training calendar - lntecc · it gives me an immense pleasure to release our next half yearly...


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Page 1: Training Calendar - LNTECC · It gives me an immense pleasure to release our next half yearly Training Calendar for ... ers & spl. piles ... Benefits of BBS Target Group : Supervisory

Training Calendar OCTOBER 2014 TO MARCH 2015

Page 2: Training Calendar - LNTECC · It gives me an immense pleasure to release our next half yearly Training Calendar for ... ers & spl. piles ... Benefits of BBS Target Group : Supervisory

Dear Colleagues,

We live in a rapidly changing & challenging environment with new developments & technology. In order to withstand in this fast changing business scenario, it is essential for an organization to adopt continuous learning so as to shape up the team to adapt to changes in the business environment.

It gives me an immense pleasure to release our next half yearly Training Calendar for October 14 to March 15 focusing on developing behavioural skills and operational excellence as well.

I am sure this structured training initiative will lead to better performance & productivity, individual growth as well as the organizational growth. I request all the staff members and their superiors to make the finest use of this learning opportunity and ensure implementation of the learning.

With Warm regards,

S. Kanappan

Head & Chief Executive

L&T GeoStructure

Page 3: Training Calendar - LNTECC · It gives me an immense pleasure to release our next half yearly Training Calendar for ... ers & spl. piles ... Benefits of BBS Target Group : Supervisory
Page 4: Training Calendar - LNTECC · It gives me an immense pleasure to release our next half yearly Training Calendar for ... ers & spl. piles ... Benefits of BBS Target Group : Supervisory


OperatiOnal efficiency

ObjeCTiveTo equip the participants with the knowledge & skills to enhance Operational Efficiency in our operations by effective utilisation of all resources.

brOad COverageProper planning and aligning resources with the project requirements. Reducing fragmented / duplicative operations, Focus on effectiveness, efficiency and cost savings

Target Group : All Execution Staff -

Executive to Cov. Tier - 1

Program Duration : 2 Days

Month : March

Location : Chennai/Delhi

Batch Size : 20

Faculty : Internal

equipment user awareness prOgram

ObjeCTiveTo create awareness among execution staff on foundation equipment to achieve required equipment productivity.

brOad COverageKnow your equipment, Do’s & Don’ts in equipment handling, selection of right equipment for right job, proper utility of equipment. Prevention of hazards & risk associated with equipment and working area.

Target Group : Supervisory &

Executive cadre

Program Duration : 1 Day

Month : October

Location : Chennai

Batch Size : 15

Faculty : Internal

KnOw yOur OperatiOns ers & spl. piles

ObjeCTiveTo provide detailed input regarding our area of operation in ERS & Special Piles.

brOad COverageComprehensive input on construction methodology, equipment utilization, project monitoring, cost control, Safety, Quality including overview of Design aspects of Jobs in the respective segment.

Target Group : All Execution Staff -

Supervisory to Cov. Tier - 1

Program Duration : 1 Day

Month : March

Location : Chennai/Delhi

Batch Size : 20

Faculty : Internal

Page 5: Training Calendar - LNTECC · It gives me an immense pleasure to release our next half yearly Training Calendar for ... ers & spl. piles ... Benefits of BBS Target Group : Supervisory

general ManageMenT

awareness prOgramme On ir & labOur laws

ObjeCTiveTo create awareness amongst the participants on Industrial relations & Labour Laws for effective site management.

brOad COverageImportance of Industrial relations,various statutes applicable for Project Site, Labour Management, Various aspects of staff and labour Welfare

Target Group : Accounts & Admn.


Program Duration : 2 Days

Month : February

Location : Chennai/Delhi

Batch Size : 15

Faculty : Internal

effective cOmmunicatiOn sKills

ObjeCTiveTo improve the confidence in addressing a group

brOad COverageUnderstanding the criticality of communication skills, Keys to Effective Listening, Communication Barriers, Verbal & Non-Verbal communication

Target Group : Executive to Cov.

Tier- 1

Program Duration : 1 Day

Month : January

Location : Chennai/Delhi

Batch Size : 20

Faculty : External

finance fOr nOn finance

ObjeCTiveTo provide basic understanding on Financial Management

brOad COverageBasics of Accounting concepts, Job Evaluation, Cost Statement, Indirect Taxation, Working Capital Management, Balance Sheet, P&L

Target Group : All Technical Staffs -

Executive to Cov. Tier- 1

Program Duration : 2 Days

Month : December

Location : Chennai/Delhi

Batch Size : 15

Faculty : Internal

Page 6: Training Calendar - LNTECC · It gives me an immense pleasure to release our next half yearly Training Calendar for ... ers & spl. piles ... Benefits of BBS Target Group : Supervisory

general ManageMenT

persOnal effectiveness & interpersOnal sKills

ObjeCTiveTo create awareness amongst the participants to become effective team player

brOad COverageUnderstanding self and relating to others. Knowing own preferences to leverage our strengths, to improve and enhance interpersonal relations

Target Group : Supervisory &

Executive cadre

Program Duration : 1 Day

Month : November

Location : Chennai/Delhi

Batch Size : 15

Faculty : Internal

effective presentatiOn sKills

ObjeCTiveTo help the participants to understand important aspects of making effective presentations.

brOad COverageFeatures of a good presentation and a good presenter; Choosing the right tools and methodologies for the presentation; Presentation techniques, Tips and Techniques for successful presentations

Target Group : Executive to Cov.

Tier- 2

Program Duration : 2 Days

Month : December

Location : Chennai/Delhi

Batch Size : 20

Faculty : Internal

quality Of wOrK life

ObjeCTiveTo ensure quality of work life leading to enhanced productivity

brOad COverageDeveloping sense of belongingness, Team Work, Measures to improve productivity at workplace, Work - Life balance

Target Group : Technical/ Commercial

& Supervisory cadre

Program Duration : 1 Day

Month : February

Location : Chennai

Batch Size : 20

Faculty : Internal

Page 7: Training Calendar - LNTECC · It gives me an immense pleasure to release our next half yearly Training Calendar for ... ers & spl. piles ... Benefits of BBS Target Group : Supervisory

COnTraCTs QualiTy

intrOductiOn tO cOntracts management

ObjeCTiveIndepth understanding of important aspects in Contracts Management

brOad COverageIntroduction to FIDIC, Estimation & Costing, Preparation of Project Schedule & Contract Laws

Target Group : All Staff members (QSS/ Planning/Contracts/Tendering)

Program Duration : 1 Day

Month : January

Location : Chennai

Batch Size : 20

Faculty : Internal

prOject qualitymanagement

ObjeCTiveTo build up a quality conscious working environment at the workplace by providing detailed inputs on QMS.

brOad COverageJob Specific Quality Plan, Deployment of Quality plan at site, Corrective & Preventive action and Value addition through audits

Target Group : Execution/Planning/ QA/QC Engineers

Program Duration : 1 Day

Month : November

Location : Chennai/Delhi

Batch Size : 20

Faculty : Internal


OrientatiOn prOgramme On eip

ObjeCTiveA complete understanding on various aspects of EIP for effective usage of IT enabled work processes

brOad COverageIntroduction to various EIP modules (CRM, WOM, FAS, SCM, WMS, AMS)

Target Group : Target Group: Project Manager / Site Accts. & Admn. staff , BU Co-ordinator

Program Duration : 2 Days

Month : November

Location : Chennai

Batch Size : 20

Faculty : Internal

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behaviOr based safety

ObjeCTiveTo reinforce safe behavior among the staff to bring-in positive safety behavior at all work places.

brOad COverageAttitude and Behavior, Behavior Change and obstacles, System Vs Behavior, ABC and DOTS Model, Roles of a Change Agent, Benefits of BBS

Target Group : Supervisory & above


Program Duration : 1 Day

Month : December

Location : Delhi

Batch Size : 25

Faculty : Internal

prOject safetymanagement

ObjeCTiveTo acquaint participants regarding EHS Management system & legal aspects in construction.

brOad COverageEHS Management System, Legal aspects in construction, Safety in P&M operation

Target Group : All Execution Staff

Program Duration : 1 Day

Month : Need Based

Location : Job Site

Batch Size : 20

Faculty : Internal

integrating safety thrOugh systems

ObjeCTiveTo inculcate a culture of safe working through personal commitment andsystem implementation.

brOad COverageSafety observation, Integrating Safety into Management System, Demonstrating Personal Commitment, Fostering Involvement, Establishing Safety Principles.

Target Group : Officer & above cadres

Program Duration : 1 Day

Month : October

Location : Chennai / Mumbai

Batch Size : 20

Faculty : Internal

Page 9: Training Calendar - LNTECC · It gives me an immense pleasure to release our next half yearly Training Calendar for ... ers & spl. piles ... Benefits of BBS Target Group : Supervisory

upgrading sKill Of piling rig OperatOrs

ObjeCTiveEnhancing productivity of operators

brOad COverageTime study of operation cycle, maintenance tips on Piling equipment, Evaluating individual skills

Target Group : Piling Rig operators

Program Duration : 1 Day

Month : Need Based

Location : All location

Batch Size : 20

Faculty : Internal

TeChniCian Training

Page 10: Training Calendar - LNTECC · It gives me an immense pleasure to release our next half yearly Training Calendar for ... ers & spl. piles ... Benefits of BBS Target Group : Supervisory

Mr. T. S. Ananthakumar

Mr. K.P. Ravinath

Mr. V. K. Mani Ms. K Meena Priya

Mr. Srinivasan T Mr. Jagannathan Ramesh

Mr. Ganesh R

Mr. Sanjeevi Perumal Mr. P. UdayakumarMr. Murali Narayanan V R

Ms.Ratna Mishra


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Page 12: Training Calendar - LNTECC · It gives me an immense pleasure to release our next half yearly Training Calendar for ... ers & spl. piles ... Benefits of BBS Target Group : Supervisory

Mount Poonamallee Road, Manapakkam Chennai - 600 089Tel: +91-44-2270 4327 Fax: +91-44-2270 4343 e-mail : [email protected]


Training Calendar (OCTOber 2014 TO MarCh 2015)

Category Programme oCt. Nov. DeC. JaN. Feb. mar.NeeD baseD


KNow your oPeratioNs ers & sPl. Piles

oPeratioNal eFFiCieNCy

equiPmeNt user awareNess Program

geNeral maNagemeNt

FiNaNCe For NoN FiNaNCe

awareNess Programme oN ir & labour laws

eFFeCtive CommuNiCatioN sKills

PersoNal eFFeCtiveNess & iNterPersoNal sKills

eFFeCtive PreseNtatioN sKills

quality oF worK liFe

CoNtraCts iNtroDuCtioN to CoNtraCts maNagemeNt

isD orieNtatioN Programme oN eiP

quality ProJeCt quality maNagemeNt


iNtegratiNg saFety through systems

behavior baseD saFety

ProJeCt saFety maNagemeNt


uPgraDiNg sKill oF PiliNg rig oPerators