top 10 inventions that changed the world (elenka maam)


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Page 1: Top 10 inventions that changed the world (elenka maam)




Page 2: Top 10 inventions that changed the world (elenka maam)

INDEX :1)Introduction2)List of top 10 inventions3)Pictures index4)Personal view 5)Bibliography


Page 3: Top 10 inventions that changed the world (elenka maam)


PICTURE INDEX :1)FIG : 1 -PG. 6 :The wheel2)FIG : 2 - PG.8 : Printing press Factory3)FIG : 3 - PG. 10 : Vintage Telephone Poster4)FIG : 4 - PG.10 : Telephone Revolution5)FIG : 5 -PG.12 : Steam engine6)FIG : 6 -PG.14 :World 1st automobile model7)FIG : 7 -PG.16 : Light bulb8)FIG : 8 -PG.18 : Computer as helping hand9)FIG : 9 -PG.20 : Vintage Airplane10)FIG : 10 -PG.22 : Paper11)FIG : 11 -PG.26 : Internet

Page 4: Top 10 inventions that changed the world (elenka maam)

INTRODUCTION :Humans are an ingenious species. From the moment someone bashed a rock on the ground to make the first sharp-edged tool, to the development of Mars rovers and the Internet, several key advancements stand out as particularly revolutionary. These are my picks for the top 10 inventions that changed the world


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Page 6: Top 10 inventions that changed the world (elenka maam)

The wheel is an invention so ancient that we have no way of knowing who first developed it. The oldest wheel and axle mechanism we've found was near Ljubljana, Slovenia, and dates to roughly 3100 B.C. The wheel made the transportation of goods much faster and more efficient, especially when affixed to horse-drawn chariots and carts. A wheel can be used for a lot of things other than sticking them on a cart to carry grain, though. Tens of thousands of other inventions require wheels to function, from water wheels that power mills to gears and cogs that allowed even ancient cultures to create complex machines. Cranks and pulleys need wheels to work. A huge amount of modern technology still depends on the wheel, like electric motors and combustion engines, jet engines, power plants and countless others.

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A printing press is a device for evenly printing ink onto a print medium (substrate) such as paper or cloth. The world's first movable type printing technology was invented and developed in China by the Han Chinese printer Bi Sheng between the years 1041 and 1048 . The printing press allowed enormous quantities of information to be recorded and spread throughout the world. Books had previously been items only the extremely rich could afford, but mass production brought the price down tremendously. The printing press is probably responsible for many other inventions, The diffusion of knowledge it created gave billions of humans the education they needed to create their own inventions in the centuries since.


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First patented in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell and further developed by many others, the telephone was the first device in history that enabled people to talk directly with each other across large distances. Telephones rapidly became indispensable to businesses, government, and households, and are today some of the most widely used small appliances. The race to create truly portable telephone devices began after World War II, with developments taking place in many countries.Which resulted in invention on the first handheld mobile cell phone by Motorola in 1973. The invention of telephone brought about dynamic change in the process of communication.


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Since the early 18th century, steam power has been applied to a variety of practical uses. At first it was applied to reciprocating pumps, but from the 1780s rotative engines began to appear . At the turn of the 19th century, steam-powered transport on both sea and land began to make its appearance becoming ever more dominant as the century progressed. This gave birth to . The first commercially successful true engine, in which it could generate power and transmit it to a machine, and was invented by Thomas Newcomen in around 1712 . Steam engines can be said to have been the moving force behind the Industrial Revolution. It had the ability to tranport thing much faster and in bulk.


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If the steam engine mobilized industry, the automobile mobilized people. The first working steam-powered vehicle was designed and most likely built by Ferdinand Verbiest in China around 1672. It was a 65 cm-long scale-model toy for the Chinese Emperor, that was unable to carry a driver or a passenger. While ideas for personal vehicles had been around for years, Karl Benz's 1885 introduced modern automobile ,which was later developed by other industrialists . The automobile's effect on commerce, society and culture is hard to overestimate. Most of us can jump in our car and go wherever we want whenever we want. Our cities are largely designed and built around automobile access, with paved roads and parking lots taking up huge amounts of space and a big chunk of our governments' budgets. The auto industry has fueled enormous economic growth worldwide, but it's also generated a lot of pollution.

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When all you have is natural light, productivity is limited to daylight hours. Light bulbs changed the world by allowing us to be active at night. According to historians, two dozen people were instrumental in inventing incandescent lamps throughout the 1800s; Thomas Edison is credited as the primary inventor because he created a completely functional lighting system. This invention also had a rather unexpected consequence of changing people's sleep patterns . Instead of going to bed at nightfall having nothing else to do, people became more active and would do other activities in the light of the bulb. All thank to Thomas Edison . But if the resource is misused we will have to use the gas lamps again

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The first computer devices were conceived of in the 19th century, and only emerged in their modern form in the 1940s. Charles Babbage, an English mechanical engineer and originated the concept of a programmable computer. Considered the "father of the computer“. Computers have changed the way a business functions in a large way. Almost everything that happens in an organization, right from its inception to its closure, is recorded, worked upon, evaluated and rectified with the help of computers. Computers have pushed us to see different worlds and experiences cultures. Although the growth is a virtual one, it's after effects are very much real. This powerful medium is the great mode of mass communication allowing people a platform to voice their opinions and stir discussions that have brought about a change in the world.

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The first powered aircraft, as we are all taught in middle school, was the brain child of the Wright brothers in 1903.It is hard to imagine what life would be like without the airplane. Not only did it form as a catalyst for science to advance in the aerospace field, but the airplane also made the world a bit smaller. It is amazing to see how just one invention changed the world in such a major way. Thanks in part to the airplane, it is possible for someone in America to order something made in India and receive it within 24 hours. Airplanes have reduced the distance between cities, Europe and India used to be days away, now it is possible to travel to Paris for the weekend. It also proved to be great help to military force.


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Paper was invented by the Chinese in 2nd century BC. Before then, people communicated through pictures and symbols etched on stone, bones, cave walls, or clay tablets. Many of us take it for granted that paper allows us not only to enjoy our lives but also to go about our daily routines with greater efficiency. From the thinnest tissue, to the most absorbent diaper, to the toughest corrugated box . Most of us begin our mornings by enjoying the comforts of paper products - from facial tissue and paper towels, to the morning newspaper, to the carton that holds your orange juice, and the paperboard packaging that holds your breakfast cereal. Recycling is easy to do, and it's good for business and the environment. So next time you read the paper, open your mail, clean out your files, or empty a box, don't put that paper and paperboard packaging in the trash. Complete the circle and recycle it.


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The Internet, a network of computers covering the entire planet, allows people to access almost any information located anywhere in the world at any time. Its effects on business, communication, economy, entertainment . In the 1960s, a team of computer scientists working for the U.S. Defense Department's ARPA built it . The Internet is such a powerful invention that we've probably only begun to see the effects it will have on the world. The ability to diffuse and recombine information with such efficiency, At the same time, some fear that our ability to communicate, work, play and do business via the Internet breaks down our ties to local communities and causes us to become socially isolated. Like any invention, the good or ill it accomplishes will come from how we choose to use it.


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Throughout history, new technologies have resulted from the demands, values, and interests of individuals, businesses, industries and societies. The use of inventions and innovations has led to changes in society and the creation of new needs and wants.Social and cultural priorities and values are reflected in technological devices. This presentation develops an understanding of the influence of technology


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