three hundred and fifty-second report of the curricular

University of Rhode Island DigitalCommons@URI Faculty Senate Bills Faculty Senate 1997 ree Hundred and Fiſty-Second Report of the Curricular Affairs Commiee University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate Follow this and additional works at: hp:// is Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Faculty Senate at DigitalCommons@URI. It has been accepted for inclusion in Faculty Senate Bills by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@URI. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate, "ree Hundred and Fiſty-Second Report of the Curricular Affairs Commiee" (1997). Faculty Senate Bills. Paper 1471. hp://

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Three Hundred and Fifty-Second Report of theCurricular Affairs CommitteeUniversity of Rhode Island Faculty Senate

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Recommended CitationUniversity of Rhode Island Faculty Senate, "Three Hundred and Fifty-Second Report of the Curricular Affairs Committee" (1997).Faculty Senate Bills. Paper 1471.

r ,. Serial Number




Adopted by the Faculty Senate

TO: President Robert L. Carothers

FROM: Chairperson of the Faculty Senate

1. The attached BILL, titled Three Hundred and Fifty-Second Report

of the curricular Affairs Committee

is forwarded for your consideration.

2. The original and two copies for your use are included.

3 . This BILL was adopted by vote of the Faculty Senate on 1997.

April 24,

4. After considering this bill, will you please indicate your approval or disapproval. Return the original or forward it to the Board of Governors, completing the appropriate endorsement below.

5. In accordance with Section 10, paragraph 4 of the Senate's By-Laws, this bill will become effective May 15, 1997 , three weeks after Senate approval, unless: (1) specific dates for implementation are written into the bill; (2) you return it disapproved; (3) you forward it to the Board of Governors for their approval; or (4) the University Faculty petitions for a referendum. If the bill is forwarded to the Board of Governors, it will not ::z:;, be me effec.tive until approved by the Board. \ /)

1 .

April 25, 1997 ~ ~ /D. ~ (date) James G. Kowalski

Chairperson of the Faculty Senate


TO: Chairperson of the Faculty Senate

FROM: President of the University


a. Approved

b. Approved subject to final approval by Board of Governors

c. Disapproved

6r ~I I cr?

Form revised 9/91



Faculty Senate Curricular Affairs Committee Three Hundred and Fifty-Second Report

April 9, 1997

At the April 7, 1997 meeting of the Curricular Affa i rs Committee the following matters were and are now presented to the Faculty Senate.

S E C T I 0 N I

Informational Matters

A. College of Arts and Sciences

Department of Theatre and Comparative Literature Studies Program

ADD: THE 255X (or CLS 255X) Myths and Masks (I, 3) Introduction to myths, masks and biology of consciousness, from Moliere to Beckett to Robert Wilson and the postmodern theatre. (Lee. 3) Armstrong

B. College of Arts and Sciences and College of Resource Development

Department of Marine Affairs and Departments of Animal and Veterinary Science, Geology, Natural Resource Science and Environmental and Natural Resource Economics:

ADD: The following temporary courses:

1) MAF 366X (or ASP 366X, GEL 366X, NRS 366X, REN 366X) Interdisciplinary Topics in the Coastal Environment I (I, 2) Coastal Partnership's interdisciplinary seminar for the study and management of coastal environments, furthering an understanding of management of the interface of land, water, and human dimensions of our coastal environment. (Seminar) S/U only. Staff

2) MAF 388X (or ASP 388X, GEL 388X, NRS 388X, REN 388X) Interdisciplinary Topics in the Coastal Environment II (II, 2) Coastal Partnership's interdisciplinary seminar for the study and management of coastal environments, furthering an understanding of management of the interface of land, water, and human dimensions of our coastal environment. (Seminar) s;u only. staff

C.A.C. #352--97-4-9

c. College of Human Science and Services

Department of Textiles, Fashion Merchandising and Design

CHANGE: Description for TMD 224:

TMD 224 Clothing and Human Behavior (I and II, 3) Clothing and appearance as a form of human behavior. Analysis of social, psychological, and cultural factors in personal appearance and as a system of communication. Focus on cross-cultural and international perspectives. (Lee. 3) Moreno

D. College of Pharmacy

Department of Biomedical Sciences

CHANGE: Prerequisite for BMS 225, 226 by adding "previous or concurrent enrollment in NUR 323."

E. College of Nursing

CHANGE: Prerequisite for the following courses:

a. NUR 213 to "Pre: BIO 242, 244, and MIC 201;" b. NUR 273 by adding "concurrent or previous

enrollment in 224;" c. NUR 323 by adding "273. 11

F. College of Resource Development

Department of Plant Sciences

ADD: LAR 301X Landform Expression (I, 2) Examines the three-dimensional relief of the earth's surface as a physical design element. Introduction to methods of land measurement, graphic depiction and sculptural interpretation. (Lee. 1, Lab. 2) Pre: 244 and MTH 111. Intended for landscape architecture majors only. Staff

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

S E C T I 0 N II

Curricular Matters Which Require Confirmation by the Faculty Senate

A. Graduate School of Oceanography

ADD: OCG 110 The Ocean Planet (I, 3) Formation of the universe, solar system and solid Earth. Evolution of Earth's oceans, atmosphere and biosphere. Natural resources and present environment on Earth. (Lee. 3) Larson and Kincaid


C.A.C. #352--97-4-9

B. College of Human Science and Services

1. Department of Dental Hygiene

CHANGE: Requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree:

Candidates for the Bachelor of Science degree must have an Associate in Science in Dental Hygiene or a certificate. students are required to take the following: CHM 101, 102, or 103, 105 and 124, 126; DHY 350, 462, 464; EDC 312; FSN 207: PSY 232: and an 18 credit specialization or minor selected in consultation with their advisor. Specialty areas include dental hygiene education, personnel administration, marketing, nutrition, communicative disorders, gerontology, and pre-dental education. Students must also complete the University's General Education requirements. A total of 125 credits are required.

2. Department of Physical Education and Exercise Science

CHANGE: Chemistry requirement for all students in the non-teaching options of the Bachelor's degree program from "CHM 101" to "CHM 103."

3. Department of Textiles, Fashion Merchandising and Des i gn



c. College of Nursing

Requirements for all Texti l es, Fashion Merchandising and Design majors by adding TMD 232 as a requirement and reducing free electives to 11 23 11 credits.

Curricular requirements by limiting to "3" the number of credits from TMD 361, 362 or 461, 462 students are permitted to use to satisfy the 12 credits of TMD electives required of al l students.

CHANGE: Requirements for the first clinical course, NUR 203, as follows:

Students must get a C grade in each of the foundation courses with a 2.2 foundation course average, and a 2.2 overall GPA to be eligi ble for admission into the College of Nursing and NUR 203, the first clinical course.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

C.A.C. #352--97-4-9


~;~ Joint Report of the Curricular Affairs Committee and Graduate Council on 400-level courses.

.. ;:~,

At the April 7, 1997 meeting of the Curricular Affairs Committee and the February 21 and March 21, 1997 meetings of the Graduate Council, the following matters were considered and are now presented to the Faculty Senate.

A. Informat.ional Matters

1. College of Arts and Sciences and College of Human Science and Services

Department of Theatre and Department of Textiles, Fashion Merchandising and Design

ADD: THE 452X (or TMD 452X} Costume Draping (I, 3} Investigation of draping techniques for garments dating from the 16th through the 20th century. Practical application of draping principles for different garment styles, emphasis on primary resources. (Studio 6) Pre: 250 or permission of instructor. Emery

2. College of Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics



Prerequisite for the following · courses:

a) MCE 426 to "Pre: 301;" b) MCE 438 to "Pre: 341; 11

c) MCE 439 to "Pre: 448 or permission of instructor ;"

d) MCE 440 to "Pre: 314 and CVE 220 or permission of instructor;"

e) MCE 465 to "Pre: 314 and CVE 220; 11

f) MCE 466 "Pre: 301, 372. II

Title for MCE 434 to "Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning" and prerequisite to "Pre: 354, 448."

3. College of Resource Development and College of Engineering

Departments of Geology and Civil and Environmental Engineering

CHANGE: Title and description for GEL 485 (or CVE 485):

C.A.C. #352--97-4-9

GEL 485 (or CVE 485) Environmental Engineering Geophysics (II, 3) Field and lab methods of determining physical rock constants such as density, porosity, permeability, electrical conductivity and seismic velocity with applications in geology and environmental engineering. (Lee. 2, Lab. 2) Pre: 103, MTH 132 or 142, PHY 111 and 185 or 213 and 285, and junior standing or permission of instructor. In alternate years. Next offered 1996-97. Frohlich and Urish

4. College of Nursing

*CHANGE: Prerequisite for NUR 423 by adding "BMS 225, 226. 11

B. Curricular Matters Which Require Confirmation by the Faculty Senate.

College of Human Science and Services

*a. Department of Education

ADD: EDC 431 Clinical Experiences for Secondary Education (I, 1) Secondary school clinical experience, taken concurrently with secondary methods course (EDC 430) during semester prior to student teaching. Student applies content learned in methods course and prior coursework to peer teaching and classroom settings. Restricted to majors. (Practicum) Not for graduate credit. S/U only. Staff

*b. Department of Textiles, Fashion Merchandising and Design



TMD 496, Interior Furnishing and Design Internship (II, 3)

Title, credits, description and prerequisite for the following courses:

a) TMD 422 Fashion Retailing Seminar (I, 1) Seminar concerning the retailing of textile, apparel, and other fashion products. Concurrent registration in 461 or 462 required. (Seminar) Pre: 303, 332 and permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit. Harps-Logan

* No action by Graduate Council. Not for graduate credit.



C.A.C. #352--97-4-9

*b) TMD 461, 462 Internship (I and II, 1-6) Structured internship in textiles, apparel, or interior design supervised by a faculty advisor. Juniors and seniors work in business, industry, or other agencies under supervision of qualified personnel. (Minimum of 45 hours per semester per credit) May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits. Pre: completion of 60 credit hours, minimum GPA of 2.0, and permission of instructor and chairperson. Not for graduate credit. Staff

* No action by Graduate Council. Not for graduate credit.