transcript candidates at google-rahm emanuel 2-24-11

Candidates@Google: Rahm Emanuel Uploaded by AtGoogleTalks on 24.02.2011 Uploaded on Feb 24, 2011 Former White House Chief of Staff and Chicago Mayoral candidate Rahm Emanuel speaks with the Head of the Google Chicago office Jim Lecinski on February 9, 2011 at the Google office in Chicago, Illinois. as of May 17, 2014 at 11:37 p.m. The link to the video is YouTube link Transcript: >>David Lieber: Good morning Google Chicago. [speaking in background] My name is David Lieber. I'm with the State and Local Public Policy Team here. We're obviously thrilled to have Rahm Emanuel, Mayoral Candidate for Chicago here today for a fireside chat with Jim Lecinski, the unofficial mayor of the Chicago office. [laughter] So this is a continuation of our fireside campaign chats which is a program we inaugurated in 2008. Today, however, represents the first time that we are doing an event outside of Mountain View, and obviously there's no better place to do that than the City of Chicago. Our guest today, Rahm Emanuel, is a veteran of two presidential administrations. He served in the Clinton Administration from 1992 to 1998, rising to the position of Senior Advisor; also served, as many of you know, as the Chief of Staff to current President Barack Obama from 2008 to 2010. Before that, he served three terms in the U.S. Congress representing the Fifth Congressional District. In 2007, he became the Chair of the House Democratic Caucus and in 2006 he was the Chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the year that the Democrats took over the House of Representatives. If you look around, you'll notice that there are no media present here today. We did, however, extend an invite to @Mayor Emanuel to live Tweet the event. Unfortunately he's holed up in the igloo with Carl the intern, but he does send his very saucy, saucy regrets on not being able to make it. But at this time, without further ado, I wanna introduce Rahm Emanuel. Let's give him a warm applause. [applause] >>Rahm Emanuel: Thank you. [applause] What's this thing? Do you guys think I have a kidney problem or something? [laughter] What is that? [laughter] Geez. >>David Lieber: Just in case you're thirsty. >>Rahm Emanuel: [laughs] Yeah. I didn't know I was gonna sweat through the interview. [laughter] >David Lieber: Good. Well, well welcome Rahm. We're very thrilled to have you here. >>Rahm Emanuel: Um-hum. >>David Lieber: And we know you've got a very busy day today including the big Urban League event debate on Fox tonight -- >>Rahm Emanuel: Um-hum. >>David Lieber: so we're happy to be your warm up act.

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Page 1: Transcript Candidates at Google-Rahm Emanuel 2-24-11

Candidates@Google: Rahm Emanuel Uploaded by AtGoogleTalks on 24.02.2011 Uploaded on Feb 24, 2011 Former White House Chief of Staff and Chicago Mayoral candidate Rahm Emanuel speaks with the Head

of the Google Chicago office Jim Lecinski on February 9, 2011 at the Google office in Chicago, Illinois. as of May 17, 2014 at 11:37 p.m. The link to the video is

YouTube link


>>David Lieber: Good morning Google Chicago.

[speaking in background]

My name is David Lieber. I'm with the State and Local Public Policy Team here. We're obviously

thrilled to have Rahm Emanuel, Mayoral Candidate for Chicago here today for a fireside chat

with Jim Lecinski, the unofficial mayor of the Chicago office.


So this is a continuation of our fireside campaign chats which is a program we inaugurated

in 2008. Today, however, represents the first time that we are doing an event outside of

Mountain View, and obviously there's no better place to do that than the City of Chicago.

Our guest today, Rahm Emanuel, is a veteran of two presidential administrations. He served

in the Clinton Administration from 1992 to 1998, rising to the position of Senior Advisor;

also served, as many of you know, as the Chief of Staff to current President Barack Obama

from 2008 to 2010.

Before that, he served three terms in the U.S. Congress representing the Fifth Congressional

District. In 2007, he became the Chair of the House Democratic Caucus and in 2006 he

was the Chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the year that the Democrats

took over the House of Representatives.

If you look around, you'll notice that there are no media present here today. We did, however,

extend an invite to @Mayor Emanuel to live Tweet the event. Unfortunately he's holed

up in the igloo with Carl the intern, but he does send his very saucy, saucy regrets

on not being able to make it.

But at this time, without further ado, I wanna introduce Rahm Emanuel. Let's give him a warm



>>Rahm Emanuel: Thank you.


What's this thing? Do you guys think I have a kidney problem or something?


What is that?



>>David Lieber: Just in case you're thirsty.

>>Rahm Emanuel: [laughs] Yeah. I didn't know I was gonna sweat through the interview.


>David Lieber: Good. Well, well welcome Rahm. We're very thrilled to have you here.

>>Rahm Emanuel: Um-hum.

>>David Lieber: And we know you've got a very busy day today including the big Urban League

event debate on Fox tonight --

>>Rahm Emanuel: Um-hum.

>>David Lieber: so we're happy to be your warm up act.

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>>Rahm Emanuel: [laughs]


>>David Lieber: So. Well let's get started. Speaking of Fox, I don't know if you watched

the Super Bowl this weekend but they had during the Super Bowl on Fox incessant, everybody

here by the way was rooting against the Packers --


just 'cause that's the Chicago thing to do. But they had promos for a new Fox show on

called the "The Chicago Code" --

>>Rahm Emanuel: Um-hum.

>>David Lieber: in between the game. And it's a fictitious new police commissioner played

by Jessica Biel. And in the promo that they played, maybe you guys saw, very dramatically

one of the assistant's said to her, "What makes you think you can change the way Chicago

works?" Right, remember this spot that ran over and over in the football game?

So you've talked quite a bit about no bid contract system, pay to play, you're running

a great TV spot right now talking about actually getting city workers to do city work for us.

Alright, so I guess in the spirit of that question posed on the Fox promo, we could

ask you the same question to get started. What makes you, sir, think you can change

the way Chicago works?

>>Rahm Emanuel: Well first of all, I believe, I mean I don't think it's a novel idea, but

that if you're gettin' a paycheck paid by the taxpayers, the taxpayer are the people

you are beholden to. I don't think that should be up for debate, but if we'll have that debate,

I'm ready.

I also want you to know I include the mayor, I include anybody I would appoint, I include

the aldermen, I include anybody who gets paid by the taxpayer is that we're gonna have a

mindset that we're beholden to taxpayers to deliver a service for what they pay for.

Now you should know, my uncle's a former police officer in the City of Chicago. You have a

lot of good workers in the city. I've visited them during the blizzard out at O'Hare. They

moved that snow -- we had one of the worst in a century. How you feelin', good?

>>David Lieber: [chuckles]


>>Rahm Emanuel: Okay? That's the pediatrician son of me asks.

>>David Lieber: [laughs]


>>Rahm Emanuel: I just wanna make sure everything's okay 'cause you're holdin' it. I'm gettin'

nervous here man.


Now that does not go in the doctor's training here, okay?


Let's get to that issue ?

>>David Lieber: Yeah.

>>Rahm Emaneual: it's more important than what I --

>>David Lieber: Yeah.

>>Rahm Emanuel: okay here's the deal. They did an incredible job during the blizzard.

>>David Lieber: [sighs]

>>Rahm Emanuel: And they do an incredible job in our classrooms in very adverse `conditions.

>>David Lieber: Um-hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel: They do an incredible job on our streets and when we need 'em, for God

forbid, if somethin' happens at your home for a fire or whatever, they are there. They

do an incredible job every day.

But we gotta also be honest over the years, stories about no show jobs, corruption, people

in middle management who've been convicted here going to get another job here even though

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they're convicted over here, and that has created a basis for a show to talk about,

accept it as if it's built into the archaic discussion, the Chicago Code.

>>David Lieber: Hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel: Now I want you to know I think that the mayor, as I did when I was Chief

of Staff, as I did when I was a Congressman or when I was Senior Advisor to President

Clinton, you get paid by the taxpayers, your perspective regardless of where your position

is -- mayor, department head, beat officer, and a lot of 'em as I said already have this

position, they already have this perspective -- they are there to deliver a service whether

it's protecting, educating, cleaning snow to the public and a lot of people already

have that mindset. There's a number of people that did not -- we all know that -- and I'm

gonna change that perspective.

You guys talk here at Google about a view, a perspective that helps you kinda is your,

it's your modus operandi.

>>David Lieber: Um-hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel: I want the modus operandi in Chicago, and a lot of people have it and

they get hurt when other people they work with don't have it, and it's usually at the

top, let's be also frank, that we work for the taxpayers and the taxpayers expect to

get a good delivery of service for the dollars that they pay. That should not be open for


>>David Lieber: Um-hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel: But if we'll have that discussion, I stand shoulder to shoulder with the taxpayers.

>>David Lieber: Absolutely. Okay.

Well let's move on. In advance of your visit, we used a tool that we've built here at Google

called Google Moderator and it's a way to have people submit questions and then you

can put a thumbs up, thumbs down, plus one, minus one to raise the important questions

to the top and lower the less important questions.

>>Rahm Emanuel: What happens if the thumb is like this?

>>David Lieber: We've [laughs]


we've used that with the President and others and we used it for your visit here today.

>>Rahm Emanuel: [laughs]

>>David Lieber: And not surprisingly, you mentioned it in your comments there, the most

popular number one topic that these folks wanted to hear you talk about was education

and the Chicago Public Schools.

Can you talk a little bit about your plan for the schools? There was lots of questions,

I live in Hyde Park. How do you plan to make sure every child in the city has access to

a school as prestigious and high standard with a free education that's as good as the

Ray and Bret Harte Elementary School in Hyde Park?

>>Rahm Emanuel: Okay. Well, first of all, while I think all the issues that I talk about:

economic development and reforming city government, bringing safety to our streets and strength

to our schools, those are I think the building blocks. The point of this spirit is without

a doubt education, without a doubt.

Now you don't know this, but in a former life I had a scholarship once to the Joffrey Ballet;

didn't take it, purposely to make my mother miserable.


But my wife, when I met her, we'd gotten a master's in art history at University of Chicago

and I met her when she was working at the Art Institute.

You can have a world class ballet company in a city, and we do, you can have a world

class opera in a city, and we do. But if half your kids aren't graduating from high school,

you're not gonna be a world class city much longer. And that's my perspective and I say

that with the utmost passion for the arts and culture. And because it's not only it's

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important to your development but important to the city's development.

Now we have two expecting mothers here, but here's the deal. One of the most significant

thing I did as a Congressman was I used to do my office hours at grocery stores and I

would just meet people. I didn't wanna do town halls, I wanted to just meet people,

regular people wherever they were in their lives. I was at the Lincoln and Column Jewel


>>David Lieber: Um-hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel: and a young man came up [clears throat] could have been in this room, but

he happened to a lawyer, his wife was in advertising or accounting. He had a four year old. Thursday

night he's runnin' off to the Jewel --

>>David Lieber: Um-hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel: and he's says, "If I don't have a good local school, my wife and I are

gonna move to the suburbs.

>>David Lieber: Yep.

>>Rahm Emanuel: He says, "I don't wanna pay property taxes and then a private tuition."

Okay, for those who don't have kids, you'll be facing this one day. For these two ladies,

they'll be facing this sooner than you if you're not facing it today.

Now my view is, on education, and I say this as a person who's gotten two things from his

parents and both are essential: their love and education. That is why I have been able

to achieve what I've been able to achieve in my life. That's what really what I view

as. And I view it also as a parent who's very involved in his own kids' education.

Now first I wanna make every school in the City of Chicago, we'd be the first school

system in the country, where every school will have a five year performance contract.

So I can evaluate year by year or over a two year period whether that principal, who ultimately

is the CEO for that school, is on the way to making the improvements in that school

and are they being managed, the teachers as well as the principal, towards those goals

we've measured? The successful charters do it. I want the whole school system to do it.

Second, beyond the principal is the teacher. Everything I'm investing in is proven over

a period of time. It's not the fad of the day in education. Teachers, now this is gonna

take a while and I wanna spend on a lot of time on this, since it's the number one issue


>>David Lieber: Yep.

>>Rahm Emanuel: and it's my number one passion.

Second the teachers. We have very good teachers working in adverse conditions, you should

know that. But I wanna raise the quality of all of the teachers in the schools. And I

say that because you can have a small classroom which is once in the late 90s the big fad,

but if you don't have a quality teacher in a small classroom, you're no closer; so teachers,

not size of class, teachers in the class is where I'm at.

In my old congressional district I created the first teaching academy high school.


Do you guys know about the Golden Apple?

>>David Lieber: Um-hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel: AUSL. I want ya to if you don't --

>>David Lieber: We can search for it.

>>Rahm Emanuel: you can search for it.


Hey, don't steal my punch lines, okay?

>>David Lieber: [laughs]


>>Rahm Emanuel: Dude, work on your own punch lines. I was workin' on my own okay?


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We've not gonna be doin' this much longer if you steal my punch lines, okay?


Okay, okay, I've lost my train of thought -- no.

>>David Lieber: Golden Apple.

>>Rahm Emanuel: Got it.

I want you to look it up, AUSL Program, okay? Golden Apple here in Chicago. Anyway I created

the first high school in the old Wright Community College. It's a master teacher, two people

in second career getting a master's in education in the classroom, a neighborhood school.

Those teachers, when they graduate, have a master's degree in education, signed a contract.

They will be in the Chicago Public School System for five years. That's significant

because in the first five years every teacher in our public school system, 50 percent of

them quit, not every, 50 percent quit. It's too hard.

These teachers are trained for urban education. They commit for five years minimum. Eighty

percent of 'em stay beyond the five years.

I wanna take us from seven schools to 15. We'll graduate two high schools and six elementary

schools worth of teachers every year. After four years Chicago will have the largest population

of teachers with a master's degree in education and we will convert the school system, classroom

by classroom, school by school.

>>David Lieber: Can I ask, can I just interrupt and ask? It would seem that you would need

the teacher's union cooperation for such an accountability plan and they've --

>>Rahm Emanuel: I've --

>>David Lieber: heretofore not been willing to commit to accountability.

>>Rahm Emanuel: Well on this thing, I worked it out when I was running for Congress, they

support this actual program.

>>David Lieber: Um-hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel: Eventually I wanna take it up to 20, but the first year I'll do 15.

Now here's how I'll pay for it and after everything I've announced, I've paid for. We spend $100

million a year at the CPS, Chicago Public Schools, on teacher training. For $10 million,

I get these eight schools. And the reason I'm not only for it because I get 10 out of

that for these 8 schools, I'm training teachers who stay longer in our schools. Why do I have

to train somebody who moves to the suburbs? I'm gettin' a better bang for our buck usin'

the same money.

You can see I get emotional about that.

Lastly, parents.


You cannot educate kids without parents being involved in their education. The front door

to that house or that apartment is more significant to a child's education than the school and

then when the two of 'em are workin', they'll be taking your job.


>>David Lieber: That is.

>>Rahm Emanuel: And they'll be takin' my job and they're gonna be taking your job.

A good parent or parents involved in a kid's education with a good school, that kid is

unstoppable. It's been proven and that's why I said I don't get in fads. What are the three

things you gotta have? Principals that wanna be accountable, quality teachers in a room,

and two parents who are involved. Now this is why I love this job. I'm gonna tell you

this story.


I told ya I used to do grocery stores and I met probably a number of you at El stops.

>>David Lieber: Hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel: Okay? And I'm gonna continue as mayor doin' somethin' retailish as a way

to always make sure I'm in touch with folks and they're in touch with their mayor.

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I was at 79th and Dan Ryan about three or four weeks ago and I say hello to all these

high school kids regardless, not that they're voters but one day they may be. No.


And this kid, Jeremy, walks, I don't know he's Jeremy, shake hands and he goes past

me. He comes back, I don't know about 30 seconds later whatever, and says, "Can I show you

somethin'?" And anytime a kid shows initiative like that, you wanna be obviously responsive.

I'd be that responsive for an adult, especially for a high school kid.


And he get his backpack off and is pullin' out a piece of paper and I said, "What's this

about?" And he says, "I started an after school program in my school." Sixteen. I said, "Really."

I go, "What does it do?" He goes, "Photography."

>>David Lieber: Um.

>>Rahm Emanuel: And he also -- in respect to this kid, he lives up near Loyola, takes

a train all the way down 79th and gets on a bus and goes over to Simeon; hour and twenty

transportation. So next time you're really upset about somethin', put Jeremy in your

head for a second. He's a high schooler kid and there's thousands of 'em out there.

I said, "Really, you run this?" He goes, "Yeah, I develop it with a friend and I administer

it with my assistant principal." He started his own after school program. And I said,

"Well what's this form for?" Now I'm big into parent contracts as a way to kinda induce

responsibility. I've announced it when I announced my education policy.

He says, "I don't let a kid into my after school program whose parent does not sign

this." And I said, "Well what does it make 'em do?" "Pick up the report card, attend

parent-teacher conferences, and review their homework with 'em."

>>David Lieber: Um-hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel: I've announced a comprehensive after school program for the city. We're adopting

Jeremy's contract when I'm mayor.

>>David Lieber: Ahh.

>>Rahm Emanuel: And it's not defer motion, although there is that. And I do want people

to know that if they have an idea the mayor or the city government will respond in the

same way that I did for the young man at the Jewel, helped get Coonley that was on the

closed list, to now a gifted program that's bustin' at the seams.

I introduced an elder justice bill 'cause some lady told me how her father got beat

up at a nursing home and President Obama signed it.

These aren't gonna solve Newtonian physics or macroeconomics, but people give you stories

and some way you can make their lives a tad easier or solve a problem for others.

But Jeremy came up with an idea that figured out in my view somethin' that President Clinton

taught me very importantly. With opportunity, after school program, comes responsibility

and accountability. And what was the other piece of it? And at 16, Jeremy had figured

this out. And I just want you to know -- get used to it because Jeremy's gonna be head

of the building department --

>>David Lieber: Umm-umm.

>>Rahm Emanuel: when I'm done.


>>David Lieber: There you go.

>>Rahm Emanuel: This kid you'd bet long on 'em. He travels an hour and 20 minutes by

himself twice a day. He developed an after school program and knew that he had somethin'

special kids wanted or their parents wanted for their kids, and he knew that the best

way to deduce it was to require somethin' of the parents that wasn't happening.

>>David Lieber: Um.

>>Rahm Emanuel: I really do, I mean I mean this is in the most fundamental way. So my

package on education is based on investing in principals --

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>>David Lieber: Um-hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel: raising the quality of teachers who already a number of 'em are good, and

then making parents get off the sidelines and involved in their kids' education.

Now to your question on the teacher's union. They are representing their members.

>>David Lieber: Um-hum.


>>Rahm Emanuel: They have in all fairness been big advocates of parental involvement.

>>David Lieber: Um-hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel: No person running for office has tried what I'm about to go try in parental

involvement. I'm gonna be a partner with them 'cause a lot of our teachers, good teachers,

work in a really tough situations. You give 'em a partner in the home, they'll be better

teachers because they finally got somebody helpin' out with 'em --

>>David Lieber: Um-hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel: okay. There are places I will disagree with the leadership. I'm a big supporter

of charters, not because I think charters are the end all and be all. There are bad

charters and there are good charters and you gotta be as tough on the bad charters as you

are on neighborhood schools that aren't achieving their goal, but I'm also for neighborhood

schools that are achieving goal. I'm for all of the above.

>>David Lieber: Um-hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel. A lot of people who support charters think they're the end. No. They're

a means towards an end. They're not the end. And so on that topic I will disagree, but

I'll disagree from a perspective of also data.

If you take the self selective high schools like, not limited to, Payton, Whitney on north

side, not limited to those, all the self select is out, the seven best performing high schools

in our city are charter schools. There are also charters that aren't doin' their job,

but I do believe in competition ?

>>David Lieber: Um-hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel: I do believe in choice, and charters are a way to give parents choice

in a public school system and I'm committed to public education.

David Lieber: And we have a principle here at Google called, "Data beats opinion" so


>>Rahm Emanuel: Well don't be so there's the data.

>>David Lieber: Data beats itself.


>>Rahm Emanuel: I used to say about people in Washington --

>>David Lieber: Yeah.

>>Rahm Emanuel: if they're firm in their opinion it's their principles they're flexible on.

>>David Lieber: Yeah.

>>Rahm Emanuel: [laughs]

>>David Lieber: There you go.


You reference Newtonian physics and we actually had some questions around that.


>>Rahm Emanuel: Well I'd better call my older brother who's the smart one in the family.

>>David Lieber: Yeah.

Seriously though, one particular aspect of education that's very important to us is the

so-called STEM curriculum: science, technology, engineering --

>>Rahm Emanuel: Um-hum.

>>David Lieber: and mathematics because that's what we do here and we need people coming

out of the school systems especially proficient in those areas.

So you've outlined sort of the overall comprehensive education vision. Is there anything specific

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thoughts that you ?

>>Rahm Emanuel: Yeah.

>>David Lieber: can share regarding those STEM type curriculum that matter to the future

of companies like Google in Chicago?

>>Rahm Emanuel: Well let's also, it's not just matters of the future of Google. It matters

to the future of the country.

>>David Lieber: Yeah.

>>Rahm Emanuel: While you happen to get swept into it, no disrespect, I'm more interested

in the country than I am in Google. And I say that to you --

>>David Lieber: Sure.

>>Rahm Emanuel: I wish you all the well --


especially these two ladies --

>>David Lieber: And we're outta time.


Just go ahead.

>>Rahm Emanuel: I'll stay later. You go ahead.


I'm havin' fun actually and we'll handle this without you. We just actually figured out

a way to take you out of this whole equation.


Here's the deal.

>>David Lieber: Yeah. [clears throat]

>>Rahm Emanuel: State of Illinois has adopted the common standards: 39 I think or 41 other

states adopted it, but you have to have a new curriculum to teach to the common standards.

I've already talked to a number of foundations around the country and Chicago will be the

first city to develop the new curriculum to teach those common standards. And those common

standards aren't for tests, but they're for graduation and then career development and

college education. And that's the way I'm gonna get to it.

Now let's be honest, so I don't want anybody by the time that kid's ready to go to school,

we'll have it done in the first four years. So Chicago will be the first city in the country

to adopt the new curriculum that goes with the common standards.

>>David Lieber: Um-hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel: We also need -- part of this whole reason I'm into my AUSL program -- is

these teachers are trained not just to get a master's in education but specialty for

the type --

>>David Lieber: Um-hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel: of education you're looking at.

>>David Lieber: Um-hum. Yep. Great.

Next most popular topic area was around taxes. There've been a lot of -- I guess kerfuffle

is the word -- over the past week of this tax plan and that tax plan and disinformation

and counter information, can you just clear the air --

>>Rahm Emanuel: We got you right where we want you.

>>David Lieber: In ahh. In plain English, what's your tax plan?

>>Rahm Emanuel: Oh, with that burden, plain English? Okay here it is.

>>David Lieber: [clears throat]

>>Rahm Emanuel: I believe that we deserve a 20 percent tax cut in the sales tax. City

of Chicago has one of the highest sales tax in the country.


Now I've proposed three separate tax cuts. The other two -- the elimination of the head

tax --

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>>David Lieber: Um-hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel: which is you wanna add employees --

>>David Lieber: Yep.

>>Rahm Emanuel: would help you. I also proposed a sales -- tax reform in the utility and natural

gas tax so right now it's structured as the price goes up, you pay more. I want it to

be on a per unit basis so your usage is what drives it which makes you more energy conservation

and it saves the consumer money.

Now in the sales tax I propose a 20 percent reduction. We tax only a few items, so a single

mother who's trying to buy school supplies is bearing that burden. Now I'm only sayin'

it right here to you so just get ready.


You charter a private jet -- you're not paying anything now. I don't want that single mother

to bear that burden alone. A lot of your clients rent limos comin' in from the airport -- they

don't pay anything right now. I'm gonna extend it there. I'm telling you this up front. I

do not think a single mother should be bearing this burden alone; she's tryin' to raise kids;

she's tryin' to get 'em to school; she deserves a tax cut; she's workin'.

Now my whole life was about tax fairness. That's why I got on the Ways and Means as

a member of the House in Congress. And workin' for President Clinton, President Obama, I

doubled the earned income tax credit. And not only doubled it and fought Republican's

attempts to fight it, in my office we used it with the tax assistance program to fill

out tax forms for working poor 'cause I fundamentally in the marrow of my bones believe if you're

working, your kid does not deserve to grow up in poverty.

So I not only passed that legislation and protected it, I helped people in my district

get $2 million worth of tax cuts. They would get --

>>David Lieber: Hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel: $3200, $2800, $1800 back. And for a single mother or a family, that's

Christmas and the entire year's worth of savings.


And not only that, you couple it with a children's health care bill that made sure that, usually

those single mothers are young working poor families that didn't have health care at the

place of employment, made sure that their kids got health care. I made sure that the

minimum wage, I said in Congress -- I led the effort -- there'll be no pay raise in

Congress until we raise the minimum wage.

Now I gotta tell you somethin'. My grandfather was a union man. He used to sing a song to

us, "Which Side Are You On?". I'm gonna stand with that single mother. I got no problem

with that.

>>David Lieber: Um.

>>Rahm Emanuel: And if you rent a corporate jet and you're comin' to Chicago, we're gonna

make that single mother make sure she can get that from paycheck to paycheck just a

little more. You rent a limo, you're gonna carry some of that burden so she gets a tax

cut. You wanna join Saddle and Cycle private, exclusive club -- I don't have a problem with

any of these activities, but the reason we have one of the highest sales taxes in the

country is working people are bearin' the burden alone. And folks, that ain't right.

And also it won't solve Newtonian physics but people in this city are gettin' nickeled

and dimed by taxes all the time. And one of the reasons is because we got this thing turned

upside down. We're puttin' too few people paying on too few items when a lot of other

people are gettin' a break.

And if workin' for President Obama, President Clinton, and working for the people of 5th

District taught me that on taxes we have to be fair, we have to be equitable. And it is

wrong that a single mother is now paying a bigger share of their taxes than people renting

corporate jets, limousines, or joining private clubs. And I'm tellin' this to you for some

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of your people that are comin' in here that will change for them. But that is a bare sensible

fairness and it's good economics because if we can lower the rate, Chicago will be a better

city. Fortune just rated one of the reasons Chicago was difficult to live in for the sales


>>David Lieber: Yeah.

>>Rahm Emanuel: Well let's get it cut.

>>David Lieber: So when you frame that issue as the single mom versus the private corporate

jet, it's very compelling.

>>Rahm Emanuel: Um-hum.

>>David Lieber: The counter argument has been though that the economic health of the city

depends on small businesses and the individual massage, masseuse tryin' to work, earn a living,

start a small business, the gym, those people will actually be bearing the burden, not the

corporate jets.

>>Rahm Emanuel: Well okay first of all --

>>David Lieber: So how do you respond to that?

>>Rahm Emanuel: Two things: civic federations endorse what I said.

>>David Lieber: Um-hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel: The Chicago Sun Times has endorsed my proposal, the Chicago Retail Merchants


>>David Lieber: Um-hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel: representing the small businesses endorsed my proposal. All have said that because

small business is the engine --

>>David Lieber: Yep.

>>Rahm Emanuel: and making sure. The other thing is I said we'll have to work out the

details with Springfield. That's where this is decided and I will accept nothing that

violates the principle of a tax cut for working families.

>>David Lieber: Um-hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel: That's number one.

Number two, in a similar format, in a debate at WTTW with a bunch of high school students,

the reason this became an issue is a high school student asked me and one of my opponents

that the sales taxes were too high. The specific question by a 16 year old and I said I supported

gettin' a cut in the sales tax. One of my opponents said he agreed with me. Two weeks

before an election, all of a sudden, he disagrees.

>>David Lieber: Um-hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel: I don't think that's really fair to the 16 year old who you told eye to

eye you agreed on somethin'.

>>David Lieber: Um-hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel: Now the retail merchants who represent the small businesses in Chicago

that drive the economy support this idea.

>>David Lieber: Yep. Okay.

We had some other fiscal questions. One was around privatization.

>>Rahm Emanuel: Um.

>>David Lieber: So the question says, "We sold off the Skyway Bridge then the parking

meters. Now there's talk of privatizing the Taste of Chicago and other festivals. These

kinds of fiscal initiatives are generally or universally unliked by Chicagoans." What

do you think here?

>>Rahm Emanuel: Well two things: one I'm against privatization --

>>David Lieber: Um-hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel: it's run its -- folks aren't for it. I don't think the capital markets

are for it --

>>David Lieber: Um-hum.

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>>Rahm Emanuel: you can't do it. I will say usually we're a city known that divides over

education and crime. I give the mayor credit for bringing the city together. People all

across --

>>David Lieber: [chuckles]

>>Rahm Emanuel: the city hate the parking deal.


>>David Lieber: I let ya have that punch line.

>>Rahm Emanuel: That's right.


I didn't know Christmas was comin' early.

>>David Lieber: [laughs]

>>Rahm Emanuel: So that has made --

>>David Lieber: Yeah.

>>Rahm Emanuel: folks are against it and I'm against it. Here's the other thing though,

we have to figure out how to monetize certain assets. That doesn't mean selling 'em or gettin'

rid of 'em. I'm against that. I said that clearly, unambiguously. But a way to get some

value out of them so we can invest in what I think is a key priority.

One of the things I wanna get to -- you haven't asked, I'm just gonna go there. I am big into

our investment in our mass transit system, okay. No other city outside of New York has

more people use their mass transit to get to and from work. In a Fortune study, not

Fortune, a study done by, I forgot who, that's bad. But people in Chicago have rated both

our night life, our restaurants, our culture, and our mass transit system with the quality

of life of what they love about the city.

>>David Lieber: Um-hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel: I -- when I first got to Congress -- got the funding to expand the Brown Line.

It used to be six cars; it's now eight cars, Brown Line, modern stations. It makes getting

to and from work, the whole experience, much better, quicker. We have to invest in our

mass transit system. There are other infrastructure needs. I'm telling you before the election

what numero uno is for me. You need to know that. And of the people that take the mass

transit, the Red Line is used by 40 percent of 'em and it's been the least invested in.

Now there's differences. On the north side and the south side, but we gotta modernize

it. So the same type of stations, the same type of capacity. On the south side, it's

gotta be taken from 95th to 130th. You can't ask people to participate in an economy if

they can't get there.

>>David Lieber: Um-hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel: It artificially stops at 95th. People live all the way to 130th. How do you

get to work?

I know I see a number of you on bicycles. That's how I know you get to work.

>>David Lieber: Yeah.

>>Rahm Emaneual: Okay?


Which is my second point. I've announced a plan to -- we do eight miles a year -- I'm

gonna do 25 miles a year of new bike lanes in the city. I want it to become a major,

for folks who wanna do it, means of getting to and from work, not just dodgin' in and

out of traffic. And we're gonna make dedicated lanes that are safe. I'm gonna add 25 miles

so by the end of my term, if I'm elected, 100 miles of new bike lanes in the city.

I'm also gonna look to change the ordinance so buildings like this will give people the

space and the capacity to both park their bikes securely and be able to change and get

to work if they bike to work. And I will say this not just for the Googles but actually

for the new Googles of the world, that's gonna be a big piece of economic development because

it's gonna attract a work force that's sees a city that allows them to get to and from

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work and the quality of life that they want.

>>David Lieber: Um.

>>Rahm Emanuel: The bulk will use mass transit. That's what I did when I was both a Congressman

and worked in the private sector.

>>David Lieber: Um.

>>Rahm Emanuel: There's no doubt that my kids when they grow up will probably bike. Their

mother will yell at them to wear a helmet, okay. But I want that, that's two pieces,

I want that investment strategy I think it's key to who we're gonna be as a city and it's

one of our advantages compared to other cities when companies are lookin' at that you can

get to and from work with relative convenience is a big selling point besides your education

and your caliber as employees.

>>David Lieber: And as you may know these Googlers in this room are responsible for

getting --

>>Rahm Emanuel: I've never heard that. Are you guys actually called Googlers?

>>David Lieber: Googlers, yeah.


>>Rahm Emanuel: God, I'm empathetic to you.


>>David Lieber: But these folks were responsible for getting the city's existing bike lane

routes up and findable on Google Maps so it's not just --

>>Rahm Emanuel: Oh.

>>David Lieber: maps of mass transit or maps of roads or cars. It's for bike lanes --

>>Rahm Emanuel: I just pointed to my policy guy. Well that's good.

>>David Lieber: And Chicago, by the way, was the very first major city to have its bike

maps on Google Maps. So we look forward to partnering with you --

>>Rahm Emanuel: Well, get ready 'cause were adding 25 a year, man.


>>David Lieber: There you go.

So you mentioned Google on the --

>>Rahm Emanuel: Googlers?

>>David Lieber: Googlers.


>>Rahm Emanuel: I'm gonna have to try and throw a line tonight at a debate for you,


>>David Lieber: Alright.


>>Rahm Emanuel: Googlers? That's really --


There's a line there but it's being videoed. And I'm not touchin' it.


>>David Lieber: Alright.


Then we'll move on.

>>Rahm Emanuel: Okay.

>>David Lieber: So you mentioned for the Googlers --

>>Rahm Emanuel: It's the first time we've ever had a seven second delay on the Google



>>David Lieber: There you go.

You mentioned for the Googles of the world and the future Googles -- one of your recent

policy talks, you cited Groupon, BrightTag, Threadless Google -- we thank you for that

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as examples sort of leaders in Chicago's tech community coming from different perspectives

and whatnot. What's your plan to attract companies like these? You've talked about a biomedical

campus at Michael Reese. How do you see the tech community playing in your plans?

>>Rahm Emanuel: Well let's be clear on a couple things.

>>David Lieber: Yeah.

>>Rahm Emanuel: One is I do actually think what I talked about transportation's --

>>David Lieber: Um-hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel: a key piece.

>>David Lieber: Yep.

>>Rahm Emanuel: I announced in my speech that we're gonna build a campus like situation

for like Google use out in California, I wanna do that here. I wanna work with some of the

high tech startup companies about that type of space, but as you mentioned as we were

walkin' through here. One of the reasons you obviously provide food as a company --

>>David Lieber: Yeah.

>>Rahm Emanuel: but if you guys can solve a problem here, it's more efficient that way.

I want that sense of innovation, creativity where then two young people are talkin' and

it may become a company --

>>David Lieber: Um-hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel: of the future. We don't know but that campus like environment environmentally

is clearly key not just culturally but economically.

But young startups that are doing Web type companies --

>>David Lieber: Um-hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel: are different than people that are going to be doing pharmaceutical

and new health care companies. The University of Chicago is investing in a new bioengineering

center which is unbelievably important for the city and for the country. I wanna create

a campus that allows new health care companies to feed off that, but that's a different culture

-- let's be clear -- than the people that would be ?

>>David Lieber: Um-hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel: in the startup companies. It's a total different kind of mindset, lifestyle,

instincts. Not a lot of 'em will be riding bikes to work, but that we have to kinda do

that. We are a home to 13 separate wind companies, fitting for the windy city.

>>David Lieber: Hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel: But --

>>David Lieber: But that's probably not widely known.

>>Rahm Emanuel: Thirteen, actually more than any other city in the country, Chicago.

>>David Lieber: Hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel: Wind, wind, I'm sorry. I know it's hard for the Googlers to hear, okay?


I'm going to go for the whole week off that one.


So those are some of the things. The other thing, and I mention this to you as though


>>David Lieber: Yeah.

>>Rahm Emanuel: maybe that was a slow pitch off the center for me, is we are going to

have, if I'm mayor, I'm gonna pick kind of a long weekend, a Thursday through Sunday,

music, food, etcetera, but a weekend where we recruit the juniors and seniors from around

the 10 state area and also Illinois in the math and science and engineering departments

to come see Chicago.

I'm gonna get all the companies, the Googles and the Googlers to the pharmaceutical companies,

to other tech companies, to the startup companies, to the established, to the financial companies,

but I want these people not just from Purdue and the University of Illinois but I'm including

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northern Illinois, I'm including the schools here, I'm including our community colleges,

but I'm gonna go to Lansing, I'm goin' to Madison, I'm gonna go to Des Moines, I'm gonna

go down to St. Louis, and I'm gonna recruit those juniors and seniors and I said I'm gonna

sell Chicago. And you are going to be a partner in selling it. They'll probably be staying

at an apartment near you.

>>David Lieber: Hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel: In your apartment. Not you because --

>>David Lieber: [laughs]

>>Rahm Emanuel: you, I wouldn't let 'em near it.


Okay? But I'm serious about that. But I really want -- here's the deal when I first helped

Mayor Daley get elected, we had to just run the city. You still gotta do that which gets

to the first question that we talked about --

>>David Lieber: Yep.

>>Rahm Emanuel: delivering services to the taxpayers.

But today you're an ambassador to the world at large about your city. That's a new part

of the job. It's developed over the last 10 years. San Antonio is a competitor, so is


>>David Lieber: Yeah.

>>Rahm Emanuel: Louisville is a competitor, so is London. I wanna sell Chicago and our

quality of life, our companies, our structures. So as you told me, you're trying hire 100,

200 people.

>>David Lieber: Yep.

>>Rahm Emanuel: I wanna make sure that there's five applicants for those openings of quality.

I did mention Groupon. They hire 180 a week ?


400 a month, five applicants per opening. And they've told me, Eric's told me. They

got people everyone of those five are capable of hiring, taking that position, and they

have tough choices. I'm hopin' that's true for you. I did talk to another company, Deloitte

Touche, they're gonna hire 500. They are actually finding it difficult to find the full talent;

that's a high class problem we should solve. And I also gotta be clear to you


I want people throughout the city to participate in that. That just can't be an opportunity

for part of the city.

>>David Lieber: Um-hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel: We gotta be frank and honest with ourselves in this room. Right now Google,

Groupon, it's great, it's promising, I'm happy, I want you to grow, I want you to grow in

Chicago, I want Chicago to be a bigger presence for Google than it is today.

But I want everybody who's growing in all parts of this city to have an opportunity

to see Google in their future and we gotta be frank and honest with ourselves. That's

just not true. And that's not the city we want either. So I want you to make Google

on Google and all you Googlers feel at home in Chicago, I want you to grow, I want you

to prosper, but I want everybody, I want Jeremy who's going to Simeon on the west side, I

want him to think Google's in his future.

>>David Lieber: Yeah.

>>Rahm Emanuel: But we'd be and -- this one I don't want you to interrupt for a second

and I love you.


Not that much to let you interrupt.


Part of being mayor and part of being a chief executive and given the level of our difficulties

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as a city and our challenges is leveling with people. And part of running for mayor is you

get big experiences that are wider than what you'd normally do.


Google, I don't mean to pick on Jeremy, but you've gotta be honest you know that in large

parts of our city, Google's just not part of people's world views of what they think

they can be part of. And I want that. We're known as a city that builds big things ?


big airports, big mass transits, Millennium Park; those are good things to be known for.

The biggest thing we can build is the vision of our children and I want Google to be part

of that vision.


You got somethin' you wanna add.


>>David Lieber: We'd be pleased and proud to be part of it.

>>Rahm Emanuel: Good. That's one of the kind of corporation I want to be part of this city

and all the rest of the Googlers. I just had to work that in one more time.


>>David Lieber: We'll take some live questions, but line up at the mics guys go ahead.

>>Rahm Emanuel: How do you guys call live questions? Is there a special word for that



>>David Lieber: As opposed to dead questions, okay?

But let's do a quick speed round.

>>Rahm Emanuel: This is unfair to my former -- never mind, I won't do that.


>>David Lieber: Let's do a quick speed round while the Googlers are lining up.

Fast lightning round. Another Olympia bid, yes or no?

>>Rahm Emanuel: I'm fine with it but I'm not gonna become a one trick pony on economic

development. That is I'm for it, but I'm not gonna pin the entire city's future economically

on a one trick pony 'cause I don't believe in lettin' people, that's just A the simple

answer yes, but it's not the ticket to our economic future alone.

>>David Lieber: Cubs or Sox?

>>Rahm Emanuel: Cubs.


But I will go, no --


Cubs, but I'm gonna go obviously go down to Comiskey Park and watch the game.

>>David Lieber: Last YouTube video you watched?

>>Rahm Emanuel: Alright.


Okay I'm gonna tell this story.


We get to see this video before it goes out right, no.

This is a true story. Now you gotta understand, I'm runnin' for office, okay --

>>David Lieber: [laughs]

>>Rahm Emanuel: I got a lot on my plate, guys. I don't remember. It's earlier than summer.

Have you ever seen the video, you'll understand this why I'm takin' time buildin' up the confidence


>>David Lieber: [laughs]

>>Rahm Emanuel: to tell this story.


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Have you ever seen the video of our soldiers in Afghanistan done to Lady Gaga?

>>David Lieber: Yeah.

>>Rahm Emanuel: Okay the telephone.

>>David Lieber: Yeah.

>>Rahm Emanuel: Okay. That, I'm gonna protect the innocence of one of my children. Early,

early before this thing went really went viral, one of my kids said, "Dad have you seen this?"

This is the parts of parenting you're gonna just love.


I'm serious about this. I said, "No." So that's a sign for Googleing.


So we look it up, we do find it, and I watch this video. If you haven't seen it you can

look it up Afghanistan, soldiers, Lady Gaga, the telephone. So I watch this video, I'm

laughin' hysterical, also admirable as a former dancer their quality.


They got their lines and sense of music unbelievably well. So I forgot. Well anyway it was like

within the first week it came out. So Monday, it's in the week so the next day the President

often has, once a week he has a meeting with Secretary Gates of Defense and Head of Joint

Chiefs Mike Mullen. So as we're waiting to go into the Oval, I said to Secretary Gates,

I said, "Hey have you seen this video --


on Afghanistan I call Lady Gaga you know the telephone?" Now you can imagine Gates and

Mullen, I mean if it ain't in my world view, and I'm just a notch cooler, not much okay



it ain't in their world view.


So I said, "Don't worry about repealing Don't ask, don't tell. The soldiers in Kandahar

already did it for ya."

>>David Lieber: [laughs]


>>Rahm Emanuel: [laughs] So they went and watched it and Gates called, and Mullen and

Gates individually called, I'm sorry Secretary Gates and Head of Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mike

Mullen called back and says, "Oh my God."


And they were all, it became a good laugh for us.

>>David Lieber: Yeah.

>>Rahm Emanuel: So that was the last time I can say -- that's a long story. A lot more

serious work got done in the White House --

>>David Lieber: [laughs]


>>Rahm Emanuel: But I will tell you that was the last time I really could say I saw a good

video and I said Secretary, "I'm just tellin' ya --

>>David Lieber: Yeah.

>>Rahm Emanuel: the troops are ahead of you, man.


Get with it. As I always note you wanted to lead your troops. Get in front man that is

some good dancers who understand music.


>>David Lieber: There you go.

>>Rahm Emanuel: And it's, have some people seen this video?

>>David Lieber: Yeah, sure.

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>>Rahm Emanuel: Okay, it's a great video.

>>David Lieber: Good. Alright.

With that, go ahead.

>>Brian Benedict: Hi.

>>Rahm Emanuel: Your question's gonna look so small now compared to that great story


>>Brian Benedict I don't know, I don't know. I'm just, that actually kinda segues into

my question. My name is Brian Benedict and I head up the Gay-glers which is another name

for you. It's LGBT Googlers here within the office.

>>Rahm Emanuel: I got that part.

>>Brian Benedict: There we go.


>>Rahm Emanuel: Okay, okay.

>>Brian Benedict: You know Google has been --

>>Rahm Emanuel: I'll refer to you as Mr. Gay-gler --

>>Brian Benedict: That works.

>>Rahm Emanuel: okay? And everyone of you behind are Mr. and Mrs. Googler, okay.

>>Brian Benedict: So my question is, well Google has been great. They pay for the taxes

for same sex marriages --

>>Rahm Emanuel: Um-hum.

>>Brian Benedict: in regards to health benefits and whatnot and we've recently approved civil

unions. So I kinda wanna get your perspective on the LGBT community and same sex marriages


>>Rahm Emanuel: Thumbs up, for it, big time for it.

>>Brian Benedict: Right. Well, that was easy.

>>Rahm Emanuel: Okay, no, but no, here's the deal. Go right back to that microphone one



No I'm, here's the deal.


First when I was a congressman I had secured the funding for the Halsted Street Center.

At that point it was the largest federal support ever given to a gay or lesbian organization

in the country. And it's an incredibly great community center for the gay and lesbian community

in our city throughout the city, not just people in Boystown or Andersonville; that's

key to remember because they are our teachers, they are our fellow colleagues and they live

throughout the city, not just in part of the city.

Two, I cannot be happier that I was Chief of Staff when we finally passed and President

Obama signed into law the hate crimes law and ran the process to get that done in the

name of Matthew Shepard.

And then three, this is about, part of life is also being able to learn. Okay I was once

in my life in a hospital for seven weeks, nearly died. Family came to visit, etcetera.

David Buell, who's a dear friend of mine and Amy and our kids -- travel together, vacation

together and Tom his partner. They happened to be in D.C., David who has been the treasurer

of my campaign for Congress. He's the treasurer now for me running for Mayor, David and Tom.

David told me about a story and I've been around health care 'cause my dad's a pediatrician,

my mother's a nurse, my brother's an oncologist, told me about a woman in Florida who'd been

written up in the gay papers down there who was kicked out of the room of a hospital because

her partner was dying but was not a family member.

>>David Lieber: Hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel: Now okay I just got, again I wanna level, that's not in my world view.

It wasn't in my world experience in the same way that dealing with the issue of food deserts

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and we haven't discussed, wasn't in my world view.

And I looked into it and I went to the President and I said, "This is wrong." And with his

direction worked through both the White House Council, Health and Human Services, the Justice

Department under Eric Holder, and the President. We developed it for six months -- an executive

order. If any hospitals receiving any federal money they can no longer ban loved ones who

are partners from being by the bedside of their loved ones.

And while part of civil union and marriage is all about-- let's get real here -- it's

all about not -- it's about love, but it's also about what we all in this room who are

straight take for granted and making sure that that's available for gay couples: visiting

a hospital, sharing health care benefits, getting a retirement and sharing it.

Things that if you are gay are accepted, or rather that if you are straight that are accepted

that you have to struggle to get to a level playing field if you're gay or lesbian and

that is not true today. Now it is, now that we have civil union, it is because we had

a President that had the courage on hate crimes, had signed an executive order and repealed

Don't Ask Don't Tell and a Governor and a state legislature who passed civil unions

here. It levels the playing field of equity, fairness, and full citizenship.

>>Brian Benedict: Thank you.

>>Rahm Emanuel: Thank you for askin'.

>>David Lieber: Okay.

>>Rahm Emanuel: Ladies and gentlemen, Ms. Google.

>>female #1: [laughs]

>>Rahm Emanuel: Her. I am going to take this all the way through the weekend I decided.


Go ahead.

>>female #1: Hello. So I don't have a problem saying that the Hyde Park question is my question.

>>Rahm Emanuel: Right.

>>female #1: I live in Hyde Park. We live about two blocks from the Ray Elementary School.

So when my baby was in my belly like hers is I wasn't thinkin' about this. But now my

daughter is four and kindergarten is the next step and we're lookin' around. So I understand

the suggestion of your plan to have it so that the schools, the teachers in the schools

are well and they come home and the parents interact with the students well that's great.

However, what if it seems like those schools that are doing really great are miraculously

somehow outside of your district?

>>Rahm Emaneul: Hum.

>>female #1: You can -- you either have to move into the district and if it's a small,

I mean you know about Hyde Park. You can barely move your elbow before you're touching somebody

next to you. So if you've got a really tight residency in that district, then you need

to go to the school in your district, but what if that school is not up to par with

the standards you like for your own child?

>>Rahm Emanuel: Well that's -- A that's why I wanna have these five year performance contracts

so I can start improving. B what I haven't mentioned -- two other things --

>>David Lieber: Um-hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel: I am a firm believer, having worked with President Obama and Arne Duncan,

I'm a firm believer in Race to the Top as a model to spur innovation. We're gonna create

a Race to the Top just for Chicago so I can spur local school innovation that improves

teacher quality, improves test scores, improves parental participation. I'm gonna invest in

the things that I know produce success.

Third I wanna be the first city to adopt the parent trigger. Okay, California did it. Parent

trigger -- your school's rated, I pick three years but we could do two years, three years

in a row it's failing -- I'm gonna give the parents six months; you get 51 percent of

the parents that sign a petition; I'm shuttin' the schools down and I'm workin' with the

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parents on what they want and replace.

>>female #1: Um-hum.

>>Rahm Emaneul: That's how I'm gonna do this. Okay I'm not now, up front, year one I ain't

turnin' the whole thing around. It's a big institution of a lot of years. I gotta build,

which I why I wanna invest in the fundamentals to move this thing to a place that every neighborhood

school and schools that you wanna go have the capacity. The only way I know how to do

that is spend the money smart, invest in the things that have proven over history, and

after study after study to work: parents, teachers, and principals.

>>female #1: Thank you.

>>Rahm Emanuel: Thank you. And thanks for askin'. And you, trust me, both of you this

is gonna be your concern in no time.

>>female #1: [ ].

>>Rahm Emanuel: Yeah.

>>David Lieber: Let's take the last couple of --

>>Rahm Emanuel: Coming to a theater near you. Go ahead.

>>Stasha Hello, my name is Stasha and as a dancer myself I think you may have won me

over with your comment about Joffrey.

>>Rahm Emanuel: Um.

>>female #2: Um.

>>Rahm Emanuel: What kind of dance did you do?

>>female #2: I still do, I, well I did, I was a dance major in college and I currently

dance the Chicago Bulls so kinda just the background of like ballet and a lot and --

>>Rahm Emanuel: Jazz?

>>female #2: All types of dance, yeah.

>>Rahm Emanuel: Okay.

Welcome to our conversation on dance, guys.


>>Stasha: Well my question is about the Sweet Home Chicago campaign proposal to possibly

set aside 20 percent of all TIF funds to affordable housing and I just wanted to know your take

on that and, yeah, what your thoughts were on that.

>>Rahm Emanuel: One is -- look we have to deal with affordable housing. Second, we have

to reform TIF's so before I put more mandates on TIF's, I gotta a lot of reforms we gotta

make. TIF's are the fastest growing part of the city's budget and they're not in the city's

budget. Get them in the budget.

Two, bring full transparency to them.

Three, even after 20 plus years or 30 years of TIF's being around we still don't have

a standard that is this TIF reaching its economic development goals, its job goals? Develop

that standard so we can measure the progress of the TIF.

Third, in some communities, economic development is gonna be affordable housing. In other


it's gonna be the retail type of commercial work. Mandating something before I've made

all the necessary reforms to a TIF process would be a mistake in my view. In addition

to that, TIF's are for blighted economic communities that are struggling. We have to shut down

the number of the TIF's that are in high rent areas right now.

>>David Lieber: Um-hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel: There's $950 million of unused TIF funds; some of them have lived past their

value. And if I shut them down because they're no longer there and they have surplus, guess

what -- who wins? The schools win because the money will go from there back into the

property taxes to pay for schools.

So I'm okay with some of them being used for affordable housing, but not until I get the

whole TIF process and TIF system reformed. And also if I mandate a new mandate those,

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what happens to the ones that are doing really well and making progress in economic development

-- merely on the commercial side?

>>female #2: Um.

>>Rahm Emanuel: So that's why, let's reform the TIF's, let's get 'em on the budget, let's

bring a level of transparency, let's set up a standard for economic progress to measure

before we offer a new mandate. And some are already doing that and that doesn't mean that

TIF's are the only way to achieve our goals on affordable housing. Okay?

>>female #2: Alright. Thank you.

>>Rahm Emanuel: And we are gonna talk dance later.

>>David Lieber: [chuckles]

>>female #2: Alright.


>>Rahm Emanuel: You wanna do --

>>David Lieber: Shall we take the final question here?

>>Rahm Emanuel: Final, I'm okay on time?

>>David Lieber: Final question.

>>Rahm Emanuel: Final question. Last round.

>>Tiffany: Hi. Okay, no pressure. So my names Tiffany and I was born and raised in Chicago

up on the West Side in the Austin area, north Lawndale --

>>Rahm Emanuel: Um-hum.

>>Tiffany: and I currently live in Humboldt Park and I really wanted to ask you what your

plan is for what can only be called epidemic of violence in our city particularly in the

poor neighborhoods, and what your plan is in your first 100 days as mayor and long term

as mayor to really curb --

>>Rahm Emanuel: Hum.

>>Tiffany: an epidemic of violence --

>>Rahm Emanuel: Oh, okay.

>>Tiffany: because I was overseas and --

>>Rahm Emanuel: I thought you said what was my plan for the 100 days across the board

of issues.

>>Tiffany: [laughs] No, no.

>>Rahm Emanuel: Okay. Alright.

Well that is a good question. First of all I wanna just before I get to crime can I say

somethin' about North Lawndale? There is, where I gave my education speech was at the

Bethune School in North Lawndale. It is now one of the teaching academies that I told

you about. The principal there, Ms. Hightower, is co-chair of my campaign. In one year they've

raised their reading scores 20 percent. Same kids from the neighborhood, same building,

different principal, different teachers, scores are up. All graduates of this teaching academy


Now what I'm very impressed also one of the things I wanna get to I can't do it overnight

again, there's Bethune, there's Johnson, and there's a Collins High School not too far

and they're all part this. I wanna create those campuses where a family knows from kindergarten

to high school, they got an excellent program.

>>David Lieber: Um.

>>Rahm Emanuel: I do not wanna see these parents on ninth grade goin' into a cliff. I'm gonna

get you cryin' but I want you to know in your old neighborhood, North Lawndale, there's

a beacon of hope and it's got a heartbeat and it's beating bright.

Two: crime. For President Clinton, I was his point person on crime in the White House.

We passed the assault weapon ban, the Brady Bill which is a five day waiting period for

hand guns, the 100,000 community police officers program, the Violence Against Women Act, Megan's

Law --

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>>David Lieber: Um-hum.

>>Rahm Emanuel: Sexual predator moves into a neighborhood out of prison, the community's

notified. And when I was a congressman, Elder Justice Act which I told you came from a lady

at a grocery store tellin' me about it which is the first time in five years, first time

that the federal law recognized crimes again seniors, be they financial or physical.

I've outlined a very specific plan based on the '94 crime bill. A thousand additional

police on the street and getting kids and guns off the street. It has to be comprehensive.

The police doing community policing, backing up the beat officers are the backbone of the

police department.

The after school program, I already told you about Jeremy. Two-thirds of all juvenile crime

the hours of three to six. School is out, mom or mom and dad aren't home. Get these

kids into the adult supervised activities so they're not victims of crime.

And then third, prosecution of our gun laws. Would I like more gun laws? I'm gonna fight

for it. Do I think if we're not gettin' new gun laws after what happened in Tucson, Arizona

-- I'm not pinnin' my hopes on either Springfield or Washington wakin' up.

Now our State's Attorneys you've seen in the news, Scott Cutt's coming. They prosecute

our gun crimes. That's why I've called for the U.S. Attorney to start supporting what

we're doing on prosecuting gun crimes. I don't see them laying off any lawyers.

So more cops on the beat, kids, guns, and drugs off the street. That's the strategy;

you add a thousand additional officers, do the reforms, and everything I just told you

on my website, I know you know how to Google and go there and you can find exactly how

I pay for it and how I accomplish it.

And I'm also gonna, and where we started, I wanna change the philosophy and that philosophy

in the police department is that the bureaucracy is not the backbone, the beat officer is the

backbone. Everything we do is to back up that beat officer.

I can't thank you enough and I look around here and I see the promise of Chicago. I will

come back as mayor if I'm elected and do this and I expect another 100 people hired by Google,

if not 200.


Thank you.

>>David Lieber: Thank you. We have a bike shirt for you.

>>Rahm Emanuel: [laughs]


>>David Lieber: This is our Google Chicago logo. Here you are.

>>Rahm Emanuel: Thank you so much. Thank you guys. Thank you very much.
