the woodbridge leader - digifind-it · 2014. 3. 3. · teu crinul procooo^t. gy g yesterday's perth...

GRADE CROSSINGS MUST GO ! ! THE WOODBRIDGE LEADER AN INDEPENDENT NTWSPAPKR PITHJSHFD IN TUT INTEREST OF WOODBRIDC.K TOWNSHIP GRADE CROSSINGS Jr MUST GO I ! TWENTY-FIKST YEAB J. Fffahy. 8. 1930 THREE VENTS FIR SATTLER W I L L LEGION WILL NOT SANCTION P U C E SIGNS AMBOY DETOUR ON HIGHWAY s ' i At to PUy Hm Walsh Receives Orders toDisci With EmUeas ooTop ^ keep Traffic From Fulton Will Hm *«nU, 'Pro-I^K S Street od Cotter'* Une. tett Woodbrifee CtiMrea A rrtin tam* wit* th* rl«tl*j i Profvsswul Club has »•*• arrawfrt bj Charley Barollottt. suaagtr •* th» Woodbridi* A A . tobe ttay«d tat ttve Grove «r»«« dlammd. Soa- MR. REYNOLDS TO GET DEGREE FROM RUTGERS FtOM FORDS PARK r0 m l HOFFMAN'S '" " " ** * *' I of -ML rwtl a«w. th* Natl^j r n B O p U * " * •m* fcert. aad a pitta L . ai -^1 M W, Bet* bj»s» w»r» •• "^"^ •* to »•« t«et ef ent ot «li* Farts C*».««rwtk>B Cvm p«e>. th* tatttan af to*- 9*w F»trt* diamond, ni tttfc* from ib< s*rk grounds laat'aickl, arrordlwt to « to A«ia* O*»t Jaai«-> "Short tr*Be will not go through Kulion street and Cutter's Lane." u'ld Acting Chief Jamw W»1»h. ln( an Interview with t Leader reporter this mormlag. The acting Chiefs statement «u made att#r the reporter called to hit attention a statement In an editorial In Protect Woodbrifo Children . safety signs will be Installed bi Woodbridge Po?r, American Legion. in about a we-k. accord U * - * * an announcement made today by Leon E. McRlroy. / . ' * The. signs w^li tw similar to stale highway signs and will have a round ma'of tke day Uth laara*. •aalr> F. •s BacheWr tfW"*-. Tt» track* •• tbe i round ,cau thai a Irak « in* lumber t m . .. EFFORTSTOOUST HIMFROM fLOCAL MOTOR VEHICLE AGENCY CWiftJ Tlat Ht Is Bmg DISWSSMI ktJtiM imil- D LAW. teOifictei w teu Crinul Procooo^t. gy g yesterday's Perth Amboy Eve-j steel disc with the - American U nlng News, which said that even, gion emblem on top. "Protwt though the Township had "raised a Woodbridge Children" will be th« justifiable. p»«e*r tnat the -plan is i only wording. to prevail Jusi ihr »iue." 1 The posts wil: be placed on dan ill not prevail," saldlgerons plaees. .long the Township highways and near' all Township 3 Anniversaries to be Observed in Caiman Hon lii. O( • So. 1 Men. of Wood •The plan will Acting Chief Walsh, "as I have re- reived my orders from Committee- Jschools; man Robert Saltier, chairman ot the police committee, to post men at Kulton street and Cutter's Lane, all day and night Sunday, to keep shore traffic from tnose narrow streets."j .unboy's plan to reduce traffic In their city U to detour one lane Into Smith street and along Woodbridge, stroeu. The Township protested! against this plan a few weeks ago. when the Perth Amboy City police (Jetoured trafi© through Wood- bridge's narrow streets, without no- tifying lootl jwthorttlw. Not only are these streets narrow, but they are residential streets, where many children are apt to run across th<! roads. The Township authorities are 'against the detour on account • of the accident haiard. Acting Chief Walsh will issue or- ders to tola men to keep the traffic moving along Amboy avenue, de- spite any efforts 'to the contrary. K I D D I E S CAIN WEIGHT ROTARY CLUB IS TOLD Lflaod bridge. and Woius' B. * tn«b*r in P*rt» n I nliwWty aual summer stfcw Ktrkpairick CMjf«l ents will ItWh* d-irws. Mr. R«yn«Ma wil 1 tw awarded th dnrrt ot H»C*tt»r ot Srtenw ir aa«5r Fljnls., ill n~ tflenooa. from it ihe founh an- i con»ocati< i n in Collision on Super-Highway Injures Man There will be a triple celebration at the home of Frank T. Cancan 58 Mini?r ureet. Avenel. tomor- row. wb«n Mr. Cannaa will obsem the ««th annirersar °* B ' s birtn - Thomas F. Cannan and wife, will mark the fourth anniversary of their marriage aad Miss Henrietta Education celre th» Science. Most of today are Allen will r* of Master •»! r-wiring degrees )WTulrip Men Find Body in Creek at Dock Two Townjhip men. JoMn aad An ton Turk, of !S*warvti th« badl; decoaipoM>4 bwl.T, r( a in Wo««brldgr| mission«r A collision I.( i«o large trucks on the super-high*.sv, near the Clover Leaf, resulted in Will la ni Calhoun. ot Siillman «ir-"i. Philadelphia, a idrivers helper, sustaining injuries ion both arms. Tuesday, afternoon, ai threo o'clock. One truck, owned by th« Richfield Oil Co., of New York City, was parked on the risht hand side of the i Avenel, will celebrate her birthday anniversary. The senior Cannan was born Au- gust 9. 18S2 and Is employed'by the Wagner Markets, at Rahway. He Is enjoying good health despite his «8 president of the completion of »*rt Education. «*rsity, ar* for in the School i>( enjoying good health despe years and Is still "on* of the boys". Miss Delti. while a resident of Avenel, was a neighbor to the Can- nan family and though her birthda> anniversary conies August 8. it has been customary to enjoy the even* with Mr. Cinnan. Thomas F. C»i\ Ha is a son to Mr.. Cannan and was married on hi! dad's anniversary. p road h hnd si f The driver In charge of the truck, was Joseph NUncuco, of 23 IN. 53rd street, Bayoone, N. J. The ! other truck, which was driven by •by James Calhoun, of 204SN. SW1- i mao- street. Philadelphia, and owned thy S. niackman. of 143 N. 8th ; street. Philadelphia, was proceeding ! -oiith on tin- highway and struck 'the rear end of the parked truck. William Calhoun was treated at Hit- Rahway Memorial Hospital. Hotli trucks were damaged. OFFICER BAUNT ARRESTS T R I O FOR R O B B E R Y 1 *" 1 Kivp feet nine Inches in heltht. weight about 1*5 pounds, appeared IO tv a tor«lga«r. had btark iia.r Maok shoes, wore a striped tan shirt, tan underwear upon which were the Initials T. A., and a belt with tne initial A. The bod) Is be- iiu held at Mttlien's morgue pendltu identification. With his wife he has made it a practtce of anniversary s parent?. spending his atAjthe homo of hi- Men Admit Stealing Tires, Wheels and Gas Cap from Service Station. Wash Vanishes Fourth T i m e , Calls P o l i c e "The 100 children, who had llio advantages of the Kiddie Keep wvr. Camp, during the momli or July gained on the average of four and a half pounds," declared George Q Oordon, Jr., ot Bridgeport. Coon., oounetllor of the Kiddle Keep Well Camp, before the local Rotarlans. at their weekly luncheon yesterday nooa, at the Middlesex Hotel. Mr. Gordon said that the camp follows a general program. Exer etaw are the only things that do not ' ' follow the regular routine, as each child la exercised according to Hs physical condlrfcw. "Waiting. tstM-Jttft "isxtaia," continued Mr. Gordon,, "from ai •WT the county visit the camp regu larly, and offer their assistance. The camp Is thankful tor the aid that the people In the county have given them. The camp Is especially in- debted to the various auxiliaries who have held "showers"*.for th kiddles and have donated handker chiefs^ towels and clothing." The visiting Rotarlans were: 8erd GarretUon. of Perth Amboy and Harry ConaTd. ot Perth Amboy. Th« guests were: A. J. Wing, ot Newark; Charles Byrnes and Pr«d A. Warr. of Woodbridge. HUNGARIAN PICNIC AT PFIEFFER FARM, SUNDAY, AUGUST 17 The Hungarian Society will hold • picnic at Pfleffer's Farm, Sunday. August 17. Good music and plenty of refreshments will be the features. Tickets will be on sale on Monday. Penna. Man Fined Charged with rock lew driving. Nicholas Kuhn, 21, of Gexmanlowu, Pa., was fined ten dollars and cos'^ by Judge B. W. Vogel, in pollre court last tvfiinR, Thomas Hat, lord, state muiur vehicle inspector. Issued a sunnnuiu, to Kuhn, on tlio complaint of Ueortw Malttne. ot\ Elisabeth and Daniel. BRwltt, of | lind Newark, who charged that Kuhn drove In such a manner as to their machines (a collide. Whip .-Uiiiiltlns that they stole three tires, three dlec wheels, and a ga^ cap from a Dodge car parked in the K D Service Station, on Cleveland avenue Michael Ke*ely. it. a chauf fer, of 220 Gordon avenue. Wood bridge; Andrew Tesnadl, 2*. In borei of Metucneu avenue, Wood bridge, and John Hrsbar, M, la her wash disappeared from borer, ot Gordon The warden's office in New Bruns- wick, has asked the Iwul police ti' be on the lookout for .1 lUilrk stdan, license No. K-22M*. which >»>• ,stolen from New Brunswii^i. Man Overcome by Heat and Hunger Falls on Avenue _ WyU»m Dtanion. chief cl«rk attached to Com- Hfcrold C. Hoffman's office, came :o Woodbridf* __„„ UM| audited the books p H arm* Gcrity, local state motor vettlck ajMt, and announced that hi» oflM wit closrt, Mr. Genty is Mill issuing automobile plaves and lic«(iMs and will right Hoffman's effort* t* oust him from oAc«. Commi89ion«T Hoffman, in a letter to Mr. G«rity. about .1 WWK u^tti, advised Kim that the local office would be'elowd .rt«Uv«, August 6. According to Mr. Gerity, a member of the Woodbridg* ..epublfean Club, visittt him at his office, pnor to th« Um« ;tai he received his wtk«- from Hoffman, And told him that he *w»ld »• ajv«a ah oipeWunlt r*»ijn as t»* RefjubUctk* ' ' donvd anotaer Mr. Otrtty rHlsjed. On Aututt 4, Caanalsal*B«r Hoff tuan was mrtwi with pap*n aad di- rected Io sho* eaus* In Newark, on Sentmtver «. why bt should not b.' directed to cvrtltr hi* action in olutfhu the vIBc* ol motor vehlcl. agency held by O«rit> Th* ord»r is rvtumaM- befort Ohlef Jastif William A. >;un»m*r* ot the Su pr»iiw Court. Mr Crt<n^ is fchtln*. hi* dlsmU sal becauw he bell»v« that Arthur H. Dunham, Hoffa^n'* new *ppvM«i- re. was nani«d tor polUlcal ruasoii' only. As an exempt tirvman. Mr. tartly helieve* n« akoulU Aot be rv moved trow office exevitt on chargvi and then only atttr a (au hearts.* y had <-n tke ofllrv. to Inspect New Bureau Hospital 1 Mi'iub*r* o( American tne Oorus. Woodbrld«e fost, ii (he auxiliary and t'ost Drum aad . «i>l be *monV th* In thM suie «rho will IUKIXM'I th* wi Veteran* tl\lr«au Hoavital. located at S t w r t e t HIIU. MilliQK- ton, on Stind-i) .iftcmoon. Auiusl IT, , Th* local Utlonaalnw will travel ,,„_ , r to the hwpUal ground* inauto*, When the audit ot the books was bringing basket Iwnchaa, Th* Wood- made ou Wednwsd**, one ol the au- bridge Cortts, will \»\p to furnish diiorx. Bernard OTltelif. asked Mr music tor th» occasion, tierlty to turn oter all tajts anil Th» laspwilon of the irounds and * in bMlldlnp will -^urt promptly V trom Hoflmaa which neau a^ t * o o'clock. Veterans Bureau of- of her'clothes line for the fourth time.! *™J a . on Wednesdjiy evening, Mrs. Bennlng. tft Woodbridge av«no«,)Tuesday morning. Port Reading, reported her los« to! Steve Dobo. owner the local police. Wdlnosdav afternoon, Mrs. Ben- were eao'i! for tlu' of tec from Honuaa wmcu m u • - — - - . - follows: , flclals will art st» mild«s to the '•This Is to advls* >uu that you Ini veteran*, will be held civilly anil crtmtualb iislble for any urts that you jmay perform purporting to be an agent or employe* of the Motoi «« M . Bernard Moeller. ». o, ^ C r T ^ 2 ^0^! ~* promptly com out to obo. ownr of sUtion, reported V>« robben' t headqujjrtOM *t 2 o'eloek Tues t utfuur. i,t,,,».- - n«W JV19VJ • « « • aWI ''Vhiladelphia. was overcome by the prosecution wfll W tk* service heat, and tefl to the paveiuwt. | uiwoed. upon to uo 'TueBday af»anyan. He wa.« taken to where he W»» pon Mtf 1I»IJI«K u 4c thati Wl are *« employe, of said depart***, or upon yum performance ot act uu w«* ihe l*«i«a/pH ) Michael Must \ Support Wife or Serve Tune silk New p Are Injured on Super-Highway Two, people were hurt when OUP car struck another, and overturned a third machine on the super-hlgh- way, Saturday noontime. The in- jured are Mr. and Mrs. DanleJ Blew- lit. ot 82& South 12th street, New. irk. The accident occurred near th. 1 Lafayette 1 garage, where a car driv- en, north by Nicholas Kuhn, of Ger- man town, Pa., collided with a car driven south hy George Malone. oX Vine street, Elisabeth, who In turn Bldeswept the Blewltt car, which is 1 also traveling sonth. Mrs. Blowitt was taken to the |Rahway Memorial Hospital, where she was treated for Injuries on her legs. Mr. Blewltt was hurt on his left foot. \ underwear, stockings, bathiug *uit. When she w«nt io gather In her wash early In the evening, it had disappeared. Mrs. Beuning said thaf. it was the fourth time that her watti \\p/t disappeared in the last tew ui«nlto. Fire Damage* Garage for Michael ered that James K«aely, .... of a brother. , , J, of Gordon ave- '-^ nu«, had the wrong plates. HP was A are of unknown origin partially ordered to leave his 1 car at head- destroyed a g*rape in the rear of quarters until he obtained platw property owned by s. Vogel, on(or It. Kins George's road at 11:45 this | . morning. Wdbdbrid'ge Flre Com-1 pany, No. 1, responded to the No Rain in Sight The all-out 1:30 A. M. signal was sounde'd Fire of Unknown Origin Destroys Barns andGarage civil prosecution' low." A cauvass made in t|u To^u shows that the people Vs it wholi are not anxious for a change. In an interview with a 'Reader r< d Mr (lrity said: » - 1 A bond of f&uu to Insure the sup- port ot his wife and child or (9 days In Ihtt workhouse, was th« taa- tenee Imposed upon Michael Uabaa- co. It, of Oak Trw road. ls»Ha, by Judge B. W. Vovel. Tuesdajr •*•- nim. > liabaMo has ittaerted hla family eeverai tlnii>«. aftordlag to Mrs. LabasM. PallM rtrorda show that he has il»o «erod time In the re- formatory for mlnoi itilstlenitmnor*. Port Rea Boy Hurt When Struck by Car James' Zullo, age 6, gf Tapperi street, Port Reading, was slightly was born A fine of unknown A flue of unknown origin, whichdeclared ta y broke out about 5:45 Tuesday mom-'to sign a petition, but [ing,'destroyed the uarna nnd iiurai:* IHeve t h a t . i s nece»B»ry >-•• ilmnde ft UOlltical UfflC The followlug list ot births was recorded at the Board ot Health I office during the week: A son. Henry LubenB, to Mr, and Mrs. Andrew RoeriK, of Sewaren avenue. Sewaren, at th* Perth Amboy City Htotpltal, o>i Thur»doy, July n. e A daughter, Margarrt, was born toMr.iand Mrs. Andrtw Hertnoaky. ot 76 Stephens avenue, Keasbey, ^ ^ iu _. on Sunday, Julv 20. ,„ Chemical Company and Iselln Vol- A Bon, John Jacob, was born to I ,„„ m , a pnmnanv. responded, Mr. and'Mrs. Jucob Relbel, of I porter today, Mr. (lerlty said: j "'1 have alwavs tried to ulvv Krtir- ' u-oiis treatment to the uuhlli' i\ml , there has been ny preference shown. |A number of people citine to m»> and 1 origin, which J declared that they would be wlUau ! I do not bi I have not QuicklW by Woodbridge Co. Averts Big Fire g, wa gj afternoon, when b till. «UU Wtir, ~~ -. . I West avenue, Sewaren, on Wednes- ' ne """" ' 1 - i- «n jder control. on the estate of IVyton Kaiulal). u( «>»*» a Oak Tree road, Iselln, Hgeney The flre was discovered by Harry cal candidates, Burger," a newsdealer, as he w. .- opening his store tor the day. He {aroused the occupants ana an alarm iwas sedt In. Members ot the * -"- >mpany and U ». Fire Company, responded, blaie was quickly brought un- out of i«: i case «( lo- not tak<n a and Woodbridge txople are thankful for the br««ae.irtilch wrung up last evening and made tire night pleas- ant. According to weather teports, however, tljere. Is no rain in sight tor the Atlantic Coast, though there have bee,n several storms in the far Weat. ' KEARNEY WOMAN IS INJURED AT AMBOY AVE. AND MAIN ST street, Por injured Saturday afternoon, when, .. lie was struck by a car driven by day, July 23. Mrs, Anthony Qeromanos, ot 144 Twin nous, Hubert Earl and Fred High street. Carteret, who was trav- J M d ellns toward Carteret, on Wood- bridge aveaue. dig t Twin nous, Hubert Earl Prescott. Jr., were fcorn toMr. Mrs. Fred P. Plmock, ot 25 idge aveaue. Green street, Woodbridge, on Tueg According to Mrs. Uerouianoa, the day, July 22. boy, ran of lh» sidewalk and Into v A daughter. M J. BLAKE Kodaks — Daveloptaf Printing — 24 Hour Service — N15WSPAPEBS - PERIODICALS 1OO Main 8!*e«t TeL MM COSTA'S Famous Icf Cream All Flavors m cenU ..... quart HO oeut« pint IB cents .... halt pint HARDIMAN'S PHARMACY Hallway Ave. & Green St. Wuudbrldge boy, ran of lh» and Into v A daughter. Anna Mary, was the .right aid* ot her oar. She took born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zsorey hi' to Dr H U Strandberg, of of Jersey avenue, Amboy Heights, 224 was Mrs. Lawrence A. Herlos, of Kearney avenue. Kearney, illghtly Injured, Tuesday afternoon, ut the corner oi Amboy avenue and Main street, when a- car driven by her hUBband south on the avenue k collided with a car driven north by Peter Andrews, of Harrlpon, N. J. Mrs. Herlos was cut on the head and was takes, to the Rahway Memorial Hospital for treatment. FAREWEU PARTYTO MISS IRENE WALLING A farewell reception to Miss Irene Walling, who will leave here on Au- 17, for missionary work In Japan, wan held la*t evening at the l-'irst I'resbyt rlan cliurch. Rev, Ernest Abbott, pastor ot the While Church, opened the eyerdseB, few remark*, praising Mlsa fur her untiring efforts in .In' church- Mtas i Hcv. Abbott's ad- Mrs. John - 1 - D '.^ i a r s p JSftsa^TKU injuries were not serious. [Fire Destroys Wrecker Near Clover L e a f } * political office Bxvept In tht . 1 have hand Id politics." Exempt firemen all over the oon Compauy. m ,eMtonal dlatriot aro interested lu'Wednesda Mr. Qerity'e caBe. .. . in 1812, states that wempt firemen may not be discharged from offlc* tor a political reason. At the Au- Kust meeting of the district the «x- flrem«n will discuss the mat- ter. have t'>'*n _ Jacob AI F. Wheeler Shows Coming Here Thursday son,- Alfred Michael, was born to Mr and Mrs Michael Lei tne r, of 5 Oakland avenue, Fords, on Wednesday, July 23. 1 A ton,, John, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Petro Bodtow«kl. ot Trento street, Iselln, un Wednesday, July 23. A Bon, Robert Abraham, was born to Mr. ami Mrs. Joseph Pac- slk, ot 9 SewuiTU avenue, Sewaien, [ou Saturday, July 26. A son, WUliiiui Joseph, Jr Funeral services tor iger, 66, who died Tuesday evening at the Home for the Aged, wero held at 10 o'clock, ^bls morning at '.the Linden crematory. Interment -~— 4wlH he In the Udsahilt wmeterj. Au kiuto wrecker, owned by. K. Linden. I Ballot, of St. George's avenup, The deouued lp surylted by « Avenel. was totally destroyed by "<«<*. Mrs. George H, Borowsky. of fire. Tuesday night at 8:46 an the "'« Bronx. N. V., wfco took charm- juper-hlghway, neijr the Clover i°I """ f " n *«l He Leaf. ' Ballnt was trying to tow a I truck at the Uwe, when a short cir- cuit, caused the wrecker to catch life. Avenel flre company wad called but before they could reach What flagrallon, wus> provenivd bj the nulck action ot WixnUirldK* Kir* No. I. at plRht o'clock are. inter«si«a mWednesday ruorttlnt, win-n they ex- A law madp back , tlngtjlthed a blaie iu a tool shed at 'the Shell Eastern I'atroleuoi Prod- ucts, Inc., plant at Sew*,r«, Gasoline and .oil were stored In the sh«d which is believed, to oav* been isoltwl by sj)outai»*ous , com- bustion. Thefiremenworked stead- ily tor a halt hour to prevent the flre from spreading to the drums of .oil. The all out signal was sound- Jacob -Wan-'«4 at 8:3S. '• the scene, lose. the wrecker was a total of the funeral.. He was a of the Township (or 11 years — Andrew Kupa* f _T , Kuneral services tor 63, who Hoffman Talks Before Chiefs at Duluth, Minn. Harolil 0. Hoffman, of motor vehicle* for the fltatw J«rsey, on" Tuesday. S from the cities I rcus lias already been il AI F- with ilresa, by telling nu ...v ., and how sin- lits alwaya had the desire to do missionary vurk Blnce she was child. Tht committee In charge ot the was: Mrs, H. W. Von Bremep, and Mrs. Bnieet Abbott Mrs. to Mr and Mrs. P™» k So08 ' of Jenslsi avenue, WoodbrtUge. oil Tuesdftjr, JulJ - 9 k , nl . o wa9 daughter, »len Diva, was W 8 ami Ifb. N. D, Nicola, pn Woodbridge Drum and Bugle Corps Going to Phila. ' will the Tha Drum Woodbridge ulon, Will Journey ami BuRle CorpB. of Tost, American Le- to Philadelphia, Mr. and HARDIMAN'S PHARMACY Efl L. Hardlman, formerly Seaman's P«rtb Amboy Prescriptions C*lUd For fo ot and Mrs. William Murphy, o Miss Mildred Cooper, Miss Mildred £ooper, daugh Mr. and Mrs. WUllurn Cooper, of Sut- ton street, Perth Amboy. The cere- mony took nlace at St. George Staten Island, 1 on July 19. T l M^noUy;, or "Warden avenue,;Post daughter of Cooper avenue, iselln, on Iday. July 16 A son, Th org, The Staten imiuu, Ul . . couple are making their home with the brlde'g parents for the present. Dodge Sedan Stolen Warden's oOce reports a Dodg sedan, license No. K-5*4ti N. J stolen from Peith Amboy corpa, under tlw Jore, was A BOn, I lliruuw*,,, nw- Mr. and Mrs. Hurwtt Den Bleyker, for tomorrow's nhe state conve burn to I Legion, which will Wood, S e p t e m ^ formed churcXJ ou School Woodbridge. Tti'v. will offlclatex Inti Hie family plot In cemetery. WoodbrluK— The lftto Mr. napaa is survived by \\r». Katona, with whom he rettdml, * aon, John Kupaa, of WoiwIbrUiKr, and six grandchildren. BUILDERS'* SOCIETY HOLDS MEETING Tito Uullutua' Society of the Methodist elmveli. held ll» regular H WHiiliu'Hduy night at tin' home gf Mrs. Carl Augustine, of The- opening de- lod hy 'angles ot the truffle problem* of the convention for th« highways. > 'CATHOUCDAUGHTERS | TO HOLD PICNIC A turn rlilo and pli'iilc luncheon at Oolumbtan 1'ark. Ji<rstiy City, on SuttmUy, August US. WHS planned by Court Mercedeti, ruthollc DaUgh- torn of America, ut u n-nulijr me«t- iitK )>eld lust Aveiilni; »t the Colum- bian Club, on Main Hlrwt... Tlin bus will 'li'itva the club at P. M. Retervatluns may be by culling tlio <-hulrman of the ' the affair, Den By Aven«l, ou and Mre. Oarl P. Clausen, of ClydeavXue. Hopelawn, on Satur- day, August 2. of ftahway »v«nu«. PETE MILAN 0 TO BROADCAST OVER WBBR Pete MlUuo, popular orcheutru| leader, and his quartette, wilt broad- cast over Station WBBR, Statt* Island, next >Yiday eytning , Au- gust 15. Other members of the quartette »r«! John Mllsno, majolln player, Louis Mllano, g«lUr alayer, and Dargatta, also a madoUn m»j«. Pet* will plaj tb« guitar with the ensemble, , next meeting -- - •- her a, ut the Home o( Mrs. Valentine, ot Tlsdal. place. - Personili - Miss Julln larger U vUHlng Mrs. H of New York, of we tt^ Mountalni. Ver A son h ont. \ to ¥*• *°* WORK WANTED l>art T t » e w d«y,*f rk '; t W»rren Addrets N. J. Have your at tttti repaired **i re- low - •..« tit July 31.

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Post on 01-Feb-2021




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    ' i At

    to PUy H m

    Walsh Receives Orders toDisci With EmUeas oo Top ̂keep Traffic From Fulton Will H m *«nU, ' P r o - I ^ K SStreet o d Cotter'* Une. tett Woodbrifee CtiMrea

    A rrt in tam* wit* th* rl«tl*ji Profvsswul Club has »•*• arrawfrtbj Charley Barollottt. suaagtr •*th» Woodbridi* A A . to be ttay«d

    tat ttve Grove «r»«« dlammd. Soa-



    r0 m l HOFFMAN'S

    '" " " ** * *' I of -MLr w t l a«w. th* Natl^j r n B O p U * " *

    •m* fcert. aad a pitta L . ai -^1 MW , Bet* bj»s» w»r» • • " ^ " ^ • *


    »•« t«et efent ot «li* Farts C*».««rwtk>B Cvmp«e>. th* tatttan af to*- 9*w F»trt*diamond, n i tttfc* from ib< s*rkgrounds laat'aickl, arrordlwt to «

    to A«ia* O*»t Jaai«->

    "Short tr*Be will not go throughKulion street and Cutter's Lane."u'ld Acting Chief Jamw W»1»h. ln(a n Interview with t Leader reporterthis mormlag.

    The acting Chiefs statement « umade att#r the reporter called to hitattention a statement In an editorialIn

    Protect Woodbrifo Children .safety signs will be Installed biWoodbridge Po?r, American about a we-k. accord U*-** anannouncement made today by LeonE. McRlroy. / . ' *

    The. signs w l̂i tw similar to stalehighway signs and will have a round

    ma'of tke day

    Uth laara*.•aalr>


    •s BacheWr tfW"*- .Tt» track* • • tbe i round

    ,cau thai a Irak «in* lumber t m . ..


    CWiftJ Tlat Ht Is Bmg DISWSSMI ktJtiMimil- D

    LAW.t e O i f i c t e i w

    teu Crinul Procooo^t.

    g y gyesterday's Perth Amboy Eve-j steel disc with the - American U

    nlng News, which said that even, gion emblem on top. "Protwtthough the Township had "raised a Woodbridge Children" will be th«justifiable. p»«e*r tnat the -plan is i only wording.

    to prevail Jusi ihr »iue." 1 The posts wil: be placed on danill not prevail," saldlgerons plaees. .long the Township

    highways and near' all Township

    3 Anniversariesto be Observed

    in Caiman Hon

    lii. O(• So. 1Men. of


    •The plan willActing Chief Walsh, "as I have re-reived my orders from Committee- J schools;man Robert Saltier, chairman ot thepolice committee, to post men atKulton street and Cutter's Lane, allday and night Sunday, to keep shoretraffic from tnose narrow streets."j

    .unboy's plan to reduce traffic Intheir city U to detour one lane IntoSmith street and along Woodbridge,stroeu. The Township protested!against this plan a few weeks ago.when the Perth Amboy City police(Jetoured trafi© through Wood-bridge's narrow streets, without no-tifying lootl jwthorttlw. Not onlyare these streets narrow, but theyare residential streets, where manychildren are apt to run across th


    Lflaodbridge.and Woius' B. *tn«b*r in P*rt»

    n I nliwWtyaual summer stfcwKtrkpairick CMjf«lents will ItWh* d-irws.

    Mr. R«yn«Ma wil1 tw awarded thdnrr t ot H»C*tt»r ot Srtenw ir


    Fljnls.,i l l n~

    tflenooa. fromit ihe founh an-i con»ocati-•• i lmnde ft UOlltical UfflC

    The followlug list ot births wasrecorded at the Board ot Health

    I office during the week:A son. Henry LubenB,

    to Mr, and Mrs. Andrew RoeriK, ofSewaren avenue. Sewaren, at th*Perth Amboy City Htotpltal, o>iThur»doy, July n . e

    A daughter, Margarrt, was borntoMr.iand Mrs. Andrtw Hertnoaky.ot 76 Stephens avenue, Keasbey, ̂ ^ i u _ .on Sunday, Julv 20. ,„ Chemical Company and Iselln Vol-

    A Bon, John Jacob, was born to I , „ „ m , a pnmnanv. responded,Mr. and'Mrs. Jucob Relbel, of

    I porter today, Mr. (lerlty said:j "'1 have alwavs tried to ulvv Krtir-' u-oiis treatment to the uuhlli' i\ml, there has been ny preference shown.|A number of people citine to m»> and1

    origin, which J declared that they would be wlUau !I do not bi

    I have not

    Q u i c k l W byWoodbridge Co.

    Averts Big Fire

    g, wa gjafternoon, when


    till . «UU Wtir, ~~ - . .I West avenue, Sewaren, on Wednes- ' n e """" '1 • - i - «n jder control.

    on the estate of IVyton Kaiulal). u( «>»*» aOak Tree road, Iselln, Hgeney

    The flre was discovered by Harry cal candidates,Burger," a newsdealer, as he w. .-opening his store tor the day. He

    {aroused the occupants ana an alarmiwas sedt In. Members ot the * -"-

    >mpany and U». Fire Company, responded,blaie was quickly brought un-

    out of i«:i case «( lo-not tak'*n •

    _ Jacob

    AI F. WheelerShows Coming

    Here Thursday

    son,- Alfred Michael, was bornto Mr and Mrs Michael Lei tne r, of5 Oakland avenue, Fords, onWednesday, July 23. 1

    A ton,, John, was born to Mr. andMrs. Petro Bodtow«kl. ot Trentostreet, Iselln, un Wednesday, July23.

    A Bon, Robert Abraham, wasborn to Mr. ami Mrs. Joseph Pac-slk, ot 9 SewuiTU avenue, Sewaien,[ou Saturday, July 26.

    A son, WUliiiui Joseph, Jr

    Funeral services toriger, 66, who died Tuesday eveningat the Home for the Aged, weroheld at 10 o'clock, ^bls morning at

    '.the Linden crematory. Interment- ~ — 4wlH he In the Udsahilt wmeterj.

    Au kiuto wrecker, owned by. K. Linden. IBallot, of St. George's avenup, The deouued lp surylted by «Avenel. was totally destroyed by "


    ENGAGEMENT OF wa»cm,o.-MIS S DE RUSSYIS ANNOUNCEDDaughter of Charles A. de

    Rimy to Marry Harold M.Johnson, of Rahway.



    Young Peoples*Society V i s i t sCamp Endeavor

    \ committee from the Young P « M ',s Society, of the Pint Presby-

    i.rian church, Tlsltad Csmp fcu-.-. uvur. st Scotch Plains, Ust sUn-1,;ay nftefnoon. , John gtrome had

    targe of the services and Miss-uli Loreh conducted the Bible

    ^tory Hdur.Others who attended were; lflas

    ! lorence McAaiUa. Miss Lydla ii,.npr. Miss Sara Holland, Miss Lil-ian Edward*. Mrs. J. H. Lorch andi,,hrr Ctirtstenfcn. 1

    Replicas Safer Than Originals


    ANOTHER CARD PARTYAnother of a series of summer

    i;ird parties, held underthe auspices.•; Amertcus Chapter, Order of East-, rn Star, waa held Monday eveningai the home >.. Mrs. William H. Gris-wold. of High st/eet. High score*w,re made by Mrs. Stephen H. Wyldand Mr>. John Gorton.

    Other guests were: Mrs. HarryI! yder, Mrs. L. C. Grlmley. Mrs.A. (rlihatn, Mrs. John snort andMrs. M Jernee.

    The next card party of the serieswill be held Monday evening at thehome of Mr§. L. C. Grlmley, ofh'reeman street.



    Show Appreciation of Your Friendby Ignoring Girls9 Unload Remarks

    t M H I N T


    Irv t~i>»^ SmHika**I Did )M 9i*t hear M ro**tiBthacoo* !'t>a*IMy bacon I* **rv«l o a t Try

    i th* r?«tp* la Uula, » cotuwa aade how I M IU* K.. Cii*OM I«U


    kKnr hatM hi

    ! * • Y o* *•**' * * • • * • * • • • • J""

    .uiiliil af th.- ontinab. and cmore substantial.

    The hard, vuorous days of earl>Is, American history are reflected in th".

    of early ABMrtinn style, andi«l«rful and (hai-mlng touch.

    i.iii.ji.nii>ti of the >•••>* appearingi.i .-• . .a.i.l and Kra-r. »t the sametim . and then? » . tew distinctmarks by which to oharacterlie It.I'sually the plain surfaces are un-adorned, and moat ot It is of chaste

    ! Icesponge

    Ethel Valentine, of WoodMissbridge,teachers of the MethodistSunday School at her summer home.

    entertalntd the officers and n together furniture harmonti-vefy scarce, expensive vlded these are not so pronounced

    and often too frail and rickety for In design as the Italian Renaissanceconstant use. or Spanish stucco styles.

    For this reason reproductions art1 Difference in thought, wealth an-Jheld. Supper was served on the i l u o r e desirable than originals when ..wyraphy. perhaps, accounts for th*beach in the evening. (colonial in the scheme of decoration, difference In the various colon la.

    The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. I1 j Manufacturers are now making rep- styles. Colonial ftrniture isH. Locker, and ci.l dren, Mrs. Ralph ' : *~ !~ :

    Stauffer and chllu.en, Mr. and Mrs.H. P. Tra-. and children. Mr. andMrs. Frank McDonald, Mr. and Mrs.A. R. Bergen, Miss Evelyn Schoon


    Ing In line, so thai decidedly, angular furniture la TU :

    S C ti G B 8 T I O N M ;BUKkberrr JeUy •

    Ingredients: tour cups (2 pound?iAmerican : j u l c e 0B( , e u p p^tln. seven and one-

    naif cups tthree and one-fourthpounds) sugar. V'se only fully rip-ened berries. Crush thoroughly anil

    about me Aanother girltiling. Herehut these are

    few day* afterwardtold me the sameare two re-marks,not all: They said

    that in which cur\Early .Americannigs, pewter and' colonial stlhou-.*tte« are effectively .ised In a roomfurnished in colonial pieces.

    over, Miss Martha Sprague, MmsJennie Jackson. Miss Helen Potter,Stuart Sctroonover. Robert Grlmley.George Gordon, and Edward 'Augus-tine, at Woo4br«ge; Miss EthelMillet.r, of Lebanonf Pa., and MissFlorence Venn!son, of Trenton.

    — PERSONAL —

    Will Return to Siam - Personals -MONG the "sweet girl gradual**' established. Mrs. Helnen enrolled lu

    " o f the past season, probably nonewill have a more colorful career orknow quite so w*ll what they in-tend that career to be, than LouisaZucernikoff Heincn. who was grad-uated from Loyola of the South atyNew Orleans, with her DD. S.tor of Dental Surgery, i


    the School ot Dentistry at Loyolaot the South, taking the full fouryear course.

    Plan* Intensive TrainingShe plans to rest until Septetu-!

    bt-r. then enter Forsythe Dental In-firmary, at Boston, Mass, for a year!of intensive training, specialising'In dentistry for children. Then she

    Misses Mae and Lena Gautta. ofBrunswick avenue. Fords, are

    on a cruise to Havana, Cuba-Mr, and Mrs. Bdsar Kreuttberg

    and family, of High street, are vaca-tioning at Manaaquan.

    •*,-•• enea oerrtes. urusn inorouggrouped With iriv l h r o l , s h ] e H y D , g D 6 not drippredominate 0 ¥ e r B , g h t M m c o l ,ked Juice fer-:

    nooxed m e M g QuiChl>. Measure Juice andsuyar into large saucepan, stir, audbring tij a boil. At once add pectin.'stinlug constantly, and brtng attainto a full rolling holl and boil one-

    IhMt minute. Rem6v« from nn\ let;

    Istand one minute, aklin. pour,'.quickly. Cover hot Jelly with dim'of hot paraffin, when Jelly is cold,ewer with one-eighth Inch of hotparaffin. Roll glass to spread para-ffin on sides. Requires about thrwquarts berries. Hakes about Iteight-ounce glasses.

    goes to Siam to fight the betel nut

    — Mrs. Ow«to AWeu Dunham —

    Funeral services tor Mrs. CarrieAldan Dunham, t l , , wjdow of John IB»clay Dunham,' wno tied "Motfday,at the home of her daughter, Mrs.Wilitam M. Welant, of Cliff road.Sewaren, after a three months' 111-M M . were held yesterday afternoonat the Welant home. The service!were private.

    The late Mrs. Dunham, was bornat Auburn, N. Y., in 1850. She wasa direct descendant of John andPrisctlla Alden. Her parents wereJame* Monroe and Alice BeardsleyAlden. She resided in Sewaren foroter 13 years, and was well knownthroughout the Township.

    The deceased la sunrlved by Mrs.Welant, a son, Edgar Alden Dun-ham, and two grandsons. EdgarAlden Dunham, Jr., "of Nutley andMonroe Alden. Welant, of Sewaren.

    — MIM r . u .William Hettlger, Hark McCabe

    *nd George Barrett, all of Hope-lawn, a n taking a motor toar ofth* New England states.

    Mr. and Mrs. Hampton Cutter, ofGroen strMt.juUled at midnight lastFriday on the "8. S. Bremen" for« six weeks tour of Europe.

    PETER'S ADVENTURESWhy Ant T » « AM dropped to the ground andADI l o r e VII d e r a i e a t itnOwlhs that I v

    Her WingsI "Why,1' she says, "you simply'must see it to believe It. Slam it;a nation of people with black teeth.jjapnivpae and British dental supplyI houses even make up sets of false[teeth black &s Jet, for the Siamese•trade. They put the betel nut with';i pinch of lime wrapped in a leaf

    hid un-der a leaf, knowing that I was safethere—that Blackbird couldn't findme. The fellow hunted for me long

    "IIAVE you ever flown, sir?" de- enough! He had soled me Just as I" manded Queen Ant of Peter, was dropping to the ground, and I

    Regretfully, Peter shook his head, heard him beating the 'air with his"Then you have never felt like a

    bit of thistle-down .floating on tliabreeie!" remarked Queen Ant. "In-toy solo flight I sailed over a field

    heard him beang t aereat pinions. My foodness, wasn't

    of buttercups and daisiesthey


    and pink •me at;

    situation worth fighting. Startingchildren, giving them You

    alone — mysee, I was notbest friend and

    tiiiht is successfully.'


    Personals -and Mrs. Ernest Hunt,


    At,the very moment I was feeling hap-piest, out of the blue sky swoopeda huge blackbird. Although I triedto squeak a warning, It was useless,

    of i That huge blackbird seised my bestGordon street. Woodbridge, have re-[trlend In his beak and gobbled her

    month's vacation at;up. I was so scared It was all 1could do to make my wings flutter,

    (turned from a; Surprise Lake. - -

    The annual outing of the Just but while- the huge blackbird's backSocial A. A., of Keasbey, will he was turued. I did manage to. flee.held Sunday at Coney Island. iWhen I had gone a Httle way 1

    the club would be better off If Idid not belong, aad my clothe*werp not as good as theirs.

    "Now. Miss.Le*. that may betrue, but I have bought my ownclothe* since I was 13 rear* old.and I cannot afford tilth pricedcloth.s 1 make some of my owndres;?*, too. But ffullv thoseremarks hurt more than theyknow.

    "I derided I would quit theclub. I didn't go for about three -weeks, when the leader railed meup and said they were having aparty and wanted me to 'go. 1didn't go. The next duv shecalled me up again and asked meto her placj. She wanted to talkto me, so I went. When sheasked me Why I hadn't been tomeetings I tyld her everything.She told me to forget It and goback to'the club. I did KO back,but I did not forget.

    "From that time On I would goto her place and we would talkthings over. Oh. how I lovedher. and the time I spent with herwas heaven. She was like amother.

    "About four months »e.o I tookstick, and for aboUt a week theythought I would not get well. Allthis time she was at my sideevery day. Then When I beganto get well she cam* once a day.I'm Just getting out. aod aboutthe first thing I hear i» the sameremark. Should I give up thegirls and the club?

    "Oh, they don'Uknow how Ihave suffered trtttn their remarks!If it wasn't tor the leader 1 wouldnever stay here another week.It's hard for me to givv up theclub. b"t every time 1 RO 1 feelI'm not wanted. Should I gosomewhere else and go to work

    I will not toto b# atiumj tit b« *M* tobe glad rw your

    \ s oirrCAirr."la th* artl i>iac<

    proof Haw jou that tib*wa*t iat ftrtt ov | la*girl*— wk» etrtatit»O little «*M* In

    lo jrott arethey are _

    your flat, aad tatd (a*** tataf* toatas* you a*«ry a*j f«lt*

    hav* proof beyoad a S a b t thatdid n v Thetti. won t7 It niik» yawlook ir«tty yttko* «M a «tHtt*r t*tear* ib* tlsb. \rm\r Vkool. or»Wa> Just brcau»f mmk IIIspiteful p*r*o* %-ui a thingthat? Daa't-ynu ihiak y%« «to your wonderful frtaa4, ta**r of the flub, to kq«t * • aihelp her la c*rr>its* oat•laa* she has wtta y**rh*an. Just bwauw >a» has b**a a*gvoa IO yoa:

    Pat yoarself tn bar *U«* aa4thlak how you would teal abaat la*matter after all the bam* ah* aaaU k m ro show you that sb* Haaayou waats you' Sn> a>d *hr wtaa**'syrvly aouat aiori i* your e*Uata-Uoa tbaa idle, thought!*** remaiaaby a f*w 111 atannre4 girls

    la the third pUrv you must Maranot to tak* other iwopl** « M I U Hm you. \ou know i.iu're as good a*

    I any of them, the other girU. doa*tyouT You also Know that clothe*make very litttf d.nareae*. Whtl*everyone like* to hav* ole* thlagSkand IOOK a> nice »• iKiettb.e. th* real'people of the worM don't put muchthought on clothe* Think ot all th*famous people you ever heard ot.How many give * hoot what theywear?

    Dress as well .i- you can. keepclean, neat and sweet, prtsral asmiling face to the world, and you'llhav« plenty of friends, even If yourclothes are not expensive and rightup lo the minute in style.

    1 A tamoui writer ot the last cen-tury pictured a court filled with peo-ple. Suddenly all clothes fell fromthem, and who could then tell whtehwaa judge, which lawyer, which oa-looker and which prisoner at th*bar? Everyone looked alike.

    -, Look up at the stars, realise whata bis world thin l« and how full ot

    : Interesting things, and how maaj: worlds them are besides, this, aadhow small and Instgnftcant you a n ,

    iThat will show you how unlmpor-tant such things as the** foolish re-marks are and how silly you are talet yourself be more than tempora-rily hurt hy them, while this trtea*of yours who has stood by youthrough your Illness, and who wantsyou tn the club, will seem the oaly

    'one that counts.

    { Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Levin, ofRahway avenue, spent th* w«ek-*adwith Mrs. Levt's mother. Mrs. Mar-ray Mack, ot WtlkM-Barr*. Pa.

    (6SRelieve* a He««a**«. or Naaml-a-to tai »0 whi les , clweka aCold the Brat day. and check*Malaria In three day*.

    066 also in Tablets

    that blackbird mad to think I'dfooled him! He'd lost his meal. Fora long while I was afraid to show |my head. At last, however, when iall waa still. I ventured out and ran |home as fast as I could. And assoon as I'd reached the old Ant HillI decided that roaming was fun,but there waa no place like home.And I tore oft my wings "

    VknOmbty$ 0 Smith S« ftnh Amboy. Nd


    Dr. Louisa Xuc^rnlkoff Heiwn

    for children tn the schools there.She is one of the tew white womenwho can speak Siamese, and she ex-pects to use that" tongue t* persuadethe Siamese to stop chewing thebetel nut, which she says is verybad for their teeth and often causescancer of the moutih.

    Dr Helnen was born In RussiaIn 1899, but accompanied her fam-ily to Siam, when she was threeyears old, h e r father, a dlstln-ulBhed Russian refrigeration ex_pert, having a contract to establishan Ice plant In Bangkok. At 15Louisa could oontesrse in 'Russian.3ikme»e, Bngl»h.HIVench and Ger-

    ,Rwelves Teaching AppointmentAfter graduation from a Catholic

    convert school' at Baaykok. Dr.Helnen received an appointment toteach In the government schools inSUm. When the Worjd War brokeout Siam declared for the Alliesagainst the central powers. A oer-am

    8ah m e r e h a n t . h l p w - s e U e d b v



    QRBM « . *

    Theresigned her position -ritbthe Siamese government and Wiledwith her husband for San *r*n-Cisco After the war.she went to

    sis wflttg


    Hard Wood Flooris often hidden under dingy coats of paint andvarnish. The Regina Electric Floor Machinewi!J scrape off the paint and varnish, scour thefloors clean, bring out their fine grain andpolish them to a gleaming finish.

    Jhe Regina makes old floors like new andmales .the beauty of new floors lasting. Andthere's iio work connected with floor cleaningthe Regina way.

    $89-50 cssh or 194.45 if purchasedon terms Qf $5 down and $5 a month

    Free trial in your own home on request











    i t - •t ••

    Oar Eihibit «t ta* A m s r i w F*UtMM*i«ip*li , Allaatic y* i b ^ ! l AdNew l«*»y. WhM i* A«*ath City »sy « . •

    Ky MMK. I.1SHHTHr"OMK iu tliiiik ul It. the faauiontv> (ur WUIIIBU of today are as inde-peudeui in tin ir Unea as the girlswho" wear them. One glance at amodern duytlme dress and unakaowB that the. owner aad woarerIB a yimng i«s«ou who c a i v ^ h e cowa way about iu the world,1 n l »

    lyg vine."An extremely

    alile. a« well a» oltHMrtmWb&H*pi«tur«d worn by JOM 0fa.Wt*f«,

    favorite. It Is a jlMMM^fW K. lyiog In tront at tVlttlflfa*.with low placed Mlnm ** tM|



    footing and Co*kmj AppH**ct$

    Road Automatic and Storey* W§Ut HuJtn

    Htm Fmm


    THE WOODBRIDGE LEADERPublished Every Krlduy by

    THE WOODBI.1DC.K ritlNTERY, Inc.\i 104 Main !;tie«i, Woodhrldge. N, J.

    Ini. i it at tne POBI Office at Woodbridge, N. Jas Second Class flail Matter

    PHONE WOODBRIDGE 8-1408 VHrpiibllciition of newt and editorial

    H I *

    lipgiiiniii-iiiiijii ui „„-. _ _ _

    mutter In thine columns Is permit


    NEWSPAPERS ONLYa newspaper to praise newspaper advertising

    h i d f advertiser*Koi a newspaper to praise n p p

    results In little convietlon In th« minds of advertiser*• - 1 | W motive ot self-reepelt Is evident and discountsthe opinion expressed, notwithstanding the tact that»uch boosters are usually sincere, Just as other• busl̂n««. msn i^nulnely believe In the superior Quality ofthe psrtftular product they sell. When a non-Journal1st praises newspaper advertising, the opinion receives^a different interpretation.

    I*"" "d prwldptl credit Is atratu wch day.- Now, after a careful sur-vey, U. 8. Yorke, Fox director of advertising, has Instructed (he managers of various houses to drop allother forms ot advertising and spend all the money

    newspaper space He sald'lbthe of their leading


    PDQBROADCASTINGLife's tragedle* A little bdy

    came out Of Jmctyion's, Tuesday,, ;. 'with three lee ***m\cotie«. Just asiw " he got oR the Hep* ke dropped one

    ""•'scoop. He" bent dowi to get It and|the other'twb tall loft. And the,wont part of ltyw*t t*,»» t h e grown-1ups on the corn**- lauKhed. — Justiat sundown hantred«\of sparrows*gather about th*\ M. ft. church on

    tneutrui Hid never used any other advertising

    Six reasons werely tfollows, by Mr. York*: " Flexibility.

    some applying particular-'o alt forms, asFrequently thefollow* by Mr. York*: Flexibility, q

    theatre. - . .pans tn.jv n< iu with a snort, and an^exclamatlon, "he w t e d with greater dispatch,wax rraiv.' Tney are blase, settled and somewhatiilinii,ii iu iIn- vamu ot lite. Tney can't ima&.netiK'iiiseiw.s "in love" to such an extent, and, yet. howpiiwi-i.ui •••• i.aguly and happiness is this youthfulI , l l ! l l l ( l l l

    Whut about It? Well, nothing, although werunt help but wonder, sometimes, whether the older , ,.folks know halt as much about life as they think , Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, president ot Coluiuthey do. ltr*thelr leal to take care of the children ol bla University, poinls out that the 140.000,000 people!^the lunrl lire they cognizant of the possibilities'in ~ ' • »-•—•- -— "vio-inmntlnir with a new eco-' rrulifd "piiiipy love?" "' ••"ii. nt luive Ihey forgotten ull kinds?

    i Gr*yb. Allen. McDonnell adrlsed ussed udidn'tsome-

    that the vowels,, In case Veknow, are a, e, »i, o, u, andtimes y.

    And here's news for the boxingfans, Georges Carpentler, may be atthe races Sunday. Georges came

    advertise- j o v e r o n *-ne IUe n> France, and ru-mor has It that he waB seen con-stantly with Mile. Helle-Nlce. —Mile. Danielle Bregis. French prma

    .. - — donna, who came here to take then r r c M n i N r * n i i o Q V « T F M i!e(|d In a new mtfslcal production,DEFENDING OUR SYSTfcM |"Prlnce«tjy.armlnK", will also he

    present. — There's1 ^no accountingracing drivers will do wfth

    u " " n " ' ' ' " " . money. Herman Schurch hasIzant of the possibilities of. no- in Soviet Russia, are experimenting with a new eco- cieaned. up plenty this season andDo they know anything about nomlc, political and social cpntrol, that they are ap- then he goes ana buys another ex-

    plying their new principles in such a logical and per- pensive car and lets someone els?

    | things

    manner as to tear UP and destroy cert*L. ^ i c ^ T oF tnTjISi.cwhich the western world regard as funda- E v e r s l n c e the fatal crash, the speed

    h h been ringinal c r a s , h p

    has been ringingCUTTEN "GETS" THE ROBBERS | wings wm«.. ».«= - » way offlcet ph(me .._. . ., mental. IIPI»Pwilling to be the "benefactors, friends and guides"1 of "Whut They Saythe mass of the population, that no threat of Com-

    should carry consternation. But, is It vitally •to realize that the new era In

    Whether ni«hor

    iiuk'u'°'">' '"• — ... , I'epty Hopkins Joyce, actress;Russia will be Judged, not by the epithets thrown ai , ,j u k e b e t U n g o n t n e , . a c e s

    It, but rather by its fruits, which may not be apparent d o n - t have to usemy own

    if 1money."

    maintain Itself-by producing unselfish men and women,who make a people 8reat. This t. the only factorthat counts in. the fight against the Soviet scheme

    m ^ y t ^ ^ ^ o k e e p w j v e g a n ( Jc a r g s o t h e y a r e , ^ e e p l n g c a r 8 . '

    that counts in "»« «»»' » » - — . iThe citizens of Woodbridge oan do their part in the J o n ndefense of our present system of developing them-selves into genuine examples Of unselfish,service.

    Bishop:"There IB nof •§ man in the City

    I of New York ijlbo has any quarrelI with Jesus." , s


    7. Speed andRecklessness

    Words of WisdomThe coward and the courageous

    alike must die.—Lucan.• • »

    | Tell me what you eat and I will| tell you what you are.—lirlllatSavarln.

    ! » • «' Against fortune the carter crackB1 his whip In vain.—Rabelais.

    » • •A God alone can comprehend a

    God.—* Young.

    I CHIMNEWSSt. lamtt'

    11:00 A. M.—Morning Worship,Kohel Takeda, Japanese student willoccupy ttie pulpit In th« absence

    ing the United States:worked like a young man In

    104 orThen I got an easier Job andon working until I WUH 136.'

    lowered.| What is recklew driving? The! law tells us that ''any persop who, shall drive any vehicle upon a high-'w y cartJessiy ,and heedlessly, in

    The doctors to the party, who rep-resent Germany, Austria, Hungary,

    iSwftierlanfl, Czecho-Slovakla, andJugoslavia, are here on a tour of

    i American hospl«sjs» and clinics,

    duett trousers), divested him-self of the sptc and span uniformonce the trip was under way antf"be-came the chef.

    day—all of thirty, per

    Stuart Chase, Economist: ' , >If a machine. does not get you,

    wilful or wanton disregard ot thei-ignu.or safety of others or with-out due caution and circumspectloo

    .and at a speed or iu a manner sojuo io enuauger or lo be liktsiy to endangcv any pejson u/ pruperi)

    • ahull be guilty of reckless drivingo( the high und upon conviction shall be pun-

    ished as provided in section two oi• '-«—* i.uis artlciu."1 .....̂

    cent better. , ' '(fa penaltlea' tor reckleni! drivingre ijjiiinBonuieuL In tlie county or

    .numcipal Jail ifor a. period ot noimore than thirty days or a fine

    Re». R*J. 0*FMrell, pastor

    Baj^le at 8:00 P.' M.Evening Devotions—7s38 o'cWck,Week-day Services—Masses 7:30Holy Day Services—Masses 5:30

    ind 71:00 o'clock.First Friday*-—Mass 7: JO o'clockConfession* *eard on Saturday

    iflernoons and evenings 3 to 6 andMe 9 o'clock-. Eves of First Fridaysind all Holy Bays of Obligation aim Saturday*.

    Our Redeemer(FORDS)

    Bev. A.

    Evangelical Lutheran, Fords Ave-nue and Fourth Street.

    8:30 A. H.—Sunday School.. 10:45 A. M.—Morning Worship.

    St. Anthony'sRev. C. OsJaaal, pastor

    Church on Woodbridge Avenue.Masses at 6:30 A. M. and 9:30 A. U.Sunday morning.

    Evening Service, 7:46 P. M.

    Ah! B»rtwr» VMtchle

    „ j „... WfW'iV"""*!'. >

    all Hanklnaon races are conducted, ;go, Baltlhiore, Washington indMUe Helle-Nlce will not be permit- ,Vorkr where t h * expect to arrive on torUi to compete against men. But'August 20, at which time Dr. Albee forshe will show, riding in an eihlbt- (will hold a special clinic tor them at

    Al » UUICUlUe UUVO i lVI gOb ;VU| UIUIQ lU»«t %.U.u*.J w / n »• *. uuou a highway at such a speed at

    to endangerx the life, limb or prop-arty of aoy person."

    Fourth Sunday of month.

    PMibyterianllev. Krneat Abbott, pastor

    9:45 A. M-^Sunday School.11:00 A. M. — Morning Worship

    Union this #hurch.^:09 P. M:v-Junlor and lntorm<

    dial* Christian Badeavor.4:46 P. M.-r««nif)r Christian En-

    deavor, - 'S:45 P. M — Young Psople'.

    Chureh. •• ' • .There will be no evening service*

    during the summer months


    (IftrRDfl) '

    Bev. A. Papp * Bar. A. Stlsn, Mstort• A. M.—Sunday Momlnj Maaa.4 P. M—Vespers.

    Idltion; It Is positive, active and, en-; the|joyable." . , | ^

    IUbliun»th Tagoff, Indian philoso-pher:

    Asia can now • afford

    » of M00 or byth.' . Wednesday at 8:00 P. M.—HeguThe fundamenUl driving rule, « , , „ m , d . w e e k M r v l c f l t . 8 t u d y o f th ,t lorth.ln the i w , provides that Got^ o f M l t t t e w .leratorB of V«»C1B» 'shall drive ^ ^ a r Bo,, ̂ ^ „, * „ , „ , «

    tooke she

    Troop 31, Boy Scouts of America.

  • ~ V r • . • • ' • • • %


    To Drive $10,000 CarW


    • t h -

    IRTYoviock Standard TUne (twoU M U• • " U . V I I K M Tim*), inR m ) , in

    a;t«rnt>on ol the Mid day at th*rii . Offlr.- in the c.ty of New

    ick N JHrunuwlck. N. JAH the following tract or psrwl

    < f land and premises h»r*tnirt*ippremises beretaattei. Situate,(•artirularly b e . S u a t e , lyja*

    mi b*Ing in ih» Township ol Woodi' nl t• H l l l «


    Chief Executive of State toInioect Camp. Parent* and

    friends Are Invited.Gorernof* Morgan L,. Larson will

    make his official tlalt to Camp Bur-ton-Allaire, of ths Rarltan CornellBoy Scouts ot America, on SundayA UK tut loth.

    L. b. Russell, of Parlin. chair-man of the damp committee of; theRarltan council, reported today thaian Interesting* program of cam pi™activities haa been arranged for thuoccasion and a cordial invitation uextended to all parents and friends1

    o( the Beoutr o* the Rarltan Councilto be present at Camp Burton. '

    The Governor Is expected to ar irive In tjie early^aitarnoon andwill inspect the camp and partlci :pate ln the cetwtnflnles which are tobe held.

    Camp Burton-at-Alialre, unfet).th» HIIK. u'icapable toadershfe 0/ Camp Dim- , J W b l n < **«*•*tor Erueat BehuHae, Is enjoying the *.,£?!* (~rmon*best season In Us history. Never be- '•rore have such a large number of ~ ~ " "—buys been present or haa such a! - • n •aplendld program been arranged,! ~ rerSOn&U —'Ail of tha Scouts of the Rarltan ] -•Council who have attended the campj A »on was born Wednesday »fter- m»'ely *2,150."ob"this summer have returned hows noon, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Frank ..Together with all and .vngular,

    •"• m «al«- at public Tendue on nlare nt REIIINVIS,''-t:si)\Y THF T w r v m - r u 1, < orvMin.^i> , idaiS1 al ptge

    Being part ot tit- Mm.. pr«mts«acounted to Bellem»» Nursery *Mortals, Inc., by *>*A dattd MarchSI. 1911, aad raeordM in the atld-

    >'! ' i 1 * * ^ * * M u W l m i *!ff*' c ° 0 " * ««k-« °«™ i» eoSicount-Too877 of Deeda lor

    a point on ths page* 1ST. etc.side of Dunham Plate, Being premises)

    - « * r»x. aad appurtenantv* thereuate bw-

    Engineers, ITS Smith Street, longing or In anywise appertain!**.Ambor N J ownd d d i BERNARD M ONNON

    g e s , ITS Smith Street,Perth Ambor N J,. owned and de-relbped by John Brennen and |M


    8 k «_„ ,„. •'. HINRICH3EN.BBOINNtNO at a point oTrtW » « . J 0 Soll«ltat.

    aOTtbvrly Una of MUton Avenue, dls T» be a4v*rtttm| Aaiust 1, Ifctfct%at «*st»rly •«« hundred and August »lh., 19^0 Augusttweaty-nve ( t » \ twt frftm ihc 19J0 and August Jlnd., 1»ja.

    SHERIFF'S SALEthe «h.. righu. privileges, heredlumenu MIDDLESEX CCNTY CIRCUIT. Of RldgeSale

    f ih . M ^ » ? » l ^ i / U t l t 0 •** h*?:PerUi Amboy Ct^ Hospital. and appurtenances thereunto be

    « \ f . ? * h^Iv i t h ?!;ogrttni' JhK , Mr«- MwgarK Allen and daugh- >0»S'n* or in anywise apperUlningS.ouls aiv bosy with then routing ter, Charlotte, of Plalnflpld, 5re BERNARD M. OANNON,work, thre* substantial vlaltlng Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Me- Sheriffmeats a day. two swimming periods. l>od, of r.rwnville street EDWARD A. BOWNEbaseball tennis, basket!);. nature Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Moflett and *2»-9* Solicitor,study, hlkjng. boating, canoeing, and daushter, Oraw. of Prospect ave T o be advertUed July 25th., 1930,

    COU RT—LESTKR L. DRUM-MONO, Plaintiff vs. HERMANKREDKIUCti. ana MARY FRED-ERICK, his wife. D«f«ndants. FtKa tor sale ofMay 28. 1930.By virtue ot the above stated writ

    Daylight Saving Ttnif) Inthe afternoon of said day at theSheriff's Once In th* citv of New)Brunswick. N. J.

    All the following tr»a or parcel'of land and premises heretnaft«rparticularly dsacrtbed. situate, ly-ing snd being In the Township i'f,Woodbrtdge. ln the County of Mid-1dlesex and State of New Jersey. »,«Ing known and designated a» Lot

    „ „ „ „ , „ . , . . N o H o» a "Map of 105 Building

    ^ses- 'date 'di^VViX^^ J" °™* *in the_ . « „ „ „ „ , „ «E«1NNINO at a

    niunerouaI othtr enjoyable activities, nue, Hrp vacationing "aT'Lake "on-'August 1st., 193o"."*AuVust' *8th.' to die directed ainu"apilveVed"! will f"l er l>' Btdf o f Third

    One of the outstanding features, tario, Hendenmn Harbor, for two 1931> »nr-Merlt Badge Counsellors covering j William J. Ii>ine. and daughters I —LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT-Ahe necessary badges a hoy to Edna and Patricia, of Colonia left!become an Eagle Scout.' Courses lu Monday for a irip to HMo. Th~fv*bird study. American Ht-rt Cross. Lit-- will motor through Canada andBaving, pioneering, cumping, flrst will be. gone about three weeks


    TH V TWENTIETH • . . . .DAY OF AUOIST. NMNETEEN i t" 1 1 0 " w l t h t h e northerly line of

    HUNDRED 'ND THIRTY n* (j«orS«'8 or PoBt Road, thenceAl one o'clock Standard Time t h ^ f * ' e t L t l l e n c e l*> northerly,g

    aid. cooking, nuu

    y j ), Ithe afternoon ot th. said day at theS l f f ' Offi i

    giveu al Camp Burton lh the Or. enraoorv Inn, spent Sun'davcharge ol Waldo E. Holbrooke, the with Mr. and Mrs. Joiieph Nedepcamp training director, Assistant corn, al Tottenville, S. I.Scout ExtHutive Morgan C. Knai)>» Mr. and Mrs. George Merrill andts lu charge of water front and llfu family, of K'nnvood avenue. Wood-saving Instruction, bridge, left Saturday for the Thou-

    All Scouts of the Raritan Coun- sand Islands.«ll are privileged to go t> Camp: Miss L. Cutter, F..G. Tlsdatl, of

    Mr and Mrs George Paige, of IJV CH.A?CER* OF NEW JERSEY gr i f f ' s Office in the City ot New [ L l ^ ^ L ^ i (50>—Between THE BLACK DIA- \Brunswick, N. J. . ' thence (3) westerly, parallel to the1

    Mu.ND • BUILDING AND LOAN All the right, tin,- or Interest o» ," l s t cours«;-' fn*> hundred tloOt f m |ASSOCIATION ot Newark. N. J. . lthe defendants. H. rman Prederlcli IL° * P ° l n t l n ' h e « « « r l y line ot:Complainant, and G E O R G E I and Mary Frederick, of, In and to | T . " l r t Street; thence ( I ) southerly, jBiCKO, and others, Detendams. ialMlie following described premises ?l o n B . !"' e 8 a l d "w o t T h l r r t Street,i!•• > a ior sale ot mortgaged prein- to wit:

    dated July 7. 1930.By virtue of the above stated writ

    Burton and should make application | Woodbrldge; Miss Daisy Rush, Se- to me directed and delivered 1 willthrough their Scoutmasters or dl iwaren, and Mrs. Schryack, of Far expose to sale at public vendue on


    HUNDRED AND THIRTYat one o'clock Standard Time (twoo clock Daylight Saving Time) afternoon of the said day at theSheriff's Office ln the City of NewBrunswick, N. J.

    Ail the following tract or parcelot laud and premises hereinafterparticularly described, situate, lyingand being In the Township of Wood-bridge, in the County- of Middlese>and State of New Jersey, beingknown and designated on a certainmap entitled "Map of Fulton Ter-race, situated in Woodbrldge Town-ship, Middlesex County, New Jersey,1922," Larson & Fok, Civil Engin-eers, 175 smith Street, Perth Am-boy, N. J., owned and developed byJohn Brennen' and Edwin G. Fraoer

    rectly with the Headquarters of the;HilK N, J., autoed to Asbury Park,Raritan Council at 175 Smith on Wednesday.

    atreet, Pwth Amboy. Ten days no-j Charles Mundy has returned tolice Is required in order to be succ'hls hsm* at Asbury Park, afterof a- reservation. Enrollment is visiting at the home of his aunt,limited to only those Boy Scouts Mrs, Alfred Mundy, of St. G-eorge'swho are registered and in good javenue.Standing, ln anyone at our Rarltan' Miss StelU Kelley has returnedCouncil Troops. The Sea Souts m home after spending her vacation atthe "Commodore Kearny". Sea Scout i Asbury Park.Ship, will be In camp-the last two! Mrs. Edward Stewart, of Newweak* of August.

    Li Brunswick, is a guest at the homeg ! g e

    Governor Larson has always bten of her sister, Mrs. Charles Mundy,Interested In the Boy Scout Move-,of Upper Green street.tnoni and wae pleased to accept the;Honorary Presidency of the Rarltan1 Weep No More, My Landlady€ounMl ^ aheted. BU visit New Roomer — When I left myto camp next Sunday, will be the | last rooming house the landlady•outstanding public evenl of the sea- wept. r~~s^

    Landlady.—Well, IVwon't because1 always collect In advance.



    TRACTA two-story two-family brick and

    hollow tile dwelling located upon aplot of land ln the Township ofWoodbrtdge, County of Mlddlesejand State of New Jersey, more par-ticularly described ns follows:

    BEGINNING at a point ln thenortherly side Ot Roosevelt Avenue,distant 50 teet «a3t«rly from thecorner • formed by the Intersectionof the said northerly side ot Roose-velt- Avenue with the easterly sideof Henry Street, as said streets arelaid down and shown on a map en-titled "Map of Hagaman Heights,situate in Woodbrldge Township,Middlesex County, N. J., surveyed1923 by Larson & Fox. C. E.. PerthAmboy, N. J.," on file In'the officeof the Clerk ot the County of Middlesex; then*e^(l) in a northerlydirection and parallel with the east-erly Bide of Henry Street and 50teet therefrom, 103.69 teet to apoint; tbence (2) In an easterly di-rection 37.SO feet: thence (3) ln

    fifty (50) feet to the point or placeof BEGINNING,

    Bounded on the north by Lot No.12, on the south by Lot* NOB. 9 and10. on the west by Third Street, as.shown on said map, and on the east',by lands ot Dunham. I

    Decree amounting to approxi-mately M.100,

    Toother with all and singularthe rights, privileges, hereditamentsand appurtenances t'hereunto be-longing or In -anywise appertaining.

    BERNARD M. GANN5N.Sheriff.


    SHERIFF'S SALE•'ft «, ^° 'JS »n f l p a r t o T L o t W o Isoutherly direction 103."54 teet more119. Block 529-E and more particu- o r l e g 8 t 0 a ^ ^ l n the said north-

    1Ay™e?crl,bS? a 8 I o U o w s 1 I erly side ol Roosevelt Avenue;BEGINNING at a point on the thence (4) along the same in a

    It youDUXBURY, VT.

    branch oil "the long i

    t h e n c e ( 4 ) a i o n g t n e 8 a m e m aIN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY westerly Bide of Fulton Street dlsi- !weBterly direction 37.50 feet to the

    B i l d i t a n t southerly two hundred and l—Between Perth Amboy Building t a n t southerly two hundred and | p o i n t or place of Beginning,

    and Loan Association, Complain-', "xty-nve (266) feet from the cor- \ B e in g known and designated aaant. and Peter Forslre. e,t. als., n e r formed by the intersection of a n of i o t 14 and the westerly 12.»0Defendants. Fl Fa for sale of |.n« 6 a i d ..we8ferl>' 8 l 4 e .o f F . u l t o n . teet ot lot No. 13 in. Block 1079 X

    as laid out and' designated on thetrail" that winds along the summits; mVrtga8ed ^ . ^ ^ e ^ June Street V t t h the southerly side ofof the Green Mountains, following 28 1930 «udd>' pl»««: running thence (1)the creeks down into remote val ] B ' y , ^ o f t h a b o y e g U t e d . rf( westerly on a course south eighty-leys you are liable to run smack. In-. t o m e 4 I w c t e - a n d silvered, 1 111) t«° (82) degrees, fifty-tour (54)to the kind ot backwoods that are m tQ g a , e a t b , , c v e n d u e l 0 D minutes, thirty (30) seconds west,a Joy and delight to the outdoors WEDNESDAY THE TWENTIETH one hundred and twenty-four andman.

    Especially ln the large uninhab-ited region between Ml. LincolnMt. Mansfield, highest peak '


    ynlnety-Blx one-hundredtha (124.9,6)

    s lai n daforementioned' Htap.

    Being the same premises con-veyed to. John Latcovlch by deed ofJohn Hagaman add wife, dated Feb-ruary 1, 18F27. and recorded Febru-ary 17, .1927, in Middlesex County

    b o o k 8 7 5 - a t 52. said. A n w w n D u />«« l a > » i i I teet to a point; running thence (2) .U B C U U W I l o l o B l vo,^ „. . a o l u• *.t Al one o'clock Standard Ttm.e (two: northerly and parallel with Fulton i o U w e r e incOrrectly designated at

    , '""J'o'clock Dayffght Saving Time*, In Street, forty-one >and twenty-five being in Block J 0 7 9 K In a deedaute, there is a seldom explored l h < ) a f l e r n o o n o f t h e g a l d d a y a t

    Pthe;i,un4redths {4l .25rteet to a point;

    reg.on, teeming with wild life of a l ) . sherld'a Offlce In the City of New I running thence (3) easterly atklndB. Now and then, way up ln BrUQIWtck, N, J. | right angles to Fulton street, onethe hills, yt>u wilt find the sad r«m . . . >he foUowint; tract or parcel hundred twenty-two and three nun-*anu ot some abandoned f»m o f , u d a n d

    QW B - -herelnattei dredths (122.03) f«et to the said

    goats, and even wheat,


    l5 , y' a n d W e ot,New Jersey.

    where mountain birch and sprue* p a r U e u i a r t v described, situate, lying westerly—aWe—»t Kultoa Street;thiclwts have grown over the a n d b e l n g l n t h e T o w M n l p o f W ood' thence running (4) southerly alongground which was once planted ID b r i d K e l n t h e County ot Middlesex the Bald westerly side of Fulton...... - , . . - . 1 • _ g t r e e t fl(tyHlW a n d stxty-six hun-

    dredths (66.66) feet to the point orplace of beginning. ,

    Decree amounting to approxi-mately 12,400.00/

    Together with all and singular,

    distant northerly five hundred sixtyfive feet from the corner formed bythe intersection of th* northerlyline of Indiana Avenue with th«westerly line of Ridgeley , Avenue,

    The census llgurea lor 1920 show. B e l n g k n o w n a n d de8tgnated asonly a scant Increase in population , l o U N o g 1 7 a n d l g Bi0

  • THE WOODBRIDGE LEADER, FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1930T H E W O O D B R I D G E L E A D E R , F R I D , =====^_===^

    B 00STTElDDLESEX^COUNTY< Free Tire Service nn All Miller Tire*'



    ., ' . PkMM Wo«dWMc*.i



    SMSP. A.

    j . P . JOHNSONA I' T O T O P S S E A T C 0 V E R 8

    Side CurtalU, Enclosed Top*. Body Trlomtags, Upholstering

    WlmMik-ld and Door UUm laoUlhil


    Laundry InvitesCus tomers to

    Inspect Its Plant


    Branch Factory ai GarfleW, N.' J.


    Ni * York. Chicago Lo?_Angele«.

    Manufacturers to


    •"". W.A.JtNSEN. General Contractor



    Phone 8-O17M Woodbrtdne

    Thoughtful ServExperienced Attention

    Modern Equipment

    THE FUNERAL HOME 'A. t. Orelner R. A. Hlrner

    Established 1904

    filRtTAN DAIRY MILK• • ' j t A T U R K ' S P U R E S T "





    A Real Up-to-Date Garage



    I'hoiie H-1403


    By the Builders of the Worli's Beat Tire*


    FORD SIZE 30x4.50 With Tnbe $6.97CHEVROLET 6 SIZK 29x4.50 With Tube 16.87


    Trie Ford* Snow White Laundry,of Douftas street. Pvrd*. extends acordial Invitation to all t»-vvlp«'their plant at any tiaw, to """^M-MI —much c«rt 1» taken wtth the w«JT|j] ^ *•ot their customer* The most delFUl G R E B N STREET* BARRON AVENllE - PHOtfE WDBOB J-9i«4« t e fabrics are washed without * /" vn"a **• f* > , «.Saw and without ruining them, a]only the purest soaps are used. /

    All kinds »f work la done by t*laundry. Including, wwt wash., huti-die. flat work, sitd finished IrHtAdOf bending over the wakh tub sernb-1blng Jqnlor'* clothes during the hot i•pell, way not pick wf your receiverand call Perth "Amboy 4040•/ Atrue* will call for y«ur wa*h (and;return It aparkllag white. In «miriorder.


    Where's a good place to eat?Invariably die answer to thai

    queation is at the Middlesex Res-taurant The Middlewx Restaurantis owned bv Joseph Galaida. *hihas the reputation of serving soodfood at all times. ,The mtnu offersUrge and varied choice and every-;

    .thing is prepared and rooked to a| king s taste.; Mr. Galaida caters to all iiartifsand banquets. His corps of < IDcieni workers help to make anv

    i party a suewss. The restaurant is1 large and airy and provides an id* a!place for meetings, tea parties, din-ners, luncheons and banquets.


    147 New Brunswick Ave. Phone 1775-1776 jvrth Araboy


    Visit Our New Plant and See the Care

    We Take U Your Most Delicate Fabrics


    We Sell the Complete Line of

    JOHNS-MANV1LLE SHINGLESAsphalt and Asbeatm


    Telephone Carteret 8-1359

    Phone P. A. 4040

    M A J U LEAF FAIUJ,Always Boosting

    Middlesex County

    : • • . • , ! '


    1 STRUCTURAL STEEL ': i . °


    r. A. a t*


    Complete Garage Service . General Repairing sad .Towing

    All Can Greased and Serviced Day and Night Service


    Phone 84MS1

    P. A. 197S



    HAMILTON LAUNDRYIncorporated .




    tUmlUon Stre«t . " * • « , lUJawaj

    . T • — -» . .Woodbridge $-»«!«Kmaraon 2-1614

    - P H O N E S :Rafeway 7-1515

    PlaUifld (-0137


    With ls'OTOcain or 3w«et Air

    Plate Work a> Specialty — Teeth Are the «*tewars I* HwUtJi




    RAINBOW INNAMBOT AVEKfJJR '^»W^^P^|P™» "ttme. NJhe children from theTownship are being cared for by.thecamp this season.

    The Health Inspector's report forthe month was as follows: conta-gious diseases reported: tuberculo-sis. 4 eases; births. 37; deaths, 9;

    •l^jMirafs' report, homo


    Authiirlxtsl I) I'


    PATRONIZE ITS MERCHANTSFuheral H o m e HFRRFPTQ T A D ATE lU. „ . .. ., ...,« „„ ,„ ... . « . . . . _ _ _ - „Funeral Horn

    Has Served Twp.Over 26 Years

    -Thoughtful Service", the mottoof the Grelner Funeral Home, atOreen street and Barron avenue,Woodbridge, l§ not two meaningless•words.

    Th*r funeral parlors, were estab-lished 26 yemn aco and In thailime, R. A. Hlraer and A. K.Oreiner, the directors, have giventhoughtful aanrl«e to the families ofthe Townihip. The establishmenthas become a local Institution.

    Thoughtful ferytte Is not .theonly thing that the directors offrr ustheir years In the work enables(hem to olter experienced atten-tion to all matters. Modern equip-ment Is used and every detail, nomatter how small. Is taken carp of.


    IN ISEUN ROBBERYThe second time tn a month, a

    lioiise owned by the Citizens' Bulld-lim Loan Assocation, of Perth Am-hoy, on Green street, Iselln, hasbeen entered, according to a reportmade to the police by WilliamKroyer, of Iselln. A gas rangevalued at 120 and & breakfast nookvalued at *30 are missing.

    Mr. Kroyer said that the housowas entered about four weeks agoand that the celling was damagedto the extent of ISO.


    N O T I 0 K

    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thatthe Township Committee will hold aImeeting at the Memorial Municipal*Building, Woodbridge, N. J,, onAugust 11th., 1930, at 3:30 o'clockin the afternoon, (Daylight HavingTime), to consider the final passagenf the following ordinance, at whichtime and place objections theretomay be presented by any taxpayerof the Township.

    Objectors may Hie a written ob-jection with the Township Clerkprior to that date.

    B, J. DUNIOAN,Township (Clerk


    To Amend an Ordinance Hn.titled, "An Ordinance lo Pro- 'vide for • FDblic Park, In theTownefeip of Woodbridgv",Adpptod.April n , ,1997, uAmended Stay 14, 1928, March11, 1929 mi M»y 86, 1980.WHEREAS, In the prosecution of

    the improvement of Section No, iof the Public Park in the Townshipof Woodbridge, U.fUpeaxs advisableto extend the portion shown on thoplan and Bpecfflealons as a lake,therefore,Be It Ordained by the Township

    Committee of the Township of-Woodbridge, In the County ofMiddlesex;1. That section ft of ihe ordinance

    as amended, in hereby amended toInclude the following section, saidsection to be called Bection 6A, and jto read as follows:

    6A. Beginning^ the point of in-tersection formed by the easterlyline of Gorham Avenue with thesoutherly line of Aldtne Street and

    ; from said beginning point running(1) South 54" 56' East along thesoutherly line of Aldine Street,214.30 feet to a point; thence (2)South 26o iqr West 106-80 feet toa point; thence 13) North 57° 41"West 230.91 feet to a point In theeasterly line of Gorham Avenue;thence (4) North. 35° 04' Bast alongthe easterly line of Gorham Avetiue,116.72 feet to the point or place ofbeginning.

    Being known aa Lots 1 to 9 In-clusive, Block 278-B as shown ODMap of Brldgemere Terrace, m^deby Larson and Fox, Civil Engineersot Perth Amboy. N. J., dated 'March« . 1818, \ '..*

    Beginning at a point to the west-erly line of Gorham Avenue, Baldpoint being distant 369.01 feelfeatured southerly from the Inter-section formed, by th» westerly Tfceqf Qorham Avenu* with the south-erly line of Green -Street1 and fromsaid beginning point running (1)South 35°'04' We*t 119.12 feet tok point; thence (2) North 57° 41'Weat B60.J8 feet ttf a point in theeasterly line of Liberty Avenue;Chence (3) North 35° 04' East alongthe easterly line of Liberty Avenue,

    . fil.U feet to a point; thence (4)3o*th 540 56' East 260.00 feet tothe point or place of beginning.

    Being known aa lots 17 to 28 In-clusive, Block 278-C, as shown onMap of Brldgeuiere Terrace, madeby Larson and Fox. Civil Engineers,of Perth Amboy, N. J.; dated March24, 1919. , . ,

    Beginning at a point In the west-erly Hue of Liberty Avenue, Baldpoint being distant 300 feet meas-ured southerly from the point of In̂tersectlon formed by the westerlyline of Liberty Avenue with thesoutherly line of Green Street;thence from Bald beginning pointrunning (1) South 35°. 04' Westalong the westerly line ofc- LibertyAvenue '183.54 feet to a point;thence U) North 670 41' West200 23 feet to a point in the easter-ly line of Mobile Avenue; thence(3) North 35° 04' Ba«t along theeasterly line of Mobile Avenue,243 14 (et?t to a point; thence (4)South 54o 6J>' East 100.00 ' »eetfttoa, point; thence (5) South. 35° 0*

    ' WeHt 60 feet to a point; thenee (61South 64° 56' East 10000 feat,topoint or place of beginning.

    Being known as Lota 17 to 33 ln-clvsive, Block 278-D, *» shown onMap of Bridgeware Terrajoe, madeby; Larson and Fta, Clytl Btoglnewt,ot Perth Amboy.N. J.,dftted March24 191ft

    12. Tnli ordinance ihall t»k# ef'feet !jnme*•>

    Dancing will be raJoyed and refrwh-menu smed.

    in Twelve Days

    George H*)du. ;)•. real estateagent, of «0< CorVell street, PerthAmboy, round 1 that there was . agreat deal of truth In the above.Ceorgsh/ was trawling on UpperGreen street. Tuesday afternoon. |He got to the trefBc light Just as Ittunn-d red. Now Ceorge was In ••


    to h?across,in th«would

    The endurance rare Inyouth* rode lilcyrle* around th«blMk of Coley, Smith. Second nnd

    . • . .. William Mreft 1, endeil it « o'clock. 1 U I . charge °

    r , th« on Friday flight of Ust week, afteris, >raak Boka, Joseph Pin- t ) w rJd,ra nl

    Don't Bother Rape vialy,C, ttedec* aad (Jeuriie Molnar.' A curious little bojr waa watching ta'ahed th* contrat In good physicala car being loaded at the station, condition.


    TILE P L A N T CARJuhn Rorot. H, of »7 Main

    strtut, Woodhrldr.. waa ta]ur»dwhen lir wa* mrurk by O*ê _Of tt>»rars used at th» MettM «WlowTilf plant, whfrr he It eaiptoyed.Tuesday afternoon Be m U k nto th« Perth** Am boy Clt

    and later Inquired. "Why do th*>call It A ihlpiuent wh»n It coe* In acar anP« cargo when It goes In ashtp?"~8anla Fe Magatlne.

    • -


    hurry, and no one teemedlooking, so George scootedHe forgot, howefer, to lookrear of his ear, where hehave seen Officer J. Lewis.

    The whistle blew. Ceorge stopped,and a white slip of paper changedhands, with the result \hat a fine of17.60 was Impoetd upon him, byi?0" t w o lighting in ttie mtddir of x^i, w«t«K Too MnuiJudge. ». W. Vouel, Wednesday t n e s l r «t . N e w mM ( w h o ^ Utn t o W t 0morning. | Drunk—He'sh wrong, yer Honor, address the guesu wrrwtly, qshrr

    W wush Jusht tryln1 lo s«paratc Ing In admiral»: "This wiy, youtRead The I**ler Regularly . each other.—16th Infantry News. flngnhlp."

    1 j T k , _ ' T I | * ] K sitting down.

    Judge—This officer says he found . *In the middle of

    The Wraimn ant the MmMalt> Straphanger—Madam*,

    aff standing on my foot.. 'Femala. Ditto- -1 beg your pardon.

    I thought It belonged to the manExchange

    And (he «« •««»* )A straM*r *V WtftC shown

    throuth the room* bf the BeatonChapter ot the 0*0. O. t.'w.

    "And this Is the ledg* room?" h*asked. \

    '•Well. It in rather lodge, orcourse, but the one next to It lemuch lodamh." —A«rt.% . •

    ludgr — Wh»i la your opinion,gentlemen of the JuryT

    Foreman—We think the accuse*it not gttilty. but he ought to bewarned that he mutt Mnr do tt

    Brandon Sun.

    MUGGS McGINNlS A Uttle Sharpshpotm't ! By W ALLY BISHOP

    1M0. kr Cmtn) fnm Aawdttta, IM.


    NOU Hrt>\ -rue MXE- OF A CtRL-


    booosoma old


    HIGH PRESSURE PETE Try This on Your BarberBy SWAN

    BIG SISTER By Fair Means or FoulBy LES FORGRAVE '


    GAMEuotu "


    TUiScowreSTor*.Twrt cotoxe^rWHAT voo'ae





    DER SPORTSFirst Victory

    Goes to Fordsin Big Series

    To Try lor Record

    With Soo In thf (pltrli' r'yClub (l'-reatid

    Ihe Wixidbrtdg* A- A., U I" 4. Inthe firm round for the champion-ship of Woi'idbfldge Township al t luaew joiilh diamond, Sunday HCUMnoon. t

    Woiidhndjse scored first when »man came llome in the second Man•a. Nul lulbe OUldoni by their rlrals. Fouls Woke. Up, and retaliatedby K'Hnt unNa ;JiattinK sprw andtallying live r u n s ^ J " * runn, in thenext verne. two In the fifth and twoin tin; sixth, easily guve Kurds tin.-gimt. In the meantime, CliarU >Barcell'oiin'* meni went Into a slumpand only succeeded In pushing twomen over the home plate.

    Hreliovritkl, pf Fords, WAS thehero ot tin- day. /.He managed to w.\four hits out of five times at hat,an

    Darkness EndsGame at 3-3

    ^ in t h e EighthDarkness, interfering with thf

    Keastiey Field Club-J&mesburg AA. game, caused the-tilt to end In a^rore, 3-3, at the end ot tbe eighthinning. Friday evening.

    ! Tntil the eighth Inning, it lookedan If the ktaabey team had thename In the bag. Jamesburg stageda rally and tied the score.

    The box score:Keaxbe> V. i \

    j ' AB. R, H

    Woman "Gas- Jockey" to Race Here Campbell NineDefeats Urange

    Triangles, 11 -

    jHrphowBkl, ss. ...H. Kublnak, 2b.

    < Jacobs, c ...Romer, 3b. ..Kanim, If.

    i Drasculla, cfIKriss, rf _....Lund, lb _H-iJ. Kublnak, p. ..

    Kuirh, local favorite,

    JiitnettbiirK A. A.



    AB. R. H.Van Cleaf, 3b.Dey, IfHuUe, 2b.



    h|M"t to bi'inn home the "barW.Sunday, when he will be one of; Morgan, c. .ihe hi-iuliincru at local pin* j Ti'mko, ss. .

    Petty, p! Christy, rt.jTimberman,lllogers, cf.

    B4 Reserves DefeatSewaren Pirates

    in Double Header

    lb .

    .Snioyak,,: Sop, |i. .

    The score byKeasbey F. C

    Innings:0 10 1

    26 3 I

    Laurent, cfParsler, 2 b. :izDame tech, ss. J.ASandbeck, If. ._ . .„Mullen, lb. „_Mlierak, 3b. . ,„ . , . -Keating, rf __ .̂..._Clark, c t _ _.Llslckl, p ivCampion, rf »..,Dunham. 3b. ,Gerlty, lb. - I

    39 11A, A.

    AB. n. H.5 1655234421

    I'lrales took an awj^lful drubbing from the Reserves, of

    North Amboy, on Saturday, whenthey lost a double header by scoriao\j i - l and 17-8. Kosmyna held the

    1 0 0 0 — - .

    O.OOJDJL? M—3(I The summary: Three base mi.''Kriss. Two base hit, H. Kublnak.tSacrifice hit, Hulse. Base on Kubtnak, 6; off Petty, 1. Struckout, by Petty, 3; by Kublnak, 7Hit by pitcher, l'etty.

    to three hits in the oueneiand two of these were from the bat

    Q I of Haney. The Reserves lined out0J18. In the nightcap, the Reserves1'pounded the pill for 23 hits off two

    Sewaren pitchers, while Gadek al-lowed but eight.

    The box scores of the, double-header:

    N. A. IUtterv.esAB. R.

    L.Steciak, 2blllTaranwkl, c.

    Gadek, BS. ....Kosmyua, p;The scoreW'db'dge A. A. u 11 0 1 1 0 0 0— 4

    Fords F. C. — i > 0 6 2 2 2 0 0 x—11Tne summary" Three base hits, . .

    Uurent. Soo, Rqdner, Romer. -Two £,.. 5"1', J1' 1~~base hits, Clark, Gloff. Struck out, J**™™' 1 D ' ,by Ll.lckl, 4; by Soo. 6: by Mlterak, RomaueU. ef.2. Bases on balls, off Mlcerak, 2 ; |oft Soo, 1; Lialckl, 0. Hits, offLisle*!, 14 in 6 tanlng!', off Mlierak,3 In 4 innings. Umpires, Van Peltand Parsler.


    TIDE TABLEFor S*undr Hook, N. J.

    Meridian 7$» W. Figures In heavy- j Abbert, rf.Kathe, 3b.Tappen, ss.

    [PlttB, If.jKurmer, cf,|Han«y. c. ..iKudlak, p..LeRoy, lb.

    Time, Caprtss,

    AB. H. H.4 0 0


    2b. _ -

    faced type indicate P. M.Heights are reckoned from


    low water, aa determined by sound-iogi of U. S. Coast ft Geodetic Sur-vey charts.

    HIGHTime Ht.

    _.. 7:88 4.39. 7:58 5.1_ «;17 4.4!• t tS» 8.0._ 1:53 4.411 »:«5 4.9-_ 1:28 4.5

    12 9:87 *•#_ 10:03 4.513 10:11 4.6_ 10:37 4.5

    H 10:46* 4.4

    Police All Setto Defeat A. A.

    at Grove FieldShhh! Ifs a deep and dark se-

    cret. But really and truly, theWoodbrldge Cops are going to meetthe Woodbridge A. A. a week fromtonight at the Grove street diamond.According to Ben Parsons, th«re willbe no more postponements, for theTownship's finest, is read; to provethat they know more about baseballthan most people suspect.

    Committeeman Ben Jensen hasoffered his services, as umpire, andmost likely he will be signed up.Affable Ben Parsons and "Truck."Dunham will be on the mound forthe bluecoats. Although CharleyBaroellooa has threatened, to usehia second string men, most likelyhe may find that he will have to usehis regulars which include, Sand-beck,. Dametsch, Paraler, Laurent,Mullen, Miterak, Keating, Clark,LUlckl, Campion, Dunham andGerlty.




    Time Ut.1:41 0.2|Gadek, p..

    0.4 Wawec, lb. _O.J Zawlinski, n .0.4|T*efenko, 3b,0.2!MiedWick, If. -OAJKoBlogki, rf. .0.2 Raab, c.

    second game:X, A. Reserves

    36 1 3


    Ab. It. H.5 1 16 2

    .._ 11:14IS 11:»I



    0.5 Taranoska, ef.0.3iSteciak, 2b. _0.60.5

    S e w e n Piratet


    A Her battling In an uphill ;.uli, nnd playing what seemed tu losing game, the Wllllnm

    iCamphe.ll nine, staged a rally [,eighth inning and defeatedOranKP Triangles, one of the r;l.colored teams In the Bast, to

    of 11 to 8, at the Steel K,|ment diamond, Sunday afternd-

    Three pitchers were nnmound during the gam? u»Avenel team. Kara pitched .clean ball for the, Bnt tour innnMulraney' lasted tlfrwhad to be relieved by" pwho held the Triangles at bay

    Manager Perna, of the Wniin,,Campbell team, again issue* -A ,lenge, to the woodbrldge ,\1'prna. in his challenge, BAVKa challenge was Issued som.iano to Barcellona's team, anilAvenelltes are still waiting •

    j reply. Manager Perna to hear from the Kord* iI Club.

    Next Sunday, the Campbellstake to the road aad will im-wLincoln

    ! Hall.Colored OlantB at v,

    from pape 4 )


    Woman's viewpoint on races discussed by Mile. Helle-Nice. Newspaper woman in interview with "Queen ofRace Tracks", discovers that musical comedy star worksin gym each day to keep in trim.


    It is not an uncommon fault to' from the track and the dust andjudge people Inaccurately from grime that goes with racing toughenhearsay only . to find, more 6ften It?" ,than not, that our impressions were| "Oh. that's something I learnedentirely wrong. You have all hadif r o m m v experience on the stagr.the experience, so you will undei- n s a n easy thing to put plenty otstand how I Wt upon meeting Mile.!cream on before I start. 1 can't

    yThe officers' line-up will be as

    follows: Sgt. Ben Parsons, pitcher;Meyer Larson, catcher; Henry"Truck" Dunham, pitcher;. Andy"Gump" Slmonaen, first base;"Smiling" Joe Orady, second base;Sgt. Jack Egan, shortstop;

    the burning wind beating on youface, the heat of the sun

    i,is mi thehave been

    • i*. There.irials "I1 one lap each, three

    'j. being, each of five miles,n mile consolation and the ;fea-

    a raw. this time of twenty-live miles or fifty laps.

    on,, of the largest fields ever ex-for these events, judging

    the way the entries have beenriiiR in This In Bplte of the

    that Hob Robinson, "king ofihe dirt track drivers", crashed tohis death at the track a week agolast Sunday, when his car hurtledthrough the guard rail and plungedsixty feet to the ground.

    One of the earliest entrants wanKick Decker, the popular StatenIsland driver, whose car preclpated

    :the fatal crash. Decker was all_.. :broken up over the tragedy, al-reflects though, to be sure, It was no fault

    I Fimianl, 2b.iMcArdle, lb.IDapollto, It.Sheets, Cf

    — I A. Perry, cf. .r ' inarna, Sb. —•'MKeybock, vs.

    box scores:Wm. P. OampbrllH

    AH. u.

    •>~*-«i. »»

    J. Perry, c,Mulraney, p. ...Kara, p. ...Kopperwatts, p.


    4... 1

    .._ 21

    Helle-Nice, tdriver, whopearance in America at the Wood-bridge Speedway, Sunday.

    Being a woman myself, I hadImagined her as a rough-and-ready,hard-boiled1"0type: Entirely unfem-inlne, of course. Any woman whodrove in competition against menwould have to be. But I realised

    French woman race-afford n o t (0. ,Xou see, I haven'tmake her first ai'-'given up the, stage. This racing Is

    ~J something I werk at during tin-slack part of the theatrical seasonMoreover, what woman wants tohave poor skin?"

    "So you have been on the stage?It seems odd that you should turnfrom that to racing,."

    "Well, I suppose It does, but thenwithin a moment of entering bet


    , pp ,again it, doesn't. You see 1 appearin musical comedies as an acrobatiohotel suite how mistaken I had been.

    , For It Immediately became impossible to associate her with' any-thing that isn't Imminently feminine. The aroma of perfume pleas ____.____. .antly blending with faint powder, i preparing me tor a racing career,the numerous .trunks, and,tegs, the! -How do you explain that?"

    Gloff third bate; Peter Peterson, \ dresses. hata-Werything In charm-1 was the natural query.leftfield; Rudy Slmonsen, center- Ing disarray—Ml thU led me to be- "Will, In the beginning It wasfield; Joe Parkus, rightfleld. Peter' lleve lnstantlytfchat here was some- my connection with the stage thatPeterson will act aa manager. one who could \be hailed an honor-1 thrust me into the. racing gamt

    of his that Jt occurred, but, he, likethe legion of other drivers with thespirit that has alwaysthem, plans to "carry-on"


    Slmpson,. ?b. ._Foster)- 2b.B. Ingram, rf.Miles, ss.Bryant, cf.Groas, If. ....Mayblm, lb. „..P. Ingram, c. _Scott, p

    35 11 l i

    AB. It. II,__ 6 3 •>.... 3 2 i


    31 S 1!The score by Innings:

    Campbells 2 3 0 0 0 0 1 6 n i lTriangles _ , . 0 0 * 0 2 1 0 2 0 - 1

    The summary: 'Three base hit. IIIngram. ' Two base hits, Barna.Foster, Sheets. Hits, off Kara, 4;

    Among the headlines entered are o f f MU i r a n 6y, 7; off Seott, UFred Frame and Herman Schurch g t r u c ^ by ball, Flmianl.Herman by, the way will show with

    i bhis t'rofltenaq, jvhicli has been goneover entirely since last Saturday,when he crashed Into the guard raitin a race at Harrington. Del.

    The German boy has been experi-menting with e m ratios on his car"so that he can make a better show-ing than ever at the local trackHe claims that he is getting all thespeed he wants from his car, toomilch In fact for the half-mile bowl,and feels that It he can hit on theright gear .ratio he should come in


    43 IT 22

    Port ReadingFiremen Win

    from Lincoln

    Kathe, lb.V. Kudlak,W. Hudiak,Murphy, p.,Pitts, cf. ...Karmen, 2b.,Slmonsen. ssKlppen, rf. _,._..Menslnger, If. _

    3b. .._

    c. , „.

    R« H.2 032010000

    32 8 8

    W M the batting atar for thePort'Reading Firemen, with threehits out ot four times at bat, in auaBeball game, Sunday morning 'atPort Reading, with the Lincoln FireDepartment Andy Barna. batted1,000 for the day with two hits outof two times at bat. The finalscore was 9 to 4, In favor of Port iReading. I

    The Port Reading Fire Companyteam Is anxious to Becure games ^ ^ ^ ^ ^with teams trom fire companies In evenrh"g,'7nowed"the*"Ellzabeth"Tro-

    Murtagh Strikes18 Trojans andField Club Wins

    Tommy MurUgh pitching for theWoodbrldge Field Club on Tuesday

    the county.1 Michael Kolnock, B l a l r i jan» 12 hits. But when hits meantroad, Port Heading, is the manager. [ r u n B ^ o m m j r h a d a h a b u o f ^

    and brushing the oppos-the plate by theBead Leader Regularly

    KEEP FITPlay Coif

    on Nick Langan't


    Golf CourseCorner Campbell Street, M 4 Amboy Ave«a«

    New TrMitweln's Garatft

    25 CwU for 18 Holw

    Ing downIng batters fromstrike-out route. He struck out 18and hits mates did a little, hitting ontheir own account with Ihe resultthe Field Club von 'by a score of8 to 6. The game was played atWoodbrioge,

    The box scon:Wortftrtdge P. a

    AB. R. UYap, ct „, -Zill, cDelaney, ss.Budnar, 2b, ......„.,

    ! Anderson, 'lb, - .....Tobak, 3btuerens, if. _ „ , , _ „ _ ,J. Anderson, rt. .- *-^T. Murtagh, p. .....

    dancer, have in fact played, along rth t h „ , honors evervside of-Maflrlce Chevalier and Mile. w ' | h t h e m a l o r h0WTS e v e r yDanielle Bregls, and the training for ; b r a n ( J a e w c a r t , b e d , , dthe stace has gone a long way in ! b y B a l y w | m _ t h e f a l r . h a l r e j K a n .

    sas City youth. Billy will appearwith a glistening new Clemonewhich cost him J10.000. The racingcar Is only the sixth to be manu-factured by the Clen)ons people and

    Guidish FoolsPirate Batters

    and Indians WinThe American Indians nine, it-

    teated tho Hopelawn Pirates, 10 mI1- i a a f M t 8Sab©,. If.Bakas, p.. sa, _

    Binder, t'b.'_!—a witter, c.

    SB "«

    A& It.3 033


    The summary: Two basei(ka, ( I ) ; etankovlck. . ThreeIt, Guidish. Struck out, by

    '2 !•>



    do feel for those I* FORDS ROD AND GUNed I have been to C LUB P U N CLAM BARE

    Plans are being made hv th• , — - — , • i Fords Rod and Cim Club for th,.were) From racing the conversationjapnual clam hake to be held tl

    muse- veered toother things, among th«m;second week In October AccordlnA m . e r '«* n m e n - ., , , . ' , , t 0 B e n J e D » e B ' "'« Plans are MIL

    Asked her option of them, she!mad« far enough ahead a 0 th t ,aaid, "Ah, I think they're very will be one of thecharming, but they all seem to be affairs in the rountvvery conscktyM of tiieir big benuu-' _._.".'ful smiles and their lovely bioadshoulders/; tbla with gestures to in-


    hornpipe",pest" andmention


    'Boston Fancy", "Tern-others too numerftus to

    the Maddown toward l*ke

    River rushedChamplaln in

    ripples of moltea silver, where thesummer moom: reflected In the cur-rent. A cool, woods-scented breeserustled the WMhes and everpreens,

    k d

    /; g ndicate the «lse ot- those shoulder^.

    Speaking ot smile's, If anyone hasa right to be conscious of one, It Isshe. Any toothpaste company wouldbe glad to get «£r endorsement, tmeach smile uncovers her perfectte»th.

    So bare you see Mile. Nice, th.

    Long IslandWhippet Wins

    Avenel Raceworld's * champion lady driver, \

    liky , \

    woman like every other woman.' wiio'Avenel,ban ihlrtv hat ri l t '

    The Falrwaj Wh

    has thirty hats.tndteen pairs of Bhoia, who dis pla .,wull laden dressing table and who

    race, last Saturday, rdV tinof Commerce, of Newburgb

    proud otYet she has that certain quality

    which makes her a woman unions'men. And that Is fearlessness. It •Is that and the certain conyicttoul

    she qaanot fall to dothat

    Old a n * PaJthfulMother, mother,"

    « S « * ymany kids oa « picnic.

    (Mill), i-i

    . V. :