the tulsa times

The Tulsa Tribune From Delinquents to heroes 9/3/61 You will not believe what happened today in Windrixville, Oklahoma! Two teenagers heroically save little kids in a church that somehow caught fire. They went from delinquents; to heroes in just one day. While Ponyboy Curtis and Johnny Cade are recovering in the hospital we had interviews lined up with some relatives and friends. The first interview is with Ponyboy Curtis. Pony, why did you save those kids? “Because, Deven it’s the right thing to do, and it was fun saving those kids, Me and Johnny were having the time of our lives.” This is all we could get from the young hero, because he passed out after what happened. Then we talked to his older brother, Sodapop Curtis. This is what he had to say. I’m mighty worried about Johnny and Ponyboy but at the same time i’m so proud because one second he’s a runaway and next he’s a hero. Our parents would be so proud.” This is a Picture of the church when we arrived on scene. Sadly, Darrel Curtis wouldn’t talk to us. so then we started talking to members of their gang. The first one is Dallas Winston who has a thick record with the law. we asked him about the matter. “im worried about johnny boy… if i hadn’t saved him, he would’ve burned to death, but if johnny dies, I don’t know what i’d do.” that’s all we could get from him room but some of his friends came to visit. This is what the one known as “twobit” Matthews had to say about the incident, “I think it was mighty nice of them to do such a thing, but johnny always puts others before himself. he should think of himself a little bit. But Pony would’ve done the same for him.”

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Page 1: The Tulsa Times

The Tulsa Tribune From Delinquents to heroes


You will not believe what happened

today in Windrixville, Oklahoma!

Two teenagers heroically save little

kids in a church that somehow caught

fire. They went from delinquents; to

heroes in just one day. While

Ponyboy Curtis and Johnny Cade

are recovering in the hospital we had

interviews lined up with some

relatives and friends.

The first interview is with Ponyboy

Curtis. Pony, why did you save those


“Because, Deven it’s the right thing

to do, and it was fun saving those

kids, Me and Johnny were having the

time of our lives.” This is all we could

get from the young hero, because he

passed out after what happened.

Then we talked to his older

brother, Sodapop Curtis.

This is what he had to say. I’m

mighty worried about Johnny and

Ponyboy but at the same time i’m so

proud because one second he’s a

runaway and next he’s a hero. Our

parents would be so proud.”

This is a Picture of the church when we arrived on scene.

Sadly, Darrel Curtis wouldn’t talk to

us. so then we started talking to

members of their gang. The first one

is Dallas Winston who has a thick

record with the law. we asked him

about the matter. “im worried about

johnny boy… if i hadn’t saved him,

he would’ve burned to death, but if

johnny dies, I don’t know what i’d

do.” that’s all we could get from him

room but some of his friends came to

visit. This is what the one known as

“two­bit” Matthews had to say about

the incident, “I think it was mighty

nice of them to do such a thing, but

johnny always puts others before

himself. he should think of himself a

little bit. But Pony would’ve done the

same for him.”

Page 2: The Tulsa Times

though because he hastily left the

hospital a little later after leaving
