the wiltshire school of beauty and holistic therapy · 2017-07-07 · the idea is to bury the...

1 The Wiltshire School of Beauty and Holistic Therapy Level 2 Certificate in Crystal Healing W: E: [email protected] T: 01793 73 77 33 M: 07824 337333

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Page 1: The Wiltshire School of Beauty and Holistic Therapy · 2017-07-07 · The idea is to bury the crystal in the salt and leave it for around 24 hours. After removing the crystal it is


The Wiltshire School

of Beauty and Holistic Therapy

Level 2 Certificate


Crystal Healing

W: E: [email protected]

T: 01793 73 77 33 M: 07824 337333

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Level 2 Certificate in Crystal Healing

This course is designed for anyone who has an interest in crystals, and will teach you

how to use them for either self healing, around the home to protect your

environment, or for use on your clients in a healing capacity. It is designed for those

with little or no knowledge of crystal healing. The course runs over one day and is

packed full of information, with plenty of hands on exercises to prepare and integrate

you into healing treatments.

Course content:

How Crystals work in healing and in general

Choosing crystals to work with

Cleansing, Charging and Programming Crystals for use

The Subtle Bodies and their effect on our general health

Chakras, their functions and importance to health

Hands on exercises to feel energy patterns in the subtle bodies and chakras to

prepare for healing

Linking to the Divine for healing, protection and detachment

How to dowse and feel for energy blockages using a pendulum and intuition

Using Crystals to protect your space and in your home

Using crystals on specific chakras for healing purposes

Chakra layouts - Laying on of hands and laying on of crystals

Qualities of all stones used in layouts and alternative choices

Crystals used in the layouts can be purchased prior to the course commencing and

your tutor will advise you on which ones.

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Index of Contents

1. How Crystals work in healing and in general Page 4-5

2. Choosing, Cleansing, Charging and Programming Crystals Page 5-9

3. The Subtle Bodies Page 9-11

4. The Chakra’s Page 12-24

5. Linking to the Divine Page 24

6. The Chakra’s and associated organs and conditions Page 25

7. Suggestions for Crystal layouts on each Chakra Page 26-33

8. Layout to bring balance to all the Chakra’s Page 32

9. Qualities of stones used in layouts Page 34-37

10. Simple ways to use Crystals for protection Page 38-39

11. Suggested reading Page 40

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Level 2 Certificate in Crystal Healing

The majority of crystals are formed from super heated mineral rich gas, and water

released as the rock solidifies. These rise higher through crevices and cracks in rocks,

crystallising whenever the condition of temperature and pressure are right.

Crystals transmit and receive energies. They transmute and transform, attract certain

things and repel unwanted energies. The most powerful may appear dull – until the

beneficial effects are felt. They resonate at different frequencies, and the crystalline

structure of crystals means that they can absorb, focus, and then transmit subtle

electromagnetic energy, a quality used in crystal healing. Silicon is an important

component of both crystals and our bodies, and energy is transferred between the

two. Science has shown that if a crystal is placed in an energy field, it collects that

energy and contains it. It might change or transmute the energy in the process.

Using Crystals in healing is an extremely powerful and unique experience. It involves

the “laying on of stones” which is an ancient art that has been traced back to the lost

civilization of Atlantis, and this “energy medicine” has been used for centuries

throughout different cultures, religions and empires. Gems and crystals have been

used throughout the ages for medicinal purposes and as amplifiers for spiritual

energies. They can also be used to help natural healers to extend and enhance their

natural healing energy and all this is because of their unique affinity to the human

body’s etheric body.

Different crystals have different healing properties and when used appropriately can

help with healing particular complaints or disorders, whether on the physical,

emotional, mental or spiritual level.

The ability of crystals to focus energy means that they can be used for specific tasks,

such as directing healing energy to a point on the body, the etheric body or the bio-

energy field. Dis-ease and imbalance in the subtle body can be gently encouraged to

dissolve in order to restore balance, therefore encompassing a wide variety of

conditions that will respond to crystal healing treatments.

It is believed that crystals influence the subtle body – the energy that carries our life

force (known as Prana or Chi in the East), and it is this life force that is particularly

focused at energy centres called chakras. When crystals are placed on these chakras,

they can help to restore the balance of that particular energy centre and help to

restore better health and well being.

The earliest records of crystal healing come from ancient Egypt. References to these practices can be found in the Ebers papyrus which refers to the medicinal uses of many different gems and crystals. Healing with crystals is also part of the Indian Ayurvedic medicine traditions, and it is also used in traditional Chinese medicine. These traditions are over five thousand years old.

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How Do Crystals Work?

Quartz crystals contain silica and water, similar to that of the human body. The skin

contains keratin, which is found around the energy field, and when keratin cells

divide they give off piezo electric energy. The smallest amount of crystal energy gives

off luminescence, acoustics, infra red and magnetism (piezo electric).

Piezo Electric -When a crystal is placed on the body and within the energy field there

is a piezo electric response due to the cell division. This response activates the crystal

and there is an interaction between the electric energy of the crystal and the electric

energy of the skin. Negative ions are produced which act on the electrochemical and

physiochemical side of the human body in order to stimulate healing. This ionic

balance helps with the interchange of minerals in the body.

If a chakra is imbalanced, it won’t take in the minerals that it needs, and therefore it

is unable to heal. Balancing the chakras with crystal energies will ensure that they are

able to absorb the minerals needed to return to a state of health and vitality. Crystals

contain the minerals and vibrations, to be absorbed by the body, which aid in this

healing process.

It is very often the case that when you are unbalanced in one area or another you are

drawn to a particular crystal. Crystals are unified vibrational centres and they

resonate with each individual in extraordinary ways. Every crystal or stone has

different properties, unique energies and vibrations, which are shared with the

receiver for the purpose of healing and for the elevation of consciousness.

Crystal Healing addresses all levels of our being. With crystal layouts the aura can be

cleansed; physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual blockages can be removed or

balanced; traumas can be released; and an opportunity to embrace spirituality is

created. Crystals are believed to act as amplifiers of spiritual energies and can be

used to help natural healers to extend and enhance their natural healing energy and


Choosing, Cleansing, Charging and Programming



Generally speaking, when choosing a crystal for personal use, you don’t choose the

Crystal, it chooses you! This is because crystals will vibrate with the frequencies or

resonance that we are giving off at that particular moment. It is important to pay

special attention to those stones that are particularly attractive to you. They are the

stones that are in tune with your current state of balance and energy within your

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body. The stones that you find unappealing or are disinterested in are usually stones

that represent qualities or energies that you do not need at the present time, or those

that make you feel uneasy and out of your comfort zone. These stones may appeal to

you at a later date when your present imbalances have been restored. Never say


Choosing crystals to work with in a healing capacity is a little different. Sometimes

when your senses are in tune, you will be drawn to a crystal to place on a particular

area or chakra, because your inner senses/intuition are guiding you. There are

however, specific crystals that can be used to help with particular disorders and

imbalances of the human body, whether it be on an emotional, mental or spiritual

level. Getting to know your crystals, their qualities and which chakras they resonate

best with is an essential part of effective crystal healing.

Cleansing Crystals

It is really important to remember that after choosing a crystal, you need to wash it.

Crystals pick up, store and amplify thought vibrations and so while they are being

transported, bought and placed into retail stores for you to purchase, they are picking

up and storing the vibrations of anyone that is handling them. Therefore, before you

use a crystal on yourself or anyone else, it is essential that the crystal has been

cleansed of all negative energies or patterns. The same applies to the crystal after it

has been used for healing purposes. It must be cleansed, recharged and

reprogrammed ready for its next use.

If you purchase a crystal that has mud, sand, oils or other debris on it then it is

important that you clean it with a dry soft brush first to remove as much of the

contamination as you can. Once this has been done it should be washed in soapy

water to remove any remaining residue. Note – Be careful if the crystal feels quite

soft as some crystals are not as hard as others and some, such as Wulfrenite, would

break away and dissolve in water – this is a particularly soft crystal which is held

together with a tight matrix of hardened mud. Once all traces of impurities are

removed, or as much as you feel you can get off, you need to place the crystal under

running water and purify it with intention.

Most crystals that are purchased through retailers are tumbled stones or stones that

are sufficiently robust that they can be cleansed in the traditional way. Be careful

however with stones such as Chrysocolla, this is quite a soft stone and can be easily

broken or chipped.

Remember - Remove static residue, cleanse with intention and clarity to help energy

shifts to take place. This brings about a change of consciousness of the crystal.

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Here are some different tips on how to cleanse your crystals:

1. Water and Sun method: Firstly make sure that the crystal you are

cleansing is not water soluble. Hold your crystal under running water and

imagine a white light gradually surrounding and filling up the whole crystal.

Hold the intention in mind to cleanse this crystal of all impurities and

negative energies and ask the Universal Energy (Chi) to transmute all negative

and unwanted energies into positive energies. Once cleansed, place the crystal

in the sun to charge it with Universal energy. It may be left on a windowsill or

anywhere where the sun’s energy can reach it. Be careful not to expose

Amethyst to the sun for more than a day as it will fade quite quickly when left

out too long.

2. Dry Sea Salt: This method has been in use for centuries and has the ability

to draw out negative imbalances. The idea is to bury the crystal in the salt and

leave it for around 24 hours. After removing the crystal it is important to

throw the salt away. Sea Salt water can also be used but this is only

appropriate for harder crystals. Note- some stones can be damaged by salt

and, with crystals such as quartz, salt is difficult to wash away after cleansing

as it gets into the crevices and re-crystallizes. Softer stones such as Angelite,

Chrysacolla, Coral, Pearl, Rhodochrosite, Selenite, Amber, Calcite and Azurite

could become dull and damaged with this method.

3. Visualization: This method is particularly useful if you have no other

resources available in which to cleanse your crystal. It requires that you

visualise your crystal filled with bright light, water rushing over it, or a fire

burning away all of the negative energies. You need to do this with your eyes

closed, breathing in deeply and rhythmically, and with intention as you

imagine the stone being cleared. Stop when you see in your mind’s eye that the

crystal is clean and restored to its natural state and beauty

4. Crystal Clusters: You can place single stones on crystal clusters such as

Quartz or Amethyst and leave overnight; however it is important that the

cluster itself has been cleansed prior to this. You can also place your crystal in

the centre of a circle of clear Quartz points, pointing towards the centre of the

circle and the crystal to be cleansed.

5. Smudging: You can clear away unwanted energies through any kind of

aromatic smoke. You can use incense sticks such as Frankincense, Sweetgrass,

Cedar and Sandalwood. Using a Sage smudge bundle is also a great way of

clearing away not only negative energies and imprints from the crystals, but as

a purification ritual throughout the house. It is particularly good if you are

cleansing a number of crystals at the same time. With this method you fan the

incense over the crystals with a feather for around 3-7 minutes using your

intention to purify and clear the crystals. Try not to use your hand as a fan. As

the smoke rises, it pulls out and takes the negative energies away from the

crystal. By passing your hand in this smoke you will transfer these negative

energies onto yourself. Once done, smudge yourself to clear your own

negative energies, especially your hands, as they are handling the crystals.

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6. Sound: Sound vibration is also a very successful and quick method of

cleansing your crystals. A bell, gong, singing bowl, or tuning fork are very

effective methods of purifying their surroundings. If you have a singing bowl

then place the stones that you wish to cleanse into the bowl. Strike the bowl

or rub along the rim and the vibration will cleanse the stones within minutes.

If using a bell, gong or tuning fork, strike them next to the crystals that you

wish to cleanse and move the sound over and around them.

7. Gem essence Purifiers: Some retailers stock essences such as ‘Crystal

Clear’ which are very useful in the cleansing and purifying process. With this

method, you would run the crystals under water and ask for cleansing of

negative energies. Once cleansed you would place the crystals into a bowl of

water with a few drops of the Crystal Clear Essence. Leave the crystals in the

water for 12 hours on the windowsill, or outside on a sunny day. You can also

use Rescue Remedy.

8. Air: Holding your crystal in the wind and blowing on it with intention to

remove negative energies another way of cleansing delicate crystals such as

Wulfrenite and Azurite.

It is important to remember that whichever method you use to cleanse a crystal, you

must always do it with the intention to cleanse and purify it of all negative energies

or impurities.

Charging Crystals

Charging involves the building up of energy which will activate the full potential of

the crystals energy system

1. Visualise the crystal being charged with light and love

2. Place on a white cloth in the sun (6hrs at least) or in the light of a full moon

3. Place on a crystal cluster or under a pyramid

4. Affirmations

5. Water – Leave hanging in a bag by a stream, waterfall or anywhere where the

water is moving for a few hours

6. The Deva’s – Take the crystals into the woods , forest or anywhere where there

may be Deva’s (nature spirits) and ask for their assistance in charging the


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Programming Crystals

Crystals have a powerful memory bank once static residue is removed. They vibrate

with electrical pulses which process information according to the structure of the

molecular spiral latticework.

When programming crystals, it is vital that you do it with Intention and that you ask

the crystal permission to open up part of its matrix to receive the program. Do this

with honour and respect because you are changing its structure. Energise the

crystal’s molecular latticework with Positive Energy. Quartz is able to interact with

our thoughts and, in so doing, forms the programme.

Charging involves the building up of energy activating the full potential of the

crystal’s energy spectrum. Programming focuses that energy in the direction of intent

to heal and use for the Highest Good.

The Subtle Bodies

The Bio-Energy Field consists of fine energy lines that are very structured and which

holds and binds us together. Its function is to transfer the life force energy from the

intelligence/universal energy to the physical form. It is the connecting link between

the physical, emotional and mental vehicles, so all these fields of energy act as a

transducer, thus stepping energy down - A very complex process. All frequencies will

affect the Auric field. The Bio Energy holds and binds us together all around the


Physical form

Etheric Body

Emotional Body

Mental Body

Asral Body

Spiritual Body

The Etheric Body The Bio Energy Field

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The Etheric Body: (Blue/Grey)

This is the first layer and it vitalizes the physical form and is a receiver assimilator,

and transmitter of energies. It appears as a bright luminous web of lines that stand

out at right angles to the surface of the skin, and has colours that are pale blue –

violet – grey. It is slightly different from the rest of the aura as it does not transmit a

wave of consciousness to the physical brain, but is directly linked to the meridian

system. The meridian system is an interface between the etheric and the physical

form. The unit formed by the etheric body is the most important embodiment of

mankind as it connects the physical world with the subtle dimensions, and through

these bodies our main 5 senses are able to function. It is understood that etheric

channels run parallel to the Nervous System, and blocks or mental patterning at

these levels would diminish the energy flow over the chakras where these blocks are

situated. The etheric body is the closest to the physical body and considered to be the

blueprint upon which the cells and organs are built, so that an imbalance or

weakness in the etheric areas would eventually manifest itself on the physical level.

The Emotional Body: (Multi coloured as in Astral Body)

Up to this point we have discussed phenomena which are linked to the physical body

and whose function is to energize or stabilize the body and to affect its cellular

growth. The emotional Body, which forms a second layer, is the strongbox where we

hold our feelings and emotional expressions; the emotional body is the seat of all

human emotions. Our emotions are very important to us as they have a deep and

complex relationship to our well being. Imbalances in our emotions are mostly due to

an imbalanced energy flow from the chakras and the emotional astral bodies. The

Astral Body has a strong connection to our emotional being and a strong link to the

physical mind in relationship to disease. These bodies are fast moving and roughly

follow the outline of, and extend further than, the etheric body. The structure is not

fixed but changes continuously according to our state of mind and emotional state.

The emotional body guards our emotional and psychological stability against

disturbing influences which may be emanating from those around us. The colours

surrounding the emotional body will vary according to our mood and emotions.

The Mental Body: Yellow (knowledge) Golden (Wisdom)

The mental body, which forms the third layer, deals with expression through

thoughts and mental processes. They are bodies of a higher vibrational frequency

which help us to express our intellect. Like all other bodies, the mental body links to

the physical form through its corresponding chakra. The physical form is situated

over the main endocrine glands and feeds energy into the astral, emotional and

etheric bodies. Any emotional block would have a direct impact on the physical level

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as it would block the mental energy from stepping down. The thought patterns exist

as bright shapes visible to a sensitive observer, and it is through this observation that

we interpret information. The mental body, which expands during concentration, is

the home of thought patterns and belief.

The Astral Body: (Multi coloured but cloudier than emotional


The astral body is the fourth layer, and although it resembles the emotional layer it is

finer and more subtle in colouring. The Astral Body is the energy layer that contains

the core of our personality, and is the boundary layer between personality and

spiritual awareness. It represents relationship to others in general. The astral body is

the direct result, or a reflection of, our emotional states. We can see great emotional

storm clouds building in the aura of those suffering emotional distress; such

emotional energies can either be constructive or very destructive.

The Casual, Soul and Spiritual Bodies: (Varying blues, darker

blues and violets)

This fifth layer is seen as very fine energy lines, and is said to be the gateway to

higher spiritual dimensions. It is perhaps best thought of as a hologram of the self

and multi dimensional. The Casual, Soul and Spiritual Bodies intermingle with

Universal Energies and consciousness. These bodies maintain the individuality of

each person and are related to the idea of the higher self, higher consciousness and


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The Chakras

Incoming Primary Energy

Outgoing Secondary Energies

Nadis – This is the point where energy

lines from the chakra crosses meridian

Nervous System

Endocrine System




Crown (1,000)

Brow (96)

Throat (16)

Heart (12)

Solar Plexus (10)

Sacral (6)

Root/Base (4)

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With reference to the diagram above – The Nadi is very important in our

energy system. It is where the energy lines cross the Meridians and form acupuncture

points. Meridians can be read 4-6” away from the body and are not only in the body

but in the outer field.

The Nadi manifests as spokes of energy lines which form petals and cross meridian


Energy coming in from both sides of Chakra (front and back)

Chakras Skin

All Meridians go through the Nadi Cross

Any dis-ease will first manifest itself on the energy body before it manifests in the

physical body; this is a phenomenon that has been scientifically proven. In the

energy body, there are energy centres (3-4” in diameter) called Chakras that control

and energise all the organs of the visible physical body. They may be likened to

miniature power stations, supplying vital energy to all of the organs. When Chakras

break down, or start to malfunction, the corresponding organs will begin to suffer. It

is therefore important, where disease or disorders are associated with particular

chakras, to revitalize and rebalance the chakra in order to aid healing and restore

proper function, not only to the chakra, but also to the affected organ/organs. If a

chakra is blocked or imbalanced, it will be incapable of taking in and absorbing the

minerals that it needs, and therefore it will not be able to heal.

The human body has 7 major Chakras – The Crown, The Brow (often referred to as

the 3rd eye), Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral (belly button area), Base/Root (base

of the spine).

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Each Chakra is made up of these levels

Life Energies – Petals of intelligence, daily energy fluctuation


Love aspects. Less active


Will aspects,

minor activity

Spiritual Bindu/Primal point The Gateway to other dimensions

Central Core – expelled into energy field – looks like a

vortex that takes energy right into the spinal column, into

nervous system, into electro magnetic field

Petals – energy taken in

returns through the

meridian system, back to

the core and is then

expelled into the energy


Structure of a Chakra

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Energy System Linkage

If there is a problem, for example following an accidental fall, the following sequence

of events through the energy system linkage will normally occur:

1. The chakra becomes distorted

2. The blockage expands to another level/body

3. This same block can link together to different levels/bodies on a different


Associated Routes/Linkage for blockages

Crown – Heart

Brow – Heart

Root – Throat & Solar Plexus

The Seven Major Chakras of the Body

1. First Chakra - The Base/Root Chakra

The Colour associated with this first Chakra is Red.

It is located at the base of the spine and is the foundation upon which every other

body system relies upon for their stability and primary source of usable energy. The

Base Chakra is linked to the Adrenal Glands, both of which focus on the survival of

the individual. Its element is Earth, and it is the plug that links us to the main supply

of universal energy. Blockages or stress in the Base Chakra can lead to feelings of

nothingness, pointlessness and inability to achieve goals. The Base chakra is the core

through which we can manifest our desires and dreams, and is therefore the centre of

grounding for the individual.

Stress can be created through worry and our inability to have control over situations;

it is the base chakra that can be useful in controlling the build up of stress in our

lives. The Base chakra is the centre that gives us a sense of perspective, and has the

ability to ground excess energy as well as to assimilate energy. When treated with the

appropriate crystals, we are able to become more grounded, release our emotional

tensions and relax and focus on the present moment, thereby increasing our vitality

and optimism.

Functions – Gives Vitality to the physical body, survival and sexuality

Glands/Organs – Adrenals, kidneys, spinal column, legs, bones, bladder, circulation,


Element – Earth

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Shape – Cubic/Square

Gems/Minerals – Ruby, Garner, Bloodstone, Red Jasper, Black Tourmaline (Schorl),

Obsidian, Smokey Quartz, Hematite, Zircon

Foods – Proteins, Red fruits and vegetables

Sensory function - Smell

Main Issues – Survival, physical needs, sexual development, self preservation and

stability, overcome stress.

Keynotes/Lessons – Matters relating to the material world, success. The physical

body, mastery of the body. Grounding, individuality, stability, security, stillness,

health, courage, patience.

Common illnesses/Physical Dysfunction – Lack of physical energy, problems with

the adrenal glands, rheumatoid arthritis, problems with feet and legs or anything to

do with movement and co-ordination. Working with this chakra in conjunction with

the sacral chakra is useful when addressing arthritis and lower gastro-intestinal


Associated essential oils and crystals;

Myrrh – Energising especially when this centre is depleted. Use with


Patchouli – Helpful for those who have their head in the clouds. Use with

Black Obsidian as it has virtually the same vibration

Vetivert – Balances energy throughout the chakra system. Has a special

protective affinity with the Solar Plexus. Use with Black Tourmaline

Frankincense and Rosewood – ‘Linking’ oils which resonate with both root

and crown chakras. Use Red Tigers Eye with Frankincense and Tourmaline

Quartz with Rosewood

2. 2nd Chakra – The Sacral Chakra

The Colour associated with this second Chakra is Orange.

The Sacral chakra is associated with enjoyment, sensuality, intimacy, sacred truth,

energy and creativity. On the front of the body, it is situated on the lower abdomen,

between the naval and the pubic bone at the centre of the pelvis. This chakra is all

about non judgemental, spontaneous enjoyment. On a physical level it is related to

tension in the lower back, digestive problems of the lower intestine, bladder or

kidney trouble. Menstrual pain and irregular periods are also associated with this

chakra and it is in the area where we often hold emotional responses, anxiety and


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Functions – Reproduction, assimilation of food, physical force and vitality, sexuality,

motivation and creativity.

Glands/Organs – Ovaries, testicles, prostrate gland, genitals, spleen, womb, bladder,

detoxification of the body.

Element – Water

Shape – Downward triangle

Gems/Minerals – Carnelian, Coral, Orange Calcite, Amber, Citrine, Gold Topaz,

Copper, Tigers Eye, Moonstone, Herkimer Diamond

Foods – Liquids, orange fruits and vegetables

Sensory function - Taste

Main Issues – Sensuality and sexuality, Creativity

Keynotes/Lessons – Giving and receiving, emotions, desire, pleasure,

sexual/passionate love, change, movement, assimilation of new ideas, working

harmoniously and creatively with others. Taking responsibility for our own life,

feeding our creative side and taking care of our body.

Common illnesses/Physical Dysfunction – Depressed sexuality, inability to conceive,

impotence with a particular partner, frigidity, prostrate cancer, virginal cancer, pelvic

inflammatory disease, tension and pain in the lower back, menstrual pain or

irregular periods, digestive problems of the lower intestine, bladder or kidney trouble

Associated essential oils and crystals;

Jasmine – sensual warming oil which resonates at both the heart and crow

chakra. Use with Sapphire

Rose – Equally as complex as Jasmine but mush softer. Connects with sexual

and reproductive energy. Use with Ruby

Sandalwood – oil which resonates in its higher frequencies with the crown

centre. Use with Citrine

3. 3rd Chakra – The Solar Plexus

The Colour associated with this third Chakra is Yellow.

The Solar Plexus represent clarity and motivates us to bring about change. It gives us

the will and ability to form our lives in a powerful and effective way. It is located

between the base of the rib cage and the naval, and covers major areas of digestion,

our immune system, nervous system and skin. It is the Chakra where characteristics

such as self confidence, spontaneity, flexibility, joy, laughter and sense of humour are


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Functions – It is the centre of personal power, ambition, intellect, astral force, desire

and emotions based on intellect and touch. Related to self-esteem, confidence and


Glands/Organs – Pancreas, Liver, digestive tract, stomach, liver, spleen, gall bladder,

autonomic nervous system

Element – Fire

Shape – Circle

Gems/Minerals – Tigers Eye, Amber, Yellow Topaz, Citrine, Yellow Flourite, Agate,

Lemon Quartz, Pyrite, Heliodor

Foods – Complex carbohydrates, grains, yellow fruit and vegetables

Sensory function – Sight

Main Issues – Optimism, self confidence, joy, laughter, will and flexibility

Keynotes/Lessons – Transforming, shaping, purifying, mental energy

Common illnesses/Physical Dysfunction – Ulcer, digestive problems (particularly the

inability to absorb nutrients), allergies and intolerances, difficulties with the immune

system which can encourage constant colds and persistent viral infections,

autoimmune disorders, malfunction of the liver or liver disease, pancreatic cancer,

diabetes, hypoglycaemia. On other levels, chronic fatigue, burnout, anxiety, stress,

lack of confidence, nervous disorders, insecurity

Associated essential oils and crystals;

Vetivert – Protects and balances – Use with Yellow jasper/black tourmaline

Juniper – Cleanser – Use with Sulphur

(This combination can be used on the base, sacral and solar plexus chakras)

4. 4th Chakra – The Heart Chakra

The Colour associated with this fourth Chakra is Green

The Heart Chakra is located at the centre of the chest and is the midpoint of the

whole chakra system. Complete wellness begins and ends with the balance within the

heart and it is this chakra that is concerned with the balance of relationships on all

levels and in all areas. A balanced heart chakra will promote a sense of calm,

tolerance, friendliness and openness and the ability to accept one’s personal space as

well as the personal space of others. It is the area where we are able to assimilate and

understand the needs of others, without allowing our own personal needs to interfere

with our well being through feelings of being ignored or over looked. We have a clear

direction and we are grounded and content.

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If there is an imbalance in the Heart Chakra we can develop feelings of

possessiveness, jealousy, insecurity, coldness and a lack of emotion. We seek control

and power and exhibit intolerance, cruelty and insensitivity due to a lack of

resonance with others. We can also feel an overwhelming sense of responsibility for

other people’s welfare, leading to self sacrifice and feelings of guilt. This undermines

our sense of self-worth and can result in our being manipulated or exploited by


The Heart Chakra is the strong hold of all of our feelings, hopes, dreams and

emotions, and when fully balanced, calm and harmony are restored and the entire

chakra system works in harmony.

Functions – it is the centre which vitalizes the heart, thymus, circulatory system,

cellular structure and involuntary muscles

Glands/Organs – Heart, ribs, chest cavity, lower lungs, blood, circulation, skin,

hands, thymus, Immune system

Element – Air

Shape – Equal armed cross

Gems/Minerals –Kunzire, Rose Quartz, Rhodochrosite, Green Jade, Emerald, Pink

Tourmaline, Malchite, Aventurine, Green Calcite, Rhodonite, Rubellite

Foods – Green vegetables, dark leafy greens

Sensory function – Touch

Main Issues – Love and balance between being loving and willing in relationships –

our heartstrings. Finding our passion and following our heart - the balance of giving

and receiving. Forgiveness of self and others.

Keynotes/Lessons – The centre of compassion, love, group consciousness and

spirituality associated with a “oneness” with “all that is”. It provides for

desegregation between the loving energy of the heart and the analytical energy of the


Common illnesses/Physical Dysfunction – main causes of damage could be

emotional instability in childhood that could lead to unhealthy relationships in

adulthood. Palpitations, arterial fibrillation/damage to heart tissues in general

Associated essential oils and crystals;

Rose – The essence of love and identifies the loving energy of the heart. It is

deeply healing when the heart is holding grief – Use with Rose Quartz or

Kunzite for children

Bergamot – This oil opens the heart centre and will help the love vibration to

radiate outwards – Use with Watermelon Tourmaline

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Melissa – Though not green in colour, it has a green aroma and can be used

for grief and separation. It can also be invaluable where there is some

blockage of energy at the solar plexus and heart chakras – Use with Rose


Black Pepper – This oil, along with Sage, is a mover and shifter of energy, an

emotional purger – Use with Malachite

5. 5th Chakra – The Throat Chakra

The Colour associated with this fifth Chakra is Light Blue

The Throat Chakra is found in the neck at the base of our throat, above the collar

bone. It is related to the Thyroid and parathyroid glands, which are situated on either

side of the windpipe, and also to the upper chest, throat, mouth and jaw areas, and

the nose and ears.

It is the Chakra mainly concerned with communication and expression as well as

with creativity, as that of the Sacral Chakra. (The Sacral Chakra relates to the

exploration of possibilities and inclination to create, whereas the Throat Chakra

relates to expression and verbalization of the desire). A blockage in the fifth Chakra

usually culminates in a lack of communication and expression, which can be the

result of a sore throat, a stiff neck, shoulders and jaw, and sometimes if expression is

suppressed on a higher level, a complete loss of voice. The ability to express ones

feelings or desires is greatly affected by the health and balance of the Throat Chakra

and is closely related to the Heart Chakra where feelings on all levels of relationships

are concerned. The inability to express and feel emotions at a deeper level can lead to

feelings of isolation and withdrawal and, on the other end of the scale, can result in

frustration and discomfort because one is unable to communicate one’s true feelings.

The Throat Chakra focuses on refining thoughts and desires, establishing clear

understanding, integrating security and trust, and the giving and receiving of

energies in relationships.

Functions – Communication centre, acting to provide energy for, and the

understanding of, verbal, emotional and mental communication. Closely connected

to the mind and all aspects of learning, knowledge and education

Glands/Organs – Thyroid Gland, throat and jaw, alimentary canal, lungs, vocal

chords and the breath

Element – The higher expression of all signs

Shape – Upward Triangle

Gems/Minerals – Aquamarine, Blue Chalcedony, Turquoise, Aquamarine, Celestite,

Blue Calcite, Blue Lace Agate, Amazonite

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Foods – Fruit

Sensory function – Hearing

Main Issues – Security and trust, harsh interactions regarding the truth, damage in

childhood by parents not believing in them. Speaking the truth and finding your


Keynotes/Lessons – Open, clear communication of feelings and thoughts. Creativity,

expression and releasing pent up feelings or thoughts - speaking up.

Common illnesses/Physical Dysfunction – Sore throat, stiff neck and shoulders, loss

of voice, hyperactive thyroid, goitre, misalignments in neck, lung disease. Lack of

understanding and stifled expression could lead to claustrophobia.

Associated essential oils and crystals;

German Chamomile – This oil imparts strength and calmness – Use with Blue


English Chamomile – Pale blue oil which resonates at a very high level with

the throat chakra – Use with Aquamarine, amazonite, Aqua Aura

Myrrh – This oil will help to centre and boost those who keep quiet due to lack

of confidence – Use with blue Tourmaline

6. 6th Chakra – The Brow Chakra/3rd Eye

The Colour associated with this sixth Chakra is Dark Blue/Indigo

The Brow Chakra is situated on the forehead about one finger breadth above the

eyebrows, and is concerned with perception, understanding and the analysis of

reality. It is more passive than the throat chakra in that it is more inward looking

rather than expressive in nature. As it is directly linked to the eyes and the working of

the brain, the Brow Chakra is responsible for making sense of information received

from the sensory organs. It is in this area where we analyse and interpret

information, and it is the centre for making plans and receiving intuitive responses.

The Brow Chakra focuses on our view of reality giving us greater insight and

inspiration. It is this area where we experience ecstasy and higher concepts in

exchange or with the interplay of ideas. It is also the centre where we endeavour to

open, activate and enhance our subtle visionary skills such as that in Clairvoyancy,

and it is our connection to the Divine.

If this Chakra becomes blocked or unbalanced, we can withdraw from reality into the

self and become fixed on delusion or fantasy. The mind will become muddled when

the brow chakra is under stress, and rigid thinking and decreased receptivity to new

ideas will often make it difficult to be decisive and practical. If the base, sacral or

solar plexus chakras also become unbalanced, we will have difficulty in determining

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between what is useful and applicable to our lives and what is simply wishful

thinking or a figment of the imagination.

Balance of the Brow Chakra however, unifies thought with brain function. This

allows insight and intuition to flow resulting in clearer understanding and focus

Functions – Communication centre, acting to provide energy for, and the

understanding of, verbal, emotional and mental communication. Closely connected

to the mind and all aspects of learning, knowledge and education.

Glands/Organs – Pituitary gland, Cerebellum, eyes, ears, nose, sinus, central nervous


Element – The higher expression of all signs

Shape – Upturned crescent moon

Gems/Minerals – Lapis Lazuli, Indigo, Sapphire, Sodalite, Azurite, Flourite, Blue

Quartz, Indicolite, Kyanite

Foods –Green foods

Sensory function – All including Extra Sensory Perception

Main Issues – Soul Ray of purpose, service (sacrifice), past life. Focus and intuition.

Keynotes/Lessons – Higher consciousness, emotional and spiritual love centre,

spiritual inner sight, clairvoyance – all senses including 6th sense

Common illnesses/Physical Dysfunction – Schizophrenia, learning disabilities, brain

disorders, confusion, disorientation

Associated essential oils and crystals;

Rosemary – Connects with the higher levels of the mind and brings clarity to

our understanding of spiritual matters – Use with Sugalite

Thyme – This is a cephalic oil (relating to the head) which is concerned with

mind and thought – Use with Sodalite

7. 7th Chakra – The Crown

The colour associated with the seventh Chakra is Violet

The Crown Chakra is located four finger breadths above the top of the head although

the whole area above the head can be regarded as useful to use in healing terms. It is

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here that our individual pattern of consciousness keeps in touch with information

received from the subtle dimensions, spiritual energy, the surrounding universe and

ultimately the whole of creation.

Physically, the Crown Chakra affects the function of the cerebrum (higher brain)

which holds our higher consciousness. Lack of balance in this area can cause

confusion, on a mental as well as a physical level, exhaustion or lack of energy,

difficulties with co-ordination, a disposition to distancing oneself, depression and a

tendency to boredom.

As the base/root chakra grounds us firmly to the earth, the crown chakra integrates

and opens us up to the universal energy. It is important that both of these centres

work together in harmony and in so doing energy flows efficiently, the healing

potential within the body is greater, intuition and understanding is enhanced, and

the mind becomes quieter and able to focus on its tasks.

Functions – The centre of spirituality, enlightenment, dynamic thought and energy.

It is the centre that vitalizes the cerebrum, the right eye, and the pineal gland.

Glands/Organs – Pineal gland and Cerebrum

Element – The higher expression of all elements

Shape – Star of David

Gems/Minerals – Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Milky Quartz, Iolite, Purple fluorite,

Sugalite, Opal, Moonstone

Foods – Sun, juice, fasting

Sensory function – None

Main Issues – Problems connected into the higher realms. Reproductive power, the

ability to integrate the physical and spiritual worlds in relationships

Keynotes/Lessons – It allows the flow of wisdom and brings the gift of cosmic

consciousness. When clear, it enables us to see the truth concerning ideals,

materialistic pursuits, self limiting concepts, pride and vanity. It allows us to

experience continuous self awareness and conscious detachment from personal

emotions. Compassion, empathy seeing self in others

Common illnesses/Physical Dysfunction – Mental disorders, confusion, depression,


Associated essential oils and crystals;

All oils can be used on the Crown Chakra

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Linking to the Divine and Protection

Before doing any kind of healing it is important to link to the Divine Spirit and to

protect yourself and the person that you are healing. All crystals should be cleansed,

charged and programmed and used only for the highest good.

Your tutor will advise you of how to go about this but it is important to remember

that, for the Healer, Intention, Faith and an Open Mind all play a very important


It is important to map out any blockages and find on which level blockages are

present. Ask Questions and feel the bodies for clues as to the energy levels being

released in the different chakras and levels around the whole body. Here are some

indications that may help you in your diagnosis and charting of energies:

Significant activity noticed in the crown area could indicate that the client

spends a lot of time meditating, but is not grounded.

There may be a lot of activity noticed at the feet, which could indicate that the

client is very grounded

The left side of the body is the female side; the right side is the male side. If

there is a blockage on a mental level on the right side of the body, in the

throat chakra, and the client is female, this usually indicates significant

communication problems with males, and also highlights important issues of

trust and faith.

It is important to make a note of the locations on the body where the energy, however

it may feel, can be detected and to recognise the level from which it is coming. This

will help you to determine which chakras and which bodies are more in need of

healing work, and which would be the most suitable layout, or crystals to use, to treat

the distortions.

When assessing for blockages this is usually an indication of:

Cold – Open Chakra

Hot – Blocked Tingly – Moving energy – this is usually congestion being moved

Heavy/dense energy – Closed

Once the healing session has been completed, it is very important to detach from the

client receiving treatment – Your tutor will advise you how to do this.

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The Chakra’s and Associated Organs/Conditions

Crown Chakra – Stress, Tumours,

Cataracts. Connected to Pineal Gland,

Upper brain, Right Eye. Brow Chakra – Ears, Eyes, Nose, Sinus,

Depression, Insomnia. Connected to

Pituitary Gland, Lower brain, Left Eye,

Ears, Nose, Nervous system. Throat Chakra – Eyes, Sinus, Throat, Jaw,

Vocal chords. Connected to Thyroid, Para

thyroid, Bronchia, Lungs.

Heart Chakra –Emotions, Ulcers, Heart,

Respiratory. Connected to Thymus gland,

Heart, Blood, Circulation. Solar PLexus Chakra – Digestion,

Constipation, Respiratory. Connected to Adrenal Glands, Stomach, Liver, Gall

Bladder, Spleen.

Sacral Chakra – Arthritis, Nephritis

(inflammation of Kidneys), Digestion.

Connected to Gonad Glands, Reproductive

system. Root/Base Chakra – Circulation,

infertility, Energy, Stability. Connected to

Adrenal Glands, Spinal Column, Kidneys.

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Suggestions for Crystals that can be used on each Chakra

The Root/Base Chakra

Bloodstone, Boji Stones, Brass, Carnelian, Cerrusite, Coral (Red), Cuprite, Diamonds

(all Chakras), Epidote, Garnet (Red/Green), Hematite, Jasper (Red), Lodestone,

Obsidian (black), Onyx (Black), Pyrite, Quartz (Clear, smoky Tourmalinated and

ruitilated), Rhodochrosite, Rhodonite, Ruby, Rubellite, Sapphire, Schorl, Spinel,

Sunstone, Tiger’s eye (Red), Tourmaline (Black and watermelon), Zoisite, Zircon (all


Suggested layout on self/others – To help release stress, ground and stabilise the

individual, and encourage healing, place four clear quartz crystals in a square around

the base chakra with the points facing inwards. At the centre of the points and facing

inwards, also in the shape of a square, place four tourmaline quartz/Black

Obsidian/Hematite crystals. In the centre place a, Garnet, Ruby, Red Jasper or

Aragonite Crystal.

Tourmaline Quartz/Obsidian/Hematite

Clear Quartz


Garnet/Ruby/Red Jasper/Aragonite

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The Sacral Chakra

Amethyst, Amber, Aquamarine, Bloodstone, Carnelian, Citrine, Coral (Orange),

Copper, Calcite, (orange), Charoite, Danburite (all chakras), Diamond (all chakras),

Garnet (orange and red), Jasper (blue, red), Moonstone, Gold, Opal, Pearl, Peridot,

Quartz clear (all chakras), Quartz (smoky, rose and ruitilated), Ruby, Selenite, Tiger’s

Eye (Yellow), Wulfenite, Zircon (all chakras).

Suggested layout on self/others – This layout can be used on the Sacral Chakra to

help release stress, dissolve dysfunction in the sexual and reproductive system,

increase creativity and improve the assimilation of new ideas.

Place three clear Quartz points facing downwards in the shape of a downward

triangle over the Sacral chakra. Inside the triangle thus formed place three carnelian

crystals, also in the shape of a downward triangle, as shown in the diagram below.


Clear Quartz points

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The Solar Plexus Chakra

Agate, Amber, Apatite, Aquamarine, Aragonite. Calcite (yellow/golden), Carnelian,

Chrysoberyl, Citrine, Copper, Desert Rose, Diamond (all chakras), Danburite (all

chakras), Eliat stone, Emerald, Flourite (golden), Gold, Golden Beryl, Goldstone,

Hawk’s Eye (Falcon’s eye), Hematite, Heliodor, Labradorite, Lepidolite, Malachite,

Quartz-clear(all chakras), Quartz (lemon, smoky and ruitilated), Topaz, Yellow onyx,

Pearl (gold), Peridot (olivine), Pyrite (fool’s gold), Rhodochrosite, Sulphur, Tiger’s

eye (Yellow), Topaz (golden), Variscite, Zircon (all chakras).

Suggested layout on self/others – This layout will help to increase motivation,

optimism, self confidence, and increase positive mental energy. It is also beneficial to

the digestive system and the skin.

Place six clear/ruitilated quartz crystals in a circle around the sacral area. Inside the

circle place four tiger’s eye crystals, and in the centre of that place a Citrine, or use

intuitive guidance to select another suitable stone relevant to the qualities needed.

Tigers eye

Clear/Ruitilated Quartz

Citrine /Golden Calcite, or choose

by qualities needed/intuition

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The Heart Chakra

Adamite, Apophylite, Aventurine, Beryl (pink), Bloodstone (green), Calcite (lime

green), Carnelian, Celestite, Charoite, Chrysocolla, Chrysophase, Cobalt-calcite,

Coral (pink), Danburite (all chakras), Diamond (all chakras), Dioptase, Emerald,

Garnet (green), Gold, Jade, Kunzite (pink), Lepidolite, Malachite, Moldavite,

Moonstone, Opal, Peridot (olivine), Pyrite, Quartz-clear (all chakras), Quartz (rose,

ruitilated), Topaz (blue), Tourmaline (watermelon, green and Rubellite), Rhodonite,

Variscite, Zircopn (all chakras)

Note - do not use Red stones such as Ruby or Garnet on this chakra

as they are too stimulating

Suggested layout on self/others – This layout is useful to calm and stabilize mental

activity and demotions, help us to accept love and forgiveness from others, as well as

from ourselves, and help to restore balance and harmony. Place four Clear Quartz

crystals facing outwards in the shape of an equal arm cross around the Heart Chakra.

At the centre of the cross place four Rose Quartz/Rhodochrosite crystals, as shown in

the diagram below.

Clear Quartz point

Rose Quartz/Rhodochrosite

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The Throat Chakra

Adamite, Amazonite, Apatite, Aquamarine, Aqua Aura, Azurite, Blue Lace Agate,

Celestite, Calcite (blue), Cerussite, Chrysocholla, Danburite (all chakras), Diamond

(all chakras), Dioptase, Eilat stone, Kyanite, labradorite, lapis Lazuli, Larimar,

Mother of Pearl, Onyx (blue), Quartz (blue), Quartz – clear (all chakras), Quartz

(ruitilated), Sapphire, Silica (gem), Smithstone, Sodalite, Spinel, Stilbite, Tanzanite,

Topaz (blue), Tourmaline (blue – Indicolite), Turquoise, Zircon (all chakras).

Suggested layout on self/others – This layout is helpful in releasing blockages which

prevent us from speaking the truth or “having a voice”. It works on the higher mental

level and aids us in communication and expression. Sore throats are often a sign of

suppressed emotions and this layout will help us to speak our minds with clarity and


Place three clear quartz points in the shape of a triangle around the throat chakra.

Position three blue Lace Agate crystals directly under each point; in the centre place

a Turqouise/Chrysocolla crystal as shown in the diagram below.

Clear Quartz point

Blue Lace Agate


Blue Lace Agate Blue Lace Agate

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The Brow Chakra

Alexandrite, Amethyst, Angelite, Apache Tears, Apophyllite, Aragonite, Azurite,

Charoite, Diamonds (all chakras), Danburite (all chakras), Emerald, Flourite (clear,

purple, pink), Hawk’s Eye (blue Falcon’s eye), Iolite, Kunzite, Kyanite, Labradorite,

Lapis lazuli, Lepidolite, Meteorite, Moldavite, moonstone, Opal, Phenacite, Quartz-

clear (all chakras), Quartz (blue, ruitilated and smoky), Sapphire, Selenite, Silver,

Smithsonite, Sodalite, Stourolite (Fairy Cross), Sugilite (Royal Azul), Tanzanite,

Topaz, Turquoise, Tourmaline (blue – Indicolite), Variscite, Zircon (all chakras)

Suggested layout on self/others – This layout will help to open up our intuition and

focus into the present and to take our heads out of the clouds. It increases our

perception and helps us to focus on reality, giving us greater insight and inspiration.

Use three pieces of Clear Quartz crystals and place them in the shape of a Crescent

moon. In between the quartz crystals place two Sodalite/Azurite/Danburite/ Lapis

Lazuli/Labradorite crystals as shown in the diagram – alternatively you could use

two of each, one on each side as shown in the diagram below

Alternatively use 1 x Sodalite

And 1 x Lapis Lazuli for eg.

Clear Quartz Crystals

Sodalite x 2

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The Crown Chakra

Alexandrite, Amber, Amethyst, Angelite, Apatite, Apophyllite, Beryl clear), Cerussite,

Charoite, Chrysoberyl, Citrine, Diamond (all chakras), Danburite (all chakras),

Elestial, Flourite (purple), Gold, Iolite, Kunzite, Moldavite, Moonstone, Morganite,

Opal, Quartz-clear (all chakras), Quartz (milky, ruitilated, smoky, tourmmialinated),

Selenite, Silver, Sugilite, Sunstone, Tanzanite, Zircon (all chakras).

Suggested layout on self/others – Use this layout to aid spiritual connection and to

heighten awareness of the spiritual realms. It helps to increase our self awareness

and to raise conscious thought patterns. Place six Clear Quartz Crystals/Apopholite/

Danburite around the crown chakra in the shape of the Star of David, and in the

centre place an Amethyst/Angelite/Charoite crystal. As shown in the diagram below.

Clear Quartz crystals/Apopholite/Danburite


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Layout to help bring balance to all the chakras

Carnelian – Grounds and anchors

and aids positive life choices. Speeds

up metabolism and good for

underactive thyroid, circulation.

Increases sexuality and sensuality.

Aids reproductive organs.


Golden Calcite– Energy amplifier

helps with emotional stress.

Brings peace and serenity, helps

focus and concentration, cleanses

organs & bones, strengthening

skeleton and joints

Rose Quartz – Calming and soothing.

Stone of unconditional love and

infinite peace, deep inner healing and

self love. Strengthens heart and aids


Red Jasper –blood and toxaemia,

anaemia. Aids quick thinking and

organisational abilities. Brings

protection and grounding. Supreme

nurturer, stabilizes aura

Sodalite– “Weeping stone,” stress

release stone. Balances endocrine

system, stimulates metabolism and is

calming and soothing. Unites logic

with intuition and opens spiritual


Amethyst – Healer and protector.

Calming and stabilizing. Good for

meditation. Natural pain reliever

for migraine and headaches. High

spiritual vibration

Blue Lace Agate –Uplifting and

nurturing Stone for stress

release and communication.

Calms, cools and lifts thoughts.

Throat healer

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Qualities of Stones Used in Layouts

Amethyst (The Elevator) - “Warm and cuddly, yet regal and ruling”. Amethyst is a

stone of spirituality and contentment as well as a powerful healer and protector. It

calms and stabilises the mind and, as a natural pain reliever, it is suitable for the

treatment of headaches, migraine and tumours. It enhances higher states of

consciousness, and because it works on a profoundly spiritual level, it is an excellent

stone for meditation. Through meditation it enhances tranquillity and deeper

understanding, facilitating decision making through common sense and spiritual

insight. It controls our disposition by imparting a soothing, calming and

tranquilizing influence, clearing away unproductive and negative vibrations

Amethyst opens us up to reality, helping to improve motivation, enhance memory

and promote emotional balance. It dispels and alleviates fear, anger, anxiety, sadness

and grief. It is useful in the treatment of mental disorders and has been used as an

elixir to treat arthritis. It is a good stone to help overcome insomnia, and for healing

dis-eases of the lungs, respiratory tract, skin conditions and dis-eases of the digestive


Blue Lace Agate – The energy of this stone is soft, cooling and calming. It is

particularly useful for the throat chakra in soothing sore throats, inflammation and

infection. Blue Lace Agate is a powerful ally in facilitating the free flow of expression,

neutralizing anger, giving peace of mind, and helping to dissolve feelings of anger.

This stress release stone unblocks the throat and gently dissolves blockages enabling

held back feelings to be expressed. Using this stone on the throat Chakra, the Heart

Chakra, the 3rd Eye/Brow Chakra and the Crown Chakra, will help us to enter into

high-frequency states of awareness. It can be used for arthritic conditions, to

strengthen the skeletal structure, remove blockages from the nervous system, and in

the treatment of disorders of the pancreas. Blue Lace Agate can be used anywhere

there is an excess build up of energy and can also be used as an elixir to soothe the


Carnelian (The Amiable One) – This crystal grounds and anchors us into the

present surroundings, aiding positive life choices. Emotionally, it protects against

rage, fear, envy and resentment and helps to restore vitality, increase motivation and

stimulate creativity. Carnelian also helps to overcome abuse of any kind, conquer

negative conditioning and to restore trust in ourselves. Mentally, Carnelian enables

us to clarify our awareness and improve logical thought patterns, sharpens our

concentration and drives out sluggishness. Stimulating metabolism, Carnelian is also

very influential in balancing the female reproductive organs, increasing fertility and

overcoming frigidity and impotence. It accelerates healing in the bones and

ligaments and is good for the kidneys. Carnelian is a warming stone and therefore

ideal for those who are always cold and who need to increase circulation.

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Chrysocolla (The Feminine Stone) – Known as the female stone because of its

effects on the feminine qualities. Strength is anything we may wish to make it, and

femininity is strength, a valuable attribute, and should be seen as such. It is a crystal

that enhances femininity whilst building strength and excluding fear from lack of self

confidence. Helpful with pre-menstrual tension, it also relieves stress and tension by

helping to correct energy and hormonal imbalances within the body. This is a

tranquil and sustaining stone, aiding meditation and communication. It is beneficial

to relationships that have become rocky, promoting interaction and providing a

stabilizing influence. Chrysocolla calms, cleanses and re-energises all of the chakras.

At the Solar Plexus Chakra it draws out negative emotions such as guilt. At the heart

chakra, it heals heartache and increases the capacity to love. At the throat Chakra, it

improves communication and aids us to discern when to keep silent. This is a stone

that encourages self awareness, imparts confidence and sensitivity, enhancing

personal power and inspiring creativity. It encourages us to tell the truth with

fairness and rationality. Physically it helps to treat arthritis, muscle spasms, digestive

tract disorders, detoxifies, re-oxygenates, regulates and regenerates. It aids in cooling

infections especially of the throat and tonsils, lowers blood pressure and balances the


Golden Calcite (The Leveller) – An energy amplifier which brings peace and

serenity. It helps dissolve emotional stress and brings in spiritual light and

knowledge. It is a stone to help us focus our concentration and stimulates insight and

the ability to boost the memory. A good stone to aid us when we are studying as it

enables us to differentiate between what is important and what is not, and then helps

to reinforce and retain that information. It actions us into putting ideas into motion

and combats lethargy by increasing energy levels. It is a stabilizing stone helping us

to overcome setbacks, and giving us the strength and trust to believe in our own

ability. It cleanses the organs and bones, strengthens the skeleton and joints, and

helps to alleviate intestinal and skin conditions. Golden Calcite is particularly useful

for meditation and attuning to the higher mental planes as it grounds and instils

mental awareness into the physical plane. Calcite cleans and re-energises the


Obsidian (Black – Dark Velvet) - A stone to increase self control and for grounding.

Obsidian is a very creative stone which acts to ground our soul and spiritual forces

into the physical plane. It is also a protective stone that repels negativity and

disperses unloving thoughts, helping to release old loves and providing support

during change. Obsidian is used mainly on the base/root chakra, but can be used on

the Sacral to ground spiritual energy into the body. Held briefly on the 3rd eye, it can

be used to break through mental barriers and dissolve mental patterns or


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Clear Quartz (The Umbrella Stone) – Amplifies and strengthens the Auric field

especially the Etheric and Emotional bodies. Used for meditation and healing –

brings calm and clarity. Good healer for skin and skin complaints due to the silica

content of the Quartz and the skin. It is a master healer and can be used for any

condition. It stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. On a

spiritual level it raises the energy to the highest possible level by filtering out

distractions. On a mental level it aids concentration and unlocks the memory. It

cleanses and enhances the organs, absorbs, regulates and releases energy and is

excellent in clearing blocked energy. It is also ideal for soothing burns. Clear Quartz

harmonises all Chakras and aligns the subtle bodies.

Rose Quartz (The Love Stone) - Calming and soothing, Rose Quartz is a stone of

unconditional love and infinite peace. It facilitates deep inner healing, strengthens

the heart, aids circulation, and when placed on thymus, aids chest and lung

problems. It heals kidneys and adrenals and alleviates vertigo. It is the most

important crystal for the heart and the heart chakra and is calming, re-assuring and

excellent for use in trauma or crisis. The negativities mellowed by Rose Quart are

those specific to love – fear, jealousy, resentment, forgiveness. It soothes the way for

purer understanding and soothes guilt and anxieties. It allows deep tensions to relax

and energy to flow to calmly exorcise them. It helps us to achieve our dreams of

emotional satisfaction and to let go of emotional tension, releasing emotional

conditioning that no longer serves us. Rose Quartz opens our heart so that we are

receptive. It teaches us to love ourselves, accept love from others and encourages self

forgiveness as well as forgiveness of others. It is a powerful ally for grief, encouraging

acceptance, self trust and self love.

Sodalite (The Clear One) – The Clear one does not relate to the stone’s mineral

attributes, but to the effect Sodalite can have on a person. Sodalite is initially known

to work through the body, progressing to the mind and spirit. The main action of

Sodalite is to work through the body’s lymphatic system strengthening the body

against infection and stress. Uniting logic with intuition, this stone opens up spiritual

perception and helps us to understand the circumstances in which we may find

ourselves. It can be used to enhance truthfulness in emotions, allowing us to both

recognise and verbalize our true feelings. It stimulates trust, eliminates mental

confusion, calms the mind and helps to release old mental patterning. Sodalite is an

excellent stone to help bring about emotional balance and calm panic attacks. Self

esteem, self acceptance and self trust are all qualities that this stone brings to its

user. Also known as “the weeping stone”, Sodalite is an excellent stress relief stone.

Used across the eyes it is suitable for the relief of upper sinus problems. It is also a

good stone for insomnia, and can be used on all endocrine glands to balance and to

stimulate the metabolism. A generally calming and soothing stone, it is suitable for

treating the throat, vocal chords and larynx, and is helpful for hoarseness and

digestive disorders.

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Tiger’s Eye (Yellow – The Chameleon Stone) – This crystal is a protective stone

which was traditionally worn as an amulet to ward off negative energies, curses and

bad omens. It promotes clarity and intent, and grounds us so that we may be helped

o achieve our goals and aspirations. It helps us to differentiate between wishful

thinking and what we really need, and because it enhances our practical perception

and our connection to reality, it is ideal for those who have their ‘heads in the clouds’.

Mentally this stone will help to resolve internal conflicts, especially those brought

about by ego and wilfulness. A good stone for mental confusion or personality

disorders because it helps to heal issues of self worth and self criticism, facilitating

support to change. It aids in healing the throat and in dissolving limitations, helping

us to recognise our inherent abilities.

Client Experiences

Each client will have their own unique experience when energy is being balanced,

released or sedated. The following is a possible indication of what your client may

experience during healing.

Relaxation – From deep relaxation through to sleep, and afterwards feeling calmer

and stress free.

Hot and Cold – This sensation is quite common as heat is usually unwanted toxins or

emotions being released from the bloodstream

Cold – This indicates a circulation problem and sometimes it can be due to bad

digestion which can be the result of stress.

Shivering – Indicates a letting go of past fears or traumas

Tingling – This is usually congestion being moved

Pulling –A feeling of being pulled from inside is caused by realignment.

Pressure – This is usually due to releasing stagnant energy built up through

emotional or mental stresses

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Simple ways to use crystals to protect you,

your space and your environment

Protecting yourself and your energy:

The practice of carrying or wearing crystals has been with us for many centuries.

Whatever the purpose you have the crystal about your person, the healing vibration

of that particular crystal will resonate with you and its healing qualities will be

absorbed by you. Some of the following crystals are particularly useful to protect and

guard your space and shield you from negative energies.

Labadorite & Apache Tears – These two stones are wonderful as Auric protectors

from those who feed off your energies.

Green Aventurine – Shields and protects heart energy.

Black Tourmaline - Shields the wearer/carrier from people getting too close and

draining your energy. It repels negative energy by creating a protective shield.

Amber – A great aura protector which will help guard you from picking up negative

vibrations. This is also a very good stone for people with Asthma, but be careful not

to use it for too long at any one time as the resin can cause blockages in the meridian


Kunzite & Selenite – Disperses the mental influences from others which may

otherwise affect your aura.

Fire Agate - Reflects harm back to its original source so that the source can feel and

understand its effects

Amethyst – Connects to divine protection. In Europe and throughout the middle

ages this crystal was worn or carried to protect from drunkenness. This is a calming,

stabilizing, and uplifting stone. If placed under your pillow it can help combat

nightmares and insomnia

Moonstone – Protects against the perils of travel and brings good fortune.

Celestite – Attracts a Guardian Angel

Sodalite – A good stone to carry or wear for stress relief

Tiger’s Eye – Worn on the right arm or on a pendant for short periods, it will help

you to resolve conflict and to recognise your own talents and abilities. It helps to heal

throat and reproductive organs and dissolve limitations.

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Protecting your home and personal space:

Calcite – Placed in a room this crystal will clean negative energy from the

environment and heighten your energy levels

Carnelian – Placed by the front door it attracts celestial protection and invites

abundance into your home.

Flourite/Quartz Cluster – Placed by the home computer or television it helps to

neutralize electromagnetic radiation.

Amethyst/Rose Quartz – If you have noisy neighbours, place one, or both, of these

crystals on the adjoining wall to help calm them down. If you have a stressful job,

these two crystals can help relieve stress if held or placed in your pocket.

Smoky Quartz – Place a piece of smoky Quartz/smoky quartz cluster on your desk to

protect you from other people’s stress and frustrations.

Black Tourmaline & Turquoise – Protects the house from bad vibrations. If you place

it in an area which points away from the house it will deflect negative energies from

coming through your door.

You can use a pendulum to determine areas in your house where crystals are best


Protect your car – Placing one of the protective crystals such as Amethyst,

Tourmaline or Moonstone in your car will protect you. It is necessary to programme

the crystal to look after you and your car before placing it in the car.

Love Crystals:

Attract Love into your life – Carry or wear Rose Quartz/Rhodochrosite. Rose Quartz

will also replace aggression with love.

Place Rose Quartz in the relationship area of your house to increase the love

vibration - (if you are not sure where this is, use the dowsing method to guide you).

In existing relationships, Rose Quartz will restore trust and encourage unconditional

love. Placing a large piece of Rose Quartz next to your bed will encourage love and


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Suggested Reading & Crystal

Reference Books

The Complete Guide to Crystal Chakra Healing by Philip Permutt

The Crystal Experience by Judy Hall

The Colour Guide to Crystal Healing by J.S. Stuart

The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall

Love is in the Earth – Kaleidoscope of crystals by Melody


Head of

Holistics : Allie Maisey

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Welton Road




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