top workout supplements

Workout Supplements

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Post on 22-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Top workout supplements

Workout Supplements

Page 2: Top workout supplements

Whey Protein

Whey protein is a staple in most athletes’ diets for a

good reason: it’s digested quickly, absorbed efficiently,

and easy on the taste buds.

It’s also especially popular with us fitness folk because

of its amino profile, which is high in leucine (leucine is

an essential amino acid that plays a key role in

initiating protein synthesis).

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How to Take Whey Protein

You can take whey protein whenever you’d like. There’s no “wrong” way

to take it, really, but you should keep two things in mind:

Majority of my protein from whole food

70-75% of my daily protein is from food, mainly because food is much

more satiating and satisfying.

Protein powder can’t help you lose fat.

Weight loss requires compliance to a proper meal plan, which can

include a lot or a little protein powder.

whey protein is a particularly effective form of pre-workout and post-

workout protein. (The faster protein is digested and the more leucine it

has, the more muscle growth it stimulates.)According to one study, 20

grams of whey protein eaten as a post-workout meal stimulates

maximum muscle protein synthesis. That is, eating more than 20 grams

of whey protein after a workout will not increase muscle growth.

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Which Type of Whey Protein is Best?

The three forms of whey protein sold are whey concentrate, isolate,

and hydrolysate.

Whey concentrate is the least processed form and cheapest to

manufacture, and it contains some fat and lactose. Whey concentrates

range from 35 – 80% protein by weight, depending on quality.

Whey isolate is a form of whey protein processed to remove the fat

and lactose. Isolates are 90%+ protein by weight, and as they’re more

expensive to manufacture than whey concentrate, they’re more

expensive for consumers too.

Whey hydrolysate is a predigested form of whey protein that’s very

easily absorbed by the body and free of allergenic substances found in

milk products. Research also indicates that the hydrolysis process

improves solubility and digestibility.

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Creatine is one of the best workout supplements you can take.decades

of research has conclusively proven it can help you build muscle and

improve strength, improve anaerobic endurance, and reduce muscle

damage and soreness from exercise.

You may have heard that it’s bad for your kidneys, but these claims

have been categorically and repeatedly disproven. People with kidney

disease are not advised to supplement with creatine, but in healthy

subjects, creatine supplementation has been shown to have no harmful

side effects, in both short- or long-term usage.

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Casein Protein

It’s a popular type of supplement in the world of

bodybuilding because it’s digested slower than whey (it

causes a smaller spike in amino acids in the blood, but a

steadier release over the course of several hours).

-Due to its rapid digestion and abundance of leucine, a 30-

40 gram serving of whey is probably your best choice for

post-workout protein.

-Due to its slow release of amino acids, casein is a great

all-around protein supplement.

-Casein is a good protein to have before you go to bed,

which can help with muscle recovery.

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Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)

Branched-chain amino acids, or BCAAs for short, are a group of three

essential amino acids (amino acids that your body must get from your





Leucine is the star of the trio, as it directly stimulates protein synthesis via

the activation of an enzyme responsible for cell growth known as the

mammalian target of rapamycin, ormTOR.

Isoleucine is number two on the list, as it improves glucose metabolism

and increases muscular uptake.

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Caffeine helps you lose fat by simply increasing your

body’s daily energy expenditure.

As weight loss boils down to energy consumed vs.

energy expended, caffeine helps you maintain a calorie


Caffeine has other benefits for us fitness folk, though. It

improves strength, muscle endurance, and anaerobic

performance, and also reverses the “morning weakness”

experienced by many weightlifters.

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