the week ahead ea ste yil aith fill€¦ · email:[email protected]

ENTRANCE ANTIPHON: Blest be God the Father, and the Only Begotten Son of God, and also the Holy Spirit, for he has shown us his merciful love. FIRST READING: Proverbs8:22-31. RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Psalm 8. RESPONSE: o Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name through all the earth! 1. When I seethe heavens,the work of yourfingers, the moon and the starswhich you arranged, what isman that you should keephim inmind, the son of man that you carefor him? 2. Yetyou havemadehim little lowerthan the angels; with glory and honour you crowned him, gave him power over the works of your hands. 3. You put all things under his feet; all of them, sheepand oxen, yes,eventhe cattle of the fields, birds of the air,and fish of the sea that maketheir way through the waters. R SECOND READING: Romans5:1-5. GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: Alleluia, alleluia! Glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; to God who is, who was, and who is to come. Alle/uia. GOSPEL: John 16:12-15. COMMUNION ANTIPHON: Since you are children of God, God has sent into your hearts the Spirit of his Son, the Spirit who cries out: Abba, Father. ; Retrouvaille- ; A program to Help Couples Heal and Renew their Marriages. Doyou feellost,aloneor boredin your marriage? Areyoufrustrated,hurt or angrywith yourspouse? Are you constantly fighting? Or, do you simply shut down? Haveyou thought about separationor divorce? Doestalking about it only makeit worse? ThereisHOPE... for moredetails,visit. Copyright. Do not reproduce without permission.© Redemptorist Pastoral Publications, P 0 Box 341, Merrivale, 3291. Phone 0826673857. Fax 086 S45 4381. Email:[email protected] by Intrepid Printers (Pty) Ltd. THE WEEK AHEAD Mon 27 May (StAugustine of Canterbury,Bishop) Sirach 77:24-29; Psalm 32; Mark 70:77-27 Manywords do not necessarilymakegood prayer. God hearsyour prayernot becauseof countless words.As Cl child seeksthe comfort of a loving par- ent, let your needs be known to God. _Ea_ste_YIl_aith_ fill Tue 28 May Liturgy of the day Sirach 35: 7-72; Psalm 50; Mark 70:2B-37 The heart of God isfilled with inexhaustiblelove. Because it isinfinite,everyonecan possess it with- out lesseninganother'spossessionof it.Godhas enough lovefor the unive'rsewithout being drained. Wed 29 May (BI.Joseph Gerard, Priest) Sirach 36:7-2.5-6. 71-17; Psalm 79; Mark 10:32-45 Our lives are sheergift. We are on ajourney, and the journey hasa goal.Our destination is clear,and nothing will prevent usfrom reaching it, aslong as we listen to God and obey God'sword. Thu 30 May Liturgy of the day Sirach 42:15-25; Psalm 33; Mark 10:46-52 Forsome,death can be a scarything. But those who live knowing God'sloving intimacy in their lives receivea courage to abandon themselvesto the same loving Fatherwhen their time comes. Fri 31 May VISITATIONOFOUR LADY Zephaniah 3: 14-18; Psalm: Isaiah 72:2-6; Luke 1:39-56 Elizabeth and Mary savoured and treasured all the things that God had done in their lives.Takea moment to treasure a time in your own life when you were aware that God had come to you. Sat 1 Jun St Justin, Martyr Sirach51:72-20;Psalm 79; Mark 71:27-33 The martyrs had faith so compelling that they were often willing to undergo gruesome deaths for Jesus.Both their livesand their deaths give renewed hope and strengthen our faith today. Sun 2 Jun THE BODY & BLOOD OF CHRIST Genesis 14:78-20; Psalm 770; Luke 9:11-17 Justas.breadand wine arechanged into the Divine Presence, sowe too needto be changed into the substanceof Christ.Whatwe eat and drink we become. (KEY: SOLEMNITIES; FEASTS; Memorta: (Optional Memoria) Background colour = liturgical colour of the day) he Bishop was visiting the confirmation The God revealed in Christianity is then class and asked a little girl about the Holy a community of Father, Son and Spirit. This Trinity. The child hesitated and to help her Community God wants us to share in that divine the Bishop said "I don't community. St Peter understand it myself". spoke of this in a most Whereupon the little girl memorable passage in replied "But you're not his second letter. He supposed to understand described our destiny it. It's a mystery". as "sharing the divine We can put the nature" (2 Pet 1:4). Our wisdom of the little girl Easternfellow-Christians in another way by saying call this gift "deification" that the mystery of God or "becoming God". as Trinity is beyond all The mystery of the our theological concepts, Trinity reveals that it is beyond our analysis we, like God, exist in and our scrutiny and it is relationships. We have beyond our control! always recognised that It would seem that we are made in the we have a gene which image and likeness of propels us to search for God. The insights into meaning. Perhaps we the mystery of God's have a religious gene inner life, the Trinity, which underlies our point us in the direction endless search for God. of interdependence. But before being our Rublev's icon oftheTrinity We do not mirror God search for God, Christianity is God's search for like a mirror on the wall; rather God shares the us. Whether or not we are looking for God, God is divine life with us: "If any love me, they will keep looking for us. my commandments and my Father will love them God is revealed in Jesus: we discover in the and we shall come to them and make our home person of Jesus, the God for whom our hearts with them" (cf. John 14:23). With God in us, love is long. The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ reveals in us, grace is in us, truth and beauty are in us - and God to us. we can recognise all these in others. The God that Jesusreveals isthe God and Father Many people use Rublev's beautiful icon of the of us all, a Father God who so loves the world that Trinity to help focus their prayer, especially in he sends his Son. The love of God the Father is the meditating on the BlessedTrinity. We ourselves are source of all our being. living icons of the Trinity, caught up into the life The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Love of God and reflecting off one another, the beauty of God the Father is poured into our hearts by the and glory of God. Holy Spirit whom we encounter in every aspect of Today we rejoice in a mystery which surpasses our spirit life. understanding in its beauty and love. Trinitx Sundax. Year C • Divine Office: Week IV • 26 May 2013 \

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Page 1: THE WEEK AHEAD Ea ste YIl aith fill€¦ · by Intrepid Printers (Pty) Ltd. THE WEEK AHEAD Mon 27 May (StAugustineof Canterbury,Bishop)

ENTRANCE ANTIPHON:Blest be God the Father, and the Only Begotten Son ofGod, and also the Holy Spirit, for he has shown us hismerciful love.


RESPONSE:o Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name throughall the earth!

1. When I seethe heavens,the work of your fingers,the moon and the starswhich you arranged,what ismanthat you should keephim inmind,the sonof manthat you carefor him?

2. Yetyou havemadehim little lowerthan the angels;with glory and honour you crownedhim,gavehim power over the worksof your hands.

3. You put all things under hisfeet;all of them, sheepand oxen,yes,eventhe cattle of the fields,birdsof the air,and fish of the seathat maketheir waythrough the waters. R

SECOND READING: Romans5:1-5.GOSPEL ACCLAMATION:Alleluia, alleluia! Glory to the Father, the Son, and theHoly Spirit; to God who is, who was,and who is to come.Alle/uia.

GOSPEL: John 16:12-15.COMMUNION ANTIPHON:Since you are children of God, God has sent into yourhearts the Spirit of his Son, the Spirit who cries out:Abba, Father.

;Retrouvaille- ;

A program to Help Couples Healand Renew their Marriages.

Doyou feel lost,aloneor boredin your marriage?

Areyoufrustrated,hurtor angrywith yourspouse?

Are you constantly fighting? Or, do you simplyshut down?

Haveyou thought about separationor divorce?Doestalking about it only makeit worse?

Thereis HOPE... for moredetails,visit.

Copyright. Do not reproduce without permission.© Redemptorist Pastoral Publications, P 0 Box 341, Merrivale, 3291. Phone 0826673857.Fax 086 S45 4381. Email:[email protected] by Intrepid Printers (Pty) Ltd.


Mon 27 May (StAugustine of Canterbury,Bishop)Sirach 77:24-29; Psalm 32; Mark 70:77-27Manywords do not necessarilymakegood prayer.God hearsyour prayernot becauseof countlesswords.AsCl child seeksthe comfort of a loving par-ent, let your needsbe known to God.

_Ea_ste_YIl_aith_ fillTue 28 May Liturgy of the daySirach 35: 7-72; Psalm 50; Mark 70:2B-37Theheartof God isfilled with inexhaustiblelove.Becauseit isinfinite,everyonecanpossessit with-out lesseninganother'spossessionof it.God hasenough lovefor the unive'rsewithout being drained.

Wed 29 May (BI.Joseph Gerard, Priest)Sirach 36:7-2.5-6. 71-17; Psalm 79; Mark 10:32-45Our livesare sheergift. Weareon ajourney, andthe journey hasa goal.Our destination isclear,andnothing will prevent usfrom reaching it,aslong aswe listen to God and obey God'sword.

Thu 30 May Liturgy of the daySirach 42:15-25; Psalm 33; Mark 10:46-52Forsome,death can be a scarything. But thosewho live knowing God'sloving intimacy in theirlivesreceivea courage to abandon themselvestothe sameloving Fatherwhen their time comes.

Fri 31 May VISITATIONOF OUR LADYZephaniah 3: 14-18; Psalm: Isaiah 72:2-6; Luke 1:39-56Elizabethand Mary savoured and treasured allthe things that God had done in their lives.Takeamoment to treasure a time in your own life whenyou were aware that God had come to you.

Sat 1Jun St Justin, MartyrSirach51:72-20;Psalm 79; Mark 71:27-33The martyrs had faith so compelling that theywere often willing to undergo gruesome deathsfor Jesus.Both their livesand their deaths giverenewed hope and strengthen our faith today.

Sun 2 Jun THE BODY & BLOOD OF CHRISTGenesis 14:78-20; Psalm 770; Luke 9:11-17Justas.breadand wine arechanged into the DivinePresence,sowe too needto be changed into thesubstanceof Christ.Whatwe eat and drink webecome.

(KEY: SOLEMNITIES; FEASTS; Memorta: (Optional Memoria)Background colour = liturgical colour of the day)

he Bishop was visiting the confirmation The God revealed in Christianity is thenclass and asked a little girl about the Holy a community of Father, Son and Spirit. ThisTrinity. The child hesitated and to help her Community God wants us to share in that divine

the Bishop said "I don't community. St Peterunderstand it myself". spoke of this in a mostWhereupon the little girl memorable passage inreplied "But you're not his second letter. Hesupposed to understand described our destinyit. It's a mystery". as "sharing the divine

We can put the nature" (2 Pet 1:4). Ourwisdom of the little girl Easternfellow-Christiansin another way by saying call this gift "deification"that the mystery of God or "becoming God".as Trinity is beyond all The mystery of theour theological concepts, Trinity reveals thatit is beyond our analysis we, like God, exist inand our scrutiny and it is relationships. We havebeyond our control! always recognised that

It would seem that we are made in thewe have a gene which image and likeness ofpropels us to search for God. The insights intomeaning. Perhaps we the mystery of God'shave a religious gene inner life, the Trinity,which underlies our point us in the directionendless search for God. of interdependence.But before being our Rublev's icon oftheTrinity We do not mirror Godsearch for God, Christianity is God's search for like a mirror on the wall; rather God shares theus.Whether or not we are looking for God, God is divine life with us: "If any love me, they will keeplooking for us. my commandments and my Father will love them

God is revealed in Jesus: we discover in the and we shall come to them and make our homeperson of Jesus, the God for whom our hearts with them" (cf. John 14:23). With God in us, love islong. The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ reveals in us,grace is in us, truth and beauty are in us - andGod to us. we can recognise all these in others.

The God that Jesusreveals isthe God and Father Many people use Rublev's beautiful icon of theof us all, a Father God who so loves the world that Trinity to help focus their prayer, especially inhe sends his Son.The love of God the Father is the meditating on the BlessedTrinity. We ourselves aresource of all our being. living icons of the Trinity, caught up into the life

The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Love of God and reflecting off one another, the beautyof God the Father is poured into our hearts by the and glory of God.Holy Spirit whom we encounter in every aspect of Today we rejoice in a mystery which surpassesour spirit life. understanding in its beauty and love.

Trinitx Sundax. Year C • Divine Office: Week IV • 26 May 2013


Page 2: THE WEEK AHEAD Ea ste YIl aith fill€¦ · by Intrepid Printers (Pty) Ltd. THE WEEK AHEAD Mon 27 May (StAugustineof Canterbury,Bishop)


25/26th May, 2013 Holy Trinity Sunday - Year C, Theme. Triune God and His Plan of Love Page 863 in New Sunday Missal

BERGVLIET ROAD, BERGVLIET, 7945 • TEL NO: 021 7122210/7121181 Office hours 9.00 am. to 3.00 pm. Monday to Friday•

FAX: 021 7124271 • EMAIL: [email protected] • WEBSITE:

Need somewhere to talk that is safe, where there is total confi-dentiality and where you will not be judged? Contact one of our trained counsellors Annette Milner: 021 7158177 Cynthia Wiese: 021 7941601

WEEKEND MASS TIMES : SAT: 6:00pm SUN: 7:00am, 9:00am, 11:00am & 6:00pm DAILY MASS TIMES: MON - FRI: 6:15am & 8:30am. Sat 8.30 a.m CONFESSION TIMES: THURS: 7:00 - 7:30pm SAT: 9:00 - 10:00am & 5:00 - 5:55pm ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: MON - FRI: 9:00am - l0:00pm NOVENA & BENEDICTION : Thursday: -7:30pm FRENCH MASS: SUNDAYS - 3:00pm MORNING PRAYER—Mon to Fri at 8.00 am

Parish Priest: Fr Sean Wales C.Ss.R Email: [email protected] Assistants: Fr Sizwe Zungu C.Ss.R Rev. Alan Morris


May 27Mon 6.15 am Mortuary list 8.30 am Theresa Gool - RIP

May 28 Tues. Care and Craft meet after morning Mass SVP meet at 6.45 p.m. room 2 RCIA 7.30 pm in Edna Cottle room Charismatic worship at 7.45 pm in room 1

6.15 am Private intentions 8.30 am Living C.Ss.R

May 29 Wed. Rosary after 8.30 am Mass Prayer & Life Workshop 7 pm in Edna cottle room

6.15 am Private intentions 8.30 am Benefactors C.Ss.R

May 30Thurs. NOVENA SERVICE at 7.30 pm in the Church 6.15 am Private intentions 8.30 am Michael Gool - RIP

May 31 Fri. Rummage sale at 7.30 am in Parish centre Senior youth meet at 7.30 pm in parish centre

6.15 am Private intentions 8.30 am David Gool - RIP

June 1 Sat. Legion of Mary in parlour at 9.00 am Bingo at 2.00 pm in Edna Cottle room

8.30 am Thanksgiving 6.00 pm Dennis Farelo - Birthday


7.00 am Parishioners 10.00 am Desmond Fernandez - Thanksgiving 6.00 pm Private intentions

Page 3: THE WEEK AHEAD Ea ste YIl aith fill€¦ · by Intrepid Printers (Pty) Ltd. THE WEEK AHEAD Mon 27 May (StAugustineof Canterbury,Bishop)


The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

At Holy Redeemer the 9.00am & 11.00am Masses on Sunday 2 June will be combined, starting at 10.00am. Due to time constraint, we will have procession in the church grounds ONLY.

The Feast of Corpus Christi (Latin for Body of Christ), also known as Corpus Domini, is a Latin Rite liturgical solemnity celebrating the tradition and belief in the body and blood of Jesus Christ and his Real Presence in the Eucharist. It emphasizes the joy of the insti-tution of the Eucharist, which was observed on Holy Thursday in the somber atmosphere of the nearness of Good Friday.

In the present Roman Missal, the feast is designated the solemnity of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. It is also celebrated in some Anglican, Lutheran, and Old Catholic Churches that hold simi-lar beliefs regarding the Real Presence.

The feast is liturgically celebrated on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday or, "where the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ is not a Holy Day of Obligation, it is assigned to the Sun-day after the Most Holy Trinity as its proper day". At the end of Holy Mass, there is often a procession of the Blessed Sacrament, generally displayed in a monstrance. The procession is followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.

A notable Eucharistic procession is that presided over by the Pope each year in Rome, where it begins at the Archbasilica of St. John Lateran and makes its way to the Basilica of Saint Mary Major, where it concludes with Benediction.


Make the weekly Novena a part of your Year of Faith

Thursday evening at 7.30pm Place your special Prayer Inten ons & Thanksgivings in the box at the back of the Church. Also online at

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION For your Year of Faith consider

spending time in prayer, reflec-tion or meditation in the Chapel.

If you are able to find an hour for Prayer and Reflection on a regular basis.

In Conjunction with Ecclesia, lets share our love of The Eu-charist by committed prayer time.

Adorers are urgently required for the following times: Monday: 9.00 to 10.00 am Friday: 3.00 to 4.00 pm Kindly contact: Christine on 021 712-7065 / 082 499-1718

PRAYER FOR ECCLESIA Father, continue to pour out your Spirit on our Archdiocese during this time of Ecclesia. Grant us a new vision of your glory, a new experience of your power, a new faithfulness to your Word, a new consecration to your service, so that your love may grow among us and your kingdom come. Bless our commitment to realising our Pastoral Plan, to deepen-ing our Communion, to fruitful mission. Through Christ Our Lord. Our Lady of the Flight into Egypt, pray for us. Amen.




3 0

PRAY FOR OUR SICK Abrahams, George Beukes, Matthew Beukes, Janine Boyles, Mrs Brindley, Bernadette Catin, Louis Chanquin, Tony Coutriers, Douglas Craig, Leonard Daames, Erin De Vos, Claudelle Erwin, Sharon Fernandez, Doris Forsdike, Dawn Fortuin, Mrs S Fouten, Ma Freeman, Mick Giddey, Mary Gomez, Keith Hall, Lee Harris, Alfie Hendricks, Patricia - 5May3 Hendricks, Rita Hendry, Yvonne Herman, Mr H Heynes, Dale - 12May3 Heynes, Russell Heynes, Dawn Jacobs, Marlene Jansen, Catherine Jegels, Christine Jegels, Gerard Jenkins, Angeline

Jenkins, Sadie Jones, Mary Kenny, Krystyna - 14April3 King, James Klein, Edith Lategan, Michael Lovric, Zima Maggott, Michael McAdam, Mary Moses, Lisa Marie Naidoo, Gabriel Nicolls, Clement O’ Riley, William O’Brien, Lorraine Orgill, Rosetta Parreira, Cathline Pasquallie, Monty Peskin, Ernest Peters, Sylvia Pietersen, Lindsy Roberts, Charles Rodgers, Alan Rosslind, Edwin Rossouw, Bridgotte Scott, Lizzie Sheraton, Sylvia - 24Feb3 Soares, Peter Stevens, Stephane Van Schalkwyk, Christine Visser, George Willemse, Mrs Zill, Blanche



Melissa Herbert & Sean Matthews Olivia Gorgulho & Dion Mostert

Please advise the office if you no longer require your name on the sick list

Page 4: THE WEEK AHEAD Ea ste YIl aith fill€¦ · by Intrepid Printers (Pty) Ltd. THE WEEK AHEAD Mon 27 May (StAugustineof Canterbury,Bishop)

2nd COLLECTION This week: St. Vincent de Paul Society Next week: Archdiocesan Priests Sick Fund

SVP The Parish conference wishes to express their gratitude for your continued support in helping us to achieve OUR MISSION, name-ly: “The St. Vincent de Paul Society is a lay Catholic organisation that aspires to live the Gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with love, respect, justice, hope and joy, and by working to shape a more just and compassionate society.”



Fr Sean Wales will be away from the 22nd May to 29th June,

KICK JUNIOR YOUTH KICK Junior Youth is currently undergoing reconstruction and will re-launch at the be-ginning of the 3rd school term. In the mean-time there will be no Junior Youth group on Friday evenings. Senior youth will continue as normal. Watch this space – Something new and exciting is on its way!

STOLEN A valuable mountain bicycle (Merida) was stolen from the ATRIUM during the 9.00am Mass last Sunday. Any information please contact: Josh Thompson: 0836585530

OLD TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES Place in re-cycling bin at the back of the Church.



Sunday 26th May After 9.00 am Mass Alpha selling bacon / egg rolls

RUMMAGE SALE Friday 31st May at 7.30 am Venue - Parish Centre

BINGO Saturday 1st June at 2.00 pm Venue - Edna Cottle room

PILGRIMS RE-UNION Saturday 1st June 2.00 pm. Venue - Parish Centre Please bring a platter

DOUGHNUTS ON SALE Sunday 2nd June after Mass

READERS MEETING Tuesday 4th June 7.30 pm. Venue - Boardroom

100CLUB Next draw Friday 7th June in the atrium after 8.30 am Mass. Contributions will be accepted up to 4th June. Further info:

BAPTISM No Baptism in May. June times Saturday 8th June 1.00 to 4.30 pm. Instructions. Venue: Parish centre Sunday 16th June at 11.00am Mass. Baptism Ceremony will take place


Monday 10th June 7.30 pm. Venue - Edna Cottle room

1. In search of Catholic celebri es 2. Number‐crunching the global Church 3. Children thank taxi drivers 4. The bishops’ new media plan 5. What does the Sign of Peace mean? THIS WEEK’S EDITORIAL: Corrup on – Worse than other sins


Highlighting opportunities for Parishioners to contribute to their Church and Parish with time,

talent or treasure.

This week lets focus on Talent

URGENT HELP NEEDED 1. We would like to redesign the entrance to the Parish Hall.

The existing wooden doors need replacing with a single and double (3 door) entrance as well as a more visually attractive walk in from the parking area, including a sloped rather than stepped entrance. All parishioners are invited to submit sketches or ideas to “Parish Council” via the office or email [email protected] before Friday 31 May 2013.

2. Volunteers are needed to assist with repository sales after

Mass on weekends. Please contact the office urgently if you can help and share the task with our dedicated team.

Give of your talent to someone special, or to your family or a friend in need. Have you thought of volunteering to do some-thing that ignites your passion? Make a space in busy diaries to share your talents with others. Use an hour or two a week to make a difference to others in your life or perhaps not in your life. Thanks as always for the great response to our Parish needs Please contact the Parish Office on 021 7122210 if you can contribute in any small way to any of these activities.

TTT Time, Talent and Treasure Corner