transparency, accountability & timeliness in right to public services

Transparency, Accountability & Timeliness in Right to Public Services An Overview of 5 States -Tina Mathur February 2012

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Transparency, Accountability & Timeliness in Right to Public Services. An Overview of 5 States -Tina Mathur February 2012. Why Service Guarantees - Broad. Changes in Political Thought & Agenda – What [also] gets Votes Good Governance Development – Provision of Basic Essential Services - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Transparency, Accountability & Timeliness in Right to Public Services

Transparency, Accountability & Timeliness in Right to Public Services

An Overview of 5 States

-Tina MathurFebruary 2012

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Why Service Guarantees - Broad

•Changes in Political Thought & Agenda – What [also] gets Votes

▫Good Governance▫Development – Provision of Basic

Essential Services ▫Open, Transparent Government▫Anti-corruption Measures ▫Acceptance by State of Civil Society movements for rights

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Why Service Guarantees- Specific

• Failure of Citizen Charters

• Precedence of Rights-based Laws : RTI, MNREGS, RTE

• Increasing Bad Publicity on Grievances related to poor Public Service Delivery

• Top-down Push for systems that holds front-line service providers accountable

• Simultaneously empowering citizens

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RTPS Acts: Highlights




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RTPS Acts: Highlights•Transparency- making public service

delivery processes & procedures open and visible

•Transparency – Information to citizens on:▫Reasons [in writing] why an application is rejected or a service delayed or denied

▫Status of Applications

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RTPS Acts: Highlights

•Accountability - by identifying the responsible authorities within the system

•Accountability - Penalizing wilful non-performance

•Accountability - Put Citizen First: mechanism for redress of grievance; compensation

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RTPS Acts: Highlights

•Timeliness - Imposes a legally enforceable timeframe for service delivery

•Timeliness: Imposes legally enforceable timeframe for addressing grievances through the mechanisms of Appeals and Reviews

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Comparative Overview

•Sample: 5 States •Methodology

▫Review of Documents▫Limited field visits▫A Quick Review of Major Elements

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Comparative Overview• Madhya Pradesh- PIONEER- first to pass and

implement Act

• Bihar- RTPS NO. 1 on its ‘SUSHASAN’ Good Governance Agenda

• Rajasthan- maximum number of services guaranteed

• Delhi- An entirely different approach – e-SLA

• Uttar Pradesh- quick to follow MP, but least number of services under Act

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Key Highlights

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TRANSPARENCY -Public Awareness

• Awareness drives through ▫Special Gram Sabhas in MP; ▫TV, Radio, Print media in Bihar, ▫Nukkad Nataks, Village Pracharaks, Schools in


• Notice Boards in all States

• Clear instructions for citizens on application process and services coming under RTPS

• Bihar BRTPS Rules (sec.18) and Rajasthan Rules (20) specifically mention Dissemination and Training

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Transparency• Online application tracking and monitoring systems in

MP, Bihar, Delhi, UP; final stages of software readiness in Rajasthan

• Jigyasa and Samadhan helpline in Bihar for queries related to RTPS

• e-SLA monitoring and tracking system in Delhi [compensatory cost for delay is calculated through e-SLA software]

• SMS based reminder system in MP for officials regarding pending services; application status through SMS in Bihar

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Accountability – Fixing Responsibility• Designated Authorities/Competent Officer,

Appellate Authorities, Reviewing Authority identified in all 5 States

• Penalties have been notified in case of failure to comply by time stipulations; compensation fixed in MP, UP, Rajasthan and Delhi

• Delhi - Incentives for Good Performance- upto 5000 rupees for no default in 1 year; disciplinary action for 25 defaults in a year

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Accountability – Monitoring Performance

• Monitoring and tracking at the level of applications – ▫ Offices to maintain Register of applications

accepted or rejected AND services delivered, delayed or denied

▫ Software-driven such as Adhikar, e-District and e-SLA

• Monitoring also done through▫ nodal officials, ▫ inspections, ▫ monthly meetings at which disposal, pendency of

applications & appeals is done▫ Video conferences

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Timeliness – Regular Systems• In all five states, Notified Services have to

unambiguously state the TIME LIMIT within which services will be delivered

• In all states [except Uttar Pradesh] acknowledgement slips show the Date on or before which the service would be delivered

• Delhi : an automatically generated Time Limit through the e-SLA system; Bihar: through Adhikar

• Single window systems in Revenue Department – all 5 States

• MP and Rajasthan - in addition - 1-day Governance

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Timeliness – Some Field Observations• Most services – reported to have been delivered

before time: especially, mutation, caste/income/residence certificates

• MP, Bihar, UP, Rajasthan and Delhi have used IT for process efficiency. ▫ Online application system introduced in MP, Bihar, Delhi

& Rajasthan▫ In Rajasthan for certain services (caste, domicile and

birth) certificates issued online with digital signature

• In MP and UP: where connectivity or capacity a problem, applications accepted, verified on paper and entries made into computer later to save time

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Timeliness- Issues

•Too much time has been stipulated for services in the RTPS Acts▫Citizens: Earlier the process was faster. ▫Governments: A safety mechanism

since penalties are involved; does provide flexibility to set better standards locally

•Delays: Very few appeals so far- MP, Bihar and Rajasthan have reported a few

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Overarching Challenges• Overall implementation mechanisms robust

▫ rules framed▫ process simplification on-going▫ citizen awareness campaigns on-going▫ capacity building on-going

• Shortages of Staff in Front-line Institutions: seems to be nearly universal▫ In urban: due to high demand for services▫ In rural – vacancies not filled for years▫ Staffing situation needs re-assessment

• Shortage of funds has been reported: extra costs incurred for computer stationery; electricity supply, etc.

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Overarching Challenges• Service Delivery staff need further capacity building

▫Mindset change

• Infrastructure: Frontline institutions require more space and better working conditions

• Service guarantee to reach the illiterate, people living in remote areas: How to enable?

• Important that citizens understand what is guaranteed: NOT acceptance of Application alone!▫in some cases even where citizens were not eligible,

perception was that the service was still guaranteed

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Overarching Challenges

•A competitive spirit amongst states for increasing number of services under RTPS Acts▫Good when notification of more services is

well-thought out▫Danger in playing number games

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Overall Picture So Far• States-led: Ownership Very High

• State Specific Strategies the Norm▫ Notified Services – local demand-pull; supply-push▫ Multi-modal Delivery: Paper and Electronic▫ Choice: Punishment or Mutual Understanding

[Delhi-developing culture for timely service delivery; encouraging departments to join E-SLA]

▫ Modes of Monitoring▫ Procedures for Appeals/Complaints

• Self-generated Competitive Spirit amongst states

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Overall Picture So Far

• An enabling law for citizens rights that has received largely positive feedback from all, including government staff

• Pressure of service delivery on the designated officials as more people applying for services after learning about the guarantee

• Change in citizen perceptions: no longer need the services of middlemen or bribe to get services

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