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  • Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive

    in 2010 witii funding from

    Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center

  • :' . ' '..I .

    p,:.y,,.^r \ ,-.

    i'iiK'i;: ^.

  • 1 he Tiiompspii family.J

    So(_)tch CAiveiuunors ^vllo amuj tVoiii ^^cotlaiul ti_> Irelaiul, ana

    liiC'iK-(.', in 1735, t^> America, .-cttiing tlr.^t in tlic C'unilicrland

    Valley and ea-r ••i" Jlan'i.-bnr^-. and .-uij>(.' pnl»li.-lied in thi> mani;er

    fur the threefold ])nr]H)se:'

    Of pre.-^erviny; it to the n-e ot* the writers' own faniilies.

    Of di>ti'i!)utin_i:' it to the nther Ijranelie- of the family.

    Of atfordinu' an (_»p])oi'tnnity tr* -;ome one of huilding itpon

    thi- small beginnii'.Li,', a niort' complete record of the ;j,-enealogy

    of the I'amilv.

    Shonld any one desire to take nj) this work, the writers ^\oldd

    sng^est an examination of the ini'itary records ot' the ]ievL>lu-

    {ionary "War and of jU'o})erty transfers hctvrecn 1735 and I'^^O'),,

    in the County Kecords ot' Fraidclin, Cumberland and Panpliin


    prdUvilh; Pc, April 'id, 1S87.

  • 3'5 r*-^


  • AVrirteo -rmu^ t;iMet, ~u inri.>rniatio!i i\-n\a hi- iiiutliOi" ; C'luirlnti.; ( '. I'.-t-

    tt_-is''i:i Tlnmii'i-'tn) an'l nthi-r .-(Miiw-^. A-Li'-l t',> i>y II '.. S.

    'J"h't!np-'>n, i Pt.'ti-viilr. SrhuylkiH C'uuiiiy. Y\i.. an-l T;:'. .'.';• re

    S. ', in ISS.j, l>^ii an.l 1>>7.

    Ilio LiTvatci- part o{ the L-:irlic-.-t intL>rnuui"n l"?i'_'\v i~ •! riv.-l

    from an >n CMiiuty, ^Cht'-tC'r County th./n) U'-ar t-,' 1 Vrry

    Church, G. C^i'cy Nwir >••'*''-.

    Cove-nan tor- and d..'ul>th'.~.~ worshipped at I)'jrry Chur.-hi. Fr.,.;::

    HanovcT T(Avn~hip), th..y moved to near (ah'.i.t t. n."- 1:-.'.t.)

    Harri-hurLr, where John marritd hi- -ecoiid w ::•.. Mi-- >; i.:.i;then.'X' he niMVt.d lo t!ie farm thiv-" mdc- e:;-t "1 J h.'mp- .lir-'^'.-;:

    (afterward- .jwn.ed ly hi- -.n..

  • y^jyCL^O-^-^ «7/^ >5~)'







    leaf (or CiiirnloaV ^^i-^ SL^euui, so(^onil wiio, and Samli 1 ai-

    ter.-oii, tliinl witi-, v\\\y arc iiiviuiinieJ in tlie niariu-orij't of

    Charl'irro ]\iTter-nii Tho'aip.-on, "f \^'>~t. As liis oUI^'.-t

  • G/-:yh'ALi)''i'-Af. IlhX'Oni) OF

    \\y liis thinl \\ilc (Sarah rari.i>un) :

    II. ]().—Andrew Thcin-Mii, S;-.. \\\\^^ uiai'iii-il Jam.' Sniarr. h;]Slt) !i'.' went fVdin 'rii'.iiip-niiti.wu to ;i

    tann n -ar Cliilllcloliii', ()liii).

    11. 11.

    ]\ter Tli')in-(»!i, iiiarried Mary Patt«T-^un, wlm lived

    and died nu the old iinnie-read (< it' Ji >!iiK

    Sr., (I. 1).

    jr. 12.—Thr."< eliildren In- lir-t wit'e:

    11. 1.

    JI(ir[/oi\t Thoiii-pjii. married Ureen It at'. II(j ^va.- killcl

    by Indiana at Sur.lmry, Pa. Children

    went AN'e-t. (Can L arn ne'thinii.- ot'theui).

    T. S. T.,;).

    II. 2.

    SaroJi Thomson, married ^\'ilHanl ^ileAli.-te-r, Si'.,{vidt-

    hi.-tory ot" Juniata ValLiy, Jolm P. Mr-

    Ali.-rter). Had i-ue :III. 1.—John !MeAh>ter, Ji'.. who died a te\v year- aue* ( PSoT).III. 2.—Pohert ^feAli-ter. Jr., living near .MeCail ('1S57).

    III. .3.—William ^IcAli-ter, living- near APCall (P^-'.T.)

    III. 4.—Mary McAli.^ter, who married Thoma- JVU. Ileison, Thomp-(.in ikdl, and daughter.

    Mr-. Arehil;ald M. MarJial!,' re-

    side toguthor in Allegheny (/ity, P:i.

    III. 1.—John MeAlI-ter. Jr., married hi- ei'U-in, Jane Thom[)-.sou (III. (j, p. Pj), and had i— ue:

    IV. L—Sarah MeAli-ter, who married Mr. Stiizer.IV. 2.—Elixa MeAli-ter, wh.e> married Mr. Ha\vn.IV. 0.—Mary MeAli-ter, \vIio m;irried MontjTe-nierv Jami-on,

    of MeAli-terville, Ps>i:P

    IV. 4.— Lticlnda MeAli-ter, who married John Kelly,

  • Tin: TIfnMp.-; ]]ell, of ]^iit-i)iir:i;.

    III. 3.—AVillinin McAli^tiT, inarrictl Mi>.> MlC'iiHv. Hadi.>.areius,

    one and one-iudt' miles ea-t ot" Thoriip-

    sontown. He lurtieipated in the batth-sof Brandywine and Germantown, Their

    issue were:

    III. 1.

    Joliii Goshoi TJioiiipson, born December 23, 17S0;

    died ; married Abigail

    North, whose issue were:

    IV. 1.—Jane Thom|)~r.)n, marrietl William Montgomerv.Xcxt John Luken--.

    IV, 2.—Kaehel Thomp-on, marrie^l M'illiam .^terret. (Theirchildren live in Tu.-carora Valley, Juni-

    ata County, lS-^3).

    IV. 3.—Martlia Thomp-on, marrie^l i'obert Jordan, Newport,lVrr\' Count V, Pa.


    IV. -1.—AVilhcliniiui Tin >ni]>-( 'U, .-^oconJ Mitc of".James (lA'. -I).a s


    IV. 5.—Jerome Xel-on Thoni}i5,,n, Sr., l".'ni Soptcuilxr '27111,1S17; wed Jane ^^'l•!L^ht. Xo i--ue.^lexico, Juniata C'-untv, Pa.

    IV. 6.—Horace Xclsun Thomp-ou, born November Gi\l, l>2o:dlcil March llili, 1S27.

    III. 3.—Sarah Thomp-on, Ixirn 17>;j; clieanks' is-ue were:

    V. 1.—John Panks. Indiana, Indiana County, Pa., 1883.V, 2.—]iev, Stewart Panks. Pre-lwterian Mini-ter, loca::-l

    (in l.'^So) at Marcpiette or Ontanag-.n.


    V. 3.—AVilliam Panks, .wed Jennie Hamiin ; liveon oldhor-ic-stead, Lo>t Creek A^alley; later at yili-

    tlintown, Pa. Issue


    VI. 1.—William H.\1. 2.—James.VI. 3.—Andrew.VI. 4.—Ella K.YI. 5.—Philo.VI. G.—Jennie.IV. 2.—Hugh XePon AIcAlister, attorney-at-Iaw, Pelletbnre.

    Pa., burn 2Sth June, 1S09 : died INfay

    oth, 1S73 ; wed, iir-t. Mi— Orbi-on,(deadj ; M-ed, .-ccond, Maigaret H:.m-

    ilton, daughter of Hugh Hamilton, ofIlarri.-burg. I~~ue were:

    V. i.—Mary :McAli>ter, wed James A. P:aver, Prllef..nte, Pa.,Prigadicr Gcn-.-ral ; w.jiuided and 1o~l a

    leg in war of l.':^01--j; Gi.-vernor of

    Pennsvlvania in 1SS7-S-0. Have chi'-

    dren, vi/:

  • C,EXK.\r.f)i:irM. ui:rfiiii> nr

    V. 2.-

    V. 3.-


    V. 1.

    Y. 2.-

    VI. 1

    VI. 2

    \l. 3

    VI. 4VI. 5

    IV. 4

    IV. o

    V. 1.-

    V. 2.-

    IV. 6

    —Sarah A[cAii-tri\ wv-l lh\ Hays. l'''llrtnutc, lS>^-">.

    — Kllit.- ()l'1m-ou McAii-tcr. horn ; clioil

    ,— lu.hcrt McAli-tLT. ! Juik' l>i, li^LO; we.l Kll.-.i\\ il-uii. I'riuad'K-'r (Joncral in war f

    lS(il-5. Lives (1SS7) at J5i'lviJt r-.-,

    Xew J e Tr (_ y . Had i - -u t-


    —Henrietta McAlistcr, wed J


    IV. 1

    V. 1.-

    A'. 2.—

    IV. 2-

    V. 1.-

    Y. 2.-

    Y. ;l-A^ 4.-

    IV. .3

    IV. 4

    Y. 1.-

    lY. 5

    Y. 1.

    YI. 1,

    YI. 2

    Y. 2.-

    A\ 3.—

    lY. G

    A\ illiiun Tiioiii-dii, Si-.. (11. 4,)anLl .T;i!iv<

    (TI 1. 2), hi- son, ainl (lc-(-vni]niu~. T--U'-:

    -Ivlwanl Patr< r-oii Tliomp-oii, \\\d Matilda Si;v.l.r.

    Issue Wf i\'




    -Tillit'. Post otnce addrcs.-, E. V. Tho:ii|-M;,,

    ^^'ichita. Sedgewiok Co., Kansas, l>s:].

    — AViiliaiu ."^liipjvu Thi>inp-un, wlmI IsalK'lIo Mari\ ..fMilton, Pa. I»ne :

    -Pu -bei-t.


    -Walter Marr.


    P. O., Topeka, Kaii-a.. (ISSO).

    —Dr. Lncicn Mitohel! Thouip>on. born Marcli 20ih,]S23, at TlionipsMiuo\\-n ; wod ICato

    Trautuian,oi'Pott~vil!L", November 2srh,

    ]S4S. ^^. i-sue. P. O., ^rallanoy City,

    Pa. (1S.^:\).

    —ThoophilusThonrp-tin, wed Elizabeth Marringtnii. j*.()., ]vau-a.-^ Citv, Mo. (188G). J--r,e:


    —Theodore .Smuiel Thomp.~on, Ixiru 21?t Deeernb.-r,1825); Will Annie E. C'a-sell, of IMar-

    ietta, Lancaster Co.. l*a. Had i--ne :-Emily Cassel Thonip-on, (born Xoveniber 9th, l.-^'JI);

    M-cd, May 00th, 1 8S2, Thomas ^\^ 1 lal/i. -

    Dian, Columbia Co., Pa. Had is.-ne:—George Thoiup.-;in ll:ildeman, ]Mareh Ist, ISs:^,.

    ,—Thcixlore Tiiomjison Haldeman, August 1st, l.s.s4..—-Jennie Wood Haldeman, ]\lareh 0th, 18SG.—William Herbert M. Thomp-on, l»orn October .^t!:,


    P^dward -Shippeu Thomp-on, born ^^ay 2.">rd, ISii'*.

    P. O., Thomp-outoun, Juniata Co., P-.


    -Jo-ephiue Patter-on Thom[>-on, born at 'J'hoinp-on-

    town, December


    V. 1.—


    V. 3.—

    VI. 1.-

    VI. 2.-

    VI. 3.-

    VI. 4.-

    VI. o.-

    A'l. 6.-

    VI. 7.-

    V. 4.—

    V. 5.—V. G.—V. 7.—

    III. 5.-

    Bui'il P:uur-on Zl'H, bom at Marii;tta Noveiulx-i' 4tlu1S02

    ; wxil. ] >c(.x-inl>fi- riili. iss-J, Jfimi.*

    Ni>-lev, \\!i" died Xovemi -ir '21.-:. IS'^o.AVilliaiu Thornjwjii ZtjU, li'.u-nar Mariorra, Jtilv T.ith.


    Jo.-t])liii!L' Zell, burn at ^[aIiot^a, DeeeiniKr 24tli. l.-^oo.

    who wxd Henry Crouther-^. Had i.--!U':-Henry Liiidley Cruuther?.

    -Mary Ethel Crouther.-.-Herbert IVird Cr.;)Utlier~: i^dec'd).

    -Helen .Vda Crouthers.

    -France- Loi< Cruuther-.

    -Charlotte Patter-un C'rijiuher,-.

    -F.dith ]-'lurenee (_'ruuthrr02).


  • 'tC tL^ / -'-

    yr—z ,-i--t..'-v

    / . ;7



    //:^. .;

    l\.r:. •-/'



  • 77/ A' TIIy FAMILY 11

    V. 1.— ILiuy Walter-. LioiKTal iuaiKiL'''.T Atlantic Coa-t LineIJ.'lv., l'.altiin..iv. AM.

    V. 2.—Jennie A\'alter-. woJ "Warren l^dano. Orange. !Xe\vJ^l-.•y.

    IV. 3.—Margaret ^\'aitor-, wed HenJer-im Moure, Ixuiker, ofLock Haven, Pa., (LS.SG). I>^iie


    V. l.~Harry A [core.

    V. 2.—Marie I^f.uii-e Mi)'.iro, who Med ^^'alrLr Alerwin, artor-ncy-ar-law, Lock Haven.

    rV. 4.— l^lwin ^Valt(]'-, 1' iKtkiniDre. AM., rnei-cluuit : lioniJX'Ccniker 14tl;. \>^A : we.l, April -kh,

    ]S(JO, A^irginia C. Tt-rina, of Parri.-h -St.

    ALirv, La?

    IIL 8.—Elizao'jth Tli

  • GKXF:.\I.i'>(;irAL nrJ'ftUD OF

    III. •*.—SanuiL-l Tiiuiiip-on, 17i.i2 ; ilivil atrottsville, Pa., March Ttli, IS-Jl : wul.

    Xovcuiiifr Oili, 1827, Ami Alricks. ..fllan-isbiii-Lr, ^^ 1k> diol Anau-t 27th.

    1S28, agcil 20 ycar.> aiiJ lu month-.

    Xoi>.-ue. Wed again, AuiiU-t Gth, is:',.";,Eh'zabc'th Cunningham,

  • TlIK TII'JMP, ]So4. aged57 years)." who wed Juichel Stuart.Issue were:

    IV. 1.—Jane Thompson, wh.o ^\•ed M. CIayl)au2:ii, BrownCounty, C)hio.

    IV. 2.—Mary Til' >mp-on, who w, d Miehael Jk-nner, ot'F.rowaCounty, (_)iiio.

    Second will" of (III. 2) JwImTh'tm-on.

    3d, was Jaut: Ciiliillan, whdit.-'l ]^bruar\-

    16th, 1800. Issue:

    IV. 3.—AVilliam Gilfillan Thomp-on ; wed, first. Luciuda Kin-sloe, "wh'.i dial February Indi, 1855,

    agotl 32 vi.ars."' Issue :

    V. 1.—Alice Kinsloe Thom^i.-on, who wed JaniL- -VIH-mu. P.O., I.cwi-i..n, Pa. (1883). I.-^ue :

    VI. 1.—T. ]3unH Alli.-on.V. 2.—Paniclia Kin-loc Thom}>-on, who weil Cirntbui Fox.

    P. O., AVaddngt..n, D. C. I.r-ue :

    VI. 1.—Mary Fox.Second wife of (,1V. 3) William G.

    Thouip-em Ma- Elizal>eth Jknngardner.

    P.O.,Thom])-ont.;wn,Pa. (Iss3). I-.-ue:

    V. 3.—Ralph Thomp.-ou, who inarrie

  • 14 o'l:\k. I /. 1^aI ( •. I [, nKcouv v

    AVil!i:i!\i G. Thi.m|w.iii'.< (IV. O') }>.

    O., Tli'.ini])-oiitt)\\ii, Pa.

    IV. 4.—Tanu-s Thompson. - .lied June ISth, 18o4. nuol .".)yeni> :" wed, iii->t, Ek-anor Thnmp-.iii,

    cousin, \\\\o "difd I-\briiaiy 'i^nd. \^\\,aged '!') year.-." Is^ue:

    V. ].—Ellen Thoni]iridge) Thomjison. who ^\-ed .Sarali PodL^ors.

    P. O.. Thouipsontown. Pa. (Is S3)Issue


    V. 1.—Jennie TliMuip-on wlio wed Milhci-en.* . 2.—Ivrille Thompson.A . 3.—Lewis Thompson, who wed Annie Adams. Is-n^ .VI. E—VI. 2.—V. 4.—John Tliompson, who wed

    111. (ESS3).

    ^ • ^'—Cloyd Thompson, Tiu..mj)5ontown. (18S3)


    HE 3.—Robert Thompson, (calle

  • 160130JJTin: TIlnMPSOX FA.VIf.V. V

    IV. 2.—^Jnhn Ewiii:^- ']'lii'in[>-Mn, Ileiiil' r-'in C'-mntv, llliiini^.]/a.-t lioarJ from in ()n;^'>n.

    IV. r,.— KlizabL'th TiuTni..-.n. %vlio wvl W'iHiain Lukvu--. ..:"Ohii;-. wli'--!.' iir-t wile ^\a.^ hcv c.'U-in.

    Xaiicv, (lauuhttT oi' Jame-; Th'jUip~M)i,

    of Iliowii County. (>Iii.

    lY, 4.—Tames AiWi.-on 'I'ihnnp-on. '-ilieil ^^a^ch Ttli. IsOO,ft'jetl '2'] year-. '2 numtlis ami 14 dav>."'

    IV. o.—Jane Thompson. \\-\\i< wtA Samncl l'homp~on. -ou ofPeter.

    III. -1.—Jamo? Thomi>-:or.. wcJ Mareavet f'ar-'.ui ; movL- 1 toC'hillicJoth. 1S2-I. and thence ti_> Er>.'\vn

    Omnry. ()hio. J-^-ne were:IV. 1.—Xaney Th(>m|i-'in. wiio wed ^\'illialu Luken-.TV. 2.—Itohei-r Thomp..,!i.

    IV. o.—Theodore Th(;>rni>~on, \\-]i(j wa- killevl bv a;i exp!>_'-i«.)non a >teamer on lii- wav from California,in 1S49.

    IV. 4.—John Thomp-on, who died on the Gulf of ^Mexico onhis way to California, in 1S40.

    IX. -3.—Margaret Thoinp~on, who wed (IV. 4) ^[;teh._-;i A.Tlionip-'jn, *on of (III. -3) .Vndrew. Jr.

    III. 5.—-Vndrew Thompson. Jr.. who wed Ilel>ecca Stuart, v.ho'vvas ••born Deoemher lotli, 17S2; died

    Jannary 24th, ls:;2."

    IV. 1.—Dr. David Tlionips

  • "•; i

  • ('•KyK. I L inrlr - 1 /. IIFJ.'OUI) OF

    in. 7._Mit. hell Tl^o!np~..n.^vho". lied DLccml^.T 27th, ISOO.

    ill -H-t vcar nt" ngt'."* aiul \\\\n wc.3; (liol -Vpiil oth, 1>41.)"

    ist Mth, l.S'U) Juno

    Gth, lS3o. I->ue :

    V. 1.—Marv Ann Coehir.n, I'orn y.ivenib-.T Ot!!, l^oo : tir-rwed Gcoixc ll:u'ri-i>n Manin. Liver-

    pool, (iss;]). I--Uf :

    VJ. 1.—Marv Aliee Martin. \v!i.> wed Julin W.-tlev AVilliani-.son, March 1-kh, 1.^72. I.->uc


    VII, 1.—John Porter. li'>rn January lltli, L^7o.VI. 2.—Annie 1^. Martin. l:K.rn Mareli Oth. l.^of*, who wed

    Georu'e Tharp, ZS'uvcnJier 27th, 1^77.


    VII. 1.—Allen Corey T!iari>.A"II. 2.—Stewart I>cllv>y Tharj).\l. 3.—George Allen Martin, born May 2oth, lSo7 ; Nved

    Ilattie O'Neill, June 27t!i. ISSO.

    V. 1.—Mary Ann Cochran, wed, -eeond time, W. L. I.enliart.LiverjM.oI. (l.^S-j). I-:^ue:

    VI. 4.—Lewis '[honi})-on Lenhart, Ixirn Marrh 12th, 1S(;7.AM. 5.—John Wc-ley, born August 2nd, LS7Lirion Cochran, born July ^th, l>;41.who Wfd

    Captain Daniel Me-han,. (Brad lord, Pa).

    August Sth, 1870. I.~-ne.

    VI. 1.—Theresa Violette Meslian, i>orn January 2sth. ls7.s.IV. 2.—Adeline Xel.-on Thompson, born February 20th, ls24;

    who wed John Stuait Lnken-, September

    :30th, 1S:39. I-ae:

    V. L—Martha Jane Stuart Lnken-, born January 11th, ls42'who well K. P. IIud~oii, .\[>ril 2nd, isOO.



    VI. 1.—Lewi- Leonard liu.l.ou, born Mareli 12th, ISGl.

    VI. 2.—M'illie Seward Hud-on, born >Liy 20th, l.St;7, of



    II. 6.

    S"--ion 27/o?.n'-^o/(. who mtiI Ca[it;uu Davitl Boal. I--U'

    III. 1.—Sarah Jjmil, who wed Paul ('ox. I:?-uc imnKroii-.

    HI. 1.—Jolm iJual, who wed Sarah Aim Crihilhm. J~-'i


    eratiou. Sec letters of P. T. Thompion

    (hisgrau'I-Dii) tVoiii Mi!i)o ; dtiedApril loth, l.S,S2 ;"' wed widow, Sarah

    Ann ]>')al; born Au2.n-t 3rd, 1^11;diet-l Octoi)er Kjth, lSs3 (vide Cemetery

    Stones, 1 h mile- east of Th(jrn})-untowii.)

    IV. 1.—Tiieoru- Thump-' in.IV. 2.—Irwin Tli(imp-'>n, in Kan-a-, LSSG.IV. 3.— Henrietta llnunp-on, who \ved J. P. Wat-oii. (Kan-

    sas, l.ssG).

    IV. 4.—Albanu- Thomi'-'-m, who we


    III. 3.—Mary Thoni]»-nu, wo-l Jaino- C'urran ; lived in Fji-uwiiCVuiutv, Ohio; MoimiDUth, IHinriis,

    (l.'^S.j). Topcka, Kansas, flSS']). I~-^uc:

    IV. 1.— Aii:=OM, in Top. ka.

    III. 4.—Samuel Tlionip^un, who wed Jane, daughter of Liule' Robert. (His \\-idow lives north of

    Monniouth, Illinois. 1SS3).

    III. 5.—Susannah Thouip-on, who wed Alexander ]iodj;er.s,]S:3>:. Issue:

    IV. 1.—TiiGophilu< P. Iindgers, born July 4th, 1X39. Un-married.

    IV. 2.—^largaret I Jodgor-, married Sila< Brown, >rareii 11 th,


    lA^. 3.—Alphcus K. ]ujd--.jrs, wed Anna Dick, Xovernber5th,^ls72.

    IV. 4.—Alfonso T. Ivodgcrs, wed Melvine Gciper, December7th, IS.Sl. Issue:

    V. 1.—KclK'Cca, born Xon, T.'peka, Kansas, v.h._. mar-

    ried Fannie (lei^ixr, (1883).

    Second wife of (III. ~} Thomas B.

    Th(jmpsou Ava- Jane lioal (IV. 1). (^See

    Su-an, (II. C>) daughter of J(;hn, .Sr.

    I'age 17. I-.-ue:

    IV. o.—Several children, To^ieka, Ivan.-as, (1883).

    III. S.—Silas Tliomp^on, born ; died May 21st, 1841,

  • 20 GEXFAlJjnicAL IlKCnRD.

    III. 9.—William PattcT-oii Thompson.

    II. 12.— Thomas Thoiih^-oii, dk\\ unmarried.

    II. 13.—(?) .

    Some of the residents oi" Juniata County, Pa., in 1SS7, are:

    Mrs. John S. Lukens, Adeline (lA". -, see ]>age IG), dau-iii'-r

    of Mitchell Thompson (III. 7, page 10..

    Jerome Thompson, P. C, ^Nlcxicu, (TV- 0, page S) .-on of(III. 2), James son of (fl. 4), A\'il-

    liam, Sr.

    "William Thompson, P. O., McAli.-t-rvilk-. .m-u of (III. lu

    John Goshen, ?ou of (11. 4), A\ illiam,

    W. Porter Thompson, P. C, ^Mexico, a graiid-'>n of (III. 2 .James and son of (II. 4), "William, Sr.

    Theodore vS. Thomp.-on, P. O., Thompsontovvn. son of (III. 4 ,

    William, Jr., and grandson of (11. 4 .

    William, Sr.

    William G. Thomp-on, P. O., Thompsontown. >on of (III. 2:,

    John, nrd, son of (II. o), Pobert. Sr.

    John V). Thomp.-on, P. C, Thompsontown, son of (III. 2;,John, 3rd, son of (II. o), Rohert, Sr.

    L. AVilson, P. O., Oakland Mill-, hu.-band of [lY. 1), Jan.-.

    daughter of (III. 8), Elizabeth Tlmir.-

    son, dangliter of (II. 4\ William, .Sr.

    WTlliam Banlcs, P. O., ^riftllnt-nvn, -on of (IV. 1), Jcaiu

    daughter of (III. 3), Sarah, daughter uf

    (II. 4), 'William, Sr.

    Br. Lucien Banks, P. O., Mifillntown, -^on of (IV. 1), Jeai:.

    G. Washington McAli-ter, (lA^. .5), son of Sarah Tliump.- in.

    (III. 3), and grandson ' of \\'illlam

    Thom.-on, Sr., (11. 4). P. O., Lo.:


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