the ultimate guide on what not to do with your camera

WARNING: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE ON WHAT NOT TO DO WITH YOUR VIDEO CAMERA This E-Book features Acts & Stunts performed either by professionals or idiots. Accordingly, Campbell Cameras must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any stunt or activity performed in this book. by: Campbell Cameras

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This is the ultimate "WHAT NOT TO DO" how-to. This is filled with some outrageous (yes, they have all happened before) and some more practical guides on what not to do with your camera and equipment.


Page 1: The Ultimate Guide on What NOT To Do With Your Camera



This E-Book features Acts & Stunts performed either by professionals or idiots. Accordingly, Campbell Cameras must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any stunt or activity performed in this book.

by: Campbell Cameras

Page 2: The Ultimate Guide on What NOT To Do With Your Camera

This book is dedicated to the many customers, professionals, and Campbell Cameras staff that made the costly mistakes reported in this book. Some of these tips are helpful and some are random acts of genious. Cheers to those who were smart enough to purchase the 3-Year Diamond Warranty.


Page 3: The Ultimate Guide on What NOT To Do With Your Camera

TIPS 1-5

Tip 1Do not use a tripod as your support

system while in a tree stand. That is what Tree Arms are for.

Why?A tripod is a perfect support system when used on the ground. However, when placed in a tree stand that you hardly fit in, it is bound to go over the edge and take your $2,000 camera with it!

Tip 2Never leave your camera unattended

on a tripod for any length of time (timelapse, etc.) without weighing it


Why?Wind will eventually catch it and blow it over. Or someone will come along and find a free camera and take it.

Tip 3Forget to Press Record.

Why?We’ve all been there, the heat of the moment when you take the shot before you turn on the record button. #fail

Tip 4While sandpaper will remove small bits of mud stuck to the lens, its not

conducive to image quality.

Why?Sandpaper will scratch your lens and leave you with an everlasting mark.

Tip 5Never listen to anyone who says

“Never film like this.”

Why?Use your imagination. Creativity is what sets you apart.

Page 4: The Ultimate Guide on What NOT To Do With Your Camera

TIPS 6-11

Tip 6Never leave your camera at home/ in

the truck/ car/ etc.

Why?You are never going to get the chance to film that hunt of your lifetime if you left your camera at home.

Tip 7Don’t leave the lens cap on.

Why?Silent films used to be all the rage. But, your audio of the 160” you just killed won’t win you any awards!

Tip 9Never use rope or string to lift your

video camera up to your stand.

Why?It is bound to drop one of these days.

Tip 10Never wind up your video camera or

audio cables too tight.

Why?If you do not properly wind your cables you put stress on the fibers and they can break or you could lose audio quality

Tip 11If you are using a battery powered mi-crophone. It needs a battery to record.

Why?Don’t forget to bring extra batteries for your microphones. Remember in the cold, the battery life goes down!

Tip 8Don’t be an idiot

Page 5: The Ultimate Guide on What NOT To Do With Your Camera

TIPS 12-15

Tip 12Never use napkins/paper towels to

clean your lens or lcd screen.

Why?It may not look it at first, but it will scratch the lens and over time, you will see the quality loss. (Use micro fiber cloths and lens cleaning supplies)

Tip 13Never set the camera on the seat of

the treestand while you finish setting up the rest of your stuff.

Why?If you make a habit out of that, it will fall out of the tree one day. Leave your camera in the bag until you are ready to connect it to the tree arm.

Tip 14Never leave your camera black.

Why?Authorities may believe it is an ‘assault camera’ and therefore could harm thousands at any moment. Instead, disguise it as a tree by adding cam-ouflage. This transforms your device into a ‘sporting camera’ and as such, it is no longer a threat to those around you.

Tip 15If you are using a phantom-powered shotgun microphone, don’t forget to

turn on its power.

Why?Phantom powered (+48v) means that the microphone gets the power from the camera. To give it power, you have to make sure that you set the mi-crophone input to +48 on your camera mic settings.

Page 6: The Ultimate Guide on What NOT To Do With Your Camera

TIPS 16-19

Tip 16If your camera is “weather-resistant,” this does not give you permission to dunk your camera underwater to get that shot of you reeling in your catch.

Why?Weather-resistant and water-proof are two different terms, with two VERY DIFFERENT definitions! Get a water-proof camera like the GoPro to capture underwater shots.

Tip 17Don’t leave your camera without a

rain cover while it is sprinkling, raining, storming, snowing, even in

the fog.

Why?Unless your camera is water-proof or weather-proof, it will not last without a rain cover in the conditions listed above. Even the moisture from fog can damage your camera.

Tip 18You may think you have super powers,

but your camera does not.

Why?Cameras break. Cameras fall. Cameras get water on them. All is inevitable. Why not save some time and money by protecting your camera when you buy it. I recommend the 3 Year Dia-mond warranty that covers accidental abuse. Basically everything except for fire and theft. This is a must for every cameraman.

Tip 19It’s not a good idea to hang outside of your truck window by your tires with

your $5,000 video camera trying to get the shot of the mud spinning on the


Why?It’s a bumpy road and you will accidently drop your camera and run over it in your truck. Good thing you got the 3 Year Diamond protection plan. Save time and money, get a GoPro for those shots.

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TIPS 20-24

Tip 20Although, dishwashers are a fast and easy solution to wash your dishes, it is

not recommended for your video cameras.

Why?Soap and hot water are not good for video cameras. Even if they are “water-proof” or “weather-proof.” Save the dishwasher for the dishes. Get your video camera professionally cleaned. .

Tip 21Never leave the camera filming a time-lapse through the window over your

bed throughout the night.

Why?Your wife will not understand this, and your equipment will meet an untimely demise.

Tip 23Never stand on your camera to cut a

tree limb that’s just out of reach.

Why?You’ve been working out, I can tell. However, you will never be light enough for your video camera to withstand you standing on it.

Tip 24Never place your camera just over your 3D target to catch that bad ass impact shot while you sight in your new bow.

Why?No one is perfect. And neither is your new sight. You will miss the target and hit your video camera. That cool shot just cost you $4,000, unless you have the 3 Year Diamond Warranty.

Tip 22Don’t be an idiot.

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TIPS 25-29

Tip 25Don’t run out of batteries as 4 bears

walk under your stand

Why?Batteries just don’t last as long as they used to. It is important to remember to always have spare batteries and to have them CHARGED! So you never have to be without your camera.

Tip 26When crossing a body of water,

protect your camera by carrying it in a Pelican Watertight Case.

Why?If you have it on your back, you are bound to slip and fall backward and your camera will go for a swim. Have it in a Pelican Case and it will be protected.

Tip 28There is a time and place for video

cameras. Bars are not one.

Why?Although a bar does tend to lend itself to some good drama video, it is also a great place to spill your beer or margaritta. Cameras like sobriety. Don’t drink and record.

Tip 29Don’t use the recording mode that

allows you to record the longest amount of video.

Why?Yes you can record 10 hours of the “LP” footage using that mode, but your quality suffers. It doesn’t make sense to downgrade your quality to save a few bucks on SD cards.

Tip 27Buy your camera at least a couple of

weeks before your hunt.

Why?This gives you time to PRACTICE!

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TIPS 30-34

Tip 30Do not copy over all your videos to

your computer’s hard drive

Why?Your computer is already slow enough, bogging down it further by adding all your LARGE video files only makes it worse. Always store your video files on external hard drives. Saves speed & space

Tip 31Don’t just use one video camera

Why?One perspective is boring! Switch it up by getting a POV camera. You can now even mount your cell phone to a gun or bow to gain a different perspecitve and keep the audience entertained!

Tip 33Do not run your camera on AGC (auto

gain control)

Why?When the light starts going down and your chances of scoring a giant buck goes up, you don’t want your camera to automatically add gain (pixelates your image).

Tip 34Don’t let your camera go naked in the

winter time.

Why?Would you go out in the dead of win-ter naked? No, don’t let your camera suffer that embarrassment, wrap it up with a Polar Mitten case guaranteed up to -50ºF. Go ahead and go on that trip to Antarctica.Tip 32

Don’t overuse the zoom.

Why?Too much zoom makes for some annoying footage, and an annoyed audience.

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TIPS 35-38

Tip 35Take those Silica packets that you find in your shoe box and keep it in your

camera bag.

Why?Their purpose is to absorb moisture and prevent mold from forming. Just throw a few in there, and if your camera gets a little damp, the silica will absorb the moisture and prevent your lens from becoming filled with mildew.

Tip 36Don’t wipe your lens with a cloth after it has been exposed to dust and dirt.

Why?Wiping it when dirt is present may scratch the lens. To that end, always protect your lens with a UV filter. Use a lens cleaning pen that has an air blower to remove the dust and dirt.

Tip 37Get a car charger for your batteries.

Why?When you are out on long hunts or out camping, car chargers allow you to charge your batteries without the need of a wall outlet.

Tip 38Do not run or jog with your camera.

Why?Some people do not realize whe you walk or jog your body goes up and down. This is much more evident in your footage. Tip: get a support system like a shoulder mount. If you don’t have one, when you walk, bend your knees and elbows. Your bent limbs will help absorb the bouncing of any movements. Also, zoom all the way out.

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TIPS 39-42

Tip 39Do not leave your video camera in

your front seat without it being protected in a bag or case.

Why?That one time you slam on your breaks, your video camera will go flying into the dash and do some damage. Always good to be protected with your 3 Year Diamond Warranty.

Tip 40Do not try and save some time by

transporting your video camera on your tripod

Why?You are bound to do some damange to your lens of the video camera by not having it securely in a case or bag. This might save you time, but it will cost you money in the end.

Tip 41Do not use a trash bag as a rain cover

for your video camera

Why?Although it can hold some trash, it is not designed to protect your camera in a rainstorm. It will tear, as it always does and your camera will be ruined.

Tip 42Do not buy your gear from B&H

Why?These city slickers have never been hunting before and have no idea how to set you up. We are all hunters here at Campbells and we know exactly what you will need because we do it too! And we are price competitive.

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TIPS 43-47

Tip 43Do not let your friend borrow your


Why?Because when they break it, they won’t buy it and then you are out a camera. Send them over to Campbells and we will set them up with their own!

Tip 44Formatting means gone forever.

Why?Not really. But Formatting your SD cards or your media will delete everything on your card. You have to pay money for programs to go back and retrieve your files. Sometimes it works, sometimes not.

Tip 46Digital zoom is a marketing tool.

Don’t use it.

Why?Digital zoom is where you get the pixelated image. It looks terrible and is not worth watching! DON’T USE!! Stay in optical zoom.

Tip 47Don’t settle for the Software that

came with your camera.

Why?The bundled software that comes with your camera may be good enough for basic tasks, but to truly enjoy the full potential of your video, you should consider upgrading to a more flexible, editing software.

Tip 45Don’t get stuck with a full card.

Why?Always bring spare SD cards and transfer all your files to external hard drives.

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TIPS 48-50

Tip 48Don’t forget to put the quick-release

plate back on the fluid head.

Why?All too often, we are lazy and we pack up and leave the quick plate on our camera instead of removing it and putting it back on the fluid head. This causes headaches when we loose them, because eventually we always do.

Tip 49Stop shooting yourself in the foot.

Why?Remeber to stop recording once you are done. That saves you battery life, memory space, and you don’t have to go through and watch your legs on playback.

Tip 50Don’t be an idiot.

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We hope that you never encounter any of the trials mentioned in this book.

Got any suggestions to add? Tell us your biggest camera mistake you made by leaving a comment!