training competencies for electrical equipment in ... · training competencies for electrical ......

Session 9: Training Competencies for Electrical Equipment in Hazardous Areas Hazardous Areas WA IDC Technologies 1 Session 9: Training Competencies for Electrical Equipment in Hazardous Areas Paul Egan Senior Electrical Training Specialist Competency Training Introduction Within industry, there is much confusion, as whether it is a requirement to have nationally accredited competencies for any electrical work carried out with Electrical Equipment in Hazardous Areas (EEHA). The legislation in Western Australia calls up the Australian / New Zealand Standard 60079 series. AS/NZS Standard 60079-14 requires, anyone carrying out work in the areas of design, classification, installation, inspections and maintenance, be competent to the requirements of AS/NZS 4761:2008 Even though these standards clearly require certain competences to be able to carry out works in hazardous areas, there are many organisations that do not understand or don’t care to have their personnel correctly trained to these standards. It is also a requirement to have awareness training for anyone (non electrical) who is working in the hazardous area. There is also the issue of just obtaining the minimum required competencies, as this is often not enough. Further mentoring and milestone achievements are often required before a person can truly be deemed competent to carry out work in these areas. This presentation highlights the requirements for all training required and what training needs to be undertaken, to demonstrate competency in EEHA design, classification, installation, inspection and maintenance.

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Session 9: Training Competencies for Electrical Equipment in Hazardous Areas

Hazardous Areas WA – IDC Technologies 1

Session 9:

Training Competencies for Electrical Equipment in Hazardous Areas

Paul Egan

Senior Electrical Training Specialist

Competency Training


Within industry, there is much confusion, as whether it is a requirement to have

nationally accredited competencies for any electrical work carried out with

Electrical Equipment in Hazardous Areas (EEHA).

The legislation in Western Australia calls up the Australian / New Zealand

Standard 60079 series. AS/NZS Standard 60079-14 requires, anyone carrying

out work in the areas of design, classification, installation, inspections and

maintenance, be competent to the requirements of AS/NZS 4761:2008

Even though these standards clearly require certain competences to be able to

carry out works in hazardous areas, there are many organisations that do not

understand or don’t care to have their personnel correctly trained to these

standards. It is also a requirement to have awareness training for anyone (non

electrical) who is working in the hazardous area.

There is also the issue of just obtaining the minimum required competencies,

as this is often not enough. Further mentoring and milestone achievements are

often required before a person can truly be deemed competent to carry out

work in these areas.

This presentation highlights the requirements for all training required and what

training needs to be undertaken, to demonstrate competency in EEHA design,

classification, installation, inspection and maintenance.

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What can happen when Competencies are not to Standard

Incorrect Classification, Design, Maintenance, Installation and Workmanship can be costly and dangerous. Some examples are:

Installation and Maintenance

Incorrect installation and workmanship.

1. Incorrect cable entries.

2. Out of standard core colours.

3. Poor workmanship by use of insulation tape.

This installation also simple did not comply with the Wiring Rules (AS/NZS 3000)

Design and installation

In this case the correct Ex outlets were removed and replaced with standard IP 66 - 3 pin outlets





Session 9: Training Competencies for Electrical Equipment in Hazardous Areas

Hazardous Areas WA – IDC Technologies 3

Classification and design

Having correct designs and classifications is a legal requirement. Poorly

designed EEHA installations and the incorrect terminology will create a

dangerous situation.

Why is EEHA Training Required?

The development of Competency Standards for electrical equipment for

hazardous areas arose (in the mid nineties) from concern with the variability in

skills of electrical workers and others dealing with this equipment. Although

training was available, it was usually confined to the technical aspects and

there was no national strategy to provide this specific training. The concern

over competence was heightened by the trend away from prescriptive

regulations towards performance-based regulations. The performance-based

approach places the ‘duty of care’ responsibilities on enterprises and

individuals which, in turn, is said to promote self-monitored quality assurance.

This results in greater compliance with requirements than is the case with the

inspectoral methods that accompany prescriptive regulations.

Since the early 1990s industries have expressed the need for a set of National

Competency Standards to be used by any industry sector or enterprise, with

regards to explosion protected equipment for hazardous areas.

To meet this need a set of National Competency Standards for Electrical

Equipment in Hazardous Areas (EEHA) was developed in 1996 through the

National Utilities and Electro-technology Industry Training Advisory Board

Session 9: Training Competencies for Electrical Equipment in Hazardous Areas

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(NUEITAB) with support from the Australian National Training Authority (ANTA:

now ASQA). Standards Australia was an active participant in the preparation of

these Competency Standards, which were endorsed by ANTA in December


The Longford (Victoria) Explosion and Fire

Another contributor to the EEHA standards and training stems from the

Longford disaster (Victoria Australia) in 1998. There are many lessons that can

be learnt from Longford in regards to training.

As a result of the initial explosion and subsequent fire, the Longford plant was

shut down immediately, and the state of Victoria was left without its primary gas

supplier. Within days, the Victorian Energy Network Corporation shut down the

state's entire gas supply. The resulting gas supply shortage was devastating to

Victoria's economy, crippling industry and the commercial sector (in particular,

the hospitality industry which relied on natural gas for cooking). Loss to industry

during the crisis was estimated at around A$1.3 billion.

A Royal Commission was called into the explosion and fire at Longford. The

Commission sat for 53 days, commencing with a preliminary hearing on 12

November 1998 and concluding with a closing address by Counsel Assisting

the Royal Commission on 15 April 1999.

Esso blamed the accident on worker negligence, in particular one of the panel

workers on duty on the day of the explosion.

The findings of the Royal Commission, however, cleared the workers of any

negligence or wrongdoing. Instead, the Commission found Esso fully

responsible for the accident:

The causes of the accident on 25 September 1998 amounted to a failure

to provide and maintain so far as practicable a working environment that

was safe and without risks to health. This constituted a breach or

breaches of Section 21 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 1985.

Other findings of the Royal Commission included:

Session 9: Training Competencies for Electrical Equipment in Hazardous Areas

Hazardous Areas WA – IDC Technologies 5

the Longford plant was poorly designed, and made isolation of

dangerous vapours and materials very difficult;

inadequate training of personnel in normal operating procedures of

a hazardous process;

excessive alarm and warning systems had caused workers to become

de-sensitised to possible hazardous occurrences;

the relocation of plant engineers to Melbourne had reduced the quality of

supervision at the plant;

poor communication between shifts meant that the pump shutdown was

not communicated to the following shift.

This particular incident does highlight critical aspects of employers’ duties: Most

of the OH&S Acts state that “employees must take reasonable care of their own

health and safety and of others who may be affected by their actions”. This is a

very general statement which is often misunderstood and should not be

confused with a tendency to blame workers for accidents and injuries that

could have been prevented by better workplace training, design and practices.

What is the legal requirement for training in Western Australia?

The Electrical (Licencing) Regulations 1991 Clause 49.1 refers to Schedule 2

which designates the AS/NZS 60079 -10.1 & AS/NZS 60079 - 14 standards as

mandatory requirements.

AS/NZS 60079-14 states:

Session 9: Training Competencies for Electrical Equipment in Hazardous Areas

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E-Oz has recently advised that:

– EEHA courses MUST be delivered by a Registered Training

Organisation, and

– A Statement of Attainment for the relevant EEHA must be held by

the Competent Person carrying out any works in electrical:

• Classification and Design

• Installation

• Maintenance and Inspections

How is Competency in EEHA Determined?

The main training system for EEHA training is Competency Based Training and

Assessment (CBT&A), where the candidate demonstrates their ability by way of

theoretical and practical assessments. There is no pass or fail in CBT&A, the

success is based on finally (sometimes after a number of attempts) correctly

answering a question and/or successfully completing a practical task. On

completion of this EEHA training, people are considered to be competent when

they are able to apply their knowledge and skills to successfully complete the

selected work activities.

CBT&A is currently the basis for accurately determining and measuring the

ability of a candidate to carry out a specific task. National training packages

and CBT&A have become the mandated framework of course delivery in

Australia’s education and training systems. CBT&A also forms the basis for the

determination of achievement of units of competency. It is imperative, when

carrying out CBT&A a number of requirements must be met, to ensure

accuracy; consistency and fairness for all candidates.

In constructing units of competency, the assessments and training need to

contain process of collecting evidence and making judgments on whether the

required level competency has been achieved. To establish whether key

competencies have actually been achieved can be a very complex and

involved process. Competency Based Training and Assessment (CBT&A) must

be explicit and provide measurable standards of performance which actually

reflect the expectations in a work role.

Session 9: Training Competencies for Electrical Equipment in Hazardous Areas

Hazardous Areas WA – IDC Technologies 7

Adequate time must be allowed to carry out the initial training and to let the

candidate carry out the assessment in a comfortable stress free and quiet

environment. Either sufficient time must be allowed to carry out the required

CBT & A process or the assessment instrument needs to be designed to work

well within the allotted time.

For a person to be deemed competent, within CBT &A, they must be able to

demonstrate the ability to successfully complete a task with absolutely no

errors in the process. The assessment process needs to collect evidence which

is clear, current and from the person attaining the competency. Adequate time

must be allowed for a candidate to successfully complete the assessment

without being under pressure. Verbal and written feedback should occur and be

conducted with the assessor and candidate in a comfortable environment.

To achieve competency, there are a number of requirements which are critical

within the process of CBT & A and must be included in the total learning and

assessment strategy. By not including all critical aspects within the training

assessment process, it can jeopardise the assessor’s ability to gather correct

evidence and therefore affect judgments about the candidate.

CBT & A relies on assessors complying with the components of the unit of

competency and the candidate’s performance must meet these requirements

so an assessor is able to say that the unit of competency has been met.

Other aspects of training to be considered

To be successful, training ideals need to be embedded into the company’s

mission statement and be supported by high level management to have any

real effect. Often training is linked to KPI’s and presented as an afterthought to

patch holes in an already leaking ship.

Selection of the correct training organisation and the trainers are a critical

aspect of success.

The training carried out for each person needs to be meticulously recorded (as

part of a learning management system) as to what they have done and when

refresher or additional training is recorded. The Learning Management System

(LMS) must be kept up to date and managed by an experience person or

external organization.

Session 9: Training Competencies for Electrical Equipment in Hazardous Areas

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While the CBT&A process achieves a result, there are ongoing issues for this

type of training and assessment:

– When a person is deemed competent, what level of competency

was achieved?

– Is the person competent or highly competent?

After a candidate has successfully completed any training in the EEHA

disciplines it cannot be assumed a person is ready to take on the full

responsibilities of classification, design, installation, inspections and

maintenance. It is considered by many, the follow on is almost an


For this reason (aside for the requirements of legislation and standards), there

is critical additional follow-up training / mentoring is required.

Follow up evaluation also needs to be considered so as to ensure maximum

benefit is obtained from the training.


Where a participant who has completed an EEHA course and been deemed

competent for the first time, the course content is often daunting and can be


After course instruction and mentoring from experienced personnel is often

required. This needs to be considered to ensure a person who has achieved

competency in an EEHA course develops a full understanding of the


When selecting people to be mentored they need to have certain qualities.

These qualities can be effectively assessed for and are critical for the program

success. Equally, the mentor also needs to be a person who is able to equip

others with the required skills and fulfil their mentoring commitment.

To implement a successful mentoring program, the candidates need to be

professionally assessed for their aptitude and the mentors must be properly

trained to carry out their role.

Session 9: Training Competencies for Electrical Equipment in Hazardous Areas

Hazardous Areas WA – IDC Technologies 9

Training Evaluation

Training is only effective if it produces results. When the desirable result is

achieved this will improve individual performance, which in turn leads to

improved organisational performance.

There are four areas in which training outcomes can be measured.

Level One - Reaction: Did the trainee enjoy the learning experience?

Level Two - Learning: Did the trainee achieve the learning outcomes?

Level Three - Behaviour: Did the learning transfer? Did the trainee

show improved on-the-job performance?

Level Four - Results: Did this improved performance impact on the

organisation’s performance?

Evaluation is not the only factor. Other important issues, such as Return on

Investment, need to be considered, for example; the cost of training or not

training as compared to the loss of revenue (production) due to mistakes, fines

for not complying with legislation and compensation for injuries due to


Evaluation is critical for any training success and can be carried out by suitably

qualified persons.

In Summary

• Poor skills in the EEHA discipline can cause costly mistakes or have

disastrous consequences (death and/or injury).

• In WA there is a legal requirement for the correct training.

• High level management support and understanding needs to exist.

• Training Management Systems need to be in place to ensure effective

training systems are in place and accurate records are kept.

• To obtain the ideal results from training there needs to be a planned and

systematic program in place.

The EEHA training system must be planned for, not done as an ad-hoc


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Department of Education and Training. (2002). Competency Based

Assessment in VET, WA, Perth WA: W.A. Department of Education

and Training:

Department of Education and Training. (2002). Guidelines for Competency

Based Assessment in VET, WA, Perth WA: W.A. Department of

Education and Training:

Fletcher, S. (2002). Designing competency – based training. London, England.

Kogan Page.

Hopkins (2000) Lessons from Esso’s gas plant explosion at Longford.

Australian National University. Obtained from:

Maxwell J.C. (2008). Mentoring 101 – what every leader needs to know.

Thomas Martin Inc. Nashville. Tennessee.

Parliament of Victoria. (1999).Esso Longford gas plant accident, report of the

Longford Royal Commission. Govt. Printer Victoria.

Standards Australia. (2003) AS/NZS 4761.1:2003 Competencies for working

with electrical equipment for hazardous areas (EEHA) - Guide for

training and assessment

Session 9: Training Competencies for Electrical Equipment in Hazardous Areas

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The Situation

A spray painting booth 10 by 12 metres at a panel beating workshop requires fluorescent lighting (6 @ 2x36w)

An ethylene based spray paint is used in the spray painting booth during normal operation,

The spray painting booth has special paint drying heaters where the room is heated to 60˚C immediately after painting

What critical information would you give to a supplier to determine which Ex type fluorescent light fitting can be used?


When they came back to you, would you select a fitting?

At $ 800 – Ex e II Gb T3 IP 66


At $1800 – Ex d IIC Gb T3 IP 66

Session 9: Training Competencies for Electrical Equipment in Hazardous Areas

Hazardous Areas WA – IDC Technologies 12


Determine Zone

Zone 0, 1 or 2Zone20, 21


Gas Grouping


Notes - Page XX

t D

Determine Maximum


Surface Temperature

T1 – T6

(Based on 40˚C)

Notes Page XX



Page XX


Page XX

Consider any Environmental


i.e.. IP rating, corrosion

destructive atmospheres

Material Properties for Some Common Gases and Liquids

Material Name

Chemical Structure

Information Source


Air =1

Flash Point


Temp. oc


Melting Temp.


Auto ignition






Material Group



Hydrogen H2 MSDS 0.07 GAS -253 N/R 560 4.0 77 IIC

Methane CH4 MSDS 0.55 GAS -162 N/R 600 4.4 17 IIA

Ethylene CH2=CH2 MSDS 0.97 GAS -104 N/R 440 2.3 36 IIB

Benzene C6 H6 MSDS 2.7 -11 80 6 498 1.2 8.6 IIA

Ethanol CH3 CH2 HO

MSDS 1.59 12 78 -114 400 3.1 19 IIB

Ammonia NH3 MSDS 0.59 GAS -33 -78 630 15 33.6 IIA

Acetylene CH=CH Standards 0.9 GAS N/A N/A 305 2.3 100 IIC

Session 9: Training Competencies for Electrical Equipment in Hazardous Areas

Hazardous Areas WA – IDC Technologies 13

Temperature class

Temperature Class required by area classification

Ignition temperature of Dust in °C

Allowable equipment temperature classes

T1 450 T1 - T6

T2 300 T2 - T6

T3 200 T3 - T6

T4 135 T4 - T6

T5 100 T5 - T6

T6 85 T6

Protection Technique Selection

Protection Technique Australian Standard and designated symbol Requirements

Zone 0 - Typically EPL Ga

Intrinsic safety


Special protection

Optical radiation

Two independent Gb methods

AS/NZ 60079.11 Ex ia

AS/NZS 60079.18 Ex ma

AS 1826 Ex s

AS/NZS 60079.28

AS/NZS 60079.26

Ex ia only

For Zone 0

For Zone 0

Zone 1- Typically EPL Gb

Intrinsic safety (I.S) Field-bus I.S concept (FISCO) Special protection Flameproof enclosure Encapsulated Pressurised enclosure Increased safety Optical Radiation Ventilation Powder Filling Oil Immersion

AS/NZS 60079.11 Ex i

AS/NZS 60079.27: 2008 AS 1826 Ex s

AS/NZS 60079.1 Ex d

AS 2431 Ex m or AS/NZS 60079.18 Ex mb AS 2380.4 and AS/NZS 60079.2 Ex p AS/NZS 60079.7 Ex e

AS/NZS 60079.28 AS 1482 Ex v AS/NZS 60079.5 Ex q AS/NZS 60079.6 Ex o

Ex ib For Zone 1 For Zone 1 For Zone 1 For Zone 1 For Zone 1

Zone 2 - Typically EPL Gc

Intrinsic safety/Energy limited

Special protection



Pressurised enclosure


Optical radiation

Fieldbus non-incendive (FINCO)

AS/NZ 60079.11 Ex i

AS 1826 Ex s

AS 2380.9 Ex n and AS/NZS 60079.15

AS 1482 Ex v

AS/NZS 60079.2 Ex p

AS 2431 Ex m AS/NZS 60079.18 Ex mc

AS/NZS 60079.28

AS/NZS 60079.27 FINCO

Ex ic / Ex nL

For Zone 2

For Zone 2

For Zone 2

For Zone 2