thermal transformations of akaganéite and lepidocrocite to hematite: assessment...

Phys Chem Minerals (2008) 35:569–581 DOI 10.1007/s00269-008-0249-z 123 ORIGINAL PAPER Thermal transformations of akaganéite and lepidocrocite to hematite: assessment of possible precursors to Martian crystalline hematite Timothy D. Glotch · Michael D. Kraft Received: 19 February 2008 / Accepted: 11 June 2008 / Published online: 4 July 2008 © Springer-Verlag 2008 Abstract We examine the possibility that crystalline hematite (-Fe 2 O 3 ) deposits on Mars were derived from the precursor iron oxyhydroxide minerals akaganéite (-FeOOH) or lepidocrocite (-FeOOH) and compare them to an earlier study of goethite (-FeOOH) and magnetite (Fe 3 O 4 ) pre- cursors. Both the mid-infrared and visible/near infrared spectra of hematite are dependent upon the hematite precur- sor mineral and the temperature of transformation. Labora- tory spectra are compared to spectra from the Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer (MGS-TES) and the Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Opportunity Mini-TES and Pancam experiments, allowing us to infer the formation environment of Martian crystalline hematite deposits. Aka- ganéite and lepidocrocite readily transform to hematite at temperatures of 300 and 500°C, respectively. The visible/ near-infrared and mid-infrared spectra of akaganéite- derived hematite are poor matches to data returned from TES, Mini-TES, and Pancam. The spectra of lepidocrocite- derived hematite are slightly better Wts, but previously pub- lished spectra of goethite-derived hematite still represent the best match to MGS and MER spectral data. The experi- ments demonstrate that hematite precursor mineralogy, temperature of formation, and crystal shape exert a strong control on the hematite spectra. Keywords Mars · Hematite · Lepidocrocite · Akaganéite · Infrared spectroscopy Introduction Crystalline hematite (-Fe 2 O 3 ) has been discovered in sev- eral localities on Mars, including Meridiani Planum, Aram Chaos, Iani Chaos, Aureum Chaos, and Valles Marineris, using data returned by the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) instrument (Christen- sen et al. 2000, 2001a, b; Glotch and Christensen 2005; Glotch and Rogers 2007; Weitz et al. 2008). Data returned by the Athena science payload on the Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Opportunity at Meridiani Planum has shown that the crystalline hematite is concentrated in spherules that are eroding from a light-toned sulfate- and silica-rich outcrop (Squyres et al. 2004; McLennan et al. 2005; Glotch et al. 2006a). These spherules have been alternatively interpreted as concretions (Squyres et al. 2004; Chan et al. 2004), volca- nic lapilli (McCollom and Hynek 2005), or impact melt spherules (Knauth et al. 2005). In addition, hematite-rich spherules have been produced under hydrothermal conditions in the laboratory with jarosite in the system (Golden et al. in press) suggesting that jarosite may be the Martian hematite precursor. Remote sensing measurements of the other hema- tite-bearing terrains on Mars indicate that Mg- and Ca-bear- ing sulfates are also present in association with the hematite (Gendrin et al. 2005; Glotch and Rogers 2007; Noe Dobrea et al. 2008; Weitz et al. 2008). Initial analyses of the TES hematite spectrum showed that it is dominated by [001] emission (Lane et al. 2002), and this was conWrmed by analyses of Mini-TES data (Glotch et al. 2006b; Calvin et al. in press). Previous work also investigated the role of precursor mineralogy and mor- phology on the visible/near-IR (VNIR) and mid-infrared (MIR) spectral character of hematite by thermally trans- forming goethite (-FeOOH) and magnetite (Fe 3 O 4 ) to hema- tite at various temperatures and examining the subsequent T. D. Glotch (&) Department of Geosciences, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794-2100, USA e-mail: [email protected] M. D. Kraft School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University, Temp, AZ 85287-1404, USA

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Page 1: Thermal transformations of akaganéite and lepidocrocite to hematite: assessment … · 2016. 1. 18. · Martian crystalline hematite, speciWc

Phys Chem Minerals (2008) 35:569–581

DOI 10.1007/s00269-008-0249-z


Thermal transformations of akaganéite and lepidocrocite to hematite: assessment of possible precursors to Martian crystalline hematite

Timothy D. Glotch · Michael D. Kraft

Received: 19 February 2008 / Accepted: 11 June 2008 / Published online: 4 July 2008© Springer-Verlag 2008

Abstract We examine the possibility that crystallinehematite (�-Fe2O3) deposits on Mars were derived from theprecursor iron oxyhydroxide minerals akaganéite (�-FeOOH)or lepidocrocite (�-FeOOH) and compare them to an earlierstudy of goethite (�-FeOOH) and magnetite (Fe3O4) pre-cursors. Both the mid-infrared and visible/near infraredspectra of hematite are dependent upon the hematite precur-sor mineral and the temperature of transformation. Labora-tory spectra are compared to spectra from the Mars GlobalSurveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer (MGS-TES) andthe Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Opportunity Mini-TESand Pancam experiments, allowing us to infer the formationenvironment of Martian crystalline hematite deposits. Aka-ganéite and lepidocrocite readily transform to hematite attemperatures of 300 and 500°C, respectively. The visible/near-infrared and mid-infrared spectra of akaganéite-derived hematite are poor matches to data returned fromTES, Mini-TES, and Pancam. The spectra of lepidocrocite-derived hematite are slightly better Wts, but previously pub-lished spectra of goethite-derived hematite still representthe best match to MGS and MER spectral data. The experi-ments demonstrate that hematite precursor mineralogy,temperature of formation, and crystal shape exert a strongcontrol on the hematite spectra.

Keywords Mars · Hematite · Lepidocrocite · Akaganéite · Infrared spectroscopy


Crystalline hematite (�-Fe2O3) has been discovered in sev-eral localities on Mars, including Meridiani Planum, AramChaos, Iani Chaos, Aureum Chaos, and Valles Marineris,using data returned by the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) instrument (Christen-sen et al. 2000, 2001a, b; Glotch and Christensen 2005;Glotch and Rogers 2007; Weitz et al. 2008). Data returned bythe Athena science payload on the Mars Exploration Rover(MER) Opportunity at Meridiani Planum has shown that thecrystalline hematite is concentrated in spherules that areeroding from a light-toned sulfate- and silica-rich outcrop(Squyres et al. 2004; McLennan et al. 2005; Glotch et al.2006a). These spherules have been alternatively interpretedas concretions (Squyres et al. 2004; Chan et al. 2004), volca-nic lapilli (McCollom and Hynek 2005), or impact meltspherules (Knauth et al. 2005). In addition, hematite-richspherules have been produced under hydrothermal conditionsin the laboratory with jarosite in the system (Golden et al. inpress) suggesting that jarosite may be the Martian hematiteprecursor. Remote sensing measurements of the other hema-tite-bearing terrains on Mars indicate that Mg- and Ca-bear-ing sulfates are also present in association with the hematite(Gendrin et al. 2005; Glotch and Rogers 2007; Noe Dobreaet al. 2008; Weitz et al. 2008).

Initial analyses of the TES hematite spectrum showedthat it is dominated by [001] emission (Lane et al. 2002),and this was conWrmed by analyses of Mini-TES data(Glotch et al. 2006b; Calvin et al. in press). Previous workalso investigated the role of precursor mineralogy and mor-phology on the visible/near-IR (VNIR) and mid-infrared(MIR) spectral character of hematite by thermally trans-forming goethite (�-FeOOH) and magnetite (Fe3O4) to hema-tite at various temperatures and examining the subsequent

T. D. Glotch (&)Department of Geosciences, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794-2100, USAe-mail: [email protected]

M. D. KraftSchool of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University, Temp, AZ 85287-1404, USA


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spectra, transmission electron microscope (TEM) micro-graphs, X-ray diVraction (XRD) patterns, and Mössbauerspectra of the products (Glotch et al. 2004). That workshowed that the MIR emissivity spectrum of hematitederived by the high-temperature oxidation of magnetite is apoor Wt to the Martian hematite spectrum, whereas the spec-trum of hematite derived by the lower-temperature thermaltransformation of goethite provides a good match. Thus,Glotch et al. (2004) concluded that a high-temperature vol-canic environment for the formation of crystalline hematiteon Mars was unlikely, and that a lower-temperature aque-ous environment conducive to the initial formation ofgoethite was more likely.

Several mineral phases are easily converted to hematite,either through application of mechanical stress and dryheating or through heating in solution at hydrothermal tem-peratures. These include magnetite, goethite, ferrihydrite(Fe5HO8 4H2O), schwertmannite [Fe16O16(OH)y(SO4)z

nH2O], akaganéite (�-FeOOH), lepidocrocite (�-FeOOH),and jarosite [KFe3(SO4)2(OH)6] (Cornell and Schwertmann2003; Golden et al. in press). Amorphous iron oxides/oxy-hydroxides or poorly ordered phases such as ferrihydriteare often the Wrst to precipitate in aqueous settings underrapid hydrolysis conditions. These phases are metastablewith respect to other iron oxides/oxyhydroxides, and gener-ally age to goethite or another oxyhydroxide. In this work,we expand upon the initial analysis of Glotch et al. (2004)by assessing the thermal transformations of the polymorphsof goethite—lepidocrocite and akaganéite—to hematite anddiscussing the implications of the results. Understandingthe spectral properties of hematite produced from thesephases, rather than amorphous or poorly crystalline phases,which are initial precipitates, will provide us with the mostinformation about the potential diagenetic environment thatled to the formation of Martian hematite (e.g. McLennanet al. 2005).

In nature, lepidocrocite and akaganéite are often foundin association with other iron oxides and oxyhydroxides(Herbert 1995; Cornell and Schwertmann 2003; Murad andRojík 2005), but speciWc environmental conditions canfavor or disfavor their formation. Therefore, if either ofthese minerals is shown to be a possible precursor to theMartian crystalline hematite, speciWc inferences can bemade about the chemical environment on Mars at the timeof their formation.

In terrestrial settings, lepidocrocite is often thermody-namically unstable with respect to goethite and jarosite (ifsulfate is present in the system). However, several factorscan favor the formation of lepidocrocite. The presence oforganics (Karathanasis and Thompson 1995), a slow rate ofFe3+ hydrolysis (Schwertmann and Cornell 2000), a lowCO2 fugacity (Schwertmann 1985; Murad and Rojík 2005),or the presence of excess Fe2+ in solution (Schwertmann

and Taylor 1989; Carlson and Schwertmann 1990; Herbert1995) each favor the precipitation of lepidocrocite ratherthan goethite. Precipitation of akaganéite, on the otherhand, is favored in hydrothermal environments with a highCl content and temperatures near 60°C (Schwertmann andCornell 2000). Because a major focus on future Marsexploration is the search for organics or other biosignatures,and analysis of hematite-bearing bedrock on Mars indicatedthe presence of signiWcant Cl (Rieder et al. 2004), it isimportant to determine if either of these two oxyhydroxideminerals (from low or high temperature environments) is areasonable precursor for Martian crystalline hematite.


Remote sensing data

Hematite emissivity spectra (220–1,400 cm¡1) were previ-ously isolated from the TES and Mini-TES data sets usingfactor analysis and target transformation techniques(Glotch et al. 2004; Glotch and BandWeld 2006). Factoranalysis and target transformation can be applied to anydata set in which the individual components vary linearlywith each other (such as MIR spectral data sets). Detailsof the techniques are given by Malinowski (1991) andBandWeld et al. (2000, 2002).

A hematite reXectance spectrum (432–1,009 nm) wasisolated from Opportunity Pancam data by Farrand et al.(2007) using spectral mixture analysis techniques (Farrandet al. 2006; Adams et al. 1986, 1993) and manual observa-tion of decorrelation-stretched Pancam images (Gillespieet al. 1986). The spectra were calibrated using preXightmeasurements and converted to I/F, where I is the mea-sured scene radiance and �F is the solar irradiance at thetop of the Martian atmosphere (Bell et al. 2004).

Previous spectroscopic analyses of akaganéite and lepidocrocite

Several workers have performed spectroscopic analyses ofakaganéite and lepidocrocite in an eVort to determine andinterpret their VNIR and MIR spectra. Murad and Bishop(2000) summarized many previous MIR spectroscopicinvestigations of akaganéite, including those by Müller(1967), van der Giessen (1968), Keller (1970), KauVmanand Hazel (1975), Hendel et al. (1981), González-Calbetet al (1981), Kodama (1985), Ishikawa et al. (1986),Raman et al. (1991), and GotiT et al. (1994). In each ofthese studies, MIR transmittance spectra, usually of aka-ganéite mixed with KBr and pressed into pellets werepresented. Murad and Bishop (2000) showed these mea-surements to be problematic due to Cl–Br interchange


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between the akaganéite and the KBr. Murad and Bishop(2000) performed several spectroscopic analyses of aka-ganéite, including transmittance with KBr and CsI disks,attenuated total reXectance (ATR), and diVuse reXectance(DRIFTS) measurements.

More recently, MusiT et al. (2004) and Zhang et al.(2007) presented MIR transmittance and absorbance spec-tra of various forms of akaganéite and its thermal decompo-sition products. Both studies showed that akaganéitegenerally transforms completely to hematite at tempera-tures above 300°C. The present study provides the WrstMIR emissivity spectra of akaganéite that are directly com-parable to remote sensing measurements.

Weckler and Lutz (1998) published infrared transmis-sion spectra of FeOOH polymorphs, including akaganéiteand lepidocrocite at room and liquid nitrogen temperatures.The spectroscopic features were discussed with respect toproposed crystal structures for each mineral. Bell et al.(1995) also published MIR transmission spectra of lepido-crocite along with other crystalline and nanophase ironoxides/oxyhydroxides, and Gehring and Hofmeister (1994)observed the thermal transformation of lepidocrocite tomaghemite using IR and magnetic methods. The thermaltransformation of lepidocrocite to maghemite and eventu-ally to hematite was also studied by Morris et al. (1998)using XRD, TEM, and VNIR spectroscopy, who found thatessentially pure maghemite was formed at 265 and 223°Cfor 3 and 300 h heating experiments, respectively. As withakaganéite, the present study provides the Wrst MIR emis-sivity spectra of lepidocrocite appropriate for comparisonwith remotely sensed data.

Murad and Bishop (2000), as well as Ryskin (1974),González-Calbet et al. (1981), and Weckler and Lutz(1998), discuss or provide band assignments for lepidocro-cite and akaganéite using a variety of methods. We do notreproduce their eVorts here. However, it can be generallybe stated that features between 2,500 and 3,500 cm¡1 aredue to OH stretches, those between »600 and 950 cm¡1 aredue to OH bending modes, and those at <600 cm¡1 areOH translational and Fe-O lattice modes (Ryskin 1974;Weckler and Lutz 1998; Murad and Bishop 2000).


Sample preparation

The lepidocrocite sample (LPS2) used in this study is a syn-thetic yellow-orange powder from PWzer, Inc., described byMorris and Lauer (1981) and Morris et al. (1985). It wasprovided for use in this study by R. V. Morris. It is com-posed of acicular (lath-shaped) crystals with a mean size of0.03 £ 0.9 �m2. Separate samples were heated in air in an

Omegalux LMF 3550 furnace to 300 and 500°C for 24 hand then allowed to cool as the furnace temperature wasramped down over a period of several hours.

The akaganéite sample (AKG1) used in this study is asynthetic precipitate prepared in the manner described bySchwertmann and Cornell (2000). About 5 g of akaganéitewere produced by dissolving 54.06 g FeCl3·6H2O in 4 Ldistilled water and heating to 40°C for 8 days. The precipi-tate was collected, washed, and dried. It is composed ofsomatoidal (spindle-shaped) crystals with a mean crystalsize of »150 nm in the long direction. Portions of the sam-ple were heated in air to 150, 300, and 500°C in a furnacefor 24 h and then allowed to cool slowly.

Sample analysis

MIR (200–2,000 cm¡1) emission spectra were acquiredusing Arizona State University’s modiWed Nicolet Nexus670 E.S.P. FTIR spectrometer. The spectrometer has a CsIbeamsplitter and a thermoelectrically stabilized DTGSdetector. Samples were compressed at »69 MPa in aCarver hydraulic press into compact pure pellets to increasethe contrast of their emissivity spectra and to avoid scatter-ing due to the Wnely crystalline nature of the samples. Sam-ples were heated overnight to 80°C in an oven and wereactively heated at the same temperature as spectra werebeing collected. Each emissivity spectrum presented in thiswork is an average of 1,000 scans collected on two diVerentdates in 500 scan increments. Details of the spectrometersetup, collection, and calibration procedures can be foundin Christensen and Harrison (1993) and RuV et al. (1997).

MIR (400–4,000 cm¡1) attenuated total reXectance(ATR) spectra were acquired on Caltech’s Nicolet Magna860 FTIR spectrometer Wtted with a SensIR TechnologiesDuraScope ATR attachment with a type IIA diamond ATRelement. The spectrometer was equipped with a KBrbeamsplitter and an uncooled DTGS detector with a KBrwindow. These spectra are comparable to absorption spectraof sample powders dispersed in a KBr pellet. The ATR mea-surements, however, are acquired by placing a pure powdersample in contact with the ATR element and measuring thelight that is totally internally reXected by the element. Themeasured spectrum displays absorption features related tothe fundamental, overtone, and combination vibrationalmodes of the sample in contact with the element. Details ofthe ATR technique can be found in Urban (1996).

VNIR reXectance spectra (400–1,100 nm) of the com-pact pellets were acquired on Caltech’s VNIR spectrometercomposed of an Oriel tungsten-halogen source shining ontoan Acton grating and through a Nicolet Nic-Plan micro-scope. A total of 100 scans with a 1 s exposure time werereferenced to a Wrst-surface mirror for determination ofreXectance.


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Transmission electron microscope (TEM) micrographswere acquired on a JEOL JEM-2010F TEM at ASU’s Cen-ter for High Resolution Electron Microscopy at a 200 kVpotential. Samples were prepared by dispersing a powderedsample in acetone and covering a carbon Wlm-covered gridwith the dilute suspension. Powder X-ray diVraction pat-terns were acquired on a Rigaku D/Max-IIB XRD instru-ment at Arizona State University using Cu-K� radiation at50 kV and 30 mA.


X-ray diVraction

Powder X-ray diVraction spectra were acquired of the orig-inal akaganéite and lepidocrocite samples and their thermaltransformation products. These are shown in Fig. 1. Thenarrow lines of the akaganéite sample AKG1 (Fig. 1a) indi-cate that it is well ordered with few crystal defects. Afterheating to 150°C, the XRD pattern still displays peaks asso-ciated with akaganéite rather than hematite or an intermedi-ate product. The XRD pattern of the sample derived byheating the akaganéite to 300°C (AKGH1-300) indicatesthat, at this temperature, the sample has completely trans-formed to hematite, and the narrow lines indicate it is well

ordered. The XRD pattern of the sample heated to 500°C(AKGH1-500) is nearly identical to that of AKGH1-300,indicating that no signiWcant changes in long wavelengthorder occur within the crystal structure between 300 and500°C.

The well-deWned XRD pattern of the lepidocrocite sam-ple LPS2 indicates that it is well ordered (Fig. 1b), whilethe pattern of sample LPSH2-300 contains shallow, broadlines, indicating that it is poorly ordered and composed of amixture of hematite and maghemite. Maghemite is a well-known intermediate product of the thermal transformationof lepidocrocite to hematite (Cornell and Schwertmann2003, and references therein). The XRD pattern of sampleLPSH2-500 indicates that, upon heating to 500°C, the sam-ple is completely converted by well-ordered hematite.

Transmission electron microscopy

TEM micrographs of samples LPS2, LPSH2-500, AKG1,and AKGH1-300 are shown in Figs. 2 and 3. Micrographsof samples LPS2 and LPSH2-500 (Fig. 2) both show acicu-lar crystals, indicating that the hematite (LPSH2-500) ispseudomorphic after the precursor lepidocrocite (LPS2).The acicular hematite crystals appear similar to those pro-duced by the thermal transformation of acicular goethite tohematite (Glotch et al. 2004).

Fig. 1 X-ray diVraction patterns for akaganéite, lepidocrocite, and their thermal decomposition products. a Sample AKG1 displays an XRD pattern of pure akaganéite. The XRD pattern of sample AKGH1-150 is very similar to that of AKG1, while the pattern for sample AKGH1-300 is simi-lar to that of pure well-ordered hematite. The XRD pattern of sample AKGH1-500 is identical to that of AKGH1-300 and is not shown. b The XRD pattern of sample LPS2 is similar to that of pure lepidocrocite. The XRD pattern of LPSH2-500 is similar to that of pure well-ordered hematite, while the pattern of sample LPSH2-300 is inter-mediate between LPS2 and LPSH2-500




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Hematite sample AKGH1-300 and its akaganéite pre-cursor AKG1 display very diVerent morphologies (Fig. 3).The AKG1 crystals are somotoidal and elongated in the[001] direction (Cornell and Schwertmann 2003) (Fig. 3a).Upon heating to 300°C, the body-centered cubic (bcc)anion packing of akaganéite breaks down and rearrangesinto the hexagonal closest packing (hcp) structure ofhematite (Cornell and Schwertmann 2003). The resultantcrystals are hexagonal and pseudo-hexagonal plates(Fig. 3b).

Attenuated total reXectance spectroscopy

Attenuated total reXectance (ATR) spectra for both the aka-ganéite and lepidocrocite series are shown in Fig. 4. For allspectra, features between 1,900 and 2,400 cm¡1 are calibra-tion artifacts that are independent of sample composition.Here, we list the positions of major bands used for identify-ing the sample, whereas all bands, including minor shoulderfeatures, are listed in Table 1. The akaganéite series samplesdisplay systematic changes in spectral character as the

Fig. 2 TEM micrographs of lepidocrocite and lepidocrocite-derivedhematite. a Micrograph of lepidocrocite sample LPS2 displaying long,lath-shaped crystals. b Upon heating to 500°C, the sample has trans-formed to hematite, but retains its crystal morphology

Fig. 3 TEM micrographs of akaganéite and akaganéite-derived hema-tite. a Micrograph of akaganéite sample AKG1 displaying a somotoidalcrystal shape. b Upon heating to 300°C, the sample is transformed tohematite and the crystals breakdown and reform as subhexagonal plates


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heating temperature increased from 150 to 500°C (Fig. 4a–d).The original akaganéite sample (AKG1) displays strongabsorption maxima at 642, 845, 1,612, and 3,312 cm¡1. Themajor features at 1,612 and 3,312 cm¡1 represent the H–O–H fundamental bending and stretching modes. The spectrumof AKGH1-150 (Fig. 4b) is similar to that of AKG1 with afew minor diVerences. There are strong absorptions at 650,

845, 1,418, 1,620, and 3,340 cm¡1, and a distinct shoulderfeature at »3,450 cm¡1 appears. The new feature at »3,450cm¡1 (»2.9 �m) may be the asymmetric (�3) O-H stretch,which is made visible due to the reduced magnitude of thesymmetric O-H stretch as compared to AKG1.

The spectrum of AKGH1-300 (Fig. 4c) is the lowesttemperature sample that is consistent with hematite. This

Fig. 4 ATR spectra of oxide samples. a Akaganéite AKG1. b AKGH1-150 is very similar to AKG1. c AKGH1-300 is consis-tent with hematite. d AKGH1-500 is consistent with hematite. e Lepidocrocite LPS2. f LPSH2-300 is partially transformed to hematite and contains maghe-mite. g LPSH2-500 is fully transformed to hematite


































Wavenumbers (cm-1)


Wavenumbers (cm -1)


LPS2 LPSH2 -300

LPSH2 -500

a b

c d

e f


AKG1 AKGH1-150

AKGH1 -300





















































Table 1 ATR and emissivity band locations for samples (in cm¡1)

Sample ATR Emissivity

AKG1 440, 642, 845, 980, 1,612, 3,312 256, 380, 447, 673, 823, 1,053, 1,200, 1,590

AKGH1-150 440, 650, 845, 970, 1,305, 1,418, 1,620, 2,850, 2,930, 3,340, 3,450 253, 380, 450, 671, 826, 1,055, 1,198

AKGH1-300 428, 460, 515, 700, 786, 920, 1,050, 2,950, 3,320, 3,450 308, 330, 378, 446, 468, 554, 580, 910, 1,050

AKGH1-500 430, 455, 515, 690, 789, 918, 1,035, 2,930, 3,350, 3,470 310, 350, 375, 437, 468, 560, 1,060, 1,362

LPS2 464. 500, 596, 750, 895, 1,020, 1,156, 1,436, 1,625, 2,360, 2,857, 3,025, 3,525

268, 360, 474, 505, 590, 740, 1,013

LPSH2-300 428, 520, 615, 690, 1,437, 1,625, 3,300 294, 384, 436, 552, 630

LPSH2-500 428, 513, 695, 920, 1,410, 1,640, 3,400 303, 390, 444, 538, 600


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spectrum displays major absorption features at 428 and 515cm¡1 with additional minor features at 700, 786, 920,1,050, and 3,320 cm¡1. Note that the bound O-H featuresare greatly reduced in this spectrum compared to AKG1and AKGH1-150. The spectrum of AKGH1-500 (Fig. 4d)is similar to that of AKGH1-300. It exhibits major absorp-tion features at 430 and 515 cm¡1 with additional minorfeatures at 690, 789, 852, 918, 1,035, and 3,350 cm¡1. Thefeatures present at 700 and 690 cm¡1 in the AKGH1-300and AKGH1-500 spectra, respectively, are due to tetrahe-drally coordinated iron at the crystals’ surfaces. Thesefeatures are indicative of a somewhat incomplete transfor-mation from the akaganéite precursor to hematite and/or aparticle size eVect due to the Wnely crystalline nature ofthese samples (Chernyshova et al. 2007). The bound O-Hfeatures of the AKGH1-500 spectrum, while still weakcompared to the same features in the AKG1 and AKGH1-150 spectra, are slightly stronger than those seen in theAKGH1-300 spectra. This is counterintuitive and unlikelyto be due to structural water within the sample. We hypoth-esize that this sample has a somewhat higher abundance ofbound water on its surface.

The ATR spectra of the lepidocrocite series are displayedin Fig. 4e–g. The spectrum of LPS2 (Fig. 4e) displaysabsorption features at 464, 500, 596, 750, 895, 1,020, 1,156,1,436, 1,625, and 3,025 cm¡1. The spectrum of LPSH2-300(Fig. 4f) retains few of the spectral features associated withLPS2. Absorption maxima are present at 428, 520, 690,1,437, 1,625, and at »3,300 cm¡1. Note that the band in theO-H stretching region (»3,300 cm¡1) is shifted consider-ably to higher wavenumbers as compared to LPS2, becausethe mineral structure has changed. The spectrum of LPSH2-500 (Fig. 4g) is consistent with hematite, with major absorp-tion maxima at 428 and 513 cm¡1. Minor absorption max-ima are present at 695, 920, and 1,410 cm¡1. Additionally,this sample contains bound water as evidenced by the O-Hbending and stretching modes at 1,640 and 3,400 cm¡1. Thepresence of the O-H vibrational modes indicates an incom-plete transformation from lepidocrocite to hematite. Forboth LPSH2-300 and LPSH2-500, this conclusion is sup-ported by the presence of minor bands at 690 and 695 cm¡1,respectively (Chernyshova et al. 2007).

Visible and near-infrared (VNIR) spectroscopy

VNIR spectra of the lepidocrocite and akaganéite pelletsand their thermal transformation products are shown inFig. 5. The pellet-pressing process signiWcantly reduced thealbedo of each sample; so, band intensities were small.However, long integrations (100 scans) allowed for the col-lection of high-quality spectra.

As seen previously in the XRD patterns and ATR spec-tra, the heated products of akaganéite and lepidocrocite

diVer signiWcantly from their precursors. In the VNIRregion (Fig. 5), the reXectance spectrum of AKG1 displaysabsorption bands centered at 500, 660, 800, and 900 nm.The spectrum of AKGH1-150 displays absorption bands atthe same wavelengths, although at slightly reduced spectralcontrast. The spectra of samples AKGH1-300 and AKGH1-500, however, resemble those of crystalline hematite, withstrong absorption bands centered at 670 and 850 nm and a“kink” at »560 nm (Fig. 5a–d).

The spectrum of LPS2 displays absorption bands at 480,520, 680, 860, and 910 nm. The spectrum of lepidocrocite-derived hematite LPSH2-500 is similar to the akaganéite-derived hematite spectra displayed in Fig. 5a, with strongabsorption bands centered at 680 and 900 nm. The otherproduct of the lepidocrocite precursor, LPSH2-300, dis-plays a spectrum intermediate between LPS2 and LPSH2-500, with bands centered at 470, 550, 660, and at »910 nm(Fig. 5e–g). The intermediate nature of the spectrum is con-sistent with the results of the XRD patterns and mid-infra-red ATR spectra.

MIR emission spectroscopy

Emissivity spectra for the akaganéite thermal transforma-tion series are shown in Fig. 6a–d. The AKG1 spectrumexhibits emissivity minima at 256, 380, 447, 673, 823,1,053, and 1,200 cm¡1. After heating to 150°C for 24 h, theAKGH1-150 spectrum (Fig. 6b) still appears similar to theoriginal AKG1 spectrum, with emissivity minima at 253,380, 450, 671, 826, 1,055, and 1,198 cm¡1. Spectra of sam-ples AKGH1-300 and AKGH1-500 (Fig. 6c, d) are verysimilar, and are representative of well-ordered hematite.The AKGH1-300 spectrum displays emissivity minima at308, 378, 446, 468, and 553 cm¡1. The relatively weak fea-ture at 378 cm¡1 indicates that some non-[001] emission ispresent (Lane et al. 2002), but much of the emission mustbe due to the large (001) faces of the hematite crystals. Inaddition, the large band centered at 450 cm¡1 is expressedas a doublet with the two minima at 446 and 468 cm¡1.This is likely due to structural inhomogeneity within thesample with individual crystals being either well- or poorlyordered (Chernyshova et al. 2007).

MIR emission spectra of the lepidocrocite transforma-tion series are shown in Fig. 6e–g. The LPS2 spectrum(Fig. 6e) displays emissivity minima at 268, 360, 474, 505,590, 740, and 1,013 cm¡1. After heating to 300°C for 24 h,sample LPSH2-300 (Fig. 6f) displays an infrared spectrumthat is consistent with a combination of hematite andmaghemite (e.g. Sidhu, 1988), with emissivity minima at295, 360, 384, 436, 552, and 630 cm¡1. This is consistentwith previous studies that show that maghemite is anintermediate product in the thermal transformation oflepidocrocite to hematite (Cornell and Schwertmann 2003).


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A spectrum of synthetic maghemite is shown in Fig. 6h forcomparison. After heating to 500°C for 24 h, the emissivityspectrum of sample LPSH2-500 (Fig. 6g) is equivalent tothat of crystalline hematite. The spectrum displays emissiv-ity minima at 303, 390, 444, and 538 cm¡1. There is only asmall feature near 390 cm¡1 indicating that the (001) crys-tal faces are responsible for most of the observed emission(Glotch et al. 2006b). Finally, the 538 cm¡1 band is broad-ened toward higher frequency, with a shoulder feature at»600 cm¡1, consistent with broadening observed for otherhematite samples created at high temperatures (Glotch et al.2004).

None of the emissivity spectra exhibit a feature near690–700 cm¡1 that was observed in the ATR spectra ofAKGH1-300, AKGH1-500, LPSH2-300, and LPSH2-500.This is consistent with the interpretation of the feature as asurface vibrational mode due to the presence of tetrahe-drally coordinated iron (Chernyshova et al. 2007). WhileATR spectra are sensitive to the top 2–5 �m of a sample,

emissivity spectra are sensitive to depths of »100–200 �m.Therefore, it should be expected that this mode is morereadily observable in the surface-sensitive ATR spectra.


Figure 7 shows a comparison of the VNIR spectra ofhematite samples AKGH1-500 and LPSH2-500 with thePancam spectrum of the hematite-rich spherules observedat Meridiani Planum (Bell et al. 2004; Farrand et al.2007). The Pancam hematite spectrum in Fig. 7a is dis-played as I/F. Laboratory spectra are resampled to Pan-cam spectral resolution and displayed in reXectance.Several similarities are immediately apparent, includingthe steep “red” slope to short wavelengths, absorption fea-tures at »800–900 nm, and a “kink” in the slope at 500–550 nm. The Martian hematite spectrum, however, has adeeper spectral feature at 900 nm relative to the surrounding

Fig. 5 VNIR spectra (400–1,100 nm) of akaganéite, lepidocrocite, and their thermal transformation products. a Akaganéite AKG1. b The spectrum of AKGH1-150 displays all the same spectral features that AKG1 displays, but at reduced contrast. c AKGH1-300 is consistent with hematite. d AKGH1-500 is consistent with hematite. e Lepidocrocite LPS2. f The LPSH2-300 is intermedi-ate between lepidocrocite and hematite. g LPSH2-500 is consistent with hematite

a b


e f



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Fig. 6 MIR emissivity spectra of the akaganéite and lepidocro-cite series. a Akaganéite AKG1. b AKGH1-150 is spectrally sim-ilar to the original akaganéite sample. c AKGH1-300 is consis-tent with hematite. d AKGH1-500 is consistent with hematite. e Lepidocrocite LPS2. f LPSH2-300 is consistent with a mixture of maghemite and hematite.g LPSH2-500 is consistent with hematite. h Synthetic maghe-mite ISK1 for comparison to LPSH2-300 (f)

Fig. 7 Comparison of labora-tory hematite spectra to Pancam spectrum of hematite spherules. a AKGH1-500 and LPSH2-500 resampled to Pancam spectral resolution. The y axis for the Pancam spectrum is on the left. The y axis for the laboratory spectra is on the right. b The same spectra, with their continua removed. LPSH2-500 looks most similar to the Martian hematite, but both LPSH2-500 and AKGH1-500 display several spectral features not present in the Martian hematite spectrum. Spectra are oVset for clarity


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points. Although it appears that the Martian hematitespectrum also has a shallower red spectral slope than thelaboratory spectra, they cannot be reliably compared dueto the diVerences in spectral contrast. Martian hematitedeposits at Meridiani Planum and other regions are oftenreferred to as “gray hematite.” As the presence of the redslope makes clear, the hematite-rich spherules at Meridi-ani Planum are not truly gray, as might be expected forterrestrial hydrothermal or metamorphic specularitedeposits. A gray hematite spectrum would be Xat over theVNIR spectral region.

To enhance the spectral features for a more detailedcomparison between the laboratory and Martian hematitespectra, all spectra were continuum-corrected using a back-ground removal algorithm in the OMNIC ESP software(Fig. 7b). Following Clark and Roush (1984), the continuawere divided into rather than subtracted from the originalspectra to preserve band positions. Two major diVerencesbetween the Martian and laboratory hematite spectra areapparent. First, the Martian hematite spectrum has a reXec-tance maximum at 680 nm where the laboratory spectraexhibit small minima. Second, the position of the shortwavelength minimum is shifted from 535 nm in the labora-tory spectra to 482 nm in the Martian spectrum. Qualita-tively, the LPSH2-500 spectrum is a slightly better matchto the Martian hematite than the AKGH1-500 spectrum,mainly due to its deeper 900 nm absorption feature.

Figure 8 shows Martian crystalline hematite spectraderived from the TES (Glotch and Christensen 2005) andMini-TES (Glotch and BandWeld 2006) datasets along withthe hematite samples derived from lepidocrocite and aka-ganéite and the best-Wt goethite-derived hematite (GTSH2-300) from Glotch et al. (2004). It is evident that the aka-ganéite-derived hematite AKGH1-300 is a poor Wt to the

Martian crystalline hematite in terms of band shape and therelative band depths. The lepidocrocite-derived hematiteLPSH2-500 spectrum is a better Wt to the Martian hematitespectra in terms of band position and the relative minimumemissivities between the bands. However, the band cen-tered at 540 cm¡1 is broader than that seen for the Martianhematite spectrum. This is consistent with other synthetichematite spectra created at temperatures of 500°C or higher(Glotch et al. 2004). The best overall Wt to the Martianhematite spectra is still the low-temperature goethite-derived hematite spectrum GTSH2-300, discussed byGlotch et al. (2004).

In interpreting the MIR and VNIR data, the diVering par-ticle sizes of the Martian spherules and the laboratory sam-ples must be taken into account. Individual crystals of theakaganéite and lepidocrocite precursors are of the order of»100 nm in size. The Martian spherules, on the other hand,tend to be several millimeters in diameter. As shown in thiswork (Figs. 6, 8) and in Glotch et al. (2004), pressing thesample powders into compact pellets results in MIR spectracomparable to those of coarse particulates with no appre-ciable scattering features usually observed in the spectra ofWnes. On the other hand, VNIR spectra of the pellets dis-play steep red slopes; so, the pressing does not result incoarse gray hematite. Currently, we cannot determine if theMartian spherules are composed of a conglomeration ofWner crystals. However, the fact that the spectrum shows ared slope (Fig. 7; Farrand et al. 2007) suggests that thismight be the case. While dust coatings on the spherulesmight add some red spectral character to the spherule spec-trum, the deep absorption feature at 900 nm and the sharpkink at »540 nm are indicative of red crystalline hematite.

Lepidocrocite and akaganéite are iron oxyhydroxidesthat form under speciWc Eh–pH conditions, and will precip-

Fig. 8 TES (Glotch et al. 2004) and Mini-TES (Glotch and BandWeld 2006) hematite spec-tra compared to hematite derived from goethite, lepidocrocite, and akaganéite. Lepidocrocite-derived hematite is a better match to the Martian spectra than akaganéite-derived hema-tite, but goethite-derived hematite is still the best match. Spectra are oVset for clarity


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itate from solution under varying circumstances. Likegoethite, these minerals can be thermally transformed tohematite, a mineral that is observed at Meridiani Planum onMars. During the lepidocrocite-to-hematite transformation,maghemite forms as an intermediate product. High temper-atures of 370–600°C are needed to transform lepidocrocitecompletely to hematite depending on the origin and foreigncation content (Cornell and Schwertmann 2003). As dis-cussed by Glotch et al. (2004), spectra of hematite formedat high temperatures are inconsistent with the Martianhematite spectra.

The akaganéite-to-hematite transformation takes place atmuch lower temperatures (<300°C) than the lepidocrocite-to-hematite transformation. The transformation, however,is accompanied by a complete breakdown of the akaganéitecrystal structure and the formation of hexagonal andpseudo-hexagonal hematite plates. The resulting hematitespectrum is a poor match in terms of band shapes and rela-tive band minimum emissivities to the Martian hematitespectra.

Low-temperature, goethite-derived hematite still appearsto be the best spectral match to the Martian crystallinehematite, although a high-temperature lepidocrocite-to-hematite mechanism cannot be completely ruled out. Thislatter mechanism, however, is not favored. Based on thecurrent study and previous data (Glotch et al. 2004), itappears that both a low-temperature formation and an acic-ular crystal morphology are required to produce a spectrumthat is an acceptable match to the Martian crystalline hema-tite. This precludes high-temperature volcanic (McCollomand Hynek 2005) or impact-related (Knauth et al. 2005)hematite formation processes, and also precludes thoseaqueous or hydrothermal depositional processes that pro-duce nonacicular hematite crystals.

Fine crystals of iron oxides/oxyhydroxides, includinghematite, are generally thermodynamically unstable withrespect to coarse-grained hematite; so, over time, originalWnely crystalline precipitates would be expected to “age” tocoarse hematite through a process called Ostwald ripening(Langmuir 1971; Cornell and Schwertmann 2003). Acicu-lar hematite crystals have been precipitated from solution athigh pH at »80°C (Schwertmann et al. 1968). Since anacicular crystal morphology appears to be required tomatch the Martian hematite spectra, a natural coarsening oforiginally precipitated Wne-grained acicular hematite couldalso be a valid mechanism to produce the Martian coarselycrystalline hematite.


We have performed heating experiments on lepidocrociteand akaganéite to assess the possibility that either of these

minerals were precursors to the crystalline hematite spher-ules observed at Meridiani Planum Mars. TEM micro-graphs of the lepidocrocite, akaganéite, and their heatedby-products show that lepidocrocite keeps its acicular crystalshape as it is transformed to hematite. By contrast, somatoi-dal akaganéite crystals breakdown and reform as hexagonaland pseudo-hexagonal crystals upon their transformation tohematite, which is consistent with previous studies (Cornelland Schwertmann 2003). Attenuated total reXectance spec-tra show that structural and/or surface-bound water fromthe oxyhydroxide precursors is still present in the hematitecrystal structures, even when heated to 500°C. We hypothe-size that hydration bands observed in the ATR spectra ofsamples LPSH2-500 and AKGH1-500 are mainly due tosurface-bound water rather than structural water remainingin the hematite crystals.

VNIR and MIR emissivity spectra were acquired andcompared to Pancam, Mini-TES, and MGS-TES hematitespectra. In general, lepidocrocite-derived hematite is a bet-ter spectral match to Pancam VNIR and TES and Mini-TESMIR data than akaganéite-derived hematite. However, low-temperature goethite-derived hematite (Glotch et al. 2004)still provides the best match to the TES and Mini-TEShematite spectra.

The apparent likelihood of a goethite precursor to theMartian crystalline hematite is informative of the initial for-mation environment. Goethite precipitation is favored overhematite in aqueous environments with temperatures below37°C and at slightly higher pH levels. At higher tempera-tures and lower pH levels, hematite precipitation is favored.Goethite precipitation is favored over akaganéite at temper-atures below 60°C and in a solution with low levels of Cland F. Finally, goethite precipitation would be favored overlepidocrocite in environments with low levels of Fe2+ andorganics in solution.

Like the goethite-derived hematite described by Glotchet al. (2004), the lepidocrocite-derived hematite crystals areacicular in shape. The akaganéite-derived hematite crystals,on the other hand, are hexagonal or pseudo-hexagonalplates, and provide a poor match to the Martian hematitespectra. The goethite-, lepidocrocite-, and akaganéite-derived hematite MIR spectra are all dominated by [001]emission as are the hematite spectra of the Martian spher-ules (Lane et al. 2002; Glotch et al. 2004; Glotch and Band-Weld 2006), but the akaganéite-derived hematite spectra areclearly an inferior match to the Martian hematite spectra.These results and those of Glotch et al. (2004) indicate thatboth temperature of formation and crystal shape play astrong role in the IR spectrum of hematite.

Acknowledgments We thank George R. Rossman for use of visible/near-IR spectroscopy facilities at Caltech and Phil Christensen for useof emission spectroscopy facilities at Arizona State University. Excel-lent formal reviews that signiWcantly enhanced the clarity of the


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manuscript were provided by Melissa D. Lane, Leah H. Roach, and ananonymous reviewer.


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