the window - hendersonville first presbyterian church felt good to slow down and hear myself think....

THE WINDOW A publication of First Presbyterian Church Hendersonville, TN September 2016 Dear Friends, I spent the first day of my study leave at Fall Creek Falls. I inquired at the desk about a private trail to just be alone and think. The three ladies just looked at each other, probably thinking, Hey buddy, this is a state park, during the summer. There are no secluded trails!The food manager was walking by and overheard my request. He offered his favorite place, an unmarked trail. As he showed me on a map, he men- tioned he never sees anyone walking back there. I followed his directions, over the bridge, then under the bridge, and into the woods. After walking about a half hour, I found a wonderful place to sit along the creek. There was only silence, except for the wind blowing the leaves and the occasional bird. No cars, no airplanes, no people. I quietly sat just looking at the water, leaves dropping, and a caterpillar strolling next to me. It felt good to slow down and hear myself think. After about an hour, I decided to read out of my journal. I was pleasantly surprised to find my entry from 13 years ago, while visiting Fall Creek Falls. I thought to myself, This is amazing! God, what do you want to show me?My journal revealed sad- ness during that particular time in my life. I smiled, thanking the Lord for what He has done in my life over the years. I am truly in a very different place today. During that sad time, hope came through Psalm 138:7-8. Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; the Lord will fulfill his purpose for me.After about two hours, I headed back to the room and quickly exchanged my boots for walking shoes. Soon I was on a paved trail walking with my mind wondering and listening for God. It reminded me of Psalm 16:6, The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places.There was lots of room, space for me to think and breathe, a place to step out of the expectations of life, busyness of schedules, and self-imposed pressures. The boundary lines fell. Do you have a time to rest? A place to go to temporarily step out of the busyness of life? Most of us cannot find this time at our homes. There are too many distractions. If you are like me, I see things on my to-do list or should be on my to-do list. Our world has become an instant communication, result-oriented series of tasks and non-stop activity. It is difficult to slow down, not to mention stop! I was talking to Gracie the other day, as she was texting. I suggested she turn off her phone for a day. Her response, I have done that. My phone lost its charge during the night, just the other day. My Fall Creek Falls 24-hour trip was a pause button. It offered me the opportunity to rest from my busyness, do some self-inventory, and simply be with the Lord. Several people who participated in the 100 Days of Hope devotion, told me our park time in Hendersonville was wonderful. Those two hours were a pause but- ton. God wants to spend uninterrupted, uncongested time with us. I encourage you to use one of our many state parks to quarterly spend time with the one who calls you his child. Set an appointment today. Love and Prayers,

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A publication of

First Presbyterian Church

Hendersonville, TN

September 2016

Dear Friends, I spent the first day of my study leave at Fall Creek Falls. I inquired at the desk about a private trail to just be alone and think. The three ladies just looked at each other, probably thinking, “Hey buddy, this is a state park, during the summer. There are no secluded trails!” The food manager was walking by and overheard my request. He offered his favorite place, an unmarked trail. As he showed me on a map, he men-tioned he never sees anyone walking back there. I followed his directions, over the bridge, then under the bridge, and into the woods. After walking about a half hour, I found a wonderful place to sit along the creek. There was only silence, except for the wind blowing the leaves and the occasional

bird. No cars, no airplanes, no people. I quietly sat just looking at the water, leaves dropping, and a caterpillar strolling next to me. It felt good to slow down and hear myself think. After about an hour, I decided to read out of my journal. I was pleasantly surprised to find my entry from 13 years ago, while visiting Fall Creek Falls. I thought to myself, “This is amazing! God, what do you want to show me?” My journal revealed sad-ness during that particular time in my life. I smiled, thanking the Lord for what He has done in my life over the years. I am truly in a very different place today. During that sad time, hope came through Psalm 138:7-8. “Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; the Lord will fulfill his purpose for me.” After about two hours, I headed back to the room and quickly exchanged my boots for walking shoes. Soon I was on a paved trail walking with my mind wondering and listening for God. It reminded me of Psalm 16:6, “The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places.” There was lots of room, space for me to think and breathe, a place to step out of the expectations of life, busyness of schedules, and self-imposed pressures. The boundary lines fell. Do you have a time to rest? A place to go to temporarily step out of the busyness of life? Most of us cannot find this time at our homes. There are too many distractions. If you are like me, I see things on my to-do list or should be on my to-do list. Our world has become an instant communication, result-oriented series of tasks and non-stop activity. It is difficult to slow down, not to mention stop! I was talking to Gracie the other day, as she was texting. I suggested she turn off her phone for a day. Her response, “I have done that. My phone lost its charge during the night, just the other day.” My Fall Creek Falls 24-hour trip was a pause button. It offered me the opportunity to rest from my busyness, do some self-inventory, and simply be with the Lord. Several people who participated in the 100 Days of Hope devotion, told me our park time in Hendersonville was wonderful. Those two hours were a pause but-ton. God wants to spend uninterrupted, uncongested time with us. I encourage you to use one of our many state parks to quarterly spend time with the one who calls you his child. Set an appointment today. Love and Prayers,

For years, First Presbyterian Church Hendersonville has supported Home Safe, Inc. Our support has helped maintain a program against domestic violence. This program houses parents and children experiencing do-mestic violence, works with community organizations to stop domestic violence, makes referrals to agencies for various types of assistance, Gallatin Police Department trains staff for safety and operates on call 24/7 for Goodlettsville, Robertson, Wilson and Sumner counties.

Upon interviewing the Director of Home Safe, Nancy Wittman, several goals were discovered for this year. A full time staff person has been placed in the shelter through a grant that has made a huge difference in the success of the clients. This person can follow up on the clients after leaving the shelter, which adds support to their decision making. Grant application will be remade in order to continue this program. A grant appli-cation for hotel/motel assistance will also be reapplied. A school program for the middle schools will be ex-panded called Youth Safe. This serves as an educational prevention type program. Also, a high school play regarding sexual assault will be presented at Gallatin High School this year.

Ms. Wittman expects some challenges this year for Home Safe. Operational expenses for a non-profit organi-zation are always a challenge since grants will not cover this. The added challenge of building community awareness is next on the list. This has been started with an online “Power and Control Wheel” on the website.

When asked how our church has helped Home Safe achieve some of their goals, Ms. Wittman cited many as-pects of support that our funds and time have afforded. Families have been helped with eyeglasses, with fees for a college admission exam, with pots and pans, with dentist’s fee, with shoes and shirts required for work, with fresh fruits and vegetables from Second Harvest Food Bank and through painting inside their facility.

The impact that Home Safe has on lives was shared in a story of a current resident and her three teenagers. This parent had tried 14 times to get an order of protection through the courts against her abuser. When she came to Home Safe for 90 days, she was able to benefit from the good relations that Home Safe has with the courts by getting that order of protection. Cooperation with Good Neighbor Mission was set up and she was able to get in a special 1 year program for housing. Home Safe also helped her with glasses, her hair and teeth to prepare her for working which she has so far been successfully employed for 60 days. This client in return maintained a spotless home and continued support of her children’s edu-cation.

Home Safe Staff


List-en up, everyone! Our youth team wants to enlist your help. We realize everyone wants something from you these days: your time . . . your money . . . your vote. You are besieged by grocery cashiers col-lecting for special causes, coworkers with all their kids’ fundraisers, junk mail appeals, electronic spam, and more. It won’t be long before the standard phone greeting changes from “Hello” to “What do you want?”

But before you hang up on us, all we want is your name! We are compiling a list of volunteers who are interested enough in the spiritual growth of our young people (and the physical growth of our church) to be willing to be contacted whenever our youth leaders need a little addition-al help. You won’t be called on very often, and you won’t be asked to do much. You don’t have to know all the kids’ names, the lyrics to the latest Katy Perry song, or in-depth theories of youth ministry. The only crite-rion is that you are willing to share the love of Jesus with someone a bit younger than you. Depending on the need, your concern might take the form of a note, a cookie, a ride, or a conversation. We believe it is far pref-erable to enlist lots of people to do little things occasionally rather than twist arms to get a few people to do everything all the time. But we need to know whom we can call on!

We’ll be having some signup opportunities after church services, but if you miss those, please let one of us know of your willingness, or give Linda a call in the church office. It’s the list you can do.

Your youth team (Billy Dye, Casey Thompson, Amy Bish, Stan Campbell)


Hidden Grace

So often, Divine One, the tasks before me

Feel overwhelming and impossible.

When I am too tired to “do” anymore

When I am content just to “be”

When I stop long enough to rest

When I am finally ready to give up

I find myself sitting on a treasure

You have hidden in a field

Waiting for me to discover.

When I lift the treasure from its hidden place,

I find that you have graced me

With adequacy for all that lies ahead

Susan Gregg-Schroeder

Alive Now Journal



To our Church Family,

On behalf of James, Charlotte, our newest addition Grant, and myself, we would like to thank those who made and delivered food to us after Grant’s birth. It was such a blessing to know we had good nutritious meals while Kelly was recovering.

Additionally, the many gifts we have received have truly made us thankful to be part of such a loving and wonderful church family. We are extremely grateful for all of your support and continued love as we ad-just to now being a family of four!


James, Kelly, Charlotte, and Grant Horton

Congratulations to Charles & Mary Lu Batey on the birth of their grand-daughter, Sarah Christine. She was born on August 15th, weighing in at 6 pounds, 11 ounces. She was 20 inches long. Proud parents are Kate & Joel Melby. Mom and baby are doing well! What a BLESSING!

Sunday, September 25, 2016 Please join your church family for outdoor worship by the lake and church picnic in covered shelter #8 at Sanders Ferry Park, approximately 3.3 miles from the church.

The church will provide meat and drinks. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share.


Sermon by the Lake: “FISHING POLES FOR JESUS”

Picnic: BBQ Lunch

Activities for the Children: Carnival Games; matching Ducks, Potato Sack Races, Fishing Pond, Kite Flying, and more!

Adult Activities: Food, Bocce Ball, Food, Croquet, Food, Horseshoes, and more Food……


Presbyterian Day School is off to a super start this year. We cur-rently have 65 students enrolled at the Day school with some famil-iar faces and a lot of new ones as well. The kids have been learn-ing about “SUPERHERO” behaviors and procedures this month and they are sure being super in the classroom for our teachers. Our new teachers, Ms. Megan Gibson in the two year old class-room and Ms. Brittany May in the three year old classroom are do-ing very well and have been doing lots of fun projects and activi-ties with the kids.

In September our pre-k and three’s classes will be doing more su-perhero activities such as poems, obstacle courses and even some cool science experiments. Our little Toddlers and Two’s will be learning about the color red and rectangles. We’ll also be smiling

in September for our Fall pictures and getting to know our class families at our Get Acquainted Picnic.

Presbyterian Day School thanks you, as always, for your generous donations and support for the day school. We sincerely thank Ms. Karen Baylor for the time and effort she took to make our darling Teacher Name Plates outside the classrooms. Our teachers and parents love them! Thank you!

Save the Date!

Community Day

Saturday, October 1st

8:00 a.m.—Noon


We need everyone to show up

as we will be working

at various community projects

as well as our own church!

Save the Date!

October 27th-29th

A.S.P. Trip

12 Volunteers Needed

We are pleased to announce that our church is in the process of putting together a beautiful, full-color cutting edge digital directory. This directory will be professionally produced and will include full-color family portraits with names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all our church families. It is very important that each family be included to assure a com-plete and up-to-date directory.

A professional photographer will begin taking family portraits for the directory on Septem-ber 16th and September 17th. There will be

volunteers making appointments at your convenience after services on Sunday mornings or you can go to the church website at and look for Pictorial Directory Sched-uler on the front page of the website and make an appointment. Sign up soon to insure your most convenient time. Every family that participates will receive a complimentary professional family portrait, plus a paper and digital directory that will include your very own app.

In Memory of: Henry R. Owen, IV From: Scott & Elisabeth Dewitt In Memory of: Bill Gugenheim From: Helen Hunter In Memory of: Ruth Hill From: Bill & Ruth Segers Wayne & Wava Huddleston Sunday Evening Prayer Group In Memory of: Judy Roche From: Bud & Nita Anderson Kay Keck Al & Linda Ballenger Paul & Jackie Decker Bill & Sandy Keene Charles & Marian Pasinger Bill & Ruth Segers Border States Supply Carolyn Dudley Donald Pruitt Ronald Pruitt Bradford Vieira Michael & Pam Davis Wayne & Wava Huddleston Louise Frost Jason Matthews Linda Bachman Diane Meek Anita Rainey Lee & Karen Carrier Richard & Judy Wallis Cliff & Gloria Deaner Jennifer Haag Ruth Lee Presbyterian Day School Steve & Cathy Young Anita O’Brian Dickey & Family Ashley Morris Kenneth Pruitt Fred Sadler Carey Mullican Franke Foodservice Supply, Inc. Mary D. Johnson Glen Smiley


Thursday, Sept. 1st

First Presbyterian Church


1:00—6:00 p.m.

Martin Hall


September 4 (Communion) - God is still working on me, Jeremiah 18:1-11 September 11 (NaCoMe Weekend) - Guest Preacher, Tom Tyndall September 18—How do we care for hurting people, Jeremiah 8:18-9:1 September 25—Outside worship and picnic at Sanders Ferry Park


Approved minutes from last meeting

Transferred Bennett & Judy Hodges to First Methodist, Hendersonville

Heard a report from the Presbytery Meeting

Received reports from Ministry Units

Approved sending letters to members who have not been involved in church They will have the opportunity to respond whether they want to re-

main on the roll or not.

Approved edits and additions to the Employee Manual

Financial Update Y.T.D. Through July 2016

Revenue $ 152,360.38 Expenses $ 190,429.71 Shortfall $ -38,069.33

The church office will be closed on Monday, September 5th in observance of Labor Day.

Reminder: There will be no Sunday School on the following dates:

September 4th—Labor Day Weekend

September 11th—NaCoMe Family Retreat

September 25th—Outdoor Service & Picnic

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3

1:00 pm Blood Drive

6:30 pm Disciple 1 Class

6:30 pm Disciple 2 Class

9:30 am Sew Many Blessings

7:30 pm NA Meeting in MH

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

9:00 am Sunday School

10:00 am Worship-Communion

11:00 am Handbell Choir Rehearsal

10:00 am Women’s Book Group

7:00 pm NA Meeting in MH

Labor Day – Office Closed

11:00 am Staff Meeting

6:30 am Men’s Bible Study

7:00 pm Adult Choir

7:00 pm NA Meeting in MH

5:30 pm Wom-en’s Bible Study

6:30 pm Disciple 1 Class

6:30 pm Disciple 2 Class

7:30 pm NA Meeting in MH

NaCoMe Retreat

NaCoMe Retreat

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

7:00 am Room in the Inn

9:00 am Sunday School

10:00 am Worship

11:00 am Handbell Choir Rehearsal

11:00 am Cong. Care Meeting

NaCoMe Retreat

6:30 pm Book Club

5:00 pm Suda-nese After School Pro-gram

7:00 pm NA Meeting in MH

10:00 am Women’s Bible Study

6:30 am Men’s Bible Study

5:00 pm Sudanese After School Pro-gram

6:15 pm Worship Committee

7:00 pm Budget & Finance Meeting

7:00 pm Adult Choir

7:00 pm NA Meeting in MH

6:30 pm Disciple 1 Class

6:30 pm Disciple 2 Class

7:30 pm NA Meeting in MH

Pictorial Directo-ry Pictures Taken

Pictorial Directory Pictures Taken

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

9:00 am Sunday School

10:00 am Worship

11:00 am Handbell Choir Rehearsal

11:00 am Education Meeting

11:00 am Bldg./Grounds Meeting

5:00 pm Suda-nese After School Pro-gram

5:30 pm Mem-bership Meet-ing

7:00 pm Ses-sion Meeting

7:00 pm NA Meeting in MH

10:30 am Sun-shine Ministry

6:30 am Men’s Bible Study

5:00 pm Sudanese After School Pro-gram

7:00 pm Adult Choir

7:00 pm NA Meeting in MH

Window Deadline

6:30 pm Disciple 1 Class

6:30 pm Disciple 2 Class

7:30 pm NA Meeting in MH

25 26 27 28 29 30

9:00 am Sunday School

10:00 am Worship

11:00 am Handbell Choir Rehearsal

Church Picnic

5:00 pm Suda-nese After School Pro-gram

7:00 pm NA Meeting in MH

6:30 am Men’s Bible Study

5:00 pm Sudanese After School Pro-gram

7:00 pm Adult Choir

7:00 pm NA Meeting in MH

6:30 pm Disciple 1 Class

6:30 pm Disciple 2 Class

7:30 pm NA Meeting in MH

September 2016

First Presbyterian Church

172 W. Main St. | Hendersonville, TN

(615) 824-8604 ; Fax (615) 824-3631


Email: [email protected]

Sunday School—9:00 a.m.

Worship Service—10:00 a.m.


Michael Davis, Pastor

[email protected]

Dr. Anthony Williams, Organist/Choir Director

[email protected]

Linda Agee, Church Administrator

[email protected]

Chuck Adamson, Building Maintenance

[email protected]

Amy Bleich, Nursery Attendant

Laura Kowalski, P.D.S. Director

[email protected]

3 - Danielle Holdren

4 - Tim Ferguson

5 - Nita Anderson

Paul Decker

9 - Alex Masters

Janna Willis

10 - Gloria Wales

Wayne Huddleston

15 - Bev Kerman

16 - Allison Williams

17 - Sandy Keene

Laurie Dishman

18 - Jennifer Frazier

Mary Leah Venable

20 - Ben Batey

Sherry Tarbutton

24 - Frank Cherry

Jo McCrary

25 - Carter Wells

27 - Stan Campbell

29 - Barry Ingram