tr2013-030 may 2013 · 2015. 7. 23. · tr2013-030 may 2013 abstract biometrics are an important...

MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC RESEARCH LABORATORIES Secure Biometrics:Concepts, Authentication Architectures &Challenges Rane, S.; Wang, Y.; Draper, S.C.; Ishwar, P. TR2013-030 May 2013 Abstract BIOMETRICS are an important and widely used class of methods for identity verification and access control. Biometrics are attractive because they are inherent properties of an individual. They need not be remembered like passwords, and are not easily lost or forged like identifying documents. At the same time, biometrics are fundamentally noisy and irreplaceable. There are always slight variations among the measurements of a given biometric, and, unlike passwords or identification numbers, biometrics are derived from physical characteristics that cannot easily be changed. The proliferation of biometric usage raises critical privacy and security concerns that, due to the noisy nature of biometrics, cannot be addressed using standard cryptographic methods. In this article we present an overview of ”secure biometrics”, also referred to as ”biometric template protection”, an emerging class of methods that address these concerns. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine This work may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part for any commercial purpose. Permission to copy in whole or in part without payment of fee is granted for nonprofit educational and research purposes provided that all such whole or partial copies include the following: a notice that such copying is by permission of Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Inc.; an acknowledgment of the authors and individual contributions to the work; and all applicable portions of the copyright notice. Copying, reproduction, or republishing for any other purpose shall require a license with payment of fee to Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright c Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Inc., 2013 201 Broadway, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139

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Page 1: TR2013-030 May 2013 · 2015. 7. 23. · TR2013-030 May 2013 Abstract BIOMETRICS are an important and widely used class of methods for identity verification and access control. Biometrics


Secure Biometrics:Concepts, AuthenticationArchitectures &Challenges

Rane, S.; Wang, Y.; Draper, S.C.; Ishwar, P.

TR2013-030 May 2013


BIOMETRICS are an important and widely used class of methods for identity verification andaccess control. Biometrics are attractive because they are inherent properties of an individual.They need not be remembered like passwords, and are not easily lost or forged like identifyingdocuments. At the same time, biometrics are fundamentally noisy and irreplaceable. There arealways slight variations among the measurements of a given biometric, and, unlike passwords oridentification numbers, biometrics are derived from physical characteristics that cannot easily bechanged. The proliferation of biometric usage raises critical privacy and security concerns that,due to the noisy nature of biometrics, cannot be addressed using standard cryptographic methods.In this article we present an overview of ”secure biometrics”, also referred to as ”biometrictemplate protection”, an emerging class of methods that address these concerns.

IEEE Signal Processing Magazine

This work may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part for any commercial purpose. Permission to copy in whole or in partwithout payment of fee is granted for nonprofit educational and research purposes provided that all such whole or partial copies includethe following: a notice that such copying is by permission of Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Inc.; an acknowledgment ofthe authors and individual contributions to the work; and all applicable portions of the copyright notice. Copying, reproduction, orrepublishing for any other purpose shall require a license with payment of fee to Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Inc. Allrights reserved.

Copyright c©Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Inc., 2013201 Broadway, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139

Page 2: TR2013-030 May 2013 · 2015. 7. 23. · TR2013-030 May 2013 Abstract BIOMETRICS are an important and widely used class of methods for identity verification and access control. Biometrics


Page 3: TR2013-030 May 2013 · 2015. 7. 23. · TR2013-030 May 2013 Abstract BIOMETRICS are an important and widely used class of methods for identity verification and access control. Biometrics


Secure Biometrics:Concepts, Authentication Architectures & Challenges

Shantanu Rane, Ye Wang, Stark C. Draper, and Prakash Ishwar

B IOMETRICS are an important and widely usedclass of methods for identity verification and ac-

cess control. Biometrics are attractive because they areinherent properties of an individual. They need not beremembered like passwords, and are not easily lost orforged like identifying documents. At the same time, bio-metrics are fundamentally noisy and irreplaceable. Thereare always slight variations among the measurements of agiven biometric, and, unlike passwords or identificationnumbers, biometrics are derived from physical charac-teristics that cannot easily be changed. The proliferationof biometric usage raises critical privacy and securityconcerns that, due to the noisy nature of biometrics,cannot be addressed using standard cryptographic meth-ods. In this article we present an overview of “securebiometrics”, also referred to as “biometric template pro-tection”, an emerging class of methods that address theseconcerns.

The traditional method of accommodating measure-ment variation among biometric samples is to storethe enrollment sample on the device, and to match itagainst a probe provided by the individual being au-thenticated. Consequently, much effort has been investedin the development of pattern recognition algorithmsfor biometric matching that can accommodate thesevariations. Unfortunately, this approach has a seriousflaw: An attacker who steals or hacks into the devicegains access to the enrollment biometric. In conventionalpassword-based systems, this type of problem can bemitigated by storing a non-invertible cryptographic hashof the password rather than the password itself. However,cryptographic hashes are extremely sensitive to noise,and thus incompatible with the inherent variability ofbiometric measurements. Therefore, the above approachused for securing passwords is ill-suited to biometricsecurity.

The loss of an enrollment biometric to an attacker is asecurity hazard because it may allow the attacker to gainunauthorized access to facilities, sensitive documents,and the finances of the victim. Further, since a biometricsignal is tied to unique physical characteristics and theidentity of an individual, a leaked biometric can resultin a significant loss of privacy. In this article, we refer

to a security breach as an event wherein an attackersuccessfully accesses a device. We refer to a privacybreach as an event wherein an attacker partially, orcompletely, determines the victim’s biometric. Securityand privacy breaches represent distinct kinds of attacks.Significantly, the occurrence of one does not necessarilyimply the occurrence of the other.

Addressing these challenges demands new approachesto the design and deployment of biometric systems. Werefer to these as “secure biometric” systems. Researchinto secure biometrics has drawn on advances in thefields of signal processing [1–6], error correction cod-ing [7–11], information theory [12–15] and cryptogra-phy [16–18]. Four main architectures dominate: fuzzycommitment, secure sketch, secure multiparty compu-tation, and cancelable biometrics. The first two archi-tectures, fuzzy commitment and secure sketch provideinformation-theoretic guarantees for security and privacy,using error correcting codes or signal embeddings. Thethird architecture attempts to securely determine thedistance between enrollment and probe biometrics, usingcomputationally secure cryptographic tools such as gar-bled circuits and homomorphic encryption. The final ar-chitecture, cancelable biometrics, involves distorting thebiometric signal at enrollment with a secret user-specifictransformation, and storing the distorted biometric at theaccess control device.

It is the aim of this article to provide a tutorialoverview of these architectures. To see the key com-monalities and differences among the architectures, itis useful to first consider a generalized framework forsecure biometrics, composed of biometric encoding anddecision-making stages. For this framework, we canprecisely characterize performance in terms of metricsfor accuracy, security and privacy. Furthermore, it is vitalto understand the statistical properties and constraintsthat must be imposed on biometric feature extractionalgorithms, in order to make them viable in a securebiometric system. Having presented the general frame-work, and specified constraints on feature extraction,we can then cast the four architectures listed aboveas specific realizations of the generalized framework,allowing the reader to compare and contrast them with

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ease. The discussion of single biometric access controlsystems naturally leads to questions about multi-systemdeployment, i.e., the situation in which a single userhas enrolled his or her biometric on multiple devices.An analysis of the multi-system case reveals interestingprivacy-security tradeoffs that have been only minimallyanalyzed in the literature. One of our goals is to highlightinteresting open problems related to multi-system de-ployment in particular and secure biometrics in general,and to spur new research in the field.


Secure biometrics may be viewed as a problem ofdesigning a suitable encoding procedure for transformingan enrollment biometric signal into data to be stored onthe authentication device, and of designing a matchingdecoding procedure for combining the probe biometricsignal with the stored data to generate an authenticationdecision. This system is depicted in Figure 1. Anyanalysis of the privacy and security tradeoffs in securebiometrics must take into account not only authenti-cation accuracy but also the information leakage andthe possibility of attacking the system when the storeddata and/or keys are compromised. At the outset, notethat in authentication, a probe biometric is matchedagainst a particular enrollment of one claimed user. Thisdiffers from identification, in which a probe biometricis matched against each enrollment in the database todiscover the identity associated with the probe. Theseare distinct but closely related tasks. For clarity, ourdevelopment focuses only on authentication.

A. Biometric Signal Model

Alice has a biometric — such as a fingerprint, palm-print, iris, face, gait, or ECG — given by nature, thatwe denote as Λ0. To enroll at the access control de-vice, Alice provides a noisy measurement ΛE of herunderlying biometric Λ0. From this noisy measurement,a feature extraction algorithm extracts a feature vector,which we denote by A. At the time of authentication,Alice provides a noisy measurement ΛP , from whichis extracted a probe biometric feature vector B. In anattack scenario, an adversary may provide a biometricsignal Φ, from which is extracted a biometric featurevector C. We note here that most theoretical analysesof secure biometric systems omit the feature extractionstep and directly work with (A,B,C) as an abstractionof the biometric signals. For example, it is convenient toanalyze models in which (A,B,C) are binary vectorswith certain statistical properties. We will elaborate onthe feature extraction process in an upcoming section, but

for the exposition of the system framework, we directlyuse the feature vectors A and B (or C) rather than theunderlying biometric signals ΛE , ΛP and Φ.

B. Enrollment

Consider a general model in which a potentiallyrandomized encoding function F (·) takes the enrollmentfeature vector A as input and outputs stored data S ∈ S,|S| <∞, which is retained by the access control device.Optionally, a key vector K ∈ K, |K| < ∞, may alsobe produced and returned to the user, or alternatively,the user can select the key K and provide it as anotherinput to the encoding function. The arrow in Figure 1(a)is shown as bi-directional to accommodate these twopossibilities, viz., the system generates a unique keyfor the user, or the user selects a key to be applied inthe encoding. The enrollment operation (S,K) = F (A)(or S = F (A,K) in the case where the key is userspecified) can be described, without loss of generality, bythe conditional distribution PS,K|A, which can be furtherdecomposed into various forms and special cases (e.g.,PS|A,KPK|A, PS|A,KPK, PK|A,SPS|A, etc.) to specifythe exact structure of how the key and stored data aregenerated from each other and the enrollment biometric.Depending upon the physical realization of the system,the user may be required to remember the key or carrythe key K, e.g., on a smart card. Such systems are calledtwo-factor systems because both the “factors”, namelythe biometric and the key, are needed for authenticationand are typically independent of each other. In thismodel, keyless (or single-factor) systems follow in astraightforward way by setting K to be null; these donot require separate key storage (such as a smart card).

C. Authentication

As shown in Figure 1(a), a legitimate user attempts toauthenticate by providing a probe feature vector B andthe key K. An adversary, on the other hand, provides astolen or artificially synthesized feature vector C anda stolen or artificially synthesized key J. Let (D,L)denote the (biometric, key) pair that is provided duringthe authentication step. We write

(D,L) :=

{(B,K), if legitimate,(C,J), if adversary.

The authentication decision is computed by the binary-valued decoding function g(D,L,S). In keyless systems,the procedure is similar with K, J, and L removed fromthe above description. To keep the development simple,we considered only a single enrollment A and a singleprobe D above; in practice, using multiple biometric

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measurements during the enrollment or decision phasecan improve the authentication accuracy [19].

D. Performance Measures

The model explained above provides a generalizedframework within which to design, evaluate and imple-ment secure biometric authentication systems. As weshall see later, this framework accommodates severalrealizations of secure biometrics. It can encapsulateseveral ways of implementing the encoding and decodingfunctions, various biometric modalities, and even differ-ent kinds of adversaries – computationally unboundedor bounded, possessing side information or not, and soon. Furthermore, in spite of its simplicity, the frameworkpermits us to define precisely all performance measuresof interest, including conventional metrics used to mea-sure accuracy, as well as newer metrics needed to assesssecurity and privacy.

Conventionally two metrics are used to measure thematching accuracy of biometric systems. The first isthe False Rejection Rate (FRR), which is the prob-ability with which the system rejects a genuine user(the missed detection probability). The second is theFalse Acceptance Rate (FAR) which is the probabilitythat the system authenticates a probe biometric thatcame from a person different from the enrolled (andclaimed) identity. For any given realization of a biometricaccess control system, there exists a tradeoff betweenthese two quantities as illustrated in Figure 1(b). It isnot possible simultaneously to reduce both beyond afundamental limit governed by the statistical variationsof biometric signals across users and measurement noiseand uncertainties. The performance of a biometric accesscontrol system is typically characterized by its empiricalReceiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve which isa plot of the empirical FRR against the empirical FAR.Based on the ROC curve, the performance is sometimesexpressed in terms of a single number called the EqualError Rate (EER) which is the operating point at whichFAR equals the FRR, as is depicted in Figure 1(b).

In addition to the two conventional metrics discussedabove, in the following we present three performancemeasures that allow us to characterize the privacy, se-curity and storage requirements of a secure biometricsystem.

The first is Privacy Leakage. This is the number ofbits of information leaked about the biometric featurevector A when an adversary compromises the storeddata S and/or the secret key K. An information theo-retic measure of privacy leakage is mutual informationI(A; V) = H(A) − H(A|V), where V represents the

information compromised by the adversary and mayequal S, K, or the pair (S,K). The two terms on theright hand side are, respectively, the entropy of A andthe conditional entropy (or “equivocation”) of A giventhe leaked data V. As H(A) quantifies the number ofbits required to specify A and H(A|V) quantifies theremaining uncertainty about A given knowledge of V,the mutual information is the reduction in uncertaintyabout A given V [20]. Mutual information (or equiv-alently, equivocation) provides a strong characterizationof the privacy leakage [12–14, 21].

The accuracy with which an adversary can reconstructthe original biometric is often used as an additionalperformance metric [22], and sometimes as a looseproxy for privacy leakage. Driving privacy leakage (asdefined by mutual information) to zero necessarily max-imizes the adversary’s reconstruction distortion. Thisis due to the data processing inequality and the rate-distortion theorem of information theory [20]. However,for many commonly encountered distortion functionsthat measure the average distortion per component, e.g.,the normalized Hamming distortion, the reverse is nottrue, i.e., maximizing the adversary’s distortion doesnot necessarily minimize privacy leakage in terms ofmutual information. To illustrate how this could happen,consider a scheme which reveals to the adversary thatthe user’s (binary) biometric feature vector is equallylikely to be one of two possibilities: the true vector orits bit-wise negation. The adversary’s best guess wouldget all bits correct with probability 0.5 and all incorrectwith probability 0.5. Thus, under a normalized Hammingdistortion measure, the expected distortion would be 0.5,i.e., the same as guessing each bit at random. However,while the expected distortion is maximum, all but onebit of information about the biometric is leaked. Themutual information measure would indicate this highrate of privacy leakage. Thus reconstruction distortioncannot be a proxy for privacy leakage although the twoare loosely related as discussed above.

The second performance measure is the SuccessfulAttack Rate (SAR). This is the probability with which asystem authenticates an adversary instead of the victim,where the adversary’s knowledge has been enhanced bysome side information consisting of the victim’s biomet-ric, stored data, and/or key. The SAR is always greaterthan or equal to the nominal FAR of the system. Thisfollows because the side information can only improvethe adversary’s ability to falsely authenticate.

The above definition of security is different from thatused in some of the literature. Our definition of SARis specific to the authentication problem, quantifyingthe probability that an adversary gains access to the

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S Encoding




(B, K)

Secret Key

Enrollment Vector

Probe Vector and Secret Key

Attack Vector and Fake Key (C, J)

(D, L)

Biometric Database S


Stored Data

(a) System Framework





(b) ROC Curve

Fig. 1. (a) Secure biometrics involves encoding the biometric features before storage at the access control device. The authenticationdecision checks whether the probe biometric is consistent with the stored data. For clarity, the figure depicts the feature vectors extracted frombiometrics, rather than the underlying biometric measurements. (b) Typical tradeoffs between FAR and FRR in biometric-based authenticationsystems. In general, incorporating security and privacy constraints comes at the price of diminished accuracy, which is manifested as a shiftof the nominal ROC curve (blue) away from the axes (red).

system. In other settings, security has been related to thedifficulty faced by an adversary in discovering a secretthat is either a function of the biometric, or is chosen atenrollment, see, e.g., [12–14]. The motivation for usingSAR as the security metric in our development is two-fold. First, as in [12–14], it can capture the difficulty ofdiscovering the user’s secret and thereby gaining accessto the system. Second, it is conceptually related to theFAR; the SAR defaults to the FAR when the adversaryhas no side information. Given a choice of two systems,and knowledge of the possible attack scenarios, a systemdesigner may prefer the system with the higher FAR ifit provides the lower SAR of the two.

The third and final measure is the Storage Requirementper biometric. This is the number of bits needed tostore S and, in two-factor systems, K. For some securebiometrics realizations, this can be much smaller thanthe number of bits used to represent A. For methodsinvolving encryption, this value can be much largerowing to ciphertext expansion. For detailed mathematicaldefinitions of these metrics, we refer the reader to [21].

Unlike the FAR/FRR tradeoff which has been exten-sively studied, the inter-relationships between privacyleakage, SAR and the FAR/FRR performance are lessclearly understood. It is important to realize that privacyleakage and security compromise (quantified by theSAR) characterize distinct adversarial objectives: Anadversary may discover the user’s biometric withoutnecessarily being able to break into the system. Alter-natively, an adversary may illegally access the systemwithout necessarily being able to discover the user’sbiometric.


Let us first consider the properties of biometric featurevectors that would ensure good accuracy, i.e., a low FRRand a low FAR. It is often useful to think about bio-metric variability in terms of communications: any twobiometric measurements can be regarded as the input andoutput of a communication channel. If the measurementsare taken from the same user, they will typically be quitesimilar, and the channel has little “noise”. In contrast, ifthe measurements come from different users, they willtypically be quite different, and the channel noise will belarge. A “good” feature extraction algorithm must deliverthis type of variability among biometric samples – strongintra-user dependence and weak inter-user dependence.A simple case is binary features where the relationshipbetween feature vectors can be modeled as a binary bit-flipping (“binary-symmetric”) channel. This is depictedin Figure 2 where the crossover probability betweenfeature bits of the same user is small (0 < p � 0.5),and that between feature bits of different users is large(p′ ≈ 0.5). Smaller feature vectors are also desirable dueto lower storage overhead.

In practice, the situation is more complicated: thestatistical variation between biometric measurements isuser specific, i.e., some users inherently provide morestrongly correlated measurements than others [23]. Fur-thermore, depending upon the feature extraction algo-rithm, some elements of a feature vector may remainmore stable across multiple measurements than oth-ers [11]. The statistical variation is typically estimatedat the enrollment stage by taking several samples fromthe individual being enrolled. This allows the systemdesigner to set (possibly user-specific) parameters, e.g.,acceptance thresholds, to accommodate the typical varia-

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1 0 1 0 1 0

1 1 1 0 1 0

0 < p⌧ 0.5

1 0 1 0 1 0

1 1 0 0 0 1


p 1- p

p 1- p 0 0

1 1


p’ 1- p’

p’ 1- p’ 0 0

1 1

p0 ⇡ 0.5

Fig. 2. Binary feature vectors extracted from two biometric measure-ments can be related by a Binary Symmetric Channel (BSC). A goodfeature extraction algorithm ensures that the crossover probability islow when the measurements come from the same user and nearly 0.5if the measurements come from different users.



θ Count&minu)a&points&in&n&random&cuboids&&in&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&space&

n!integers& n3bit&&feature&vector&&&&&&&









X � Y �⇥





Fig. 3. Each random cuboid in the X−Y −Θ space contributes onebit toward an n−bit binary feature vector. A thresholding functionconverts the n-length integer vector of minutia counts to a binaryfeature vector. An example of a threshold for each cuboid is themedian of minutia counts computed over all enrollment fingerprintsof all users in the database. This ensures that each cuboid producesa ‘0’ bit for half of the fingerprints in the database, and a ‘1’ bitfor the other half. This is desirable because it makes a feature bitmaximally hard to guess given no other side information [10].

tion between enrollment and probe biometrics. Biometricfeature extraction is a rich area of research, and severalalgorithms have been proposed for extracting discrim-inable information from fingerprints [24], irises [25, 26],faces [27–29], speech [30] and more exotic biometricmodalities such as gait [31, 32] and ECGs [33].

In addition to FRR/FAR considerations we can alsoask what statistical properties should the features haveto guarantee low privacy leakage? In the binary exampleof Figure 2, it would be desirable to have the value ofa bit at position i in the feature vector be statisticallyindependent of the value of a bit at position j. This would

ensure that a compromised feature bit does not reveal anyinformation about hitherto uncompromised feature bits.For the same reason, the value of a feature bit in Alice’sfeature vector should ideally be independent of the valueof any bit in Bob’s feature vector [10]. Designing featurevectors to possess such privacy-preserving propertiesforces a compromise between discriminability, i.e., theindependence of the feature values, and robustness, i.e.,the reproducibility of the feature values. This, in turn,affects the accuracy (FRR and FAR) of the system,highlighting the fact that privacy comes at the price ofperformance.

In secure biometrics, the derived features must satisfyan additional constraint: The operations performed on thefeatures during secure access control protocols must bepermissible within the architecture of the encoding anddecision modules of Figure 1(a). For instance, minutiapoints are the de facto standard features for highlyaccurate fingerprint matching, but they cannot directly beencrypted for use in secure biometric matching, becausethe mathematics required to model minutiae movement,deletion and insertion — such as factor graphs [34] —are very difficult to implement in the encrypted domain.In response to this problem, biometrics researchers haveused methods that extract equal-length feature vectorsfrom biometrics [35–38]. The idea behind this is to turnbiometric matching into a problem of computing distance(e.g., Euclidean, Hamming, or Manhattan), an operationthat is feasible within secure biometric architectures.Figure 3 shows an example in which a fingerprint im-pression is transformed into a binary feature vector thatis suitable for Hamming distance-based matching, andamenable to many secure biometrics architectures [10].It must be noted that imposing constraints on the featurespace makes secure architectures feasible, but forces thedesigner to accept a degradation in the FAR-versus-FRR tradeoff in comparison to that which would havebeen achieved in an unconstrained setup. This degra-dation in the tradeoff is depicted in the ROC curvein Figure 1(b). As an example, by fusing scores frommultiple sophisticated fingerprint matchers, it is possiblefor conventional fingerprint access control systems toachieve an EER below 0.5% [39]. In contrast, to thebest of our knowledge, no secure fingerprint biometricscheme has yet been reported with an EER below 1%.


We now turn to methods for converting biometricfeatures into “secure” signals that can be stored in thebiometric database, to be used for authentication. Webriefly cover the four most prominent classes mentioned

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Compute(sketch(of(A and(mask(


Unmask(S with(L(&(compare(




A Biometric Database S





L Op7onal(

Fig. 4. In secure sketch systems, encoding involves deriving a“sketch” that reveals little or no information about the underlyingbiometric. The decision function involves determining whether theprobe feature vector is consistent with the sketch derived from theenrollment feature vector. A two-factor implementation using a secretkey in addition to the biometric features is also possible.

in the introduction, treating each as a specific manifes-tation of the unified framework of Figure 1(a).

A. Secure Sketches

A secure sketch-based system derives information –called a sketch or helper data S – from Alice’s enroll-ment biometric A and stores it in the access controldatabase [40], as shown in Figure 4. The decision func-tion tests whether the probe biometric D is consistentwith the sketch and grants access when it is. The sketchS should be constructed so that it reveals little or noinformation about A

Secure sketches can be generated in several ways, forexample, by computing a small number of quantizedrandom projections of a biometric feature vector [4].A particularly instructive method – one that shows theconnections between secure sketches and the fuzzy com-mitment architecture – employs error correcting codes(ECCs). The secure sketch is constructed as a syndromeof an ECC with parity check matrix H, given byS = HA. The idea is that a legitimate probe biometricD = B would be a slightly error prone version ofA. Therefore, authentication can be accomplished byattempting to decode A given D and S. Secure sketchesconstructed in this way provide information theoreticsecurity and privacy guarantees that are functions of thedimension of the ECC. They also suggest an interestinginterpretation in which S is a Slepian-Wolf encodedversion of A [41]. Thus, biometric authentication isakin to Slepian-Wolf decoding [10]. This observationpaves the way for implementations based on graphicalmodels, e.g., belief propagation decoding coupled withappropriately augmented LDPC code graphs [9].



Coset ofEnrollment




Fig. 5. An abstract representation of the ECC-based secure sketchauthentication system, depicting the acceptance regions in relation tothe enrollment biometric and its coset.

A natural question to ask here is: “How does the deci-sion box know that it has correctly decoded A given Dand S.” In practice, this question is answered by storinga cryptographic hash of A on the device along with thestored data S. Then, assuming no hash collisions, if thecryptographic hash of the decoded vector matches thestored hash, the device determines that authentication issuccessful. However, due to the use of a cryptographichash, this system is only computationally secure andnot information-theoretically secure. But, as we willdescribe, an information-theoretic test for the recoveryof A can be constructed by considering the geometryof the ECC. The result is an information-theoreticallysecure solution that retains the FAR/FRR performanceof the design that uses cryptographic hashes. This leadsto an interesting coding theory exercise, the details ofwhich are worked out in the sidebar: “A Linear ECC-based Secure Sketch Authentication System”. For animplementation of an ECC-based secure sketch-basedsystem see [11]. There, using an irregular LDPC codeof length 150 bits, an EER of close to 3% is achieved.

Begin Sidebar Inset #A: A linear ECC-based securesketch authentication system

The underlying geometry of a secure sketch systembased on a binary linear ECC is illustrated in Figure 5.For simplicity, we focus on keyless systems, i.e., onesthat do not involve the secret key K. We considerbinary biometric sequences A of length n. The blackcircle bounds the set of all length-n binary words. Theblack dots represent 2n−m codewords that correspond tothe null space of an m × n binary parity check matrixH of rank m.

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Enrollment via ECC: The blue cross (arbitrarilyplaced at the center) indicates the enrollment biometricfeature vector A. Enrollment consists of mapping Ato its m-bit syndrome S := HA where operations arein the binary field F2. The set of 2n−m binary wordsthat are mapped by H to S form the enrollment coset,of which A is a member. The blue dots represent theother members of the coset that, together with the bluecross, form the entire enrollment coset. Knowledge ofstored information S is equivalent to knowledge of themembers of this coset and hence is available to thedecision module.

Authentication: The first step in authenticating aprobe vector D, is to perform syndrome decoding torecover A, the estimate of the enrollment vector. Thisis the element of the coset specified by S that is closestto D in Hamming distance. The probe is accepted asauthentic if the normalized Hamming distance betweenthis estimate and the probe is less than a threshold τ ,i.e., 1

ndH(A,D) < τ , where τ ∈ (p, 0.5); otherwisethe probe is rejected. Thus, the system accepts aprobe if it is within a certain distance of the cosetof S, and otherwise rejects it. In Figure 5, each bluedashed circle represents the boundary of an acceptanceregion associated with a single coset member that isproduced by syndrome decoding and the threshold test.The overall acceptance region is the union of theseindividual acceptance regions. The green dot is anexample of a probe vector D that will be accepted andthe magenta dot an example of a D that will be rejected.

FRR: The probe D = B of a legitimate user is anoisy version of A. Ideally this is equivalent to theoutput of a BSC-p channel with input A, so that the bitsof the noise vector (A⊕B) are independent Bernoulli-prandom variables independent of A. For any A, theFRR is equal to the probability that the noise pushes itoutside the acceptance region. Since the code is linear,all cosets are translations of the coset of all codewordswhose syndrome is zero. Hence the FRR is the samefor all A. It turns out that H can be designed to makeFRR exponentially small in n (for large enough n) if (i)the threshold τ ∈ (p, 0.5) and (ii) the rate (n − m)/nof the ECC is strictly smaller than the capacity of aBSC-τ channel [21].

FAR: An attacker unassisted by any compromisedinformation must pick an attack probe uniformly overthe space of all length-n binary words. The FAR is thusgiven by the ratio of the total volume of the acceptancespheres to the overall volume of the space. Coding

theory tells us that, in high dimensions (n � 1), if therate (n −m)/n of the ECC is strictly smaller than thecapacity of a BSC-τ channel, the coset members can bewell-separated and the volume outside of the acceptancespheres can be made to dominate the volume insidethem. Thus, the FAR can also be made exponentiallysmall in n by suitably designing the ECC [21].

Privacy leakage: Knowledge of S would revealto an attacker that A belongs to the set of 2n−m

blue points as opposed to the set of all 2n binarywords. If A is equally likely to be any n-bit word,then this corresponds to an information-theoreticprivacy leakage rate (in bits) of I(A; S) = m =log2(#all binary sequences)− log2(#blue points).

SAR: From the foregoing discussion, it is clear that anattacker who is assisted by compromised information(either A or S) can determine the acceptance regionsand choose an attack probe that falls within them.Thus, given such side information, the SAR of thissystem is one. This property, however, is not uniqueto this system, but a general drawback of any keylesssystem [21]. A two-factor scheme partially addressesthis drawback by using a key K independent of A inthe enrollment state, keeping SAR down to the nominalFAR when A is compromised. However, revealing S tothe adversary still results in SAR = 1.

End Sidebar Inset #A

The preceding explanation assumes a keyless securesketch architecture. However, as shown in Figure 4,a two-factor implementation is possible by using anindependent key K provided by the system or chosenby the user. The advantage of the two-factor architectureis enhanced privacy and security, as well as revocabil-ity of a compromised secure biometric S or key K.Specifically, when the adversary discovers either K orS, but not both, the two-factor system suffers no privacyleakage. Furthermore, when the adversary discovers Kor the biometric A, but not both, the SAR is stillno larger than the nominal FAR of the system [21].In other words, the second factor K prevents privacyleakage while preventing degradation in the biometricauthentication performance [14]. Lastly, if only eitherK or S is compromised by an attacker, the enrollmentcan be revoked by discarding the other factor. The usercan then refresh their enrollment without any security orprivacy degradation. The penalty of two-factor systemis a loss of convenience, since the user must eithermemorize K or carry it on a smart card.

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Recover'Z'from'S, D, L




Biometric Database S






L Op6onal'

Fig. 6. In fuzzy commitment, encoding involves binding thebiometric features to a randomly generated vector Z resulting instored data S. The decision module checks whether Z is exactlyrecovered using the probe feature vector and the stored data. A two-factor realization with a user-specific key in addition to the biometricfeature is also possible.

B. Fuzzy Commitment

Fuzzy commitment involves binding a secret messageto the enrollment biometric which can later be recoveredwith a legitimate probe biometric to perform authentica-tion [7, 8]. As depicted in Figure 6, Alice binds her bio-metric feature vector A to a randomly generated vectorZ, producing the data S which is stored in a databaseas the secure biometric. Again, the encoding functionshould ensure that S leaks little or no information aboutA or Z. To perform authentication, a user claiming to beAlice provides a probe biometric feature vector D andthe device attempts to recover Z. Access is granted onlywhen there is exact recovery of the message Z, whichwould happen only if D is sufficiently similar to A.

There are several ways to bind a secret message to theenrollment biometric. One such method uses quantiza-tion index modulation (QIM) [42], in which the biomet-ric features are quantized in such a way that the choiceof the quantizer is driven by the secret message [43].Another method uses error correcting codes. We explainthis ECC embodiment below because it clarifies the basicconcepts of fuzzy commitment using familiar ideas fromchannel coding. Assuming that all vectors are binary,consider a simple example wherein the secure biometricis computed as S = GT Z⊕A, where G is the generatormatrix of an ECC. During authentication, the accesscontrol device receives the probe vector D and computesS⊕D which results in a noisy codeword. The noise iscontributed by the difference between A and D. Then,using classical ECC decoding, the device attempts todecode the random message Z and allows access only ifit is successful. The ECC-based implementation providesconcrete information theoretic guarantees of privacy andsecurity depending upon the parameters of the selected

ECC. In fact, in terms of the FRR, FAR, privacy leakage,and SAR this ECC-based construction is equivalent tothe ECC-based secure sketch construction discussed ear-lier [21]. They are not identical however, as the storagerequirement of fuzzy commitment is generally greaterthan that of secure sketch.

An alternative way of understanding the ECC-basedimplementation of fuzzy commitment is to view it as amethod of extracting a secret Z by means of polynomialinterpolation [7, 8]. Suppose that the decoder is given alarge constellation of candidate feature points (vectors)containing a few genuine points and a large number of“chaff” points, generated for the purpose of hiding therelevant points. The secret can be recovered only byinterpolating a specific polynomial that passes throughthe relevant feature points for the user being tested.It is inefficient to perform polynomial interpolation bybrute force. Fortunately, polynomial interpolation can beefficiently accomplished by ECC decoding, for example,Reed-Solomon decoding using the Berlekamp-Masseyalgorithm [44]. This realization has inspired many im-plementations of fuzzy commitment, primarily for fin-gerprints, where polynomial interpolation is applied to acollection of genuine and chaff points constructed fromlocations and orientations of fingerprint minutiae [1,2, 5, 6]. An example implementation of such a fuzzycommitment scheme appears in [2], wherein a (511,19)BCH code is employed for polynomial interpolation; ex-periments show that when the degree of the interpolatedpolynomial is increased, the matching becomes morestringent, reducing the FAR, but increasing the FRR.

Based on the relationships between the ECC-basedconstructions discussed so far, it becomes clear thatthe fuzzy commitment is closely related to the securesketches. In fact, it is possible to show that if a securesketch scheme is given, it can be used to construct afuzzy commitment scheme [40]. As explained in the caseof secure sketch, in practical systems, a cryptographichash of Z is stored on the device along with S, to verifycorrect recovery of Z. Furthermore, a two-factor schemethat utilizes a key K independent of the enrollmentvector A can similarly improve security and privacyperformance, as well as enable revocability.

C. Biometrics as Secure Multiparty Computation

This architecture involves finding the distance betweenenrollment and probe biometric features in the encrypteddomain. There has been intense research activity recentlyon accomplishing this using public-key homomorphiccryptosystems. These allow an operation on the under-lying plaintexts — such as addition or multiplication

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Biometric Database S



public key







!"#$%"&7%0*0#0.& ≶

private key

Fig. 7. In biometrics based on multiparty computation, enrollmentinvolves encrypting the biometric features. The authentication deci-sion involves encrypted-domain distance computation and followedby a comparison protocol between the claimant, who possesses asecret decryption key L and the database server which only seesencrypted data.

— to be carried out by performing a suitable operationon the ciphertexts. To fix ideas, consider the followingsimple example. Suppose the length-n enrollment featurevector A is encrypted elementwise using an additivelyhomomorphic cryptosystem and the resulting ciphertextS is stored in the database of the access control system,as shown in Figure 7. An additively homomorphic cryp-tosystem, e.g., the Paillier cryptosystem [45], satisfiesE(a)E(b) = E(a + b) for integers a, b and encryptionfunction E(·).

A realistic assumption in our simple example is thatthe encryption key is public, while the decryption keyL is available only to the individual attempting to au-thenticate. Thus, by construction, this secure biometricsarchitecture results in two-factor systems, in which thefirst factor is a biometric token and the second factoris a privately held decryption key for a homomorphiccryptosystem. Suppose a user claiming to be Alice (say)provides a probe feature vector D for authentication.Since the encryption key is public, the device can encryptelements of probe biometric D and compute the squareddistance between A and D in the encrypted domainusing the additively homomorphic property as:












= E



(ai − di)2).

The device then executes a privacy-preserving com-parison protocol with the user to be authenticated todetermine whether the distance is below a threshold.The protocol ensures that the claimant does not discoverthe threshold, while neither the claimant nor the devicediscovers the actual value of the distance or any of the ai.If the distance is below the threshold, access is granted.Clearly, the claimant – whether Alice or an adversary— must use the correct decryption key, otherwise theprotocol will generate garbage values.

The example above is meant to illustrate the basicconcepts of secure biometrics based on multiparty com-putation. Many extensions of the above scheme havebeen studied, all of which involve some form of privacy-preserving nearest neighbor computation [16, 17, 46, 47].The protocols apply a combination of homomorphicencryption and garbled circuits. The latter is especiallyuseful in the final authentication step, i.e., performingan encrypted-domain comparison of the distance be-tween the enrollment and probe biometrics against apredetermined threshold. The distance measures neednot be restricted to Euclidean distance; secure biometriccomparisons based on Hamming distance and Manhattan(`1) distance have also been realized. Privacy-preservingnearest-neighbor protocols such as these have been pro-posed for various biometric modalities, for instance, faceimages [18], fingerprints [17] and irises [16]. For furtherdetails and analysis of the steps involved in the crypto-graphic protocols for biometric authentication, we referthe reader to a recently published survey article [48].

Privacy and security in these methods depend onproper protocol design and key management to ensurethat the attacker does not gain access to the decryptionkeys. Privacy and security guarantees are computational,not information-theoretic, i.e., they rely on the unprovenhardness of problems such as factorization of largenumbers, the quadratic residuosity problem [45], orthe discrete logarithm problem [49]. In other words, ifAlice’s decryption key is discovered by an adversary,then the system becomes vulnerable to a wide varietyof attacks. Depending upon his computational resources,the adversary can now query the system using several(possibly synthetic) candidate biometrics until access isgranted by the system, thereby resulting in a successfulattack. Further, the adversary gains a reasonable proxybiometric vector to be used in the future to impersonateAlice. Even though it is difficult to give concrete ex-pressions for the SAR and the privacy leakage for sucha system, it is clear that a compromised decryption keywill significantly increase both the SAR and the privacyleakage.

This architecture requires the database server to store

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Biometric Database S

Cancelable Transform

or Cancelable(Transform(




Fig. 8. In cancelable biometrics, encoding involves applying a secretdistorting transform indexed by a key K to generate the stored dataS. The decision function involves applying a distorting transform,indexed by a key L, to the probe biometric D and determiningwhether the result is sufficiently similar to S.

Biometric)Signal) Transformed)Signal)Captured)Biometric,)A Cancelable)Transforma8on,)S

Fig. 9. An example of a cancelable transformation of a face image.If the stored data S is known to have been compromised, the systemadministrator can revoke it, and store a different transformation asthe new enrollment.

encryptions of biometric features, therefore the storagecost is high owing to ciphertext expansion. This isbecause of the large key sizes used in the privacy-preserving protocols; typical values are 1024 or 2048bits [48]. The computational complexity is also muchhigher than the other architectures due to the highoverhead of interactive encrypted-domain protocols.

D. Cancelable Biometrics

Cancelable biometrics refers to a class of techniquesin which the enrollment biometric signal is inten-tionally distorted before it is stored in the biometricdatabase [50]. This architecture is depicted in Figure 8.The distorting function is repeatable, so that it can beapplied again to the probe biometric, facilitating compar-ison with the distorted enrollment biometric. Further, thedistorting function is intended to be a non-invertible and“revocable” mapping. This means that, if Alice’s storeddistorted biometric is known to have been compromised,a system administrator can cancel her enrollment data,

apply a fresh distorting function to Alice’s biometric,and store the result as her new enrollment.

The most popular methods of implementing cance-lable biometrics involve non-invertible mappings appliedto rectangular tessellations of face or fingerprint im-ages [50], salting of biometric features with a secretkey [51], and computing quantized random projectionsof biometric feature vectors [52]. An example of a can-celable transformation applied to a face image, similarto schemes proposed in [50], is shown in Figure 9. Toauthenticate in this architecture, a user must provide theirbiometric measurement along with correct distortingtransformation that should be applied to the measure-ment. Thus, by construction, these are two-factor systemsin which the second factor K is a secret value held bythe user which indexes the user-specific deformation, orsalting key, or the realization of a random matrix. Thesecret value can be in the form of a memorized PINnumber or a longer key held on a smart card.

As would be expected, the choice of the space ofdistorting functions affects the accuracy, i.e., the FAR,FRR and EER for the system under consideration. Thenon-invertibility of the distorting function ensures thatan adversary cannot recover the underlying biometricby reading the database of distorted biometrics. In otherwords, privacy leakage can be low, or zero, dependingon the implementation. Most importantly, the secrecy ofthe chosen distorting function is critical as far as theSAR is concerned. In the various cancelable biomet-rics implementations, if the chosen non-invertible imagetransform, or the salting key, or the realization of therandom projection matrix are revealed, the adversary’stask is considerably simplified: he needs to find somebiometric signal that, when transformed according tothe revealed distorting function, yields an output thatis similar to the stored enrollment data. This would besufficient for the adversary to gain unauthorized access.

Though many cancelable transformations have beenproposed, formal proofs regarding the accuracy, privacyand security of these methods are elusive. In otherwords, given a distorted biometric database, we do notalways have a quantitative measure of how difficult itis to discover the distorting function and subsequentlycompromise a legitimate user’s biometric. Further, evengiven the distorting function, indexed by the secret keyK, we do not always have a quantitative measure ofhow easy it is to gain unauthorized access to the system.Finally, it is not always possible to quantify the degrada-tion (if any) in the FAR-versus-FRR performance whenwhen a user’s enrollment data is repeatedly revokedand reassigned. Nevertheless, the low implementationcomplexity, the large variety of distorting transforma-

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S1 S2 S3 S4

Fig. 10. An adversary can compromise security and privacy byattacking multiple devices at which the victim is enrolled.

tions, and the conceptual simplicity of the administrativetasks needed to revoke compromised templates makescancelable biometrics an attractive architecture. This isespecially true in scenarios in which a user has enrolledthe same biometric – e.g., her index finger – at multipleaccess control devices.


We now consider a topic that is extremely importantbut remains little investigated, namely the implicationsfor security and privacy when a user has enrolled a bio-metric on several access control devices. As a concreteexample, say that Alice has enrolled her fingerprints ather bank, at her gym, on her laptop, and at her apartmentcomplex. In this case, an adversary may first attempt tocompromise the systems that have less stringent securityrequirements, perhaps the apartment complex and/or thegym, as shown in Figure 10. The adversary could thenuse the information acquired to attack the more sensitivesystems; for instance to gain access to Alice’s bankaccounts. There is an inherent tension between the needfor security from an attack spanning multiple systemsand the desire to preserve as much privacy as possiblein the face of one or more systems being compromised.We illustrate this tradeoff with a simplified example inthe sidebar on “Tradeoff between security and privacyleakage in multiple biometric systems”.

Begin Sidebar B: Tradeoff between security andprivacy leakage in multiple biometric systems

We use the secure sketch architecture for this discus-sion. Let the binary ECC used in enrollment be of lengthfour and span a subspace of dimension two. This meansthere are 22 = 4 codewords. We consider the [4, 2] codedescribed by the parity-check matrix H where

H =[

1 0 1 10 1 1 1


The codewords of this code are C ={[0000]T , [1110]T , [1101]T , [0011]T }. As an example ofan enrollment let A = [1011]T , yielding as stored datathe syndrome S = HA = [1 0]T . The set of candidate

biometrics that share this syndrome (coset members)are P = {[1011]T , [0101]T , [0110]T , [1000]T }.For simplicity, we set the decision threshold forauthentication, i.e., the radius of the blue dashed circlesin Figure 5, to be τ = 0. In this case, access will begiven only if the probe D ∈ P .

Now, consider three additional secure sketch systemsthat use H1, H2, H3, where H1 = H,

H2 =[

1 0 1 10 1 0 1

], and H3 =

[1 1 1 01 1 0 1


For the same enrollment biometric A = [1011]T , thesyndromes, codewords and cosets are respectively givenby S1 = S, C1 = C, and P1 = P; S2 = [1 1]T ,C2 = {[0000]T , [1101]T , [0111]T , [1010]T }, and P2 ={[1011]T , [0110]T , [1100]T , [0001]T }; S3 = [0 0]T andC3 = P3 = {[0000]T , [1100]T , [1011]T , [0111]T }. Thegeometry of the cosets Pi is shown in Figure 11. Thereis linear dependence between the codes defined by H1

and H2 because of the shared first row and we observe|C1∩C2| = 2 > 1. In contrast, the rows of H1 and H3 arelinearly independent and |C1 ∩ C3| = 1 due to only oneintersection at the origin, [0000]T . As we discuss next,linear independence between the parity check matricesmakes the systems more secure, i.e., it reduces the SAR,but increases the potential for privacy leakage.

First consider the SAR. Say that the original system,encoded using H, is compromised, i.e., an attacker haslearned the stored data S. Note that the attacker cangain access to System 1 with probability one, or SAR= 1. This follows because H1 = H. With knowledgeof S, the attacker knows P1 = P and can gain accessby uniformly setting D to be any member of P . Recallthat access is granted only if D ∈ P since we haveset τ = 0. If, instead of System 1, the attacker wants toaccess System 2 using the same attack, i.e., by uniformlysetting D to be any member of P . In this case, SAR= |P ∩ P2|/|P2| = 0.5. Finally, if the attacker wantsto access System 3, using the same strategy will resultin an even smaller SAR of 0.25. Note that 0.25 is alsothe nominal FAR for System 3, and so the attacker doesno better than random guessing. The decrease in SARis due to the decrease in linear dependence betweenthe parity check matrices: reduced dependence impliesreduced overlap in the respective cosets.

Next consider the privacy leakage. Compromising theoriginal system meant that the attacker has discovered S,thus 2 out of the 4 bits of A have been leaked. Supposethat, in addition to the original compromised system, theattacker could pick one more system to compromise.Which system should he choose to obtain the mostadditional information about A? Observe that if the ith

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A = [1011]T =

P1 P2 P3

Binary coordinates (x,y,z,r)


y z


0011 1011

1111 0111


0010 1010


0001 1001

1101 0101

0000 1000

1100 0100


Fig. 11. This figure depicts the three codebook example of thesidebar to illustrate the design tension between maximizing securityand privacy. This example concerns the space of 4-bit biometrics,which is illustrated by the 16 points arranged on the vertices of atesseract. The three cosets (with respect to each code) correspondingto enrollment biometric A = [1 0 1 1]T are depicted in this figure.

system is chosen for compromise, then A ∈ P ∩ Pi,so he wants the intersection set to be as small aspossible. He learns nothing more about A by compro-mising System 1 since |P ∩ P1| = |P| = 4. However,as shown in Figure 11, by choosing to compromiseSystem 2 instead, his uncertainty of discovering A isreduced by one bit because |P ∩ P2| = 2. Even better,by choosing to compromise System 3, his uncertaintyis completely eliminated and he discovers A because|P ∩ P3| = |{A}| = 1. Thus, the attacker would benefitthe most by compromising the system with the mostlinear independence in its parity check matrix.

End Sidebar Inset # BUsing secure sketch for the purpose of illustration, this

example shows how linearly independent parity checkmatrices make the systems most resistant to attack, butalso most susceptible to privacy leakage. For simplicity,our example assumed identical enrollment vectors A forall systems and a strict threshold τ = 0; the tensionbetween privacy leakage and SAR also exists when theenrollment vectors used by the different systems arenoisy versions of each other and when the threshold τis set to some nonzero value [21, 53].

Analysis of linkage attacks can be further complicatedwhen the systems involved use different architectures.For example, one system may use secure sketch, anotherfuzzy commitment, and a third cancelable biometrics.Even when all systems have the same architecture, itis still a difficult problem to select biometric encodingparameters on each device to achieve a desired tradeoffbetween security and privacy. In the analysis of [12,13], information theoretically achievable outer bounds

are derived for the privacy-security region for multiplesystems. However, practical code designs that achievethese bounds remain elusive.

It is also natural to ask what advantages and disadvan-tages result when, in the context of multiple systems,two-factor variants of the biometric architectures areused. For secure sketches and fuzzy commitments, eachdevice can generate a different key then assigned tothe user. If the key or the stored data — but notboth — is compromised, there is no privacy leakage;the enrollment can be revoked and new keys and newstored data can be assigned. However, a (pessimistic)information theoretic argument shows that the SARstill saturates to one whenever the stored data is com-promised, since an unbounded adversary could alwaysfind an acceptable probe biometric (and key) throughexhaustive search [21]. In the case of secure multipartycomputation-based systems, the architecture extends ina straightforward way to multiple systems: the user cansimply choose a different public-private key pair at eachdevice. As long as computational privacy guaranteeshold, this strategy ensures that the SAR remains lowfor devices whose decryption keys are not compromised.However, if even one of the private keys is revealed, theprivacy leakage could be significant. This is because theadversary can access unencrypted information about theuser’s biometric feature vector during the private distancecomputation protocol or during the private comparisonprotocol. In the case of cancelable biometrics, the usermay employ a different non-invertible transformation ateach device, thereby ensuring that the SAR remains lowfor devices whose specific transformation or stored dataare not compromised. However, as noted earlier, theprivacy leakage in the case of a compromised transfor-mation could be significant.


In this article, we have presented the main conceptsthat underlie secure biometric systems and have de-scribed the principal architectures by casting them asrealizations of a single, general authentication frame-work. Our objectives have been, first, to acquaint read-ers with the differences between secure and traditionalbiometric authentication; next to familiarize them withthe goals, ideas and performance metrics common to allrealizations of secure biometrics; and finally to introducethem to the ways in which the various realizationsdiffer. Table I provides a high-level summary of thesecure biometrics architectures discussed, comparing andcontrasting their security assumptions, tools, complexity,salient features and open problems.

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The study of secure biometric systems is a topical andfertile research area. Recent advances have addressedmany aspects of secure biometrics including newinformation theoretic analyses, the emergence of newbiometric modalities, the implementations of newfeature extraction schemes, and the construction of fast,encrypted-domain protocols for biometric matching.That said, much work remains to be done before securebiometric access control becomes commonplace. Wenow describe some research directions.

Biometric Feature Spaces: In almost all securebiometric system implementations, a traditionalbiometric feature extraction technique is modified tomake it compatible with one of the privacy architecturesthat we have covered. As observed in the article, theincorporation of a “secure” aspect to the biometricauthentication system impacts the underlying tradeoffbetween FAR and FRR. The price of privacy is mostoften some drop in authentication performance. Thedevelopment of biometric feature spaces that provideexcellent discriminative properties, while simultaneouslyenabling efficient privacy-preserving implementations,is the among the most important current problemsin the area. This is especially important when theaim is to preserve discriminative properties in thecontext of multiple systems in simultaneous use. Asdiscussed in the article, the effort involved would notbe limited to signal processing algorithms, but wouldalso require evaluation of biometric architecture using,for example, information theoretic or game-theoreticproblem formulations.

Alignment and Pre-processing: Much current workon implementation of secure biometric systems ignoresthe fact that, prior to feature extraction and matchingin traditional biometric systems, a complicated andusually non-linear procedure is necessary to align theprobe and enrollment biometrics. Traditional biometricschemes can store alignment parameters such as shiftsand scale factors in the clear. But, for a secure biometricsystem, storing such data in the clear can be a potentialweakness. On the other hand, incorrect alignmentdrastically reduces the accuracy of biometric matching.Thus, it is necessary to develop biometric matchingschemes that are either robust to misalignment, such asthe spectral minutiae method [36], or allow alignmentto be performed under privacy constraints.

New Standardization Efforts: In addition to thedevelopment of novel approaches and methods,widespread deployment of secure biometric systems will

demand interoperability across sensors, storage facilities,and computing equipment. It will also require anestablished methodology for evaluating the performanceof secure biometric systems according to the metricsdiscussed herein. To this end, new standardizationactivity has been undertaken in several domestic andinternational bodies, composed of participants fromindustry, government and academia [54, 55]. In thecoming years, standardization efforts are expected toaddress the task of establishing guidelines and normativeprocedures for testing and evaluation of various securebiometrics architectures.

Attack Analysis and Prevention: In this article,we have covered security attacks and privacy attacks,wherein the attacker attempts to extract informationabout the stored data, the biometric features and/or thekeys and tries to gain unauthorized access to the system.In these attack scenarios, the attacker does not disrupt oralter the system components themselves — for example,change the ECC parity check matrix, thresholds, keys,or the biometric database, or arbitrarily deviate from theencrypted-domain protocols and so on. A comprehensivediscussion of such attacks, including collusion withsystem administrators, and network-related attacks suchas Denial-of-Service (DOS) attacks appears in [56].Modeling, experimental analysis and prevention of suchattacks remains a very challenging topic in academiaand industry.

Fully Homomorphic Encryption: In the securecomputation community, much excitement has beengenerated by the discovery of fully homomorphicencryption, which allows arbitrary polynomials to becomputed in the encrypted domain [57, 58]. Thoughcurrent implementations are exceedingly complex, fasterand more efficient constructions are emerging. Thesepromise to be able, eventually, to compute complicatedfunctions of the enrollment and probe biometrics — notjust distances — using a simple protocol where nearlyall the computation can be securely out-sourced to adatabase server.

Emerging Biometric Modalities: Through theproliferation of tablet computers, smartphones, andmotion sensor devices for gaming, many peoplehave become familiar with touch and gesture-basedinterfaces. This has led to the emergence of newbiometric modalities. Authentication can be basedon hand movements and multi-touch gestures,leveraging techniques from machine learning andcomputer vision [59, 60]. These modalities also have

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an interesting property from the point of view ofcancelability: compromised templates can be revokedand renewed merely by having a user choose a differentgesture. Aspects of a gesture, such as body shapeand the relative sizes of limbs and fingers, generatefeatures that are irrevocable, just as with traditionalbiometrics. Incorporating the dynamics of gesturesinto the authentication process has been shown toimprove FRR-FAR tradeoffs [60]. In principle, thereare an unlimited number of ways in which one couldpersonalize gestures that are reliable, easy to remember,reproducible, and pleasant to work with. The study ofgesture-based biometric modalities is a nascent area ofresearch.

Related Applications: As noted in the beginningof the article, many of the principles discussed hereextend to secure biometric identification systems. Apractical concern is that identification involves matchingthe test biometric against the entire database, whichmeans that the decision module in Figure 1 will beexecuted once for each identity in the database. Forlarge databases, ECC decoding or secure multipartycomputation will be prohibitively complex unless fast,parallelizable algorithms are developed to compensatefor the increased computational overhead. Other thanauthentication, these methods extend with minor

modifications to the related problem of secret keygeneration from biometrics. Furthermore, the conceptsand methods are readily applicable in emergingauthentication scenarios that do not involve humanbiometrics, e.g., device forensics and anti-counterfeitingtechnologies based on physical unclonable functions(PUFs) [61–64].


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Shantanu Rane (Ph.D., Stanford University, 2007) isa Principal Research Scientist at Mitsubishi ElectricResearch Laboratories in Cambridge, MA. He is anAssociate Editor of the IEEE Signal Processing Letters,and Transactions on Information Forensics and Securityand is a member of the IFS Technical Committee.He has participated in standardization activity for theH.264/AVC standard, INCITS/M1 Biometrics, and theISO/SC37 Biometrics Subcommittee.

Ye Wang (Ph.D., Boston University, 2011) is a VisitingResearcher at Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratoriesin Cambridge, MA. His research interests include securebiometrics, information theoretically secure multipartycomputation, and inference in networks.

Stark C. Draper (Ph.D., Massachusetts Instituteof Technology, 2002) is an Assistant Professor at theUniversity of Wisconsin, Madison. He has held aresearch position at Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs(MERL) and postdoctoral positions at the Universityof California, Berkeley and the University of Toronto,Canada. He has received the NSF CAREER award,the MERL 2010 President’s Award, and a U.S. StateDepartment Fulbright Fellowship.

Prakash Ishwar (Ph.D., University of Illinois atUrbana-Champaign, 2002) is an Associate Professorof Electrical and Computer Engineering at BostonUniversity, an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactionson Signal Processing, and a member of the IEEE IVMSPTechnical Committee. He was a recipient of the 2005US NSF CAREER award, a co-winner of the ICPR’10Aerial View Activity Classification Challenge, and aco-recipient of the AVSS’10 best paper award.