the trial of champions 2

1 The Trial of Champions First and foremost, special thanks to all the creative gamers that created the supplementary stuff I used for this scenario. Also, special thanks to Ian Livingstone, the author of the Fighting Fantasy book Trial of Champions that this scenario is based on. And, as a special note to the Game Master, you’ll need a few other supplements aside from the Dark Heresy or Rogue Trader core books to run this scenario as I have set it down. The list includes: The Game Masters Kit, The Creatures Anathema, The Inquisitors Handbook, and the Disciples of the Dark Gods. It is also assumed that the players will be in possession of a star ship, or at least be serving on board one. There are two videos that accompany some of the narratives for the scenario and you can view them at: for the first video and: for the second. Cheers, Xenos Zapper Overview The nature of this particular scenario involves the players performing a twofold operation for both the benefit of their dynasty as well as performing a mission for an Inquisitor. At the beginning of the game the players are contacted by a member of the Inquisition who requires their assistance in recovering an important item from a criminal organization left up to the GM. The item is actually a cerebral data implant contained within an Ordo acolyte that had been killed during an undercover operation on Fydae Minos, an agri-world in the Malfian Subsector where piracy and shady deals run rampant. The Inquisitor explains that their position as a Rogue Trader crew would be more suited to the task than an Imperial Navy vessel, which would set off all sorts of red flags to the local criminal underworld. The Inquisitor explains that his acolyte died while attempting to survive an event known as the Trial of Champions, a gladiatorial event funded by underworld crime boss and Planetary Governor, Lord Tessir Trisian. Though rumored to be one of the most bloody and difficult of underground

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The Trial of Champions

First and foremost, special thanks to all the creative gamers that created the supplementary stuff I used for this scenario. Also, special thanks to Ian Livingstone, the author of the Fighting Fantasy book Trial of Champions that this scenario is based on. And, as a special note to the Game Master, you’ll need a few other supplements aside from the Dark Heresy or Rogue Trader core books to run this scenario as I have set it down. The list includes: The Game Masters Kit, The Creatures Anathema, The Inquisitors Handbook, and the Disciples of the Dark Gods. It is also assumed that the players will be in possession of a star ship, or at least be serving on board one. There are two videos that accompany some of the narratives for the scenario and you can view them at: for the first video and: for the second. Cheers, Xenos Zapper

Overview The nature of this particular scenario involves the players performing a twofold operation for both the benefit of their dynasty as well as performing a mission for an Inquisitor. At the beginning of the game the players are contacted by a member of the Inquisition who requires their assistance in recovering an important item from a criminal organization left up to the GM. The item is actually a cerebral data implant contained within an Ordo acolyte that had been killed during an undercover operation on Fydae Minos, an agri-world in the Malfian Subsector where piracy and shady deals run rampant. The Inquisitor explains that their position as a Rogue Trader crew would be more suited to the task than an Imperial Navy vessel, which would set off all sorts of red flags to the local criminal underworld. The Inquisitor explains that his acolyte died while attempting to survive an event known as the Trial of Champions, a gladiatorial event funded by underworld crime boss and Planetary Governor, Lord Tessir Trisian. Though rumored to be one of the most bloody and difficult of underground

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gladiatorial events in the sector the prizes bring in challengers from across the sector and sometimes beyond. The body of the dead acolyte is believed to remain within the Gauntlet, an underground catacomb filled with traps and beasts from across the sector. The players are sent in to participate in the Trial of Champions, survive the gladiatorial preliminaries, enter the Gauntlet, recover the data-implant, and be the first to exit the dungeon. The Inquisitor spices the deal by explaining that the winner of the event is awarded the title of ownership to a warp trade route between Malfi and the Fydae System, a boon worth a planetary governor’s ransom. Should the players succeed in all of the missions objectives they will have attained a +5 to the group’s Profit Factor, an increase in their Ordo Rep., and insights into the criminal organization. The Endeavor Claim ownership of a Warp Trade route between the sub sector capitol world of Malfi and the Fydae System. Requirements

Establish a new compact of partnership between the two worlds under the auspices of the representatives of House Krin, Malfian Noble House Gregor, and the Fydae Guild of Merchants.

Reduce piracy activity along the route.

Acquire the title by succeeding in the Trial of Champions funded by Fydae Minos’ Lord Governor Tessir Trisian, chairman of the Junos Guild of Merchants.

Endeavor Status: Grand, +5 Profit Factor Objective One Theme: Criminal The acolyte/explorers must travel to Fydae Minos and enter the Trial of Champions tournament. During the voyage they encounter pirates and may conclude the encounter through negotiations or battle. Objective Two Theme: Exploration The players enter the Trial of Champions and must win to claim a Malfi /Fydae System trade route. Objective Three Theme: Trade After being awarded the trade route the players must meet with representatives of House Gregor and the Fydae Guild of Merchants on Malfi to establish a compact of partnership under the umbrella of the House Krin. Unknown to the players is that Lord Trisian has set them up to be assassins of House Gregor noblewoman Lady Caleus Gregor in an attempt to eliminate the last of the family line capable of keeping the House together and placing a puppet ruler in her stead to maximize his own profits. The players must expose Lord Trisians plan by evading the either preventing the attempted assassination or by evading the law after being framed and then capturing Lord Trisian in his fortress home for interrogation. Success provides them with the final compact of trade. Misfortunes: Grim -2; Advisor of Commerce Emriel of House Gregor spreads slander regarding the nature of groups’ ascension to power. The players must silence the slander before it spreads or be penalized -2 PF. Player Rank Requirement: Rank 1 RT or Rank 5 DH.

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Part One: The Fydae System


(Play Introduction Video pt 1 while reading the following) All of you are currently on standby onboard Scintilla Prima, Scintilla’s single orbiting space station set in geosync orbit over Hive Tarsus far below on the planet’s surface. Your ship is undergoing routine repairs and upkeep, giving both you and some of your crew a few weeks of shore leave. Word has it that Rogue Traders, Chartist Captains, and Free Traders seeking work will likely find it within the many taverns and officers clubs onboard this titanic space station. All of you are in one such establishment known as The Saints Cup. Though the hour is early the seats are occupied with merchants, nobles, naval officers, and other void faring sorts of prestige and status, all whispering of private matters. As you enjoy your meals and the softly soothing sounds of orchestral music you sit in quiet contemplation as to the true purpose behind your presence here. Only a few weeks ago you had received an astropathic communiqué from Inquisitor (whomever) of the Calixis Holy Ordo originated via the Scintillan astropathic choir. In the message, Inquisitor (whomever) had requested that you meet with him regarding a task that he believed may prove beneficial to both your family Dynasty as well as to the Holy Inquisition.

-Video Ends-

“Thank you for meeting with me. I have no doubt that this meeting will prove to be profitable for both you and the Ordo. Six months ago, a member of my staff was serving as an undercover agent on the planet Fydae Minos in the Fydae System. He had infiltrated a branch of a notorious criminal organization (…GM Choice). For years he had been gathering intelligence on their secret operations throughout the Malfian Subsector. The last communiqué I received from him indicated that he had been discovered and forced to enter an event known as the Trial of Champions. Since that time I have not heard from him and I fear that he is now with our holy Emperor. I am seeking something valuable that was hidden within his person and am in need of individuals such as your selves to recover it. This will not be simple; you’ll likely have to participate in the Trial of Champions in order to recover the item from my servants’ corpse, the next of which is to take place in seventy five Terran days from today. Should you succeed, the master of the event is awarding the champions with ownership over a major trade route between Malfi and the Fydae System, a title of trade well worth your time. Also, success will put you in my favor, a gift rarely given and one that will prove invaluable to you in times of need. What do you say, will you perform this task?”

GM Note: The Inquisitor will not divulge any more details regarding the mission and simply answers all questions with “Should you accept this task I will convey more upon our departure since I will be joining you.”

After committing to the Inquisitors endeavor you all immediately head back to you ship and prepare for departure. After only another couple of hours all of the ships stations are once again staffed and you are released from the docking station and once again into the pin holed vastness of the void. After function checks, you and your senior staff meet with the Inquisitor within the private council room

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onboard. “Our destination is the Fydae System, a conglomeration of planets providing class two tithes, and acting as a notable supplier of non-warp starships and weaponry. Of the major planetary powers, three worlds are of particular importance: The Agriworld Fydae Minos, the Hive World of Junos, and the frontier world of Kessae. All three planets form the political and financial power of the star system. The Fydae systems power belongs solely to the Fydae Merchant Guild whose leaders consist of corrupt nobles and criminal underworld bosses. The entire system is notoriously plagued with pirate raiders both human and Orc, and even Eldar corsairs. The nature of this task involves you to participate in the Trial of Champions, a gladiatorial event held on the planet Fydae Minos and funded by the planetary Governor and seat holder on the Fydae Merchant Guild, Lord Tessir Trisian. You will need to firstly pass the initial trials through a gladiatorial elimination process before entrance into an event known as the Gauntlet. In the last five years of the event none have succeeded in surviving except one man, Lord Trisians personal bodyguard Titus, a beast and veteran of countless arena matches. Upon our arrival to the orbital station Fydae Primaris, your away team will need to travel planet-side to Port Divinus where you will meet with my informant, Lord Cambria. I will monitor your activities from here and provide you with whatever support I can since it is likely agents of the crime syndicate may be looking out for me. The item I need recovered from my servant is a cranial data implant. You will need to extract it surgically or remove his head and bring it to me. You’ll be able to track it down once you have survived the gladiatorial battles and are admitted into the Gauntlet where my informant has indicated the remains are. The Gauntlet is the pinnacle of the Trial of Champions. A maze of underground passages filled with traps, xeno, and worse, all constructed with Lord Trisian’s vast wealth. If you make it this far you will need to locate my servant’s body, which you can find by locking into a beacon implant with my encrypted locator. After you find the data implant, you will need to escape the Gauntlet in order to claim your prize.”

The Locator The Locator is a small waterproof wrist watch like device with an illuminated display screen that will pinpoint the location of the Data Implant up to two kilometers distance. It operates by indicating the players as a green blip and the target as a red blip, no terrain features are provided but it will indicate distance in kilometers as well as angular position in terms of elevation. The Locator will be given to one of the players after the meeting.

The Journey to the Fydae System The voyage from Scintilla to the Fydae System will take approximately sixty-two days and four hours if there are no complications. It will be a long voyage and one that begins with a fully stocked crew. The passage through Scintillan space is uneventful, though they may be boarded for an inspection

by Naval Patrols. During this time of travel, the players will need to plot their course prior to their arrival at the jump point. Warp Travel Steps The following are my own personal Warp Travel rules formed from a combination between the Rogue Trader book and the unofficial warp travel supplements provided in this scenario package. Use at your own discretion.

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1. Determine distance from local sun if within its gravitational field to the nearest Warp Zone. And determine the beginning point of the voyage in relation to the determined distance. In other words begin from the ships starting point within a given system and not from the sun.

2. Navigator may look for the Astronomicon. 3. GM determines actual Warp Travel time. Navigator or pilot performs a Navigation (Warp) roll to

obtain an estimate of the duration of passage modified by distance traveled. If the journey is without a Navigator the pilot must make a Calculated Navigation test, if it is a Navigator it is a Guided Navigation test.

4. GM checks for Time Distortion, and Ship Board Encounters. Use the Shipboard Encounters Supplemental Book on any Warp Encounter rolls of 75 or less. Be sure to roll for every five consecutive days that the vessel is in the warp. Exit the Warp check upon arrival to the exit point outside of the system, ascertain plasma drive distance and travel time to destination.

Pirate Ambushers!

After exiting the warp, the players will be ambushed by pirate raiders hidden in nearby asteroids. Their plan is simple and has worked many times in the past. Using the remains of a hulked ship they create a diversion just in between two asteroid clusters. Arrivals to the system are often curious about the wreckage and begin to perform Focused Scans. Once the arrival begins scanning the

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derelict vessel the pirates move in for the kill while on Silent Running. If for any reason the players helmsman switches over to the Active Augury scan the pirates will be detected. Once their cannons are within range they open fire in an attempt to completely cripple the player’s ship. If their ambush fails the pirates will attempt to flee immediately. Players may opt to perform a Deep Void Scan, a new Extended Action.

Deep Void Scan By using their ships Augury Systems over the course of days a thorough scan of a system may be accomplished. Success will provide location information on planets, gas giants, asteroid field positions, non-concealed space ports, and satellites. The data obtained is through a long range communication transmission with local Imperial Worlds and space ports as well as the ships own augury systems. Thus the scan will not reveal vessels but will be able to ascertain planetary data such as human habitation and population. To perform a Deep Void Scan the vessel must be within a system where an Imperial planet hosting advanced warp travel technology is present and must have useable communications (non-jammed or destroyed). The augur must make a successful Detection+Scrutiny roll to acquire the data, base time is three days for a small system but may be increased if in a larger system. Each degree of success reduces the time by one day.

Fydae Raiders (See Wolfpack Raiders ship in RT pg 209) Captain: As per Void Pirate Captain RT pg 373. Helmsman: Same as Voidfarer but Ag 38 and Int 37. Other Crew: Use Voidfarer stats. Incompetent Crew at 20. If the players are clever and attempt to hail the pirate leaders then there is a good chance that the pirates will join the players’ cause and participate in their dynasty. Knowing full well the prestige of being a part of a Rogue Trader Dynasty and the promise of good pay, clever negotiations may induce them to become part of the players’ fleet. These pirates belong to no particular group as yet, though they have recently arrived in the system in an effort to join up with the local criminal lords. Success in this manner will add an additional Profit Factor point at the end of the endeavor. If the players succeed on a Deep Void Scan, provide them with the Fydae System Analysis handout.

Arrival at Fydae Minos, and Fydae Primaris

(Play Intro Video pt 2 and begin narrating at time code 00:38:00) The voyage thus far has been an enduring one. After crossing the vast distance between the Golgenna Reach subsector and the Malfian Subsector you are pleased when both Fydae Minos and its single orbiting space dock comes into view. Next all you need to do is set into harbor, prepare your away team and their transport then make your way down to Port Divinus. From there it is just a matter of locating Inquisitor Graves’ contact that will get you into the Trial of Champions and hopefully through the gates of the Gauntlet.

-VIDEO ENDS- As you approach, you can see the station is in poor condition and though perhaps half the size of the

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Scintilla Prima it is far from well kept. Looking more like a mass of rust beams held loosely together by sections of hull plating. The station reeks of pirates and savagery with it host of makeshift cannon batteries and short range anti missile turrets dotting its corroded brown and grey exterior. As you come into hailing range a throaty voice directs you to one of the starboard side docking bays.

As the player’s vessel approaches the docking bay have the helmsman perform a single Adjust Speed Maneuver in order to dock safely at their exterior docking station. Failure causes no damage as the stations shields take the impact, but regardless will cause the entire station to rumble. All interaction tests will be at -10 due to the incident while on board the Fydae Primaris to reflect the contempt that the locals have for the players foul up. While onboard the Fydae Primaris players may take some time to dig around for information from the locals. Also, any ship repairs that need to be made can be arranged at this time as well as if new crew hands need to be hired. The locals are a rowdy group and are prone to heavy drinking and brawling. Fire arms are not permitted while on board and the onsite enforcers will be sure to educate any newcomers of this rule, unless they have Adeptus Authority such as for Arbitrators, Inquisitors, Nobles, or high ranking military persons. Enforcers will also need to inspect the ship’s cargo holds for any illegal goods, though they are accepting of bribes in the case they need to look the other way. For information concerning events on the planet’s surface refer to the footwork section. The players are free to go planet side at any point.

Port Divinus

The drop to planet side is a swift twenty minute flight. After breaching the upper atmosphere, watching almost transfixed as the twin moons slip below the coming horizon line, you find yourselves rumbling through thick storm cloud coverage. The clouds here on Fydae Minos swirl like strange coiling serpents, rending visibility to nothing and causing your pilot to rely solely on the ships augury systems in order to see. Lightning and thunder peal beyond your portholes clearly audible despite the roaring sounds of the

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ships retro thrusters straining against the outside turbulence. You thank the golden throne after finally emerging safely from the storm clouds your pilot drops you to two thousand feet to where you can get a clear view of the surface. Though moving exceedingly fast your flight takes you over lush tropical jungle wilderness’ rolling over richly green hills and ominous cliffs, an azure colored ocean, and a winding emerald river. Your flight rises steeply over a rocky hill crest in dips swiftly into a titanic range of craggy natural stone pillars covered in dense vegetation. Deftly maneuvering between the titanic pillars the ship banks a gentle left and aligns itself into a flight path directed towards what looks to be an expansive and ancient city of stacked stone and wood buildings centered around the base of a large ziggurat that speaks of millennia old and possibly pre-human civilization. This is Port Divinus, city of pirates. Your pilot is relayed landing protocols by local aviation authorities and sets down somewhere in the central northern quarter of the city. The hatch opens and a flood of humid air and strong breezes assaults you as you step out into the shadowy streets of Port Divinus. A strong, almost electric scent of vibrant tropical life and deeply rich earth fills your nostrils as you take in the foreign habitations around you. You begin to unload your supplies when a group of chrome speeder carriages descend towards you. The vessels remain hovered above the plascrete surface of the flight deck, a side hatch door lifts open and a well dressed man adorned with finery exotically different from what is common on Scintilla but none the less extravagant approaches. The man introduces himself as Lord Cambria and beckons for all of you to enter the carriages.

Lord Cambria’s speeders lift off gently and make way towards the large ziggurat at the center of the city. The flight is swift and only a couple of minutes pass by until they land inside of a majestic stone palace’s courtyard. The entire area is vibrant with exotic plant life that moves and sways animatedly to constantly keep up with the quickly moving sun. The acolytes are taken into the estate home, guided down a number of well lit corridors adorned with regal paintings, statues of saints, tapestries worth a king’s ransom, and into an opened garden where they are seated with Lord Cambria and served food and drink. The acolytes will note that the food is native cuisine; the meats are spicy and roasted with sweet vegetables while the drinks are rich, creamy, and induce a mild calming and euphoric effect. Lord Cambria takes a seat at the head of the table and looks at the players with entertaining regard. He maintains light conversation and seems to enjoy discussions regarding events beyond Fydae Minos, particularly events on Scintilla, during this time be sure to emphasize the short duration of the days as the sun and moons rotate swiftly through the sky, maybe adding to the uniqueness of the planet by describing the animated flora and fauna. After the meal Cambria will enliven the occasion by discussing the matter of the Trial of Champions. Fydae Minos Profile Class: Agriworld Tech Level: Advanced Space (no warp design facilities) Star Size: Medium Galactic Position: Malfian Sub Sector Planetary Governor: Lord Governor Tessir Trisian Adepta Presence: Minor Length of Days: 5 hours Length of Year: 960 days (1.82 Terran year equivalent) Axial Tilt: Noteable +10/-10 temperature variance Satellites: 2 (Uprius and Mentoan) Gravity: Standard Atmosphere: Normal Hydrosphere: Moist/tropical

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Temperature: Warm Terrains: Hills, Jungle, Desserts Climate: Overcast and grey, irregular rain and storm patterns. Humid with plenty of plant life and insects. Native Flora and Fauna: Animated xeno plant life that constantly shifts about to maintain exposure to the swiftly moving sun. Countries and Continents: Two large continents known as Janaar and Rheator. Population: 11.5 billion Society: Dictatorship/Oligarchy Economy: Local currency known as Coin is fashioned from gold and printed with Lord Governor Trisian’s family line. Lower class is pervasive while middle and upper classes maintain an almost feudal system of dominion. Exports: Short range void ships, conscripts for Imperial Navy. Imports: Slaves, mercenaries, weapons Conflicts: Violence is a way of life. Backstabbing and dark plots are common place amongst the pirate scum inhabitants. The nobles are nothing more than criminal lords who control their territories through intimidation and violence. Defenses: Local enforcer and militia, private armies, mercenaries, naval forces provide orbital patrol, orbital station armed with Macrobatteries and Lance Cannons, pirate raiders may be called upon as well. Contact with other worlds: Minor warp route to Malfi and Port Wander.

“You have arrived just in time. I have set everything in motion and am ready to include you all into my sponsorship. I believe that our mutual friend may have sent you to me hoping for an easy way into the Gauntlet, but I must be certain that those who represent my house in this event are capable enough to do so. You, just like the many slaves and independents that have come to try their hand in this tournament, must perform well during this process of elimination. I too have stakes in this matter and would see that stumbling fool, Lord Trisian swallow his own tongue. If you can make it through the arena events and do what none except one has accomplished, you will not only walk away with a charter worth enough to become a lord yourself but also my gratitude and financial backing into beginning your endeavor, should you desire it. In any case the odds do not look so good for you. Lord Trisian is a powerful man and in many ways the master of cutthroats and pirates here in Fydae system. The Trial of Champions is his great joy, and the multitudes of our nation Hetarion flock to the viewing halls to bear witness to the rivers of blood this event unleashes. The Gauntlet will be your greatest challenge; it will test everything and more of your team. Lord Trisian has accumulated quite a unique assortment of oddities for those who have earned the honor to enter the gates of the Gauntlet.” Lord Cambria offers a disturbing smile before taking another sip from his cup. A robotic blue/green feathered bird flutters out from above and lands on a perch next to Lord Cambria. Reaching over he removes a note tied to its leg. A stoic look washes over his wrinkled face as he takes a moment to read then turns his attention back to you. “I must apologize, the hour is late and I have other matters to attend to. You may rest in my guest chambers for this rest-cycle (10 hour period) but in two days you will need to leave all of your possessions with me as you will not be allowed to use them in the arena events. I will be sure to secure the locator if you will now give it to me.” With that he stands up and leaves. Servants arrive to provide you with more food and drink and guide you to your sleeping quarters. Pleasure partners are provided should you wish, and the resting chambers are opulent and comfortable. Heavily armed guards arrive to watch over you during your stay, your weapons and gear is taken to a secure vault somewhere beneath the estate and you are provided fresh robes to rest in.

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This part is deliberately to the point to avoid boredom. Players who wish to attempt to sneak about or conceal any of their possessions from the guards should be allowed to make an attempt. Failure will incite Lord Cambria’s anger who will threaten to have them thrown out thus ending the adventure. Lord Cambria’s honor and reputation are at stake and he will not stand for non-compliance. Use the Kill Squad Trooper stats for the guards.

Part Two: The Trial of Champions

Trial of Champions gladiatorial battles

The following day you all wake to a fine breakfast, knowing full well that it may be your last. Afterwards you are all taken by speeder carriage into the eastern quarter of Port Divinus where you land outside of a small estate property surrounded by a tall steel fence. You are a little unnerved when you notice that the heads of both men and women line the fence pikes. Guards meet you all at the gate and inspect you, checking to see if you have any possessions hidden on you. After clearing you they take you into a dimly lit building and down a series of steps into an underground preparatory area lined with rows of shackled slaves all painted a different color. The guards direct you to a nearby wing where your robes are removed and replaced with loin clothes; your bare chests are painted blue to represent your teams color. The scent of human excrement, sweat, and blood reek like a death world battlefield and you struggle not to vomit from the stench. The ragged, toothless old man painting your bodies makes a comment about your soft bellies not handlin’ the scent of glory when you smell it. The guards deposit you into a small chamber with a wooden gate at the far end. As the doors swing open you are immediately struck by the roar of a massive crowd beyond. You step out into the blood soaked sand praying to the god emperor for his blessing.

The players will notice that they stand in the base of a large and crowded square coliseum. Five meter tall walls rise up from the sandy floor to the first rows of spectators. Other contestant groups are forming up outside of their entrances. In total the players can see about seventy contestants. An exotically dressed man adorned with a feathered tricorn hat, red and black long coat and, wearing a massive red jewel about his neck rises from a throne fashioned of bones and skulls. He raises his hands to silence the crowd and you take notice of Lord Cambria seated near him. “Welcome all to the greatest event on the face of Fydae Minos! Another quarter has passed and still we have no champions. Perhaps there on the blood soaked earth is a group worthy of the title of Gauntlet Champions!” The crowd roars in response. “Contestants you will be pitted against each other to earn the right to enter the Trial of Champions. Only three teams may enter the Gauntlet so most of you will die this day, and for those who perish…we salute you!” Again the crowd roars in response. Guards will then approach the contestant groups.

The Events Event One, The Race The first event is a race and the guards will have the players pick one from their group to compete in the race. All of the contestants are lined on a race course in the middle of the arena. A wagon pulls up to one segment of the course and slaves shovel hot coals over the track. Each contestant

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is then given a weighted pack adding 18kg’s of weight to the player. All of the contestants are then lined up, a tense moment of silence is observed before a revolver signals the start of the race. The race is performed in rounds and will present the illusion of competition. The player will win so long as they are able to succeed in the majority of tests encountered each lap of the race. The goal is not to win the race by coming in first, but to eliminate the weakest of the contestants. The player must survive five rounds to make it through. To succeed the player must accumulate 13 points (tallied by the GM) to qualify. The first test is speed. The pace must be established and to do this the player needs to perform a full run to keep up with the others. The running continues for each round, if the competing player has the Sprint talent he may use it to attempt to take the lead earning them +1 point per round though inducing one level of fatigue per lap. Sprinting cannot be used for more than two consecutive laps. The average run speed for the contestants is 4km per hour, falling behind this induces -1 point per lap. Each lap the contestants must also make an agility test to leap over the burning coals at -10. Failure causes 1 wound and -1 point as they fall behind, success earns them 1 point. The third test in a lap involves avoiding the other contestants who seek to outdo each other by violent and potentially fatal means. Each lap the player must roll against Dodge to avoid being knocked down by a contestant, if failed they receive -1 point and 1d5+3 damage. If the character succeeds in the dodge test they gain 1 point by maneuvering out of harm’s way and ahead of the attacker. Each lap after the first requires a Toughness -20 (due to natural fatigue and the weight of the pack) pr lap to maintain the pace or receive one level of fatigue and -1 point towards the race, success offers 1 point. At the end of the five laps anyone not having accumulated the 13 or more points will induce a -1 deficit to the group victory score for entrance into the Gauntlet (they will need a total of two points to be admitted). Players that make it through a lap without any failed rolls get +2 points; otherwise they only receive +1. Event Two, Gladiatorial Battle The second event involves a guard asking the players to pick three of their best fighters. Each group of contestants does the same. The three chosen are taken below the arena to choose from a selection of weapons: Greatsword, sword and shield, flail and shield, greathammer, spear, axe and shield, dual swords, dual axes, and a groxwhip and dagger (RT pg 131). Armor comes in segment combinations: leather cuirass (body) AP 2 and metal helmet AP 5, chainmail pauldrons AP 3 (both arms), feudal world plate pauldron AP 5 (one arm) and leather leggings AP 2 (both legs). Once their equipment is chosen they are taken back into the arena where they are pitted up against a rival group, The group consists of gladiator slaves and will be equipped with the following: slave 1 has a sword and shield and wears the chain pauldrons, slave 2 has a spear and the feudal plate and leggings, slave 3 has the groxwhip and dagger wearing the leather cuirass and helmet. Their stats are the same as Heavies (DH pg 341) but with a WS of 38 and with the Dodge skill. The battle will take place on a patch of ground set with anti-psyker conduits running beneath it, preventing any use of psychic disciplines but permitting the weak powers (no more than 100 xp value, minor psychic powers only). If the players win they earn one group point. Event Three, The Fenksworld Pit Thing By this last event only five small groups of no more than ten are left. A guard requests the groups to choose their most intelligent and technically gifted member to enter the final event. A table is then brought out and a set of tools and a seemingly useless pile of wires, nuts and bolts, tubes and other electronic stuff are piled onto the table. The first contestant is chained to the ground in front of the table facing a pair of double doors at one end of the arena floor. Lord Trisian rises from his seat once again. “The final contest is a test of knowledge, something I value greatly. Contestants, on the table are the items needed to create a weapon. You will have six minutes to assemble it before your fate is sealed!” The crowd cheers as the two double doors reluctantly groan open revealing a hulking

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monstrosity that rushes at the contestant only to suddenly jolt back after a massive chain strapped to its back holds it only meters away. The creature is the Fenksworld Pit Thing (Creatures Anathema pg 55). The contestant rushes through the pile of wires and electronics, appearing to assemble something only to fail as his time finally elapses the Pit Thing is loosed and tears the screaming man literally apart, eating his still screaming upper half alive. Once the contestant is dead the beast is then pulled back away from the table and the player is chosen next. The electronic pile is replaced and the player is strapped into the chains. The Pit Thing roars violently at the player as Lord Trisian yells to begin. The player has six minutes to assemble a weapon that will stop the Pit Thing. The player will need to identify the various components around him by making a Tech-Use roll at -10. If he fails he loses one minute and must use another to sift through the components. The next step is to figure out what kind of weapon it is thus requiring a CL: Tech -10, success determines that it is a radio detonator, this takes another minute. The final test involves putting it together which requires three minutes base time to assemble. A Challenging Tech Use Roll allows the player to put it together, for every degree of success reduces the base time by one minute. Once assembled the chain locks into place preventing the creature from attacking. By the end of the event only three parties including the players are still present. Lord Trisian and the crowd rise up and a deafening roar washes over the victors. Lord Trisian turns away and departs. Read the following:

After the long days events you are badly beaten and weary. You are taken by speeder carriage to Lord Trisians fortress Ziggurat at the center of the city where you are provided any pleasures you wish. For over the next week or so you are bandaged and healed, stuffed with exotic food and drink, and share the company of pleasure servants of all varieties from across the sector. Lord Trisian himself meets with you only once to congratulate you on your accomplishment thus far then proves absent for the remainder of your stay. You are treated like gods and for a brief moment forget that in a matter of days you will be faced with the truest test of your teams’ abilities in the Gauntlet. At the end of the week your team is assembled in the main throne room of the Ziggurat where indoor pools filled with wine and women are set about the majestic black obsidian pillars and floors of this opulent chamber. Before you is Lord Trisian and Lord Cambria who have an assortment of equipment laid out on a long bronze table adorned with insets of lapis lazuli and emeralds. Lord Cambria approaches you, a serious but relaxed expression crossing his wrinkled features. “This afternoon you will be taken to the gates of the Gauntlet along with the other contestants. Before you leave your group may pick four items from this table to help you on your way. Looking over the table you see the following: three solid projectile rounds, two shotgun shells, a filled wineskin, two ration packs, a medkit, a melee weapon of your choice, two doses of stimm, a torch with a fully charged battery, two gold coins, a combi-tool, a lock pick set, a sling, and a blanket. After you have made your decisions each of you is given a leather belt pouch and are then quickly transported beyond the city and into the deep vastness of a rolling dessert beyond. The flight takes only about an hour before you can see below you a long cavernous ravine below. The speeder carriage drops you off at the bottom of the ravine where you can make out the other two contestant groups. One is a company of enslaved elder corsairs who glare calmly at you as you arrive. The other is a group of rough looking men bearing the tattoos of an Imperial Guard regiment. Lord Trisian and his body guards step out of the carriages and approach your groups. “And here we are at long last. I hope you’re excited, because I truly am. I look forward to seeing all of you perform, I have no doubts it will prove…entertaining.” Lord Trisian motions for all of you to follow him as he and his guard lead you before the entrance to the Gauntlet. A pair of black robed men stand beside two heavy grox chained to a massive stone door depicting writhing serpents, saints, and daemons. A guard then walks by each of

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you while offering a stick wrapped in his hand. You pull a stick and see that it reads the number two. The doors then rumble open as the massive twelve foot long beasts struggle at the doors revealing pitch darkness within. The Lord motions for the Eldar to enter; a few minutes pass by before you follow and step into the dark threshold. Not long after you hear a loud slamming as the doors seal shut behind you.

The Gauntlet

The Gauntlet is a dismal dungeon set deep below the desserts north east of Port Divinus. Over the last four years of the Trial of Champions many changes have taken place as Lord Governor Trisian added newer and deadlier challenges. Within the dark confines of the Gauntlet visitors will find that its near meter thick grey stone walls are fashioned a staggered brick layout. Each brick is about the size of a man’s torso and are mortared together. The floor and ceiling are on average three meters in height and designed similarly to the walls. The doors to each chamber is deliberately set with sensors that detect when opened more than an inch, this causes a hydraulic system set in the wall to pull the door open completely for five minutes. Each door is made of a 6” thick, dark wood joined together and bound by black iron fittings and a single black door ring set in the mouth of a skull. Each door facing has dual faces of a smiling and frowning sun and moon are etched. To prevent fire damage to the doors, each has been treated with tar. Due to the depth of the Gauntlet, as well as a jamming bubble covering the exterior surface of the Gauntlet, Vox communication is not possible outside of the underground complex without the appropriate bypass codes. The air is musty and a faint rumbling can be felt at irregular intervals from a series of mine shafts further below where slaves toil to gather iron and other minerals. The average temperature is around 70 degrees and is due to small ventilation holes set in the floors and ceiling allowing the hot surface air and the heat from a nearby underground foundry to cycle through the Gauntlet. All wall fixtures and archways are designed in menacing daemonic iron formations set with black studs and sharp, rusted spikes. The entire complex is unlit unless otherwise indicated. Hidden within small cracks and concealed holes around the Gauntlet are cameras, allowing the transmitted event to be sent to the Grand Viewing Hall in Port Divinus where the paying spectators have gathered. Another important point to go over is character fatalities. In the case that one of the player characters dies in the Gauntlet, instead of sending the player on his way home to weep and wallow a new character can be introduced in the form of a criminal or slave cast down into the Gauntlet as punishment, or just one of the members of the merc team that came in along with the players. Special Note: General combat modifiers to keep in mind.

Close combat situations where participants are outnumbered.

Making an unarmed attack against an armed opponent.

Shooting at a target in fog, mist, or shadow.

Combat in total darkness.

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Gauntlet Ground Floor, South Wing


The entrance tunnel goes on for about fifty meters before you come to a thick wooden door with a rusty knob. Written in dried blood on the doors surface reads “Keep Out”. You see no sign of the elder that came before you nor do you find that the third group is coming up behind you. On the wall next to the door is a single lit torch, which can be removed.

The door is unlocked. As with all the doors in the Gauntlet, once opened they electronically lock open. Players may have their characters attempt to listen for sounds on the other side. A successful awareness roll vs. hearing will reveal the sounds of fast paced breathing and on occasion a sizzling sound is heard.

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Upon entering the door swings open and quickly seems to lock in place. Within it is a dimly lit by torchlight, the smell of sulfur is strong here. The room is small and appears to be empty except for a small figurine of a strangely disfigured dog set on top of a small wood box filled with straw.

The figuring is in the likeness of a Flesh Hound of Khorne. Players with Forbidden Lore: Daemonology may attempt to identify it as such (Challenging +0), Psyniscience will indicate it as having a strong warp signature. If anyone touches the figure, or if it is struck a distant howling will be heard, scratching and clawing sounds seem to come from nowhere. A single Flesh Hound\ of Khorne suddenly manifest from the warp, surrounding the group and attacking for only three rounds before a warp instability causes it to be cast back (see Creatures Anathema pg 119). If the Acolytes survive they may search the room. The only thing of interest is hidden in the little wood box in the form of a plain gold ring. The torch has a 3 meter radius and will burn for one hour. The statuette will be of no further use, having expunged its power. 2: After about twenty meters have the players make sight based perception checks, beginning with the characters leading the party at +10. One success will reveal that a series of holes in which sharp spear points are protruding from the ceiling. The trap is sprung once a player steps directly beneath them onto a pressure switch causing normal spear damage +3, count as a surprise attack. There are twelve spears in total, two of which can be removed with a strength test +10, and the others are locked into place and cannot be removed without the appropriate tools. The spears are normal primitive weapons. Detecting the pressure pad requires a search check of +10, players may avoid it by walking around it along the wall or may attempt to disengage it using Security -20 (-40 without tools). The spears strike once, and then retract, resetting the trap. 3: Any player standing directly in front of the door set off a crossbow trap coming from a tiny hole in the wall behind them. Players may make an Awareness -30 to notice the trap; a Search roll -20 on the door will reveal the pressure switch on the floor. Two degrees of success will reveal the nature of the trap. Disarming it is Security -10 (-30 without tools). Damage is 1D10 R damage to the body.


In the distance you can hear the sound of running water and soon find yourselves at the edge of a pit. A rope bridge straddles the pit and beyond it the tunnel continues straight on. There is a wooden sign tied to a wooden box on the bridge on which is written “Pay Gold to Cross”. A rope hangs down from the bridge. Peering down below you can just make out a fast-flowing river below.

The bridge is in poor condition but will hold the players reluctantly, though and rough activity may cause it to collapse. Should this occur, the unlucky individual falls almost thirty meters into Sub level 1, south area 1. Have falling players make Acrobatics rolls at they attempt to reach out for the rope or the ledge below. Failure means they plummet into the swiftly moving waters below and are carried away into a dark oblivion. Players with a Strength score of 60 or higher may make a roll to grab onto the cavern rocks and attempt to pull themselves out against the oncoming current, losing any items not strapped onto them and ruining any that have an

adverse reaction to water. It will take rounds to climb out 1d5 (-1 round per Strength roll success), during this time check against suffocation. Needless to say that as soon as they reach the ledge into

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leading up into Area 1 they will be attacked. On the edge of the pits west side near the bridge is a steel bar in the floor with the remains of a cut rope. Only a knot remains attached to the bar with no signs of the rest of the rope. Directly below the steel bar is the landing leading to the Sub-level area 1. The box is on the bridge is harmless and is empty and is simply a ruse for the players to get rid of their gold rings. 5: This is a bare room. The only contents are a single stone plinth on which rests a bowl of exotic looking fruit. Eating the fruit has wondrous curative properties and removes one level of fatigue and will help heal an additional wound during rest. There are three pieces. 6:

Up ahead about twelve meters you suddenly make out a small grey skinned humanoid no taller than a half a meter in height poke its human like head around the tunnel corner, dressed in a loin cloth and obviously surprised at your appearance it suddenly runs back around the corner.

As the group moves along the tunnel have them each make an Awareness +10 roll, failure means they are surprised, too busy to notice the door had swung open. Success allows successful players to roll initiative. The creature will not attack; only flee back to its chambers at area 11. The creature is small but fast and receives a +2 to initiative and has a base speed of 4, plus the sprint talent. If by some miracle it is captured it will struggle wildly and make as much noise as possible to alert the Orcs in area 7. If possible, it will seek to bring the players into its chambers to set off the gas bomb. If the players decide to kill him, it whines and pleads hoping they will let it go. If so it flees into its chamber, otherwise it doesn’t put up a fight.

7: The players may make an Awareness check +20 to hear the grunting of the Orcs within. Inside the room are three Orc Boyz wielding long knives and throwing them at a dead giant rat tied up to a wooden pole at the other end of the room. The players can attempt to surprise them by making a Silent Move roll; the Orcs are at -20 to notice them. See Ork Boyz in the Creature Anathema pg 98, they currently have a dagger readied but may draw a sword.

The room is a mess of drab and rickety wood furniture consisting of a table with chairs, an old wooden trunk, and a couple of bed rolls tossed into a pile.

If the players look into the trunk they find a wide assortment of useless junk, at the bottom of the trunk is a useable steel breastplate AP 5, 5kg.


After crossing the bridge the tunnel comes to a dead end. There is a stone block set into the end wall with a small, circular hole set in its center large enough to reach into. There are words etched around

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the hole written in low gothic.

Players with the Literacy skill can read the words as saying “One is on and two is gone”. Reaching into the hole, the player will be able to feel two buttons. One is imprinted with the number “1” and the other with “2”. Pressing the 1 button will cause a section of the northern wall to pivot open revealing a passage beyond. Pressing the number 2 button will cause a guillotine contraption inside the hole to slice at the hand causing 1d10+8 R Primitive damage to the arm and opening up a trapdoor which will drop the player into a pit slide leading down into Sub level South Wing area 1. The trap door closes one round later. On the opposite side of the concealed door is another similar contraption that has an opposite button configuration thus the positions for the one and two buttons are switched. The opposite side does not have a floor trap. 9: As the players are walking down this passage they see a wooden door to their right with a strange symbol painted on its surface. A successful Forbidden Lore: Daemonology roll will reveal that it is the symbol of Tzeentch. A successful Awarenss (Hearing) check will reveal sounds of liquids bubbling and the sounds of a crackling fire are heard within.

As soon as you open the door you met with a blast of warm air. For a second you think it a trap until you see a massive cauldron set over a crackling fire. An attractive brunette woman in her thirties wearing ragged furs and feathers stands on a table over it, placing all manner of writhing insects and vermin into the pot, seemingly enjoying herself.

Once the door retracts open the witch will laugh wildly as the a pair of bone white hands with talons tear open a small warp gate behind her, grab her gently, and pull her in. The gate closes immediately behind her. From within the Cauldron emerges a Stenchbeast of Strank (Creatures Anathema). After combat the players can search the room. The only thing of interest is a small wooden box resting on the table the Warp Witch had been standing on. The box is of a dark polished wood and has a finely etched face set on its lid. Players may make an Intelligence test to recall that the face on the box is that of one of their mercenary rivals that had entered the Gauntlet prior to them. The box gives off a moderate Warp signature to those who view it using Psyniscience. Opening the box will cause the individual to be pulled into a small warp gate that leads into an underground oubliette with no exit. Time does not exist here and the player will simply be trapped with no need for food or water. Doing this causes the mercenary to be freed however. Who is very grateful and offers to assist them. The Merc’s name is Gart and he explains that he and his companions had entered the Gauntlet and found this box in this room. He can recall being taken into the oubliette but nothing more than that. He will remain loyal to them until they come across his team after which he will immediately turn against the players. The only way to release the trapped character is to have someone else open the box and take his place. 10: The door to this room has a shriveled and dead bird nailed to its surface. Nothing can be heard beyond. The lock is crude and can be picked with a multi-key or even a combi-tool unmodified. Breaking down the door requires splitting the lock which has an AP value of 4. Once opened, read the following.

As you enter the dark room you can see bits of vermin bones and other junk littering the stone floor. From down the tunnel you can hear the approach of heavy, slow moving footsteps.

Mutant Abomination DH rule book page 342 plus the following mutations: grotesque, misshapen, nightmarish, and brute. The Mutant is equipped with a sub revolver and will begin with opening fire at

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short range. After combat the players may dig through the trash here in the hallway. After a successful Search check in the middle of the east wall the players will find a clay pot covered in a wax seal, the sound of something rattles within it. Opening the pot produces a green fume that is non toxic, though the characters won’t know this. The fumes will subside only a few turns after opening, within is a single plain gold ring. Farther down the tunnel it opens up into a cave. Upon entering the players will notice that the floor is covered in bones, pieces of humanoid robotic parts, and rotting human portions. A beam of light comes from a hole in the ceiling but is too high to get to. The hole leads up to a trap door that those above can access to drop victims into the mutants cave. A successful search of the center and south west areas of the cave reveal a pair of useable mesh greaves and in the south west section the players find a metallic skull with the cap of it accessible by a single clasp and hinges. Opening the clasp causes the eyes to suddenly glow green, bits and pieces of robotic parts gravitate together reforming a Necron Warrior (modified by well paid renegade tech heretics). The Necron is only a shell of its former self and operates more like a dumb servitor, its original essence purged long ago its body has been recycled for use within the Gauntlet.

Reanimated Necron Warrior Construct

WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel

35 40 (6)30 (6)30 20 10 25 45 5

Movement: 2/4/6/12 Wounds: 12 Skills: Awareness +10 Talents: Armour Plated, Auto-Stabilized, Fear 2, Dark Sight, From Beyond, Machine (5), Unnatural (strength, toughness), Unnatural Senses, Sturdy, Regeneration Armour: AP 7 all locations Attack: Unarmed 1d5+6 I. Note: If any of the players are wearing the Striders bone medallion the Necron will not attack them nor defend against them. The Necron-construct is also programmed to remain near the room and will only travel a short distance from the entrance before stopping and returning. After defeating the Necron the players may look into its exposed skull. Inside they find amidst a complex arrangement of wires a plain gold ring. 11:

The door opens into a narrow, gloomy corridor at the end of which you can see a stone plinth with a large glass dome resting on top of it. Four black candles are burning on each of the corners of the plinth; casting the dome in an unsettling glow. As you approach you can see that there is a tiny grey skinned man trapped inside the dome, jumping up and down banging on the glass to get your attention. The little man is wearing a dirty loin cloth. As you approach you can also see that he looks to be in his forties and has a head of black braided hair. He seems to be shouting at you and gestures for you to help him out.

Any psykers that wish to use Psyniscience will find that the little man radiates minor psychic energy and seems to be generating more from the candles which appear to be a psy-focus. Anyone removing the glass dome or attempting to remove the candles will cause all light to suddenly shut off as a psychic wave of energy assaults them, all players within a 20 meter radius from the plinth must roll vs. Willpower -20 or suffer 5 Fatigue. The power is generated from a combination of the creature and a psychic response it has to the black candles, thus no manifestation roll is required. It then steals one

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randomly chosen player’s item pouch from the unconscious group. If any remain awake its stats are as per an average human with its Strength, Wounds, and Toughness at half the listed value. The flames cannot be doused except by psychic means nor, doing so will prevent the above mentioned results. The creature will now act relieved of its freedom but will seek to steal from the players at the first opportunity and vanish (use the stats for a Skulker pg 344 DH with half Strength and Toughness and no gear). 12: The door to this room has been nailed over with boards. In order to get in the players will need to lever them off with something about the length of a crowbar and flat such as a sword. Four strength checks for each board are all that is needed to remove them. They can also be hacked away with the appropriate instruments (chainsword). If the players do not perform this act quietly a Mutant will arrive to investigate armed with a shotgun with three shells, it also carries a small pouch of glass balls.

Beyond the door is a large room. The floor here is covered in mud and the walls and ceilings are covered in cobwebs. On the far left wall is a pair of skeletons partially submerged in the mud and propped up against the wall. One of the skeletons points at the other.

Players that enter the room as step beyond the center towards the pair of skeletons causes a force wall to emerge over the entrance (treat as if shielded by an amulet of warding, Inquisitors Handbook pg 137), sealing the room shut. The pointing skeleton begins to speak (players that succeed in an Awareness (hearing) test notice that the sound is actually a rough recording emanating from hidden speakers in the ceiling. “Brothers and sisters I have none, but that man’s father is my father’s son. Who is he?” The voice is a recording however and will not answer in response to anything other than the answer to its question. The correct answer is his “His son”, after which the door will rise and the voice recording states “You are a wise challenger, your reward for passing this part of the test is in the drawer of the small table.” A small table rises up out of the muck; inside its drawer is a single plain gold ring. Any failed responses incite an electrical surge throughout the room causing 1d10 E damage to anyone standing in the muck, reduced by non-primitive greaves or boots. 13: As the players reach this area have them make Awareness checks to notice a glimmer coming from beneath a pile of stones set against the western wall. Searching through the pile, they find a Hecate model chain sword. 14: As the players make their way up to this door have them make Awareness (sight) Tests against sight -30 to notice the small concealed ceiling panels that release the bars described below. As they approach they can see a plasteel barred door to their left along the wall. Between the bars can be seen a small room adorned with walls filled with rows upon rows of books. In the center of the room is a desk and dimly lit oil lamp, an elderly man sits here with shaggy eyebrows and coke bottle glasses, he wears the red robes of an Adept Archivist. As the players look in, he peers up from his book and speaks. “Ah, ahem, welcome…I am George’ Partilius, second Adeptus Archivist of the Calixis/Malfian archeologicum. I am to present you with some questions; if you answer them correctly you will be given a gift at the end of our meeting. If you fail, you will be punished”. Without waiting he begins the first question. “On Maccabeus Quintus I survived five times the guillotine; I am the bearer of truth and the seeker of

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knowledge. My name is spoken in praise by the learned tongues across the stars, who am I?” Have the players make a Common Lore Imperial Creed Hard (-20) roll, Forbidden Lore: Inquisition Challenging (-0) roll, or Common Lore Imperium -40. Success indicates that it is a rare Calixian saint; 1 degree indicates it is a rare saint worshipped by members of the Inquisition, 2 or more indicates that it is Saint Castor the Obviate, a rarely known saint worshipped by members of the Calixian Inquisition. The players will need to answer with the exact name of the saint in order to move on, a false answer indicates that they will not receive their Inquisitors Locator device but will find that plasteel bars drop down from the ceiling to surround the party and that the floor begins to rise to the ceiling about a half meter. “My second question. A technological jewel and prize beyond price it is, found during the great Angevin Crusade amidst the turmoil of the Adrantian phase. It is a prize to the priests of the machine god and record of many templates. What is this item?” Players with the Common Lore: Machine Cult difficult (-10) or Forbidden Lore: Archeotech or Adeptus Mechanicus challenging (-0), success of any degree indicates that it is the Aegis Data Fragment (Inquisitors Handbook, pg 114). Failure to the question rises up the platform floor three quarters of the way to the ceiling. “The last question, it is a place of bitter war, a world beset by the rise of mutant revolution and the taint of chaos. The Imperial Guard tore down its seething assault after a five year battle with the Shroud Council and yet the war ravaged world remains in a state of perpetual warfare. What is the name of this world, a world that Imperial Guardsmen within the sector will eventually serve in?” Players can roll Common Lore: War ordinary (+10) to know the answer is the world of Tranch (Inquisitors Handbook, pg 179). Of course failure means the players are crushed to death. Only fate points or a clever plan can get them out of this one. If the players survive through the third and last question the platform lowers back into the floor, the players hear the pop of a laspistol and will see that the old man has shot himself in the head but not before leaving a book resting on the floor behind the bars but within reach. Inside the massive book is a hollowed out center containing the Locator and a plain gold ring. The Locator is a palm sized device with a screen indicating a green dot for the locators’ position and a red for the beacon in Sub Level One North. The bars are of a durable plasteel with an AP of 32, which even a chainsword won’t cut through. Picking the lock will work on a successful Very Hard (-30) Security roll, inside the players will only find a number of books, most of which are useless except a ten book collection of the up to date edition of the Abante Administrare: For anyone ever considering taking on the might of the Imperial Adminstratum, these books are more or less the be all and end all involved in the re-questioning, assistance, confiscations and other complicated bureaucratic procedures of that department. Having a set grants a reference of +10 to Scholastic Lore Bureaucracy. Though it doesn’t necessarily mean the process may be subject to change in some areas of the Imperium, they are completely legal or can function as an ample supply of toilet paper for an out of date set. The book is a Scarce item worth 50TG and weighing 10x1kg. The late adept also had a laspitol with two charges left in it.

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15: As the players approach this room they hear a high pitched masculine scream from within. The door to this room has been opened and within is what looks to have been a man trapped on a collection of silvery cobwebs. The body of the man is emaciated and twitching, his skin now a wrinkled mess and his milky white eyes are receding into the sockets as a brood of spiders suck the life blood and psychic energy from the near lifeless husk. As the players arrive the spiders will instantly advance upon the acolytes.

Fydae Minos Life Stealer Spiders (5)

WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel

26 - 30 41 44 10 34 20 -

Movement: 4/8/12/24 Wounds: 13 Skills: Concealment +10, Silent Move +10, Shadowing, Awareness, Climb +20. Talents: Catfall, Double Team, Hard Target, Sprint, Bestial, Size: Scrawny, Unnatural Senses: Darksight, Toxic (Soul Steal Bite). Weapons: Bite 1d5+3 P Armour: none Special Abilities Soul Steal Bite: The toxic bite of these creatures actually sucks the psychic essences out of its victims. The bite of these spiders deals a temporary 1d5 points to the targets Toughness and Willpower, rolling once and applying that number to both characteristics. Once a successful attack is landed the spider will remain clamped onto the victim drawing an additional 1d5 per Round. Victims may make an opposed strength test against the spider to pull free. While attached to a victim all actions taken by the victim are at -10. The drained characteristics will regenerate one point per hour of full rest. Webbing: The spiders may create 1 meter square of webbing per turn. Any creature walking into the webbing counts as being grappled against an opponent of Str 40. The webbing may also be fired up to three meters away in which case the spiders count as having a BS of 25. This may only be done once every three rounds. Wall walkers: The spiders may walk along dry and solid ceilings and walls without penalty to movement nor need to make Climb rolls unless struck in which case they may suffer falling damage. Once the battle is over the players may attempt to search the body of the dead man. The man wears only a simple leather jacket (AP 2 body and arms) and has a single dagger; in his pocket are a plain gold ring and a scrap of paper that reads “Don’t drink from the fountains.” 16: The tunnel ends here where two stairs are lit by candles set in empty skulls set along the banisters to light the way. One stair goes up while the south one goes down. The candles may be taken and will illuminate up to two meters and burn for four hours, there are 16 total. 17: The players will see a large wooden chest set against the south wall here. The chest is locked but not trapped. The lock requires a Security check -10 to open. Inside are fresh bundles of food, each wrapped

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in green leaves and filled with a savory meat and grain. There is are four days worth of rations in the chest. 18: Read the following once the players are within two meters of the cave entrance.

As you walk warily along the tunnel, you suddenly become aware of a strange clicking noise. Then from out of the gloom of a cave entrance in the tunnel wall scuttles a meter and a half long monster with many tiny legs. The clicking noises are coming from its black bony legs and chitinous armour rubbing together as it moves. It advances speedily towards you all then suddenly stops, raises itself up to strike out with its long mandibles where ochre colored liquid drips to the stone floor.

The creature is a Maw-Fluke (Creatures Anathema pg 60), note that the arms are considered the soft underbelly which has an AP of only 1. Read the following once the players enter the cave.

Inside the dark cave the walls are slick with slime and a thin layer of grimy muck water rises up to ankle height. The sounds of dripping water are loud here.

Searching the room reveals nothing, except a venomous snake that seeks to bite an unwary acolyte. Randomly pick a player and have them make a Hard (-10) Awareness (Sight) test to notice as a long white snake slithers out from under a stone and advances on them and roll initiative. Otherwise the snake will bite the player in the leg. The snake is a Peturian Hunter snake and has the stats for a Slithering Creature from the Dark Heresy book pg. 349 except that the Toxic effects are Instant/-0/Lethal as per the poison rules in the Game Masters Kit pg 30. Clever players can attempt to extract the venom from the Maw-Fluke or the Peturian Hunter snake for use acquiring three doses each on a successful Hard Chem-Use roll unless an appropriate chem-use kit of some sort is at hand. 19: This hallway continues on to the North Wing of the upper level. 20:

Within this room you take note of the opulence within. The floor is of a dark green marble and the walls are adorned with red colored candles and crimson tapestries. Seated in the far end of the room on an iron throne and dressed in noble finery is a crudely maintained servitor. It is apparent from the dangly brown hair and angled features that the servitor had once been a very attractive woman. The servitor turn her head towards your group and raises her hands revealing a white cushion set with milky glass beads and gold trimmings upon which is set a menacing black iron gauntlet. From the servitor’s auditory systems it speaks. “Will you try on the gauntlet of pain, or will you face inevitable death?”

Once a player reaches out for the gauntlet the door will swing closed and lock shut via immense hydraulic pressure from the door controls. Only a successful Strength -60 test will open the door. As with all the regular doors within the Gauntlet they have and AP value of 8. The trapped players may seek to “rewire” the servitor but should they attempt to lay any hands upon it or make any dangerous advances it will immediately set off its internal charge causing a contained explosion in the room inducing 3d10 X damage to any occupants (roll randomly for damaged locations). Should the players survive or just try the first option they will find that once the gauntlet of pain is worn a sharp pain begins to run throughout their nervous system causing 1d5 Fatigue damage minus Toughness bonus each round for three rounds after which the pain will stop. If the wearer of the gauntlet has made it the three

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rounds without passing out the servitor will remove a plain gold ring from her finger and hand it to the player. If the player passed out and the amount of Fatigue induced is double the players Toughness bonus they take 1d5 points of permanent characteristic damage to their Agility to reflect nerve damage and 1d5 insanity points. The door will remain closed until someone succeeds. The nerve induction process is responsive and cannot be fooled by using a prosthetic limb or something similar. Success opens the door and the servitor will hand off a single plain gold ring.

The Gauntlet, North Wing

1: As the players approach this door they see that it is fashioned of a thick dark wood bound in brass and bearing a number of worn occult sigils and wards (non active) recognizable to anyone that can make a Forbidden Lore Occult roll. The symbols are random occult gibberish that holds no meaning or value. To the side of the door is a box fashioned of the same wood as the door. It is unlocked and there are no traps. Within it is a length of climbing rope 30 meters long, a hammer, and a vial of clear liquid labeled Anti-Venom. If the players open the door read the following.

You enter a room that is empty apart from a suit of plate armor with a winged helmet atop its head and what appears to be a shock maul in its gauntleted fist. The armor is propped up between two high backed chairs, one of which has an ornate round shield set on it. There is also an odd symbol of sorts painted on the far wall (show handout 2).

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If the players take the shield nothing happens. The shield is simply a normal shield; the armor on the other hand is an automaton that will come to life as soon as someone touches it. The visor glows red with life and the armor lurches at the players, raising a shock maul. Any player that successfully hit it in the head may cause the helmet to fly off if the damage caused is greater than six wounds.

Murderous Automaton

WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel

32 - (4)23 (6)30 37 10 34 - -

Movement: 1/3/4/9 Wounds: 16 Skills: Awareness Talents: Melee Weapon Shock, Melee Weapon Primitive Traits: Dark Sight, Machine 4, Armour Plating, Unnatural Strength x2, Unnatural Toughness x2, Weapons: Shock Maul-Melee, 1d10+5 I, shocking Armour: 6 to all locations Special Location Bound: The Murderous Automaton is bound to the room and may not leave. Lumbering: Due to its bulky design the movement for this creation is halved and may not charge or attempt any reaction maneuvers. Gear: The armour of the Automaton is fastened together and may not be reused; the helmet however is a winged helmet with a facial visor. Placing the helmet on provides the wearer with AP 4 (primitive) and contains a set of perimeter based transponders for area 7 found and discerned upon a successful -10 Tech Use roll.

The strange symbol is a cipher that says “Trust not the word of axe.” The lettering has been divided and the vowels have been grouped together first and the remaining phrase follows. All that needs to be done is place the vowels appropriately. Players having a difficult time may make a Ciphers roll to get a clue provided by the GM.


Sitting cross legged in the middle of the room is a fat, bald man with sharp, foreign features. He sits motionless and holds a bamboo pole between his outstretched hands. The man’s eyes are grey and blank as he is obviously blind. Half a dozen wooden blocks are hovering above his head in a circle. The

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room is sparsely furnished with a slatted bed, a cupboard, and a large wooden chest which has pride of place in the centre of the floor. “Welcome contestants number two; I have been waiting for you. I am Noy, a Trialmaster and a servant to Lord Governor Trillian. My duty is to test you in three ways before allowing you to continue. The three things I am instructed to test you in are strength, intelligence, and fighting ability. Should you fail in any of these tests you will not be allowed to continue. We insist on a worthy winner.” The door in the lower corner of the room opens and a large man with raggy long hair dressed in furs walks into the room. The Trialmaster taps the floor in front of him with his pole and the floor drops out in front of him revealing a dark pit. He then orders the large man to get a rope from the cupboard. He throws one end over the pit to your group. “One of you pick up the rope and pull it taut.” The other end of the rope remains in the hands of the large man. The Trial master then counts to three and yells “Heave!”

The player and the caveman must make opposed strength checks. The cave mans stats are the same for a Heavy with a strength of 50. For each degree of success minus the difference of the loser is the distance that the winner pulls the loser towards the pit. No successes indicate a stalemate for the round. Each round after the first causes a single point of fatigue. The starting distance is three meters from the pit. The loser will fall 12 meters below into a staked pit causing 1d10+9 falling damage plus 1d10+3 R damage from the spikes. After the players win read the below.

Your strength is greater than that of the caveman and with a mighty heavy you pull the caveman over the edge of the pit and unto a bitterly dark doom. Unconcerned with the loss of his servant the Trialmaster speaks. “I will now pose a question; only one of you may answer so choose who will respond, now.” Once you’ve decided he then points to the wooden chest in the middle of the room. “Inside this chest there are six more chests, and each of those chests contains three smaller chests. How many chests are there all together?”

Note that the players should not be allowed to discuss this amongst themselves as the Trailmaster will remind them that only the chosen one may decide the answer. Also, unless their characters have a writing utensil the players should not be allowed to calculate the answer on paper (or by calculator). The answer is 25 and the character may make a Logic test to get some sort of clue. An incorrect answer will cause the Trialmaster to manifest his Dominate telepathic ability to force the character over the edge of the pit, he will then bid the next player an attempt at the question. Players may choose to attack him beginning initiative with the powerful psyker. Success on the other hand initiates the final test.

“You have passed the second test. Now comes the final challenge, a bout with me in single combat. Pick amongst you the most able hand to hand combatant. Once you have chosen he directs the challenger to the cupboard where you pick out another bamboo stick. “This is not a fight to the death but a simulation and you are not to draw any of your own weapons. Should you make me submit I will allow you passage into the next part of the Trial of Champions. If you fail, you will remain here as my servant. Are you prepared?” Once ready, the Trialmaster closes the pit in the floor and the two of you face off. The Trialmaster turns his head to its side as he listens intently for your movements.

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Combat may be performed as normal, once the Noy has dropped down to three or less wounds he will submit. Players will be attacked only down into the negatives before Noy calls them from the match and decrees them as loser. In such a case he will order them to remove all items on their person and enter the lower corner room as they are now his servant. Resistance will incite combat with Noy at his full power.

Noy, the 1st Trialmaster

WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel

46 39 38 36 44 34 40 62 36

Movement: 4/8/12/24 Wounds: 11 Skills: Acrobatics +20, Awareness +10, Contortionist, Dodge +20, Invocation +20, Psyniscience +20 Talents: Ambidextrous, Assassin Strike, Blademaster, Combat Master, Counter Attack, Disarm, Furious Assault, Heightened Senses Hearing, Leap Up, Meditation, Power Well, Psy Rating 4, Step Aside, Takedown, Wall of Steel. Weapons: Bamboo Pole (same as club) Armour: None Psyker Powers: Disciplines (Telekinesis and Telepathy) Minor: Chameleon, Dull Pain, Healer, Sense Presence, Weapon Jinx, Precognition, Flash Bang Telekinesis: Catch Projectiles, Force Bolt, Telekinesis, Telekinetic Shield Telepathy: Dominate, Mind Scan, Telepathy Gear: Psyker Foci (Beaded necklace), Depending on the situation the Trialmaster will remain true to his purpose and if engaged in the third challenge will not use any of his psyker powers. If he has been attacked by the group he will unleash his full abilities. He has sustained his Telekinetic Shield power since he detected the players approaching the chamber.

3. This is the location where those bound to Noy in servitude must reside. The room is sparse, containing only basic necessities such as a sleeping mat and blanket, a foul smelling hole in the ground used as a toilet, an old cabinet, and a single rickety chair. Set along the northern wall is a small fountain from which flows clear water. The water may look appealing but is filled with dangerous bacteria’s and chemicals that leeched into the ground water from the foundries. Consuming the water without purifying it induces vomiting and dysentery twenty minutes after consumption on a failed -20 Toughness test (Feral Worlder’s need not roll). The effects cause 1d5 fatigue which remains for 1d10+2 days unless treated.

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4. As the players approach this area they will begin to smell a terrible rotting odor carried by a faint draft. At a dead end up ahead is a large rectangular pit, its walls are sheer but a steel ring is set in the floor for rope tying. Descending into the pit black ends after thirty meters into a narrow tunnel, the floor is submerged under a layer of sludge that stinks of sewage (difficult terrain) up to knee height. The tunnel is indicated in the Sub Level North map. 5. Set on the floor here is a large and rusty octagonal grate covering a dark pit. Two latches have been set but only one has a padlock, the other appears to have been broken off. The grate may be lifted open, tilting to the west. Anyone that attempts to open it must make a surprise roll -10 as a grotesque monstrosity smashes the grate open as it is being lifted and attacks the character. The monstrosity is a massive worm with a row of hooks around it gaping mouth, it has the appearance of a large tape worm.

Blood Worm

WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel

32 - (6)34 26 31 5 44 27 -

Movement: 1/2/3/6 Wounds: 14 Skills: Awareness, Concealment, Silent Move, Talents: Resistance (Poison), Unnatural Sense (Sight through vibration 30 meters), Natural Armor (2), Unnatural Strength (x2), Crawler Weapons: Natural Weapons (Bite) 1d10+6 R Special Blood Sucker: If hit and damage is taken from the Blood Worms attack it attaches itself to its target. Once a target is entangled it pulls itself back into its lair to feed. At the beginning of each round the victim takes and an additional 1d5 wounds that cannot be resisted by Toughness or armour as the Blood Worm violently extracts blood from its victim. The victim may make grapple checks as normal to get free but in doing so causes the creatures barbed hooks to tear away at the targets flesh for 1d5 damage minus Toughness. After combat the players may drop down into the Blood Worms lair. Below is a wide cave filled with knee deep sludge that stinks of rot. The remains of various rodents and previous Gauntlet victims float atop the muck. A successful searching of the lair will uncover a green glass bottle floating on the muck, inside is a note with “There is a door behind the pile of stones” written on it in Low Gothic. 6. The entrance door to this room has a pair of canine jaws nailed to it. As soon as the door swings open read the following:

The door swings open and before you is a large dog like robotic construct chained to the wall. Beyond the robotic dog is a shelf on the wall where a metal box is set. The robotic dogs eyes glow red as its power cell turns on. A series of sharp spikes emerges from its metallic body and its long mouth is lined with a row of teeth that whir to life like a chainsword as it rears up to defend itself.

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Do not roll for initiative unless the players attack the cyber-dog, if attacked the dog will attack as the chain is a ruse and is not fastened securely to the wall. It is programmed to guard the box behind it and will defend both the box and itself only. If the players have located the whistle found elsewhere in the Gauntlet they may use it to power off the hound by turning it to “Sleep Mode”. It will remain powered down for half an hour awaking only if attacked or ordered to. Tampering with the Cyber Hound is a difficult task and those who would seek to reprogram the construct will find it very difficult without the proper equipment. Any attempts to reprogram or disassemble the Cyber Hound will require a Tech Use roll -50 without the appropriate facilities and tools. Success will allow the Cyber Hound to serve the players in a very basic capacity, only following instructions such as “Attack” and “Defend”, despite this the Cyber Hound must make an Intelligence roll modified by the complexity of the instructions given to perform them accurately.

Cyber Hound (Based off of STC design of Arbitrator Cyber Mastiff, Inquisitors Handbook pg 143)

WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel

35 - 40 35 25 17 35 30 -

Movement: 4/8/12/24 Wounds: 10 Skills: Awareness +10, Concealment +10, Silent Move +10, Swim, Tracking +10 Talents: Fearless Traits: Armour Plated, Brutal Charge, Enhanced Senses (smell), Machine (4), Quadruped Weapons: Chainjaw Bite: 1D10+4 R, Pen 2, Tearing. Armour: All locations 6 Gear: IR vision implants, filter plugs. Once the guard dog is dealt with the players may search the room. The only item of value is the box behind the dog. It is locked (-10 Security roll) but contains a single copper bracelet. Placing the bracelet must make a Toughness -20 check, failure means that a fatigue falls over them causing 1d5 fatigue for the remainder of the day or until a full eight hours of rest. The bracelet is a Dark Eldar artifact that Lord Trisian acquired from the bodies of a group of Dark Eldar he had battled with during his piracy days. Anyone using Tech Use to identify the bracelet is at -10 but success indicates its function.

7. The pit at this location is bordered by 35 degree inward slopes to complicate leaping. Failure likely ends only in death as the fall drops about thirty meters causing 1d10+30 falling damage. Anyone wearing the helmet found in room one will find that upon approaching the pit a walkway extends from the eastern edge of the pit due to a concealed perimeter transponder in the helmets wings. Within the western end of hallway emerges the terrible stench of rotting flesh and the sounds of guttural moaning as a host of Warp Zombies emerge from the darkness to attack. The Zombies were fashioned from the dark sorcery of Lord Trisians warp witch seen earlier in the cauldron room in the South Wing of the Gauntlet and they suffer from Warp Instability. If the players entered from the southern door it closed

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and locked itself two rounds after the last character emerges. It cannot be opened except from the other side as there is no door handle on this side; all attempts to break it down require breaching a thick iron door AP 16. Note that though the map shows an end to the tunnel from which the Warp Zombies emerge it actually runs into a deep catacomb of tunnels filled with a horde of the creatures, serving as a place of punishment for those who have failed Lord Trisian. Players should be overwhelmed from this encounter as the Warp Zombies continue to pour out at the players forcing them to attempt to jump the pit or suffer a severe battle against the Warp Zombies.

Warp Zombies (40)

WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel

22 12 40 (8)40 12 18 12 10 -

Movement: 1/2/3/6 Wounds: 18 Skills: None Talents: Frenzy Traits: Unnatural Toughness (x2), From Beyond, Warp Instability, Fear 2, Dark Sight, Natural Weapons (Hands and Teeth). Armour: None Weapons: Hands and teeth (1d10+4 I; Primitive). Gear: Rotten and gore-soaked tatters. Special Rule: Walking Dead An animated corpse, propelled to life by dark forces is, as might be imagined, quite difficult to “kill”. These creatures do not need to breathe; do not tire, and are immune to disease and poison, as well as many environmental hazards. They do not suffer the effects of being Stunned or penalties for being injured. In addition, only Critical Wounds suffered to the Head or Body can destroy them-and Damage suffered to an Arm or Leg simply renders that limb useless. Due to the primitive methods used in their animation by Lord Trisians warp witch all of the Warp Zombies suffer from Warp Instability, those cast back into the warp leave only a rotted husk behind as the warp spirit disperses. (From Purge the Unclean, pg 131). 8. Set in a decoratively arched alcove in the wall here is a medium sized brass bell about the size of a human head. Ringing the bell will cause a white dove to flutter its way down the dark hall and deposit a single gold ring in the players hand before fluttering away into a ventilation hole in the ceiling. 9. Approaching the junction towards this location the group will hear the battle cries of foreign warriors. Pouring out of Area 11 is the group of Eldar currently engaged in a desperate struggle against a group of Four Orc Freebooters, the Eldar are terribly outnumbered and taking a severe beating with only two of the original five still standing. Once spotted, the Eldar will recognize the players and call out to them in Low Gothic to help them. If the players choose to aid the Eldar and succeed in overthrowing the Orc’s the Eldar survivors will prepare for battle against the players. Thanking them for their aid as they wished not to die at the hands of such worthless enemies they act grateful that they are now challenged by Imperials. If the players offer to aid the Eldar they accept, but only until they reach the end of the Gauntlet, after which only one group may earn the title of champions.

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Eldar Corsairs Mercenaries of the Children of the Thorns

WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel

48 48 33 35 (10)52 39 40 43 25

Movement: 5/10/15/30 Wounds: 12 Skills: Acrobatics, Awareness +10, Barter, Deceive +10, Dodge, Evaluate +10, Forbidden Lore (The Black Library, Xenos, The Warp), Gamble, Navigation (Stellar), Pilot (Interface Craft, Jump Pack), Medicae, Silent Move +10, Speak Language (Eldar, Low Gothic, Void Cant) +10. Talents: Basic Weapon Training (Las), Catfall, Exotic Weapon Training (Shuriken Catapult, Shuriken Pistol), Leap Up, Melee Weapon Training (Power, Primitive), Pistol Weapon Training (Las), Quick Draw, Resistance (Fear, Psychic Techniques), Sprint. Traits: Unnatural Agility (x2) Armour: None Weapons: One has a short sword and the other has a normal sword. The three dead Eldar had makeshift weapons. Gear: One of the Eldar carries a vial of blue dye.

Orc Freebooters (4, originally 6)

WS BS S T Ag Per Int WP Fel

45 20 50 (8)45 30 26 30 28 22

Movement: 3/6/9/18 Wounds: 16 Skills: Awareness, Barter, Intimidate Talents: Basic Weapon Training (Primitive, SP), Bulging Biceps, Common Lore (Orc), Crushing Blow, Furious Assault, Hardy, Heavy Weapon Training (SP), Iron Jaw, Melee Weapon Training (Chain, Primitive, Power), Pistol Weapon Training (Primitive, SP), Speak Language (Ork, Low Gothic), True Grit. Traits: Brutal Charge, Mob Rule (see below), Resistance (Cold, Heat, Radiation), Sturdy, Unnatural Toughness (x2). Armour: None Weapons: Makeshift weapons Gear: Useless baubles and unrecognizable food stuffs. Mob Rule: For every additional Orc within 10m the Orc’s Willpower is increased by +10 to resist the effects of Fear and Pinning. At the north end of this tunnel is a large pile of rocks that conceal an old door. The door is rusty and requires a Strength test to open. Beyond is a caved in tunnel, dusty and forgotten; on the back side of the door is written “Set one, 249”.

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10. A flight of steps rise up to a landing where a ladder leads up into a small room. Inside, there is only room for a single person and a dead Gretchen lies here holding an opened silver box. Next to it is a single block and some masonry tools, behind the corpse is an opening in the brick wall where the block had been removed. Inside the silver box is a small image of a bizarre scene; a portrait of barren and savage mountains lined with twisted and dead trees. Strange and unusual beings linger in the dark shadows and tormented souls rise from a gore covered well. The image is a photo of a realm within the warp taken by some deranged and lost individual, merely looking at it is enough to drive the life from the viewer. Anyone that looks upon the image must make a Fear 3 check, failure induces the random result but may also cause a warp soul to manifest from the image and attempt to draw the viewer into the well within the warp. A pair of daemonic hands reaches out from the photo to pull the closest character into the photo; mundane characters without Psyniscience will only see the character suffering from a seizure while psykers will be able to see that the characters soul is being pulled by dark hands into the photo. The victim may make a Willpower roll -20 to resist the pull, psykers, ecclesiarcy clerics or missionaries, ands may assist the victim. Psykers may actually use their abilities to attack the Astral spectre, while holy men may recite prayers of exorcism by making a successful Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed) roll; success offers the victim a +10 to resist. If a psyker attacks the astral spectre it will immediately release the character once struck. A sororitas may use the Purge the Unclean or Blessed Radiance talents. Failure to resist the daemonic hands causes the players body to drop dead and the soul pulled screaming into the well by clawed hands and tentacles. The character is dead unless a Fate point is burned. Any players thinking it may be a good idea to use the box as a weapon for them will automatically suffer 1d10+3 Corruption Points and will be terribly surprised to find that whoever carries the box will continue to gain 1d10 Corruption Points daily as the warps energies destroy the players’ mind and body. 11. This is a large room that the Orc Freebooterz used as their personal quarters. Despite the wide array of random baubles and makeshift furniture the Orcs had nothing of any value stashed here. The tunnel’s opening on the east side of the room is fashioned in the likeness of a large and sinister face with a gaping maw. Beyond is a circular chamber with a crudely made statue of some Orc deity. Surrounding its base is an assortment of tokens such as Orc teeth, broken weapons, dead rodents, and other useless items. Searching through the offerings will reveal two SP rounds. Also, on a Successful Perception (Hearing) characters will be able to hear the faint haunting sounds of a female voice singing coming from behind a stack of garbage concealing the stairway down to Area 13. 12.

In an arched recess set on the side wall is the statue of a dog-headed being of some sort. Its hands are held out, palms up. An inscription is engraved on a metal plaque beneath it. You notice that the nostrils of the dog-head are empty.

In low gothic the inscription reads “A gift of gold will let you pass, unless you want death by gas”. The statue is a ruse and will do nothing if a gold gift is given or not. 13. Upon entering this water filled passage the players will notice that it is filled with a thick cloud of steam coming from the cool flowing water. The hall is oddly hot and a haunting feminine singing in a strange unknown tongue echoes from within. Anyone entering will see a single oil lamp illuminating a small stone seat upon which sits an attractive woman completely naked but covered seductively by

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her long golden locks of hair. The woman is actually a xenoform that takes upon a pleasing visage to its prey through a minor psychic bond. Though not a psyker the creature does possess a minor mind bond to establish the illusion thus each viewer will see a variation of the being determined largely by individual desires, though will always appear as a member of the opposite sex.

Ortigar Lurer of Penolpass

WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel

26 30 30 34 27 32 25 31 25

Movement: 1/2/3/6 Wounds: 11 Skills: Awareness, Concealment, Silent Move, Perform (Singing) +20. Talents: Heightened Senses (Sight), Psy Rating 1 (Mind Lure power only). Traits: Dark Sight, Fear 1 (only in natural form), Natural Armour 2 all locations, Natural Weapons (Tentacles), Flexible (+10 Climb and Grapple), Extra Limbs (one extra attack, Ambidextrous, Swift Attack, and +20 Climb), Strange Physiology, Crawler. Armour: 2 (all) Weapons: Tentacle Attacks (1d10+3; Toxic) Gear: None The Ortigar Lurer is a viscous sentient monstrosity driven only by a hunger for blood. A rare creature found on the feudal world of Penolpass in the Malfian Sub-sector, the Ortigar Lurer is found in the deep and humid caverns of this planet where it draws its human victims into its den as they are drawn by the sounds of its singing. Its natural form appears as a two meter bulbous monstrosity covered in wrinkled leathery flesh lined with warts and pustules. Four wiry tentacles set with toothed pseudo pods that serve as its mouths writhe about it and at its bodily center sits a pair of black orbs that serves as its eyes. The Ortigar Lurer moves about on a set of ten large millipede like legs.

Mind Lure (Ortigar Lurer Minor Psychic Power) Threshold: 5 Focus Time: Half Action Sustained: Yes Range: Self Any sentient beings coming within perceptual range of the Mind Lurer must make a Willpower test or see the illusion of an attractive member of the opposite sex and will become madly obsessed with the Lurer to the point of defending it from harm or embracing it at its beckoning. When affected by this power the victim will seek to protect the Mind Lurer from harm though not by psychic suggestion but out of an overwhelming possessiveness towards the illusion perceived. An ally may attempt to aid the victim (if not also suffering from the effects) by making a Fellowship test -10; success allows the victim to make another Willpower test modified by +10 per degree of the ally’s successes. If successful the victim will snap out of it at the beginning of his next turn. If desired the Ortigar Lurer may have the victim embrace it thus wrapping its tentacles around the target and begin draining body fluids causing 1d10+3 damage per turn, once damage is taken the victim will automatically see the Ortigar Lurer in its true misshapen and bulbous form and may attempt to Grapple out of the attack. For every degree of success all targets of the ability receive -10 to resist.

14. The entrance to this room is bordered by an array of large clay urns, six in total. Players that lift them and shake them, but do not open them will find all but two are empty. One contains a fire resistant blanket while the other is filled with dried plant matter concealing a deadly poisonous spider. Simply breaking the urn will spill the contents but may damage the fragile flame resistant blanket or cast

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the poisonous spider towards one of the players. If the urns are simply attacked the urns have an AP of 1 and any excess damage may ruin the flame retardant blanket (AP 1). There is also a 20% chance that a random player standing within a meter of the urns will have the poisonous spider land on them and bite them. Players choosing to be more discreet and open the lids will find both the cloak and on a successful -10 Perception (Sight) test discover the spider. Anyone reaching into the spider urn will be bit. The spider is a small transparent spider. Its bite will penetrate through light clothing but not heavy clothes or leather. The spiders poison may be neutralized if they possess the anti-venom. Ghost Spider Venom: Swift/+10/Lethal; the victim will turn pale and begin to convulse, spewing foam and falling into a coma. After 1d5 hours their heart will stop and the character will die. Application of appropriate ant venom will cause the comatose state to end 1d5 hours later. Within the room the players will see the following:

The room is empty except for a large bronze statue of a six armed woman, dressed in decorative silk and mounted on a marble plinth. The idol is holding a brass lamp in one hand and curved swords in each of the others. White smoke drifts up from four silver pipes placed around the idol.

The statue is another automaton created by Lord Governor Trissian’s people. Anyone that attacks the six armed automaton or takes the lamp will cause it to activate. A Tech Use -30 will reveal that it is in fact an automaton. Those skilled enough in Tech Use may attempt to override its protocols at Tech Use -50. Success will allow it to simply not attack; it cannot be re-programmed without the use of advanced equipment. Otherwise the automaton steps down from the plinth and attacks.

Six Armed Automaton

WS BS S T Ag Int Per W Fel

35 20 (8)40 60 35 10 35 40 0

Movement: 3/6/9/18 Wounds: 20 Skills: Awareness Talents: Melee Weapon Training (Primitive, Unarmed).

Traits: Machine (4), Multiple Arms, Size (Hulking), Sturdy, Unnatural Senses (100 meters), Unnatural Strength (x2). Armour: None (4) Weapons: Normal swords (5) Gear: Within the lamp the players will find a single plain gold ring. 15.

Within this ill lit room is a length of metallic cable running through a loop in the ceiling where a wooden box is attacked, well out of reach. The other end runs through a loop in the wooden floor and up onto a cutting block where it is bound by plasteel bands. A power axe is planted in the cutting block and is crackling with blue white energy. You can make out an inscription on its blade in Low Gothic.

The inscription reads “Rope Cutter”. Any attempt at cutting the cable will be futile as it has an AP of 16 (attempts may be made with the chainsword however). The

axe is a power weapon, the mechanism for discharge has been tampered with

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however and upon contact with a target the power charge will inverse to the wielder causing 1d5+6 damage AP 6. After its discharge the axe is destroyed.

Once the cable is cut the box crashes to the floor and shatters revealing two hands of a large clock.

16. Set at this tunnel access point is an archway with three metal sculptures of large serpents’ heads. Each of the heads is spewing a jet of flame which fills the area beneath them with a fiery wall. Anyone attempting to pass through the flames will receive 3d10+12 E Pen 6 damage plus all their possessions may catch on fire. The surrounding walls and floor are protected from the flames by a flame resistant plasteel. A character possessing the flame resistant cloak found in area 14 may pass through safely, after which it can be tossed back through to another player. Note that prolonged exposure to the flames (three consecutive turns) will destroy the cloak.

17. The door to this room looks similar to the others within the Gauntlet but surrounding the face of this door is a series of ring indentations. The door oddly has no pull ring or lock but once nine of the plain gold rings are placed in the nine indentations the door will swing open. Once inside read the following:

Before you is a lavishly decorated room where a red robed tech priest sits here reading a large book. A small winged servitor, red in color and boasting a long tale, is sitting on his shoulder and peers at you menacingly. On a wooden table next to him is situated a wide assortment of wires, tools, glass vials and tubes filled with boiling chemicals of different colors. On a far wall is situated multiple video display screens showing various sectors of the Gauntlet. The tech priests’ mechandrites whirr as they perform simultaneous duties. Stopping, the tech priest turns to you and speaks “Enter, I must admit, despite all odds I had calculated only a 23.763% chance that you would make it this far and yet here you stand. The traps are obviously well below your previously ascertained viability…I will need to make adjustments. My name is Mech-Deacon Lexus and I am in the service of Lord Governor Trisian according to Mechanicus Ordinance 12.1C-3 of the Lathe Exploratory Mandate. I am here to ascertain the use of certain xenos and archeotechnological artifacts through implementation within the Gauntlet. Your contributions will be of great use to us. I am also an appointed Trialmaster and will provide you with a challenge in order for you to progress. I must warn you, attempting to harm me in any way is highly unadvised as you will not be permitted to leave the Gauntlet alive. I am also the final Trialmaster before the end of the Gauntlet. Now, gather the nine rings you have set in the door and bring them to me.” You do as instructed and Lexus guides you to a metallic chair. He then asks one of you to sit. On one of the arm rests is a sensor pad sectioned into nine squares with each square numbered one through nine. Lexus then tells you to place three of the plain gold rings on the three appropriate numbers, in the proper sequence for three sets.

The first set sequence is 2, 4, 9 (found in area 9), the second set sequence is 3, 5, 8 (found in area 5 on one of the Brontian Knives), and the third set sequence is 1, 7, 6 (behind the portrait of Lord Governor Trisian in area 23. If the players do not place the rings in the proper sequence the chair will activate and channel tremendous amounts of electrical energy into the character causing immediate death (fate point required to survive) as the energy will persist until the character is dead. A fate point will cause the chair to malfunction causing Lexus a moment of curious analysis before allowing a new character to attempt; the character will be at zero wounds however. Once this test is completed the door to area 18 swings open. Lexus asks the character to proceed into the next room.

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18. The door to this room is made of solid plasteel and is magnetically sealed. Once the players enter the room the door slams closed and the ceiling begins to quickly descend. On the wall to the east is a large clock that is missing its hands. Beneath the clock are four levers, each numbered 1-4. If the players have the clock hands found in area 21 they may place them onto the clock face and find that it is set at 3:00 pm. This should be a clue as to which lever to pull in order to open the secret door leading to area 19. GM’s should pump up the intensity here by going into actual time, set a timer for two minutes. Let the players try and figure it out, if it takes more than two minutes they will be crushed to death, fate points can be burned here in order survive but I would advise something grand in order for this situation to be survived rationally, such as the Inquisitor shows up at the last minute to save them some other friendly NPC (or rival wishing their deaths at their hands alone such as a daemonhost). If the players pull lever three a section of the east wall will retract inwards and slide open revealing the small passage towards area 19. Pulling lever one will slow the descent by twenty seconds but small holes open up from the ceiling and small rusty disc saws will emerge to slowly tear away at the players causing 1d10+3 damage per round (5 seconds approx.) after the ceiling has descended for 90 seconds. Pulling lever two causes the ceiling to drop, reducing the total time by 30 seconds. Lever four causes a three meter diameter hole to retract in the floor revealing a dark watery pit where a monstrous, unidentifiable creature covered in thick chitinous plating is lurking offering the players a choice of deaths (I’ll leave it to you to decide what creature lurks in the pool but it should be a party wiper for sure. 19. Entering this dimly lit room the players will see a lone hunchbacked man sitting on a stool, carving away at a stick. He looks at them surprised, “I didn’t think anyone would make it this far. Heh, well behind me down that hall are two doors, if you take the one on the right you’ll be out of here in five minutes.” The hunchback will then continue carving away. He will engage in conversation but provide no further clues except that the passage to the left is very dangerous. Attacking or attempting to intimidate the hunchback will simply cause him to defend himself. Psychic powers may reveal his deceit though it may be difficult as the hunchback is a mutant with some psyker ability, use the Mutant profile with a WP of 40 with 1d5 minor psychic powers and the following mutations: Misshapen -1d10 Ag., Brute +10 S and T but -10 Ag., and Wyrdling Psy rating 1. Note that after exiting through either of the two plasteel doors to the east, they will lock closed and not open from within, players may make a Perception (sight) test to notice that the doors have no pull rings on the opposite side. 20. Within this room is a wooden table on which is a bottle of amasec, an assortment of breads, fruits, and cakes as well as roasted meats. A single candelabras illuminates the room and a sealed envelope is set on the table with the words “Congratulations” written on it. Opening the letter the

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players will find a letter that reads “Well done, you have made it through the Gauntlet and may now rest, eat and relax. An escort will arrive shortly to recover you and bring you to your prize!” Unfortunately this is a lie and the players will never be recovered. The food is poisoned with Ghost Spider Venom: Swift/+10/Lethal; the victim will turn pale and begin to convulse, spewing foam and falling into a coma. After 1d5 hours their heart will stop and the character will die. Application of appropriate ant venom will cause the comatose state to end 1d5 hours later. Players may burn fate points to get rescued. Any players without a fate point to expend will die of starvation or poison. 21. As the players make their way down this hall they can make out a thick steel grate in the ceiling where a scrawny, emaciated looking man in nothing but a loin cloth stares down at them. He greets them maniacally and tells them he has been in the Gauntlet a long time and will give them some good advice for some food. He drops a leather pouch down on a cord towards the players and waits for them to put some food in it. If the players give him some food he will tell them “Don’t trust the hunchback, he’s a liar” then begins to laugh manically and rushes away. Psykers attempting to control the man will find that his mind is weak and easy to control (use Scum stats) but he is completely insane and all attempts to extract information from him provide only chaotic and senseless responses. He always speaks in the third person and cannot recall his name nor how long he has been in the Gauntlet. 22. A chest is set up against the southern wall here. Within are four meals similar to those found in area 7, a flask of water is also within. 23. On the eastern wall is a large portrait of Lord Governor Trisian, his image mockingly rejects the viewer behind a grimace of snobbish disapproval. Players looking behind the picture will see “Set 3, 176” written in low gothic.

Exit Approaching the exit the players will see a faint light up ahead eventually ending at a pair of black doors adorned with angelic saint images fashioned from gold paint. From beyond is heard the muffled roar of a large crowd. Opening the doors, the players are assaulted by fresh air and are now standing on the surface dessert floor. A massive crowd of spectators have amassed here to congratulate the victors, as well as a large contingent of armed guards and Lord Governor Trisian. The champions will be have their possessions removed, and then taken to a near bye stage where they will be recognized personally by Lord Trisian as well as being awarded with the compact of trade. For the remainder of their time on Fydae Minos the players will be treated like heroes and provided every courtesy (within reason). Deceased comrades will be buried and they will be cared for at Lord Combria’s estate. Keep in mind that amongst their possessions is the data implant, the item is small enough to conceal (for clever pc’s) but should they have walked out with the head Lord Governor Trisian will seek to question them after the closing celebrations. They will also be spied upon closely. The Inquisitor will seek to withdraw the players quietly but should their cover become exposed he will take any means needed to expose Lord Governor Trisian and recover the data implant (not necessarily the pc’s). Also, any other contestants that joined with the players will be “removed”, players that plea in their defense may

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attempt to negotiate with Lord Trisian, particularly if they are purchased from Lord Trisian through money or favors.

Sub Level’s Sub Level One, North 1. As the players are approaching this cave entrance have all of them make Perception (Hearing) rolls applying a -10 if not moving silently due to the sloshing and splashing as them move. Success indicates that they hear a deep grunting and huffing coming from within the dark cave ahead. The cave opening is small and will require characters to crouch in order to fit in one at a time. After the first player enters the room read the below.

There is a strong musty smell in the air and a heavy grunting sound appears to be coming from a rock outcropping at the far side of the cave. Above the center of the cave is a large metal grate below which appears to be a small mound of mutilated and half devoured corpses. An ugly creature steps into view from behind the rocks, thick corded muscles lie only slightly concealed behind a layer of fur that covers its humanoid form. The beast appears more like an ape but what disturbs you the most is that its head is like that of a boar with long curved tusks. Raising a massive rusty axe it roars violently as blood fills its animalistic eyes, full of savage hunger it begins foaming at the mouth.

Fydae Tusker Berserker

WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel

48 16 (8)47 (8)45 32 30 34 32 20

Movement: 5/10/15/20 Wounds: 19 Skills: Athletics, Awareness, Survival, Tracking. Talents: Natural Weapons (Bite and Claws), Unnatural Strength (x2), Unnatural Toughness (x2), Disturbing (Fear 1), Fearless, Frenzy, Iron Jaw, Berserk Charge. Traits: Hulking, Brutal Charge, Dark Sight.

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Weapons: Great Axe 2d10+8 R, Pen 2; Primitive and unwieldy. Armour: None Gear: A soiled loin cloth, a chewed bone. If the players are using the beacon they will find that amidst the pile of corpses are the remains of the Inquisitors dead acolyte. Searching the bodies will reveal nothing. The data implant is a small micro-device situated in the brain. Locating it requires a Medicae test as well as performing the gruesome task of opening up the skull. Removing the device will require a -20 Medicae test, failure by three or more degrees indicates that it is now broken.

2. Passing through this uprising passage leads the group through a deep and warm sludge that smells of rotting eggs. At one point it gets up to waist level and seems to continue getting deeper before the passage slopes upwards and out of the muck. Players make be wary of drowning here but the volcanic mud only goes to a depth of two and a half meters deep. Wading through this mud has a minor healing property and will help recover lost wounds and fatigue at double the normal rate if remained submerged.

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As you make your way down the tunnel you see a faint green glow up ahead. Continuing, you eventually emerge into a cavern room that glows green from some luminescent fungus growing along the ceiling. In the center of the room is a raised platform made of carved stone. On top of the platform is situated an elephant statue made of soapstone about one meter in size. A passage continues on the opposite side of the room leading into blackness.

If the players perform a search on the elephant statue it will be at a -10. Success will reveal that the statue’s belly has a thin hairline crack in the shape of a square and the attached end of the trunk has a hairline crack running its circumference. Players pushing down on the trunk will cause the belly to open and a plain gold ring will drop out. 4. At the far north end of this wide passage is a wall full of poisoned spikes. Blind characters may find themselves walking into it and suffering the fatal effect. Players that stumble into the spiked dead end wall must make a -10 Toughness test or suffer the effects of the Dusk Lotus poison (GM Kit pg 31) Swift/-10/Lethal; plus Toughness Damage is permanent. If the players have a vial marked Anti-Venom it will negate the effects of the poison. 5. As the players make their way through the small passage the floor begins to slant upwards into a gradual rise. Torchlight emerges from above as a pair their fellow contestants descend from above. They look terribly beaten and one has somehow acquired a suit of spiked platemail armour and mace while the other is wielding a monosword. Upon seeing the players they take advantage of their superior position and attack.

Brontian Knives Imperial Guardsmen Elites

WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel

35 45 35 35 32 30 35 33 30

Movement: 3/6/9/18 Wounds: 10 Skills: Awareness, Climb, Common Lore (Imperium), Common Lore (War), Common Lore (Imperial Guard), Interrogation, Speak (Low Gothic), Silent Move, Shadowing, Concealment, Tech Use, Secret Tongue (Military), Security, Literacy, Survival, Swim, Medicae, Gamble, Intimidate, Demolition, Drive (Ground), Command. Talents: Basic Weapon Training (Universal), Pistol Weapon Training (Universal), Melee Weapon Training (Universal), Crack Shot, Deadeye Shot, Iron Discipline, Heavy Weapon Training (SP), Jaded, Marksman, Quick Draw, Rapid Reload.

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Armour: Number one is wearing spiked heavy plate armour AP 6 all locations (Primitive) and grapplers suffer 1d5 wounds from the spikes. The Second is wearing only a loin cloth. Weapons: Number One has a spiked Greatmace 2d10+3 R; Primitive and Unbalanced. The second has a monosword 1d10+3 R; Pen 2; Balanced. Gear: The armoured warrior has a belt pouch with a folded parchment in it that has “Set Two, 358” scrawled on it, he also possesses a small ivory box which contains a single plain gold ring. Each also has two days rations, blanket, and torch. 6. This cave is a dark and damp chamber. Stalactites and stalagmites crowd the cave and the echoing sound of dripping water is heard. Players entering this room may make a -30 Perception (Sight) -10 (Scent) test to detect the two Gloomhaunts situated on the cavern ceiling above (Creatures Anathema pg 58), success will indicate the feces pile beneath the perched Gloomhaunts while one or more will indicate peripheral movement from above. There is nothing of value in the room other than the occasional corpse. 7. This is a plain iron door that opens inwards with the pull of a black iron door ring. Beyond leads back to North Gauntlet area 7, once the door is left opened for a turn it closed and locks itself. There is no pull ring on the opposite side.

Sub Level One, South 1:

You find a ledge protruding out over the river which leads to a small rocky path set against the pit wall. At the end of the path is a pitch black cave opening.

Have the players roll vs. Surprise -10 (-40 without light) as they approach the cave mouth. Characters may only walk single file, the lead character will be the first attacked. A long limbed, humanoid xeno species is hiding in the cave mouth waiting to push the first on comer into the river. If surprised, the lead player cannot dodge and is pushed into the river causing them to attempt to pull themselves out (see South Wing, area 4). If the second player in the column behind them is not surprised they may make a reaction check to grab onto their falling partner and save him.


Move: 4/8/12/24 Wounds: 17 Skills: Athletics, Awareness +10, Survival +10, Tracking +20, Dodge +10, Concealment, Silent Move +10, Talents: Darksight, Unnatural Agility, Reach (gets 1 meter of attack reach due to its long limbs), Melee Weapon Training: Primitive, Counter Attack. Armour: Natural 3 Weapons: Double bladed spear: 1D10+3 R, Primitive. Due to the weapons double blades the Strider (and only Striders) may get one extra melee attack with the weapon but lose their Reaction for the round. Gear:

WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel

40 24 31 28 (8)42 29 40 39 26

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Threat Rating: Xenos Minoris The Striders are a species native to the Ixanid sectors planet Typharis where they live in close knit hunter/gatherer tribes. They are exceptional hunters that live for the sport. Hand to hand combat is their greatest pleasure. In appearance they are long limbed, lanky looking humans of Hulking size. Their flesh is a rough tan and they are always seen carrying their favored two bladed spears. Gear: Bone Medallion Within the room are only the ragged possessions of the Strider consisting of a hide blanket and fire pit with a rotted pile of people bits next to it. 2: This area is a food storage that has gone to the rats, literally. A group of giant rats will attack the players should the door open, the exact numbers are up to the GM, I would recommend avoiding a drawn out melee as this is a minor issue. Searching the room will uncover one days worth of rations.

The Prize Players that safely emerge from the Gauntlet will likely be awarded with the trade compact. But as with all criminal bosses nothing is given without a price. GM’s should feel free to provide any story arc’s that support their campaign from here on out. Hope your players were up to the challenge, this is a difficult game and players should be rewarded accordingly, on top of the usual 200-250xp per four hour award players should also receive an additional bonus of 500 xp for surviving as well as one fate point each for each successful act that a player performed that ended up saving the entire groups butts through solving a riddle within the Gauntlet or tying the many clues together leading into their success, not because of combat.