trailblazer inspiring innovation

Copyright Wickland Westcott 2011 © If you come across someone in public service who is cheerfully passionate about helping people, has demonstrated courage in the face of adversity, and is always looking to change things, then stop and think.... you may just have found yourself a Trailblazer Steve Bennett & Laurence Jackson Innovation Manchester – 10 th March 2011

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“If you come across someone in public service who is cheerfully passionate about helping people, has demonstrated courage in the face of adversity, and is always looking to change things, then stop

and think.... you may just have found yourself a Trailblazer”   

Steve Bennett & Laurence Jackson

Innovation Manchester – 10th March 2011

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>Objectives of research

>What we did

>The Results:> Career History of Trailblazers

> Characteristics of Trailblazers

>Trailblazers vs Other Public Sector people

>Trailblazers vs Private Sector Stars

>What does this mean for you?


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Objectives of Research

> Identify the characteristics of high performers in public service

>Contribute to the leadership debate

>Deepen our understanding about talent


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What we did

> Defined a Trailblazer

> Identified pool of potential people

> Narrowed down to 30 Trailblazers

> Sample from across public sector: local government, regional and central government, education, health, the emergency services and the voluntary sector

> Completed personality questionnaire (OPQ 32)

> In-depth interview: key career events, seminal moments, personality features, aspirations, points of difference with those around them


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Someone who is known to drive transformation in public services, whilst

delivering results


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Career History

>Clear sense of vocation, make a difference

>Early life experiences

>Diffuse career paths

>Mentors/ role-models

>Appetite for responsibility, put self in harm’s way

>Overcoming obstacles, been doubted by others


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1. Hard driving

2. Low rule-following

3. Optimism

4. Trusting

5. Local-place shaping

6. Seek to understand people

7. Innovation

8. Taking charge

9. Imposter syndrome

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vs Public Sector

>How did we measure this?

>Wickland Westcott database of Executives

>Created Public Sector subset, compared competency ratings vs Trailblazers

>4 key differentiators

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vs Public Sector

Leadership (direction setting, gaining commitment, people development, delegation)

“I love creating great teams – making others great”

Strategic Thinking (vision, global perspective, organisational awareness)

“I back my own judgement but rely heavily on the skills of others in advising me on the detail”

Managing Change (initiating change, driving change, overcoming resistance)

“I’ve been rapped over the knuckles for not going through due processes – but it worked”

Motivation (initiative, energy, resilience, accountability, goal focus)

“In my early days I had a real reputation for toughness”

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vs Private Sector Stars

Subtle differences at work

Private Sector Stars

Better in...• Analysis and Decision Making

• Commercial Appreciation

• Communication

• Implementation


Better in...• Leadership• Managing Change• Strategic Thinking• Teamwork

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Recruiting/ Identifying

> No classic background

> Look for burning sense of vocation, acting in line with values (even at personal cost), learning appetite, readiness to back selves

> Assess candidates vs list of characteristics

> Engage them emotionally in the mission

What does this mean for you?

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˃ Give clear objectives, plus latitude to deliver

˃ Lots of challenge, stimulation, variety

˃ Partner with a detail-buddy, share credit with buddy

˃ Encourage progress-monitoring (to counter TB over-optimism)

˃ Tolerate non-compliance where possible

˃ Keep engaged/aligned through frequent sharing of ideas

What does this mean for you?

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Working with client organisations

> Applying the principles within local government, NHS, housing and police

> Robust framework for assessment of future leaders

> Evidence from participant feedback

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Local Government

> Major review of staff at various levels versus Trailblazer characteristics

> Tailored to the Council’s own competency framework

> Behavioural indicators specified at three key levels

> Structured analysis of skills and potential for the future

> Support in shaping the Council to meet changing priorities

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> Stimulus provided by World Class Commissioning

> National framework did not fit local priorities and needs

> Attributes for leadership and management defined and codified

> All senior managers assessed on a one-to-one basis and confidential reports prepared and fed back

> Assistance in identifying future leaders in merged structures

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> Organisation restructure led to need to assess leadership capability

> Trailblazer characteristics used to assess senior executive against redefined and new roles

> Robust and objective assessment in relation to specified skillsets and behaviours

> Assistance in transition to new structures

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> Worked with two UK police forces

> Assessment of selected senior staff against Trailblazer characteristics

> National leadership programme seen as lacking in focus and local relevance

> One-to-one assessments and feedback of reports

> Direct link to personal development programme

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Participant Feedback


> Clarity around purpose of assessment

“Was not sure and was somewhat surprised to have been nominated as I thought there were more competent ‘high flyers’ than me that could have been asked”

> Relevance of assessment

“I went into the process with a very relaxed and open mind not thinking I would come out with any real sense of purpose to do something about myself. How wrong I was”

> Accuracy of assessment

“I found the results of the questionnaire uncannily accurate once they were explained to me. Questions and observations were thought-provoking and appropriate”

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Other Observations

I am glad I went through ‘the process’ albeit parts were more enjoyable than others. I found the questionnaire results very enlightening and brought a number of factors that I have probably chosen to ignore to the fore. I do hope that my organisation is willing to provide further support as this would assist me.

I have been immensely encouraged to see that some of my characteristics are actually very much in line with ‘Trailblazers’. Even more encouraging is the fact that the bits where I don’t fit the profile are in areas where I can actually up my game and do something about it. I am determined to do so and maximise the benefit to me – if for no other reason than personal satisfaction

I felt the process was extremely motivating and very interesting in terms of stopping to think about my behaviours and how these affect others. It has given me a platform for improvement which I will take advantage of.

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In practice...

"People are important in most organisations. In policing they are vital. We are constantly seeking to help our

people develop and as such Trailblazer has offered us a different way of approaching this. It has allowed us to

move away from core competency silos and to engage with people in a way that is more accessible and focuses

on the key factors. It has delivered improved self awareness, highly motivated people and meaningful

development that is moving the force forward."

Justine Curran, Chief Constable, Tayside Police


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Making it work for you

Building Capability in executive, top team and board development:

>Benchmarking Senior Executives vs Trailblazer attributes

> Identifying personal development needs

>Structuring coaching programmes

>Structured, cost effective improvement plans in line with Total Place/Big Society


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Contact Details

Laurence [email protected]

07875 315775

Steve [email protected]

07946 650120