tony doyle - university of glasgow 1 july 2005oversight committee gridpp: executive summary tony...

1 July 2005 Oversight Committee Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow GridPP: Executive Summary Tony Doyle

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Page 1: Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow 1 July 2005Oversight Committee GridPP: Executive Summary Tony Doyle

1 July 2005 Oversight Committee Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow

GridPP: Executive Summary

Tony Doyle

Page 2: Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow 1 July 2005Oversight Committee GridPP: Executive Summary Tony Doyle

1 July 2005 Oversight Committee Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow

Exec2 Summary

• The GridPP Project is now underway and has met 21% of its original targets with 86% of the metrics within specification. This summary highlights various issues with respect to resource monitoring and project management, where the status of GridPP2 planning is described in the context of the “get fit” plan requested by the Oversight Committee. gLite 1 was released in April as planned but components have not yet been deployed or their robustness tested by the experiments. Service Challenge (SC) 2 addressing networking was a success at CERN and the Tier-1 and SC3 addressing file transfers for the experiments is about to commence. Hardware levels at the Tier-1 in 2007-08 and the deployment of Tier-2 resources are current concerns although these are mitigated by the present under-utilisation of resources.

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1 July 2005 Oversight Committee Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow

RAL joins labs worldwide in successful Service

Challenge 2

• The GridPP team at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) in Oxfordshire recently joined computing centres around the world in a networking challenge that saw RAL transfer 60 terabytes of data over a ten-day period. A home user with a 512 kilobit per second broadband connection would be waiting 30 years to complete a download of the same size.

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1 July 2005 Oversight Committee Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow

gLite 1

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1 July 2005 Oversight Committee Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow

100 green sites sitting on a grid

• Thu 16 Jun 2005• Last week the UK CIC-on-duty team

celebrated the milestone of having 100 sites passing the Sites Functional Test. Thanks to all the sites who acted promptly to trouble tickets raised by the UK team during their shift.

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1 July 2005 Oversight Committee Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow

Current concern 1. under-utilisation

• Under -utilisation of existing Tier-1/A resources

• improving overall and w.r.t. Grid fraction from 2004 to 2005


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1 July 2005 Oversight Committee Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow

Current concern2. under-delivery

• The current situation is somewhat better than these 2005 Q1 numbers indicate

• Some late procurements (OK given under-utilisation)

• Technical problems (being overcome)

CPU KSI2K Disk TB Promised Delivered Ratio Promised Delivered Ratio Brunel 30 4 13% 21 0 0% Imperial 420 384 91% 28 0 1% QMUL 317 247 78% 29 25 88% RHUL 204 167 82% 23 6 24% UCL 60 108 180% 1 1 111% Lancaster 510 101 20% 87 2 2% Liverpool 605 0 0% 80 0 0% Manchester 1305 65 5% 373 9 2% Sheffield 183 29 16% 3 3 100% Birmingham 136 103 76% 9 9 97% Bristol 39 38 98% 2 2 99% Cambridge 33 12 38% 4 4 80% Oxford 119 102 85% 19 19 100% RAL PPD 98 99 101% 12 6 51% Warwick 0 0 0 0 Durham 86 15 17% 5 5 100% Edinburgh 7 5 74% 71 1 1% Glasgow 246 1 1% 15 3 17% London 1031 910 88% 102 32 31% NorthGrid 2602 195 7% 543 14 3% ScotGrid 340 22 6% 90 9 9% SouthGrid 425 354 83% 46 39 85% Total 4397 1481 34% 781 93 12%

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1 July 2005 Oversight Committee Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow

GridPP Deployment Status 30/6/05






seAvail TB

seUsed TB





1666 (1402)

843 (95)

31 (480)

74.28 (8.69)

16.54 (4.55)

3145 (2549)

2802 (1994)



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1 July 2005 Oversight Committee Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow


GridPP to submit the proposal for LCG phase 2 funding to the Committee prior to its submission to Science Committee (minute 4.9).

• Done. 27 page report inc. input from OC at unfunded

GridPP to clarify the situation with regard to ATLAS production run tests for the next physics workshop (minute 5.3).

• See News Item

• (and slide)GridPP to provide an update on progress resolving problems caused by

mismatches between local batch systems and the capabilities of the grid Resource broker (minute 6.3).

• (See slide)GridPP to more fully document its alignment with each of the individual

experiments (minute 15.2).• An experiment engagement questionnaire has been used (initial

input in February and further [updated] input in June). See

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1 July 2005 Oversight Committee Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow

ATLAS steps up Grid


In a large-scale exercise in the weeks leading up to the workshop, about 8.5 million Monte Carlo simulated events were produced on the Grid. The events were produced using three Grids: LCG, Grid3 in the US and NorduGrid. Of the 65% produced on LCG, approximately one sixth used GridPP resources in the UK. A total of 573,315 jobs were run. On the best day 13k jobs ran, corresponding to a production rate of 7.5Hz. In parallel with all the major computing developments on the Grid, first real cosmic data has now been taken with the ATLAS detector in situ - see image. This is the first trickle in what will eventually become a torrent of data.

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1 July 2005 Oversight Committee Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow

RB Action

GridPP to provide an update on progress resolving problems caused by mismatches between local batch systems and the capabilities of the grid Resource broker (minute 6.3).

• The problem of connecting the local CE to a batch queue is largely overcome – many (all shared) sites now do this.

• There were problems subsequently deploying the accounting system (APEL) to point to the local batch system.

• Overcome (13 ex 18 sites), but not as straightforward as it could be.

• The JDL from the job is not passed to the local system. Hence there is no way for the local scheduler to use info from the Grid scheduler.

• This is a limitation from a (shared) site viewpoint (attempting to balance Grid and local jobs).

• The short term solution is to set up separate batch queues.• It is not a limitation for the experiments (affects efficiency).• It is noted as a requirement and it is intended that this will be

delivered in Year 2 of JRA1 for the WMS.

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1 July 2005 Oversight Committee Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow


GridPP to define its usage policy with respect to Tier-1 allocations (minute 15.4).

• See and documents within (“fair shares” using PPARC Form X information)

GridPP to produce an updated risk register (minute 15.5).• Incorporated in the new Project Map at (with 7 “high” risks) to produce a “get-fit” plan for production metrics (minute 15.6).• See Metrics and Deployment document and its incorporation into the Project Map

GridPP to define its metrics for job success (minute 15.7).• Adopted EGEE-wide definition at slides)

GridPP to produce a statement of intent regarding its adoption of gLite (minute 15.8).

• See Middleware Selection document

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1 July 2005 Oversight Committee Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow

Metrics Action

GridPP to define its metrics for job success (minute 15.7).• GridPP adopts the EGEE-wide definition at (web-based) QA system accounts for Workload Management System registered job successes (that can then be categorised by Virtual Organisation or Resource Broker) Before introducing the figures it should be understood that there are caveats:

• It only measures what the WMS “sees”– doesn't catch failure of WMS to register job in the first place (but this is a rare occurrence)– if a job half way through the script fails (for example tries but fails to copy a file) but the

script completes successfully then WMS sees everything as OK. – If a VO (e.g. LHCb) deploys an agent then the WMS only registers the success of the initial

(python) script: strategy enables higher overall LHCb performance (combined push-PULL model). (This currently leads to other problems in overall accounting should contention become an issue).

– Overall: an end user may see either:– 1. a worse efficiency

• failed job for other hidden e.g. data management problems – 2. a better efficiency by

• choosing selected sites according to the Site Functional Test performance index;• deploying an agent to initiate real jobs at sites where the agent succeeded.

• Physicists are “smart” and now “see” > 90% efficiency but the definition here is one defined within a given VO adopting their own methods (and from informed input from people currently submitting jobs to the system).

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1 July 2005 Oversight Committee Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow


Integrated over all VOs and RBs for first half of 2005

Successes/Day 13806Success % 64%

• Key point: Improving from 42% to 78% during 2005

[For the UK RB (

Successes/Day 319Success % 69% ]

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1 July 2005 Oversight Committee Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow


ALICE ATLAS CMS LHCbSuccesses/Day N/A 2796 452 3463Success % 42% 83% 61% 68%

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1 July 2005 Oversight Committee Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow

Other VOs

BaBar CDF D0 BioMedSuccesses/Day 37 1 207 1074Success % 76% 30% 84% 76%

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1 July 2005 Oversight Committee Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow

0.100 0.101 0.102 0.103 0.104 0.105 0.106 0.107 0.108 0.109 0.110 0.111 0.112 0.113 0.114 0.115 0.116

0.117 0.118 0.119 0.120 0.121 0.122 0.123 0.124 0.125 0.126 0.127 0.128 0.129 0.130 0.131 0.132 0.133

0.134 0.135 0.136 0.137 0.138 0.139 0.140 0.141 0.142 0.143 0.144 0.145 0.146 0.147

Production Grid Metrics

• Set SMART (Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time-phased) Goals

The “Get Fit” Plan

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1 July 2005 Oversight Committee Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow

0 Status Date 31-Mar-05Owner: Jeremy ColesNumber Due Date Status

0.100 On going OK

0.101 On going OK

0.102 On going OK

0.103 On going OK

0.104 On going NOT OK

0.105 On going NOT OK

0.106 On going NOT OK

0.107 On going OK

0.108 On going NOT OK

0.109 On going OK

0.110 On going OK

0.111 On going NOT OK

0.112 On going NOT OK

0.113 On going NOT OK

0.114 On going NOT OK

0.115 On going OK

0.116 On going OK

0.117 OK

0.118 OK

0.119 OK

0.120 On going OK

0.121 On going OK

0.122 On going OK

0.123 On going OK

0.124 On going OK

0.125 On going OK

0.126 OK

0.127 OK

0.128 On going OK

0.129 OK

0.130 On going OK

0.131 On going NOT OK

0.132 On going OK

0.133 On going OK

0.134 On going OK

0.135 On going OK

0.136 On going OK

0.137 On going OK

0.138 On going OK

0.139 On going OK

0.140 On going OK

0.141 OK

0.142 On going OK

0.143 On going NOT OK

0.144 OK

0.145 On going OK

0.146 On going OK

0.147 On going OK

GridPP security audit

T1 participation in GOC service challenges

Sites comply with LCG/EGEE security policy

Number of GridPP (site) system security incidents in the last quarterNumber of EGEE Grid security incidents in the last quarter

Accumulated scheduled downtime in last quarterAverage number of sites per quarter available in VO selections (N/a)

GridPP helpdesk functioning adequatelyFraction of Site Functional Tests passed over the last quarter

GridPP deployment web-pages up-to-dateTraining needs addressed

Tier-2s delivering to LCG MoUSite operating system upgrades

Quarterly operational performance reviewTier-1 delivering to LCG MoU

Deployment team meetings UK wide deployment support active

Tier-1 service disaster recovery plans up to dateProduction service risks and issues log available and up to date

T1 meeting "other" user commitmentsGridPP LCG middleware testbed operational

UB schedule implemented and upheld

Production Metrics

UK contribution to LHC experiments

GridPP disk storage availableGridPP disk storage available to LCG/EGEEGridPP Tape storage availableGridPP Tape storage available to LCG/EGEE.

T1 participating in 3D database phases

T2s participation in GOC service challengesGridPP participating in EGEE security challenges

UK contribution to non-LHC experiments

Job failure rates

Fraction of available Disk used in quarterFraction of available Tape used in quarter

Percentage of total jobs run via the GridNumber of sites publishing LCG accounting data


Fraction of available KSI2K used in quarter

GridPP KSI2K Available to EGEE/LCG

Number of active usersNumber of supported VOsNumber of LCG/EGEE Job Slots Published by UKFraction of LCG/EGEE Jobs Slots UsedGridPP KSI2K Available

T1 meeting JRA1 commitmentsT1 meeting pre-production service commitmentsT1 support for GOC

Fraction of UK sites in ProductionNumber of registered users

“I take it plea bargaining is out of the question?”

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1 July 2005 Oversight Committee Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow

Our problems…– 0.104: Number of LCG/EGEE job slots published by the UK. The current total is 2477 and the target was 3000. – 0.106: GridPP KSI2K available: By the end of March 2005 the combined Tier-1 and Tier-2 CPU power was expected to be 5184 KSI2K

compared to 2277 KSI2K achieved. This number is dominated by the 4397 KSI2K expected from the Tier-2s which has been slowly becoming available.

– 0.108: GridPP disk storage available: Similar to 0.106 above. Only 280TB available compared to 968TB anticipated but the situation is improving.

– 0.111: GridPP tape storage made available to LCG/EGEE. At present the tape storage is being used but not really via the Grid route. – 0.112: Fraction of available KSI2K used in quarter: at present a rough estimate shows about 42% of the available CPU was used compared

to a target value of 70%.– 0.113: Fraction of available disk used in quarter: This is estimated at 64% compared to the target of 70%.– 0.114: Fraction of available Tape used in quarter: This is estimated at 61% compared to the target of 70%.– 0.131: Tier-1 service disaster recovery plans up to date: This has not been updated within the last 6 months.– 0.143: Accumulated scheduled downtime in the last quarter: The current value of 418 days is almost identical to the current) target of 411

days. The metric expects the 25% figure to reduce to 5% by the third year.– 3.6.3: LCG Deployment evaluation reports: first report due in March 05 was delayed to the second quarter.– 5.2.4. Tier-2 Hardware realisation: This flags the same issue as 0.106 and 0.108 above. Tier-2 hardware has been delayed but the

situation is improving. – 5.2.7 Quarterly reports received within 1 month of the end of the quarter: The 05Q1 reports were received late. Some of the delay was due

to the unfortunate timing of EGEE meetings.– 6.2.11: Non-HEP applications tested on the GridPP Grid (submitted via the NGS submission mechanism). The NGS submission

mechanism is not yet adequate.

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1 July 2005 Oversight Committee Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow

The “Get Fit” Plan

• … not (yet) “The Final Solution”• We hope this drives the right behaviour • Plea bargaining is (probably) OK..

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1 July 2005 Oversight Committee Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow

Some Problem Solving


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1 July 2005 Oversight Committee Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow

Problem Solving andImproved

Communication• “Communication, in essence, is the shift of a particle from one

part of space to another part of space. A particle is the thing being communicated. It can be an object, a written message, a spoken word or an idea. In its crudest definition, this is communication.

• This simple view of communication leads to the full definition: • Communication is the consideration and action of impelling an

impulse or particle from source-point across a distance to receipt-point, with the intention of bringing into being at the receipt-point a duplication and understanding of that which emanated from the source-point..”

• from The Scientology HandbookThis may be a clue to how we will overcome our problems

But we can always improve this..