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Post on 04-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Titles
Page 2: Titles

0This film is a crime thriller in which the theme is the 7 deadly sins, hence the title Seven.

0The titles in this are very jumpy and so never stay still they seem jittery which conveys confusion and disorder.

0The title is not completely filled in, this shows that there is still something to be found out.

0This font works for the titles to this film as it has connotations as to themes which appear in the film.

Page 3: Titles

0The opening titles in Inglourious Basterds is very effects and sets the tone of the film very well.

0When each of the actors names come on screen they are in the middle of a splat of blood as though they have been shot which links with the themes and events of the film.

0The font used is very regimented and bold which makes it seem military which again links with the ideas of the film.

Page 4: Titles

0The titles in the opening to the film thirteen are jittery like the ones in “Se7en”.

0The font used is the type face you would fine in a type writer and is slightly messy .

0Having no capital letters in the titles shows the innocence and youth of the characters involved.

0The placement of the titles is also important as they are all at the bottom of the screen but they do change sides which makes it seem as though they are being written on a type writer as they come on screen.

Page 5: Titles

0This is the font I used in my thriller opening.

0 I chose this font because it was in-keeping with the time period of the noir part of the opening (1950’s).

0This font is very clean cut and easy to read and is similar to the font I used on the case file about Eve Walcott.

0Not only is the font vintage in a sense but it is also timeless because of this and can be used in many time periods in thrillers because of the influences of the 1940-50’s.