tips & tactics for time management & organizational...

Continuing Education Webinar Marie L. Radford, Ph.D. Hosted by ALCTS Association for Library Collections & Technical Services December 2, 2015 1:00-2:00pm CST Tips & Tactics for Time Management & Organizational Skills

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Continuing Education Webinar

Marie L. Radford, Ph.D.

Hosted by ALCTS

Association for Library Collections & Technical Services

December 2, 2015

1:00-2:00pm CST

Tips & Tactics for Time Management

& Organizational Skills



Marie L. Radford, Ph.D., Professor,

Rutgers University

School of Communication & Information

[email protected]

(848) 932-8797



Why Bother with Time Management?

Habits of Highly Effective People

Worst Mistakes that People Make with their Time

Setting Priorities

Tips for Phone, Email, Social Media

Paper Clutter Control

Q and A

To Think About…

What are your top time management issues?

Jot down three or four.

What motivated you to attend this webinar?

We will return to this later…

Why Bother?

Benefits of Time Management

Stress Relief

Greater Self Confidence

More Effective Results for Efforts

Career Advancement

More Free Time for Fun!



Doing the right things!


Doing things right!

8 Habits of Highly Effective People

(Covey, 2004)

Habit 1: Be Proactive

Habit 2: Begin with End in Mind

Habit 3: Put 1st Things 1st

Habit 4: Think Win-Win

Habit 5: Seek 1st to Understand

Then to Be Understood

Habit 6: Synergize

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw

Habit 8: Find Your Voice & Help Others to Find Theirs

5 Worst Mistakes People Make with

Their Time

Worst Mistake 1

Spending Time on Concerns

That Are Not Chosen Priorities.

Time Management Matrix

I Urgent – Important

II Not Urgent – Important

III Urgent – Not Important

IV Not Urgent – Not Important

Where do you spent the most time?


Increase time spent in II

Decrease I, III, & IV


Set priorities for your tasks/activities by placing them in the following grid:

Urgent, Important tasks - Do first.

Non-Urgent, Important tasks - Schedule & commit.

Urgent, Not important tasks - Avoid, delegate, or do quickly.

Not Urgent, Not important tasks - Toss, ignore, delegate, or say "NO."

Worst Mistake 2 Underestimating the Time that

Tasks Actually Take

Adding 50%

Beating Procrastination

Beating Perfectionism

Tips to Beat


1st in the day work on what makes you most anxious or is most difficult.

Don’t trip on trivia.

Do hardest thing.

Reward yourself.

If a carrot doesn’t work, try a stick.

Break large tasks into “baby steps.”

Set deadlines.

Put task in perspective. What would happen if task was put off? Can you live with that?

Tips to Beat


“Being perfect should not be a goal — you are caught up only when you quit, retire, or are dead”

Ask Yourself:

Will results be substantially better with more effort?

Will I get paid more?

Would anyone else notice improvement (or care)?

Have I gone as far as I can without getting help?

Have I already done more than is expected?

Your answer tells you when to keep going & when to STOP!

Worst Mistake 3

Allowing Too Many Interruptions

Once a project is begun, a flow develops.

Takes time to regain flow after interruptions.

Working with others is important, your

work is equally important.

If seeing others is part of your job, schedule


When Interrupted

at Your Desk…

Say: “I’m tied up, can we talk later?” (over lunch, at break).

Stand up.

Pretend to be leaving, talk briefly & walk away.

Be direct, but gentle (I’d love to talk, but…)

Arrange desk differently.

Close door or take work elsewhere.

Ask supervisor about work at service points.

Worst Mistake 4

Lack of Delegation &

Not Asking for Help

Ask: “Am I the only person who can do this?” If not, delegate it.

Ask for help, don’t demand.

Invest training time for routine tasks.

Make sure person knows purpose of work & expectations.

Know who needs closer supervision.


Worst Mistake 5

Saying “YES” Too Frequently

How to Say “NO!” Beware automatic YES.

Buy time.

If answer is no, say NO.

You don’t have to give a reason.

Base decision on priorities, cost, & benefits.

Stick to your decision!

When you can’t say No, you can usually negotiate.

Saying “NO” with Grace

Family Time

Over Committed

Already Booked

Rain Check


Gentle No

Conditional No

Overloaded? Negotiating

with Your Boss

Over Committed

Quality Concern

Time to Set Priorities

Phone Tips

• When You Call

• Make a list.

• Impt. items 1st.

• Have ready files/papers.

• Take charge of your cell!

When You Are Called

Beware those 3 words:

Are you busy?

Got a minute?

Before you answer, find


What caller wants to

talk about?

How much time?

Email Tips

Top tip! Spend 15-30 min. on top priority before email.

Batch email. Schedule 2 – 3 visits to inbox/day

Don’t keep email open on your desktop all day

Time email sessions

Keep it simple & short. Important, controversial, or confidential? Use phone or in-person.

Social Media Tips

Top tip! Get into a routine

#2 tip! Use mobile apps

Set a time limit

Find the right blend

Take a break!

Paper Clutter


Top Tip!! Ripening Drawer or Box

Clutter is Postponed Decisions

4 Possible Decisions (TRAF)





To Control Clutter, Make Prompt Decisions!

Action Plan

Consider your time management issues.

Most important one?

Devise realistic plan to work on it for 10

min. a day.

Write down what you will do starting


Make a commitment to yourself.

Bottom Line

Skill that takes time & patience.

Worth it!

Constant area of improvement.




Marie L. Radford, Ph.D., Professor,

Rutgers University

School of Communication & Information

[email protected]

(848) 932-8797
