to kill a mockingbird is your workbook for our novel study of to kill a mockingbird . over the...

To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee ____________________________ Student Name/ Class Name 1

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To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

____________________________ Student Name/ Class Name


This is your workbook for our novel study of To Kill A Mockingbird. Over the course of the next few weeks, you will build a little workbook. Keep these handouts in your folder (if you have a folder with prongs, use them); otherwise, use the

clip that is being provided.

Every few weeks I will collect this workbook and evaluate the quality of your work.

Below is a description of how this workbook will be evaluated:

A ❏ All of the notes and work are completed. ❏ Your work is legible and complete. ❏ All responses exceed expectation. ❏ All responses show a great deal of thought and consideration and

demonstrate a solid understanding of the content. ❏ Complete sentences, correct grammar, and punctuation are evident in


B ❏ All of the notes and work are completed. ❏ Your work is legible and complete. ❏ Most responses exceed expectation. ❏ Most responses show a great deal of thought and consideration and

demonstrate a solid understanding of the content. ❏ Complete sentences, correct grammar, and punctuation are evident in


C ❏ Majority of the notes and work are completed. ❏ Your work is legible and complete ❏ Responses demonstrate a basic understanding of the content. ❏ Complete sentences, correct grammar, and punctuation are usually

evident in responses.

D ❏ Workbook demonstrates a limited understanding of the material. ❏ Workbook demonstrates limited thought or consideration.

F ❏ Too many missing assignments to properly evaluate.


Structured Notes for Historical Context (Review Historical Context Slides to complete these notes)

Jim Crow Laws were enforced by most states from ______________ to _______________. In your own words, describe the Jim Crow Laws:





What did the Klu Klux Klan promote?



When was the Great Depression? _______________ The novel takes place during what time period? _____________ During what time period did she write the story? ______________ What was happening during this time period?

Brown vs. Board of Education: (provide a brief description of this)



Civil Rights Movement: (provide a brief description of this)



Rosa Parks: (provide a brief description of this)




Homework Quickwrites:

1. Based on today’s lesson, what have you learned about this novel’s historical context? (begin by restating the question in your first sentence )










2. How do you think understanding a novel’s historical context will help the reader better understand the characters in the novel? (begin by restating the question in your first sentence )











How to Annotate your book

1. Highlight key information a. Characters b. Ideas c. Events

2. If you highlight or underline something be sure to make a note about its

significance (use a pencil) a. This will help you remember why you highlighted it

3. Circle unknown words, look them up, & jot down its meaning in margin

4. If a paragraph is too long, underline the key parts of that paragraph

5. Make notes on the margins to;

a. summarize a section of a page b. name traits that are revealed for a character c. Write reactions you are having about a character, event, or idea d. List questions you have

6. If something is confusing label it with ????

7. Use Brackets [ ] : If several lines seem important, just draw a line down the

margin and underline/highlight only the key phrases.

8. Use Asterisks ** : Place an asterisk next to an important passage; use two if it is really important.


Chapter 1

A. Vocabulary Words List 3-4 new words that came up in this chapter. Then, write a definition for each.

Vocabulary Word Definition

B. Exposition Point of View: _____________________________ Setting: __________________________ (town name) Why does the Radley Place fascinate Scout, Dill and Jem?: ____________________________________________________________________________






What did you learn about The Cunninghams in this chapter?






C. Who’s Who?

For each character list at least three things you learned about them in this chapter. In the second column, list evidence (direct quotes) to support your thinking (include the page number).

Narrator (Scout)

I learned... Evidence


Atticus Finch

I learned... Evidence



I learned... Evidence



I learned... Evidence


Boo Radley (Arthur)

I learned... Evidence


D. Chapter Summary (write a brief summary of this chapter)




























Chapter 2

A. Vocabulary Words List 3-4 new words that came up in this chapter. Then, write a definition for each.

Vocabulary Word Definition

B. Who’s Who?

For each character list at least three things you learned about them in this chapter. In the second column, list evidence (direct quote) to support your thinking (include the page number).

Narrator (Scout)

I learned... Evidence


Ms. Caroline Fisher (Scout’s teacher)

I learned... Evidence


Walter Cunningham (Scout’s classmate)

I learned... Evidence


C. Homework Quickwrites

Use ACE to answer the following questions. Use complete sentences.

A: Answer the question by restating the question in your first sentence C: Cite evidence to support your answer. E. Explain how your evidence supports your answer.

1. Why does Scout stand up for Walter?











2. At the end of Chapter 2, Scout reflects on Miss Caroline by saying, “Had her conduct

been more friendly toward me, I would have felt sorry for her.” What happened in the chapter to make Scout say this?














Chapter 3

A. Chapter Notes This chapter continues to help us learn more about Atticus, Scout, Jem, Walter Cunningham, Miss Caroline, and we are introduced to Burris Ewell. Take notes on the chart below or, if you have your own book, annotate it.

What I learned while reading this chapter….

Questions I have….


B: Who’s Who Walter Cunningham (Scout’s classmate)

I learned... Evidence


Burris Ewell

I learned... Evidence


C: Discussion Questions Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. Use complete sentences, your best spelling, correct punctuation, and most of all- make sure that your writing makes sense. We will discuss these questions in class tomorrow.

1. What does Scout do to make Calpurnia furious?

2. What lesson does Calpurnia teach her?

3. Who are the Ewells, and why are they treated differently than


4. Compare the education levels of Scout, Walter Cunningham, and

Burris Ewell. How do these comparisons emphasize the

relationship between class and education?

5. What important lesson does Atticus teach Scout about

understanding people?

6. How might this lesson help her?

7. What compromise does Atticus make with Scout at the end of the



Discussion Notes Chapter 2-3

In chapter 2 and 3, Scout enters the adult world. In this world, she realizes that things are not what they seem. During our discussion today, we will touch on many of the topics below. Use this note-taking guide to write down notes about each topic that is discussed today.

Scout Miss Caroline Atticus

What advice does he give Scout at the end of chapter


If Miss Caroline’s thinking symbolizes

the grown-up world’ - what can we say about this grown-up world?

Who represents the different social classes

in these chapters?

Burris Ewell


Chapter 4

A. Chapter Notes This chapter continues draw us into Boo Radley’s character. We also read about Jem, Scout, and Dill’s summer adventures . Take notes on the chart below or, if you have your own book, annotate it.

What I learned while reading this chapter….

Questions I have….


Discussion Notes Chapter 4

In chapter 4, the reader re-enters the world of innocence; the world of Jem, Scout, and Dill. During our discussion today, we will touch on many of the topics below. Use this note-taking guide to write down notes about each topic that is discussed today.

How is the theme of innocence seen in this


Superstitions Ethical Culture

How does this “kid world” differ from the “adult-world” that we read about in chapters


Lack of understanding leads to assumptions

How do the kids games become more dangerous?


C: Text Questions

Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. Use complete sentences, your best spelling, correct punctuation, and most of all- make sure that your writing makes sense.

1. What does Scout think of current fashions in education?

2. What does Scout find in one of the trees at the edge of the Radley lot?

3. Several days later, she and Jem find something else in the tree. What do they find? What

do they decide to do with these items?

4. Aside from Radley place, what other house do the kids avoid, and why?

5. When Dill arrives for the summer, Jem and Scout reveal another superstition that they

believe in- “Hot Steams”. Based on what you read, what’s a Hot Steam?

6. After their conversation about Hot Steam, the kids decided to roll in a tire. Scout says,

“Until it happened I did not realize that Jem was offended by my contradicting him on Hot

Steams, and that he was patiently awaiting an opportunity to reward me. He did by

pushing the tire down the sidewalk with all the force in his body.” What does this reveal

about Jem. Explain your answer.

7. Why do the children make Boo's story into a game?

8. What do they do in this game? Do you think the game is an accurate version of what

happens in the Radleys' home?

9. How does Atticus react to the game? What does his reaction tell us about his character?

10.The chapter ends by stating, “The first reason happened the day I rolled into the Radley

front yard. Through all the head-shaking, quelling of nausea and Jem-yelling, I had heard

another sound, so low I could not have heard it from the sidewalk. Someone inside was

laughing.” What might be the cause of the laughter from inside the house?


Chapter 5

A. Chapter Notes In this chapter, Jem and Dill become inseparable. Scout begins to spend time with Miss Maudie Atkinsons. Take notes on the chart below or, if you have your own book, annotate it.

What I learned while reading this chapter….

Questions I have….


B. Vocabulary Words List 3-4 new words that came up in this chapter. Then, write a definition for each.

Vocabulary Word Definition

C. Innocence In this chapter, we continue to see the innocence of Jem, Scout, and Dill. Go back to the chapter and find at least one example that shows Jem’s, Scout’s, and Dill’s innocence.

Character Example (direct quote or paraphrase)

Why do you think this shows their innocence?





Miss Maudie (Chapter 5) In chapter 5, you were introduced to Miss Maudie. Based on her description and her conversations with Scout, describe your impression of her. Support your claims with evidence from the chapter. _________________________________________________________________

























Chapter 6

A. Chapter Notes In this chapter, Jem and Scout spend the day with Dill at his aunt's fish pond. Scout wants to keep an eye out for Mr. Avery, a neighbor who had previously astonished them by peeing in an impressive arc off his front porch. Dill and Jem decide to make one last attempt to see Boo. Scout reluctantly agrees to go with them. Take notes on the chart below or, if you have your own book, annotate it.

What I learned while reading this chapter….

Questions I have….


Text Questions Chapter 7

Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. Use complete sentences, your best spelling, correct punctuation, and most of all- make sure that your writing makes sense.

1. In the opening of chapter 7, Scout puts into practice the lesson that Atticus taught her: “You never

really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view--” (chapter 3). How

does this lesson help her understand Jem’s behavior?

2. What was the only thing that Scout enjoyed about the second grade?

3. What does Jem reveal to Scout about the night he went to retrieve his pants?

4. Jem goes on to say, “‘Show you when we get home. They’d been sewed up. Not like a lady

sewed ‘em, like somethin’ I’d try to do. All crooked. It’s almost like--.........Like somebody was

readin’ my mind….like somebody could tell what I was gonna do. Can’t anybody tell what I’m

gonna do lest they know me, can they Scout?’” What can you infer about who might have done

this? Explain your answer.

5. Jem and Scout find a number of items in the oak tree knothole. List the 5 items that they


6. When Jem and Scout find the two small figures, Scout says, “Before I remembered that

there was no such thing as hoodooing, I shrieked and threw them down.” Look up the

word hoodooing. What does this mean?

7. After finding the last item in the tree, what do Scout and Jem decide to do?

8. What do the kids realize when they try to leave the note the following day?

9. Jem says, “Don’t you cry, now, Scout… don’t cry now, don’t you worry---” How is Jem’s

behavior towards Scout in this chapter different than his behavior towards her in chapters

5 and 6?

10. What does Mr. Nathan Radley tell Jem about the tree?

11.By the end of the chapter, Jem questions Atticus about the tree. Atticus ends by saying,

“‘Well maybe it is. I’m sure Mr. Radley knows more about his trees than we do.’” What

does this response reveal about Atticus? Explain your answer.