theagan& · •: j....

•: J. TOLXIII. D(WEB, MOBBIS COUNTY. NEW JEBSEY, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24,1883. NO. 51 TVBLKBBH SVEBY I SH ruopiumms. e onlBliokwal] StrootMxttor tj the Sational TTmou Bank, TERMS OF SUBBCUIITION INVtiilA- y is ADVJMU;. ADVERTISING RATES. 1 Inoli 4 " 5 " 4 " Joolom 1 WS. | 2 WKB. t 2& 2 s>& 2 7a 8 EO 4 to 1 2 3 5 6 25 .j* •jr. fii) ; 4 r. 7 8 r.o fin fin 51) 4 fill 1(1 MORRIS COUNTY MACHINE &IRON Co. DOVER, N. J. tiUIVF&vrt&B&B 01 MINING MACHIHEBY STEAM ENGINES, AIR C0B1PRESS0RS, IltO.\aill1 IIIIAKK CASTINGS, ill BEsarrj EONS 'i^° Inch. j* 5 GOI H (HI I Id J- r >l 1 10 (tOj 15 001 111 1(0; T2 'JTHOS.! .'SaoaJ (1we*..! 11 . . _ _ - | . ~ - r,m\ 6 fin KXIOI 17 »; 6 Ml '.» <tO| 1-1 U'll 8 01) 10 00 VI til) If) 00 is no 82 (10 11 13 it; HI 25 41 (1(1 00 '25 111! L'l 'lit ;IT (in mi HO ,10 ;.(» 511 (10 rui;E, LSI J] i^SION IIOUSK. ' iU.MUl SUlN" IIUS'I ! Corner of BIwAwell and Biwstti Bin. DOVER. N. J. I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor.iThe Seneca Falls Yeas! Co., Homes ami Carritgi'B to Let. praipYEAl A.B.BEBBY, CHESTER, IV. J,, dnlir In D i l i OOODS QUOOKItlGS AKD PKOTI8IONS, LEATHEE AND FIKD1K08, BOOTS AND SHOES lo order i clgiri, lobio- cos, and In r*ot eroryttiiajj wliloh in generally kvpt in a fldootry store. I .ell all my Roods allow 6ctmu. GallaQd see my stock aod bo THE OLD STAND. UNION HALL BUILDING, Hot Air Furnaces, Of tlie latest and most impruu,! Btylen, fo •fltmiiiH public anil iirivatu liuildings. A lurgi antorliiiL'tU i.'f HtDVLH, chcip f jr CUBII. COOK, l'ltitLui:, IIEATINU STOVES, RANGES, Tl/TAHLON riTNEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, H IS CimaEBlf AND NuTAllVnr.H. IilON ElU UUILDINQ, DOVER, M. J. p EO. 0. CUMMINS, M. D., GENERAL, 4ND SrECIAI.lHT IN THE TIUUTMEN'l OP MALAllIAt DISEASES. OFFICE AT THE STICKLE HOUSE, DOVT.K, N. J T O.mEltWIIlTH.E. M, DOVER, S. J. ANALYSES Of O11E8 AND HINEMI.8, SOHTEY8 OF MISB3. L. W. THURBER, SDPEBINTENDKNT Of PUdUO SOHOOIS OP M0II11I8 COUNTY. OFFICE ATfl.E. BUBESE'S BTOliE, DOVER, N. J. Special oflic a liouta oil Baturdivg from B A M. IM 12 M. 17-tf ELY, THE TAILOR, NEXT TO TARDEE ft CT.AltK'S .VOVElt. StyliuJi Suits made in vnhr from ft5 tn*30 11 Pauls " " " " 4 » 9 tL» gaimentB orJprcd tf iml Mtislaelury. •*• ' inmiptly ito'-ic iali,andseoEI,Y, tlioVorlu illi steel [Sum mxt t-aniuli npiiiro tubing la tft tcUn* The) (,lvn Un beat (if m»tu- mlliin flic* iNoLirpin -itoctt IHLNE'.V MlPJIlf Hot Air, uu nud Basu Bunii (ii kitff, rtto\i ttiu bi BI bilJiu,sU>u iu ( iiinld V!an i larBonmorlmcutofollicraiyl il t nohini. Stmm I UIUM t-nrlor Stamen, Ac, or 4U1IMU IMJUIMIUUsL AIHO, n .l.wu S.OLI (1 HvilPWAM O.JTIEI.Y, Han* Woodm Oo|ircr lulu «ml Jittaniiecl 1IMU111 Oil CWtlia LarjetB, 1-unpn, ,n PII 1 riili. h n l t i R t H tunthnrfl I'mlV nio Pm-HicHN AND SunoEoH, EOVKl(t N. J. umen and cliiliiron, and or tin? OG RUCI after April 1st will lmv« liia o ftVe BeooQtl floor or Hairhonsn buildinp. Jlc denco, corper of Qoitl aDil Clicstnut Strtt Nlglit c*lla at resilience. TT1 OABPENTEIt AMD BCILPElt, SrANHOPE, N. J. • Contracts for bniiaings lakon fmm tlio <-x MTrfinRoftLoailUr.wiiimn.TlolBrurnWifil, AlBoSaeli, Doorft, lllimlH, HontilinRa. Vault UB Plt Md Jlwotui 1 HatetiftlscimfitAtitlv on band. Slata PRANK GIBS, MASON ANDBUILDER, DOVER. N. J. Contracts iakoti and matcritilH ItonljUl. Stone and IMok Work, Plafitf rlnB and Joining prompt Iv altcuiled to. Orli'rs left at William II, B a t o i Hloro will reouivu cirofu'. and .iroinpt otteution. A B, BERRY, CHESTER, N. J., DEJLEDIN BEEH, SAnBAPARILIA, SODA WATE11, SEGABS, TOBACCOS, *o. POOL ANDBILLIARD TABLS. bsrbarBhopincotiacctiaturitli (ho pool ro»n S. FREEMAN, P a i n t e r and Builder, |]as roflwed to Tbnrbrr's new tiiilldinK, Ui Jlie . 1IBAB THE 0AK4L E1SIH. « . Jobbing and repairing pmijipll.T attotided to. A long oijioriuncu m llio 5 ' 11 ?'- IHal,irlll,Ib«flero,enablo to pto l«li»: fantlon toall customers. Coulraota lakoii nnd SHAVING AMD HAIR CUTTING SALOON, SUSSEX STREET, (between the MANSION HOUSE mil Ccpot,) DOVER, N. J. TlieDlMOuMbeenontirclTrt-fittoilin a nm S o A8PE0IALTV. 11BTIN&BUCK, l| (Hums'! OILDHB and MPEKU1SU- BS9. Oonlraols liken md malcrkUtiirnubnl. Slfenlil*ot«tedlW Iroscoo stylo. U IjOuahTiboiylbilKO p[ l|t>mD ami ttlRi . ^ ^ qfel. pSlJf«§?'<5irM;|will|o'»niilllnery •lore",next tovqnght s) xlllRorua dniK Btoro, |« us. AlDflfilalty Wftdoofsttneil cutliag. l,vixCB' '»!' A. BOOK. B TO A- I4S01ISE,} alers la BOTTLED ALE, PORTER, HlSEEil WiTERS, CIDSR, Ota., at WHOLESALE AND I1E 1 Can offer the best ani i" ost li lltraI ln Jac0 " . menu to donltri, ALLEN & PALMER, BfUlLDERS, Dover, W- 3"- SHOPS ON ESSEX ST. mty Collector's Notice! ,*K YOt'lt (iJiOCIv; KOH IT! BRUENTBUNNELL, MIE itlEKTS FOR (I BEM: OIL, LANMtXHAND IJliliU'ANJA WAKE, TIN & JAPAN WARE, 1'llUlT CANS, *c, TIN ItOOI'IKG, KWJiS, TH0U0HS, r.F.ADi:HK,;iu.lMll kilidH ofJohliing In injlice, iliiii' in tin. L^l DiniiuiT nml at tin. Kborlcel niilk'i'. High.:*! iii-icin paid fci- old Irmi. Cnnicr lead anil pettier tnkon iu ridunce """""' ALEXAKDKIi WIOHTON. I>t'ecnilici-2Jtii. lb70. 1 SUSSEX St. GROCER, still contlQUGB to fceep a full tod freib qa tlty o( Groceries and Provisions, SEASONABLE FRUITS. foreign uixl domestic, the best HWC-. r:ANNED G0ODH, u d ell BuppUes of Uw Loimeholt. in his lino. Cure will alwiij-H bo (akon to secure good of tho liL'Ht quality Dud equal pains to Bell ihem nt (ho niotit reasonable niargina oon. MBlttnl will* tho pun hosing price. SUSSEX fix, LI nr tlio corner of Blaekwell, Dover, Established Nearly 40 Years. THeagan&Co GENTS, Vh CENTS. 0 0 ? 0 CD P w o o CO - OO u o rr £2. o ? I g I "gig. l 25 "CENTS. D¥ESS GOODS Best lino of Di'css (Joods and Trimmings u[ PAKDEE & CLAllK'S, 11LAOKWELL Br,, DOVEB. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Seeds, Fertilizers. arul eTtrytliiiiB (or l-'AllJI AND OAUUKN, VOORHEES BROTHERS, Wlorristown, N. J. SEND FOB CATALOGUE. 1 i I r tlit il ore ScalfH in fmut of IIILII |)!icn «! i mi SB kr pubjic IUI lun 011 Iron Cojv •r Brans Ltail ItipBiiud Uruuba ! B taken i"tc innjd rK0O( ]t j irjl *j t Jlu^^^^L. 96 WAGONS! H. P. SANDERSON, tins K"l() H.'ci-lie iiitroilii-r.l Ilic vvi.-otis ui • C0liru\M> VVAfiON COVl'ASV 3H I'l.Vi'- )RMH n»i] «rt C-VItftlAOiiS. Tlic i|imii:iiy UI it (lit t-vwU'tifei <-C Unw Wll tlr: iwi.iili' HAVE AFEWPLATFORM WAGON) AND CARRIAGES i biunliiliiHi Iwi!i^ll!it :l ]"iittci^t tmiakn iiiiu fen- Iliv H!cif;lia, wlitrl] »lll nrriv*! in n iv da.VH. 'SOW Irt VflUli T1JIE tj buy « afc'on k t a n i lLtrt-iiiciv taivlisiiro. ALSO MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS. H. P. SANDERSON, Dover, K. J. .SELLING OUT AT lilvaiw, ali>l MDofliirml nt LOWK1, l-]rf! they <!ftii bit diipiifstcd Ui-day. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS :;iS:S?lSSI§ j.ivuovirilijiJmiliiiNtwailc. CN THE DOLL4R1 ^ ^ jj Uy entire stock or ' CLOTHING, HATS, DAPS, Gents' Famishing Goods, BALLENTIWE'S SUPERIOR EXPORT LAGER BEER! i InpatHF.n.i.Y'S, H:i^< opp. Holler 1 . O.ii PIAMOS, ORGANS, AND ALL KINDS OF Musical Instruments! Semi for catalogue of fire cent niliic. New orenna BOliI fqr 8O ciMs l>«r we=k, WM. S. WRIGHT, Blaekwell St., Dover, N. J. C. RHOADES, Nursery and Gresnhouses M0BIB3 BT., HljIinlSfOWJi, H. J. OPL'OSU'E THE PAHU. PLANTS and NURSERY STOCK OF ALL KINDS. FLOWER GARDENS IiAID CV1 iSD 01EXD MB. CUT FLO^fERS Thorbjarn's. Flower Seeds FOR SALE. «r TiaaPtioSB"oi£i. : uik'. > »•»» » H. V. B. SEARING, CARPENTER and BUILDER, BUCKWELL ST., DOVER, N. J. 'laniandSperiJlcal taken and Slate With better facilities 1 am enftblcd tu put in HLATJ5 1U)OF.H ohoaper than evor usinp iDiiobut the beet quality of sliito and eru- rfoj'iug flrflt-clnss mechanics. I can punr- intcu nmtariftl andwork in every particu- ar. Tiir Shoatbiiig Fell always 011 Land. Dated October 13th. 1880. OLIVER CHILLED PLOW. li, Bt ill Hie market. GOO Bold Ity m. Acme Harrow, Knsle Wheel Cilllltnlor, CusBdai- Suiuy Plow Grain and Garden Seed Drills, Walter A, Wood's Mowers, REAPERS and EIKEEES. TLomaB & Field Wheel Hay Bakes, AMERICAN HAY TEDDERS, l.»mi'- Fiiu Mills, Lr\ i-r and Tri'.-ul I'owerst Thrcahrn, l-'leiuu'is, &c, SEEDS and PEKTILIZEBS, VOORHEES BROTHERS, MOIHilSTOWN, N. ,T WM.H. YOUNG, SUOCASUSJJA, J\. J. •r in Plovi 1 !!, Itan«i!' 1 'J imviiiv, (-l«. tint,'ii[-w in il.('^liii^.-(inht uiitb-i>]i> lOOy *"^ tl-Vltli VAI.l.'fcH I\ Isaac N. Doty & Co., LEADING HOUSE SILK PABK1CS! Colored Silk Department. ffeolTiTl Ci«i-21-un:!t <UiOH (JJ1.AJS I-HE83 lilLlia *t *1, every var.l o! wliicli in irorlh tl.25. Black Silk Department, Hpi'eiiU HtirfjiiiiM-Tu Ojicn tlio Full Seaann. *c niror 10 ptccoH I'xtm lu-flvv 01103 GRAIN, lull 221 indies irirfe, at J1.00 por ynnl. Till* in, hy lar, Hie lh>st valna wu luuo 1'HI il, iiinl j tH ilui J .t i« VELVET DEPARTMENT, Do not hm hate; it Oftaiu. . FEDER, DRY GOODS AND CARPETS, 15!) & 1(11 Market, St., Newark, N. J. DR.G.W.McDAYIT DENTIST, NEXT DOqll TO THlj POST OlTICi:, BOVEil, Jf. J. E.DUM&BR0. mproved Low Pressure Steam Heating Apparatus —Toil ores, and public buihtiDfjs. MARKET St., NEWARK. J. J. VREELAND, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, DOVBE, If. I O F F i p E ailjolniiifr M( n Dorcr ^ambcr Cora- party's Will' Oontraotu Iftki-n, anil plane, unoeiilcfiticnH ami materials of evtry kind fur- malioJ for t)«i]dinss, JobLiiUR n ipecklty. SLATE ROOFING. Blato fnmiflH'il from tlio liunt nuarrjrflbj Lbo avail ciuantity or cir land, am, laid, if de- d b l d t t l M t n JOS. YORK'S 0 TO J0BEPI1 YonK'8 FOR OOOEIKQ " llANQBaANDKlTOHENDl'pNHflis TO JOS. IOBK'8 FOB PABtOB AND (j DININQ BOOMAMI omOESTOHEe 8TOTES OF A U S I N W . d , ouas-WAM im> OHDU. Joseph York l0_t, iionnisTuwn.». Notice of Settlement. DOVER, N. J. THE NEW YORK, 1884. A1 t nixty iiiilllmi to\\ln; nf Tim Sirs lmvo fiiir out ui'our pJtubliKlnnfiit during tlio Jriiat ' If>oit v-iiretn pnatfi oml to end nil tlio ool- uniiirtot 1 nil THE SUSH ]irintcd nnd mid Inut Tftir you would gut ivuouttnuaua rttlp of l[iH>rorfttn(i iiifiiniintloii, common mow ir!a- iTuiii, Ruund doctriiio, umlisiDDwltlon^ DnDttzh to reiioli fnnn Printing Hougo nquu-d to vao toimninniit Ooponiioim in r the tiuoonj tucn mck to I'rintinR HOIIBB'flnuare, 4ild'^liert :i]i*i'-qiiur(cTS bf tlio frrfy bank tq \hnttmnjj IliitTi^ SUN ig^njtton far* Ui«inbiinltnn(ii if ttio (iuftli; tli|i name strip of lutolligoi^co ' Mu tlio globo twmity*ovcn or tweit- iglti tinies. f Qvcrj lmyop of a copy nf TUB 8UK during 11m pant jcnrlniHHjiBnt only auo liourovor it, dud if his wlfu or fiiu prflndfntlieF litw " i t o t tl l tll I 188 s wlfu or fiiu prflndfntlieF litw liour, tlila uowsimper In 18 nl^mleil 1i)n tiumnn raou thirteen tltoiunai yd!.™ nf n[ti!]ilv r*ailitiK, nlRlitiind i!ar. H in only liy HtU^caloulRtloiiBHKnUvcae I lint you can fiirni anyIcloa of tho droulutlan f (lio most i)O]iul(irnrAni0riwui i of Hi InflutHioe on tlio nplnluns ur of Hi InflutHioe on tlio nplnluns and notioun ' Amerlunn IIIDII urn. woman. 1'HE »VX U, mid will ooutfnno to lio, a BPWB- por whieli tollx tho truth witbont four of nflctinonofla, wtiJcli gat» nt the fact* no ittcr linw much ttio prounai conU, whtrli i>Bitntt tho newn of all thoworld without wntta of wonla AIIII In tlio mntit rcndnltle Him]*, urtieli w ^orbing iritii'tkH ita lipnrt fnr tlin eonso ot liotiont goroniEiont, nnd "' * UiGrefora hclievoa that tho Republican infitf^o, nnd mnat gu* lii this cqmin j TEBMS TOHAIL 8DB6CKIBEB& Tbo wvonl editions of TUB SoBBroaont by lltt ILlwityild\MfolIim. 3AltY-W conto n month, Snndtv edition, *T. lUNDAV—Eight pages. This edition fnr- nUt«th»o«mnt newk of tha wotlS, nw^* ,o!fll artldu orBXcepOnnal iiit—*' ^ * a nevannper far, the former 1 ! i ^d.olnfa i o fte tt wIIU|M,,.«i ettrooopyfroo., Ad(lM»s: > ,*.:,•; '.i :VW* KNGLANl), Pubtlatt*. are tuendraDwledstnl loaders of the BOOT and 8H0B and 'UJATHEK Tit AD E in Uof tie Coantjr. We nt nil tinma onrry an lm- tnenBeiwiiortnwiit,«iotioT(«jttoti of *Mob it liasod on n lonflnndaxtPiidod exporinuoo that ]IM (j»«ht w ant notldug but Rood Mliablo ll UDuAi>ni^d, and no have honestly endtnToreit to fltt our (wtaiilWiniont witlj u good Duoti, fihooa ami Uulbora tlie beat uianiLfaotuntrB in ilio ooauti-.r could make. Uelov are a few of our loading styles, iii6 prioei of which t>loaie notice. WB HKBP THIS HTVI.E PreunltKU *U5, *Htt, ^ : ..W AniBrwim Kit) #ui fU25, *a r r m i l i i S t ipLHI, *5.uo. iVIil,],, Ood #1 U), $1 W «J Ai) llktd i M Aim) <lii|ilknt<d from 80c to fg.00. i and Tlio Coiuiuon %oan\i stylo U vory JJ ill Ailivriuau KV/rXVoOupwX* nil uiilthu, ft A ftiil lino nf Kurt's IVurld EMHuftfev.'•< I) ninti'riiii nud widtli:.. Cnn nlwnyn In- fowilt- Hliclvea in iirofujimi. A fuUline o and Alligator Skin from $1.00 upwor- Connuou House Operate very popular Tha Genler Tie In Kid and Alligator Bkln at *1.60 a»d HM ftvary popular rtylo. jps* An imniouae assortmen or Wool Lined Shoes and 6Up I»eis will be opened tliiw week from 73c. lo $1.50. City, iniill wliltliH fnnu«2.UU uinvtnl. BOOTS ! BOOTS ! BOOTS I Space will not permit ua to enumerate tbe tremcmioiiB as- sort meut of Meu's HOJB' and Von (Us' Coarse and line BootB, In all HidtliH, tintr tun he round in our Iiouac. 8u(Qci> tosay tliat ta single customer lias gone out tailtig, IICCBUMI quality ar pri ntUructurj'.Meliitvofurgodenll, WALKER BOOT Iliirt'N,.Mt'iiiain'B, A full linn of thia cdobnitort nmko lint jiwtbeoiiopLuioil. S FOR ALL KINDS ^i.J\r c£) Oo., Opp. D.f I. & W. K. E. Bepot. Freeman Wood, FIRE NSURANCE AGENT. FICE-KATIONAI. IKMOJi BASK BUILD- ING. DOVER, TV. .T. •Rally aulhorizud auent of tlie roUrwinu. first -lliobOBtlu thoiTorM: ONDOK andLIVERPOOLnml GLOBE, Capitol $20,000,000. AN0ASHH1K of MAXCHESTEH, Cnpilal S10,000,000. OYAIiOrLlVEUPOOL, Capitol 910,000,000. 'BANKLIH OP PUILADELPULi, Capital $5,000,000. :UDSO» COUNTY, ^w«cy Oily, Copilal $300,1)00. Nnrlii BHtUli ftatl McieaiUHc Imtiraneo Go. Lontloli and IMonbnreli: capital SIO.CKJO.OOO. Oennaiila FiroInauranOQCo. at Now York; >pital tl.OOO.DOO. " : llio Lomlon* ABsuroooe Corporation of udoo, capital $8,600,000. BpriagQeiaFire influn ilte, capital tl,MO,000. WestcQostor Fire Insonoos Gomp&nyto low York, capital ${00,000. Jl,000,000 [BE ABSOCIATIOS OT FBIUSILTnU. " »s,60o,00l 600,00t Freeman Wood. |O9 or ths roaoa and I TIE BEST PLACE of Us kiml foronjoymentin tills sttllon Is D. MOLLER'S, BUS3EX ST., isEiTToTniBmnai!,) UOVKIt, N. J. ml received »ua plinl In position THEEE FINE SEW Billiard AUO Pool Tables am ttio aelcbtitcA nn-nttiaolary of I . It. BUCNaWlCE HBALKE. J. B. PALMER, BEEMER & PALMER ig liuoof tm COAL AND WOOD! tmmituii.Hpu.i.,.! hi^c^niiliiiiif;. t\.ni wood Flag Stones i Curbing. OnlirM rcooivoilaml t'diitrnoU takfn forlar- 1»3 BidorsUs anil mtlins ««rb. anil all ollior •Mnilca'ili B " a '"°° * 11 ' h ° promptly PHOSPHATES! A variety oF brauila of glauaard forlilizorB. WHANN'i*, E. FRANK tOK'S, STOCKUUIOGB MAMJKE8. SOW ON IHND. MASONS'MATERIALS! Ilird anil P«Io Bilcli, Lime, Conuot, <M- olnid Plastir, Hair, Sin ana Front Brick, FiroOlsy. (lrdersffiUbo prompllji filled at tbj pTGflilH Circular Saw MiU. tor hard wood Imnbor out to any slao tnd lcnmii aoslrcd. «0O cardi .euonod wood for Bale. Addresa JMSK BOX SB, Dovtr.N.J. OECHESTEION it alio Jnit been supplied with new mnale m&wilt deliglil the pskom of ths boftso more han ever, raruiiblag mttii? e^ul toftbtui LAGER BEER •lnyionilnnglitiinl tbo beat o! WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS litwjr* ptoflde4 tox ttie pUroua of iOLLEB'a OPEBA HOUBE un> ::i BEliAlU) B00K8, THOS. JOHNSON, minDfioturer md dealer la litumsiii, kitimn, Uaitils, tml all work inBIrble *nd Gnoito. All wotk otluo bent OIUET andpriotu reuontble BWOKWEtL Br., OOTBIl, N. J, NOTICE. Estate of Goorgo Hoggar, aoontyMlUwrt».a«»MBa,toproiwiitni8Mino under oatb or afirmktfoD, to tlimmbierlbor, on or betoro the iweatT-dral d»y of Juno noxt, being nloo uonthi ftnra lbs (3*tc o l o ^ d a t d e i ; I •nd »BJ creditor irnlectliiff to brlnff in and MtaiUt hliar ber oUim. Mlli or HIlrraA- lloo, wltlifo (bo time lolimitoi], trill bo forevor ASJ&SS' "^ lUror ***"" \Fbr Vit Iron En}. INDIAN SUMMER. BT I. AfPLXaVC, Ttoey b»fe come—(tie Iodiin »amiU9r diy Tlio iroode ire la golden blue; Varna la Ilie buy dell; O'er titled roaki tbo etrcftmlet flj*a, :hg eboroi >i it goes, To tbe song bird* 1 lut fuewoll. There ia A mnila, ob, ^JOW *ireet, 'Ti» written oa eftdi golden ileet TM f«U0 from tow'ring tre*-; Tbe ripe browq nuM arc dropping rott till, And iijulrreliare gpringlng totboioond, Cbatteriog Inwildest glee. Wildfiawer*ISoom In Btumy nooks. They tell a Ule, brigUt pioluro books, Of lovely Hiftirhood; OI boqaets In tbfl aummer bonrf• To greoo oar n.«l pfonlo bovon, Oslbored from fii'ld «nd ffooJ, '•bcu-dod la ibe foreit old, Ibe maple le»rci in anniet gold, CUah 3owa lbo smoky valo; All naturt'i tired, obildrcn weep, DiBrobing for their wialci's ileop, Eockea by tbe wintry giK THE FIDDLER. Bt OEllbV Jt. Duns. SomollmcB ff joa litloa-liiiea Wliea tlie sunlight fedci to gray, You will Loaf a atrange musician Attheqaistolowofdar; Hoar a strango and qotint mailclRii On bis tbrlU.roioed Oddlo play. He boars a ourioai Cddlo OnbhooatofsUlnyblaoh, And draws the boir toroii tlio itrlng It) crcWoe and in oraok ; Till tlio son fllimbi up tho monotain And floadathe earth trttb light, Tou will licar ttiHt straago aoifolsn U ll tlie ulgiit. Some times BnderdoHli tbs lieatlS floraeiiiccj nndoraeatti tho floor, He playg tho saino sbriil muiic- i Playa the same tnoe o'er and o'er; And eomeUraea In tho psatare, Donoatb a cold Rr&j Btono, He tlahtcni up the Biostre, AD(1 flJdlcg ail alone t Ilmnyle, !u tho Autumn, From tho corner of your room. You will bear the ehrlU-Tolced Addfo BotmiliDg oat dpon ttio j-toora ; If ion wlsli toleo the player, floitlj fallow np iheBound, s And jon'It Sad a dark bicked crlokol fiildliagoutamerryroundl Died in the wool—Mary'* famous little ml). Cnn the boss of a swimmftig acbool be mid to be a dootor of dive-in-itj ? klauya woinun w bo does Dot know m tbe multiplication table can "%• iro"in society. ; Puck Bajfl Ilie differenco between _ Ik dress and a oatioa gotvu ia material. Siit tlmt'a all stuff. A tuia ii a Japanese measure of length ,500 yarda long, TUIB 1Ba mia tyt 1B at? nearly as good us a mile. A broken reputuahud h tUu a urokea nse—it may bo moBded. bat allwas lions wlmro tbo krak vmz.—Joah Bit- Tho rain falls alike upon the just U v.ujua ; but ib ig t i e unjust who Uetil (bo umbrellas and lot tho Jast fed ;bo rain, Wcnt'a the ' difforenoe - between tbi either and u hnby P One never mica mt it ponra, and the otber never pai >ut it roars. '. Sever flhake o rriend. Jf von ted iflt way, ahnko iktitot* A^" " r ituion piece to "If at firet yoa don't iicccui], sack egga." " Kesei ijj totnke lencing leiaontt of bnrbed-wiro,", eaiil the joker j "it iu(jd n man n littla too mucU ' op to lOEcmtcb,'" A fnsLion journal Bays that "shirred "flies tiro worn." Wo might add that ifflcd shir—but no; this is not a fash- »n jonranl, Wnstc oofllio and coffee groands are .CQlleat fertilizers for roses; a health- *, iuoro yigoroua growth ia given, bet- ;r flowers, nnd rioher colon, " I hml nolime to stuff tho obicken," lologized u landlady to her boarders. Never niind, mudflw. it's tough enough i it ia," replied one of them. An old gentleman up town Bays his •oj is tlio champion light wait of tbe ountry, for the gas is kept bnrning'tor imiu tlie ball every night until after one 'clock. Speak of a mac's marble brow and be ill glow with conscious pride j but just hide tobis marble bead and ba's mad i a minute, Langnage is ft slippery ling to tool with. A clergyman asked a tipsy fellow who was leaning against a fence, where he ex- peoted to gowhen be died, "ifloan't get along any better than now, I shan't go nowhere," bo said. • , Anoldbaobolotwboparlionlariybalea literary women aa ontboresBif she could throw any light onkissing. «I «nU6, n ike said, looking up arohly at him, "bat : think it's better in tho dark," "When I married Qeorgiomi," e&id frank, "mjfolkatold niel woe foolish wed a girl who didn't know how to h&nd.a a rolling pis. Lord,. how they misjudged ber I Do yon eee that lamp my bead?" Tlio fashionable lonflig season being >ver, there will be all eorts ofrevivalsiu emperanoe, charity and religion Btartcd roon. ID the meantime sin has taken IO vacation, and ia well heeled for the Yinter- : . .. . _ A yotmg wife remonstrated with bee ibana, a dissipated, spendthrift, for conduct. "Love," said he, u lnm ike the prodigal aon ;, \ shall reformby ad by." « I will he like the prodigal spn too, "she replied,'Mori will arise and go to my father." ."What's tho crowd about ?" queried stranger, as ho uotioed a stream of via* rofa going into a fashionable rosiileooo. 'It's a silver weddin', 11 obligingly re- ilied Ms infornyint, "What's a silver la' V " Why, a ehap's boen mar- ied twenty-five times, andhe's celebrat- n-ofit." An agent who, tail sold a Datobman some goodi was to deliver tliem at his residence. Tbe German gava him the lollowinff direotioos; " ton Bbooat goes bebindt do church ; den yon tarns up right for a vile till you ootne to von two mit a big hog in tho yard. Dot's i. Youforsloin ?" Old Htortea About tireat Men. There are probably no two men wh have ever lived, about whom more stories ere told than President Lincolnand Horace Qraelev, Some of these stories, it is more than likely, bad never been known or heard of by those to whom they were attributed, but it only goes to show whatflstrong bold these two men hud on tbe hearts and affections of th people. The followlag is said to be characteristic of Mr. Gieefey and ia good enough to print: Shortly after tha passage or the Four- teenth .Imeudmeat, a movement i which Mr. Greely had taken considers bio interest, a large darkey who b< called several times at tho Trlbun4 of- fice come Into Mr. Greeley's room while ho was busily engaged in writing. Kow, if there was any one thing that was well understood around the Tribune offloe, it was that Mr. Greeley was uot tO'bp in- terrupted in the midst of his thought. When he was seen to be busy, with his face OIOHQ down to his paper, and bin running rapidly from left to righ across Iiis sbe^t* no onoaroand the office had lbs hardihood to apeak to him. Bu bis colored gentleman marched straight up to hie elbow, and, with a large hoidad cane under hie arm, and a' See broad-cloth coat buttoned close around hie breast, he broke right In; "I Bay, Mr. Grceley, I thought I would call and talk with 70a sub, aboti advising tbe onlled people to Btady de sciences." Mr. Greeiey'a tow assumed a nearer proximity than ever to the paper he WOB writing on, and Xte band kept going across ibfrom left to right with greater ipidity than before. Tbo cheeky freed- ian was not to be put oat of time ia this way; ha therefore spoke again and in a loader tone than before : " I thought I would ask you,"be con* tinned, " to write au editorial advising the called people to study do soieni Still the great editor wrote on. On the third repetition of tbe remark, Mr. Greeley laid down his pen, nod looking p hastily, exclaimed: "Go away I Go to h—1! Goover into NewJersey QD3 go rufoing pota< toes I" Th^ colored man didn't trouble him any more. n whoIB a great talker, is struggling terribly trying to mine a moustache His girl said to him, on« owning: "J , know why a cannot ipiB&a moustache ?" "No, 1 said, •'Beeanseyoudon'tgiveyour mouth enough rest." And now they loo't npeak to onoh otlie'r. I Vbe&n TteathKb Well, air," grinned a dry goods clerk aa he met a friend in the smoker, and both lighted up. " Well, sir, I'm on my way home oit«r four weeks of the most delightful vacation I ever spent; sn<3 it hain't cost me a dollar I" Koir did yon wori it Tasked tbe other, enviously, I went fint to see a cousin of my mother's, a minister; got there on a pass and after I'd bean there a week got drunk, went to churoh, andraised thun* der. He gave me money to go some- where else, and I dropped down on aa old aunt of mine—any quantity of fun. Wheo I got ready to go, I commenced making love to tho servant girl, and tho old dame staked me, and paoked me off 1 ." " Thnt'B doing pretty well," sighed hia friond, who had spent bis last dollar at Saratoga, # Then T went to see my grandfather. I didn't think tho old man was very proud of me when I Arrived; but lie let me in, and I hustled him around for another teek. Finally I naked permission to ivite a dozen fellows to help mo enjoy myself, and he gave me a hundred to quit," Good enough I" exclaimed his ad- miring friend. That brought me around to my brolber-Io-Ws place; nnd ho did well by me until I got tired of it, SoI told himI thought of going into business iu that town aad living with him. The proposition brought another hundred ; and now I'm on my wny borne, restored to health and about three hundred tfhead How's that f Wait till I strike a Btntion and it'll set'emop." And the foolish youth, who bad squaii- lered bis substance at tbe Spring?, pon* ietod deeply on tbe wisdom of his brother, and down in his mind set up lobs for tbe next season. K Speoulalor In Stamps The Carson, Nevada Appeal furnishes tl>6 following; Yesterday onold fellow from up near TToodford's or Hope Valley, or eome- wbere in that direction, reached Carson la an old wagon drawn by two lame a. Hehaft not seen a newspaper for three months, and the chances are that then it was merely some, elow ttgri- iltural journal. " What's the news ?" lie asked. Jim Farrell spotted his gait at once ,nd replied ; " Who\o ootintry gone to blazes. Wheat broke loat week in Obicngo to 60 cents per biiBbel; yoa caa't gtvo corn iway in New York ; etockfi have struck bedrock, find to-dny postage stamps are jelling for two cents npiBce." Geo whilliliins '< You don't tell me ttis for {nets ? I nllowed the times was mrd, but the postage stamp racket par- lyzeime." "It's a fact. So down to tbo post utii ind ask Wbilo, You aco he baa got to do it; nobody will giro over two cents, times ia RO bfird, you eoo; mon won't write letters tbnt coat threo cents. )f courao in the spring when things pick ip you cnn get the oldprice." 'I can get three cenla for 'em right :om tho jump up the country," said the 'armer. "Gacaa I'll go down and take Inside of five minutes be was at tho lost-offlcd, and called through tbe wia- low; "Bay are you selling stamps for two mis apieco ?" "Yewur." "Will they takfl a letter anywhere in ,o United States r" "Anywhere." " atmmo tweoty-flva aollara' worth. can get three cents a piece up in the toontoida for 'em," " We can't get over IWD cents hera." The farmer took the stamps andstarted or the mountains last evening, his gray gleaming with speculation. American Workingmcn. It is an undoubted foot that ttio work- ing people in no otber country of tbo world live so well, it might bo en LI, so extrtwflgimtly, as in tho United States. And this is true of both skilled and un- skilled labor. Wages that would lie called a fortune intho old country are grumbled about bore simply because tho expenditures are BO largo for livJDg. Tlio Sunday dinner of tLo majority ot tlio workman la thia city includes what would be called in Europe luxurioa, that >nlya largo income would allow, Yut t is a thing which is expected li&ro ami labor dsmanda wages that will allow it. Witb tbe present laws protecting our industries this is possible. There will :ome times, of couise, when trado is stagnant and tbe highest wages cannot be paid, hut these are exceptional. As a rule, under protection, production is stimulated in order to supply both home and foreign markets, labor ia plenty and wages good, • • • Let free trade (oko the place of protection and American laborers would Boon fiad themselves re- duced to a necessity for the economy of the Old World. There conld bono np- proncb to tie dress and liviog of thoao higher in tbe scale of society, but the lino hetwoou capital and labor would be drawn deep uud bioad, as it is wherever snd whenever tbu experiment has hecu od.—Toleilo Bhula. Yfhj Tlio; llon't Ua lo Church, Brooklyn preachers, wlio wo famous ir their insight into tho wnys of this ricked world, have just discovered a tew cause for the absence of the yon eg ople from church on Sunday. It is it the seductiveness of tbo ball and lab rooms, nor >Jven the enchanting games of seven-op and crock-loo, which have enticed tbe young folks away from Iho hollowed preoinots of the family pew. Not these. It's something Jar m.orej enticing than any or all of these wicked emp.oyme&ts. It is tbe old- fashioned practice of Sunday courting which has emptied t'ue pewst say Uvees knowing divines. Deacon A'n son calls Deacon B's daughter and u so'del- ightfully enterUined that all ihoagbtB another heaven are driven from his ini Deacon'i O's daughter is afraid •saaati B's nice young man intends to call and she wsnln't be away from home for tbe would if be. does, &»d so the iburoh is not graced with her bewitching freseoce. And for these reasonB the ireacber proses—but no; Brooklyn iteachen nsvex ptoao; prenobea, we rill say, then—to empty pews, sand- ricbed with a few Bleepy old falka and atired polit!oiaos> who are trying to tore np sufficient sanctity, to insnre bemselveB ag&inst fnturo conflagrations. Dhe preachers who miss the bright bees tbe yooDg folks in their congregatioDa ire to be 'pitied, of course, but those know howit is tbenuelvoa won't onder at their absence whan they con injoy the delights Sundoy courting. The inly wonder ahont the matter is bow be Brooklyn preachers ever found out ow maeh more delightful conrtiag is than going to obaroh. Ferbaps they made tbe discovery hy trying it them- selves. MAnnEHB.—A story cornea from Oridlcy that a few months since, when a train passed Qrldley, a wealthy passenger was struck with admiration over tbetender nxan&or in wbioh a yoiing lady led her aged grandmother along a ith near the track* Seeking nn iutro- letiaa, tbe man of riches married ber a few weeks, and now every time a train pulls iuto that barg at least a dozen mnidena can be seen trotting their old ;r.ind mothers np and down tho track.—•v.Uf. Record. A Cht'erftil Frnmo of Mind. To pieamt) u cheerful frnine of Blind very 0110 jjueila lo havo iuUirealKOll^ido f iiiiusolf, Wo may eafcly liflicm that ttio mail who uuiformly meet!: ua wilb nn ituimntet] expruHaion, n hopeful Aspect nd a frank find cordial grueling, is not selfish or self-ceulerecl man. Ho is d &nd-Eorry for more than liia owa CceBaca or fuihires ; I10 ia iiitoreslcd io >mo things nt Jeaat, npatt froia their re- ition to Linisclf. Nothing moro effoo- rnlly W013I13 down tloapirila, coutrccta hesoutcoa of pleaauro nnsl darkens tho ountsnnnco thuu tho exclusive thought t ami roferencn to pernoiial iutoreatH ; d no one can hopo to lnuiotaiii a checr- il diapoaition or to exert an inBiiiiing nflueoce until he takes a gouniao inter- est in other things and other people. Cho dflyu hnve passed away when a glutl- omo fnco was deeinoil eniados of a Jriv- [oua miml, uiiil 11 Holemu and long- mwD viaago tbo forerunner of every irtuo. Wo know now that virtue and appirtesa go land in hand, and that a >od conacieDcc 1 , good purposes, good abits nnd goo:l health will bring with iiem clionrfalncss and caoteBtmcnt to io spirit, anil tight ami gludncsa lo tho mutemuco.—Phiiadelphia Ledger. » » » A Foil-known sheriff in Atknusawig otoj for bis nffubilitj. Some timoago ie cnteryj tUocall of a man who was bo banged tho following day andsnid: That little affair of ours como3 off to- aorrow, you know, andI hope that you rill bo quite ready for the performance. Foia yourself pretty stiff when the cap a drawn. Then you will go down straight and won't dangle. It's very 3D comfortable to -dangle Bud you will Ind the stiff method preferable." Mrs. Portington Bays ebe can never inderstand these 'ex&market reports. }be can BCO how cheese may be lively, nd pork acHve-that is before it is dead —and feathers can be drooping—that is, f it's raining; but how whisky can be toady, or hops quiet, Or spirits dnl!, sbo »n't see; neither how lard can be firm in hot weather, ot itou vuBtylBd,' « po- Utoes depressed, or floor rising, nnlew yeast bos been pot in it. A OonnecUent boy bos a third arm ;rbwing oat ol the middle of his book. There are times when a nun would gtva money for an armin the middle of his book; and snob a time IBwhen he can't oh an iloliiog with his present quoU inns.—KorrUiom* fibroid. : - - " Is there anything wrong inkissing?" ia asked her, as they stood together afc bo ffato. " Oerlainfy then is?' she re' lied, "or there vonldn't be anv Inn it." . •,• \. ..• •.*;•• Be contented with joorlot, an auction. Thoroughly Trf«|. B Notinlgl^ Son Thw«tf toT >mUr »d or BODB >p>titt Bm Horn* j SSSi£AiSS Do You Know? Tbrt tbfl H a m ana Csltlo PowAut n - * iraelN »TO eomiHiaMt of tb* TI mnarlala. Uaorlm, r for Cwi([h*, ' oilttr

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SH ruopiumms.

e onlBliokwal] StrootMxttor tj theSational TTmou Bank,



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i^SION IIOUSK. ' iU .MUl SUlN" I I U S ' I !

Corner of BIwAwell and Biwstti Bin.

• DOVER. N. J.I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor.iThe Seneca Falls Yeas! Co.,

Homes ami Carritgi'B to Let.



d n l i r In D i l i OOODS QUOOKItlGS AKDPKOTI8IONS, LEATHEE AND FIKD1K08,BOOTS AND SHOES lo order i clgiri, lobio-cos, and In r*ot eroryttiiajj wliloh in generallykvpt in a fldootry store. I .ell all my Roodsallow 6ctmu. GallaQd see my stock aod bo



Of tlie latest and most impruu,! Btylen, fo•fltmiiiH public anil iirivatu liuildings. A lurgi

antorliiiL'tU i.'f HtDVLH, chcip f jr CUBII.

COOK, l'ltitLui:, IIEATINU




H IS C i m a E B l f AND NuTAllV nr.H.



p EO. 0 . CUMMINS, M. D.,





T O.mEltWIIlTH.E. M,







DOVER, N. J.Special o flic a liouta oil Baturdivg from B A

M. IM 12 M. 17-tf


StyliuJi Suits made in vnhr from ft5 tn*3011 Pauls " " " " 4 » 9

tL» gaimentB orJprcd tf iml Mtislaelury.•*• • ' inmiptly ito'-iciali,andseoEI,Y, tlioVorlu

illi steel [Sum mxt t-aniuli npiiiro la tft tcUn* The) (,lvn Un beat (if m»tu-

mlliin flic* iNoLirpin -itoctt IHLNE'.VMlPJIlf Hot Air, u u nud Basu Bunii(ii kitff, rtto\i ttiu bi BI bilJiu,sU>u iu (iiinld V!an i larBonmorlmcutofollicraiylil t nohini. Stmm I UIUM t-nrlor Stamen, Ac,or 4U1IMU I M J U I M I U U s L AIHO, n.l.wu S.OLI (1 HvilPWAM O . J T I E I . Y ,Han* Woodm Oo|ircr l u l u «ml Jittaniiecl

1IMU111 Oil CWtlia LarjetB, 1-unpn,,n PII 1 riili. h n l t i R t H tunthnrfl I 'mlV

nio Pm-HicHN AND SunoEoH,EOVKl(t N. J.

umen and cliiliiron, and or tin?

OG RUCI after April 1st will lmv« liia o ftVeBeooQtl floor or Hairhonsn buildinp. Jlcdenco, corper of Qoitl aDil Clicstnut StrttNlglit c*lla at resilience.



• Contracts for bniiaings lakon fmm tlio <-xMTrfinRoftLoailUr.wiiimn.TlolBrurnWifil,AlBoSaeli, Doorft, lllimlH, HontilinRa. VaultU B P l t Md Jlwotui1 HatetiftlscimfitAtitlvon band. Slata


DOVER. N. J . Contracts iakoti and matcritilHItonl jUl . Stone and IMok Work, Plafitf rlnBand Joining prompt Iv altcuiled to. Orli'rsleft at William II, B a t o i Hloro will reouivucirofu'. and .iroinpt otteution.




POOL AND BILLIARD TABLS.bsrbarBhopincotiacctiaturitli (ho pool ro»n


Painter and Builder,|]as roflwed to Tbnrbrr's new tiiilldinK, Ui Jlie

. 1IBAB THE 0AK4L E1SIH.« . Jobbing and repairing pmijipll.T

attotided to. A long oijioriuncu m llio 5'11?'-IHal,irlll,Ib«flero,enablo m« to p t o l«li»:fantlon to all customers. Coulraota lakoii nnd


SUSSEX STREET,(between the MANSION HOUSE mil Ccpot,)

D O V E R , N. J .TlieDlMOuMbeenontirclTrt-fittoilin a nm



( H u m s ' ! OILDHB and MPEK U1SU-BS9. Oonlraols liken md malcrkUtiirnubnl.Slfenlil*ot«tedlW Iroscoo stylo. UIjOuahTiboiylbilKO p[ l|t>mD ami ttlRi . ^

qfel. pSlJf«§?'<5irM;|will|o'»niilllnery•lore",next to vqnght s) xlllRorua dniK Btoro,|« us.

AlDflfilalty Wftdoofsttneil cutliag.

l,vixCB' '»!' A. BOOK.

B TO A- I4S01ISE,}

alers la



Can offer the best a n i i " o s t l i l l t r a I l n J a c 0 ". menu to donltri,


BfUlLDERS,Dover, W- 3"-


mty Collector's Notice!

,*K YOt'lt (iJiOCIv; KOH IT!





TIN & JAPAN WARE,1'llUlT CANS, * c ,


r.F.ADi:HK,;iu.lMll kilidH ofJohliing In injlice,iliiii' in tin. L^l DiniiuiT nml at tin. Kborlcelniilk'i'. High.:*! iii-icin paid fci- old Irmi.

Cnnicr lead anil pettier tnkon iu r i d u n c e

" " " " " ' ALEXAKDKIi WIOHTON.I>t 'ecni l ic i-2Jt i i . lb70. 1

SUSSEX St. GROCER,still contlQUGB to fceep a full tod freib qa

tlty o(

Groceries and Provisions,

SEASONABLE FRUITS.foreign uixl domestic, the best HWC-.r:ANNED G0ODH, u d ell BuppUes of UwLoimeholt. in his lino.

Cure will alwiij-H bo (akon to secure goodof tho liL'Ht quality Dud equal pains to Bellihem nt (ho niotit reasonable niargina oon.MBlttnl will* tho pun hosing price. SUSSEXfix, LI nr tlio corner of Blaekwell, Dover,

Established Nearly 40 Years.










? I g I

" g i g .

l 25 "CENTS.D ¥ E S S GOODSBest lino of Di'css (Joods

and Trimmings u[



Seeds, Fertilizers.arul eTtryt l i i i iB (or l-'AllJI A N D O A U U K N ,



r tlit il ore ScalfH in fmut of IIILII |)!icn «!i mi SB k r pubjic IUI lun 011 Iron Cojv•r Brans Ltail ItipBiiud Uruuba ! B taken

i"tc innjd r K 0 O (] t j i r j l *j t J l u ^ ^ ^ ^ L .


H. P. SANDERSON,tins K"l() H.'ci-lie iiitroilii-r.l Ilic vvi.-otis ui• C0 l i ru \M> VVAfiON COVl'ASV 3H I'l.Vi'-)RMH n»i] «rt C-VItftlAOiiS. Tlic i|imii:iiyUI it (lit t-vwU'tifei <-C Unw Wll tlr: iwi.iili'



i b i u n l i i l i i H i I w i ! i ^ l l ! i t : l ] " i i t t c i ^ t t m i a k niiiiu fen- Iliv H!cif;lia, wlitrl] »l l l nrriv*! in niv da.VH. ' S O W Irt VflUli T 1 J I E t j buy «afc'on k t a n i lLtrt-iiiciv t a i v l i s i i r o .



Dover, K. J .

.SELLING OUT ATl i l v a i w , ali>l M D ofliirml nt L O W K 1 ,l-]rf! t h e y <!ftii bit d i i p i i f s t c d Ui-day.

THIRTY-FIVE CENTS : ; i S : S ? l S S I §j.ivuovirilijiJmiliiiNtwailc.

CN THE DOLL4R1 ^ ^ jj

Uy entire stock or '


Gents' Famishing Goods,


LAGER BEER!i InpatHF.n.i.Y'S, H:i^<

opp. Holler1. O.ii



Musical Instruments!

Semi for catalogue of fire centniliic. New orenna BOliI fqr 8OciMs l>«r we=k,

WM. S. WRIGHT,Blaekwell St., Dover, N. J.

C. R H O A D E S ,

Nursery and GresnhousesM0BIB3 BT., HljIinlSfOWJi, H. J.






Thorbjarn's. Flower SeedsFOR SALE.

«r TiaaPtioSB"oi£i.:uik'. > »•»» »


BUCKWELL ST., DOVER, N. J.'laniandSperiJlcal

taken and

SlateWith better facilities 1 am enftblcd tu put

in HLATJ5 1U)OF.H ohoaper than evor usinpiDiiobut the beet quality of sliito and eru-rfoj'iug flrflt-clnss mechanics. I can punr-intcu nmtariftl and work in every particu-ar. Tiir Shoatbiiig Fell always 011 Land.

Dated October 13th. 1880.

OLIVER CHILLED PLOW.l i , Bt ill Hie m a r k e t . GOO Bold Ity m.

Acme Harrow,

Knsle Wheel Cilllltnlor,

CusBdai- Suiuy Plow

Grain and Garden Seed Drills,

Walter A, Wood's Mowers,


TLomaB & Field Wheel Hay Bakes,

AMERICAN HAY TEDDERS,l.»mi'- Fiiu Mills,

Lr\ i-r and Tri'.-ul I'owerst

Thrcahrn, l-'leiuu'is, &c,





•r in Plovi1!!, Itan«i!'1 'J imviiiv, (-l«.tint,'ii[-w in il.('^liii^.-(inhtuiitb-i>]i>

lOOy * " ^

t l - V l t l i VAI.l.'fcH I \

Isaac N. Doty & Co.,LEADING HOUSE


Colored Silk Department.

ffeolTiTl Ci«i-21-un:!t <UiOH (JJ1.AJS I-HE83lilLlia *t *1, every var.l o! wliicli

in irorlh tl.25.

Black Silk Department,Hpi'eiiU HtirfjiiiiM-Tu Ojicn tlio Full Seaann.

*c niror 10 ptccoH I'xtm lu-flvv 01103 GRAIN,lull 221 indies irirfe, at J1.00 por ynnl.

Till* in, hy lar, Hie lh>st valna wu 1 'HI il, iiinl j t H ilui J .t i«


Do not hmhate; it Oftaiu.



15!) & 1(11 Market, St.,

Newark, N. J.



BOVEil, Jf. J.

E.DUM&BR0.mproved Low Pressure Steam

Heating Apparatus—Toil —

ores,and public buihtiDfjs.




OFFipE ailjolniiifr M(n Dorcr ^ambcr Cora-party's Will' Oontraotu Iftki-n, anil plane,

unoeiilcfiticnH ami materials of evtry kind fur-malioJ for t)«i]dinss, JobLiiUR n ipecklty.

SLATE ROOFING.Blato fnmiflH'il from tlio liunt nuarrjrflbj

Lbo avail ciuantity or cir land, am, laid, if de-d b l d t t l M t n




d , ouas-WAM im> OHDU.

Joseph Yorkl0_t, iionnisTuwn.».

Notice of Settlement.


THEN E W YORK, 1884 .

A1 t nixty iiiilllmi to\\ln; nf Tim Sirs lmvofiiir out ui'our pJtubliKlnnfiit during tlio Jriiat

' If>oit v-iiretn pnatfi oml to end nil tlio ool-uniiirtot1 nil T H E SUSH ]irintcd nnd mid InutTftir you would gut iv uouttnuaua rttlp ofl[iH>rorfttn(i iiifiiniintloii, common mow ir!a-iTuiii, Ruund doctriiio, umlisiDDwltlon^ DnDttzhto reiioli fnnn Printing Hougo nquu-d to vaoto imninni i t Ooponiioim inr the tiuoonj tucnmck to I'rintinR HOIIBB'flnuare, 4ild'^liert:i]i*i'-qiiur(cTS bf tlio frrfy bank tq \hn ttmnjj

I l i i tT i^ SUN ig^njtton far* Ui«inbiinltnn(iiif ttio (iuftli; tli|i name strip of lutolligoi^co

' Mu tlio globo twmity*ovcn or tweit-iglti tinies.

f Qvcrj lmyop of a copy nf TUB 8UK during11m pant jcnrlniHHjiBnt only auo liourovor it,dud if his wlfu or fiiu prflndfntlieF litw " i t o t

tl l t l l I 188s wlfu or fiiu prflndfntlieF litwliour, tlila uowsimper In 18

nl^mleil 1i)n tiumnn raou thirteen tltoiunaiyd!.™ nf n[ti!]ilv r*ailitiK, nlRlitiind i!ar.

H in only liy HtU^caloulRtloiiBHKnUvcaeI lint you can fiirni any Icloa of tho droulutlan

f (lio most i)O]iul(irnrAni0riwui iof Hi InflutHioe on tlio nplnlunsur of Hi InflutHioe on tlio nplnluns and notioun

' Amerlunn IIIDII urn. woman.1'HE »VX U, mid will ooutfnno to lio, a BPWB-por whieli tollx tho truth witbont four ofnflctinonofla, wtiJcli gat» nt the fact* noittcr linw much ttio prounai conU, whtrlii>Bitntt tho newn of all tho world without

wntta of wonla AIIII In tlio mntit rcndnltleHim]*, urtieli w ^orbing iritii'tkH ita lipnrtfnr tlin eonso ot liotiont goroniEiont, nnd

"' * UiGrefora hclievoa that tho Republicanin fit f o, nnd mnat gu* lii this cqmin j

TEBMS TO HAIL 8DB6CKIBEB&Tbo wvonl editions of TUB SoBBroaont by

l l t tILlwityild\MfolIim.3AltY-W conto n month,Snndtv edition, *T.

lUNDAV—Eight pages. This edition fnr-nUt« th»o«mnt newk of tha wotlS, nw *,o!fll a r t ldu orBXcepOnnal i i i t—*' ^ *

a nevannper far, the former1!i ^d.o lnfa i

o f te t t wIIU|M, , .« iettrooopyfroo., Ad(lM»s:> ,*.:,•; • '.i :VW* KNGLANl), Pubtlatt*.

are tuendraDwledstnl loaders of the BOOTand 8H0B and 'UJATHEK Tit AD E in Uoftie Coantjr. We nt nil tinma onrry an lm-tnenBeiwiiortnwiit,«iotioT(«jttoti of *Mob itliasod on n lonflnndaxtPiidod exporinuoo that]IM (j»«ht w an t notldug but Rood Mliablo

ll UD uAi>ni^d, and no have honestlyendtnToreit to fltt our (wtaiilWiniont witlj ugood Duoti, fihooa ami Uulbora u« tlie beatuianiLfaotuntrB in ilio ooauti-.r could make.Uelov are a few of our loading styles, iii6prioei of which t>loaie notice.

WB HKBP THIS HTVI.EPreunltKU * U 5 , *Htt, :..WAniBrwim Kit) # u i fU 25, *arrmil i iSt ipLHI, *5.uo.iVIil,],, Ood #1 U), $1 W «JA i ) l l k t d i MAim) <lii|ilknt<d

from 80c to fg.00.i and

Tlio C o i u i u o n %oan\i s t y l o U v o r y JJ

ill Ailivriuau KV/rXVoOupwX*

nil uiilthu, ft

A ftiil lino nf Kurt's IVurld EMHuftfev.'•<I) ninti'riiii nud widtli:.. Cnn nlwnyn In- fowilt-

Hliclvea in iirofujimi.

A fuU line oand Alligator Skin from $1.00 upwor-Connuou House Operate very popular

Tha Genler Tie In Kid and Alligator Bklnat *1.60 a»d HM i« ft vary popular rtylo.

jps* An imniouae assortmenor Wool Lined Shoes and 6UpI»eis will be opened tliiw weekfrom 73c. lo $1.50.

City, in iill wliltliH fnnu«2.UU uinvtnl.

BOOTS ! BOOTS ! BOOTS ISpace will not permit ua to

enumerate tbe tremcmioiiB as-sort meut of Meu's HOJB' andVon (Us' Coarse and line BootB,In all HidtliH, tintr tun he roundin our Iiouac. 8u(Qci> to say tliatta single customer lias gone out

tailtig, IICCBUMI quality a r printUructurj'.Meliitvofurgodenll,



A full linn of thia cdobnitort nmko lintjiwtbeoiiopLuioil.


^i.J\r c£) Oo.,Opp. D.f I . & W. K. E. Bepot.

Freeman Wood,FIRE



D O V E R , TV. .T.•Rally aulhorizud auent of tlie roUrwinu. first

-lliobOBtlu thoiTorM:


GLOBE, Capitol $20,000,000.


Cnpilal S10,000,000.


Capitol 910,000,000.


Capital $5,000,000.

:UDSO» COUNTY, ^w«cy Oily,Copilal $300,1)00.

Nnrlii BHtUli ftatl McieaiUHc Imtiraneo Go.• Lontloli and IMonbnreli: capital SIO.CKJO.OOO.Oennaiila FiroInauranOQCo. at Now York;>pital tl.OOO.DOO. ":

l l io Lomlon* ABsuroooe Corporation ofudoo, capital $8,600,000.BpriagQeiaFire influnilte, capital tl,MO,000.WestcQostor Fire Insonoos Gomp&ny to

low York, capital ${00,000.Jl,000,000

[BE ABSOCIATIOS OT F B I U S I L T n U ." »s,60o,00l


Freeman Wood.|O9 or ths roaoa and I

TIE BEST PLACEof Us kiml foronjoymentin tills sttllon Is

D. MOLLER'S,BUS3EX ST., isEiTToTniBmnai!,)

UOVKIt, N. received »ua p l in l In position THEEE



Pool Tablesam ttio aelcbtitcA nn-nttiaolary of I . I t .




ig l i uoo f t m

COAL AND WOOD!tmmituii.Hpu.i.,.! hi^c^niiliiiiif;. t\.ni wood

Flag Stones i Curbing.OnlirM rcooivoilaml t'diitrnoU takfn forlar-

1»3 BidorsUs anil mtlins ««rb. anil all ollior•Mnilca'ili B " a ' " ° ° *11' h° promptly

PHOSPHATES!A variety oF brauila of glauaard forlilizorB.




MASONS'MATERIALS!Ilird anil P«Io Bilcli, Lime, Conuot, <M-

olnid Plastir, Hair, Sin ana FrontBrick, FiroOlsy. (lrdersffiUbo

prompllji filled at tbj


CircularSaw MiU.

tor hard wood Imnbor out to any slao tndlcnmii aoslrcd.

«0O cardi .euonod wood for Bale.Addresa

JMSK BOX SB,Dovt r .N.J .

OECHESTEIONit alio Jnit been supplied with new mnale

m& wilt deliglil the pskom of ths boftso morehan ever, raruiiblag mttii? e^ul to ft btu i

LAGER BEER•lnyionilnnglitiinl tbo beat o!

WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARSlitwjr* ptoflde4 tox ttie pUroua of


::iBEliAlU) B00K8,

THOS. JOHNSON,minDfioturer md dealer la

litumsiii, kitimn, Uaitils,tml all work in BIrble *nd Gnoito. All wotkotluo bent OIUET andpriotu reuontble


NOTICE.Estate of Goorgo Hoggar,

aoontyMlUwrt».a«»MBa,toproiwiitni8Minounder oatb or afirmktfoD, to tlimmbierlbor, onor betoro the iweatT-dral d»y of Juno noxt,being nloo uonthi ftnra lbs (3*tc olo^d a tde i ; I•nd » B J creditor irnlectliiff to brlnff in andMtaiUt h l ia r ber oUim. M l l i or HIlrraA-lloo, wltlifo (bo time lolimitoi], trill bo forevor

ASJ&SS' " ^ lUror ***""

\Fbr Vit Iron En}.INDIAN SUMMER.


Ttoey b»fe come—(tie Iodiin »amiU9r diyTlio iroode ire la • golden b l u e ;Varna la Ilie buy dell;O'er titled roaki tbo etrcftmlet flj*a,

:hg • eboroi >i it goes,To tbe song bird*1 lu t fuewoll.There ia A mnila, ob, JOW *ireet,'Ti» written oa eftdi golden ileetT M f«U0 from tow'ring tre*-;Tbe ripe browq nuM arc dropping rott till,And iijulrreliare gpringlng totboioond,Cbatteriog In wildest glee.

Wild fiawer* ISoom In Btumy nooks.They tell a Ule, brigUt pioluro books,Of lovely Hiftirhood;OI boqaets In tbfl aummer bonrf•To greoo oar n .«l pfonlo bovon,Oslbored from fii'ld «nd ffooJ,

'•bcu-dod la ibe foreit old,Ibe maple le»rci in anniet gold,CUah 3owa lbo smoky valo;All naturt'i tired, obildrcn weep,DiBrobing for their wialci's ileop,Eockea by tbe wintry g iK


Bt OEllbV Jt. Duns.

SomollmcB ff joa litloa-liiieaWliea tlie sunlight fedci to gray,

You will Loaf a atrange musicianAttheqaistolowofdar;

Hoar a strango and qotint mailclRii

On bis tbrlU.roioed Oddlo play.

He boars a ourioai CddloOnbhooatofsUlnyblaoh,

And draws the boir toroii tlio itrlngIt) crcWoe and in oraok ;

Till tlio son fllimbi up tho monotainAnd floadathe earth trttb light,

Tou will licar ttiHt straago aoifolsnU ll tlie ulgiit.

Some times BnderdoHli tbs l i e a t l Sfloraeiiiccj nndoraeatti tho floor,

He playg tho saino sbriil m u i i c - iPlaya the same tnoe o'er and o'er;

And eomeUraea In tho psatare,Donoatb a cold Rr&j Btono,

He tlahtcni up the Biostre,

AD(1 flJdlcg ail alone t

I l m n y l e , !u tho Autumn,From tho corner of your room.

You will bear the ehrlU-Tolced AddfoBotmiliDg oat dpon ttio j-toora ;

If ion wlsli to leo the player,floitlj fallow np iheBound, s

And jon'It Sad a dark bicked crlokolf i i ldl iagoutamerryroundl

Died in the wool—Mary'* famous littleml).

Cnn the boss of a swimmftig acbool bemid to be a dootor of dive-in-itj ?

klauya woinun w bo does Dot knowm tbe multiplication table can " % •

iro"in society. ;

Puck Bajfl Ilie differenco between _Ik dress and a oatioa gotvu ia material.

Siit tlmt'a all stuff.A tuia ii a Japanese measure of length

,500 yarda long, TUIB 1B a mia t y t 1Bat? nearly as good us a mile.

A broken reputuahud h tUu a urokeanse—it may bo moBded. bat allwaslions wlmro tbo krak vmz.—Joah Bit-

Tho rain falls alike upon the justU v.ujua ; but ib ig t i e unjust whoUetil (bo umbrellas and lot tho Jast fed;bo rain,

Wcnt'a the ' difforenoe - between tbieither and u hnby P One never mica

mt it ponra, and the otber never pai>ut it roars. '.

Sever flhake o rriend. Jf von tediflt way, ahnko iktitot* A^" " r

ituion piece to "If at firet yoa don'tiicccui], sack egga."

" Kesei ijj to tnke lencing leiaontt ofbnrbed-wiro,", eaiil the joker j "it

• iu(jd n man n littla too mucU ' op tolOEcmtcb,'"

A fnsLion journal Bays that "shirred"flies tiro worn." Wo might add thatifflcd shir—but no; this is not a fash-»n jonranl,

Wnstc oofllio and coffee groands are.CQlleat fertilizers for roses; a health-

*, iuoro yigoroua growth ia given, bet-;r flowers, nnd rioher colon," I hml no lime to stuff tho obicken,"lologized u landlady to her boarders.Never niind, mudflw. it's tough enoughi it ia," replied one of them.An old gentleman up town Bays his

•oj is tlio champion light wait of tbeountry, for the gas is kept bnrning'torim iu tlie ball every night until after one'clock.

Speak of a mac's marble brow and beill glow with conscious pride j but justhide to bis marble bead and ba's madi a minute, Langnage is ft slipperyling to tool with.

A clergyman asked a tipsy fellow whowas leaning against a fence, where he ex-peoted to go when be died, "if loan' tget along any better than now, I shan'tgo nowhere," bo said. • ,

Anoldbaobolotwboparlionlariybalealiterary women aa ontboresB if she couldthrow any light on kissing. « I «nU6,n

ike said, looking up arohly at him, "bat: think it's better in tho dark,"

"When I married Qeorgiomi," e&idfrank, "mjfolkatold niel woe foolish

wed a girl who didn't know how toh&nd.a a rolling pis. Lord,. how theymisjudged ber I Do yon eee that lamp

my bead?"

Tlio fashionable lonflig season being>ver, there will be all eorts of revivals iuemperanoe, charity and religion Btartcdroon. ID the meantime sin has takenIO vacation, and ia well heeled for theYinter- • :. .. . _

A yotmg wife remonstrated with beeibana, a dissipated, spendthrift, forconduct. "Love," said he, u l n m

ike the prodigal aon ;, \ shall reform byad by." « I will he like the prodigal

spn too, "she replied,'Mori will ariseand go to my father."

."What's tho crowd about ?" queriedstranger, as ho uotioed a stream of via*rofa going into a fashionable rosiileooo.'It's a silver weddin',11 obligingly re-ilied Ms infornyint, "What's a silver

la' V " Why, a ehap's boen mar-ied twenty-five times, and he's celebrat-n-ofit."

An agent who, tail sold a Datobmansome goodi was to deliver tliem at hisresidence. Tbe German gava him thelollowinff direotioos; " ton Bbooat goesbebindt do church ; den yon tarns up

right for a vile till you ootne to vontwo mit a big hog in tho yard. Dot'si. You forsloin ?"

Old Htortea About tireat Men.There are probably no two men wh

have ever lived, about whom more storiesere told than President Lincoln andHorace Qraelev, Some of these stories,it is more than likely, bad never beenknown or heard of by those to whomthey were attributed, but it only goes toshow what fl strong bold these two menhud on tbe hearts and affections of thpeople. The followlag is said to becharacteristic of Mr. Gieefey and ia goodenough to print:

Shortly after tha passage or the Four-teenth .Imeudmeat, a movement iwhich Mr. Greely had taken considersbio interest, a large darkey who b<called several times at tho Trlbun4 of-fice come Into Mr. Greeley's room whileho was busily engaged in writing. Kow,if there was any one thing that was wellunderstood around the Tribune offloe, itwas that Mr. Greeley was uot tO'bp in-terrupted in the midst of his thought.When he was seen to be busy, with hisface OIOHQ down to his paper, and bin

running rapidly from left to righacross Iiis sbe t* no onoaroand the officehad lbs hardihood to apeak to him. Bubis colored gentleman marched straight

up to hie elbow, and, with a largehoidad cane under hie arm, and a' Seebroad-cloth coat buttoned close aroundhie breast, he broke right In;

" I Bay, Mr. Grceley, I thought Iwould call and talk with 70a sub, abotiadvising tbe onlled people to Btady desciences."

Mr. Greeiey'a tow assumed a nearerproximity than ever to the paper he WOBwriting on, and Xte band kept goingacross ib from left to right with greater

ipidity than before. Tbo cheeky freed-ian was not to be put oat of time ia this

way; ha therefore spoke again and in aloader tone than before :

" I thought I would ask you,"be con*tinned, " to write au editorial advisingthe called people to study do soieni

Still the great editor wrote on. Onthe third repetition of tbe remark, Mr.Greeley laid down his pen, nod lookingp hastily, exclaimed:"Go away I Go to h—1! Go over

into New Jersey QD3 go rufoing pota<toes I"

Th^ colored man didn't trouble himany more.

n who IB a great talker,is struggling terribly trying to mine a

moustache His girl said to him, on«owning: " J , know why

a cannot ipiB&a moustache ?" "No,1

said, •'Beeanseyoudon'tgiveyourmouth enough rest." And now theyloo't npeak to onoh otlie'r.

I Vbe&n TteathKbWell, air," grinned a dry goods clerk

aa he met a friend in the smoker, andboth lighted up. " Well, sir, I'm on myway home oit«r four weeks of the mostdelightful vacation I ever spent; sn<3 ithain't cost me a dollar I"

Koir did yon wori it Tasked tbeother, enviously,

I went fint to see a cousin of mymother's, a minister; got there on a passand after I'd bean there a week gotdrunk, went to churoh, and raised thun*der. He gave me money to go some-where else, and I dropped down on aaold aunt of mine—any quantity of fun.Wheo I got ready to go, I commencedmaking love to tho servant girl, and thoold dame staked me, and paoked me off1."

" Thnt'B doing pretty well," sighed hiafriond, who had spent bis last dollar atSaratoga, #

Then T went to see my grandfather.I didn't think tho old man was very proudof me when I Arrived; but lie let me in,and I hustled him around for another

teek. Finally I naked permission toivite a dozen fellows to help mo enjoy

myself, and he gave me a hundred toquit,"

Good enough I" exclaimed his ad-miring friend.

That brought me around to mybrolber-Io-Ws place; nnd ho did wellby me until I got tired of it, So I toldhim I thought of going into business iuthat town aad living with him. Theproposition brought another hundred ;and now I'm on my wny borne, restoredto health and about three hundred tfheadHow's that f Wait till I strike a Btntionand it'll set'em op."

And the foolish youth, who bad squaii-lered bis substance at tbe Spring?, pon*ietod deeply on tbe wisdom of hisbrother, and down in his mind set uplobs for tbe next season.

K Speoulalor In StampsThe Carson, Nevada Appeal furnishes

tl>6 following;Yesterday on old fellow from up near

TToodford's or Hope Valley, or eome-wbere in that direction, reached Carsonla an old wagon drawn by two lame

a. He haft not seen a newspaperfor three months, and the chances arethat then it was merely some, elow ttgri-

iltural journal." What's the news ?" lie asked.Jim Farrell spotted his gait at once

,nd replied ;" Who\o ootintry gone to blazes.

Wheat broke loat week in Obicngo to 60cents per biiBbel; yoa caa't gtvo corniway in New York ; etockfi have struckbedrock, find to-dny postage stamps arejelling for two cents npiBce."

Geo whilliliins '< You don't tell mettis for {nets ? I nllowed the times wasmrd, but the postage stamp racket par-lyzeime.""It's a fact. So down to tbo postutii ind ask Wbilo, You aco he baa

got to do it; nobody will giro over twocents, times ia RO bfird, you eoo; monwon't write letters tbnt coat threo cents.)f courao in the spring when things pickip you cnn get the old price."

' I can get three cenla for 'em right:om tho jump up the country," said the

'armer. "Gacaa I'll go down and take

Inside of five minutes be was at tholost-offlcd, and called through tbe wia-low;

"Bay are you selling stamps for twomis apieco ?""Yewur.""Will they takfl a letter anywhere in,o United States r""Anywhere."" atmmo tweoty-flva aollara' worth.

can get three cents a piece up in thetoontoida for 'em,"

" We can't get over IWD cents hera."The farmer took the stamps and startedor the mountains last evening, his gray

gleaming with speculation.

American Workingmcn.It is an undoubted foot that ttio work-

ing people in no otber country of tboworld live so well, it might bo en LI, soextrtwflgimtly, as in tho United States.And this is true of both skilled and un-skilled labor. Wages that would liecalled a fortune in tho old country aregrumbled about bore simply because thoexpenditures are BO largo for livJDg. TlioSunday dinner of tLo majority ot tlioworkman la thia city includes whatwould be called in Europe luxurioa, that>nlya largo income would allow, Yutt is a thing which is expected li&ro ami

labor dsmanda wages that will allow it.Witb tbe present laws protecting ourindustries this is possible. There will:ome times, of couise, when trado isstagnant and tbe highest wages cannotbe paid, hut these are exceptional. Asa rule, under protection, production isstimulated in order to supply both homeand foreign markets, labor ia plenty andwages good, • • • Let free trade (okothe place of protection and Americanlaborers would Boon fiad themselves re-duced to a necessity for the economy ofthe Old World. There conld bo no np-proncb to tie dress and liviog of thoaohigher in tbe scale of society, but thelino hetwoou capital and labor would bedrawn deep uud bioad, as it is whereversnd whenever tbu experiment has hecu

od.—Toleilo Bhula.

Yfhj Tlio; llon't Ua lo Church,Brooklyn preachers, wlio wo famous

ir their insight into tho wnys of thisricked world, have just discovered atew cause for the absence of the yon eg

ople from church on Sunday. It isit the seductiveness of tbo ball and

lab rooms, nor >Jven the enchantinggames of seven-op and crock-loo, whichhave enticed tbe young folks away fromIho hollowed preoinots of the familypew. Not these. It's something Jarm.orej enticing than any or all of thesewicked emp.oyme&ts. It is tbe old-fashioned practice of Sunday courtingwhich has emptied t'ue pewst say Uveesknowing divines. Deacon A'n son calls

Deacon B's daughter and u so'del-ightfully enterUined that all ihoagbtB

another heaven are driven from hisini Deacon'i O's daughter is afraid•saaati B's nice young man intends to

call and she wsnln't be away from homefor tbe would if be. does, &»d so theiburoh is not graced with her bewitchingfreseoce. And for these reasonB theireacber proses—but no; Brooklyniteachen nsvex ptoao; prenobea, werill say, then—to empty pews, sand-ricbed with a few Bleepy old falka andatired polit!oiaos> who are trying totore np sufficient sanctity, to insnrebemselveB ag&inst fnturo conflagrations.Dhe preachers who miss the bright bees

tbe yooDg folks in their congregatioDaire to be 'pitied, of course, but those

know how it is tbenuelvoa won'tonder at their absence whan they con

injoy the delights Sundoy courting. Theinly wonder ahont the matter is bowbe Brooklyn preachers ever found outow maeh more delightful conrtiag is

than going to obaroh. Ferbaps theymade tbe discovery hy trying it them-selves.

MAnnEHB.—A story corneafrom Oridlcy that a few months since,when a train passed Qrldley, a wealthypassenger was struck with admirationover tbe tender nxan&or in wbioh a yoiinglady led her aged grandmother along a

ith near the track* Seeking nn iutro-letiaa, tbe man of riches married bera few weeks, and now every time a

train pulls iuto that barg at least a dozenmnidena can be seen trotting their old;r.ind mothers np and down tho track.—••v.Uf. Record.

A Cht'erftil Frnmo of Mind.To pieamt) u cheerful frnine of Blind

very 0110 jjueila lo havo iuUirealKOll idof iiiiusolf, Wo may eafcly liflicm that

ttio mail who uuiformly meet!: ua wilbnn ituimntet] expruHaion, n hopeful Aspectnd a frank find cordial grueling, is notselfish or self-ceulerecl man. Ho isd &nd-Eorry for more than liia owa

CceBaca or fuihires ; I10 ia iiitoreslcd io>mo things nt Jeaat, npatt froia their re-ition to Linisclf. Nothing moro effoo-rnlly W013I13 down tloapirila, coutrcctahesoutcoa of pleaauro nnsl darkens thoountsnnnco thuu tho exclusive thoughtt ami roferencn to pernoiial iutoreatH ;

d no one can hopo to lnuiotaiii a checr-il diapoaition or to exert an inBiiiiingnflueoce until he takes a gouniao inter-est in other things and other people.Cho dflyu hnve passed away when a glutl-omo fnco was deeinoil en iados of a Jriv-[oua miml, uiiil 11 Holemu and long-mwD viaago tbo forerunner of everyirtuo. Wo know now that virtue andappirtesa go land in hand, and that a>od conacieDcc1, good purposes, goodabits nnd goo:l health will bring withiiem clionrfalncss and caoteBtmcnt toio spirit, anil tight ami gludncsa lo thomutemuco.—Phiiadelphia Ledger.

• » » »

A Foil-known sheriff in Atknusaw igotoj for bis nffubilitj. Some timo ago

ie cnteryj tUocall of a man who wasbo banged tho following day and snid:

That little affair of ours como3 off to-aorrow, you know, and I hope that yourill bo quite ready for the performance.Foia yourself pretty stiff when the capa drawn. Then you will go downstraight and won't dangle. It's very3D comfortable to -dangle Bud you willInd the stiff method preferable."

Mrs. Portington Bays ebe can neverinderstand these 'ex& market reports.}be can BCO how cheese may be lively,nd pork acHve-that is before it is dead

—and feathers can be drooping—that is,f it's raining; but how whisky can betoady, or hops quiet, Or spirits dnl!, sbo»n't see; neither how lard can be firmin hot weather, ot itou vuBtylBd,' « po-Utoes depressed, or floor rising, nnlewyeast bos been pot in it.

A OonnecUent boy bos a third arm;rbwing oat ol the middle of his book.There are times when a nun would gtvamoney for an arm in the middle of hisbook; and snob a time IB when he can't

oh an iloliiog with his present quoUinns.—KorrUiom* fibroid. : - -

" Is there anything wrong in kissing?"ia asked her, as they stood together afcbo ffato. " Oerlainfy then is?' she re'lied, "or there vonldn't be anv Inn

i t . " . •,• \. ..• • . * ; • •

Be contented with joorlot,an auction.

Thoroughly Trf«|.

B Notinlgl^ Son Thw«tf toT>mUr » d or BODB >p>titt B m Horn* j


Do You Know?Tbrt tbfl H a m ana Csltlo PowAut n- * i raelN »TO eomiHiaMt of tb* TI

mnarlala. Uaorlm, rfor Cwi([h*,

' oilttr


The Dover Printing Company,

Nov. U, 1883.

I'lie pu«ia] noliin do uat tterut lo be pop-ular __ __

Tha Bourbons of Viginw niioot the w»J

Hu>y vote.Jnrrnrtl doesn't genm to come buck to Jer-

sey wortli u cent.

Tiiny ha<l it tbirty degrees below zero illDakota last Friday.

A trotting lioras lift* acuomplUhwI a mileiu D.nftJ with running in%ti\

It look* as if Ibe leadership of tlie Decratia pattj wna centered in Kmtticby.

Leon Abbett and JodRe DUon met MBUMrta «t a dinner party tbe other evening.

Mornioninn bat loo long dtfittt the Uwetmd morality of tliisc-nitilry. It migM logo.

A Conutilulioiul niuuutluiunt to BOppreafljioljgiituy U proposed. Hy all means tat it

Tha iadii—tioiia fire Lb*t tbo Deraoorata inCongress will bave a hot nunrrel over tlietii'tS question.

Jersey Justicu wan again exemplified IDHe nark jcslurdaj by ttin Lauglng of tbe

At tbo beginning of tbo year there word417 iron furnaces id blast iu thin country.Now there are bat H3L.

Among the Democratic AjBoiubly men thebeat quftliikil man for Speaker that we knowof is Wm. E HOES, of Sussex.

TbB Sun oalls on tlio Democrat la Con-grew to elect a War Democrat for Speaker.Is the 8tm afraid of tbo Solid Sooth ?

Washington Territory having adopted fe-male Biiffraga it h to bo hoped all the strong'minded of that «ox will migrato that way,

Sergeant Masou, who ahot at Guitoau, ha»sow beeu Iu prison over two years. Ho Ua!

suffered euougl for bis indiscretion andshould be released.

Somebody object* to ttao oluemnee otEvacuation Day ou the ground that thornore, more English now in this country thanthere ware ia 17S3.

The District Court iu Trenton has decidedthai au election bet le collectable, whlob iiright. A man who will risk b_ money inbetting shouldn't cry if ho tones.

Abbett'a promises of "rewards" to the" workers " ia bearing fruit. There are already about four score woikers who want tofca Sergeaut-at-arniB of the ABacmbly.

If Gov. Cleveland keeps on "turning therascals out" by virtue of executive pardonit may b* a trifle difficult for the HepubH.cans to carry New York State neat year.

The American Sentry perpetratee the pealpolitical Joke by alluding to " tho monstrousgrowth of Ihe National party iu New Jer-sey." This will comfort Pottor for a whole

The Newark Advertiser Bays the Bpeaker-ahlp contest in 'he Assembly lies betweenUensn. Fivnn, Ohopmap and Stoney, al-though Uoaxn. Neighbour and CbatUe arecandidates.

Senator fitolusby, of Essex, will intro-duce in tba next Legislature a Oivil SightsbiU that will baldeatlcal with the one recentlydeclared unconstitutional by the 0 . B. Su-preme Court.

Tho Son has changed its confident. Hut " t h e llepubllcon party^muHt go," and

- admits seriously that the campaign of 11will be no holiday for Democrats. The Sanis tight at last.

Three eatumiasUo Democrats have en-fpged four black horses and a landau forthe aae ot GOT. Abbett at his inauguration.I t is to bo hoped that their "rewards" wUlnot disappoint them.

Uahone's manly address to the people oftho country, snowing how the Bourbons car-ried Virginia by ebot gun srj

^ R « r w j y ~ T o n i e than ln»y

WASHINGTON LETTER.We liavc liail a foretaste of winter the

|iiut wtt'k which hu* without doubtthe tttranger'aldcit, tlmt thbt i* u ]nirt pf theSuuuv Bmifli. Oviwofllsof the Lcuvkiit uiu

ntultliredingly t' tfurUlile,liaalt? t» LHIIJ; iVuju lln-li1 IUOIII

moUveMccptncIi-alLcir fur lined ilu)und««u] ekiu tirain tu jnutect tlieiiii front tin* ruile tuldrstMi uf tlie weaterui m e , All tli* public founuimi liovei to plo.v, (be iKU-kii hare Iwun di»p

of their jilauU nml untune (that |.art of' louked after by one illicit) lius

tn MltDp. Most of the pulilk liulldlrigiin (bit uourvL- uf count ruction W111*SUI>D

urk until Sjirinu, but tiic roe* him Idsuyeil uu iht^c i-tMw* will liavu nu trunltlcfind wiirk on nucouut uf tlieprivate Uulldfug* being erected, Tlicrc i«

lumlly H street iu (lib city at the prutieiit tiiuuuu U'liluli Ihore not froiuoiicto a doit'ii hoiMi'«(whig eroded, and It lo eurjirisiui; Iu uutc the

lid^rntt-tli of tlifi ulty which imi«f in ttrno(hu clt.v of reMdi1 no us; so that there in uomlilo fur n gixid, iudiistriuuB iiienUiuiie Hud-

iiij; here ]ili>nt; of work at good wagoa,

While tramjilDtf eoutU-eastwiml from tlwclt.v I imid a vittil to wlrnt U left of Fort Stan-

in. Tliere hut tbroti or four uf the forts tou-trucipd for tlio defences of 'WuHhlnfftoii dur*ijjtlio Into war tliut u o •tacflBg to-day,ort Stnntou h one ofHiese. Evan this hard I jliowiitH funiior «hol>e, but tbe deep moatluuh Btirrtiuniia It tells the rlMitor that theloutiiU above it :iro not thu result ot ft frankf untiir.., Imt tlio vm-k of many men. It U>eated upon one of tlio highest Mils whichumiund the city ami when equipped uciut-inmlcil tlin rlvt>r HIKI land npjiroaoliei* in

i very

by rain wurfica, and tho IICBII-iful crecu swunl which once covered it onli hides ban <llnnpi>mre.i. The litrjjo iniiuti-iiii'-whli'h vriiH oureiully anil euhit not full rtnmtructfHi still rcnininn iutmit and in »'«

•!<u>a i oiiilitliin an whon It li»d atorod withinits wnllH tons nf death dealing missiles. Wbun1 vwlteil 11m Fort u lord of rattle

every direct inn. The hreaat work*

. ago t h e soulparade, whel lkd bhtreu jei»r« «ko tbc sontiuul walked bh weary

bi'iit,tveritli'n for the approach lug foo. If

one's thoughts could Otw.ilof those ilrt'iiry yonra of u . , . . . . , .nt 'snml i lei i rbnugbt victory, A friend t rnmi. 1 . . . »» "I . « n f

[•wily maof dbulit

n dark


reitwH,..-buttle of the wililuruces was fought,


buttle of the wildirucs* waseluded «i>ot of heavy unde

k l f nd uitton found a licit phiti _,

tlio lnttttw " C. 8. A." Tho hoi...were lilcached, whilo tho uarmeuts had till<Hsap]iGitrtd nud only tlio pi nee of brnss toldthe fole of who tbe parcel of bones ]iud oneetidoiigtiil to. Hy friend {hu wore tbc blueand left nn nnn ut Gettysburg) gitttieroit wbutnna loft uf this "soldier of the gray " nnd sawiin miunini) ciircfnilr plueed within tho lujif mother earth. Whoxc BOII, futber, lirotbur,1 unknown," uud it mtiut be left for tbo open-

ing of the great hook to read tho name, who until this lute dey Jim.runmincd unseen by mortal eyesj und tholiiot onro that the living can pay to the deadwas dona fur tLis unknown by on« who par-bnin fiice to fitce atubbornlr ctntestud withdm tlmt liloodj battl

ibburnlr untestedtie field nearly cigloigbtvou

Wboiadeplorable,#t»teof nftair* arc aria-ng ngnlii in ttic Suttti. I t aeoms at timea mf tbe spirit cf leocniitu wai not imt out athpiHiuintox, but only deadened. At Danville

-Vor_!JCOnolorod voters registered on Nov.3d, The riot followed a fow days after, uudon oleetion day only i BCORE of colored vote*were polled, nnd now the Bourbon* nro openlyrojoloiug upon their auoDcia at the laat ela-tion. As truly remarked by the " Truth " tdcfeiito/JInhoneianotftcause fur rejotrfi.,,.but for regret, for it proclaims the IHBUO of 'SIto be tbe wild North ngninat tbe solid South.In after vonlu it will revive, what tlio nor-them peuplo had hoped wai buried forever,tlio icutiomil projudfeea. It aeotui go BtrniiIliat t ie people of tho South will nllow tbipolitical unlmuB in BO interfere with the pt-L,[ferity of their eountrr. A trip through Vlr--iula, South Uarolina, and cue r r two other,tateti which were ororniu with the con tend-ing aniline, will convince any diaiutcrcHtcd

__ _. .. . .» . . _ (jo WDUiii io[ [ioHtiou

, gun dootrlno, and in--ito capital instead of reprising it, tboir coun-

try would look as if it wna prospcroug «a itshould bu, and not hare the nppuarland cursed hy nn angry Clod. . . . .„ ...honed thnt the conservative element willwake tiii nnd wrest from the political dcraa-goguwitho •'ie power

Then, an- they hold over the wbittand not until then, will the

Spoflkerabfpof the next Uoune have tukenquarters here and liiwo laid off their coat* foibard work. It is uudoratood each can FIQUUKan election IF be can only nor.t* tho vohi.They have then- workort hero, but the strang-est part of tho cumpnipi 1B> that tliere ia nut'- he mod as a notentfnator, thedrinkknowu

•• "ooia ton" It is generally understood thntthe giilo board Inducement shall not outoiinto the tight as a persuader for vofoe, andthesel

tightction i lust be tnwjo of Cox, Carlisle

mid Itaudnll from principle, T))o tseem to think Cox ought to ho elactod i....,that his ohnncea arc the briahteit, whiliithors " " " " " ~ *iboutjiimrfull

llitl, in ono hour

\ae and howrtlian "Snm

_ »Io rlo in a year. Tbe work will bo tbe In-tent tlita wool nnd mar the beat man win.

We boat Time, which la bettor than taiJihim " by tbo forelock." Wo gain here efnfnotes nnd twelvo and nino one-httodredt

~ Attorney QonBral nud. i

Q been for a long time.

August Grasaman was elected GranMuter by the Odd Fellows tt Mew Jersey inTrenton on Wednesday. He sells liquor InHobokeu, and he was opposed by the pro-nonnced temperancehis majority was large.

n in the order, but

The Republican State Committee imestablished permanent headquartersTaylor's Hold. '««ey City, and will en-gage actively in the work of thoroughly re-organizing the party throughout the Stalefor the next campaign.

The contest (or the Speakenbip of thenext Assembly is already Bharp, tho leadingcandidates being Moesre. Chapman andClarke, of Hudson ; Neighbour, of MorrisBo88,of8u«iex; FJynn.ofRuuaio; Jernee,of HI Jdlesei, and Ludlntn, of Cape M»y.

CensoB reports tbow there are 7,000 mowmales than femalea In TTtab, and that themales exceed the females In the record ofbirths. Now, if polygamj is in accordancewith the will of God, as the Jlormonn claim,why doesn't He reverse this oondiUon ofthings?

Wherever there v u a gala in the prohibi-tion vats lhi_ year, It wu almost Invariabl;in a locality where the movement was new.Wherever the movement w u old enough toshow how the prohibition votera bate beenmanipulated by tke politicians the vote ha*decreased. "

In an interview with a World reporterBen Bailer said thai "Abbett'tf Buooera ismore of a victory for the Pennsylvania Rail-road Company than of the Democratic par.ty," whereupon Leon takes the floor:withthe {nsinteDoe that Ben- ties. This Is Dem-ocratic harmony.

The Democrats papers are wonderingwhy it is that " the head of every depart-ment In the Morxii Plains Asylum is a Be-publican ?" We cannot account for it exoaptupon the theory that the non-partisan miri-agere of that institntion have found thattrustworthy officials oome from that party.

Hon. Wm. 11. Morrison, one cf the Demo-cratio leaders in Oongreas, BOTH ''Tjlden'smoney can elect Bandal), but without it*nee Garliale will be ofcoseti." DJOS Mr.Morrison want us to understand that theDemocratic —embera of OoDgnsa can beinduced Utna easily to seU their vot«r Itlooks like ft

It la published that the boer.fcrewenr ofNewark, emboldened by the Democraticsnoens in this Slate will introdBce a bill in

...the legiRlatnn to Ugalize thesale of Intoii-catiBg liquors on Bonday. And the Prohi-biUoniiU eontribntod all they possibly floridat the last election to ensure Semooratlo

and make this thing ponible.

Ur. I F. Ward, of Oxford, a gentlemanwhose temperance proclivities are well-known, in a letter to Ihe Belvldere Apolloatlributea the Democratic raooesa In Warrenootmty to " iha mtnlpolation of the tearperanoa rote by the ekilled politioianB of theDemocratic party." The tempennoe voteis manipulated by Democratic poliUcUni IDother places than Warren.

In a published Interviaw Oongrewman.oleotPhelpn gives expreadon towish among Bepablicatt members of thenext House thst ex Speaker Kelfsr ahooldr - a sa lo be a canaiaato for tba empty honorof a re-noinination They think there abcnHbe an entire COT depar^nre, with a ticket ofbrand new naiaes wbJob should rtomve thennflnimcmi support of the partj at organi*MJJon. At ttM reqw«t of anamber rfBopresentatiTt- Mr. Pbe];* h u writlm toMr. Keifer, aiking Mm to wJttdra*.

I • • - • •

ROCKAWAY,j 1 is HMni Uiroui;b the citluinu* of

your iiili>rt!Btini' najivr u i^w it turn of ui'vstfrom tbi- iwnof mime of the oiliiens uf tliit

i , thnr-fnrc fur tin- line lit of <h.'if ihe Eiu it IAIIWIUI'II it tliily an m II

K limnIMTU *bii-1i Hi"their faiui will I

! i l f

KrWtr !I tjiuli-

hir li

B.F. Htk-kh, U tuiupluted, and the friitao iil.i-iiig ntit up.

Mr. \V, It. Mott'siK.W buiiee, near the Contral It. li. di-put, wlion ei>uiiib-t<!il, will mid totin- uppwuiinij-' of tlmt imrt of the town.

Tin- IStiukto Uros. huvu inipn>vi;(l «U)v-iilk»wll1i uHllk'litl stouc. it. ia no inntly•|i»Mcut.d Hint im.' •• lianll.v :rll th<- dif-


We mitioB In out> of ncr plnciMt ot butilatiBibut tlin trwlltiniiitl borao ali« is uuiled oVBrh« .l.ior. W B wonder it we ITO not a littleiiiperntUlouei, ju«t ciioagli to * wall off tho[oosn UouothearibsGonveniiug tliu weather.

In a convcrantiDn with ono uf our leadingjiiucrai men, tlo'Iuox link wan spoken of asthe litut local uewspajmr in Knrtlierii NowJersey. Hu Is a subscriber tu nuiu-ly nil tlin

' in the tiurthern seetlou ofB uu lioiieHt o])itilo», uud nut

t liti



Tlio buuM! whw Vurfe Bill (lustIn foraietlyvoit hiiH li^eii torn down ; IIIIIH sI'IIHUIHJJ tliejiitniHl liftMran tlie mwuml the old unit.Mr. Sniuitel Ti]ip(-ti kua reueutly hml MD

'uutiwr'wa^Vhiit Mr. Alfred llodaon midimily are ^niiiK to move to llloimiiiiitdalo. Ifi w think they will be mliMod in tue choir( t ie U.K. Cliuroli.A lecture entitle.! "Fun, Fitot aiidKniioy

it thu JujianrMQ mul their .nutihv," willhedoliViired W Hev. Wm. KI1btOriffl«lu tlw

ulnulitedlvit will bo.— „ .„„ , _» Mr. OrifflB hn* beeniu Jiiiiim fur four yonrs, and wo linjio tho poo-iilw <-f Roekawny will wolcomo him with a[nrK.- oiuiiimce.

The maiijr frloncU of Mr. ami Mrs. B. D.Kynor, formerly of this plnco. hut now of" " * fere ftlad to welnome them with un

Wr. Kynor bug not bo«ii very

m Tuiwilny moruing lnat. WB IIOIIB tho visit«.i? Leuefldal.

MiHH Lii_ii> .Tolino, of Toth:iivillo, Statcn[ulimil, mitt MUH Kittle Moekridjjo. of Uaou-Itin, liuve boon rlsitbg frleuds iu tliia vicinity.

Mr. Samuel fliseo Imd hia foot m Imtllyrimlioti nt tho m!*lnj{ of Mr. W. H, Biloo's

liiint thnt it In unoosuiry to ninputnto nnortionof it.

Tim now iron bridgeeutinoetuiir Fmipr NewFuittidland with Cent ml New Fnundlmidxeerngtoliiinfrflre; wo shall bn volt bowevcrin tho «weet Lr-und-by.

Tho N. V. H. & W. it. K- ore IIIIIWUK aomeImnjjo* iu tbd station itiEPiita, Now tlmtCup." Bouda ho* ivtirod from How

Fnnudlaud if yon want frfight first hunt upyourngent from iiround town, or call everyday until you get it.

' uoTommciit doteeHve lino been loungingml »f>me vor.r (llatcjintnljle ]>lnce# far tlie

pant week.Tho old method of reviewing all rke loenl

npIcH with thn KORnip nhout your ufk'Uborsaffaire 1B stilt in vogue with nomo familie«. It

irc» «2, the y«r iy Bubwriptinu of tbo IBOM

Domlule McBriile bended thollot at tho nro-hilitiou vote* iu Went BHlford. Tim dotntnio

it.oe a* ho jircitolrtN, prohibitionist, Give usB gnod old tlaytt wliou politiea wore not <li»-

Hrukeiuan Wni. irflustiD, of tho HlhernlnMlun Ituilroud, thought be wnx KOIIIC to lie nuunfortnnato peraon lwt Friday uiglit i lielinving bacu paying soine bills and lmving#15left over imt It oarelewly into bin pnokitt.H'hcn In the net »f fPttiitg It, it could not boround, nnd he supposed ifwua lost,natolvithiwlsecretod itself lu tho u , ,

r of his picket. 6U]>PUSD frloIH1 11. feltire contentful.Wo lienr that Mr. John RosowHrne, of Ili-rnln, who was recently injured by boing

thrown out of bis wngon, ia nblo to be out

A fow oi tlio young peojilo of this ploooI if nt a very pleusuiit evening liiHt FridayR

tuiibciiB.Mr, Joli

i E

evening Iii of M?, 1

at Mt. Hoilroom'snifht In l

IVintewhido wiw innrrlod to MUuto Kugnu on WvdiiCHduy night, the 161b- " • • • • ' nee of the bride's parenta

<ro was a gtithoriug at tbo, tho following ThumUy

iiigm m liouur of tbu ocension. We ol!or themour congratulatluiiB.

TLo boys will have to wait until tinmore loo uofuro they nan finish tho enjoymentwhich wna thought tlii<y went to liiivn Iiynuy the woutber folt Imt week.

Sonmtliing now hi tlie way of collootingSuntlny Seboul uiouoy was lutoly brought toimr notice. Two weeks ugo last Sundiiy tberowere distributed a lot of oullcction unrda tothe M. E. Sunday School scholars for the pur-pose of obtaining money to iiurabaatt it newlibrary. Karii ran! \H headed with nn nxpla-nation by the pastor, Bev. E. H. Conklln, itndunder uro a number of printed plooen to punnliliolcs; every bole piinolieit ineniio five ccnta.Ucpoit soya they realized ubout fSlfrow them

torr that wnx nituorcil about itoro nftor tlienue WOH off: lioburt 8iii)dcra went huntingiitho nefcliborlioodor Waterloo on Nov. 1st i Vgot twenty robblts In twenty slioU, nnd a nor-•mt who wna with him got, if we miatiiko tint,

* * Its in ton shots. It wna aniil tlmy

H n very good huiiting anit wnx nituorcil about lioro

n who wfu rubhita

out only a short time. Tlicn, they wentlisliingin tho Port Morrie reservoir mid cnuglitforty pouudi of pickerel nud cut ilib. Qi

couutry.Gumo eoeras to be rnther snnree this way.Cnu't ouy ono flnil out who tlio*e portion are

Hint socret tbcmselvuH in allovs and tiaik]>lncca iu Now itroot f Wben litotes paw thvyMilutetheiQ lean insulting wnv, anil we havehoard that they are really afraid to came outnfter dark on account of those unknown ohar-iKitera. Is it not timn that aomelbing ehouldbu iloue to —ail out who Ihoao part in s nre 1

By tho way, TiinukHhiving is so near atliana tliut tho persons who orpoct to dino onturkey un that day nod better begin to lookout for them. It Ig expected tliuro will lie aunion Thanksgiving Bcnlcouoia In tboPres-hytflrian churoiiatlO:3OA.u., to givetiiaukanml prnlsfliinto Almighty God, wboha«lovedund eared for ua all, during another year.May there he n largo attendance.

Wo are eorry to nay tharo nro parties hi thkdelulty wbo linvo forgotteu Oierc U a Inw forihe provoutian ut cruelty to unlmuls Webate tu reveal this, hutdeom it ourdutywlutnII tmin .l(Olliurat*ly dotorioratea hinwol'f wit li-mit tiny caiiBD wliatcvcr, and "wears out liiswhip on a foc-fllmilo of spoor, worn out home,tlmt was not hardly able to stand alone. Andnot being entldlcd with thnt, taken the butt ofhie wliip uud hits tho liorso on tbo head nndknooka liltn down. Hut after n few bard of-furtfl t ie horse regained bli feet nnd wasoinbbed and made't<) help pull a load, forwhich there onglit to have boon ft doion snclihones to null it If tub man hiMsuch nhanllieart, nml no reason or Judgement, wo wit!kindly inform him for bis own good tliat ifit ever happens again, tbo cltfiena of this-1- " will sco that t lo full extremity of the

--intoned. '*

NEWFOUDLAND.U F . J. CnUkaho-k vislU'd tbe iwhiw_ ofM'c tiun last week,iiitriny Newnmn and family are visitingIIIIH iu IiUEcruo Co, Pit.nt' Siiitells i>f tho firm llaupt & Siittt>ll»,

his Ht'i'tiou tiHikinj jiik-i- Uu.- tnteroiU uf

11nr t * ore about aaThe fever breitke out tiiu

ti l

lie mitpiti *'1"i,ifwownntit

ligiouR poi'cr and read it by wny of a dction ou n Snbbatb dny.

We nottaa going (lie tounds of tho loithat the third lino of oil pipe i* l>dnK laidwiti oiRhty to pierht luimlred m^n at work.Tho fact is thnt it ia only n apnr from tlio Po-chuck mountain ti " " * • - •-milefl from tbo Jfnv.Hot the other two linos in the up

tii ll b d d ticonuootiiinH will be nindc nml tL.plctod this week. Stran«o tlmt i

mdentfl nhould gobble tip uresiioinnke aoolephaut out ofit,

filiaWo . .innuse rend


fLOCKTOWN.Sallie Pufford, of thin place, Lns

houglit a bouse und lot of Win. fWl i DCBItho Heuta Hoimo. She and Mrs. Pliiilp DiiJ-ford will movp Ibcre in tbe Spring.

Mr. Andrew Taylor is bullillng a now sbedon bis premises.

Mlfls Jrnnk Dutford Is stopping with linrxUtor at llmltl's Lnkn yet. I tbiuk it nitiit' ' - u Jong timr to '• turn thnt but.'1

e lost dog fro " " " "._..ian Vulloyut

Mr. Joo 1'arlipr oonfempinles building ndwelling house on tlie hill tibovo QonnniiVnlloy.

Our Siindny sohoul closed n weukngoinatKnnduy. Vti went wldraMiI l.y Knv. Mr.Cotliii!", who said tli nt ]io w1i» ndviaed ou liiswny to tbo plnce that he should not preiirli afuneral Bnrtnou to tho Fiocktowu SundayHolmol. lie did not pronoli Ibtit wodead, butsuiil (tin runnel WIIB only sliund that nn usual it would nwnken ISpring with greater spirit tban CTor.

Ecv. Hr. lUnrlin, who bus bi-en supply ingthe pulpit lately vneutert liv Bov. Mr. Hen-iioraen. icetured to the iieotHO of thisI t . . 1 i _ 4 * . _ . i » \ . . . tn .Wrhood In tlio echnol Text: I't33d chaptor, 30th verso. Words, "Son uivme thine heart."

MIIIB Sopkia Oouklinn, of the vidnitv ofBrakovillo, Is now TUOOK H I H Liizio Piirkerof this plnoo. Lizxio und Sophia are wriAnds. Beem nlinost likn elakrfl.Some low menu sncnlf has fnllou into the

prnctino of fitenlliig tho little boyg trnpn wholave them sotting. They will be cauglit erethey know it., Mr. Wm. Orts lian rnirohiised n now orgnulntoly. It will bo wi'll apjiroointod ljy Idaglriawiio nro growing up.

Another follow hiut un orenn und liis vltuis so proud thnt she lnt» ft tlmt Hbo buimtstlmt it in not BDOund-handed. How U tliati

Thu Hentown fonoe post atands waiting forIU dnxw. AMS~

„„ neventr-flf-- meriaioB, UncleSam and MB family are eight tatuutai and 13HOCondstiehindliBnd and have got to waituntil CongresB ci»0B ui permiBsion before wecan natoh. on with tlio rest at yon. Don't yonpity ust It'ea doploroblo stato ofuffiiire a~we onlv hope yoa will have compiuBion onenough to wait for us.

Au esaminaUon of t ie pcniiloB Uet riyns thefollowing list of peniiloneM now waidinK atDover, Port Orum and Dine IIU1;

John M. UiYue, wound in nght ekouldor,

John J. Mejwnger, wound inaido and ami,

Snuiro V. Straw*;, wound, <fl.John D. Spoon, Braiiutntion, |34.George lloera, injury to abdomen, $8.Thos. Junoa, wound, right arm, «6.David Young, wound, "eft leg, *3.Goo. Murphy, wound, left hip. M-Altwrt P. Lvon, wound in ubdomen, fg.M. D. Stase) elironio iliarrhma, "10.Wm. Btunrt not stated, $6.Jus. T. Kolley, injury to right hand, *3.Silas H. Oinslend. wound, right thighi ¥<•Slinom Asliloy, disenwof heartiuidohroniiJ

J^D'OTF. Ford, utsetteo of head, 14.Goa W. Smith, wound, right foot,«.Culob Corbv, wound right tbnmu. 13.Samtiel W. Morm, wound in abdomen, ftS.Wallooo Wfflor, wound in shoulder, $6.Chan. Heuneke, not •tnted, «3.Marcus &. VcrA, epUepsy. tt.^Jos. Brannan, wound in left h ip ,« .Eliiah Sharp, sunstroke and dobillty, 14.

DnviS 8,A1K-H, not aTntcClJulia A. Palmer, widow, #8.Jahas V. P. Conrad, loss of great too, *3.Sarah J. Bidner, widow, «8.SaroTj Bturtevunt widow, |&Barab SUoklc, widow 1B13, «8.Byran Praden, 1BU, f8.Dudley Wood, 1812 W

UnR, not atnted, »Ann Dean, widow, tS.Wm. Oaboro, Injury to abdomen, ( f ,Wm. Borminaham, wound left tkioh, »5.David Cunningham, wound left tLigh and

It will ho aoen that the penaion agency paymt ovory three months in Dorer, Fort Orum.. ^ ur__ itrii Min M ._ XOfiB tUI '>ml Mine Hi l l . 1758.33, OT

F o t rumn 930 pehe diipro

uuu luniD IUU, .758.33, or loss than 930 perqnartar to each pensioner. Then the diipro-norttonnl ftinoimtfl paid for different inJnrieBook» ft little queer. Tlelowof agraattoeii

of ereetor value thnii a wound in tho breast: tarn, and at lou

foot would entitle tlio unfortunate to more ofa pension tlinn the low of the whole leg. Itlooks as itthft tttfe*hjr*hloh out browiovaare paid for ths saoriflces they hareshould be ovBrhnnled and graded in aeven banded manner.

more ofleg. It


DENVILLE. ..Brueu k Bnnnell, vho hare been nutting

ithe new pump at Mt Tabor, have it coin-leUil.: ItbonoofWDrthingtoo'ipmnpsaud•orka Hplendiuly. It is run by an eight

.omo rower boiler, and can inrnisl MountTabor with TO galloni of water per minute.

tween the two iprithousand feet apart

U are over oneODJI be pumped

ha some tune Ifram obe br Iwta spriiuts at tha aaiae tune, ifnsMisary. ThsefeVDUonfroin tha pump tothe naervouT-lt about one hundred and aurtyeel.' Mr, Buanell Bftjd the neoplo of Uoant

Tabor nosdiwt go dry next Snxnmer for the-wautoffioedwlttr. A committee of offloenof the Mtooiation hhre been to inspect tbe.pump and it* working! and a n very veil11 Ur. John Hincbmau who haa bees' confined

~ " F«KM piMt in the «*ylnm; ia now ate aoema in good health nndperlectljr

Is oat again, hut Is compelledto carry hia arm hi a awing.

Some of oorndRbbors Metalling •ome-i-Bryflnp porkera, that range from three hundrtdand tidy to four hundred and fifty pounds

Sir. Qeo, Orecn.of Newark, haa lent ma**Ins bin broOier, Wm, Qreea, of thia place, avisit for the lost week put.

Tho Itev. Dr.Mcndea, wboliveaon thpnadbetween here and Kockaway, haa » veryvaluable iheefl killed hr doga a few daya ago.ThndoKahavBUeenkiired. 3 T

Did the cbangB of time cause the change ofeatker, I goeas we can call thii ladian

Summer rare.If the £., L. _ W. Bailroad Co. had any

feoUngforiheirpfltroiia they Would not u kthem to stand out and expose tbemMlvoa toatonn and eolda aa they an compelled to do,enpocUUy on Sunday nlghta, and then Issearoelj a flonday night pat there it some

hBwtotaketlietralnto Sew Tori, Also,~ > have to change ears 1

tmina to the HorrlaEstex trftlus nnil it corUUnly ia very impl<nut for bidfes to do BO lo a rain storm. Stin-imae it sbould atorm nnd itwie ioe an theihu~ way, and some person stonld dip andintkalfmb, wbo would be to llano I If

tlio railroad company had some sort of aroaQnc over the platform, then it would b»difienat perbnpi the offloU- of tbo roadare not knows U> the aitntttlon of thU depot.

I an glad to neo Ur. Pollard's bom is Aleto bs on the road again, . GCC4J!0KJ_.

would epeok In ClorVsHall, BUidtopvlaeLSatnrdny ovenlne, on tbB subject of "Tom-peranue," tho object nf tlie meeting being toorgan-Q a Templa of Honor, or aotno auohtiimper&noe argauUatlnn. There were just23 people present, all of them being brmen except one girl. I reckon the votlie large majority of tba folks in favor ofteniperanoo in StanLopo is in furor of theopen meetings of the Reform Club. It is sota BBorot society, and whatever difference!there may ho liotweea CntloHcn nnd Protest-ants, tiiey may caok join tho Reform Clab,and Bign iliepleilaewltlioutdolBgniuoaliann

On Sunday afternoon the Reform ClubRoem of Stanhope was crowded full to honrMrs. Clark, of Jersey City, who made a veryInteresting address. I noticed DDW fromMaine among tho audience, but no ono osk<hint how do you do f (tea yo» talk for URlittle this afternoon t or any thing else. Theservices of tba afternoon were, contrary tothe umnl custom, given up to the ladies.Mrs. 0. W. Aimer. Fresiuenf of tlio W. C. T.U. was loader. Ha . Doollttte nndo thepro-ocntatloa sneeok—tho ladies prcflonted theReform Club with a splendid banner—on onoaideofwhioh was In gilt letters "StanhopeKoform Club," and onlhe other "Dnio to dottlglit." The adilveea i r u reapondod to 1tho Proaldent of the ClH» in a neat spoet

S?tbe war belsgcttingtoiienuiUaflpoastn. Tsunc KHmioutt read tbe Soriptun

Un. Uillslod inpntyerWn faot with thoeoeption of tbe President's address it waswoman's mooting all the way through'

Mrs. Chirk spoke la tbo Methodist Chur

An UlusbniBt is advertlied far Clark's Hall,Itanhopo, Friday OFonlng.Dr. C, i". Coohrnn'a tbJngi wen sold Tues-

day lit public aaction.I ant sorry to eay that ono of Mr. G. U.

Lunger's children la eick of merobranoouaoroup, at thia writing. . -

I guoas that was a mistake about 88 Joiningtho Methodist Church, Stnchopo, nn probn-Uon. I th ink it mooiit Port^orrie . Theprotracted moctJEg< .at tbo former place nroatill going on, and are oonunuod at tlie latterplaco three nighta In n week. The addition•j> tho M. E. Cbnroh. Stanhope, hits tho foun-dation laid. I thought I would Und out lastSunday how much had been collected on tioeards ot tho children, but I didn't I founda flourisiing Suudfty BCIIOOI though, of gaylOOsoholars, Vt Umubur*; aud the Presbyte-

rian Church bos nlso n lionrisliing Snblatbiehool, of whicn Mr. A. B. Copa la the offl-oieut Superintendent. By tbo way Bev. Dr.Boardmania going to teaoh a oloesoiodultsof all agM, beginning nert flauday, ir i l -lattflr Sunday eoliool. - ' • '

Tbs prayer meetings that have been Loin

jvenings vfii be held TJuntil further notice.

Then were 79 men. —&E. Mutual Benevolent Boolaty at its l u tmonthly meeting. 1 underttand It now num-hetaSlOmooiDen. - D.J,

notice.TO member* taken Into-tho W.B l t Boolaty at its loa

Hov. Mr. Ballard, of the State TemperanoeAlUaneo, protwlicd liut Sunday morning ' -tbe Presbyterian Cliilrcb, and iu the 11.Cliuroh in the evening,

Mr. Fred. DoCamp and bride are Thdting athis home in Powervillc. .

AithouRb tliere is no liocnse in town thorois Still some drunkenness. This week onodrnnkenmanptuieedtwo'iiighUin tho look-up, and it ooatbim jttst six dollars to get oat;rethor'expenidve;lodging for a poor man.Another gave an BXbJbltlon of his skill atIghting near the depot Tuesday aftarnor

F e wafknooked out of time, nudhii foce (ofd«p«iii less than flrowinuteB.

Jim Lliho'B niuslool entoriolnmeut la tChurch, was onjayed by all whoIt iirumorod'thttho will repeat

ItlnWiaUutoaHtJl. A great many werejsappolnteofat notheorijig JiminhWimito-

^ V I t o ! » t o t h \ D B "

Jim LlahPiiwiManyweretfierc

Tom will give anaoen.probi.ulyin&eM.

Lt'harch. •- ' .• •Bnrney Cfliinolly fell off a caratPatmon,

and broke his leg one day thia week.fleov Jones la come on a visit..'Ellsworth Hopkins as* gone to Coalport,'a., to work. .. " " "

! ' ' DPAKEVILLE. •Henry and Oiear SCUWF h ^ « T?I1.t<l£ J -

fiakor'a hotel ior flvs years. forwWch timotney are to pay twanty-flve hnndrod doilara.They take possession ou tne flrit of Januaryne«. Tbey are going to refuse llqaor to all

«*. . ••* * it and you wiU havehey are going t

UM good wiahn of this enjJro community.Bev. J. Clancy's donntfon last Thursday

evening brought him forty-two dnllan. be-sides varloua other presents.

Mrs. Clauey ia still with bsr aJek father, InWheeling, Vs.

iiarry Alwood baa another ear of com that


Va.wood liaspoundan

five weeks.

anil five b u been very alofc for

nur hags, aaandwaii

ve weeka.A lady Btates she went in tbe Central at*-.on to volt for tlie trnlu • there waa no Mitt

except the long beach; if she sat there she'dcomo in ooatwt with flour hags, so the wentto A oeighboVa to warm

MOUNT FREEDOM.Honry Dellnrt moves lili faintly this week

to his nonlv nurobnsfid htm some thwe mfl«11ii» side uf Drakostowii,

Attorney John Pellnrt, of Jersoy City,epeut lnst Sunday with bin mother,

"~ Morrison aud family, oi Dover, aro.._r—.Jugta move Into tha rooms vacutoi] byHenry DoHart.

The Bounell fninlly lnul n ante of personal' - nt tlio reflldenco «f tho latoCinuel

11, au Monday lnst,Josiu Tounga ri-Dontty mot wltli un

accident, receiving nn iiijury in otio of herknees by n f»ll while wnlkfiig on the hlgli way,thioh is proviiiu more sorfinie tlmn ot firstntlciputeil. Only tlio very beet uf earn will

nrevoat n stiff Joint for lif", mid poiwililv tbeloss of n limb.

Miss Alblna Coo vlailcdlrlendalaKowark

Mle» Hary Hudson him gone to Newark to

, Mr. TunEeon is'nSllctcil by tbo death of aIjrotlier wlio rcaided in another pnrt of the

Mr. Peter Coomba haa reraovstl to bis farmlately occupied by hia son, Gitrnoat, tho litt-tw'fl ftraily aitlllnMMiag there.

, i.LBimng„ relatives filoe immediately tiikei

. Inyitpmontwriting.Wo arn to have Union Tbnuksgiving ser-

vice* in the UctAodist. Church, ono of thopnatora preaching and the other conductingother parts ot the service.

Ml** Millie Hulbcrt la vifliUng relativesnear Handera.

A young man passed throngs this plnco onTuesday, on b hfcyolo, en route for Cheater.

• • • • - » • -MT. HOPE..

The Cnthnllos of Mt Hope wore surprised..nd filled willi profound^orrorntiervioe* onSunday lost by tho announoement of theirpaetor, Her. Father Hiokle, thnt ho was nbouto be removed from th]s flold of pBatornlduties,' WotniBt, and it is tkdRiuoOTOwiabof our lienrta, that tho next soobo of blalnborawill be moie ppqgenlal to hint nud less lnhoii*DUB thanthish&aoeeii. ltwouldlieaupremolyBfltiefaotory to u« if ho woulil jomnin man'

matend of tho single one ho has labored

Hard Times in Iron.Soreral largo &$a _llle in Pit_l)ut$ shut

own Satmdsysl^it otdugto a look of or-ders and tlic geocEjU tuuutisfiu'tury condition>1 tho iruu ixadq, ^3'he mills xeferred tu ore

lln™ewiieu*M>lht>r Untiiors _ PuiMpi,<liofiui>erW AilSBllg, i.^nH^l l.y Qie Kin-

b d ^ , iwd JlnLuui'n iK i , vlillo fiuhoembergor II

Company hnvenotlfled their employcea thatiiiterto.Ortjl^elr IUU] will run a single tn-iteftd of a doubto turn. By titeite atupeMover eight thnuund men are thrown out ofemployment junct ion twtfinnlugof winter,uud feora are Rntortahied t lat if tim tradedots nut improve very soon otters will beol»li{jBd hi olaie down abn. Oliver lirvtlieraS I ' l li I'liilKjts toy ti

tay resume fu n few dayt,

til Th hj y f y y,

lint cannot tell pasitirely nov. The otherliousessay they will not eUtrt up until trado*huws a cuuuidornblo improv

A d l f juimnlowu, Pn,, eajfl theCninbrialron Compauy liovo notifled tbelr6,000 employ o« that «n Deci'mimrl wages inall deportment* will iw reduced ton per cent,owing to the depression of trmlo.

Tlie ihuttlng down of tho iron works inTroy, M. Y., bmoroatttl muoh feeling amongoperatives. The Kenaeelacr Works of thoCorning Company Lnro closed, nnd theseiner fiioel Wortca will shut down next 6ut-irtluy Iliis will throw 1,-00 men out of em-loynientIt is freely ohftrgud l>y *cuio Peniocrotto

finlitioLitis that all tkeie movements are mere'bear'* operationa—to mo a Wall etroot

phnue—int«uoled to iiiihienco the ip question^ The free trade joitrtiols with

one aoconl ory out that ttic tronblo 1B not thercueut rodueUon of the tariff. Time will showwlmthor thegc views arc correct i>r whethertliorob) genuine trouble. BucinesB monnot upt to carry their mills intn iralitles.



n, has boon arrcst-

A revival In t te Anduverremat«d in 87 eouvenisnu.

M. K. f iliuroh Lai

Uaekattstowulll rejoioing over the prospootof eommunicatiflft by jclcplione,

A Nowai-Ii jmtty offtreo killed 120 ,on tbo fcordors orSiisscx and Warren.

Mr. Al. Aekley, of UnekmtfltoH-u, h u a b -tntned e patent on an Impruvod onr aeitt.

Tblrij- poraoud W o b*"1" cwivcrtwl in tinNt. Hormon M. E. Chiireb, Warrou county.

Tlio Newton Baud will jmradc with the 4tlK> J. Hogiuioiit hi Kew York un EvncuntlonDny.

4,000 busltola of turnips worn rained nu1—-- "- 1—• - - - - " • i thl«Secretary Kelnoy's fiiriil near Ki

year.Mr. John I, Btnir, gfiice liit* return fromUTupo, liiw enUigeJ tho gTonnds of Bluirendemy by n» adiTilloniil grant of land.About eighteen hundred voters in Warrou

. junty did not come tn the poll» trud vote (ittlie lnst election. Tlioy wnro about evenlydivided bet weou tlio tiro parties.

The Warns Holler Work*, of Phillipehurg,linvo oontneted to lutld two dUty-lioraojowrrateelboHorafora sugiir plimtatiou iu;ba HepubHo of Oiiatt_»l«,lbiaAwl A.ncrioa.

Tho nutboritlea of Warren county are soauiioiis to set Smull, tlio encnitud borsD thief,tlmt they otter B rewnnl of $5 for hla reeap-Jiii-e. This wilt probalily Ret thowbol»Pin-kortou detfioUve foreo nt work.

Hov. Alexander Pnmdilt liaa ooiupletcd fiveyearn of bis pastorate iu the PresbyterianChurch in Haokcttstown, N, J. In thatjioriod 110 paraoRi have bocii added to thevhurob. and tho Sunday school has increasedfrom a membership of 150 to over 400.

iRepli Haokenherry, figod 73 vears. WBBok hy n Control Railroad oital triifn atUpstairs on Friday nipht ami iiiitnutly

kill'ul, Oitk a Bhortthui- iigo a son of tho tic-oensod wnsuraggcil'todeath byhurac, nud (i fow months before iwas killed oa tho rail.

Frank Auguat, a twnlve-yenr old son ofwidow August, pf Junction, got on aunnK«r train nud rodo to Glon Gardner when ...liiinuingofflio allpnedniid foil breaking hhJcgsndl.puiniuB Itbboiiy. Thin is tho thirdboy Mrs. August hwi had injured by tlioono of them having bin Irp cut off.

W. S. OOLLARD,Carriage Trimmer and Furni-

ture Upholsterer,M0BBI8 8TBEET, DOVER, 8 . J.

H*!r MattraaBcs msdo to ortlor nud u]<l mnt.Lrauos mitdo orar. Window thaiieg made ant]lilioc. OrforB Tor all kinds of uplioIgtermBticitly »nd promptly eioanted. Oarriairo trlm-uilnR in alllti brandtcs, Fr!oi» modorato

found eru

int rt period lio InFstrong ndmmistratii

' whose nockd with pro-the Scrln

towards Sod nnd uian, wo have rarely heardbin Ninnlnnd never his superior. Ho liast.~.,,~i* «..(.»! n - j n . -..^ Qf OIJOQI jn this

__„ among ua. Conft-, ._ spring from apparent ritin

under 3il» adminlstrntlon. If ho only remainedanother single year tlio Cfltbolio people of St.Bortiold'a would oonsratulato thcinselveaupon having a church free of debt. Contrastthii, porlsluonorB, tritii your condition a briefperiod in tlio post, Fattier HickJc bears vitbaim tha love of his flock and tlio esteem of nilwho came in eonUot with him. May liis life

brougtt perieot prder outnnrisu during his sojourndoocc Boomed to spring fr

d l t d i i t i I

who came in eonUot with him. May liis lifelie long nnd happy and spent In plensautplaces. We uono the people of Mount Hopewill not allow tue opportunity to pass without

enting to Father Hiokie a testimonial olr affection, worthy of themselves and him.

A l'Atmt

BUDD'S'LAKE. '. ""TtieinkeisfroienoTerfortlie sceond time

t i t ! fall. Lnet week wiu* unnBUnlly cold foiso early in the mouth. Should the cold conttaaeit-wouldmsAeaver; long winter; bulas the weather lias moderated noniewhnt thifnxmer* will be gtron a nuance to flliieli irptlicr winter corn. Tlio com in very poor, lmv-iug been badly dnntQKcd. by tlw enrly frost.Tho winter grain it looking good, ns if It mightBtAnda lard winter. KcW timothy hay 'aellingfurflSporton. ' -j •

I understand Hr. Stewart Hojitlnu line inohaae4awoodlotofJolmChippB.EBq. li...few years more tho presontgrowth of timber

ill all disappear, Bat timber grows verylet when cut; Sunday School Is taHdoii of a Cli

n»thrcd for tbe children, as they nave „ . .ad anypio-nio this year.Election is over now ami itH pnrttos Trill

settle down tobuslneiw, waiting till next fallwhen without doubt thB PreridenUol oontestwill moke a very exciting and important eleo-

In the M. % Church laat Sunday tcornlnjrthe aotmon was about " Shall save n MulVntn death." iSn. Carrliarrie Clark, of Jersey

inrlts. In the eveningaty,made n fow remL>.._ ... .— ... . . .she talked to a lull house. There 1B SOI_.revival iutereat in tno ohurcb. I boor tlwroia talk of moving tke organ down stairs. Thiswill bo a good more nnd will no doubt hepleasing to every one.' . A u m .

The nook-He party at W. K, Lyon'a woncoBiluetedTery nloefy. Our i»a«t«r, llov. Mr.Wright, wae present, and we wore treated tomniD very flic mualo Iiy Meura, Willinni andChris. Sploer, Hisa Rnnit ISahtor, Miu CarrielaBdenwu.otDover.andMr.rT. F. Merritt.

The IIOIIBO wan wall filled thronnhont tlievening -anti the affair ww Toteu a great

A Hone Thief! Escape,Saudi,tie dude-hone tWcf,wlo haa cre-

ated Mine excitement by apparently fasting(IJthirtyreiglit days escaped fwm-tho Belvi-dere jail with two other prisoners on Timre-day night of lait week. One of tho escapedpriBinien wai reecuptund nt Pbillipsbnrg onTuesday. He uya that nfter leaving the jailpa Thuriday Digit Smull and t i e other mancrossed the. river into Penasylvania, andIntended to go to Smull'r house at, ChainDam. No effort ia being mode ty.tke Pcnn-aylvanla antuorttiei to troco tliem. The tn-Oifferencs of tho Sheriff of Warren County lathUt matter ia exciting comment, and thenupioion of collusion in the eacane rciU upontho Sheriff1* family. It uppoori that inorothan two woeka ago Sam\f told a man, whovisited him, that if ho wanted to laave t iejail, tha Sheriff1* daughter would let Mm oatat any time, lie sold that to _w« informedregarding all that waa Iwlng done by tLodeteotircs, anil learned all that WM going onfront tho ShorllTB son. Ptiiwuen In the juilsay that they knew he WM aattngfirhllofertb!rty-«l?bt daya he T U pretending to f tand claim tkat f i U ttikiii

remaining unclaimedin tliePoat Office at Dover.N. J.

Dover, N. J., Nov. 23,1883,Jnoob Bowers, Dnhhlo Hart,Win. Carlson, Wm. Kern,Mrs. E< J. Clnrky Cans. H. Munihy,

^ ^ * . i . . H l r U m i i n . BntU Victor._tlfford HawkiuB, Hlobutd WiUlauu,

Annie Woods,. To obtain any of tha above lottors say " ail'vertlsed" and give date of tliis Hat.


DRAKESVILLEBoxbur; Townslilp, Morris Co., N, J., on

, Nov. 26,1883, M

t ? * Sale positive and to commeLce at tvoo'clock 2*. M. One of tho

Greatest lining; Part iesTO BE

Sold Without ReserveTO THE HIGHEST BIDDER.



POEOBLilH •• « . •• i

0BDIA " •' !' '

Public Sale of Timber.

NOTICE fs hereby given tb%t Iiy virtue oftvamnt iisned by Silas D. ttbwltud, one

uf tbe Jualicoa or tho Peace, m ami for theOonntyofMorrlBato make tho tiieinaeaiiedIn Ibe rear elshleen hundred and elghty^neand two, in the township nt Jtffuriun; in uidcount;, on unimproved and nnlensotedlandfi,mul on imds tenanted by persons not ttiolaff ml prnprfetori, renpecliTely, tbe itibicriberwill onTUJilSD&T, thu IRlb day ofDcoembsrnest, at the honr or 2o'eluofa P. ti., tl Berk*fhira Tailor Bold, in anlil tovuibip, soil tketimb«. wood, herbage end other vendibleprof.erty found on tbe premiBBn of ihn anJor*nsmed penon BO Used ftg aforeeald, to matethe tftiea mi, coat annexed to Ilieir respectiveiiime. TEKA0BE3 »llca Ilio Kyrn eiitte,naur Hatdiown, adjoming landu of Edward D.Allen and otben.

TAI. C08T.Avreseatate fl.6i &0o.

Pi. U. $3.60 WH, D. NORMAN. Oullector.

ltEPAIUINO DONE.Vou can get yottr aewiotl tuochiuce, guns,

locki, et«., repalnal to gaoj

J. T. BURRELL.ikwell St., Dover.




\lfi BfsteraoIBmtllProfits tpprociated,1YL Qailitynndworkniansliti'of tlichcat.

My thanks for liberal patronago in thu past,Orders bv telegraph meBsenger or telephone

attended lo,JOHN JONES, Undertaker.

S-ly Itooktffay.N.J

31AUKIKI).TKAUUE-SBTPEON-At tbo reeidenoo cl

Sir. George Tongue, Mo. 118 Stone struct,Uownrlr, Wor. lStli, by R(tv. \V. E. lilukealoe. Ssnutol Tenguo. of Port Orotii, andXneyXi, 8imp«on, oEKowark.

BfiVNOLDS-At W.Uiani, November l l t lSamuel RoyiiolOB, In the °3<1 joarof his ngo.

TSOWDHIDOB-At Boooton, November 14,Money Tnmbrldgc, aged 71 years, 8 aontlu

SCOBtE-At Port Orum, November IStti,rtftor ft short UlnoM, WUlisin Soublo,60joarB ;

DICKERSON—Snadeuly, In Dover, Novem-boraist, Aorou Dlokorson, aged 5S years.

SMITH—At IHLemia, Nor. Utb, Ann, relictof Michael Smith, aged 07 years.I c n o L g A t Dover, November letli, LewisModels, in MB Slat year.

Ton More Young MenBcaure perm*uent employment na

ake moaer anil prepare forfutiira b'JSneiB snoceos. Atldrean, Btatiog nrcviou«oo<np&tlon and rarorence, immediately61-Xw THIS OFTIOE.


COWS FOll S1LE.^enr Ind nf CDITB will lie al tlio place... „

n. DcHurt, botwecn Dover am! Rook a war, onSVTUUDAY AND MONDAY, November 2«b

id amii, for»ah). Some nrc tresh rollcli cowinie Sitiinccid, anil nomo foniinc in uo»riOR. fil-lirp

Notice to Trespassers.All persona nro furldiiilen to trcsptua i

my property liorma, cowo, [ioatu, or entie or fowls of nny kind, us hereafter tne pon-altv of the lair will be enforced n(j»inst all

Housos to Bent.A new dmililo liniim- on Eauox etrent, witb

six room nah «l.le. Will be rrntedtennuts nt very tow r

Ajiply to- E.SJKBKK,

Bl-tf (,'«r. lllnckwoll am) EKJT


FINE HAY HOFI8E, 6 ream old, BmtnrtL IR<1 tlnd. O»nd stjle and & plea

Er'CntioTi'iiovpr, N.*J. Sninlafiof -what you want.

I l l I- tni


Real Estate at Public Sale.fTTILL bo raid at Etnbllo sale at Eromons'W Hotel, at Clieater Oroas Boads, on

WEDNESDAY, DEOESlBEIl 10th,S 3 b 4 t t l r i ! t U d l ' l

Cheater, Countter Croa 3toa<

>y, tbo f*rm on wbicb A. W.ler, locafed in the township or

of HtvttUi 1 mile from Obea-H, adJoininR lands ol Jamia

, rt King, B. U. SkellBafter analUheri, contains 130 lorei. TbeimproTemralaconriitofalargo rotimy home, wood bonae,

»sg0B liMia, corn erlW plenty rfi, jpetra, oaerrfel, Ac. Alio a PEAOHlABD on too pUM ot tboat 3,(K» troea,kill t» In bearlno; next rear. The (arm

ii wall watared and to a good itate of onlUn-lion'; also ftooa iDdlofttionioFiron ore.

Fallen wlifainff (ovlefr tbe turn will u l l onA.W.KttlsojonthQiftirm. OoadlUoru nud»

J. J. BIODf, Ao»Uon»r.




Celebrated Cough Drops.



Tto«obicribtr»!UoJ.r tor aalealbladeoo. UB.r JtatAmiJt "1

TUESi lAT, Mov. 21th.1E0&tbefoUowJnffpOTHODUt properifpined inlila bands to (Hipoto of; Stven two^ear old

oow, A HOBSE0, /rood drirflra ana good trork>era i t »cli liorae will be aold ttudor a irawaiim',

g, 6 et>t> Binglohtraew^iK'o or themn e ; about 2 torn of bi j . 6it bay bpatent ohnrnloff machine, 8 patentchurns 6 eate i I I l rnespa tn t ohnrnloff machurns, 6 eate oi newl tlt f h

ent Suroless. Afiok h f

s, 6 eate oi new BIDRIB liarness. Afioqtttntltr uf honmtiiold and kitchen far-

ilirfl, oferery deacriptlon-blMk walont os-feD'ion tible,bare»ni,it*iiiIi,I»ri;e.IrnDiiandwriting daak, andothBrartloiea, Bi.lflpoiUiveruin or ihinei and to commenca at 19 o'olooIf., prompt. AU Kliplei named will be soldwithout rateire lo thehlRlieal bidder. Oondl-tiopi mtds konv-i on lity nf lab by

M. D. KITCHEL, Aaotionoer.W Shelter ftr kU. _ _ _ _ _ _ _



0.0. WiM " " 'EKHIiB WlLU>W *< " '

BEIHE " " '

0 U 1 E T • u " •

WIBB !' " '

Elslit different ilzei al Laupi,tilnu Caitors, Placed Caitori,TOT Set! for Children, (China,)Balvtn, IVlilte MranitoOlan; three ilzea of Fruit l)l»li-ei; all kinda of TumUlen, OOD-leti, Wine filaties, Decanters,






zoa CUPS,





enTT00N8 OB 0D6PADOBES, oral! kinjaTOILKT SB1B, ol different ijr.doi

VASES! VASESImmense Attractions!

We cull the spocitil atten

tion of customers to vlii

branch of our business. Wi

(•an sell them chenper (Inn

any house In l ew York.

Also our China Cups and

Saucers, Decorated Mous-

tache Cups, of all kinds,

and numerous oilier goods.

We have tikis week received anew stock of

TeasandOoffeesr BDporiar lo any tro bare bail Binco

coming to Dover.




BAKER.KNIT GOODS, for Winter wear, cousin*.iig of Jackets, I foo da,

tri L HNutrias, Laggings, Hosiery awl Mitts at

Double and Single ALL WOOL SHAWLS anal Felt Skirli at



Opera, Basket, Dress and TnilleA FLANNELS at

A cood atiortment or NOTIONS, at rensouattle prices, at

A reliable stock or GROL'KIUKS and PROVISIONS at

NoTelllea in MAJOLICA, WHITE (illAMTI! nud CHINA at

BODY BRUSSELS. TAPESTIUKS nnil INURAIN fM It PETSaold by sample at IVew Vork prices at




755 BROAD St., NEWARK. N. J.A ciioni; USK or

Cloaks!(or LadicB an<l I liildren in nil the latest Etylee and the new ami

leimdins fabrics nf attriifitivc prices. An elegnnl stock of


piled withiiputnr Drcutt flonds Dfp&rtmout is si 12c. jior ynrd to DOc. jmr janl .

LADIES', GENTS' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR,INFANTS OOOD8 IN VAT1IET1T, CORSETS In nil rapulor linmla: Panor Dooila LmwRlbhoim, Drfl-w anil Cliinlt TrimmlnRfl, Ntitimia, dto. BLASKETfl, yLANSEL8 LINENS'TOWBLIMOS, COTTON 800IW, .ilil.Mc in h.mekcejon nt Now Ymrl r r ic i . , f

BHOB.raa 33xo«d St.,

r WHITLOGK & LEWIS L L1_» sntored open Iho AUnTHK TB_DE»ith completeudrreih Btoolu of in _ rt


an rams ID WL TELTEIEEIanl toe eiotptlooallj flue llmu of ILBK now popular eoodj. In addtlton wo to™



Md »U Uu thing! tbll lerMn to 1 well ilooScd DltY QOODfl E008E , all of which . mbe sold at the lowest ijosaiblu prices.

THE GROCERY DEPARTMENTreplol6 U HBUBI with all tbe nocils of tlm imuF't'holrl, inreiiuff every domind Iu m

•took with /reah aud KOOI! articles itt rtasonablo rutea


A L,X>OiVli!]FK., KT.











Sc, ic, in,

CRIPPEN, (The Popular Clothier and Hatter,)

No. i Urick Block, Dover, N. J.





LoiTB Dover fof Kov York.

1.UA, If. l , f , T * ; 9 , « ; B.o;* ; 810; I.8T*; un faao P. M

*Vl» Boorton lirsncb.

l<iaH0»8K, TBBJtWCtEII, mm. S. J,r Vurk for Dovor-7:20 j 7.S0« j ami

9.00- ;10.10 A, II . 13.C0 ; i . M * ; 3.30 • i 30L

k . . io:(.ao :7,oo.;oUdT.46P .u .•Via BoDQtou Branch,

Y-MVO Doter for Trtnton and PLilaValplilt, m a , It. B. ntO.

• M.. and a.23 P. it.

AHD Por IT is novn WATCH.













TEEER&WBRASaturday, Nov. 24,1883,


g | next ThnracUy.

Toe jnut t f l i enjojed «ood ^ ^ S M

B(|I1 <rf the Dover Camping Associationibta K

GOT. Ititdlow hw appointed Mr. JOB. KCnody* Notary PuMio.

TUB Bbmtenburg minetain hm boon stopped.

u Stliooloy'a IIOUE-

) i gftvc a ooon Wednesday evening.

Han. Joliu Hill Laa pliiowl us utlotu for documents of value.

The powder works at MuCiilnl i

rt in Uomstawn


Those who were lulu nt churali hist SuutlnattrJbntfid it to the cbaup in timo.

Tbeeolleotioim in tVo Ufod-™ nf Nuwar, /or d o Bemiuary fuiui art dS,4M.3!l.

Q. Abbott, Jr., of Mmvi--t!iMs lin- L"granted a. patent fur ii mi lit --an tup

A mid doR llmx^b Troy » few U nBIHCO and bit a number of other dog*

Plank GIES ins coinjdcti-il tlt< u i ' nrithe aoiiUi aid'; of tlw uc* I mini l« I ' W

Tlie CliUHicr furnnco turned out u \ iiarga yield of iron I art *« i k—-S4j MHK

Bundolpli t«wUHhip mini n>ir« ir« in nquoatcd to mud in tlwir rettirjirs n( ' in

Jfaraais Murphy's MivrriMowii IciUm 1postponed liucuuai) of his work in liroukh n

Many Dover pfiojdu are iiwkiiin |ir<|Hi,tlOM to visit Ho* fork ou Evacuatiou buy.

Rev.J . 11 FflUlka,of MmTlrftowit. lmi ifturned t« fiia work uaurm (fl in In il li

M*. Oliver Frwunun, theimihW IMIL UMIDOOttagoon Uenumi s t ru t ioi ilio H mdolpi.

B. 8. Uigginu, nf H«rintuiTti, tws 2,'*W . rpot •weavora iu Now Yurk, wlw Siuvti Mtrm-Ufor WBfQS.

The oliougo of lime doetuiot uiVcct llu u-mior«ettlnuoftlio HUU, wUuli i* guuim 1 Inanother schedule.

•ffeMtBOieoturflonJapim.liylti-v. Win. KBdffiit. in tlie ( l u unext Monday evening.

Hon .H.S . HMTSH lius pnwiitert Hon. Ii.W, Hunt, of Hohoolr;-^ lHuuiit.du, with u \*\Mblo Irish Setter dog.

Broken an BolBrgbw their store aiilJ

Honjs county teaehcra' examination IsDorex to-morrow,

A mad dog woa Wiled at Jockey Hollow,near Morrbtows, last Saturday.

TJis ground h u been urokou for the newamnagc of Ote Booaton Befonoed Church.Tho post oflloe will oloso on

. s , «id reopen from 5 uatil <*- H,

Tie death U ftnuonnoed at Chatiam 0f aD. Harris, Jr., a well-known lownutire engl-

eer.A theatre train nuu to Morrfatown on Sat-

nlny nights, leai-ing SOT York at mid-ulglit.

Her. Father GUloa, of Patetwn, liMboonipiiointodllioauooesgocaf Votiasx Hioklo atdt. Hope.

Tlio Bulletin uudoretftmifl thai puoploWven away from Doontou for B ant of propor


ark Nc-rt fur Sjicukur with

Thta sfetfftj town ii sftwtod on tbe Koz-then JPaoUL.i S. R. In t ie feat derelopiogwheat Holds of Dakota. Iti t in t)i<#eiit«r ofStark Munty and will likely become tb<Comity seat. The surrounding country Uiot swelled by »nj otbisr forgfmerjU fanning

p p t j yply enough u u t a ftffard. ^ g•ofl rich deep loam, from U to 89 inohw deep;ttoaotteift?. WU t t f i bCountry r»rti»Uydgtted with BTOVU off

i,wbionwirn the dflUtfbtflil olim»tefltnmbifoiaiepBMluoavBne»i of the anurtiymdfarthfltidoof imtaiffrBtion heading thatway. Xeu ta .aH. and H, E. Vannlar, for-merly of fiaeuaiutna, located here among toefirst snd opened to cultivation tUeir!,»0 M »rann, which with time vill beoODM 0119 of thobonama farms of Dakota. Maura. Wm, J.

NI. James Iarlsan, of.Clieiter, hare alto sev-eral bandied antes flhalte (arm land, besides

h they have a etons at Tavlor. Mr.[a)«oy. fotmarly of Hover, hai a ltti_

farm partly under eaHivalW, as has Mr. £,('. Harvey, formerly otIrani a. It Is doubtful

any other section of country ean offer tlieUUT MO many tliluit* il«niru(l in lo eat lug.nenimotit land* CUH now bo Imd free at twoill Hiiml nilroud loudu at-J360 per acre atn« niflri from Ta\ lor We learn from Kr.V (iiry ul lliin.liiii, Daltut 1, who is uo>

*i!ii)^ ln« piuciits«t l'liiiulcrti for nfewdayiat In iilnu linn 'mul nt Tiijlur, olid in ploweduiiHUt t un} irtiiuirit setincenibiff hiBjinrtikufa Ilio Rcitl Etitttto H'w ot Curpcnt( u j , <>f Ma.nlun, I»iikotn, an) agents fort -U. iifltuilniiidlniiilrfiiudntlleBeorfuU;,*\\ iv all HI nuiiLs toiici-rniriK tho country.r Curj sms Hun in now a good eLance tinun 11 liuililniK foi kcejiiflftahotel at Tay-t—,1 guijil building iiutl good louaticu

Matrimonial,lotintu tliu col.l mid hluHtry westhiiltiiBilaj ni((ht of last week ftlmitI'lml juojilp *UtiUKSi-d Ihe marriuj• Mi.^'i,, diuglitej nf Mr nud His. 1 ugiui, nf Ml Hope, and Mr. John Wfii-BI Im dt ot ttoukaviuy. IIOY. tn tberkic pu Conned the ecrentou} ID Latiu,

of ilio paity JoUowtd tliu lirldo midii to her pi* b' liousc, when* tLotu waa

IN Slntitlllit 1I1H

Hev. I. W. CoFhniii, t.f Unideut for Morris County.

TIloD.,L, fcW.hagjo.Bpool. Heport BQj-ftil Will luper CBOt of tlio putroiuigr• Frank Hopping HNi>t (ill oiraoadoira tbootLerdny ulfeet from tip to tip of wing"

David Merritt wuii stintmontlnfordcatroyitttttljiMKaufmnn's storo, Rucknway

flt«pbenH.Worlin[ui(tl]i]i[<if peachoB from hint wo nn-rUle, during tlio past Hcnmiit

Tno Rallowa uj>oti whiclillltg woe need again ycflofor the iBnRiiig nf C'liinhulm

A dOTOti'iUBlooiiveiilidii nnf Morrla and Onax


o trunk lintom IB U> 1!

hi Ft itmtfl lid palll

\ in tlu immlnof 1ail lion John Ihil1 rum, t'lQ 1 JUUrtI ilrt

th VhunlffilllurUII (lniHnm h ,-111}, Itlfllll l l \ tllL

1H U it Suu

m w t b . h<

ill u l ( la

Wo will vote for n Preuidcul, ViwOoDgrcaaiiiaB, SIicHtT, A^DiuMyumnoners In Morris Comity liuit fnll.

Mr. J. Warren Coloaioii, Jr. «HlHouse, Sclwolej-'s. MouuUin, w wmnrrlodtoaiudyofPriucotoii, N..T.

Bro. Brown sag CHlH 1o Hro. (lamhe Join the Snlvntlou Army, but HIIVabout tbntniiitriiiioniiil iiriMu i-unti(

EaokiolA.I>o!>olnfio!d<rot tinoommittod suicide at liinlnimr at MtliolStU by ououiiid an nitery in IUH

Since last week tho woods of Seliuvo iKwome full of Dauwntu u

1812, and ft former finrrogcounty, died «t Ma UWHC iu


AMt. Hope fprrepppudctit

> ^ F i l t e Hickio. «f Mtliosliles n«l)nrfShlonor-a will (

» * *It ie said that Hon. Ooo. W. Jenkins of HIM

county, will bo Ivudereil the compliucnt oft ie Rcp«Wkr.» iiomumlwn (ar Siwiatet of UwHonao.

liionewbell of tho PreBbjtoiiim Clinrctiflt PleaBftlit OrovoisuuBatiufni'tnry mid tkrjtUnk of eiolianBiug il for ono of J.600 pou«l»

rrgivt In

i Imvn IL fuui) of

l l l i l l» l l l l \ u l ]<K( VO(k Ijj J m l g f

riff nnDt«p-

r, , 1 , , : \ , , . - a r -hit ,i( mi r.-l 111 tin Sin mm

Hi |M f,,r l£<t I HiiiiM.ldbciugil. of Jprwyitiuitud dur-

itnig 11 bountiful ipreucl, which Rtvalull r- tio 1 to nil, mid tiioro VITO about0(\uii\ ih (i« Jin partook of iho goodfruiii the ilo^nntlj set tnhlo flip atin, ortlio most nl* it, vute uiudu hy tlwltftiifla ef tliein 1 tin mul JKi* Hinlnr, uml Uim (if tliQ Itcst.l*ul!i)i\iiijr 1 uny fiiiiiii \OCH1 iiiuatc hy FatliorMnUiv, thtu tin. >(oUm nud tboill iitoui'il to tuVo purt in tlw Jatltr nud

' nj(i\cil it -Aminis tin. diiuatirs an tim floorwuh Um gi/iuiluiolliir of flic hiiilo, MIIIilmiit lighM JMIM of njif, uml tun dn;

\utli tlmboil 1 Jif ITHIO WUH dreugLa iucl ' jmf jjaiiiLt tilk, triftmiid WlHi Idivy\Uu,» IHM- (iml \HIIO a saniet \«ho t lint,wtiuIt inmli In 1 Ii>nlc\ciir nUraclt'HPI niMii J.H11 mini us t'l/'l'umilituud liciIirolln 1 iis^n'iiiiitIJKUI Hit "liiiiiK drngiat tlw lunw <if itw p w a ' a jmtnuU, tuoklilum llniuiliiT Lvn i>j> ljut 1 amiuinhl" t<HnniUtttiln llu ,.!i.H|o tV' IJIKU v t i e no:MI nmiifrini- hut r < n cj ,nnt (mil Useful.Hcr')aifiit#^tiM Im »jicw lied worn suiteund i)inn ol I IT tu ngi, BliD also reffivfd it

IIIHT I>1 liiefpi ot bilnNffftro fiom le iinln, Midi us k't'UJ and folks,tu rtisli uml |)nkl) timh, a ohlnfl sot, atti-

d ipy

ii (fa m ogli KCv.

pn.n ii,L


w tnuiiri jiioiJaWilumltn'tijlor: ?

V, F. 2ulli'H«, J . 1J. jH .»'id C. t t . Vfeiiuierhunt last we S


duiit of t!i«-Wtinthin Pimll'd iiiionjtnlwit CDlltc

tn.1 in tlw t

i out k

111 p'

Smidaykr ami fttb; thelif


ith IJ li, Viimitcp ana N S.U\tugatotie,

C. (I VnuuJ' r nold ioui Itiiuaiftl haslnU of

oata 10 ir. no in in iweHui t ' '


omit 1, U T».

ii1m -vfa

Union Thauksgivinfi Borvlei Hin the Pirflt M. E. ixniornlng at 10:30. Addr(Mue» 1>>ji ii a tow 1

'8q,nite IlntehingH ployed n gi'era ttvot tha wires, Priilay 1.1moperator at Dotor. Tho 'Sipuro

OarWoBliington eoiTetjpondMof tlio government pensbnfirfl 11Omin and Mlno Hill, and the 1jtovornlly receiver

Th&Ilftnuor RftBina to itie^t 1

ill Im



r day, n

tboy hnil taken some ono u\n f»iwhloliia rather rough on Mr Snlmon

ltdV. Dr. J . Boyd Bradv, of Sen iri» \ InBpoken of in collection iviih ihi initonKtlio First M. E. Clinrcli. I'll* iiiMtmoim ftPhiladblphla, Chlcnfio and otl» r (itii-*

The BoVentlfie American dctSarfi thatbrondia poison, and laitnclita HH tliumlip-iimfnnB, waffle, hot bincults, ami iunn> nlurtlolen of diet thut render hio deliglitf nl

Four bicyclers rodo from S i "wood L»ko and back, tli» otlutonoo of seTonty milp«, hdmwi " ^ » " »«dsun.'1 H e y diacd nt the Pomptou Hold

Jloy. Pr . Erdinan, (if MorriRtqwn, Ins re.ceived a call to tho Tabcruaclo PrD»lt\tinnnChuroli, of IndiacnpDllfl, Ho will ueit tlivchurch but has not yet ilcoidi .1 nhut to do

Caapor D. Bonds, the rtatiou nfctiit furwary y&n nt Kev,- FmuiiHaud 1- about turesign, nadaccept a position on tin It»n» mulOgdouBhurg Kailnwd, in NoHlirm Vt w 1 ork

Tlie pirtlPB-wlio wrrr ncrimil at mdlnn m811k iu taking Muck \>n** InLake, in un illwal m»i"»T, 1H»« 1M HI >luoiarged, as tlie evideuco fwleil to luiiniiinttliem.

Frlrna Tntler vmU H 1.1 tiw »j uwli.'rtwrflhBthowouIilii'ttnkotlii 1 Hi, hut tlifact thnt ho (tecs ercr,Tthiu(iitn>]itiiiiwi*hiHvthathoget« itpri'ttyrffliilnrll frimi tin no\


lliuiill toHtin. II- IV. Hunt t.i


1 tin i»fl imii n.-trtichtuuddoHilKoi i s

lust w

y ihop nt tlio I»crk«hiro Vallrynit. it Will ho n-iicatodnight,-wlieB Se»«h &• Dce^he IIIUBIC.

paloh BmnionH, of I'1"0

^totUtotU Newark Cmirtreceiving stolen good* In biiftrlSaTMrtch worth PH,

i. \\n\, Walterri»(iL\i»

m: 1'liMirnNiihl to Fi

Poor Houao Visitations.Bono three weeks ago t ie members of i

Morris CoButyPoorHauaeComuiittfle, MesBaraubt Tlppett, vV, W. Cook and Wir. E.King, together with 8ui»«rintenileiit L. Skilonger, \kltod by inriUWontlia SWIMS. Coaot;AlmeHoa»orBiidituiMoted tho premiiotstheir fflouftgemoat. They ftmid the bttttdlngiand fynp in 6«*Uest eoudition and widerB»t«matio fiOfomment. PMtfonlatly wentiier well pleoMd with the rteam keatiaf »p-porstininthoiioBM «ad too sppilanopa foroookfagthe food of the itmutea by at«am.They wen aUfl gratified idlh the auiituyxulea irlileh prevail, tho high ilate of onltira-tloo U> which (he farm bad been brought, wadthe return* which showed It* prodaodVeiftor their IiupooHoa they oheerMly wseord-«d to Jhe Sacra onlcials the credit of having* TCi? wall mmagad ia.titutWa.

In Mtura for lha ooartosy eiUndad themthey invited the Suaex FOOT HOUW Coquutt-toHan.BTi A. WUwn,•Obadial. l?l land F<l«r D. Smllh, «ad tbe: 8iiporiot«nMr. B. V. Uolna, to- ri»it tho Uorti- Couutj-butltntton, vbloh they did on Thuwdny oflait week. Tfie risiton vere Bbown over the

m und given its resntta, whloh led thorn todie belief that it ww both productive andwoll iiarod for. In going aver the building*they eipresaed tbomselvej with ths amplitudeof mow oooorded the inmate*, the provisionsuiodd lor tbo eoporatioii of aszea and the caref h d d i l f dif tlip aged, and tlws gottotot Bjstaai ol

linoae and order widen pervaded tbo wholeThey uW admired the arrangement of thebum asd it) sweep Twwar in tho cellar for theloins of threshing and othor work. Mtct

purtaking of dinner tlio visitors wore iioxtdriven over to Pnrainpany to tlic qtlendl'"homo whore tke poor cMldreu of tho oausty>ie mafntaiaei soparato fVonJ tho degradingnBuciice of tlio older paupers, »t the joint ox-tenso of tho county aud tno CharltiBS Aid 80-ilotj The not city of pauper obildrua beiag

11 itaiueii and educated was a[fying aight to them, as it is to all, and wthoj lUtoncd to UIQ oxerelsjee it tint uhlldnnItuy exprooeed tbo liopo t in t suoli 11 gaol

rork woyld nevor bo abandoned.Tlio main oVJeot of these vUitatioUB urn a

csta) 011 the part of the officials to obtitiuJtirgor eiperiotieo aud an interchange ofrtows afl to tho proper raunageinent of propcity nud inmate I t ifi ecrUtaly » inmlaliKhlufl to (lo, nnd \>ill douhtlcsfl oponilD to tlioldruntogB of botli, as well na to mitinfj Ui

utiulli Iiwkifter tholr iutercsta In milking thrii et

they found tint liith iamw vibout of tho HKino HIZCI Unit tbit pioilititiicifl of CMU «ntt Mtj wench »lwll«\

lUt, ttud tliat Hu ii(imi;i ivrt uf mitlUliiiigtllb imimlM vm junt aliunt il>< MI

Singular Aff-ilr at High BridgeOHMiiiidiiyovenmn lant, uliont i m l m

ir an aoddenl, 111 nmItalian, ftiidoii IHUHII^

lamptuii JuiKtlim, wntilsnrriifll impjiiulxl 1

nest Tin (Miilmmail liy tlio moL<1 at Ciihiiiii the

goticed \>y

cerwleo aotinff stranfji'lthe tried U pr<iuur

«»e of tliu eniployicfl, At i 'b Itintiwail. M, ti


uiltof t?

iii(it.iu, N. .1.,

icud tu errfvo nu Hit' (i:uw Turk—io proi'iu-omelton, to whltli ])1IUTCnllnr ovldi'iiMS Inumlntlau tlwi'c. I''roiii hen CoitBiahloto U'(iNh

f witsftniud nt tlio I'CEra. Bryant, a well-known rev iva l s . 11

nlan ioaratut that Mr* Lnniiinf; htnllled a phyHioiuu at WflMhington mi 11K

iftcrnoon of tlia SOtlu A phydician nt Highlfldgo -toatiilcd thnt tho infant, WHN bum-irematurnly nud born '!ciui. All uinuiu'i'iii'

upiotimfl und tttllc lire ourruiit in relation too iilfair, hut nrc not propui' unbje^ta fnrililictilkin, unless denionrtrntoil to bo trtio

iy tlio (lUthoritiOB. Thu wtmiaii tinder BUS-

and linn two rhlldrtn. 'I'lm Ouroiuir'Hy wliioh had adjouninl wliilo tin1 c<m-

ii\bl6 ytant to AYnslilugton la «utirch of ovl-nict ttgaln on Wediiesdiiy mid ltuilflifd

fofollowing vnrdicti "Mro tlJfl Jnroid m-. i i u - 1 ( ) cviilcnm-, Hud that the diil.t fouti.Itin- mult nt Mi^li Iti'idgo station Nm.

'til, im, was of premature blrili, nn issmMl^ijininiiig. of tnllfou. N J , an<l

Blgck 8 s u in Captivity.Mr. Tbotnai fiinsk, of JEwton, Pa., hits fitted

ttp a tank with »(wtpotual flow of wster, ihM pieced in Ua uuraberof bnaawhioli» « fortuifttfl enough to- eapture from theDebwrwB. The twe largcrt waigli rMpeot-Irely 8 poundi and 7 oaueu sad 4 paondiOQDOM, Tbe l&ttar'a flag »nd tail are veryragged and torn, owuig to a fierce mtufcmade m him Bfaortly after he wat pot lu \>jthe former. Bnt the relation* betwata all of(hem have iltoe t>een atnlosble.

The brgeat one, after threo days omeat, tnsda a detormlued effort to MOBpe,andjBBiped with moh p*ral«teney nnd forcethut he looaened tho wire guant over the tanbfrom lta faatcaingt nnd damaged his mouthto moh Bn extant thnt hu carried It opentfaree-foDrthiof anluobfar over two weekaudit [Btofmou n>ntcr)n»T will) tiie Go foroftiiafeedl&g. Xley feed very delitemteldud fteir favorite food seems to bo youngontfiih. Wnou one of tliost ia put Into thetank they «nt of point it, following IU inore-meoU mtber with tlioir oyca, bnt never rc-njittlug tola deliberate pursuit, and it ji oftenft long wUUe before they make an weault.The oatfiA instinctively recogniso theirdanger, and inimojiately begin thdr tootioaf defence. Thew nre ilmit«d to turning tail

thei d k i U \ i t lu theo their eaomj and, keeping tUcitbottom QonietB of the tiinlt tnd nailefug ttaiifM. A« louft at they can holdpoflitton they n» cooi)mratlToly safe, u tbobass will rarely touch them, exaupt hosd fint.

Hcoently a oatfl*h Boinawhat over UitnoioiiGB long, hyhie dtlnuishing, ovailcc) tlio

largestba*l for ioteral nilmitcB, nud lliinllygot hii head woll sheltered imder.n favoriog•tone. The IIOM, nftor novcral futile effortsto dislodpe it, at lost touk it by tho tail, drewit out, and HWUIU leisurely Around tho tanklovertt! liuiDH vltblt,wton giving it nimddontoas, ho ottught it by1li« head.

A Furious Runaway.On TJiundayevening oflnatweuk Km. J.

D. Tliotupaon, liet elatci', Mr*. Altovi, tUrcechildren, raDgiujr (runt ouo year to ttowu,nnd Mr. Thomiisuo'a vlerlt, John ilarkutau,were vctaiuinBfn>m Meudhmn In Ibo atomwoKon.oml wlien near tiomo tho Uorao »tart-il a t a rapid rote, otiil ven* oouiplotety un-mnfigenhle. AIt«r rnnuliig u ihort d.Ht«uiIr, Bnrkmfiu jumped out, thlnkiug to get

the liorto by tlio lunul, mid full, bronkiiitf hisright leg at'iir tho nuklc. The borae ran onwith IIIA loud of womiiu and children, runiiiug nguiupt 4 wnifon of Jolin B. De«u

imping him intoJim,

1 etroet and nearlyI from the•tatlo ;wRt,I1 tore tho caiiiigIlliU's 1VHKOI1

•upai tidniit, toy*tA. U, Byron wta-

tlic WBKOH mul ndeasort tlioin, furiiuidtely Imd not » ncratoli nor anl-f. The IHIMPV frijrlit Is atlributo.1 luvU tiflilimil lo tlu; Iicuil. flu was tot lilyiml (ill the next morning.

Badly Dam need Barbers.Jupoli V.. lleunliiiw, i.r Hnrriitowu. o bar-fiu tlii' i'uii»loy (if Wni. l iwkw, 3r., 1I ildiDg in that plocu J»'(t Hundny oftor-(ii), in cniupfluj with Mtsa Cnrrio Alezan-Y: The Jitnae IIIVIHIW tininnnagcnblomm muiiinK, inn] iii niiihijig n turn nitnr. n<Mld«iiv0 of Tlii-ii. Wltie, Esq., tho 0i< u'iiH njxtct, tbi'iiivlugboth tlio occupants

(IK- grmmil. 31 k< Aloxmidur van but lit-liurt, hut lU'iiehuv.- piu-lied head first Into

: cnrli htoni'. Bi'Kiilcsscvui'ul hurrlblu «uta}, illTidlug tho lips,B broltun. tlio frout

lower jaw badly

tiliBn about ttic fncn> uliock, hin noiw w'mti oriiHhod in, th j yoii and aimiahorortwth knoohed ont.

is nuffcilug* fsitwft IMWO been intents', birt Itnow thought tht t lie will recover, ultUougb.> will bo bnitly (iiijligurcd. The eutno after->»n Hairy UBV?nnl, another liarber, In tbeijilny uf- Win. Becker, Jr,, wlillo out driv-% was thrown out of tho carriage and BO,<lly cut ami bruised about tbo bead andL'O that lie ia Btill uoiiflned to tlie home.

A Fine rummer Retort.Tlio Chatham cotTsupocdeiit of tho Humoriya: Cenrgo W. lii.wop, fto arohitoot, lias

it completed pinna for a largo stable and•ritiKe home, fiirWm, A. Martin, KB;]., to(jrocted an tU« VuUrview Houoe gtoauds,0 stiihlo is 36ifK> ftot, one story and mow,1 ciirrliigu boiiKfl SS-tSSfect, two and » half

oiits Ugh. 'Hi" stories (WET tho ontriagooutain J2 rooms for coachmen. There

i« arcumniodntion lor 28 horses, nnd In wellfHU'il up with Iianic8» oloiBtfl, feed bi

Jeney Cattlsin Uowierteflew Juneymay well hoart of herau:

acy in raising thoroughbred cattle- Of aaimain front the mott famous herds of Jersey

le tiiot are oompetitora for tho higbealprices and pri«oi, 170 animals lirouglit an•vcrage priw of MBS.7J per lead at the laatfc-reataalok New York. Among thete wm&va belonging to 3. V. K. WltUg, of Harlboro, staa average priee of # , 8 » ; Joha UHolly, of PWafleld, flto aremglna fTtteJohn B. MsxflaH, BJootofleW, W18 each. Atha ause iale UT. WiliU told a ball calf, twowocki aid, for tl.OtO, a&d two eowa for »1,6»each. Some of the wort noted atook farmsto tiiia oountry are la New Jorwy. TheaAon A. HnTenuyer1* lord of Jamy «oviand heifers at Hountala Bide, Bergen Bounty,Dumbenxlnetydlgh^aadth lyg^ g

fl,000 per head, A. B. Darting, whowfawn jolm that of Mr. Havomeyw, owna thtbe ofllohrated BOW Eurotw, falnsd at <M.-000; her last eolf sold Ar 112,000. a u hordnnaileraaaventy hnad. WilUamCTrftpha-xcu and fix-<Joveraoc ttodown H. Prloo,wboae feroig are near tho above, each own ftuumber of thoroughbred cattle. Abrahams.Hewitt'* UKHwuHj-aore farm at Blngwoofl

l h d dfarm at Blngwoofl

oaato of a h»rd that prodaow alx hundredpouadaofbnttorporireek. Hii aow Ameliagave one teat twenty-one aud one-halpounda of butter per week. J o h n U H o yfarm, at Plainfleld, to valued at (3*0,000. Aaaaleof Jnrsoys in 1881 he sold air bend'n f (1086^RTcrnge of ( ,New Joraey hae acqnlrort a prcatlSo £„

raiding thonmghhroia that cniuwa thorn to toIn demand all over tho Vnloa, and with tlionumber of few ia th* tTntted States W!M>»tufa valuahlo staok ii wanted thero wouldworn to bo oo limit to this €nterprigo. Almostevery farmer tuny Income a brefliSer with thocertain proBpeetofaellingbia (took at Alilffalrwmuaoratlvo jirico

"Twenty.fourO'clpck."The endeavor to innko a nnifarm timo

»timdard torougliout tbe country gives ©apo-dal htetut Just now to another proposedolnuigo, wlitoh noc ftciiuciitly boratoforo boonsiiggoatea. It la Hint of numbering a» Uiehoura of a day up to twenty-four OOBMOU-tjvely, Instead efnsIiiK tbe "A.M."ani"M." as has alwuyi tmu tlio oustoni. Oao _tho Wentem railroads, tlio Clareland, Akrona»A Cultiiubita, has tooently ftdoptod thisftyntoni, niid Issued time carda on tho tffOLty-four Lour plan, counting tbe day to begin endend at mldulgbt, wWob it la «*& have boonused Tfitii grcut Batisfaotion by tbe eniployeinad tli* public. To change iratchei andclocks to aetommodato tlie neff syitemitiapropoBcd to put the additional numewla in •olrole oo tho dial just hiildo of tbuio sow 011

faeo, reading the outside figures for thetime up to 12 o'clock, itoou, and those ou the

sldo tliereaftar, up to "M o'elook," mfd-

Horie and Wagon Stolen.Tho stable in which Ed. Stickle, of Bocku-

•way, Steepa WH drlrlag rig was cntorod bythlvvm dorlns tho. nltftit ot Wedubadoy, whomade off with hk lioino, carrkgo and luumid at last account* hud not been captured!Tho turn out was valued at 1300 aud a rewardof $50 la oflbred for their reoorory. There in

cluo to tho tbieven, but two parties whodisappeared from the neighborhood at tho•iimo timo nro suspected.

Compound Tar Cough £yrup<Tho seawn it at band foe tlia use of this

vuluahlo compound for tho euro of coughs,oolda Hud cousumpUon. No fotuily should bowilliout it. BoU only at the Briok »rugStore,

4' l f^VHI 1 ,, % w l t goodt puri]fl*ci]«I,li(

f 1'it »«, fiv*rl lUt

. y m u l l «Ltii

Xkllltnt hliliII li L\.

md mi

louiiiilet It ai

«s," Ciutiijt lai Satioiml B m\,

n tle-ri^eiiilmtt of I{lfxiii;i'<l Mb; ]t!iti<li>l])!i,


8t Satunlny f

rinstolietlipru ni'lx:

IMUOMK, jf Mint Kill •nntehidj, rpeciiinK 1,077 im

Aim it III >IIIM lulu ]*Hi» tmi

in KuliLttim.l limlbii nl Ihfitniifto lirMin*. liiH'li-Liiidni.l- in

1 tin himhiw of tin .MT nmiM


Jtuuud Uronk, Nov 10th, \b\\

Sudden Death of Aaron Did

»hl, tlliviiiK llic blIIJ; tin1 litth1 folloH und o ib« din IU


T they i

1 ii rt twelv

intf BWer, wLioU Inta bi-L-n iknionetmttbo ClttiadbiD umdel fur m.

• ••* ' ihconly change iu IIUA new iii"i' t"1 »1' Bflhota Dovi-r iri tlio taking off «ftlie Srr

Bpeulal ntliitt left fnr New Voik 111 H:20and arrived from Kew York ut fi:42,ihe Sunday train* pnivnl finmiutlfus m\Tjioepur, ur thirdlinuofoil pip« fiPochuck Moiintoin to within fuu

•will probably \* coiupletcd in ^ouliroek. This is connected with tbo otlie.IJnoa at caob, tortuinuM.

Au oyster aiippcr will bo btild nt, thedonop of Sir, Jo in Spn^a, Mount ForTuesday eTcnlng next, fur tliu benefit noburch furnishing fund. Tl«;n- in ph

inJ a

g^>o) and stabling ac c«ryj?lo«»at time li cxi

pni dilations, nnd

-L-lhir Van Fluct lim

,r, H»-iiry Spi-cr. ilw'il. TinIN f itlms H : (iiivri't Hjit-cr, Jtdiuml Kimih CJitherino Vnndcr-nrv in mi iumntu of tbdAIoirla

On Sut unlay ln*l J mine Jlrirtin, of thla town,wild !iis largo bay rand home, "Sura," to Mr.

RirhiinlH. of Dover. Tlio price ie sdtgSven. Mr. KiVABnk wUl wind the'howe'tbMr. Win. Sfhenck,of Ibe WeatniinsUr hotel,Now York, at whloh place Mr. Kioharda andfuiniiy Bpeud a portion of tho Winter month*T M n e vai lired 1n Kenttftr. «ff p •^oknaed of Eobert DempatBr, of ?hflUpabaiftby Jmlgo KtaUu. about a vraw «no. Ho.Ugooeffor better tiim fijiS^-DeekerwTO I n i |yoadenu • ' • l-

Among the Musical PeopleMrH L Uuuliint, of lbn p l m hml th

iliaaarc on Mo u do J « tn in K (if lifan>|{ th'mi(tUnHcl({iitu Tiolm >irlinn(i (hn l MusiuTIII) liniji'it hftu hnmght out in 11 IK run:rj bs Dr L Piimrouli Us Imd ili«> tlilpamircdf nu introduction to Hi" lioliimi*]n> 111 turn pn •< nt< d linn to Mm 1 n b i!hi cililirjinl rmitnlto of tlir \ b b n Opir

if tin1 difltinfcuished urtistH prcicntwl MiUutikam with ft cabinet picture ami and

pliiolilii: will adJ 10 birt nln-a<1,vnii(>i'(i]lc<inn of im-iiit'iitnrn presented Mm by inuiici;

tnlebrlties. -* m +-

A Fact Nevertheless-i» Jrn-«vumii think* that '.he EltA van miBlutcd irith (h« iuHiilfi fsrh of the awif ivfiuhl unt Imvc st.itnl that Si:iiaU

yutingblood wns endnwd by the Proliihl-,flt« with tlii' intent of doiiifi liiui injury,my lio trua that tlltto wcre'wmw1'who} sincere in the •mntter, but we speak1 n positive knowlcdgo when wo any thatp -who pHifp** 1» V»D isndern in the polWoo-

prohibitioii movement did it with moliiinitbought. Men who bad openly iixproMt

tbciir dislike to blm enuoroeil him aud after-ward boasted with ill-concealed gleo tbat itwould do bfm harm. Of tbceo thing* v e bavoa knowledge aa positive u thnt of the Jor-seyman. T * t

ifYoJ WintaCioskit will pay you to call at K. Llndsley & Son's.Tbeybove 0finewsorttoaiit,wbleh they of:

Utmpi.The flnut •HorHne&tqMdmp^tU.m,

p ^ u i l u qid be«t Kerwaae Oil et tho StUk.

Si. Mory'sFai

V. Ciii ml 35tntl knliV

liuli'b.'i'ttioMu-plit [inpnla

171 voli'H nnil Wfimh.iwifliinl «itli87•Mitul Tor by tbcil oiiidlilntt'B wn«

Abboti, npttn ii Unlit vote. Mr. Jnit tuJenryCi ly last Saturdnt.-d it to him, w'heu u vu* tvwith tliQiikri and I'lpn'mimi^ nt' piTlieAillowiiiKiveiTlhc winnersvV* n1 tlw varimm m't>l. ,MrM.^nlri'NtiibU—Ump, ILmnil], Mn<. Tniuinn; ImikiiiA JTiiCanim; bn\ nf t.'ii, Pi-tcr Mt

ickle liiuli, Mr.i. Frank Miiok.Mrs. Orimiii'H tiibl«—Oil paintHI OibliT; ton cif eoal, Gi-» Rckln .1 A. Wii']ianl ; ttpiioii loMtoy; stum.' of the Virgin, Mn

. Tlu<,.iild-heiids (jftlm pnli.


i Sha

, I.iiKii! Dully; K<>ht.ok, I'utrick Ilohlrn;iiinw, lml>/« si t.

iWeekly Iron Report,

iiiiiiiaguiul MiniugJou

of pin 1

E Musical Entertainment

ii 1'.l fl •nl in

'<•» York city, hill givo mieni« First M. ¥., Clurrli of Dover on Tlmnkn-iviiij- nt(ila i" the luturpfit of the Snntlay,h(inl fimil. Tlicfiunlty niiiHlstHof fatltor,ml five Milhli-f-n mnpliiK ft-otn KII JO tlilrlcrn,:i,rH. lla.h of ill- nlilldrcii piny HCVUMI

lib tciimrkai'lc rigidity, nud forming anroliestru nf tbe must unique rlmriictcr, wliilfDuileiing really (inn niui,ic. Thev'aro nlsonwlUul »Uinew, aud i;lvu nu uaUrlaiumentbut In varlou and dollKbtfql from beginning11 end. Photographs of tbo family may. IncMi nt Killgoit's drug atore, irherC tickotolay ulao b« obtained. Adinlaslon—adnlti,SS

-cn!«; ohllilron, )W cenls. So reserved neat*.Doors open at 71 ontertalninentlMiglnsat7!«.

A Card.The report that Ko

d hdi Excelsior Comet

Band offered their servioos free to go to Xa*rYork with tbo O. l \ A. JI., on EvaonalionDay, Is unfounded and untrue. Otbcrt.iaayhave done ao, .bat not we. We olttbn thatourMrvioea art •worthy ot a fair oonsidortimu ' - ' : " JAS, 8. Ifiixcx, *

Prcj't Kemtlffr1. Excolilor Cornet Band.

. . . v E . L J n i B y * S ^h»vo reoeire4 aod are wiling Blanitefa fromfaction at ahjoat t a y jhotr •value, „ .

iwitlwrlittildtiiK ia6x!W feet, t«ir.! t'uoin, four h.nvtini: idkyti, uTv md criilli'mi'iiV waiting ronl rtory over iini Inlliunl mn

will foiiliiiTin- lmlldin * tn



i( the rewfieit AiU'U, Kiii

N t<.l('t;riiph<'tl to ]>(ivther

ilit'il to

fiiitiirdnjr lnut, ;iint li


WbM Mr. ttenrlng left buinc he wuu1I011I1I in liis riK!it mind, nud knewt ti^ '.s-iH Kiiiii); tu il<i, He took if:i0V with hill:, it. ix Hi-iil, nnd reuelu'd>ri'iisy xtnges, nHhmiflh for ronwnm/iH-st kuovvn to blwscUhc did uotdv.irtiso tlits fact of HI*, de]mrlure.

Sale of the Cova Mine.imonsU«vi> Mine, 11c :tr nrnkcsvillf.wMi-lilrtuiidoiibti'.Il.roniM.ftlMUUi'St

. Tlu> on- is «!' tin' rithfstnimn tin- cdi'limteil Jlunltilt) ivorUiiias filrPinly domi

IT of 11 rust qiiaiility of ore.rtiii* tlw atU-uiion nf Ironml tboro will dmmtleM ho n

ssvusor cf 1\ii» vttluuWe prwp-

Oblluarj-Mr. Win. Scolil.', who died nt ttio rcsiilfnco

•f Mr. John WltlieriiJjjo, in I'ort Omin, ou;I'licsday of Inat week, nfter a brief illncnn,md utiiifur hliiiHi-lfBUL-li bigh regard and

liugoeoucmirno of people fol-

tc intent

They Would Spare tho Rod.E. A. Avaar, Nev JCft,r-y Superb

of Education, yestenlay nuhiuittodUi[iuun io 17ri tpuclicrs nt tlio MunuionthCountyrva«borA' IiinUtwto at Anbury Pwvit;

Q.-Is corjiornl pniiiuliiucut practiced iu yourwhoftll A.-Yes, 83 i mi, 03.

Q.—Can toittw results bo Bccnrtil with thowooftherodtliaiiivitliout? A.—Yes, M; no111.

t(.—Would it bo wine in tho Legislature torepeal tlio law forliidtllup; corporal punieh-

,tf A.—Yes, 30; no, 130.

mcJ hit* Ho

i to the grn 1 Fridaya man of iutolligcnce, largo e

in ricuca oud tino qualities and Uis death U»iuct rfly rcgrottod. Ho wna a native of Corn-,ui!l, nud loaves ono sou In this country, andno rtntighttrs lu En si nnil. lie had. resideduili Mr. Withoridgc ahont clKhtyenn andmil become ouo pf tho WBII known men -ofbu plnco.

A Tough Bird-Mr. Stopfaen Y. Briant, of this towns

>oine six weeks ago, enptdrod att enormous•out ovth llofiKt nl.nt the bird with both

Imrrela and bo fell among Borne roots. WhenMr Briant vent U> pick him up tbo bird arose

ul showed light and he bad to knock himilowmrith the butt °f bit gun. Stmtlgo toin tho bird still lives, cats voraeUM&ly and* nu u^ly na siu in. temper, ollbnugli a enlen-lid ciTJimre of its kind to look a t Mr. Briantit-ought him t« town yeaUnluy and ho 1>tln\fcc4 by v\\ uo » w Win.

New Telegraph Line.Tbe Pugtfll Telojirapli Company has begun

conatruttionextending fr

u new onw«-<onntry lin, 0:, to JUhok-xtending from lVimMagton,**, 0:, to JUho

s, N. J., on the Unfl af tho'Erio Raiirontl.This Utio vill passJOinlctly aeroia MorrisC t d M Goo' w a m f Dover Lna

pJnty, and Mr. Goo-'

' t f l, of Dover, Lna

l f fiftounty, and Mr. Goo- ^wam, of Dover,

tho cou'trnot for minplylng tWpolw for fiftccuC h ' t d M i l ^ i ThiuilMDTit,ftoin C

il. Thoiui lMit , f t

Uue la lining built very rapidly, aud Mr. Pier-aon'e contraot apCcf flea that ho ahnll IUTO thepolo* all delivered, when nqalrod, by pec.

Tlie Delaware, Laekawauna and WwtcraU»ilrottilU»deeldod. to extend ila eoal buei-neaa, and will noon beghi; work on iiomB ini-men« uoal-biuiltorB in'SonthCIiicngo. flicoompanyproiioaDato MtabUth a too of lorguitoaai hargHi t^ be rnfl from Buffalo to Chi-oago,\thua"MonrinB to tha company an entireUBS oftraniportation from the coal field* tothoiWeit," which will enable It to make itaown rate* for w t i .. -

Tbo pojinUritjof tboEnA^un wHortitlimmed'lom ia Uloa&iUul h ; the fnct that uearl;all the RdTcrtiaing BJIMSB In tlw liouutT EPAh b i t k l w d y :

Nothing lower* the vital forces more tiioncqilcMneas, which muy geuBmlly bo traced

toonooffoureausatlons! (1 | Mental worry;(2) a disordered atomncli! (3J oicossivfl mus-cuinr exertion; (j) flinctioual or orifunio dis-en»e, how of sleep tt, -wliett rightly under,stood, OUD of Nature's premonitory warnings

it aorae of her pbydonl lairs linvo boonilutod. WLea w» an troubled Mill eleep-

leaaucsn, It becomes - requisite to dfonov-er thoprimary oauso, and then to adopt guitnblcmoons for Its reinuval. When insouinia, orsleeplessness, ariseH from mental worry, It IsIndeed most ilifiiouU to remove. Tho hostmid porhapfl only effectual plan undor suoli

iMUinatnilcofl, nays a writer in Ohamtan'alurnai, is o spare iUet,ooiuhlnodwltli yileuty

of outdoor exercise, thus to draw tho bloodfrom tbo brain j for it is as ioipoasf bio for tholimln to continue witivfi -without a duo cirou-

ofWood, Bait isforac eugioo to moveitb-uut •taatn.

Too Hard on th? Newepaperi.Tlio Ubel la»a of tbo Stnto of Now Jorsey

not ja t t ia thdr applionHou to iiewspa-s. They wero framed ot»tkoo wbeii tite

did sot hart such brand anil variadaa now. Tho moit moderate and

oaroml editing will not now enable a JournaltocBoapethewnaeqaenoea of mistakes tbittauld nat bare been guarded against. Thereliould Lo morn liberality in this matter, not0 furor wanton libellers or taenoourage p e t .tlttent nnd mallciom ottftck*, but to cimble

prons Ut properly porform its AuiutimiH.oauR{H> dangers at piBBoutreqnirfH •wiiili:!il th« tuno wbon tbo news is dead nod <• nhldelay that the public will not beur. The

JUB tlmuforo BVPIIH untie tlic liiiiida of

A Good Way to Serve Tramps.TneBIcreiir Counly unlhiirltkja uu TI

biy began ticlivc npi'inli.irs n«n|ii«t tra

ul l AfU-r thoarinn»\ Ibn

nt, tlifnetrampH find a« itnuiyl'i»IErr PBII get their Imn.l.i on will ho chulni'ilIfigHli-i-.lnfkcil up in tlm iiit-lus^d Lit amiinadfl tc break atone* all day. Any who m-fiiwsto vtukwill bo put into olusn ndiifiai-liieiit on bread and water .li(-t. For two urthroi' yenrs Hip I lumps Imvo IIPIMI UU Intolera-ble iiuitfiuuo in Trviiton uml viciuity.

Chinese Justioo.Sine Will, the Clilnrw; lauudtytniin, n'hu

hiin Ciitnbllelimi'iits in Dover mid NCWUJD,tt-a* victimized tin* .ither day by im

h d d i hphim. Hut It ni

vu a wicitity, of w-r, In lmk after

tt-at tl.


'tmhl he h-nvt> (lit: criiutryoii. Unwinu tired of thinI'liljirit wt'iit to Xtiwinii tin-rd *7*J of thn inimc.v to )ibailo arriuij;('tiiPTitH to piiy the

Diocesan Collections-ColleoHaua f»r tbe Ploensan Semlonry, of

the Dloeoso of Newark, haw been muilo intbU Bootlon far the yoor: St. Yiiieoiit'sChurch, MadUou, t l « j tho Awumption,Morrlstewn, JIM; Et. Mary's, Dover, fUSd,Our lady of Cnnncl, Uoun toil, $35; Oui Lad]ot ttoroy,m*j>pan;?,*25i Bt.Joseiili'8, Una*

nn, |17; 8t Bomanl's, Mount IIopo, «IG,Bt. Viohael's, Htauhope, fll; St. l'utriiik'n,Chnthluu, *10J St. I'atrleVa, llllcniia, fll).The total In'^ue bimiese ia *0 ^1-3U,

From tho Same Old C&utc-jt is ipilt« evWcut that the boyn will never

learn that it Is dangerous to jump uu mil roadtrains, PranjtNelaon, atioyofnhimttwcheycara, and Ian of Vrutk Melton, who lit CMnear the point of tbo mountain, attomrtcd toJump on » moving coal train onThursdny andnarrowly escaped being killed. As it wnslstilegiraabroksn. and Ith foot ijuitcbnaijcut. Btt despite «uoh a wuiitng we ahnllprobably henr of others ia a weelc or BO.

Preserving Autumn Leaves,TheloiiveamayhoprcMoi between Bbeots

<f Wotting paper, Trldob an changed at hit< rala until tho leaves atv thoroughly- ilHed, Ini»ler to prcveiit rotting. Tim color* thru

look dull, but may bebrpught out by Ditheroil, a thla white Varnish, or wax. Theloave«way bemhbed with wax and carefully pressedwith a warm, not hot, uatlron, and by care-ftilly rubbing wltli the edge ef the Iraii Ilicy

y tornado to curl moat ttatarally•• j a ; • » • • • < • .

Preparing orthoHolidayi.

, . a te t tepo | t ofl oe, In Jnjit nawly etpcki ilwitb lultalio holiday (bings fur tl|o nhjli]

Roast Turkey.Aa tbo time of Thtniugiriiig opltwaobae

anil the preparation of the coming feast be.comes more imminent, some reflection* on die

mlngmoofthefoaafjTlxi the turkey, (sla order. >,u authority aays: " Twolra poundsto big enough; better get two If you wantmore meat Twelve potmda req,uln« twohours to roast. Staffing, compoafid of variousutlclea, such as Manage meat, oy»t«s, praseswalnuts aad ututhraoms mu»t lie oawsfnUymode or you get en odd Jumble tot Jneotigra*cus flavor*. Cranberry imuoe, with Its strong,jet paw flavor, Is tbe sauce par eieeSonoefor turkey."

Of All tbe large game bLrdt, tbe wild turkeytiVy Ear tue finest and bsjit, living on fruitsend berries, as well as pecan nuU and aoorus.Their flesh has a peeuUorly dollotous Savor,tbat no otber kind of wild bird hu . Indeed,many people prefer tbe wild bird to tbe ordi-nary domestic turkey. Foreign epicure*, whobaveaeier boon usud to our American bird,have been delighted at the taato. BrilltaSavarin, tlie oulebmted enstronomlst, a"Tbefligbof tli« wild turkey ia darkermore perfumed than the donentio turkey,"But TO cannot ail have wild turiwys, aud arewrytbauktuito Bet U T kind, even ifitUonly one of tbe 7'atnull breed" Idna. wltoieiudy was small, but *'de flavor was dollaliiis."

genius lias wcoiuuiendod feeding tuim primes and otliur truits. Btrawliorould Impart very good tone to turke.i

Turlioy, itt us remember, is flu Aniercan bird, udd IK U apeohilboon to tbbi uatioc.Eenfamin Frankliu laid (hat tho wild turkeyought to be the national emblom butead ofthe eagle.



Oyrtm and Lunches-Prime oyatcrs in every stylo and flrnt-olaa*

lunohoi will bo a upeoklty every day atEmory's reatauraut, WnrtciJ Street-

Tha Largeit Lineheating stoves, oook itoves, ranges, fur*cs, bo., at tho lowest prices at AUonh t '

Co Sealie large lko of fikatoa and Bloda at Barry'slardwaro Store-Eigu of the Padlock.

Skates ana Sledsihoaper thnn evor ot Herry's-flipi of ths?adloek, Duyer, N, J.

Teeth Extracted[>r25oenta. MoDavit'a Dontol PUIOM.

Holiday Goodstho flriok Drug 8t«ro.

. • - » - •AUDB Dioklnson miatcok her vocationion she left tbe lecture platform tn becomeedreea, and after a mliemble foiltirc hasEOIJT concluded lo return to the rostrui

FOR SALE!A very promising MAKE COLT, foui

•care old last June—color, mnhognny hay,I darkiioliit«i stoek one half hiiuilleto-i.BtnudalShanda.of bciiutifiU onrrin^

ad kind dispusltloii, well broken to ftingtelarncgfl. To sue her apply to tbo JI. E. 1'nr-onase, Deuvillo. N. J

QT A_Tl/> MC r\ V




- A T -




Holiday Gifts


Toilet Articles, Perfumery Bottles,UiU;gt i










Estate of John Bone, deceased.

IPURSUANT to tliu nr<ler ol tlio BtirroRiiU-ot tli« Givvmty uf HoriiB, mwlu on Wiv

liirtictb ilny of Dctobtr, A. D, ono tjiriusaiul

Tiber,l l

n oiitlminf flaiil orik'r ; ami any crodilnr itrRtciUng lo

lirnifi in nnd cibibit fiin or lii>r claim, uinicrifttli nv affinn&ttan, wilhin \\w linto BO linutcd,ivill bo fiirrvor barred "I IMH or hor actionLborcl'ur againBt tbo Escoiitru.

Dated loo tbirdQlh day of Octnlitr, A.. D,1833.



Dl>V«,K. J.

Notice of Settlement,ii-o in hereby «hvi> tlmt HIP accounts «fubBtribera, Aiiroiuistratnrs i>t Hotiry V,nuip, (Ifcrasi'ii, will be ivmltled mid eUtod0 HurroRntf, and rcporloil for Roltlotnciit1 O/pliatu1 Court of tb« County nf Mor-'Ti MvMuliy \\\Q aG ' iith dny of Kiiunry


;ilOi:l. 251 li, 188a. tS-9w


Eiiually fio einluriny IM tltc blue etonotlitici;iiis i"t*l Bivrjinttsiiiii it in boautyof fitiiiih mul up|»e(inincc -ThOMO whoiin; interested urc invited to look uttbi- bauJHuiais

Brown Stone Stoops and Walksof tbe I'rt'ebyhsrian Churvli at Itupk.iiwny, nud the vulk that we aro towUying in front of the residence ofUU. UKOKOIS W. STICKLE of thoflftinc pluer.





FOR SALE-Stock, IOOIH And building Iu wbieli the tin

shop At Blaiilnip.s IH eitnated, Tor aal*. It isono oi HID best Duslnoss eUn JB in town. Beatreasons Riven fur giilllafc. Torma oa tho build*nig niadu uasy. Enqairoof

8. J. tETBUSON,i'J-2n\ SUnhopo, N. J.


p-staita is bl Ohitl

y ( n g ,imiuiUf groat that tho ImllflW(l n P with tho finest <lis-

d bnlny of OWlilrcn's Goods ever soon, bere.

Ice Cream for Trunkfglvinf.Parties de&lring loe sroau fat thel: 1%anks-

^TUIE dinner vill IHO mipplled from Kcn-^oly'n restiurant liy lcnving their ordersthem tlio day prevJou*,

your olgora,ik f i t

Ths Place to Buy, onndloi, nnt«, pies,

Jh I S '

. . " 35c Buys t Warranted Skateai Barry1* Uudvrtura Store.

oaikeaf fruits, t c , la at John I>. Space's, cp*poailo Purtlce St> Clark's.

^ > - » . - . •Skata and Sled Haadquartirs

er/y'i Hardware Store, Sign of tlie Fid.

A Few Season-able FactsPj:

'llic mnltpr of Boja' and Chfl-iliW* CLOTHINa in one tlifttn I' i>LH'iul nttontion on Ihol>»rt nf CI,.t]J,T«. MotlKranlivaj-,il<«n i ]-lr cliililrpn to bi' lioail-fiin.'ty il]c»>4o<l—ur lit ieftrt, toIiwv,. tin. uowoHt [farmcutii t i n tchildren «ear, whilo fuller, innluII « imiiit to «cnre q u l l t y ofKot'ils njid diimblo worlntumalijpin 1ti<! muko-iip. In crder to tat-tafv Me, of tlic lionao


Invo m«H'i n lino «f WISIEltOVE1ICOAT8 foe BOJI »B4 Chil-drcu tlml comhlk» sowncu ofBt^lRwitlitheiWatkilMlof&briot.wliMi will Mlt« tkoniollm SH\thattlicircbUdnn are wall d n « t l•wl «id»ly Urn fathere th.1, tin.gpmb an tho moat duraU* to T»bad. Oui

•111 wpccl«llr eomnanl th.i^idrca to lovcw cf vell^nsMlohlldrou, ana w«' hno plain, eer-TltenWo n u tint -will atud tiesrei7da;atnliiM1w>hool. IntverjUalef.

BtoittvlohntidumhllltyffHl linld BIHMI, nmt ;ir«vn that To liM« Ween extrcnw painttamXlf, HATS, lUTMm* WBSMIIINO ODOD8 lor iDeo,'»sTniTi> e a taUuXS««h fc

lint it in hiinlly ueccjiurr to cpenk furtiicr on this topic at thfc£mo, •.' J ^



Statement of County Col-lector for three months,ending Nov. I3tht 1883

1833. RECEIPIB.On tio.iul.ftst report,

Anft-B. FramSt>mBe!Tfppett,TreB8.Poor House Committee,

Btm'i Tipjjetl, far old bridpo

V f . V K g l l r l R b t , Tor oldbndftc plank sold,

J. T. Bcl"mt, far old bridger plank sold,

Z. 11. smith, for old bridgeplank a»l<).

Boot. 11. JiaUimal Uuinn Bank jrco-cecila uotti for 120,000—foiir own tits, 1

lBafiamcrl Tipiwit. Tr. Fooranato OouiDiittci],

Oct. 10. P . II. Wolfe, for old pUuk•old,

BODJ, H. ljnoy, tor old

llfiamnei Tfppett, Tr. PoorHOBBD Committee,

IS, ftatloual Union Bank pro-cccdn ot note for *W,000—foar inontliBi

Hor. 12. Jus. H. Ctrwil, old brWsophuk foi«l,

Samuel Tippetl, Tr, PoorHouoe UoaiiiiilttiO,

IT ,177 07



32 71


19 33

10,689 04

35 20



27 85

10,036 76



TeUl receipts,


Sept.lS. .Jos. O.Bnck, tJobu A. VKII OnSen,

Oct. 11, BMIIUI O, (take?,

AoR.Kl. W.I. R. Haven,Hunt. U. U W. Tlmrber IOct. t, W. t . R, Haven*,

19. J. JI. Tun Pjchlc,


Ang.8. Wm.J.Brittln, i

Cbaa. F. Hnpki'ni,(Umncl Tivj»tt,H. W.Mat»ior,

Sfipf.13. W. K. Nnnrhriglit,W. P. Hcrritt,H.W.Mftt.ior,J « . D, Oarri'll,Peter I. Cook,1). H. ffolfr,

Oct. 10. W. W. Cook.J. T. Itobonl.Wm. E, King,Z.H.BiuUli,

62 80hi 006H8iSIM620001007<H0672405 51

Anff. 10. Vance A Slilci, (50 50Hept.13. Dardon * Clilt, 25O0

8. L. Garrison 27 CO18. Mrs. I, . O . V O R I , 367514. The Dover Pr'tiiKfCo. 68 7515. HnmmellATIllyor 35 00SO. Ed. A .Vech te 10 50

Oc. . 13. DororPr iu ingCo . 8800

Oct . 15, Eugene YanaeriKol, T r .

Aug. 9. William H.Howel l ,ShDTic, tool ftr-

J , A. Drake, 80 CO10. " " aud S.

A. Cliff, 11 COao. A. Docker, 10 00A.Dral te , 48 60

Nov. IS . Wm. B, Lamber t

• " • " • " ™ - H 1 »OOVMT 3AW AND OOEItT KOVBX,

Ang. 8. Tlico. Rcinglieb, (135 830. John HuBT WW

W.H.Hotrcll.Blieriff 13135JolWrfglit . 1QB0

W.Gflo.W.6m.lti( 131623. AudriiwBay, 875

Sopt.lS.Wtn.E. Hnnlios, 144 00JolinHoff, 22 00

18. Horns Aqaw.nct Co. 1025Jtorriatmra Qas Light

OuDipanv, 3010Timothy Bpalo. 1850Xalrymplo & tmdslDy, 057 38Patrick Unlhnll, 37 OOJ a n m i D O Q K I U S . 37 BB

, , . A. A.'Merrill , 350VoorliooBBroB., 89 MAloiizo Anffiv.iio, 2050Tin) Airtight Pail Go. 24 00

m U.S . Force, £500Ow^nA.AIiur, 0900

37. W.B. Babbitt, MS0Oct. t .Jobti t t . , 863

KnosftUcCIellaa, 608

Adams & Fairolifkl. 19 6310. Joionb Tork, 39 B4

John H. Huff, 4100W. H. Homll. Sheriff, 10 00

11. Voorhacs Bras., 20 S3Get* V. llncbraore, 1140Morrii AqiiodtiotCo. 4150MorrUtown Qts Light

Company, 3180FitrlekMtilliali, 6100W. T. DCKIJUD, 119 00


Sept. 20. £d. P. Bewli. Ool. 1534 71E. Duffard, Ool. 104 00LoU Pntd^B. Ool. 89 81J .H .VanDoren ,T r . «9B8

Oct. 8, J, H. lDlUdga, Ool. 101 UG.U.Lanrilnpr, Co!. 3M3GD, 8. Allen, Ool. 07715

OonrtHooBoandOouDtjjAll^^iHiOiIntoroat oaSurnlnBHoTGDOO 8,150 00Iodoilnjt, 1.800 00


tiia aaa Ql GOT. Abt»tt at hla Inaagantioc.

J.5li«aihj,W U9OJ

« . ff.D.Norom.Ool, 113MS.B.HmlliJn,O<ll J18 80

17. W. B.BBam.Ool. l«500

So». IS. L. Kntctor, Jr., Ool. 12870

JSDKUKO,fiopl, 8. »f. 8. OcndK, County Olort, 1,800 00


Aog. 0. VT, I . Easton * 78W. W.Beert 24 00

Sent. I .FMBCIS Child 188 66J8. Jolio A. Ol.n 3 2"

John W. Babbitt 310014. David W. Dolliokor 120 M

14:WnHffl«, BtoriB ISMB,A,QnaTlo 19000ait.?anVooihe«i 280

19. B. M. Sutlan 3191

20. to.Wflli.ira, Oon. 8000JimeiO.WriRhl " 30 85BaoHlMoPBaii " S3 00

S5.M*nW.Bafliltl « IB 00O.B.TanlToorliK«" 8900D i a M a r t l l " M00

VJB.Hanll . Slioriff 03 Freit, Oon. J800«du W.'BabUM, " 8.00



Aug. 8. Jobs ¥ . SisW t2W 55Bohwt untum 8JjThoB. OolHiH ltOM

SBpt.l2.Tiiw«ntB.Clark JBOflJohn Ouaieit 16i55

Oct. 10. Manning Buna 000


Jool YoungBopV-ll. ** • "

Jolrn OiatacrOoi. 10. Joel Totmit







: tuosi1651=siafio83 0014K

?1000IS 00


DulilLCook k Hipter

11. Bont. F. StickleM. 8.m««l U. M.Um

Sept.ia.OocU*Hop!erP 14.EamoelBbk»

Oct. lO.CbarlcfO.BroanBidnerOooE

13.10. FoiiBro.

nmasoit TOWSBHIP.Aoi.«.j.J:rioiii« i j o " . log}

17. Jobn Daisnport 18 M

Oct. 15. JW.mcbter «0J

Jolio Daunport 20 00

•10727". maont t. J. V. Ballenlino

».W.E 1WKMSept. 12. Peler aarntuant

Ownre Baym

Anir. *

i«»rrntt.BAnn. 8. 8. at 3. SluwersOct. 10. lx)ViaTanDDTBi

Samel D. YonwH. H C r a m t iBe«rr H. Boll

120 002110ES7


6 7S1029


H9 80' 3.00

• 1 0 »4S00MOO

•100 00

Sept. U . H. V.iiiKr.llto


c...:i »~.i.Oct. 10. Ihco. Wntilab

Cbu O.IlravnnoBkniiATU


. • " . U77S0

•SO 8176 00

1430292 21

88as| 8 SB8800H00

Wta. DutTurd * Q 00Nniuaulil Surgeul SUODaulel l le ja ler 13U noWilliam Dill.! amMao D. Horton fi M

imiiHX. OLIVB SVWItS&ir.

Samnol A. Hilte I t s 00

voiiiu^ Toxntnut.Aug. fl. / . D. S h a v e r #10(198Sop*. IS. ' • " Ml IB

11.1.11. I>a!mor 111 «2Oct. 10. Wot. A. Graf S 20

Wm. T. OonW S 00Thuo. Binctclb 1,«M OQLeirli M. C>TGU 17 8>Jacob 6 CaitiJ 170 25

11. K. W. rroaoo 08 75n,m 70

UAHD^U'D TOVIiSllir.' . Id. B. D. YnitDse 125 00

11. FrwJ. A.OaDflold 210011. Oeorge PiurBuu OS 0021.»B.Towliii 3O0

T. J. Timuff 24 00Sept. 11. Jacob D. Boaool 80 0(1

Fnui flm 1"11<15. Mirlln 4 Buck 00 OOII. Gtorgo H. Walfo 11 W25. J . J Vceland 181 111

Ool. I I . " " MOOIfl. Jolin 3. AlKft 2fi 0019. OliarlolYonngl. ! ! •


Ool. 10. Tlionms Dolmdecree B. BmltllTbeolorollinslelb 2351!

ToleiBridges, 110,02

COtTNTV POOR HOUSE.Aos. 8. Tlioi. ninglfeb 115 00

T. D. TQtnpklMB 57 05J. H. AdaniBan S 00Jai-i.hZok l,«W00O. W. JcnbtM, TceaB.

CliiMroti'a Homo 673 811Crane Brothers 60 23Wm. A. Elliott 06 OOE . B . Damon 78 OfTblDcaa Gayn'ood B DO

StaW49 005BIM23 O»

SB 10178 00

8 OO17 OJ10 OO80 892! M09 OS4S 09IB 00


20 2128 00OS 68

6 0095 07

20 7370 48

0 0084 002 1 M

fnuudL. t t jp iPatrick Guunlnghim1. HkellcngerP. V. * H. BalmonW. 8. TomalnBWm. Brown

10. T. W. Jaqnl26. Joseph B. WillMini

8opt.l2.JolinionBro»aJ.H.AdamionWilliam BronrnJol .nl . KonpI,. SkolloDKirPatrick OnnnlnRhamfiamnol L. HopkinsPulneai CaynooaCarolloe ToorliccB

14. HoLaron k StokoBQuo. RIcbaranAOo.

17. O. n. HellionJ. It. WIlIlamB

27. Oee. W. Jenklna, Tr,Ohildron'a H»mo

W.B. BabbittOct. 10, W. 11. Wilton

L. B.PordAbraham H.ZabriakioPatrick Cunningham8. L. HopkiaaI . SkollonscrPliincaB Oaym»dOrano Broa'Caroline ToorboeBW. A.Elliottfiamuel DatiaTOIIaoi Brown

11. J. H. AdamaonBird A BabbittW. 8. IHbuIttG W. Jenkins, Tr.


' . m.QLIJJ, J-iluuuin u / v i

Oeo. RlcbarilB & Oo.Wm. BUlelds, J r . Agt.


M7O720 002100ai 7131 CO


TolsIOIponiJitnrcB, $29,75710B a h n e cash IB. H U . Oolon Bant, «Wa»07


EECAPITTJLA.rDION.l l joJf!,, 1,6,(83 23

EXPKSDITDBW.Foit MorlaniB, > 20 ioSup't of pabllo Scbools, 323 10FreoUoklm, 1.0191BAdrertlalDg ana Printing, 277 Ul

i«a«nl»is, _ ; .ffip"

4,877 11

Salanco casb In Bank, 16,732 07840,489 28

WM. II. D A H B E D T ,

Connty Collector.

A Few Omul Tliinra.

la love tliQ beatt is the pupil of the

stocking nho curia bor Iialr wilhnoanete may forgot to moail your stock-ing! Mntringealwija begins and lin«limn kuown to fjiul in a "oaion." Sbotlmt ninrries a man beoonso no Isn "goodninloh" must not be Burprisea it ho lorniiont e. laoifor. Misfortune's n ffltor wbioliseparates sincere friends from t ie setttn.Tbere is no m»n «• »o«P Ijnl tlint he bans suojlow plaoa Tto bride's orongoblosjoms often bent bitter frnit. lode-oisionisadooided evil, whether in thechoice of a \»ifo or • wniBtcoat Don'treckon toe much on tie honeymoon } itmay prove all moonshine. There oretm> reasons why we don't ttatt a man;one, wo don't knotv him i andthe otter,boctaje Fromi<o ofmarriage is UkB precious oMnn ; a machas so Buoh to pay for; its breakage.Tbero mo vorj manj things wlioh menvith coots worn tbroadbare dare DOC UJ

Bb Jtot

Irg with IjoliiKb Valiby ]n - anil Buuilllobnufla llallroait

it llolblobuin, Mauch Ulinuk, Reading and

Atr5i3l!*A. M. Blntluunlui Hall (Bra*lnfItoonl Oaru attached) Iruui Hew York via. l>at-uraua and Hoauttiu,cuua throagti to Water(lap, HtroudBbnrg, (Soranton, (Jroat Bcnilaud iliugbamton, connecting at Dover tvitli•Juouter Aallroad, at Watorloo with BUBBUXUallroad Icr Andover, Scnton and all sta-lioiiB: at Ccianaro with UlairBtown Kr,, atderail ton, vitb ^tonmsburg Divlsiou for 1>!UB-lun, Klugaton, WILUeB)ia>rte, DmvllLo.. Kortli*amberlanil, £e. Passengeru taking thistraiufroin Kew !TQrktPaterBon and jjoontoncan oonnoot at WaBblagton nitij train forPblUlpsbnrg, Eaaton, Betnleuem. Ulantovn,UarrisburRand points on tbe Lohlgii Valloy,ind Leblgli aniTSuaqtiobanna Railroads ; atPblllipsburi; witb Bolvldurc Dlviaion ot t a . U.U. forLsmbertvilln, TroutonaudPliilaaclplilB,

At W.OB A. Itl.Ba^alo and Oavogo ExpresiDrawing Boom Cars} Water G}ap, StroudS')ati!, Soranton, BluauBmton, OweRO, Itliaca,i^averly, Elmlra, Uount llorris and JliuTalo..IBO Sfraouce and Oaweso, eonnooling altingbomton for Ulloa and ltlcbaold Bpriug*.At 10,10 A. M. DororAooominodatlon.

ThB darkest lioor (aa a inle) is just be-

fore tbe gns is ligbtcd.

Misers are alwajB civil, for oivililj

costs notbing.

Hyoo ore in o pdblio offloo bo pnno-

lual—at all events in leaving.

Be aaUsnea with things us tney are

UtidUiooiiatwitbVlieoriimli. .

II England were it paradise, still you

™uM find the Engliskmoa ginnbline.

Ton eaonot do withont monoj; jonm a y s ^ ^ ^ S ^ h o u t a mothec-in-law

Tbo Hebraska Watchman onlls a younglady in «calico dron "tswoot poem inirint."

The parentage of a lie is the most dif-ficulty of all to trace. II is indeed awise He that knows its own father.

A girl at aohool would like to have twobirthdajs every yeara. When she posiesthirty slio oujcota to having even oue.

The wont kina ol a borrower is hej t o boTromi \rith. the Intention of tepaj-itig, for ;on know, with amoral certaintythat he intends to borrow again.

Ho may liave been a little orooked,remarked tbe undertaker, mournfully,over tlie remains of A bad bank oasbier

1 but I guesa I can stmtghten him."

"It is altogether too absurd to saythat man is not perfect. Who is therewho ta« not net with many »ho woreperfeot raaoala, and a few who were per(ectfooh!"

By, nttalaillgl 'l cold, »««m.1.CTmh

Btratmns and eibaaetlug aba Inogfl 1111 aacb aninHuaaloondttloa call la. that noverrol rdnedleiannolalwaraablitasraptlie dlieaM and ths rer.

oe* Into oonimnpllon from mere neglect, Soloollblnlni.IImllion'.Co^lilii]«n,ooi»1Dlooll.blnlni.IImllion.Co^lilii]«n,

vblch ramovaa tba Impure natter rmn Urn Ibroatand luugfl and eielta a bealinQ IDBUBIIM on tbe

Why Suffer?Wttb Drapapelawlici] Panndee'sPTapspala, Dla.itca Sldner and Urer care win work wooden,

nllatlngjoiiatonce. Do not wall tlU DiiMpilfkM oraieoms aad Plabeta* liu takenI * b d Wrt member tba


off.n mperior IndneaneaU In eduntlni,joungmeiinaivJIea. OltlloguoairiOolltl!.•pen lr». . . . ' ; .V : :- ,

a- yiaiTOB3 wmaaa. -s»C. T. JIILLEU, Principal



BOCKAWAV, BDUll'S LASI .LAKE H O P A ^coKQAKDeouooura M6UKTAIN.Tim. table for paaaongor tratut, K<i tako oBcet

SOV. 18tb,l«88,rasalltoEa ffixtow:

1M MEW TOIW, foot of Libotty St., Nottb rlvor.IN Baoi>KI.Vlt, (Brooblrn Bridge Pier.)I s PmuiHi'FEU, dopoii 91b and Green.

Sd and Borka Bca.'.;rTSiDB.


K-Tork i '"-13Si t"-KBiocklyu ft. Folton at 8.80 8.20

WaiidBBrWTfoutonHewark..,EliMboUt, ; . .Bound Brook

Veraoy *.Middle ValloyCicrman Valloy,,.NawibrigblBariJByFUudcri


D a l l . 8.306.209.059M0.30

10.09. 7.63 10.55..8.0GU.Q8. 8.09 11.12. 8 U 11.17. 8.23 11.20. 8.30 11.30. 8.3S 11.8S. 8.41 11.42. 8,44 11.14. &60 11.60. 8.5a 11.E3. 0.M 12.02

fl.07 12.07Arrive 9.16 12.10


0.834,1/1 cm4. is 6.4a4.24 0.404.39 fi.'B4.3» fl.S3i.m 7,044.41 7.(174.53 7.174.51 731C.tlfl 7.80

A.It. A.M. A.M.PT.l»8,ffl) 11.B54.7.908.10 11.B04.


RockawayDover ,Pt OOikunKfidTliDrakeavilleC 'FlaioPBUartloyN»nslirlp]it...Clflrm&u YftUwMiildlo ValluyWooynallfimHiR.i BritlgB Arrivitlnuml Brook....Elizaloit ""Jcwirt.. . . "Tronteu "

PhiladoliihtsCor. 3<] MKI Burks "" OUiamlQreeu "

Broolilynft.PiiltOQiit"KewYork "

i.V. i , U . V. 1C. P. U. 8.20 11.55 8.20 S.45. 6.2S 12.07 S.2S 5.61. 6.93 12.12 8.93 5.59

. 6.42 1S.S3 0.49 0.08. 6.44 12.20 S.44 0.11. 6.49 13.80 8.4S fl.10. 6.G2 1S.8. 8.G2 0,19, 0.60 12.89 8.5S 0 U. 7.00 13 44 4.00 fi.SB

7.07 H.60 4.OT 6.1)97.14 4.14 0.477.10 4.10 fl.617.28 4.23 0.G8

10.48 S.2510.07 6.0B10.00 7.0010.80fU2 6,60 B.97

Dii eaterqurmnii Tallt-y

. aiuB Icito Kenvil far KinmsinU aod L^UeJlopatcong at 0.-00, k. ».; 12:25,0:10 p. u . Forill Htationa to ORLIOII at 12:25 i<. u .

OoDTOTaiioes cHti ba pronnrBil at Gormauvalley to mill from Hcl»iolcy's Jlonotaiu: sFkntlcrB Io and from Bmlfl'ir Laku.

EABTDN CoHNioTioNe,—Couucctlon la madei t High BntlLro to ami from Knsloa.J. E. WOOTTEH.Gon. Maoagcr.

H. P. DAl.OWIN.Gcu. Ban lorn FAEB. Ac't.O.G. HdNCOOK.Gea. Pasa.A To'k ktft


(MOBIHH AKP £3S£X DIVISION.)Dopotfl in Kow Vork, toot of BirdftJ Bt. »nc

foDtofUbrlatopberSt,BDJtlMEl. AmtANttKUEHTa.

auonueuuiiig MONDAY, JUNE lttli, lflSJ.U3AVK NEW YOKK.

At»i««A. M. iJiiiBtoii MaiJ TriiiuJ.coii'uotiiig witli tliu Jjooutoit llrauuli ut Dwuvllli

tlouw; tliol).,L. .t W. It. It, AtVatilibiEctun

iicrantou, liiogbsffitau, Uliua, iiiohllefj•ipriut;*, iluuiur, (Jortlaod, Syracuse, Osweaiand uulula OH tbe Lack awn nu a tad iHtroiuti

i there ounlit to IUVTO been a doiou auoliL^adliWtfa/UAiPiuttfcf^uMitaa.1;

B. B. for Htiitoji, Wyoming, Ktngitoa itid Wilies-Barro. Vuieoten takinR tula train from NowHark, Piteraon and Boontou can connect at waah-

" awittitnlniro.S.aoNow YorkuL3.3t» P. M [Eftetca Bx<J oonuocting at Waterloo for Andorot

.on»adBr»B9livUle, end at VhitHpibiWfwltli Loliiffli VKUOT Ba!lro»a and Lohlgli amuaquobauua R. It. for Betlilehem, Alien townesaiDKani] Harriiburg.4.X0 p, l[ , Bortulon 9pcolal oonncotlag fll

lover with Cheater Ii. B.( *t Waterloo wltli

, _ , jr Express (or Bammit^BaBkiDgridgo and ftllpointiOQ

J.Mid Delaware Bailroad.) Chatham,lIuiIiflOU.MoiTlBtcwu.UorriBl'laiDri.Doiivlllo,Eookttwa; and Dover.

At 0i»u V. a , (HaokeUBtownEipreaBlBtoppiuft at Milburu, Saoiuit, Cbattiam, MadisonJoniatown and all Btatloai vett to Haakotte-town, connecting at Waterloo with train orAndover and Newion.

7:00 P.M. Oawegoaud Buffalo Ei . from No'

DP virtue of »u order of tLoO/pbaiK'Coortof the County olUottls, In Uio SUteof KewaTersur. miOt CD tlio third day or Bantcnilier,A.U.1HB3, me GTtijionbor, Adin'iniifnilor uiHuanoe llacii, deccnied, will JWll at PuiflleVemJuo to ihu hjjriit'it- blddm-, on tlie prem-iw», nil tlie roid loading From Haoketiabwoto Wssbinutnn, sear Ibo VilUte or SieplisflB-hatg, ill thoTowBsliiti of WaabiDffton, m wildCoiiulf of Marrii, on

SATCfiDiY, UceemUot Ut , A. D. i8SB,befffoen tho lionm of tu-eko o'clock 1L anfive o'clock 1'. U.L tlist la (o «nyat llio hour o2 o'oioot r . II. of nald day, tbo fuJUnrJng Joborilwtl land %nA roal oitulo o[ wliitli the ealiMaurice Haun died aeiied, eilaata la utldTowDshfp of Wagblnnton, Ooonly of Hornaod 8 tola of Now Jersey, <riz,:

FIBST—A tract htgiaoing at a stake amiheap of Btocoe in a flianll brook, corimr ioIuiati Kem'i ami Eokert Cantny, tlocewoil•nuoti tot, (l)Tonifroiath(!nco flnHi, B*ld Viinoknorth Bcveu degreci west Hfivon cbalna amiirty UDIII to a alike *nd slooe, comer ia cantreofesldbrook; (2)iiortli twonty-ievemteRreiin west fimrtoon Hi aim and forty fluba ina atahe and )Wue, corner in miJ brook io ulino or Dr. Blsokircll's iaud; {31 sontli aevcuiyiegrcea vect *BVCU cliaim ana tlviitS Uoka f<selBhc; (4) twrlli fiiieen atid tlircc-tiaorteil( greea woit nitie obalna tt> a si ake; {Hj nnrtlKurcuty dcgrcsH n e t lira obnlui, and turty-twilinV* to a Btckeund stone oornei iatiiet-entror sR.d brook, ueir t» a vlicalaut trcoia DrBluchttcH'slinc; (0) down mU brurk nunltwcuty-ieTOT cli'Rri-cs went fonrtcoi! olitinand fortv-Hvn links to tlic miudlo of the Ma*conutrong Creek; (7) lUenco dowa tlio at itMurcoiiotconR OrDok Booth Hflj-geToii df-Krec

Creek ; (8) lltenco euuth fcnittmn deprc«a eaiton clalnHamJaovcntr-fonr links to tlie ceulrcof tho road lead'tis (ruin WaBtifnaton to Hack-eltitowu ; (0) tlienoo up tlio middle of nUroad north olKlily-eiKlt tlFgreon east tlirechains and forty-flvo links to B tUbo and 8tuncotnor for William H t u a ; (10) tUeneo southfiftton degrt-efl cant Iwentr-nlno ohaing toWiltiam Main's line, monniueat of Btoaes, cor-ner fur Wiili&tu l iana; (11) tlienconorth wv-eaty-four dcimiSB OKBI tlitecD cljaiui

fivo iroki to tlie plitco of S-egini....,DK giity-eiiQ acres and tnocty-tLroe

luindrD^tiiB of an acru of JjimJ. in3 Is tliotamo lund conveyed to BiU Uamicfl llann b jWilliam Hauii. b;dL-e<l timed NaveiUJor 8tU.1876, and rtcortled in tlio Morris Co intF llfHiorcof Doefli, in Book M 9, o;i pages 115, &o.

middle cfn small brwkJiir^lluka'hoTo^tl.oearner tif a lot of land conveyed to flflifi Blaot-woll uy Ilia AdQiIiHslratora nr ttic esfato ofChurles Stewart, d^ouHCcl, in Iba lino of .nudeofWlliiBti) HBnn.near Ilio great road loadingfrom Stophensbure to Eiatoo, ptud ruuuln,tbonou (1) ecroBs pakl road nortli iw«ntynndone-ftmrlii tlcRreetwcft foarcbslnn aud iv'" Jglit liult* to astalfo aad utoiion {ora i_ .

; tueMe (3) loutli piilj-oitio and tbree-fourllia decrccri well to s. curntr in said br»okami In Willinn, Hnnu'H linr, niuoty-fit'o linbsfrom ibo etake aud atone comer nlorrnaid audlltccn links ou l lo BKIHL1 lino continued from asi-flu olioniiiuttree na tin wngtarly sldn or «ali

broulf* tlietico f8) up Bald brook tlio BtvancanttOB Uicnswf la liio nlaoc of btgiimtaR, eontainiug slsiy h amlred! liJ of an eoro of landbo ttio Hiitiiu •uoro or lesn i agd ia tiin satnolaud convi-jod to tfao snta Uanrlco Hann byEnoi T. ttlB'AtvGli and wife, by cloud dateflNuvemlier 2TMi, 3857, mid recorded in midRecord ofDeci]*, In Book It 7,on pages 41, ftt>.

T H I B D - A (ract beguiling u a coruur in tlioceutro of ft Ritinll broifh near to a client nuttroo. and ruua from tbciiuc (I) aotith sovontydttRretiB went Dtc oljains ami foriy-two liubato a Blulto lor a corner: ilienoo (2) sculh at-Icon ami tiirce-iiiiark-rdcBreea eaet niito clmlnflto nstabolbraoorncr; thenco ,S) tiortii

' degrees cast sofen olialoB nnd ttiirtyi-. u ourTfl ID tbe ocntrc of said brouli; tbumx(4) down tbo middle of eild brook tioriu tnoo-

ta a curo«t in t&ld brook ; Vliencu (5 V still b jtlio Bald brook porth tlilrtvaud n quarter do-grccB west BIZ oliainn and flfioou linkl to tlioplace of begluniuK, conttitiing flvo ncren ant:s.ity-ilTG liuiiutcOilis of an aero of laud; amiis tlio Bams land conveyed to tbo said MauriceHiiun by William Hum. aud vrifc, l>y Ooeildutud Moy 20th, 1830, nud recorded tn tiatdIJtcord of Deedi, in 13(10,(117, on psirca 44,4c.


AdmlnlstratiDated Sept. 22a, 1883. J1B.&1


, — jnlor of Uio laBt will ttmtunipnt of James Haucc , cJcL'faied, will galPublic Snlo a t Iho lato reaidencP ol tbe

ctnjcd, tn Btcplitmeburjj. S , 3., onFI t lEAY, December Till, 1883,

ilie following r ea l« ln (o , )o - iv i t . K o . l . n o n d Onil Lot Bttuatc in tlia vlilujje or Bt&pliott«.nirR. Tbn property Is woll locntuil itnd tbe

boiixo is 111 ftond repair- Nre, 2 3 ami 4 arovacant tutu in S|L'[>1Icut.burg, crcll looatQtt andvorj deairaljfo Tor liuildini; unrpogog. No. &Is a lot lmotrn us Iho Poicli Orcbtrd Lo t ,

' - ' " ' — ".bant hvciity.clKht a w e ) , mor~ u .

0 U t-nocil 101 co»,n<ii>nRtenncrosnear lv t t r e o acres or nb lob \e ooverod witbtbriltyyonup; timber.

The above will bo BOU Lot wren tlie lioora of12 and6 o'clock p , II.on t ie ubnvo tuenfiouedday, at which titno couiliiioua will lo nudeknown by





Colemaii Business College,Opffoalte Centre Murlttt,

BraeEriJfl a Urgor LOOAL and ffATIONALttronigu oumblaiia than any otlter OoniiiftiSolioolin Araflrici.TUe attendance from Boa01 nud

ooaQlieiii double tliat of an? lionand it cmnloya more than donliln t i

Write for the flnegt soUoul catalogue ever

' OOLEIrUN it I'ALMS, FropHoloit.

Extra Engine Oil,Tallow Ensitie Oil,Ho. J Ecgina,Darh Enffioe Oil,Sperm Machinery Oil,NTo. 1 Uaohlperj Oil,Dork Lubricating Oil,Railroad Lttbrioator.ShafriBff Lubricator,West VinriQin Oil," Groira" Wool Oil,Stainless Bpiatte Oil,No. 1 Spindle Oil, ^ W n i U U 1

Steam Deflnc-a Paaflaio Oylindei Oil,



has boon attending tbo rcosnt "trade

sales" in Kew York mi pnrobased

largely in Domestics and Blankets. In

clomestios Beverul esses of Tioks of a

good qaaHty for fentlicr beds and pil

Iowa ma; be bad ai a rodticlion from tlio

regular priaea of abaat eevoii cents per

;aid. In GIN(JHAM a tcduotion of

about) tea per coat, upon tbe regular

wholesale .price" of tUa befit gooila on

nbout two thouannd yards. In MUSLIN

both bleaoli«a and brown of about teu

per cent, on standard brands. But tie

cases or BLANKETS nrc decidod bat'

gnina wbich ore so roiely met as to b(

pbonoinoual; a eplecdid blanket may be

bad at a raluofiou of about fifty per

cant, on tba quoted prica of the agents

of them, Thera can bo no question

torer to auj QUO wbo bos eeon them

as to tbe burgaiua we aro offering in till

of these goods. Oar Fall styles in CAB'

PE'f S are daily arriving and the prices

areas'lowflsthey Jiave bsan for'yoars.

( M and &ea tUa Uargnins. Wo propose

to sell those goods and have marked

them to aoU.. .,-. W.B, BABBITT,

; MorrlitoBru. B. J ,


OYSTERS fnntt I3ATABLI.S of nil kinds eu[>i>llo4 nt

Favorite Restaurant,

Warren St,, Dover, N. J.

E. VAIf(HLDEB,Prop'r.



inW JBtHEJ- LE04I, TEST, 1

Brloi Pressed Oil,W. B. Bperm Oil,W, B. Whale Oil.Prime NeatBfoot Ofl,No. 1 Healefcjot OH,B. Hearilight Oil, 1110°.Ho. 1 Laid Oil,W. Poto Sahd Oil,Prime WMte, 116°.QMOIIDO.OO",Bark Oat Oil,Sperm Paektog Oil,Extra PaeUog Oil,lina Ol

" drown"

BbUlne MU1 Grrease

4WIH MffUX1 ^r'ltif. Strained Prime Lard Oil,

B. HaaaiitrtjIOi], 100°.£ Water Wille Oil, ISO',W. White Oottoo Seed OU,TC. TaDotr Cotton Seed Oil,

i OasollDe, 889,, Onsollno, 88°,Painters'Oil,

•^ffemtsB f ^ P r o n x l i i n x eto.1o*y o i l .* ALL OUil OILS BUABANTEED STBIOTLT PCBE. rW«

THB MoKIBQAH OH, Co,. W»aaripi)toirTinai>iT»,,Nl»*Bir,H. J.

CARPET WEAVING AND MAKING!Ike niganfmad »ill li.r«aj»r «»vote all i!< time and attention lo II,» OiUFET baaloaia

n«M IVIPHM H » . a '"."•ideitQaalve laiovfiQdgQ of tba baftnfissoQablasme to i o the bet!

WtllllEH 8T., D0TEB, (HBUl D,, L. * W. DEPOT.)



BOILERS!Horizontal, Tubular, Flue, VerticalandPortable. Insurance policy with each.



hnve nrraugcil lloir business in ihreo departmeats, oomprifling

Three Large Storeswell filled with tbo lta-iing arlio^a of tnulo iu tba variDua bmnohes. Tn e firt depar

niciil embraces


CROCKERY UNO PROVISIONS,and in euoh branch aw uew and replete stocks ot gooda. Tlie aecond (

just opened. Me a largo stock of

Sptlt BamlMK,, LmttwoDd, Hornbeamand Common Treat, Black Dm.

and Plokerel RODS'

JtcelH, Lines, FIIOB, Hooks, Dasfcots, c l c

A full assortment oooitantly DD hand of beat

aa<I aotamaaBraeoli and M a n i a Loading; Gtuu,

acdnlltlioirfiitarog,POTTOEB, 8HOT, CAPS, QhASB BALLS, &o.




BOTER, N. J .having decided lo nmo™ to California vtUl

taBKoftTtBTevalrtory aiilB Ditttulr eiiUwatocK of gooila fur

30 DAYS,inpoBlii(t of ovoryiliing nt n great encrlflco

. for CHHII to iavo rcmovnl of gooiU.

LHIHCS UlothnnJ Jorser Jnckets

plotb aud D/ngonalOloafcB and Paletots,

Olotli and SilkDolniam ana Circulars, New

Markets, Ulsters, &c.,witb Fur Atlraabaa and Buih Trimtningi.

CLildren'B Cloaks, flarclocliB,

DoontoutfirouobtoWatorGap.BtronaBbiirB.Scran ton, Emgnamton, Iislo, Mara tbon, Cor t-land, Homer, Byiicuao ana Osweffo-AtBInshamton with train for Areono,Oxford,

Norwich, BichBBtd Springs, Utlci, &Q. VhlBtrain runs through to Otmao SuiTalo andBlDbMd Bptl&sB tbat not tc Iilmci) Sar-Aij

^t'Vrfiit'p, M. D9?cr A«oomniotlaiioii forUbatbam, Merriatown and Dover.

For Lornnrdaville, BaBkiDpriiigu, LjoniMilliDgtOQ.'StlrUDg, Gllletto, ferkoloy Holglitand all atatlonii oa PaBialo and Dolawaro R.El. (N. J, Wcit Lias Ballioad) 1:110, IQtlO A,l l a d t S O d J a O P ^


Trafng utlve and depart from thliB rollows iliBTDOUKD A ; « . " WWTSOIWK

OiwegoExproaB* 6.28 UDover Eipross 7:00Hiettatow»E781SoTAnton ipcoUlBt&lan ExpteaaDover Accom.

Elmlri Eip.»B M l



•go Esprcgi* 0:07Dovor Aoooro. 6)60Boff*la BspreiS* 8:07Eaaton Aocom. 8;BE

•Tia, Boonlon Brancb.

Dovor Accom.Et EElwir* GspreBBEastern Express 5:3986ntonBpiti*l*5:i38;r6ntonBpiti*l5:i3Dover Eiproea 6:20H'bettitownEip.7:aaOffegElp/ 8:KOgffegqElp/ KDover Accom, 10:00


P.M, A.M. P.M0,33 Ohoster 7.3S 8,606.10 Horton • 7-43 4.00

bonta 7.47 4.10Suooaianna 7.63. 4.20HoOiiaavillo 7-06 4.80

5.S4 ¥ortOrwn B ^ 4,60DoTer ,8,W .5.00



and BOYS' SUITS,. Gents' Furnishing Goods,

Hats, Caps, etc.

Alao ii norms, lmrnoM, two-aeatod wngonnd R ildatx, FINE PAttLOK SUIT, tind

aihar Houwsliold Ftimlturo, two Store ShowCnaes, and otherROOIIB ntn barenln. I H

. . . _ grant v-irietjor Blylca. Tiicse gooils havelust been pnrcbaecd and will bo found in tlioI one at iloBicns aiifl very dealraliio. ULACK


SHAWLS,also a Urge lino of

Notice of Settlement.Hollo.Is torete Kliea loit t taaoootnt;or

ttie suljicriber. Exeoncor of Dariu Eltill,IKM««",1, »|ll bt «nllle,l and slated lijt meSnrro8ato.and wporled for audlemont to tlioOrplimi' Ooort ol tin Oonntr or Morris, onHonda; tbe Boveoth [lay of Jinnary next.


Eiccntor'e addreu, Dover, N- J.


J. FRANK MASH,navi>r, N. J . , offers the best tiiduceinoutH t<

doalciH in tlicM) gooua m Cover andntljolDing towns.

CENTENOTAI BUILDING, 215 & 217 Market St.,


d..,W^aul^OT,.t.,7^t the tlBloat lljlo of art.

M. iffUIiVliY, A. M.. Prlttcipail.W* V *WIMZf£B S t

THE POVER LUMBER C°offers to bruldaM Uw best opportnnities in tho pnrohase of IiUMBEBof every grade and description including LOW PBI0E8 and the greatadvantage of baring

Lumber Worked to Orderby mMhinery at tbe plaoo where it is porohased, greatly lei

ooat ot building by the great saving in manual labor.' stock always inohdoB

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldingsand IiDMBBE bl every description, ana espooial pabs aretaleir

to give aatiflfaoifop in every partioular.

lesaanlng theOnr

. Qisiam Hi. B. luran, Eio'juid Trua

I. V . SUBnm, Qan'lHaiiagtr.

JiiBt opened ONE O.\gE or aland-_ _ ard PRINTS AT Dc, rERVA&D.

ONE CASE or CKEI'ONKEU at lSJo. peryard. Tlie lieat in the city for tba motiny,

OSE 04BE LTJPIS'S OASHMEnES tA Via.per Tard. WE SELL THE FINEST OAHH-MEiiE Bald anywhurc at Cfic. per yiti]. If yonat nil doubt enr nnHorlioDS como and BOB tliesogooitif. (ONE r i U C E OSLT,]


N E W A R K .


BOOTS AND SHOES,for every kirid of wear, etubtaciug all tkat is n&w in iwttoTvi m\ dnxaUe in itemce

The third depnrtment ig devoted to


MINING SUPPLIES,and wUl always carry comprehensive stocks of Builtier's Htu

tvare4 BlacksuxUli Hni-dtvnrc, l'lumbers' Materials, GQBPipe, Mechanics' Foul*, Si rum Fittings. Steam Drills,

Sliovels, Picks, Jlainmcrs, Fust1, mill evorj thingcoiitaincil in the line of liuiilivai'C.



D. S. BRINK'S Harness Store,MOHRISTOWN, N. J.

Horse Blanketsof every kind duel Htylc, BUFFALO KOBES,WOLF, PLUSn hai FANCY LAP U0BE3.Ml coodB sold nt very low prices. Bacharticles nro much cheaper tlda Fall tLaubefore. Don't forgot tbe place.

W A S H I N G T O N St . ,

m Movr i s tovr j i , N . J







Seed! and Fertilizers,SAFES AND SCALES.


I<OIt PIKTBStationery,

Confectionery,TITKCaOlOERT BHA.KQR or 6£Q BUS. TSK






Carrel & Byram,Real Estate, Life and Fire Insurance Agents,


The beat r l iki oircrcti In me tmttat conuuinU* fur Iit« ana fire Inmirance, areal ettate, mlnera.1 \o.i\tlt, ami mni;m«ti« ()!>•• hnurtliil on

the moit nilvantngeom tcrmi,

Pena Mntual Lite, incorporated 1847.iEtim ffiro Ins. Oo., Hartford, Ct. Cash cnpilal $4,000,000.

Sun Fire Office, London, EagianJ. Organizeil 1710.

London find Provonclai. London j E n gland. Cnsb cnpitnl $500,000.AgticnUariil "Pira Ina. Co., \Vutettown, N. T. Cnsli c&uital S30O.000.

Queen Fire Ins. Co., Liverpool, England. Establishc! 1868.

1853. THE 1883.



UTBIEFor the coinins senson we present a L.VHGEU, MOBE

ELEGANT and BETTER ASSORTMENT than we hareever before shown.

MES'S BUSINESS SUITS from $0 to $22 In the NewShapes, tooth sacks and irocks.

DRESS SUITS from $ U to $28, in Cloths, Diagonals,Corkscrews, &c.

The best shaped Three Button Cutaway ever shown.In BUSINESS SUITS and PANTS wo invite your

inspection of o\iv Sawyer Cassiinevcs. Those goods areabsolutely all wool and guaranteed in every respectto be A 1. We have exclusive control of these goodsfrom tlic iiiiiniifnuiiirers. Ask for them.

A full lino of PERFECT FITTING PANTS nt $1,50,$2.25, S2.75, S3.50, S4, $5, S5.50, $6 and S6.5O, &c.

OVERSACKS lor Fall and Winter, both Double and Singlebreasted, from $5 to $35, in all the latest colorings and styles,

We never had a BETTER STOCK of BOYS' and CHILDREN'SCLOTHING, and ask you to compare O U R P R I C E Sbefore purchasing. Any selection made from our stock ifnot satisfactory, may be exchanged, or we will refund yourmoney, just as you prefer. ' '

Co.,85O and 852 Broad St., Newark.


Another Solid and Very Inter-esting Fact About

FIiOIJR!A itnnRer ID RBW Egypt irM fortunate io

gutting & barrel of "COMMEIKJE" whiotoanwdliimto "ontbnw"*!folios;

FKHJ. D-LNE, Nev Egypt, N. J,, Jnnt 13,1683.J i M O

t~~Dqriog tbet b l t.,.- r lfrSdJVllioUB bat

jf*r lierura found to ODiforma qmlitju the " Oommerce," ao perfectly .adapted toanj kind ot putty tnd oawslaK otu wilgbtiociifler to evsMm *• irhtt bet ntifnl creamy -rblfc

jusoall »na brew yon aliriyi hive tai t—inaprccsb.BlM.e/

I un now aapg my leoond birrel and wsafe*rfal it wonld iiot prors mt good u tbe other'HH.twuiottwMoelleii. Oar mBrclitntdidjot bnev w&ete it ws» mto. bat« droal» ofyoon rereali "Its hama." E r u r ODDae of itfe Aluiibe. Ia the,ant emuioiu ofayoanggltl'a affeatious "IVwJaat locoly,"

We nro Btranffen to m feat •Unnol. Wandaofjoar "OommeroB" Hoar, I t is a milfor-tase to? »ny hmily to 1» without 11.

JOHN S. UALLOHY,•Jeo'lHin'g'rOftkroril Park.





B. A. Wilkinson, Pnft.


JaiTBOiVTltta AQESTfl.



f U K B AND SPEOfflOiTIOSS prepared

(uall klndeol biiMH>gi,uatlie oomtaotloii

of bnildlDSB anparirKended.

Will bo al his tiffloo In Dover, Id Floor of

Tra Iao» Eiu BulHIog, on Waril OFEACH

WBBK, ftom «:» j . u. to5:BI)p.«.

GEO. MANNluvlto* a. call ftom all liia Irimfa to IIIB placeOQ CLINTON STREET,«hciofor tUelrammB.montLeliae &

FINE P001 TABLEand a well fitted and complcta

DOUBLE BOWLING ALLEYart new and In correct ordor. Also, tbo bentUGERSand otber drlnka, And tlio clioioest8EQAR3. Ail niio favor mo with E call willfind lUemaalvag igtewtly eotort&lnea and-11 treated. GEO. MANN,


, decTd.

PURSUANT to the order of 'lie Surrogateof tho Connty of MOTTIB, made mi tbo

iwcniy-eiitli flay of Beptembtr, A. D. onetlionsand cigbt hacdrod anil tEgbty-thriio,notice ii beroby glvoa to all persons havingchime against tbe estate or Stcrlun JJudd,latB of the County of Morris, ili'.-rispt], tuprcBcuttbc saniB, under oath or Hiiimuliou,,o tlio aulJicriljer, ou or bofoic llw twtulv-l i i tbiky of Jnno nutt, buing nitio mrintliefrointio date of said ordor; unit anr creiliiorucdcctinB to brinfi in Mid estiibit IIIB or Lorclaim, under oath or aJTirnmUoii, wltlun Uit

' s BOlmiite:!, will LE forcvr.r barred of liieicr action thurcfor n^ainat the

trator.Datoil the twcntj'-Blilh dny of September A.




OlicBter.N. J,



Tho beat work nt lowest prices. Repairing


M R S . G-EO. F A R R ,

POUT ORAM, N. J.,iaa a Urge atock oi FALL MILLINERY ofill blnilB, ntiieh tho liae just receded from

Jaw York, which elio luteuds to pel! nt botl\>tictB. do and stu hot tint Bto«k.



Fall and Winter GoodsifS" Tho latest Btyles and nrffest dosl^...

No troutilo to BUCW yowls. Givu hor a call.TUE InoK Ea i and New York papora can biround on ber new counter.


Notice of Settlement.NoHcoia lierebjRiv(>n that tbDHCrGiin.o u

tlio anbscribcr, Eiecutorof JoHopli (JitterlluodccnaBeO, wiil L«. audited anil stated Iiy theHiirroRatB, anil ro|ioi led for tottU'inout lo [liuOrphans' Court or tlio County of Morris, onMonday the lonrtti day of Ftbruaty nest


Dated Nov. 7tb, I8B3. &G-%-

Esccutoi.'s T. O. Do7or, N. J,



BtiBaEX S T . , DOTED, N . J .


Indrfitiid to him to cull on tho uudor-

d iinineilinUily and settle- tLo BHIHO.

' ?EV, JOHN JAY fiiyytj


of Bedsteads, Bureaus, Sofa,

Tote-a-tete. Heating Stoves,

&o,, left with me on Bale. Host

bo sold a t onco. BABOAINS.





Shop on Clinton St., Dover.

SMITH & B0KEART,(HaccOBBorB tolru 0. Cooper,)


Contraota taken and material* fi.rtiiii.icil f»r

wbotberofBUICK or HTONE.

Oflloo on Morrifi sttcot, noil to tacmer lEEA bniiaiug, Dovor, H . J .

ROHEDT T. flmiTH. J011.1 j . EoKU



619 & 621 BROAD St,NEWARK, N. J.





him! Established Onr 7, T e n





HAND FOR HALE.BPAiniNd raojirriY A T T E N I » D TO.




i . ironi now iQTK io jjiTorpooi &i ^u iv to iHATES. Also BfiAPTB OH aXJEAT BBITAINAND IRELAND. IB*


WHOLESALE TRADEi b increasing, which ehon-a ho isgiviiifrfaotiou tn all iiiri CUP torn t'r*>. Hit)

WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARSarti DI the bail, »nd ho iviahi-a tlio dralorathroughout ttiiti county would give liiin a call(»]ii.:h will par tbum) boforo buyiug e!^-wnore, Ail orilori actit b j mall will rcccivt

]pt attculion,J. J . BACKOFF,

Dover, N. J-




OPPOSrrE Tfip DEpOf,

tm»lw*j-8 on hand a full an<i fresli Block Qelaucl*rd goods st

REASONABLE PRICES.ltdocfn1! pity to f>i])nr)n.Gntwitli(Fonr. Ask

your grocer lot tUo Tamoui

VIOLA BIL&KTD,id tnko no otbor. It is always good—can I1 a

nliod upon every t ime Sanderson on Hit*uo brand incroaflca lila fiour traao 5Mf-D«.ul, 29-tf


AND WESTERS HA1LBOATJ COill be aokl hcrealter-at tlio oflloo of

IL P .OAIllUAaE riErOSITQliV. ParHona Wasont in tlio country oan wrjto for r&tea (t» flserfpoint West. Bach information will 1)0 furnialioil promptly.

U, P. BAUDE88QN, -


(Near Rlohm-d'a Bto»,)

35-tf Dover, N.-J-

RUPTURESCcreil Iiy tho COLL1NQS' METHOD tn Iroffl

HO to DO daitt without jpriae truss or stoppingVOT\, rcsanllcsa of apo or period of nfflictioD.Pricos aoibrato. AddrMs

Box 63, Btanliopfl, K.J-Or call at French Roof Konce, oppoifte tbe

'itabvttirian Cliarch. 2!My

of pdeceased*

PURSUANT lo tho order of ilio Snrroffftl*or llw ConutT uf Morris, made on Iha

second dsy nr October, A, D. QUO thoneiniiisht hnndrej ftnrt eifibty-thrfa. OOUOD ia

rcby glvoD to all perBonn hsTlng clnlio*oinrt Ihe eslato of Adnlph J . ZnoV, l i te of

tlifi Cot]tity or Morris, (JCOCIBMJ, to present tliflsame, umlor oath or afTinnation, to tho inb-icrlbcru, un or before th* sucooil day of "JniJiKiil, beiiH' nine m on tin from the date of «Wnnicr; am] am creditor noeteotlnBio btloiTin and exhibit his or her claini, ODifer o»lj) ( t

forcivor birrcit ol his or hor totiou ffaerittDV

against tbo EieonUii anJ EiMQtor.

Dated tho nownd 0a^ or October t . P,1838,EVA U. 2UCK, Exsontrix: ; > ,<*F11EDEBI0K W.ZUCK, EiMator.

4 t n t B J