the walpole village crier

The Walpole Village Crier Magazine of Walpole Parish Council Walpole St Andrew, Walpole St Peter and Walpole Marsh Issue 123 - October/November 2019 A full copy of this edition can be found on our website at:

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Page 1: The Walpole Village Crier

The Walpole Village

Crier Magazine of Walpole Parish Council

Walpole St Andrew, Walpole St Peter and

Walpole Marsh

Issue 123 - October/November 2019

A full copy of this edition can be found on our website at:

Page 2: The Walpole Village Crier



Please make cheques payable to:

Walpole Parish Council


Sunday 10th November 2019


EDITORS: Linda and Chloe Matthews

Telephone: 01945 780631

Please email any contributions to [email protected]

or send them to:

Windwood, Chalk Road, Walpole St. Peter, PE14 7PH

The Walpole Village Crier is just one of the means of


Full Page £113

Half Page £68

Quarter Page £38

Third Page £45

Eighth Page £23

As I am writing this the sun is shining and it is still warm outside. No doubt that

this will change soon and we’ll be hit with the colder weather. Please remember it

might be nice to go and check on neighbours to make sure that they’re ok.

On page 3 we have an important notice regarding the playpark, it would be good if

we can get your opinions. The more that speak up the more the Parish Council will


We hope that all the children have had a good start to the new term whether

they’ve started in reception, moved up a year or gone on to higher education.

Don’t forget half term holidays are nearly upon us…Monday 21st—Friday 25th

October (Norfolk County Council dates)

This month it’s the chance for the children to get involved in a front cover

colouring competition. All details are on pages 18 and 19. Look forward to see all

the entries.


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TELEPHONE SCAMS! Another scam was reported locally and although posted on Facebook, we do realise not everyone has access to the internet! Along with automated calls allegedly from BT regarding “problems with your internet (or broadband)”, we also have automated phone calls from “your bank” advising of a £600 transfer to another country and to “Press 1” to stop the transaction….etc…etc, and just this week Age (UK) have advised of scam TV licence calls! PLEASE do not fall foul to these bogus calls! Neither BT , your bank or TV Licencing will contact you in this way so DO NOT give your bank details to anyone you don’t know, whether over the phone or in person…..other scams include a “bank courier” arriving on your doorstep asking you to give them your bank card and pin number to them for security checking. If you are in any doubt, contact the POLICE on 101, or the supplier/your bank or a family member/trusted friend. PLEASE DON’T BE A VICTIM!


Requests have been made to the Walpole Parish Council for fencing to be placed around the remainder of the play park (swings, zip wire, etc.) and a new gated opening made between the 2 play areas. This would:

Keep dogs off the play park area Enable easy access to both areas when necessary or in an emergency

This project is be debated and decided upon by the Parish Councillors at their next meeting which is Thursday 10th October – if you would like to have a say in this idea, please email [email protected] where responses will be collated and passed on to Councillors. Alternatively, you are welcome to attend the meeting at 7pm in the Community Centre. All properties in our Parish receive a copy of the Village Crier – how many children/youths read it? Please make them aware of this pending project as we need their views!

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NEWS FROM WALPOLE PARISH COUNCIL The WPC met in the Community Centre on Thursday August 8th where Cllr Bliss was chairman for the evening. Matt Hunter (of the Community Centre Committee) outlined the quotes that they have received for the resurfacing of the car park ranging from £37k to over £57k. He also asked that the PC write a “letter of intent“ confirming the balance from the agreed initial £30,000 grant, which will help with other funding applications, although the balance will remain in the Parish Council’s account until works are done. Cllrs agreed. The final finish of the car park was confirmed to be of gravel as the cost of tarmac was prohibitive. During the summer the toilets and foyer areas have been re-painted. Fund raising is still ongoing and although the King’s Lynn Kruiser car event had to be cancelled due to bad weather, they will be hiring the Community Centre next year. The planned disco night was cancelled through lack of public response. During Public Participation a former Parish Cllr pointed out several matters that were discussed many years ago and had still not been resolved:- parking on Church Road at the new estate (he blamed the Borough Council for this as PC’s views had been ignored); the allotment saga that is rolling on year after year (also the fault of the Borough Council because they don’t want to compromise for the benefit of the Parish Allotment Committee); tractors & lorries speeding and running over verges when they come up against each other (he has already lost a metre or more of his frontage. He also pointed out that anyone jogging or walking their dog when the tractors/lorries are speeding round a corner would not stand a chance. He would like to see TACO’s fitted now that tractors can do the same speed as lorries and they should have to adhere to the same rules as all HGV’s); vandalism in the parish has grown (he has had green apples and stones thrown through his commercial glasshouses and there are airgun pellet holes in most of the speed limit signs near him which means guns are being used on the highway which is illegal). He finished by saying the council should raise the annual precept from £20,000 to £100,000 (thereby raising everyone’s council tax) and “get all these things sorted”. He then exited the meeting. Cllrs discussed all points raised: the vandalism report was upheld by others who have heard and even been abused by teenagers roaming the villages all night. The Neighbourhood team will be asked to patrol. The Speed-watch volunteers will be asked to make note of the tractors/lorries and a link to the County Council will be put on the Parish website for complaints etc. Cllrs Lawty & Eveleigh, on behalf of the Community Centre, will look at the possibility of CCTV but this will only cover the Community Centre and Play areas plus the lighting would need up-dating. They will get quotes and then approach the Council for a grant towards this from the Community Fund. Precept will be looked at in accordance with budgeting practice. Reminders are to appear in the Crier regarding roads, tractors, trailers, lorries, parking, vandalism. Moles are on Swingfield again and complaints about dog mess continue to be made, especially around the football fields as someone throws their bags behind the cabin despite that there are bins provided. The football cabin has had the electricity disconnected and the cabin will be removed soon as it is beyond use following numerous acts of vandalism. County Cllr has met with Senior Fire Chiefs regarding plans for IRMP which is going to public consultation soon. She is concerned

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about the reduction in Minimum Income Guarantee for disabled people. Borough Cllr Julian Kirk will investigate these points when the Borough Council returns from its summer recess. He is also on the Planning Committee if anyone has any issues/queries. A letter from a parishioner was read also outlining several matters including the dog mess, especially in the children’s play park. She would like a fence to stop dogs getting into the play park. She also said the large slide was too dangerous for small children, but this will be addressed when Cllr Ben Matthews progresses with the play tower he intends to provide for the tiny tots. The football club are complaining that the grass is too long for training and need the grass cut more than every fortnight. Cllr Bliss will talk to CGM about varying the length and frequency of cuts to the football pitches. It was suggested that maybe the Community Centre should look at renting out the pitches and changing areas to get an income to pay for the cutting of the grass. Another resident complained that there was no notice given/left re spraying of weeds recently in the play park. Projects under the Parish Partnership Scheme are to be investigated: the PC would like speed restrictions on Summer Close and a staggered barrier to protect pedestrians along The Chase where Summer Close enters the Community Car Park. The allotments representative has met with a representative of the Community Centre to view some areas that may be suitable for use as allotments. All the areas looked at were either too small or too remote so could be subject to vandalism. The PC are to ask if one of the tenants of the larger farmed allotments would be prepared to relinquish part of a plot which could be used for smaller allotments. Cllr Blunt will be asked for an update on his progress with the Borough Council. The Clerk has submitted a letter of resignation siting personal reasons. The Parish Council again met in the Community Centre on Thursday September 12th and Cllr Bliss took the chair. He welcomed County Cllr Sandra Squire, Borough Cllr Julian Kirk and members of the public. He reminded Cllrs of the Code of Conduct and the fact that meetings are now recorded. In Public Participation it was asked if anything had been done about the parking on Church Road at Townsends Estate. People are parking on both sides of the road and it is impossible to see around the bends: other motorists are not slowing down to take account of this and there have been several near misses as a consequence. Cllr Bliss suggested that everyone affected by this should write to the Police, if they are inundated with emails or letters they will look at the situation, but parking enforcement is now the remit of the Borough Council. Notice in the next edition of the Crier asking people to abide by the law and not obstruct the Highway or cause drivers to be put at risk. Clerk will again write to Borough Council, Highways & Police with concerns. A resident has asked if overgrown trees and bushes can be trimmed at the corner of Chalk Road, along the Chase and at Wisbech Road at the Princess Victoria corner. Many other trees and brambles all over the Parish desperately need cutting away from the highways and footpaths. County Council say they are looking at this. Whilst they are looking at hedgerows they are noting any ash trees that have signs of Ash Dieback Disease and informing the owners that they must get it cut down. The Community Projects team have been to view some locally grown Christmas trees and have ordered 2, one for each

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Church in the Parish. It is expected they will arrive and be planted in late October. There were no development plans to view but it was noted that an application had appeared very recently for 5 Houses on a plot in Market Lane near Chalk Road. This will be on the October agenda. Andy Mitchell of the Walpole Youth Football club has applied to the council for a contribution towards removable goal posts for all the pitches on the Community playing fields, costing around £2,300. He also asked if the grass pitches could be cut lower and more frequently to improve playing conditions. If the PC were to purchase these posts it would have to have a stipulation that the posts would remain the property of the Parish Council and not sold off as club assets should the group fold. The PC will discuss this at their next meeting, and Cllr Bliss will liaise with Mr Mitchell to gain more information. Cllr Bliss has also been monitoring the grass cuts on the football pitch and found cutting appears better on the last 2 cuts. He will continue to monitor this. Members considered the draft recording policy document for adoption: Cllr Ben Matthews asked for a time limit on the retention of all recordings of 12 months. This was agreed along with the adoption of the draft policy. Cllrs reviewed the Data Pro-tection Policy via email and it was also adopted. It was agreed to ask the public for their opinion on fencing the play park since dogs gain access and foul the area - they also access the fenced area when children or even adults fail to close the gate. The template for dog fouling notices has been sent from the Borough Council but no physical notices have been sent. Cllr Ben Matthews to look into signage. The new play equipment for toddlers is due to be installed around the middle of October. Clerk is still waiting to hear on the Parish Partnership Scheme re projects proposed. She is also still waiting to hear from the Highways Engineer following his visit to our parish in June. The allotments saga:- PC agreed that a letter should be sent to the Allotments Committee to say that they have exhausted all avenues and cannot find a solution. They suggest the Allotments Committee seek advice about the duty of the County Council to supply land to use as allotments. Following a request, a donation of £50 was made to the Norfolk Citizens Advice Bureau. There is a meeting of County Cllrs and the Disability Network Steering Group (who have a Facebook group) discussing all adverse effects anyone has experienced and to make the County Council and Government aware of the hardships being endured. Anyone affected can contact the group or their County Cllr. Following complaints about speeding tractors and skip lorries, the Speed Watch Team report they have not caught any such vehicles exceeding the limits this month. They also said that the majority of the speeding vehicles that had been sent a letter to advise them of their speed were from outside the Parish. Since the clerk announced her period of notice the council have heard from a clerk from another parish registering an interest. It was agreed that she could observe the next Council Meeting which is scheduled for Thursday October 10th at 7pm in the Community Centre. Reporter: Irene Hunter Additional material: Linda Matthews

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Message from your Borough Councillors Autumn has arrived and the nights are drawing in. Although I have not put the heat on yet the nights are getting cooler. But the temperature in Westminster is starting to rise. Whether you like Boris Johnson , the new Prime Minister, or not, he is stirring up the MPs. As we drift towards October 31st , the possibility of leaving Brexit without a deal looks more and more likely.

The Borough Council has earlier this month received another boost thanks to a successful funding bid to Historic England for a grant of up to £1m under its High Street Heritage Action Zone scheme. The scheme, which is administered by Historic England on behalf of the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, is designed to bring about physical improvements along with cultural and community activities to regenerate historic high streets. The borough council submitted an expression-of-interest bid for £1m in July and were this month advised they had been successful, subject to completion of a full programme design. Some of the outline proposals within the bid include:

• heritage led shop front improvements

• over-shop living conversions

• provide visitor and tourism opportunities

• develop alternative uses for vacant units, such as leisure and culture

• bring vacant buildings back into use

A full programme design will be put together by a local partnership board along with Historic England and the final funding should be confirmed in January 2020. As Autumn arrives, the occurrence of garden bonfire increases. Below are some thoughts from the Borough Council on the burning of garden waste: It is not recommend that you burn any waste, however if you do wish to have a bonfire, please follow these simple rules:

• only burn garden waste (tyres, cables plastics, rubber, painted products or household waste must not be burnt)

• use dry materials only

• avoid burning at weekends and bank holidays

• let your neighbours know that you're going to have a bonfire

• don't leave the fire unattended, even when it's just smouldering

I was delighted to see that NCC have resurfaced the road just off Chalk Road opposite Wendale Close. It took a long time to get NCC to recognise they were responsible for the maintenance of this road but we got there in the end.

It is important that we know your concerns, thoughts and ideas re how we can help The Walpoles and our Ward to continue to be a special place to live. We appreciate all the local support and if you think we can help do not hesitate to contact us. Cllr Richard Blunt Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01945 780454 Mobile: 07860967514 Cllr Julian Kirk Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01945 909870 Mobile: 07816909870

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Before the summer, Lily a 5-year old in my class was diagnosed with Chordoma which is a very rare type of Bone Cancer affecting 1 in 20 million. Sadly, Lily’s prognosis is not good. Everybody who has been touched by Lily’s smile is working hard to raise money for The Drew Barker-Wright Charity who support research into Chordoma and support families dealing with this heart-breaking diagnosis whilst trying to give Lily the best quality of life. I will be doing my bit for the charity and #TEAMLILY by doing my first ever Skydive on 03rd November 2019 (weather permitting) at Beccles Airfield. :-o Sponsors/donations are greatly received and very much appreciated no matter how small. Fundraising page: Thanks in advance of all your support, Lauren Wiles. X

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Anglia Carpet Care

Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Specialists

Carpets - Rugs - Suites

Pressure Washing Service - Driveway - Patio and Path


All Work Guaranteed

01945 780627

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Following the 2-day trials at the beginning of September, it would appear there were some issues with “give way” signs being ignored so a third set of lights was brought into play. “Green light” time varied between 3-6 minutes although minimal time was given to those vehicles exiting Sutton Bridge. Reasons given for longer green times were to reduce stop time for stationary traffic, especially HGVs which take longer to get moving from a stop position and ensuring all traffic had a good run. It was also felt that these timings discouraged “rat running” through Sutton Bridge village. The main works is due to commence on 30th September (initially for 4 weeks), although preparation will start on the 29th September. Further monitoring is intended for the first week of the main works with a view to fine tuning the signal “green time” in catering for “changing traffic flows and demands of the network”. The alternative route during these works is via A1101 Wisbech – some 32 mile diversion. It is hoped the traffic flow system works well enough for the diversion route not to be implemented. Ian Booth, Senior Engineer Structures, of Lincolnshire County Council has acknowledged receipt of “some valuable constructive feedback” from members of the public which will be taken on board and thanked those who contacted the customer service centre. (Tel: 01522 782070) Mr Booth also thanks people for their patience and understanding whilst the essential works are carried out. (Note: Pedestrian access will be available at all times, as will the need to open the swing bridge for maritime vessels.)

DANGER ON OUR ROADS An appeal has been made following some “near miss” incidents within our parish especially where our narrow roads have to accommodate lorries, tractors & trailers, and the occasional bus. Lorries & tractors have been reported to churn up the grass verges which some residents regularly maintain outside their properties. If you can’t see the road ahead clearly, then it’s an accident waiting to happen! Also, PLEASE park your vehicle considerately – think about other road users and pedestrian’s safety! Abide by the law and do not obstruct the Highway or put anyone at risk!

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TREE INSPECTIONS Norfolk County Council has advised that roadside trees will be inspected on smaller roads within our parish (rural roads known as Class 4A2). Primarily focus will be on Ash trees due to Ash Dieback Disease (ADB) and whether they pose a risk to highway users. Other trees may be reported on should they appear in a dead or dangerous condition. Reminders are given to landowners that “their trees are their responsibility” and to raise awareness of ADB. Any trees found to be in need of attention will have notices affixed to them and the tree will be marked with yellow paint to inform the owner that they may need to take action. If you have any concerns or wish to discover more about ADB please visit or email [email protected]

LEARNING FOR LIFE “Coping strategies for Hearing Loss Lip-reading Courses” – meeting on Tuesday 8th October from 7pm to 8.30pm at the West Norfolk Deaf Association, King’s Lynn. For further information/to book a place, visit or call 0344 800 8020

FARMING & THE HIGHWAYS We want to work with and understand our farmers, especially on improving road safety and our environment. For information on cleaning mud & spoil, moving livestock, maintaining ditches/drains/hedging, fire & straw burning, agricultural vehicles on the road, and so on, visit

VANDALISM Sadly, this is happening too frequently. There has been evidence of stones & green apples thrown through greenhouse windows; more worryingly, gun pellets in speed signs and in the village roads! Kids – find something more constructive to do! Join a club – or get help in opening one! Parents – keep tabs on your youngsters. Educate them on right & wrong. Help start a club for them!

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Recipes Traditional Pot Roast - Slow cooker recipe

Serves 6


1 onion, finely chopped

4 carrots, sliced

4 baby turnips, sliced

4 celery sticks, sliced

2 potatoes, sliced

1 sweet potato, sliced

1.3-1.8kg/3-4lb topside beef, in one piece

1 bouquet garni

300ml/10 fl oz hot beef stock

Salt and pepper


1. Place onions, carrots, turnips, celery, potatoes and sweet potato in the

slow cooker and stir to mix well.

2. Rub the beef all over with salt and pepper, then place on top of the bed of

vegetables. Add the bouquet garni and pour in the beef stock.

3. Cover and cook on low for 9-10 hours, until the beef is cooked to your


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Walton Highway Village Club Friendly, family oriented social club

4 full size snooker tables, 1 pool table, darts, Sky and BT sports (2screens)

Renewal Membership now due £20 family £15 Single. New Membership: £25 family

or £15 single. Free hall hire for members (not businesses)

Regular events include: live music, quiz nights and karaoke. All events are free

to Members.

18th October: Bingo for Macmillan

26th October: Live music with the Niteshades

9th November: Live music with Neil Durose

10th November: Remembrance Sunday dinner with Nette

23rd November: Kings of Lutton

Please see Facebook for details

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It’s coming to that time of year again and we

would love for the children of the Walpole’s to

design our front cover for the December issue.

The theme of this competition is:

‘What Christmas means to you’

We have created the template which is on the

opposite page—should you need the template for

larger groups please email us.

There will be two winners and two runners up for

this competition.

1. Age group 3-6 years old

2. Age group 7-11 years old

Please send all entries to:- Chloe Matthews The Lees, Wisbech Road Walpole St Andrew PE14 7LH Deadline:- Sunday 10th November 2019

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The Walpole Village

Crier Magazine of Walpole Parish Council

Walpole St Andrew, Walpole St Peter and Walpole Marsh

Issue 124 - December/January 2019

A full copy of this edition can be found on our website at:

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TROPHY UPDATE - Bingos are still being held every month and even on the hottest day

on record you still came and supported us - thank you so much. On that extremely hot

night I think that players and organisers alike were happy to get home and try to cool

off! I know I certainly was! Next Bingo night 26th September - eyes down 7.30pm.

Sadly, due to the sudden and untimely death of Mr Iain Miller who was a leading

member of our local Ukulele band Flukes, we made the decision to cancel our Fish and

Chip Supper until a later date. Iain and Flukes helped us raise over £400 for our fund last

year for which we are very grateful. Our thoughts go out to his family and friends at this

sad time.

Moving forward, November 16th will see another of our Bacon Bap mornings. As it is so

close to Remembrance Day we thought we would display a few wartime memories from

around the area and a few from further afield. Included will be a display of photographs

and information about Sutton Bridge Airfield, so please come along, see some local

history, and have a breakfast roll with us. Entrance is FREE but if you enjoy our display a

donation is always welcome! We are also hoping to put on a celebratory event on

Friday May 8th next year for the VE day commemoration weekend - watch this space for

more details! (Currently the TROPHY FUND currently stands at £31,971.56.)

Please remember the Parish Hall belongs to the people of the Walpole’s and is currently

managed on your behalf by Trustees, an elected Management Committee and

representatives from our regular clubs. We will be holding our AGM during October so

keep an eye out for the date which will be published on the village notice boards and

social media. This meeting is open to anyone over the age of 18 and it would be great to

see some of you there. Maybe you have a question or an idea, or maybe you just want

to find out who is looking after your interests! Whatever it may be, we would love to see

you there.

The hall is available for bookings and currently costs £7 per hour during the winter

months. If you wish to book a date please contact Les Street on 01945 780631.

Gill Henderson - 01945 780783 [email protected]

Forthcoming TROPHY events Bingo - Thursday 24th October

Wartime Memories (and Bacon Baps) - Saturday 16th November Christmas Bingo - Thursday 28th November

Christmas Afternoon Tea -Tuesday 3rd December.

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News from Walpole Community Centre It’s been a strange summer weather wise. From record hot temperatures to

heavy rain (am I the only one who has had trouble with weeds in the garden?).

Unfortunately the Kings Lynn Cruisers had to cancel their weekend due to heavy

rain and the field being so wet. This is such a shame as there is a lot of work that

goes into preparing for the event.

The monthly Bingo nights have been well supported, so thanks to everybody for

coming along and making them so successful. The money raised has gone

towards the painting of the community centre toilets and entrance areas. A big

thankyou to everyone who supports the bingo enabling the centre to be able to

redecorate these areas.

We are pleased to confirm that the Parish Council has agreed a grant towards

the cost of replacing the surface of the car park. Works have already started with

the installation of bollards and gates to prevent cars from driving onto the field.

Could we please ask drivers not to drive so fast into the car park and turning so

fast as this rips the current surface up and leaves deep scores in the car park.

When the work starts on the resurfacing of the car park it will be necessary for

the car park to be closed whilst the works are carried out. We will endeavour to

try and cause as little disruption as we can.

Although we haven’t got a start date yet, we will let users of the car park know

about any closures as soon as the dates are confirmed.

Upcoming events…

Back by popular demand, the Quiz night is set to return on the 16th November

2019. Bring your friends, family, and partners - just £4 per person to enter or £20

per team of six. The bar will be open and snacks available.

And don’t forget our Bingo nights on the first Tuesday of each month. Look

forward to seeing you there.

If you have any ideas or suggestions about events we could put on or want to

become involved in the running of the community centre please let us know.

Walpole Community Centre – Not for the few but for the whole of the community.

If you would like to hire the community centre or have any enquiries please

contact Chloe Matthews on

01945 780649 or [email protected]

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News from Anthony Curton Primary School

Well, another Academic Year has begun, and for all of us within the school community it’s as if we never broke up! As usual, the start to the new year is extremely busy, particularly for the 26 new little people who joined us at the start of their long school careers. They have settled extremely well. You are more than welcome to join us at our Harvest Festival Service, which will take place at Walpole St. Peter’s Church on Friday 4th October at 10am. Details of our Christmas Service will be included in the next issue. We, across both schools, have been utterly blown away by how our local community has pulled together in order to raise money for Addenbrookes hospital, where one of our Tilney children is currently being treated for a brain tumour. There will be a family fun day and football match held at Tilney St. Lawrence village hall and playing field on Sunday 27th October from 10am. There will be cake stalls, refreshments, a vintage fire engine, pony rides, games and a raffle with some fantastic prizes. All money raised will go directly to the charity. At the time of writing this, there are spaces left for more teams to take part, so if you have some sporty friends please get a team together and take part! If you would like to enter a team or buy some raffle tickets, please contact Danielle Beales on Facebook. Finally, can I, on behalf of the staff and children, thank the many members of the local community who have, over the past year, emailed or written to us with such positive comments about our school, it is very much appreciated. Kind Regards Dawn Liddle Executive Head Teacher

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Walpole Wallabies Early Bird & After School Club

Early Birds: 7.45am - 8.45am £3.50 Mrs Murray

After School 3.15pm - 5.45pm £8 Mrs Gant

01945 780121

WALPOLE BADMINTON CLUB Walpole Community Centre

Adults session Wednesdays evening 7-8.30pm.

For more information please contact Pete or Janet Luck on 01945 780384

Walpole Youth FC Secretary: Andrew Mitchell 07540 778379.

We provide coaching for children of all ages and abilities with the club recently being

awarded FA Charter Standard status - a great achievement for a club of our size. Our

FA qualified coaches are always on the look out for players of all abilities to form new

teams, particularly those currently in school years 1 and 2.

WALPOLE CROSS KEYS WOMEN’S INSTITUTE 7 p.m. 2nd Tuesday each month

Jephson Hall, Walpole Cross Keys VISITORS AND NEW MEMBERS


President: Diane Skipper 01553 829562 Secretary: Angela 01945 780094





For more details


01945 780269

If you would like to advertise your

club or group please send us an


[email protected]

Walpole Good Companions over 50s Club at St Peter's Church Hall Every 1st Thursday of the month 2 - 4pm

We enjoy outing, speakers, quizzes & afternoon teas. Guest & New Members always Welcome

Please Contact Kay Argent

01945 780533 Cindy Downes 07531 009 843

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Meet every Friday morning from 9:30 to 12 in

Walpole St Peter Parish Hall. £2 per session

including tea/coffee and biscuits

Contact: Christine Kinnerman 01945 489953

WALPOLE GARDENERS CLUB The second Thursday of the month in Walpole St Peter Parish Hall.

7.30pm Start Annual Subscription: £10

Non-members/guests £2 per meeting Contact Gillian Gosling on 01945 780409

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NORFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL has made a Temporary Traffic Order affecting Gooses Lane

from a distance 600 metres north west of its junction with Follens Road for a distance

of 20 metres north westwards in the PARISH OF WALPOLE because of Anglian Water fire

hydrant repairs.

The road will be temporarily closed (except for access) from 2nd October 2019 to 4th

October 2019 for the duration of the works, expected to be 3 days within the period.

Alternative route is via: Gooses Lane, King John Bank, Marsh Road, Wisbech Road

(Walpole, Sutton Bridge).

(If necessary the restriction could run for a maximum period of 18 months from the

date of the Order).

Penalty: £1000 maximum fine on conviction and/or endorsement for contravention.

In the event of the start date being delayed the new start date will be displayed on site

in advance.

The person dealing with enquiries at Norfolk County Council is Adrian Stout (Community

and Environmental Services) Telephone 0344 800 8020.

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HALL BINGO Last Friday of the Month

Oct 25 & Nov 29

Lots of nice prizes and

refreshments available

Contact Maureen for details on

01945 881229

Walpole Highway Village Hall,

Hall Road, PE14 7QD

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News from the Walpole Gardeners Club Our August meeting was a visit from Sue Stephenson who as usual gave a very amusing and interesting talk. She explained how to prepare and plant up a nature and woodland area with suggestions on what plants and materials could be used. In September our annual Flower and Produce Show was a great success and very well attended. Many thanks to all who contributed and helped on the day. The September meeting was a visit from Jackie Huggins who gave a talk on The Life, Times and Memories of a Fen Girl. She gave a very interesting and amusing talk including some songs which she had written. New members are always welcome with our Annual Subscription held at £10. As you will see from our 2019 Meetings Programme we have a very busy and interesting year ahead.

Walpole Gardeners Club Meetings Programme 2019

All meetings are held in Walpole St Peter Parish Hall the second Thursday of the month at 7.30 pm


Date Event

10th October Gardens and the National Trust

- Veronica Bennett. 14 November Restoration of Ramsey Walled

Garden - Jane Sills 12 December AGM and Club Night

Heaviest Potatoes Nick Swann Patchwork Item Anne Scott

Vegetable Mr and Mrs John


Cross Stitch Picture Jill Harrington

Fruit Jo Bartlett Wood/Wicker Nick Swann

Flowers Gillian Gosling Jewellery Lynne Newman

Patio Pot Gillian Gosling Soft Toy Jill Harrington

Kitchen/Bakery Sylvia Swann Flower Arrangement Sylvia Swann

Art/Photography Margaret Greaves

Beryl Bradbrook

Victor Ludorum Cup Gillian Gosling

Sylvia Swann

Card Birthday Card Lynne Newman Speciality Cup Brenda Graveling

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SATURDAY 26th OCTOBER 7.30pm, Doors Open at 7pm

Teams of up to 4 people, £5 per person to include buffet


Please phone Wendy and Mike on 01945 780468

To book a table for your team

COFFEE MORNING - PLUS SO MUCH MORE The Crafty Ladies of WALPOLE ART & CRAFT CLUB will once again be hosting their annual charity fundraiser on Friday 25th October in the Walpole St Peter Village Hall from 10 – 12 noon. This year’s charity will be the Air Ambulance Funds. You never know when you might need them! In addition to coffee/tea and cake there will be our usual stalls to entertain you, including Books, Cakes, Craft, Bric a Brac, Competitions etc. plus a raffle for a lovely handcrafted Patchwork Quilt. With the help of you, the visitors to this event we have raised several thousands of pounds in recent years, so give yourself a pat on the back. We look forward to seeing you there and thank you for your support once again. Further details 01945 780447

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Walpole Art & Craft Club

The club meet every Friday morning at the Parish Hall. Membership is limited to 30 places to ensure in-house activities and demonstrations can be enjoyed by all.

Members work on a variety of crafts and at different skill levels. This works really well as there is normally someone available to help you out, if you need it.

We are a friendly group, who enjoy a natter while crafting in a relaxed, convivial environment with tea, coffee and biscuits.

Once a month we arrange a Ladies Lunch at various places locally. September’s lunch was at The Woolpack in Terrington St John. We had a lovely meal, served by friendly staff and everyone had a great time.

We hold workshops, once a month, where we have the opportunity to learn a new craft. Our next one, at the end of September, will be Deco Patch. This is being demonstrated by Beryl Bradbook, one of our members, and we are all looking forward to it.

The club also organises day trips for its members. Our last one in July, was to Taversham Garden, Craft and Country Shopping Centre. It was a most enjoyable day. Members can bring family and friends on these trips.

Our next outing is on the 1st November, to the NEC in Birmingham for the Simply Christmas Show. Tickets include entry to three shows, Creative Craft, Art Materials Live and Cake International. At present we do have a few spare seats on the coach so if you would like to join us, you would be very welcome. It’s not just about craft. There will be a festive atmosphere with entertainment, food and drink. You’ll be able to pick up a few Christmas presents and maybe, make a list of things you would like for yourself. Cost for the coach and entry to the three shows is £20.

Our annual Charity Day this year is on Friday 25th October, at the Parish Hall, starting at 10 a.m. It is in aid of East Anglian Air Ambulance. Please come along and support us, to raise funds for this very worthy cause. There will be lots going on including Crafts for sale, Homemade Cakes and Biscuits, Tombola, White Elephant stall, Hamper and Quilt raffles, Guess the Weight of the Cake and our ever popular Teddy Table, where every ticket wins. Of course it wouldn’t be a Charity Day, without refreshments. Bring your family and friends, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee with a delicious selection of cakes and biscuits to tempt you.

Next time, we hope to be able to report that we exceeded last year’s Charity Day total, which was over £900. A big ask but, with your support, hopefully we can do it. We look forward to welcoming you to a fun day. To reserve your ticket for the Simple Christmas show, or discuss any matter relating to the above, please contact Christine Kinerman on 01945 489953.

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Do you have an interest in family history – would you like to know more? Come along to a research session. We enjoy helping visitors at any stage in their research. One query, which was exciting and needed a lot of research, was to find the name and details of gentleman’s previously unknown sister. His family had split up when he was very young, the sister stayed with his mother and he went with his father. He grew up with no knowledge of a sister until an aunt at a funeral mentioned his ‘real’ sister, and that was the only clue he had for us to start. In addition, his birth had not been registered until much later and his mother’s name had been replaced by his stepmother’s name, making finding his sister much more difficult. But after a lot of false leads we were delighted to find her name and details for him.

COMPUTER RESEARCH SESSIONS are held twice a month in Wisbech Library on the first Tuesday of each month. The next one will be in WISBECH LIBRARY on Tuesday 1st October from 10 – 12 noon. The second session is at BAYTREE GARDEN CENTRE in HILGAY from 11 – 2.30pm. It is held on the second Monday of each month. You will find us in their Barn Restaurant. Give us your details and we will do our best to research your family, no matter where your family originated.

MONTHLY MEETINGS these are held in Wisbech Library from 7 – 9p.m. on the fourth Thursday of the month except August and December. Non-members are always welcome. Our next meeting will be on Thursday 24th October. We are delighted to welcome one of our founder members to be our speaker in October. Sue Paul will give a talk about ‘A Global Black Sheep’. Our November meeting on Thursday 28th will be full of surprises as it is the last one of the year so we will have more of a social evening, with lots of member participation and stories of research. Also available at our meetings is our Book Stall and Reference Library plus of course our researchers willing to help you during the first part of our meeting.

EVENTS Our teams were very been busy in September with our stands for the National Heritage Weekend. October is a quieter month for them before they start creating displays for the Christmas Festivals.


Our speakers are now taking bookings for next year but do still have a few dates available for this year. They each have four talks on offer so eight to chose from. Please contact Bridget for details.

For information about any of the above please call Bridget on 01945 587723

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Holistic Foot Care Foot Health Practitioner and Reflexologist

Moira Collins T.C.F.C.P dip Covering all local areas - home visits - residential homes

Clinic at Walpole St Peter

Appointment call Moira Collins

07786 575 228

Foot care:

Toe nail trimming and filing

hard skin and callous reduction

nail fungal

verruca treatment

corns removed.


may help with to re-balance your body to balance energy

help with pain relief

prevent problems occurring

detoxify the body

increases circulation and stimulate the nerves system

Maybe you would prefer a foot massage to help with:

Relaxation help you sleep better de-stress tired legs mother-to-be Recharge your body

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ATTENTION: DOG WALKERS Someone is STILL not picking up after their dog! For safety’s sake, please pick up your dog mess in a bag and dispose of it in one of the many dog bins in our area………..or double bag it and place in your black bin at home!! Remember too that our children’s play area is for our children – not your dog!

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Rector: Barbara Burton

Telephone: 01945 781228

Email: [email protected]

Churchwardens: William Brooks - 01945 780609

David Galloway - 01945 780809


From the Church Window We only have to look around us to see how the season is changing. The early morning mist and dew, the colours of the trees and hedgerows with their autumnal hues of gold, red and brown are all signs that summer has passed and winter will soon be upon us. The farmers are harvesting their crops. There will be sufficient food in the shops for all of us and for this we should be thankful for God’s goodness and mercy. But we may also feel uncomfortable at Harvest time, as we only have to look at our television screens to see that there are people in the world with no food to harvest and no fully stocked shops to fill their larders. In our own area families are relying on food donated via the ‘Food Bank’. We should never take things for granted. It is right for us to be thankful for all we have, but we also need to ask ourselves how we can help to make it possible for all humankind to have enough to eat and so that God’s Will can be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Please think about the Foodbank this month and, if you are able to do so, donate a little something to help others and God’s blessings will be with you. Rev’d Barbara


Wednesday 2nd October Midweek Eucharist 10.30am

Sunday 6th October

(Harvest Festival)

Harvest Festival Eucharist 11.00am

Wednesday 9th October Midweek Eucharist 10.30am

Sunday 13th October Parish Eucharist

Pet Service



Wednesday 16th October Midweek Eucharist 10.30am

Friday 18th October Beetle Drive (WSP Parish Hall) 7.00pm

Sunday 20th October Parish Eucharist 11.00am

Wednesday 23rd October Midweek Eucharist 10.30am

Sunday 27th October Parish Eucharist 11.00am

Wednesday 30th October Midweek Eucharist 10.30am

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Coming Up…. Sunday 8th December - Festive Lunch at Walpole St Peter Parish Hall NEWS – August and September tend to be quiet months for the church as people take their holidays and are away. We hope everybody has enjoyed the summer and are ready for the challenges of Autumn and Winter. Looking forward to October, November and beyond there may be changes to our service roster. These will be fully announced in due course but for the time being the services and events shown here for October are provisional and may be subject to change. Further details will be available on the church website and notice boards. In the meantime here are some dates for next year. Wednesday 26th February – Ash Wednesday, Sunday 22nd March – Mothering Sunday, Sunday 12th April - Easter Day, Friday 8th May, May Bank Holiday (Note Change of Date) -75th Anniversary of VE Day - Commemorations, Friday 29th May to Monday 1st June – Annual Flower Festival, Sunday 8th November – Remembrance Sunday. More details will follow but put these dates in your diary and we very much look forward to welcoming you to the church. We would like to extend a very warm welcome to everybody at Walpole St Peter Church, whether you are visiting us to admire this wonderful building or simply coming along for some quiet time and reflection. The church is generally open daily from 9.00am to 5.00pm (exceptions being when there is a special event or service taking place). Please do join us for any of our services or events. You will be very welcome.

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A Lovely Message Sent into The Crier….. Many thanks for my copy of the Crier, always an enjoyable read. The Parish council meet was certainly interesting! I thought I would send you my photo of the church flypast just for interests’ sake. It was more luck than judgement to get both aircraft and the tower! Looking forward to next year's festival, a friend of mine has mooted he may like to display some of his garden railway (large scale working models) for the kids. I'll remind him nearer the time! All the best.

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Just a gentle reminder that more car accidents happen in Autumn and

Winter and the worst time of day is between 5-6 p.m. with the very worst time the ten minutes from to 5:10, when one in six accidents happen so take care out there everyone and stay safe.

Speedwatch word Search

















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Walpole St Peter’s Parish Hall Activities

Art & Craft Club meet every Friday 9.30am-midday: Oct 4, 11, 18, 25, Nov 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Beavers meet every Monday 5.30pm-6.45pm: Oct 7, 14, 28, Nov 4, 11, 18, 25 Cubs meet every Tuesday 6pm-7.30pm: Oct 1, 8, 15, 29, Nov 5, 12, 19, 26 Dog Training meets every Monday 7.30pm-10pm: Oct 7, 14, 21, 28, Nov 4, 11, 18, 25 Fitness Exercise meets every Wednesday 1pm-2pm: Oct 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, Nov 6, 13, 20, 27 Garden Club meets monthly on a Thursday 7.30pm-10pm: Oct 10, Nov 14 Good Companions meet on a Thursday 2pm-4pm: Oct 3, Nov 7 Phoenix Quilting Circle meets monthly on a Saturday 10am-4pm: Oct 5, Nov 2 Rainbow Quilters meet monthly on a Saturday 10am-4pm: Oct 12, Nov 9 Scouts meet every Tuesday 7.30pm-9pm: Oct 1, 8, 15, 29, Nov 5, 12, 19, 26 Scrapbooking meet bi-monthly on a Saturday 10am-4pm: Nov 23 Shadows Club meet Thursdays 7pm-10pm: Oct 17, Nov 21


Beetle Drive: Friday Oct 18 starts 7pm

ROBERT FOOT LEUKAEMIA FUND Annual Quiz Night: Saturday Oct 26 – doors open 7pm for 7.30pm start


Bingo: Tuesday Nov 12 – doors open 6.30pm for 7.30pm start

TROPHY EVENTS Bingo: Thurs 24 Oct & Christmas Bingo: Thurs 28 Nov (doors open 7pm)

Wartime Memories & Sausage or Bacon roll: Sat 16 Nov from 09.30-11.30 Christmas Afternoon Tea: Tuesday 3 Dec 13.30-15.30 (Ticket only)

Booking Enquiries please contact Les Street on 01945 780631

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All enquiries please contact Chloe Matthews on 01945 780649 or [email protected]

Walpole Community Centre Activities

Badminton Club – Wednesday 7pm - 8.30pm: Oct 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23 and 30th. Nov 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th Badminton Club Coaching- Tuesday 7pm - 8.30pm: Oct 15th and Nov 19th Bingo – Tuesdays - doors open 7pm for “eyes down” at 7.30pm: Oct 1st and Nov 6th Bushido Warriors (Karate) meet Mondays 7pm-8.30pm: Oct 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th. Nov 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th. Stay and Bounce with Bouncy Party Hire Wednesday (Term Time) 9.30am - 11.30am: Oct 2nd, 9th, 16th and 30th. Nov 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th. Walpole Parish Council will meet at 7pm: Oct 10th and Nov 8th

Upcoming Events

Monthly Bingo’s First Tuesday of every month. Lots of great prizes, Cash flyers and

Raffle. Refreshments available

Quiz Night

Saturday 16th November 2019 Doors open 7pm for a 7.30pm start Tickets £4 or £20 for a team of six TCIKETS MUST BE PREBOOKED

Contact Chloe for tickets

Summer Fayre Sunday 28th June 2020

12pm till 5pm If you are interested in having a stall or a space please contact

Chloe on [email protected] for more information

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“Whilst everyone understands the pressure all local councils are under to balance budgets given the lack of funding from Central Government, the details of this latest round of care cuts to the most disabled people of Norfolk are devastating.” (DNNG) Previously the Minimum Income Guarantee (MIG) for charging Social Care was £189 nationwide for all age groups, with some Councils allowing Disability Related Charges (DRE) to be added on to increase the MIG for disabled people, but the application and amount of the DRE is an individual Council’s choice. This is basically the amount of money that people can have before they have to pay towards their care. There should be an individual financial assessment of people’s income to ascertain whether they should be paying towards their care as some income cannot be counted for the assessment and some is again Council’s choice. There are different types of care and family situations so this can be very confusing! Permitting Councils plan to reduce the MIG as follows: 18-24 yr old to £131.75 per week 25-64 yr old to £151.45 per week The legalities of the process for informing and assessing individuals for this payment is one area of complaint under review. NCC’s response to the 95% opposition to their consultation was to bring in the charges over 3 years: Year 1 – 2018/2019 – There should be a MIG for 18-24 year old of £165 Year 2 – 2019/2020 – There should be a MIG of £151.46 Year 3 – 2020/2021 – 18-24 year olds MIG £131.75 and 25-64 year old MIG £151.45 Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is a national government benefit for people who may need help with daily activities or getting around because of long term illness or disability. It has 2 parts: a daily living component and a mobility component. Either or both can be claimed and there are 2 levels of award: standard or enhanced ( This is usually paid every 4 weeks and it’s tax free, whether you are in work or not. The enhanced PIP care element is being taken into account by Norfolk County Council as an income – this is their CHOICE. Under DLA (which PIP replaced) this was referred to as a night-time payment and not taken into account if the person resided at the family home and received no night time care. Under PIP, NCC can choose to take the extra £28.95 a week into account with the financial assessment. This is deemed unfair/unjust if the person still resides at home and receives this care/support from their family: preparing food; taking nutrition; managing therapy; monitoring a health condition; washing & bathing; toileting needs; dressing/undressing; verbal communication; written communication; reading & understanding signs/symbols/words; engaging with other people face-to-face; making budgeting decisions/shopping and so on. Employment Support Allowance (ESA) is awarded to people who are unable to work and can be income/contribution based. You can only apply for income-based ESA if you have

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an illness or disability that affects your ability to work and you either (1) get the severe disability premium, or are entitled to it (2) got or were entitled to the severe disability premium within the last month and are still eligible for it. ( NCC say that £1m of the savings made from the MIG reduction will go into getting disabled people into employment, so the £4m budget savings in 2018/2019 taken from severely disabled people, with no chance of unsupported paid employment ever, goes to the few who are lucky enough to supplement their income. Example: Tom is a 22 year old with Down’s Syndrome and associated severe learning difficulties. He still lives at home with his parent/carer and in receipt of PIP and ESA: Year 1 – Tom must pay £31.15 a week towards his care = 16% reduction in his net income Year 2 – Tom must pay £44.70 a week towards his care = 23% reduction in his net income Year 3 – Tom must pay £64.50 a week towards his care = 33% reduction in his net income He will never be able to do unsupported paid work to supplement his income. The government has not raised MIG levels since 2015 so every time he gets a benefit rise in PIP and ESA, it is sucked into the NCC care charges and so he has no cost of living increases. Tom’s parents are in their late 60’s and have supplemented his income for years. They would like to see him in supported independent living, settled before they are no longer here. His social worker has told him there are no places available which are suitable for his wants and needs and it will be years before there are. What is Tom’s new MIG payments being used for? The new Money Support Service – offered to people with care where NCC employ people to visit Tom and his parents to advise on how to save money by:

Turning the lights off Eating a good breakfast to they don’t need a larger and more expensive lunch Selling unwanted PC games, CDs and DVDs Inviting friends over instead of going out (to sit in the dark with no DVDs perhaps?) Doing Christmas shopping immediately after Christmas

They also offer support to refer to debt advisors! Ed: The DNNG report is some 6 pages in length and cannot be printed here in full. How-ever, if this matter concerns you or you would like to find out more, the Care Act Guide can be found at, the Carers Charter at, and Disability Rights at www.disabilityrightsuk.ord/news/2018/september/disabled-peoples-poverty-worse-govt-estimates

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Hello customers.

2019: 21st October and 18th November.

There are no scheduled deliveries in December but if you are desperate telephone me or

Clare and we’ll get you sorted.

Clare at Chandlers 01476 576200 or (Mrs) Jo Bartlett 01945 780417

(Mrs) Jo Bartlett, Co-ordinator, Walpole Oil Consortium.

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Age UK - Cambridgeshire 0300 666 9860

Age UK - Norfolk 0300 500 1217

Alzheimer’s Society - Fenland 01945 580 480

Alzheimer’s Society – Norfolk 01553 762 227

Anglian Water 08457 145 145

Booking Clerk Walpole Community Centre Chloe Matthews 01945 780 649

Booking Clerk Walpole St Peters Parish

Hall Les Street

01945 780631

Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West

Norfolk 01553 616 200

Borough Councillor – Richard Blunt 01945 780 454

Borough Councillor – Julian Kirk 01945 430 109

Children’s Care Home - Manager on site Michelle 07918 776 387

Children’s Care Home - Regional Manager Patricia 07436 813 187

County Councillor – Sandra Squires 07817 160 725

Electricity faults – UK Power Networks 105

Norfolk County Council 0344 800 8020

Parish Clerk – Emma Bateman

[email protected]

07908 772 324

Parish Councillor – Richard Blunt 01945 780 454

Parish Councillor - Richard Green 01945 780 378

Parish Councillor – Andrew Bliss 01945 780 928

Parish Councillor – David Lawty 01945 780 100

Parish Councillor – Adrian Eveleigh 01945 781 208

Parish Councillor – Linda Matthews 01945 780 631

Parish Councillor - Charlene Campion 07900 564 374

Parish Councillor - Heather Smith 07900 177 709

Parish Councillor - William Brooks 01945 780 609

Parish Councillor - Ben Matthews 01945 780 649

Parish Councillor - Les Street 01945 780 631

Police, Fire & Ambulance Emergency Only 999

Police – Non Emergency 101

NHS - Non Emergency 111

School – Anthony Curton 01945 780 121

Speed Watch Jane Eveleigh 01945 781208

Walpole St Peter Church Rev. Barbara 01945 781228

Useful Contact Numbers

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