tile.loc.gov · theeveming star. washington*city: tl'esday april 30 1961. spirit ( the n«mlfl|...

THE EVEMiNG STAR. WASHINGTON* CITY: Tl'ESDAY April 30 1961. Spirit ( the n«mlfl| Preaa Th«* jMt'lligent'T nrgnee that by inviting the »ld of the Southern Confederacy In repelling the Federal Government frem Waihlngton, Mary- lar>d will gain nothing except the aaaurance of a rieselaiory war arrayed within her own hordera for the poaaeaalnn of a aeat of government which. If It wa» loaalble to aelze, could not nor would not be held The Rej>vbliem. In reply to the letter of J. M. Botte. naaerMng that Virginia would not have weeded but for the Preaident'a proclamation, . »1 TV.«iA*Kfnrr In tK» nrnrlamatlnn tn » » » ». * urir »» ».>- f . ririr# the rrwntm*nt of anjbodv, but those who were alrradv in sympathy with the treason on tbe Gulf, nnd Jf, In truth, the proclamation preclpl- tM«>d secession In the Richmond Convention, It d.d so, not by causing It, but by MXwa.oJctnf It." TUK NEW S IIKRE. m Tat Niw l<m.. We have satisfied ourself that It was last night determined by the Govern- ment her* to Increase the new levy mentioned in our Issue of Saturday last,.of volunteers, regu- lars. and sailors for the Navy.to full S3,000 men. And. further, to accept X3.000 three months' men more than the original call, (75,000 ) More than that number of the letter have already tendered their services over and above the 75,000 originally cskod for. Thns, the Government are pushing .trnngemrnts to Lavs as soon as possible in arms a total of 1S3,000 OMO. A Cautto*..The deplorable homicide recorded In ysWriay*s Stmr.utterly and »-ntirely unjisti- tUble as far st we can learn.on the part of aiquad i-f one of this city'* volunteer companies, will be ufllMent, we tru»t. to aroiiM all ©(Beers of the military among J* to the necessity of taking prompt measures not only to learn what are the real privilege* and duties of persons In their posi- tions. but to the proper discharge of their duty of holding their men ui.d*r due control. It was not to have been expected that 21),(J00men. principally volunteers, could be suddenly assembled in a city li V\ ashlnzton, without s*me infractions cf law <tiid violations of j«-r»orial rights; and we are glad to have it in our power to say, that, so far, they Lave not b«e:i numerous or serioua in their con- *-quences, except In the case of the rec.eut attempt to arrest, and consequent killing of Mr Cornelius Boyd, i worthy a;,d reputable eltiien Those engaged in it, or nearly til cf them, are now in prison, where ttey must remain until tri*d for tueir lives at the next term of our Crimi- nal Court tVe Lear that seme members of an Tsland com- p*n>.»he fuluioi Kiflcs.Lave taken the libeity 'ow»m two or t«>ree citizens to leave this city tnr'hwltb, nnd»-r the kliegation that they are d:s- vn'onis's .No vol .u'eer or other comoanv officer 1.d« any right to order any one sway from the city, r.iid ' imfnable to «ev»re punishment by order of h:s in|«lor In the nerv'.ce If undertaking thus to Interfere with the rlgbtsof tbe citizen. We doubt not that on proi>f bf.n^ made to tbe commander «>f tbe Dls'rlct, Col. Mansfield, any goldier ofwbat- t-vct rank or portion under bim wbo takes such a li t'ertv will )*e punished promptly for so doing. »o ibe extent authorized i>y tbe rules of the service: be should be. All good Union mm. we know well, deprecate unauthorized violence or threats of violence under preteuce of servlr^ the cause of the I'nlon, quite much as t.iev deprecate similar military mob Wspotisn!.for that's just what It ami<unta to.ou Jb»< part «.f tie adherents of the Jefl Davis uiurpa- t on, in tbe South e rep«at: any citizen who mav be Interfered with Improperly !>i the name of military authori- ty. sbculd at ooce go to tbe headquarters of the troops here, with his proof; when ne will surely dolv protec ted, end those molesting bim will as surely be punished. The law of tbis District defines and pun'shes fed it! on, (under the charge of ntt»ring Incendiary language.) and the civil officers (magistrates) will promptly punish all arrested who lawfully tome within its pilns and penalties. I be state of tbe D; strict makes It absolutely n«rtsnry for Its saMy from assault, that active sympathizers with the disunion movement shall not ailowed to aid and abet the acbeme of celling the Federal Capital, by openly encourag- ing the apirit of addition among their fellow* it) sens, aa has notoriously been done here up to thla time Bet It ia certain that any one, we care not what hi* Individual opinions may be. who does not threaten the public peaoe by stirring up s««lttli>n. will r.ot be Interfered with by military authority. If any one be Interfered with br the military without cause, the wrong will be ln- stautly and fully redrrss^d. A Novel Pp*CCLATIO* IN THESK P*KI« .A day or two since the Star briefly related cn Instance of apparently shocking bad treatment ef a poor northern family.that of John L) Reed. by toe people of Virginia, a few miles from this city. H e saw Keed and his family, as described la the paragraph concerning them, stationed in front of tbe Rij'ubltrnn publication office. Mhere they remained a whole fortnoon, surrounded >y a crowd varying from fifty to two hundred persons, who, upon the strength of their pitiable appear- ant e and tbe tale told among the crowd, were so- liciting dimes, quarters, halves, arid probably dol- lars, for the party. That the whole tffair was an outrageous "sell" upon tue sviupathiea of this community la plain and palpable, as will be seen from tbe following letter, signed by a number of worthy »:-d respectable tirivtii-ors of lteed, of southern and northern blrtb, nearly all of whom we know personally to be as reliable turn us aiiv la tbe United SUM: Ediior of Star. Dear SMr : The following state- ment, published In your paper on tbe '.Mib lmtint. does grsst Injustice to tbe Inhabitants of Fairfax county \ ou will have the kindnens to publish tbe aald statement l:i connection wi'h tti.a com- munlcatloa. lu order that our community may be justly r-pr esented before the world : I " A Pmmblt Sigtt..This morning, there ar- rived In tnlacttv Jean 1> Reed, a forty-acre farmer near Baiby's Cross-roads. (In tbe vlciuitv of this city,) with bis w Iff sinl tl*e children, the oldest not moretbsntiKhiyears»fagH. They had been driven Iroin tbelr home at three hours'' notice, arriving here Id aaln«le horse cart, drawn by a skeleton and loaded with just such of tbelr clothing and j»ocr iurnlture aa they could snatch up In an Instant Thlsfaoiily have not * dollar left. Purely It is 1'me for m^n there who value the character and reputation of this sertiei' of Virginia to put a stop to tbe perpetration of such tbir>k* in their in ids', and In tbe nam* of the people of those counties ' TLers iss.ar. eiya point of truth in tbe state- ment here quoted, and so absurdly false Is it in mast respects that the intimate friends of Mr. Reed t ere refuse to believe that be Is the author of tbe :sten>eut. cr that katmU »*"" »« »» - Dance to lt» publication. Th«» farts are known Tbat Mr Keed had determined to leave a* early as Monday morning. 4v:d Inat , and wv.s In course of preparation during Monday, and preparatory to a (novo marketed a load cf Lay In \\ aihin^ton, ar.d alao did tbesime on Tuesday. On the same day be called In those neighbors to wbom be was muetted and sold to tbeui bis furniture In liqui- dation V\ ben hla family left, they wft« kindly conveyed in comfortable vehicles to Washington bt bis neighbors one cf whom it a native VIr- glatae I |x>n their arrival In Washington, Mr R«ed deplored the movement be had made, and said to the joung man who conveyed his family, tbat were tie bark on his place again, #60 or ?l<x» would aot induce blin to leave u be had dune l>illg»i.t inquiry ha* been made to ascertain if i >r Ile*d had heen ordered away by any person, and rotLing to that t Hot appears so fares is known, tor has any one here heard .Mr Rved or Lit family sav that tbey wt-reordered away. It la ; roper to state that the sheriff of the county has f.iven the moat pmitive aaattfanceof protection to » 1 eitirer.s. Irrespective of origin; and tbat a pub- lic meeting haa been held »t tbe Court-House, l mOOftifi I f loth nalltn «nH * f r ^ ti«rr ui*-a«arks were adopted for mutual protec- tlou nor* wrltipj; the foregoing. Mr John Corn- wall, a »r«r neighbor of .Mr Reed, aays be called m Mi R*ed at the market ta \\ asLinyton, aud . sked bun If Le w«i uotitcd to leave Virginia, and t»e answered iu tbe negative. Ci*ned by.l.ewis Halley, John Cornwall. Geo B. Moruir.ora, Ge». Head, Jas. L. Uuwen. Eal- beck W. Blrco. J H. Cleveland, Benj Welch, Be»J l>onaldaon. Armsted Donaldson, A SLer- wotd, U. B hu. C. Ashford, An» Coe, D Kingman Joe. K Birch, R. L Kotchford. G. A 'I *rr«tt, It. L. G«»rdo», B. F. Crabbs, Harvey Bailey. Fairfax county, April S9, 1861. I am personally acquainted wllu moit of the CtniicuiM whose names are subscribed to the nbove latement, and have no doubt of tbe truth- fulness of their assertions. W. C. Lipscomb, Sr. We did not hear Mr Reed tell his atory to any one, nor do wr know that be did tell It.though tbe circumstances narrated by the Star were in everybody's uiouth, as embracing a true history of the extdus of bis family from Virginia. W vst 11 !< ViRuiiiia..Accountsfrom northwes- tern Virginia render H certain that tbat section of the ftute will soon hold a convention to tbe end of it* txUU htlun from tbe difficulties into which the action of the Richmond Convention will hove u urrwus piun^Mi 11 it will not unite Its fate and fuLiura w.Ui the government of Cobb, Jef- ferson i>>v is, &pratt, Hbett ft Co . having no in- terest whatever in Mmmvii with twin. It claims the ume right to secede from tlds water Virginia tUl the latter has assumed to possess to secede from the United Mates That Maryland will not pretei.d to aecede is now apparent to nil This fart wM gsmtly strengthen northwestern Virginia in Lm de'-eru..uatiuu ts protect her own luterssts in ii*r difficulties by whl« h the Richmond Conven- tion have surrounded ber. When she makes tbs in< ve, Berkley. Loudoun, Jeflersuo, Fairfax and Akeiuidria . bravtly Union counties, in tbls vanity,.all bordering Maryland, will net be low in riveting also to remain In the Union of beir father*, we fancy. D*!»o**or* Prockkihssk .Yesterday evening, re he<tr. two small vessels, destined for tbts cltv, vere fired at from Alexandria; one turning bark, nd the other being brought to The latter >roved to be leaded with oita, purchased In and telng brought around from Baltimore for the nse >f the purchaser here This vessel and cargo had lot been returned to the owner, this morning, ire Informed. We should deplore nothing more han a repetition of such things on the part of Mexandria, In whose welfare no one takes greater nterest than the Star. We hear that the Uovern- nent will take prompt measures to secure ample Duemuiiy iur owners ui iur *wi suu ucr r&rgo. Presidential ArpoixTMixis..The President [o-day made the following appointments. viz : Richard Cheney. Navy Agent, San Francisco, Cal.; Henry W. D»>Pny, Agent Pawnee Indian, Nebraska; Mark Belahav, Surveyor General for the district of Kansas; Joah Houghton, R-glster afthe Land Office. Santa Fe, N. M ; John Ward, Ramon Luna and Jose Antonio Mansinares, In- dian Agent*. N. M ; James >1. Chambers. Navy Agent, Philadelphia; O. II. Irish, Indian Agent, Omaha agency. ToTakkthb Blow* for Tiirm..The Mont- gomery (Ala ) Mail, of the 17th Inst , chuckles at a great rat* over tbe action of the Richmond Con- vention, saying, ' Before this week passes away her (Virginia's) breast icill be bartd as our >ki*hi and ker arm as our d'f'nctSo, at Montgomery, it is clearly understood tl it tbe passage of the Virginia ordinance of secession amounts to diking ott the hands of fhe oligt.rchy, tbe war the latter have made on the United Stales An Examining Board, to examine applicants for clerkships in the Post Office Department, is to meet at the Department to-morrow, at 1 p.m., when all applicants for such positions now in Washington would do well to attend. General Harsey, U. S. A., 1* now here, at Wi Hards' Hotel. Maryland Affair!" .From the Sun of this morning we make up the following summary of news In and about that city : The city wa» yesterday again qu et, though th» was a greater number of people on the streets thnn during Saturday and Sunday There was no excitement of constqueuce, and the police records nt nitrht showed that the people «»re dis- posed to rssist the police In the preservation of good order by refraining from anything that may be calculated to produce excitement. There was much activity observable all day yesterday at both Fort McHenry and Fort Carroll, h it of what nature could not lie ascertained, as there waa no admission to either place. A ainall steamer was engaged all day in plying between these points, and it was said that guns were taken down to Fort Carroll to finish an armament and put !t In the best possible condition of dsfense. Yesterday morning Major General Steuart is- sued an order for the Firs". Light Division, consist- of thfl firat am1, fiprnn/1 hrkruHp* r.»ro.U w^» «- jTiiuvit at live o'clock In the aftern«>on. The parade consisted only of those companies connected with the uniformed regiments. The command cf Oeneral Trimble was not on parade That command consists of a company in nearly every ward In the city, besides two batteries of artillery.all volunteers.raised within the past ten days Andrew Robblns. of Stoneham, iMass , one rf tfce Injured in the affray of Friday week, and car»d for at the Lombard-st. Infirmary, was s»nt to his home in the North on Saturday, he having re- covered sufficiently to admit of removal His wound was a gun or a pistol shot In the back of the neck, at the base of the skull. From Tkknksske..The Niiskville Bulletin, April says: We r»«ret to learn that the steamer C E Hill- man, with SI75.(KtO worth of arms purchased in ?t l.ouisand destined for .Nashville,was captured at Cairo. The commander of the military forces at Cairo having been iuformed of the large amount of ammunition on board the ilillman. started the steamer Swallow (which has been fit- to* up mm a sori 01 man or war) up the river to meet the lltllman. About 4 o'clock this morning the boats met, some eight mile* above Cairo, ana Captain Corbltt being hailed from the Swallow, ir.a supposing tbey merely wished to inake some communication, permitted herto land alongside, when an officer, barked by soldiery, presented himself and demanded possession of the boat The Hlllman's cargo consists or about TOO kegs of powder, 350.000 hlank cart> idges, and 200 tona of lead, besides corn, oata and bay. There were 1,600 soldiers already at Cairo, and that 800 more were expected on tbe next train The soldiers at Cairo were mostly German and Irish (Jen. Pillow has taken charge of the defense of this portion of Tennessee He will not leave this rity till, we are assured, that no danger need be apprebendtd livery messure will be adopted at once which military skill can suggest and tireless energy accomplish to render a successful attack Impotable The steamer Aleck Pcott. with four of the largest size cannon and an immense amount «r mailer arms. sent from the Governor of Louisiana, reached the city this morning. The 32-pounders have ere this been placed in position, and the other arms are already in charge of the military. ViBeitiA Newh..On Wednesday our old town was alive with military. Six hundred soldiers in the liuru at one time changed the usually peaceful, qu!et aspect of the plice to martial enthusiasm and anlimtlon of the 1 velifst description. Com- pany F frcrn Ri^mcnd, the Caroline Grays, the Mercer Cavalry, the Mt. Pleasant Riflemen, our own lirays. Guards. Artillery. Ac , were among the nnmber The Richmond L. I Blues. under command of Capt. O. J. VVise. arrived yesterday, and other companies ere dally expected. The Blues and company F were drilled In the eve- ning in the streets before their quarters, the court house and Presbyteiiun church. It ia intended that the Fair grounds shall be used as tbelr en- campmert for the present. The Caroline troop, a tine looking set of men, about80 strong, arrived yesterday and paraded to-day .Fredertckfbvrg Newt. Gov l.etcher has istued a general order caying "no authority has been given for the impressment of horses for the State, and no such Impressment will be made without special instructions All horse* which have been Irnpr^saed will be lmme- diatpltf r«tiipnp<l «** -1 The Norfolk having* Institution have deter- mined to Issue, for the aceomni-dation of the community, small notes in sums of '26 cents, 50 cent.*, and one ilollar Tkk West.The St. Lou Is Democrat of last Thursday says : "Peopte up the Illinois and Mississippi are cut- ting us off pretty effectually in the way of freight. The Cambridge went up the Illinois to buy a lond of corn for Tennessee river, and has laid up somewhere. in consequence of the action taken by a committer at Peoria We find the following in the Peoria Transcript of Tuesday : "Committee reported one boat up the river after corn, and arranged to have her stopped when the tame down, and corn unloaded if destined for a Southern port Mr. J M Fowler w«» ap- pointed to see the bridge closed. A resolution was adopted allowing no boat to go down the river from this date wiih any provihions or con- traband of war." "Buslnessis pretty conclusively closed at Cincin- nati for the prevent It is generally conceded that all packets bound South, to points b«low Louisville, will lay up until the suspension of hostilities '' I T A * ffpn\« !»* * « »--» ra»v.n a r « ! W v »'i ai UOy? p st reports hav#- bee:i circulated In this oily that i ti^httook ^lsceat Fort Pickens ou Wednesday or Thursday of last wetk.uurt that the rebels were i»feated with a he:ivy lot* We have now a con- firmation of the main feature of the alx>v« state- ment Mr J J. Clark, drum-mojor at Newport, ba« receivtd a letter from his son. who Is drum- major at Fort Plckros, which saystbftton th« 17th Inst , Fort Plcker.s was unsuccessfully attacked bv the Secession forces, who were driven bark with a loss of thirty-three men. Not a person in the garrison was Injnred .Cm. Gazette. .\1ak\lam> Liuislatubk I'hocbxdinrs .It will be seen by the proceedings of the Legisla- ture of Marylsnd yesterday that several subjects of great luterts'. were introduced. A report wti adopted by the House, by a large majority, de- claring that the Legislature does not possess the power to pass an ordinance of secession. A bill, however, was reported, providing fur the call or a Sovereign Convention, to assemble on Thurs- day, the 30th of May. IT?-From the publisher, M. Doolady, New V* «» V * »' * ' j uri, ijiruiigu r r^ncn «X ftlCQftl*lD, WC ftave "An OutcuT; *r V:rtue and Faith,by F. Col- burn Adami Fri*tn the baaiy inspection we have beew able to Rive the volume, It aeema to be decidedly of the tenaatlon order. S*tzra* or Paovimowa..By order of the mayor, on* huudred barrel* of flour, three caika of meat, and two hogftheads of augar, consigned to Salisbury, Md , wera selz»d at the Baltimore depot, In Philadelphia, on Friday laat. [fT The Philadelphia Inquirer of Saturday ays: '-We have been informed by reliable parties that ex-President Buchanan has subscribed t5 UU0 for the equipment of volunteera at (.ancaster " aAn nM Miilnn I * D." fj r « - . . - . . .-y m. a a ion, ui Rue heater, NY, baa oflVred a »tand of colon to tbe flrat regular military company from that city mnatored into aervlce. inr A atronv fire company in Philadelphia haa volunteered ao eitrnalvely that there are only Insartlw meiubeia la ft. Jt7" A wealthy |(NllMU at FltcUtotrg, Maaa , oflVr* to make a preaent of >1,000 to each of tbe aaveral companies of tbe Fifth Regiment {£/ la t'enuylrania and New York, Virginia m mey ia 8u per cent, dlacount, and Maryland money >00 MARYLAND LEGISLATURE Monday.la the IIout?, a petition from voters of Prince (ieoree county, praying the glslature to adopt an ordinance of aeceaalon, \ presented and referred to the committee on f eral relation* Mr Farran reported a bill authorising county commissioners of the £tate to l#*y on p.asessable property of the counties auch imo a* thev may deem necesaary for the defense th*lr respective countlea. Air \\ allls introduced a resolution relatlv* the action of the authorities In Baltimore la ti endeavor to suppress the mob of the 19th lust follows : Httolrtd by tit* Gtntrnl Aiftmbly of Maryla That the measures adopted and conduct pursi by the authorities of the cltv of Baltimore. Friday, the 19th of April, 1MI, and since t time, intend'd and designed aa thry were to | s»*rve the peace, aulet ana tranquility of the < of Baltimore, ana to place that city In a condlt of security and safety, be, and the tame are h< by, ratified, approved of and made valid by General Assembly, and declared to havs b necessary for the public good and the protect of the lives and property of the people of Ba more. The resolution lies over. Mr. Holland introduced a resolution Instruct the Governor and Adjutant General to repor the House what amount of the S7l),0U0 appro atrd at the last session to arm tbe i»U'e had b rx^ruuru, anu 11 bo, iu wubi inannfr, IDS COI tlon of the arms purchased, and other aim information; adopted. Mr. Holland reported a bill to amend art tiftv-four, auction nineteen, of the code of pul general laws relative to the issuing of land * rants by the Commissioner of tb<» Land Ofl being a bill to repeal the law relating to oyster beds of Maryland; referred to the Dorcl ter county delegation. Mr Scott reported a bill to provide for a cal a Sovereign Convention of tne people of Mi '.and on Thursday, the 30th of May; referre* the committee on Federal relations Mr Pitts reported a bill authorizing the Ml and City Council of Baltimore to issue small n t,> a limited amount, to be used as currei referred to the committee on the currency After the transaction of business of minor I ^U'l MIIICC. Mr Wallls, from the majority of tfcecommi on federal relations, to whom was referred memorial of "Jlfi voter* of Prince Georjfe'seou pnvlnsr the legislature, If in its judgment it sesse« the power, to past an ordinance of secesi without delay, reported tbat in their judgn tbe Legislature does not posstss the pnwr to such an ordinance as is prayed, and that the pr: of the said memorailst* cannot therefore he tran Mrears Gordon and (joldsbnrougb, of the a mittee on federal relations, ottered a minority port, stating that they report unfavorable to praver of said m<»jnoraliats Mr Denisnn moved that the minority report substituted for tbe majority report The vote was then taken and the motion rejected t»v ny»s 13 nays Sir Th* majority report was then adopted wltb a divisloi. being called for Errn'ni; S'ssion..Mr Bryan asked tiiat protest againt-t Win^ compiled to vote on the port of the committee on federal relations aga his wishes, and stating tbat as one of the rej sentatives of Prince George's county, he ws( faver of secession, might be entered on the J< nal. The request was granted. Mr. Urune introduced a bill appropriating I millions of dollars to l»e expended in niacin? State of Maryland In * complete rendition organisation and defense, und^r such direct as the Genenl Assembly may hereafter provl Referred to the committee of ways and meant Mr. Mortitt oflered an order that the commi on currency be directed to report a bill legal!* the suspension of specie payments t>v the ha ct ihis State, which whs adopted. Adjournc< Sksatk Mr tioldsborough, of Talbot county, as leave to introduce a local bill. Messrs. Lynch, Watkins and lleckart oppc the introduction of auy other business than I called for bv the necessities of the times. A some discussion, the sut-ject was postponed Friday, and the Senate adjourned. Trom Perryvllle. Perryvillr, April *28..The steamer MaryL left at 3 o'clock this afternoon, taking the Madl Guards,of Pottau.wn; Norrlstown Rifle*, and n pany B, Fourth Pennsylvania Regiment The steamer Commerce arrived this eveni bringing a few passengers and a very large \\t ington mail. The Commerce fired into a suspicious bark urr uown irip, out tailed to bring her to. her up trip the same bark wai brought to, i found to be all light. She was out of Bsltiir harbor. A general parade, in which 1.100 troops join was bad at 10 o'clock tLls morning, but a tin storm stopped the operations A requisition from the General Government ^ received to-day, through the hands of Gen I terson. for tw*nty-one more regiments.tw* infant/ and one cavalry.makings total for Pe Bvlvacila of thirty-eight reg'.meuts.twenty-n thousand five hundred men* Colonel McClure returned from the camp York to-night, and reports all right there, and men eager to marcii through Baltimore. The people of Chambersburg h :ve organize mounted patrol reaching clear to the Maryii linn. They make returns every morning Batteries'of artillery are being formed at Ch; bersburg and other points of the interior, to | tect and forward movements of the Fennsyivs volunteers Military Movements IJ<?*TO!l, April 'J8..Our volunteers go into harbor forts on Monday On Tuesday euo1 1,000 men leave this city for the South Forty rifled cannon, contracted for by the 5 some time since, are expected to arrive in a days. The first and tenth regiments, the Crest Brigade, and Fletcher Welter's regiment, exerted to leave here eariv in the w^k A battalion of Light infantry, under Ml DoHd, a re anxiously awaitiug a call. The citizen*' committee of one hundred, pointed to collect and distribute funds to families of volunteers, meet to-day In the S*ei chamber . Chief Justice Bijrelow, chairu Kloquent addresses were made by Governor drew, ex-Governor Banks, ex-<ioverr.or Line ex GovernorClifl'ord, Kdward Kverertandoth The proceedings were very interesting, and f th« liberality displayed the M assecb us"tta sold may rest assured that their families will be kli cared for. The collector of this port has received or not to prant any clearances for any port 5*outl Delaware Bay. Bbookltx Navy Vard .Tbeartlvitvcontl? unabated. Siturday the Wabash was remc from ler moorings, snd taken to the dock o; site the receiving store, where the flnfsl touches are being applied to her. Guns ma; lOUti si » ! r* * 4 r»r» <> l- * 1 . * 1 * . ^>u>uuf,u mr p«ri noies, anchors in their place*, and everything indicates a *pe departure. The Savannah, which occupied present berth of the Wabash. haii been rrmc to where the Roanoke was lying, and this steamer has been placed In the former bert! the Wabash, In order that the great derrick « be available for tLe hoisting In of her masts other heavy appurtenances Water tanks of Roanoke have undergone a thorough overhaul lid been tightened and painted. The Quaker City took on board on Saturdi larite Quantity of bay and other forage, as wel severa* fl«id pieces, ammunition chests and rious kinds of munitions of war. She will ti no in ic iroops on board but the number ne< sarv for her defence should she be attacked The stenmshlp Keystone £Ute went alonga the Hudson avenue dock on Saturday, where took on board * lar^e quantity of provisions i stores She is to armed like the Quaker C and the other steamers She has on board U marines, whom she took on board at Philai pbla, under command of Lieutenants Jai Lewis and Pendle ii Mia iaai me coast Purvey schooners Cr ford and Varlna are to go out of commlmon,i their rrews transferred for the present to the N< Carolina Great dimitisfactlon prevailed am the men of the Coast Survey on nine of the ve« being ordered on their legitimate duty. T are burning to serve their country In the ni department .A". V. lltrald. lEF The Jeff Davla journal!, in their ange the patriotic rebnff given by Gen. Scott to attempt to seduce him from his allegiance to Stare and Stripes, now bestow upon him grossest personal abuse, saying that ne is imbec decrepit, &c., 4c. Suur grapes! nZT" George Law is out in a letter calling u President Lincoln to open a route for tr< through Haiti more, or else the Northern pe< will take it Into their own hands. Simeon l)ri and others have signed a memorial to the s. effsct. . IfT" Gov. Letcher made a demand on Satur for the arms of lh« Wfceei'nn «n<i J 1 unteer Compan!** The Benwood men rep that "they would see him d.d flrat.". Bar villi Intelligencer. ID^The Richmond Dispatch says:.1'* We fratified to team that the Board of Publtc \V< ave ordered the suspension of all work upon railroad* of the State." l£7"The anxiety to enlist Is sogrent in Pr deuce, R. I . that a gentleman offered S10 f chance fill a uniform In the Cadeta 1£7"One pun store, In Boston, sella dally < one bundrtd revolvers to the soldiers who art dered out. lUT'Tbe Baltimore 'Clipper of yesterday nounces the acts of April 19 ns "lawlew, lnsui tlonary and criminal in the hlvhMt Amur** »» JO" Tbe rtllx«n* have presented to the L i Mitt ) Light Infantry S40U. and Dean Peal) La* given eacb officer a atlver mounted revol HJ" Tbe Colt Flre-arma Manufacturing C pany have tendered l,0U) of their beat arma regimeut of Connecticut volunteers. 10~ TbeCommon Council of Springfield, baa voted 10,0U) for war purpose* Alk\akmua ArPAiBn.From this ujornlnc'a OimMp : TtM arri va's of flab to-day were more numeroua, but the demand la still unabated, a:>d many boat loads p«*s«d up to Washington We qu»>te shad at f5 50h$3 per hundred, and herring at 81 50if5 per thousand Sever'1 cargoes of fresh flsh from the landings on the Potomac were yesterday permitted pass this city and proceed to Washington c'.ty. Gea llarney, who was arretted In H-rper'a Perrv and taken to Richmond and released by tbe Governor, arrived in this city yesterday afternoon via the Oranae and Alexandela Railroad, and at once proceeded to Washington Tfc* following la a copy of tbe "notice to qnlt" ^whether bogus or genuine) which was served on a geitieman'of this city Recent development*. the ruthlens murder of Cornelius Boyd.may de- termine the authenticity of it: W'a»hi.\gto!I, April'25, 1881. Mi. G. W. Rock .Sir : Yoii are berebv noti- fied to leave Washington city in twenty-four hours By order of * Committer Ujuo*.-' The Fauquier Wblte Sulpbur Springs have been re-opencd for the season and aiready a num- ber of visitor* have arrived* Among those who have already arrived are the following: Jud^e Cnmpbell and family; Robert Ould. Esq , and family; Captain Macruder and family; Judge Bruce and family. The Springs have been placed in excellent condition and will doubtless soon crowded with visitors. O/i Sunday night last the family of Lieutenant n. W . Hunter who resides on the east side of the Washington Turnpike, were, as may well be imhirin<u) vo»w tv*"/»K -- *' .. . * -* » .mr « f VI J ItiUV/U Oiai UiCU UJf lur ripiQ SUC* ceuion of two gun reports. Upon examination, it was discovered that the contents of both guns entered the building Mo clue to the perpetrator of the diabolical outrage can as yet be obtained. Tag IJSIOS 8IST1MMT 1M WhbKLINO, Va.. The Wheeling Intelligencer of tbe 25th says: "Military movements are going forward so rapid- ly md in so many different parts of the citr, tbst It is impossible, almost, to k**ep the run of them. There are now three companies organizing aud drilling in Rltchtetown, three In the 5th Ward, one in the 4th Ward, and last night a com- piny was organized in tbe 3d WTard None of tLese companies have less tban eighty men and some have as high as one hundred 8qmdsnre se».'n drilling on commons at nearly all hours of the days. In Kitchietown, and all the balls in the diB'ereut parts of the citv. suitsble for the purposc » A. nnnl^l ' . "" ». v " vui/icu nt tuy-u%. m «ic ^uuc u iipfiinjj anci **outh \\ heeling < orapaules Lave selected their uniform. which will consist aiinply of a shirt, p*nts :iiid fatigue cap. varying in color and «tyle with th» varying taste of a majority of the inem- hi'ra of the respective companies. The Uermats are going into the movement with ail their char aoteriatlc patriot ism. it is a notable fart, too. tt at nearly all of this population are familiar wilh irilitary tactl'S, having served in the Fatherland, and are therefore progressing more rapidly thau those who know comparatively nothing. How- ever. a kn««wled^e of the drill is beinir rapidly picked up. for where there It a will there Is always a way A Urge t'niou tjuard has been formed at Hen- wood, to which nearly all the young men of the place have attached themselves L'mos Mkrtins at Boston .There was an enthusiastic meeting under the Washington Kim, at old Cmnbrldge, cn Saturday afternoon. wher« speeches vere made by John <i Palfry, ex-Gov- ernor Rinks and otherv Governor Hanks spoke for the great Weet, and Mid she wai alive with patriotism he expressed confidence In the retail, lor the arts and sciences, and industrial pursuits are at the foundation of ail, and where they pre- vail In time of peace, victory will come in time of war. At the raising of a flap In chester square Satur- day afternoon, Kdward Kverett ana bt-niamin F Hallet'. made strong lTnion speeches. Kdward Kverett was very elrquent. He sild we set up this standard, my friends, not as a matter of mere idle display, but as an expression Indicative that In the mighty struggle that has b»en forced npon us, we are one heart, and one mind, that the gov- ernment of the country must be sustained. All former dtHerences of opinion are swept away. We forget that we have ever been partisans.we remember onlv that we are Americans. understanding between the Governors of new York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana. X hun«tr>V» f»ait> 11 »»j«l>. 4 .n ,0'1 u (iviu iiatiiDnuii;, April BiyS.' An understanding baa be~n entered Into between the Governors of New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana, by which tlu.se Stat-* shall act In conjunction to throw trocps and provisions Into Washington. or elsewhere South, upon the order of the W ar Department. Governor Curtln. In his message, will earnestly recommend the appropriation cf lire millions of dollars, and the raising of 25.000 additional volun- teers for domestic defense, a? well as for federal service ramns will be established at \V est Che«ter, to be called Fort Wayne; at Hittaburg, to be designated Fort Wliktns;at Heading, which has not yetbe^n named. These ramps are to be used to prepare volunteers for active service In ttie tl»-ld Cairo, In Illinois; Wheeling, in Virginia, and some point on the northwestern line of Maryland, are to he fixed upon for the concentration of troops. .Maryland Umns Sentimsnt..Froui the Wll- Timsport (Md ) Ledger we clip the following items: ihrly on Thursday morning several American flags were unfurled to the breeie la different parts nf filif tnurn If there are any serpssion'ats among us, they are very prudently quiet. Once in a while a noted secessionist visits us from the neighborhood. but h" is watched witn a jenlouseye, ai'd many a band nervousiv clutches, as if it would take bold of something. No t'onfederate fl ig his vet been raised here. We hope none will be, as it would only create a disturbance, and do no good. It is very easy, at times like the present, to start a storm which the starter cannot control. Whatever way the State may go, the secession movement will be deprecated here. JO" The St Louis News says: "We have seen a letter from Minneapolis to a produce house in this city, stating that the writer had purchased 6 (M») bushels of wheat for shipment to St Louis; but, after s»elng Gov. Jackson's reply to the Sec- retary of War, had cancluded to send it to Mil- waukle. The grain dealers of ihe Northwest are stopping shipments to St Louis for the present. being apprehensive that Missouri will go out of t h f I " n 1 O »» ei/i «*» 'II J *'.*. * .auu win *ruu mnr proauce eanward through Mllwatikie, till they are convinced tuat this State will remain in the I'nion." Affair* in St. Domingo.We have «sdvlce« from St. Domingo ratifying the Intelligence al- ready published of the ceaslon of tbe territory of the late republic to the Crown of Spain Great excitement prevailed iti Haytl in consequence of the action of Spain, and the llaytlen Government hid pretested against what la termed the innova- tion of Spain. It was feared that Spain would be demanding all terri tory acquired In conquest by the Haytier.s from the Dominicans during the list flftsen years; and In that case the Haytien& will resist 11 the death..M? Y. H'rnld. IT7"The I'enaacola correspondent of the Savan- nah Republican makes the following reference to the feeling with which the intelligence of Vir- ginia's mecens'rtu u>«» » ">« * .w«( «** »uc itnurf fwini: " "Tbia news created very little vxcltement here, and still lees enthusiasm. The Old Dominion had no choice in the matter She wai simply fori«4 out Still, we had better have her with u* than agains* us." Thi ZiicivHox the Wa\..Col F.llsworth'a Zouave regiment left New York on Sunday In the st amer Baltic. Previous to their departure, two itinds of colors were presented to ihem.one bv Mrs John J. Aitor, and the other by the ladice of the Astor House. rv-5=»THK SfSTKRS OF CHARITY OF ST. \L3 Vinoent'* Asylutn rratefmly acknowledge th" reo*pt<on of a barrel of flour iiven to the Oc- phar.b by Mr. Polkinhok*. ap 30 ATTENTION. COMPANY I. SIXTH Ll 5 REGIMENT f>. C. M.-Meet at Fhilbar- momoHallon SATCHDAY NIGHT. 8 o'oock. initfllH TWnraWo» r.. « i.u.cuoj I. KHV aw who same nour. ht order. It rv^»»AKKRS' NOTICE..BREAD .Oa aad LL5? after Wednesday, the 1st cl May, Bread wTll be «»»'d at 5 cents per loaf. ap 2?-V * THE BAKERS. iqg- NOTICE. iJJ* The following order, isaued by the Navy Department on the 26th instant, U now made pub lio for tho benefit of all whom it may coroern : Navy Ditartmsst, April 26,1S61. To the Fourth Auditor / tht Trtamry : Sill.The amounts fou'-d to be due to resigned Navy Offloera from the (states which claim to have a*oeled will hereafter he paid ihem from the United States funda heretofore sent to or depoaited in tho*e States, exoept in cases where the Department ahull otherwise direct. 1 am, tea;ectfally, your obedient e*rrant, GIDEON WELLES, up £)-2w Secretary of the Nary. I7»«>R SALE--A full uniform of t»m w..k r init n Light lrfaiitry, very little awd. Add re O.. Citv Post Office It* F^OR >ALK CHKAP-A medium nxH fire- proof HAKE. AddreeaA H.,atth« Siar Of- fice. *P 30 2t* FOR SALE-A rood HORSE, light WAGON, Hj*RNK8A <* APPLEand BRIDLE.cv obe&p for cash; sold for n<> fault; the owner jl .t« n«>t having »uffiaieut nee for them wu^ti^ZX. to diapoae of them. Apply to W, H. WHEAT- LEV. Dyer, 49 Jefferaun utr et, Georgetown; or 393 P». avenue, beiweeu 4H ana 6th at*., Wash- ington. apao-st C PISTOLS OLT'« ARM V. NAVY, and POCKETEE- VOLVKRS. Alao, the F.b'UJXH TRANTER Pl*'»Oi,. A large aasortment of the above mat received. M. W. GALT A BRO.. . Jewelers, 334 Pa. avenue, ap 30-* Foar doors weot of Brown's Hotei. $10 GrOLI REWARD FOR PROOF SUFFICIENT to oonrfot ut ms or boy fur ittfeiBg sp^'i or opening our l ond.n. ag>9 i-'HFNOH ft R1CW»TEIN D CURRENCY AND VIRGINIA MONEY PURCHASED. N«rlr.»rn Unourrent W»n»j wanXl. SWEENY. KITTEN HOUSE. FANT ft CO.. » » 1 w (»nt*l.) A NOTICE. rXNY Pftraon remevtae temporarily ity and Im fck-a obari mall 'arm r loouir V E W VOLUME BALZAC'S NOVELS.-Tha ^ A ch»tm«t, or the Houn of Claee ; fr'>m the renoh^f Honors d> Rltw _ Kre« »>y mail, «l- .Tisrnor. me « oi fy W*9. Elliott, the anthor of''Adam Bade" Fr*«t*» mail, 5r«nt«. FRKNCtl & R»CHSTEIN. ap39 a?3 Peana >v»»ni'«. rHK WARRENTON SPRING*. Fan*aier eonnty, V*,. wili lucpm d -nth-lMh .1 May.. In tin- m^ntint* a imit«d nuir-WfVaBbw >er of H'lU ri will t>e r«w»*i*#«1. Terra* of JUtfHUL K »rtl: 931 per tn.»n*li; #!( p*r weet ; a- J ft wer lay; white tei-vanta lhre*r unci; m'1 oh.ldr^n inder 10 and over 2 y<ar«, half trw, Hnrte* leataperdar. Addreee ROi'.'T HUDfllN. a?» Ira Warrenton Springe, Va IV TRAVELING TRUNKS. if K Ofl>r fur Uia the rKAVELlNS TKUNK8 to "be foandiD ,hi« citr ooinpnaiuc b««t Sole Leather. L.*die»' Dreee and Packing Trnoke, V»- ioes. Carpet Baca. Ao., whioh we are now M ling a very low pnoee. WALL. STEPHENS k. CO.. ap 18 sag Penn. itibu*. PIANOS FOR RENT..A creat noirber «f Piano*, emhraotcir *rery niui and^ ity'ie and pnoe, for rent by the week,F* nunth or year, at reaaouaMe rate*. * ' JOHN F. ELLIS, ap 17 *06 Pa. » .. bet and l"tn at*. PROPOSALS FOR COAL AND WOOD. Orricx SzcftSTAKY of Sbnati U. S.,i Aprii 18, 1861. Si/ilkd Pkopomalb will be reo^ir#d at thle office till 12 o'clook on Monday, the 8th May next, for fumiahtng, f >r the uae of the Senate, five hundr-d toae be»t white a«h furnace Coa' (ema.l ateambcat iixeland *e%enty-five oorua ' est dry apruoe pine Wood. The whole to I e p«vokedaway lu the vau.te :u me t.apitoi, in i»mh which will he ihnwo on ippliesation to the Engineer id the »er*ir« of the senate ; and to he delivered by tie 3 th Jons sex'. Bo ml n (or the faithful execution ol the oontract m l l»e required. Bids for th* oo%l and wood will be cor«ider«d neparateiy. aud uMisfactorj arr«rneiTi»ot> mutt le made f >r the correct inaasur-'nneLt ol bo'h. A8BLRY IHCKINfl, ap 18-dtMay<! t-^retarT of the .-senate. 8PRINU CL.OTH1NO. ALT.. 8TEr HF.iMS * t-U arethiaday in re- jsipt el their *-oo!id supp t of HI'RING CM/TIl l\fl? m. .A . *- - . ' * » i.iusuu 'or in'ir cnsiom irMfioomirt- ne of New Cloths. Caasuner* and Veatir.ci.o the a'«ft stylo*, wlnoh the? will wake to ord -r in m- pe'ior style at very low prices. Genti^men within* an immod a*# outfit w.il ftn<1 n our Kevly na-le Department *»< y aruo.e of We&rii.e Appftr*' suitabie to their wa ts. WALL,, STEPHENS 4. CO.. ap 16 i "eer;r.. avenue. |\]E\V AK RIVAL OF HPKING~AN iTsUM- 1^1 MKR CLm I KING. I I KNi.-IIINO t»OOI>S, H Vi'S and O.* I'S. at tb" People's Cl' thing -'t<,re. S'o. 400 Seventh et., opposite Post Office. near p ilreet. ap 4-lm rjuir liltstor e. II No 'il'J I'/k. AV . IET l»Tn A*D 13m *«. PERFUME KY fr URAipS. *:URI.S W»G5», HALF WIGS. FRlZETTF.S, Ac. A full stook ilwn»s on han<1,«>r made to o»der at the »horte*t i.uoe. Hair Work repii # ' or esouabcerf. N. H..Lviies* Hair i>y««l 'u the most na'uraJ nanner. n«a 2fl dm 9IMM ORTU OF BOOTS,SHOES awt> TRUNKS, Of all StfU* and AT a WHEAT HACRIFHE ON COST. Etl*rt fnr Rrnt cuzA WlMkm, «»)- w AU the Kto«k io f. 1\ BOOVKR fl KTORK, «IV I r-'D In I,en ura*inf over '- ||||J RnV/lof Ladi^o'. Gent*', Childri»n'a acdSHM ^MlUsenrautr'SlIOKS Ano.TKAV fWl BL1NG TKI'NKr* are now l>einir »oid, frw* nthAt *reat aaonfioeeon u«ua: retail rr. ir.jrtprioea. ndeeil much belo^ original coat. The attention of .be public la sn.icited.aa ireat inducement* will >e made to purchasers. Theaoove compriaea a larce etook of the fine^ Iuality Frer.oh and Amer.oan (iaitera.Shoea.Boota, c., &o., lor laiies aud rentlemei; The Htore it for rent aud the Fixture# for a&le. Ipply on t>>e premises, Iron Hall. N. 15..The above Hock, either in whole or In part, will b* sold at private *aie. To aurooede- liroua of ©ntsrin* th> Boot, Sliocand Truck Busi- ness ttna affords a setter opt-*>rtuuity than may Lcam t>« presented. !' raona ir.'le.''f«»d » !! eonfei a favor Dronrntl* SAiiiac ar.d natt'.im ti e<r aoeounta. * * )\ t-\i' PERSON* HA VING GOLD Toat they viah to cOiiv-rt into l>rr Gvoda oan do to to ureat ad i-antare ,n makmr their a>-lectioa» 1 om our atock. Mi Kalea excluaivelr f'TC^h. PEkRY St BROTHER. Pa. avenue and Ninth at., _ap ai-6tjf _ "Perry Ji ui ding." UST R ECh IV K I». a lot more of the celebrated JUST receive". a lot more or the celebrated i EN i KN I' TIE-* ; ala».a very iarg« lot of spr I\G CLOTHING. FURNISHING OOvb!), jtUNKH, HAlJ» and t;APS, at the Pcop.eN CT'thinr Store, No. 460 Seventh at.,oppoaite Voat IKTice. between E and F ata. ap Vim Hnew books. ISTORY of the United Netnerlar.de. by John Lothrop Motlej ; i vol* ; free by mail, 9i. The Xifce of the Dutoh R*puMi«. a hutory. by John Lothrop Motioj; 3 vola.; oloth; free ty ma:!, .*6. Sila* .M*mer. the Weaver rf Rivelol, ky the author ol "Adam liede cloth 75|cent* ; paper 60 senta. Life and Career of Major Andre, by YYintroy Sa e<*ait; 31-n. Aftrr loel»er?s with a i'ain'er. a Summsr Voyare to Labrador aaJ Newt mod.and; by Rev Louis L. Noble ; $1 5>t The ' la oil lac tore of Phototenio or Hydro-Car km by Tb^inaa Antiiell, M. D ; C 1.73. Any of tiie above free by mail. french fc H1CH3TEIN, api5 279 Penr.a avenue. ^ rPri I? P C A nL(DQ -r\T* f"*f n . pga j| M. V/ A IkU ftliftl/nHO UT i O L % Hftl We eul'mit to the consideration fWi * of the rearters of the ;»tar the fol loTring lut ut prices of articles in our Una of buss- tioes: Usoal jrioe. Ladies* Slippers .... 2^c. SO " Kr.jiltio Lasting Supper* >«c. 74 Kill net Toilet ao SUP. 75 " Tuick s<»ld s*wed .Mor. Boot*.. !.» iJfi " (iii. I'ndressed do.... 1.U0 1 .A " do. Coat Mor. do.... 125 175 * do Ca'.fskin do ... I «n 1J0 I.icht and Hiack Gaiters........ 5Ao. 1.28 " Kne l.utirf do. do. ........ 7*o- 1 <W Women's llen.od Boots 75o. 1 ti Mimas'duubl»-so:ed Sewed Boots 75o. 1.00 Ladies' ttk-aolttd Fog. Last. hew Gait. ' on lis " « " -JmU" 1J5 l.» In fiMitmn to the above, we have Men's. Boys', no'! Children'* BOOTS and SlfORS la every varnty, to.d at astomshmrv low er'«es. . C K. CUMMlS* A. CO., Hoot and *fho« Store. 347 Seventh sL, ap eotl 2 doors be^ow Northern Market. N~ EW SPRING GOODS PRICES TO SU1TT THE TIMES.' The subscriber invitee the attention of purchas- ers to his !&'«« an.l fasMor.aSie stook of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, whion pr. pared to rell at the iove«t Cash fricce Cat! and examine, at LANE'S - II-' '" * * ~ . "7 »>, v.»p. ua usnw rurruni*'* S»ore. 42 P».ny. (ln».ftR^p.l n|»li <l'to MKW SPRING STYLE OK CARPETING?. Just reo8ir«>J at the old of ».:ie late hrm of RlageU A Dotltou a new a«rp y of elssaat Three-ply and DouHt-ingrain Carpttmgf, whiah were bought in New York from ihr»(e U of the mnuuiacvmea at panio prieee, and wn' he eld acoordingly. ap 16 eo2w JAP. B. DOHPON. M1E SUBSCRIBERS HAVING RECEIVED i SPRING a oa!: era: a go hi auppi? or N A V AL ai FURNISHING GOODS, auoh aa Epaoieta. Sworda. Gold Laoes. etc- H. F. LONDON A CO., TaJora, CiUsoa and Military m»y imao No. 36<. un<W Brown'e Hotel. ND .1¥he acderaicned beta to iafora Ue 13. vubliothat he haa on hand a la-ie atoek of MONUMENTS. TOMBS. HEADSlO«ES, Ac., at Ba'bmcre and Philadelphia prioea. Alao.a new atyle of Drawinraoan t>e aeea at the vara, and a new atyle of Marble Mao tela. Table Tt>pa, Ae., kept »n han4. Brown Stone and Granite work promptly attended to. WM. BRADLKY. in* 18-fo3m Pa av.» bet l»th and lHh eta. BOYS' CLOTHING ! BOYS' CLOTHING !t Bo>a' Clothing, from three jearaold and upwarda, for aohooi or dreaa wear, we.l ma:< aid of food uoatenala. at prioea to aait the timdb, f roash. NOAH WALKER A Co, Kxucuve Mauufkotarer of apM6t Ready-made C o'hinf. *0. BIRDS :-BIKD8 FOR SALE, ftG JURt received a apieudid aeaortnient of Irom Enru»«C»n*rie«,»»- Engliah Black Bir'e.Thriialiee, Hall piootiea, Geld Futcbee, LineU, Sk? Larka. Yellow Huu re Far- rtxjueU, Java Sparrowr. Starlene. the Red Mootw Parrot, and «reen and fray. I have M"eku.c Bird*, Red Win« Black Birds. Red B>rde. Dovee, and Kobiiirka; ale©, Trained Bird a. Pru>e»o*ata to f M\ Caere of all kinda from 10 oeate U> §10. at JOHN O'MEARA'S Bird Store, No. «tt« Fa av- enue. at the Capito' rate. fe» Sm I A r"ARI>. WOULD Reepaotfally call the attention rf the citizen aod atraiiaer to oar new lot of Men'a aod Boya* CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS. H A TS and C A Fs. I oan aaiely aay that I am now prepared to eell ioo<1b oa better ter«e than em WlWin AMn r>r\» t X OU Will fraly I»t job noaaj'a worth by Mlliac 1 the PIONEER MILLS, $eutkw*t tm Mt Of Seventh street mud CemeU, (to KG CASK, 4|Mt) Tb«y Mil ua fir* MDtor MMir* than any other* in tb«pity.cut, apUt, a&d &»Ur- »r«d tr. of oharg*. If yoa oon*t b*n*r» it. fir* th« inoitMr Mill* a trial, aad ««ndi«d. T&'jjtHPS JJfUSEMEMT:* G ^ R A NU MAY F KSTI V A L' AT IBB WA8UHQTON CITT UARnsnt. (Nrw Trt mr.. bttwm 1 $1 t+d M tr««i » WEDNF*DAV. Mm Ut.»« Til* frriirmor of thf WtdiNlM City UM-m, in order to fford kia tr»n(ff«r< )o«rmlBf. »n ;tf «« mf-t w% orrm nnrt in Inwml »»d »'* A'g will throw of mi kiaCardoita to-Borrow ft < (Mi t< ta* fnb i«. »<hi th» bkiooi to tha »tl*>ir»r« ««f Taraaiob »t tk» low r*t> of Setnti Moh tiofcM- To drivo du'l o*r* it»t. Lhn tna » w to »HB« K. L'oKFLK*. It n>|rw>»r. TUKtTBI! H. Rmiud W. WiTfitus. J* L. P. Rov« ., ... Tt'E^IUV. April SJtt. Th« ofl*IMP!*ON ft CO. ! vK|#« Mwin. Hli^du' Km«. Miii ALici Pur<N Max*. Mr* Ulasd Mr*. biiuvaulMn. Naxn Will &ppe*r. Tooo»cl»d« with BET8V BAKER. PrtLicr Pm:c«« Priv»t* Bum fa Qreh««t«r rbwr* 75owitK i*4y m<i ifn'innu ftt Dr«m Cirol* Ud Ptr< iMU-f ft* IMmKeriU. 11» « WANTS. IVA>TF.n IMMEDIATELY.A i<vm1 |X)AP RRKAD RAKRR. Apply th« »orr«r <«f F. and F.lerfi.lh «t>. It* ll/ANTKD-By r***«~tabi«VWMa.*MTl'A TIONumri*. Ph« can pom# w* 1 rtcotu m"pd»i1. n»««* *dd'» N<v 9. Eiar Offj-w It* PA K A UK Hi'NSK WANTED. a Ppiy to «'ol. I J'»NKS. at tti« Hr«i'quf>n ol til* Pistil Mfc<>achnaetu li.Tantrv, Ctaab»r, t' »s to\ It* WAMTiPrJ1'. » yo«cc *omi. * * ft SITl * I IU> ft» o .Ok. w»«b»r or irunor.or to do irncnl koi»«vuik for ft »ro« II fftnii y G<««1 r»r»r'L«« c*a |irer. Addr«*» Be* *. ttftr Ol- If WAXrhD-H» » * »inirc w>mn:, ft MTUiTlON 04iohftniSfl-ni'.id.or ^ftr- rmftid. ft.n'1 to da MVixf No ot j*c:;ou t'ftvol. G'HxTcity reforet <> can t»« riven Addrota B-* fctft? Qgo» It* \riKUIMA Mi'Nr V WANTED, in »\rtn»nt fur Sbtp at tti* Nft i \vo~k , Krw i t*tve*i) ilri !** fttid \V«t»- »»r#*t« (ieorr'liwt. C. B. JKWKl.L, s ** Pr-*pri*tAr. WANTED TO KKNT-A mnftll FlRNl!*H»'l> 11OXJS K il thu oitf. t>jr * oont%inint four p Tmhi ; or thr fir* rio-.r ftnd kitah^o of ft Iftrv? hoti««. in «h < K »li«j woult At- tend ft'id nvi«r»»< <h« rfrtiii .d'r. K«nt m f«t ho . ... J ... -M" . crwMWIVH n'.l i r..\ / R.. <*m«* nf t*»» !* *p 5> St* W' ANTF.I>.Ry a r#»p*«taM» nrj: woman. * hiti'ation aa nurce ; liwii" o»*j-ctrnn to trar»l 1:1 th« y»untfy An»per«on w intMi jl to hira will «MlrN a i«U to No. 3Mor F atreot. Uivmii iftb and is»h. *r ** Wantkd. K CLfcKR. App'o » Lien'. HKCKWlTtl.U.H a . at th« H~<i ooartcra, Department of Washington, on Thir Leenth »t.,oppo«ite tne War D«r*' Huenl. ap 24 lw Running h«»bs«»-; wanted-want-d t.. purchase, a ii (#«, lt> hand* Kith. hall-wo<l, a lair oa>i<ll« horae, not ovm 9 t oar* old ; mmt r«i; at .east a IMo mi rate otoke . »n« that leap* I ao>i to broken to anno preferred. Ii.qair© at Una cfiice ap l*-tf WANTED-?KCOND hand FURNITVRK. F»r«or.«i rloo ining hnuarkeepioc, or havma a nxirp u* <>f Furniture on hai d.paf obtain tbecaeli and fair prices srp!*-<n* at ?«<» j*»v<»rif t. «t uol? BONTZ * GHIFFITn BOARDING. Hoard AND ROOM -Board. with Knrnished H'Mim on the im«'d floor, tm l>( bad *t No. 43** Tweifth St.. hstwe^-w <r and M. .9 St* Boarding..a prtvar/> iim: i having four large. a:rj Front Room* monn-'otius» woiil I rect ti.-m. wiUi or w|t|r»iit Hoard. ut einen. or centleTien and their wivm without chinlrea. 412 NibUt kt., teoond «l<K>r al<ovf the r*»-nt « ( fee. ar 7T «i* FOR SALE AND RENT. FU OR RE NT-Two BRICK HOlTflEKofUK* handsome row s'tuateU on Ninth between M and .X streets north. v»rt noLreniect. with «n« mrrpieti Rent moderate if taken imfixiiatelr Insure of Mr. WKM.* uvposiU 'he t>uiidln<» ; or of WM. H CAMPBELL* 383 Pa iv«n between 4^ and 6th sts.. south side ap y Jt IPOR RENT.A small BRI K BOI SE. 3b* Euh:h "ear the Northern L ert* V»'k»t Rnil n-mfair m> C a I .. - n *- «._«. , « v win*. a»*>« « ones n Uf, I roo.-na, 21% M streat. n-ar Sevectli, dW door to the aotworibcr, 57 6 M »tr*t ap» St JAP. M- TOWER*. SUaMKR RESIDENCE FOR RKNT.-It bi- iif tor m" to leave the ity, on ae count of lil health. 1 fcrr deri'ous to rert Hi * pl*o» upou wt.iah I now r»e:de. ir.utud juit OB'-iJe the city limit®, at the corner «>f Twentt-first and Boni)d«:{ itrwti!. It contains 7 tofi of Iwid, which is improvtii w.th l»«eu'.fi:l i tnd fruit treas. (rap# vine® and <<th«r Kina fruits; a ma;'! hocie. t it rert ronr." lent < no.coiiSiiiri 9 r- Din* with pantry and good dry lar; a tine »t%l> a and gardener's house, and two wr is of ia« water it is perl«erl» he* toy, and th» ri»w is vw» l>eaut fal and my«t m* n 11 l>e arp-ecia'«-d. o<*tnmai<uii t the whole oitr, Pctmn^c river, and tookmc ui^o Mary and a d Virrin.a A *«k»i l>'ick pv.eir*nt isNi'to witl in IV y*rds of -he gate and :t »* wit: in tan in nut* i' * k < ' I'e n avenue lt-*-a,aJl tha alvm tu»> of a u^rtn with mc»«' of ih o«n ven nee* of a city residence. It will ha rent** with tlie hnua* tuinta;>ed or the fur.r.are will ao d low t' the t»i<ant. lecture on tha p<aca, of JOHN H KIHBKV. 1 if- Itovi- property will be ao'd if preferred. and rtiOor worth of inproTMl cry pro»n!j tak< r. in part ex kanre. Bp 3Mt FfO* SALK OR KXCH A> <»E FOR CiT\ PROPKK TY..Tfco ui der»ur.ed wilt t»n 01 exchange their FARM of 3(16 aer^a. 70 of which in tiniH r, aituaied in th- rim r >*d, ab >ut t< n mile* from Georret<>wr, and 2H di-t%nt fr« iu the o*i el. P. ru in wiahirc t«> pur«-h«»e ».r eiehanre will appiy to HOMiLLER & L»l VAI.L. Uuu h era. ap H iw tjU)R R ENT.\ de*ir*b UOCflK. an ex-el.ert location, 401 Twelfth street wret. tween I and K street* north. Iaquiraot th* occupant. ay a ?t« |3oK «AUOR RKNT-A FRAME HOL't*F. r o-r.tetoin* aevn r»«>m«, t >feUi-r with the fur- niture, aitnated on New Jersey avenue, between M and N eta. north A l*o, a new three-atory brtok botae, with back tniidng, on th* >ama M«ar , t No. ISO Fourth at ) A>bo, aoro* valuable LOT-, all of which will b* K»ld eery oheap Inquire or J. I). RYNARD. New Jeraer avenge. IxHween H and _Ni^ata. ap« tf |/OR RENT.A _BRICK H«»l #E. containir.t * li room*, with PutuHi&o water a>,d »ae. «n I I'rM, b«Uwii IJtli and Uth. opp<>ait« Frank in £«a»'« I no u i re at WaRDF.K 4 SmTKW A R f"i* ood and Coal Otfio*. corner of B and TwaJfU* ts. Aim>. Wrick Houm oorser Tweifln and 1. ma »-tf F| OR RENT.The north HQUftBof th« row o| d«w liar to'T on Knnrth »t ,hetwee> D ind E 1*1.. No. 3**H, frootnc the Cut Ha I auare P euro given lawtlifdr. Appli I" WILLIAM H. PHILLIP. Attorney at-Law. No. 4Q l.oui>iar.a arentio ma il e<»tf HANOtmMEI.V ri'RNIHHEO R«»0*rt Four haodeomely t umisi. xt l(oomi,»jpp ,M wiili Kan atxl % ute,, an<i ooeveni-Mit ih~ Pa^» and Post t>ft>« Department*, lor root. App»»t 490K Maa«aonn«ett* avenue, north mue. hefw«e»i «tli ai.ii 5th »te main CTORh. FOR RENT..A large Storeroom «n i? Pa. avecue. aJjfioim our auouoii room*. ( rent. Appivto ^ ALL A BARNARD, A«cU<ni at-<j Ccmm:M;on MercliauU. oorner Ninth «tre«"t and »oijtH »Je Pa. arenac mat II FOR RENT-A ttrw atory brick HOUVE.oon- I tfttning a room*, in good order, with (M fx tnrM nomnlirfii <»« fl " - - .. WWkt WTt-ll TVS BU'i W Alto, t two atory hnek COTTAGE. Witt l&ra* yard attacnerf. norner of F itwt north an-1 Uth rt. tut. Tn pan?U«i tod rtlitbl* ttainli tho U>rn>« will be moderate. Arp'7 at 446 Twe.fth ilrw, b«twMn b a«l U. no IS-tf For RENT-Tha ft do BE ICR HOUSE No. 100 West it., Ooorretcwn, at prmnt oocm pied try tho atib«eriN»r. It hu IS rouana. witb car and water throuchoat, a fin» yard, ta-lo in, and U ib acood BOLS LW hood. App-'y to J AS. A. M A- GRIIM-.K. oa»-U AUCTION SALES. Br GREEN A WILLIAMS. AaaUosaara. Household and kitchen pueni- tbbb at ArcTloH .Ob t-'RIDAY.thcSd May, w< (hall m I,a'the rrai4»i>o»of Mr J. Rotan- aon. No *Sl P'Xth atrart. t»»tw«*n G and H atraeta north, a coed aaa»rt - ont of Faraitare. t,i : M*ho*ai y J'ofc.RldolKiar.. Hi Caa'or, Eoekinc *nd other Chairs. Mahogaay card, Dinn *. Side and ether Tahea, iktUaiaaad other BadataaaU. f'rathar Beda and Mat;r«»aoe, Bedding, Window Blitda, Cane and other Chair* Clock. Kiraadol., l/»n«ll< WwhrtM4a, t'hni. G *r><i Crookary War*, Hut and Cnt'ar j. p*rl« r, Paaaae* tr d «*i Carp*a. Cooklof, Radiator and it* a good lot of Kiteban Reaui».t-». With many other art<oira WKfh vedaeaHanfl aary kr> ananterat# T««i oaah in apacta. »»*»-* H»KKMt Wll.LHMKAW* Br J. C. MaOUlKS 4 CO- Ammu.ra. THri^tfb'h sale op AMD L OT -On TWI'RBDA y AFTHRNO W. Mar t k at S o'oluok. on ti»a prami «* »>» vir' aa «f a ct»f d of tra»t,dat«4 Jaaaarr ittfc, aad ra- oor ad in i.ibar J. a. V.. No IM. I«wM, at ar^ , I akai a* 1 f>a aoatii part of <-t No l2,i«B«a*ra No. Mtfroab'if tfaatCia^aaoaSfvaatliat wa t, fanraaatl .^ *

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    Tl'ESDAY April 30 1961.

    Spirit ( the n«mlfl| PreaaTh«* jMt'lligent'T nrgnee that by inviting the

    »ld of the Southern Confederacy In repelling theFederal Government frem Waihlngton, Mary-lar>d will gain nothing except the aaaurance of arieselaiory war arrayed within her own horderafor the poaaeaalnn of a aeat of government which.If It wa» loaalble to aelze, could not nor wouldnot be heldThe Rej>vbliem. In reply to the letter of J. M.

    Botte. naaerMng that Virginia would not haveweeded but for the Preaident'a proclamation,. »1TV.«iA*Kfnrr In tK» nrnrlamatlnn tn

    » » » ». * urir »» ».>- f . -«

    ririr# the rrwntm*nt of anjbodv, but those whowere alrradv in sympathy with the treason on tbeGulf, nnd Jf, In truth, the proclamation preclpl-tM«>d secession In the Richmond Convention, Itd.d so, not by causing It, but by MXwa.oJctnf It."


    Tat Niw ln. will r.ot be Interfered with by militaryauthority. If any one be Interfered with br themilitary without cause, the wrong will be ln-stautly and fully redrrss^d.A Novel Pp*CCLATIO* IN THESK P*KI« .Aday or two since the Star briefly related cnInstance of apparently shocking bad treatmentef a poor northern family.that of John L) Reed.by toe people of Virginia, a few miles from this

    city. H e saw Keed and his family, as describedla the paragraph concerning them, stationed infront of tbe Rij'ubltrnn publication office. Mherethey remained a whole fortnoon, surrounded >y acrowd varying from fifty to two hundred persons,who, upon the strength of their pitiable appear-ant e and tbe tale told among the crowd, were so-liciting dimes, quarters, halves, arid probably dol-lars, for the party. That the whole tffair was anoutrageous "sell" upon tue sviupathiea of thiscommunity la plain and palpable, as will be seenfrom tbe following letter, signed by a number ofworthy »:-d respectable tirivtii-ors of lteed, ofsouthern and northern blrtb, nearly all of whomwe know personally to be as reliable turn us aiivla tbe United SUM:

    Ediior of Star. Dear SMr : The following state-ment, published In your paper on tbe '.Mib lmtint.does grsst Injustice to tbe Inhabitants of Fairfaxcounty \ ou will have the kindnens to publishtbe aald statement l:i connection wi'h tti.a com-munlcatloa. lu order that our community may bejustly r-presented before the world : I" A Pmmblt Sigtt..This morning, there ar-rived In tnlacttv Jean 1> Reed, a forty-acre farmernear Baiby's Cross-roads. (In tbe vlciuitv of thiscity,) with bis w Iff sinl tl*e children, the oldest notmoretbsntiKhiyears»fagH. They had been drivenIroin tbelr home at three hours'' notice, arrivinghere Id aaln«le horse cart, drawn by a skeleton andloaded with just such of tbelr clothing and j»ocriurnlture aa they could snatch up In an InstantThlsfaoiily have not * dollar left. Purely It is1'me for m^n there who value the character andreputation of this sertiei' of Virginia to put a stopto tbe perpetration of such tbir>k* in their in ids',and In tbe nam* of the people of those counties 'TLers iss.ar. eiya point of truth in tbe state-

    ment here quoted, and so absurdly false Is it inmast respects that the intimate friends of Mr. Reedt ere refuse to believe that be Is the author of tbe:sten>eut. cr that katmU »*"" »« »» -Dance to lt» publication. Th«» farts are knownTbat Mr Keed had determined to leave a* earlyas Monday morning. 4v:d Inat , and wv.s In courseof preparation during Monday, and preparatoryto a (novo marketed a load cf Lay In \\ aihin^ton,ar.d alao did tbesime on Tuesday. On the sameday be called In those neighbors to wbom be wasmuetted and sold to tbeui bis furniture In liqui-dation V\ ben hla family left, they wft« kindlyconveyed in comfortable vehicles to Washingtonbt bis neighbors one cf whom it a native VIr-glatae I |x>n their arrival In Washington, MrR«ed deplored the movement be had made, andsaid to the joung man who conveyed his family,tbat were tie bark on his place again, #60 or ?lillg»i.t inquiry ha* been made to ascertain ifi >r Ile*d had heen ordered away by any person,and rotLing to that t Hot appears so fares isknown, tor has any one here heard .Mr Rved orLit family sav that tbey wt-reordered away. It la; roper to state that the sheriff of the county hasf.iven the moat pmitive aaattfanceof protection to» 1 eitirer.s. Irrespective of origin; and tbat a pub-lic meeting haa been held »t tbe Court-House,l mOOftifi I f loth nalltn «nH -« *

    fr^ ti«rr ui*-a«arks were adopted for mutual protec-tlou

    nor* wrltipj; the foregoing. Mr John Corn-wall, a »r«r neighbor of .Mr Reed, aays be calledm Mi R*ed at the market ta \\ asLinyton, aud. sked bun If Le w«i uotitcd to leave Virginia,and t»e answered iu tbe negative.Ci*ned by.l.ewis Halley, John Cornwall. GeoB. Moruir.ora, Ge». Head, Jas. L. Uuwen. Eal-beck W. Blrco. J H. Cleveland, Benj Welch,Be»J l>onaldaon. Armsted Donaldson, A SLer-wotd, U. B hu. C. Ashford, An» Coe, DKingman Joe. K Birch, R. L Kotchford. G. A'I *rr«tt, It. L. G«»rdo», B. F. Crabbs, HarveyBailey. Fairfax county, April S9, 1861.

    I am personally acquainted wllu moit of theCtniicuiM whose names are subscribed to thenbove latement, and have no doubt of tbe truth-fulness of their assertions. W. C. Lipscomb, Sr.We did not hear Mr Reed tell his atory to anyone, nor do wr know that be did tell It.thoughtbe circumstances narrated by the Star were ineverybody's uiouth, as embracing a true historyof the extdus of bis family from Virginia.W vst 11 !< ViRuiiiia..Accountsfrom northwes-tern Virginia render H certain that tbat section ofthe ftute will soon hold a convention to tbe end ofit* txUU htlun from tbe difficulties into which theaction of the Richmond Convention will hove

    u urrwus piun^Mi 11 it will not unite Its fateand fuLiura w.Ui the government of Cobb, Jef-ferson i>>v is, &pratt, Hbett ft Co . having no in-terest whatever in Mmmvii with twin. It claimsthe ume right to secede from tlds water VirginiatUl the latter has assumed to possess to secedefrom the United Mates That Maryland will notpretei.d to aecede is now apparent to nil This fartwM gsmtly strengthen northwestern Virginia inLm de'-eru..uatiuu ts protect her own luterssts inii*r difficulties by whl« h the Richmond Conven-tion have surrounded ber. When she makes tbsin< ve, Berkley. Loudoun, Jeflersuo, Fairfax andAkeiuidria . bravtly Union counties, in tblsvanity,.all bordering Maryland, will net be

    low in riveting also to remain In the Union ofbeir father*, we fancy.D*!»o**or* Prockkihssk .Yesterday evening,

    re heroved to be leaded with oita, purchased In andtelng brought around from Baltimore for the nse>f the purchaser here This vessel and cargo hadlot been returned to the owner, this morning, w«ire Informed. We should deplore nothing morehan a repetition of such things on the part ofMexandria, In whose welfare no one takes greaternterest than the Star. We hear that the Uovern-nent will take prompt measures to secure ampleDuemuiiy iur owners ui iur *wi suu ucrr&rgo.Presidential ArpoixTMixis..The President

    [o-day made the following appointments. viz :Richard Cheney. Navy Agent, San Francisco,Cal.; Henry W. D»>Pny, Agent Pawnee Indian,Nebraska; Mark Belahav, Surveyor General forthe district of Kansas; Joah Houghton, R-glsterafthe Land Office. Santa Fe, N. M ; John Ward,Ramon Luna and Jose Antonio Mansinares, In-dian Agent*. N. M ; James >1. Chambers. NavyAgent, Philadelphia; O. II. Irish, Indian Agent,Omaha agency.ToTakkthb Blow* for Tiirm..The Mont-

    gomery (Ala ) Mail, of the 17th Inst , chuckles ata great rat* over tbe action of the Richmond Con-vention, saying, ' Before this week passes awayher (Virginia's) breast icill be bartd as our >ki*hiand ker arm as our d'f'nctSo, at Montgomery,it is clearly understood tl it tbe passage of theVirginia ordinance of secession amounts to dikingott the hands of fhe oligt.rchy, tbe war the latterhave made on the United Stales

    An Examining Board, to examine applicantsfor clerkships in the Post Office Department, is tomeet at the Department to-morrow, at 1 p.m.,when all applicants for such positions now inWashington would do well to attend.General Harsey, U. S. A., 1* now here, at

    Wi Hards' Hotel.

    Maryland Affair!" .From the Sun of thismorning we make up the following summary ofnews In and about that city :The city wa» yesterday again qu et, though

    th» r« was a greater number of people on the streetsthnn during Saturday and Sunday There wasno excitement of constqueuce, and the policerecords nt nitrht showed that the people «»re dis-posed to rssist the police In the preservation ofgood order by refraining from anything that maybe calculated to produce excitement.There was much activity observable all dayyesterday at both Fort McHenry and Fort Carroll,

    h it of what nature could not lie ascertained, asthere waa no admission to either place. A ainallsteamer was engaged all day in plying betweenthese points, and it was said that guns were takendown to Fort Carroll to finish an armament andput !t In the best possible condition of dsfense.Yesterday morning Major General Steuart is-

    sued an order for the Firs". Light Division, consist-of thfl firat am1, fiprnn/1 hrkruHp* r.»ro.U

    w^» «- jTiiuvit atlive o'clock In the aftern«>on.The parade consisted only of those companiesconnected with the uniformed regiments. Thecommand cf Oeneral Trimble was not on paradeThat command consists of a company in nearly

    every ward In the city, besides two batteries ofartillery.all volunteers.raised within the pastten daysAndrew Robblns. of Stoneham, iMass , one rf

    tfce Injured in the affray of Friday week, and car»dfor at the Lombard-st. Infirmary, was s»nt to hishome in the North on Saturday, he having re-covered sufficiently to admit of removal Hiswound was a gun or a pistol shot In the back ofthe neck, at the base of the skull.From Tkknksske..The Niiskville Bulletin,April says:We r»«ret to learn that the steamer C E Hill-

    man, with SI75.(KtO worth of arms purchased in?t l.ouisand destined for .Nashville,was capturedat Cairo. The commander of the military forcesat Cairo having been iuformed of the largeamount of ammunition on board the ilillman.started the steamer Swallow (which has been fit-to* up mm a sori 01 man or war) up the river tomeet the lltllman. About 4 o'clock this morningthe boats met, some eight mile* above Cairo, anaCaptain Corbltt being hailed from the Swallow,ir.a supposing tbey merely wished to inake somecommunication, permitted herto land alongside,when an officer, barked by soldiery, presentedhimself and demanded possession of the boatThe Hlllman's cargo consists or about TOO kegs ofpowder, 350.000 hlank cart> idges, and 200 tona oflead, besides corn, oata and bay.There were 1,600 soldiers already at Cairo, andthat 800 more were expected on tbe next trainThe soldiers at Cairo were mostly German andIrish(Jen. Pillow has taken charge of the defense ofthis portion of Tennessee He will not leave this

    rity till, we are assured, that no danger need beapprebendtd livery messure will be adoptedat once which military skill can suggest andtireless energy accomplish to render a successfulattack ImpotableThe steamer Aleck Pcott. with four of thelargest size cannon and an immense amount «r

    mailer arms. sent from the Governor of Louisiana,reached the city this morning. The 32-poundershave ere this been placed in position, and theother arms are already in charge of the military.ViBeitiA Newh..On Wednesday our old town

    was alive with military. Six hundred soldiers inthe liuru at one time changed the usually peaceful,qu!et aspect of the plice to martial enthusiasmand anlimtlon of the 1 velifst description. Com-pany F frcrn Ri^mcnd, the Caroline Grays, theMercer Cavalry, the Mt. Pleasant Riflemen, ourown lirays. Guards. Artillery. Ac , were amongthe nnmber The Richmond L. I Blues. undercommand of Capt. O. J. VVise. arrived yesterday,and other companies ere dally expected. TheBlues and company F were drilled In the eve-ning in the streets before their quarters, the courthouse and Presbyteiiun church. It ia intendedthat the Fair grounds shall be used as tbelr en-campmert for the present. The Caroline troop,a tine looking set of men, about80 strong, arrivedyesterday and paraded to-day .FredertckfbvrgNewt.Gov l.etcher has istued a general order caying"no authority has been given for the impressmentof horses for the State, and no such Impressmentwill be made without special instructions Allhorse* which have been Irnpr^saed will be lmme-diatpltf r«tiipnpv« state-ment Mr J J. Clark, drum-mojor at Newport,ba« receivtd a letter from his son. who Is drum-major at Fort Plckros, which saystbftton th« 17thInst , Fort Plcker.s was unsuccessfully attackedbv the Secession forces, who were driven barkwith a loss of thirty-three men. Not a person inthe garrison was Injnred .Cm. Gazette..\1ak\lam> Liuislatubk I'hocbxdinrs .It

    will be seen by the proceedings of the Legisla-ture of Marylsnd yesterday that several subjectsof great luterts'. were introduced. A report wtiadopted by the House, by a large majority, de-claring that the Legislature does not possess thepower to pass an ordinance of secession. A bill,however, was reported, providing fur the call ora Sovereign Convention, to assemble on Thurs-day, the 30th of May.IT?-From the publisher, M. Doolady, NewV* «» V * »' * '

    j uri, ijiruiigu r r^ncn «X ftlCQftl*lD, WC ftave"An OutcuT; *r V:rtue and Faith,by F. Col-burn Adami Fri*tn the baaiy inspection wehave beew able to Rive the volume, It aeema to bedecidedly of the tenaatlon order.S*tzra* or Paovimowa..By order of the

    mayor, on* huudred barrel* of flour, three caika ofmeat, and two hogftheads of augar, consigned toSalisbury, Md , wera selz»d at the Baltimoredepot, In Philadelphia, on Friday laat.[fT The Philadelphia Inquirer of Saturday

    ays: '-We have been informed by reliable partiesthat ex-President Buchanan has subscribed t5 UU0for the equipment of volunteera at (.ancaster "aAn nM Miilnn I * D."fj r « - . . - . . .-y m. a a ion, ui

    Rue heater, NY, baa oflVred a »tand of colon totbe flrat regular military company from that citymnatored into aervlce.inr A atronv fire company in Philadelphiahaa volunteered ao eitrnalvely that there are onlyInsartlw meiubeia la ft.Jt7" A wealthy |(NllMU at FltcUtotrg, Maaa ,oflVr* to make a preaent of >1,000 to each of tbe

    aaveral companies of tbe Fifth Regiment{£/ la t'enuylrania and New York, Virginia

    m mey ia 8u per cent, dlacount, and Marylandmoney >00

    MARYLAND LEGISLATUREMonday.la the IIout?, a petition from

    voters of Prince (ieoree county, praying theglslature to adopt an ordinance of aeceaalon, \presented and referred to the committee on feral relation*Mr Farran reported a bill authorising

    county commissioners of the £tate to l#*y onp.asessable property of the counties auch imoa* thev may deem necesaary for the defenseth*lr respective countlea.Air \\ allls introduced a resolution relatlv*the action of the authorities In Baltimore la tiendeavor to suppress the mob of the 19th lustfollows :

    Httolrtd by tit* Gtntrnl Aiftmbly of MarylaThat the measures adopted and conduct pursiby the authorities of the cltv of Baltimore.Friday, the 19th of April, 1MI, and since ttime, intend'd and designed aa thry were to |s»*rve the peace, aulet ana tranquility of the a limited amount, to be used as curreireferred to the committee on the currencyAfter the transaction of business of minor I^U'l MIIICC.Mr Wallls, from the majority of tfcecommi

    on federal relations, to whom was referredmemorial of "Jlfi voter* of Prince Georjfe'seoupnvlnsr the legislature, If in its judgment itsesse« the power, to past an ordinance of secesiwithout delay, reported tbat in their judgntbe Legislature does not posstss the pnwr tosuch an ordinance as is prayed, and that the pr:of the said memorailst* cannot therefore he tran

    Mrears Gordon and (joldsbnrougb, of the amittee on federal relations, ottered a minorityport, stating that they report unfavorable topraver of said m