translation 1. 他的发言给我留下了深刻的印象。 his speech made a deep impression on...

Translation 1. 他他他他他他他他他他他他他他His speech made a deep impress ion on us. 2. 他他他他他他他他他他他他 100 他他他 他他他他他他他 他他 一。 The club started with 100 memb ers, and now doubles its numbe

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Page 1: Translation 1. 他的发言给我留下了深刻的印象。 His speech made a deep impression on us. 2. 这家俱乐部开始的时候只有 100 名成员, 现在人数已翻了一倍。


1. 他的发言给我留下了深刻的印象。

His speech made a deep impression on us.

2. 这家俱乐部开始的时候只有 100 名成员,现在人数已翻了一倍。

The club started with 100 members, and now doubles its number.

Page 2: Translation 1. 他的发言给我留下了深刻的印象。 His speech made a deep impression on us. 2. 这家俱乐部开始的时候只有 100 名成员, 现在人数已翻了一倍。

3. --对不起,我不是有意伤害你的。


-- I’m sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.

-- No problem

4. 你刚才碰上的 Miss Brown 明天要结婚了。

Miss Brown whom you met just now will get married tomorrow 。

5. 这就是我们见面的地方。

This is the place where we met.

Page 3: Translation 1. 他的发言给我留下了深刻的印象。 His speech made a deep impression on us. 2. 这家俱乐部开始的时候只有 100 名成员, 现在人数已翻了一倍。

Integrating skills


Good Manners The World Over

Page 4: Translation 1. 他的发言给我留下了深刻的印象。 His speech made a deep impression on us. 2. 这家俱乐部开始的时候只有 100 名成员, 现在人数已翻了一倍。

1.If you are visiting a country in the Middle east / an Arab country, you should know that some customs are quite different from ours.

When you meet your friend at the airport, you can greet each other by embracing (embrace 拥抱 ) and kissing each other.

When your host invites you to his house, you should be careful not to say that you like a painting or other thing in their house very much.

If you do that, your Arab friend will have the feeling that he should give it to you.

Page 5: Translation 1. 他的发言给我留下了深刻的印象。 His speech made a deep impression on us. 2. 这家俱乐部开始的时候只有 100 名成员, 现在人数已翻了一倍。

2.Many countries have rules about hands.

Westerners shake hands when they meet.

Americans and Europeans want to give, and get, a strong handshake.

Your hand should be strong and not soft or wet.

People in Thailand put their hand together and bow( 鞠

躬 ) their heads when they greet you.

Finally, with Indians you should never use your left hand for greeting, eating, drinking or smoking.

Page 6: Translation 1. 他的发言给我留下了深刻的印象。 His speech made a deep impression on us. 2. 这家俱乐部开始的时候只有 100 名成员, 现在人数已翻了一倍。

3. In many Western countries you can blow your nose at the table (if you turn away from the table), but perhaps it is better to excuse yourself for a moment and go to the bathroom to blow your nose and wash your hands.

Page 7: Translation 1. 他的发言给我留下了深刻的印象。 His speech made a deep impression on us. 2. 这家俱乐部开始的时候只有 100 名成员, 现在人数已翻了一倍。

Bad manners in Western countries

Bad manners in China

Asking women how old they are

Blowing your nose at the table

Asking people how much money they make

Talking loudly in public places

Talking with your mouth full of food

Pushing to get onto the train first

… …


Page 8: Translation 1. 他的发言给我留下了深刻的印象。 His speech made a deep impression on us. 2. 这家俱乐部开始的时候只有 100 名成员, 现在人数已翻了一倍。


Meeting people

Foreigners often want to shake hands and sometimes want to kiss women when they first meet, while Chinese people are usually give a small present and smile, but avoid any physical contact.

Chinese people sometimes offer a very soft and weak hand for a handshake.

Page 9: Translation 1. 他的发言给我留下了深刻的印象。 His speech made a deep impression on us. 2. 这家俱乐部开始的时候只有 100 名成员, 现在人数已翻了一倍。


At a dinner party

Foreigners sometimes use a spoon to put a lot of food onto their plates.

Chinese people sometimes get up to make a toast and ganbei when drink wine. Some people take fork in their right hand and the knife in their left. Some Chinese people help themselves before helping others.

Page 10: Translation 1. 他的发言给我留下了深刻的印象。 His speech made a deep impression on us. 2. 这家俱乐部开始的时候只有 100 名成员, 现在人数已翻了一倍。


Giving / Receiving gifts

Some foreigners immediately open their gift or say that they are not happy, for example when they already have the book or CD that was given.

Some Chinese people receive a present and put it away without opening it. Some might forget to say thank you.

Page 11: Translation 1. 他的发言给我留下了深刻的印象。 His speech made a deep impression on us. 2. 这家俱乐部开始的时候只有 100 名成员, 现在人数已翻了一倍。

Visiting a friend’s home

Some foreigners enter the house without asking about or taking off their shoes.

Some Chinese people immediately make themselves at home. They sometimes forget that they should ask if they may smoke or not.


Page 12: Translation 1. 他的发言给我留下了深刻的印象。 His speech made a deep impression on us. 2. 这家俱乐部开始的时候只有 100 名成员, 现在人数已翻了一倍。

Integrating skills A Thank-you Letter

Page 13: Translation 1. 他的发言给我留下了深刻的印象。 His speech made a deep impression on us. 2. 这家俱乐部开始的时候只有 100 名成员, 现在人数已翻了一倍。

A Letter of Invitation

Dear SueI’m having a birthday party. It’s at myhome, Flat 6B, 129 Beach Road. It’s on Saturday,Oct 29th, at 7: 30p.m.Please come.SandyOct 19RSVP




Please reply

Page 14: Translation 1. 他的发言给我留下了深刻的印象。 His speech made a deep impression on us. 2. 这家俱乐部开始的时候只有 100 名成员, 现在人数已翻了一倍。

Pair work. Suppose you are Zhou Lan, you want to invite Jack, an American student, to a party.Please make up the invitation and do it orally.

Page 15: Translation 1. 他的发言给我留下了深刻的印象。 His speech made a deep impression on us. 2. 这家俱乐部开始的时候只有 100 名成员, 现在人数已翻了一倍。

Dear Sandy,Thanks very much for ________ party. I’m happy to ______ and look ______ seeing you _____ Saturday.Best wishes,Sue Oct 20th

Page 16: Translation 1. 他的发言给我留下了深刻的印象。 His speech made a deep impression on us. 2. 这家俱乐部开始的时候只有 100 名成员, 现在人数已翻了一倍。

Dear Sandy,Thanks a lot for _________. I’m sorry that ___________. The reason is that I have to _____________. I hope you have ________.Kindest regards,__________Oct 20th

Page 17: Translation 1. 他的发言给我留下了深刻的印象。 His speech made a deep impression on us. 2. 这家俱乐部开始的时候只有 100 名成员, 现在人数已翻了一倍。

Study the sample thank-you letter and find out:

1. For what does Amy express her gratitude to Sam and Jenny ?

2. What is Amy sending them with this letter?

3. How is Amy getting along with her studies now?

4. What does Amy ask for in the third paragraph?

Page 18: Translation 1. 他的发言给我留下了深刻的印象。 His speech made a deep impression on us. 2. 这家俱乐部开始的时候只有 100 名成员, 现在人数已翻了一倍。

Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 3

Give thanks to the people for what they did for us.

Tell the people something about ourselves and the things we’re doing now.

Ask the people for some detailsabout themselves and what theyare doing now.

Page 19: Translation 1. 他的发言给我留下了深刻的印象。 His speech made a deep impression on us. 2. 这家俱乐部开始的时候只有 100 名成员, 现在人数已翻了一倍。

Suppose you’re one of the old man’s sons and daughters, write a thank-you letter to the boy’s school and then read it to the class.

Group work (Workbook P120)

Page 20: Translation 1. 他的发言给我留下了深刻的印象。 His speech made a deep impression on us. 2. 这家俱乐部开始的时候只有 100 名成员, 现在人数已翻了一倍。

表示否定的前缀 加在形容词,名词之前 incorrect (不正确的), inability (无能,无力)2 . im- 加在字母 m,b,p 之前 impossible (不顺能的), impolite (不礼貌的),3. . il- 加在以 1 开头的词前 illegal (非法的), illogical (不合逻辑的) 4 . ir- 加在以 r 开头的词前 irregular (不稳定的)5 . un- 加在名词,形容词,副词之前 unfinished (未完成的) undoubted (无疑的)unemployment (失业) 6 . non- 加在形容词,名词前 non-existence (不存在), non-essential (不主要的), non-electrical (非电的)

Page 21: Translation 1. 他的发言给我留下了深刻的印象。 His speech made a deep impression on us. 2. 这家俱乐部开始的时候只有 100 名成员, 现在人数已翻了一倍。

Blank- filling with the above words ( using Restrictive Attributive Clauses for example) 1). This is a ________ room. You’d better go to the smoking room, which is ten meters on your right. 2). The boy who is _____ to finish his work on time felt a bit sorry for himself. 3). Tom and Jack are the only ones in theirs class who _____ football. 4). It sounds _______ that the little boy who looks so shy in class would be so brave to catch a pick-pocket on bus yesterday.

Matching exercise Un- smoking Non- possible Dis- able Im- like

Answer:unable, non-smoking, dislike, impossible

Page 22: Translation 1. 他的发言给我留下了深刻的印象。 His speech made a deep impression on us. 2. 这家俱乐部开始的时候只有 100 名成员, 现在人数已翻了一倍。


1. Write a Thank-you letter according to the the situations given in Student’s book or workbook.