the victory of an open heart

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  • 7/31/2019 The Victory of an Open Heart


    The Victory of an Open Heart"Have mercy on those who are on the planet earth and you shall have the mercy of He who is in


    Orientalism is essentially the act of defining another by terms that speak

    more about yourself. Having granted that the person you are talking about isother than you, you may speak freely of them in terms that imply that you are

    opposite, or else in a manner that implies your superiority. For example, when

    a misogynist speaks of women as frail and dim witted, he is implying that

    he (who is other than woman) is less frail and smarter. Furthermore, when he

    speaks of protecting them and providing for them he is implying not

    necessarily that he is immortal and provides for himself, but that he is the

    superior protector and provider to woman.

    This quickly manifests itself as sexism and racism, when the man uses

    various evidences to support his superiority and ignores any contradictions ofcounter-points. It can be said by the rich man that all blacks are poor, and

    that poor people (who, because they are black are others) are immoral

    because of their state. Thus proving that he is both rich and moral, and

    unintentionallyproving that Blacks are not. The argument can continue

    indefinitely, though, because if evidence is brought against him the man will

    simply choose to re-define some other reflection of himself, hes not actually

    interested in the morality of the poor at all. These people can be very slippery

    in debate.

    What we end up with is a person who defines the world around him by

    how he sees himself. If he sees himself as wise he defines others (such as

    youths) as reckless and so on. Having to defend his views he is backed into a

    corner where he must, in order to remain coherent, continue to define his

    chosen other as bad, in order to continue to see himself as good. This will

    influence reactions and decisions, he will even misremember things to fit better

    into his worldview.

    A very troubling part of this set of reactions is the fact that many people

    do not know that they do it. What ends up happening is that a person has

    defined the world around them in contrast to themselves for decades and has

    amassed a social group (in fact helped create a social group) that can relate,

    that can enable these thoughts and spread them. Evidence is brought against

    the other until it is insurmountable, they are stripped first of good food,

    then productivity, possibly intelligence is disproven to them, eventually

  • 7/31/2019 The Victory of an Open Heart


    morality, soon humanity, and next life. All this because if Asians are bad

    drivers that means Americans are good drivers.

    The phenomena related to these steps are well documented,

    misremembering, the placebo effect, and various other psychological effects

    make it very easy for an unaware person to fall into this trap, and be absolutelyconvinced because of reasonable evidence that he is right. Furthermore, those

    who are already fully convinced can spend years researching and supporting

    their opinions, leaving a very sturdy foundation for others to build on top of.

    The fact of the matter is that by the time orientalism turns a man toward

    bigotry he has already begun legitimizing what he has to say, because the

    opinions of others are valued by some. Those who value that mans opinion

    support it as well, and those who learn of that support can be legitimately

    convinced (with no prior need for either orientalism or racism) that the other

    discussed is in fact inferior.

    It is because of this that these long-standing prejudices must be carefully

    explored, not flatlydismissed as racist. Another important reason to really

    listen into what a bigoted person is saying is that it is very easy to orientalise

    them. Republicans are bigots, Im not Republican (wait for implication in the

    audiences head). This works very well in the exact opposite manner, for

    example electing a black leader of your party to imply that the opposition is

    racist. We must instead carefully listen to what they have to say, and try to see

    where their information is coming from, what part emotion and orientalism

    plays in their own personal story. After that we can be better able to addressthe real issues instead of starting an unproductive my God is better contest.

    But we should refrain at all costs from addressing any of the issues, or even

    the bigot himself, directly.

    The reason we should not communicate with this person is because they

    will not hear us. Anything said by an other to an orientalist is taken as a

    mere reflection of that person, if you say something he does not like he will

    simply distance himself from you without thinking critically, but if you say

    something he does like he will instead see it as words out of his own mouth,

    and will assume that you are placating or copying him.

    Orientalism works in reverse as well, as I have already alluded to. An

    orientalist can also mystify and elevate the other to imply his superiority over

    his fellows. There are a very few men (such as myself) who can truly

    appreciate the tea ceremony as the Japanese do. Their (and by extension my)

    appreciation for grace and patience is unrivaled in any other land. Even if an

  • 7/31/2019 The Victory of an Open Heart


    orientalist seems to be very interested and agreeable to what you tell them

    about your otherness, they are looking into the reflecting pond of Narcissus,

    eyes wide shut, ears filled with the sound of their thoughts.

    Orientalism can be seen therefore as a sort of cross-cultural Narcissism.

    Rather than honestly and openly looking into another culture to find whatintrinsic value it has an orientalist gazes upon the other to find what he

    already knows he will find and use it to reflect on or say something about


    Better then to not engage them on the topic of the other at all. In fact the

    most frivolous act to undertake is to challenge them, but it takes a substantial

    amount of modesty to deny them the pleasure of turning you about in their

    palm. You will want to prove them wrong, to bring them to the light, to conquer

    this evil, but it is impossible. The only way to meaningfully interact with them

    is to humanize yourself and promote a familiarity and fondness for each other,

    not something that can be done so long as he is an enemy, so long as you see

    him as an other.

    Extending the brotherhood of man despite perceived pitfalls, turning the

    other cheek, loving your neighbor, these are not pieces of advice given to

    subject certain followers to the might of their enemies, but to rise with them to

    a higher and better place. To take your friends, brothers and sisters by the

    hand, though they recoil and spit at you is not the best way to show them to

    truth and harmony, but the only way.