the woosh pop

The WOOSH POP - Newsletter of the Wisconsin Organization Of Space Hobbyists - Maker Faire 2016 - Dan Krause Interview - NARHAMS Exchange - FlisKits Launch - Bong Launch Stats - Rocket Photos - Much More Inside! INSIDE THIS POP! Oct 2016 Fall Vol 3

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The WOOSH POP - Newsletter of the

Wisconsin Organization Of Space Hobbyists

- Maker Faire 2016- Dan Krause Interview- NARHAMS Exchange- FlisKits Launch- Bong Launch Stats- Rocket Photos- Much More Inside!


Oct 2016

Fall Vol 3

Dear Readers,

Wow this summer sure passed by quickly! Did you get a chance to launch some rockets or at least go see one of our launches?

Our cover photo and lead article is WOOSH at the MakerFaire 2016 in Milwaukee. We have an in depth interview with Dan Krause. Walt reports on the Fliskits theme Launch at the Sod farm. Carl Riley has put together a comprehensive listing of every Bong LAUNCH stats for 2016.

I 'm launching this issue an article exchange with another NAR section!

Starting with a construction article by Jim Filler of the NARHAMS in Virginia. In exchange they are featuring Tom Disch's Chute release article (from our POP) in their ZOG 43 newsletter. Tom's article is also featured on the Jolly Logic web site. Hopefully we can continue the exchange with other sections

I did not have enough space so a December POP is in the works. This will include ECOF, NARAM58, and other articles. Our WOOSH club meetings continue each month at our location of Hobby Town USA. located at 1704 S. 108th St. West Allis, WI. Club meetings are open to all members. Check the WOOSH website, forum, and Facebook pages for the most current updates.

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John Cieslak - Newsletter Editor NAR #13628

Built with

Fal l WOOSH POP October 2016 Vol 3WOOSH 2016

Mark Hackler


Walt Evans

Vice President

Russ Westergaard

Secretar y

Car l Ri ley


Imagine a

futur istic place where advanced technology, ar t, science, engineer ing, robotics, home hobbyists, and professionals are under one roof to share a common interest. That place was the Maker Fair e!

2016 was only the thir d year for Maker Fai r e- Mi lwaukee but the FIRST YEAR for the WOOSH BOOTH. Maker Fair e

-Mi lwaukee is a festival which features people who make things, and this year people who make and f ly rockets! WOOSH was ably r epresented by a core team

of, Russ Westergaard, Car l Ri ley, John Cieslak, Dennis Pallen , and Walt Evans.

Our booth featured a w ide var iety of rockets of al l sizes and power classi f ications. Here?s a BIG THANKS to Sather Ranum, Mike Ther icault, Scott Goebels, Er ik

Czew ik, Rex Reynolds, and Jerome Bar tosh. Al l of these guys had rockets in our club display.

We made a lot of contact w ith the biggest crowd ever. We answered lots of questions and demonstrated simple techniques and explained what rocketr y is al l about to many adults whose rocket exper ience ended in 8th Grade. Also there were tons of kids. For them we

Maker Faire 2016 Milwaukee WOOSH

had some hands-on rockets.

Did we have

a lot of interest? You bet i t was mostly non-stop talking , explaining how a motor works. I 'm pretty sure we handed out hundreds of the new WOOSH cards to teachers, students, col lege professors, and other other makers.

Lately WOOSH has been stepping up i t 's outr each

program under the effor ts of Walt Evans and our club off icer s. Walt has been to several schools and led the Make It Take i t session we had at Hobby Tow n dur ing the summer.

The BEST NEWS i s WOOSH i s going to do another Maker Fai r e th i s Novem ber 26 i n Pleasant Pr ai r i e, WI . This one is a one day Mini-Maker Fair e. Anyone who would l ike to par ticipate, ei ther as a BOOTH GUY or Rocket

Exhibi tor , please contact Walt Evans

By Walt Evans with extra input from Kevlar Garth

Maker Faire 2016 Milwaukee

August 2016 Sod Farm Theme FlisKits Rockets.

The beauti ful Wisconsin Summer sky was

ful l of Fl i sKi t s on Saturday August 6, 2016 w ith 7 WOOSH flyer s who gathered in New Ber l in to honor the Fl i sKi t s motto-? Aim for the sky, and tr y not to miss ?. For tunately nobody missed. On the contrar y the event was a BIG HIT! Sod Farm regular s including John Cieslak, Aaron Piegare, Jerome Bar rosch and Walt Evans showed up w ith a var iety of Fl i sKi t s rockets. They were joined by WOOSH President Mark Hackler . A r are Sod Farm appearance by Sather Ranum made the day?s f l ight roster even more exci ting.

The most special f lyer , however , was

Daniel Salinsky who brought his Thing A Ma Jig which he and his dad bui l t at the Make It ? Take It bui ld session held the previous Saturday at Hobby Tow n USA. Daniel attended the launch w ith his whole fami ly including his sister Mar issa and Mom and Dad. He f lew his hand painted rocket tw ice on a pair of B6-4 motor s. The Salinsky team had a great time

and promised to come back out to the Sod Farm w ith another rocket on the f i r st Saturday of an undisclosed

future month. Welcome to WOOSH guys and come back soon!

Two other Thing A Ma Jigs took to

the air. Aaron Piegare f lew his Big Gr een Thin A Ma Jig on both an A8 and a B6. Walt Evans f lew his on a C6-5. Al l f l ights were f law less. Mark Hackler brought out a classic Fred Jarosch rocket- the Al ien 8. He f lew the Sci-Fi style bir d which was beauti ful ly painted in the rosemal style by none other than Fred?s w ife and former WOOSH secretar y Dar lene Jarosch. I t?s always is an honor and joy to see one of Fred?s rockets f ly. Thanks to Mark for making i t happen. The Al ien 8 f lew on both a B6-4 and a C6-5. The C6-5 f l ight in par ticular was outstanding.

Always a crowd pleaser - two di f ferent crooked and bent Acm e

Spi t f i r es went up on D 12 motor s. The br i l l iant l iver y of John Cieslak?s Spi t f i r e was done up using his signature

SOD Farm FlisKits Launch

Monocote technique. A r eal beauty of which the classic question- ?Wil l that thing actually f ly?? was asked by two other f i r st time launch attendees ?Nick and his son Matthew. Walt also f lew a new steampunk style Spi t f i r e for the f i r st time. The answer to the above question, as always, was ?Yep, i t f l ies beauti ful ly?

As far as Fl i sKi t s cluster rockets are concerned- Jerome Bar rosch and Walt each brought a 2-motor Deuces Wi ld. John C. and Walt f lew a pair of 3-motor Tr es. Again, al l were f law less f l ights on 2 or 3 C6-5?s r espectively. Al l motor s l i t.

At this point i t should be noted that Jim Flis donated one of his newest rockets MIRA to be awarded to the f lyer who brought the most Fl i sKi t s out to the Sod Farm. The MIRA is a fantastic spl i t r ing f in Sci Fi design named after Jim?s new granddaughter. I t is here that Mr. Sather Ranum enter s the scene w ith a unique approach that ultimately won the day! Sather brought his orange Fl i sKi t s Fr i ck ?N?

Fr ack . The Fr i ck ?N? Fr ack is a two stage f lying saucer style rocket. Sather f lew the Fr i ck ?N? Fr ack in the two

stage mode using C11-0 booster s and A, B, and C class motor s in the upper stage saucer. He then f lew the Fr i ck and the Fr ack saucers individually as single stage rockets. Burning no fewer than 12 motor s in the var ious combinations, Sather surpassed al l other f lyer s. After passing the r igorous r eview of the Contest Rules Committee and providing the necessar y documentation including both his NAR and WOOSH membership cards- Sather was awarded 1st (the only) Pr ize!

Congratulations! goes to Sather Ranum for his most creative and complicated approach to solving a simple problem. His solution was tr uly in the spir i t (i f not the letter ) of the Fl i sKi t s Chal lenge 2016.

WOOSH would l ike to thank and acknow ledge the generosi ty and creative genius of Jim Flis- the guy made

SOD Farm Flis Kits Launch SOD Farm FlisKits Launch

the day such a success! What about next year? Inquir ing mind

want to know !! Well, i t must be noted that two Fl i sKi t s fans were conspicuous by their absence. That?s r ight- Mr. Joe Kasel, ow ner /operator of at least 7

or 8 Fl i sKi t s rockets AND Mr. Paul Kinser another Fl i sKi t s af icionado w i l l surely want a shot at the Fl isKit Gold Medal.

So, we shall see i f 2017 w i l l give these lads their chance. Stay tuned.

Wr itten by Walt Evans

SOD Farm FlisKits Launch

Question: Dan tel l our readers a l i t t le bit about yoursel f . Describe your family and upbringing?

Dan: I grew up outside of Mukwonago back in the ?Go outside and play? era. At that t ime there was not a lot of people or houses were we live so a lot of t ime was spent with my 2 brothers getting into and out of trouble. Most of my High school years were spent working on the neighbor?s farm which instil led a good work ethic that served me well over the years. Question: Where is home for you now? Are you a Wisconsin Nat ive?

Dan: I l ive in New Berlin about a mile from the Sod

Farm. I have been in Wisconsin all my life.

Question: What year did you f irst get involved in model rocketry? How did you discover model rocketry. What kits did you build? What motors did you f ly then?

Dan: I did not f ly much as a kid. I only remember one time when my dad pounded a coat hanger into a block of wood and ran a couple wires from the station wagon to launch a rocket my brother?s rocket he made in

Dan Krause Interview Editor's Note:                                                       Dan Krause of WOOSH is a long time member, serving as vice president 2010 to 2012. Dan's interests include low, mid, and high power rocketry and is keen on building mono-copters. He organized ,wrote rules, and provided prizes for the summer Sod Farm Tri-athlon contests since launching this event in 2011. We are grateful to him to hosting our WOOSH Christmas parties since 2009.

school. The f irst t ime I really got into rocketry was in the early 90s. I had a couple friends from work that started with me and we would launch small stuff at lunch time. Just as we were starting to get into higher powered rockets the guys that were into it with me left for other job opportunities so I went on to other hobbies. The last Rocket I built at that t ime was a LOC Vulcanite which I stil l have not launched yet. I got back into the hobby when I moved to New Berlin around 2006. The Sod Farm launch was just down the road and it all started up again after that.

Question: Growing up did you consider yoursel f an Estes, Centuri , FSI or other rocket company person? Dan: I only built Estes stuff when I f irst got into the Hobby. Stil l waiting for them to replace the rubber band shock cords.

Question: Did you belong to any rocket clubs or organizat ions as a young person? Dan: No

Question: Did you serve in the Mil i tary? Dan: No

Question: Did you pursue col lege? Dan: I had some college related to electronics and computer service. Most of what I have learned has been on the job over

Dan Krause Interview

the years.

Any Special ized Training? Dan I have receive training on a lot of things as I have always been involved in side jobs of various kinds. I enjoy learning new things.

Question: When did you join the NAR? You are Level 2 cert i f ied correct? Or when did you join Tripol i?

Dan: I joined NAR around 2006. I am currently Level 2.

Quest ion: What type of work do you do now? Is that what you are interested in?

Dan: I am a Production Manager for Universal

Electronics II and have been there for 26 years. I have also been a master mold maker for a miniature gaming business, did some internet sales of paintball equipment, and been a co-owner of a laser tag equipment company on the side. I am currently a minority owner of ICombat laser tag in Waukesha and Madison. I have been very fortunate to be involved in many interesting things.

Question: What do you l ike about WOOSH? What do you not l ike about or what could the club improve?

Dan: I l ike the diversity of our members and the will ingness of everyone to share their knowledge. Scratch built, micro max, low power, mid power, high power, scale, Upscale, competit ion. There is

something for everyone. I also like the sense of family that goes beyond just WOOSH as we have a number of great clubs in the Midwest that many belong to. I have

Dan Krause Interview

Dan Krause Interview

always felt we are pretty lucky to be where we are in the Midwest with all of the opportunities and people we have in the hobby.

Question: We see each other at Sod Farm launches, we al l appreciate you opening and closing the Sod Farm gate for the monthly launches. Do you at tend any Tripol i or Midwest Power Launches?

Dan: I don?t get to go to everything I would like to because I am so busy at work. I l ike to go down to MWP and see all the projects that others are working on.

Quest ion: I remember you f rom the NSL we had at Bong a few years back. Have you at tended any other Nat ional NAR events?

Dan: Those launches are on the list of things to do but I have not been able to get to any of them yet.

Question: I ask everyone this do you consider rocketry a hobby or a sport?

Dan: A contact sport J. I think it is both and that is what I enjoy about it. It changes as you change and grow.

Question: What types of Rockets are you building now? What motors do you f ly mainly?

Dan: I have not built a lot the past couple years after losing my wife to cancer. I have 8-10 rockets to build that were specials from Wildman that I could not pass up. I have been doing a lot of rocket photography but have started to build again. Dan

Question: What is next for you in the rocket universe?

Dan: I have a 7.5 inch Polecat Army Hawk rocket I was trying to get built for Jil l to see but did not get it done in time. I need to get that one done. Also need to get going on f lying more high power and work towards getting my level 3. I also want to get back to building some new mono-copters and maybe someday build another upscale Death Star. So plenty of options for the future.

Dan Krause Interview

I like the diver sity of our member s and the willingness of ever yone to shar e their knowledge. ..............

.......I a lso like the sense of family that goes beyond just WOOSH as we have a number of gr eat clubs in the Midwest that many belong to.

Bong Launch Data 2016

The next pages are individual stats organized by the total number of rocket launches. Use your zoom key to enlarge.

Bong Launch Data

Bong Launch Data

Bong Launch Data

These detailed stats were recorded and compiled with the effort and dedication from Carl Riley!

NARHAMS Newsletter Exchange


A few WOOSH meetings ago Mark Hackler said to me " Don Carson of the NARHAMS would like to get in touch with you". A couple emails later we discover both of us like each other's newsletters, plus our pubs have a lot in common.

Such as both newsletters are web or pdf distribution instead of printing and mailing out. We both use Landscape vs portrait layout to take better advantage of the screen Again we both do outreach and MITI programs. Alas we have a few differences. Our section is more High Power oriented vs NARHAM's being a NAR contest rocketry and FAI rocketry powerhouse. WOOSH though has more rocket launches with cheese as payloads!

We decided it would be fun and interesting to exchange articles. Don Carson who I finally met at this years NARAM was interested in Tom Disch's Chute release article and I was interested in an construction article by Jim Filler. Jim agreed with the caveat that was going to submit it to Sport Rocketry which was published before I could get this one out. I added these pictures of Jim Filler and a few notes about him, to put some context into his fine article.

Jim Filler at a 2015 NOVAAR night Launch of his

cluster rocket

The NARHAMS serve the Maryland and Washington DC Metro area. They have been in existence as a section since 1965 and are the longest continuous running NAR section (50+ years). When I returned to model rocketry and participated in NARAM50 in Manassas VA. Jim was the Contest Director (CD). I remember his 2 stage clustered Saturn 1-B scale entry with pop-out fins for the second stage. Pretty cool! He and his family are active in both local NARHAMS and NAR events, actively participating in contest and FAI events. Jim is also the National NAR chair for the RCP or revisions to the "Pink Book.

Com pet i t i on Flying: Egglof t Al t i t ude

By: Jim Fi l ler NAR #27862

NAR contest f lying offer s many di f ferent events for those looking to f ly

model rockets w ith a mission. Egglofting is an event that when looked at on the sur face, is qui te challenging. The event has been a par t of the US Spor ting code for many years. The egg is intended to simulate (in miniature) an astronaut, who must be proper ly cushioned and restr ained to w ithstand the for ces of acceleration and the shock of landing.

Egglofting can be f low n as a duration event or as an alti tude event. Rule 26 in the spor ting code goes into detai l about the r ules of the alti tude event. The purpose of this ar ticle is to present my option for f lying egglofting alti tude w ith an altimeter. The shi f t moving to f lying NAR contest alti tude events w ith altimeter s has been

NARHAMS Newsletter Exchange

increasing over the last several years w ith the technology of commercial ly made altimeter s improving.

Taking a closer look at the r ules for f lying altimeter s in any alti tude event, has presented a di f ferent set of challenges to design a model to f ly in eggloft alti tude. Rule 14.10 that covers the use of altimeter s states ?Only commer cially available altimeter s appr oved by the NAR Contest Boar d and publicly announced as appr oved at least 60 days befor e any contest wher e they ar e used may be used in competition. These altimeter s may not be alter ed or modified in any manner , including use of power sour ces which ar e outside the voltage r ange published by the altimeter manufactur er .?

So after you have decided which altimeter you want to use, then you w i l l need to ?design? your model to

car r y the altimeter per this additional language also from rule 14.10.

?The altimeter must be fully enclosed within the r ocket body. The par t of the r ocket containing the altimeter must be vented to the outside air by at least 3 vent holes evenly spaced ar ound the

cir cumfer ence of the body. Ther e must not be any pr otr usions or depr essions on the body within 1 body diameter of the holes. Any attempt to deliber ately pr oduce

excessively high altitude r eadings, such as ventur is ar e specifically pr ohibited. The por ts must be on a section of the model that is an unobstr ucted cylinder or cone for 1 caliber either side of the por ts, and the cone must be no

NARHAMS Newsletter Exchange

steeper than 1 in 4 taper (.25" change in diameter per inch of length). In this case, a fin counts as an obstr uction, as does a launch lug and would not be allowed within 1 caliber of the por ts.?

I have seen di f ferent approaches to designing a

model to meet the r equir ements speci f ied in these rules. The design I came up w ith is show n here i f you would l ike to f ly this complex and challenging event. I am not advocating that my design is the best approach, but is one that worked for me at

NARAM-57 good enough for 4th place in ?E? eggloft alti tude.

My design star ts w ith a 14.5? piece of 24mm tube for the main body. I used a r egular ?Pratt Egg Capsule? and then another piece of 24mm tube 2.25? long for the altimeter compar tment and one more piece of 3/8? long 24 mm tube that is an adapter between the egg capsule and altimeter

NARHAMS Newsletter Exchange

compar tment. The photos w i l l hopeful ly w i l l make i t easier to understand the text I have included for this ar ticle.

A two inch coupler (#1 in the picture) is glued into the altimeter compar tment so 1? is protr uding out the bottom and 1? is instal led into the altimeter compar tment. A center ing r ing f iber disc is instal led to hold the altimeter in place just at the for ward end of coupler #1. The 3 altimeter holes are spaced 120 degrees around the tube and go through the main tube and the coupler. They are located 1&3/8th? from the bottom of the egg capsule.

Al ign the holes after you instal l the altimeter into the bay. Use a piece of foam to hold the altimeter in the compar tment. I used a piece of 100lb Kevlar anchored in the bottom of the capsule and extends through the altimeter compar tment and through the f i r st coupler to tie the model shock cord to.

The 3/8? long piece of 24mm tube is glued at the top

end of coupler #2 and ser ves as a way to tape the altimeter compar tment closed once the altimeter is instal led.

Use a piece of electr ical tape to secure the altimeter compar tment

to the egg capsule. Load the egg into the capsule and pack your parachute into the main tube as normal and f ly from a tower or

piston which ever you uti l ize.

Don?t for get to have fun.

NARHAMS Newsletter Exchange


- Nov 20 - Sun - Dec 18 - Sun 7




- Nov 5 - Halloweenies - Dec 3 - Santa Loft



- New schedule wil l be posted when available for 2017



NAR Nat ional EventsNARCON 2017 ? February 24th-26th, Chantil ly, Virginia

NSL 2017 ? May 27-29th, Alamogordo, New Mexico

Rocketry Festival 2017 & NARAM-59 ? Muskegon, Michigan