the tv network- michael olu-talabi

THE TV NETWORK By: Michael Olu-Talabi Guides & Reviews to the shows you love 10 CENTS! Hmm,, are your shows valid ? Howdy folks? Come right on in!!

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Page 1: The TV Network- Michael Olu-Talabi


By: Michael Olu-Talabi

Guides & Reviews to the shows you love


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shows valid


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Page 2: The TV Network- Michael Olu-Talabi


• Letter from the editor………………………..3

• Poke-moraLs …………………………………………5

• Pokémon education/entertainment?....7

• is everybody proud y’aLL?......................10

• proud of the not so prouds………………..14

• exactLy your kind of commerciaL……17

what are you waiting for turn

the next page already

Page 3: The TV Network- Michael Olu-Talabi

Dear Reader,

Throughout the first semester of English 101 I have found that the usage of strong transition sentences and an increased range of vocabulary words are key points to the making of a well-written essay. Within this class, a variety of essays were assigned to the class to be written. One by one these essays helped enhance the natural abilities I needed in order to perfect my writing to its highest capability. Writing the Op-Ed as well as my Rhetorical Analysis essay, I noticed a lot faults in my grammar and vocabulary as well as writing techniques that I lacked in my essay. Although these specific factors may not have be stressed in every essay; depending on the topic they can prove to be of high value in editing your essay.

In class we were assigned to write an Op-Ed essay in which I chose to write about The Proud Family. I chose to write about this show because I remember watching it on the Disney channel growing up as a kid. It wasn’t until I became older and viewed multiple reruns of the show did I begin to interpret the true meaning behind the show. The more and more I watched these episodes, the more I got in touch with my inner self and the words just flew onto the paper. I felt as if I had a connection with the author, and that I could truly relate to all the messages he had incorporated into his show. For this same reason, I selected this essay for my Genre change paper. Although I really liked the natural setup of the show, I still felt as if there were many ways in which I could change it to make it better. Also certain ideas within the show gave off many signs of racism along with violence although it was never intended. The use of stereotypes within the characters were meant to represent real life scenarios and the violence in the show was meant for comical purposes. These key conceptions helped me depict the structure of both my Op-Ed and Genre change essays.




Page 4: The TV Network- Michael Olu-Talabi

When it came to my Rhetorical Analysis, I

chose the show Pokémon simply because I

love the show. Since I was a kid I have

watched the show and it’s been over a

decade and I’m still hooked. Pokémon was

the foundation for all the other anime

shows I have watched in my lifetime. I

didn’t start noticing the messages hidden

within Pokémon until I started watching

other Japanese Anime, which stressed

hidden messages of friendship a lot more

than most Americanized ones. I found that

I could easily break down the show

Pokémon into three sub-categories and

elaborate on each element, the way I found

fit. The amount of history I have with

Pokémon along with the experience I got

from personally watching the show so many

times growing up, I found it to be an easy

choice for my Rhetorical Analysis.

Grammar is a very

important part of every essay. In fact,

without the proper use of grammar, a lot of

readers would not be able to recognize

certain hidden messages the author is

trying to portray. Although grammar could

sometimes be opinionated, there are

universal standards as well as rules in which

proper grammar can be applied.

Throughout the semester, I have realized

that my grammar played a huge role when

it came to the quality of my essays. On a

consistent basis, I have found myself

writing my sentences with grammar that I

personally find appropriate only to discover

its faultiness when handed to others for

review. A nice tip I discovered to help

enhance my grammar is to always think of

two to three ways in which I can write my

sentence, and after repeating it aloud

multiple times choose the one that sounds

best. By applying this simple grammar

technique I discovered a noticeable

difference in my writing abilities.

By applying this simple grammar

technique I discovered a noticeable

difference in my writing abilities.

Vocabulary is something

that can change the writing level of an

essay from a first grade level all the way

into that of a professional writer. One may

not realize it but there are thousands of

different words a writer can choose from

in order to get his point or message

across. Coming into this class, I had

already set my specific word box for any

essay I was assigned to write. For this sole

reason I have noticed a lot of my words

tend to repeat themselves. I believe that

with a strong vocabulary and a huge

choice of words, it could be nearly

impossible for an essay to be boring. The

use of vocabulary is such a strong

element, that it could be the difference

changer between a boring essay and a one

filled with excitement.

By far this year, I have

learned a multitude of different ways in

which I can improve my writing.

Although I may not have perfected it yet,

I do believe that I have gotten a lot closer

in achieving my goal. From writing the

Op-Ed essay, the Genre change essay,

and even the Rhetorical Analysis; I have

gotten opportunities to test my writing

skills. From efficient use of the peer

review performed in class, along with one-

on-one sessions with my teacher, I have

received well deserved criticism in which I

have used to improve myself as a writer.

By improving my usage of grammar and

vocabulary, I believe that not only me but

anyone and everyone could make the

writing as proficient as possible.

Page 5: The TV Network- Michael Olu-Talabi


Kids all over the world look to the television as a major source of entertainment. A lot of times TV shows portray a

message in order to teach the viewers an important message; normally something of good value. Many of

these shows contain characters that have good morals as a way to set an example for the kids that view the show.

For that reason I have decided to do my rhetorical analysis essay on a show that goes by the name of

Pokémon. The show was created in 1996 by a man from Japan, known as Satoshi Tajiri. This popular show later grew on to become a video game created by Nintendo

and played by millions across the globe.

Page 6: The TV Network- Michael Olu-Talabi

The show is about a character Named Ash Ketchum who travels around the world with his partner Pokémon, Pikachu.

Humans who travel around the world with their Pokémon are known as Pokémon Trainers. Ash lives in a world where

creatures known as Pokémon, travel and work side by side with humans in order to reach their goals and better one

another, just as friends would. As the show goes on Ash and Pikachu, go on to meet many new friends as well as catch many different kinds of Pokémon. The reason why I am so

fond of this show is the topic of a Pokémon battle. A Pokémon battle is when two Pokémon trainers come together to

compete to determine which Pokémon is stronger as well as which trainer has trained his or her Pokémon better. These battles can not only be used for entertainment, but are also

used to collect gym badges from certified Gym leaders. So in a way the main focus of the show is how Ash Ketchum and Pikachu journey all over the region challenging gyms and

collecting the 8 badges required becoming the best. The show Pokémon is an allegory of good morals and its purpose is to

teach good values to its viewers. Through this analysis, I want readers to visualize themselves in the world of Pokémon, think of the challenges introduced in the show and compare them to the challenges they will face in real life. I intend to depict the

show piece by piece and display to the readers the many symbols and lessons hidden through the author’s subtext. By

analyzing the first episode of Pokémon, “I Choose You”, I plan on explaining how Taijiri uses Ash Ketchum and Pikachu to

show the importance of Behavior, social skills, as well as friendship. On the outside one may simply see a nonfictional

cartoon, but through an inside look, who knows what the author has in store for us.

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Page 8: The TV Network- Michael Olu-Talabi


or entertainment


• In the world today, it is very common for TV

networks to use animated television shows as

a way to reach out to young viewers. These

shows help relay messages to its viewers,

teaching them good values and the

importance of friendship. Knowing how

much kids love these shows, good morals can

be taught without them even realizing it. For

example, the world of Pokémon is filled with

many mysteries as well as wondrous sights to

behold. This world is inhabited by interesting

creatures known as Pokémon. These

Pokémon live and work together with

humans known as Pokémon trainers, and

assist them in their everyday activities.

Pokémon Trainers travel around the world

capturing and training other Pokémon. With

each new Pokémon they meet, a bond of

friendship forms between them, and a

lifelong partner is gained. This world may

seem like a fantasy to many people but is it

really based off pure imagination? Or does it

have a connection to the reality faced in

today’s civilization? The show Pokémon,

introduced to America in 1996, by Satoshi

Tajiri, is about a young boy named Ash

Ketchum and his Pokémon partner Pikachu.

The plot of the show follows Ash and

Pikachu as they explore the wonders of the

world. Through his journey, he encounters

many new friends, Pokémon as well as

humans, and with each encounter gains

knowledge and learns values that help him in

his life. I believe that the show Pokémon, is

an allegory of good morals, and that its point

is to teach its viewers important values in life,

such as good behavior, social skills, and the

power of friendship. Analyzing the first

episode of Pokémon, “I choose you”, one

will see how the author the other uses good

values to relate to his viewers. By the end of

the analysis, I hope to explain in further detail

the different kinds of subtext that Tajiri uses

in the show to relate his fantasy world to our

own, and to also expose the values he

chooses to display.

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The value of good behavior is something greatly expressed throughout the show

Pokémon. Although Ash Ketchum, the main character of the show doesn’t necessarily

have good behavior all of the time, Tajiri uses him as a prime example for his viewers.

Through Ash’s mistakes and achievements, viewers learn the privileges and

consequences that occur from his actions. Referring to the first episode of Pokémon “I

Choose You”, Ash is one day away from beginning the biggest journey of his life. The

next day would be the day he receives his first Pokémon, making him a Pokémon

trainer. Although warned by his mother multiple times to go to bed early, Ash’s

excitement causes him to disobey his mother’s wishes, and go to bed at a later time

then instructed. Due to his disobedience, he wakes up the next morning only to realize

that he has overslept and is now late to receiving his first Pokémon. Right away the

author is using this chance to show the importance of good values to his viewers.

Instead of starting the episode with a plot line of excitement or even adventure, Tajiri

decides to begin his show in a way that many viewers can relate to. Ash chose to go

against his mother’s wishes, something we have all done in the past, and because of

that he must face the consequences of his actions. Ash does not receive one of the

starter Pokémon he was promised the day before and is instead given a wild Pokémon

named Pikachu, in which he gladly accepts. Many of times our disobedience prevents

us from getting the things we desire in life, and only through obedience and good

behavior shall we receive the things promised to us. By inserting Ash’s mother into the

episode, Tajiri references us to a character that not only young viewers, but all of us

could relate to; a mother. Taijiri shows us the importance of obeying one’s mother and

that if one refuses, dire consequences will be met. Through use of Ash and his mother,

we are shown the notion of “Good Behavior” that we must use to apply to our lives in

order to achieve the goals we desire.

Now, as you move forward into the show, the notion of good behavior isn’t the

only value portrayed. As Ash begins his journey, his relationship with his partner

Pikachu isn’t exactly a perfect one. Pikachu is very disobedient and in fact acts as if he

doesn’t enjoy Ash’s company at all. The author uses this opportunity to show a

relationship common between strangers meeting for the first time; forced to cooperate

with each other. As Ash and Pikachu encounter different kinds of Pokémon they are

unable to capture them, let alone defeat them in battle. They refuse to work alongside

each other in order to complete their task, causing a lack of progress in their journey.

Both are stubborn and allow their pride to cloud their judgment, therefore increasing

the animosity between them. Now what we see here is that the author focuses on a very

strong point that many people have in the world, and that is the relationship held

between peers also known as social skills. Tajiri stresses the fact that you never know

who you are going to be paired up with in life. You have to be able to accommodate

with whoever and whatever you are given and try you’re hardest to do the best that you

can in order to accomplish your goals. All throughout life, new people enter and leave

as they please. But when you are forced to work together with someone else whether in

a school, team, or work setting, you must put aside your differences to get the job done.

Ash and Pikachu continue their senseless bickering, episode after episode, only to

realize that in order to complete their journey they would have to put their pride aside

and work in unison. After realizing this, only then does their bond of friendship begin.

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Who would have thought that two people, once enemies could become friends?

The author uses Ash and Pikachu to help viewers acknowledge the fact that they might

not like everyone they get paired up with in life. At the end of the day both parties must

work together to accomplish a common task. To your surprise, when you finally get the

job done, you may realize a few things about that person that you like, and that’s how

friendship begins.

Now, last but not least is the most important lesson taught in Pokémon, and that is

the power of friendship. More than ninety percent of the time, in order for a person to

prosper in life, they need a friend; someone to help them get by. Whether they call it

connections, partner, or even just business, having a friend to support you is the way to

get yourself to the place that you desire most. This message is meant for all viewers in

order to show how friendship can change the outcome of one’s situation. Ash and

Pikachu may not have the best of resources or even the strongest of Pokémon with them

while they travel, but one thing they do have is each other. The amount of trust and faith

they have with each other increases with every test and battle they complete. If one of

them is feeling discouraged, they have the other to rely on and help get them back on

track. This simple bond of friendship is what carries the two partners through all of their

journeys and helps them complete their goal in becoming the best that they can be.

Whether fiction or not, friendship is a bond that will always be real to whomever holds it.

According to Time Asia magazine, as the show Pokémon is viewed across the globe,

Taijiri has it set in his mind that his viewers will understand how important friendship is in

this world and hope to value his show as more than just common animations.

TV shows aren’t just animations for kids made for only entertainment purposes.

Majority of shows placed on the television network are meant to relay a message to the

viewers. These messages are hidden throughout the show and incorporated in such a way

that even kids no matter what age could understand. As we go through the first episode of

Pokémon, Satoshi Tajiri uses the main characters Ash and Pikachu to show his viewers

how good behavior, social skills, and friendship can prove its value in life. Although the

world of Pokémon may be a fictional cartoon, Taijiri wants his viewers to realize that the

characters in his cartoons, face some of the same problems that they may have or have to

face in their lives. Tajiri wants his viewers to enjoy the show while at the same time

learning a lesson on life. Pokémon is his example of educating kids in a way that they

could understand and at the same time enjoy to their heart content.


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The Proud


Is everybody Proud Y’all?

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• In America today, TV shows are an excellent way to connect with people;

especially those from the younger generation. People use the TV for a

multitude of reasons. People use it for a hope of a brighter tomorrow or as a

way to educate themselves. The “Proud Family” is an American animated

television series created by Bruce W. Smith and released to Disney Channel in

2001. This show is about an African-American family, and the struggles they go

through each day of their lives. The moral of the show was to enforce the

bond that the family shared with one another; that through “thick and thin”

they would always be there for each other and that they would always come

first. This show portrayed a lot of stereotypes towards black people such as

fatherless African-Americans, use of slang words, as well as the low income

held by majority of the African-Americans. Although many of these

stereotypes are used at the same time used the stereotypes to try and reach out

to the African-Americans, relaying a hidden message stating that, “Money does

not buy happiness and that family comes before any and everything”. The way

this African-American family stands together through financial struggles as well

as social, is meant to prove to the world that not all African-American families

are made up of broken up homes, and that the leading figures in a family still

stand strong even amongst black homes.

Page 13: The TV Network- Michael Olu-Talabi

The main character is a young African-American teenager named Penny

Proud. The narrative of the show follows mainly around her high school life, as

well as the things she does on her free time. As the show goes on the author makes

it clear that Penny and her family are not wealthy. There are many incidents in

which other kids in the neighborhood obtain things such as CD players, digital

electronics, clothes, ornaments, as well as other basic things that her family cannot

afford. This relates to a common stereotype, that African-Americans are poor. The

author makes it so that Penny’s father is always complaining about bills they have

to pay and constantly struggling to provide food for the family to eat. Throughout

the show Penny’s father Oscar Proud, is constantly trying to explain to penny the

value of a dollar and that life isn’t always about buying what you want and enjoying

the finest things, it’s all about getting your priorities straight. Ironically, the author

even names his main character Penny, to symbolize financial struggles of the

family. One very important stereotype the author chooses to fight against is the

fact that Penny Proud, indeed has a father. If not number 1, the most common

stereotypes against black people is that they did not have a father figure in their life

to teach them right from wrong. Unlike the other kids in the neighborhood, Penny

is trustworthy and very respectful. She is the one character that shows all the other

characters; whether kids or adults the difference between right and wrong Time

and time again, Oscar is trying to explain to her daughter how lucky she is to have

what she has. It may not be the luxury things but most certainly the things that

matter most in life. Penny Proud and her relationship with her father Is a bond

portrayed in at least 90% of the episodes, and because of this despite all odds and

obstacles in her life, Penny begins to understand what is important in her life and

matures through each episode as a strong, independent, African-American woman.

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Proud of the not so prouds

Music, television, and other kinds of media, greatly influence the decisions we make in life. Certain kinds of media portray negative values to its viewers and do not deserve to be On-Air. The Proud Family; an American TV show definitely overstayed its welcome when it ran on the Disney channel from 2001 to 2005. At first this show may seem like an innocent family show, but after the first couple of episodes, one begins to realize the many faults the show has. Negative aspects such as racism, unlikable characters, and female-on-male violence, serve as huge detriments to the success of the show. These three elements are not something young viewers; the main target for shows on the Disney Channel should be watching, let alone be introduced to.

Racism is a factor in the show that contributes to a lot of the negative values that are being portrayed. The way African Americans are portrayed send a stereotypical message to the youth on how African American people “act” with one another. The author makes all of his African-American characters use slang in their speech, and dress wearing baggy clothes, chains, and hats with reverse brims. There are even some that on a consistent basis, steal money from the other kids. However, African-Americans aren’t the only characters subject to the racism in the show. Alongside the African-Americans, Caucasian characters are viewed as nerdy and uncool “wannabees”, who are consistently trying to adopt the latest trends. Normally it would be alright, if this was the description of one of the characters, but when all of the characters of that race are categorized like that, it becomes a problem. Another type of race the show chooses to stereotypically portray are those of Asian descent. For some twisted reason, all Asian characters in the show are obsessed with their school work and getting high grades. As if that wasn’t worse enough, when it comes to extracurricular activities, they all happen to practice karate or some form of martial arts.


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According to IMDB ratings and reviews, The Proud Family is one of the few shows

on the Disney Channel to have displayed any kind of racism at all. These representations

of racism install negative values into the minds of the kids watching and for that reason

the show received a rating of 5.7 out of 10. When exposed to such negative stereotypes at

an early age, kids can’t help but to acknowledge it. Their young naïve minds begin to

believe what they see on the show and therefore view each race as they are portrayed on

TV. Overall the amount of racism is in high abundance and a main cause to why this show

deserves a bad review.

It is well known that every good TV show needs a good “face”. Either a character

or a motto in order to keep fans interested and following the show. For The Proud

Family, there is no real face. All of the characters happen to have huge flaws, which makes

it hard for one to really choose a favorite. For instance when it comes to the adult males in

the show, majority of them are horny, arrogant, self-centered people. Ok, I agree that a lot

of men in this world are so in that case, the show represents a sense of reality. But to make

every single male character look like a “dog” every time a pretty woman in a miniskirt

walks by? Watching this show, I wouldn’t be surprised if majority of the female viewers

began to build hatred towards the male characters. They receive almost no respect from

any of the children let alone any character at all on the show. When it comes to the main

characters; Oscar is self-centered, and obsessed with doing everything his way; Trudy is

very hypocritical of Oscar and too reliant on her daughter Penny; Suga Mama is

disrespectful of her son Oscar, especially in front of his family; Penny, although under a

lot of pressure from both her family and her friends, makes poor decisions in order to be

popular; and lastly her friends, who claim to be loyal but have no problem deserting her

for a party or an outing she isn’t allowed to attend because of her parents. Depending on

the viewer watching the show, one of these characters may seem appealing, but on an

overall note, the qualities that these characters have are not likeable at all.

Lastly and one of the biggest problems in the show is the fact that it denounces

male-on female violence; which is a good thing; but promotes female-on-male. When

watching the show, one can’t help but think that the author is sexist towards males.

Constantly the men in this show are being publicly embarrassed or physically hurt by a

female, majority of the times their spouse. Plenty of times, Oscar is punched unnecessarily

by either his wife Trudy or his mother, Suga Mama. Yes, this is a good way to produce

comical humor, but when the constant physical torment is placed on one gender and not

the other, it could relay the wrong message to the viewer.

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For example, whenever Trudy is talking with another male in the show or even seen

with one, everything is fine. Now when the tables flip and its Oscar with another woman

he is immediately in the wrong and hit by Trudy despite the location they are at. This kind

of interaction between Oscar and Trudy has no limitation. Oscar is hit, pushed, and yelled

at in front of his kids, his co-workers, and even his friends. This causes a lack of respect

for Oscar from a lot of the characters in the show. On top of that one could even say that

the author is sexist towards females; particularly in the African-American community. All

the African-American woman are portrayed as very violent and aggressive people who

constantly hit their husbands when they feel fit. The presentation of these females as well

as the violence they partake in, is not something people want to have their kids watching.

It is safe to say that The Proud Family, attracts its viewers solely through the

characters they portray in the show. These characters are certainly not the most favorable,

and are only amusing to watch due to the comical humor they give off. Comical humor is

a good thing in a show, but when the negative aspects outweigh the positives, it’s certainly

a problem to be wary of. No show is perfect, but when it promotes racism through

stereotypes, and displays female-on-male violence on a consistent basis, it can never be a

good thing. These negative aspects are being shown, and in other ways being taught to the

young viewers watching the show. These kind of elements should not be taught to our

kids or even promoted to adults. How are we expected to get along with each other and

strive to better our nation, when we can’t watch a simple cartoon without being exposed

to negative media? With the amount of detrimental aspects displayed in the show, it is

easy to see why The Proud Family wouldn’t be a good selection for anyone to consider

watching on the Disney Channel.

Page 18: The TV Network- Michael Olu-Talabi

Is this your kind of


• When you view a commercial are there certain things that attract your attention? What are the top commercials of today doing to stop you from changing the channel? Every single ad whether it is selling something or not must have a plot. This plot shows or tells the viewer what the point of the ad is all about. America; free to be you isn’t an ordinary ad that is selling something but instead a commercial meant to help individuals decide what they want to do with their lives. The commercial is meant to promote all the different jobs and sports that America has to offer. The viewer of this commercial will be shown a multitude of different scenes in which a person whether male or female is performing a particular activity. The point of this is to show the viewer a sample of the many activities available to partake in while living within the United States of America. The tag line would be America; Free to be you with America being the place in which all of these activities can be performed and when it comes to the “free to be you” part, it is supposed to symbolize the fact that you can do anything you want in this country and that you are free to be yourself and do whatever it is that you desire in life. The only catch being that you take the opportunity and be that person that you want to be.

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The ad that I see resembling the one I am trying to make is most definitely the Nike just

do it ads. These ads display a multitude of sports or recreational activities that people can

perform and all of these activities are supported or sponsored by the Nike Company. The

ad is telling its viewers that to be as successful as the players that they admire or look up to

in a sport, they can achieve that goal through Nike, and if they want to they should get up

and just do it. The ad is further influenced by the use of famous athletes performing in the

activities that they excel the most in. All of the athletes shown in the ad are wearing full

outfits of Nike Products, portraying the variety of clothes and sneakers that the company

has to offer. Majority of these ads do not contain any speech, just each individual athlete

doing what they do best.

Another ad that appeals to the style that I am looking for is the movie trailer for Batman:

The Dark Night. This ad portrays a dark scene and a multitude of fade ins and fade outs as

the scene goes between different clips. The effect that this has on the commercial is that it

gives a much more serious approach to the commercial. It allows the viewers to fill up

with anticipation, wondering what clip would come up next. I intend to work with this ad style

by using a bunch of fade outs and also having a strong, serious song playing in the

background. Besides the words playing in the background, the mood and attitude of the

scenes should be serious and placed at the very end, the tag line once again; America; Free

to be you

For a Preview:

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