impassable mountains lire not far away WAHHINOTOV Jan Th State De- partment tins been informed by Consul Mornwotz Negates Jlox that the bodies if those killed In the mussacco by Yaqul Indians last Thursday afternoon at Co Imchi State of Sonora hind been recovered mil would lo shipped Immediately to their respective liomwi The Mexican iovern neat i doing nil in its power to punish the jaud of Indians Secretary of this Navy Morton today ewlved a telegram saying that his sonin aw William Potter of Chictigo who it was eared had been nlto killed probably wife flov nior of SonorA it personal friend of Secritarv Morton lies informed him that Potter in at Mirmcn on his way o Chihuahua Minuca Is on a railroad md distant from time scene of the massacre f Thursday riyfs rOCET mil That Somrlimly Else Ii Xunlrrlntc- Aiiiirlrarn In llixlcn Harry U Layton who spent several ears in Mexico ns n newspaper correspond- nt anti btwines mnn wild yertterday that e doubted whether th iec nt murder of party of mining prospectors near Torres onorn was the work of Yaqul Indians stated Mr Ijiylon spent several years- i the region whore the murders wero one and was much In contact with the nilinns says their dliipciHition toward nioricans tins always been friendly The gold mint near Torres are chiefly iwned by Americans and the Yaquis anti mployed by thuiii Mr Inytons partner nok llemlpy was murdered there In nd his friends never believed no Mr nylon says thnt the Yaquis killed him emley one of few Americana who mid sprak the Indian dialect anti wits n the most friendly terms with the Yaquis Ir layton says Hint tour parties of Araeri have been attacked III Minn part f Mexico in the few nlieves that this Government should inuti thorough investigation WKSTMIXSTKH S IC IlllZES any lrom Ne Specialty hilts slid r Cnmllllnni Prize in 4J8 r inilar T inn t tie WcouuiniotHr Kennel hub show next lonth Hiuoitnts to IIIMNJ and he total num r of special rrirps to ic 150 The w- oecials Include ninny of intfroMiiiit eon lions and to encourage breads that have hitherto been proitunpnt Thp new Toy p nip Club offers a Ion array chief unions bplns tho presidents clip yivcn by liom s V Lawson dime chnnipion cup given y Mrs A M RavmondMallock lbs cliairi Dirndl cup given by the Nellcote Rca 1 chsllrnve bowl given by Mrs E W lurk Rosemary cup riven by MiM H l arlett iup civpn by Miss Jlary- endprson Fuji cUP finn by Mrs plvillc D Kindirs IInd a ilv r cun from rs Howard Gould The new Dalmatian t I tIe Ovprlnlch cup valup JOO for thp opposite tn the wlnnpr of the III irfAntoria cup The new li hpppI- K prices Inrlndp the chnllpnsp ilio jiort for mpricon bred dOIr or trh to w won three times liy the same blliitor fantleould by- iwnrd i ould of p club for the t Amoncitn bred doc to If on outright iddpnbroo cup prp nted IllllnKham for best American bred hitch h won outright Middle round rhallpnc- eip presented Mrs J Norton for t st- mcrlcnn hitch In the novice clan to won three Th trophies for Include a cup for in hpst met hallcrtsp for host brae of Amen in bred blick field Hrook- dp trophy for bcpt field spaniel Id ap ehallenze acid for bst field spaniel tn the novice class itlonal chsUpncp Op for hat American fi field trophy for host Tipricon brad field third sporting spaniel her than cocxer bred br on Their nrtllrn the R Ills homo Is nt loft Minas PrJetnl Sonora pall tothe hnllh And foot totbe nearet re- marked Journe- It fol- lowing the opened the round I wa flit mumr a Ill IS 9 mil ians a 11 I I ruler mon nfl not I plan Yeddo ama Club has also som liD eplclal- onw troph of the of mpri Il thin of e best t tit 10 bl tim hr1 lumber nc spa best I lid t1oingoo distant on without Al- f SI lutes Rails sum Ire was lIe tips the I tail sin t iii i lob < > < > < < > COPS 7v SKIRTS Indlanapolti Finds It Ii Cooil May Catch Tntem Ulio neb Women INDIANAPOLIS Jan 22 The attempt tho police department of thin city to cat tIme gang of thloves who have been women on the streets in tho evening putting the youngest and most looking policemen womnnB apparel a lotting thorn patrol dark streets has r Bulled In the arrest of two negroes white man and all three have Identified by women whom they hi robbed Supt Knlgor baa received letters fro other cities nuking about his plan m- ho has replied that his experience Justifl tho belief that it would bo n good Hill to have policemen wear womens cloth regularly in certain districts of all gro cities There hiss como Into existence hero In other cities n class of thieves who mal a specialty of and oth women work downtown lint lit some distance nwiiy They opera between 0 and 7 in evening always on cross streets Kruger believes that the thlen Inform themselves with regard to the pIne inwltiujll ll lllli they leave Iho cnn lie in walt for them tho girl thus attacked nre alone and it is an ens matter to frighten them into siirrenderin their The patrolmen who selected tho Bp of catching the thIeve report some funny experiences while Ii unusunl One of wn- aocodted on n side street by A young mn and wes asked to attend a dance nt n house with him that The patrolman reproved him and nske If ho witS in tho ntrnng young women In that Trio unman saw through the disguise apologize and nor to l o Hardly had tho patrolman turned awn when was negro who him roughly th arm and demanded his patrol mans hand was on the nn Instant anti the other hnnd presented revolver When tho captivo was t a store where in light hn reoog- nlTOd the policeman and the patrc wagon was nston could not a ove the manner In which he had Ixnn tricked will ask tho fionrd of Publi Safety to provide dretwes for at least fou men on and will use them from time to tIme In rates where hn thinks th disguise will further the ends of justice women detectives were at sonic of hue large stores superintendent thinks if had tnci in womens instead ho would hay got n greater number of shoplifters am to try it nt 01 Saturdays in busy TIMK1A IIOXl TALK Nrnrn PuElllitH IlrlnK Driven Out hut nine announcPmpnt of lack Johnson o nllrorntit that tie Is for Australia boniiiso ho cnnnot nrn n lIving at hits pro eMloQ in this country briiiKs to mind th Invasion of England ly American puitilhl- ntmut ten years OliO At that time till hoxliu fame rocrtrlntc n hnrd knock In thn Vnltei- StatiMhPcniiso most of cities frowiuil 01 HIP sport Knclaud was tho only place n that thru where a fighter could show hi ubility without fear of haying tho mithoritloi pounce upon him Kishtersof reputation wen issuml ot royal treatmont won liberally compensated In the ray of purses Ino Onp champion after thin other math thi trip Thoy were Kind to hicaiiso Ht that tlmi- Endandi bp5tscrap rH wore whet Americiin- ivoidd riB rl ns third Tho Ameri- cm hoxrrs hud no trouble In hpntlni tholi enjoyod the iru of nprlty lint rolled by the novelty f Aliicrlcnn In wore off purses wore cut and England was the last ilaiii on oiirtli that a tluhtrr would think n- fUitinit to mnko rnoupy Thou utrnin th- l ort with ndvpiit of the I ton on law tailed up In this city cud oxrrythlni d- rov for Iho poor bruH r Then ciituon check IIP l w allow UK bovine In this Slate was mid ho sport nourished In only a fow of the somali ill hnn Kraiuisto permits the HMirt thore is coino talk now thai 0 b cut out in that city before loiiif jilt nlifornui Quit of till wav the d wilt not hn bed of Hottor for time IlKhttr Johnson i a uocro leht of ability IP to liin tho ihaml- ioti nil nothing In do with hiin IH- auso of his whipped in fluht in his duns agreed to uipct him H poks riitu- md tho tonlejt us ns good us toads Hut lart had drawn the rotor no lohn 1011 iN left in tho iiilil- lohnson says it Is n question of tturvlng- ir visiting some other is jlliii nd mixiouM to llidit hut unnot cot tiny hlnc to do In Au trnlia there H no proju avalnM noifro tighten Potur lacksonI- vod the of the Australian tIter known coloraj hivn- omo friiin thai country notably 1Urllihl- nd Pot or Kollx lohn on wints to fight Is the ncknowleUsivl houvvwolHlu nf ustniIUi l oluison thinks Hint if ho M ft inntch- rilli Foils ovi n tliouuh he IO OH ho will bo- u u to koop wolf from tic door Prejudice iiiKro llchtors is steadily in this coiiiitrr and if It Iontliuint- road colonel puirllit will b u rant think 11 the UMI years or so flubs bnv- oarril tbom from In bouts nd when they do appoar th is o poor hat they give up till Wen of b vlitorn snuio othor biiHino- iVosroos rot titter first otperjenc 1 tlio tin bv appearing III oxlilbiiioim Htlo noitroin wero pitfml- HBHher ami I In wiunir 0111 whr- HH nbli lo bo up anti doinw f nni i bone nAIls wore iirmtuitivo of much dm dovolopod n KOIM in to tnrtp l tn tbls May So did loo Vlc itt nd nov ral other lioxoru lUtloi- vnln wro not popular now tliev iro- fldoin bold t anv rliilm Vhuiv r- liniKo n IKBTO tighter hs of Roliiuu BI- Ippnrtunlty m FIIIK now IM throiii Iiii with WIIUP white lioxer n hi- HtPV trainor or nibbor Anti ovo nhoiild- p t im for this ho in more or lis Irarroit followlns UP his adnphvl profoiMilon i KmtUud thorp are many lorpd boxrrn they ro not no while vor ihiro have rofimed to nuit f tlio nPcrowi PO from i there i no to SOP theni INform of thoir own color they HTP A hard tlnio KOttlni alone tioorco- Ixon Is ho only negro who l nbp to not sire amity of mntchps abroad Hut It Is boiauso- r lion reputation that ho thus favored ho Dinounl of nionev Dixnn oarns no not hew wookly simply of clears id refreshments In the of trl There Is n lot of interest c nlre l In rIp nroachine haul between Krnnklp Dick which l nchwlulod to h ld nt San co tatter part of thi- onth be viiiso of Hylamls isntlty llvlnnd inst now up as R iw hn tint flgurod in set mIlls und Ids fight with call will Ills nhut Th prelimInary mako Hyland appear ns a id danceroiis opporpnt Thfjw who position to know thAI ll ro- vp f hit life when he on- Mintcrs Iylaml Th latter is not vot and l lint Hpvplope In tr nirth- hnlld Rut he Is ambition and his ipjids think that he will hp hparrl from fore lone As an amatpiir Hyland Imn work He won fortythroo- mtests find of thes were lockouts H is tact and rioter and all lat Is confldemp Amateurs never ive to much whpii they stinted as professionals Of wilma are ceptions rAM of Timmy llritt nnd These two liuvi lived up to air promise s nmnteurs About IPII years BRO every amateur who that he ivan nunllflml to hold hU turnH but their dav wns ort Take for Instance lack Skplly die Pierce Wild Bill Hnnrnhan Ito Thpre wpre A No I natpurs hilt last for monet PV not It Skellys ambition re- VP a derided cheek when mt Hporffp XpwOrlpansin 32 Pierces ck In the rlntr n nn and succppded In bocomine middle champion MoAiiIlffo was amateur not take him enter professional ranks McAulltTo ret had use of his record it rank and file of mat urs to by the before they realize too slox their brethren in the next lasn be t wonder or n exploded phenomenon mill with Nf U will the a to or robbing feminine In been and nIl of employment of for ut a ljn It h a hut Inll h urlnR hilt season rr of Ill Iolllto all ollr d and raiN ol1lontnlll and thr pro Ru th r lilt till hut 1O ill l rOil It letl Tlr but prrlwd I Iii his Ant i Ill I lx amid cur I I next tin lIlfIhuc- n 11 tail 1 I I slid f 110 1 lid tll si hilt 11 Tit her IP t1 desire Ill I I Ant loon hI tAlk are In R c l or don out a Jim own lonll rated th In lit I Ho lid Tad n Irt lone tl Ihe hoAr that lirA for at- one rome t lie yes pit glitat ii Fti gIn liii then ru pa Itd t heat wants I huts hits Mary tart few hitis anti I e i tati fri hen life In juels rid became tiimo ft ii it a full mld gail elk who 0 it ifl lii a ira ilisu pa rt leimiatitig V im g lii t lit souii etlmes arts us i Ii ui ii ibm g i lieu Moss u a his his n phi Nail hue lii ant will timer when 1w also the they I > < < < < < > > < > < > < I SAILORS IN BLOODY BATTLE AXOTHEH OlTIlttEAK OV HOAR THE lllXnVSTAS Twelve Clilnamrn Injured mind One M- ilf Seventeen Are Im Imler rrt Turn Ihe Portrait R Shanibl Vend Ilefween Men ot Two Prorlnu There wns another bloody outbreak yc tcrdny on the British steamship Hlnduatn which Is lying at Pier Brooklyn Chinese members of the crew nre in hoi tals seven others turn Buffering from 1 juries and seventeen aro under ant One man mny die The outbreak Li tl second occurring on tho ship within thr- dajtt Time Hindustan which came from Cn cutta reached this port ton ago lit of the crow were Chinese from tho Provini of Canton anti tho others come from nnottv part of the Celestial Umpire fho figured in scraps and bickering during voyage In every row tho Cnntonei stood together against the devils from It other province fho fierce enmity existing between U men came to last meat was distributed Tho Cantone asserted that tho others had gotten ft large amid n but tpr quality of meat antI late thoy stole it from An soon n the theft was discovered a began Cantonese had his Hkull fractured another was Tho police rr tho Hamilton avenue static boarded the and arrested several who had taken part In the trouble Hindustan nn Erin Uasln dry on Thursday but stun then shin bet at 35 Atlantic Basin Ior two And n hail lays succeeding th first outbreak mba o their arms Yenterdny a Cantonese snik ono of the In time forecastle The latter rt foliated knocking him down A Chines Donnybrook wits on In half a minute an twenty men wore In it Onn nina up a capstan barnnd struck Ah Yow break- Ing in two plat The sight i some yelling und waving their hands themselves with cooking utonHils sticks and other In Tho belligerents fough furiously Somo who Injure lo the lecl pursued assailants and Iho battle was there Capt Hamilton and his oflioern rushed into forecastle to the The found saIlors and firemen lying helpless 01 Others worn wiping their wound Scarcely n man had a cut or a who did attrib- uted their their agility in climb- ing Into their hunks of two men had nn eye nearly out Vord wan to the Hamilton nvenm police station nnd Onllngher orderei reserves down to tho diok They wen in tho ntrol wen nlwi summoned from thin Jx ng Island Col- lege nud Hcnoy hospitals Ambulauci Surgeons hnd to patch the of ten men Others wen wounded hilt they hid themselves unti Iho police left 23 years old was the mos seriously injured iln hnd n foil inch scalp and it In thought n sire of skull and Internal injuriw Ah Wong Wall Wong Sing mid Al Yow had broken jaws scalp wounds Tho four latter were removed ti the Island College Hosptnl bib condition In critical Seventeen of the Chinamen were corrnllec tim police and marched off the ship nnd wagon was filled trip was necoswHy to to this Five of the men weri held for felonious anxnult nnd the other for assault anti battery- It Is apt Hamilton wil get rid of the crew They have too much stirplUH energy to stilt him VHOFKSSIOVAL HOhf I EXftlS narlcl Vnriton Ta lor am- lleril Still Icud Professional golf in 1931 in treat Britain included 171 mulch n miirked incrensi- ivor the preceding season and tho tola ins risen steadily nince 1000 when sixty dx competitions were recorded The on- erpriw of the British clubn in promoting nioh contents i conUast to tin existing in thiH country when he number of events inolud- Ing the open did not ex e thirty Possibly alien the day nr ivprf that will IK tc mold their own with time ionuls from Scotland and tho situation may e different but at this hint there is cant offered hero to the olfers by trade although a large ortlon the Immigrants of mate adopted us their home In that tho statistics lave Vieen compiled by II Hoss Coiibrough or London the bulk of honon hnvo gone to tbn quartet tarry Vnnlon Taylor Hrnld and Herd the might have lioeu- norensed from n to a Innt- poson but for tho breakdown in health if Jack White Immediately after IUH vic in the open Ho in retored to unit it IK thought thaI will give n good account of year nil thn play and toumamenlH tho f the quartet Cnrripft- lHII ir n ijta iiaiun j r- nion w I u H j- o u n is iszai- r ld II in 0 1 knl 7 13 n I i AH to tijuninmonti Vnvdon won three nd lost m flight Ilrald won three nnd lot i Hveii von five and lust In six rhile Taylor played in ten and did nut i of toiiriiamentH- nil thn amid fur ball irntuliOM tho record f matches in which pocb has played for Hur Hin l4a llallJ irriin i i 3 vlnr z nn o raPt m 5 rot 19 H I The record of single matches among nemholves for tho lenders wits MalthM iron Jail llahnl- anlon ployrtl Taylor 3 2 o I arilon llruld 2 3 3 ardnn played herd I n i n avlor played Hard s u I 1 I I u Mr cxinclusion from all the aU anti the reports mado on ihe matches L the time of is that Toy ir shows the best record for the season ith Herd a good second and with anion Braid trending very indeed on ipir heel is characterized being consistently good anti at times rilliant The amount of money last year an Komewhnt less than in 1M3 the lng put at li 00 of which the quartet on about JCPOO The most prominent out ders to share in the were innell Ilainford Collins Sherlock Wil T Simpson and Gnudin A match erred to by Mr to show that veterans can still hold their own in the e- ir of fearsome driving wits Ihat nt rffl between Willie lomb opon champion anti Braid played In old timer won on twentyseventh ln All square at the eighteenth the imn to until n hole was won gut holes wore actually halved antI the only settled at the a record of hich Fcrnio well be proud Taking tho record of threw years matches between the i won out of fortythree thirteen out of ncteen out of fortyflvn And Herd seven twentytwo Americans bare nn especial interest in e doings of Vnrdon won in IPOO He is recovered mo for n long period but as a measure returned to ma sanitarium for the winter w f i er to play in Southern California and to tour here in the I t 3 FtJJ men the when One and men wall dock n lrenls illon o rile l tn b f1 bt Cn rratl h u- pI ct nil lira 111 hlp pro At the ulntol tory now th11 71ng < 1 xi lose unto iuuutself f r loll A < 4 I 11 I 7 2 I 2 I Couhrou h cae 1 i and I IIIl I I mone liam on I the I or I the match I ma I1M of hall Taylor In from the thnt kept hint out or thin pre- cautionary nt To to do no an winter eprlnu html days Eli sent Motes lee lie i V Vi- rile Iii tuuirked eel It hi ou was ui 4 t rifnnt in stand5 a nit ior pISird riM moth hIte urdui illness declined the < > > < > < < > > The VERY BEST WHISKEY is ltii i Vflr SOLD EVERYWHERE H B KIRK CO N Y Sole Bottlers OLD CROW RYE 1 H I OLD C1W iOLD CROJ1 PUREOLD MELLOW J > CRANK CALLS ON MAGISTRATE WANTS WRIT TO COMIEh EI- MAV TO MAnnr ffn- Maclntratn Sends for Ioiicemen Hpfor- Thry Arrive the frank lleclni to lol low the MnRlttratr Around liner anti Uemaml tile iMtie nf tIle IVrl- lWhilo Police Magistrate Higginbothar was entertaining a party of friends nt dir nor in hln homo at tOt Bnghivick nvenm Brooklyn Inst night time front dot bell was violently ning antI when n mal it sho found H well dressed mm about HO years old on lImo stoop Ho hai on a silk lint ehe noticed anti ho won side whiskers Sho nuked hint his business and lie In- formed her that ho must BOO the Magistral at once on a matter of time greatest im- portnnco shown into the parlor anti tho maid sent word to Mngintrnlo lug ginbatham The Magistrate excused him- self from his guests and went up to see th visitor Time stranger greeted him cur dlally and then said My name is Mr Farnsworth and I nn from Ix ndon I want you lo Issue n wri compelling Edna Mny the actress nov playing In this city to fulfil nn ngreemen she mode with mo hi London to become m- wifo 1 also want another writ rcstralnlni her front appearing on time stage The asked this man if Mis May had nroraised to innrrj him to So not personally but through ni- Intlmnto It bucame evident the Magistrate thin ho had a demented man to deal with mind hi asked Fanisworth how and where ho ham mot the actress I wns a salesman in a fine art establish ment in London said the visitor anti toe Mi s May whito who was some for hot apartments I fel in love u mutual friend obtained an introduction It was then that I told her how I loved hor and she prombed to become my wife aftei Fred Titus Recently I learned of hei i London Before doing so I cabled to Mist May telling heir of my Intentions hail m no that message bad 1 took the Urn steamer and landed in New York last week 1 discovered that she was in Boston hut learning that she wits to return to New to wait How did you come to call on mo in- quired thu Magistrate vats the police to see s Magistrate replied the mann crossinj time today I stopR c- at a police station and they gtlve mt youi decided to notify tutu nt once ns time vtsitoi- WIIK greatly excited Excusing himself Iho Magistrate went to lilt tele- phone in time hall up Police Head- quarters Tim Hamburg nvenue police was ccunmunicnttKl with two are sent in all liaisOn to th Magistrate home Before there the stranger wits following tIme Magistrate around time room and demanding to know If the writ would be ismied Meanwhile time Magistrate WHS trying to cnlm the mum until the police nppenred Tho visitor finally shouted tint he would Inko tho law into hits own hand and he rushed out nf the house Ho was last ceen running In ho direction jf Bushwlek avenue After rard a general alarm for tIme arrest uf thin man was sent out IXTKIICITY HACKS oral Drhcrs favor lleols nn llrimltljii mid ru VnrU Kire l aj Plans for n erio of Intorcily pppdlnK ooni to Ibid fnvor with members if tho Sow York lload Drivorf AH oruitlun resident M I lull of York nw o l heartily in favor of tho- liHllpiu uf HIM Jlonsiir DriviM of llrnok- yn Ho tMillpviH thut souiitliiik bo lo tho tcinoral In iho port over Iho finnnns IIiiHom drlviv Tho- uinlnt O BOII will mi1 many noted horses ion bat hoon KIIK ilotso of luM K aioii All tliwo ns well ho stnrt of iho roid can IK or ilm of Ilm public Ihoro will IM tiHiilv iwi oforo t ho oiioniiiB of tho nuitinon KJIHUM- l iho Kiiiriif inuK i thai the niinibor or- ior oH Iruin which to MI A l o nlinont Tro llriiiklvnl- orspinen III pouallv fortMtiito In litivinx- ilonty of liuli iiiiitiruil MI iho forios wnnlil iiroxoni i tar i rfriiim Hint would cr inil 411 iiii- 1st ton lirund firoiiii inoi The only point In tho of tlio rivers A that il not l ho- o York nun favornblv is the plini to lint h Ilrouklvn moots hold over iho nrk v horses Hf tisloniod to n stnii h was coiirso nnl n doridid lien iiskiNl to perform rtriitur rnnrso o course i n half mil rack with short shun turns KOIIIP of New York ono f thK to heir discoinfltiiro Tho Now Vmk ames toni no chnnre acalnst tho stirrers hat had been trained over the track ud- r re thoroughly at homo Secretary Reeves antI Ohio embers sopn oontosts if nr- inecd Mhoukl lie over the half mllo Htraicli way course on each speedway This would lacp the starters from associnlinn- n im equal bo wilhout either Thin New York members would Iso be willlne to make the contest open to her associations such as those tn lorspv- ity Newark or Staten Island It Is riot nro to hold mpetlnc outside of New York nd Brooklyn hut simply to allow VPS of oilier clubs to and allow her cjibi to offer cups for competition Hudson Hlvrr Yacht lobs Sleet An invitation was extended by the Tappan fe Yacht Club to the various yacht clubs on 10 Hudson lllvcr to pond rnpresontntivps to- i informal which took place at Hie- rPiin Now York city on Saturdny veninc- in 31 Time delegates nt this meetlne pMilntd- mporsry offlcprs anti oniinittoo to draw i u constitution to covern this HHsoclnllon resolullon wnn aiilhorlrin K then oftners to call n final liioetinz in nw YorK city durlnc the latter part of Fob to complete thn arrangements Plans ere subrmltod for n one design claps wlili h nit probahlllly will he adopted Those nronoiit wore Howe leant Yacht Club Conmiorloro K M l an en II Morpp n T Clmdlmrn and Alex den I Darraeh Newbnreh aid antlnc AMo l hon Commodore II Stuart XicoCornniodorP Villlam tlrlchs los ih H Klticott Vnlentinp Mod Major A inUD F S Tuttle K B litt lt T Mrieha- id C H Ilrliis Tappan Yacht Ito id Mr Mabrie Messrs Gardner Cox naval architects i tIm answered Ho wan personally t here plot tue she had from securing a divorce and ten ief the cnbui add mjsu iohtcemneru I tin t lit 5 limit oat s tIme itt Now tint bill s crept In c shoi lit tons rev I ti lute rest t let t riluasusl I lie torte r lit iIlrttI I muioflt lis it vt Ils ftP tim Ii s t hue sit I ill Pit 1uis oinhii rmstt i i rev of a > iiit fLit sitre- I isis Its t tout St nit c a a- rai d tntl vance ge over a 15 tout lilt it me exsrimi footIng and > meet In te it try anon jut I 7 t I rt < > < > > <> > > AHHEST I HlSCIIIl CASK Another Man Takrii for Helpline to Rob the tTievnllers Mlfe- Pnsqimlo Cincotta wan arrested yester- day in a Baxter street tenemnt amid taken to Brooklyn Cinootlii was arrested on n bench warrant The oomplnlimnt Is Mnrln- DIsohin wifo of Chevalier ITiHclila of 131 Tillary street On 3 Inst Mrs liIschla was Miltlgglcd- hy sailors on board an Italian triinsatlantlo vessel nt Xnplo nnd kept in n cabin during the voyage Shin was an a milan ns sIlo would tint l o allowed to If her identity should become known to tlio olllcers because she was HUffo- ring from iye trouble When vessel reached Brooklyn the sailors lowered the woman over latent night A of Italians who worn in n rowboat rowed aniiy with her and took her to a hoiioo In Harrison street Brooklyn where for two sho was Two thousand ilollnrx worth of diamonds wn stolen from her nt tho time Sho was also crimimdly nsKnulled- At length sho removol in a cab mind n being eventually iihnndoned near tin Somo timn later two of her were arrested nnd sent to for long terms Since then somo of time jewelry been iwoovorod She alleges was involved In time theft that jewelry Thr lleceiit limit llctwrrn MurherR and IlcntiiR mill thou it lint Hurt the H nrt Tim recent Irmoltomau wrostllnc match between II II KecbnrK of Denmark and John Pionlnu lliitcher Buy which proved to lie n fiasco ii still beinir illscusHed- by the followers of tIlts pastimn Eenberes defeat WH u great surprise lo his friend who that ho was invincible but hU- dolibomto refusal to contlnuo for thin reason that H boll on his iluht shoiilUcr bothered him during the nontest cuts unexpected TIme result of thIs match enn wrcstllns a- bnd blow In the isml Iws brauKnt- Ihe upon Into disrepute when it have boon inado Honrrt nf munch nmiicument to tho publlu nnd profit to Although there is nn direct evidence that IlenliiK ami Kcoboru put up n dishonest bout the fuels to hand mInt ncain them In the first place iho bettliiR WIIK for another thlnu the way th Dane sue ounibed to some vory weak holiUKuenicd In a- inesnuro to show that thorn n KOinothlpK- a mius Iieninc nnd Knvberit met n low ago prior to their match nt Ihn Grand n- trul Inlnip mid won Ills victory In thai ilrst htruKalw il isivti tbnt- thoro wa no doubl n to Ills superiority This bout WHS o nnil to a nppeiir on the lore that tlio large crowd thnnuht Hint Hpon wns In n to be success- fully Ionsoniiemly in lie next merit an overflowing crowd rent to time Grand temrnl Palace ovpoctlnc to see a repetition of ilm first match They were licHppolnlinl ron KKiberu pm i n poor of nnMlinir nail ullowoil hitnself to ho tossed aboul liy liin rlvil who decidedly thn IJanos Inferior In alpinfill mil CPIICP- In view of KijoboriiH oviolloiit xhowinit Ih first iontost II iiilnrnllv to the lMttlnh hi fmor ol Iliimie lm- jiidkini from hi porfii ruiurps out in not IIIVWIM cotr KiUori sclass The wHo oni wore Hinir lo Inv tlli to JlO titer lime llnlihir Km would urn anti uero in no wim dlM- KO thin first fall bv- In this o Huy Kirelwr- on tlioidort tn ruin hn Iionlni lurid io tlm tliiiti 11 ciiiii- to eliot doui a Irt titod whoii the Dane nir Klroiistu alone nt over K Vhiii ho did con t ol uoold Imvo in trying Hi in Hilo born loan ml vitoiv in tin lirt full tlm- vi o AVPIO roiulv ii I wlllltii tu stick to ihoir iiplulou thai tre HOIK would lost jnd wero iitleriiiK in to H h ii ihiv were right It would M iii Htiit HISO tvill timid sumo coitl IIMS for ncrvoinic to liHnrd tbolr motioy o Irooli Ibis IH n t UK inn Iieninc has been nfiiiod of bPinv M I IIM o u Take HP lull In hits iniitih v tilt Inm lonkins at n in lliiloin i iir n lust tvintor and 4omo i f his liimtH T u lniiil ihoiitro leer tiisiiiiluim Tlim i hueiii ILH Mrond iiaranco in this i olMr lie i managed iy Krnesl fl el or n 11 rt ooiiplo it tin liiinn l- illllUllll Ullll Ilio IIHIWH nil Hio ri I nl mil ri iiH lfralip IMIIHIIM mitt IriivoUinc n iniiiT- K If Iuiliorir int- nalcli willi IiiiiIiL lio rori- narli fur n i n nfo iroi i mir iini1 liirti In r nnn tlo- Titwl liy iiiuro Ida i a liainl who hut figured nulihly litslwoi- ui iiif Itunhor- roKtlun i ii ho roud- iiiooilni OI 1iin ESTABLIShED NEAPD1 CLVTUB- YT TERE 19 a to j save from 3 to 12 on the cost of your Spring Overcoat We offer a choice lot of light anti medium weights all in Black or Oxford Mixtures j with sillt or serge lin- ings They are regular in every respect hut price Sizes well assorted Present 14 to 28 Station at our door ASTOR PLACE AND FOURTHAVENUE iuId was assailants llflES1I1V t lou I boa gut Fit fmluu ii In I suit tt I lie promo riters iuspIetnu and t hue la mill has ii s is ix cit I a i l it lice t tie way rCt I ted t s i rt tide hit i 115 St ni rigs Hoe un tie t I his imiut t out ii ltd tVi nil t lied hurt break tng t tit Oili jut ft r iii i t a ti it I ir t laid hi iI i t it hit ii usil lie ol tors- tt tm ltiiuei i a it nil I i i li itmtil S 11 a i i ties huh I iuiI- titrut for t iutua ir i who ik tim foti ii i cru ii ii mu oril rut hell iid r tim auli Iii eu tluuinltr lim Ii il uuIitr limis not tim uril itm ire tt tstiul Clti 1 ii us 11 It it anti iet i i ti ri It Is beIng it ii f unttnitcu- I r j t I itt tatnr- It ti 4 mm i it looks as- ii ms BROKkW BROTHERS HAIFA chance r prices Subway lust ¬ > > ¬ > ¬ < > > ¬ I I l I i 1 I iHI

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irov cAiSEs mscussioHurry E Heiirrneypr Who Hai

Experience 11 s SwimmerIntrrcMlnn Iacti Prof llolro il

Kt loult Water Contained o

Are sxvlmmlnjc nnd water polo oiorciwInjurious to health Tho question hirpooived a lot of attention recentlyto tho death of George V Van Cleaf nn

H liratton of the New York A C

Mist Ethel Colding of Oath Beach Thtwo men It is cnid contracted tho gerrrof diseafo while taking part in tho swirr-

iring meet nt St I ouLi vhoro tho wattwas asserted by some persons to bo putrianti entirely unfit for tho purjK M of n

aquatic carnIval On thn other hanrthose who nro always handy with empiricI henries nnd ready to decry athletics c

every form aver that swimming and wnt

polo nil detrimental to a sound physiccondition nnd sooner or later cnutrouble

To strengthen this side of the nrgumenlthe ctn ofPercy Dickey who died abeL

yrnrs ago is pointed out Ho pannei

nay nt tin enly ago in tho heyday c

his s and whilo In the front rank o

the champions To suit tim moment hiad end H now raked up Betwixt th

two waves of criticism the swimmerswater pololstn and their sport have causen lot of talk in sporting circleslow take IMUIS to dlagnow the real callsof the trouble among this class of athloti-iprformcn

Ouvn Itrntlon ns hA wits familiarknown died of typhoid fover rather middonly nt Chicago He wa M years of age

Bin in his time had been roller skater cy-

clist and since 1MX had taken to swimmingHis attempt in tho aquatIc line wa

n miinber nf the defunct Knlckerbockor A C Ho joined the New YorkA C in iW2 ned was one of tim frequentvUitors to the clubs swimming tank Only

a day or two before hA left forhe spent tiny in the baths in company

the swimming fraternity of the wingecfoot

Van leafs history Is similar to Brattonn-HP WIIR n member of thf KnickorbockoiA l1 swimming team nnd cnniQ over t

the Now York A C when the chorrjdiamond organization disbanded Ho nlst-

va n constant visitor to the club tnnkItpxldfs ho indulged in a lot of outdoorHwimiulng at Dnth lloach where heVAhon onco air wnv temwmdbicnlh ot spring Van Cleat would begin hitdaily dip and would continue until the Icappeared Very often majbo three 01

four limos a week he would engngo in r

lot of racing which hail nn oxhaustinf-ifl ct on iiiH vitality

Miss Holding lived nt Hath Bench nncduring the long summer months was to IK-

cpon in the water At nil hours Along witthat she indulged in n porle of longlirfsomuHwirrs as well as doing some racinfin events for girls In order to nscertairwhether it was ho had cater nt St lx uit-

or the excei ivo indulgence in the aquaticeport that caused the death of Dratton nm

a reporter of Tin StX gntherecthe views of n few p cilu competent to fonran opinion on such matter

Tho first to throw somo light on the ques-

tion was Hurry E IJeunneyer of the Now

York A C exchampion stiot putter boerand a mnn who has hen a swimmer for thepast forty year For at least n quarter ola century he visited Beruonhunt and incompany with the late Villinm H Curtisswam more or IM every day Of lain hefrequented the Marine nnd Field Clubwhore he a member hut never forgot lolake his dully swim Hegarding the demiseof Rintion und Vnn Cleaf

Iot of oplo jump at conclusionsright away and when nn athlete orswlmmordips tho ixercKeH are initnntly put downUK causing his death Now an u ofcourse any branch of physicaltaken Hnxcesj mnn Is inpoor condition will cause ai breakdown ofi IIP y ti in Swimming U considerablydifferent from track and field sports Iw-

p u poontiiiuedimmersionav thentrengthi-iikimwntothe at running

jumping or weight putting a man Btopi you are

I vifH the two or three tlmbau Took for the of n swim nnd n rubdwn I hnvn watched the HwimmoMmid then ImhiM closely anti I must

method from way of aretit host hang therei toy nre in and mil to the tem room resta mi lie then go in the big tnnk and doomnr-nfiiig then rent And urA back in the hotrKim ami n they rotate nil day long untili hey too fagged when they n

nf oourso nre hungry and go in for alug monl which i nnnther mlstnke Ax

pyrtpni pxhaiibted no tire tim dlmid to ent a lot

f lood In that condition l rank foolishi Tlius in one day a mans strengthmid ligectivo organs anif iniisit in end lend to seineIhysical disability Insteni of thi heartyHEll whnt I do I cat n light Hupper-KI I bcii early and next mnniing wlien-restrd and take umibetailtlal-bn iljfa r-

Xi w as fnr ns Van lenfn caw Is conoriioil have known for a numlKir-

i f ypirHand have setm a vast amountr swimming particularly around

H wasnt n dIN going Into thoalor and lolling nrouiid for all the time

IIP wax wan either racing or movingnriund pretty lively and when the

work was tallied it could lw foundhat leaf unit done n little too much

Thi cat reckoned in addition to hisbttitHin the clubV swimming tnnk

Furthermore he aid extra attentionihn wnler this fall trying to master the

rfl r stroke arid whole thinguinmpd it in to that

prrtid the whole and when sicknessalong huN undermined vitality was

wrak to withstand itUiatton was not an built or nn-

rriK a man as Van neil he wan atn ice too when men should be rather

faipfij of the amount of exhausting oxthey perform He did not quite

as Van Cleaf but prob-ably whaf did do too much forAs far as Miss case goes my

i iri r is that so far a I know wns inhe tiahn nf staying too long in thn water

t nile women are not of thefftmmn of men nUll Miss Holdingiui nut liuvfi felt immediate effectsfnm hpr work still the long swims she

in no good effect on her healthanna and long distance swims are only

men It is aa womans health to RO

repilarly during the summer monthsnow about ten years since Percy

IVkev riasupd and to hisr e is rather farfetched Luckily hedid n t wlm in a St Ixjuis or was notrtjdiip l to tank work What causediVlipyt end wn that while in poor

tut n h wont to Tracers Islandr tho of building

i g inort distances ofT the boathouserSit pery on account of some

p taqr improvements In the neighborI iho wnter nt time was not very

K d nd instead of improving Dickerrre pxpr and IniniiP f Hvcimming at time he should

s p pono away to the Adirondack orITII f h place indulgml in

K nn exercise is nothinginer limn vimmiug but liko

w donctoecewi 71 Isa peculiarv rf Hin8 nnd pxcesoive hutnn nn Rthlete or two die there i a howl

tuu hi je evils of sport I know





p and








ledI ho












I hit

I hp I

IlkI an





ohlo I





thou h

naMuld for

Ifr In water








II I f balf tf

1a w-l or but I bnve it






Teumeyer saul


sayI r thinking







flat h

oft ire












our populationi


the water atckan heard
















was aU right do i tnean thnttoo much of It n

too outdoors and excessive induIn both U for n mnn

what his strength stamina or vitnllimay bo

Prof the swimming Instructof Columbia was at at Lotduring tho Olymplo swimming carnlvo

Tho water nt St Louis was not baiThe races were held In trpool whero tho United States life savegnvo their exhibition daily anti they haigiven no evidence waterInto bail water orI have boon a swimming Instructor fornumber yea rs my ex is thatDrat ton or Cleat oontrncted lyphoi-gennn In St tho first week InDer o would have developed unitsooner More thnn two hnclapped from thin late of the race to

of tho 1 ngreo with MHeurmeyer that Probably Van Cleafrirnlton spent a too much time in trwater A swimmer should carehuh about his limit nnd not go beyond tbnthen again he should never gowhen or when his utomnchdistended or out of order Thrno

seemingly of little Importancethnv mein a lot lust the sane

Prof tins Sundstrom of thin NewA C wild tho Now York A C club tanwas cleaned onoo a week and fresh wale

in so that no Impurities could exinold of A

tho tank wan cleaned end the wnter changeonce n month


Iollcp Flail Iarkhunt Society Men Ahraof Diem In a Ilnld

Capt Ijantry nnd several detectives rthe East street stationInto on Saturday night thnt a prize figliwas to bo pulled ofT at the rooms of thGilford Club at 701 First avenue

They found Stipt McOlintock ofhurst Bocioty nnd seventh of his agentwere already thorn getting evidence Thcaptain informed the maiingcrx that h

would nrrcHl anyone who attempted to paiThe managers insisted that they wereviolating the law and wont ahead Thpolice arrested Jim nnd Mnrty McCui

William Mctue tho time-keeper and mines Murtha and James

McClintock and McTollnnin tho Yorkvlllo court

made alleging thintIckets for the exhibition lund been pub-licly sold for 50 cents each

for the that thiaffair was n entertaInment anti thnno club member was authorized to seltickets Mnglst rate Whitman theexamination to Wednesday held themen in 100 hull each

llcDennott of the Firth street sinlion was nlso busy Saturday nleht Ii

of a complaint he rnooiveifrom the Hev at StAnnotChurch on Twelfth Street ho took rsquad of mOil to the rooms of tilt IenoiPleasure Club at fll East Fourth street

They urrejitcd twentynix men antnrrnlgnod them In court yesterday Samuo-Krno t of lit Knit street and JohnWeslricht of 178 Seventh street worm holdfor further examination on n charge 01

gambling Pour men wore amwere lined 5 an disorderly char-

acter The police captured OHO 1

quantity of threeUii s

McDermott made another raid or115 East Thirteenth Htreet nnd arrentedfour men on a charge of running nn opiumJoint

AXK Ai HATrnrrIullrrman InlinnjnntlieSimt lntrr cue

to SnIP n Irairiiiikcr-Jolmnyont heSpot Hhen bulled Into D

jnttlo in the Bronx early yesterday mornIt WIIH hatchet agaiiiMt axe with

nsualtJen of n lost ear and a Rplii foreheadwhen the cop got there arid there wereitrong of more serious darnige when time clmmpionn had llnlHhrd 11

ittle muller of aJohn Whnlen is a piano mover and

vith his wilt buwomcnt ofaol Brook avHiiue Saturday night he inited his old friend George to join

horn in rushing the can Early yesterdaynoniing became

circumstances of Mrs Whalenswhich her himbnnd resented and

He up n smiill hatchet toimphortizc his resentment liastndy

An me Whnlon got the first blowwhich loft only one ear on

swung axe with both handsInc swing reached Whalcn forehead

The head of the axe the tleah fromhe skull from hair to

It wan then that a peacemaker appearedi the person of Lawrence

TK turned on him and in n jiffy he waslid out with two broken ribs ncad and a pair of closed eyes Shea-rrived in time to witness ofloloneyWith of n nightstick he had

he fighters ready to go with in nlime hut Whalen gave him realtrouble until the men on nearby nrIvod in response to revolver whichnine one in tenement tired out of uindow-In the Morrlsnnia poliO court yesterday

lorning Ba tntly werEn of assault and Moloncy HM nfitness

anile iast Strantdilp Sink III SavedPoKTUAsn On Jan 32 The Oregon

tnilwny and Nnvigdtion pamtongor Rteamer-leorge V FJder struck a rock in the Coimbia Hiver near Oobel last night andion caiik The Mengera who wow

hound from Portland to San Franciscon well a tIme crew The nteninur-

n valued at 12 IKX IIIIH been inLtive service on the Coast for thirty

illiSf iiiuiilalni nf rolinnlilasA-

ViuiAMsroWN Jan J2 Much to HIP in

knatioii nf tin intiri KlutlPiil theinniinKm iit tins HIH-

IIllocanri l tlio USIIIP Krli iliilt d with Vl-

luns for Jeb IN irtvlnu ns H reason th rulir of thi fdciill Ihnl no nits wouldwi d r r untiies

tins ruline was mAri m Jfovssyet the Coluinbiu iit did not

i m it nncdiouiry to notlfr Mlinmi untilweek RIO

Ill Wiiliams Ilrrnnl tn nn editorial SIIB-

t that ns I he xanip llnnco was coii throughr thP Now York team two ace and H-AIllinins luis not yet lost it hut tinsfnnlecl ml Iorncll muchrtur vroros than did Columbia only twolnnntions can tit he inciv-

ruplo nbout ranrellintr any gains at thest moment Unw theIra

opponent-sa clinnc to till thn data or ol-

Aftpr ColumhiB tins had full chance tollzp th caliliro nf her whoMiarnes of viiwry wen or Ui best thiscilimntft action of Is

rwnrd HD oxrune trumped up for theTB OI-IWlipn thp camp wan schpduled no mention-is mad of Interferencecully and tact that wns said ofich action till lint week has caused con

jernhln dlsctisKinn us to what the realaon for Columbia action

Iara rtHs Ilawnall Schrrtnlr-

ESTOX Pa 51 The fAfayptte b Mnchodiilp for thp of iftOS has been

proved by the faculty lame withid Amherst warp not arranged because

In lake the customaryrUicrn trip till season In their

nnd TrinityWord conn have IOIMH th to

cain atia8 onih iho Indians KnllowiiiPin

North Carolina rr Acrlf ullural-Urrhanlral Art nf Ililtlrh N IV tnl

of Carolina at Cbapr IIIH N CTrinity rflllnre at n rh tn SI Unlvcretiy of

t Va April 3 Oronrel C Lralnus at KMto-

nJrtwiSn at 77 Trlnltr K tonrnmrtl at Itlura V rfnnoylYiinlii Susie t

Mar IchlBb i to mivrnllr I

at IorthumfinnIT i Writ Point K Wublne

and Jenmon at Kaslon Dartmouth atP 3 MhUh at South IVthlftifm 1

Biiriown at In rortham at rordhim-Uhtrh at Kakton M IndUm at nastoni-

i atmbr the J U1 cane Mecnu

Nol lankI

the Neltner shoulll mon 8 dm

b 1M



anLouIs rlem




1 1M



rut f

Iot a tip

the Pllrk




peared police







Hal tady rrninl cent


homo BalltndastlIh his







eSIll i





I 04

ROled a


Jifher 11lf Columbia naiiarmemit IIn no




was i



It blind Imfl ihlp

ithIff plnd In tton The rem

2tand no


10 tton I

Ig Prinieton


II Ion13 At

Ion eron


nnono uvmmt I

isthIng a

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lfakitliiill lthioil

ihiiuui hut lsik p1 haIl


thou ciiuiia Its

wit ut





snniidwill tin playedthe



tan 4r











Iarty IVai Flrwl On Prom InibnihProm lln Four of

six American anti One Xrxlran DrtvShot IIOWIITHO Amerlrani II n AM

EI PAtiO Tex Jan 12 C E Tollertof Salem Ohio and H L Miller of Chicagsurvivors of the Ynqul Indian mniwncof Sonora Mexico on Jan 19 reaohihero tonight from Nogalea Ariz ncth-

n an escort for the bodies of their foimurdered companions which will ho coteyed direct to Chicago

Mi Her IB manager of tho Liberated Mlninand Smelting Company of San Antonio I

the Lnhunrto SonornAngclefthuthifihead Uarters nre InChlcnp-He wnH one of the ill fated party of siAmericans whichon Friday Inn in to Inspect tho propertof tho Ytirjui Smelting and defining Con

Four of them nnd one of tho Moxicadrivers were killed

Miller with Tollorton escaped by tnkln

ranch about ton mill awayWhen wo left Mints Prletns said Mlllc

tonight pome member of the partythat Friday thin inth was nn uri

lucky day and late to begin aproved no W made the trip in tw

taRO conches anti reached Toledo SonoralOt miles Jnn 10 unusuiIncident Wo inspected the property anstarted on tho return journey on the

dayOn JAn 10 when within thirlyflv

miles of the village of La Colorado hotstage coachmen were fired upon by YnqiIndians who were ambushed amongrocks beside tho trail Thero were fulloventyflvo Indians in thin party nil we

untied They the attack witthree shots which took tm completely bsurprise

The first volley was directed atleading stage coach The Mexican driveanti John Mackenzie of Chicago wore killedinstantly All of us jumped to thefind fevernl photn worn fired nt tho IndianI took to the scrub brush at the top of m-

peod anti shouted to nil to run for thelives Dr It C Coy of Chicago stood higround and continued to Ore Ho wa

struck in the abdomen and fell I did nooe any more

With tho surviving Mexican driver J

auntie my way to a ranch eight miles illsant nnd gave tho alarm I did not thenknow that any of my companions him

escaped the slaughter but wns nfterwnrtjoined by Tollorton who had taken refuginl the village of ten miles tlistnnfrom the scene of the Attack

A pOKwj of Mexican farmers was organled nnd the bodies were recovered

the dead had been robbed of valuableinch tho bodies were stripped of clothingAll hail been mutilated by the Indians whohad crushed the skulls with clubs Wtwere unable to telegraph the news to friendin the Tnifd until wo reached No

with the bodies owing to the tightcormorshlp tnnintnlnrd by the Mexicnr-nuthoritieo of Sonora over all despatches-

A detachment of rurnle anti out olregular raldler under Gen Torre is inpurxuit of the Indians but the chancefor the capture of the murderers arefor the country is rough and tho impassablemountains lire not far away


partment tins been informed by ConsulMornwotz Negates Jlox that the bodiesif those killed In the mussacco by YaqulIndians last Thursday afternoon at Co

Imchi State of Sonora hind been recoveredmil would l o shipped Immediately to theirrespective liomwi The Mexican iovernneat i doing nil in its power to punish thejaud of Indians

Secretary of this Navy Morton todayewlved a telegram saying that his soninaw William Potter of Chictigo who it waseared had been nlto killed probablywife flov nior of SonorA it personalfriend of Secritarv Morton lies informedhim that Potter in at Mirmcn on his wayo Chihuahua Minuca Is on a railroad

md distant from time scene of the massacref Thursday

riyfs rOCETmil That Somrlimly Else Ii Xunlrrlntc-

Aiiiirlrarn In llixlcnHarry U Layton who spent several

ears in Mexico ns n newspaper correspond-nt anti btwines mnn wild yertterday thate doubted whether th iec nt murder ofparty of mining prospectors near Torres

onorn was the work of Yaqul Indiansstated Mr Ijiylon spent several years-

i the region whore the murders weroone and was much In contact with the

nilinns says their dliipciHition towardnioricans tins always been friendlyThe gold mint near Torres are chiefly

iwned by Americans and the Yaquis antimployed by thuiii Mr Inytons partnernok llemlpy was murdered there In

nd his friends never believed no Mrnylon says thnt the Yaquis killed himemley one of few Americana whomid sprak the Indian dialect anti witsn the most friendly terms with the YaquisIr layton says Hint tour parties of Araeri

have been attacked III Minn partf Mexico in the few

nlieves that this Government should inutithorough investigation

WKSTMIXSTKH S IC IlllZESany lrom Ne Specialty hilts slid

r CnmllllnniPrize in 4J8 r inilar T inn

t tie WcouuiniotHr Kennel hub show nextlonth Hiuoitnts to IIIMNJ and he total num

r of special rrirps to ic 150 The w-

oecials Include ninny of intfroMiiiit eonlions and to encourage breads that have

hitherto been proitunpnt Thp new Toyp nip Club offers a Ion array chief unions

bplns tho presidents clip yivcn byliom s V Lawson dime chnnipion cup giveny Mrs A M RavmondMallock lbs cliairi

Dirndl cup given by the Nellcote Rca1 chsllrnve bowl given by Mrs E W

lurk Rosemary cup riven by MiM H larlett iup civpn by Miss Jlary-endprson Fuji cUP finn by Mrsplvillc D Kindirs IInd a ilv r cun fromrs Howard Gould The new Dalmatian

tI tIe Ovprlnlch cup valup JOO forthp opposite tn the wlnnpr of the III

irfAntoria cup The new li hpppI-

K prices Inrlndp the chnllpnspilio jiort for mpricon bred dOIr ortrh to w won three times liy the sameblliitor fantleould by-

iwnrd i ould of p club for thet Amoncitn bred doc to If on outright

iddpnbroo cup prp ntedIllllnKham for best American bred hitchh won outright Middle round rhallpnc-

eip presented Mrs J Norton for t st-mcrlcnn hitch In the novice clan to

won threeTh trophies for Include a cup for

in hpstmet hallcrtsp for host brae of Amenin bred blick field Hrook-dp trophy for bcpt field spanielId ap ehallenze acid

for bst field spaniel tn the novice classitlonal chsUpncp Op for hat Americanfi field trophy for host

Tipricon brad field thirdsporting spaniel

her than cocxer bred br

onTheir nrtllrn the


Ills homo Is nt

loft Minas PrJetnl Sonora


tothe hnllh And foot totbe nearet















IS 9



11 I

I rulermon





Club has also som liD eplclal-onw troph of the of mpri

Il thinof e




bl tim

hr1 lumber






distant on without



SI lutesRails










t iiii










Indlanapolti Finds It Ii Cooil MayCatch Tntem Ulio neb Women

INDIANAPOLIS Jan 22 The attempttho police department of thin city to cattIme gang of thloves who have beenwomen on the streets in tho eveningputting the youngest and mostlooking policemen womnnB apparel alotting thorn patrol dark streets has rBulled In the arrest of two negroes

white man and all three haveIdentified by women whom they hirobbed

Supt Knlgor baa received letters froother cities nuking about his plan m-

ho has replied that his experience Justifltho belief that it would bo n good Hillto have policemen wear womens clothregularly in certain districts of all grocities

There hiss como Into existence heroIn other cities n class of thieves who mala specialty of and othwomen work downtown lint litsome distance nwiiy They operabetween 0 and 7 in eveningalways on cross streets

Kruger believes that the thlenInform themselves with regard to the pIne

inwltiujll ll llllithey leave Iho cnn

lie in walt for them tho girlthus attacked nre alone and it is an ensmatter to frighten them into siirrenderintheir

The patrolmen who selectedtho Bp of catching the thIevereport some funny experiences while Ii

unusunl One of wn-aocodted on n side street by A young mnand wes asked to attend a dance nt nhouse with him that

The patrolman reproved him and nskeIf ho witS in tho ntrnngyoung women In that Triounman saw through the disguise apologizeand nor to l o

Hardly had tho patrolman turned awnwhen was

negro who him roughly tharm and demanded his patrolmans hand was on thenn Instant anti the other hnnd presentedrevolver When tho captivo was ta store where in light hn reoog-nlTOd the policeman and the patrcwagon was nston

could not a ovethe manner In which he had Ixnn tricked

will ask tho fionrd of PubliSafety to provide dretwes for at least foumen on and will use them fromtime to tIme In rates where hn thinks thdisguise will further the ends of justice

women detectives wereat sonic of hue large stores

superintendent thinks if had tnciin womens instead ho would haygot n greater number of shoplifters am

to try it nt 01

Saturdays in busy


Nrnrn PuElllitH IlrlnK Driven Outhut nine

announcPmpnt of lack Johnson o

nllrorntit that tie Is for Australiaboniiiso ho cnnnot nrn n lIving at hits proeMloQ in this country briiiKs to mind thInvasion of England l y American puitilhl-ntmut ten years OliO At that time till hoxliufame rocrtrlntc n hnrd knock In thn Vnltei-StatiMhPcniiso most of cities frowiuil 01

HIP sport Knclaud was tho only place n

that thru where a fighter could show hiubility without fear of haying tho mithoritloipounce upon him Kishtersof reputation wenissuml ot royal treatmont wonliberally compensated In the ray of pursesIno

Onp champion after thin other math thitrip Thoy were Kind to hicaiiso Ht that tlmi-

Endandi bp5tscrap rH wore whet Americiin-ivoidd riB rl ns third Tho Ameri-cm hoxrrs hud no trouble In hpntlni tholi

enjoyod the iru ofnprlty lint rolled by the noveltyf Aliicrlcnn In wore off

purses wore cut and England was the last

ilaiii on oiirtli that a tluhtrr would think n-

fUitinit to mnko rnoupy Thou utrnin th-

l ort with ndvpiit of the I ton on lawtailed up In this city cud oxrrythlni d-

rov for Iho poor bruH rThen ciituon check IIP l w allow

UK bovine In this Slate was midho sport nourished In only a fow of the somali

ill hnn Kraiuisto permits the HMirtthore is coino talk now thai

0 b cut out in that city before loiiif jiltnlifornui Quit of till wav the d wilt nothn bed of Hottor for time IlKhttr

Johnson i a uocro leht of abilityIP to liin tho ihaml-

ioti nil nothing In do with hiin IH-

auso of his whippedin fluht in his duns

agreed to uipct him H poks riitu-md tho tonlejt us ns good us toads Hutlart had drawn the rotor no lohn1011 iN left in tho iiilil-

lohnson says it Is n question of tturvlng-ir visiting some other is jlliiind mixiouM to llidit hut unnot cot tinyhlnc to do In Au trnlia there H no proju

avalnM noifro tighten Potur lacksonI-vod the of the

AustraliantIter known coloraj hivn-omo friiin thai country notably 1Urllihl-nd Pot or Kollx lohn on wints to fight

Is the ncknowleUsivl houvvwolHlunf ustniIUi l

oluison thinks Hint if ho M ft inntch-rilli Foils ovi n tliouuh he IO OH ho will bo-

u u to koop wolf from tic doorPrejudice iiiKro llchtors is steadily

in this coiiiitrr and if It Iontliuint-road colonel puirllit will b u rant think

11 the UMI years or so flubs bnv-oarril tbom from In boutsnd when they do appoar th is o poorhat they give up till Wen of bvlitorn snuio othor biiHino-iVosroos rot titter first otperjenc

1 tlio tin bv appearing III oxlilbiiioimHtlo noitroin wero pitfml-HBHher ami I In wiunir 0111 whr-HH nbli lo bo up anti doinw f nni i

bone nAIls wore iirmtuitivo of much dmdovolopod n KOIM in t o

tnrtp l tn tbls May So did loo Vlc ittnd nov ral other lioxoru lUtloi-vnln wro not popular now tliev iro-fldoin bold t anv rliilm Vhuiv r-

liniKo n IKBTO tighter hs of Roliiuu BI-

Ippnrtunlty m FIIIK now IM throiii Iiiiwith WIIUP white lioxer n hi-

HtPV trainor or nibbor Anti ovo nhoiild-p t im for this ho in more or lis Irarroit

followlns UP his adnphvl profoiMiloni KmtUud thorp are many lorpd boxrrn

they ro not no whilevor ihiro have rofimed to nuitf tlio nPcrowi PO fromi there i no to SOP theni INform

of thoir own color theyHTP A hard tlnio KOttlni alone tioorco-Ixon Is ho only negro who l nbp to not sireamity of mntchps abroad Hut It Is boiauso-r lion reputation that ho thus favoredho Dinounl of nionev Dixnn oarns no

not hew wookly simply of clearsid refreshments In the of trl

There Is n lot of interest c nlre l In rIpnroachine haul between Krnnklp

Dick which l nchwlulod to hld nt San co tatter part of thi-onth be viiiso of Hylamls

isntlty llvlnnd inst now up as R

iw hn tint flgurod in setmIlls und Ids fight with call will

Ills nhut Th prelimInarymako Hyland appear ns a

id danceroiis opporpnt Thfjw whoposition to know thAI ll ro-

vp f hit life when he on-

Mintcrs Iylaml Th latter is not votand l lint Hpvplope In tr nirth-

hnlld Rut he Is ambition and hisipjids think that he will hp hparrl fromfore lone As an amatpiir Hyland Imn

work He won fortythroo-mtests find of thes were

lockouts H is tact and rioter and alllat Is confldemp Amateurs neverive to much whpii they stinted

as professionals Of wilma areceptions rAM of Timmy llritt nnd

These two liuvi lived up toair promise s nmnteursAbout IPII years BRO every amateur who

that he ivan nunllflml to hold hUturnH but their dav wns

ort Take for Instance lack Skpllydie Pierce Wild Bill Hnnrnhan Ito

Thpre wpre A No I

natpurs hilt last for monetPV not It Skellys ambition re-VP a derided cheek when mt Hporffp

XpwOrlpansin 32 Piercesck In the rlntr n nn

and succppded In bocomine middlechampion MoAiiIlffo was

amateur not take himenter professional ranks McAulltToret had use of his recordit rank and file of mat urs to by the

before they realize too sloxtheir brethren in the next lasnbe t wonder or n exploded phenomenon

mill with Nf U will the

a to







of employment of


a ljn



hut Inll h



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IllIolllto all

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ol1lontnlll and thr proRu th r



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Iiihis Ant i


Ilx amidcur



lIlfIhuc-n 11

tail 1



slidf 110 1




hilt 11 Tit

her IPt1 desire







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own lonll


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tl Ihe

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t lie

yespit glitat ii Fti gIn liii

thenru pa Itd



I hutshits

Marytart few

hitis anti

I e i

tati fri hen life In juelsrid became tiimo ft ii it a full mld gail

elk who

0 it ifl liia ira ilisu

pa rt leimiatitigV



liit lit

souii etlmesarts


i Ii


ii ibm gi lieu Moss



hisn phi




ant will




the they

















Twelve Clilnamrn Injured mind One M-

ilf Seventeen Are Im Imler rrtTurn Ihe Portrait R ShaniblVend Ilefween Men ot Two Prorlnu

There wns another bloody outbreak yctcrdny on the British steamship Hlnduatnwhich Is lying at Pier BrooklynChinese members of the crew nre in hoitals seven others turn Buffering from 1

juries and seventeen aro under antOne man mny die The outbreak Li tlsecond occurring on tho ship within thr-dajtt

Time Hindustan which came from Cn

cutta reached this port ton ago litof the crow were Chinese from tho Proviniof Canton anti tho others come from nnottvpart of the Celestial Umpire fhofigured in scraps and bickering duringvoyage In every row tho Cnntoneistood together against the devils from Itother province

fho fierce enmity existing between Umen came to lastmeat was distributed Tho Cantoneasserted that tho others had gotten ft large

amid n but tpr quality of meat antI latethoy stole it from An soon n

the theft was discovered a beganCantonese had his Hkull fracturedanother was Tho police rr

tho Hamilton avenue staticboarded the and arrested severalwho had taken part In the troubleHindustan nn Erin Uasln dryon Thursday but stun then shin bet

at 35 Atlantic BasinIor two And n hail lays succeeding th

first outbreak mba otheir arms Yenterdny a Cantonese snik

ono of theIn time forecastle The latter rt

foliated knocking him down A ChinesDonnybrook wits on In half a minute antwenty men wore In it Onn ninaup a capstan barnnd struck Ah Yow break-Ing in two plat The sight i

someyelling und waving their hands

themselves withcooking utonHils sticks and other

In Tho belligerents foughfuriously Somo who Injure

lo the lecl pursuedassailants and Iho battle was there

Capt Hamilton and his oflioern rushedinto forecastle to the Thefound saIlors and firemen lying helpless 01

Others worn wipingtheir wound Scarcely n man hada cut or a who did attrib-uted their their agility in climb-ing Into their hunks of two menhad nn eye nearly out

Vord wan to the Hamilton nvenmpolice station nnd Onllngher orderei

reserves down to tho diok They wenin tho ntrol wennlwi summoned from thin Jx ng Island Col-

lege nud Hcnoy hospitals AmbulauciSurgeons hnd to patch

the of ten men Others wenwounded hilt they hid themselves untiIho police left

23 years old was the mosseriously injured iln hnd n foilinch scalp and it In thought nsire of skull and Internal injuriwAh Wong Wall Wong Sing mid AlYow had broken jaws scalp woundsTho four latter were removed tithe Island College Hosptnl bibcondition In critical

Seventeen of the Chinamen were corrnllectim police and marched off the ship

nnd wagon was filledtrip was necoswHy to

to this Five of the men weriheld for felonious anxnult nnd the otherfor assault anti battery-

It Is apt Hamilton wilget rid of the crew They have too muchstirplUH energy to stilt him


narlcl Vnriton Ta lor am-

lleril Still IcudProfessional golf in 1931 in treat Britain

included 171 mulch n miirked incrensi-

ivor the preceding season and tho tolains risen steadily nince 1000 when sixtydx competitions were recorded The on-

erpriw of the British clubn in promotingnioh contents i conUast to tin

existing in thiH country whenhe number of events inolud-Ing the open did not exe thirty Possibly alien the day nr

ivprf that will IK tcmold their own with time ionuls fromScotland and tho situation may

e different but at this hint there iscant offered hero to the

olfers by trade although a largeortlon the Immigrants ofmate adopted us their

homeIn that tho statistics

lave Vieen compiled by II Hoss Coiibroughor London the bulk of

honon hnvo gone to tbn quartettarry Vnnlon Taylor Hrnld and Herd

the might have lioeu-norensed from n to a Innt-poson but for tho breakdown in healthif Jack White Immediately after IUH vic

in the open Ho inretored to unit it IK thought

thaI will give n good account ofyear nil thn play

and toumamenlH thof the quartet

Cnrripft-lHII ir n ijta iiaiun j r-

nion w I u H j-

o u n is iszai-r ld II in 0 1knl 7 13 n I i

AH to tijuninmonti Vnvdon won threend lost m flight Ilrald won three nnd loti Hveii von five and lust In sixrhile Taylor played in ten and did nuti of toiiriiamentH-nil thn amid fur ball irntuliOM tho recordf matches in which pocb has played for

Hur Hin l4a llallJirriin i i 3

vlnr z nn oraPt m 5

rot 19 H I

The record of single matches amongnemholves for tho lenders wits

MalthM iron Jail llahnl-anlon ployrtl Taylor 3 2 o I

arilon llruld 2 3 3

ardnn played herd I n i n

avlor played Hard s u I

1 I I u

Mr cxinclusion from all theaU anti the reports mado on ihe matchesL the time of is that Toyir shows the best record for the seasonith Herd a good second and with anion

Braid trending very indeed onipir heel is characterized

being consistently good anti at timesrilliant

The amount of money last yearan Komewhnt less than in 1M3 thelng put at li 00 of which the quarteton about JCPOO The most prominent outders to share in the were

innell Ilainford Collins Sherlock WilT Simpson and Gnudin A match

erred to by Mr to show thatveterans can still hold their own in the e-

ir of fearsome driving wits Ihat ntrffl between Willie lomb opon champion

anti Braid played Inold timer won on twentyseventh

ln All square at the eighteenth theimn to until n hole was wongut holes wore actually halved antI the

only settled at the a record ofhich Fcrnio well be proudTaking tho record of threw yearsmatches between the i

won out of fortythreethirteen out of

ncteen out of fortyflvn And Herd seventwentytwo

Americans bare nn especial interest ine doings of Vnrdon won

in IPOO He is recovered

mo for n long period but as ameasure returned to

ma sanitarium for the winterw f i

er to play in Southern Californiaand to tour here in the


t3 FtJJ





wall dockn



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from the thnt kept hint out or thinpre-


To to do no an








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V Vi-


Iii tuuirked


It hi ou




t rifnnt in




ior pISird
















ltii i Vflr


H B KIRK CO N Y Sole Bottlers









Maclntratn Sends for Ioiicemen Hpfor-Thry Arrive the frank lleclni to lollow the MnRlttratr Around lineranti Uemaml tile iMtie nf tIle IVrl-

lWhilo Police Magistrate Higginbotharwas entertaining a party of friends nt dirnor in hln homo at tOt Bnghivick nvenmBrooklyn Inst night time front dotbell was violently ning antI when n mal

it sho found H well dressed mmabout HO years old on lImo stoop Ho haion a silk lint ehe noticed anti ho wonside whiskers

Sho nuked hint his business and lie In-

formed her that ho must BOO the Magistralat once on a matter of time greatest im-

portnnco shown into the parloranti tho maid sent word to Mngintrnlo lugginbatham The Magistrate excused him-

self from his guests and went up to see thvisitor Time stranger greeted him curdlally and then said

My name is Mr Farnsworth and I nnfrom Ix ndon I want you lo Issue n wricompelling Edna Mny the actress novplaying In this city to fulfil nn ngreemenshe mode with mo hi London to become m-

wifo 1 also want another writ rcstralnlniher front appearing on time stage

The asked this man if MisMay had nroraised to innrrjhim to

So not personally but through ni-

IntlmntoIt bucame evident the Magistrate thin

ho had a demented man to deal with mind hiasked Fanisworth how and where ho hammot the actress

I wns a salesman in a fine art establishment in London said the visitor anti toeMi s May whito who wassome for hot apartments I fel

in loveu mutual friend obtained an introductionIt was then that I told her how I loved horand she prombed to become my wife aftei

Fred Titus Recently I learned of heii

London Before doing so I cabled to Mist

May telling heir of my Intentions hail mno that

message bad 1 took the Urn

steamer and landed in New York last week1 discovered that she was in Boston hutlearning that she wits to return to New

to waitHow did you come to call on mo in-

quired thu Magistratevats the police to see s

Magistrate replied the mann crossinjtime today I stopR c-

at a police station and they gtlve mt youi

decided tonotify tutu nt once ns time vtsitoi-WIIK greatly excited Excusinghimself Iho Magistrate went to lilt tele-phone in time hall up Police Head-quarters Tim Hamburg nvenue police

was ccunmunicnttKl with twoare sent in all liaisOn to th

Magistrate home Before therethe stranger wits following tIme Magistratearound time room and demanding to knowIf the writ would be ismied Meanwhiletime Magistrate WHS trying to cnlm the mumuntil the police nppenred Tho visitorfinally shouted tint he would Inko tholaw into hits own hand and he rushed outnf the house Ho was last ceen running Inho direction jf Bushwlek avenue Afterrard a general alarm for tIme arrest uf thin

man was sent out


oral Drhcrs favor lleols nn llrimltljiimid ru VnrU Kire l aj

Plans for n erio of Intorcily pppdlnKooni to Ibid fnvor with members

if tho Sow York lload Drivorf AH oruitlunresident M I lull of York nw o

l heartily in favor of tho-liHllpiu uf HIM Jlonsiir DriviM of llrnok-

yn Ho tMillpviH thut souiitliiik bolo tho tcinoral In iho

port over Iho finnnns IIiiHom drlviv Tho-

uinlnt O BOII will mi1 many noted horsesion bat hoon KIIKilotso of luM K aioii All tliwo ns wellho stnrt of iho roid can IK

or ilm of Ilm publicIhoro will IM tiHiilv iwi

oforo t ho oiioniiiB of tho nuitinon KJIHUM-

l iho Kiiiriif inuK i thai the niinibor or-

ior oH Iruin which to MI A

l o nlinont Tro llriiiklvnl-orspinen III pouallv fortMtiito In litivinx-ilonty of liuli iiiiitiruil MI iho

forios wnnlil iiroxoni i

tar i rfriiim Hint would cr inil 411 iiii-1st ton lirund firoiiii inoi

The only point In tho of tliorivers A that il not l ho-

o York nun favornblv is the plini to linth Ilrouklvn moots hold over iho nrk v

horses Hf tisloniod to n stnii hwas coiirso nnl n dorididlien iiskiNl to perform rtriitur rnnrso

o course i n half milrack with short shun turns KOIIIP of

New York onof thK to heir discoinfltiiro Tho Now Vmkames toni no chnnre acalnst tho stirrershat had been trained over the track ud-r re thoroughly at homo

Secretary Reeves antI Ohioembers sopn oontosts if nr-

inecd Mhoukl lie over the half mllo Htraicliway course on each speedway This wouldlacp the starters from associnlinn-n im equal bo wilhout

either Thin New York members wouldIso be willlne to make the contest open toher associations such as those tn lorspv-ity Newark or Staten Island It Is riot nro

to hold mpetlnc outside of New Yorknd Brooklyn hut simply to allowVPS of oilier clubs to and allowher cjibi to offer cups for competition

Hudson Hlvrr Yacht lobs SleetAn invitation was extended by the Tappanfe Yacht Club to the various yacht clubs on10 Hudson lllvcr to pond rnpresontntivps to-

i informal which took place at Hie-

rPiin Now York city on Saturdny veninc-in 31

Time delegates nt this meetlne pMilntd-mporsry offlcprs anti oniinittoo to drawi u constitution to covern this HHsoclnllonresolullon wnn aiilhorlrin K then

oftners to call n final liioetinz innw YorK city durlnc the latter part of Fob

to complete thn arrangements Plansere subrmltod for n one design claps wlili hnit probahlllly will he adoptedThose nronoiit wore Howeleant Yacht Club Conmiorloro K M l anen II Morpp n T Clmdlmrn and Alexden I Darraeh Newbnreh aidantlnc AMo l hon Commodore II Stuart

XicoCornniodorP Villlam tlrlchs losih H Klticott Vnlentinp Mod Major A

inUD F S Tuttle K B litt lt T Mrieha-id C H Ilrliis Tappan Yacht Itoid Mr Mabrie Messrs GardnerCox naval architects i



Ho wan


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securing a divorce and ten ief

the cnbui

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meet In te





7 t








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Another Man Takrii for Helpline to Robthe tTievnllers Mlfe-

Pnsqimlo Cincotta wan arrested yester-day in a Baxter street tenemnt amid takento Brooklyn Cinootlii was arrested on nbench warrant The oomplnlimnt Is Mnrln-DIsohin wifo of Chevalier ITiHclila of131 Tillary street

On 3 Inst Mrs liIschla was Miltlgglcd-hy sailors on board an Italian triinsatlantlovessel nt Xnplo nnd kept in n cabin duringthe voyage Shin was an a milanns sIlo would tint l o allowed to

If her identity should becomeknown to tlio olllcers because she was HUffo-ring from iye trouble

When vessel reached Brooklyn thesailors lowered the woman overlatent night A of Italians who wornin n rowboat rowed aniiy with her andtook her to a hoiioo In Harrison streetBrooklyn where for two sho was

Two thousand ilollnrx worthof diamonds wn stolen from her nt thotime Sho was also crimimdly nsKnulled-

At length sho removol in a cab mindn being eventually iihnndoned

near tin Somo timn latertwo of her were arrested nndsent to for long terms Since thensomo of time jewelry been iwoovorodShe alleges was involved Intime theft that jewelry

Thr lleceiit limit llctwrrn MurherR andIlcntiiR mill thou it lint Hurt the H nrt

Tim recent Irmoltomau wrostllnc matchbetween II II KecbnrK of Denmark andJohn Pionlnu lliitcher Buy whichproved to lie n fiasco ii still beinir illscusHed-by the followers of tIlts pastimn Eenberesdefeat WH u great surprise lo his friendwho that ho was invincible but hU-dolibomto refusal to contlnuo for thin reasonthat H boll on his iluht shoiilUcr botheredhim during the nontest cuts unexpectedTIme result of thIs match enn wrcstllns a-

bnd blow In the isml Iws brauKnt-Ihe upon Into disrepute when it haveboon inado Honrrt nf munch nmiicument totho publlu nnd profit to

Although there is nn direct evidence thatIlenliiK ami Kcoboru put up n dishonest boutthe fuels to hand mInt ncain them In thefirst place iho bettliiR WIIK

for another thlnu the way th Dane sueounibed to some vory weak holiUKuenicd In a-

inesnuro to show that thorn n KOinothlpK-a mius Iieninc nnd Knvberit met n lowago prior to their match nt Ihn Grand n-

trul Inlnip mid won Ills victoryIn thai ilrst htruKalw il isivti tbnt-thoro wa no doubl n to Ills superiorityThis bout WHS o nnil to a nppeiir

on the lore that tlio large crowd thnnuhtHint Hpon wns In n to be success-fully Ionsoniiemly in lie nextmerit an overflowing crowd rent to time

Grand temrnl Palace ovpoctlnc to see arepetition of ilm first match They werelicHppolnlinl ron KKiberu pm i n poor

of nnMlinir nail ullowoil hitnself toho tossed aboul liy liin rlvil who decidedlythn IJanos Inferior In alpinfill mil CPIICP-

In view of KijoboriiH oviolloiit xhowinit Ihfirst iontost II iiilnrnllv tothe lMttlnh hi fmor ol Iliimie lm-

jiidkini from hi porfii ruiurps outin not IIIVWIM cotr KiUori sclass

The wHo oni wore Hinir lo Inv tlli toJlO titer lime llnlihir Km would urn antiuero in no wim dlM-KO thin first fall bv-In this o Huy Kirelwr-on tlioidort tn ruin hn

Iionlni lurid iotlm tliiiti 11 ciiiii-to eliot doui a Irt

titod whoii the Danenir Klroiistu alone

nt overK Vhiii ho did cont oluoold Imvo in tryingHi in Hilo

born loan ml vitoiv in tin lirt full tlm-vi o AVPIO roiulv ii I wlllltii tu stick

to ihoir iiplulou thai tre HOIK would lostjnd wero iitleriiiK in to H h ii ihiv were rightIt would M iii Htiit HISO tvill

timid sumo coitl IIMS for ncrvoinic toliHnrd tbolr motioy o Irooli

Ibis IH n t UK inn Iieninc has beennfiiiod of bPinv M I IIM o u Take HPlull In hits iniitih v tilt Inm lonkins at n

in lliiloin i iir n lust tvintor and4omo i f his liimtH T u lniiil ihoiitro leertiisiiiiluim Tlim i hueiii ILH Mrondiiaranco in this i olMr lie i managediy Krnesl fl el or n11 rt ooiiplo it tin liiinn l-

illllUllll Ullll IlioIIHIWH nil Hio ri I nlmil ri iiH lfralip IMIIHIIMmitt IriivoUinc n iniiiT-K If Iuiliorir int-nalcli willi IiiiiIiL lio rori-narli fur n i n nfo iroi i

mir iini1 liirti In r nnn tlo-Titwl liy iiiuro Ida i a liainl

who hut figurednulihly litslwoi-

ui iiif Itunhor-roKtluni ii ho roud-

iiiooilni OI 1iin


YT TERE 19 a to

j save from 3 to12 on the cost of your

Spring Overcoat Weoffer a choice lot oflight anti mediumweights all in Blackor Oxford Mixtures

j with sillt or serge lin-

ings They are regular inevery respect hut price Sizeswell assorted

Present 14 to 28

Station at our door






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I boa gut

Fit fmluu ii

In I suittt

I lie promo riters

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i x cit I a i lit lice

t tie wayrCt I ted t


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hit i 115 St ni rigsHoe

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I his imiutt


ii ltd tVi nilt

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ati it I ir t laid

hiiI i t it hit

ii usil lieol tors-

tt tm ltiiuei i a itnil I i i li itmtil S 11 a i i tieshuh I iuiI-titrut for t iutua ir i who

ik tim foti ii i cruii ii mu oril rut hell

iid r tim auliIii eu tluuinltr lim Ii il uuIitr limis nottim uril itm ire tt tstiul Clti1 ii us 11 It it antiiet i i ti ri It Is beIng

it ii f unttnitcu-I r j t I itt tatnr-

It ti 4 mm i it looks as-ii ms





pricesSubway lust














