thread-modular analysis of heap-manipulating...

Rheinische-Westf¨ alische Technische Hochschule Aachen Lehrstuhl f¨ ur Informatik 2 Software Modeling and Verification Prof. Dr. Ir. Joost-Pieter Katoen August 20, 2015 Bachelor Thesis Thread-Modular Analysis of Heap-Manipulating Programs v null v null B WR - {{t}} l WR r WR l WR r WR l WR-{{t}} r WR-{{t}} l WR-{{t}} r WR-{{t}} l WR-{{t}} r WR-{{t}} l WR r WR l WR r WR 1 Author: Christoph Welzel First Reviewer: apl. Prof. Dr. Thomas Noll Second Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Ir. Joost Pieter Katoen Advisor: Christina Jansen

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Page 1: Thread-Modular Analysis of Heap-Manipulating … dereferencation of null pointers and memory leaks [7, 6]. Furthermore

Rheinische-Westfalische Technische Hochschule AachenLehrstuhl fur Informatik 2

Software Modeling and VerificationProf. Dr. Ir. Joost-Pieter Katoen

August 20, 2015

Bachelor Thesis

Thread-Modular Analysis of Heap-Manipulating


vnull vnull B WR − {{t}}



rWR lWR−{{t}} rWR−{{t}}lWR−{{t}}






Author: Christoph Welzel

First Reviewer: apl. Prof. Dr. Thomas NollSecond Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Ir. Joost Pieter KatoenAdvisor: Christina Jansen

Page 2: Thread-Modular Analysis of Heap-Manipulating … dereferencation of null pointers and memory leaks [7, 6]. Furthermore
Page 3: Thread-Modular Analysis of Heap-Manipulating … dereferencation of null pointers and memory leaks [7, 6]. Furthermore


This paper presents a graph-based modelling of the structure of concurrentheap manipulating programs. It introduces a programming language thatallows parallel execution in the means of fork and join. The semantics of theprogramming language is presented in terms of hypergraphs transformations.The main results are the abstraction of the heap structure by hyperedgereplacement grammars which is proven to be a correct overapproximation andthat the presented analysis can prove data race free executions of programs.


Hiermit versichere ich, dass ich die vorliegende Arbeit eigenstandig angefertigt habe undkeine anderen Quellen oder Hilfsmittel als die angegebenen benutzt habe. Alle wortlichenoder sinngemaßen Zitate sind als solche kenntlich gemacht.

(Christoph Welzel) Aachen, den 15. August 2015

Page 4: Thread-Modular Analysis of Heap-Manipulating … dereferencation of null pointers and memory leaks [7, 6]. Furthermore
Page 5: Thread-Modular Analysis of Heap-Manipulating … dereferencation of null pointers and memory leaks [7, 6]. Furthermore


1 Introduction 2

2 Preliminaries 3

3 Programming Language 43.1 Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43.2 Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

4 Permission Model 8

5 Hypergraphs as Heap Representation 13

6 Concrete Semantics 156.1 Graph Transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156.2 Semantics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176.3 Fork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206.4 Hyperedge Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246.5 Join . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

7 Concretisation & Abstraction 297.1 Hyperedge Replacement Grammar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297.2 Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317.3 Concretisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357.4 Abstraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387.5 Abstract Semantics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417.6 Correctness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

8 Data Race Freedom 518.1 Proof Obligation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

9 Conclusion 559.1 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Page 6: Thread-Modular Analysis of Heap-Manipulating … dereferencation of null pointers and memory leaks [7, 6]. Furthermore

1 Introduction

Nowadays, software relies on the use of pointers. In order to make use of unbounded datastructures these are modelled within the dynamically allocateable part of the memory,the heap. As previous research has shown it is a viable approach to analyse pointerprograms by representing the structure of the heap as hypergraph [7, 10, 11]. Thisanalysis focuses on different problems in the use of pointer in software, most notablythe dereferencation of null pointers and memory leaks [7, 6]. Furthermore in order toobtain a finite representation of the unbounded data structures hyperedge replacementgrammars are used for abstraction. Those hyperedge replacement grammars allow torepresent parts of the heap that can grow unboundedly in a finite manner but also toconcretise abstracted parts on demand. This modelling technique is already used as basisfor computational analysis by the tool Juggrnaut [6]. By now these techniques operatemainly on sequential execution of programs. Another possible approach on analysingpointer programs which relies on formulating structural properties of the heap in logicalformulae is separation logic [14]. Because in separation logic the heap is separated indifferent parts which are reasoned about individually this approach has proven well suitedfor analysis of concurrent programs [3, 4, 15]. This work is a contribution in wideningthe analysis technique of a graph-based representation to parallel executing programs.By approaching parallelism new challenges arise, most importantly data races. Dataraces are situations where multiple processes access data at the same time and the resultof these actions depend on each other. If data races occur all possible interleavings ofthe executions have to be examined which causes the possible states that have to beanalysed to grow uncontrollably large. This is often referred to as state space explosione.g. in [2, pp. 77-80]. In order to avoid state space explosion it is possible to prove theabsence of data races which resolves the dependency of the actions and allows to reducethe number of states that have to be examined. In separation logic this is approachedby incorporating permission accounting into the formulae that describe the heap states.This permission accounting is a way to distinguish read and write access and can beused to prove data race freedom. As suggested e.g. in [10] and [11] this approach can beexamined for graph-based representation of the heap. This is the main contribution ofthis paper: incorporating permissions into the hypergraphs that are used to model thestate of the heap and introducing a mechanism of parallelism by adding fork and joinstatements to the examined programming language. Where fork starts new processesand join synchronises other processes by waiting for their termination. This is exploredin [1] with some formal effort. The goal of the presented analysis is among other thingsto provide a more intuitive approach by graph-based representation of the heap. Forthe fork and join statemant appropiate semantics in the sense of graph transformationsare defined. Central results of this work are the proof that the used abstraction viahyperedge replacement grammars support the incorporation of permissions and that theanalysed states ensure data race freedom. For this result it is generally assumed thatthe behaviour of forked processes is determined by given contracts, similar to those thatare automatically generated in [11].


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2 Preliminaries

For a set S, S∗ are all finite sequences of elements from S. For such a sequence s ∈ S∗the number of elements is denoted by |s| and the set of elements of the sequence isdenoted by HsI. Furthermore s(i) refers to the i-th element of the sequence s. Fora tupel A = (B,C,D, ...) for the single components BA, CA, DA, ... is used as long asA is clear from the context. Additionally, a function restricted to a subset A of itsdomain is denoted by f � A. Functions defined for a set V are lifted to the sequenceV ∗ and the power set P(V ) by elementwise application. For a finite set A the functionenumA : |A| → A returns an enumeration of the elements of A. And finally, for afunction f f [e 7→ v]describes a function that mirrors f except for e where it maps to v,i.e. for an e ∈ dom(f) and v ∈ img(f)

f [e 7→ v](x) =

{v if x = e

f(x) otherwise


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3 Programming Language

In the following a very basic programming language is discussed, which allows simpleheap manipulating operations. It is similar to the programming language introduced in[6]. For the manipulation of the heap it is possible to create objects by allocation. Allthese objects contain a set of selectors which refer to other objects or a distinguishableempty state, null. Especially there is just one set of selectors (Sel) and all objects areuniversally typed in the sense that the selectors of all objects are Sel . Additionallyevery program has a set of variables (Var) which refer to objects within the heap. Thisheap is implicitly garbage collected, i.e. objects that can not be reached from one of thevariables are deleted. Initially all variables and selectors of newly allocated objects referto the null value. One of the main features of the presented programming languageis the possibility of parallel execution. Therefore the fork and the join statement areintroduced. On the one hand the fork statement allows to spawn a new process and onthe other hand the join statement synchronises a process by blocking until the processthat is joined terminates. Every process operates on variables which are exclusivelyaccessible to itself. But the objects of the heap can be shared between different processestherefore at the forking of a new process it is provided with a set of parameters whichrefer to objects of the heap. These parameters are the initial values for some variablesof the newly forked process. Because a program might start multiple processes thereis a set of process identifier (Varprocess) which are used to identify forked processes.These process identifier are also unique for every executing process (as variables are)and the join statement is called with one of theses identifiers to determine which processthe program synchronises with by waiting for its termination. Forked processes executedefined programs concurrently and every process must only be joined once. Let Procdenote a finite set of programs that can be forked.

3.1 Syntax

The syntax of the examined programming language can be given by a context-free gram-mar starting in 〈S 〉 as follows where x, x1, . . . , xn ∈ Var , s ∈ Sel , t, t1, t2 ∈ Varprocess andm ∈ Proc is another program:

〈P〉 ::= null | x | x.s

〈C 〉 ::= 〈P〉 == 〈P〉 | 〈P〉 != 〈P〉 | 〈C 〉 && 〈C 〉 | 〈C 〉 ‖ 〈C 〉

〈S 〉 ::= x=〈P〉 | x.s = 〈P〉 | new(x) | while(〈C 〉) do 〈S 〉 done| if (〈C 〉) then 〈S 〉 else 〈S 〉 fi | skip | 〈S 〉;〈S 〉| t=fork(m(x1, . . . , xn)) | join(t) | t1 = t2

3.2 Example

In the following a small program is examined which traverses a binary tree. Thereforethere is one variable called curr which is assumed to initially start on a node of the binary


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tree. Every node has two selectors left , right identifying the left and right subtree. Theprogram executes by forking another process that executes a different program traverseon every node initially provided with the right subtree(the program traverse is assumedto not change the subtree it operates on) and itself moving down the left subtree. Ifthere is no left subtree the most recently forked process is synchronised with. At lastthe left selector of curr is set to the right subtree of curr and the right selector is set tothe designated null value:

Listing 1: An example program

1 while (curr .left != null ) do2 tmp = curr .right ;3 t = fork ( traverse ( tmp ) ) ;4 curr = curr .left ;5 done ;6 tmp = curr .right ;7 t = fork ( traverse ( tmp ) ) ;8 tmp = null ;9 join (t ) ;

10 curr .left = curr .right ;11 curr .right = null ;

Thus for this program the context(the sets Sel , Varprocess, Var , Proc) is as follows:

• Proc = {traverse}

• Sel = {left , right}

• Var = {curr , tmp}

• Varprocess = {t}

Furthermore consider the graphical representation of the execution of this program thatcan be seen in Figure 1. Some interesting observations can be made:

1. Because of the structure of the binary tree the newly forked process can only accessthe subtrees starting from the parameter object (marked in green).

2. After starting a new process the previously started process cannot be referred toanymore since the process identifier is assigned to another process. Thus thereis no information about any process operating on the yellow marked areas of thebinary tree.

3. The last process is joined again, thus it can be assured that it has terminated afterthe join statement. This means especially that no process operates on the subtreewhich is moved from the right hand side to the left hand side (as indicated by theabsence of a yellow mark).


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left right

left right left right

rightrightleft left

left , rightleft , right

left , rightleft , right




left right

left right left right





left right

left right left right



left right

left right left right


Figure 1: A graphical representation of the execution of the example program for onepossible heap state, note that aside from the first step selectors which refer tothe null value are omitted.


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The in the following presented analysis of programs relies heavily on representing thecurrent state as graph. But in order to approach parallel execution of multiple processeswhich share heap objects and their selectors this representation is furtherly enriched. Inorder to account which parts of the heap are accessible by multiple processes it is locallylogged for the selectors to which processes these are visible.


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4 Permission Model

As stated above it is locally accounted for which process a selector is accessible. Themain goal of the analysis is to state that the execution of a program is data race free.Where data race refers to the situation that two processes access a shared value at thesame time and at least one of the processes alters the value. This implies a dependency ofboth actions with each other. For a proper analysis all interleaving have to be examined(see [2, pp. 77-80] for details). Data race freedom describes the absence of data raceswhich can be guaranteed as long the following two conditions are met1:

• If two or more parallel processes access a value it must not be altered.

• If one process alters a value it must have at this time exclusive access to it.

The accounting is realised in form of permissions. Permissions are used to model accessrestrictions in order to ensure (1) that write access is exclusive and (2) that if otherprocesses might access the same value at the same time both are restricted to readaccess. Permissions were already introduced for other modelling techniques for heaps likeseparation logic [3]. There different models for permissions are examined like fractionalpermissions or counting permissions. All these models share the property that there isone distinguishable permission representing exclusive access on a value. From this accessticket for one value multiple other access tickets on this value can be derived which thencauses all these accesses to become read only. Furthermore derived access tickets can bereturned until there exists only one access tickets which then again grants permission toalter the given value. For fractional permission it is possible that once derived ticketscan be split indefinitly on demand to generate as many access tickets as needed. On theother hand for counting permissions there is one distinguishable permission per valuefrom which further access tickets are derived. Every derived access ticket is accountedfor and can be returned to this distinguishable permission. In the following coursean approach is chosen which is closer connected with [8] and combines both presentedconcepts of fractional permissions and counting permissions and formalises ideas from[12].

Fundamentally two different permissions are distinguished:

• WR - denotes that this value can be altered.

• RD - denotes a shared access, which restricts to reading only.

These permissions represent access rights where WR is the distinguishable value repre-senting exclusive access. From both permissions it is possible to derive further accesstickets which are locally accounted and deleted if these tickets are returnded. Thereforethe different forked processes are uniquely identified and this identification is used toaccount derived access tickets. Additionally it is possible to transfer WR tickets com-pletely. For the identification of forked processes the programming language relies on

1this can be easily derived from the explanation of safe concurrency in [3]


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values from Varprocess. As it can be seen from the grammar of the programming lan-guage it is possible that multiple process identifiers from Varprocess can refer to the sameactual process as it can be easily seen by the following example:

1 t1 = fork ( t r a v e r s e ( tmp ) ) ;2 t2 = t1 ;3 join (t2 )

Here t1 and t2 refer to the same forked process. The join statement takes any ofthese possible process identifier to synchronise with the corresponding process. In orderto account permissions given to processes tokens are introduced. Tokens are sets ofVarprocess which refer to the same process. Thus, for every token T always holds thatT ⊆ Varprocess and the set of all possible tokens is simply the powerset of the processidentifiers (P(Varprocess)). For every shared value the permission that it held initiallyis kept as well as a set of tokens that represent all derived tickets to the process thatcan access this value. Recall that variables and process identifiers are considered processexclusive and only heap objects and selectors can be shared. Furthermore the presentedanalysis focuses on structural analysis of the heap and therefore only consideres selectorsas data of heap objects.

In order to formalises these ideas permission expressions (PEs) are introduced in thefollowing. These consist of a so called BasePerm which represents the permission thatwas originally granted and a set of tokens for derived permissions.

For an example consider Figure 2, which mirrors the previous example from Figure1 but added permissions to the selectors. Imagine all selectors are initially equippedwith a WR permission. For the part of the heap that the newly forked process mayaccess the token {t} is added to the permissions. As already observed in the seconditeration of the example from Figure 1 the information if a process still operates on acertain part of the heap is lost. Especially it is impossible to retrieve any informationof the status of the once forked process because the synchronisation mechanism (joinstatement) demands an identifier referring to the process which no longer exists. In thiscase the derived access tickets are considered permanently lost. In order to model this forpermissions two additional BasePerm besides WR,RD are introduced: WR∗ and RD∗

which indicate that the initially granted permission can never be fully returned sincethe information about any parallel executing processes is lost. The following definitionformalises these observations:

Definition 4.1 (Permission Expression). A permission expression is a term of theform

BasePerm − PermSet

where BasePerm ∈ {WR,WR∗,RD ,RD∗}. And PermSet ⊆ P(Varprocess).

For convenience an empty PermSet and a PermSet after RD∗ or WR∗ as BasePermmight be omitted if it is clear from the context that this information is not needed.Sometimes for a BasePerm ρ and a PermSet Φ and T ∈ P(Varprocess) ρ − Φ − T is


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tmplWR rWR





lWR−{{t}}(l, r)WR

(l, r)WR−{{t}}

(l, r)WR−{{t}}(l, r)WR

Figure 2: State of the first iteration of the heap shown in Figure 1 with additional per-missions on every selector, empty PermSets are omitted, left and right areshortened to l and r respectively. For two selectors that are represented byone edge the permission for those is written only once.


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written for ρ − Φ ∪ {T}. In addition a PE with an empty PermSet is called simple.The set of all PEs over Varprocess is denoted by PESVarprocess . Note that for a finite setVarprocess PESVarprocess is finite as well.

For now it was always considered that the process only reads the part of the heap it hasaccess to. But as it is introduced later on there also will be a way to specify for a processthat it might alter certain selectors. In order to model that this part of the heap mustnot be accessed anymore because the access ticket is completely submitted to the forkedprocess. This is achieved by substituting this part of the heap that might be altered by aplaceholder. This placeholder “hides” parts of the heap so it can not be accessed. Uponjoining this process again the placeholder is additionally used to identifiy where the partof the heap to which the access ticket is transferred to is returned. For the programfrom Listing 1 consider that the forked process might demand write access on the rightsubtree of its parameter. Then the substitution of this subtree by a placeholder can beseen in Figure 3. Note that the placeholder is connected to the node which can stillbe accessed from the original heap but is also the node that the parameter of traversepointed to and to the null node.


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lWR rWR lWR−{{t}}


(l, r)WR

(l, r)WR−{{t}}

(l, r)WR

Figure 3: State of the first iteration of the heap shown in figure 1 with permissions aswell as partially substitution with a placeholder.


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5 Hypergraphs as Heap Representation

In order to formalise the intuitive graph representation from the examples above hy-pergraphs (HGs) are introduced in the following. This follows the general approachpresented in [13, 10, 7, 6]. Intuitively, an HG is the same as a normal graph, it consistsof a set of nodes and edges, but an edge in an HG is called hyperedge and can connectarbitrarily many nodes instead of only two. Furthermore the used HGs will be labeled,thus there is a function lab which assigns a label to every hyperedge. The possible labelscome from a set Σ. Then an HG can be formally defined as follows:

Definition 5.1 (Hypergraph). Let Σ be a set of labels and let V be a finite set ofnodes, E a finite set of edges. con : E → V ∗ maps every edge to the sequence ofconnected nodes, lab : E → Σ labels every edge. Further let ext ∈ V ∗ denote apossibly empty sequence (ε) of nodes and perm : E → PESVarprocess. An HG H is atupel

H = (V,E, con, lab, ext , perm)

The set of all hyperedges with the labels Σ and process identifier Varprocess is denoted

by HGVarprocessΣ . Two HGs are called isomorphic if they are equivalent modulo renaming

of edges and nodes. Isomorphic HGs are not distinguished in the following.

In order to represent states of the heap the objects in the heap will be representedas nodes. Variables are represented by hyperedges that are only connected to the nodethat represents the value of the variable. Such a hyperedge that is connected to onlyone node is called unary. Selectors are modelled as binary hyperedges between nodes,which are interpreted as directed from the first node of the connection sequence to thesecond one. Furthermore parts that are given away to other processes are substituted byhyperedges. For the hyperedges that represent parts of the heap for which access ticketsare transferred a set of labels is introduced as

T = {NT | T ∈ P(Varprocess)}

States of the heap can now be represented as H ∈ HGVarprocessΣ where Σ = Var ]Sel ]T,

but of course not all those HG H represent valid heaps because it is e.g. possible thatevery object might have multiple outgoing edges labeled with the same selector. Thussome restrictions are enforced in order to represent valid states of a heap which are calledheap configurations (HCs), namely:

• There is exactly one distinguishable node vnull representing the null value. vnull

has no outgoing selectors.

• There is exactly one unary hyperedge for every variable.

• Edges labeled by a selector are binary hyperedges.

• For every node there is at most one outgoing edge per selector.


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Note that every object is universally typed. Thus, all objects have initially an outgoingedge for every selector. But of course some of these edges can be “hidden” withina hyperedge representing parts of the heap for which WR permissions are transferredto another process. As it is possible that the reference to the process that operatesexclusively on the selectors is lost, these selectors can permanently be removed from theheap state. This leads to the following formal definition for HCs:

Definition 5.2 (Heap Configuration). A hypergraph

H = (V,E, con, lab, ext , perm) ∈ HGVarprocessΣ is called a heap configuration if

• Σ = Var⊎


• vnull ∈ V and @e ∈ E.labH(e) ∈ Sel ∧ conH(e)(1) = vnull

• |conH(e)| = 1 for all e ∈ E with labH(e) ∈ Var

• |conH(e)| = 2 for all e ∈ E with labH(e) ∈ Sel

• ∀v ∈ Var .∃e ∈ E.labH(e) = v

• ∀v ∈ Var , e, e′ ∈ E.v = labH(e) = labH(e′)→ e = e′

• ∀s ∈ Sel , e, e′ ∈ E.conH(e)(1) = conH(e′)(1) ∧ s = labH(e) = labH(e′) → e =e′

The set of all HC over Σ and Varprocess is denoted by HCVarprocessΣ .

Furthermore the following notion is defined for ρ ∈ PESVarprocess which collects alledges of the HG with permission ρ:

EHρ = {e ∈ EH | permH(e) = ρ}


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6 Concrete Semantics

Because HGs are used to represent the current state of the heap the semantics of theprogramming language are modelled in terms of graph transformations. Therefore thedifferent statements of a program are connected with changes of the shape of the hyper-graph representing the state of the heap. In the following the necessary graph transfor-mations which are based on presented transformations of [6] for modelling the semanticsare presented. This is done in two separate parts where firstly structural changes arediscussed and secondly transformations that regard the PEs of the graph.

6.1 Graph Transformations

The structural graph transformations are presented in the following:

• H[+v] adds a new fresh node v to H, which is of universally type, thus there areedges attached to for all selectors

• H[\E′] removes the set of edges E′ from H

• H[x ↪→ v] connects one x labeled edge with v, where x ∈ Var

• H[us↪−→ v] connects one s labeled edge from the node u to the node v

• H[+ρn ⇒ v1 · · · vm] adds a fresh n labeled edge with permission ρ connected tov1 · · · vm

Formally these transformations are defined as follows, where v is a new node and e, e1, . . .are new edges:

H[+v] =

(VH ] {v}, EH ] {e1, . . . , e|Sel |},conH ∪ {e1 7→ vvnull, . . . , e|Sel | 7→ vvnull},labH ∪ {e1 7→ enumSel (1), . . . , e|Sel | 7→ enumSel (|Sel |)},extH , permH ∪ {e1 7→WR, . . . , e|Sel | 7→WR})

H[\E′] =(VH , EH \ E′, conH � (E \ E′), labH � (E \ E′),extH , permH � (E \ E′))

H[x ↪→ u] =

(VH , EH ,

conH [e 7→ u],

labH , extH , permH)

for one e with labH(e) = x, ifsuch an e exists

H[us↪−→ u′] =

(VH , EH ,

conH [e 7→ uu′],

labH , extH , permH)

if there is e with labH(e) =s and conH(e)(1) = u andu, u′ ∈ VH

H[+ρn⇒ v1 · · · vn] =(VH , EH ] {e}, conH ∪ {e 7→ v1 · · · vn},labH ∪ {e 7→ n}, extH , permH ∪ {e 7→ ρ})

The few more transformation which focus on various aspects of the permissions are alsointroduced below:


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• H[↓ t] denotes that t ∈ Varprocess does not longer identify a certain process (forexample by reassigning t)

• H[← T ] denotes that the permissions for T ∈ P(Varprocess) are returned

• H[t = t′] is used to describe that for t, t′ ∈ Varprocess t now identifies the sameprocess as t′

• H[E − T ] denotes that for the edges in E the token T is added to the PermSet ofthe permissions

The following definitions formalise these intuitions:

Definition 6.1 (Dropped Thread Variable). For an HC H, t ∈ Varprocess letEremove ⊆ EH be all edges e such that labH(e) = N{t}. Then H[↓ t] denotes theHC with:

H[↓ t] = (VH , EH \ Eremove︸ ︷︷ ︸=:E′

, conH � E′, lab′ � E′, perm ′ � E′)

where lab ′ mirrors labH except of all edges e such that labH = NT ∈ T where holdslab′(e) = N(T\{t}). And for all edges e with permH(e) = ρe −Φe perm ′(e) is definedas follows:

perm ′(e) =

WR∗ − Φe \ {{t}} if ρe ∈ {WR,WR∗} and {t} ∈ Φe

RD∗ − Φe \ {{t}} if ρe ∈ {RD ,RD∗} and {t} ∈ Φe

ρe − {T \ {t} | T ∈ Φe} otherwise

Note that all edges labeled with N{t} are removed. This is because these edges are theplaceholder for the part of the heap that the process t referred to might alter. Thus, inorder to ensure data race freedom this part of the heap has to be exclusively accessibleby this process. Because the process which operates on this part of the heap can never berejoined (the token is a singleton set only containing t, thus only t refers to this processand is reassigned) all these nodes and edges must never be accessed. To achieve this theplaceholder is removed which removes this part of the heap permanently. Furthermoreall tokens containing t are updated in order to indicate that t no longer identifies thesame process as the other process identifier of this token. For those PermSets thatcontain the token {t} the BasePerm is “starred” in order to indicate that, since there isno further reference to the process the corresponding access token can never be returned.And this implies that the BasePerm can never be fully recovered.

Definition 6.2 (Returned Token). For H ∈ HCVarprocessΣ , T ∈ P(Varprocess)

H[← T ] = (VH , EH , conH , labH , extH , perm ′)

with perm ′(e) = ρ− Φ \ {T} where permH(e) = ρ− Φ.


Page 21: Thread-Modular Analysis of Heap-Manipulating … dereferencation of null pointers and memory leaks [7, 6]. Furthermore

Note that simply the token T is removed from all the PermSets. The return of parts ofthe heap that the process identified by T (or rather all t ∈ T ) had exclusive access on isdealt with separately.

Definition 6.3 (Thread Variable Assignment). For H ∈ HCVarprocessΣ and t, t′ ∈

Varprocess let Φt′ = {T ∈ Φ | t′ ∈ T} denote the set of all tokens in a PermSet Φwhich contain the process identifier t′. Then

H[t = t′] = (VH[↓t], EH[↓t], conH[↓t], lab′, extH[↓t], perm ′)

where lab′ mirrors labH[↓t] except for all e ∈ EH[↓t] with labH[↓t](e) = NT and t′ ∈ Twhere lab′(e) = NT∪{t}. And perm ′(e) = ρ − (Φ \ Φt′ ∪ {T ∪ {t} | T ∈ Φt′}) ifpermH[↓t](e) = ρ− Φ.

Note that for the assignment the reassigned identifier is previously dropped since itsoriginal value will be lost after the assignment. And the set of tokens for all PermSetsthat do not contain the process identifier t′ are simply preserved. To thoses tokens thatcontain t′ as process identifier t is added since t identifies from now on the same processas t′.

Definition 6.4 (Add Token to Edge). For H ∈ HCVarprocessΣ , T ∈ P(Varprocess) and

E ⊆ EHH[E − T ] = (VH , EH , conH , labH , extH , perm ′)


perm ′(e) =

{permH(e)− T if e ∈ EpermH(e) otherwise

The token T is simply added to all PermSets of edges in E.

6.2 Semantics

In the following the semantics of programs are defined by graph transformations. There-fore some relations over nodes in HGs are defined as follows:

• v s↪−→ρ v

′ states that the node v is connected to the node v′ by an edge labeled withs ∈ Sel and the permission ρ

• x ↪→ρ v denotes that there is an edge labeled with x ∈ Var and the permission ρwhich is connected to the node v

For both relations the permission might be omitted to indicate that one permission ρexists such that the relation holds.

At first the semantics of pointer expressions are examined. This is, evaluating apointer expression under an HC H ∈ HC Σ (J·KH). Intuitively, this means that variables


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are identified with the node the edge labeled with the variable is attached to, the nullvalue is identified with vnull and dereferencing a selector of the object corresponds tofollowing the outgoing edge from a node labeled by this selector. There are two possibleerrors: firstly, dereferencing anything from the null value and secondly, accessing aselector which is not there. The second case indicates that a selector is accessed althoughanother process demands exclusive access. Because of the universal type of every nodethe only possible way a selector is absent is because it is hidden behind a placeholder foranother process or removed because the reference to the corresponding process is lost.Such an error is indicated by returning an error symbol ⊥. Formally this leads to thefollowing:

JnullKH = vnull

JxKH = v with x ↪→ v

Jx.sK =

{v if JxKH

s↪−→ v

⊥ otherwise

Note that for an HC these semantics are well defined since every node has maximal oneoutgoing edge for every selector and for every variable exists exactly one edge labeledwith it.

The semantics of conditions are evaluated very intuitively, but where ⊥ propagatesstrictly, i.e. if there is one expression yielding ⊥ the whole evaluation becomes ⊥.Therefore for pointer expressions p1, p2, and conditions c1, c2:

Jp1 == p2KH =

⊥ if Jp1KH = ⊥ or Jp2KH = ⊥true if Jp1KH = Jp2KHfalse if Jp1KH 6= Jp2KH

Jp1 != p2KH =

⊥ if Jp1KH = ⊥ or Jp2KH = ⊥false if Jp1KH = Jp2KHtrue if Jp1KH 6= Jp2KH

Jc1 && c2KH =

{⊥ if Jc1KH = ⊥ or Jc2KH = ⊥Jc1KH ∧ Jc2KH otherwise

Jc1 ‖ c2KH =

{⊥ if Jc1KH = ⊥ or Jc2KH = ⊥Jc1KH ∨ Jc2KH otherwise

This gives the basis to define the semantics for the given programming language usinga transition system:


Page 23: Thread-Modular Analysis of Heap-Manipulating … dereferencation of null pointers and memory leaks [7, 6]. Furthermore

Definition 6.5 (Semantics of the Programming Language). The semantics of theindividual statements are modelled by a transition relation of the form B ⊆ (S ∪{ε} ×HC Σ)2 where S denotes the language derived by the grammar in section 3.1.

The semantics for the assignment, allocation, loop, conditional and skip statement can

be given by the following rules, where v ↪→ρ − abbreviates ∃v′.v ↪→ρ v′ and v

s↪−→ρ − is

expanded to ∃v′.v s↪−→ρ v


JP KH 6= ⊥ JxKH ↪→WR −(x = P,H)B (ε,H[JxKH ↪→ JP KH ])

JP KH 6= ⊥ JxKHs↪−→WR −

(x.s = P,H)B (ε,H[JxKHs↪−→ JP KH ])

JCKH = true

(while(C) do S done, H)B (S; while(C) do S done, H)

JCKH = false

(while(C) do S done, H)B (ε,H)

JCKH = true

(if(C) then S1 else S2 fi, H)B (S1, H)

JCKH = false

(if(C) then S1 else S2 fi, H)B (S2, H)

JxKH ↪→WR −(new(x), H)B (ε,H[+v][x ↪→ v])

(skip, H)B (ε,H)

(S1, H)B (S′1, H′)

(S1;S2, H)B (S′1;S2, H′)

t, t′ ∈ Varprocess

(t = t′, H)B (ε,H[t = t′])

(ε;S,H)B (S,H)

Note that for operations that change an edge a WR permission on that edge is expected.Furthermore every statement that does not have a fitting transition rule yields explicitly⊥. Since fork and join are more complex they are examined in more detail below.


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6.3 Fork

As described previously fork creates a process and provides it with parameters.This issimilar to procedure calls modelled in [11]. In the following two types of parameters aredistinguished:

• Formal parameters, which belong to the newly created process

• Actual parameters, which belong to the process executing the fork statement

In the call of a fork statement the actual parameters are provided to the newly createdprocess and are identified with formal parameters. Thus the new process initially onlyknows the nodes identified by the actual parameters and can now access other nodes viathe different selectors. The subgraph that can be accessed in this way is called reachable.The concept of reachability will be later on introduced formally but partially relies onthe abstraction that is introduced in Section 7.4 and is therefore here only given as theset reach(v1, . . . , vn) which denotes all edges that are considered to be reachable fromthe nodes v1, . . . , vn.2

Reconsider the example from Listing 1 and Figure 1 on page 6 where it was observedthat forking a new process and assigning it to a process identifier potentially causesto lose the possibility to refer to the process the process identifier identified before. Inorder to model this loss of information the semantics rely on a corresponding graphtransformation (H[↓ t]). Another aspect of the fork statement is that as demonstratedin Figure 3 it is possible that a write access ticket is completely transferred to the forkedprocess. As mentioned in Section 1 the behaviour of processes and especially which partsof the heap the process might alter is defined in a contract. These contracts consist ofa precondition, the set of edges which the process might alter and a postcondition. Theprecondition is the representation of the context from which the process is forked from.The postcondition is the representation of the heap that resulted from the execution ofthe process started from an initial heap state. This initial heap state is obtained by atransformation of the precondition which is examined later on. Firstly, as mentionedin Section 3 it is expected that every process has its own variables as well as processidentifier. W. l. o. g. the heap state for every forked process can be described as an HCover the set Var ′process and Σ′ = Sel ] T′ ] Var ′ with renaming of variables and processidentifier as well as limiting the used variables and process identifier to subsets of Var ′

and Var ′process. Especially it holds that Var ∩ Var ′ = ∅ and Varprocess ∩ Var ′process =∅. Secondly, the precondition is examined as a representation which is isomorph tothe reachable subgraph. Therefore it is assumed that the precondition is a HG fromHG

VarprocessΣ . On the other hand the postcondition is the result of the computation

of the forked process and therefore represented as HG from HGVar ′processΣ′ . And this

computation of the forked process ensures that only edges from the alternable set arealtered. These coherences are illustrated graphical in Figure 4. For every program the

2actually the set reach(v1, . . . , vn) is a superset of the actual reachable edges, but because it covers atleast all actual reachable edges the soundness of the model for the semantics is ensured


Page 25: Thread-Modular Analysis of Heap-Manipulating … dereferencation of null pointers and memory leaks [7, 6]. Furthermore

forking process (HGVarprocessΣ ): forked process (HG

Var ′processΣ′ ):


Reachable Subgraph

Initial Heap State


∼= Execution

(with re-spect toalternableset)


Figure 4: Graphical representation of the coherences between precondition, initial heapstate, reachable subgraph and postcondition

set of contracts is formally described as a function

Cont : Proc → P(HGVarprocessΣ × P(E)×HG

Var ′processΣ′ )

where for every program m and every contract C = (PC , EC , QC) ∈ Cont(m) holds thatE ⊆ EPC

WR, thus the set of alterable edges (EC) is a subset of the edges with write accessof the precondition.

The necessary graph transformations associated with the fork statement are examinedin the following. Let H be an HG and C = (PC , E,QC) ∈ Cont(m). Let ap1, . . . , apnbe the nodes that are identified by the actual parameter of the fork statement. Thismeans that for the statement

1 t = fork (m(x1, . . . , xn ) ) ;

with the current heap representation H it holds that api = JxiKH for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Thusthe set of reachable edges from the actual parameter is defined as reach(ap1, . . . , apn).The actual precondition for the newly forked process is the current heap representationreduced to the subgraph which is induced by the reachable part. This subgraph is definedas follows:

Definition 6.6 (Edge Induced Subgraph). Let H be a HG and E′ ⊆ EH a set ofedges. Then the subgraph induced by E′ is defined as

H � E′ = (⋃e∈E′

HconH(e)I, E′, lab � E′, con � E′, ext � E′, perm � E′)


Page 26: Thread-Modular Analysis of Heap-Manipulating … dereferencation of null pointers and memory leaks [7, 6]. Furthermore

To find the fitting contract C for the fork statement it is necessary that the reachablesubgraph forms the precondition of C and the actual parameters agree with the formalparameters. Let fp1, . . . , fpn denote the nodes of the formal parameters within the pre-condition of C. Then the reachable subgraph is structurally identical to the preconditionand the actual parameters agree with the formal parameters. Let R denote the reachablesubgraph of a fork statement and P denote the fitting precondition. Then R and P areisomorphic and especially this isomorphism matches formal and actual parameter. LetR ∼=ap fp P denote the existence of such an isomorphism.

Once again reconsider the example in Figure 2 and let

C =


v2 v3



e1lWR rWRe2


lWR e4rWR






, {e2, e3, e4, e7, e8},


v2 v3



e1lRD rWRe2


rWR e4







be a possible contract such that C ∈ Cont(traverse) and v1 is the only formal parameter.Here l and r abbreviate left and right respectively. Note that C fulfills that the alterableset is a subset of the edges with WR permission of the precondition. Secondly, inthe postcondition only edges have been altered which were part of the alterable set(namely e3, e4). Thirdly, forking by C leads to the replacement seen in Figure 3 becausethe induced subgraph of {e2, e3, e4, e7, e8} is replaced. As it can be seen in Figure 3the replacement is connected to the node that is identified with v1 and vnull. This isbecause v1 represents an object which is part of the main process as well as the newlyforked one. Such nodes are called border nodes and are defined as those nodes that areconnected to edges of the alterable set and to edges that are not part of the alterable set.Additionally, the placeholder in Figure 3 is also connected to vnull, which is generallyassumed for all placeholder, thus the heap representation of every process can refer tothe same distinguishable null value. The formal definition of the set of border nodes isclosely connected to the definition of reachability and is therefore likewise postponed toSection 7.5. For now the set of border nodes for a contract C and a heap representationH is denoted by borderH(C)3. These border nodes represent the connection pointsbetween the heap representation of the main process and the part of the heap of theforked process that can be altered. For joining the process later on it is crucial to identifythese nodes in the postcondition. This is achieved by using the mechanism of externalnodes as introduced for hyperedge replacement in Section 6.4. With these considerations

3just like the reachable set this set is potentially a superset of the actual border nodes


Page 27: Thread-Modular Analysis of Heap-Manipulating … dereferencation of null pointers and memory leaks [7, 6]. Furthermore

in mind the transformation of the heap representation that models the fork statementcan be described. Let therefore

• t = fork(m(x1, . . . , xn));

• with H as the current heap representation,

• api = JxiKH for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n,

• (PC , EC , QC) ∈ Cont(m),

• PC ∼=ap fp (H � reach(ap1, . . . , apn)),

• t ∈ Varprocess,

• bC(H) denote the set of border nodes,

• enumbC(H) = enumbC(H)(1) . . . enumbC(H)(|bC(H)|) is an arbitrary sequence of theborder nodes

W. l. o. g. it is assumed that PC shares nodes and edges with H which can easilyachieved by renaming the edges and nodes of PC according to the existing isomorphism.Then the graph transformation can be given as follows:

H ′ =

3︷ ︸︸ ︷1︷ ︸︸ ︷

H[↓ t][\EC ]︸ ︷︷ ︸2

[+WRN{t} ⇒ enumbC(H)][(EP \ EC)− {t}]

︸ ︷︷ ︸4

where the different steps state the following:

1 the process identifier used for the newly forked process is freed

2 the edges that the forked process demands write access on are removed from theheap representation

3 the formerly removed edges are replaced with an hyperedge

4 to all edges that can be read by the newly forked process the appropiate token isadded

Formally this process is therefore described by the following transition rule:

(PC , EC , QC) ∈ Cont(m) PC ∼=ap fp (H � reach(Jp1KH , . . . , JpnKH))

(t = fork(m(p1, . . . , pn)), H)B (ε,H ′)

For the join statement some formalisms of hyperedge replacement grammars, namelyhyperedge replacement is used and therefore the definition is postponed and hyperedgereplacement is introduced before.


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6.4 Hyperedge Replacement

In the following the concept of hyperedge replacement (HR) is presented. HR is a graphtransformations which replaces single hyperedges by more complex graphs [16, p. 104].As the fork statement replaces parts of the heap by a single hyperedge in order to “hide”this subgraph, rendering it unavailable for the main process. Indeed the “hidden” sub-graph still exists within the heap representation of the forked process and can especiallybe returned by a join statement. Therefore a way to re-integrate this subgraph is dis-cussed in the following. A possible way to present rules for substituting hyperedges byhypergraphs are production rules which have the form p : X → H. Here X is a label andH a hypergraph and this production rule p can be applied to a hypergraph by removinga X-labeled edge and replacing it by the hypergraph H. For better understanding theproduction rule in Figure 5 is considered in the following. On the right hand side ofthis production rule the nodes marked by 1 and 2 are external nodes of the hypergraphand their annotation is their position in the sequence ext . For the hyperedges that arelabeled with B the numbers denote the position of the nodes in the sequence of con-nected nodes. In order to replace for instance such a B-labeled hyperedge in an HG the

p : B


B B2

l r





Figure 5: A possible production (permissions are omitted)

external nodes of the right hand side of the production rule are identified with the nodesconnected to the hyperedge. A simple example (see Figure 6) illustrates such a replace-ment. Note that the external nodes and the connected nodes that are identified had thesame position within the respective sequences. Such a replacement of an hyperedge iscalled a derivation and is formally described as follows:


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B B2

l r





n B B


l l r

1 1



Figure 6: Illustration of an hyperedge replacement


Page 30: Thread-Modular Analysis of Heap-Manipulating … dereferencation of null pointers and memory leaks [7, 6]. Furthermore

Definition 6.7 (Hyperedge Replacement). Let p be a production rule of the formp : X → K, H ∈ HGΣ a HG with an edge e ∈ EH with labH(e) = X and |extK | =|conH(e)|. Then H ′ = H[e/K] is an HG with:

• VH′ = VH ∪ (VK \ HextKI)

• EH′ = (EH \ {e}) ∪ EK

•conH′ = conH � (EH \ {e}) ∪ ((idK [extK(1) 7→ conH(e)(1)] . . .

[extK(|extK |) 7→ conH(e)(|extK |)]) ◦ conK)

• labH′ = labH � (EH \ {e}) ∪ labK

• extH′ = extH

• permH′ = permH � (EH \ {e}) ∪ permK

An HG H ′ is derived from an HG H by a production rule p : X → K (denoted by


=⇒ H ′) if H ′ is isomorphic to H[e/K] for any edge e labeled with X. Furthermore⇒∗ is the transitive closure of this relation.

6.5 Join

Having introduced the mechanism of hyperedge replacement the postponed semanticsof the join statement can now be addressed. Therefore it is distinguished between thejoining process which is the one actually executing the join statement and the joinedprocess which is the one that terminated and now returns its permissions. Returningthis permissions can be done in two separate steps: Firstly, the permissions for theshared edges, i.e. those edges which BasePerm is either RD or RD∗ for the joinedprocess, are returned. Since these edges are still present in the heap representation ofthe joining process returning those permissions is a matter of mutating the PE of theheap representation of the joining process. Secondly, the edges which were allowed tobe altered are returned, i.e. edges which BasePerm is either WR or WR∗. This is doneby replacing the hyperedge in the joining process which represents this part of the heapby its corresponding HG of the joined process. This imposes a further restriction to thecontracts which have to ensure that the external nodes of the postcondition of the forkedprocess are the same as the border nodes of the placeholder in the heap representation ofthe forking process. To do so, the sequence of external nodes in the precondition is usedto encode which nodes are border nodes and the isomorphism ∼=ap fp is restricted to mapthe border nodes in the heap representation of the forking process to the external nodesin the precondition. Following it is formally described how the initial heap state forthe forked process is obtained from the contract C = (PC , EC , QC):4 Let ap1, . . . , apndenote the nodes that mark the actual parameters and fp1, . . . , fp1 denote the names

4which refers to the transformation in Figure 4


Page 31: Thread-Modular Analysis of Heap-Manipulating … dereferencation of null pointers and memory leaks [7, 6]. Furthermore

of the formal paramters they are matched to (especially fpi ∈ Σ′ for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n).Furthermore let for all s ∈ Sel s′ ∈ Sel ′ denote the corresponding selector used to

describe the heap states of forked processes, then I ∈ HGVar ′processΣ′ is the initial heap

state for the forked process with:

• VI = {vIv′ | v′ ∈ VPC}

• EI = {eIe′ | e′ ∈ EPC} ∪ {efpi

| 1 ≤ i ≤ n} ∪ {ev | v ∈ (Var ′ \ {fpi | 1 ≤ i ≤ n})}

• conI = {v′ 7→ vIv′ | v′ ∈ VPC} ◦ conPC

∪ {efpi7→ api | 1 ≤ i ≤ n} ∪ {ev 7→ vnull | v ∈

(Var ′ \ {fpi | 1 ≤ i ≤ n})}

• labI = {efpi7→ fpi | 1 ≤ i ≤ n} ∪ {e 7→ s′ | labPC

(e) = s} ∪ {ev 7→ v | v ∈(Var ′ \ {fpi | 1 ≤ i ≤ n})}

• extI = {vIv′ 7→ v′ | v′ ∈ VPC}(enumborderPC

(1) . . . enumborderPC(|borderPC


• permI = {e 7→ WR | e ∈ EC} ∪ {e 7→ RD | e ∈ EPC\ EC} ∪ {ev 7→ WR | v ∈

(Var ′ \ {fpi | 1 ≤ i ≤ n})

Note that actually only the selectors are renamed and variables introduced for the for-mal parameters that point to the nodes the actual parameters pointed to in the forkstatement, also all other variables of Var ′ are introduced and initially point to vnull.Furthermore the external nodes of the initial heap state are used to mark the bordernodes in order to ensure that the “WR-part” of the postcondition agrees on the sharedobjects when it is joined. At last, all permissions in the initial heap state are simple andgrant those access tickets that the contract demands. From this initial heap state theexecution of the forked program starts.

For both steps of returning permissions for the join statement it is important to de-termine if all permissions are returned which were derived when the process was forked.This is not the case for all edges which PEs are not simple or which BasePerm is“starred” (thus WR∗ or RD∗). These permissions are unrecoverably lost and this prop-agates strictly to the permissions of the heap representation of the joining process.

For returning the read permissions it is avoided to match the edges from the heaprepresentation of the joining and joined process since it imposes further difficulties lateron. Therefore the minimal permission is returned: for all edges of the joining processfrom which permissions were derived to the joined process the BasePerm is “starred”if there is any edge in the postcondition for which the permission cannot be completelyreturned.

Returning the write permissions is done by simply applying a production rule tothe hyperedge of the joining process that represents the borrowed part. Let now C =(PC , EC , QC) ∈ Cont(m) be the contract by which the joined process was forked (notethat this contract has to be the same as for the fork statement that created the processwhich is re-joined now, in order to save the contract for matching it from fork to joinstatement it can be e. g. attached to the placeholder) and Tt the set of all aliases of


Page 32: Thread-Modular Analysis of Heap-Manipulating … dereferencation of null pointers and memory leaks [7, 6]. Furthermore

the process identifier t that is used in the join statement. Further the following fewdefinitions are used for convenience:

Q′1 = QC [↓ enumVar ′thread(1)] . . . [↓ Var ′thread(|Var ′thread|)]

Note that for Q′1 all PE are simple and every not yet returned permission caused theBasePerm to be “starred”.

Q′2 = Q′1[\(EQ′1

RD ∪ EQ′1RD∗)]

Q′2 represents the state where the heap representation of the joined process is reduced tothe edges of the alterable set. Now two transition rules are used to model the semanticsof the join statement where the first one describes the case with lost read permissionsand the second one describes the case where all read permissions can be completelyreturned:

EQ′1RD∗ 6= ∅ H[↓ Tt]


=====⇒ H ′

(join(t), H)B (ε,H ′)

Note that H[↓ Tt] is used which successively drops the process identifier in the token Tt

“H[↓ Tt] = H[↓ enumTt(1)] . . . [↓ enumTt(|Tt|)]”

but preserves NTt in order to replace it by the given production rule.

EH′1RD∗ = ∅ H[← Tt]


=====⇒ H ′

(join(t), H)B (ε,H ′)

This concludes the modelling of the semantics of the presented programming languageand in the following it is dealt with abstraction techniques to approach potentially un-bounded structures.


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7 Concretisation & Abstraction

Making use of dynamic allocation and deallocation can lead to heap structures of un-bounded size. In order to present these structures in a finite manner HR can be used inorder to concretise and abstract heap states by applying production rules for concreti-sation and by applying production rules backwards for abstraction. Therefore introducea set of production rules in order to abstract parts of the heap representation. In orderto illustrate the following steps the data structure of binary trees is examined along thedefinitions5. Reconsider the structure in the example from Figure 1 and furthermorethe HR from Figure 6. When the node marked by n is interpreted as vnull and theproduction rule from Figure 5 is applied repetitively arbitrary large binary trees can beconstructed. But it is already noteable that repetitive application of this productionrule always leads to further B-labeled edges. The following formal introduction of theconcept of abstraction follows mostly [6, 10, 13].

In order to distinguish the hyperedges that are used for the abstract representationof a subgraph from the hyperedges that represent placeholders, selectors or variables anew set of so called nonterminals N is introduced. For the above considered exampleof binary trees this set would be N = {B}. In the following ΣN = Σ

⊎N denotes the

set of labels for HGs that are partially concrete and partially abstract. Furthermorethese nonterminals are expected to connect always the same amount of nodes. Thisamount is called the rank of the nonterminal. Therefore a function rk : N → N is givenand for every HG H it holds that if labH(e) ∈ N then |conH(e)| = rk(labH(e)), therank of B for example is 2. The set of all these partially abstract HGs is denotedby HG


and the set of HGs that furthermore satisfy the restrictions of HCs is

denoted by HCVarprocessΣN

. Note that for now the permissions were neglected but areactually incorporated as follows: a production rule p : X → H with X ∈ N is annotatedby a permission ρ (pρ) such that for pρ : X → H holds that img(permH) = {ρ} (thus alledges in H hold permission ρ). Furthermore this production rule must only be appliedto an X-labeled edge if this edge holds the permission ρ.

7.1 Hyperedge Replacement Grammar

To apply abstraction and concretisation a set of production rules is used. Such a set ofproduction rules is called a hyperedge replacement grammar (HRG). Formally defined asfollows:

Definition 7.1 (Hyperedge Replacement Grammar). A hyperedge replacementgrammar over an alphabet ΣN and Varprocess is a finite set of production rules of theform pρ : X → G where X ∈ N , ρ ∈ PESVarprocess, G ∈ HGΣN

and rk(X) = |extG|.


denotes the set of all HRGs over ΣN and Varprocess. Especially, in this pa-per the concepts of structural abstraction and permission accounting are independently

5this example reassembles the hyperedge replacement grammar from [6, p. 21]


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examined, this means in order to separate those concepts the following definition is usedwhich states that every production rule is available for every permission:

Definition 7.2 (Fully Permissive Grammar). G ∈ HRGVarprocessΣN

is called fully per-missive if the following holds: Every production rule p : X → H in G exists for everyρ ∈ PESVarprocess.

The set of all fully permissive HRGs (fpHRGs) is denoted by fpHRGVarprocessΣN


In the following some definitions regarding fpHRGs are introduced. These intuitionsand their respective definitions are examined in their structural concepts only since theincorporation of permissions is straightforward:

• For G ∈ fpHRGVarprocessΣN

GX = {X ′ → H ∈ G | X ′ = X} denotes the set of allproduction rules for a nonterminal X.

• For a production rule p : X → H lhs(p) is used for X and respectively rhs(p)for the right hand side H. rhs and lhs are lifted to sets of production rules byelementwise application.

• The handle of a nonterminal is introduced which is the HG that contains one edgelabeled by the nonterminal and nodes connected to this nonterminal. Formally:

Definition 7.3 (Handle). For a fpHRG G ∈ fpHRGVarprocessΣN

and a nontermi-nal X ∈ N the handle of X is the HG X• ∈ HGΣN


– VX• = {v1, . . . , vrk(X)}– EX• = {e}– conX• = {e 7→ v1 · · · vrk(X)}– labX• = {e 7→ X}– extX• = ε

– permX• = {e 7→ ρ}

• For hyperedges labeled with nonterminals the position on which a node is attachedon is called a tentacle. A tentacle is just a label and the position a node is attachedto an edge of this label.

Definition 7.4 (Tentacle). A tentacle is a pair (X, i) where X ∈ N andi ∈ {1, . . . rk(X)}.

• For hyperedges labeled with nonterminals the notion of tentacles can be extendedin order to describe how two nodes are connected by this hyperedge. Such a con-nection is called a bridge and reassembles two tentacles of the same nonterminal.


Page 35: Thread-Modular Analysis of Heap-Manipulating … dereferencation of null pointers and memory leaks [7, 6]. Furthermore

Definition 7.5 (Bridge). A bridge is a triple (i,X, j) where X ∈ N and1 ≤ i, j ≤ rk(X).

Let br(S) denote the set of all bridges for the set of ranked labels S.

Consider the following possible fpHRG G which describes the abstraction of binary trees:

G =




l r


r l

r, B



l r






vnull B

l r




, B


BB vnull

l r


Note that these production rules are present for every permission, since it is a fullypermissive HRG and that from H ∈ HG


it can be possible to derive multipleHGs since there might be more than one production rule for any nonterminal. Considertherefore the HG of Figure 6 and the fpHRG G from above. It is easily to see thatmultiple different HGs can be derived. The set of all these deriveable HGs which nolonger contain a nonterminal (like the terminal words of a string grammar) is called thelanguage of H and defined as follows:

Definition 7.6 (Language of an HG). For G ∈ fpHRGVarprocessΣN

and H ∈ HGΣN

LG(H) = {K ∈ HGΣ | H ⇒∗ K}

is the language from the HG H (under the fpHRG G).

7.2 Properties

In the following some properties of HRGs are discussed. The presented properties aswell as the presented results for fpHRGs follow from [13]. Actually the design of the defi-nitions are built around those in [13] to focus on the compatibility of adding permissionsto the already established results. At first it is discussed which selectors a nonterminalactually abstracts. By considering the example in Figure 6 it can easily be seen, thatat the different connected nodes of the B-labeled edge different selectors are abstracted.At the node on the tentacle (B, 1) both selectors l and r are “hidden” in the abstractionof the hyperedge whereas the node on tentacle (B, 2) identifies vnull which must nothave any outgoing selectors. This illustrates that different selectors can be abstracted at


Page 36: Thread-Modular Analysis of Heap-Manipulating … dereferencation of null pointers and memory leaks [7, 6]. Furthermore

different tentacles. Typedness is introduced to ensure that application production rulesreveals the same selectors for every tentacle. The function type maps from tentacles tothe sets of the selectors this tentacle abstracts. In the fpHRG from page 31 it holds thattype(B, 1) = {l, r}. The formal definition is as follows:

Definition 7.7 (Typedness). For G ∈ fpHRGVarprocessΣN

a nonterminal X ∈ N iscalled typed if for all tentacles (X, i) there is a set type(X, i) ⊆ Sel such that for allH ∈ LG(X•) where v•i is the node of the tentacle (X, i) in X• it holds:

type(X, i) = labH(outH(v•i ))

Note that outH(v) = {e ∈ EH | conH(1) = v ∧ labH(e) ∈ Sel} is the set of all outgoingselectors from the object represented by v. Since different tentacles might have differenttypes but the definition of HC enforces that every node is universally typed it is pos-sible that the nodes of a handle violate this typing. Therefore the notion of handles isexpanded to ensure that at least the initial nodes of the handle are universally typed:

Definition 7.8 (Typed Handle). For a typed nonterminal X ∈ N let Type =⋃1≤i≤rk(X) type(X, i) denote the set of all selectors of the nonterminal. The typed

handle of X (denoted as X◦) is defined as follows:

• VX◦ = {v1, . . . , vrk(X), vnull}

• EX◦ = {e} ] {es,i | 1 ≤ i ≤ rk(X), s ∈ Type \ type(X, i)}

• conX◦ = {e 7→ v1 · · · vrk(X)} ] {es,i 7→ vivnull | es,i ∈ EX◦}

• labX◦ = {e 7→ X} ] {es,i 7→ s | es,i ∈ EX◦}

• extX◦ = ε

• permX◦ = {e 7→WR | e ∈ EX◦}

Secondly, productivity is examined which simply states that at least one terminal HGcan be derived from this nonterminal. Formally stated as:

Definition 7.9 (Productivity). For G ∈ HRGVarprocessΣN

a nonterminal X ∈ N iscalled productive if

LG(X•) 6= ∅

G is called productive if all nonterminals in G are productive.

Following increasingess is introduced. The idea is that every right hand side of aproduction rule is strictly “bigger” than the left hand side. Where “bigger” refers tothe number of edges, but also terminal HGs are considered “bigger”. This ensuresthat applying succesively production rules in a backward fashion terminates, since everyapplied production rules reduces the size of the HG.


Page 37: Thread-Modular Analysis of Heap-Manipulating … dereferencation of null pointers and memory leaks [7, 6]. Furthermore

Definition 7.10 (Increasingess). For G ∈ fpHRGVarprocessΣN

a production rule p : X →H ∈ G is called increasing if H ∈ HG

VarprocessΣ or H ∈ HG


∧ |EH | > 1. G iscalled increasing if all p ∈ G are increasing.

Fourthly, local concretisability means that for every tentacle there are productionrules that reveal abstracted selectors but preserve the language of the graph. In orderto illustrate the problem another fpHRG is introduced6:

G′ =

L 1 2



L 1 L 2



1 2

This fpHRG describes doublely linked list of arbitrary length. Firstly, it holds thattype(L, 1) = {next} and type(L, 2) = {prev}. But, consider the typed handle of L,where n, p abbreviate next , prev respectively:

v1 L v2


1 2

p n

In order to reveal the abstracted selectors at the tentacle (L, 2) only the first productionrule can be applied. But this reduces the language to the singleton set of the righthand side of the first production rule. Repeatedly applying the second production ruledoes not reveal the abstracted selectors. Thus this grammar is not locally concretisable.Adding the production rule

L 1 L 2



1 2

establishes local concretisability because it is now possible to reveal abstracted selectorsat tentacle (L, 2) but the generated language (doubly linked lists of arbitrary length) ispreserved.

6this example is featured in various contributions to this approach [7, 10] because of its illustratingquality


Page 38: Thread-Modular Analysis of Heap-Manipulating … dereferencation of null pointers and memory leaks [7, 6]. Furthermore

The formal definition of local concretisability requires some additional defintions, suchas: (X, i)→p (Y, j) denotes that for a production rule p : X → H there is an edge e ∈ EHsuch that labH(e) = Y and extH(i) = conH(e)(j). This means that after applying theproduction rule p the tentacle (X, i) morphs (for the connected node) to a tentacle (Y, j).Furthermore let GX denote the set of production rules in a fpHRG G for all nonterminalsexcept of X, i.e. GX = G \GX . Then local concretisability can be defined as follows:

Definition 7.11 (Local Concretisability). G ∈ fpHRGVarprocessΣN

is called local con-cretisable if for all nonterminals X there are sub-grammars G1, . . . , Grk(X) ⊆ G suchthat ∀i ∈ {1, . . . , rk(X)}.L

GXi ∪GX (X•) = LG(X•) and ∀i ∈ {1, . . . , rk(X)}.∀p ∈

GXi .(X, i)→p (a, 1) for all selectors a in type(X, i).

The following definition gathers now all fpHRG for which the language of the typedhandle contains only valid HC. This ensures that not external nodes of the right handsides are properly typed and follow the properties of HCs.

Definition 7.12 (Data Structure Grammar). A HRG G ∈ fpHRGVarprocessΣN

is calleda data structure grammar (DSG) if it is typed and for all nonterminals X ∈ N thelanguage of its typed handle X◦ only contains valid heap configurations (LG(X◦) ⊆HC

VarprocessΣ ) and for all inner nodes of right hand sides in GX it holds that there is

one outgoing edge for every selector in⋃

1≤i≤rk(X) type(X, i).

Note that it is assumed that only the selectors exist which are gathered in the differenttypes of the tentacles of the nonterminal. If more selectors exist they can be simplyattached to every node and point to vnull to ensure that the HGs of the language arestill valid HCs. Again let DSG


denote the set of all DSGs over ΣN and Varprocess.Additionally, it is generally assumend that right hand sides of production rules do notcontain any edges labeled with variables or placeholders (thus, rhs(G) ⊆ HG


And therefore all inner nodes are properly typed which means that they have edges forall selectors that exist within the context of the nonterminal (i.e. the union of the typesof all tentacles). In the following Heap Abstraction Grammars are defined which areDSGs that additionally provide the properties introduced above:

Definition 7.13 (Heap Abstraction Grammar). G ∈ DSGVarprocessΣN

is called a HeapAbstraction Grammar (HAG) over ΣN if G provides the following properties:

1. Productivity

2. Increasingness

3. Local Concretisability

This is no real restriction since the following theorem can be derived from the results of[13]:


Page 39: Thread-Modular Analysis of Heap-Manipulating … dereferencation of null pointers and memory leaks [7, 6]. Furthermore

Theorem 7.1. For every DSG a HAG can be constructed which is equivalent regardingthe language of HGs.

7.3 Concretisation

The basic idea of abstraction is to represent multiple heaps in one HG. Therefore HAGsare used. Recall the initial programming example in Listing 1 where one possible exe-cution is represented in Figure 1. Analysing executions on binary trees of arbitrary sizeis realised by representing these as one single B-labeled hyperedge as follows:


vnull B WR


where the fpHRG G from page 31 (which is actually a HAG) is used to derive theconcrete binary trees which are represented by the nonterminal B. By applying thedifferent production rules of G all possible binary trees can be derived. Especiallysince all possible binary trees need to be analysed it is necessary that every productionrule is used to concretise the nonterminal. This leads to four possible representations,namely the four right hand sides of the production rules in G (as it can be seen inFigure 7). For the three HCs that still contain nonterminals further concretisationsteps have to be applied. But since the given programming language (see section 3.1)allows only dereferences of depth one (like x.s) it is possible to execute all statements(besides fork and join) on these partially abstract HCs just like they are executed onfully concrete HCs. These states of partially abstract HCs are called admissible andensure that all actually from statements referenceable selectors are present in the HC.For the formal definition another kind of tentacle is examined, the reduction tentacle.Reduction tentacles are tentacles for which in every concretisation there is no outgoingedge for the identified node. This can be formally defined as follows:

Definition 7.14 (Reduction Tentacle). Let for the tentacle (X, i) v•i ∈ VX• be thenode such that conX•(e)(i) = v•i for the only edge e ∈ EX• with labX•(e) = X iscalled a reduction tentacle if

∀H ∈ L(X•).out(v•i ) = ∅

For typed nonterminals another characterisation of reduction tentacles is that the typeof the tentacle (X, i) is empty (type(X, i) = ∅). As seen in [13] reduction tentacles canbe determined by a syntactical analysis of the used production rules. Admissibility can


Page 40: Thread-Modular Analysis of Heap-Manipulating … dereferencation of null pointers and memory leaks [7, 6]. Furthermore










BWR vnull






B WRvnull






B WRBWR vnull



Figure 7: First step of concretisation for abstraction of binary trees, note that the per-mission of the nonterminal propagates to the inserted right hand side


Page 41: Thread-Modular Analysis of Heap-Manipulating … dereferencation of null pointers and memory leaks [7, 6]. Furthermore

be defined in terms of violation points where violation points are tentacles that hidepossibly accessible selectors. Formally:

Definition 7.15 (Violation Point). For H ∈ HCVarprocessΣ the tupel (e, i) with e ∈

EH , labH(e) ∈ N and 1 ≤ i ≤ rk(labH(e)) is called a violation point, if e hides acces-sible selectors (i.e. there exists e′ ∈ EH such that labH(e′) ∈ Var and conH(e′)(1) =conH(e)(i) and (labH(e), i) is no reduction tentacle.

A HC H is called admissible if there is no violation point in H, the set of admissibleHCs is denoted by AHC


. Reconsider the abstracted representation of binarytrees on page 35 which is not admissible since the tentacle (B, 1) hides the selectors land r but those are actually referenceable by curr .l or curr .r respectively (when b isthe edge of the heap such that lab(b) = B then (b, 1) is the violation point). On theother hand the heap representations in Figure 7 are admissible since the violation pointis resolved by applying concretisation. In the following resolving violation points andtherefore reestablishing admissibility is formalised for a HAGs G in the “re-admissibility”function

reaG : HCVarprocessΣN

→ P(AHCVarprocessΣN


which maps possible abstracted HCs to the set of admissible HCs that arise by resolvingviolation points by applying production rules. But in fact not every production rulehave to be applied, recall therefore the fpHRG G′ of doubly linked list from page 33.Imagine now a program that traverses doubly linked lists of arbitrary length from the lastelement to the first. In order to resolve the violation point caused by the tentacle (L, 2)the second production rule does not remove the violation point. But the production rulewhich was added to establish local concretisability can be used to resolve the violationpoint. Additionally, it can easily be seen that in order to establish admissibility for HCsdifferent nonterminals have to be concretised (simply imagine a node that is the headof a doubly linked list as well as the root of a binary tree and is therefore connected toa nonterminal B and a nonterminal L). Since the parts that results from concretisationof nonterminals are only connected via the nodes connected to the nonterminals andapart from that are independent it can be seen that the order in which HRs are appliedis insignificant to the resulting HG. This property is called confluence and defined asfollows:

Definition 7.16 (Confluence). For H ∈ HGVarprocessΣN

with e1, e2 ∈ EH , e1 6= e2

and labH(e1), labH(e2) ∈ N it holds for two production rules p1 : labH(e1) → H1,p2 : labH(e2)→ H2 that

H[e1/H1][e2/H2] = H[e2/H2][e1/H1]

As stated in [16, p. 105] HRs always are confluent. And from this follows the followinglemma (for details see [6]):


Page 42: Thread-Modular Analysis of Heap-Manipulating … dereferencation of null pointers and memory leaks [7, 6]. Furthermore

vnull vnull B WR − {{t}}



rWR lWR−{{t}} rWR−{{t}}lWR−{{t}}






Figure 8: Heap representation of a binary tree with possible abstraction step

Lemma 7.1. For G ∈ HAGVarprocessΣN

, H ∈ HCVarprocessΣN

, e ∈ EH and labH(e) ∈ N holdsthat:

LG(H) =⋃



This lemma as well as the definition of local concretisability ensures that applyingreaG still yields all possible HCs that can be concretised from the HC reaG is appliedto.

7.4 Abstraction

After having introduced how to obtain more concrete heap representations from an ab-stracted representation in the following it is discussed how concrete heap representationsare abstracted into more general representations. The idea of such an abstraction is toapply production rules in a backward fashion. Thus identifying the right hand side of aproduction rule, removing it and replacing it by the according nonterminal. Note thatthis approach corresponds to the way write access is handed over to forked processeswhere also subgraphs are replaced by hyperedges. For a comprehensible presentation ofthis concept recall once again the grammar G from page 31 and also consider the heaprepresentation and abstraction steps in Figure 8. In this example the right hand side ofa production rule is identified in the heap representation (blue mark) and replaced bythe nonterminal on the left hand side (B). Note that all permissions on the right handside of a production rule are the same which prevents further abstraction steps althoughbesides permission the structure fits the right hand side of a production rule, namelythe third one. But since the permissions differ there is no right hand side which fits thisgraph. For a formal approach on identifying the right hand side of a production ruleembeddings are introduced below. Embeddings are functions that identify subgraphs of


Page 43: Thread-Modular Analysis of Heap-Manipulating … dereferencation of null pointers and memory leaks [7, 6]. Furthermore

HGs and are formally defined as follows:

Definition 7.17 (Embedding). For K,H ∈ HRGVarprocessΣN

an embedding emb =(mV ,mE) of K in H is a pair of functions with mV : VK → VH and mE : EK → EHthat preserve the following properties:

labK(e) = labH(mE(e)) for all e ∈ EKpermK(e) = permH(mE(e)) for all e ∈ EKmV (conK(e)) = conH(mE(e)) for all e ∈ EKHconH(e)I ∩mV (VK \ HextKI) = ∅ for all edges e ∈ EH \mE(EK)

mE(e) 6= mE(e′) for all e, e′ ∈ EK with e 6= e′

mV (v) 6= mV (v′) for all v ∈ VK , v′ ∈ VK \ HextKI with v 6= v′

The requirements for the functions of the embedding are as indicated distinguisheablein three topics:

1. Preservation, namely of labeling and permissions

2. Structure, namely that identified edges agree on which nodes they connect andinner nodes are not connected to any other edge in H than those that can be alsofound in K (since the inner nodes will be replaced by the nonterminal it would beunclear where those edges point to afterwards)

3. Injectivity, both the embedding function of edges and nodes are injective with oneexception: it is possible to identify multiple external nodes of K with the samenode in H, this causes the nonterminal to be connected with multiple tentacles tothe same node

With these definitions applying production rules backwards is defined as:

Definition 7.18 (Hyperedge introduction). For an HAG G, (pρ : X → M) ∈ G,

H ∈ HCVarprocessΣ and an embedding (mV ,mE) of K in H H[M/e] ∈ HG


isdefined as follows:

• VH[M/e] = VH \mV (VM \ HextMI)

• EH[M/e] = (EH \mE(EM ))⊎{e}

• conH[M/e] = conH � (EH \mE(EM )) ∪ {e 7→ mV (extM )}

• labH[M/e] = labH � (EH \mE(EM )) ∪ {e 7→ X}

• extH[M/e] = extH

• permH[M/e] = permH � (EH \mE(EM )) ∪ {e 7→ ρ}


Page 44: Thread-Modular Analysis of Heap-Manipulating … dereferencation of null pointers and memory leaks [7, 6]. Furthermore

With these definitions an abstraction function

abs ′G : HGVarprocessΣN

→ P(HGVarprocessΣN


for an HAG G is defined which maps an HG H ∈ HGVarprocessΣN

to the set of those HGsthat result by introducing successively hyperedges until there is no further embedding forany right hand side of any production rule in G. Note firstly that this way of abstractingterminates because G is increasing and thus every abstraction step results in a smallerHG and secondly that abstraction might possibly lead to a set of HGs instead of asingle one as the following example illustrates. Consider therefore the fpHRG G′ frompage 33 and the following example of abstraction steps where every arrow indicate theintroduction of an hyperedge.






WR1 2





1 2




WR1 2 1 2


WR1 2

Note that the dotted arrow is only valid if the third production rule (on page 33) whichestablished local concretisability is added to G′. Nevertheless there are two HGs that cannot be anymore abstracted which are obtained by introducing hyperedges repeatedly. Asstated for HR it holds that two (and therefore by an inductive argument arbitrary many)production rules are applied and there is exactly one resulting HG, but for backwardapplication there are possible multiple resulting HGs and it depends on which abstractionis carried out first. Consider now adding additionally the production rule

L 1 L L 21 2 1 2

to G′. This causes the above considered abstraction to result in a singleton set becausethe left hand leaf of this “abstraction tree” can be further abstracted to the right handleaf. The property that abstraction results in a single possible HG is called backwardconfluence and a HAG is called backward confluent if every abstraction for an arbitraryHG results in a single HG. For a backward confluent HAGs G the abstraction functionabsG : HG


→ HGVarprocessΣN

is defined as the mapping from every HG H to the

single element in abs ′G(H). It is unclear if it is possible to establish backward confluencefor HAGs, but it is decideable if an HAG is backward confluent (for details see [10]).


Page 45: Thread-Modular Analysis of Heap-Manipulating … dereferencation of null pointers and memory leaks [7, 6]. Furthermore

7.5 Abstract Semantics

As already mentioned above and also explored in [6] it is possible to model the semanticsof statements (except fork and join) on partially abstracted but admissible HCs becausethe admissibility ensures that all referenceable objects and selectors are actually cur-rently available in the heap representation. But it is possible that the execution of sucha statement invalidates the admissibility because other selectors can become reference-able because a variable might get assigned a new value. This inadmissibility has to beresolved in order to continue the analysis of further statements. In order to resolve inad-missibilities the heap representation is at first completely abstracted and subsequentlyas far as necessary concretised to reestablish admissibility. The first abstraction stepis used in order to minimise the heap representation because reaG stops as soon as ad-missibility is established. With these intuitions the abstract semantics (denoted by I)of pointer operations (which are all statements except of fork, join and assignment ofprocess identifiers) can be given as follows:

(S,H)B (S′, I) H ′ ∈ reaG(absG(I))

(S,H) I (S′, H ′)

For the semantics of the assignment of process identifiers the concrete semantics alsotransfer to partially abstracted HCs since the definitions given for the modifications ofpermissions in Section 6.1 are applicable for nonterminals as well, thus no changes arerequired.

For join and fork on the other hand some modifications in semantics have to be intro-duced. At first the postponed definitions of reachability and border nodes are addressedand afterwards the semantics of fork and join are applied on partially abstracted HCs.

The set of selectors that are reachable from an initial node are those selectors that canbe reached via moving along other selectors. For example consider the HC described inFigure 9. The set of reachable edges from v1 is {e1, e2, e4, e5} since from v1 e1 is directly














Figure 9: simple HC to illustrate reachability

reachable and after moving along e1 the edge e2 is reachable and so forth. On the otherhand e3 is not reachable from v1 since the selector points in the “wrong” direction. In


Page 46: Thread-Modular Analysis of Heap-Manipulating … dereferencation of null pointers and memory leaks [7, 6]. Furthermore

order to formalise these movements along the edges in H ∈ HGVarprocessΣN

the notion of apath π is introduced as

π ∈ (N× EH × N)∗

where it holds for π(k) = (i, e, j) and π(k+1) = (i′, e′, j′) that conH(e)(j) = conH(e′)(i′)for all 1 ≤ k ≤ (|π| − 1). This describes undirected paths, i.e.

(1, e1, 2)(2, e3, 1)

is a valid path although e3 is actually not reachable from v1. Thus, not all paths agreewith the intuition of reachability. The intuition of reachability is easy for selectorswhich are interpreted as directed edges. For nonterminals reachability is understood asthe possibility to concretise this nonterminal in a way such that there is a reachable pathalong selectors between the connected nodes. Formally defined is reachability by the useof the term bridge as follows:

Definition 7.19 (Reachability). A bridge (i,X, j) ∈ br(N ∪Sel) is called reachable

for G ∈ HAGVarprocessΣN

if i = 1, j = 2, X ∈ Sel or if X ∈ N and there is H ∈ LG(X•)such that there is a reachable path π from v•i to v•j .

Note that it is assumed that the set Sel is ranked by the function that maps all selectorsto 2 to ensure that br(N ∪ Sel) is defined. A path π is called reachable if every usedbridge is reachable. Let Path(u, v) denote all paths that start in u and end in v, formally:

Path(u, v) =

π |π is a path

∧ (i, e, j) = π(1) ∧ conH(e)(i) = u

∧ (i′, e′, j′) = π(|π|) ∧ conH(e′)(j′) = v

Furthermore it is possible to compute all reachable bridges over nonterminals in a

HAG over syntactical analysis of the HAG as the following lemma states:

Lemma 7.2. For G ∈ HAGVarprocessΣN

the set RB(G) denotes all reachable bridges in G.RB(G) can be computed by syntactical analysis of G.

Proof. Let

RB0 = {(1, s, 2) | s ∈ Sel}

denote the set of all bridges over selectors in the “right” direction. Let furthermoreNT (π) denote all used bridges in the path π in an HG H

NT (π) = {(i, labH(e), j) | (i, e, j) ∈ HπI}


RBn+1 = {(i,X, j) | ∃H ∈ rhs(GX).∃π ∈ Path(extH(i), extH(j)).NT (π) ⊆ RBn}


Page 47: Thread-Modular Analysis of Heap-Manipulating … dereferencation of null pointers and memory leaks [7, 6]. Furthermore

denote the set of all reachable bridges that make use of previously computed reachablebridges which ensure reachable paths. For example, RB1 is the set of bridges overselectors and those nonterminals for which a right hand side of a production rule existswhere a path along selectors connects extH(i) and extH(j). It is easy to see that thisiteration is monotone and since the set of all bridges for a finite set of nonterminals Nand selectors Sel is finite as well it terminates after finitly many steps. By inductionover n, the depth of applied concretisation steps for nonterminals until a reachable pathis found it follows that the fixpoint of this iteration is indeed RB(G).

Combining this result with a breadth-first search that computes stepwise all possiblepaths of finite length and with the set RB(G) it can be tested if these paths are reachable.It follows that for a finite graph all reachable paths can be computed. Let CPathH(v)denote all reachable paths in H starting in the node v:

Corollary 7.1. For H ∈ HGVarprocessΣN

, G ∈ HAGVarprocessΣN

and v ∈ VH the set CPathH(v)can be computed by syntactical analysis of G and a structural analysis of H.

Another point has to be taken into account before the set of reachable edges can beformally defined. It is illustrated by the following production rule:

T 1 2p p

It is evident that the bridges (1, T, 2), (2, T, 1) are both not reachable. But also bothtentacles (T, 1), (T, 2) are not reduction tentacles since both actually abstract selectors.If any reachable path from a starting node u to a node v exists such that v is connectedto a T -labeled edge e, then e has to be included in the set of reachable edges, since itabstracts edges which can actually be reached. With this in mind the set of reachableedges from a node v in a HG H denoted by reachHabs(v) can be formally defined in twosteps. First all edges of reachable paths are gathered in

P = {e | (i, e, j) ∈ HπI, π ∈ CPathH(v)}

and secondly all nonterminals where parts of the concretisating graphs can be reachedin

D =

{e |

labH(e) ∈ N, 1 ≤ i ≤ rk(labH(e)).∃e′ ∈ P.conH(e)(i) ∈ HconH(e′)I∧ (labH(e), i) is no reduction tentacle


Then the set of reachable edges is defined as:

reachHabs(v) = P ∪D

and let

reachHabs(v1, . . . , vn) =⋃



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denote the reachable nodes from multiple initial nodes. This concludes computing thereachable edges in a partially abstract HG. As mentioned before the computation ofreachable edges for fully concrete HGs relies on the reachability in the abstracted caseand is intuitively achieved by abstracting the concrete HG, computating the set of reach-able edges, concretising with the same sequence of production rules that is used for theabstraction to rebuild the initial HG. The set of reachable edges in the concrete HGare all edges that arise from reachable edge in the abstraction. Therefore productionsequences are introduced as sequence of tupel of production rules and edges. A produc-tion sequence denotes the way a heap is transformed via production rules. This meansit is possible to revert abstraction steps by saving tupels of the production rules and theintroduced hyperedges that arise from backward application of that production rule andapplying this sequence in reversed order to the abstracted HG yields again the originalconcrete HG. Let π be a finite production sequence then π−1 denotes the reversed pro-duction sequence. Furthermore let π � E denote the production sequence that containsall production rules in π that are applied to edges in E or edges that are concretisedfrom E (in possibly multiple applications of production rules). Let furthermore H

π=⇒ Q

denote the application of a sequence of production rules π. Especially it holds for the

production sequence π which is used to obtain absG(H) that absG(H)π−1

==⇒ H. Addi-tionally, let H be a partially abstracted HG then let Eπ for an production sequence πdenote the set of all edges that arise from concretisation steps applied to edges of E andedges that are originally obtained from edges in E.

Eπ = {e | (H � E)π�E==⇒ H ′, e ∈ EH′}

With these notions reachability for concrete hypergraphs can be defined in context of aHAG G as follows:

reachH(v1, . . . , vn) = (reachabsG(H)abs (v1, . . . , vn))π−1

where the abstraction preserves v1, . . . , vn and π denotes the corresponding productionsequence of the abstraction.

For the contracts of the forked programs there is one difference to the concrete se-mantics which is that a partially abstract precondition concretises to various possibleHCs (similar to the contracts presented in [11]). Just like concretisation of nonterminalsdemands that all production rules that establish admissibility are analysed (since theinformation from which of these concrete HCs it is abstracted from is lost) there are alsomultiple postconditions that might apply after the execution of a program depending onthe actual structures the partially abstract precondition concretises to. Formally, thisleads to a set of contracts for a program m where one precondition leads to multiplepostconditions:

Contabs(m) ⊆ P((HGVarprocessΣN

× P(E)× P(HGVar ′processΣ′N


where for every C = (PC , EC ,QC) ∈ Contabs(m) holds that EC ⊆ EPCWR. Furthermore

there is for every program m and precondition P maximal one contract C ∈ Contabs(m).


Page 49: Thread-Modular Analysis of Heap-Manipulating … dereferencation of null pointers and memory leaks [7, 6]. Furthermore

Because if there are two contracts C,C ′ ∈ Contabs(m) with PC ∼=ap fp P∼=ap fp PC′ then

those contracts can be united to a contract C ′′ = (P,EC ∪EC′ ,Q′) such that Q′ containsall possible results from executions of m starting from the initial heap state (whichis obtained from the precondition and the set of alternable edges the same way it isdescribed in Section 6.5 with straightforward ajustments for nonterminals).

As already introduced the intuition for border nodes is that these nodes are part of thesubgraph for which the access tickets are transferred to the newly forked process but arealso still part and accessible (with limitation to some selectors) to the forking process.For the formal definition let H be the current heap representation, C = (PC , EC ,QC) bea contract for the forked process, R be the reachable subgraph from the actual parameterof the fork statement and it holds that R ∼=ap fp PC . Then the set of border nodes canbe defined as follows:

borderHabs(C) =



⋂ ⋃e∈EH\EC


which leads to the following transformation of the heap representation of the forkingprocess:

H ′ = H[↓ t][\EC ][+WRN{t} ⇒ enumbC(H)][(EPC\ EC)− {t}]

where t denotes the process identifier that identifies the newly forked process initially.With these definitions the abstract semantics for the fork statement can be given asfollows where R = (H � reachabs(Jx1KH , . . . , JxnKH))

(PC , EC ,QC) ∈ Contabs(m) PC ∼=ap fp R H ′′ ∈ reaG(absG(H ′))

(t = fork(m(x1, . . . , xn)), H) I (ε,H ′′)

Lastly, the join statement is dealt with almost the same as in the concrete semantics.Recall therefore the two transformations steps for one precondition Q from page 28:

Q′1 = QC [↓ enumVar ′thread(1)] . . . [↓ Var ′thread(|Var ′thread|)]

andQ′2 = Q′1[\(EQ


RD ∪ EQ′1RD∗)]

then there are again two transition rules for the join statement where one deals withfully returned read tickets and the other one with lost read tickets. Especially everypostcondition Q ∈ QC is examined (since every postcondition describes a valid executionof the program from the initial heap state).

Q ∈ QC EQ′1RD∗ 6= ∅ H[↓ Tt]


=====⇒ H ′ H ′′ ∈ reaG(absG(H ′))

(join(t), H) I (ε,H ′′)

Q ∈ QC EQ′1RD∗ = ∅ H[← Tt]


=====⇒ H ′ H ′′ ∈ reaG(absG(H ′))

(join(t), H) I (ε,H ′′)


Page 50: Thread-Modular Analysis of Heap-Manipulating … dereferencation of null pointers and memory leaks [7, 6]. Furthermore

where C = (PC , EC ,QC) is the contract which the process is forked by before (whichcan be obtained by attaching it to the placeholder when the fork statement is executed).Additionally it can be explained in the context of abstraction why it is avoided forthe concrete semantics as well as for the abstract semantics to match the shared edgesfrom the postcondition to the ones in the heap representation of the joining process.Because of the applied abstraction it is possible that nonterminals that are identifiedat the join statement get concretised and abstracted differently through the executionof both processes. To avoid accounting from which nonterminals different edges arose(especially since it had to be done for every forked process individually) it is just dealtwith by handing over one read ticket for all shared edges and returning the minimumof this read ticket (nothing if any edge cannot return its ticket completely or everythingif every edge can guarantee to return the whole ticket). Also this fits the approach todeal with abstraction and permissions as orthogonal concepts (like it is approached byintroducing fully permissive grammars on page 30). Note that again one abstractionand one concretisation step is applied to the resulting heap representation. This is donebecause after the transformation of permissions as well as inserting the “WR part” intothe heap representation it is possible that the right hand side of production rule can befound in the resulting heap representation which were not present before. Thus, to obtainthe most general heap representation the abstraction step is executed and following toobtain the minimal admissible HCs one concretisation step is applied.

7.6 Correctness

The main result justifying the taken approach on the presented abstraction is to showthat I is an over-approximation of the transition relation B. Therefore it is assumed thatabstraction and concretisation relies on a backward confluent HAG G and abstract andconcrete contracts are connected in the following way: For every C = (PC , EC , QC) ∈Cont(m) exists C ′ = (PC′ , EC′ ,QC′) ∈ Contabs(m) such that

(i) PC ∈ LG(PC′), which implies there is a production sequence π such that PC′π=⇒ PC

(ii) PC′ � EC′π�EC′===⇒ PC � EC

(iii) there is Q′ ∈ QC′ with QC ∈ LG(Q′)

This intuitively means that (i) preconditions of concrete contracts arise from concreti-sation of preconditions of abstract contracts, where (ii) every edge in the alternable setof the concrete contract arise from concretisation of edges in the alternable set of theabstract contract and (iii) the postcondition of the concrete contract can be found byconcretising one of the postconditions of the abstract contract. Note further that theorder of π does not matter due to the confluence property of HR, but a previous HR canexpose the hyperedges which later production rules are applied to. This might causedependencies between the production rules. A subsequence χ of π denoted as χ ≺ π isa sequence of production rules such that these production rules appear also in π.


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These assumptions are essential requirements for the presented analysis and abstrac-tion approach of this paper. Because the actual analysis is actually designed for ab-stracted representation, it is expected that the set of abstracted contracts is computedfirst and the concrete contracts are simply generated by concretisation of abstractedcontracts. This justifies that even for the concrete semantics a corresponding abstractedcontract exists for every concrete contract. This is necessary because the border nodesfor the concrete semantics are computed by abstracting and computing the border nodesfor the abstracted case and concretise by the sequence of production rules used for theabstraction. This is necessary to ensure that the abstract semantics overapproximatethe concrete semantics. This approach agrees with the intuition of the border nodes inthe concrete semantics because the computation of border nodes in the abstracted HCis a superset of the actual border nodes. Recall therefore the intutition of border nodesfor the concrete semantics as all nodes that are connected to an edge for which WRpermission is transferred and an edge that is still present within the heap representationof the forking process. Let H be this heap representation and C = (PC , EC , QC) thecontract by which the fork statement is executed then the intuition translates to thefollowing set:

IBH(C) = {v | ∃e ∈ EC .∃e′ ∈ EH \ EC .v ∈ HconH(e)I ∩ HconH(e′)I}

Then the following lemma states that this computation ensures that the border nodesare a superset of the nodes that are intuitively understood as border nodes:

Lemma 7.3 (Border Lemma). For C ∈ Cont(m) and C ′ ∈ Contabs(m) such that for Cand C ′ (i), (ii), (iii) holds that IBH(C) ⊆ borderH(C ′)

Firstly one additional property for HR, namely context-freeness, is presented in thefollowing because it motivates some of the used results for the presented proofs. But inorder to avoid some formal machinery context-freeness is only presented informally, forformal details as well as the proof that HR actually is context-free see [16, pp. 111-115]:The deriveration of nonterminals is context-free in the sense that it is independent fromthe rest of the HG. This means, first applying production rules to nonterminals andglueing the resulting hypergraphs together yields the same result as glueing the hyper-graphs together and applying the same production rules afterwards. In the following theproof for the Border Lemma is presented which actually makes use of context-freenessproperty:

Border Lemma. Let v ∈ IBH(C) be arbitrarily chosen. It follows that v ∈ borderH(C)by the following argument: Since v ∈ IBH(C) it follows that there is e ∈ EC ande′ ∈ EH \ EC such that v ∈ HconH(e)I ∩ HconH(e′)I. Let furthermore C ′ denote theabstract contract to C for which (i), (ii), (iii) holds. By the context-freeness property ofHR and because (ii) holds follows that there are eabs ∈ EC′ and e′abs ∈ EabsG(H)\EC′ suchthat e arises from concretisation of eabs and e′ from concretisation of e′abs. Thereforeit follows immediatly that v ∈ HconabsG(H)(eabs)I ∩ HconabsG(H)(e

′abs)I and hence v ∈



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This proves that it is viable to rely on abstraction in order to determine the bordernodes because it overapproximates the definition of border nodes for the concrete case.

In order to proof the overapproximation of I it is actually shown that if (S,H) B(S′, H ′) that there is K such that (S, absG(H)) I (S′,K) and H ′ ∈ LG(K). Furthermorethe proof is only presented for the fork and join statement and the assignment of processidentifier. For all other cases the overapproximation can be shown straigthforwardly byadapting the proof of overapproximation presented in [6]. Especially noteworthy in thiscontext is that the presented absG and reaG functions of this paper with Theorem 7.1and that every backwards application of a production rule can be undone by forwardsapplication of the same production rule satisfy the requirements for the concretisationand abstraction functions demanded by the Correctness Theorem in [6, p. 19].

For the following proofs of overapproximation for fork and join some general argumentsare presented in front to reduce the formal complexity of the actual argumentation:

(I) Because permissions propagate strictly through production rules it follows for aproduction sequence π and two HGs H,Q with H

π=⇒ Q and a permission ρ that

(EHρ )π = EQρ

because every nonterminal with permission ρ can only concretise to edges withpermission ρ and also edges with permission ρ can only be abstracted into nonter-minals with permission ρ.

(II) Since production rules are generally assumed to not abstract placeholder and vari-ables it can be assured that nodes that are identified by variables are preserved byabstractions and introduced placeholder are preserved through concretisation.

Lemma 7.4 (Overapproximation of Fork). For a backward confluent G ∈ HAGVarprocessΣN


H,H ′ ∈ HCVarprocessΣ and (t = fork(m(x1, . . . , xn)), H) B (ε,H ′) it holds that there is

I ∈ HCVarprocessΣN

with (t = fork(m(x1, . . . , xn)), absG(H)) I (ε, I) and H ′ ∈ LG(I).

Proof. Let C be the contracted by which (t = fork(m(x1, . . . , xn)), H)B (ε,H ′) is com-puted. Then by the definition of B it follows that H ′ = H[↓ t][\EC ][+WRN{t} ⇒enumbC(H)][(EP \ EC) − {t}]. Let C ′ be the abstract contract such that C and C ′ sat-isfy (i), (ii), (iii). With this it is shown that H ′ ∈ LG(absG(H)[↓ t][\EC′ ][+WRN{t} ⇒enumbC′ (absG(H))][(EPC′ \ EC′) − {t}]) by the following argument: Obviously there is a

production sequence π such that absG(H)π=⇒ H. Furthermore the permissions in H and

in absG(H) are altered both by [↓ t] the same way, also because placeholders cannot beabstracted (by argument (II)) and because the permission propagate through concreti-sation (by argument (I)) it follows that there is a production sequence π′ that mirrors πbut adapts the permissions of production rules according to the edges these production

rules are applied to such that absG(H)[↓ t] π′=⇒ H[↓ t]. Secondly, it can be assured by the

definition of reachH and because Jx1KH , . . . , JxnKH are preserved through abstraction (by

argument (II)) that for R := reachabsG(H)abs (Jx1KabsG(H), . . . , JxnKabsG(H)) it follows that


Page 53: Thread-Modular Analysis of Heap-Manipulating … dereferencation of null pointers and memory leaks [7, 6]. Furthermore

absG(H) � R︸ ︷︷ ︸PC′

π′�R==⇒ H � reachH(Jx1KH , . . . , JxnKH)︸ ︷︷ ︸


. Because of the context-freeness of HR

and property (ii) for C and C ′ it follows that removing EC′ in absG(H)[↓ t] removes ECin H[↓ t]. This implies that there is a production sequence π′′ which is the same as π′

but reduced to those production rules for which the edges are actually present after re-

moving EC′ in absG(H) such that absG(H)[↓ t][\EC′ ]π′′=⇒ H[↓ t][\EC ]. Since the border

nodes in both cases are determined the same way and (II) holds it follows immediatly

that absG(H)[↓ t][\EC′ ][+WRN{t} ⇒ enumbC′ (absG(H))]π′′=⇒ H[↓ t][\EC ][+WRN{t} ⇒

enumbC(H)]. Finally, because of (I) it follows that there is π′′′ such that absG(H)[↓t][\EC′ ][+WRN{t} ⇒ enumbC′ (absG(H))][(EPC′ \EC′)− {t}]

π′′′=⇒ H[↓ t][\EC ][+WRN{t} ⇒

enumbC(H)][(EP \ EC) − {t}] where π′′′ mirrors π′′ but adapts the permissions of theproduction rules according to the permissions of the edges they are applied to. This con-cludes that H ′ ∈ LG(absG(H)[↓ t][\EC′ ][+WRN{t} ⇒ enumbC′ (absG(H))][(EPC′ \ EC′) −{t}]) and because reaG preserves the language of the HG it is applied to it follows that

there is I ∈ HCVarprocessΣN

such that (t = fork(m(x1, . . . , xn)), absG(H)) I (ε, I) withH ′ ∈ LG(I).

And secondly the join statement is examined in detail as follows:

Lemma 7.5 (Overapproximation of Join). For a backward confluent G ∈ HAGVarprocessΣN


H,H ′ ∈ HCVarprocessΣ with (join(t), H) B (ε,H ′) it holds that there is I ∈ HC


such that (join(t), absG(H)) I (ε, I) and H ′ ∈ LG(I).

Proof. Let Tt denote the token of identifiers that identify the process t and C = (PC , EC , QC) ∈Cont(m) the contract by which the process identified by all t′ ∈ Tt is joined. Letfurther more denote C ′ = (PC′ , EC′ ,QC′) ∈ Contabs(m) such that C and C ′ satisfy(i), (ii), (iii). Therefore there is (at least one) QC′ ∈ QC′ such that QC ∈ LG(QC′).This implies there is a production sequence π such that QC′

π=⇒ QC . Furthermore it is

clear that there is a production sequence λ with absG(H)λ=⇒ H. Additionally it is Q1 =

QC [↓ enumVar ′process(1)] . . . [↓ enumVar ′process

(|Var ′process|)] and Q2 = Q1[\(EQ1

RD ∪ EQ1


and accordingly Qabs1 = QC′ [↓ enumVar ′process

(1)] . . . [↓ enumVar ′process(|Var ′process|)] and

Qabs2 = Qabs

1 [\(EQabs2

RD ∪ EQabs2

RD∗ )]. By argument (I) and because the successively droppedprocess identifier alternate the permissions in QC and QC′ the same way (an analogouscase is examined in the proof of the overapproximation for the fork statement above)

it can be savely assumed that Qabs1

π′=⇒ Q1 where π′ mirrors π but adapts the permis-

sions of the production rules to fit the permissions of the edges they are adapted to,

and furthermore it follows that EQ1

RD∗ = ∅ if and only if EQabs


RD∗ = ∅, since every e withRD∗ in Q1 has to arise from an edge with RD∗ permission in Qabs

1 and every edge inQabs

1 with an RD∗ permission concretises to edges with RD∗ permissions. This impliesthat the abstract semantics as well as the concrete semantics agree upon which of bothproduction rules is used in both cases. Additionally because the “write-part” and the


Page 54: Thread-Modular Analysis of Heap-Manipulating … dereferencation of null pointers and memory leaks [7, 6]. Furthermore

“read-part” of the postcondition can be distinguished by their BasePerm and of argu-ment (I) there is a production sequence π′′ which is the same as π′ restricted to the

edges with WR,WR∗ permissions (π′′ = π′ � EQabs

1WR ∪E


WR∗) such that Qabs2

π′′=⇒ Q2. Let

now in the following ∆ ∈ {↓ Tt,← Tt} denote the graph transformation which is appliedto the heap representation to return the “read-part” of the postcondition. It is already

established that absG(H)λ=⇒ H. Because both transformations change the permissions

in absG(H) and H the same way, this implies that there is λ′ which mirrors λ aside thepermissions which are adapted to fit the edges the production rules are applied to such

that absG(H)[∆]λ′=⇒ H[∆]. Let in the following K ∈ HC


denote the HC such

that absG[∆]NTt→Q


======⇒ K holds. And H ′ is by the definition of the production rules

for the concrete semantics (see page 28) the HC such that H[∆]NTt→Q2=====⇒ H ′. It follows

from the context-freeness and independence of π′′ and λ′ (i.e. no production rule inπ′′ is needed to reveal edges which production rules of λ are applied to and vice versa)

that Kλ′=⇒ K ′︸︷︷︸

intermediate state

π′′=⇒ H ′, where the intermediate step K ′ is fully concrete in the

part around the inserted Qabs2 which is then concretised by π′′. Therefore K

λ′π′′==⇒ H ′

which implies H ′ ∈ LG(K). Finally, because application of abstraction and concretisa-tion yields at least the language of the HC they are applied to it follows that there isI ∈ reaG(absG(K)) such that H ′ ∈ LG(I).

At last the overapproximation of the assignment of process identifier is given.

Lemma 7.6 (Overapproximation of Assignment of Process Identifier). For a backward

confluent G ∈ HAGVarprocessΣN

, H,H ′ ∈ HCVarprocessΣ with (t = t′, H)B (ε,H ′) it holds that

there is I ∈ HCVarprocessΣN

such that (t = t′, absG(H)) I (ε, I) and H ′ ∈ LG(I).

Proof. This follows immediatly from argument (I) and because [t = t′] operates onthe permissions of the concrete HC as well as the corresponding abstraction the sameway.

This concludes the proof that I is an overapproximation of B. �


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8 Data Race Freedom

The main result of incorporating permissions into the heap representation is to avoid dataraces. This section proves the absence of dataraces for valid executions, i.e. executionsthat does not yield a ⊥ symbol. To improve the readability some considerations aregiven up front:

1. Edges are only altered if the permission of this edge is WR as it can be easily seenfrom the transition rules on page 19.

2. Selectors can only be read if the corresponding edge is present in the representationof the heap, which follows likewise from the transition rules on page 19

3. Let Tok(H) = {T | T is a token and either ∃e ∈ EH .permH(e) = ρ − Φ ∧ T ∈Φ or ∃e′ ∈ EH .labH(e′) = NT } denote the set of all tokens in H. The set of tokensis called consistent if they are all disjoint and all process identifier in a token referto the same process.

4. BasePerms that are once starred can never be “un-starred” again which satisfiesto drop accounting for permissions with starred BasePerms (as it can be seen inthe property Derived Tickets only not starred permissions are examined).

8.1 Proof Obligation

It is shown by induction of the transition relation that for every HC H of the transitionsystem described by B holds:

Consistency of Tokens that Tok(H) is consistent

Uniqueness of Access that there is only one process for which the BasePerm of an edgein the heap representation is WR or WR∗, i. e. write access is always transferredcompletely

Derived Tickets that all derived tickets for read access for edges with a BasePermthat is either WR or RD are properly accounted in the PermSet , where properlyaccounted means that for every derived ticket the token of the process is given inthe PermSet

For this induction only the fork and join statement as well as the allocation and assign-ment of process identifier is examined, because all other statements cannot alter anypermission or placeholder.

Let as induction hypothesis for all following proofs H be a heap representation whichsatisfies Consistency of Tokens and Uniqueness of Access and Derived Tickets.

Allocation. For (new(x), H) B (ε,H[+v][x ↪→ v]︸ ︷︷ ︸H′

) it holds that there are new edges for

used selector attached to the node v. All these edges cannot accessed by any other


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process other than the current one. Therefore H ′ satisfies Uniqueness of Access.Furthermore H ′ satisfies Consistency of Tokens by induction hypothesis and becauseno new tokens are added. Since for the new selectors no access tickets are yet derivedthe empty PermSet is a proper accounting, yielding Derived Tickets.

Assignment of Process Identifier. For (t = t′, H) B (ε,H[t = t′]) it holds that H[t = t′]satisfies Consistency of Tokens because [t = t′] implicitly contains [↓ t] which ensures,that t is removed from all tokens and afterwards it is added to the token that refers tothe process t′ refers to (by induction hypothesis there is one unique token Tt′ to whicht is added).

Additionally, Uniqueness of Access follows immediatly from the induction hypothe-sis since it is only possible that BasePerms are starred but no access tickets are somehowtransferred between processes.

And finally, Derived Tickets holds because analogous to the argumentation of Con-sistency of Tokens the BasePerm of all permission for which no proper accounting canbe guaranteed, i.e. those for which the access ticket was represented by {t}, are starred(since this derived ticket can never be regained). For the others the proper accountingfollows inherently from the induction hypothesis and because the tokens referring to thedifferent processes are consistent (Consistency of Tokens).

Fork. For(t = fork(m(x1, . . . , xn)), H)B(ε,

H′︷ ︸︸ ︷H[↓ t][\EC ][+WRN{t} ⇒ enumbC(H)][(EPC

\ EC)− {t}])let C = (PC , EC , QC) ∈ Cont(m) be the contract by which the new process is forked.

Consistency of Tokens is ensured for H ′ because again [↓ t] ensures that t is removedfrom all used tokens and therefore {t} can be added safely by the introduction of theplaceholder N{t} and [(EPC

\EC)−{t}]. Note further that {t} is a consistent token sincet is the only process identifier referring to the newly forked process. Futhermore by thedefinition of the initial heap state it satisfies Consistency of Tokens as well since allits permissions are simple at the beginning which implies an empty set of tokens.

Uniqueness of Access can be assured because by the definition of how the initialheap state is obtained it follows that only for edges from EC the permission is WR (for allothers the permission is RD). Since EC ⊆ EPC

WR by the premise for contracts and becauseH satisfies Uniqueness of Access the transformation [\EC ] ensures Uniqueness ofAccess for H ′ because the edges for which the initial heap state has WR access areremoved for H ′. Furthermore this argument also yields Uniqueness of Access for theinitial heap state of the forked process as well.

It can also be seen that H ′ satisfies Derived Tickets since for all e ∈ EH[↓t] with aBasePerm that is either WR or RD Consistency of Tokens ensures a proper account-ing of the derived access tickets. And all reachable edges are either removed [\EC ] or thetoken {t} is added which accounts the the newly derived access ticket for all reachableedges that are not removed. Concludingly, H ′ satisfies Derived Tickets. Also for theinitial heap state all PermSets are empty and because there is not yet any derived ticketfor the initial heap state it also satisfies Derived Tickets.


Page 57: Thread-Modular Analysis of Heap-Manipulating … dereferencation of null pointers and memory leaks [7, 6]. Furthermore

Join. For (join(t), H)B (ε,H ′) let C = (PC , EC , QC) denote the contract by which thejoined process was forked intially. Furthermore it holds that

Q1 = QC [↓ enumVar ′thread(1)] . . . [↓ Var ′thread(|Var ′thread|)] and Q2 = Q′1[\(EQ


RD ∪ EQ′1RD∗)].

It is shown for the fork statement that the initial heap state of forked processes sat-isfies Consistency of Tokens, Uniqueness of Access and Derived Tickets. It isstated that for contracts QC is obtained by a valid execution from the initial heap state.This valid execution implies preservation of Consistency of Tokens, Uniqueness ofAccess and Derived Tickets, thus QC satisfies these properties. Furthermore afterhaving dropped all process identifier ([↓ t′] for all t′ ∈ Var ′process) it can be assured thatTok(Q1) = ∅ which is therefore consistent. Additionally since from Q1 to Q2 only edgesare removed it follows that Tok(Q2) = ∅ which is also consistent. Also Uniqueness ofAccess is preserved for Q1 and Q2 because all BasePerms can only alter from WR toWR∗ or from RD to RD∗ for every [↓ t] transformation. Therefore because QC satisfiesUniqueness of Access so do Q1 and especially Q2. Also, because those edges thatpreserve an unstarred BasePerm through the dropping of all process identifier must havehad an empty PermSet before and therefore the permission did not change from QC .Therefore Q1 inherently satisfies Derived Tickets and because Q2 is a subgraph of Q1

it does too.

Distinguish two cases in the following: firstly EQ1

RD∗ 6= ∅, which implies that H[↓

Tt]NTt→Q2=====⇒ H ′. Then H ′ satisfies Consistency of Tokens because the token Tt is

removed from the token set (by successively dropping t′ ∈ Tt and replacing the place-holder NTt by Q2) and the corresponding process terminated. Furthermore, integratingQ2 does not add any token (recall that Tok(Q2) = ∅).

Uniqueness of Access can be assured because QC satisifes Uniqueness of Accessand thus, integrating those edges with BasePerm WR or WR∗ into H hands over thewrite ticket to H. The write ticket was unique before and since the process that handsthe write ticket over terminated it is unique afterwards.

For Derived Tickets it is noteworthy that it cannot be guaranteed that all derivedaccess tickets are completely returned since there is at least one edge e ∈ EQ1

RD∗ (thus thisedge can potentially be accessed concurrently by a process and this process can neverbe joined since the refernce to it is lost). Because the initial heap state is only providedwith WR or RD permission this implies a loss of information regarding the accountingin the forked process. This loss of information propagates strictly by dropping the tokenthat identifies the derived access ticket. This ensures a proper accounting since thosepermissions from which this access ticket was derived are starred (more precisely theirBasePerm). Furthermore for the “WR-part” Derived Tickets is shown above whichconcludes that H ′ satisfies Derived Tickets.

Secondly, examine the case that EQ1

RD∗ = ∅ such that H[↓ Tt]NTt→Q2=====⇒ H ′: it follows

analogous to the first case that H ′ satisfies Consistency of Tokens and Uniquenessof Access. For the Derived Tickets it is important that the whole access ticketis returned because since QC satisfies Derived Tickets the empty PermSet for thepermissions with RD as BasePerm guarantees that in the execution every granted access


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ticket is completely recollected (in other words there is no process directly or indirectly7

forked from the joined process that can access these edges). This means the grantedaccess ticket (represented as RD permissions in the initial heap state) are completelyreturned and it follows, because the “WR-part” satisfies Derived Tickets that H ′

satisfies Derived Tickets.

Concludingly, this induction yields data race freedom by the following argument: Be-cause proper accounting for all edges with a permission that has a BasePerm of WRor RD is guaranteed (Derived Tickets) it follows that any derived access ticket fromthis permission restricts to read access (by the definition of the transition rules). Apermission of WR guarantees exclusive access because it meets the condition for properaccounting of Derived Tickets, thus its empty PermSet ensures that no other processan access this value concurrently. �

7since in the given setup process can only be joined by the process that forked them, there is a distinctpredecessor relationship between processes. Indirectly forked refers to any process which is in thetransitive closure of the predecessor relationship to the examined process


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9 Conclusion

For the future it can be generally assumed that complexity of software increases further.Especially the paradigm of parallel programming becomes more and more important (forexample in the relatively new programming language Go which offers “explicit supportfor concurrent programming.” [5]). In this work a permission model was added to the al-ready established analysing technique of representing pointer structures as hypergraphs.This allows analysing programs with parallel execution and therefore a programminglanguage was introduced which supports simple pointer manipulation as well as parallelexecution by fork and join statements. The semantics were appropiatly defined in termsof hypergraph transformations. As long as valid contracts for the different programs thatcan be forked are provided the data race freedom for the analysed states is proven. Butthe defined permission model is actually meant as basis for a larger framework whichallows computation of those contracts in order to avoid defining those by hand whichis error-prone. Thus the presented analysis is meant for providing a basis that allowsfurther work with the framework (as presented in Section 9.1). Other contributionsregard the applied abstraction by hyperedge replacement grammars, namely computa-tion of reachability and especially the compatibility of hyperedge replacement with thepermission model as shown in the proof of overapproximation of the transition relation.

9.1 Future Work

After having shown that analysis based on contracts yields data race freedom and istherefore a viable approach on parallel execution of processes it is of special interesthow to obtain such contracts. Therefore it is open for future research to compute thesecontracts automatically. Due to the similarity of contracts in [11] and the presentedwork the same approach of fixpoint iteration to compute contracts can be explored forthe presented setup. Additionally integrating the presented permission model into thealready existent tool Juggrnaut is of interest in order to collect experimental data of theefficency of this approach for actual problems. For permission accounting in separationlogic there are approaches to abstract from actual permission models [3, 4] which openspermission accounting to be explored with various possible permission models. Workingon such an abstraction for heap representation with hypergraphs opens this approachto choosing fitting permission models for different situations. Also discussed in [3] isanother concept of sharing resources between processes: conditional critical regions.These are parts of the program that are connected with a shared resource. This sharedresource can be aquired (which grants exclusive access), operated on and finally released.This describes a mechanism of programming for parallel execution known as monitor [9]which is e.g. part of the programming language Ada95 [17, p. 163ff]. A possible approachof integrating this concept for the presented permission model is to introduce a “ghostprocess” which is joined by aquiring and forked by release of the resource. For separationlogic invariants are used to describe conditional critical resources [3], which can possiblyapplied to hypergraph representation by representing the resource as single nonterminaland ensuring that this nonterminal describes all possible states of the resource. Also


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connected to this is considering forked processes as heap objects themselves. Becausethis is closer to the actual implementation of fork and join in programming languages e.g.Java [1]. This would additionally allow to provide processes as parameter for procedurecalls of further fork statements. Moreover [1] allows for forked process to be joined byvarious processes in order to obtain a part of the permissions of the postcondition, whichcould possibly adapted for the representation of hypergraphs as well.

Regarding abstraction and abstract contracts it is possible that these contracts are fartoo rigorous for their alternable sets. Consider therefore a process that might change theright subtree of a provided binary tree but leaves the left subtree as is. Abstraction inthe context of a HRG as presented on page 31 might cause indistinguishability betweenthe subtrees and causes the process to demand write access on both. A possible approachon this might be to add to contracts the information that applying some concretisationsteps might yield considerably finer demands.


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