three things to be aware of while using the internet  · web viewif you’re looking for most...

Quick Internet Guide

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Quick Internet Guide

Quick internet guide

Table of Contents

Three things to be aware of while using the Internet......................................................................................3

How to protect your PC you Viruses.................................................................................................................5

How to search in the internet effectively.........................................................................................................7

How to behave in cyber space..........................................................................................................................9

Three things to be aware of while using the Internet


-People can be cheated by con artist1/scams2 who advertise seductive products/attractive product on the Internet (and then you’re buying what you actually don’t need or even want)

-People can be Spammed3/overflown with vast quantities useless mails/emails. And lots of useless information can cause people to miss important information or to waste time reading through/looking through useless information.

-People can get addicted to the Internet like skyping the whole entire time or the whole day and not eating, not drinking and not getting the nutrients you need for the day and that could cause serious

1 A con artist is a swindler who exploits the confidence of his victim.2 A spam is a junk email3 To get spammed means to receive junk emails.

trouble.Or it’s to do with playing games or watching videos or even being mean to people on Skype, Facebook, Twitter or any other chatting program on the internet because you think you’re safe to say things because you’re under a computer but you would not dare to say that to someone’s face.

Keep in mind that the Internet is there to help you not to distract you.

How to stay safe on the Internet?

-Don’t give personal information on a website if you’re sighing up for it, example phone number, address or full name especially if you’re a child.

-Don’t open email attachments if you don’t know who they’re from because they could carrying viruses.

-Don’t make lazy passwords so simply don’t choose your password to be 1234 because that’s like putting a language lock on the front door. If you do that people could guess your password and hack, Instead choose a long password with letters and numbers like this

ILS8BC3IGS, to improve your password you could also use a mix of capital and lowercase letters. Remember to always write your passwords down just in case you forget them. I would rather write it down on a piece of paper rather than on computer cause if your computer gets a virus what you wrote down may be lost.

-When agreeing, sighing up or installing something read the fine print. If you don’t want to get spam/junk emails or put on a telemarketer list look for a small box ear the bottom of the page that says if you want to receive information and offers from other companies. The best sites have a statement that they will not sell your name to other companies (though they could still spam you).Some sites require you to give them your information to get a product. Just fill in the boxes that are required, these are normally marked with a *.If they don’t have asterisks you can leave it blank.

How to protect your PC you Viruses?

Just like a Biological virus can make you sick a computer virus can make your computer. It is a tiny little program that can find its way to your computer and cause serious trouble.

They can spread through email attachments, Internet downloads, advertisements or file share, so basically any time your computer receives data.

That’s why antivirus software’s scans downloads and sometimes email attachments so they can protect your computer.

Like a Biological virus a computer virus can replicate or make copies of itself, and spread to other computers.

Some viruses are relatively harmless or benign they do nothing at all just replicate.

We see a lot of email viruses these almost always spread through email attachments and they and they can make your email software go crazy. But not just that, they can even email themselves to everybody in your address book. Imagine a virus does that to every computer it reaches. It could crash the network of a country in hours.

Another really destructive type of virus is the computer worm. A computer worm is a program that looks for security holes in security networks. Networks are just groups of computers that are connected. They’re common in offices and school where lots of people need to access the same files. When a worm finds a machine that isn’t secure, it copies itself o that machine and then looks for another.

A Trojan horse is not technically a virus because it can’t copy itself. It’s a destructive piece of software designed as something good. You might download a Trojan horse thinking it’s a game or an MP3.But when you run the program it does something you really don’t want it to do like erase your hard drive. Viruses and worms don’t just happen - someone has to make them. Some of the people who make these programs are just people who are good with computers with too much time on their hands, looking for thrills. And some of them are just destructive I guess. It’s against the law to intentionally send out a virus by the way.

Easiest way to protect your PC from viruses

You can protect yourself and your computer from viruses by never opening an email attachment from someone you don’t know and by not accepting unknown downloads. Make sure you keep updated virus protection soft were (anti-virus software), in your machine. And remember that new viruses, worms and Trojan horses are coming out every day.

How to search in the internet effectively?

Research skills are very important because they save lots of time. They also help find the information you are looking for better for example in Google you might be looking for something and type in full sentences but after you press go you will find millions and millions of results and you just don’t have the time and effort to do that. Also some of these websites are not even what you need. I will show you how to research correctly and how to save time and effort.


Keywords are important while research because they make your findings more specific and save lots of time for example if you’re searching for:

-Most commonly bought car in the world 2013

You would write something like:

-Most bought car world 2013

And if you think that putting car as the only keyword is enough than sorry but you are wrong because you will get something like this:

2,700,000,000 results is way too many to read through.So think about it.

By using this technique you will save time looking through websites that may not have anything to do with what you’re looking for, but this technique may not always work if your sentence is short but this technique does work well for longer sentences and sometimes you may just need to write a long sentence.

Extra things:

Key words are not the only thing that creates good research skills there are also little things like if you’re looking for a something and if there is always a different word when you find your information just simply type – (minus) that word and the search engine will find information/websites that don’t have the word in them. Let’s take the same example:

If you’re looking for most commonly bought car in the world 2013 and the search engine searches for the most commonly bought motorcycle just simply type –motorcycle and the search engines will search every website that doesn’t have word motorcycle.

Also if you’re looking for the most commonly bought car in 2013 and websites come up that are about a new made car in 2013.And that’s because the search engine thinks you are looking for car and 2013 separately not together. To solve this just put car 2013 in “” so “most commonly bought car in the world 2013” in “” and then only websites

that have these words together will be shown as results of your search engine.

Also if you’re a child you could use friendly search engines to help you find websites that are kid friendly for example, using Google if you’re a child is not always the best thing to do because the website might be worded in a complicated way and it might be confusing and could not help you.

These are my three favorite kid friendly search engines that I would recommend for you to use:

Use this at

It’s a good search engine because it gives very language for children that everyone can understand.

Use this at

Very good search engine because if you search something it gives you related ideas of what to research next.

Use this at

This is probably the best search engine I have ever used because for each search you do it donates a few cents to people that don’t have that much money.

How to behave in Cyberspace?

Behaving correctly while using the internet in very important because whatever you put on the internet will stay there forever even if you remove it or delete it and that could impact your life.

-don’t write anything that you would feel uncomfortable with saying in front of someone, on the internet.

-don’t write LOL or LMFAO or any other slang world because it could make them feel bad because they don’t see you facial expression and don’t know how you mean it to be (funny or ridiculous).

-don’t gossip because you could be one of the people who gossiped.

Here are some games to help you understand how to stay safe on the internet:

This game is based on your choices and what you decide to make. If you choose to do the wrong thing, the game will explain why the thing you chose was wrong. tart.html

This game is one game is the first adventure of the 3 cyber pigs and this here was the first question the game asked.

And for the second adventure of the three cyber pigs click down here.