thomas upton portfolio 2013

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  • 7/29/2019 Thomas Upton Portfolio 2013


  • 7/29/2019 Thomas Upton Portfolio 2013


    Thomas Upton Portfolio

    About Me

    Advanced Diploma in Graphic Design(2013) Nepean Kingswood Tafe

    Diploma in Graphic Design(2012) Nepean Kingswood Tafe

    Higher School Certicate (2011) Colo High School

    Cert III Graphic Fundamentals

    (2010) Nepean Kingswood Tafe

    @Print Penrith gave me one week ofexperience, showing me my rst insiteinto the graphic design industry.(2009)

    B&B Graphics let me help out for a coupleof days with general signwritingtasks. (2012)

    My name is Thomas Upton, recently graduated and eager to start my career in the graphicdesign industry. I have had a passion for graphic design since I was fteen and I have beenpursuing great design since. I am extremely self-motivated and detail-oriented with aknack with working under pressure. Im very versatile in terms of style, and i take every jobseriously, striving to make the best possible design for the job. I constantly seek to improveand update myself to the latest trends.

    Logo design & branding

    Web design & coding

    Motion graphics


    Education Work Experience

    Interests Skills

  • 7/29/2019 Thomas Upton Portfolio 2013


    Thomas Upton Portfolio

    Riva Rebrand concept


    The challenge of this brief was to rebrandRiva Coee with a new logo and style guide.

    I decided to leave the old style of Riva whichhad a lot of energy with vast amounts oforange dominating the designs, and thelogo had movement and liveliness to matchthe coee. I felt that this style looked cheap.

    I revamped Riva to look more expensive bygiving it a more elegant and regal style. Thelogo is more bold with some soft calligraphyswirls on the top and bottom. I still used theorange from the previous design but not asthe main colour, only hints of it. The coloursare now black and gold, making it moredeep and bold.

    Old design

    Riva logo sketches

    Riva lable design

    Riva jar concept Riva Style Guide

  • 7/29/2019 Thomas Upton Portfolio 2013


    Thomas Upton Portfolio

    WRD rebrand concept


    White River Design is a small graphic designbusiness that asked us students of the Adv.Diploma at NADC to redesign their logo,along with business card design conceptand website design concept. They wantedtheir name to be shortened to just WRDand for the logo to look more corporate.

    The logo design was to represent a river,that would be able to scale down to asmall size and still be recognizable. I usedall uppercase on the logo and the textunderneath to give the impression that theyare well-founded and secure.

    WRD logo sketches

    WRD logo Business card concept

    Website conceptMain colours

    WRD lettering

  • 7/29/2019 Thomas Upton Portfolio 2013


    Thomas Upton Portfolio

    Warm fuzzy & premetal web design

    Website Design/Coding

    Redesigned website concept for RedCrosss Warm Fuzzy. Used lots of red to givehomage to the Red Cross and used a linencloth background on the desktop website torepresent healing and care.

    Premetal is a precision metals brokercompany that needed a website to increasetheir global presence. My website designconcept is clean and simple to navigate.I used the 960 Grid System to helpstructure the website and coded it all inDreamweaver using HTML and CSS.

    Mobile website design

    Desktop website design HTML and CSS coding

    Sketch concept Hi-Fi Wireframe Photoshop Mockup

  • 7/29/2019 Thomas Upton Portfolio 2013


    Thomas Upton Portfolio

    Tori Lea clothing & apparel

    Triple V

    Bainbridge Golf Club

    Real - Time

    Logo Intros

    Motion Graphics / Logo Design

    I have a love f or logo design and motiongraphics so in my free time I decided to putboth creative elds together and producesome animated logo intros.

    I used a number of logo designs I hadsketched over the year and digitally editedthem into Adobe Illustrator. This allowedme to separate each element of the logothat I wanted to animate. I then animatedthe logo in Adobe After Eects each with adierent style.

    I really had a ton of fun designing these andI have received some online appreciationfrom and

  • 7/29/2019 Thomas Upton Portfolio 2013


    Thomas Upton Portfolio

    Morocco travel brochure

    Page Layout

    The challenge of this brief was to design atravel brochure for over 30s travelers.I considered that since it is not marketedtowards young travelers, it would need tohave a higher quality appeal.

    It was made in InDesign and then saddle

    stitched together.

    Morocco cover sketch

  • 7/29/2019 Thomas Upton Portfolio 2013


    Thomas Upton Portfolio

    Book cover concept 1950s sci f poster design

    1920s communistpropaganda poster design

    Album, book, poster designs


    I have always been into illustration andI feel it is one of my great strengths as agraphic designer.Archelon is a ction band that I designedan album cover for, wanting to portrayit as a heavy metal band. The illustrationis of Rangda from traditional Balinesemythology.

    I illustrated a book cover design for GeorgeOrwells 1984. The detailed eye looking overthe city represented big brother.Forms of Advertising and Leading Agencieswere two title page designs that were madeto look like they were from a certain era.I choose 1920s communist propagandaposter, and 1950s sci movie poster.

    Rangda sketch

    Archelon album cover