translations - to have - from romanian

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  • 7/24/2019 Translations - to have - from Romanian


    Past Simple

    affirmative negative interrogative

    I had I didnt have Did I have?

    You had You didnt have Did you have?

    He/She/It had He/She/It didnt have Did he/she/it have?

    We had We didnt have Did we have?

    You had You didnthave Did you have?

    They had They didnt have Did they have?

    Past Perfect

    affirmative negative interrogative

    I had had I had not had Had I had?

    You had had You had not had Had you had?

    He/She/It had had He/She/It had not had Had he/she/it had?

    We had had We had not had Had we had?

    You had had You had not had Had you had?

    They had had They had not had Had they had?

    Present Perfect

    affirmative negative interrogativeI have had I havent had Have I had?

    You have had You havent had Have you had?

    He/She/It has had He/She/It havent had Has he/she/it had?

    We have had We havent had Have we had?

    You have had You havent had Have you had?

    They have had They havent had

    Have they had?

    1. Nu am timp acum. Mai tarziu.

    2. Am o cabina de dus in baie, dar nu am o cada.3. Te distrezi?

    4. Ai masina? Nu.

    5. A avut vreodata infarct? Dupa cate stiu eu, nu.

    (perfect form)

    6. Uite ce am aici: un tort numai pentru tine!

    7. Are o sora si doi frati.

    8. Au luat micul dejun la 7 dimineata.

    9. Pot sa ma uit peste tema ta?

    10. Trebuie sa plec.11. Prietenii mei intotdeauna si-au dorit sa aiba


    12. Ai ceva bani la tine, nu-i asa?

    13. Am avut o zi tare proasta azi. (perfect form)

    14. Sotia lui naste chiar acum.

    15. Fac dus acum.

    16. Am luat cina deja, multumesc. (perfect form)

    17. Fetele au avut o idee excelenta.

    18. Mi-e frica de avioane.19. Nu trebuie sa inveti acum, nu?

    20. Am avut un vis oribil noaptea trecuta.

    21. Susan are gemeni.

    22. Te rog, aseaza-te.

    23. Alex, trebuie sa ai rabdare cu fratiorul tau.

    24. Hei, uitati-va la asta.

    25. Sa ai o zi buna!

    26. Ai un pix?

    27. Ma scuzati, stiti cat e ceasul?28. Nu aveam nimic la mine.

    29. Habar n-avea de asta.

    30. In Malta oamenii au barci de pescuit colorate.

    31. Ai pasta de dinti pe obraz.

    32. Avem o intalnire la 1 dupa-masa.

    33. Ai un prof bun la engleza?

    34. Unde sunt fratii tai? Peste drum, la bar, beau

    o bere.

    Present Simpleaffirmative negative interrogative

    I have (Ive) I donthave Do I have?

    You have (youve) You dont have Do you have?

    He/She/It has (hes) He/She/It doesnt have Does he/she/it have?

    We have (weve) We dont have Do we have?

    You have (youve) You dont have Do you have?

    They have (theyve) They dont have Do they have?

    (Ive had) / (Hes had)

    (Idhad) (hadnt)

  • 7/24/2019 Translations - to have - from Romanian


    Present Continuous

    affirmative negative interrogative

    I am having I am not (Im not) having Am I having?

    You are having You are not (arent) having Are you having

    He/She/It is having He/She/It is not (isnt) having Is he/she/it havi

    We are having We are not (arent) having Are we havingYou are having You are not (arent) having Are you having

    They are having They are not (arent) having Are they havin

    Past Continuous

    affirmative negative interrogative

    I was having I was not having Was I having?

    You were having You were not having Were you having?

    He/She/It was having He/She/It was not having Was he/she/it havin

    We were having We were not having Were we having?

    You were having You were not having Were you having?

    They were having They were not having Were they having?


    affirmative negative interrogative

    I will have I will not have Will I have?

    You will have You will not have Will you have?

    He/She/It will have He/She/It will not have Will he/she/it have?

    We will have We will not have Will we have?You will have You will not have Will you have?

    They will have They will not have Will they have?

    35. Avem o prezentare de pregatit.

    36. Sa te distrezi!

    37. Intotdeauna luam micul dejun la 8.

    38. Sotul meu se barbiereste.

    39. Odihneste-te!40. Te-ai simtit bine in vacanta?

    41. Hai, bea un ceai.

    42. Nu o vreau in casa mea!

    43. Am primit un telefon de la seful meu

    inainte sa povestim noi doi. (have x2)

    44. Ai avut zi libera ieri?

    45. Am o masina noua. Vrei sa o incerci?

    46. Am dormit asa de bine!

    47. Verisoara ta are o personalitate minunata.48. Ai mancat veodata sushi?

    49. La cine e cartea mea?

    50. Ai vorbit cu el despre excursie? Are cort?

    51. Aveti mesaje.

    52. Nu are timp sa doarma. E din cauza


    53. Are multe teme de facut.

    54. India are o cultura frumoasa si complexa.

    55.A avut ajutor de la mama ei.

    56. Nu a avut nimic de spus despre aceasta


    57. Ai un moment? Hai sa povestim ceva.

    58. S-au certat acum doua zile.

    59. Candva voi avea o casa a mea.

    60. Are bani destui, dar nici un pic de gust sau


    61. A avut o sugestie foarte buna.


    Macar sa aiba bunul simt sa spunaadevarul.

    63. Ai avut vreodata rujeola? (perfect form)

    64. Unde ai fost? Am inotat in piscina


    65. Nu ne-am plimbat dupa pranz, ci dupa


    66. As vrea sa incerc.

    67. Ce-ar fi sa te odihnesti?

    68. Am avut friptura la pranz.

    Even though to have is a verb that usually

    indicates possession, it can be used in a

    continuous form and so it becomes dynamic,

    expressing actions.

    I havea shower. vs. I am having a shower.I os ses s. I am doin th is n ow .

    (wasnt) / (werent)



    affirmative negative

    Have some respect! Dont have a shower!

  • 7/24/2019 Translations - to have - from Romanian


    70. Cel putin a avut decenta sa isi ceara scuze.

    71. Pot avea un pahar de apa?

    72. Da-mi cartea inapoi saptamana viitoare.

    73. Dragii nostri, ne simtim foarte bine aici in

    Venetia.74. Nu prea avut noroc in ultima vreme. (perfect


    75. Habar n-am avut. Tu?

    76. Se va opera saptamana viitoare.

    77. Am un sentiment ciudat in legatura cu

    povestea asta.

    78. Ai vreo problema cu el?

    79. Face baie acum. Da, da, facea baie si ieri la ora


    80. Ele pregatesc o petrecere pentru Mike

    sambata viitoare.

    81. Vor avea un copil in iunie.

    82. Dupa accident, a avut cosmaruri timp de un an.

    83. Tot am discutii cu seful meu in legatura cu un transfer

    La Londra. (perfect form)

    84. A avut probleme cu noua masina, nu-i asa?

    85. Are toate cartile lui Hemingway.

    86. Am o sora in Olanda.

    87. Are ceva prieteni in Scotia, nu-i asa?

    88. Ma scuzati, am o intrebare!

    89. Ieri nu au avut nici o treaba de facut.

    90. Ai o chitara noua?

    91. Stati! Am o idee!

    92. Doctorul nostru are multa experienta.

    93. Unde e foarfeca? E la tine?

    94. Am primit cinci apeluri pana acum de la ei.

    95. Inainte sa se urce la volan, a baut tei pahare de whisky.

    96. Romeo si Julieta este o tragedie. Nu are un final fericit.

    97. Nu am frati sau surori. Sunt unic la parinti.

    98. Nu am avut nici o plangere pana acum. (perfect form)

    99. Daca nu ar fi mancat ciupercile alea, nu ar fi fost bolnav acum.

    (past perfect)

    100.Cred ca ar trebui sa iti arunci privirea pe acest document.

    101.A luat o muscatura din prajitura.

    102.Nu am timp sa mai stau. Am o multime de lucruri de facut.

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