threatening letters

. . .' . '<1 " . , ' , : ' . " .. . , ', '. ' ' . . ' . . > . . .... . ' , ' . ' , " ..... ,. . . . . . . ' . , ' " . , ',,, ' . ,', .' '.: ' ·W~.a~e a group ofconcernedpeopfewh~·~6v.:~:lo~ed·thris·" .... ,. .. .: -Northon. Ever since his murder we have b ~ '· .'" '. .. . ":~.' .·.who killed him and allofthe people sheknew.Her ex-husband,' ': ..... ·': .Don King got his start-in his chosen fieJ~'''by help'irig t o ' p~"chi14 ::. : .; . · .,' .: .... pornography abroad, He also has a penchant, or at: least .did at the. '" . .."~ .: ' .. ". ·ti.nie·that.he and his ex-wife were together, for little beys, She '. . .' ". '" ·.' '., '.. knew this. She knows exactly what he. was-doing. She.holdsit over' " . '.. -, . .' him, Since .Dane is now in his. keep, we would :" ike, to a sk y o u to '. ..:,... . investigate what we have discovered and please-not allow him' to" ".: , .' . . be .. PI~ed in a home that would subiecr him t(j' a n y more trauma.. ,": .. ' .... .-.than be has already had to endure . . .. ', .' :..' :, . .:': .. : ' .. . '. , , '. , " " . . . : ' . . ' , '; '. , ' . .. . ' . " ' . ' .. . .' . ' .. ' :' :. . . :. .' , , ' ' . " ' , , .' " " .' .. . ' . .' . ,.,. : . ' " . . . . " ". ' .. . . . " .. " .. ' . .. . . . " ' '. ;.

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8/6/2019 Threatening Letters 1/11

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'<1 " .

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.. . . . . .' ., '"

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. ,', .' ' .: ' ·W ~ .a~ea group ofconce rne dpe opfe wh~ ·~ 6v.:~ :lo~ ed· thris·" .. .. , .. . .: -Northon. Eve r since his m urde r we have b~ ' .vroman:· . '" '

.. . ":~.' .·.who killed him and allofthe people sheknew.Her ex-husband,' ': .....

· ' : .Don King got his sta rt-in h is c ho se n fieJ~' ' 'by help'irig t o ' p~"chi14 ::. : .; .· ., ' . : ....pornog raphy a b road , He a lso ha s a penchant , or at: le a s t .d id at the . '" . '. . " ~

.: ' .. ". ·ti.nie·that.he and his ex-wife were together, for little beys, She '. . .' ". '"·.' '., '.. knew this. She knows exactly what he. was-doing. She.holdsit over' " . '..-,

. .' him, S ince .D ane is now in his.keep, we w o u ld : " I ik e ,to a sk y o u t o ' . . . : , . . .. inve stig a te wha t we have discove red and ple ase -not allow him' to" ". : ,

.' . . be ..PI~ed in a home that would subiecr him t(j' a n y more trauma.. ,": .. ' ....

. -.than be has already had to endure . . .. ', . ' :..' : , . .:': .. :

' ... '. , ,'.

, " ". . .

:' .

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8/6/2019 Threatening Letters 2/11



Weare a-group of people that have sat back ~(l' '"patiently watched the proceedings since our friend .. .Chris Northon was murdered by yeurhusbands ex' .

wife , Up until now we have se e n no r e a s o n . t o make'{,1l1," n~~CI~~A J.,.,..'n~",..., D ..... ..Q_.l.7 ~._~ •. ,.,,_J. _.~,:';~~~ 1:"" -"' ..........'''' ..n.I-I.V 'l'YU• . t , ,~~~.u.u.r,yuu. (UlU YO.u.&

husband have made a decision that his' altered Ol~T

poSit lon .·W e · ·have · spent the .last ye a r compiling data '... tha~will change both of yOU! live s a nd those ofyc~ .. : chiIm:en forever. Information that you do notwant to.. pv~r h~"T, :a. +n. In.,.nUl ".....hQUA ~.a .. ~~+" ". f" ·~ J .. do . ..n..._lA '. .• - "' ..... ~,9 _ ... " " ............... 'f'-r ...116. ...... " "' .. '" \04.£'" J."'';'" V.1. '-l1~ 'YVULL,", .

. . know. We have pictorial proof of thisinformation.. . \

~lj~would like for you to 'consider ~e t w o 'sons you.have nowas enough. ·W e w ould lik:~for.y~u to .

.' • • ; of ',. ,. . • • -e . .. ,. ..: . ."......

consider tne tact mat neuner 01 tnose.ooys wingrow.,.._ "';"'_~""'lJ",,·A~~rwgA :~Hn ....Q""rl ...r"'l'J~·hll~c~·~~rl ..1 . & 1 - ' .U,LVLu...JJ..1 V:~ .. '1 I&6w- u. JVU ..u._ J"" ..... :'.I.~""'_"''''-. '.

·auietlv walk awav from your fi2ht.fOrlJane Northon..":1. . .." - - ., .. ........ .' . ' . -

·TIley will see him, they -will knowlinn. Please ::: .·concentrate o n Danes last nrune.-W e would like for·von-to .consider that vane will not grow .updamaged~.L" 1.. . ;". 1__~.......~.~••_,,~...~..."""' .........."~ 'in .~....llnlP; of .llll~ ~'I;!~Y".::J ] v~ ~"" "-,.u.4V-,.&vyY v ·~.- .~:-.-r:---. --.'.months ..We esneciallv would like for you to consider~ - , - - - - . ." ' , '_ ' . ' . ~ ~ ' '1 ~ _ ~ _ _ .\ . L... ~!~ 1!~~'~ "~~ ..........·~11...,',''.me aamage yuu WIII UU W.....l:\..CUll .uy~~. ''''''t- '"",,,,.a .Io4~ J _

~t~~~ '\ ·~.f"~H·\ln I'nT\~"'n~ t'-' rrv to qet 'Derman.ent custodvJV~"'.f4-A. ../""'--""---- -- -_ ~~ Q '. a . . " . . . • ' .-• ' . _ , ~ • • , " 1 1 n : .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ . _ . . . .1·of Dane Nortnon. AUKl oeserves to O~ it;;;U. {;llU~·!C·.;tV.u.J~~_ .__ . .. ..J . .. _ .L..". :_~ ..........,.....",..;.("\,*", ,\-pph!.l"p J.l~ ·tiop.~.nnt 'nooo .'l~e""U'" 4V-u.'W .u..• .lI.'-'~.u..s ... ~~""'........ - .~'-"T."" ---:-.- --.-'- --7" .

.' • +

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.' .



HI ~d MS:)'"1133 :=rTlI8 E £ 8 I > t E ( ; E g S

8/6/2019 Threatening Letters 3/11

. ;.,

tobetraumatized. Vnl1 ti_c!~/.a ion. "'~ t.a+t ~1~~:a.....,;.k'.-...~- -~--~-.--~~. - ..... - ......-... l'_ "'" V'OIoI . ..l'-'.l:" a.lVl.l~· YVJ.1wll

· _~ . _: 9 ~ ott • A • ,.. ':

regarus to me mronnanon we have. You deserve toh~vpo~' n~~llij.o ~~A """';"'0 'H,,""~_'·._""~ ., .:_~~.~~.~~~.--: -. -:--"~_".&.&..4_ -.u...~ .£~.,~ 'JVW u. ;)UJ.1~.a.uu ~y .

..more children yoU and Don decide to h a v e (.ex~p;n+.."' .' .' - .-._... , ...--,-- -;r"'

· . f ' 1 " ' k ' " n~_... ~.......t__ ":'_._ .oL_ 1_ _ _ __ _ . .' _. ~. , , < " " . .:r....+v& . J.,(t;W.Ui;) • .1. v.~ U~l YC LU rwve a . normal·Ule.l·ne.dramathat We r . n l 1 1 f ' l (~nA·U1111· < : ! ' h n n t , .. · " ' ! r ., . .. . ,~ _ . ; .. . .. . .. . .. ~ ~ ~ . .. . .

: •• ~ - - • p - - -- -+- , .. . .. . .,_..........,..,..,'. . . ....." ~ J~u. "'V.I..A"'U1U~

_'_ ~'.... .~ "1'. ". 'OI l _ -. ~ ." _ '.

UU'WIS' P~) ormg mro your nves, will destroy VOUT

.. ~l'nlh, '1}:nl~ ""'".~ ....n4 ~~,t ~-;'->T l . ~ .:. .. . . . .+.~"...;..;...~...:;--.~-~.l".I .....'" ~~"''''6'' \oW..l'-l u.u.y l1Up~ VJ,.a, .uV.L..I.U4t

existence.Please imaaine vour tamilvtotaUv .:, . ~ .. ., _ .,

~~~_._. . :J . T_.;. __ !__· .~~ 1·'" ..

·U~¥.W.~ UUCl;!!,WC YUU W J..U uun oeing cnvorcea.'H'eli~ven~whAn 'Wf2t tpll vt'\l1 "nn~ 'TH~~~O"'::''l.~. nri+- ....... .......-- - ....------ ... - ---- .t - -, J .............'...~ ~.., ......,.....

~ . • ' ;. . """t ' _ . • • . ~ . '_ .. ~ .• • '

'strong enougn to wnnstana me nata wenave .~1"' ..,'t'\."';l~rl 1)lAQ~l!2 An "'-TnT A~nlo.~ ron.,. < 1 . f . .. . . ;.o~;· ....... .. . .. ,.u .. j. y .L&. , ,~ • .. .. .. " '" ' """" ","U" ..1...",...., .L. ."-&~u"'...v",", ~.j.J,t:'-''''''.I.''J v~

.resolve. Andlast.but not least vou need to.know that. .

'T_~"""'T""I.'7·1~ L_ ...~~ '1 ..... . i : t _ . _ _ , . . . . _ _ . ~ . . . ; . , + _ _ ~ . . 'j,. ".

l~\,).o.V1.J I .l\UVW~ WJ.W.t.1~ U~t LUI' 1..1( ;1l .U; rxorurou. 1'\.ll

'Ul~ 1{-nnuri~ th~thp ur1111n1nw w'hn h;~· f~thp:r 'W~~•. " ....... ....... ~... AW ,. ~ ~.., •• -- ~ ~-:---- : •• --.,.

.... _ _.. .. • 1. -.t"1 ""t

zooc ana Da a .ana mat ne W ill.oe surrounceu oy .gooc ..1~.y,..!.. ,... _"' ...._ 1 ~ '*'"'~ ...........1 < : S . . ., .r k .J " '> . A'"'

'"~++J;,~, . ; ' ; ' . f . 1 V l I f +"h~'" .

. 1 U " " J J : 1 5 ~1"JNi,}J,",Ufl~"'" nuv~.".~uV'-I~"'·'D '"'"""'\'~"'J ' .kn .oW·everythin ~ people wh() a r e not greedy, Peopie'.... ..' .' 1. 1'" "T"'- •.. __ ""t ~ ..:.._ __ ,_ __e ~ " 'r " " "O " '- '

wno - n av e icvea ana 1UlOwn ..lJau~.1l?Ilt:;:~I.Ul~ .].vu .

:9 "';..1 ~ ~ V1l h~VA Pn,(\llO'h HoP q~tisfiecl that vou wt,~",~..,.:~.:...:'":':~~--~I..-~ ---.-.:-;"~:.--:-~~~."!~ _~.4.'. "!~ _ . I - . '

·Dane mrouzn me iast year. t + eel goou aeout tnai, Lti1.,-.!_. ~_:_........~:1..~_h .....u .£ 1 1 ~ . . . . ';~l-. """4 ~~d' ;!· , .., ;n~ T'!.t .llllU ~v "' Vl'.ll~J.~ .u.~ VT.J.J.J. .L~.u. ".u.~ .~V:"""'''-',~.l''''''''''-:-

VP~N: nThi~ life_ You will see him often.You.will be.!~- - ---. ----. - -.' . ...

. .'.......... . !'I1 _'1 L ~_ _..:..~"1r:or!ll _.4....0. +. . . . . . . . ,

prorecreo.'uan~ WIll (llWa.y::; V~ ;:nu~, n-w; .n~1.l.""10.1 .I.,V

·tn:lt.Do.not ee!f apPQ~,. , tyourself ~~pis k~pet~ YQ1\. - . . . - - " " . . ....'.; .. . - ~_ . , .may win Dane. but you Will never KIlOW nappmess.

# . . - . •

MS'8'1 T13E! :=ITlHI £ £ 8 1 7 1 1 £ 2 : £ 0 9

8/6/2019 Threatening Letters 4/11

~.:'Interstate Polygr~ph 'S~rvice..",,, .:

.... ~"

" 0 ' ,~ . . ,C I . . .. February 12, 2001

M s. Va le rie W ri8 ht838.NW'Bond st., Suite C

..: ~ Qreg~n 97701

. O R E · ' L i o . Aiui'KIN~NORIHON'. ysa... .: ' ~ sy~ physiolo8ica 1 E va lua tion for . Invesdgadon.

- n e a . r M~:··WRIGHT.

· On february 12, 20021 a dm iniste re d a Psychophysio}ogi~1 D ete ctiO n of .' ..

DeCeptionT~t (PDD) to the above-named Liysa ~ KING~~ORrnON.for thepurpose of investigation, The examinationwas conducted 'to determine ifsh~.. '.

· . w e r e : a ny w ay with a threatening letter to lUfuUmeKING ... ' . '.

D U r i n g the pre-test interview KING-NOaTIfON ~sur~ me t~ $e'~. i l p th m g .to dawi,th the letter that was mailed to IulianneKING. She stated tbat she knew·

· n o th in g about the letter prior to KING receiving it in the m a i l ; She stated that shew ould. ha ve -no re ason to se nd • thre ate ning le tte r to K IN G Since she : w a n t e d b e t

sons to live with the·KINGS.

. . ,

· Que s ti on s usedas stimuli during th e recording ofphysjologicai d a t a -·!n~hi4i .ng' .the following r~ant questions were written and reviewed with. KING-NORmON a s to meaning and content: '

, , &5) ,Did you contrib ute to or w rite any of the le tte r tha t-w as' se nt to, .. , Julianne KING? NO ' , . , .

. ., .

'.' R7)·Did you read or se e th e let ter before it was.sentto JUlianne?' . NO

KING~NORTHON was cooperative and participatedin'aflphases of the. evalnarion.. ' . '. ' . ' . .

.:P.O. Bo~66

Pendleton, OR 97801

(541) 276-3006

ftlS:)lll33 3Ill13 E : E 3 t > t ' E < : E 0 9

8/6/2019 Threatening Letters 5/11

" '_,,_

.. , .. . '

'After KINO-NORmON'S p hy sio lo g ic i\ d a ta was re_Cmd¢d\l~zing a Lafay~e,Computerized ,Polygraph System, a n a oa lym s of this da ta re Ve iPe d no cO M 5te nt ' ,

.. ..responsesindicative. of deception to tbe above listed q~e:st;ions:' " , ',' , ' ,

, ',' It is~y;prof.essjonal o pin io n th at Liy~ Ann'KING-NORntON ,is'bei~ truthful, ,w he n she sta te s that'she did not contrib ute to or write ,~y Qft'he 'letter ~«( when ,shestatee that she did not see or read the letter before it was-sent to Julianne'

K I N ' G

'~' Sirtcerel ~~ 1 f 1 ) _ ' , , ', , '

, " . , .,

, . .' .

, ,O re g on, S ate Gene r a l Licensed Poly gra ph E xa mine r -, " , , ', ',' " " " ,', '

I, , .~,

~..' . ".-,

. :., " ,

,'c: Liysa Ann KlNG-NOllTHON

, ,

, .,

,.' <>: " ,

I "

, ...

S2 3S f. ;1d Ms:::nT138 sr rus

8/6/2019 Threatening Letters 6/11


" . .



,Ucal~&I~ .'.


._ • lilVe5t~tion ~ p r e - E m & i A A : ~ i i k'.

.' ar~TO lm -=XGRAPH ' '. ' ,n '


DATE :· . ' 0 2 . : . , 1 t '~()2.

O O D .: . : . 05-22.. ;60

. .''. .. s Jm. lEc r : . · DOna ld R. King", " '

, ' . ' . . . . : . · . T O P I C o f E~A1JO*, .ALLEGATION OF ~ EXUAL ~SCONDUC'f.

~ .~omS:··· T h e w b : ; e c t j J ~~:v SU~~g~ thi~ PO~~~:~~ ~ ~

': . to a n . aiwnymollS letter genUo Billy Bell, a tCUSmg u.,subJect of bcin~m\'olved. in~bitd . .

', . .' .' ;"om og rnphy and'having .sexual aw:actkm to miJiOtroY $· ' . " . , . . "

..'::rmO F UMmi,ciON: ..A ~ed Genera l ~on T~ (M~l) W a s ~ in thi~. '.. '

: ,exjnn\nmion. . ." .

mmtThtENT VBD : A n eleetronicalty-enhanced Stoelting ~ og po ly gra ph ,in stiu me nt

, . w a s usedin this examination. The inmunent was tirst'(~.aIibratelin:,accordance·with the

" '. tMn~"$ :spec~on and was found to be inpto~nvotki~got4et.. .' .. ' , . , . . .

,.,·~t MICHAELORlAN_ '. - '. ~

. . '. 'PB ETUr: m R Y ! E W ; The subject stated dtal he 18 in good h e a l t h arid well rested to' take. '. . this ~~OR. .. .,.' . . ',.. .' . .' ....,

w~rev iewed t h e l~ ~ it's c on te nt, S ub je ct stated that h £ h.:i!i.~ er.~ iD .';~ lY ~ i n ttny'

. way'~' child~ . The sub je ct stated that he is not'Se;'(uaUy~itracted to m in or b oY s. 8U d has~ver b ad any ~ual attraction to aminor boy. . . . . : .. " .... .'

. . .

Q JJESDQNS ASK ED: Bas ed on the information provided a n d t h e : interview with the ~bjeci,. ' . .:

. '. the fo lloW in g re le va ntq ue stio ns w e re . u se d in this examination. : ." , . ..' . .. . .

1. Did;~ e ' V e t masturbate to of t ouching o r.haYing s e X U a l a , c t \ vity wit" a m inor 'boy? 'Answer ; N~. . .

: .. 2. . Did~eVer film or:pbotograph any minor boy o r girl involved 'in . a sex' ad/". A nsW er:· .No~ .. :: . .: '... : .

" : 1 . . ': ,:Did you e v e r t o . u c l i . fondle or had any sexual activity with a ~i~r boy? .Answer: 'No. : .

. .1.008. 6 i shop ·5 '. see t. S4J ite '4 {)4 • H or.o\ulu , H a wa ii % 813 • S us. ( 8 00 r 5 2 ~ 3 -7 . 9C > 4 • f~II"aDa ) ~ '99-6&72

E-mail: ori~n4!j>pixi.c~ '

£ E 8 t : > t ' E ( ; E G S

8/6/2019 Threatening Letters 7/11

8/6/2019 Threatening Letters 8/11

, ,


Lice'lWd-~ G o lriwftd, '

'. : .'


~ : - 01-30 ..02

~: "O ~~26

. "JlBJECT; :Richard Northon

' , ' , ' ' I O f iC Q £ EUMlNA . I ION ; 11 lREA T ENINO LE lT ER ' " .:

. ' " s Y N O P s IS . 'The subject. is voluntarily submitting to ' thiS polyppJi e~tUm with'~. , t o 'a n inY~iga&n, o f a 1 hre 8te nU ig J ette r ,w hich 'MIS received by J & i 1 i a i m e King.Thc' J e t t e r was ", "a llcg Cd1y niailcd in$caitl~, Washin8toll a nd received by lulianne'Kirig ,iIi,H awa ii. ,,: , '

, ". '. .

" .. Tm'OF~AnoN: A Mixed General Quest ion T~ ( M G Q T ) w a s '~~jn t h i :l , ', , examiOj:f:iori.' ' " ' , ,_ '

, iN sTR irM E NT USE D: An elect tonicaUy-ei lhanced Stoetrin'g a r ia l~ s ~ J y g ra p h in~,~i' :, WW lused in this , aimUnatiolL The: ms1:rOmt'llt w~ f ir st c a J ib~ ed in'~co~ce wiJh the

" .. m in ulfa ~ tB r efs g p ec ifi~ o n and was fou nd to.b e in p r o P e r . Wo rki~ 'orde i-. ' "• '. • I ••

, , EXAMI,9R: MItHAE~ORlAN'. . ,

, PBETES ; r IN1 l'a tY IEW= The subject stated ' that be is t a l d n i t w , Q ditfe~ ~ of, ' ,., " pte SC nD ed'm edica tion. Sub je ct s ta ted that th e m~ieation is fat t t ; .yroid,problemS aru;l d ep re ss io n.', '" .., ', .g~j~t stated. tbat he is well re sted to take this ,examina tion. ' ', ' , ' ' ,

, '" " 'We:~e~ thel_ a nd the ekcuntstanees and infonnatiOn ~the Custody'oftlle, ', " m inorinyoiW d:, ' '., , ' "', ' .. '''',.' , ", ', '

" , Thesubjecrsiat~ t l u i t he is the father of Chris Northon. Subject stat¢,tnat,~s s o n , Chr i s "waS: ' kille d b y USa NOrtbon. ' ' ,

. .' , 'S~Cct stated, ,~ he did n ot h a ve in ytb jn g to &, ~b th e p'hmnirtg~ writing ~ t y p i n i , of the, .: .Ietter. ,~ubject stated that doesnot know who wrote 'or typed the le tte r, " " ,

, , '

•• °0 "

OVEmQNS' A SKED: B ased 0 0 th e infortIlIltiOO provided . a m t t b e , m t e M e W , w i t h t h e s u b . i ~ , ': ~ e fO llow ing releV~ ques t ions were used in th is exam ~ iori .. ' : , , . , '" .,. ' . ,

t, 1 08 8 B ish op 'Street. Suite 4 04 - H O I'Io llJ fu , Hawa i i 96813 • S U s, { SO B ) 5 23 -,7 90 4 • 'F a~ :' ( &0 8 ) 5 99 - 68 72

, .E .-ma il: orian@ pixi,com ' ,

E E 8 P i > E 2 : E f l 9

8/6/2019 Threatening Letters 9/11

:. ..' ., '.

-, '.


-. ". PBF'two '. . 01:'3(H)2/N0rth0n'

.... . , . '."


. '.: . -:. 'QU EST IONS~:: . .' . .


. ..' '.

... .

. . ',' '. '.i. :. I ? i d yQu .Contri~· any of the infunnati~. ideas m . ~ \ ~ w e r e usec1in·t;he 1~.. " > t1W ,~ 'scm ~ Julia ,nne King?'Answer: N c > . ' : . . : _ '" . ' . '," ' . '"

. : ' . ' ' : 2 . 00'; '0 0 ~ t e or'type th e le tte r th at w as addressed to JuJumne:KiIl3?AI;lswer: . N~.. -, . :

" '

, .3 , . "D id .y o u ~ . or r e a c t th e letterb¢ondt was mai led? Allswer::' No, '.-. .' , ..

,' . . "4 ',· ·;~wIiown)te~or~·~~~:·~·~~to;~~·· .' .

.. ', ... ~?:·~·No.· . . - .

. ,. :Riw iLnQt'lJIlS UAMiNAUON: ~ in · t 4 e jnfotn1tJi~'f Provided and ~ Sub ject's

, " re sponse s to' the reiev$ quest ions aS~ in this e ~B1 iOn . it is this· exarililiet's opiniontha t- .'

: '. : 'ih ilt sUbj~, is~tive, .. . ,,' ,,':.'. '

" '."lOstTIm fNTEBmw: '. The :Sub j ec t was i n f o r m e d 'th at h e ~ d ~ p t i v , : · i n , i b i s, " .: ~inati~. ' The .~ provided no additionalinfQnnati~l\in the . posHeS t 4 'l t e r :v i .~ . '

. '.'

. ..;

. .

, .

. -SUBMlTl'EJ): '. .Michael On'an .

. ,.. . ._~;.- O .t':-30 ~2

.' .. ' ' .. . , . . . .' .. '.

,', .. .. . . . . . . ., , .

. .. . ... ".

. ..... " '. ' . " '. .'

" -;' :

'. .,. ..,... ..: .. ' " .

. .. . . . .

, , ,, ,

8/6/2019 Threatening Letters 10/11

'., .

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" . ~':.,:' '

, .'

l I ! ! ! A '


... ' ,

!:!', '

, , O RlAN' POLYGRAPH' .. lN vE s ncA tIV E 5mwla' :- . '.

L~,IcIMed&,~red '.' ' ..

_ • Inves} !tion • P r e - f i i i Z i I N i ~ Q t i .



S l J I I , J E c ; r : . : ' . , J e a . o . U e M . N orih on- . ." '.

556-42-1418 .

~ ; ,o 'F 1 G -O · ?

. ".DQ Jl:." '. O ~3. 1 . .2 9 .' . ..

.. ' -. -

. ", '.' TOfI(; OF E~ON: 'mREATBNINO LEiTER,, '

. . ', :'SXNO lS l$ ; 'The, ~ubj~ isvolunDtrily 3ubmitting to this pOlyg:mph.~ with· re ~ . '. ' "

, ' : t o - im ' i li v e s t i g a t t O t i- of a,~'letter whichwas'~jved'~ J U l i a n n e K i n g . The i~ Was' , '.

, .'. a lle ge dly. ti\ailed . in Seatt le, W ash ington and r e c e iv e d by . Ju li a nn e l C i n g i n ~i.' .." ., . .' ' .. _

. .:mEQf EMM1NATION.. AMiBd'Genen1 Ques t i<m.T~{M OQi : ) ~.~·iit this:,:~b ia tiD ri; . , . . . " '

. . .

. 1 N 8 T R J J M E N T t 1SED: , 'An e l~ nka Uy-e ilha Iwe d S~ 1tib g anal()g.po}ygr.aph,ins~t -.: ..

W a s· used inthis e xa mina tion. T he instrument was first calibrated. in .aC¢~>rClanceWith the : ',' "

~·s ·speeifi<;arjon·and wa s found to be i n p roPe r w o d d t i8 · . o r d i : r ~ " ' . . ..-~B :": MI~~LORIAN , . , ."',,:

, "

'.. "' " .PQIESj-tNmm;W: The subjed stated tbanhe is u n 4 ~ t h e c a r e 9~ a ~gist'. ' "

.' '. Subj~~ :ttUJf •. is taking If1.r'= tyPes of JR5CIibCd med ic a tiOn . : $ u b j~ s t a t e d that ¢Q e of .'". ,'. ",he ' m edica tioo' is for it t h y r o i d condition. Su1lject stated tbatsh~ is w e 1 ! _ ' i ' c S t e d to take this'.'. examination.' .... .'. . ", , '. ' . ", '..

.' . ' . · W ~~ , ~ 1 ! r e ' fe tte r ~ the c i r c u m s t a n c e s I I D d irWmnation' ~~{lUOdi~ .the~· Of t b~ .. ' . . m i n o r ' invo t~ : -· ..

,', - . ",'

, T h esubjci:f~

tbat.~is the mffiher of Chris'NorthoSl:Subj~t' Sl2ted·that he r

,~ :c b.m r. "" " . , ."''88 ·~ l J~J?y LiSa NOrthon:. .... , , '...' '.' , .'

subjootsmted '~ she' did nO t have anY$jug to do with the pl~ w cltiligor ~ ~ g or the . . ' . :. ,,:"

·letter.·S'ubj¢Cl s t a t e d that she does not know who W r o t e or.typed the le~ .. " .. ,,'- , "., , . ,. . ,_

. . . t J E S ; m . m s ASgD: . Based on the info~tion provided .and the' interY~ w i - a h t h e · $Ub j~ '·the foUoW ing . re l ~vent quest ions w e r e used in this exlUllill8tion,' '. '. ..... . ' ..

" .' ' . '. -

. "-

. " :-',

, . . .

.. . 10J38 Bisnop.Street', SUIte 404 • H onolu lu, H aw3ii 96813 • Bu s . ( 8q B l . 5 2 3 -7 .9 04 ·-Fax. (808) 5~9:.6872

E ·ma il: onam !Ppi)( .

MS 8l ln 3f f 3I ll 12 EE8trpE0E09

8/6/2019 Threatening Letters 11/11

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', ': ' ..: i.. : D~ ~ ·~ntri~ a n Y of the ~~n, ideas QF P~~ '~ ·~ u s e d . b ) . t h e i~,·.; , . ': . . ~ was.scm io·Jul iannc King'? Answe r : No. . .' . .

.' .." . ,'.'

.. .'. 2 .: ' .D id YO, u!,w ri.teor ) : Y P e the Je t te r that was ad4resse<ltoJu'~ k i n g ? ' ~'nS~~: N o ~ : ' .

. :. : .3 . . Did.~iI see ~ read th e Jetter bd'~ it was mailed? A~~ :No: 1 •. . ..... ', ~ . '" ..... ' . '. . . . '''. .....' , ..... . '. . . . . .

. . ..... :.:.00Y ou kripW

for sur ewho


leitet .tbat.waSaddre ssed tQ 'J~ i~ ' .

. '.: . '.-: .. ~:"~wer.N(). ' .. . .. ~., .. . ,....

.' ..' RESULTS.oF THIS EXAMINATION: Bas ed in th e infoImatiori ' P r o : ~ i ~ and the'~j~'3 '.'

. . ... : riispon~ to thereieymlt,qucstiwisasked in this eX~on,j t~& tb i5 .e xam in u· $· () pin 1o ~ 1th at· .~ .-. . . ' . tl i i s sUb~ is Jiecep tive. . . . '. . . : . ..,. '. . . '. . .

. .. .. '.n>U.TEiT.IN'fEIWIEW: The subject was ·infomtcd1hat.she wasdeceptive ~ this .'

:~ n : 'lile sUb je ct provided no addi tiona l· in for rr ia j iOl i in t h e p o s t t¢St i~ mieW ~

. . . " f A... .,

. ,.... ..

. .'· .


