emap glenigan overview


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Page 1: EMAP Glenigan Overview


Page 2: EMAP Glenigan Overview

• Fill your order book and plan your next move with Glenigan

• Reliable information about who is planning to build what, where and when

can make the difference between winning and losing a contract. With

Glenigan you can target new opportunities, optimise your sales

performance and enhance your strategy before your competitors. We help


• •Win more contracts - we report on every construction project in the

UK, and can supply you with a constant supply of leads to boost your sales

pipeline. We have over 200,000 projects on our website, and all contain

start dates, contract period, end date and value.

• •Build relationships with the right companies - we provide up-to-date

details of the companies and decision makers involved in every planned

and current construction project in the UK. You can use our favourites tool

to track these companies and projects to help you build relationships.

• •Target decision makers - our database has over 135,000 contacts all with

the names, email addresses and phone numbers of key decision makers

involved in the construction projects that are relevant to your business.

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• The trusted provider of construction industry data, analysis, forecasting,

company and project intelligence

• Established in 1973, now part of Emap Ltd

• Clients include companies involved in the design and realisation of

construction projects, suppliers of materials and services to the

construction industry and organisations that monitor construction activity

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• Glenigan use a robust research process to deliver timely and comprehensive

construction project and company intelligence

- A team of over 100 researchers

- Planning data collection from every UK local authority

- 6,000+ non-planning projects a year from industry contacts

- Over 1 million phone calls per year to monitor projects

- Rigorous quality control

• The Glenigan economics team, led by Allan Wilen, deliver expert analysis,

detailed market interpretation and robust data-driven forecasts

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• Win more contracts

• Increase profits

• Save your time

• Build stronger company relationships

• Make better informed sales pitches

• Be first to hear about upcoming opportunities

• Target decision makers at the right time

• Track construction projects

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• Improve competitor intelligence

• Identify opportunities in new region and sectors

• Track and forecast market trends

• Reduce risk

• Increase efficiency

• Plan infrastructure development

• Inform M&A due diligence

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Case Study: Glenigan save Devon Contractors hours of research

Devon Contractors first subscribed to Glenigan in October 2008, having previously used another

information service for sales leads. However, conscious of the economic downturn, the company

identified Glenigan as more suitable to help them develop new business in difficult market


Shaun Bennington, Finance Director at Devon Contractors, explained: “We want to do everything

we can to resist the downturn, and Glenigan clearly demonstrated that their product could help us

do this at an affordable price. Our Business Development Team search the system on a weekly

basis, and have found it very quickly delivers information about the developments in

the market. (It) saves us hours of research.”

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Case study: Reliable project updates lead the way

CDM Recruitment is a specialist recruitment agency for the construction industry based in Tyne

& Wear. Covering the North East, the company have used Glenigan since 2001. Each consultant

works in a different area of construction so the leads are divided according to the type of project

being worked on. Mark Bulmer, director at CDM Recruitment describes the confidence he feels

in the data he receives. "The subscription data is updated regularly, I feel assured that it won't go

out of date, in fact it seems almost live. Its real-time information - it's invaluable."

The subscription has also highlighted the growing importance of social housing within the

construction industry - the information received accelerated the need for a social housing desk

within the company to capitalise on the projects coming through. "The leads tell the consultant

who the decision maker is on each upcoming project and what is going

on in the marketplace in our area."

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Case study: Glenigan and Constructing Excellence win contract to deliver UK Construction

Industry Key Performance Indicators

Glenigan and Constructing Excellence have been awarded a 3 year contract to deliver UK

Construction Industry Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). The KPIs are national data sets against

which a project or a company can benchmark its performance. The KPIs are an initiative from the

Department of Business Innovation & Skills (BIS).

“Glenigan hold the definitive register of active clients and contractors in

the construction industry that is maintained using robust research

processes” Graham Sharp, head of construction statistics, ONS

“We firmly believe that the future for KPIs lies in increasing coverage and

take-up within the construction industry. Glenigan’s comprehensive

database of construction projects and communication links should

contribute a great deal towards these ends.” Keith Folwell, senior

statistician, BIS

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Case Study: Glenigan awarded contract to supply Ordnance Survey with construction


The contract with Ordnance Survey was awarded following a thorough and rigorous

evaluation, carried out under a tender invitation in the Official Journal of the European Union

(OJEU) and provides Ordnance Survey with intelligence on construction activity to assist in guiding

the workflow of their field surveying team.

Ordnance Survey will receive alerts on projects as they are approaching completion, to enable

their surveyors to visit at the optimum time, to plot new or extended buildings and load them into

their mapping databases. This service will deliver productivity improvements to Ordnance Survey

and streamline their processes, to ensure ever higher levels of change are swiftly captured.

“Glenigan were selected due to their comprehensive coverage of all

projects, the accuracy of their data and their flexible and innovative

approach” Neil Ackroyd, director of data collection and management,

Ordnance Survey

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Case study: Data review proves worth for Openreach

Openreach, part of the BT group, support and maintain the wiring and connections which

link millions of homes and businesses in the UK. Phil Jordan, ANF manager, has been a

Glenigan customer for several years. Using a weekly feed of new development data as well

as updates to existing records, Phil is able to forecast future demand within the telephony

network across England, Scotland and Wales. In the last year, Openreach completed a

detailed review of data from an alternative information service and found that they could

not match the quality and accuracy of the data Glenigan supply.

For Phil, Glenigan "were able to offer a much more detailed and comprehensive package

that fully met our requirements and importantly, did so at an acceptable cost. It is vital to

us that the data supplied is of good quality and accurate and over the years we have been

very happy with what we’ve received. In addition we have always found the Glenigan team

happy to look at ideas we have had for potential improvements to the data we receive.

Thanks to a good working relationship and first-rate support we have managed to define

the data requirements more effectively over the years."

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“Priceless” information helps FastFence target more effectively

FastFence first subscribed to Glenigan in 2009 and have quickly benefited from Glenigan’s commitment

to training and supporting every customer to ensure the service delivers a substantial return on

investment at the earliest opportunity. With the support of Glenigan’s customer services team Alison

McMahon, head of UK sales & marketing, has been able to find the fastest routes to the information she

needs. Commenting on the new additions to Glenigan.com, Alison said “I thought that they were

fantastic! It's great for me, or anyone else who joins the company in the future to have such a wonderful

tool to use. The information is priceless.”

Recognising how Glenigan.com can help companies devise winning strategies, Alison added “The new

additional information will also make a huge difference in terms of knowing what areas to target more,

especially with regard to spend.” Alison also values the partnership approach Glenigan uses to help

customers gain maximum value and shape the future development

of the service, commenting “It’s so nice that Glenigan looks for feedback

every step of the way. It … demonstrates the professionalism of the

company that we are dealing with. Excellent!”

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• The Glenigan home page

allows you to search for

projects while quickly

identifying key regions,

sectors, news and


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• You can search for

projects using detailed

criteria, including

sector, location,

project stage, value


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• Search results are

displayed in a clear,

informative format

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• Timely, comprehensive

information about every

UK construction project

• Pinpoint the right

projects for your

business with extensive

search criteria including

project types, planning

and contract stages,

building materials, plus

location and text


• Access the very latest

information with email

update alerts and the

Glenigan Hotline

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• Regularly updated in-

depth profiles of the


contractors, clients, hou


associations, architects/

consultants, housebuild

ers, public



• Inform sales pitches

with the complete

picture of who is

building what, for

whom, where and when

• Track

competitors, customers,


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• Examine the industry by

the 12 economics

regions and 11 sectors

• Daily updated statistics,

charts and graphs

• Data driven from

comprehensive project


• Analysis by industry


• Access granular detail to

enable tactical teams to

implement strategic


• Explore scenarios using

custom statistics

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• Robust, data-driven 2

year forecasts produced

using 3 years historic

data and a multiple

regression model

• Tailor graphs and charts

to your specific


• Export for use in

presentations and


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