toro - emap

As you stroll along Malham Road past Shannon’s Flowers, Travis Perkins and Wagashi’s Sushi we imagine a bold and colourful landscape spilling onto the street that draws you into Anise Gallery(5). Our proposal looks to the designs of artist Richard Wentworth, landscape architect Roberto Burle Marx and the motifs of abstract artist Jean Arp. The work of these artists take inspiration from organic and geometric forms, found objects and natural landscapes. In this industrial setting we have referenced their work to create a bright and playful environment, both internally and externally. We will create a workplace that is highly adaptable, dependant on the type of space required by the exhibition or event. Like a painter working in a landscape, we propose a hard landscaped garden of coloured patterns which subtly map a series of spaces externally. With a playful surface treatment to the unwelcoming tarmac at the front using heavy duty floor paint and reflective aluminium paint, these colourful, amorphous shapes create an artful and dynamic pattern which is bold and joyous. We have framed the entrance with an arch(4) that marks the gallery entrance and extends the limits of the space up to the boundary edge encouraging informal use of the yard. This space can be used interchangeably for sitting, eating, playing or showing work by other artists(2). toro (1) toro : curtain partition with warmth, light and privacy (8) existing area converted into shared workshop and model making area (7) moveable general storage (6) lockable storage for flexible workspace tenants (2) organically shaped movable seating and tables provide a central focal point to the courtyard which can be rearranged for various events event bar space/ studio private meeting area (3) existing container converted for use as additional studio space (4) entrance arch welcoming visitors to the gallery space (5) painted external floor surface that creates landscape design that subtly maps out different spaces artwork hung from existing wall surfaces

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Post on 16-Jul-2022




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Page 1: toro - EMAP

As you stroll along Malham Road past Shannon’s Flowers, Travis Perkins and Wagashi’s Sushi we imagine a bold and colourful landscape spilling onto the street that draws you into Anise Gallery(5).

Our proposal looks to the designs of artist Richard Wentworth, landscape architect Roberto Burle Marx and the motifs of abstract artist Jean Arp. The work of these artists take inspiration from organic and geometric forms, found objects and natural landscapes. In this industrial setting we have referenced their work to create a bright and playful environment, both internally and externally. We will create a workplace that is highly adaptable, dependant on the type of space required by the exhibition or event.

Like a painter working in a landscape, we propose a hard landscaped garden of coloured patterns which subtly map a series of spaces externally. With a playful surface treatment to the unwelcoming tarmac at the front using heavy duty floor paint and reflective aluminium paint, these colourful, amorphous shapes create an artful and dynamic pattern which is bold and joyous. We have framed the entrance with an arch(4) that marks the gallery entrance and extends the limits of the space up to the boundary edge encouraging informal use of the yard. This space can be used interchangeably for sitting, eating, playing or showing work by other artists(2).

toro(1) toro : cur ta in par t i t ion wi th warmth, l ight and pr ivacy

(8) ex is t ing area conver ted in to

shared workshop and model

making area

(7) moveable general s torage

(6) lockable s torage

for f lex ib le workspace


(2) organically shaped movable seating and tables provide a central focal point to the courtyard which can be rearranged for various events

event bar space/ studio private meeting area

(3) ex is t ing container conver ted for use as addi t ional s tudio space

(4) entrance arch welcoming v is i tors to

the gal lery space

(5) painted ex ternal f loor sur face that creates

landscape des ign that subt ly maps out d i f ferent


artwork hung from exist ing wall surfaces

Page 2: toro - EMAP

The landscape constraints change as you enter the dark warehouse interior. By piercing a large circular rooflight in the centre of the space we open the space up to the sky and frame this focal point with a circular curtain which hangs artfully in the space(1).

In Japan a toro (light basket, light tower) is a traditional lantern made of stone, wood, or metal. We have proposed a striking central hung curtain that divides the space in one bold gesture to create our own lantern but in this case made of fabric. This architectural element references the collapsible, concertina form of Japanese paper lanterns that have become ubiquitous in filling our homes with light.

The feature skylight above brings natural light into the lantern and ventilates the space in warmer summer months. The cotton fabric enables light to shine through and illuminate the space, and adds comfort and warmth within its soft cocoon of fabric. A collaged rug underfoot, warmed by an electric floor mat below creates a soft landscape within.

The curtain is a dynamic and sculptural element that can be fully lifted to open up the space, reconfigured with ruched openings or hang to the floor and screen off a workspace or showcase artwork. The lantern’s ephemerality blurs the boundaries between workspace and gallery in its different configurations and arrangements allowing multiple working arrangements.

toro as enclosed space, warm,

insulated, wi th lots of natural l ight and

vent i la t ion

toro as semi-open space, ruched

cur ta ins, permeabi l i t y and ai r movement





toro as open space wi th cur ta ins hung high and the rug creat ing a

centre piece for var ious act iv i t ies and exhibi ts

toro as free space wi th the rug and heat mat removed, al lowing for

f ree movement through the space

colour fu l tex t i le rug by ar t i s t Bea Bonaf in i

f lex ib le furni ture or exhibi t ion ar t work

elect r ic heat mat provides warmth dur ing winter months

8m diameter cot ton fabr ic cur ta in wi th hand-held pul ly sys tem for manipulat ing the cur ta in in to di f ferent forms

2.3m diameter polycarbonate roof l ight and s t re tched fabr ic cei l ing

sheeps wool insulat ion wi th fabr ic f in ish to unders ide of roof

to ro