time management - put time on your side

Put Time on Your Side ك ب اص خ ل ا ب ن ا خ ل اى عل ت ق و ل ا ع ضTime Management for Muslim Students ن مي ل س م ل ا لاب طل ل ت ق و ل ا دارة+ ا ى م لا سلا ما ل عا ل ىا ل ا ان ت س ك ا ب ن م

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Put Time on Your Side ضع الوقت على الجانب الخاص بكTime Management for Muslim Studentsإدارة الوقت للطلاب المسلمين


Page 1: Time Management - Put time on your side

Put Time on Your Sideبك الخاص الجانب على الوقت ضع

Time Management for Muslim Studentsالمسلمين للطالب الوقت إدارة

االسالمي العالم الى باكستان من

Page 2: Time Management - Put time on your side

All In Loss! Except those With Patience & Perseverance

By Time (Allah Swears by His Creation of Time), All of mankind is in a state of loss; except those who believe and

do righteous deeds, and exhort each other in truth (all that Islam calls for and forbids) and exhort each other in

‘sabr.’ (Surah Asr 103.)

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• Narrated Abdullah Bin Mas`ud Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) said:

“A man shall be asked concerning five things on the day of resurrection: concerning his life, how he spent it; concerning his youth, how he grew old; concerning his wealth, whence he acquired it, and in what way he spent it; and what was it that he did with the knowledge that he had.” (Tirmidhi 5197)

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Ibn Abbas narrated that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

"There are two blessings which many people lose: (They are) health and free time for doing good."

(Bukhari 8/421)

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Opportunity is something which is quick to vanish and late to return.

Imam Hassan Al-Mujtaba (AS/RA)

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“Managing” Time

• The basic element of time is events.

• The key to managing time is event control.

• The way this occurs is by planning and organizing.

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What is time management?

• It’s making the best use you can of that most precious resource, time.

• Time management really means managing yourself.

• A way to be happier, more effective, and more successful !

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Why is time management so important?

Because time management is a tool you need to succeed –in school and beyond! It enables you to:

• Achieve more

• Have more free time

• Lead a balanced life

• Meet deadlines

• Be happy & content

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You owe it to yourself to use time well!

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Will time management really help me?


“Won’t time management make my life too scheduled and take the fun out of it?”

No! Effective time management will give you the freedom and the ability to do what you really want with your life.

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Where does your time go?

Before you can manage your time, you need to know how you spend it now. Here’s how to find out:

Keep a time log.

• Carry a notebook everywhere you go. Every 15 minutes, jot down what you’re doing—a short note will do.

• Make entries as you go along—don’t wait until later.

• Keep the time log for a week.

Evaluate the results.

Review the log and ask yourself:• Did I do everything I had to do?• Was I rushed for time to get things done?• Did I meet all deadlines?• What personal habits kept me from achieving my

goals?• At what time of day was I most productive? Least?

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Make a listof everything you plan to do. Divide the list into:

Fixed commitmentsThese are tasks you must do at a certain time—meetings, appointments, etc. Other examples include:

• Prayer• Classes• Sleeping• Meals• Job.

Flexible commitments These are obligations you can meet on your own time. For example:

•Study times•Homework•Social events•Time spent with friends or relaxing.

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Use the list correctly

• Write it down. List everything you have to do on paper. Unless the list is written, “things to do” are less apt to get done!

• Update the list. Every day, cross items off the list as you do them, and add new items.

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Learn to scheduleA schedule lets you pick the best times to work and

play. It puts you in charge of your time. Successful people know this...and take time to plan!

How to schedule?

• Use a Planner!buy or make your own weekly planning guide. Schedule key events, projects, deadline.

• Divide and conquer.make your work manageable. Divide large tasks into several smaller parts and complete one part at a time.

• Focus on goals.don’t lose sight of your larger goals and aims! Know the big picture!

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Prioritizing is identifying the appropriate value and order of events.

A = High value; must be done, and/or must be done today

B = Medium value; important and should be done

C = Optional; could be done

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Know your peak times

If you’re like most people, you probably enjoy certain parts of the day when you’re at your best. Which are yours?

High energy timesThe time of day I:

•Have the most energy•Feel the most productive•Think most clearly

Low energy timesThe time of day I:

•Fade quickly•Have the least energy•Feel least alert

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Control interruptionsInterruptions can eat up massive

chunks of time. They can be anything!

The most common ones include:

• Drop-in visitors• Noise• Telephone calls• Interruptions you create for the sake

of distraction.• Time wasting websites

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But you can control them. Here’s how:

1. Have your own study. Use a quiet, well-lit place to study. You’ll find it easier to focus on your work. A library is often best.

2. Schedule social time. You’ll achieve a nice balance between work and play knowing that you’ve planned enough time for both.

3. Learn to say no. Be assertive. Politely but firmly let visitors and phone callers know that you’re busy.

4. Control distractions. Turn off the TV and stereo. Don’t allow interruptions. Make your environment as conducive to working as possible.

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More important tipsto help you stretch the clock

Use waiting time. Think of the hours spent waiting in lines, between classes, etc. use this time to read a book, jot down ideas, etc.

Don’t cram. It’s ineffective and inefficient. Have an organized way to study for tests—and give yourself plenty of time!

Tackle hard subjects first. The feeling of achievement can give your day momentum. Build on success!

Avoid perfectionism. Unless perfection is called for, don’t waste valuable time trying to make every project you do letter-perfect.

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Know your instructions. There’s no bigger waste of time than following the wrong directions for an assignment. If you’re not sure, ask your instructor.

Take care of yourself. Proper exercise and nutrition help you stay physically fit and mentally alert. Make time for both.

Plan creative time. Schedule time each day to do things that recharge your creative batteries or help put your life in perspective,

Don’t over commit. Don’t spread yourself too thin. Commit yourself to only those activities you can manage in the time you have.

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Time - Use it, do not abuse it !

Our attitude towards time indicates our attitude towards the value of the capital of life. If we want to purchase something, we require financial capital; and if we want to do something in life, we require the capital of life, time. That is why the Qur'an exhorts us to value the time we have before life is up.

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• Wise are the words of the one who said ... "I expect to pass through this world but once; any good therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again."

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• Wasting time is much more dangerous than squandering property, because unlike property, time cannot be compensated.

• Free time is a blessing that is overlooked, and not wholly appreciated by many people.

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• The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), used to supplicate: "O Allah! I seek refuge in You from sorrow and distress, and I seek refuge in You from disability and laziness."

• One of the methods of managing his time properly is for a Muslim to get up early and sleep early, for early hours always yield great blessings.

• Starting his day with prayer and the supplication of the morning brings the Muslim Allah's grace. A Muslim should always bear in mind that every time has its own task that suits it. Doing tasks in their due times brings about peace of mind and comfort.

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• Islam guides mankind not only to the importance of time but also how to value it.

• Allah the Almighty and His Messenger, Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), very clearly tell us the value of time, why we must not waste it and how we can make use of our time wisely to increase our Eeman (Faith) and thus attain success, especially eternal success in the life hereafter.