thub4day, january 1«. 1*1 ford and plane builders talk ......thub4day, january 1«. 1*1 h6ra1d,...

THUB4DAY, JANUARY 1«. 1*1 H6RA1D, ' OAQJt >-A Ford and Plane Builders Talk Co-operation I Ford, rljlil, disclosed In San Ditto as thb picture nt Uken that his firm's tlfantlo Rlv»r Rouge plant at Detroit was available "either In whole or fa part1* (or production of parts 'or bembera. TenU-, tlve plans rail for usembly plant to be bnilt at Fort Worth, Tei., by Consolidated Aircraft Corp., whose President Reuben Fleet Is jhctcn In center. Douglas company of Santa Monica would also get Ford parts for nlannrd Oklahoma assembly plant, 0. E. gorenion. left, Ford's chief engineer, aqd ether Ford ex- perts stayed In San Diego to study situation. Weefe's Building rotate Building permits were issued during the past week to the San Lorenzo Nursery for a cor- rugated iron boilerhousc at 18400 Crenshaw boulevard, $600; Margaret H. Lund for a frame garage at 24063 Neece avenue, Walteria, $250, and Mr. and Mrs. Tcdesco for a two-room frame hou&e at 24051 Neece avenue, $400. BATTERY GRAVITY The correct specific gravity of a fully charged automobile bat- tery Is f row 1280 to 1300. Application .of Phllllp Mos queda, leader of a Mexican or chcitra in WHmlngton, for per mission to engage the Civl Auditorium ' for six Saturday night dances, to be held ever third Saturday beginning in Feb ruary, was referred by the city council Tuesday night to th building committee. Mosqueds stated the dances would be he! to raise funds to purchase -new Instrument;, m.usic and othe equipment for the orchestra. Want Ads 2Bc- 'STONE & MYERS, Funeral.Directors TORRANCE: Cravens at Engracia. Telephone-195 1 -" AMBULANCE SERVICE Carter Baby Is Much-Traveled Young Lady For* a six-weeks-old baby, Sharon Kareen Carter Is cer- tainly seeing her share of the world. By the time she returns from Hie east she will have traveled better than 6,000 miles and Sharon Is still many months from her first birth- day. With her mother, Mrs. Ste- phen K. Carter of this city and her aunt, Mrs. Clara Halnee, Sharon Kareen last Wednesday night flew to Belle Vernon, Penn. Mrs. Carter, the baby and Mrs. Halnes are In the east visiting friends and relatives. MAN AND APES Principal points of resemblance between man and the anthro x>ld apes are the habit of walk- ng erect, the lack of a tall, similarity in teeth, short thumbs and a brain more highly de- eloped than other animals. Rent that spare room 25q Call Torrance 443 or 444. is made to see at dusk when the owl hunts its prey. An owl's eyes occupy one-third of its head and it can see with less light than a. human. THE HUMAN EVE , is designed for seeing in full day- light. It requires good light to function properly. Yet many people endanger their vision, na- ture's mott precious gift, by using their eyes in light that would be inadequate for an owl. Give Your Eyes Enough Light Good sight depends upon good light. Try this experiment at home. Put a 40-watt bulb in a lamp and read for five minutes/ Notice how your, head leans toward the page, how your eyes Btrsin to see. Now place a 100-watt bulb in the lamp (which should shade the bulb properly.) You feel your eyes relax because it u easier W tee. Protect your family's eyes by re- placing yqur old lamps with modern better-sight lamps. They are designed to provide the kind of light your eyes need indoors. See the new models with the diffusing , on llame Ligtiine u-ill tidily Mf >o« iiJiiiuH jour hvnt Jiiiii£. BT. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH M'2 Engraola, Rov. Tbopiu K Mni-ahnll, vicar. Churcli eclinol, 0:30 a. m. Morning prnyer nnrt ncrmon a II " nl. Holy Communion every Thurada ut II n. in., with unycrs for ulc and world peace*. llcotlngs during the week Includ Olrl Hcoutt on Monday at 3:80 v m., Cuba also Monday at 8:80 j m.. Junior Choir on Wednesday u 1:30 p. m. and the Senior Chol Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Harry Br^nton. pustor. K. Pmdo at Carson. Sunday suhool. 0:15 a. in. Morning nerv-ico. 11 a. m. Young people's mvutlng «:SO p. Evening service, 7:80 p. m. Wednesday evening prayer an BllJle study, 7:30. at 7:30. CATHOLIC CHURCH OF THE NATIVITY Engracia and Manuel avenue Huv. Kr. Joseph LPO Bauer. pasto Telephono- 832. Masses Hunduyn: 6:10, 8 and 1 a. m. Maaa on Holy Days: 1:30 and . m. Werk Day Mann: I a. m. Confeuslons: 4 until 8 p. in 7:30 until 9 p. m. Confessions Eve of Holy Days and eve of Kirn Friday. Holy Communio 6:30, 7 and 7:30 a. art First Friday a m. Mass, 8 a. m y Wednesday a CENTRAL EVANGELICAL CHURCH Marcellna and Arlington avenues Rev. H. W. Holoff, pastor. Sunday school, 9:4B a. m. Morning- service, 11 a. in. Topic "The Body Without a Head." , E+eninR service, 7:30,. Topic "Tho Chrlfitlun Ideology," Rev. Ben Lint-enfetter speaking. Young people's meeting 6:30.p. m FOURSQUARE GOSPEL Mr. and Mrs. Ben Griffith, pas- t>rs. 1U07 El Prado. Sunday school, 0:30 a. m. Morn- Ing service, 11 a. m. ISvcnlni; service, 7.-30 p. m Crusaders service, fl:SO p. m. Prayer meeting \Vcdne&v~y, 7:30 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. C. Miles Northrup, paatoi - arson and Mnrtlna. Hunday scliool, 0:45 a. in. Morning service. M:60 a. ir Topic: "Chrlsfa Kxaltcd In Al ThlnsH." MuHlt; dli-Fctvd by Mn Clrnrlu Young People's meeting. 6:30 p.m Evcninir service. 7:30 p. : m, Topic: "A Devil's Hell and Win Created it." Young People1* cnplr. Adult Bilile class, 6:30 p. taught by Rev. Bergstrom. iting Wednesday, 7i30 p. m. NAZARENE CHURCH ' W. A. Pennor, pastor. 20507 Xortl lloyal, Hummerton Tract. Sunday school, 9:15 a. m. Morning service, 11 a. m. ; Young people's meeting. 6:30 p. m Evening service 7:30 p. m. I'rayer meeting Wcdnoeday, 7:10 p. m. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 1208 El Prodo. Hunday morning services nt 1 <imday school, 9t 30 a.m. Wednetda tivenlriR meeting, 8 p. m. Readln onm In church edifice. "Life" Is tie lubject of tie lesson Bermou on Sunday In all Churches of Christ, acleutlst. The Golden Tent Is from Kevelatlon: "I will give uuio him that la atolrat of tbe fountain of the water of life freely. He that overcomelh ahall Inherit all things; and I will be bla Oort. iinrt be shall be my ion." Oue of tbe Bible citations In- ludes these verues from Man be w: a ceolunoD. beseeching him. And laying. Lord', my servant lletb it lome sick of the palsy, (rlevouilf onuenied. Anrt Jesua saltb unto come under my roof: but speak ihe wurd only, and my servant shall bo lealed. . . . Aud Jesus said unto the enturlon, Oo tby way; and as tbou last .believed, so bi U iton* unto bee. Ann bis servant was healed In Uie . selfsame hour." Tbe Lesson-Sermon presents also nls passage from the Christian Iclence textbook, "Science and iealth with Key to th« Scrlulures" y Mary Baker Eddy: "En 1 1 rely epamie from tbe belief and dream if material living. Is tbe l.lf« dl- Ine. revealing spiritual understand. UK and tba conBcloiisness of man's lomlulou over th« whole earth, This understanding casts out error Dd beats Ihe sick, and wltb It jog an speak 'as one bavins author. ty. 1 " LATTER DAY SAINTS Woman's ojuhtiousc. Wllf Nowlantl, bishop. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Evenln K'rvlcc, 6:tO p. m. Tuesday, 2 p. I (teller society: 8:30 p. m., Primary iiHHoclatlon, anil 7:80 p. m.. Mu CHURCH OF CHRIST Hervicea at Ton an to Men'u Bib Cla>» building on Cravens. Bible class Sunday at « p. Evening service Sunday at 7 p. I Sunday school, 0:15 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. Young peuplu'u meeting, 6:3i) p. Revival services every night. 7:8 I'raynr meeting. Tuesday. Open service Friday night. 7:8 'r Joseph Leo Uauer, post n.a Sunday 6:30, 8 and 10 a ok days at S a. m. Sunday Mo nlm," Topic: "Ciod Luther Let B bio houi V-rtnosdny c Choir rohei p. m. ol. .3:30 a. in. :rvicc. 10:45 a. if Mercy." ue. 7:30 p. m. and prayer son onlntr at 8 o'clonlt. sal Wednesday, 7:1 MEN'S BIBLE CLASS ets at 9:30 u. m. Sundays hull opposite public lior Sunday school, 9:30 MornlnR service. 1 Topic; "Opportunities.' fownsend Club Activities By Beth Paige The club noted, with roue! concern, the absence last Friday evening of our newly elected sec rctary, Mrs. Rotha Moran. learned that she had that day been entered in .a Los Angele Hospital for emergency treat ment. Her friends and fellow club members all join in slncer est wishes for her speedy re covery. The party given in honor o Dr. F. E. Townscnd's birthday brought a carload of guests f roi the San Pedro..glub as well a; from Gardena and Lomitu an local Torrance visitors. Pria winners in the contests wer Mrs. Lulu French of Garden, Geo. Gelger and Mrs. Gidding of San Pedro. After refreshment were served, Geiger gave an In terestlng talk about Dr. Town send, stressing his Infinite pa tlcnce and unlimited courage an of the tragic sorrow caused him by the death of two of his clos est aides, Mr. Elliott of Bosto and Roy Wcbb of Illinois; an, of his great desire that he migh oe spared to see provisions o us plan adopted nationally for :he sake of the.poor, the hope ess aged and the unemployed if America. Dublic Hearing Set )n New Franchise 'or Gas Company Application of Uie Southern fo--.i-> G<JS Company for a »8W~ franchise which will giv «i«y between *WOO and *. the present franchise will be the "Ubject of a public hearing be- fore the city council «n Feb. 11. Members of the municipal board voted -Tuesday night to call the hearing on the applica- tion, as required by law. The franchise would run for an "in- determinate length of time" and the company agrees to pay the city two percent of its gross an- nual receipts from the Bale of gas over lines in the city. Oxalic acid has been known to science since 1776. One Italian Gun That Mav Kill Italians .OFFICIAL CHURCH' FLAG , . . 1-UUtbUed lwe> l>y lartUa MoClurc and Elaiiie Summers, Kttiiww City, with William M. Baldwin who niuile It Is this new Kplwcojiul Hui'cli (lug. II Will be dlupluycd in chui'diutt uud in proot-i- Corporals Smith and holme of Royal Tank Carps eiamlne an Italian gun captured In North African desert fighting, which bad stopped their tank. This weapon, along wltb thousands of other captured mis. mar now be kilUn* fleeter Italians. British have oat to nse caotnred materiaL ' - High School Girl Takes D.A.R. Test In State Contest Several boon last Friday were among: the most Impor- tant in the young life of Joan Rainsklll, daughter at Mr. and Mrs. T. BttirakH! of 1604 West 220th street. examination composed by the Daughters of the American Revolution. Nominated by both her Senldr classmates and Torrance High school faculty opened and a program will fol- low. the basket picnic dinner hour. KANSAS . . . Every Jayhawko is invited to the annual winter picnic reunion Wednesday. Jan. 29, hi Sycamore Grove Park, Los Angeles. County headquar- ters will operate and a program will follow the picnic uinner per in the state-wide contest, Miss RamsklU was striving for an award of an all-expense paid trip to Washington, D. C. The examination covered the subjects of government, his- tory, U. S. economics and kin- dred fields of civics. Her paper has been sent to Sacramento for Judging and the state wide the near future. Boy On Scooter Hits Automoble A sjx-year-old boy whose name was listed on' police rec- ords only v as Loback Jr., was Friday when he ran his scooter a car ' going west on Portola avenue. The motorist was Al- State Picnic-Reunions OHIO , . . The annual winter picnic reunion of all Ohiouns will be held Saturday, Jan. 26, In Sycamore Grove Park, Los . County registers will be Sons of Legion Advance Plans for June Meet Plans' for the third annual Fourth Area Assembly of the Sons of the Legion in Torrance June 7 were advanced at a meeting of the Executive board at the Hollywood Legion club- house last Sunday. Xtie .session was attended by Clifford Totten, captain of the Torrance squad- ron; Bobby Lewcllen, junior past captain: and R. L. Lew ollen, chairman of the Area As- sembly, and S. A. L. officers reported slightly bruised last from Santa Barbara, Ventura, - - - - ' San Bernardlno and Los Angeles puntics. Lcwellen Sr., Is in charge of the Assembly arrangements. The In Brenneman, 38, 2044 Lomlta gathering will feature competi- loulevard, who said he stopped|tion between drum and bugle, its car at once. (band and marching units in the morning, a street parade, busi- ness session and dance. Accident records indicate a lot of drivers still believe a car can he t"U»n .-round a curve s'mply BOLL 'EM OUT Exports of petroleum products :rom the United States required ho proctuct'Dn of 194,000,000 bar "!! ! cf o'l In 1933. while in Vt-'f he exnort requirements were by Jerking a rein and yelling ibout 128,000,000 barrels. pee or Haw. Jitterbugs' Conduct f Outside of Dances Discussed by Council Conduct of young peop$ at- tending the Friday night.'."jit- terbug" dances in the Civic' Aud- itorium came in for considerable discussion at the meeting list week of the To'rrancc Coordi- nating Council, sponsor of the student dances since 1938. Com- plaints of the behavior of the jitterbugs going to and ftpm the hops will be referred tp the , police department, according. to Judge Robert Leasing, head qf the Council. The dances are under super- vision of a committee from the Coordinating body and dedqrum is maintained in the Civic Audi- torium, Leasing insisted. •, Establishment of the Toy Loan library at the high school )s being sought by the Council. This facility will be moved from a store building on Post avenue to a high school bungalow If school authorities grant permis- sion. There is a bungalow avail- able at the school but a motion picture show in. staged- there once or twice a month. Before the WPA, which has charge of the Toy Loan activities in the county, approves the mote, as- surance must be given that the building will be devoted:' solely to the library of playthings. FIBE tUZES HOM|£ Fire ' almost completely de- stroyed the framp dwelling at 241S 230th street occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bradley Mon- day morning. Mrs. Bradley told firemen she heard an esq>lo«lon immediately before the /(lames started consuming the building but firemen could not determine actual cause of the blaze. THfRI AM MANY COOP MASONS why California travelers have, made it a habit lo go East on ihe CHALLENGER. Comfort, low cost meals (only 90<i a day) and.;.LOW FARES! Only 839.50 to Chicago in special CHALLENGER streamline type coaches. MNTCIAl MRVICI FOR WOMIN, TOO. There arc special coaches for women traveling alone. Frw pillow* and porter service. Soft night lights for restful sleeping; de«p cushioned reclining * !». NurM-Stewardesn service for all. CHALLENGER SLEIPINO CAR MRTH com are only about UK «i«ndani Puum«» rali;:. Comfortable Inunge ctr {or sleeping car passengers. The entire train is jir. conditioned, of COM rue. OTHIR UNION PACIFIC TRAINS TO THE iA$T-tiie tamou* fttr<anilintri "CUy of Lo» Angeles,"llie all-Pullman, no-extra-fare NO«I<SI LlMITfcU, tbe morning departure PACIFIC LIMITED. WOMIN'S TRAVIl OIMRTMINT .Suffeil by WuMM'.i Travel Ejipcrlt H ilw Sinti & Olive licket office in Lp» AngnU,. Call er plmnoTRIiiil>-«2ll. T H f P I 0 o UNION ^ PACIFI RO.AD OF THS S T* f AM L IN i R S AND C H Alii NO i

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Page 1: THUB4DAY, JANUARY 1«. 1*1 Ford and Plane Builders Talk ......THUB4DAY, JANUARY 1«. 1*1 H6RA1D, ' OAQJt >-A Ford and Plane Builders Talk Co-operation I Ford, rljlil, disclosed In


Ford and Plane Builders Talk Co-operation

I Ford, rljlil, disclosed In San Ditto as thb picture nt Uken that his firm's tlfantlo Rlv»r Rouge plant at Detroit was available "either In whole or fa part1* (or production of parts 'or bembera. TenU-, tlve plans rail for usembly plant to be bnilt at Fort Worth, Tei., by Consolidated Aircraft Corp., whose President Reuben Fleet Is jhctcn In center. Douglas company of Santa Monica would also get Ford parts for nlannrd Oklahoma assembly plant, 0. E. gorenion. left, Ford's chief engineer, aqd ether Ford ex­

perts stayed In San Diego to study situation.

Weefe's Building rotate

Building permits were issued during the past week to the San Lorenzo Nursery for a cor­ rugated iron boilerhousc at 18400 Crenshaw boulevard, $600; Margaret H. Lund for a frame garage at 24063 Neece avenue, Walteria, $250, and Mr. and Mrs. Tcdesco for a two-room frame hou&e at 24051 Neece avenue, $400.

BATTERY GRAVITYThe correct specific gravity of

a fully charged automobile bat­ tery Is f row 1280 to 1300.

Application .of Phllllp Mos queda, leader of a Mexican or chcitra in WHmlngton, for per mission to engage the Civl Auditorium ' for six Saturday night dances, to be held ever third Saturday beginning in Feb ruary, was referred by the city council Tuesday night to th building committee. Mosqueds stated the dances would be he! to raise funds to purchase -new Instrument;, m.usic and othe equipment for the orchestra.

Want Ads 2Bc-

'STONE & MYERS, Funeral.Directors

TORRANCE: Cravens at Engracia. Telephone-195 1 -" AMBULANCE SERVICE

Carter Baby Is Much-Traveled Young Lady

For* a six-weeks-old baby, Sharon Kareen Carter Is cer­ tainly seeing her share of the world.

By the time she returns from Hie east she will have traveled better than 6,000 miles and Sharon Is still many months from her first birth­ day.

With her mother, Mrs. Ste­ phen K. Carter of this city and her aunt, Mrs. Clara Halnee, Sharon Kareen last Wednesday night flew to Belle Vernon, Penn. Mrs. Carter, the baby and Mrs. Halnes are In the east visiting friends and relatives.

MAN AND APESPrincipal points of resemblance

between man and the anthro x>ld apes are the habit of walk- ng erect, the lack of a tall,

similarity in teeth, short thumbs and a brain more highly de-

eloped than other animals.

Rent that spare room 25q Call Torrance 443 or 444.

is made to see at dusk when the owl hunts its prey. An owl's eyes occupy one-third of its head and it can see with less light than a. human.

THE HUMAN EVE, is designed for seeing in full day­ light. It requires good light to function properly. Yet many people endanger their vision, na­ ture's mott precious gift, by using their eyes in light that would be inadequate for an owl.

Give Your Eyes Enough LightGood sight depends upon good light. Try this experiment at home. Put a 40-watt bulb in a lamp and read for five minutes/ Notice how your, head leans toward the

page, how your eyes Btrsin to see. Now place a 100-watt bulb in the lamp (whichshould shade the bulb properly.) You

feel your eyes relax because it u easier

W tee. Protect your family's eyes by re­ placing yqur old lamps with modern better-sight lamps. They are designed to provide the kind of light your eyes

need indoors. See the new

models with the diffusing ,

on llame Ligtiine u-ill tidily Mf >o« iiJiiiuH jour hvnt Jiiiii£.


M'2 Engraola, Rov. Tbopiu K Mni-ahnll, vicar.

Churcli eclinol, 0:30 a. m. Morning prnyer nnrt ncrmon a

II " nl.Holy Communion every Thurada

ut II n. in., with unycrs for ulc and world peace*.

llcotlngs during the week Includ Olrl Hcoutt on Monday at 3:80 v m., Cuba also Monday at 8:80 j m.. Junior Choir on Wednesday u 1:30 p. m. and the Senior Chol Wednesday at 7:30 p. m.

METHODIST CHURCHRev. Harry Br^nton. pustor. K.

Pmdo at Carson.Sunday suhool. 0:15 a. in.Morning nerv-ico. 11 a. m.Young people's mvutlng «:SO p.Evening service, 7:80 p. m.Wednesday evening prayer an

BllJle study, 7:30.

at 7:30.


Engracia and Manuel avenue Huv. Kr. Joseph LPO Bauer. pasto Telephono- 832.

Masses Hunduyn: 6:10, 8 and 1a. m.

Maaa on Holy Days: 1:30 and. m.

Werk Day Mann: I a. m.Confeuslons: 4 until 8 p. in

7:30 until 9 p. m. Confessions Eve of Holy Days and eve of Kirn Friday.

Holy Communio 6:30, 7 and 7:30 a.


First Friday a m. Mass, 8 a. m

y Wednesday a


Marcellna and Arlington avenues Rev. H. W. Holoff, pastor.

Sunday school, 9:4B a. m.Morning- service, 11 a. in. Topic

"The Body Without a Head." ,E+eninR service, 7:30,. Topic

"Tho Chrlfitlun Ideology," Rev. Ben Lint-enfetter speaking.

Young people's meeting 6:30.p. m

FOURSQUARE GOSPEL Mr. and Mrs. Ben Griffith, pas-

t>rs. 1U07 El Prado. Sunday school, 0:30 a. m. Morn-

Ing service, 11 a. m. ISvcnlni; service, 7.-30 p. m Crusaders service, fl:SO p. m. Prayer meeting \Vcdne&v~y, 7:30

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. C. Miles Northrup, paatoi

- arson and Mnrtlna. Hunday scliool, 0:45 a. in. Morning service. M:60 a. ir

Topic: "Chrlsfa Kxaltcd In Al ThlnsH." MuHlt; dli-Fctvd by MnClrnrlu

Young People's meeting. 6:30 p.m Evcninir service. 7:30 p. : m,

Topic: "A Devil's Hell and WinCreated it." Young People1* cnplr.

Adult Bilile class, 6:30 p.taught by Rev. Bergstrom.

iting Wednesday, 7i30p. m.

NAZARENE CHURCH ' W. A. Pennor, pastor. 20507 Xortl

lloyal, Hummerton Tract. Sunday school, 9:15 a. m. Morning service, 11 a. m. ; Young people's meeting. 6:30 p. m Evening service 7:30 p. m. I'rayer meeting Wcdnoeday, 7:10

p. m.


1208 El Prodo.Hunday morning services nt 1

<imday school, 9t 30 a.m. Wednetda tivenlriR meeting, 8 p. m. Readln onm In church edifice.

"Life" Is tie lubject of tie lesson Bermou on Sunday In all Churches of Christ, acleutlst. The Golden Tent Is from Kevelatlon: "I will give uuio him that la atolrat of tbe fountain of the water of life freely. He that overcomelh ahall Inherit all things; and I will be bla Oort. iinrt be shall be my ion."

Oue of tbe Bible citations In- ludes these verues from Man be w:

a ceolunoD. beseeching him. And laying. Lord', my servant lletb it lome sick of the palsy, (rlevouilf onuenied. Anrt Jesua saltb unto

come under my roof: but speak ihe wurd only, and my servant shall bo lealed. . . . Aud Jesus said unto the enturlon, Oo tby way; and as tbou last .believed, so bi U iton* unto bee. Ann bis servant was healed In

Uie . selfsame hour."Tbe Lesson-Sermon presents also

nls passage from the Christian Iclence textbook, "Science and iealth with Key to th« Scrlulures" y Mary Baker Eddy: "En 1 1 rely epamie from tbe belief and dream if material living. Is tbe l.lf« dl- Ine. revealing spiritual understand. UK and tba conBcloiisness of man's lomlulou over th« whole earth, This understanding casts out error Dd beats Ihe sick, and wltb It jog an speak 'as one bavins author. ty.1 "

LATTER DAY SAINTS Woman's ojuhtiousc. Wllf

Nowlantl, bishop.Sunday school, 10 a. m. Evenln

K'rvlcc, 6:tO p. m. Tuesday, 2 p. I (teller society: 8:30 p. m., Primary iiHHoclatlon, anil 7:80 p. m.. Mu

CHURCH OF CHRISTHervicea at Ton an to Men'u Bib

Cla>» building on Cravens. Bible class Sunday at « p. Evening service Sunday at 7 p. I

Sunday school, 0:15 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. Young peuplu'u meeting, 6:3i) p. Revival services every night. 7:8

I'raynr meeting. Tuesday.

Open service Friday night. 7:8

'r Joseph Leo Uauer, post n.a Sunday 6:30, 8 and 10 a ok days at S a. m.

SundayMo nlm,"

Topic: "Ciod Luther Let B bio houi

V-rtnosdny c Choir rohei

p. m.

ol. .3:30 a. in. :rvicc. 10:45 a. if Mercy." ue. 7:30 p. m. and prayer son

onlntr at 8 o'clonlt. sal Wednesday, 7:1

MEN'S BIBLE CLASS ets at 9:30 u. m. Sundays

hull opposite public lior

Sunday school, 9:30MornlnR service. 1

Topic; "Opportunities.'

fownsend Club ActivitiesBy Beth Paige

The club noted, with roue! concern, the absence last Friday evening of our newly elected sec rctary, Mrs. Rotha Moran. learned that she had that day been entered in .a Los Angele Hospital for emergency treat ment. Her friends and fellow club members all join in slncer est wishes for her speedy re covery.

The party given in honor o Dr. F. E. Townscnd's birthday brought a carload of guests f roi the San Pedro..glub as well a; from Gardena and Lomitu an local Torrance visitors. Pria winners in the contests wer Mrs. Lulu French of Garden, Geo. Gelger and Mrs. Gidding of San Pedro. After refreshment were served, Geiger gave an In terestlng talk about Dr. Town send, stressing his Infinite pa tlcnce and unlimited courage an of the tragic sorrow caused him by the death of two of his clos est aides, Mr. Elliott of Bosto and Roy Wcbb of Illinois; an, of his great desire that he migh oe spared to see provisions o us plan adopted nationally for :he sake of the.poor, the hope ess aged and the unemployed if America.

Dublic Hearing Set )n New Franchise 'or Gas CompanyApplication of Uie Southern

fo--.i-> G<JS Company for a»8W~ franchise which will giv

«i«y between *WOO and *.

the present franchise will be the "Ubject of a public hearing be­ fore the city council «n Feb. 11.

Members of the municipal board voted -Tuesday night to call the hearing on the applica­ tion, as required by law. The franchise would run for an "in­ determinate length of time" and the company agrees to pay the city two percent of its gross an­ nual receipts from the Bale of gas over lines in the city.

Oxalic acid has been known to science since 1776.

One Italian Gun That Mav Kill Italians

.OFFICIAL CHURCH' FLAG , . . 1-UUtbUed lwe> l>y lartUa MoClurc and Elaiiie Summers, Kttiiww City, with

William M. Baldwin who niuile It Is this new Kplwcojiul Hui'cli (lug. II Will be dlupluycd in chui'diutt uud in proot-i-

Corporals Smith and holme of Royal Tank Carps eiamlne an Italian gun captured In North Africandesert fighting, which bad stopped their tank. This weapon, along wltb thousands of other captured

mis. mar now be kilUn* fleeter Italians. British have oat to nse caotnred materiaL ' -

High School Girl Takes D.A.R. Test In State Contest

Several boon last Friday were among: the most Impor­ tant in the young life of Joan Rainsklll, daughter at Mr. and Mrs. T. BttirakH! of 1604 West 220th street.

examination composed by the Daughters of the American Revolution. Nominated by both her Senldr classmates and Torrance High school faculty

opened and a program will fol­ low. the basket picnic dinner hour.

KANSAS . . . Every Jayhawko is invited to the annual winter picnic reunion Wednesday. Jan. 29, hi Sycamore Grove Park, Los Angeles. County headquar­ ters will operate and a program will follow the picnic uinner per

in the state-wide contest, Miss RamsklU was striving for an award of an all-expense paid trip to Washington, D. C.

The examination covered the subjects of government, his­ tory, U. S. economics and kin­ dred fields of civics. Her paper has been sent to Sacramento for Judging and the state wide

the near future.

Boy On Scooter Hits Automoble

A sjx-year-old boy whose name was listed on' police rec­ ords only v as Loback Jr., was

Friday when he ran his scooter

a car ' going west on Portola avenue. The motorist was Al-

State Picnic-ReunionsOHIO , . . The annual winter

picnic reunion of all Ohiouns will be held Saturday, Jan. 26, In Sycamore Grove Park, Los

. County registers will be

Sons of Legion Advance Plans for June Meet

Plans' for the third annual Fourth Area Assembly of the Sons of the Legion in Torrance June 7 were advanced at a meeting of the Executive board at the Hollywood Legion club­ house last Sunday. Xtie .session was attended by Clifford Totten, captain of the Torrance squad­ ron; Bobby Lewcllen, junior past captain: and R. L. Lew ollen, chairman of the Area As­ sembly, and S. A. L. officers

reported slightly bruised last from Santa Barbara, Ventura, - - - - ' San Bernardlno and Los Angeles

puntics.Lcwellen Sr., Is in charge of

the Assembly arrangements. The In Brenneman, 38, 2044 Lomlta gathering will feature competi- loulevard, who said he stopped|tion between drum and bugle, its car at once. (band and marching units in the

morning, a street parade, busi­ness session and dance.

Accident records indicate a lot of drivers still believe a car can he t"U»n .-round a curve s'mply

BOLL 'EM OUTExports of petroleum products

:rom the United States required ho proctuct'Dn of 194,000,000 bar "!! ! cf o'l In 1933. while in Vt-'f he exnort requirements were by Jerking a rein and yelling ibout 128,000,000 barrels. pee or Haw.

Jitterbugs' Conduct f Outside of Dances Discussed by Council

Conduct of young peop$ at­ tending the Friday night.'."jit­ terbug" dances in the Civic' Aud­ itorium came in for considerable discussion at the meeting list week of the To'rrancc Coordi­ nating Council, sponsor of the student dances since 1938. Com- plaints of the behavior of the jitterbugs going to and ftpm the hops will be referred tp the , police department, according. to Judge Robert Leasing, head qf the Council.

The dances are under super­ vision of a committee from the Coordinating body and dedqrum is maintained in the Civic Audi­ torium, Leasing insisted. • •,

Establishment of the Toy Loan library at the high school )s being sought by the Council. This facility will be moved from a store building on Post avenue to a high school bungalow If school authorities grant permis­ sion. There is a bungalow avail­ able at the school but a motion picture show in. staged- there once or twice a month. Before the WPA, which has charge of the Toy Loan activities in the county, approves the mote, as­ surance must be given that the building will be devoted:' solely to the library of playthings.

FIBE tUZES HOM|£Fire ' almost completely de­

stroyed the framp dwelling at 241S 230th street occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bradley Mon­ day morning. Mrs. Bradley told firemen she heard an esq>lo«lon immediately before the /(lames started consuming the building but firemen could not determine actual cause of the blaze.

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